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Home of the Richmond Red Devils Richmond, Indiana Spring 2015 Edition Vol. XXXXIV Find us @ www.rhsalum.org and on Facebook
Star Struck Why that Tower Shines
Featured in this issue: Photo complimentary of RHSAA Board member Dean Stephens, ‘76
The Historical Committee of the City of Richmond plans to place a historical marker in front of the high school in the near future honoring the remarkable architecture of the building. There is also work in progress to place the site on the National Historic Register. Built in 1937-1939, classes were first held in the fall of 1939 with some areas still under construction. The first graduating class was the Class of 1940. The adjoining McGuire Hall was completed and dedicated in December 1941. It truly is an impressive landmark towering on the bank of the Whitewater River.
Brick Patio Office Notes Favorite Story New Vet Book The Cobbler’s Son Class of 1965 Distinguished Alumni ‘15 Shining Stars Donations & Accounting Membership Form Obituaries
2 3 4 5 6-9 10 11 12 13-17 18 19
This brick was purchased by The Class of 1964 in honor of their 50th Class Reunion
The following bricks have been purchased since the last fall Register magazine. They will be placed in the patio in August by the custodial staff at RHS for the alumni office. THIS COULD BE YOUR BRICK IN HONOR OF ANYONE
This brick can be purchased for alumni and non alumni
More than 800 bricks have been placed in the Memorial Patio since 1994.
This brick was purchased by Brian Hollingsworth, ’79 of Richmond
This brick was purchased by Class of 1949 in honor of their 65th Class Reunion
This brick was purchased by Melvin H Brandon, ‘53 of Richmond
Brick Order Form
____Yes, I would like to order a memorial brick(s) for the patio at $65.00 each. (Call us at 765-973-3338 for questions.) My name is ______________________________________
E-mail _________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ The brick should read as follows (14 spaces per line including blanks, up to 3 lines per brick) ___
Please charge my __Visa ___Master Card _________________________________ _________ _____________________ (card number) (expire date) (signature) (Cut this form and mail to: RHS Alumni Association, 380 Hub Etchison Parkway, Richmond IN 47374)
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25th Anniversary Edition From the Director’s Desk Executive Director Mary Lou Griffey Hello there! It will be ten years in April that I have been your RHS Alumni Executive Director. I had no idea what a wonderful job this would become for me. To be able to represent talented alumni from around the nation, to get to speak and meet them and hear their stories has changed me. That first year, with the duties loosely defined, I began jumping in and learning as I went. Over time, the board would listen as I began saying “I have an idea.”
The 2015-2016 Alumni Board (organized in 1990)
Sharon Sanders, ‘63, President Nancy Wright Manning, ‘65 VP John L Hitch, ‘56, Treasurer Sandie Rans Rowe, ‘64, Secretary Joyce Hill Owen, ‘55 Nancy Van Etten Cox, ‘56 Saundra Wiles Gore, ‘57 Doug Oler, ‘58 Bonnie McClain, ‘60 Duane Hodgin, ‘62 Debbie Hardman Ninde, ‘69 David Brumfield, ‘73 Pam Lawrence Hagy, ‘76 Dean Stephens, ‘78
Some of those ideas have put our name out in the community as a group of people that gives back.
Sherri Dillon Bergum, ‘86
We held an Annual Banquet for five years, awarded 37 diplomas to veterans, created the Platinum Prom for our seniors of the area, and produced a magazine that emulates those of a college.
The Charter Members
Since 2000, more than $664,000.00 has been given to 360 alumni in scholarships. We expanded the opportunity from graduating seniors to alumni living in the area, filling a need in the community. Learning to partner with other organizations gave us credibility. We are known to carry a project to completion. The future of RHSAA is bright. The office is full of history and accomplishments and memories. Just like you look back on your time at RHS, I look back and think “can it really be ten years already.” I hope all of you find at least one article in this issue that touches your heart and makes you smile.
Jane Taube Niccum, ‘88
Andy Cecere, Richmond Roger Cornett, ‘56, Richmond Ron Cross, ‘65, Richmond Ray Imperial, ‘46, Highland Beach Fl James Kinnett Paul Lingle, ‘59, Richmond Lamar Lundy, ‘53 , Deceased Barry McDowell , Deceased Marshall Moore, ‘58, Silver City NM Fred Powers, Deceased Gene Spicer, ‘75 , Deceased Art Vivian , Deceased Dana Weigle , Eaton OH
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Our Mission Statement “ The success of Richmond’s economic competitiveness and quality of life depends, to a large extent, on the quality and number of years of higher education our young people receive. Employers in our community require employees that can not only read, write, and solve problems, but also communicate and demonstrate leadership skills. Without skilled employees, Richmond’s economic future is uncertain. To be an economic leader in our community, state, and nation, we must first be a leader in education of our children.” Programs created from the Alumni office since 2005 2005—Review of investments with Wayne County Foundation for Scholarship funds 2005-Changed newsletter to magazine 2006– All Class Reunion / Mortonite 2006– Alumni added to graduating seniors for RCIP program 2006—donations of $20 for members and $20 for scholarship began 2007 - Veterans Diploma Program 2007– Hall of Honor created at RHS– office moved to larger room. 2007-2010– Annual Banquet 2008– RHS 100 years of Basketball book produced 2008– Platinum Prom began with RHS Student Council 2010—Saluting our Current Soldiers and partnered with Pal-Item for In Honor of Service column 2011—Welcome Home Vietnam with local merchants and Veterans in area 2011– Back to School Rally 2012– full color magazine 2013— New Website with ability to take charge card payments—posted resumes for alumni 2014—Music Festival with Starr Gennett, Earlham, IU East and RCS 2015- We will see what comes next.
To Catch a Falling Star Thinking about stories we have presented in the Register, I wanted to choose the one that moved me the most. I interviewed Charlie Crye about his work at Hills Roses. But this is ‘the rest of the story.”
Charlie Crye 2008 at his home
It was November and they slept in the cold in tents. They were constantly strafed by the German Air Corp. One of Charlie’s brothers, Allen, ‘37, reported to the Army when Charlie did. Charlie saw Allen in Africa. Allen was in Intelligence and was able to find his big brother after Operations Torch (11/8/1942—11/11/1942) was won.
Sometimes Charlie Crye would take the keys to his dad’s car after he had left for work and drive himself to school, come home for lunch, and get the car back before dad came home. Charlie enjoyed going to the YMCA especially on Friday and Saturday evening to play basketball. He had a paper route. His brothers had given it up and he did too when he became a senior, going to work for Jack Everly in his shoe store. Charlie liked to dance. He really liked Big Band music. So did his friends Clayton Bartel, Charlie McGuire and Julian Vigran. They would take someone’s car and some girls and go to Dayton to hear Benny Goodman or Artie Shaw. “At the Lakeside, you could ‘come as you are’ and the Miami Biltmore they asked you to wear a tux.” He went to work at NATCO after graduation in 1935. There were 45 other engineers and he was the youngest. This meant he did not get an exemption when the war began in August of 1941 and he was drafted into the US Army. He was part of the 62nd Coast Artillery Battalion and was sent to Algeria– French Morocco, Tunisia, and Sicily. “I had never seen a corpse before going to Africa; never been to a funeral. Seeing all the dead and wounded makes one lose their sense of reason, thinking that, there, but for the grace of God, go I.” They were given a new gun a 9mm that was much better than the 3” guns that the Army had been using.
From Africa, Charlie was sent to Sicily and Operation Huskey. General George Patton took over from General Eisenhower. Crye saw Patton speak to the 7th Army. “I hope you boys kill a lot of those …. Germans” , he told the men. They fought Mussolini and followed him to Italy. He was part of the Rom-Arno invasion on the coast of Italy. The terrain was rough and a lot of small battles made this one of the hardest fought campaigns in WWII. In August, 1944 he was sent to France. They fought the Germans in France and then into Germany. His brother Allen found him again about 15 miles north of Marcel France two days after the invasion in 1945. They were the first Americans to reach the Rhine River and fought a major bloody battle in Alsace and Lorraine where the 7th lost many men.
Perhaps the boy who had never seen a corpse or war had seen too much. Perhaps the song of his carefree high school days took him back home too quickly. Though he was not physically injured, he suffered the mental anguish so many in combat understand. He came back to Richmond, got married and studied engineering on the GI bill. He worked various jobs until running into class mate, Joanna Hill Mikesell and her husband Dick. They offered him a job at the Richmond plant of Hills Roses supervising 20 employees. He shipped roses from the Depot and traveled to the other 15 corporations around the Midwest for the company. He recalled his first trip by plane to Chicago for Hills. He smoked cigarettes then. “I lit a cigarette as soon as the pilot said it was o.k. and before I could smoke all of it, he came back on saying we were ready to land”. Charlie has seven bronze stars standing for the seven big combats he fought in the war.
He got ‘V’ mail. He was in Germany when the war ended in May of 1945. He heard a song playing on the radio. It was Catch a Falling Star by Hoagie Carmichael.
He raised three sons: Don, Jack and Berry who all live out west and whom he rarely saw after divorcing their mother.
“I remember hearing the first two lines and I blacked out. The next thing I remember I was back in the US and sitting on a train in Boston and a lady was leaning over me asking me ‘would you like some chocolate milk and a donut?’”
He liked to draw cartoons as evidenced by his high school Pierians. Mr. Holder was his homeroom teacher. He was no nonsense.
I sat there in this little man’s kitchen and watched his bright blue eyes that were almost blind now tear up. “I remember the train came through Columbus OH and through Richmond. Oh, I wanted so to get off the train but had to stay on it until we reached Indianapolis and was later released. Do you know I still don’t know where I was or what happen those weeks.”
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“Boys didn’t attempt to roll any marbles on the floor in his class”. He had fond memories of Morton high school and his teachers and friends. I have fond memories of that afternoon in the winter of 2009 when I got to meet a true American hero. Whenever I hear that song, I think of Charlie Crye and smile. (originally printed in the RHSAA Register Nov,2009. Crye died May 27, 2011 and was buried on Memorial Day.)
Veteran Stories More than 6000 veterans reside in Wayne County. One alumni is documenting their stories.
Author Duane Hodgin, PhD ‘62
Book Celebrates Area Vets Newest RHSAA Board member, Duane Hodgin, ‘62 of Richmond has just completed his 3rd military book entitled Wayne County Indiana-Veterans of the Korea and Vietnam Wars- Forgotten Warriors: Against the Odds. The first two books featured stories of area and statewide veterans of WWII. This new book honors the sacrifice of the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts. Hodgin has served 43 yeas as an educator and administrator with ten years at RCS. He received his PhD from Miami University at Oxford OH. He and his wife Sandra Armacost Hodgin, ‘63, moved back to Richmond last year. Duane also serves on the board for the Wayne County Historical Museum, where one can order a copy of the second two books. Cost is $32.10 and can be purchased by check or card. (Shipping is extra). It is available after April 1st. All funds benefit the Wayne County Historical Museum. To purchase call 765 -962-5756 at 1150 N “A” Street, Richmond IN 47374, or you can email
[email protected].
PIO Gary Coleman ‘47
E-5 Steve Koger ‘67
From Gary Coleman, Richmond
From Steve Koger, ‘67 Richmond:
Gary Coleman graduated in 1947 from RHS. He spend two years at Purdue before being drafted in February of 1951 for the Korean War. Gary is married to Betty Feining Coleman, ‘49. They are the parents of Carol Coleman Mayberry, ‘72, David Coleman, ‘76, and Lisa Coleman Murray, ‘81. Gary is retired from real estate sales with Lingle Real Estate.
Steve Koger graduated in 1967 from RHS. He lives in Richmond with wife Kaye Alsop Koger, ‘74 who serves as head of the RHS Math Department. They are the parents of Aaron,Koger, ‘06 and Julie Koger Smith, ‘90.
“I served as a public information officer
“In one firefight, I was wounded when shrapnel from enemy mortar fire hit me. Thee were eight dead and twenty-seven wounded from both of our platoons.
(PIO) My responsibility was to interview the troops on the front lines and send their stories home to the local newspapers. A combat photographer usually went with me. I estimated that during my year in Korea, I interviewed more than one hundred combat troops. Being so close to the front lines, I lost eighty percent of my hearing.” “there were many bloody battles in the Korean War. One time I was on a hilltop preparing for an interview and a captain came up to me and told me to get my head down. He said the North Koreans had high– powered, long-range rifles. Needless to say, I remembered to keep my head down.”
Supplied Photos from Augustine Printers
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Steve retired from the Palladium Item in 2013 after 45 years as their photographer.
“One day I received a letter from my mom which included an article about a guy who was killed in Vietnam. I had worked with him in the mailroom at the Palladium Item newspaper. He was Daniel Sinnott and in my unit but I never say him. He was in country for only a month and was returned home and buried before I returned to my unit. “His death still haunts me today. I think maybe if I had been there to help him, he wouldn’t have been killed. From this time on, ‘things went to hell.’” “In another firefight, guys in the other platoon had been hit with heavy machine gun fire. Some were dead and others were badly injured. One guy was in severe pain and we had to find a way to get him out. Another guy and I ran back to the tree and got the ladder and used it as a litter to carry him. I later learned that the injured soldier was Rocky Bleir, the former All-American football player from Notre Dame who played professional football for the Pittsburg Steelers and Cincinnati Bengals.”
The first book Duty-Honor-Country is available from Barnes & Noble or at Amazon.com.
The Cobbler’s Sons The Italian Community grew on the North Side of Richmond. They came here to build railroads. Once here, they become merchants and employers. Their children, first generation Americans proudly served in WWII and beyond. Here is one story.
The Cobbler and his Wife
Louis (Luigi) and Maria Vecera were Italian Catholics living in the south end of Richmond in the 1930’s and 40’s. Louis (Luigi Elia) was born 10-14-1895 in Peschici, Italy, the youngest of six children. He came first to Canada at the age of seventeen and later came to Richmond to join his brother, Jimmy. They both worked for the railroad. Maria Mitrione Vecera was born 6-11-1900 in the Province of Avellino, Italy and came to Richmond at the age of fifteen. Her father worked for the railroad in Richmond and had come alone to the New World. He saved money and sent for his family in 1915.
Louis and Maria were married 2-9-1916 at St Mary’s in Richmond. Louis was working for the railroad and then moved to New Castle with his new bride, buying and selling lumber. A KKK group chose to burn a cross in their front yard, seeing them as dark skinned. This motivated the couple to move back to Richmond. They opened a restaurant where Maria was known for her cooking. Once the children were born, they closed the restaurant and Louis opened a cobbler’s shop. It was located at North “E” and North 8th Street, close to the Depot and in the bustling manufacturing district. It was a good spot for business, that is until the day in the 1950’s the train jumped the tracks and plowed into his small shop. He was able to recover his inventory but the shop was destroyed.
Louis then worked for a brief time at the MotoMower plant on South 7th Street. Maria, a seamstress, worked for Atlas Glove and Nettle Creek Industries. She was credited for designing a bedspread for Bing Crosby while at Nettle Creek. Louis became a citizen in 1941 and Maria in 1943. Louis died in 1986 and Maria in 1993, both living into their nineties- Louis 91 and Maria 93. They are buried in St Andrews Cemetery in Richmond. (Photo from Buon Giorno, Richmond, by Teresa Bueme-Matson and Elizabeth Pappano Maddox. Courtesy of Diana Vecera Price)
Louis and Maria were the parents of four sons and two daughters; Carmella,(1917 - ) Gaetano “Guy”,(191911/28/1994) Edward Michael, (1921- 1/23/09), Louise, (1923 - ), Vincent(1928 - ) and Eugene (G 1940– 12/25/2003) . Their children attended the Catholic school at St Andrews until eight grade. For high school they then attended Morton and Richmond High Schools. The Catholic Church did not have a high school at that time. English was a second language for them. Upon graduation, Guy and Edward both joined the Navy. Along with Vincent, the three sons saw some of the worst battles in WWII. Their stories offer a view of what the war was like for those that served. When old enough, youngest Eugene also joined the Navy.
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The Cobbler’s Sons (cont) The movie, Pearl Harbor, told of the bravery of the men on the USS West Virginia at Pearl Harbor. Two of the Cobbler’s sons were there. In 2008, Edward sent the alumni office the historial information included here of his time in the war.
Gaetano “Guy” Vecera Q M 3c
1919 –11/29/1994
Guy and Edward Survive Pearl Harbor Attack An article in the Palladium on Dec 26, 1946, with a preface (“this has been cleared through the Office of Censorship, Washington DC”) told the details told by Edward M Vecera about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the hardships he and his brother Guy endured. He had come home on leave for Christmas. Both boys were aboard the USS West Virginia when it took hits from 5– 18” (457mm) Japanese aircraft torpedoes on the port side and 2- 16” (406mm) shells that hit the fins, one hit coming from a Jap midget sub. “I was at the wheel with the captain when the bombs began busting everywhere” relays Edward. “The torpedoes were hitting their mark on our ships.
Sr Chief Edward Vecera, ‘46
5/8/1921– 1/23/09 Captain Mervyn S Benton refused to leave his ship and men. He strongly protested, staying at his post. The Captain had been hit in his hip which was badly injured, preventing him from using his legs. He, himself recoverd his bowels and a medic placed a bandage over his stomach, being told by the Captain to go and tend to the other men. Captain Bennion finally allowed himself to be carried to the deck by a cook named Doris Miller. Knowing that he was dying, Bennion stayed with the ship through the first and second attacks, more than an hour apart. He led his men through the fire below and then during the second bombing encouraged them to stay with the ship as they shot down 20 or more Japanese planes in the second wave. For those two hours, the captain hung on.
The boys were separated during the confusion of the attack.
The second wave stopped and twenty minutes later, the Captain died, saying “I’m gone.” He later was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his valor.
“When the first torpedo hit our ship, it knocked out our lights and the boys had to begin using the emergency lanterns. The captain started to find his way from the wheel, and I followed but became lost before reaching the conning tower. Just as the captain walked out of the conning tower, a piece of shrapnel hit him in the abdomen, fatally wounding him.”
The USS West Virginia was the newest battleship in the US fleet, built in 1921. Edward said this shows how unprepared the US was for a naval war. She sat between the USS Oklahoma that turned over and the USS Arizona that blew up. Shrapnel from the USS Tennessee that was also nearby, struck many men including the captain of the West Virginia. The ship was paralyzed in port.
“Perhaps I would have been lost at Pearl Harbor, too, if I had stayed with the captain.”
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This poster of Dorie Miller was used to recruit soldiers and sailors for WWII
Nicknamed the “Wee Vee”, the USS West Virginia was docked in Battleship Row on the southeast side of Ford Island. The Japanese hit her with seven torpedoes on Sunday morning around 8 am on December 7, 1941. Sixty-six men were trapped inside. Their bodies were found when the ship was pumped out on May 17, 1942. A calendar found with three of the men in the storage area showed they had lived until Dec 23, 1941. They survived on sea rations and fresh water stored there. The ship was eventually rebuilt and put back into service.
The Cobbler’s Sons (cont) Edward Vecera was born 5/8/1921, He went back to school after the war and graduated in 1946.
Doris Miller, Cook 3rd Class
Doris Miller became the first African American in the US Navy to receive the Navy Cross. (he was portrayed by Cuba Gooding Jr in the 2001 movie Pearl Harbor).
Captain Mervyn S Bennion received the Congressional Medal of Honor from FDR. On July 7, 1943, a destroyer was named in his honor the USS Bennion. It was christened by his widow, Louise Bennion died at age 54.
The Sinking of the USS West Virginia Doris Miller, (10/12/1919—10/24/1943) was black. He was six foot tall and weighed 200 lbs. He grew up in Waco, Texas, played football in high school, and enjoyed squirrel hunting. He dropped out of school and in 1939, at age 20, he joined the US Navy. He was assigned to the mess crew of the USS West Virginia in January of 1940. After the ship was attacked in Pearl Harbor, Dec 7, 1941, Lt Doir C Johnson ordered Miller to assist him and carry the mortally wounded Captain Bennion topside. His size and strength helped bring the Captain to a safe spot. Then Lt Frederick H White ordered him to help load an unmanned Browning 150 caliber antiaircraft machine gun. During WWII, African Americans were not allowed to operate guns. Upon loading the gun, with no one else to do so, Dorie Miller decided to shoot at incoming Jap planes that were continuing to bomb the disabled ship. Miller only stopped when the ammo ran out. Then he was ordered by Lt Claude V Rickets to help move the dying Captain again to a more sheltered area by the conning tower. After moving the Captain, he assisted other wounded men by moving them to the quarter deck, saving many lives while under fire. Edward Vecera continued his memories: “Finally word came around to abandon ship as the ammunition magazines where about to blow up. Someone pushed me into a motor launch being used to transport men to shore while others dove into the sea or stayed with the ship and went down with her.”
Chester Nimitz pins the Navy Cross on Cook Third Class Doris Miller aboard the USS Enterprise on May 27, 1942. Miller was KIA when the USS Liscomb Bay sank 11/24/1943.
Edward Vecera also told of seeing his fellow crew members in the water, attempting to swim away from the spreading oil slick from the USS Arizonia. The oil was on fire and was covering the bay. Many of the them were caught under the burning oil as it became attached to their skin and they drowned. He still had not seen anything of his brother, Guy. The attack was just the beginning of that horrible day. A long day lay ahead as the survivors had to find their way through thick smoke, swimming in the water and wandering on the land. The next few days were chaos.
Brothers are Reunited Edward and Guy had not seen one another for three days after the attack, not knowing if either had survived or was wounded. That reunion was uplifting according to Edward. Edward volunteered to help fight the fires on the disabled planes. He worked eight hour shifts. One can only imagine the smell of the smoke, the sound of the ammunitions firing from the heat, and the sight if the dead everywhere. He said that one ship burned for eight days before the fire went out. “the great oil fire aboard the West Virginia continued despite the best efforts of all the nearly 30 hours during which time extensive additional damage was done… Working in relays, these sailors fought the smoky flames into Monday, winning the contest late that afternoon.” “Quartermaster Edward Vecera ran up battle colors with a new flag borrowed from another ship.”
Edward and his brother, Guy both survived that day.
Nineteen days after the attack, he was placed onboard a group of Japanese fighting vessels that had been confiscated. He was later transported by gunboat. His brother, Guy, was put aboard a destroyer escort.
“The Japs had shown no mercy– Americans fleeing from burning and sinking ships were strafed from the air.”
Edward Vecera received a letter for his gallantry “beyond the lines of duty” for his help during the attack and the days after.
Edward also told of a gunner on the transport with him as they left the ship:
Eventually all the sailors that survived the attack and were able to proceed, were assigned to new ships. Edward was sent to New York to be re-deployed. The war was now raging in the South Pacific and the US sailors were needed.
“he buried his face in his hands, crying in despair.”
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The Cobbler’s Sons (cont)
Vet Diplomas
Information came from first hand account by Quartermaster Edward Vecera, Wikapedia, & Destroyer Squadron 61 Anti - Shipping Sweep by Bob Culver of the USS Samuel N Moore DD 747)
More Battles Fought Edward was assigned to the USS Brush for the duration of the war until 1946. The USS Brush, named for Charles F Brush, an inventor, was launched 12/28/1943 with Commander J E Edwards. She arrived at Pearl Harbor and departed port 9/8/1944, escorting the convoy to the Ulithi and Palau Islands. She helped provide air cover while troops fought the Japs in fortified caves. From October to November in 1944, the Brush launched air attacks at Leyte, Samar, and Luzon which precluded the invasion of the Philippines. These were the first battles where the Japanese used Kamikaze suicide attacks. The Brush returned to the Carolina Islands for repairs and was fitted with newly created radar equipment. She patrolled the South China Sea until Feb, 10, 1945. She then headed for Tokyo with the 5th Fleet. She was the ship that also took part in the Nashi Shoto strikes in January of 1945, the Invasion of Iwo Jima, Feb and March and then the Battle of Okinawa from March 17th to April 27, 1945. Edward Vecera tells;
The USS Brush was there at the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945. Edward recalls that the US did not trust the Japanese to actually surrender and feared they would send the USS Missouri for the ceremony into the bay and into a trap. The entire 5th and 7th fleets were in the bay as blockage but also as support for the mission of the Missouri.
Received their Diplomas from the RHSAA
Decreed by the State of Indiana, those who attended high school in Indiana and left during war time without receiving their high school diplomas, are allowed to receive their diplomas.
The Surrender of Japan
They must have served during these times: WWI between 4/6/1917—11/11/1918, WWII between 12/07/41 –12/31/1946 Korea between 6/27/1950—1/31/1955 Vietnam between 8/5/1964—5/7/1975
Edward remembers seeing the US planes fly over the ship as they flew to Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, 1945. They carried the atomic bombs that ended the war. Then on August 15,1945 the crew of the USS Brush listened to Admiral Halsey tell them in a broadcast that the Japs agreed to surrender.
The Diploma List
2008-Roy L Burden, ‘14, KIA 12/9/19
2006 -Fred Adlesperger, ’38, now Deceased 2006-Donavan Blouse, ’47, now Deceased 2006- Robert Chasteen, ’46, now Deceased 2006-Chester Corder, ’46, now Deceased 2006-Ralph Hymer, ’44, Deceased There were 100 or more men in the 2006-Alfred Phenis Jr, ’45, now Deceased Tokyo Bay that day that had survived 2006-Robert Beach, ’44, Deceased the bombings at Pearl Harbor. It had 2006-Eugene Bridgford, ’43, now Deceased taken almost four years, hundreds of 2006-Glen Clark, ’46, Deceased miles of ocean, millions of dollars in 2006-David Hoff, ’43, now Deceased ammunitions and countless lives to 2006-Thomas Noe, ’44, now Deceased come to that day of reckoning. 2006-Mark Salzarulo,’44, KIA “The USS Brush had steamed 144,000 2006-William Weller Jr, ’46, Deceased miles and burned 5,400.000 gallons of 2007-Albert L Albano, ’42, Deceased, 2007-John F Lopresti, ’43, Deceased fuel in its travels.” 2007-Joseph F Lopresti, ’42, Deceased She sunk 15 mines, rescued 20 pilots 2007-Joseph P McGill, ’42, now Deceased and six crewmen only loosing four 2007-James P McGill, ’41, Deceased crew members. 2007-Audrie Ross Jr, ’46, Dayton 2007-James C Stephens, ’44, Deceased (from the Mountain State Battleship, USS 2007-Ransom Stigleman, ’44, Evansville IN West Virginia by Myron J Smith Jr.) 2007-Paul A Umstead, ’46, now Deceased (from Memoirs supplied by EdVecera) 2007-Robert L Wolfe,’46, now Deceased Alumni Veterans that 2008-Rodney Dunham, ’44. Deceased
“All I can say of war is I hate it like nobody would ever believe. It is the stupidest thing we have ever done. Surely, someday we will find a way to avoid another”.
On July, 1, 1945, The USS Brush bombed the Japanese mainland and by July 23rd she was sweeping the Tokyo Bay for mines. Two enemy ships were sunk. For seventy-five days she remained off the coast of Japan.
They qualify if they left due to enlistment or draft. If the veteran is deceased, the diploma is awarded to a family member. If the note says “now deceased” at the right, the veteran has died since the diploma was awarded. Please See list at the right.
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2008–William Dale Lewis, ‘44, Deceased
2009-Paul Bradbum Sr, ‘42, Deceased
Korean War
2009-James Henry Phenis, ‘47, now Dec 2012–Herman Fluellen,’53,Las Vegas NV
Vietnam Conflict
2008-Darrell Hoskins, ‘68, Richmond 2008–Paul Powell, ‘73, Carmel, IN, 2008-Terry Wiles, ’66, KIA 6/18/66 2008-Jon Vannatta, ’63, KIA 8/18/65 2009–Mark Layman, ‘66, Richmond 2009–Danny T Smith,’70, Peoria AZ 2012-Roger Runyon, ‘68, Richmond If you know someone that did not receive their high school diploma due to service during these time frames, please contact the alumni office to see if they qualify. They can be living or deceased, living anywhere. We need to know their date of enlistment or draft, their date of discharge, their rank at discharge, and that they left service with an honorable discharge, KIA or MIA. Even if they completed a GED after service, they can still receive their RHS diploma.
1965 ~ 50 Years of Memories Vietnam, Vatican Council II, Gemini 8, Willie Mays, “My Fair Lady”, “Wooly Bully”, Pop Tarts, SpaghettiOs, EPCOT, “Lost in Space”, Voting Rights, March on Selma, Anti War protest march Washington DC, MLK and LBJ all part of their history.
The Class of 1965 Went to War
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Amos Abney Ron Amyx Jerry Bolt Raymond Brown Richard G Brown Louis Bullock Charles Chamberlain Michael Conti David Dice John Eadler Price Faulkner Richard Foreman James Gross Terry Hall Mark Hamilton George Hasemier James Hayden Stan Juerling Jimmy Johnson Donald Jones Robert Kenworthy Jay Martin Clayton Maxwell Joe Pappano Danny Parrett Donald Ponder Bob Rosa Ron Robinson Larry Shipley Marc Skinner Richard Snarr Richard Tegeler Jim Thornburg Tom tiemeyer Curtis Walker Doug Walkey Steven Wright George Zurwell SgtThomas Dietemeyer KIA 2-12-1967US Army
Shining Stars These Alumni have been recognized for their outstanding abilities and “Giving Back” to others. Rob Quigg
Quigg Elected to IU Foundation Board
Harold Jones ‘58
(Pictured while speaking at McGuire Hall in 2013 )
(IU Supplied Picture)
Richmond resident, Robb Quigg, ‘88, was elected to the Indiana University Foundation Board in September, 2014. The Foundation, which began in 1936, states, “we are thrilled to welcome an executive of Rob’s commitment to the foundation board.” Board president Dan Smith also stated “his passion for supporting higher education as a means of creating future opportunities for those in his region makes him a crucial addition …” Rob has served as treasurer of his family– owned business, The Richmond Baking Company since 2002. He currently serves as VP of Accounting. Rob and wife Kelli are involved in many philanthropic efforts including director of the Quigg Family Foundation, which contributes to several other organizations in the local area. In 2007, Quigg received the prestigious Philanthropy Cornerstone Award for his part in the $2.1 million Campaign for Community which supports nursing and scientific laboratories with scholarships and a new Center for Entrepreneurship. Rob graduated from IU in 1993 with a bachelor’s degree in history. In 1997, he also earned a certified public accountant certificate from IUPUI. He has been instrumental in fund raising for the new athletic hall for the IU East campus. The Quigg Family Foundation has benefited the Jeffers Unit Girls and Boys Club with a library, Reid Hospital Nursing with a Simulation lab and Earlham School of Religion with the Quigg Room to name a few of their projects. (information from9/29/14 news release from Indiana University)
Jones at the Grammy’s
Jazz Drummer, Harold Jones, ‘58 of Los Angles CA, is no stranger to the spotlight. Singer Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga performed with Jones on stage at the 2015 Grammy Awards. The group received a standing ovation for the song “Cheek to Cheek”, also the name of the collaboration album that won for best traditional pop vocal category. The “Cheek to Cheek” world tour found Harold in Florida the week of Valentines Day and then to Hawaii the following week. When he texted your director, she commented he was pretty smart to be in the warmer climates during this recordcold winter. “It’s because of all those hours in McGuire Hall” texted Jones back. The tour will take Jones to the Hollywood Bowl, Radio City Music Hall, The Royal Albert Hall in London, and the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. This is not the first Grammy-winning album that has included the talents of Harold Jones. “Unforgettable with Love”, and “Still Unforgettable” with Natalie Cole, : “Warm Breeze” by Count Basie, “Gershwin Live” by Sarah Vaughan, “Live at the Appollo” by B. B. King and “Duets: An All American Classic” and “Duets II” by Tony Bennett have all led to a Grammy for Jones. This year’s Grammys also saw RHS Alumni Jeff Hamilton in attendance for his drumming on “The L.A. Treasures Project” nominated for best jazz ensemble album. Hamilton’s group, The Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra did not receive the award; it going to “Life in the Bubble” by Gordon Goowin’s Big PHat Band. (Information from Palladium Item article and personal interview)
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Wayne Stidham ‘34
50 years of Service in banking
(JA Supplied Picture)
On March 19th, 2015, The Junior Achievement of Eastern Indiana,Inc honored Wayne Stidham as an outstanding businessman. As one of our eldest Morton Alumni, Wayne Stidham, ‘34 is still actively working to benefit others. As a contributor to the soon- to-be-built Cope Environmental Center, he is engaged with the community, just as he was in his younger years. His work ethic came from his parents as he grew up during the Great Depression. The youngest of seven children, he went to work at a grocery store at the age of 13. He graduated from Morton and went to work at Second National Bank. His career, interrupted by his service in WWII, spanned more than fifty years from 1936 to 1987. Wayne attended Richmond Business College, Earlham’s Institute for Executive Growth in 1957 and graduated from the University of Wisconsin’s School of Banking in 1959. He also completed courses at the Commercial Bank Management School at Columbia University in 1963. Constantly, throughout his life he showed great leadership in fund raising for the rebuilding of Downtown Richmond after the explosion, keeping Wayne Works from leaving, and the Townsend Center. His passion for education was seen as he helped create the college campuses on Chester Blvd, helping to bring Ivy Tech, IU East and Purdue Richmond to the area. He is the father of John,’58, David, 59, and Susie Ferrell Stidham, ‘65 and resides at Friends Fellowship in Richmond.
Distinguished Alumni The Rosa Family 2015 Reunions Four people of one family are being honored this spring as our 2015 Distinguish Alumni. Together they have continued a strong local business, strengthened the area Chamber of Commerce, built the Girls Inc. strong, served our country, served our school, taught our children and exemplified the idea of “Giving Back” that the RHSAA champions.
Bob Rosa Sr ‘37
Distinguished Alumni Award 2015Academic Excellence program at Civic Hall Friday, May 8th at 8 pm.
Bob Sr and Becky, parents, were high school sweethearts. In 1937, the Morton Pierian says of Bob Sr, “girls secretly sighed over him, but Bob had two main interests—sleeping & Becky.” In 1938, it speaks of Becky, as “is the perfect example of friendliness, pep, winning personality, combined with executive ability.”
Class of 1951—Annual Lunch– The date of Sat, Sept 18th –MCL Cafeteria. For more information, contact Ben Kovach at
[email protected] or call at 765966-1880.
Becky Hudelson Rosa ‘38
Becky studied nursing at Reid Memorial Hospital before she and Bob Sr married in 1939. Together they owned Rosa’s Office Supply from 1951-1982, with Bob as President and Becky as Secretary. They attended the Lutheran Church, raised two children; Bob Jr and Jo Ann Rosa Lucas, served the Wernle Home, The Boys and Girls Club, and Girls Inc. “Buy Local” can always be associated with Bob Jr. Education with Jane. Young Bob followed in his father’s footsteps both at work and marriage. After serving in the US Army during Vietnam, he attended Purdue and Indiana University, studying engineering. He married his classmate and high school sweetheart, Jane. He took over the family business in 1982.
Bob Rosa Jr ‘65
Class of 1960—55th - The dates of Sept 11– Little Shebas and Sept 12th– Tarrium Shrine Club with a possible golf outing on Saturday. For more information, contact Bill Brandenburg at
[email protected] or call at 765-962– 7232. Class of 1965—50th—The dates of Friday, Aug 7th and Sat Aug 8th have been chosen. Friday is at Little Sheba’s and Sat at Forest Hills Country Club. For more information contact Nancy Wright Manning at
[email protected] or 765-2770461 or Gary Wiggans at
[email protected] or 765-966-2258. Also see the Facebook page at The RHS Class of ‘65 Richmond IN. Class of 1973 - Turning 60 Birthday Party. Plans are just beginning– for more info contact Diana Bennett DeSonie at
[email protected] Class of 1985— 30th—The date of Saturday July 25th at the Elks. For more information, contact Rachel Vincent Etherington at
[email protected].
Both Bob’s had two children; Sheryl Rosa of Chicago, Illinois, and Jill Rosa of Portland, Oregon. Jane, the teacher for RCS, saw her daughters receive both their Masters and Doctorate degrees. Bob died in 2011, after selling the family business in 2006. John Hauptstueck, current owner, commented “there was a painted statement on the wall that read ‘We Support Academic Excellence in our Schools’ when I got here.” The Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented to Jane and family as part of the Academic Excellence program at Civic Hall May 8th at 7 pm.
The Platinum Prom—Sat April 18th at the RHS Cafeteria 6:30—9 pm— open to anyone 60 and older. Free gift from RHS Student Council. Rush County Big Band live music. To make a reservation please contact RHSAA office at 765-973-3338 or
[email protected] by April 11th.
Class of 1995— Plans just beginning. For more information contact Jenny Dillon at 317-523-7695.
Jane Bell Rosa ‘65
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Class of 2005—10th—Plans just beginning. For more information contact Clark Jordan at 765-993-3950 or Rhett E Schroeder at 765-914-7398 or
[email protected].
RHSAA Scholarship Funds Report for 2014 RCIP (Richmond College Incentive Program) Art Vivian challenged others to match is $50,000.00 contribution. Other early contributions include: Ray Imperial $50,000 Margaret Pearce Frederickson $50,000.00 Michael Holthouse $50,000.00 Bill, Alan and Dave Mercurio $50,000.00 Tom Raper $50,000.00 C Allan Rosar $50,000.00 George Clinton $200,.000.00 Ann Bockhoff Ellis $75,000.00 John K Merrell and Family $25,000.00 Fred and Patty Powers Trust $27,000.00 George Reller $6,000.00 Zella Etchison $5,641.00 Class of 1949 $7,000.00 Class of 1944 $5,000.00 Dudley & Ruth Johnson $6,970.00
Since 2005 these have been received and added to the RCIP: Uldeen Christenbury Estate 2006- $19,847.18 Patricia Ann Noper Estate 2008—$10,000.00 Leonard W & Catherine Lee Rockwell, 1936 Fund 2011— $12,000.00 George Rohe $12,000.00 (2000-2014) Dils Fund transferred to RCIP in 2014 $4,531.75 Fred and Patty Powers Fund Annual gifts of $2,500.00 $31,500.00
Those pledging future contributions: Marshal Moore $5,000.00 Jane Youngflesh Vincent $10,000.00 Ron Cross $25,000.00 Ray Imperial $50,000.00 Paul Lingle Family $100,000.00
RCIP (continued) 1995—2005 Creation of RCIP At the Wayne County Foundation Principal Balance - $656,984.47 Balance as of 12/31/14—$873,958.33 The following funds that are Separately Held from RCIP Thomas N Coffin Fund (created by will and received 1999) At the Wayne County Foundation Principal balance—$132,681.87 Balance as of 12/31/14 - $144,954.12 Edward Fath Fund (created by will and received 2001) At the Wayne County Foundation Principal balance - $235,694.85 Balance as of 12/31/14—$264,595.88 The Philip and Eleanor Starr Endowment (created 12/24/14) $550,00.00 No distribution until 2016 Dr J Warren Perry Valedictorian Scholarship Fund (created 2000 to 2004) Held by RHSAA @ West End Bank on CD Balance as of 2/1/15—$13,132.73 $1,000 is given each year. $17,000.00 has been given to 22 seniors The following funds are from scholarship donations from all alumni and given In Memory of others: Liquid Scholarship Funds held by RHSAA Scholarship money held in a Money Market account at West End Bank as of 2/1/15 $69,229.55 Scholarship money received in 2014 held at West End Bank in the checking account $20,478.34
Stephen J Warner $500,000.00
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SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS AWARDS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FROM ALL FUNDS (RCIP, Fath, Coffin) Year # given 2000 12 2001 11 2002 13 2003 14 2004 7 2005 4 2006 14 2007 34 2008 22 2009 21 2010 54 2011 30 2012 28 2013 41 2014 46 2015* 9 (*spring only)
Total Awards $28,481.70 $23,667.80 $39,608.90 $32,910.40 $18,198.40 $ 9, 198.40 $48,207.40 $53,081.20 $61,542.00 $25,208.00 $80,430.00 $49,562.00 $44,768.00 $56,390.00 $74,771.00 $18,000.00
Total awards given: $664,025.00
Total of all Scholarship Funds $1,936,348.95 Available for 2015-16 from Wayne County Foundation Funds RCIP Fath Fund Coffin Fund WCCF *
$40,228.00 $12,416.00 $ 6,848.00 $ 8,284.00
TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR 2015 / 2016 AWARDS $67,776.00 * The Wayne County College Fund belongs to WCF and is divided among all the schools in the county. RHSAA monitors the RHS portion The RHSAA is a 501 ( c) 3. All contributions are tax deductible. We are audited yearly. Taxes are prepared by Webb & Associates of Richmond.
Inspiring Scholarship Donations Correction from Fall Register
A Gift Every Month From WWII Veteran
Now and Later ~ Two Plans of Giving
In June, Eugene Bahlman, Class of 1945 of Neenah IL gave a memorial donation of $500.00 in memory of his brother, Jack Bahlman, Class of 1944 who died June 15, 2014. We failed to acknowledge his wonderful contribution in the fall Register. Thank you, Eugene. The fall edition is on line at www.rhsalum.org.
Ralph Miller, ‘45, Dallas TX, contributes $100 a month to the RCIP. In 2014 he contributed $1200 and plans to do the same this year. Ralph lost his wife of 63 years on Dec 26th. His challenge has encouraged others to give annual gifts. His hope is that his monthly gifts will inspire others.
1958 alum, Stephen Warner of West Palm Beach FL, gave the RCIP a donation of $4,000.00 in December. In 1995, he announced that he would be remembering the RCIP in his will with a donation of $500,000.00. Stephen has also been giving an annual year-end gift for many years.
The Philip and Eleanor Starr Endowment Fund gives $550,000.00 for Scholarships. William Starr, ‘44 of Richmond gave a Christmas present to the students of RHS with the creation of a scholarship fund in memory of his parents, Philip Starr, and Eleanor Starr both of Morton. Philip, at one time,owned a grocery and later the Mathers Brothers Coal Company. Son William served in Germany during the Korean War Conflict . He returned to Richmond and purchased the Olive T Node Company which shipped Bakelite violin chin rests and ukulele pegs from NY and CA. The long-time resident of Richmond, who never married, will bless children of the community for many years to come as his own.
The Fred and Patty Powers Family Foundation Giving Each December, Jon and Beth Powers Macke, ‘60 and Trey and Marta Magaw Powers, ‘87 and ‘84, and Granville F Powers III, all of Newman GA provide a scholarship donation of $2500.00 to the RCIP. Fred Powers was a charter member of the Alumni Association and, though not an alumni, believed in the mission of the organization. Before the development of the Wayne County Foundation, Fred Powers handled the investments for the RICP fund. To date the donations total $31,500.00. .
The Class of 1949 Gives Back To Scholarships
Challenge by the Class of 1959 Turns $100 Into $1000
In December, the Class of 1949 contributed their remaining funds in the reunion account after holding thier 65th reunion in Sept at the Olde Richmond Inn. Fifty classmates attended many with their spouses or family members.
As the Class of 1959 turned 70 this year, they celebrated with a get together at Chuck’s Sport’s Bar in Richmond, owned by classmate, Chuck Wellings. The class donated $100 to the RCIP scholarship Fund from their reunion account.
Colleen Blickwedal Warner, Richmond, class treasurer, sent a check of $412.75. The class also provided the office with a copy of their 65th and another copy that was included in the time capsule at RHS. They also send a check for $5 as each classmate passes. The following were remembered this past six months: Betty Ridge Martin, Suzanne Beeson Hymer, Louise Davis Bennett, Janet Shepman Beck, Dick Smith, Ruth Thornburg McConnell.
That donation was quickly increased by another $400 contributed by Pat Corsi, Indianapolis. And then Paul Lingle, Richmond said ‘lets just make it $1000.00” and pledged another $500.00. Turning seventy was fun for the class and great for our scholarship recipients.
Gift for Scholarships from the Class of 1950
The Class of 1950 contributed the remaining funds in their reunion account to the Alumni office in November. Larry Crockett, long-time chairperson of the reunion, sent us a check for $277.84. Other members of the reunion committee include Evelyn Wilson Smith, Richmond, Bev Baker Volkman, West Lafayette, Sue Gray Thomas, Centerville OH, Don Moore, Richmond, Maryane Krone Greulich, Richmond, and advisors Jane Raisor Williams, Richmond and Coach Jerry Bartz, Weslaco TX.
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Rohe Family Donor Advised Fund Supports RCIP George Rohe, Class of 1960, annually has given the RHSAA a stock certificate to liquidate and place in the RCIP fund. Annually, it is done in memory of his father, John William Rohe, ‘37 and his first cousin, John Bartel Weston, ‘62. This $1,400.00 contribution brings his contributions to more than $12,560.00.
In Memory of Another A memorial donation of $60.00 was given by Carol Wagers Creech, ‘69, of Plano Texas in memory of Frazier Fulton, 1962. Gerald Blossom, Knoxville TN donated $50.00 in memory of Frazer Fulton, ‘62 also.
Scholarship &Membership Donations Fall 2014 Scholarships Attending IU East
Emily O’Brien, 2011 Kim Sharits Smith,1998 Marc Steenkamp, 2014
Lorraine Burwell Woodruff, 2010
Aaliyan Brown, 2014 Jessica Cordell Baker, 2012 Cameron Gibbel, 2013 Brittany Lodge, 2014 Ashley Michael. 2009 Sunny Allen, 2013 Sydney Townsend, 2014 Gary Yontz, 2014 Korey Mathena, 2008 Katie Stoenbraker, 2013 Zachary Madden, 2007
Attending Earlham Kendall Baker, 2014 Ashley Trede , 2012
Attending Ivy Tech
Dylan Arnold, 2012 Shannon Stump. 2014 Jordyn McDaniel, 2012 Tyler Blevins, 2013
Spring 2015 Scholarships Attending IU East
$2,000 scholarships each: Cameron Gibbel, 2013 Sunny Allen, 2013 Brittany Lodge , 2014 Zackary Madden, 2007 Emily O’Brien, 2017 Kim Sharits Smith, 1998 Lorraine Burwell Woodruff,’10
Attending Ivy Tech
Tyler Blevins, 2013 Jordyn McDaniel, 2012
Scholarship Donations $50 ~$200
Scholarship Donations Up to $50 1942 Rex Slick June Darland Slick 1945 Carolyn Ashby Hughes Mary K Zurwell Armes 1947 John Knapp 1948 Barbara Kelley Knapp 1950 David Igelman Georgia Adams Steen 1951 Phyllis Mills Summers 1952 Kenneth Street 1953 Marie Kettleforder Garske Elizabeth Powell Owens 1954 Gayle Buroker Suzanne Hackman Clark Richard Ikemann 1955 Beverly Hawkins Linderman 1956 Elizabeth Lindley Slabaugh 1957 Julie Puckett Moore- Maxeiner Marietta Hollingsworth Klapper
Lois George Pye 1960 Joe Thurston Jack Oberholtzer Rebecca Martin Edmonds Janice Rivir Wilson 1962 Judi Schuberman Klemann 1964 Elizabeth Fueglein Long 1965 Susan Bayer Conti Michael Conti 1967 Larry Cook 1968 Marcia Collins Hofman Patrick Tiernan 1969 Ronnie Kutter Patricia Larsh Kutter Ron Brinker Merry Lee Oliver Monroe 1970 Rick Niersbach Jr 1971 Ann Klute Brinker 1975 Peter E Gieger 1986 Ronnie Steir 1988 Anthony Neff Scholarship Donations $50 ~ $200 1946 Thurman Wright 1948 Billy Hollingsworth Walter Rieen 1949 Ernest Olson Helyn Bang Riesen 1950 Doris Dillman Fickler 1952 Robert Kinsey 1953 Max Evans Carol Wilson Caplinger
1950 Bev Baker Volkman Doris Dillman Fickler Carol Belcher Hippe 1954 Marilee Jackson Thomas 1955 Robert Thomas 1956 Duane Roland 1957 Judy Riggleman Roland Betty Spalding Hendrix P Michael Conti 1958 Sue Ann Keenan Hoch John Preble John Bowen 1959 Don Blanton Class of 1959 Lawrence Owens David Goldenberg 1960 W Leroy Robbins Judy Fox Reynolds 1961 Paul Paradiso Paulette Baker Paradiso Gerald Blossom 1963 Curtis Putoff 1964 Sandra Clark Rowley 1965 Ted Abney 1967 Rae Ferriell-Woolpy 1968 Jim Richwine Larry Edwards 1969 Sharon Githens Enright Carol Wagers Creech 1971 Sue Hill Pajakowski 1980 Stanley W Ogborn Mark Oler 1986 Ronnie Stier Scholarship Donations $200 ~ $500 1939 Tracy Clark 1949 Class of 1949 1950 Class of 1950 1954 Carol Wilson Caplinger 1959 Pat Corsi Paul Lingle 1960 W LeRoy Robbins Scholarship Donations $600 ~ $1000 1945 Ralph Miller 1960 Bonnie McClelland Sampsell Scholarship Donations $1000 ~ $5,000 1959 Stephen Warner 1960 George Rohe Fred & Patty Powers Fund
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Membership Donations Up to $49 1936 Carl Posther Elizabeth Selig Brown Paul Kuchebuch 1937 Lavaughn Engle Douglas Paul Wiesehahn James Clark 1938 Ray Chalfant 1939 Rosemond Lahman Murphy Ruby Harrell Wood 1940 Ana Lawrence Posther Betty Harvey Thorman Jo Ellen Rodefeld Chenoweth
Marion Burg Florence Welder Lawson 1941 Barbara Shultz Quick 1942 Rex Slick June Darland Slick William Dailey 1943 Ellen Mann Guthrie Ruth Ridge Krupa Byron Park R Noah Berry 1944 Betty Lou Monroe McQueen Barbara Duvall Kanost William Misner Jr 1945 Carolyn Ashby Hughes Joan Schoemaker Bey Elizabeth Mills Park 1946 Thurman N Wright Stanley W Ross James Anderson Ambrose Svarczkopf Henry Werner Patricia Bailey Maddock Nancy Cutter Turula Rosalie Duning Geiger Anna Schroeder Brinker 1947 Charles Hodson John Knapp Gene Bahlman Donna Turner Ryan Mary K Bulach Bertch Mildred Juerling Phelps Barbara Hilling Frueauff William Borden 1948 Walter Riesen James Chamberlain
Betty Throckmorton Huneryager
Norman Van Voorhis Doris Morgan Anderson Mary Potter Roberson Margaret Suesy Penland 1949 Helyn Bang Riesen Raymond Birsco Alberta Campbell Burton David Sherick Colleen Blckwedel Werner Winifred Timins Weiss Margaret Williams Svarczkopf
Richard Herz Joan Robbins Ripley Earnest Olson Frank Martin Jr
Membership –Office Fund 9/1/14 ~ 3/1/15 Basic Membership for 2015 1950 Tom Spalding Linda Siebert Spalding Marcia Romer Kinsinger Martha Luerman Dickman Pat Chasteen Trocano Kenneth Street Jane Anne Sisk Brinley James Brinley Jack Cartwright Donna Thistlethwaite Calkins Jacqueline Miessler Osborn Georgia Adams Steen David Igelman Doris Dillman Fickler James Peters 1951 Carol Hammon Rice Carroll Kinsinger Gordon Wanninger Geroge Sax Ben Kovach Maryann Denning Rogan Helen Miller Edginton Evelyn Sauer Crane Phyllis Mills Summers Dean Smith Bob Sickman 1952 Marge Mercurio Borros Norma Heistand cole Diane Strahan Verellen Nancy Dickey Cooper Gloria Gunnoe Rice Alvin Karn Raquel Ravinet Scotten Nancy Brown Brown Carmen Keefer Lawrence Robert Kinsey Wilbur Clark Barbara Reimer Edwards 1953 Marguerite Phillips Watins Elizabeth Powell Owens Angela Hoch Swanson Reed Adelsperger Emory Jeffers Max Evans Robert Woodward Katherine Dunn Caudle Paul Weeghman Smith Elsa Wuerteberger Catey Mary Gahre Klute Marietta Kettleforder Garske
Norma E Watt Bobbie Parker Gegax 1954 Nancy Wills Sharp Patrick Sharp Carolyn McGrew Smith Tom McKee Joe Beckner Eleanor McManus oberle Betty Danels McKee James Bonner Ken Paust Molly Morrison Patricia Bolling McCoy Robert Mills
Basic Membership for 2015 1954 Carol Wilson Caplinger Carol Foley Cartwright Richard Klemann Charlotte Sweet Morstad William McDonald Karen Brehm Lafuse Donald Leisen Kent Bowen Elizabeth Vance Frydell Max Gray 1955 Gayle Buroker Suzanne Hackman Clark Carl Owen Joyce Hill Owen
Basic Membership for 2015 1959 Nancy Crandall Frazer David Goldenberg Larry Tracy Bunny Ahaus Fielder Mary Tomlinson Henkenhine
Carol Truitt Jeffers Frieda Newton Butt Dorothy Wiggs Smoker 1960 Julia Kilgus Whitesell Dave Hart Joe Thurston James Keelor Winifred Meuser Jenkins Brian Blue Beverly Hawkins Linderman Elizabeth Puthoff Giarratan Phillip Hirchfeld Fay Duke Minton James Youngflesh Jen Buske Susan Pinkerman Frazier Ted Lee 1955 Carol Hamilton Evans Beverly Dunn Lee Thomas Weaver Rebecca Martin Edmonds Robert F Hughes James Wilson Elizabeth Marshall Keelan Donna Daggett Culler Robert Johnson Jack Oberholtzer Marietta Hollingsworth Klapper Janice Rivir Wilson John Ross Judy Fox Reynolds Jerry Horney 1961 Rebecca Horton Kennedy Terry LaFuze Jim Kennedy Verl Lantz Elsa Effman Golts Phillip Monger Linda Backmeyer Paust Shirley Skaggs Yeager David Runyon 1956 Kim Cornelius Phyllis E Wray Stephen Chase Elaine Parshall Michael Carol Robson Paul Paradiso Mary L McQuiston Wade Patrick Jenkins Jim Fryman Jack Robertson Nancy Hieger Dailey Sharon Thornburg Trucks Richard Rivir Sherry Perry Richard Hieger Doris Hapner Decker Donald Atkins Ellen Sells Tate Janice Sherrow Bohlander Paulette Baker Paradiso Elizabeth Lindley Slabaugh Joe Clements 1957 Duane Roland June Tolliner Clements Judy Riggleman Roland Mary K Brenizer Rench Terry Whitesell 1962 Robert Hampton Janet E Spencer Cowen Gerald Blossom Mary Ann McNutt Kritsch Mary Beth Brooks Dinardo John M Ross Barbara Ahl Flatley Nancy Lowdenslager LaFuze Darlene Hodge Keelor Lois George Pye Judi Schuerman Klemann Julie Puckett Moore-Maxeiner
William Vance Shirley Skaggs Yeager George York Betty Lou Davis York Janice Tatt Hirchfeld Myrna Knoll Peters 1958 Mary K Stier Chase Wayne Watkins Sharon Tuttle Mills Max Moss Alice Jones Rees Michael Hinshaw Barclay Erk Richard L Lehman John H Sweet
Carol KleinknechtMcCleary
Curtis Puthoff MarilynWerner Adkins Barbara Brown Behrman 1963 Jane Harlan Gasch Marilyn Shears Fancher Karen Thorman Chock Thomas Bricker George Davis Keith E Thornburg Jay Klehfoth Dianne Duncan Mansfield Jim Puckett Kay Fleisch Edmonds 1964 Phyllis Koehring Hein Elizabeth Koehring Hein
Page 16
Basic Membership for 2015 1964 Rachel Foster Stella Gary D Pettibone Vickie Roby Mann-Puckett John Eggemeyer Anthony Michael John Mullins Ann Coble Voss Jerry Newman Tim Kauper Marcia Carter Reineking Sandra Clark Rowley Jane A Mendenhall Sowers Linda Gennett Irmscher Gary Pettibone 1965 Sherry Bruck Puthoff Ted Abney Larry Cook George N Duncan Diana Peacock Shelley Alice Rohe Smith Janet Blossom Lussier Susie Mader Borgmeier Julie Corsi Homyak Mary Keen Raymond Michael Conti Susan Bayer conti 1966 Jon Carrico Gary D Siders Suzanne Morgan Siders George N Sauer III Stephen Fulton Linda Henry Harkleroad 1967 Jayne Jones Barstow Suzette Slagle Pfeifer Mary Ellen Rupe Cain Ron Hill Suzette Cahoon Hll Maracia Collins Hoffman Marilyn Fannin Green Steve Koger Francine Slagle Lacy Elaine Gandolph Hendricks A Duane Strunk Margie Fueglein Boes 1968 George N Mosey Janie Holliday Mosey Linda Hensley Goldsberry Donald Litton Pamela Henry Karolyn Hays Edwards Stanley W Ogborn Carol A Bucher Stump Karla Shultz Carrico Tim Brokamp Linda Lamb Sittloh Jim Richwine Sue Himebaugh Osborn Patrick Tiernan Bonnie Watson Gilson Jerry Rench 1969 Patricia Larsh Kutter Ron Kutter Jim Ballard Mary Louise Beede Bates
Membership –Office Fund 9/1/14 ~ 3/1/15 Basic Membership for 2015 1969 Linda Waddle Randall Merry Lee Oliver Monroe Carol Wagers Creech Mary Louise Beede Bates Joseph Bates Gail Koncz Wise Ron Brinker Joseph Bates Nancy Wettig Zimmerman Kenneth Love Jim Higgs Gretchen Niersbach Murray Mary L Saylor Hall 1971 Lisa Kiser Kevin McClure Ann Klute Brinker 1972 Max Bailey Mary Barnhart Ball 1973 Terri Wise Bauer Eva Tischuk Bailey Tim Cahoon Sarah Erbse Hellrung Jane Mikesell Love Larry Harter 1974 Kathy Brown Vicki Benton Cahoon Kay Alsop Koger 1975 Peter E Gieger 1976 Robert Bartlemay Pam Lawrence Hagy Lynn Zaleski Miller Michael Miller Tim Love Mary Beth Tyndell Julia Caudle Carlton 1977 Terry Stephens Robin Henry 1978 Dean Stephens James Beckman 1979 Bob Berheine 1980 Jeff Wolfe Mark Oler Susan Witte Mahoney 1981 Derek Rehmel David Lydick Beth Mills Lydick Marcia Prosser Cumer 1982 David Gardner 1983 Natalie Brown Gardner 1988 Anthony Neff David Crumbaugh Nancy Graf Million 1995 John Sowers Non Joe Moerhring Non June Salzarulo Non Aileen Githens Non John Catey Membership $50~ $100 1934 Adrian Minnick Wayne Stidham 1938 Thomas A Klute Irene Kaucher Klute 1941 Ruth Ann Graf 1942 Marilyn Schuerman Franklin D Kanost 1943 Archie Simonson 1944 Earl Dale Duval
Membership $50~100 1945 Mary K Zurwell Armes 1947 Nancy Shelly Schaenen Jim Hardman 1948 Billy Hollingsworth Richard Clay Norma Bailey Shinness Richard Wissler 1949 Henry Tilmans Audrey Jelly Tilmans 1950 Bev Baker Volkman Ann Candler Adelsperger Ruth Ann Hennigar Martin
Sue Romey De Witt Mary Byrum Clark Carol Belcher HIppe Larry Crockett Marna Ashman Moorhead 1951 Jon Igleman Ross Deardorff Arend Pete Reid William Knodle Gerald Mendenhall Gerald Stevens 1952 Bill Taube Linda Lane Bowker Edward Baumer William Logue 1953 Vivan Snyder Purkhisr Carol Kaeuper Deardorff Shirley Dunnington Warth George Peters Henry Christmon 1954 Roger Scott Marilee Jakcson Thomas Carolyn Petry Peters Ron Bass Robert E McLear Ruth Ann Whaley Waugh 1955 Beverly Bennett Rexrode Richard Ammon Jr Robert Thomas Lucinda Lee Evans Stanley Thomas 1956 Joyce Mendenhall Moore-Maxeiner Barbara Shawhan Harper Joyce Mills McLear Virginia Jackson Hapner James Rodefeld Ruth Osborne Rodefeld 1957 Betty Spalding Hendrix P Michael Hoch Jerry Dils Phillip Monger Aileen Hamilton Wickett-Harris 1958 William Bass John Preble Teresa Matson Braun John Bowen 1958 C Fred Risgsby Doug Oler Numon Johnson Brenda Beach Oler Sue Ann Keenan Hoch 1959 James Hotopp Paul Flatley Frederick Bragg
Page 17
Membership $50 ~ $100 1959 Chuck Wellings Peggy Habing Nicholson 1960 Pat Boswell McBride Janet Belt Breedlove Judith Manlove Hazelton Sally Kercheval Conley Sarah Powers Johnson Joe Thurston Becky Thatcher Wagner Ken Jordan Paula Flatter Raper 1961 Lissa Ahl Barrett John Soper Susie Wright Wilson Pam Feldhaus-Mills James Lawler 1962 Amie Maiden Starr David Lasley Duane Hodgin 1963 Felice Walker Gavin Michael Allen Nancy Nickell Best John Dintaman 1964 John W Keates Ricki Steinbrink Lasley Rick Boston Victoria Wilson Sidney Lakes Thomas Herrman Sandie Rans Rowe Jane Bell Rosa 1965 Phoebe Maximiac Crane 1966 Nancy Gossett Carla Commons McBride Kenneth Briggs AnnMcKee Coffin Nancy Conyers Church 1967 Rae Ferriell Woolpy Robert Coddington Annette Cahoon Greene Gary Kreider Michael Williams 1968 Terry Ferguson Larry Edwards 1969 Rebecca North 1970 Jack Armbruster Carol McCafferty Rick Niersbach Jr Robert Wilson Susan Sauer Geesa 1971 Michael Hachey Sue Hill Pajakowski Tom Beckman Jeff Hamilton 1972 Ron Hughes Rae Wohlhueter Maier Beth Wiechman Schilling Brent Smith 1973 Stephen Giannini Sarah Erbse Hellrung 1975 Joe Carroll Pat Clifton Smith 1977 Pamela Peters Maddox Jill Toschlog Powell 1979 Rene Holthouse Chroenert Mark Maddox 1980 Debbie Benton Kitchin James R Smarelli Patricia Beane Ferreira
Membership Contributions of $50 ~ $100 for 2015 1981 James Thompson David Lydick Beth Mills Lydick 1982 Phillip Dickman 1984 Millicent Siebert Dickman 1986 Ron Stier 1991 Ryan Christopher Non Rachel Hughes Non Ronda Christopher Membership Contributions of $100 ~ $200 for 2015 1943 Archie Simonson 1944 Jeanne Hodgin Meador 1947 William Denny 1948 William Mitchell John Sauffer Bill Hollingsworth 1949 Cynthia Olson Smyth Carl Wilson 1950 Larry Crockett Richard Stadelmann Don E Moore 1954 Richard Bodiker Ann McBride England 1956 Robert Hodgin Charles Placke Lamont Davis 1957 Davie Allen Chapman Joyce Zimmer Hintson Saundra Wiles Gore 1958 Robert Welker Larry Parker Carl Osborne Jere Behrman 1959 David Stidham Carla Coble Stidham O’Dell Lakes Robert Jefferies Jr 1960 Robert Hudson Bonnie McClelland Sampsell Thomas Everett
1962 Dixie Moore Robinson Dottie Clackum Toney Patricia Kanke Farmer 1963 Michael Sonsini Sharon Sanders 1964 Tala Smock Meyer Mila Placke Serve’ Jim Adney 1965 Richard Alexander 1966 Barbara Scott 1969 Sharon Githens Enright 1977 Larry Blanford 1979 John Wolfe 1986 Sherri Dillon Bergum 1988 Rob Quigg
Membership Contributions of $200 and Up for 2015 1955 Roger Cornett 1958 Nancy Patterson Cornett
25 years & counting Membership, Scholarship and The Office Fund This year, 2015, is the 25th anniversary of the RHS Alumni Association. In celebration of this anniversary, we are asking you to consider 1) renewing your membership for $30.00 per member at the beginning of the year, and 2) we ask you consider a one-time gift to the office of $25.00 or more. 3) make a donation for the scholarship program For the first time in ten years we are raising our basic membership from $25 to $30 and for couples from $40 to $50. You have been receiving our RHS Alumni Register magazine. But in the fall of 2014, we faced a shortfall in the office budget and were not able to print the magazine, choosing instead to put the fall edition on the web page. (go to www.rhsalum.org) If you are a member who sent a donation in 2014, please consider renewing for this coming year now at the $30/ member level or more. If you became a life-time member 25 years ago, please consider a donation. If you are not a member, and would like to continue receiving the magazine, please consider becoming a member. On behalf of the board of directors, thank you for your past support and we look forward to hearing from you.
____Yes, renew my membership for $30 per person ___$50 per couple ___$ 0ther amount for 2015 ____Yes, I would like to support the office fund with an anniversary gift of __$25.00
___$ other
____$ donation for Scholarship
My Name_________________________________________ My spouse__________________________ I graduated _______________
My spouse graduated RHS ____________ __ Not an RHS Alumni
My phone # _____________________
My email address ___________________________
My address __________________________________________________ ___ Check enclosed
___Charge my ___Visa ___Master Card #
Expiration Date _________________
VIN number __________
Amount total on charge_________________ My signature ____________________________________________________________ RHS Alumni Association
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Page 18
Richmond IN 47374 765-973-3338 We are a 501 ( c ) 3– your donation is tax deductible
In Memory Of…. The following deaths have been reported to our office since our last newsletter. If you know of an alumna who has died, please contact us at
[email protected] or by mail at RHS Alumni Association, 380 Hub Etchison Parkway, Richmond IN 47374.
Morton High School Obituaries
Richmond High School Obituaries
Richmond High School Obituaries
Harold W Hunt 9/4/14 Richmond IN
Frank McKay 10/10/14 Auburn KY
Danita Washington Armstead 11/20/14 Phoenix AZ
Frederick J Adelsperger 11/23/14 Richmond IN
Patricia M Ary Ferreri 10/13/14 Durant OK
Thomas Lee Kelly 1/1/15 Richmond IN
Ruby Seed Vecera 10/18/14 Richmond IN
Gene C “Mike” Minor 2/28/15 Richmond IN
Rev Steve Lunsford 1/6/15 Richmond IN
Richmond High School Obituaries
Larry Fox 11/14/14 Richmond IN
Rusty Hollingsworth 11/2/14 Richmond IN
Julia A Okel Hamilton 10/18/14 Richmond IN
Thomas Alvin Johnson 8/11/14 Richmond IN
Eugene Spicer 11/12/14 Richmond IN
Elizabeth Bullerdick Wiggans 2/3/15 Richmond IN
John H Thorman 9/23/14 Palm Bay FL
John D Morris 1/15/15 Williamsburg IN
Marjorie C Winget Lock 1/2/15 Richmond IN
Jane Bickel Drake 1/8/15 Richmond IN
Bradley L Bragg 12/31/14 Richmond IN
Rita C Pfeiffer Rohe 1/2/15 Richmond IN
Sandra L Chamness Hasse 1/30/15 Richmond IN
Debra Ann Moore 2/13/15 Richmond IN
Alan C Lahmann Sr 1/10/15 Richmond IN
Pamela J Beckman 1/2/15 Indianapolis IN
William Randy Griffin 11/17/14 Richmond IN
Melva Shepard Brown 1/17/15 Oxford OH
Robert K Murphy 1/23/15 Richmond IN
Cynthia D Mounts Clay 12/7/14 Richmond IN
John Scott Minner 12/7/14 Indianapolis IN
Jane Burnell Thornburg 2/28/15 Unknown
Darla L Jackson Hill 10/12/14 Richmond IN
Joan Daugherty Foltz November 2014 Unknown
Larry Harkleroad 1/13/14 Syracuse IN
Tony Lee Parker 1/20/15 Richmond IN
Richard W Brangan 2/03/15 Greenwood IN
Shelia Gobel Greulich 10/5/14 Richmond IN
Sgt Cody Hampton
William N Jackson 2/13/15 Richmond IN
Roberta Niewoehner Rossi 12/7/14 Richmond IN
Phillip K Hardwick 1/18/15 Indianapolis IN
Michael Amburgey 1/12/15 Unknown
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RHS Alumni Association 380 Hub Etchison Parkway Richmond IN 47374-5339 Return Service Requested
The official publication of the Richmond High School Alumni Association
At Left: Aerial view of RHS in 1962 when the “new edition was under construction., doubling the size of Morton Hall area. No more bicycle racks or Home Economic Cottage. Above: Logo for the Starr Piano Company circa 1910.