Periodical Mail • Time-Dated Material • Address Service Requested Postm aster: Send changes to 3359 Kings Mill Road, North Branch, MI 48461
356 Registry
Volume 29, Number 3 September / October 2005
Local/Regional 356 Groups "These groups offer activities, informa tion and fellowship for 356 enthusiasts from a particular geographical area. Each group opera tes independently and is not sponsored by the 356 Registry
WEST Porsche 356 Club Bob Fitzpatrick, 17620 Corte Potosi. San Diego, CA 92128, 858-487-0114
[email protected] 356 CAR Club Jim Reeder, Jr., President PO Box 726, 4551 Eggers Dr. Freemont, CA 94536, 510-793-4030 Central Coast Dick Douglass, 1690 Kleck Hd. Paso Robles, CA 93446 805-239-8394 356 Group Northwest typ356ne .org Bruce Rockwell, 4705 131st St. Ct. NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332-7884 253-858-2788
[email protected] Sierra 356 Porsche Club Glenn Lewis, 2000 Royal Drive Reno, NV 89503 Rocky Mountain Porsche 356 Club AI Gordon, 12773 Grizzly Littleton, CO 80127, ph,303-979-1072 Mountainland Porsche 356 Club Edward Radford, 1568 Connecticut Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84103 801-521-7330 Hawaii 356 Owners Group Rick Woltz, 719 N. Kainalu Drive Kailua, HI 96734, ph. 808-262-5417
SOUTH Southern Owners Group Ray Ringler, 3755 Creek Stone Way Marietta, GA 30068,
[email protected] Tennessee Tubs Nate Greene, 4003 Sunnybrook Drive Nashville, TN 37205
[email protected] Florida Owners Group Kirk Stowers, 6134 Anchor Lane Rockledge, FL 32955, ph, 321-636-5838
[email protected]
EAST Potomac 356 Owner 's Group Dan Rowzie, 800 South Samuel St. Charles Town, WV 25414-1416 356 Mid Atlantic Dan Haden, 715 St. Andrews Road Philadelphia, PA 19118 356BURGH Lenny Santora, 1345 Falla Drive Bethel Park, PA 15102, ph 412-835-6594
[email protected] 356 Southern Connecticut Register, Ltd, Ed Hyman, Box 35, Riverside, CT 06878 edwardh@gullwingsearch,com Typ 356 Northeast Ron Swenson, 81b Warren St. Charlestown, MA 02129 617-242-9213 www, rswenson@typ356ne,org
MIDWEST Group 356 SI. Louis Region Ted Melsheimer, Sr., 10517 E. Watson Rd, St. Louis, MO 63127 314-966-2131 Midwest 356 Klub Robert Follmer, 3605 Greathill Rd. Crystal Lake, IL 60012 815-477-9825
[email protected] Wisconsin Porsche 356 Club Tom Spiegel
[email protected] 10110 W. Bunny Ct. Hales Corners, WI 53130 414-425-5584 Fahr North Phil Saari, 3374 Owasso St. Shoreview, MN 55126 651-484-0303,
[email protected] 356 Motor Cities Gruppe Barbara Skirmants, 3359 Kings Mill Road North Branch, MI 48461 810-688-2059 Drei Staaten Gruppe Jim Leonard 2390 Trebein Road, Xenia, Ohio 45385 937-429-5818
[email protected] Ohio Tub Fanatics Richard King, 330-678-6259, ohiotubtanfscs .com
SOUTHWEST Ar izona Outlaws Porsche 356 Club Mike Wroughton 19870 N, 86th Ave" Peoria, AZ 85382 623-362-8356
[email protected] Zia 356 Joyce Y. Hooper, 4700 Westridge PI. NE Albuquerque, NM 87111
[email protected] Tub Club Bob Morris, 397 Creekwood Dr. Lancaster, TX 75146 972-227-8357
[email protected] Lone Star 356 Club Mark Roth, 4915 S, Main, Suite 114 Stafford, TX 77477 (Houston) 281-277-9595
[email protected]
OUTSIDE USA Australian Porsche 356 Register P.O. Box 7356, St. Kilda Rd. Melbourne, Victoria 3004, Australia 356 Down Under P,O, Box 356,Picton 7372, New Zealand
[email protected] Maple Leaf 356 Club of Canada Scott Gray, 467 Sandlewood Road Oakville, ON L6L 3S3
[email protected] Registro Italiano Porsche 356 Alberto Testo, Pres" Via A, da Brescia, 3 21013 Gallarate (VA) Italy Tel.e Fax 0331 795355 Porsche 356 Klubb , Sverge Fredrik Brynte, Malmslattsgatan, 4 S-59031
Visit your web site at To subscribe to the Registry's electronic mail list. send an email to:
[email protected] with the single word subscribe as the message, or go to the Registry's website at The new password for members-only pages and ads is: Dunlop The old password: Oatmeal
itoria ta
Chuck House, President (C huck Ho use @356 regi 11073 Begonia Ave. Fount ain Valley, CA 92708 7 14-4 18-0 779 (hm) , 949-567-452 1 (wk) 949 -56 7-45 10 w k fax
Go rdon Maltby, Editor Mary Skamser, Office Manager (Gor don Ma ltby P O. Box 287 Stillwater , MN 55082-0287 65 1-439-0204 , fax 65 1-439-7620
Vic Skirmants, Vice President (VicSk irmants 3359 Kings Mill Rd , North Branc h, MI 4846 1 810-688-2059
Dr. Bill Block, Book Reviews, (block lab @ao m) 248-535- 1449 7295 Co ldsp ring , Wes t Bloomfi eld, MI 48322
Roland Lohnert, Treasurer (Ro lahd Lohner t@356 1422 Tw in Oak s Ln., Cas tle Rock, CO 80 109 303 -663 -4363
Keith De nahan, Vintage Racing 21537 11Oth Ave. S., Boca Raton , FL 33428 56 1-482 -05 16
Karen Campbell , Secretary (KarenCampbe ll@356reg
Dr. Brett Johnso n, Restoration Editor (356d rb @indy ,net) 317-841-7677 751 0 Allisonv ille Rd " Indianapoli s, IN 46250
rustees Bob Campbell Event Insurance (BobCampbe ll@356reg 20964 Ca nterwood Dr., Sa nta Clarita , CA 91350 ,661-25 1-3500 Bob Garretson (BobGarretso n @356 Reg 18300 Jacobs Rd., Sono ra, CA 95370 209 -533-3566 Chuck House (Chuck Ho use@356 reg istry ,org) 11073 Bego nia Ave. Fount ain Valley, CA 92708 7 14-4 18-0779 (H) Joe Johnson (JoeJohnson@ 3802 Briarwood Ave., High Point , NC 27265 336 -886 -5287 (H) Ro land Lohnert (Ro landLo hne rt@356 reg 1422 Twin Oa ks Ln., Cas tle Rock , CO 80109 303 -663-4363 Vic Sk irmants (VicSkirma nts@356 reg istry,org) 335 9 Kings Mill Rd , North Branch , MI 48 46 1 810-688 -2059 Randall Yow (Ra nda IlYow 21 Thimbleberr y Sq. , Greensboro, NC 27455 336 -545-8994
Joe Johnso n, Webmeister (Joe Jo hnso n @356 Registry,org) John Audette , Website Technical Editor (JohnAudette@356Reg Eric Cherneff, Web Elf (EricC herne ff @356 Regis try,org) Rick Dill , Email List Monitor (Rick Dill @356 regist Ch ris Markham, Web Elf (ChrisMa rkham @356 reg istry,org) Ri chard Millang , Web Elf and Web Design (Richard Mil lan g Bill Sa mpso n, Email List Monitor (BiIISampson @356 Reg
Dick Koenig , Four Cam Forum (
[email protected]) 303 -76 1-308 1 23 Foxtail Circle, En glewood, CO , 80 113 Prescott Kelly, 356 Collectibles (KellyC T@optonline .net) 203-227-7770 16 Silve r Ridge, Wes ton , CT 06883 J im Perri n, Historian (ca rreragts @ao m) 614-882-9046 Box 29307 , Co lumb us , O H 43229 Jim Schrager, Marketwatch (jarnes .sc hraqe r G qsb.uchicaqo.ed u) 54722 Littl e Flower Trail Mish awaka , IN 465 45 574 -28 7-45 00 Vic Sk irmants , Technical Editor (Vic@356 Ente rprises .co m) 810-688 -2059 3359 Kin gs Mill Rd , North Bran ch , MI 4846 1 Pat Tobin , Pat 's Posts (audio.cons ulta nt @ver izon ,ne t) 170 92 Cha tswo rth St. G ranada Hill s, CA 91344-58 49 818-368 -1262 Adam Wright, Wheels & Reels adam@elementalmag,com 71-A Oak St., Brooklyn, NY 11222 718-218-0077
Barbara Skirmants, Membership, Renewals , Circulation (Ba rba raSk irma nts @356 regis 3359 Kings Mill Rd, North Bran ch , MI 484 61 810-688 -9090, fax 810-688-909 1 John Jenkins, Travel Assistance Network (johnjenkins 3122 Kings ley s i ., San Diego, CA 92 106 619-224-3566 M & M Enterprises, Diane Morrill Goodie Store (356goodiestor e @usa .ne t) 252 09 Cas iano, Sa linas , CA 93908 83 1-643 -0356, fax 83 1-643 -1333 Dr. Brett Johnson, Porsche Factory Liaison (356 d rb@i t) 75 10 A lliso nville Rd. , Indianapoli s, IN 46250 317-841-7677, fax 317-849 -200 1
InTIle Mail Upcoming Events 'I1le Miscellany File President's letter 356s at the PCA Parade Restoration In Praise of Professional Mechanics TIle 356 Treasure Trove Rocky Mountain 356 Holiday Stopgap Fixes on the Road Janis Joplin's 356 Collectibles ~Iarketwatch
Wheels and Reels rears Ago Reviews
Net Worth - On Line Auctions TIle Sixth li me Around Mt. Equinox Hill Climb Vintage Events 2005 Vintage Racing Classified Ads Tail Lights
..............................................................-!...4 ......................................................... .......5
Gordon ~Ialtby Chuck House
6 8
Jim Schrager Brett Johnson JimJohnston Adam Wright
.10 12 16 18
Bert Leemburg 23 ................................................................28 Jerry McDermott Prescott Kelly Jim Schrager
30 34 38
Adam Wright Jim Perrin Bill Block Sebastian Gaeta
40 .42 43 .44
Mike Robbins .46 47 John ~leigs ................................................................48 Keith Denahan 50 ................................................................46 Bruce McCall
356 Registr.rmag:llj ne is theofficial publication of 5;6 Registry, Inc., an organizatiou orientedexclustvely to the interests, needs and unique problems ofthe 5% Porsche automobile owner and enthusiast. Themission of the 5; 6 Regist'1', Inc. is the perpetuation ofthe vintage ( 19411·196; ) .1;6 series l'orsche through5% Regist'1' magazine andinternetforums for the exchange of ideas, experiences and inlormation, enablingall 10 share the5% experiences ofone another. .1;6 Regist'1', Inc, is a non-afflliated, non-profit, educational corporation, chartered underthe statutes of theState of Ohio, Subscriptions arc available only10 members. ~Iembersh ip dues arc 50,00 in the lSA, which includes 24,00 fora 6-issue annual subscription to 356 Registr)'mag:lline, 40 in Canada and ~Ic.\ico, ;010 foreign addresses. All rates arc in U.S. dollars, checks ~lli~iT be drawn on U.S. banks. An application fonn for membershipis available on the hackwrap cover of thismagazine, or from membershipchairperson Barbara Skirmants, .15;9 Kings Mill Road, Xorth Branch, "II 411461 liSA, or on our website at 5;6 Regisl'1',org. 356 Registr)'magaljn e (lSS:,\ I066611i7 ) is published bi-monthly for Publications tail Agreement ;'\0. 40940;28 5% Regist'1', Inc. by RPM Auto Books, P.O. Box 287, Stillwater, ~L'i ;;082. Regislmtion No. None Periodical Postage paid at Stillwater, M:'\and additional mailingoffices, Return undeliverable Canadian addresses 10: POSTMASfER: Send address changes 10 MOTM. PO BOX 2520 356 Regis•ry, 3359 Kings Mill Road. North Branch. MI 4846 1 WINNIPEG. MB CANADA R3C4A7 email: GordonMaltby@3; The opinions and statements expressed in 356 Registl) ' magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of 5;6 Registry, Inc., its trustees , officers or the Publisher.Technical dataand procedures described herein arc theopinions oftheauthorsand carrynoclaim ofauthenticity or suilahility for a particular purpose from 3; 6 Regisl'1' or the Publisher, Any procedures described herein arc carried out at the reader's 0I1ll risk. Porsche®, the Porsche crest, Carrera®, Targa® and the distinctive shapeofthe l'orsche models arc trade dress and trademarks of Porsche AG ami are used with permission. Publisher reserves the right 10 edit or refuse puhlication and is not responsihie for errors or omissions. f:11I touriug' is the best. (h·t Oil the nuul ill vour 356. Xo part of 5;6 Ilegist'1' magazine may he reproduced in anyform without the expresswritten permission of the publisher, Copyright ~noo ; hI'3;6 Ilegisl'1', Inc, do RI'~I Auto Books, 21; W. Myrtle St., Stillwater, ~I:i ;;0112. Produced and printed in ,S,A,
On the cover: Agroup of 356s deep in the heart of Florida. See page 18. On the outer wrap: Targa Florio, 1961. AFactory Abarth Carrera #1013 driven by Von Hanstein/linge, It finished 7th overall. l.M. Baker photo.
They compost horses, don't they?
What is it about Convertible Ds and weddings? I was very interested in the MayJ]une article on 356s used forweddings and especially that the majority used Convertible Ds. I have enclosed a copy of our wedding announcement from two years ago featuring my Convertible D. Many people were shocked by the paintingon the side, but that was done by a graphic artist. One of our
We're off on the drive of our lives.
friends was so impressed theyasked ifthey could use mycar for their transport from the church to the reception when they got married - with me driving, of course. I thoughtthis mayhave been a first, but your article proved that wrong. Maybe it's a first in Switzerland' To be honest, we used my '64 VW Beetle to drive to the RegistryOffice as wehad to transport witnesses. Still in the spirit, I think. Dennis Thalman, Srl!itzerland
Richard Miller of San Diego sent this photo as graphic proofthat 356s in California are often licensed and driven year after year.
Volume 29, Number 3
Slowly degrading into its elemental state, this '56 coupe was recently offered on the Looks like it had already seen duty as a planter, but these days the market is such that there are still parts that might be of value, like the sunroof or wheels. Chuck House let me know about the Samba listing, and I contacted the seller who was knid enough toallowuse ofhisphotos and give us, as Paul Harvey says, "the rest of the story." It's a great example of market forces saving even the rustiest hulks at least forparts. Joe Lia, the car's seller, tells the story. The '56 coupe had belonged to a young man who drove and raced the car, then went to University and parked it in his parent's driveway. Some time laterthe parents toldhimit hadto go so he called somefriends and said, "That Porsche you like so much - you canhave it." The new owners drove it north to their cottageand left itthere, outside, for 30 years. Joe heard all this from the people at a machine shopnearhis workplace in Ontario, and contacted the owners, offering $250. "I got a four-wheel-drive truck, a big trailer and drove several hours north. I got within a hundred feet of the car and could get no further." I went back a week later and finallywas able to get to the car. It was a rot box and I didn't knowanythingabout Porsches. I toldthe owner, 'Listen, for $200 I'll take the Porsche and the oldVW parked
Swapping Tires? Go Figure. Jim Serl!e!! of Franklin, Tennessee sent a post to the 356Talk list about comparing tire sizes. Jim referred us to, and several web sites have pickedup this handycalculator that allows you to type in two tire sizes and get comparative results in dimensions of sidewall, radius, diameter, circumference and revs per mile. In short, it's just aboutallyou need to find out what the differences are. You can get results in inches or mm, and see a graphic of the new tire size, superimposed on an outline of the originalsize, from the side or end-wise. It also tells you exactly whatyour speedometer error will be as a percentage.
here.' He said, 'Sure.' 1\vo years later I finally got up there and spent three hours winching it outof the dirt. It came out in two pieces. All the way back home I was thinking about the trips I'd made and the time spent. I thought, I've got a $400 pile of ruston the trailer. "Myneighbor toldmeitwas a great dealand he putit on the Samba for me. Five minutes later he was at his door telling mehe hada buyer. The first offer was for $300, and I thought, maybe I'll get my money back." Joe negotiated briefly until the emails started pouringin. He endedupselling itto a fellowin New York for $2000. They put it on the trailer with a frontloader. So the buyer and sellerwere happy and the parts willhopefullykeepanother 356 on the road. Formore stories ofthe356 living dead, seeAdam Wright's tale on page 18. GM
Euno s Communications Plus Sizing Tire Calcu lator Th is tire calcu lator was first developed for our highly popular .M.i.a.ta..nftl site. Since then, it has been
used by permission by dozens of other automotive enthusiast sites on the net. It has also been linked to from cou ntless other siles l
Use the calculator to see what hap pens to your speedometer rea di~g when you change Ihe size of your ~Ires and wheels. The graphiC sho ws yo ur stock tire selection In an o utline over laid on your new tire selection.
(No te : If all you see Is a grey box belo w , you may not have the latest Java implement ati on in your brow ser . IIY cljc kj og here for ou r pre vio us version.)
stc ck ure
18 5 ~
60 .1-
New tire
20';'''l .-
SO ~ , 15
':' Sfandard
,-, Metr iC
r- "
._ End
St oc k Tire Sidewall : 4.4 in Radiu s: 11.4 in Diameter : 22.7 in Circumf : 71.4 in Rev s/ mi: 88 7.0 New Tlre Sldewall : 4.0in Radiu$ :l1 .S i n Diameter: 23 . 1 in Circu mf:72 .5 i n Rev$/ m i:874.0
Speedometer reading wit h nc n -sroc k tire i s 1.S911 to o slow. When your speecc reads 60mph ,you are actually tra....eling 60.9 n
Thanks very much to Eunos Communications for permission to reproduce.
September 10-11 Ventura, California The Ventura Show, featuring the Carrera's 50th anniversary. Industry show, People's Choice Concours, Lit meet, for Sale corral, seminars and more. m or phone 66I-296-6545, fax 661-263-043 1. September 18 Everywhere Drive Your 356 Day. Send your photos to
[email protected] September 24 Lewisberry, Pennsylvania Thirdannual Vintage German Swap Meet at Ski Roundtop, For more info call Mike Moodyat (7I7)-502-8820. October 14-16 Grand Canyon, Arizona On the 10th running of theJavelina 100 we will use the Grand Canyon as our two night base. We'll tour northern Arizona on Saturday and let the Canyon do the rest. Mike Wroughton, 602-418-2980 or
[email protected]. California November 12-13 The Porsche 356 Club's Fall Festival and Palms to Pines event. See for details.
February 26 Long Beach, California The All-Euro car show and swap meet at Veteran's Stadium, Long Beach. General Admission is $5, under 16 FREE, general parking FREE. Info, registration, plus map and directions, call 661-296-6545, fax 66I-263-043I, email
[email protected] May 25-28 The 356 International Meeting. Details to come. Visit
Padova, Italy
June 25 Henderson, Colorado Gmiind West at George Maybee's. Details to come. Jul y 8-14 Ohio 356Burgh Ohio River Valley Tour. Join us for a scenic, meandering, back roads tour of the Ohio River Valley. More info to come. Contact Bud Osbourne,
[email protected]. September 6-10, Colorado 356 Registry West CO;L~t Holidayat Snowmass and Steamboat Springs. June 26-J uly 1, 2007 Michigan 356Registry E;L~t Coast Iloliday, Boyne lIighlands Resort, Harbor Springs, MI. Details to comc.
Melbourne, Australia November 26-28 20th 356 Parade and the 356 Down Under Tour of Tasmania. Info, see February 25, 2006 Los Angeles, California The Los Angeles Literature Toy and Memoribilia show. For info see or contact Prescott Kelly,Jim Perrin or Wayne Callaway.
Tennessee Tubs' Bar-b-que
Bruce Sueetman
One hundred fifty 356ers converged on Cal 1\lI"IlCr Ill's Brush Pines Farms, just outside of Nashville on June I lth, They came from Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, andSouth Carolina to attend the Tennessee Tubs fourth Annual Bar-b-cue, in spite of rain from Hurricane Adrian. Most 356s that made the rainy trip found shelter under the extended roofof the property's barn. Standouts among event host Cal Turner Ill's rare Porsches this year included 1949 Gmiind coupe #039, a werks RS 60, a Carrera Abarth (#1003), and the last Speedster (#84954). A line-up of Cal's 911 s from '60s models, to a Brumos-prepared "street" RS, to a late model GT3 - pleased the 9 I I enthusiasts in allendance. Afte r wandering through the array of Porsches and filling their concours ballots folks followed their noses to the chowline ofbarbecued ribs and chicken. Those who made the trip were glad they did; even the guywho discovered At aTennessee Tubs' Bar-b-que, thatPorsches mayslip when roads there's noage limit or shame in hav- are wet went home happy - with ing a little sauce on yourself. Just an eyeful ofPorsche and bellyful of shows you're having a good time. barbecue.
September / October 2005
Anew direction for Porsche
news release from Porsche datedjuly 27th seems to bring to closure the company's 53-year-old pursuit ofa truefour-scat automobile. Porschewillbuilda fourth model line (after the 911 , Boxster and Cayenne), a four-seat, fou r-door sports coupe with a choice of front enginesand rear-wheel drive. CalledthePanamera, it isset fora 2009 launch. The new car's name is, of course, derived from the legendary Carrera . Panamericana race. "We will be developing a separate platform for our fourth model line at our Weissach R&D center," said Porsche CEO Wendelin Wiedeking. "There are no plans fora joint venture with another car maker..." Production will be
was to address customers' immediate concerns about spaceinside the car, it seems to me that Porsche had its eye on the sports sedan segment then and has ever since. Sure, four "seats" in a Porsche is nothing new but during the 356 era, aside from those in the]agdwagen and Beutler, seats three and four were vestigal at best. Texas Porsche dealer William Dickhad Troutman & Barnesbuild a fourdoor911 in 1967. Porsche dabbledwith theideaoflarger car throughout the early 1970s, buttherewere also solid business reasons why the company did not build a sedan, aside from simple market considerations. Karl Ludvigsen writes in Porsche, Bxcellence Wits Expected : "Porsche had no wish to compete head-on with Daimler Benz. Its Stuttgart neighbor had always been, and could continue to be, a major customer for Porsche's engineering services." There have been other Porsche "one-offs" in the years since, and Porsche went a little further down the four-scat road with its 928 in 1977. Ludvigsen again: "...its interior space "package" was made just 4-1/2 inches longer than the 911 'SoThiswas enough to squeeze in rear scats that were worthyofthename butnot so roomy that anyone couldaccuse Porsche of buildinga sedan." Ferry Porshe lamented that the transaxle design tookprecious rear-seat room from the car, but he finally gotwhat he wanted. On his 75th birthday he was presented with a four-seat stretched 928. Notwithstanding these "specials," Porsche has never before been fully engaged in the sedan (oops, sorry - sports coupe) market. It's been a long roadfrom Gmiind, and for the first fifty years Porsche was a builder ofsports cars. As the road now branches out in yet another direction, we can assume the company willdo well there justas it has with SUVs, and I wish them every success. I'm sure the new car will have great performance, but I can't help but think this "departure" gives even more significance to the 356 as notjust a productofthe company, but a true symbol ofwhat Porsche stood for when those seven letters were not justa name, but a synonym for "sports car."
Scams and more scams
53 years separate the Panamera, above, from the Type 530, below. Photos from Porsche AG and the Porsche Archives.
in Leipzig, where Porsche already builds the Cayenne SUV and the Carrera GT. Engines will be built in Zuffenhuasen. Expectedsales are at least 20,000 units a year. How docs this relate to our 356s? It was in 1952 that two prototypes were built, a coupe and convertible called type 530. Although they had only two doors, these were the first ofseveral concepts over the years that, it was hoped, wouldallow thecompanytotap into themarket forhigh-performance sedans. While a part of the rationale in extending the wheelbase of the 356
Volume 29, Number 3
I've received a few calls and emails from members responding to my column about internet scams. Yes, I realize most ofyou are waaaay too familiar with these come-ens, but one reader was, at the time, puzzzling over whether he should accept a check for thousands of dollars over the asking pricein payment for his boat, which was then to be shipped to Ireland (what's wrongwith this picture?) The magazine arrived just in time for him to recognize the "offer" as a classic scam. Another reader called after having placed his first online ad on the Registryweb site classifieds. Within a day he had received an "I wish to purchase your item for sale" email. Expecting it, he was highlyamused and gleefully responded as if he was an easy mark, but sprinklingwords about security people and other terms he thought mightsenda chilldown the scamrner's back. My advice to him was, "Don't bother." It's like wrestling with a pig; you're just going to get dirty and thepigenjoys it. The reason for last issue's reprise was a call a few months ago from a long-time Registry member, a smart, accomplished and knowledegable 356 guy. He's not, however, an internet-savvy seller and one of his offerings (through a Registry print ad) had brought him to the point of accepting a cashier's check (for more than the amount required - what a surprisel) He waited just long enough before sending the parts and the "refund" that the check bounced. His breathless phone call asked meto warn other people and to see what the Registrycould do to stop this sort of thing. OK then, consider yourselves warned. And what can the Registry do about this? Forcrying out loud, America Online can't do much about it and theyhave, oh, at least three or four more people on staff than we do. You may have a firewallonyour computer butyour ultimate line of defense is between your ears. Becareful.
From TPR
Welcome to our newest contributor My favorite car magazine - and I gct tons of 'em is Sports C;I I' M;ll'kct , published by Keith Martin . Several issues ago Sebastian Gaeta in his Cabriolet they began a column by Carl Bomstead on eBay sales of collectibles; stuff like oil cans, tire signs, toys, hood ornaments, etc. After the first fell' columns appeared I found myselfgoing immediately to the back page to read about the latest group of eclectic offerings, Carl's take on theirvalue and his pithy comments. It then occured to me that there are enough items of 356 interest offered online at any given time to warrant the same kind of column in 356 Rcgistty And :L~ always, it W:L~ 356Talk to the rescue! I asked the list ifanyone W:L~ interested in authoring such a column, or if they could recommend such a person. There were several volunteers - to whom I offer sincere thanks - and more than one person who suggested Sebastian Gaeta of Michigan. Sebastian has done a stellar job :L~ editor of the Motor Cities Gruppe magazinc, is a savvy and experienced 356 collector and is just a plain good guy. lie brings enthusiasm and knowledge, along with exceptional writing skills to what will be a rcgular feature in our magazine, "Net Worth." I'm VCIY, VC IY pleased to welcome Sebastian and I hope you'll cnjoyhis work ;L~ much as I do. ~
Porsche 356, Guide to Do-it-Yourself Restoration
Porsche 356 Defined, A Pictorial Guide With something for all 356 enthusiasts, authorJimKellogg covers everythingan individual do-it-yourseller needs to know to transform a rusty project carto a restored classic. Presented in aneasygoing. uncomplicated style with numerousphotos. Good info for both novices and those who have experience. Disassembly. paint & rust removal . structural & body repair. paint prep. reassemblyand final detailing. Locating a project car. long lead time items. repro vs. original parts, painterselection and project budgeting.The most up to datechassis number listings and color charts included. Softbound, 112 pages, 215 photos & iIIust. #75823 $24.95
By Dr. Brett Johnson. Year-by-year model descriptions with attention to changes in mechanical and cosmetic details. Chassis number and color info. more accurate thanavailable from thefactory. is providedin easy to use charts. Allmodels, from thecommonplace to thevery unusual are describedand presented with full color photos of over 75original andcorrectly restored 356s. Allare revealed in a way to simplifytheincrediblycomplicated356 lineage andnomenclature.This book is a logical extension of theprevious work, The 356 Porsche, A Restorer's Guide to Authenticity. Softbound, 144 pages, over 350 color photos. 8.5" x 11" #75824 $34.95
TPR, Inc.· 7510 Allisonville Rd.· Indianapolis, IN 46250 Shipping additional ' Charge card holders order toll-free 800 553-5319 • 317-841-7677 · fax 317-849-2001. Order on-line
auality Parts and Personalized Service CSP 413 0 CHROMOLY PUSHRODS $90/SET CSP VENTED FR ONT DISCBRAKE KIT $1595
Our4130chrnmolv pushrods are chosen bV lop engine huilders because IheVare 6ghler , sliffer and superior inqualitvto originalequipment... and are less expensive! Soldinsels of eighl and
Same fealures as our popular fronl disc brake kil w ilh Ihe addition of an internallv-vented rotor for
available in sto ck length or undersized.
increased coolingcapacity and maximum stopping power in extrem e conditions. Germandesign, engineering,materials and workmanship make this
Ihe finesl brake system for your 356Aor B. Requires our s pecial brake masle r cv6nder kit. Now available with oplional5 x130 lugpall ern.
Modeled after Ihe original faclorv wire set , our custom lailored wire sets feature cvlinder numbers on each wire for easy insl allalion, 7mmcopper core, black silicone jackel , German-made beets , seals, and conneclors wilh oriqinal-stvle wire holders and o-rings . Av a~ able with slandard or oplional exIra longconneclor s for easy reach.
PERFORMANCE OIL COOLER $489 The late st heat -transfer findesign for improved air flow with minimumpressure loss. Lighlweighl aircraft alloy con s tru ction helps prevent engine case cracking common to heavy stock coolers.
CSPFULL-FL OWDlLPUMPCOVERS STANDARD $119 PRESSURE RELIEF $159 Made in Germanv of CNC-machined billel aluminum. our fun-flow o~ pumpcovers are s peciallv designed 10 reduce noisy operalion. Avai able inslandard or
pressurerefief versions.
Ignilion limingand valve adjuslmenls are made easier wilh our cuslom degreed crank pullev. CNC-machined anOV,hard anodized 10 resisl wear with machinedtimingmarks for oplimum visibilil V. Stock diameter, uses original belt. Available in 2-hole or 4-hole versions.
LUGGAGE STRAPS $79 The perfecl finishinglouch 10 yourinleriorreslor alion. These highquailV reproduclionluggage slraps malch Ihe originals perfectlv and fealure lop-grain, vat -dyed leal her and premiumnickel-plaled buckles and hardw are. Filsan 356 coupes and a va ~a bl e inblack or nalural.
CSP CARB LINKAGE KIT $59 German-made Ihrollle rods are precision-machined and fealure LH and RH Ihreads on alllhree rods , s pring-lock rodends and at tractive clear zinc plaling. Fils all 356/912 wilh Zenith and Solex carbs.
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[email protected] September / October 2005
arsha and I just returned from the 356 Registry Rocky Mountain Holiday in Banff Canada hosted by Bert and Evelyn Leemburg. The scenery and wildlife were fantastic and the event was superbly organized by our Canadian friends. There were someserious drivers who attended this event with a contingent driving from San Luis Obispo, California and of course,john Harveywas there in his quest to drive to all three Holidays this year. However, I was most impressed with Rainer Cooney and Sid Wilde who drove from New Hampshire to Banff, round trip, both in pre-A Speedsters. Now that's an enthusiast!
Volume 29, Number 3
We just concluded our trustee meeting in Montereyandthe clubis stable, membership is stillgrowingwith a lot of new international members and the club is financially healthy. With the Porsche AG agreement behind us, we can concentrate on other activities to improve servicesto the members such as the web site and new improvements to the magazine. I want to remind everyone thatthe Registryhas three contracts for paid services, i.e, publishing, membership services and managing the Goodie Store. These contracts are renewed annually so if you are interested in submitting a bid, contact one ofthetrustees. The contracts are awarded based on pastand perceived future performance and cost.
ach year, part of the Registry's sevenmember board of trustees is elected. In 2005, four of the seats are open. As of August 15th, sixmembers have been nominated and their candidate statements appear here, in alphabetical order. Please read the statements, andcontact the candidates if you have questions. Then fill out the replycard with your four choices, stamp and mail to be received by the secretary no later than Monday, October 10th. GM
Marsha Headington had a close encounter with some local law enforcement agents. left: Rainer Cooney's Speedster. Below: Chuck and Marsha enjoy the cool glacier air.
Registry Friends, I have been a 356 RegistryTrustee for about one dozen years now, and I think 1am just getting the hang of it. I have been very fortunate to serve with a great group of concerned and dedicatedTrustees and together we have expanded and guided this clubsmoothlyinto a new, and very complicated century. I am proud to have served as your president, vice-president and trustee, and to have been one of the three trustees on the committee thatnegotiated with Porsche AG regarding our "Official Club" Agreement, as well as your representative at the 356 International Meet in Belgium earlier thisyear. I still have plenty of energy left and I am askingfor your vote so I maycontinue to contribute to the 356 Registry. Please remove the ballot from this issue and VOTE! Bob Campbell, Santa Clarita, California.
[email protected] 661 -251-3500
The 2007 356 Registry East Coast Holiday will be in Michigan 6/26 - 7/1 with Dave Peterson from the Motor Cities Gruppestepping up to take on the chairman duties. It will be a five day Holidayso lookforward to some newand exciting events for this one. We still do not have an East Coast Holiday locked in fo r next year (2006) so talk to your local enthusiasts and if you want to consider hosting one, contact me or any of the trustees. The East Coast Holiday in Virginia is just around the corner, September 8-I Ith. It's been sold out for some time and I expectit to be a full house and a great event and location. Marsha and I will be there and hope you were fortnnate enough to register earlyand share in the fun. See you on the road. ~
Dear Members, It's time again for trustee elections and I am asking for your vote to continue as a 356 Registrytrustee. The past two years have been eventful for the Registry board and the primary issue has been to resolve the differences and come to an agreement with Porsche AG regarding a license agree-
356 Registry Trustee Election 2005 - 4 Open Positions ment for the club. As president, 1led this effort through a complicated seriesof direct communication and negotiation with Porsche AGmanagement; byengaginga very competent trademark atto rney to help our case and by resolving differences between the trustees to reach a unanimous board agreement. The end result was a new license agreement and equallyimportant, a new relationship with Porsche AG and PCNAwhich leaves the 356 Registry secure and independent for the future while addressing Porsche's trade mark issues. In addition, I've made various contributions in resolving other club issues, large and small, as they arose and have made a point to attend everyHolidayfor the past few years as president. I reallyenjoythe cars and the people in the 356 Registryand wish to continue to volunteer my time to help the club. Thank you for your past support and I ask that you continue that support in the future. Chuck House, Fountain Valley, California
[email protected] 714-418-0779 Dear Members, Timeis fiying when you are having fun . During the last two years, as one of yo ur trustees, 1was involved in the day-today activities of managing your club together with the officers and other trustees. 1enjoyed seeing the progress made in manyareas and I :UI1 proud of being part of it. We still have many projects to finish :md I am asking for your vote in this election so 1C:lll continue being part of the management of this wonderful organization. As your treasurer 1have faced a number of hurdles during the last two years. However, I am pleased to report that we are sailing on an even keel.There are always newchallenges in the financial world of a club our size, butwe arc well funded and with your support, 1wil! be able to continue keeping the financial part ofour club on solid ground. 1appreciate your support in the past and thank you for your vote again in this election. Roland Lohnert, Castle Rock, Colorado.
[email protected] 303-663-4363
Dear 356 Registry Members: My 356 Credentials: 1boughtmy second 356 in 1987 when looking to emulate the most 'fun' car 1ever owned - a 'C' coupe purchased newin 1964. Shortlythereafter, 1found myselfinvolved in the 1988 East CO:lSt Holiday. Since then, 1 have actively participated in the 356 Motor Cities Gruppe in various positions, including two stints :IS President. 1served on the planning te
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Volume 29, Number 3
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fyou have been around long enough, you remember the original Brooklands reprints, These were muddy reprints of English language contemporary road tests. Brooklands published several volumes of ever increasing price (the first in the late '70s listed at $5.95), page number, qualityof reprint (the first were hideous), obscurity of magazine and, of course, price. I would have sworn that, after 35 years, every 356 Porsche roadtest in English had been reprinted - but Unique Motor Books, also outof England, has found more tests, andsurprisingly, from well known magazines. However, continuing with tradition, the reproduction is truly miserable - the importer describes it ;L~ "Xerox quality" and that is being generous. Even the name, PORSCHE SUPER 75 AND SUPER 90, is a misnomer. The books starts with a road test of a '57 Carrera Speedster, followed bya roadtest ofa .53 coupe by IIII{OC:lf - in its day one of the two major weeklies. I had seen neither of the tests in other reprints. Then, following no logic but its own, facto ryservice data from 1959 forthe 1300, 1300S, 1600, 1600s is reprinted. Ifyou are looking for a 356 road test, and it is not in the Brooklands series, it maywell be here - especially popularare 356B-T5 and 356B-T6tests, hence the name I suppose. Unfortunatelyexpensive at a list of $28.95, in the US (don't let anybodytellyou we don't have very significant inflation, at least against just about anyone else's currency) it's a marginal book.
Bob Tomlinson's Original WEBER TECH MANUAL (Super Tune-Up Guide for VW and Porsche Engines), promises more than it can deliver. The first 20 pages are devoted to a fascinating historyof the development of performance carburetion, primarily driven byWest CO:L~ t dune
buggies. Unfortunately, the factual basis ofthehistoryis in some doubt: "The year W;L~ 1955, dual Zenith NDIX carburetors were being replaced by the larger Solex 40mm I'll models." Turns out thatBob's father is Claude of Claude's Buggies. The next chapter moves right to "Bolt 'Em On." The second paragraph warns that it would not be practical to have the carbs correctly jetted, but they should be close enough to run. Photos are decent, though ofan air-cooled VW(inexpensive book, inexpensive paper and reproduction) and the step-by-step installation instructions seem to make sense. Particular emphasis is placed on proper linkage (I seem to remember Saint Harry using this ;15 a selling point). Weber no longer provides right and left carburetors, but instructions on the conversion are given. The end of the chapter covers troubleshooting, listing available jet sizes along with a jelling chart. Clearly useful, but it seems to me that life would be simplifi ed if the information W;1S more specific (the chartcovers 500cc to 2000cc). Possibly of great usefulness is a closelyspaced 5 pages of original Weber applications with jet, choke and emulsion sizes - the Iamborginl Urraco SS used Weber 36 IDF carbs with 1.20 main [ets, in C:L~e you are having trouble finding some. You may be charmed to know that the original application of Weber 40 IOF W;1S
on a FIAT 124 1600 sport coupe, with 1.25 main jets, This, the most co m m 0 n re place me nt carb is specificallycovered in 6 pages. Then and only then we get to "How They Work" - a decent primer. The Iollowing chapter covers the 48 lOA. Amazingly, the 48 IDA is a totally different design from the 40 IOF, similar only in being a downdraft twin barrel. The 48 IDA carbs arc clearly extremely high class units, unfortunately they are much too large for our pushrod motors, but just right on a 2000cc 904. No one is goingto put DCOE (side draft) or 34 ICI{ carburetors (single barrel Chrysler France) on a 356, but they arc there, along with dozens of others. Clearly the book lacks focus, probably due to a misguided desire to increase the page count, but ;L~ a cheap (list $18.95) primer for those of you who deviated from the path of automotive righteousness and originality and stuck Webers onyour Porsche, it mayprovide some help.
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'\t September I October 2005
Recent items of interest sold through the internet marketplaces
Sebastian Gaeta t is hard to argue the fact that eBay and other online marketplaces have foreve r changed the complexion of part swapping in the automotive hobby. There is also no denyingwhat it brings to the buyers: convenience and the chance to purchase items thatmightotherwise take endless phonecalls or attendingmultiple swap meets to find. It's true thatthe winning bidder sometimes pays a premium over swap meet value, but the immediacy of the transaction can sometimes make it a bargain - especially if you factor in the cost of food, gas, andlodging for out-of-town swaps. While the final price is definitely part of the equation and will be discussed, our mission here is notto sensationalize or swoon over the highest bid ever seen on hard-to-find parts. Rather, our focus will be on tracking trends and presenting unique items sold online that are ofinterest to us Porschephiles. The followingauctions all occurred in the june/luly 2005 timeframe.
Wear it with pride at the next Rennsport reunion, but by then who knows how many more copies will be out there. early '60s, the year of registration and the words "US Forces in Germany" were stamped right onto the plate along with the registrationnumbers. The earlier dated plates tend to bring more than the later ones (I've seen single dated plates sell for around $50) so the fact that this is a matching set makes this a nice find.
Badge of Honor Bids: 10 sold for: $60.21 Do u b i e your pleasure with this St. Christopher I I.e Mans car badge. St. Christopher, the patron saint of travelers, has also been the namesake for the Porsche factory publication since 1952. Paired with a logo of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, where Porsche has had moreoverall victories (16) than any other manufacturer, this badge would be ideal on a 356. $60 is about twice as much as the going rate for a St Chris badge, but the Le Mans logo easily makes it worth the premium. The only negative is that it mounts on a badge bar versus a grill, but we 356 owners tend to be enterprising enough to modify this for a "proper" mounting.
1959 US Forces in Germany license plate Bids: 2, soldfor: $58.96
Some us servicemen stationed in Germany in the '50s and '60s drove 356s and registered their cars with these special plates. Up until the
Saint Christopher Steering Knob Bids: 13, sold for: $99.00 This may not excite the B/C owners, but AlPre-A owners who want to accessorize their cars might find this attractive. Another St. Christopher item, this one can best be described as "kitschy" . Steering knobs are very 50's and by the number of bids placed, we can see that there are still quite a few people out there enamored with that era. $99 is a little tall for a steering knob, but the St. Christopher aspect really appeals to the V\VlPre-A crowd.
Gulf Porsche Jacket- Steve McQueen in
'Le Mans." Bids: 39, soldfor: $285.00 This is virtually an exact copy of the jacket McQueen wore in the movie "Le Mans". With 39 bids placed, that says that there is a real market for these, especially when 5 of those bids were above $200. If you are a fan of the movie then you'll probablylike the idea ofowningthe jacket.
T-5 Steering Wheel w/Deluxe Horn Ring Bids: 5, sold for: $1500.00 H/C steering wheels have generally lagged behind NPre-A wheels, but thatmay be changing. Whilegood B/C wheels traded forever for around $100, they now generally go for around $150 depending on condition of the spokes, which are difficult to restore. DeLuxe Horn Rings don't come up for sale often on eBay, or privately for that matter, and generally sell for about $300 to $500 in good condition. Whilea combination T-5 wheel with horn ringshould then logicallysell for $400 to $700 depending on condition, thisset up sold for an astounding $1,500. But let's take a closer look. Both wheel and horn ling were described as in perfect condition, and the closeup photos support this, as well as the seller's 100% eBay rating with 429 rated transactions. This could actuallyhave been a great deal forboth parties. If money was no object and I was restoring a T-5 Roadster for an upcoming concours, then this represents immediate bolt-on satisfaction at its best. A private sale at this year's Stoddard meet for the exact same combination netted $425. Both wheel and horn ring were in very good hut not concours condition, and was probahly closer to the typical price for this item.
356 AManuals Bids: 1, sold for: $500.00
Speed Age Volume 5 issue 1 Bids: 5, sold for: $34.56 This magazine from May of 1951 trumpets the "new" Porsche sports car on its cover and inside with a I 1/2 page article. It is one of the earliest known magazine articlescoveringthe 356 and showed six different illustrations of both Gmiind and Stuttgart built cars. The magazine was advertised as inexcellent conditionwith "normal" wear, and brought a final bid of $34.56. Not bad ifyou need one for your collection, but I got my copy from Vic Skirmants at the '98 East Coast Holiday for $10. Thanks Vic!
Vintage Porsche Watch Bids: 22, sold for: $291.07 A classic watch dealer in Stuttgart auctioned a most interesting vintage watch with a Porsche logo at the 12:00 position. While newer quartz movement watches sporting the company's crest are fairly common and sell in the $20 to $50 range (save for the Motochron), this 356 era example sold for $291.07 with 22 bids placed. This is really not surprising when you consider how unique this hand-wind watch is compared to the run of the mill newer timepieces. Its condition appeared to be very good and I'm sure the new owner will wear it with pride. Averynice find.
356 Training Chassis Bids: 10, Reserve Not Met The well known Bill Jones 356 training
chassis went up for auction in mid-July. There were only two made, one going to Max Hoffman and the other to John von Neumann.This one is the M:LXHoffman chassis and has been restored to near concours standards. The von Neumann chassis was dismantled and sold for parts in 1963, leaving this one :L~ the sole survivor. For
more information, see the last Registry: The starting bid was $25,000 with a "Buy it Now" price of $50,000. Bidding was a bit slow at fi rst which prompted the seller to lower the reserve in mid auction. Anewcomer placed three bids within the last five minutes of the auction, which raised the pri ce to $32,000, but the reserve was never met. It's a bit surprising that one of the big time collectors did not step up and buy this as it is a documented, one of a kind piece of Porsche history It wouldn't surprise me to see it up for auction again soon, perhaps with a different outcome. Or possibly now that the chassis is known to be for sale and a baseline of sorts has been set for its value, wemaysee a private sale.
Here we have an auction for four different 356A manuals that got the attention of only one bidder. Described as in good condition, the lot included a driver's manual, parts manual, shop manual and shop manual supplement. According to literature collector Harry Burnstine, the price was light for all fo ur manuals, so why only one bidder? Ifyou think about it, most people may already have one or two of these and may not be interested in buying the whole lot. This may have been a case of two people being in the right place at the right time. Perhaps the seller wanted the convenience of moving all fo ur of his manuals at once and the buyer was looking for one stop shopping. A match made in eBay heaven?Verypossible.
Vasek Polak lives On. Bids: 19, sold for: $430.00 Vasek Polak License Plate Frames have become virtually de rigueur with the accessories crowd, and this one quickly caught the attention of 10different bidders who pressed the button 19 times. This was not surprising as the photos supported the claim of it being "mint and unmounted" (the frame shown here is not the actual item that was auctioned, butone that is identical). For those of you not familiar, Vasek Polak was a longtime Porsche dealer in Manhattan Beach, California with strong ties to the factory racing department. Polak has passed on and the dealership is now in Hermosa Beach, but this frame is an original from the Manhattan Beach era. Lately I have heard ofthese changing hands privatelyfor $500, so $430 was a good buy. These frames are just like real estate - theyaren't makingany more- so ifyou are a man who has everythingand are just itchin' to spend some money, then one of these should be in your future.
Speedsters Down Under Bids: 4, sold for: AU $14.10 (US $10.54) Here we have a nice copy of IVIJeels Magazine Vol. 4 No. 3, January 1956. The description in the ad simply read "Road test on the Porsche Speedster," leading one to believe that the article may have been a one or two page affair. I like to collect items like this; that is, rarely seen Porsche itemsthat have little valuein the collector's marketplace and can be bought with $5s and $1Os, not cashier's checks. Just because you don't see itoften doesn't make itvaluable, butitis a cheap wayto impress your non-Porsche friends! Comments, questions or criticism isencouraged and welcome. 1 can be reached at
[email protected]
t took approximately 2-112 years to put the first 100,000 kilometers (62,137 miles) on my 1958 Speedster. The calendar showed closer to three years; for five months ofthat time, theSpeedsterwas ina friend 's garage while I was driving my 1960 Roadster. We reached the 200,000 km (124,274 mile) mark in September, 1963; four years and three months to get to the second 100,000. By that time I had decided if I wanted the Speedster tolast, I'd better get another car fordailyuse. The factory's response to my letter of notification included "...thank you for intelligent and sensible driving." Perhaps some of my driving didn't live up to that. Nor did I tell them that the original Normal engine had been replaced bya '60 Super. In August, 1970 we reached 300,000 km (186,411 miles) . The factory response to this notification included "...This indicates you are a good driver and your car has been carefully looked after." I didn't mention to them that I had converted to a late 741 transmission, 356C disc brakes and after-marketwheels. I don't know the date but we reached the 200,000 mile (321,869 km) mark as Will Zobbe and I were returning to Indy from viewing the Sauter Roadster in Bill Crabtree's salvage yard in New Castle, Indiana. Ray Knightended up buying thatcar and restoring it. I have no record of when we reached 400, 500, or 600,000 km, but I do remember thatwe turned 350,000 miles (563,272 km) while on a Central Indiana RegionlPCA tour. I made a tripto San Antonio inApril '93 and turned 400,000 miles (643,739 km) on the way home. I have no record of when the 700,000 km (434,959 mi) was reached. En-route home from the 356 Registry Gulf Coast Holiday this pastApril we sawtheodometer roll overto 497,096 miles (800,00km). I bought a small "8" sticker to putover thefirst numeral on the original 100,000 km badge received from the factory over 43 years earlier. Last Sunday, we were en-route home from the50th Porsche Parade in Hershey, Pennsylvania when we saw a sign reading "REST AREA 13 MILES." I hadit figured that we would reach the 500,000 mile markin 12miles. We probably had about 0.85 miles to play with before thelast zero started turning to one but I was on pins and needles as we drove along the shoulder with the odometer reading 00000. We didn't make it tothe reststop by about 100 yards.Judy tooksome pictures of the odometer and then we went on into the rest stop for more photos. It's hardfor meto accept thefact thatittooktwelve years forthis latest lOOK mile increment. I must getoutand drive thatcar more often. After all, it reallyis an enjoyable experience ...unless it's raining. Hoping the car and I both see the "00000" ~ again. Mike Robbins
The odometer in Mike Robbins' Speedster shows zero for the sixth time as it turns half a million miles.
In late 1957, a person unknown to me ordered a Speedster to be built to hisspecifications. The specifications included thefollowing: Black with red interior 1600 Normal engine Coupe seats Rudge wheels Delete hood handle Delete speedster script on front fenders Delete aluminum stripon sides of body The car was built in January, 1958 and shipped through Hoffman Motors to Sagan's VW-Porsche in Uniondale, Long Island, NY. The car satforsome time, waiting for theordererto pay thebalance andtake delivery. After a period ofseveral weeks, Paul Sagan, owner ofthedealership, told the orderer that he, Sagan, could nothold thecarany longer anditwas to beconsidered as saleable to any interested buyer. I don't know when that happened, but it might
Volume 29, Number 3
have been June 1, 1958. In any case, I hadgone from Indianapolis toNew York, armed with a list of dealers in the NYC area and lower New England in search ofa new Speedster. All ofthe Midwest dealers I had contacted either had no more Speedsters coming or if they did, the cars were already sold. On June 2nd I walked into Sagan's showroom where two new Speedsters sat. I hadmy choice ofthespecial ordered black normal or a bone stock red Super. You know which one I picked and the next day we closed the sale. The car has been driven in the48 contiguousStates, Canada and Mexico. I no longer own the original engine or transmission , having upgraded to later, improved mechanicals including conversion todiscbrakes. The car has been raced in SCCA, competed in SCCA National rallies and has been driven to 44 Porsche parades, all but one 356 Registry East Coast Holiday, all butone Gulf Coast Holiday and severalWest Coast Holidays. MIl
veryyear theVintage Sports Car Club ofAmerica puts ona hillclimb event at Mt. Equinox located in southwest Vermont, not far from tourist-friendlyManchester. This event is significant forseveral reasons. VSCCA, one oftheoldest sportscar clubs inthe country, has been doing Equinox for over 50 years. This challenging 5.3 mile run up the mountain draws competitors from all over the country The entries are limited to pre-1960 sports cars and race cars, bringing out a great mix of Indy racers, Bugattie, Allards, MGs, Jaguars, E1vas, and Porsches ofthe 356 type among others. Porsche was wellrepresented bya number ofcars. Bill Haupt, theevent chairman, competed with his 1952 Denzel and Wach special, a car comprised ofa 356 engine and parts. The Wach is quite unique although similar to the Denzel, also driven byco-owner IIoward Gilmore. Another car with ties to the 356 was Bill Rutan 's '52 VW bathtub; there's not much left from the old VW other than a shortened pan, running gear and hood. The 4 cam Carrera engine iswhat makes the little beasty go really fast- it's often a contenderfor fastest time ofday. Robert Laepple competedwith his nicelyturnedoutandveryfast red '57 coupe. Ed Hyman, owner ofseveral 356 cars, ran his well prepped '56 white coupe. David Baker drove his white convertible D. Another car ofinterest was a 1949Allard owned anddriven byGerald Lettieri.Although quite different in construction from a Porsche, it still connects to the 356 in a somewhat distant way. This Allard was previouslyowned byZora Arkus Duntovandused as a development vehicle for his many engineering ideas, including the Ardun engine that currently powers the car. The event went well, allcompetitors had as manychances to runup the mountain as they wanted, and no one fell of the edge. The weather was hot but it did not rain, so all in all the Porsche gods were smiling.
By John Meigs
Photos by John Meigs, Jr. and Ed Hyman
ill -0 :;
o '0 a. E
Skyline Drive twists andturns 5.2 miles to its summit. This course has someof the trickiest miles in any form of racing, with 41 turns, 20 of which are hairpins (switchbacks) and an elevation increase of 3,140 ft. Except for one short downhill stretch, you climb all the way, running close to, sometimes a bit over, redline to avoid the risk of bogging down in a higher gear.
left from top: Bob laepple, Bill Haupt, Dave Baker's Speedster, Ed Hyman Above: The Wach Special driven by Howarth Gilmore,Below: Bill Rutan's VW four-cam special.
September / October 2005
By Rick Danielson
come togetHer or t e ove 0 autoracing and Children's Hospital. These two groups, the Society of Vintage Racing Enthusiasts (SOVREN) and the SOVREN Guild of Children's Hospital, makethe Pacific Northwest Historics the
the Northwest. SOVREN Guild volunteers never lose sight oftheir true mission: to help ensure qualitymedical care for patients ofChildren's Hospital and their families. Sunday was bright and sunny for the 17th Annual Pacific Northwest Histories. 1 arrived early to wander through the pits and look over the racers and their hardware. 356s were well represented in race groups 2 and 3. BruceRoss, ('62 coupe), DeanWatts, ('60 Roadster), Leonard Turnbeaugh (Convertible D), and Paul Christensen ('56 Speedster) were up from Nevada and California. Ned Bacon in his nice '61 Notchback was there as well. Walt Cox competed in his '55 Speedster. Of course, Denny Aker was in the '53 Pooper and his son Mark racing his 56 Speedster. Emory Motorsports had a few "new"
from top: Mark Aker holds the line in his 56 Speedster. Ron Federspiel has hot pursuit as he heads into turn 3B. Ned Bacon's Notchback undergoes "surgery" prior to the next race. #124 in the background is Denny Aker's 1953 Pooper.
P£RSONALIZ£D AUTOHAUS. INC. 356 Tall 4th Gear Available - 28/21 Ratio Quality 356 Repair & Restoration Vintage Race Prepar ati o n
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Volume 29, Number 3
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356s in their stable:Dick Dickers' '60 Notchback was driven by Rod Emory. It's a beauty. In the program the car's unique color was described as "rust." The nice blue '60 coupe of Doug Shapiro was also a newly prepared Emory car. The exDick Barbour '60 Roadster was in the stable as well. I had an opportunity to spend some time talking with Rod Emory about their 356 racers and howtheyare prepared. All of their customers' 356s have basically the same running gear: an engine built by Arthur Conner that rates at about 135 hp. The engine cases are 912 cases and the gearboxes are set up with no first gear, and run a 2A, 3E, 3B, and 4A ratios, all utilizing a limited slip. Suspensions are all of the same type. Rod says this tends to "equalize" the equipment, allowingdrivers to excel based on their individual skill. It also simplifies maintenance ,1I1d "set up" issues. The 356 Group Northwest corral was a little light, with four cars on Sunday. I don't know the numbers for Saturday's race, but I suspect the West Coast Holiday being held at the same time in Banffhad something to do with it. The afternoon Group 2 racehad Dean Watts dicing with Ned Bacon's '61 Notch . Paul Christensen and BruceRoss did somecompetitive dueling as well. The Group 3 race had a huge field of forty cars,with eleven 356s. Skip Winfree finished secondoverallin his '60 Roadster. Ten out of the first fourteen spots went to 356s and they dominated the E Production class. Fun stuff! were both exciting and enjoyable. It is a real treat to have such a fi rst class vintage racing event in the Seattlearea. It's a great chanceto seesome very exotic vintage cars competing "at speed". The turnout fo 356s makes it especially fun. And, it is gratifying to know that the proceeds benefit Children's Hospital. If you missedit this year, take it in next year. You won't be disappointed. ~
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The Whatzits For those of you who have no idea what the first itemsare, take some consolation in the fact I didn't tellyou what model they fit. These clips are from an A, securingthe brush holderts) to the steeringcolumn . These brushes are the contacts that connect the horn and light flashers to the wiring harness take a look under your A dashboard. The middlegasket is something you A owners look at every time you're behind tbewheel - it secures the steering column to the bottom of the dash, \~1ICth e r you own an early or later car you should at least recognize the bottom photo ofa captive nut plate. Those four bolts that holdyour door hinges on? This is where they mount.
Trevor's Hammerworks Phone 440-953-0501
Fax 440-602-9885
Online at : www .356panels .com
September / October 2005
even 356 racers made the trip to Barber Motorsports Park for the Birmingham Histories on April Fools' weekend. All, with exception ofJohn Schrecker, raced this tightchallenging track for the first time. Busy is the key word, as you are not goingstraight very long and changingelevation often on the 2.4 mile course. George Balbach, Dale Erwin andJohn Biggs must have learned the trackfromJohn Schrecker, becausethey were fast in all sessions right off the haulers. Jeffery Pitt, Perry Tennell and Jim Matthews tooka little more time to convincetheir beauties to rhythm. George was fastest in all sessions but lost the enduro to Dale andJohn S. This course seems perfect for our 356s with its medium-length straights and fast corners includingthe mini corkscrew and kink. This facilitymay be the best in the nation, so put it on your schedule.
At the other end of April, fifteen 356 racers met at Road Atlanta for the Mitty. If you're a sports car racer, you have either raced here or you want to. This is the hardest track to learn quickly. Whenthereare big fieldsit's important to gooutfastto ensure a fast laptosetyour place for the event. Vic Skirmants was fastest in all sessions less the enduro where Mark Eskuche was less than
Volume 29, Number 3
three tenths faster in George's roadster. So, Vic led the way in practice followed by George, David Burton, Dale, Paul Swanson,Jim Voss, Perry, Tim Baker and John S. Atick back on the clock was Phil "the KID" Kubik, Bob Maholick,John Mayer, Ernie Cabrera,Jim M. andJeffery. In the first race of theevent, The Klub Sport Challenge, Vic was fast and first followed by fast 91Is, George, Paul, Dave and Dale. The next day's qualifying race finished in the same order with Jim V. close behind. The day ended with an enduro where Vic and George had an epic battle with Vic winning, followed by George, Dale, Dave and Jeffery Pitt. The event ended the next day in another battle with Paul giving Vic his first loss of the event in a last lap pass. John Schrecker came to the front with an engine change before the feature, so power does help! Next on the HSR Schedule was Watkins Glen in June with a lot of rain for our three 356s to slide in. Paul was fastest in wet practice followed by Edward Diamond, Perry and a ton ofAustin Healys. Paul and Perry both had to learn this trackin thewet withonlya few drysessions. Edward passed Paul for the win as he slid off course in the wet Klub Sport Challenge. The next day Paul out- qualified Edward in the wet as Perry waited out the weather. In the first dry session Paul won the qualifying race followed by Ed and Perry who were very close on the time sheet. The day ended with a dry enduro, with Edward carrying the 356 flag to victory. Paul Swanson dominated the feature in the dry followed by Edward andwoundedPerry turninghisfastest lap to exit early. 1\\'0 356 racers traveled to Virgi nia International Raceway the weekend after "Independence Day." This very fast but safe course is also one of the most competitor-friendly. Paullearned the track very quicklyand topped Perry on all time sheets. This was Paul's second new trackin a rowand he is very fast again. There seem to be 356s racing almost every weekend somewhere in the US. I can onlytell you aboutthetracks andthe groupsI know. I amsure itwould be exciting at any trackwith any group as longas thereare 356s to racewith. Until next time, brake dance!
Far left: William Swarz in the rain at the HSR Watkins Glen event. Top: John Biggs, Sommet des Legendes, Mt. Tremblant, Quebec. Above: Jim Matthews feels the pressure from Tim Baker (331) and Dale Erwin (02) at the HSR Mitty, Road Atlanta in late April. Below: Lane Mally leads Hans Peter Handal at Mid-Ohio. Robert Harrington photos
hile visiting friends and family back in Wisconsin earlier this month, I made time to visit some of our ilk at the Beer, Brats & Bathtubs inaugural event in Elkhart Lake for the just formedWisconsin356Club. The name ofthe event told me that these folks have their priorities in order! I'd say there were about 25 356s in attendance from a 5-state area, plus a nice '72 911, and even a few old V\V buses were there showing proper German support. I recognized several names from 356Talk. I met several nice folks there, including Rolf Schermer, a retired 356 mechanic living in Arizona who was a lot of fun to talk with. While a beautifully restored red '57 SHC won the concours, there were someother outstandingcars there includingJimStephenson's beautiful Speedster. The larger car showlater that day in Elkhart Lake had someamazing eye candy. Ncar the end of the event (we were still there, theystill had beer), somedoor prizes were given out via raffle tickets you got upon entry. 1 won a bottle ofwine, whilemyfriendGeorge (not a 356er, just a friend interested in attending the event with me - he was hoping to win a dozen Titlest ProVgolf balls) won the nice 356watercolor print donated by a local gallery. lie handed it to me and said, "I'd told myselfthat if 1won the print, I'd give it to you." I said, "No way, but I'll
Brats and Bathtubs, Suds and Sunshine at Elkhart lake trade you the wine for the print," andthe deal was done. Maybe two seconds later, a nice gal tapped George on the shoulder andasked ifshecan trade a dozen ProVgolf balls she'd won for the print, and George said, "Sorry, the print is spoken for but I'll trade you this bottle of wine for the golf balls." Another done deal, everybody's happy. I take a look at the golf balls George traded the wine for, and started laughing. The guy who donated the golf balls, and attached his business card with a note "Keep The Faith" scrawled across it, was a guy 1 knew in college in the late 1970s who is now president of Surnmerfest in Milwaukee. Small world, eh? My hat's offto the Wisconsin 356 Club for a great starting event. As a fo rmer cheesehead, youse guys (and gals) done good! Stene Buggy
Scottsdale, AZ
The Brian Redman International Challenge A July Friday night in downtown Elkhart Lake: race cars drive into town, doing burnouts on Main to the delightof the crowd. Exotic machines fill the streets, the band plays, the bar is open. On Saturday
A906 is not an easy car to drive at 10 mph, but the crowds lining the streets loved the traditional parade of race cars.
Tom Trabue's Abarth Carrera was one of dozens of Porsches admired by young and old on Friday evening. September / October 2005
Member's free ads
The classified are exclusivelyfor members' non-commercial use.Include yourmember numberwhen submittinganad. Ads are limited to50words or less of typed copy.The right toedit or refuse publication is reserved; we are not responsible for errors, omissions ormisrepresentation. If you place you r adon-line at 356registry.orgyou can alsohave it appearinthe magazine. Ads subm itted tothemagazine onlydo not appear online. You mustsubmit an onlinead at the web site. Note: One car for sale permember,perissue.
CONDITIONS OF SALE/PURCHASE 1.Seller willshipitemwithin 7 daysof receipt ofpayment.If buyer pays with personal check, seller willship within 7 daysaftercheck is honored. 2. If buyer is not satisfied with the item , buyer may return item at buyer'sexpense.Within 7 days ofreturn of iteminsame condition as received bybuyer,seller will refundthe price. 3. Seller assumes risk of non-delivery when item is shippedto buyer. Buyer assumes risk of non-delivery when item is returned to seller. 4. Unlessotherwisestated, cost ofshipping will be inadditionto item price. 5. By placing advertisementsin the356 Registry, seller agrees totheseconditions. By ordering,buyer agrees totheseconditions. 6. Ifthe conditionsofsalearenotmet, advertiser's/ purchaser's Registry membership will be terminated. if you have a legitimate concern about a transaction you feel has not met the conditions above, please contact Vic Skirmants at 27244 Ryan Rd., Warren, M1 48092. Fax 810-558-3616.
PLEASE READ • ALLADS MUST CONTAIN THE SELLER'S FULL NAME. In offering a car, include you r askingpriceplus chassis, engine serial numbers. • Ads MUST include yourcity/state, so buyerswill know wherethe item is located. • Also include you r membershipnumber so that we canverifyyou are a Registry member. • Ads mustbereceived four weeks before the cover date. If your ad arrives after the deadline, we will hold it until the next issue unless youinstruct otherwise. • The Registry willnot publish any advertisement oradvocateany service which directly promotesthealterationorcreation of serial or 1.0. numbers normally found on the factory "Kardex" or Certificate of Authenticity. • Send yourfree member ads to website link, the mail address belowor email to GordonMaltby
356 Registry 215 W. Myrtle St. -Stillwater, MN 55082-4804
*'57 Spdstr, Redlbeige, beautiful older restoration. New engine w/ high perf. parts by Sid Collins @ TroySport. Absolutely no rust, very solid. $85,000. Carlos Bertizlian.407-947-0209
[email protected] '59 ACoupe1600 N#105884, engine 72167, transmission 52052. Engine and chassis have matching #'s. Brakes, door hinge, bumpers, paint, interior needwork. CleanKY title. $15,000IBO. Sold as is, buyer picks up. Grant Bryant 3567 Mitten Dr., Elsmere, KY 41018. 859-342-7990, ET. Pies at *59/60 356-A Coupe, #108714, engine #84387. Garaged since 1975. Pan, longs, batt box replaced. Engine and trans overhauled. Needs exterior body and upholst. work. Car runs. Price $11 ,500 obo. Must sell. Any serious offer considered. Bill Vickland, Arlington, VA. 703-527-5302 *'60 BCoupe Racer. Fully prepared andmaintained
Volume 29, Number 3
by Ecurie Engineering. Ruby Red w/yellow nose. Fresh engine. Virtually all racing extras. Fast, qualified 1/2 second behind Skirmants on his home track. CalVE-mail for pies/spec, sheet. $33,000 OBO. (847) 945-2514,
[email protected] . Car available fo r inspection at Mequon, WI *'60 Drauz Roadster #87566 with SC engine PDK 810079. Well restored example, ivory over tan. Call or write for portfolio of pictures & details. $58,500 US. Chris Swantko, 63 Burbank Circle, Everett, Ontario, Canada !.OM IJO. 705-435-0938. *'62 S/90 Cab #157663; Engine #806483; Champagne Yellow; Black. Owned for 20 years; very strong rebuilt engine. 1750 NPR's. Top, Seats Autos International. New tires; orig. floor, batt box. Rare Factory fresh air blower; locking trans; Not concours; but a lovely car; $45,000.00. Peter Aziz, Toronto (Canada). 416-921-3809 or 416-961-6573 *'63 B Super 90 Cab, #157780. Signal red/black. Photo documented strip/respray. Perfect gaps. Engine rebuilt to SC specs 15,000 miles ago. Wooden steering wheel, headlight grills, Leitz luggage rack. $49,000 obo. Carl O'Merle, RR #5, E. Stroudsburg, PA 18301. 570-424-1559 nights. *'64 356sc sunroof cpe #216801 engine #811027, redlblack 7k on total resto of a numbers matching SC. This is an outstanding driver. Call, e-mail for details. $32,500
[email protected] or 937746-2828 days. Shane Mears, Middletown, OH. *'65 356C, VIN #127989, Eng. #P-83094, silver/red interior. New paint & interior, engine rebuilt 6/05. Roll-bar. No rust, no Bondo, runs/drives. Very nice car. $14,900 obo. Car is in Rhode Island. "Welcome Home", askforJon.Jon Ernest, 401-568-5640.
arts FerryPorsche signed photo portraits: B&W (1980's), color (1990's); 1972-73 Factory showroom poster collection: 917, 911S, Carrera RSR [pgs 99-109] as a 101 or individually; 356&Spyder posters: the finest selection in the world. Panorama 10-11/1957; 2 & 1211958; 7,9,11,1211959; large memorabilia & literaturecollection. 38 page list by email:
[email protected] 831 659 155 1 '64-65 Ccoupe interior. New, all leather tan byAutos In!'1. Complete w/door panels, side andrear panels, seat covers, carpet etc.Verycorrect interiorofthefinestworkmanship. neverinstalled $2,000. Money backif notdelighted. Also 2 oil coolers. 1-'65used $150. 1-NOS $250 .One onlysplit shaft NO carb $200 Ex. cond, Original Factory service manuals. Contact Terry Moore in Cambria, CA at (805) 924-1485 or *65 356C complete turnsignal.Assembly(left) amber lens, $75. Beads (2), '58 356A11600S, $150. Radio face plate& chrome piece, $20. Door handles (Insidcl/windowcranks, wiper arms. Phone 401-568-5640 and ask for Jon. Jon Ernest, Rhode Island. *Repaired 'C' engine w/$3 ,500 in parts, labor shop receipts, 2001.Not usedsince. Crankcase marked 616/33I, #011167.No front, side and rear cover plates, no flapper boxes. 12V generator and coil, ANSA muffler. Motor camewith engine-less Carrera, don't needit. $2,900 crated, FOB. Bertram Pawlak, Irvine, CA. 949-650-8100.
*Fr. Torsion bar assembly from "C" w/arms. Not from wreck, $200. Cowl/dash forC, $50. Shippingarranged. 6 v. Permatune ign, unused, $80 obo. Reed Tindall, 1972 Cambridge Ln S.W., Olympia, WA98512. 360-943-8460 or
[email protected]. *B roll bar, $200. Porsche flag, 3' x 5', $65, free ship. Factory 10 dealer banner, 1960s, 4' x 5', $650. Tom Powers, 1119 Glendale Road, York, PA 17403. 717-9685080. *Orig. Hella headlights for B/C. 3 lenses/4 rimsl 3 buckets, #180E-25-5-SB-Z & SBI9-20-21. $165 plus shipping. Tune-up items: Dwell-tech-points meter, synco-test motor meter, compression gauge, Penskee timing light, Micronte multi-tester. $75 plus shipping. R&T mags 104issues, '55'61, 66 issues and '66-72, 38 issues. All good cond, $74 + ship. Tom Odenkirk, McLean, Virginia. 703-356-7731. *Tool forinstalling springsin seat recliners. $75 + $4 s&l1. Tom Kincaid, N-1545 Linn Pier Road, Lake Geneva, WI 531 47.262-249-0577. *356 N.O.S. Afew hundred parts from indoPorsche shop. Mufflers, heat exh., shocks, gaskets, clutches, lights, etc. Also many used parts for 356s from '53 to '65, early 911/91 2 &Carrera, including gages, glass, gas tanks, seats, steering wheels, etc. Call for list. Bill lIallandal, 7200 power Drive, Bellaire, MD 46915.2 31-377-9310. *P-O-R-S-C-II-Eletters and shield. Each red letter is 12"11 x 30"W. Theshield is 48' x 64". Exc. condoThese porcelain-clad steel items were displayed on dealerships up until 1974. Send SASE for picture. $7500 plus s&h. Robert Gummow, 11358 Owen Center Road, Rockton , It 61072 815-624-7396 "Sets of Dellorto carbs, compl wi intake manifolds for 356s. Weber type performance. $200/set. 3-point racing harness from outhern SafetyEquipment. Perfect fordriver ed events, may be outdated for racing regs. Reasonable, make offer. Bill Curson, 317 S. Clay Ave., St. Louis, MO 63122. 314-821-6782 or
[email protected]. *Aengine #65032 disassembled. General cond.unknown. Incl. 2 sets of heads, pist/cyls, all parts except flywheel/clutch, $500. Set oforiginal '59 356A16-in rims, $500 obo. Bill Vickland, Arlington, VA. 703·527·5302
ante *Touch up paint#5702 (Ruby Red, 356A) . Conv. D "body" book by Drauz in English (German version to trade); important and unusual vintage posters featuring the 356 and/or Spyder. E A Singer 831 659 1551 Or email:
[email protected] *Usable front section of left front fender & nose for T-6, prefer within reasonable distance from Seattle. Reed Tindall, 1972CambridgeLn S.w., Olympia, WA98512. 360943-8460, fan35 6@aol. com. *Any information on my Limited Edition Porsche Speedster 540 book, #188, autographed bySteve lIeinrichs and others, sent to Chuck Stoddard for his autograph and lost (stolen) from the Chicago Bulk Mail Center. Tom Kincaid, 262-249-0577. *356 T-6 Body Factory Trailer Hitch as it appears in 356 B/Cshop manual. Anycondoconsidered, rustyor not. Will
pay modest finders fee for locating one to buy for me, or I "ill buy yours. Have early 911 factory hitch for possible II.. trade. Scott Bartmess, Crystal l.ake, haenal 81; n 88.001; .
have photos of for reference. Xeed the RFI or l.R one to complete the set. They are not the earlyAEuropean ones. Any help or leads appreciated. ~lichael Aceves,
[email protected]
· l.uggage rack for T6. Richard Cross,490i Cross Creek Court, Arlington, Texas i 60Ii-2i4 I. 81i-4i2 -4260.
· CO;\,VERTIBI.E Ds. Looking for info about all Convertible Ds built 19; 8-; 9. Although I have over 4; 0 Ds "tracked down" out of 1,330 built, I need your help to locate others & to update old info, including parted and scrapped Os. Please see the Convertible DRegistrywebsite: wwwconvertiblcdregistrycom to see my list so far and to register your D. I am carrying on a tradition that started with Iloh la wrence in 19i2 & later through the 3; 6 Registl')' (see the D website for more info.) 1\on-personal Convertible D information will be shared with the 3% Registl'): Please help. John Chatley email:
[email protected]
' Pre-A3;6. Prefer complete restorable but will consider any. l.ocation within U.S. Long time member seeking to replace free time and money for hours of work. Jim Grogan, Omaha,N.E. 402-.'19.)-i 3i ; or 402-; I ; -13i; ' One stamped steel (not Alum.) bumper guard. Short fat variety for Pre-Acar. Very thin stamped steel, guard is 10;116" tall, 3-2116" wide, 2-10/ 16" wide at bottom. Mounting stud is welded into guard. Chrome oversteel. 1
ommercra 356A1B DRUM BRAKE SHOES. Set of four professionally relined drum brake shoes using nonasbestos friction materials - $79. exchange, plus UPS shipping (your cores required prior to shipment). With 34 sets in rotation , 12 sets are always available. Questions? Or want info pertaining to oversize / emergency brake shoe services? Just call or click. And of course". your satisfaction is guaranteed. G.F. "Jeff" Bown, 575 Dooley Drive, PO Box 839, Basye, VA 22810703/409-1244
[email protected] NEW: Speedster Typ 540, $115. Speedster Icon, 115.Speedster Icon Deluxe, 200. Porsche Movies, ed 2, 18. Speed, Style & Beauty (Lauren) soft, 32; hard, 48. Porsche356 75 & S-90 (Unique), 25 Weber Tech Manual, 15. Porsche 356 Authenticity, 28. STOCKED: EX WAS EX Ed. 2 (incl shipping), $200. Porsche & Mille Miglia, 27.356 Tech Manual, Elfrink, 20. 356 Guide to DIY Restoration, Kellogg, 20. Porsche 356A or 356B-T6 or 356B/C T5 Electrics (ring bound), 80. Starter relay (6 or 12v), 40. Headlamp relay (6 or 12 v - B-T5 or B-T6/C), 90. 356 Porsche: Driving in its Purest Form, 45. Porsche 356 Carrera, 30. 356 Registry Tech/Rest Guide, Vol. I , 18.356 Registry Tech/REst Guide, Vol.2, 20. 356 Porsche Authenticity, rev 3, 24. Porsche Speedster, Thiriar, 50. Buying, Driving, Enjoying the Porsche 356, 20. Porsche Legends (soft), 20. Keith Martin on Collecting Porsche, Schrager, 16. Birth of the Beetle 32. Porsche 356, Long(hard), 28. Porsche 356, Long (soft), 20. 911 : Forever Young, 55. Please add $3. postage / shipment. 248/535-1449 blocklab BLOCKS BOOKS -- THE FANATICS CHOICE 7295 Coldspring, West Bloomfield, MI 48322-4214 RADIO REPAIRS European vintage auto radio repairs. 1950's to early 1970's. Blaupunkt, Becker, Telefunken, etc. Tube or transistor, covering all 356s and early 911 s. My 50th year repairing these radios. alos, really need AM-FM Euro radio cores. Wilford Wilkes, 101 Swoope St. or PO Box 103, Brisbin, PA 16620.814-378-8526. 2004 ECH WILLIAMSBURG VIDEO DVD- $15. VHS - $17. Shipped in US. Checks to Lynns ABCs, 433 Boxwood Sq., Knoxville, TN 37919. More info at: or email LynnsABCs
NLA Limited is looking for a knowledgeable person in Porsche Parts Sales. Specific Porsche 356 experience isa plus. Excellentcustomer service skills are an absolute necessity. Qualified applicants please contact Brad Ripley NLA Limited, Inc. 595 Spice Islands Drive #2, Sparks, NV 89431 (775) 626-7800 fax (775) 284-3560 bripley
LOCKSMITH SERVICES Offering a full line of factory, non-factory and high security keys as well as location services for hard-to-find blanks; keys cut by code; key chart available. Perform ten-point quality restoration of locks and door handles. Electrical repairof ignition switches performed. Key accessories available, i.e. bulbs and batteries for light keys, fobs and pouches, etc. For info call: Tony Euganeo 610-461 -0519. 501 Folcroft Ave. Sharon Hill, PA 19079 356 SPEEDSTER OWNER'S MANUAL Replicated exactly cover to cover to concours standards. I own Mint Original. Price $83.56 US includes FREE shipping anywhere in the world. PayPal preferred (
[email protected]) or cashiers wheck, personal check to: Robert Raucher, 530-343-8671. 12030Creekside Court, Chico, CA 95928 USA OPTIMA batteries: Corrosion free/true zero maintenance battery for your Porsche. Totally sealed, no gas or acid can escape. 800CCA, retains charge in storage. 72-month warranty. Extremely rugged! $135-12vt1$124-6vt, includes UPS. Add $5 west of Miss., "chipped" battery tenders 6 or 12-$40. Mastercutoffswitch $10. CHATHAM MOTORSPORTS, 225 N. Maple, Vinton, VA24179. Chathamms 0356 (cute number, eh?) WOODEN STEERING WHEEL Restoration and Repair. Complete & correct re-wooding, polishing, machine turning (L.L.), and plating available. Many exotic woods for custom orders. VDM, Nardi, Les Leston, Derrington, Moto-Lita and others. Also BIC type Carrera wheels. AUTOMOTIVE SCULPTURE by Bruce Crawford. 805-528-6240. CA. PREVIOUSLY UNAVAILABLE PARTS: Acrylic green replacement sunvisors for '51-'57 356. We havedoubled the thickness of the acrylic and routed the sidesand top to fit into the frames , producing a much more rigid product. Rivets,directions included. $78/$5 S&H. Tom Kincaid, 262-249-0577. N-1545 Linn Pier Rd., Lake Geneva, WI 531 47.
SAM SIPKINS, MECHANIC. Air cooled Porsche specialist. Mechanical, electrical, structural repairs. Custom engine rebuilding. Extensive knowledge of 356. Oddments: Drumbrake mastercylinder, $150. B/C exhaust system for US heater, mellow muffler, close out: $129. Upper suspension arm, NOS, 644.341 .021 .01 , $125. WR7BP platinum spark plugs - $3.25 ea. Viton oil seals: flywheel - $20.65, pulley - $9.75. New dark brown Bremi distr. Caps for cast iron - $10.50 ea. Sorry, no credit cards. Sales tax in CA. Shop address: 950 77th Ave. #1, Oakland, CA 94621. 510-632-8232. PERTRONIX IGNITOR - Never change points again! Hall effect, transistorized ignition system fully contained in distributor. Sturdy, stable, no maintenance. All cast iron distributors: 6 volt- $114, 12 voll - $105. 050, 009, late 031: 6 volt - $81, 12 volt - $72. Early 031 - inquire. Postpaid in US.New billet distributor wl lgnitor II microprocessor dwell control and adjustable advance curve. 12V only $210.00. Sorry, no credit cards. CA add sales tax. Checks to: Sam Sipkins, 624 37th Street, Richmond, CA 94805. 510-632-8232 HONEST ENGINE Experience since 1965 in all areas of the 356. Specializing in streeVhigh performance, concourse, vintage race engine assembly and parts. From full concourse to vintage race/high performance street car restoration and preparation. Ask for Steve Schmidt 949-548-1063, FAX 949-548-1227,
[email protected] TECH INFO: Exploded-View Part Diagrams setsshow all parts: Pre-A 51 pgs-$14, 356-A 74 pgs$17, 356-BT-5/T-6 118 pgs-$23, 356-B/C 114 pgs$23. Factory Workshop manuals: Pre-A 250 pgs$45, 356-A 500 pgs-$65, 356 B/C 900 pgs-$85. Factory Parts Books: 53 Pre-A 160+ pgs-$35, 55 Pre-A 350 pgs-$45, 356-A COMING , 356-B 1,016 pgs-$75, 356-B T-6 Supplements-400+ pages-$45, 356-C Supplements 300+ pages-$40 (356-B + 356 BT-6 or 356-B+ 356-C together-$99) All arecopies in 3-ring binders. Charlie White Ph: 480-367-8097.
[email protected]://! derwhite/Derwhites356LiteraturePage.htm. 8639 E.Via de los Libros, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
September / October 2005
'm especially pleased to include in this issue a painting by Bruce McCall, one of those publishing-business Renaissance men who isa consummate writer, artist andhumorist. From early National Lsnipoons» the New Yorker his work has been featured regularly in several magazines, includingAutomobile, where this painting appeared. His book ZanyAfternoons is a favorite of mine, and a new book All Meat Looks Like South America has justbeen published. Bruce wrote in reply to my request, "1 owned a 19563561600 Normal coupe in my flaming youth and it was the best car 1ever had; nostalgianow andthen drives meto eBay insearch of another one. I could have had a '55 Speedster at the time, for very little money - relatively - but chickened out, to my lifelong regret. " Thanks to Bruce and Automobile magazine for allowing us to reprint his interesting view of what life might be like ifsome things had been different. GM
Volume 29, Number 3
List of Advertisers Aardvark International .. , . . . . .. . . . .. , , , .32 Air Power Racing , .. ' . . . ' .. ' , , . ' , , . ' , , , , , .49 Automotive Sculpture (Bruce Crawford) , , , ,53 Autos International , , , , ,17 Better Body's ' , ,36 Block's Books , .. " , " , 53 CarQuip , . .. . . .. . . . . . . , .49 ,... . .53 ChathamMotorsports Classic &Speed Parts .. ' ' ,7 Coco Mats '" , , , , , , .29 EASY , , , , . . . . . . . .41 53 Eugeneo, Tony European Collectibles , , 37 Foreign Intrigue . . . . . .43 , 29 Full Moon Clay Gearhead . 42 GK Restoration . . . . .36 GT Werk . . . . . . . . 17 . .. .49 IICP Research Honest Engine . ,, , , ...53 , , .. .32 International Mercantile , . . .42 Jim Gordon Restorations Kincaid, Tom .5:'\ Klasse 356 . , 26 LelandWest , " , , 22 lynn's ABCs (video) , . . .53 "!ainely Custom 11 M&M Goodie Store " . . . .. back cover, wrap , , . .backcover, 53 NLALimited , . . .4I North Hollywood Speedometer Palo AltoSpeedometer 21 Panelwerks . . 2I Parts Obsolete . . . .42 p.E.p , , 21 Performance Products 22 PersonalizedAutohaus .48 Precision Matters . . . . . . . 27 Bob Rauchcrtxpdstr manual) . , . .53 . , .. 27 Restoration Design , , .4I Schiemer, Paul (DVD) Sam Sipkins , . .53 Shasta Design 17 Speedster Book . . . 37 Spyder Sports . . . . . . . . . . 36 Stoddard 15 Stuttgart Performance Engineering .36 356 Enterprises . . . 29 TAW Vehicle .4I TpR Publications 7 .49 Trevor's Hammerworks , , , 53 UGI Brakes . , II West Coast llaus White, Charlie . . .5:'\ Wilford Wilkes . . . . . . . . . . . , .. 53 Willhoit , , , . .26 YnZ's .. 21 Zims . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside backcover Commercial advertising in 356 Registry magazine is limited and is available only to vendors whose parts, services or products are a benefit to 356 owners in maintaining and preserving their cars and enjoying their hobby. For info please contact Gordon Maltby at 65I-439-0204 or GordonMaltby@356registry,org
Air, 356, wi Zenith 32 NDIX carbs 15.55 44.00 Air, K&N 356, wi Zenith 32 NDIX carbs Air, K&N assembly 356, wi Zenith 32 NDIX 52.50 79.95 Air, K&N assembly 356, wi Solex 40 PII Oil, 356, 912 all, MAHLE wlgood gasket 4.95 Fuel, 356, 912 all, 5 & 7mm universal 2.25 Fuel, 356, 912 all, 5 & 7mm universal K&N 8.25 ZIM Fuel Filter Kit 29.96 MISCELLANEOUS Rod Nut, 356, 912 all 2.99 Flywheel Gland Nut, 356 , 912 all 27.95 45.95 FLywheel Gland Nut, Heavy Duty Engine to body Seal, 356 12.00 Ring Set, 356 most models from 49.95 Pushrods, 356, 912 Guaranteed straight 34.55 Pushrod Tubes, 356, 912 set of 8 96.00 Cam, 356, 912 all, stock, new hardened 299.95 Oil Line, 356, 912 all, inlet or outlet line from14.50 Generator Pulley Half, 356, 912 all 16.25 Generator Belt, 356, 912 all 4.95 Oil Cooler, 356, 912 all 59.95 Fuel Pump Rebuild Kit, all 356 to 912 IN STOCK Carb Rebuild Kit, 356, 912 from 15.95
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