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Bowen Hands The Journal of The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
December 2014
The Original Bowen Technique
Attendees at the NZBTI Conference with Lady Janine Mateparae at Government House Wellington New Zealand
The NZBTI Conference, “THE POWER OF US”
Beyond the gate, through the gardens, up the hill, around the corner, we arrive to celebrate the gift of Bowen which settles lightly on our shoulders as we are identified and given permission to enter Government House, Wellington on a fine Saturday morning in September. It’s a privilege to belong to NZ Bowen and to celebrate this wonderful technique in Wellington, my home city. The room is set up with simplicity and ceremony. We are welcomed with an address by our patron, Lady Janine Mateparae who, as a professional Bowtech practitioner, then joins us to listen to the inspiring array of speakers invited to share their knowledge at the NZ Bowen conference. Several liberating impressions featured during the course of the day. Results are being reported on sports injuries and our credibility is growing into the mainstream. Ossie expressed his gratitude for our continuing Bowen successes. Both he and Elaine spoke of their 40 years of Bowen and beyond. We concluded Tom Bowen’s best move was to choose Ossie to teach his technique!! Marion Wood of Commonsense Organics, shared with us the effort that goes into keeping this food and product business natural in this modern ‘chemical world’. She is doing all she can to research every item (even checking packaging), for hidden components that challenge the natural balance she and her customers aim to support. Ali Goward declared “never say never to Bowen”. With kindness, understanding and strong leadership we can treat all conditions, keeping an open heart, forgetting ourselves while thinking love until gently and minimally our technique will be enhanced with the power connecting each one of us resulting in calm, strong, confident practitioners.
New Zealand Governor General Sir Jerry Mateparae with Ossie, Elaine and Lady Janine Mateparae, patron of NZBTI Page
Mark Palmer enthused about travelling to the trade shows around the country offering fifteen minute Bowen treatments to spread the word and showcase the work. We can all become more available to people by investing in marketing our therapy together in a professional way at these Body, Mind and Spirit shows and fairs. Lynley Moroney from the Equus College reminded us how Bowen work treats our animals worldwide and how we form a complete circle by connecting people, animals and therapists. We learned through Transcendental Meditation how Bowtech enables our minds to naturally turn inward to that place of deep rest where healing can happen and the brain can rebuild pathways from brain stem to the frontal lobe to recover from stress. This reminded us of the importance of the Bowen two minute waits, giving a better understanding of how the body Ruve Parker and Peter Short, transitions from ‘Fight, Flight and previous Presidents of RONZI, Freeze’, to ‘Rest, Relax and Repair’ . attended the conference Between speakers there was the opportunity to meet some of the many hands of Bowen and learn even more. Peter Short, one of our life members, informed me that Bowen can be given in all and any circumstances, it does no harm. Wandering along the great hallway and exploring the serenity of the beautifully maintained rooms of Government House was another highlight, but the lunch buffet served in a gracious white tiled conservatory was a delicious hour to remember in a day that will never be forgotten.
Left: Instructor Ali Goward and Lady Janine Mateparae
SBP 2 Master Class - 11th and 12th September 2014 held in Wellington New Zealand by Ossie and Elaine. Page
Are you in the right place ? 2014 What another amazing
year for Bowtech/Bowenwork worldwide. Why are you a Bowen Therapist? Why is this modality capturing the imagination of complementary and alternative practitioners and medical people? Read some of the amazing testimonials in previous issues of Bowen Hands. (See Page 11).
At Bendigo recently I asked Graham Wakefield (seventh SBP 2 class) and John O’Keefe (sixth class) why do you keep coming back to these classes? Both indicated they never fail to learn something new and increase their skills with this Special Master Class which contains so many amazing procedures.
Genuine Bowtech practitioners exhibit love, from the heart when treating patients. When you show kindness to patients you are in the right place. Students shared these views with us in all our seminars.
After attending the SBP 2 Master Class John Wilks, U.K. instructor, wrote “It was a most wonderful course, there is nothing to compare with this work anywhere in the world”.
We visited Poland for the first time where we were treated with gracious hospitality and sincere appreciation of the SBP 2 classes.
The heart move – the vagus nerve is the main conduit of the parasympathetic nervous system, which, by releasing acetylocholine tends to relax both sketetal and smooth muscle. Its action on the coronary arteries would therefore be one of vasodilation and its actions on the heart are negative inotropic and negative chronotropic tropic – ie: slowing the rate of contraction and the intensity of contraction. As such it reduces the demand for blood and may mitigate hypoxic effects on the cardiac muscle tissue from inadequate blood flow.
We heard so many wonderful testimonials from our students. Bowen has proven to be powerful, however a successful Bowtech therapist must practice and practice.
“The more I practice the luckier I get” said a famous sportsman.
It is not getting lucky it is being blessed. The more I practice Bowtech the more classes attended the greater results achieved. Two and a half years with Mr Bowen and further six years with constant coaching from the man, was our continuing education.
This is just a sample of what you may expect in the SBP2 Master Classes.
the NZBTI conference held in Wellington New Zealand where we were graciously hosted by Lady Janine Mateparae, wife of Governor General Sir Jerry Mateparae. Also part two of Sue Barford’s article on using Bowtech with issues affecting breast feeding. Please read and respond to Shirley Le Marquand’s article on a Multiple Sclerosis Case Study. A warm welcome to our family of instructors, Ainslee Farrington, New Hampshire and Sally Barton, California USA and Georgi Ilchev, Bulgaria. Also Estelle Moys, South Africa whose profile will appear in the March issue. Elaine and I together with Kath, Dianne and Sharon wish you all a blessed Christmas and a safe and healthy 2015.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him, should not perish but have eternal life John 3.16 (RSV)
In this special data base issue we are pleased to feature a report on
7 Bendigo SBP2 Attendees John O’Keefe, Rhonda O’Dea, both of Traralgon and Graham Wakefield from Carag Carag Victoria Page
About the cover: Table flower arrangement at New Zealand Government House
The Original Bowen Technique DIRECTORS: Oswald H. Rentsch, D.O., A.R.M.T. (Bach), Dip.Hom.Ion Elaine Rentsch, Dip.Hom.Ion. INTERNATIONAL HEAD OFFICE P.O. Box 733, Hamilton 3300, Victoria, Australia Phone: (03) 5572 3000 Fax: (03) 5572 3144 International Phone: 61 3 5572 3000 Fax: 61 3 5572 3144 Email:
[email protected] Website: http://www.bowtech.com Volume 23 No 4 Issue 91
President: Chris Reed Office: Sabrina Ellis P.O. Box 6572, Wetherill Park N.S.W. 2164 Ph. 1300 780 638 Fax 02-8834 0711 email:
[email protected]
President: Katrina Ridley Secretary: Vianne MacBeth Treasurer: Belinda Chant Email:
[email protected]
BOWEN VEREIN AUSTRIA President: Veronika Humer Secretary: Toni Kaineder Treasurer: Manfred Zainzinger Office: Karin Seyr Ph. +43 7233 80549 email:
[email protected] Website: www.bowtech.at
CANADIAN BOWENWORK/ BOWTECH GROUP INC Contact: Derek Murphy Ph. (647) 968-7224 emails:
[email protected] [email protected] MONTREAL & PARIS Contact: Isabelle Grard e-mail:
[email protected]
E.M.R.T. ™ & CCmrt ™ Animal Bowtech Director - Ali Goward e-mail:
[email protected] ph. 0407 370206 www.emrt.net.au
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BOWENWORK PRACTITIONERS President: Corey Dillon Ph. 480-976 0767 email:
[email protected]
BOWEN ASSOCIATION OF DENMARK President: Maren Elsebeth Nielsen Secretary: Tove Bregendahl e-mail:
[email protected] Website:www.bowtech.dk
BOWEN ASSOCIATION OF GERMANY President: Regina Fischer Secretary: Stephan Hesse e-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.bowtech.com
BOWEN ASSOCIATION OF GREECE President: Alexandra Antoniou Secretary: Ilias Blekos Head Office: Ph. 210 924 5448
Office: Manuela Grein Ph. 0049 (0) 6047 950 665 email:
[email protected] Website: www.bowtech-verein.de
Contact: Lorna Drury Ph. 0700 269 3685 email:
[email protected] Website: www.bowentraining.co.uk Ossie and Elaine’s course co-ordinator Ellen Cobb email:
[email protected]
President: Pratiti Beldner Secretary: Sue Rutter
[email protected] U.S.A. Office: PO Box 1255, Dewey, AZ 86327 Ph. Toll Free: 866 862 6936 Website: www.AmericanBowen.Academy
President: Gyorgy Liebe Secretary: Dr. Miklos Bacs Ph. 00-36-20-54 00 475
National Coordinator: Zenobia Pajniger Ph. 91 9822 030071 Email:
[email protected]
BOWEN ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND Chairperson: Shalini Sinha Secretary: Lynn O’Neill Ph.353 86 889 1300 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.ibowen.ie
ASSOCIATION BOWEN ITALIA President: Piero Muraro Treasurer: Sheila Jackson Ph.3901 6584 3417 email:
[email protected] Website: www.bowenitalia.org
NZ BOWEN THERAPY INCORPORATED Chairman: Inga Von Benzon Secretary: Christine Bull email:
[email protected] website:bowtech.org.nz
BOWEN ASSOCIATION OF NORWAY President: Herbert Mollenhauer Email:
[email protected] Secretary: Liv Mant Olsen website: www.bowen.no
ASSOCIATION OF POLAND President: Grazyna Rokosz Ph.48 603 99 55 01 e-mail:
[email protected] website: www.bowtechpolska.pl
Director: Rita Azeredo Ph. 351 938632302 Secretary: Sonia Celestino Ph. 351 913811317 website: www.apt-bowen.pt
President: Aurelia Stan Email:
[email protected] Ph. 40 722 310002
President: Jean Nortje Ph. 27 21 712 7853 email:
[email protected] Treasurer: Marion Coetzee email:
[email protected]
President: Andrea Schaedler Secretary: Brigitte Saladin Courses: Eveline Sprunger email:
[email protected] web:www.bowtech.ch
Contact: Ros Elliott-Ozlek email:
[email protected] Ph. 90 532 615 8669 www.bowen.web.tr
BOWEN ASSOCIATION UK President:Veena Lidbetter Office: Sheila Whyles P.O. Box 210, Boston PE21 1DD Ph. 01205 319100 email:
[email protected] Website: www.bowen-technique.co.uk
Copyright © 2014 All material appearing in “Bowen Hands” is copyright Bowtech Pty. Ltd. and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publishers. The opinions expressed in “Bowen Hands” are those of the authors and are reproduced as a service to members and not necessarily those of the publishers, the Bowen Academy nor any persons being directors or anyone holding office in the Academy or affiliated Associations. All material published for discussion purposes only.
PLEASE NOTE: All copy for Bowen Hands must be in Head Office 6 weeks prior to month of publication. Page
Using Bowtech to assist with issues affecting breastfeeding.... PART TWO SUE BARFORD - IBCLC
Breastfeeding Suck, Swallow, Breathe coordination Bowtech work done around the head and neck may also assist the mechanics of breastfeeding through work done around the neck and the upper respiratory / TMJ area. During a breastfeed a baby must coordinate and maintain stability of his breathing, swallowing and suckling efforts. A number of external factors will assist his ability and comfort such as his body support and good wide attachment while at the breast. The impact of the birth process and any assistance required may mean he has extra challenges and distractions in feed coordination that may benefit from the support of body work. It is helpful to understand some of the relevant nerves involved in the feed coordination process, potentially any misalignment or trauma to the head or neck could disrupt this. The following is drawn from Smith (2013, P64). Three Cranial nerves and the jugular vein pass through the Jugular foramen, the Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) Vagus nerve (X) and Spinal accessory nerve ( XI). In addition nearby is the Hypoglossal nerve between occipital bone segments. Their functions are 1. Glossopharyngeal nerve – sensory fibres in the posterior palate and tongue, which among other functions triggers the gag response
2. Vagus Nerve –sensory fibres to the heart, lungs, trachea, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, gastrointestinal (GI) l tract and external ear and motor fibres to the larynx, heart, lungs, trachea, liver and gastrointestinal tract. 3. Spinal accessory nerve – innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles which stabilises the infant’s head and maintains airway patency. 4. Hypoglossal nerve – controls tongue movement including patterns necessary for latching and sucking. 5. Facial Nerve (CN VII)- Has sensory fibres in the palate and distal two thirds of the tongue and motor fibres controlling fascial muscles, cheeks,lips and jaw. Damage to this nerve can affect the infant’s ability to sense and respond to the breast near his lips to begin feeding or within his mouth to use the tongue to assist breastfeeding. 6. Trigeminal nerve (CN V)contains sensory fibres of the palate, tongue, lower jaw and nose. Motor fibres trigger muscles responsible for jaw, opening, closing and suckling. This nerve may be damaged during forceps delivery and may cause coordination issues through impaired response to sensory respiration triggers and effective function of the mandible in feeding. Smith (2013, P65) comments Page
Lactation Consultant Bowtech Bowen Therapist Roma Queensland
that “Babies with poor suck may have cranial, postural, and or jaw asymmetry” and that Asymmetry in any part of the infant’s body, especially to the head and neck, may be one indication of significant abnormalities that contribute to poor suck”. Smith (2013, P64) states that “If the jugular foramen is disrupted or misaligned by mechanical forces during instrument assisted birth, then altered function of the jugular vein and the cranial nerves passing through the foramen may adversely affect suck-swallow-breathe and comfortable coordinated breastfeeding”. Disruption of the cranial base is a potential effect of caesarean birth through lifting the infant over the condylar segments of the skull and may cause “disruption of the occipital segments could lead to nerve entrapment of the hypoglossal nerve which in turn could cause or contribute to ineffective, mispatterned and or disorganised contraction patterns in the tongue muscle group “Smith (2013 P 64), Smith (2010 P76).
How might Bowen help? This research project looks at the contribution that Bowen may make towards improving colic, reflux, torticollis and feeding difficulties through possible affect on nerves
affecting digestive and breast feeding movements. Bowen technique treatment of infant distress, colic, reflux, torticollis or feeding coordination difficulties will obviously not always be the answer because of the complexity of causes. Parents appreciate being able to choose the treatment they are comfortable with; Bowen is an obvious choice with no known risks of harm to the baby and benefits on so many levels .Bowen therapists do not diagnose and must make referral for investigation with the therapist’s role supportive, gentle and following the baby’s lead. Success and relief may lie in Bowen’s ability to restore balance to a baby’s nervous and fascial system prompting gentle body rebalance and restoration of normal homeostasis. Wilks 2007 (P 169) noted that primitive reflexes that are under active, over active or failing to inhibit might demonstrate a nervous system imbalance. He observed that an over expressed Moro reflex will tell us that the baby’s sympathetic nervous system is generally overactive and would benefit from specific Bowtech work. Physical balance may also be achieved on muscles and nerves causing discomfort and also through the whole of body effects through the fascia (living matrix). The fascia is a web like network with a communication capacity exceeding that of the nervous system as well as housing tissue memory of injury /trauma. “Bowen moves are able to stimulate the body’s repair system by sending electrical impulses through the living matrix, releasing the signature of the trauma and restoring systemic balance.” Border College Diploma Module 8 handbook (2011 P 17-21). Bowen work including Baby Bowen, neck moves and TMJ work has a profound effect not just on the
specific issues examined , but also on the whole body including the nervous system and fascia holding trauma. Bowen then has much to offer for babies in assisting birth recovery and addressing body imbalances. Research evidences that aside of birth itself, infant distress, stress and breastfeeding ability in the early postnatal period have other relationships such as possible side effects of fast or slow birth, early mother and baby separation (Smith, Kroger 2010 P 195), ongoing birth recovery impact of birth interventions including Caesarean, forceps and vacuum delivery) facial asymmetry and torticollis (Smith, Kroger 2010 P 177,178, 179). The potential effect of forceps delivery is discussed by (Wilks 2007, P163) where he states that the nerves most affected by forceps are the Vagus, Spinal accessory and Glossopharyngeal. “The effect of this might be to cause problems with digestion, hypertonus of the neck, neck restriction (torticollis quite common) or feeding problems”.
Case 1 - Caput or Cephalhaematoma Caput is defined as a collection of blood and serum due to pressure impeding venous return causing congestion and oedema. Caput is considered to resolve within 36 hrs by slowly decreasing in size. Cephalhaematoma is defined as a collection of blood under the periosteum caused by periosteum separating from bone during birth; Cephalhaematoma may initially increase in size before taking some weeks to resolve. (Bennett, Brown 1989, P57-571) Smith & Kroger 2010 (P72) state that Cephalhaematoma is a well known risk factor for posterior deformational plagiocephaly. Page
History -Large area of swelling
over firstborn baby’s scalp still evident at lactation consult on Day 16. Mum was told was due to pressure of the head on the cervix before birth. This had a fluid like feeling without a bruised appearance and over a semi defined area. Mum was expressing as baby reluctant to open jaw for attachment with breast refusal, crying, irritability and disorganised rooting reflex evident. On assessment the gumline and jaw line were asymmetrical. The baby had a hyperactive gag reflex preventing suck assessment but no tongue tie was evident in appearance. Breast attachment achieved through prone skin to skin contact with her mother. The stresses associated with baby’s distress took its toll with mum weaning at 4 weeks due to difficulty maintaining supply having expressed since birth. Mother advised by Paediatrician that resolution of the swelling would take twelve months so she decided to try Bowen to resolve its appearance and baby breast attachment. Progress over 5 visits photographed with mother very happy with treatment in particular physical appearance. Bowen occurred over a four week period with dramatic resolution in the first week. Visit 1 –Baby Bowen & TMJ cross only due to breast attachment difficulty. Visit 2 - Baby Bowen & TMJ cross. Visit 3 - Baby Bowen & BRM3 1-4 (discontinued as unsettled). Visit 4 - Baby Bowen, BRM3, TMJ, Bursitis moves around site. Visit 5 - Baby reviewed at 3.5 months old, no evidence of posterior cranial asymmetry. Mum reports baby neck preference to turn right, head tilt to left
observed by therapist. Slight facial asymmetry remaining lower gumline and evident in jaw and facial features- eyes and ears Neck
rotation Left - 65 degrees, Right 80 degrees. No previous Torticollis noted – treatment commenced for this today.
(Treatment- Baby Bowen, BRM3, TMJ)
Treatment 1
Treatment 4
Case 2 - Torticollis, reflux and tongue tie Visit 1- Left side turning
preference, right head tilt. 10 wk old with colic/ ? Reflux (Treatment- Baby Bowen (BB)
Visit 2- 6 days later no side
preference, reflux episodesscreaming, arching, breast refusal. Significant tongue tie present (Treatment BB, BRM3)
Visit 3- 6 days later. Mum states
baby much more settled, crying less, breastfeeding and behaviour improved (Treatment, BB , BRM3, TMJ)
Visit 4- 44 days later, Increasing reflux 2/52, Tongue tie clipped 3/52, mum states babies left side preference suddenly returned (Treatment – BB, BRM3, TMJ) Visit 5- 7 days later, Mum states
decreased reflux, more settled and that side preference had “gone”. On assessment only slight right h tilt evident. (Treatment -BB & Gall procedure, BRM 3, TMJ)
Case 3 - Torticollis Forceps delivery via Caesarean weekly visits visit 1 - 6 then fortnightly
Visit 1 – 5 week old boy Left side preference, right head tilt unable to rotate neck beyond 0 degrees to right (Treatment- BB), Moves 5 and 6)
Visit 2 –.Advised tummy time,
alternate head positioning when carrying and encourage turning to right side. Referral to Child health and Physio for assessment (Treatment - BB, BRM3) Visit 3 –Physio happy with progress, for review in 1 month. Page
21.9.12 Treatment 5 (Treatment - Baby Bowen, BRM3, TMJ)
Visit 4 - Head shape much
improved, able to move head 20 degrees to right (Treatment - BB , BRM3, TMJ)
Visit 5 - 10 weeks old, able and
more willing to turn to right. No lump over SCM but mum states present at times. Head tilt significantly reduced (Treatment - BB, BRM3, TMJ)
Visit 6 - Mum states he is gaining
well and very settled now. Freely moving head side to side with neck rotation 45 degrees. (Treatment - BB, BRM3)
Visit 7 - Three weeks since last
visit. Neck rotation to right now 55-60 degrees. Still preferring left side at times with right head tilt. (Treatment - BB, BRM3, Pelvic, Psoas)
Visit 8 – Three weeks since last visit, now 4 months old. Neck Rotation Right – 60-65 degrees,
Left – 75 degrees. No side preference evident, marginal head tilt, dramatic improvement since
last visit. Posterior photo shows change in head resting position.
Visit 1 - 13.7.12
Visit 4 - 26.7.12
Showing what he can do
Visit 7 - 31.8.12
Visit 8 - 21.9.12
Visit 8- Bald patch on preferred side
Visit 8 - 21.9.12
Visit 5 - 3.8.12
The Bowtech technique has been useful for lactation clients presenting with a variety of issues in addressing physical factors impacting on breastfeeding continuation beyond the scope of specialist lactation management.
alone. The lactation consultant is skilled at maintaing lactation until the physical issue can be resolved by the IBCLC or other therapists; the Bowen therapist should consider referral to an IBCLC to collaborate in preserving the breastfeeding relationship.
The Bowtech technique is a gentle and caring compliment to holistically supporting a breastfeeding mother and baby through issues that can’t be corrected by lactation management
The use of Bowen therapy was also positive in enabling the bonding and attachment process to continue when previously infant distress or feeding difficulties had meant uncomfortable breastfeeding and Page 10
enjoyment of her baby. To continue advancing Bowtech’s place in the contemporary field of complementary therapies there is real scope and need for practitioners to document, perform case studies and to seek to build the evidence base of the use of Bowen in Babies
Experience and satisfaction with Bowen A high level of satisfaction and appreciation amongst lactation clients of Bowen therapy as an
option when conventional medical treatment did not suit, was not available or could not assist . Many clients have continued to use Bowtech for their children, self and family and also referred mothers with similar issues. There is an acceptance and recognition generally and within the medical community of Bowen as a positive client option
Watson Genna, C. 2008, Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants, First edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, USA Wilks, J. The Bowen Technique the Inside Story, 2007, CYMA Ltd, Dorset, UK
Wakista,S& Ranchagoda, G 2004 Intensive physiotherapeutic management of congenital muscular torticollis. Downloaded 2.8.12
Client records Smith.Kroeger,M. 2010 Impact of Birthing Practices on Breastfeeding, Second edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, USA
Riordan, J and Wambach, K. 2010 Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Fourth Edition Sudbury, Massachusetts Vartabedian B 2007 Colic Solved, Ballantine Books, United States Border College of Natural Therapies June 2010 -Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy Module 8 handbook
http://www.srilankacollegeofpaediatricians. com/pubs
Emery C. Determinants of treatment duration for congenital muscular torticollis. Phys Ther 1994;74:921–929. www.physther.org Scott Freed,S & Coulter-O’Berry, C Identification and treatment of congenital muscular torticollis in infants Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 2004:Vol16, No.4S, P18 Identification and Treatment of Congenital Muscular Torticollis in Infants http://www.oandp.org/jpo/library/2004_ 04S_018.asp Wall,V & Glass, R ( 2006) Mandibular asymmetry and breastfeeding problems: Experience from 11 cases . Journal of Human Lactation, 22(3) 328-334. V.Ruth Bennett, R& Brown, L, 1989, 11th edition Myles Textbook for Midwives, Churchill Livingstone, Edinborough
Letter to the Editor I, thoroughly enjoyed - in fact devoured Sue Barford’s excellent research article on Breastfeeding and Bowen. So many aspects of Post Natal issues were covered, adding to my understanding of each precious baby’s unique needs.......
Enjoying a break at the Instructor Training Meeting in Austria - Left to Right: Elaine with Peter Gehrke and Andris Ielitis, Germany, Wolfgang Kulterer and Bettina Baumgartinger, Austria, Nora Deischl Germany, Veronika Humer, Gertraud Maass and Manfred Zainzinger from Austria Page 11
February 22, 2012 marks a day that will always remain in my memory. It marks the day I commenced the most remarkable healing journey of my life…
I was enjoying some high speed turns while skiing the sunny slopes of North Lake Tahoe, when I took a bad fall which resulted in severe injury to my right knee. I have taken many falls in my history of skiing, but this one definitely stands alone in intensity. One moment I was experiencing great joy, speed, focus and direction, the next I found myself in a state of utter loss and confusion. And then, there was the pain… I tried to stand up, hoping to pull myself together so I could continue my path down the mountain. Yet, I found myself unable to put weight on my right leg as my knee gave way in the most bizarre manner that I have ever witnessed. It appeared that my knee had unhinged on the inside of my leg. I felt weak and pain coursed down the right side of my body from my sacrum to my ankle. Oddly,the pain was most severe in the lower tibia at the top of my ski boot, giving me concern for a broken lower leg. While awaiting rescue from the ski patrol, I considered my options on how to gather my wits…what to do? “Hit-the-Lat” echoed through my head! I remembered being instructed that this was the
emergency move. So, I hit-thelat and to my great satisfaction I felt the familiar “bloop”. And what followed is nothing short of miraculous. That one Bowen move signaled to my body— emergency over, let the healing begin! I was still in pain, but was able to regain focus and felt a sense of calm. I was still awaiting my rescuer, so I continued with Bowen Knee procedure as best I could while perched on a steep and icy mountain slope, wearing ski boots. The ride down the mountain was interesting, all wrapped up, gazing upward through trees at a dark crystal blue sky.The pain was intense, so I thought about the blue print, my body’s blue print that is, and I realized that the healing was already in progress. All I needed to do was trust in that knowledge and allow the process to take place. So, I did my best to go the zen place in my mind and commenced Reiki meditation. In the emergency clinic, I was informed that I had torn my ACL, torn my MCL, shredded my medial meniscus and that my ski season was definitely done for the year. Ouch! Rudimentary X-rays revealed, to my great relief, no obvious breaks or fractures, so I was sent out the door with a knee brace, ice pack and pain killers. Asked whether I could walk, as the clinic was presently out of crutches, I stacked my bones and off I went (gingerly). During the night, the pain was excruciating. And by the morning, my knee had blown up like a balloon. My entire pelvis felt twisted. All my muscles seemed to resist my movements as I attempted to walk. When I returned home from the Page 12
Beth Lefebvre mountains, my orthopedic surgeon confirmed my diagnosis with an MRI. In addition to the complete ACL rupture, I had a tibial plateau fracture around the PCL and severe bruising of the tibia and femur. My doctor was quite amazed that I was getting around with relative ease (I was walking in a brace, driving and planning to return to work the next day) and he wanted to know what was up? To his great interest, I explained the Bowen procedures. Due to the PCL fracture on the tibial plateau, my doctor instructed me to be very careful- he was on the verge of putting me into a cast. I was told to use crutches when walking, which I promised I would (I would do almost anything to stay out of a cast as I knew that my body required movement to heal). The next step was to contact, Karin Twohig, my Bowen instructor for a full Bowen session, as one can only do so much self care. Karin did LB, UB, Hamstring, Pelvis, knee, ankle and whatever else I may have begged her to do. The unwinding was intense and went on for several days. I was your basic train wreck and felt truly sick! After ten days or so, I received another full Bowen session from a fellow Bowen colleague and friend. I continued to do the knee procedure as needed to address pain and swelling. I also had a huge cyst on the back of my knee in the popliteal fossa— we
are talking tennis ball size— which required treatment with Bursitis procedure over a period of many months. I was back in the pool swimming two weeks after my fall (arms only), and after three weeks I purchased a pair of swim fins and could be found in the pool every other day kicking without fail. In addition to the Bowen, I practiced therapeutic yoga with great care, and meditation daily from the date of my fall, which help dramatically with pain management, flexibility, balance and my mental state. I also fed my body foods that build connective tissue and bone, clean foods, lots of kale, bone marrow broth and barley, and drank lots of Kangen water, which is slightly alkaline. Eight weeks following my fall, my knee joint was stable upon the drawer-pull test and I found myself asking my orthopedic surgeon when I could return to skiing. He shook
his head in disbelief and replied that if there was still snow the following month (May), I could go for it. Now, I was motivated. I was fitted for a Don-Joy ACL brace, started hiking on the weekends, and stepped up my gym routine to strengthen hamstrings, quads, adductors and abductors. The snows did not hold out. By June 16th, my birthday, I was able to climb and descend stairs with ease. What a wondrous birthday gift! And, was back on the slopes the following season. Here I am now, two ski seasons away from that fateful day, fully healed and skiing with more strength and stability than ever. What an amazing journey. And Tom Bowen - I cannot thank you and all my amazing Bowen instructors enough for this miraculous gift called Bowen. In health and gratitude -
25.00 per 100 GST inclusive plus $14.00 postage (Aust) International orders: Please contact Head Offfice Bowtech P.O. Box 733, Hamilton, Vic. 3300 Ph. (03) 5572 3000
[email protected]
Carmel, CA. USA
BREAKING NEWS – NEW SEARCH FEATURE ON BOWTECH.COM Bowtech and American Bowen Academy are pleased to announce a new feature on Bowtech.com that enables users to search for articles from past issues of Bowen Hands. These articles date back to 1992. This feature makes it possible for you to find Bowen Hands articles by: Author Key word Year Or enter the word “research” and all research-related articles will appear. Access to the page is restricted to current students, faculty, and staff of Bowtech. To login, access www. Bowtech.com, and enter your Bowtech.com username and password. Then click on the Bowtech Library tab and use the pull-down menu to select Find Bowen Hands. If you need help accessing this new feature, you may contact Sue Rutter,
[email protected]. If you do not know your username and password,
contact your country admin person. We want to thank the contributors to this project: Alexia Monroe, a Senior Instructor--American Bowen Academy, who envisioned and motivated it into action, Jamie Schendel, an Arizona Bowenwork Practitioner who scanned the articles, and Sue Rutter and Ruth Montgomery, American Bowen Academy staff, who entered the documents onto the website. We will continue to add articles as new issues are published. The page does not cover every article included in all Bowen Hands issues. Articles were selected for relevance to the subject and useful content. Please note that they have not been edited by Ossie nor any instructors, so reflect only the views of the author. As with all stories submitted to Bowen Hands, protocols may be suggested that do not follow Bowtech guidelines; they are published to enable the worldwide Bowtech community to share their experiences. You now have free access to these articles. If you reprint any article, please acknowledge Bowtech Pty Ltd and the author. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, suitability or validity of any information presented, and are not liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information, nor any losses, injuries or damages arising from its display or use.
Page 13
Growing up on fast food and pharmaceuticals in Southern California, and continuing on with a fit but unhealthy lifestyle as an airman in the U.S. Air Force, I fortunately discovered Bowen Therapy and a whole new world of natural health and complementary therapies in 2000. Upon relocating to Sydney in 2004 I began studying Bowen Therapy with the wonderful Margaret Spicer. I am continually amazed at how Bowen awakens the intelligence and healing potential of the body in such a deep and meaningful way. I am delighted in seeing my clients leave, not only with increased mobility and reduced pain, but also with a radiant smile, face and body! As a Bowtech Bowen Instructor I will endeavour to inspire students to discover and bring about a greater sense of well-being and natural health in their own lives and those of their clients. I am the former President of the Bowen Association of Australia and currently a member of the research subcommittee. While studying in a Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine program and I teach regular group meditation classes.
I was introduced to Bowtech in 2002 by a phone call from my mum. She told me she had tried a new technique called Bowen which had relieved her back pain. This was pretty amazing considering she had suffered many years of pain from arthritis and disc degeneration. At the time I was working as a remedial massage therapist in Sydney and had never heard of Bowen. Intrigued, I did some research and found Margaret Spicer teaching in Sydney and promptly booked in to learn. I later continued on to complete Certificate IV followed by Diploma. Cairns, Far North Queensland has been my home for the last 10 years. I love the dense green rainforest and stunning blue seas. I currently work as a Bowen Therapist from two natural therapies clinics. I am extremely grateful for the continued guidance and support from my instructor Gael Cox. I hope to inspire the same fire and passion for Bowen Therapy with new students as you have fuelled in me. Excited to teach in Cairns, I hope to establish a strong presence of quality Bowtech practitioners for the Cairns community to experience the incredible benefits of Bowen.
Page 14
I first discovered Bowenwork in 2007 having searched for relief from debilitating migraines and not wanting to go the route of medication. The headaches reduced to almost nothing in six sessions, I was immediately aware of significant changes happening in my body. This was compelling enough that I inquired about the training and began Module 1 a few months later, soon realizing this was a calling. Over the last six years I have been accused of being ‘contagiously enthusiastic’. Clients’ exciting testimonials have spurred me on to keep learning more about this unique and intriguing modality. And many clients have been inspired by their own experiences to become practitioners. Previously an art educator, I also spent many years as a chef, restaurateur and caterer with food as my artistic focus. Bowenwork became a natural extension of my caring for people and of a desire to help. “As a Bowen instructor, empowering people to help themselves and others has already proven to be an expansive way to share, with benefits of health and happiness. Thank you!”
CALIFORNIA, USA I have been passionate about Bowenwork for many years, first as a recipient, and now as a practitioner and teacher. After receiving Bowenwork for a few months, my back, neck and elbow pain melted away. I began studying the technique in March 2006, and this has added to my repertoire ever since. Today, practicing in Pacific Grove, California, I embrace the positive influence of touch and how it contributes to a body’s natural ability to heal. My vast background in intuitive studies increases my understanding of each individual’s specific needs. My comforting demeanor contributes to my natural skill as a teacher and effective practitioner. I have studied with many wonderful teachers including Karin Twohig, Nancy Pierson, Ossie and Elaine Rentsch, Robyn Wood, Margaret Spicer, Anne Schubert and Sandra Gustafson. I consider it a gift and a blessing that I have Bowenwork to assist people on their path toward their natural state of wellness.
My name is Georgi Ilchev. I am a physiotherapist from Sofia, Bulgaria. Since university I have attended over sixteen specialized courses both in Bulgaria and abroad but none of the modalities I have learned has made such a dramatic change to my clinical practice as the Bowen Technique. Throughout my professional life I have worked mainly with musculoskeletal disorders and ever since my Ph.D research in 2002 I thought I will treat pain and dysfunctions of vertebrogenic origin. The Bowen Technique managed to increase the diversity of my patients to unimaginable levels. Despite my doubts, I was amazed by its gentleness and its effectiveness, and how much improvement one can achieve with only a few, well chosen, moves. These days, I use Bowen to treat 70% of my patients. Over the last four years I have enjoyed organizing Bowtech classes and assisting my teachers and I have found great pleasure in sharing my knowledge and experience with others. I am delighted to take on the role of a Bowtech instructor. I would like to thank my teachers for their support and trust as well as Ossie and Elaine for giving me this wonderful opportunity. Bowen has definitely changed my life! Page 15
Brett’s Story
The heaviness began to visibly lift off Brett’s shoulders and a smile lit up his face; no wonder he was always so worried about his health and the health of his mother. I sent him home to take his new puppy for a walk on the beach and to enjoy his new feeling of relief.
Brett’s mother rang with a plea for help. She did
not know where to turn. He was 15 and had become extremely anxious and overly concerned with every little ache or pain, needing a visit to the doctor for a check to see that it wasn’t an indication of some dreaded disease. Tall and handsome, but obviously apprehensive, I explained carefully about the Bowen Therapy approach and demonstrated the second move of the Elbow Wrist Procedure on his mother’s arm. The response to his Mum’s finger brought a small smile to his lips. And so to his surprise his body was very responsive to the first two Low Back Procedure moves – he felt his right wrist, right hip and right inner knee. Throughout the Lower Back Procedure sensations around the pelvic area came and went. Moving to the Upper Back 1-4 he immediately jumped up and declared “I have to go to the toilet!” With the reaction, linking to the Bladder Meridian and fear, it was time for a discussion about a fearful experience that had occurred for Brett in his first pre-birth, birth and post birth period. An immediate response after Upper Back 1-4 are indicative of this fact. Sure enough, Brett’s birth story gave us an understanding of why he was holding such a deep seated feeling of apprehension and anxiety. His mother had developed a huge carbuncle on her groin ten day before he was due, so an emergency caesarean was ordered as there was a fear of septicaemia developing. As a consequence Brett dislikes being told what to do and is determined to make his own decisions.
The second visit was so different, Brett strode in leading the way, keen to explore further his bodily responses. And once again to his surprise the responses were completely different, much more subtle and very shortly after he was completely relaxed. The Low Back, Upper Back, Kidney and Neck Procedures were indicated. It was obvious a positive change had occurred. As a support his new puppy was going to be a great companion as he began to look on his life from a different perspective. His mother asked if he needed a further appointment and so I suggested that we let Brett decide where we would go from here. With a wry smile he nodded his approval. To explain this Mind Body Bowen approach to facilitate rebalance and repair a few basic steps are required : 1. A very clear explanation of the procedure to be used by the Practitioner. 2. A recognition and collation of client responses. 3. If the responses are continuous – a pause until they subside. 4. After approximately 30 minutes a connection between the responses and an experience from the past that has shocked the client and remained stored as tensions in the cellular memory, retrieving the memory from the unconscious to the conscious mind. 5. Suggesting support activities to begin to restore flexibility and balance.
ANNE SCHUBERT Instructor Forster NSW
“After a walk on the beach and breakfast, day two of our Bowen Retreat at Forster, NSW. Wonderful food, laughter, camaraderie and Bowen, Bowen, Bowen.”
Page 16
Randwick, New South Wales
SBP2 Masters
June 12th and 13th
Noosa, Queensland
SBP2 Masters
We are planning to arrange SBP2 classes for 2015 Dates and Venues are still under negotiation. Please confirm before registering INTERNATIONAL July
SBP2 Masters
Linz, Austria
SBP2 Masters
Lich, Germany
SBP2 Masters
SBP2 Masters
SBP2 Masters
SBP2 Masters
SBP2 Masters
SBP2 Masters
September 10th and 11th
Rotorua, New Zealand
SBP2 Masters
September 12th
Rotorua, New Zealand
September 13th
Rotorua, New Zealand
Teacher Training
See March Bowen Hands 2015 for updates
Left: Instructors who attended the SBP 2 Master Class in Bendigo Victoria, Sean Dinham from South Australia, Anne Hopley and Chris Reed from Victoria and Debbie Ross from Queensland
Right: Angela Cannon, Gordon Parfitt, Janet Williamson, and Helen Perkins at the Specialised Bowen Procedure 2 class held in Sheffield UK. Page 17
Bowenwork®, Holistic Nursing and Symptom Management Theory Sandra Gustafson MHS, BSN, RN Holistic Healthcare Consultant, Bowenwork Practitioner & Instructor Introduction
Bowenwork is a gentle, hands-on, healing modality that Holistic Nurses can incorporate into multiple practice settings to address patients’ health issues – nonpharmaceutical pain relief, improved mobility and unction, and therapeutic relaxation. Most of all, Bowenwork offers safe, caring, human touch. Bowenwork primarily addresses the autonomic nervous system and abnormal tension patterns in the body by applying light “moves” over specific body locations to elicit relaxation and responses that facilitate healing by resetting the flight/fight response, to the relax/repair and restore homeostasis mode. The gentle touch and deep relaxation experienced during a Bowenwork session honors holistic healing concepts, in which the practitioner facilitates patients’ innate resources towards optimal function and healing.
Bowenwork is suitable for babies, children, pregnant women, acute and chronic health conditions, and frail and elderly people. It can be done in many practice settings, with the client lying on a table or seated; wearing light, loose clothing.
Holistic Nursing in Practice Holistic nursing focuses on enhancing nurses’ awareness of their own wellbeing and self-care, and reflecting that commitment in their care of patients (1). It embraces mindfulness, being fully present in listening to, and observing, how patients’ responses to illness are framed by their cultural beliefs, family support, coping strategies and community resources. Holistic nurses seek to impart deep
caring and support in motivating patients to adopt positive self-care practices through education and effective communication (1). Nurses can lead by example - including holistic modalities (such as Bowenwork) into their own self-care programs, and recommending safe, holistic techniques for reducing stress reactivity and promoting wellness. Symptom Management Theory SMT) Holistic nurses recognize that wellness and potential health challenges manifest uniquely and across a broad spectrum of individuals’ perceptions of wellbeing and functionality. Symptom Management Theory (SMT), proposed by Humphreys et al.(2) (2008) is a nursing theory that identifies that people’s experiences, disease symptoms and health challenges are mostly unpredictable, and vary due to numerous internal and external factors underpinning their capacity to cope with life situations. SMT focuses on creating effective, multidimensional strategies to support patients in managing and overcoming their ‘dis-ease’ experiences (physically, emotionally, psychologically) and navigating healthcare pathways, to optimize outcomes, functionality and quality of life, particularly for people with chronic diseases.
SMT provides holistic nurses with a framework to: • understand patients’ perceptions of their health problems, • assess the impact of clusters of symptoms that affect function and activities of daily living, • prioritize care interventions to address symptoms causing the most distress, • develop effective approaches for improving patients’ quality of life, and • help them adjust to altered health conditions(3). Bowenwork is a broad spectrum Page 18
intervention that supports self-care, self-efficacy and improvement for many different health conditions, reducing stress symptoms and promoting healing. It has the potential to expand holistic nurses’ skills and choices in managing patients’ healthcare outcomes.
Future Plans Limited numbers of published pilotstudies, nonrandomized controlled trials, and case-studies indicate that Bowenwork improves patients’ recovery from illness, injury and surgery, range of movement, ability to perform activities of daily life and enjoy improved quality of life (4). Further research on applications of Bowenwork in therapeutic and nursing-related settings, is highly recommended.
1. Weaver, C. (2013). How I Practice Holistic Nursing. Oncology Times, 35(19), pp.1-2. doi: 10.1097/01.COT. 0000436500.51472.79 2. Humphreys, J., Janson, S., Donesky, D. … & Kennedy, C. (2008). Theory of Symptom Management. In: M.J. Smith & P.R. Liehr (Eds.), Middle Range Theory for Nursing, (3rd ed.), (pp.141-164), New York, Springer Publishing Co. 3. Brant, J.M., Beck, S. & Miakowski, C. (2009). Building dynamic models and theories to advance the science of symptom management research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(1), pp.228-240. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05179.x 4. Hansen, C. (2012). PhD Candidate Dissertation: “A Pilot Study on Bowenwork for Symptom Management of Women Breast Cancer Survivors with Lymphedema,” University of Arizona, USA. Contact Information/Acknowledgements
Sandra Gustafson MHS BSN RN P.O. Box 674, Bodega Bay, CA 94923 Ph: 707 548 3988 Email: bwnwk4lf@ sonic.net: www.bowenworkforlife.com American Bowen Academy: www.bowenwork.com
In June 2014, the American Bowen Academy
Sandra Gustafson
supported me in attending the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) conference attended by an estimated 450 people. It was a wonderful experience for me to showcase Bowenwork with research posters that I had created and submitted for selection, and personally reconnect with the nursing community. The conference theme was “Through the Looking Glass: A Vision of Holistic Leadership” - designed to explore possibilities for nurses to deepen their influence in all healthcare settings, provide information on the role of nurses in the USA Affordable Care Act and point to innovative strategies for transforming nursing practice.
The posters were very well placed as people walked past them between the lecture rooms and exhibition hall. I received very positive comments on the information and visual aesthetics of the posters (which can be seen and accessed on the www.bowenwork.com website under “Articles and Research”). Many nurses came by and talked to me (including nurse educators) and took business cards and brochures. To my delight, some even told me that they knew what Bowenwork was, having experienced it, or knew Bowenwork practitioners in their community. I met three attendees that had taken Bowenwork training and were so excited to see that their modality was on display! The Portland-area practitioners in the exhibition booth (organized by Instructor, Cobalt Coy) worked on over 150 people during the weekend.
Instructor Cobalt Coy demonstrating Bowen
There were three practitioners in booth doing shifts each day, and every time I passed by they were all busy doing Bowenwork on people. I feel that holistic nurses are a good allies for Bowenwork practitioners, as they are committed to seeking and advocating for non-medical tools to help people, and are making positive inroads into conventional healthcare facilities and integrating complementary therapies. Many of them are looking for ways to expand their own practices and ‘get out of the system’ and become more independent complementary health practitioners. Left to Right: Practitioners Jeannette Torma, Elizabeth Dimick, Claire Melde and Claire Darling Page 19
Instructor USA
Multiple Sclerosis Case study When do some case studies become research?
This is where I am asking for the broader Bowen community to help out. During March of 2013 I was very fortunate to have Laura walk through the clinic door to get help for her recent diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Laura was looking for natural therapies as she had decided not to go with the medical model of treatment. I explained the Bowen Therapy to her and gave her the Bowen brochure and the web site to look up. By the next week Laura was back to start her Bowen sessions. Over a period of 12 months Laura came just about every week for treatment and I treated her symptoms as presented. Too much to include in this article, but some of the treatment included SBP 1 and 2. I asked Laura if she would mind if I took her sessions as a case study, which would mean that I would then need her medical records and her test results as we progress through the treatment. Laura agreed and handed over the material. Six months into the Bowen Treatment an M.R.I. scan showed a reduction of lesions and by the end of twelve months of Bowen treatment the next M.R.I. scan report showed no lesions to be found. Does this results show that Bowen is a recommended treatment for M.S.? Certainly not, this is a case study. This case study showed 100% success and if I were
to treat another M.S. client and the result was the same I would still have 100% success, but if the result was contrary then the outcome would be 50% success; and like wise if the next client showed no change in the condition then the result would drop to 25%, which is starting to look unfavorable. So the greater the population of cases statistically, the more accurate the outcome. What I am asking the Bowen Community to do is to get on board with this. I am hoping, for those that can, treat one M.S. client, and if a thousand Bowen practitioners world wide took this on then these case studies collectively would start to look like research. If you are interested then please contact me and I will send you my case study report. Each client is different in the way they will present with symptoms so your week to week treatments will be different than what I have followed through with. The important things to include in your treatment report are the medical records as well as the M.R.I. scans. Without this information any work you do as Bowen therapists will not mean anything when it comes to research. SHIRLEY Le MARQUAND Numurkah, Victoria
[email protected]
I am from Pakistan. I now live in Australia with my wife. We have been trying to have a baby for around four years, but were unable to conceive. My wife has irregular menses, sometimes going months at a time. She has been diagnosed with Fibroids, and Polycystic Ovaries. My wife had been a fairly over weight lady, and has lost between 15 and 20 kg in the hope of making conception more probable. It wasn’t to be. Nothing happened. We could not conceive naturally. I have learnt the Bowen Technique, which my wife has received many times. My practice sessions of course included the Coccyx Procedure, and Coccyx Oblique.
However we believed at this stage the only way to have a baby was to go down the path of IVF. We made the initial arrangements to begin some hormonal treatment prior to going back to Pakistan for a holiday. Our holiday over and we were back in Australia. Just before commencing the procedure for IVF my wife did a just-incase pregnancy test and we found she was pregnant. We went to our doctor to begin the IVF program, at this time he informed us that my wife was six months pregnant. We are so thankful that we didn’t have to proceed with IVF. We believe that we have a truly BOWEN baby.
Wattle Grove N.S.W. Emo C. Serobse ndiis, in hilicae Page 20
The first time I wheeled my walker into your office, I didn’t know what to expect. Medically this has been a horrible year for me Everything that could possibly be done to help me was being done. The day after a successful aorta valve replacement, I went into shock and my lungs, kidneys and bones were all failing me. An induced coma helped save my life, but my right arm was broken in the process of moving me and no one knew it. It went undetected until I was brought out of the coma. My whole body was weakened and infection after infection set in. Finally, after two months in the hospital and two months in Concordia of South Hills for rehab, I was sent home to recoup. However, I was left to deal with EXTREME dizziness/vertigo and the pain inmy degenerating hips, knees and groin. When we met, I was beyond hope and desperation. I can honestly tell you I was giving up. My niece told me about you and we felt it was worth a try.
Antoinette Jucha and Mary Martorano, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
THANK GOD WE DID! Mary, the FOG HAS LIFTED from my head! The very first time you worked on my head I FELT THE FOG LIFT as soon as you touched that part of my skull. What is amazing is that I had been telling doctors about that area of my head FOR MONTHS and no one even looked at it...much less felt back there. The reaction on my fog, and dizziness was IMMEDIATE. As we left you that first day, I was PRAYING this clarity in my eyes and head would last! IT WAS AMAZING AND WE ARE NOW AT WEEK THREE AND IT HASN’T COME BACK.
My second visit was soothing and eased some of the pain in my spine and legs. While I was still weak, my energy level was improved and the SHARP EDGE of my pain had dulled to a livable point. HOWEVER, THE TWO BIGGEST IMPROVEMENTS CAME IN MY THIRD VISIT! I had severe leg surgery and toe amputations fifty years ago. Since then, I could not feel the front of my legs. Actually, the only thing I could feel in my legs was PAIN. On that third visit, you did something with the back of both legs that made me feel as if someone had just turned on the faucets and blood was going through my legs again. Since that treatment, my whole body feels better. My pain is almost totally gone and while I am still stiff when I get up, that horrible pain that would take my breath away is GONE! Mary, I’m sorry to write you such a long email but I am not good with the computer AND I WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME. If you can figure out how to get it on a website or something - where people can read about what has happened to me, I would appreciate it. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE MY NAME ON IT AS WELL. I want people to know that this is real....I am a real person who has been suffering terribly and now I feel like life is returning to me after all. I don’t know if it works for everyone or not. I can only tell you what has happened to me BUT I WOULD LIKE OTHERS TO KNOW BECAUSE PERHAPS IT CAN HELP ONE OTHER PERSON TO AVOID WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH. You must just tell people that they need to keep an open mind AND while you are working on them, they must clear their minds and not think about what they have to do next or their grocery list, etc. Just let you and Bowenwork Therapy do your magic!!! With gratitude that never ends,
ANTOINETTE JUCHA Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Equus College of Learning & Research ABN 68 081 448 875. Equine Muscle Release Therapy P/L ACN 081 448 875. Equine Muscle Release Therapy (NZ) Ltd. Director Developer EMRT® / CCmrt® since 1990 The Official Original Bowen on Animals - authorised world wide by Bowtech® The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia - BTAA Email:
[email protected]
Phone: 61 0418 455 801
Website: www.emrt.net.au
Lynley Moroney - Email:
[email protected] Page 21
The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia - Registered Instructors
BETTINA BAUMGARTINGER Schorfling Phone: 06641 334431 email:
[email protected] VERONIKA HUMER Thalheim/Wels Phone: 07242 72707 email:
[email protected] WOLFGANG KULTERER St. Viet an der Glan Phone: 0676 843 384843 e-mail:
[email protected] GERTRAUD MAASS Linz Phone: 676 7004532 MANFRED ZAINZINGER Altenberg bei Linz Phone: 067 66175813 email:
[email protected]
IAN DIXON Phone: 0416 256 366 email:
[email protected]
NEW SOUTH WALES ANNE BARKER Phone:02-4455 1492 email:
[email protected] BELINDA CHANT Phone: 02-6646 8069 email:
[email protected] DERRICK EDMUNDS Phone:02-4455 1492 email:
[email protected] RITA HART-SMITH Phone: 0419 607 997 email:
[email protected] KAREN HEDRICK Phone: 02-6024 5814 email:
[email protected] FARIDA IRANI Phone: 02-9894 8979 email:
[email protected] JANE MURPHY Phone: 0414-468843 email:
[email protected] MICHAEL QUINLIVAN Phone: 02-6024 5814 email:
[email protected] TINA PRICE Phone:02-6653 5060 email:
[email protected] VIMLA RAO Phone: 0415 483459 email:
[email protected] JOSHUA RASCO Phone: 02-9037 9433 e-mail:
[email protected] KATRINA RIDLEY Phone: 02-4981 9583 email:
[email protected] ANNE SCHUBERT Phone: 02-6554 6050 email:
[email protected] MARGARET SPICER Phone: 02-80655815 email:
[email protected] GLENN STAMMERS Phone: 02-4759 2919 email:
[email protected]
QUEENSLAND ANNETTE BAUMGART Phone: 07-4128 1367 e-mail:
[email protected] GAEL COX Mobile: 0405 320 368 email:
[email protected] DESLEY FAULKS Phone: 07-3266 2666 Mobile: 0409 543 659 email:
[email protected] ALISON GOWARD Phone: 07- 4193 9826 email:
[email protected] SUE HAMILTON Phone: 07-3201 1959 email:
[email protected] KRISTIN NORTH Phone: 0407 674699 email: kristin.northstar@gmail DEBBIE ROSS Phone: 0419 726606 email:
[email protected] DAVID STENNING Phone:0411 038 690 email:
[email protected] RALPH TILLEYSHORT Phone: 07-5445 5353 Mobile: 0418 733 101 email:
[email protected] ANNE & DAVID WINTER Mobile: 0419 306 429 email:
[email protected] Mobile: 0419 306 519 email:
[email protected] ROBYN WOOD Phone: 07-5592 2692 Mobile: 0417 078 671 email:
[email protected] LINDA WOODWARD Phone:07-5437 7165 email:
[email protected]
SOUTH AUSTRALIA SEAN DINHAM Phone: 0422 117511 e-mail:
[email protected] KRISTIN NORTH Phone: 0407 674699 email: kristin.northstar@gmail
VICTORIA ANNE HOPLEY Phone: 03-5996 6442 email:
[email protected] CHRIS MILIANKOS Phone: 0411 037475 email:
[email protected] CHRIS REED Phone:03-5243 0050 email:
[email protected]
WESTERN AUSTRALIA VIANNE MACBETH Phone: 08- 9581 6393 email:
[email protected] LYN SELLWOOD Phone: 0409 118 173 email:
[email protected]
BULGARIA ANDREW ZOPPOS Phone: 359 885161746 GEORGI ILCHEV, Sophia e-mail:
[email protected]
CANADA ISABELLE GRARD QC Phone: 450 263 6113 email:
[email protected] KIM GUERIN AB Phone: 780 523 0002 email:
[email protected] DEREK MURPHY ON Phone: 905 813 6161, 905 813 8852 email:
[email protected] DENISE ONSLOW ON Phone: 519 574 0515 e-mail:
[email protected] TAMMY PODRIDSKE AB Phone: 780 402 3507 e-mail:
[email protected] JANET RILEY ON Phone: 613 848 2083 email:
[email protected]
[email protected]
CYPRUS, ROMANIA & SERBIA ANDREW ZOPPOS Phone: 357 994 54818 e-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 40 722 310002 email:
[email protected] CARMEN SOPON Cluj-Napoca Phone: 0722 310002 e-mail:
[email protected]
[email protected] skype: hnhrita
FARIDA IRANI Sydney, Australia Phone: 02-9894 8979 email:
[email protected]
SUZETTE LAKE Kill Co. Kildare Phone: 086 2156722 email :
[email protected] SHALINI SINHA Gorey, Co. Wexford Phone: 353 86 8347700 email:
[email protected]
SHEILA JACKSON Aosta Phone: (39) 339 880414 email:
[email protected] PIERO MURARO Aosta Phone: (39) 335 6590694
[email protected] MASSIMILIANO CUCCIONE Nova Milanese email:
[email protected]
CLAIRE VAN AARDT Swakopmund Phone: 0264 644 04548, 264 81 128 2814 email:
[email protected]
DANIELLE ARGENT Queenstown Ph 03 441 2011, 021 806656
[email protected] GAY JARVIS Palmerston North Phone: 06 355 2919 email:
[email protected] RICHARD RUST Wellington Phone: 04 473 7318 email:
[email protected] PAULINE SENIOR Masterton Ph: 06 377 7279 e-mail:
[email protected]
[email protected]
JOHN WILKS Sherborne, Dorset Phone: 01963 240033 email:
[email protected]
LONNE AMDI Vejby Phone: 45 49 21 27 50 email:
[email protected] MAREN ELSEBETH NIELSEN Roedekro email:
[email protected] LENE RODSHAGEN Roskilde Phone: 45 24 25 22 18 email:
[email protected]
ZIRKIE FOURIE Eastern Cape Phone: 011 9551493 SEAN JOHNSON Honeydew Phone: 27 83 494 4471
[email protected] JEAN NORTJE Capetown Phone: 27 21 712 7853 email:
[email protected]
VIMLA RAO Phone: 0415 483459 email:
[email protected]
GERMANY ANDRIS IELITIS Berlin Phone: 0049 30 21005756 email:
[email protected] DANIEL HILDBRAND Radolizell email:
[email protected] PETRA KEHRER Elsenfeld e-mail:
[email protected] GYURI LIEBE Berlin Phone: 0049 30 466 07718 email:
[email protected] NORA DEISCHL Munchen Phone: 0049 89684123 email:
[email protected] HEIKO DORR Junchen/Dusseldorf Phone:0049 211 4921382 email:
[email protected] SILVIA FANDERS Giessen/Hessia Ph:0049 600 4914194 email:
[email protected] PETER GEHRKE Weinstadt Ph.0049 7151 2786027 email:
[email protected] UTE GRAMS Flensburg Phone:0049 461 8403508 email:
[email protected] RAGNA SCHUMACHER Altenstadt/Hessia Phone: 0049 60352070057 email:
[email protected]
GREECE ALEXANDER ADAMIDIS Koliatsou Phone: 210 2235984 email:
[email protected] ALEXANDRA ANTONIOU Athens email:
[email protected] ANASTASIOS TERZOPOULOS Athens email:
[email protected] THEOKLITOS TSALLOS Athens email:
[email protected]
Page 22
EVELINE SPRUNGER Greifensee Ph: 078 6222982 mail:
[email protected]
FARIDA IRANI Sydney, Australia Phone: 02-9894 8979 email:
[email protected] LIN WAN SHIH Kaohsiuing City Ph:88672418106 e-mail:
[email protected] YEN SHU YEN Kaohsiuing City Ph 88672418106 e-mail:
[email protected]
ROS ELLIOTT-OZLEK Izmir Phone: (0090) 532 615 8669 email:
[email protected]
LESLEY BAXTER Dalkeith, Scotland Phone 0131 4540018 email:
[email protected] DR. BRUCE BORLAND Lincolnshire Phone: 01472 840047 email:
[email protected] ELLEN COBB Farnborough, Hampshire Phone: 01252 545837 email:
[email protected] JOANNE FIGOV Bournemouth, Dorset Ph/Fax: 01202 432160 email:
[email protected] TREVOR GRIFFITHS Perthshire, Scotland Phone: 0176 4670567 email:
[email protected] NICOLA HOK London, Farnham, Surrey Phone: 020 8749 6952 email:
[email protected] JACQUI MARSHALL Borders, Scotland Ph: 0172 1721882 email:
[email protected] MICHAEL PATRICK London Phone: 0788 6440807
[email protected] HELEN PERKINS Peterbrough e-mail:
[email protected] JOHN WILKS Somerton, Somerset Phone: 07866 764960 email:
[email protected] JAN WILLIAMSON Cheshire Ph: 0161 9737792 email:
[email protected]
The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia - Registered Instructors UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SALLY BARTON Pacific Grove, California Phone: 831-373 4676 e-mail:
[email protected] PRATITI BELDNER San Francisco, California Phone: 503-397 0429 email:
[email protected] DENA BOWEN Brighton, Michigan Phone: 810-824 1604 e-mail:
[email protected] KELLY CLANCY Seattle, Washington Phone:206-706 0063e-mail:
[email protected] TARA “COLBALT” COY Portland, Oregon e-mail:
[email protected] SANDRA GUSTAFSON Bodega Bay, California Phone: 707-528 4372 email:
[email protected] AINSLEE FARRINGTON, Berwick, Maine Phone:603-833 3596 e-mail:
[email protected]
SUSAN KINGSBURY Everett, Washington Phone: 206- 6877 ABBY LaROCK Peterborough, New Hampshire Phone: 603-924 7814 email:
[email protected] LAURA MAGPALI Eugene, Oregon Phone: 541-525 4033 e-mail:
[email protected] MARY MARTORANO Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Phone: 724-6272 e-mail:
[email protected] VICKI MECHNER Springfield, Virginia Phone: 703- 455 0111 email:
[email protected] GRETCHEN MILES Snohomish, Washington Phone:360-568 7075 email:
[email protected] ALEXIA MONROE Prescott, Arizona Phone: 928-443 9355 email:
[email protected]
NANCY PIERSON Gentry, Arkansas Phone: 512-750 4012 email:
[email protected] JANET RILEY Belleville, ON CANADA Phone 613-848 2083 email:
[email protected] NANCEE ROGERS Cincinnati, Ohio Phone: 513-527 4540 email:
[email protected] KARIN TWOHIG Carmel, California Phone: 831- 238 2228 email:
[email protected] HARRY WHARF Rocklin, California Phone: 916-652 7176 e-mail: bowenworks1&sbcglobl.net SEAN WOLF Santa Clara, California Phone: 408- 205 7469 email:
[email protected]
Hanna Opila, Co-Ordinator of Poland, Instructor Andrew Zoppos and Theoklitos Tsallos Instructor Poland, at the Poznan class
Instructors: Trevor Griffiths and Michael Patrick attended the Specialised Bowen Procedures 2 class in Sheffield, U.K .
SBP2 Class at Lich Germany, 23rd and 24th July, 2014 with Elaine and Ossie Page 23
Bowtech Course Dates check www.bowentraining.com.au for additional seminar dates which may not be listed ------------------------------------------------------------
CANBERRA Module 1 January 31 & Feb 1 Module 2 February 21 & 22 Module 3 March 28 & 29 Module 4 May 16 & 17 Module 5 June 27 & 28 Module 6 August 8 & 9 Module 7 August 29 & 30 Instructor: Ian Dixon Ph. 0416 256 366 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------
NEW SOUTH WALES COFFS HARBOUR Module 1 & 2 Module 3 & 4 Module 5 & 6 Module 8 Module 9 Practitioner Day A & B
Feb 20, 21, 22 & 23 April 17, 18, 19 & 20 June 26, 27, 28 & 29 March 6, 7 & 8 June 5, 6 & 7 May 3 & 4
TAMWORTH Module 1 & 2 March 20, 21, 22 & 23 Module 3 & 4 May 29, 30, 31, June 1 Module 5 & 6 July 31, Aug 1, 2 & 3 Practitioner Days A & B April 4 & 5 Instructor:Tina Price Ph.. 02 6653 5060 email:
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------------FORSTER Module 1 & 2 April 16, 17, 18 & 19 Ocotber 2, 3, 4 & 5 Module 3 January 17 & 18 June 20 & 21 Module 4 March 21 & 22 Module 5 May 16 & 17 Module 6 December 13 & 14 July 11 & 12 Module 7 February 7 & 8 Practitioner Days A & B May 9 & 10 August 8 & 9 Instructor: Anne Schubert Ph. 02 6554 6050 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------MATCHAM Module 1 January 11 & 12 Module 2 January 12 & 13 Module 3 March 15 & 16 Module 5 September 12 & 13 Module 6 October 9 & 10 Module 7 December 6 & 7 Instructor: Rita Hart-Smith Ph. 0419 607997 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------PYMBLE Module 1 February 1 & 8 Module 2 February 15 & 22 Module 3 April 19 & 26 Module 4 May 17 & 24 Module 5 June 28 & July 5 Module 6 August 2 & 9 Instructor: Joshua Rasco Ph. 02 9037 9433 e-mail :
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------SYDNEY Module 1 & 2 Mar 12, 13, 14 & 15 August 13, 14, 15 & 16 Module 3 & 4 May 14, 15 16 & 17 Oct 15, 16, 17 & 18 Modules 5 & 6 July 9, 10, 11 & 12 Dec. 3, 4, 5 & 6
Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 Module 10 Practitioner Day A Practitioner Day B Practitioner Day C
February 14 & 15 September 19 & 20 February 14 & 15 2016 March 21, 22 & 23 June 26, 27 & 28 Nov 28, 29 & 30 May 30 May 31 August 2
Instructor: Margaret Spicer Ph. 02 9221 1115 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------SYDNEY Module 5 & 6 Dec 18, 19, 20 & 21 Module 7 TBA Instructor: Farida Irani email:
[email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------SOUTH PENRITH Module 1 January 17 & 18 Module 1 & 2 July 11, 12, 13 & 14 Module 2 February 21 & 22 Module 3 March 28 & 29 Module 3 & 4 Sept 19, 20, 21 & 22 Module 4 April 11 & 12 Module 5 May 30 & 31 Module 5 & 6 Oct 31, Nov 1, 2 & 3 Module 6 June 27 & 28 Module 7 July 18 & 19 December 5 & 6 Module 8 Feb 27, 28 & Mar 1 Module 9 February 13, 14 & 15 June 19, 20 & 21 Module 10 June 12, 13 & 14 September 4, 5 & 6 Module 11 January 30 - Feb 1 Instructor: Vimla Rao Ph. 0415 483459 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------YAMBA Module 1 & 2 February 26 - Mar 1 May 28, 29, 30 & 31 August 27, 28, 29 & 30 Module 3 & 4 April 30, May 1, 2 & 3 August 6, 7, 8 & 9 Nov 12, 13, 14 & 15 Module 5 & 6 July 16, 17, 18 & 19 Oct 15, 16, 17 & 18 February 25 - 28 2016 Instructor: Belinda Chant Ph. 02 6646 8069 email:
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------
BRISBANE (KENMORE) Module 1 February 7 & 8 Module 2 March 7 & 8 Module 3 April 11 & 12 Module 4 May 2 & 3 Module 5 June 6 & 7 Module 6 July 4 & 5 Module 7 August 1 & 2 Practitioner Day A & B March 28 & 29 September 5 & 6 2015 Instructor: Sue Hamilton Ph. 07 3201 1959 email:
[email protected] www.bowen-therapy.net.au -----------------------------------------------------------BRISBANE Module 1 April 11 & 12 Module 4 February 14 & 15 Module 5 March 21 & 22 Module 6 April 18 & 19 Module 7 May 16 & 17 Module 10 February 27 & March 1 Instructor: Desley Faulks Ph. 07 3266 2666 email:
[email protected]
Page 24
BUDERIM Module 1 & 2 February 13,14,15 &16 August 7, 8, 9 & 10 Module 3 & 4 April 17, 18, 19 & 20 Oct. 23, 24, 25 & 26 Module 5 & 6 June 19, 20, 21 & 22 Dec 11,12, 13 & 14 ‘15 Module 7 February 28, March 1 October 3 & 4 2015 Module 8 March 27, 28 & 29 Nov 20, 21 & 22 2015 Module 9 January 16, 17 & 18 Module 10 May 8, 9 & 10 Practitioner Days A & B May 30 & 31 September 5 & 6 2015 Practitioner Days C SPB1 November 7 &8 2015 Instructor: Ralph Tilleyshort Ph. 07 5445 5353 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------CALOUNDRA/CURRIMUNDI Module 1 & 2 Feb 13, 14, 15 & 16 May 1, 2, 3 & 4 Module 3 & 4 April 10, 11, 12 & 13 July 12 &, 13, 14 & 15 Module 5 & 6 June 12, 13, 14 & 15 October 2, 3, 4 & 5 Module 7 August 15 & 16 December 12 & 13 Module 8 October 16, 17 & 18 May 29, 30 & 31 Module 9 March 6, 7 & 8 August 28, 29 & 30 Module 10 July 3, 4 & 5 November 27, 28 & 29 Practitioner Day A & B May 16 & 17 HERVEY BAY Module 8 Module 9 Module 10
March 20, 21 & 22 June 19, 20 & 21 September 18, 19 & 20
Instructor: Linda Woodward Ph. 07 5437 7165 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------CAIRNS Module 5 & 6 Oct 10, 11, 12 & 13 Module 8 March 13, 14 & 15 MACKAY Module 1 & 2 Module 3 & 4 Module 5 & 6 Module 8 Practitioner Days A & B Practitioner Day C Revision
March 27, 28, 29 & 30 May 22, 23, 24 & 25 July 17, 18, 19 & 20 March 6, 7, 8 & 9 May 9 & 10 May 2 May 3
ROCKHAMPTON Modules 1 & 2 Feb 19, 20, 21 & 22 Module 3 & 4 April 24, 25, 26 & 27 Modules 5 & 6 June 19, 20 21 & 22 Practitioner Days A & B May 16 & 17 Instructor: Gael Cox Ph. 0405 320 368 email:
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------------CAIRNS Module 1 February 21 & 22 Module 2 March 21 & 22 Module 3 April 18 & 19 Module 4 May 16 & 17 Module 5 June 14 & 15 Module 6 July 18 & 19 Module 7 September 12 & 13 Instructor: Debbie Ross Ph.: 0419 726606 email:
[email protected]
-----------------------------------------------------------CHARLEVILLE Module 10 January 23, 24 & 25 Instructor: Vimla Rao Ph. 0415 483459 email:
[email protected]
Bowtech Course Dates
GOLD COAST Module 1 & 2 July 17, 18, 19 & 20 Module 3 January 17 & 18 August 15 & 16 Module 4 March 21 & 22 Module 5 & 6 June 26, 27, 28 & 29 Module 7 August 1 & 2 Module 8 March 28, 29 & 30 Module 9 February 28, Mar 1 & 2 July 11, 12 & 13 Module 10 July 4, 5 & 6 Practitioner Days A & B January 31 Practitioner Day C February 7 Instructor: Robyn Wood Ph. 0417 078671 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------------FRASER COAST Module 1 February 7 & 8 June 6 & 7 August 15 & 16 Module 2 March 7 & 8 July 4 & 5 September 12 & 13 Module 3 April 11 & 12 August 1 & 2 October 10 & 11 Module 4 May 9 & 10 September 5 & 6 November 7 & 8 Module 5 January 17 & 18 June 13 & 14 October 3 & 4 December 12 & 13 Module 6 February 14 & 15 July 11 & 12 October 31 & Nov 1 Module 7 March 14 & 15 May 16 & 17 August 8 & 9 October 24 & 25 December 5 & 6 Practitioner Days May 30 & 31 November 28 & 29 Instructor: Annette Baumgart Ph. 07 4128 1367 e-mail:
[email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------TOOWOOMBA Module 1 & 2 May 22, 23 24 & 25 Module 3 & 4 July 17, 18, 19 & 20 Module 5 & 6 Sept 11, 12, 13 & 14 Module 7 November 21 & 22 Module 8 February 13, 14 & 15 Module 9 May 8, 9 & 10 Module 10 August 14, 15 & 16 Module 11 November 13, 14 & 15 Practitioner Days A & B June 6 & 7 Practitioner Day C September 6 Instructors : David & Anne Winter Mobiles: 0419 306 429, 0419 306 519 emails:
[email protected] [email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------NOOSA Module 1 & 2 March 6, 7, 8 & 9 June 12, 13, 14 & 15 Sept 4, 5, 6 & 7 March 4, 5, 6 & 7 ‘16 Module 3 & 4 May 8, 9, 10 & 11 August 14, 15, 16 & 17 Nov 20, 21 22 & 23’ 15 May 27, 28 29 &30’16 Module 5 & 6 February 6, 7, 8 & 9 July 10, 11, 12 & 13 October 23,24,25,26’15 Feb 26, 27, 28 & 29’16 Aug 12, 13,14 &15 ‘16 Module 7 January 17 & 18 May 1 & 2 October 3 & 4 2015 February 6 & 7 2016 May 7 & 8 2016
Prac Days A & B February 21 & 22 June 20 & 21 Sept 19 & 20 2015 February 21 & 21 2016 June 25 & 26 2016 Instructor: Kristin North Ph. 0407 674699 email: kristin.northstar@gmail ------------------------------------------------------------
February 3, 4, 5 & 6 March 25 & 26
Instructor: Sean Dinham Ph. 0422 117511 e-mail:
[email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------ADELAIDE Module 1 & 2 April 17, 18, 19 & 20 Apr 15, 16, 17 & 18 16 Module 3 & 4 June 5, 6, 7 & 8 June 17, 18, 19, 20 ‘16 Module 5 & 6 August 7, 8, 9 & 10 August 19, 20,21,22’16 Module 7 October 9 & 10 2015 November 18 & 19 ‘16 Prac Days A & B October 11 & 12 2015 November 20 & 21 ‘16 Instructor: Kristin North Ph. 0407 674699 email: kristin.northstar@gmail ------------------------------------------------------------
BELMONT Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 Module 10 Module 11 KOROIT Module 1 & 2 Module 3 & 4 Module 5 & 6 Module 7 NEWPORT Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7
February 10 - 19 March 17 - 26 April 21 - 30 May 19 - 28 June 16 - 25 July 21 - 30 August 18 - 27 May 30, 31 & June 1 August 29, 30 & 31 February 28, Mar 1 & 2 November 28, 29 & 30 June 20, 21 & 22 October 10, 11 & 12 February 27, 28 & 29 ‘16
HOBART Module 3 & 4
June 12, 13, 14 & 15
Instructor:Tina Price Ph.. 02 6653 5060 email:
[email protected]
--------------------------------------------------------------------BOWEN RETREATS FORSTER
March 14 & 15 June 13 & 14 September 12 & 13 December 5 & 6
Instructor: Anne Schubert Ph. 02 6554 6050 email:
[email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------CORE CONNECTION (COCCYX TMJ) BRISBANE May 3 & 3 Instructor: Desley Faulks Ph. 07 3266 2666 email:
[email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------COMMON PATHOLOGIES CAIRNS
March 14 & 15
Instructors: Karen Hedrick & Anne Barker Ph. 02 6024 5814 Ph. 02 4455 1492 email:
[email protected] email:
[email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------MIND, BODY & BOWEN STH. PENRITH, N.S.W. February 21 & 22 February 28 & Mar 1 ADELAIDE, S.A. CENTRAL COAST, N.S.W. May/June TBA July TBA NEW ZEALAND Instructors: Anne Schubert and Margaret Spicer Margaret Ph. 61 2 9221 1115 email:
[email protected] Anne Ph. 61 2 6554 6050 ----------------------------------------------------------------WORKING WITH NECK PAIN HOBART February 15 DIABETES & BOWEN HOBART February 14
May 9, 10, 13, & 14 August 1, 2, 3 & 4 October 24, 25, 26 & 27 December 12 & 13
Instructor: Robyn Wood Ph. 0417 078671 email:
[email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------SHOULDER INJURIES & REHABILITATION
January 31 & Feb 1 March 7 & 8 April 18 & 19 May 16 & 17 June 13 & 14
WEIN, AUSTRIA March 11 ZELL bei RIED, AUSTRIA March 18 BAD HAERING/TIROL, AUSTRIA March 24 HAIBACH bei ASCHAFFENBURG, GERMANY March 30 TOOWOOMBA September 5 Instructor : David Winter Ph. 0419 306 519 email:
[email protected]
Instructor: Chris Reed Ph. 03 5243 0050 email:
[email protected] -----------------------------------------------------------WODONGA Module 1 March 21 & 22 Module 2 April 18 & 19 Module 3 May 16 & 17 Module 4 June 20 & 21 Module 5 July 18 & 19 Module 6 August 8 & 9 Module 7 September 5 & 6 Modules 8 - 11 TBA 2015
Instructors: Michael Quinlivan & Karen Hedrick Ph. 02 6024 5814 email:
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------
Instructors : David & Anne Winter Mobiles: 0419 306 429, 0419 306 519 emails:
[email protected] [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------KICK START
HOBART Module 3 & 4
June 12, 13, 14 & 15
Instructor: Belinda Chant Ph. 02 6646 8069 email:
[email protected]
Page 25
March 14 July 11 September 26
Instructor: Ralph Tilleyshort Ph. 07 5445 5353 email:
[email protected]
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
Dip B.T. indicates practitioners who have completed a “Diploma in Bowen Therapy” in accordance with our Nationally Recognised Trainer - B.C.N.T. ............................................. * denotes those B.T.A.A. members who have completed Advanced Course .............................................. ** denotes those B.T.A.A. members who have completed 2 SBP2 courses ..............................................
AUSTRALIA A.C.T. BELCONNEN Sandy Kevill Dip B.T. 0413 047470 ** FADDEN Carolyn Chalmers Dip B.T. 0421 446462 ** HALL Evelyn DeBritt (02) 6230 2472 LYONS Ian Dixon Dip B.T. (Instructor) 0416 256366 ** McKELLAR Anne Whish-Wilson * (02) 6258 8218 **
NEW SOUTH WALES METROPOLITAN ABBOTSFORD Norina Caselli Dip B.T. (02) 9712 5010 0412 123639 ANNANDALE Kala Domadia 0414 587341 ASHFIELD Gillian Cooke 0422 324044 Dr. Bina Thakur 0414 622204 BALMAIN Cyril Bosco * 0400 025794 BASS HILL Sue Harris * (02) 9755 2773 BEROWRA Lindy Hamid 0419 998 788 BEROWRA HEIGHTS Carol Barlow Dip B.T. (02) 9456 1372 BLACKTOWN Joseph Collaros Dip B.T. (02) 96213640 Irene Horvath * (02) 9671 7453 Tibor Horvath * (02) 9671 7453 Dierdre Mathews * (02) 9622 9056 ** BONDI BEACH Sean Houlahan 0410 328648 CHATSWOOD Jan Goldsmith 0408 112 822 **
CHURCH POINT Judith Welch 0418 338711 CLOVELY Jamie Payne 0410 834212 Sally Turner Dip B.T. 0439 993031 ** DULWICH HILL Michelle Leto (02) 9569 2396 ENMORE Jamie Payne 0410 834212 EPPING Susan Kish (02) 9617 0316 GORDON Atsuko Smart Dip B.T. 0400 554 397 GUILDFORD WEST Said Azizi 0404 455907 KILLARA Alison Gallagher 0400 641752 ** KIRRAWEE Christine Martin Dip B.T. (02) 9521 3120 0417 247749 LEICHHARDT Lindsay Keremidschieff (02) 9560 3011 ** LINDFIELD Jane Murphy (Instructor) Dip B.T. (02) 9482 8113 ** 0414 468843 LOVEDALE Michael Soo Dip B.T. 0406 573182 ** MANLY VALE Kathryn Burton Dip B.T. (02) 8668 5110 ** 0402 439 932 MERRYLANDS Jennifer Haslam * (02) 9632 4959 ** MIRANDA Beverley Edwards * (02) 9525 0728 0418 968161 MOONEY MOONEY Deborah Germain 0411 480079 NEUTRAL BAY Rita Hart-Smith * (Instructor) (02) 9432 6283 ** 0419 607997 NORMANHURST Susan Wells 0413 686980 NORTH SYDNEY Eliza Ball * (02) 8904 0202 ** OAK FLATS Bronwyn Thomas * (02) 4256 9549 PYMBLE Joshua Rasco Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 9037 9433 ** QUAKERS HILL Maree Kendall Dip B.T. (02) 9626 8705 RANDWICK Karin Mavromatis 0425 233582 Lilian Rytt * (02) 9398 7737 **
RYDE Elizabeth Cessario Dip B.T. 0415 775652 ** SOUTH PENRITH Vimla Rao Dip B.T. (Instructor) 0415 483459 ** STRATHFIELD Cyril Bosco * 0400 025794 SURRY HILLS Victoria Knight 0417 122977 Wild McAllister 0411 969411 SYDNEY Michael Alcott Dip B.T. (02) 9089 8940 ** Eliza Ball (02) 9221 1115 ** Rita Hart-Smith * (Instructor) (02) 9432 6283 ** 0419 607997 Michael Soo Dip B.T. (02) 9211 3811 ** Margaret Spicer Dip B.T. (Instructor) ** (02) 9221 1115 THORNLEIGH Nerina Du Preez * (02) 9484 2838 WATTLE GROVE Khalique Khan 0415 138918 WESTMEAD Christiane Ferrari Dip B.T. (02) 0407 004083 ** WEST PENNANT HILLS Farida Irani (Instructor) Dip B.T. (02) 9894 8979 ** Khurseed Irani Dip B.T. (02) 9894 8979 ** Susan Trudgett Dip B.T. 0418 762038 ** WINSTON HILL Rita Pascoli * (02) 9674 6444 COUNTRY
ADAMSTOWN Brigitte Dambiec 0411 309142 ** ALBURY Karen Hedrick Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 6024 5814 ** Michael Quinlivan Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 6024 5814 ** Maree Roberts Dip B.T. 0419 403802 ALBURY EAST Narelle Lonergan 0438 402464 ALSTONVILLE Norm Smith * (02) 6628 7799 ANNA BAY Stephanie Nokes 0410 100577 John Vassallo 0417 464839 ARMIDALE Eva Knorles Dip B.T. (02) 6771 3171 ** Elizabeth Witt (02) 6772 2878
Page 26
ASHTONVILLE Kylie Stace 0413 453380 BATHURST Halina Daniewska Dip B.T. (02) 6368 8664 ** BEGA Julie Waters * 0400-791327 ** ALBURY NORTH Maree Roberts Dip B.T. (02) 6021 1450 0419 403802 BATEHAVEN Christine Trayner Dip B.T. (02) 4476 8732 BELLINGEN Suzanne Garven Dip B.T. (02) 6655 0647 ** BELMONT NTH Christina Rubina Dip B.T. 0417 877231 BLACK BUTT Vivianne Wills Dip B.T. (02) 4244 2949 ** BLACKTOWN Margaret De L’Hovel (02) 4677 3666 BLUEYS BEACH Leah New (02) 6554 0046 BOAT HARBOUR Katrina Ridley (Instructor) Dip B.T. (02) 4981 9583 ** 0438 148842 BONNELLS BAY Cheryl Manson * (02) 4973 6382 0402 286405 BONNY HILLS Karen Andrighetto Dip B.T. (02) 6585 4663 ** BOOMERONG BEACH Belinda Elliott (02) 6555 9113 Kay Hartmann (02) 6554 0454 BROADMEADOW Amanda Nash 0416 316174 BUNDA Lynette Murray 0402 674 724 BUNDEENA Melanie Crumlin 0411 043193 BURWOOD Frances Braiding * 0408 282 380 CALLALA BEACH Margaret Evans Dip B.T. (02) 4446 6949 CASINO Kate Dougherty Dip B.T. (02) 6662 3101 ** 0428 162855 COFFS HARBOUR Jenny Morris * 0429 957958 Ken Wilkinson Dip B.T. 0421 250394 COFFS HARBOUR/ BONVILLE Tina Price Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 6653 5060 CONDOBOLIN Wendy Bennett Dip B.T. 0428 127073 **
CONDONG Louise Klein Dip B.T. 0411 747013 ** COOKS HILL Julie Christie 0428 392543 CRAWFORD RIVER Karen Carran 0427 177172 DORRIGO Suzanne Garven Dip B.T. (02) 6657 1097 ** DUBBO Prudence Duffy Dip B.T. 0427 143 743 ** Dayna Tierney 0419 637403 FIREFLY Diane Willey (02) 6559 1898 FORSTER Muriel Bramble (02) 6554 5000 0402 282032 Kay Hartmann (02) 6554 5225 Anne Schubert Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 6554 6050 ** GLENBROOK Glenn Stammers * (Instructor) (02) 4759 2919 ** GLEN INNES Douglas Bower 0434 388245 GLOUCESTER Wilma Murray Dip B.T. (02) 6558 9026 ** 0421 434564 GOSFORD Rita Hart-Smith * (Instructor) (02) 8250 2520 ** 0419 607997 Neroli Jones (02) 4323 3744 GRAFTON Karin Mills (02) 6643 2131 GRIFFITH Brenda Centofanti (02) 6962 5379 Marisa Triaca Dip B.T. 0458 635224 ** GUNNEDAH Janelle Smith 0408 659046 HALLIDAYS POINT Elizabeth Witt (02) 6559 2220 0410 001 066 HAMILTON Peter Wall Dip B.T. (02) 4961 1612 HARRINGTON PARK Slanomir Kapczuk (02) 4647 5748 ** ILLABO Robyn Hillam Dip B.T. (02) 6924 7216 ** 0428 617527 INVERELL Virginia McGillivray 0458 541277 Jodee Monckton (02) 6724 8489 JINDABYNE Jacqueline van Weel 0425 777497
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
KANWAL Ken Bone (02) 4392 3769 ** KEARNS Melanie Moore (02) 9820 1486 KEMPSEY Debbie Gillespie Dip B.T. 0413 577573 ** KINCUMBER Dianne Banner Dip B.T. (02) 4369 2254 ** LAKE CATHIE Lesley Mooney (02) 6586 3016 0414 188324 Brett Smith * (02) 6586 3001 LAKE CARGELLIGO Thelma Mickan Dip B.T. (02) 6898 1049 ** LAMBTON Warren Irvine Dip B.T. 0402 408654 ** LAURIETON Lynette Stevens * (02) 6559 5626 LAVINGTON Carolyn Butkowski (02) 6025 4676 Ashley Pilcher 0418 954954 LAWSON Victoria Knight (02) 4759 3270 0417 122977 LILLI PILLI Peter Fetterplace 0458 711157 LISMORE Norm Smith * (02) 6624 4424 LONDONDERRY Mary Sultana Dip B.T. 0421 885 360 MACQUARIE Sandra Kevill (02) 6251 4848 ** MATCHAM Rita Hart-Smith * (Instructor) (02) 8250 2520 ** 0419 607997 MEDOWIE Sandra Lynch 0419 985994 MERIMBULA Caroline Ceylon * (02) 6494 9476 ** MILTON Sharron Rooney Dip B.T. (02) 4455 3872 0407 287005 MOLLYMOOK Kerry Devenport Dip B.T. (02) 4454 5073 ** MOLONG Rosalie Aguila * 0403 295556 MOONBI Lorraine Allen 0411 467330 NELSON BAY Anna Royce Dip B.T. (02) 4984 2281 ** NEWCASTLE EAST Daphne Templeton * (02) 4926 2096 ** 0416 087606
OAK FLATS Bronwyn Thomas * (02) 4256 9549 OLD BAR Margaret Pryor * (02) 6553 7367 PARKES Susan Johnson Dip B.T. 0400 666901 PENRITH Maureen Rogers Dip B.T. (02) 4722 6800 PERISHER Anne Gray * 0414 341987 ** PICTON Margaret Del L’Hovel (02) 4677 3666 PORT MACQUARIE Karen Andrighetto Dip B.T. 0408 864152 ** Katherine Bright Dip B.T. 0488 191646 Kim Bright (02) 6582 6176 Debbie Gillespie Dip B.T. 0413 577573 Marite Jansons 0638 685667 Vicki McLellan * (02) 6584 6661 Kathryn Reardon 0418 593 666 QUANDIALLA Jodie Vonthien Dip B.T 0427 471313 SCONE Janene Henderson 0417 020829 Joanne Van Hees (02) 6545 4192 ** SCOTTS HEAD Jo White * (02) 6569 8434 ** SHOALHAVEN HEADS Joy Gabrielsen Dip B.T. 0413 227945 SINGLETON Gai Downes 0408 831302 SINGLETON HEIGHTS Graham Thewlis (02) 6573 3652 0477 029823 SOUTH WEST ROCKS Vicki McLellan * (0402 491118 Lisa Perkins (02) 6566 7012 SPRINGWOOD Christine Hart Dip B.T. 0402 106603 ** Glenn Stammers * (Instructor) (02) 4759 2919 ** SUFFOLK PARK Jenny Cain * 0420 476126 TAREE Nancy Dixon Dip B.T. (02) 6551 2756 ** TEMORA Leanne Von Mengersen Dip B.T. (02) 6977 1712 0428 351250 TERRANORA Chris Edser Dip B.T. (07) 5513 0025 **
TERRIGAL Bernadette Leiser * (02) 4384 1063 TRUNDLE Jenalee McAlister (02) 6869 9274 TULLAMORE Tina McMahon 0402 380940 ULLADULLA Anne Barker Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 4455 1492 0427 195330 Derrick Edmunds Dip B.T. (Instructor) (02) 4455 1492 URUNGA Christine Miller Dip B.T. (02) 6655 3855 ** WAUCHOPE Karen Andrighetto Dip B.T. 0408 864 152 ** WELLINGTON Ian Ponder * (02) 6846 7561 ** WEST KEMPSEY Judith Wood (02) 6562 5337 WEST WYALONG Diane Croucher 0408 266920 Patricia Stokes * (02) 6975 7233 ** 0427 757233 WINGHAM Gai Wespi Dip B.T. (02) 6553 0651 ** 0418 658485 WINMALEE Amanda Beckett 0400 236915 WOLLONGONG Frances Braiding * 0408 282 380 WOOLI Leah New (02) 6649 7004 WOY WOY Wayne Carroll Dip B.T. 0419 717 817 ** YAMBA Belinda Chant Dip B.T. 0412 625990 YANDERRA Christine Bird * (02) 4684 1495
NORTHERN TERRITORY DARWIN Therese Grahl * (08) 8985 1766 **
VICTORIA METROPOLITAN ABBOTSFORD Elspeth Smith (03) 9429 6647 0439 357738 ARDEER Sally Hetherington 0414 717 805 BALWYN Carole Kernohan Dip B.T. 0407 372426
Page 27
BEAUMARIS Tanya de Haan-Zdanuis Dip B.T. 0418 585897 BORONIA Matthieu Koplick 0432 625061 CHELTENHAM Lindy Abernethy Dip B.T. 0420 400998 ** EAST MELBOURNE Ursula Green Dip B.T. 0418 562097 ** ESSENDON Doreen Schwegler * (03) 9331 0951 GREENSBOROUGH Brenda McLennan (03) 9432 3521 HEIDELBERG Margaret Leviston (03) 9455 1181 KEW Dawn Lester 0402 741160 MELTON Maree Bissell Dip B.T. 0410 552361 ** MILL PARK Maureen McGuiness * (03) 9436 9838 ** MONT ALBERT NTH Janette Hicks Dip B.T. 0419 590253 MOONEE PONDS Linda Kerton 0423 040078 (03) 9370 9246 NARRE WARREN Catrine Lesage * 0400 474 899 SUNSHINE NORTH Elise Kowalczyk Dip B.T. 0430 161501 VERMONT Carmen Caruana Dip B.T. 0414 307647 WARRANDYTE NORTH Joanne Stanley Dip B.T. (03) 9844 0940 ** WYNDAM VALE David Talbot 0412 896235 COUNTRY
BARANDUDA Patricia Rogers 0413-081107 BARWON HEADS Andrea Neale Dip B.T. 407 794087 BACCHUS MARSH Vivienne Debeuz-Gibbs Dip B.T. ** 0429 955425 BALLARAT Kate Merritt Dip B.T. 0427 588851 ** Calvyn Nicholls (03) 5333 5954 BELMONT Chris Reed Dip B.T. (Instructor) (03) 5243 0050 BENALLA Christine Bruce Dip B.T. 0429 305 668 ** BENDIGO Samantha Hamilton Dip B.T. (03) 5442 6276 **
Leonie Joyce * (03) 5447 8240 ** CLIFTON SPRINGS Mary Wilson * (03) 5551 1418 COWES Anne Hopley* (Instructor) 0409 198872 ** CRANBOURNE Anne Hopley* (Instructor) (0409 198872 ** ECHUCA Joy Bendle * (03) 5480 3388 ** 0417 143 386 Vicki Zegelin 0429 400 104 ** GEELONG Colleen Anderson 0428 661530 Patricia Brice Dip B.T. (03) 5222 3838 ** Dorothea Brown 0447 669787 Thomas McLeod Dip B.T. (03) 5222 3838 ** GLENORCHY John Minchin-King Dip B.T. (03) 5359 0312 ** GOLDEN SQUARE Jane Millard 0402 946130 GORDON Fiona Williams 0419 885860 GROVEDALE Pamela Smith Dip B.T. 0408 377607 ** HAMILTON Pauline Oliver-Snell * (03) 5571 9161 ** HUNTLY Kerrie Shearer (03) 5488 669 ** JAN JUC Kelly Huppatz Dip B.T. 0425 754187 Wendy Leitmanis Dip B.T. (03) 5261 4017 ** LANGWARRIN Belinda Forsyth 0419 106960 ** LARA Susan Skilton 0402 101 547 LEOPOLD Maureen George Dip B.T. (03) 5250 3314 MALMSBURY Peter Hanrahan 0408 568 874 METCALFE Ken Farmer 0400 170 101 MUCKLEFORD Frances Beynon 0427 762 556 McCRAE Josephine Perry Dip B.T. (03) 5986 4439 ** NANEELLA Darlene Weeks 0419 376 750 NTH BALLARAT Susan Nicholls Dip B.T. (03) 5333 5954 ** 0435 193711 NUMURKAH Shirley Le Marquand Dip B.T. (03) 5862 3186 ** 0408 508 807
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia OCEAN GROVE Kerrie Smith 0414 563362 Meredith Townsend Dip B.T. (03) 5258 4633 0425 708 663 PEECHELBA EAST Pauline Barber Dip B.T. (03) 5726 9094 PORTLAND Julie Hose Dip B.T. 0407 656 122 Kellie Wakely 0428 271863 ** ROCHESTER Vicki Zegelin 0429 400 104 ** ROSEBUD Hans Helfensdorfer 0428 511594 SCOTCHMANS LEAD Timothy Jones Dip B.T. 0421 782 595 SKYE Robyn Brown Dip B.T. 0402 441086 ** Sharon Zivkovich 0408 328621 ST. ALBANS PARK Mauro Morganti 0425 852081 STANHOPE Graham Wakefield Dip B.T. (03) 5857 2760 ** TALLANGATTA Janine Burt 0488 690459 TRARALGON Christine Ferguson 0409 746954 Rhonda O’Dea 0409 200772 ** John O’Keefe * (03) 5174 1335 ** TYABB Valerie Ollive Dip B.T. (03) 5977 4229 ** WARANGA SHORES Gayle Hoornweg 0432 045622 Hendrik Hoornweg 0432 045622 WEDDERBURN Deborah Lowe Dip B.T. (03) 5494 3778 ** WHITFIELD Chris Miliankos Dip B.T. (Instructor) (03) 5722 2889 ** 0411 037475 WANGARATTA Waldina Hilton Dip B.T. 0428 223 458 ** WODONGA Clare Hynes 0417 480634 ** YARRAWONGA Jodie Collins Dip B.T. 0400 673 559 **
QUEENSLAND METROPOLITAN APSLEY Fred Clough Dip B.T. 0414 388694 BIRKDALE Debra Spearritt 0402 607639
BRISBANE Desley Faulks Dip B.T. (Instructor) (07) 3266 2666 ** 0409 543 659 Sue Hamilton Dip B.T. (Instructor) (07) 3201 1959 ** CAMP HILL Ann-Marie Trabucco Dip B.T. (07) 3395 2059 ** 0407 174 336 EAGLEBY Faye Ferguson Dip B.T. (07) 3804 6363 0427 298128 EVERTON HILLS Carmen McAtee Dip B.T. 0413 487399 ** FORESTDALE Yasmin Turner Dip B.T. 0432 944008 KENMORE HILLS Simin Behzadpour 0438 179342 KIPPARING Therese Wilson Dip B.T. (07) 3283 6922 ** MARGATE Anne Marie Ferguson 0429 321 962 MARIAN Vicki Spratt 0475 598 280 MOGGILL Jane Edwards (07) 3202 9605 0407 640 553 Galina Ivanova Dip B.T. (07) 3432 9603 MOOROOKA Maria Sbeghen 0411 287921 MORAYFIELD Zahra Ranjbar 0414 658199 MT GRAVATT David Stenning * (Instructor) (07) 3849 3911 ** MT WARREN PARK Carol Schafer * Dip B.T. (07) 3287 4061 PARKINSON Kate Bryant (07) 3272 6968 0418 723 532 PINE MOUNTAIN Narelle Small 0409 059857 REDLAND BAY Gregg McDonald 0423 750 980 Alice van Wyk Dip B.T. 0433 385553 SHOAL POINT Leigh Woodward Dip B.T. 0423 395522 ** (07) 4954 6260 SPRINGFIELD LAKES Jennifer Craig Dip B.T. (07) 3818 9199 ST. LUCIA David Stenning * (Instructor) (07)38702301 ** TOOWONG Kate Jackson 0427 183 022
UPPER MT. GRAVATT David Stenning * (Instructor) (07) 3849 3911 ** 0411 038 690 WAVELL HEIGHTS Natalie Gerns 0419 731074 WESTLAKE Jennifer Craig * (07) 3376 6911 Stephanie Moran 0419 255679 WOOLOOWIN Wendy Fry 0409 594327 ** COUNTRY BANKSIA BEACH Susanne Spencer (07) 3408 9039 BARELLAN POINT Cheryl Kempton Dip B.T. 0408 717838 BAUPLE Vicky Soutter Dip B.T. 0427 585011 BEACHMERE Gillian Morandy Dip B.T. 0438 269 529 BEERWAH Katherine Glover (07) 5439 0441 0439 752016 BIGGERA WATERS Terri Casey * (07) 5537 3776 ** BILOELA Kerry Eather Dip B.T. 0414 857381 ** BOREEN POINT Lynnette Stevens * (07) 5485 3946 ** BRASSALL Glenda Crawley (07) 3201 6029 0407-086780 BRIBIE ISLAND Susanne Spencer (07) 3408 9039 B.H. BROADBEACH Robyn Wood Dip B.T. (Instructor) (07) 5592 2692 ** BUDERIM Susan Diamandopoulos 0410 342 778 Jenni Richards Dip B.T. (07) 5453 7877 ** 0418 711049 Catherine Rothnie 0439 535391 Ralph Tilleyshort Dip B.T. (Instructor) (07) 5445 5353 ** BUNDABERG Wendy Harford Dip B.T. 0417 606963 ** Charlotte Meerman Dip B.T. (07) 4153 4522 ** Sonia Smith Dip B.T. (07) 4151 5939 ** 0435 910055 CABOOLTURE Stephen Clayton * (07) 5495 4882 ** Catherine Vickers (07) 5497 4124 CAIRNS Cate Blanchard 0439 330910 **
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Kerin Skinner Dip B.T. (07) 4055 1208 CALOUNDRA Verilyn Horton Dip B.T. (07) 5491 9839 ** 0423 261554 Penny McMahon Dip B.T. (07) 5491 6102 ** CENTRAL HIGHLANDS Lorriane Manuel 0407 754920 CHARLEVILLE Carolyn Crawford Dip B.T. (07) 4654 3911 ** Kate Percival 0427 542283 Majella Steedamn 0448-465411 CHILDERS Barbara Cooke Dip B.T. (07) 4126 2829 COOLOOLA COVE Jennifer Reynolds 0419 547268 COOMBABAH Toni Grigg Dip B.T. 0405 051347 COOROY Lisa Pree (07) 5442 6239 ** COTTON TREE Peter Liddy Dip B.T. (07) 5479 2400 ** CRAIGNISH Lynda Ball (07) 4128 7079 0487 190588 Anne Maree Wilson 0407 812209 CUNNAMULLA Vicky Soutter Dip B.T. 0427 585011 CURRIMUNDI Linda Woodward Dip B.T. (Instructor) (07) 5437 7165 ** CURRUMBIN VALLEY Anne Gray * 0414 341987 ** CURRUMBIN WATERS Gregory Sbeghen Dip B.T. (07) 5593 9158 ** DYSART Cathy Hutchins Dip B.T. 0409 961145 ** EDGE HILL Harumi Yamauchi 0421-487198 ** ELIMBAH Nicole Moore (07) 5432 8828 ** EMERALD Denise Browne * (07) 4987 4112 ** Catherine Dale Dip B.T. 0419 511171 ** EMU PARK Allison Johnson 0427 130034 ESK Manuela Laycock 0408 078205 ** EUDLO Linda Woodward Dip B.T. (Instructor) (07) 5437 7165 ** EUMUNDI Debbie Newman Dip B.T. 0438 861107 **
GARGETT Jennifer Fordham Dip B.T. (07) 4958 5150 GATTON Douglas Gordon Dip B.T. (07) 5462 1639 ** GLASSHOUSE MTS Marilyn Boulton Dip B.T. (07) 5438 7649 Tracey Colenso Dip B.T. (07) 5496 9686 ** 0413 779193 GOOMBOORIAN Narelle Sharp 0431 311700 GOONDIWINDI Kym Skinner Dip B.T. (07) 4671 4920 Lynn Smith Dip B.T. (07) 4671 1084** 0437 726153 GYMPIE/NOOSA Marianne Abrey Dip B.T. (07) 5482 6108 ** HERVEY BAY Karen Alexander Dip B.T. 0422 630127 Heidi Carrington (07) 4128 1649 ** 0438 191 806 Paul Gale Dip B.T. (07) 4128 9628 ** 0412 878623 Sue Osborne (07) 4124 5272 Dip B.T. Craig Ranson * (07) 4124 0292 ** Brett Whalley Dip B.T. 0468 922298 IPSWICH Judy O’Farrell (07) 4064 5190 0427 645190 IPSWICH NTH Tony Manders 0418 190 036 INNISFAIL Peter Richard Oliveri * (07) 4063 2393 ** KALLANGUR Judith Wolfel 042 3679076 ** KILCOY Helen Sadd Dip B.T. (07) 5497 1395 ** KINGAROY Donna Seymour 0427 062993 ** KOBBLE CREEK Carol Sinclair-Jones Dip B.T. (07) 3289 9938 0403 070037 MACKAY Annie Caruana-Kirchner Dip B.T. (07) 4942 4887 ** Gael Cox Dip B.T. (Instructor) 0405 320368 ** Evelyn Elliott Dip B.T. 0448 751040 Deborah Franettovich Dip B.T. (07) 4959 5318 Kathryn Howarth * (07) 4954 5109 Frances Tunstall Dip B.T. 0407 863 141 **
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
MACKAY NTH Anne Cockram Dip B.T. (07) 4942 6516 MALENY Katherine Blackburn Dip B.T. (07) 5429 6180 ** Stephanie Sutherns 0477 200 059 MARBURG Rosemary Molinaro Dip B.T. (07) 5464 4702 ** 0412 870418 MARCOOLA Petra Pieren Dip B.T. (07) 5448 7590 ** MARIAN via MACKAY Jennifer Fordham (07) 4958 5150 ** Francine Rowsell Dip B.T. (07) 4954 3277 ** MAROOCHYDORE Pauline Harrison * (07) 5479 0802 Jenni Richards Dip B.T. 0418 711049 ** Daniel Tilleyshort 0406 279 573 MILMERRAN Jodie Larrescy 0402 099307 MIRANI Raylene Howard-Muhlhan Dip B.T. 0447 746915 MIRRIWINNI Kay Sheather Dip B.T. 0437 081397 MONTO Joan Derrick Dip B.T. 0427 667151 ** Annette Evans Dip B.T. 0427 661711 ** MONTVILLE Bronwyn Huckle Dip B.T. (07) 5442 9371 ** MOOLOOLABA Kristin North Dip B.T. (Instructor) 0407 674699 ** MOUNT CROSBY Emma Coulson 0438 777358 MOURILYAN Peter Richard Oliveri * (07) 4063 2393 ** MT. CROSBY Michelle Rekowski Dip B.T. 0417 421527 ** MUNDUBBERA Aileen Whitehead (07) 4165 4972 ** MURPHYS CREEK via TOOWOOMBA Heather Graham Dip B.T. 0419 649484 ** NAMBOUR Steve Betts Dip B.T. (07) 5476 4088 ** Teresa Strand Dip B.T. 0401 851371 NARANGBA Katherin Phillips 0403 073359 NOOSA HEADS Wesley Russell 0409 762293 NOOSA/SUNRISE BEACH Juliana De Witts * (07) 5449 2767 0422-079612 **
NOOSAVILLE Danae Heggen Dip B.T. 0422 173008 Craig Ranson * 0408 807132 ** Natalie Stanicic 0421 471012 (07) 5449 7911 NORTH TAMBORINE Debbie Townsend Dip B.T. (07) 4955 5111 ** 0421 280501 PALM BEACH Helena Ovington 0405 313155 PALMWOODS Pauline Hurrey 0450 330386 John Mahoney Dip B.T. (07) 5445 9753 ** Cheryl Rutherford Dip B.T. (07) 5478 9447 ** Kathleen Wilkins Dip B.T. (07) 5445 9800 ** PIMPAMA Christine McInnes 0419 669513 POINT LOOKOUT Lyn Harvey Dip B.T. 0407 694804 ** POINT VERNON Kylee Williams Dip B.T. 0405 457720 POINT VERNON/ HERVEY BAY Trish Younie Dip B.T. 0412 653780 ** PROSERPINE Kim Robinson Dip B.T. 0428 721136 ** RACEVIEW Monique Rigg Dip B.T. 0402 742244 ROBINA Brigid Fitgerald * 0428 401927 Viktoria Madi 0498 219065 ROCKHAMPTON Moyra MacLean 0402 286 299 Tricia Purnell Dip B.T. 0488 341010 Jenny Sloan Dip B.T. (07) 4927 7443 ** ROCKHAMPTON NTH Suzanne McTier-Browne Dip B.T. (07) 4928 3980 ** 0438 310592 ROMA Susan Barford Dip B.T. (07) 4622 6470 ** 041 8183050 Mavis Bunt Dip B.T. (07) 4622 2867 ** ROSEDALE Sonya Hasted 0422 141 833 ** SMITHFIELD Debbie Ross Dip B.T. (Instructor) ** 0419 726 606 STANMORE Valma Elsom (07) 5496 1510 0249 190 658 STANTHORPE Fay Winter Dip B.T. (07) 4683 7292 **
TEWANTIN Liddy Heinnen Dip B.T. (07) 5473 0937 ** TIARO Alison Goward Dip B.T. (Instructor) ** 0418 455801 TIN CAN BAY Beverley Whish-Wilson 0409 709310 TOOWOOMBA Heather Graham Dip B.T. 0419 649484 ** Linda Spiers * (07) 4632 2922 ** 0402 915547 TORQUAY Annette Baumgart Dip B.T. (07) 4128 1367 ** Virginia Bowen 0410 472177 Michelle Whalley (07) 4125 4218 0419 310024 TOWNSVILLE Benjamin Setter (07) 4728 8800 Cindy Setter (07) 4728 8800 June Setter (07) 4728 8800 0438 795735 TOWNSVILLE/ CRANBROOK Margaret Coventry * (07) 4775 1904 ** TRINITY PARK Wendy Phillott Dip B.T. 0409 763898 WALKERSTON Diane Murphy * (07) 4959 2533 ** WARWICK Martine Van Der Linden Dip B.T. (07) 4661 8594 ** David Winter Dip B.T. (Instructor) 0419 306 519 ** Anne Winter Dip B.T. (Instructor) 0419 306 519 ** WIGHTS MOUNTAIN Lynn Lawson Dip B.T. 0411 432533 ** WONDAI Belinda Litzow Dip B.T. 0407 685 706 WOODFORD Angela Morgan Dip B.T. (07) 5422 9595 ** WOOMBYE Peter Rhimes Dip B.T. 0407 282550 ** YAMANTO Adrian Pamenter 0433 874512 YEPPOON Robyn Harris Dip B.T. (07) 4939 2211 0457 251180 Kylie Judd Dip B.T. (07) 4925 0357 **
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BLACK FOREST Gaynor Fraser 0439 643612 BLAKEVIEW Sean Dinham Dip B.T. 0422 117 511 (Instructor) HAMSTEAD GARDENS Julie Elliston Dip B.T. 0414 207268 COUNTRY
JAMESTOWN Brenton Kupke Dip B.T. 0429 014 529 ** KALLANGUR Judith Wolfel Dip B.T. 0423 679076 LUCINDALE Joy Kolpondinos Dip B.T. (08) 8766 2207 PORT LINCOLN Louise Armitage Dip B.T (08) 8683 4344 Shonagh Lane 0422 040919 ** PORT PIRIE Brenton Kupke Dip B.T. 0427 794016 ** RENMARK Amanda Rodden 0418 686437 ** RIVERTON Sue McKenzie Dip B.T. 0437 425773 ROBE Naomi Hutchison * (08) 8768 2720 ** TAILEM BEND Don Bray Dip B.T. (08) 8572 4331 ** 0419 858400 WHYALLA Kathanna Bollen * Dip B.T. (08) 8645 8759
TASMANIA ACTON PARK Annette Marshall Dip B.T. (03) 6248 7694 ** BLACKMANS BAY Jennifer Lowry Dip B.T. (03) 6229 6926 ** BRIGHTON Marlene Faulkner Dip B.T. 03-6268 0721 HOBART Sarah Blain 0427 261710 ** KINGSTON Miriam Kaye Dip B.T. 0427 641994 KETTERING Kay Stammers Dip B.T. 0409 625932 ** LAUNCESTON Jak Isaksen Dip B.T. 0438 297723 ** Sandra Parker * (03) 6362 2876 0417 560719 MARGATE Ingrid Layton Dip B.T. 0400 059003 ** Yvonne Roberts Dip B.T. 0400 914105 MT. SEYMOUR Louise Sands Dip B.T. 0418-109420 ** ULVERSTONE Barbie Dyer 0407 911927
METROPOLITAN ARMIDALE Sandra Wilkinson Dip B.T. 0417 925698 ** AUSTRALIND Glynis Malton Dip B.T. 0407 476045 ** BALCATTA Natasha Welsh Dip B.T. 0413 875184 BALDIVIS Kathy Bolton Dip B.T. 0413 907605 BASSENDEAN Kate McMillan (08) 9279 7411 ** CANNINGVALE VALE Jeffrey Curtis (08) 9455 3735 0402 704275 CARINE Julie Foster Dip B.T. (08) 9243 8808 ** CLAREMONT Robert Wagner Dip B.T. 0407 441335 COOGEE Verena Edmondson 0438 006882 Debra Marr 0409 084609 CURRAMBINE Goranka Nozinic-Vukovic Dip B.T. 0412-142885 DIANELLA Sonia Connell 0415 241506 DORUNG DOWNS Sandra Wilkinson Dip B.T. 0417 925698 ** EATON Janine Rodgers 0427 167293 GOOSEBERRY HILL Victoria Thornton 0419 931985 HIGH WYCOMBE Michelle O’Boyle 0419 903261 INGLEWOOD Christina Kendall * (08) 9271 6515 ** JANDAKOT Len Hockley * (08) 9417 9141 ** KALAMUNDA Joanne Ulrich Dip B.T. (08) 9257 2553 ** KELMSCOTT Ros Hartmann-Wood Dip B.T. (08) 9390 2383 ** Susanne Vock DipB.T. 0403 490660 ** KENSINGTON Tina Miragliotta (08) 9367 5843 MANDURAH Sandra McDougall 0400 344043 MAYLAND Teresa Rechichi 0419 937615 MEADOW SPRINGS Tania Lewis 0488 702048
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
MINDARIE Jennifer Parker * 0402 955 957 ** MORLEY Annie Harris Dip B.T. (08) 9375 7103 ** 0412 760893 Sharon King Dip B.T. (0400 723 632 ** MT. HAWTHORN Wendy Cooper 0438 297125 NORTH BEACH Jennifer Parker * 0402 955957 ** Natasha Welch 0413 875184 NORTH PERTH Julia Carryer Dip B.T. 0407 960445 ** O’CONNOR Lynette Sellwood Dip B.T. (Instructor) (08) 9314 7005 ** 0409 118173 PINGELLY Kate McMillan Dip B.T. 0409 118195 ** QUINNS ROCKS Jayne Middleton Dip B.T. 0438 940457 SILVERSANDS Vianne MacBeth (Instructor) (08) 9535 9195 0438 830829 SUBIACO Christina Kendall * (08) 9271 6515 ** VASSE Carma Walker (08) 9755 4771 WILLETTON Ramzi Peska * (08) 9332 1753 ** 0405 063638 COUNTRY ALBANY Juliana Allen Dip B.T. (08) 9844 8415 ** 0419 967961 BUNBURY Carmen Cox 0424 855271 Glynis Malton Dip B.T. 0407 476045 ** Kasmine Pearce 0477 052193 BUREKUP Nikki Bignell 0439 976148 DOWERIN Carol Lee Dip B.T. 0428 752681 ** DENMARK Judith Crawford Dip B.T. 0414-828 759 ** KUNUNURRA Sandy Berlowitz * (08) 9168 2193 MARGARET RIVER Mary Braszell Dip B.T. (08) 9757 3465 ** Marilyn Smith Dip B.T. (08) 9755 5393 ** NORTHAM Lyn McQuillan * (08) 9622 1294 ** PORT DENISON Martina Manners 0439 637965
POINT SAMSON Dagmar Kraus 0417 986775
AUSTRIA NO AMSTETTEN Rente Demal 07472 61385 Alexandra Eisenstock 0650 6126075 Verena Gugler 0664 241 9776 Marianne Schuller 0676 782 2825 Dr. Hermann Wertgarner * 0676 4237723 ** ARTSTETTEN Brigitte Peters 074138487 BIEDERMANNSDORF Elisabeth Firsching 02236 72680 BIERBAUM am KLEEBUHEL Martina Teiretzbacher 0680 5043849 BLINDENMARKT Dagmar Wallner 07473 6529 BRUCK an der LEITHA Ursula Luef 0676 6194188 BRUNN am GEBIRGE Anneliese Springer 0664 6535945 ECHSENBACH Gertrude Poltner * 0650 9233317 ENZESFELD Elke Appinger 0664 3632727 ERDBERGER Sandra Boswald 0664 1569115 EURATSFELD Claudia Brandstatter 0650 9680504 FELIZDORF Lisa Kovi-Henk 0660 3446709 FOHRENAU/WR. NEUSTADT Karin Schaffer 0664 4719723 GAADEN bei MODLING Dr. Edith Littich 0676 5641409 GABLITZ Anita Baumgartner 0664 2460325 GANSERNDORF Susanne Zay 0660 1546069 GARS AM KAMP Elizabeth Grassler 0664 3209139 GERASDORF bei WIEN Birgit Amann 0650 8877 899 GOSTLING an der YBBS Irmtraud Lengauer 0676 84288 6617 GOTTLESBRUNN Sigrid Kressl 0664 435 1819 GREINSFURTH Edith Dollfub 0676 53154 66
GUNSELSDORF 0664 5933339 HAAG Ingrid Bachinger 07434 45196 Annemarie Wagner 0699 126 27372 HOLLABRUNN Maria Schmoll 02951 8388 KILB Susanne Wagner 0676 8403 76333 KLEINPOCHLARN Maria Brack 0676 7411800 KORNEUBERG Petra Lauter 02262 64010 Peter Oboda 0676 9312085 KREMS an der DONAU Veronika Broderbauer 0699 1721 1448 LASSEE N. Sylvia Halm 0664 5006513 MARCHEGG BAHNHOF Elisabeth Weiss-Wogowitsch 0650 3462253 MARIA ANZBACH Joannes Poschl 0699 11052178 MARIA ENZERSDORF am GEBIRGE Margit Berndes 676 4309943 MARKT PIESTING Isabella Feldhaas 0676 5709543 MELK Annemarie Hirsch 0676 7006047 Romana Landl 0699 1150 7349 Marianne Zehethofer 0664 9146892 MISTELBACH an der ZAYA Bernhard Madl 0664 3527068 MODLING Angelova Ralitsa 0676 5709557 Christina Wozak 0660 5562813 MUNICHREITH am OSTRONG Hannelore Pritz 0676 6767111 NEULENGBACH Katharina Grobauer 0664 9265355 OBERANSDORF Herta Stoiber 02245 82106 OBERNDORF an der MELK Christian Bruckner 0664 9223260 ORTH an der DONAU 0660 52 52 594 PRINZERSDORF Andrea Hammer 0676 4244800 RABENSTEIN an der PIELACH Wilhelm Hochebner 0664 3139201
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SCHWECHAT Silvia Hammerschmid 0699 17240952 ST. GEORGENS Manuela Ebner * 0676 5424 600 ST. PETER/AU Claudia Rudelsorfer 07477 43593 ST. POLTEN Michael Egarter * 0676 7259959 ** Janine Jedlicka 0676 5013238 Maria Lang 0699 88788680 STOSSING Rudolf Sauter 0664 9436801 STRENGBERG Bernadette Pallinger 0664 7355 8091 Elisabeth Perner 0650 209 4657 TATTENDORF Antonia Dachauer 0699 172 30252 THAYA Renate Wais 0676 84667747 TRAISEN Barbara Vanicek 02762 62066 TRAISMAUER Ingrid Fries 0680 1231201 TRUMAU Susanna Zimmermann * 02253 8709 ** TULLN AN DER DONAU Gunther Hofbauer 0650 6038334 ** Sara-Martina Ringel 0650 7779947 ULMERFELDHAUSMENING Roland Grasl 0680 3172149 UNTERRETZBACH Nigl Gerhard 0664 5905506 VOSENDORF Brigitte Riemer 0699 1609 4746 WAIDHOFEN an der YBBS Gertraude Buchinger 0676 433 1513 WALLSEE Elisabeth Aschauer 07433 2876 0664 2411771 Margit Reichart 0650 7201214 WEIBENKIRCHEN in der WACHAU Franziska Rauscher 0664 2782598 WIENER NEUDORF Daniela Kersch 0699 18046250 WOLLERSDORF Petra Meitz 0676 4336961 YBBS an der DONAU Elisabeth Januschkowtz-Steyer 0676 3397998 ZEILLERN Elisabeth Horersdorfer 0650 3151614
ZIERSDORF Barbara Wunderer Mayer 0664 230 8356 ZWETTI Helga Wimmer 0650 417 1747
OO ALBERNDORF Angela Mayr * 07235 7375 Gabriela Sadleder 0660 3166306 ALTENBERG Michaela Hintersteininger * 0699 157 66954 ALTHEIM Gudrun Weinberger 07723 44484 ALTMUNSTER Martina Braun 0650 8900333 Isabella Krenn 0664 1410037 Margarethe Schmid 0650 2352871 Sylvia Walchetseder * 0664 4442301 ANDORF Waltraud Endl 0664 122 5224 ANIF Heidemarie Stollner 0699 17076560 ANSFELDEN Elisabeth Lehner 07229 91157 Brigitte Peneder ** 0676 6415543 Bettina Ziperzik 0732 317129 ARBING Petra Froschl 0664 73 63 2971 ** Zita Zeitlhofer 07269 6841 ASTEN Claudia Dastl 0676 6391905 Irene Stegfellner 0699 11450810 Monika Wurm 0650 7288524 ATTNANG-PUCHHEIM Brigitte Hollwerth 0664 2065075 Andrea Huber * 0699 108 43945 Renate Krempl 07674 651 22 Theresia Stix 07674 63144 AUROLZMUNSTER Brigitte Haslinger 0664 1556261 BAD HALL Silvia Lamm 07258 7472 BAD LEONFELDEN Maria Huemer * 07213 6603 Evelyn Steinleitner * 0664 1705016 BAD SCHALLERBACH Anita Peko * 07249 48073 Susanne Sturm 07249 48036 Helga Wuest 0664 4521085
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia Hannes Zederbauer 0699 1248920 BAUMGARTENBERG Hildegard Einsiedler 0664 1788817 BERGHEIM bei SALBERG Ramona Parzer 0664 1413469 BEHAMBERG Maria Catel 0650 373 97 00 BERGHEIM bei SALZBURG Josef Schorghofer 0650 4589277 BREITENSCHUTZING Petra Kaser 07673 5505 DORF an der PRAM Helga Ott 07764 8735 EBERSTALLZELL Gertrude Langeder 0664 5208479 Heide-Maria Strasser * 0660 2404007 ** EBERSCHWANG Irmgard Karl 07753 35652 Maria Zeilinger 07753 35605 EFERDING Silvia Laukotter 0664 73610062 EGGELSBERG Gertrude Baischer 07748 39 07 Marianne Feichtlbauer 0676 821253972 Gertrude Molik 0664 4554663 Auguste Siberer 0664 1383499 ENGERWITZDORF Gertraud Kanyinda-Aigner 07235 50310 Gertraud Muller 07235 65509 Eva Sieghart 0699 10319122 Andrea Wogerbauer * 0664 8769165 ENNS Regina Hipmair-Ollinger 0699 10126314 Ingelborg Mitter 07223 80844 ERNSTHOFEN Elisabeth Konig 07435 8656 FELDKIRCHEN/DONAU Sylvia Grubl 0699 10613625 Karin Seyr * 0664 4523504 FELDKIRCHEN Josef Ehrschwendtner 077482456 FISCHLHAM Sabine Chalupsky 0664 73832780 FORNACH Brunhilde Holzleitner 07682 5239 GERETSBERG Helga Nussdorfer 07748 2559 GILGENBERG am WEILHART Maria Smakman 0680 322 4858
GMUNDEN Brigitte Hollwerth 0664 2065 075 Dr. Ingrid Prinz 07612 71992 GREIN Andrea Schlossgangl 0664 454 9491 GROSSRAMING Leopold Aspalter * 07254 7670 HAGENBERG im MUHLKREIS Sonja Biladt * 0664 4008854 Augusta Wuster 07236 3185 HAID Astrid-Eva Rensch * 07229 88690 HAIDERSHOFEN Hedwig Hochpochler * 07252 37134 Garbriele Ottendorfer * 07434 49031 ** Jurgen Schusnix * 07252 37531** HAINBACH Herta Steindl * 07279 8311 HANDENBERG Tanya Alt-Reitinger 0676 6218578 HARGELSBERG Kornelia Loffler 0676 7287494 HELLMONSODT Adelheid Meindl 07215 3878 Manfred Zainzinger * (Instructor) 0676 6175813 HOFKIRCHEN Helga Anzengruber * 07734 2834 KIRCHBERG/THENING Sabine Symphorien 0699 17041163 KIRCHDORF Renate Ebner 0664 5927734 Christine Einzinger 0650 3244 026 Doris Rachlinger * 0676 4108437 KIRCHHAM/ VORCHDORF Kerstin Janda 066421 49954 KRENGLBACH Margarete Haberfellner 07249 46876 KRONSDORF Cecilia Grunling * 0650 871 5054 Helga Forstner 0650 7759777 Karin Gattringer 0650 3112959 Maria Hochstoger 07225 8296 Heidemaria Riegler 07225 8263 066473 850393 LAAKIRCHEN Christian Puhringer 0650 3000459 LAMBACH Rudolf Puchinger 07245 20062
LAMPRECHTSCHAUSEN Astrid Hafner 0664 5201755 LENZING Martina Schon 0650 485 06 00 LEONDING Riccarda Lehner * 0699 10222963 Manuela Mauthner 0699 11075556 Margarete Prokesch 0732 304684 LEONSTEIN Sabine Ollinger 0664 1301140 LICHTENBERG Inge Durstberger 07239 5612 ** Maria Knoll * 07239 5252 Josefa Neubock 07239 5687 Sigrid Schuster * 0732 716972 LINZ Gabriele Atteneder 0664 1967142 Susanne Atzlesberger 0732 321124 Anna Berghammer 0676 461 1080 Renate Berndorfer 0732 666569 Judith Chrappa 0732 711194 Veronika Dirnberger 0699 12626563 Heinz Fallend 0676 9080823 Dorothea Ganser 0664 21 54 797 Diana Gostner 0699 10259076 Theresia Handlbaur * 0732 918956 Gottfried & Tina Helene 0732 667004 Gerald Jungbauer 0732 711503 Gabriele Kerbl * 0732 700793 Barbara Kranawetter 0699 13710630 Gertrude Kunze 0732 250046 0664 1307244 Julius Lampacher no phone no Gertraud Maass * (Instructor) 0676 7004532 Joseph Mittmansgruber 0699 10 100203 Helene Obereder * 0650 3436090 Brigitte Pallek 0732 711920 Norbert Paminger * 0699 13505861 Erika Puhringer * 0676 5268425 Eva Maria Roland 0732/790734 ** Heidi Sakoparnig 0699 11351060 Elfriede Schauer 0732 609823 Ingrid Schestak 0699 11444736 0732 713097
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Hermine Synka 073 2946429 Claudia Veith 0664 73615715 Margit Wagner 0664 2623015 Annelies Ziegler 0664 360 8889 LUFTENBERG Sabine Stelzer * 07237 4785 MARCHTRENK Waldrun Drexler * 07243 52106 Marianne Mayer 0699 155 71407 Wolfgang Wiesinger 0650 2135220 MARIA NEUSTIFT Hildegard Stubauer 0680 3171977 MATTSEE Christine Schimanek-Fegerl 0676 6124606 MEGGENHOFEN Elfriede Graf 0664 4375949 Evelin Kronlachner 0699 126 22896 Wolfgang Zauner 0680 3021725 MEHRNBACH Michaela Spitzenberger 07752 81788 METTMACH Erwin Duftschmeid 0676 3961298 Renate Murauer 0699 11172276 Maria Tiefenthaler 077556806 MICHELDORF in OBEROSTERREICH Elisabeth Schutti 0664 3967781 MUNZKIRCHEN Johanna Grunberger 0676821254106 NAARN Maria Lehner * 0699 11684561 Katharina Wahl 0699 144 12279 NEUHOFEN an der KREMS Christine Haslinger 0660 1216686 Gabriele Wallerstorfer 0699 81158172 Andrea Seybold 07227 6484 NEUSTIFT, MUHLKREIS Birgit Garzaner 0664 530 7247 NEUZUEG Wolfgang Abloscher * 0699 17168387 ** OBERNBERG am INN Waltraud Reisenzahn 0681 20227268 OBERNEUKIRCHEN Elisabeth Mayrhofer 0664 1756613 OBERKAPPEL Andreas Past 0680 2365176 OBERWANG Karoline Hebesberger 06233 8605
OBERWEIS Marion Brenner 0676 9349810 OFFENHAUSEN Adelheid Zapletal 0650 7343203 OHLSDORF Marion Brenner 0676 9349810 Ulrike Fuhrer 0699 19079029 Claudia Poll 0664 5434595 OSTERMIETHING Manfred Handleder 0627 88756 OTTNANG am HAUSRUCK Elisabeth Hofmanninger 0650 5464343 Anna Vogl 0676 944 4268 PATTIGHAM Birgitta Wiesbauer 07754 36660 PASCHING Christel Hofer ** 0664 5201002 Christine Reisetbauer * 07221 88653 PETTENBACH Ulrike Panhuber * 07586 7735 Margareta Wimmer 0650 2013312 PEUERBACH Walter Grossfurtner 0664 7970121 PINSDORF Petra Windauer 0650 704 0531 PRAMBACHKIRCHEN Maria Neuweg 07277 3003 Michaela Pauzenberger 0664 1319255 PUCHENAU Claudia Kainz 0650 3303106 RAAB Paul Schaad * 07762 2425 ** RIED im INNKREIS Maria Linhart 07752 80680 RIEDAU Petra Rinner 07764 8960 ROTTENBACH Werner Hillinger * 07732 3626 RUTZENMOOS Elisabeth Aigner 0664 4638447 SALZBURG Karl Plohovich 0680 3014073 Erika Schondorfer 0650 522 3165 Margarethe Schweighart 0662 628884 SANDL Margarete Kugler 0664 5055650 SATTLEDT Ulrike Achleitner 0664 143 4237 Walpurga Kaiblinger 0664 5059160
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
SAXEN Marianne Brenninger 0664 7391 5931 SCHALCHEN Claudia Schindecker 0664 200 6900 SCHARDING Maria Hebenstreit 07712 5586 Berta Wintersteiger 0664 73844700 SCHARNSTEIN Marianne Puhringer * 0664 6307038 ** SCHLIERBACH Gabriele Rosenberger 0664 5025 488 Simone Schmid 0650 5160 444 SCHLUBLBERG Wolfgang Edlinger 0676 5803672 SCHONAU im MUHLKREIS Sandra Viehbock 0676 81469482 SCHORFLING Bettina Baumgartinger * (Instructor) 0664 133 2231 ** SCHWAND im INNKREIS Daniela Piereder 0650 4861258 SCHWERTBERG Petra Burghofer 0676 7560593 SEEHAM Michaela Winter 0664 24811213 SIEZENHEIM Astrid Cross 0650 2818350 SIPBACHZELL Stefanie Steinhauser 0699 17153807 SPITAL am PYHRN Eleonore Hunger 07562 5050 ** ST. AGATHA Nadine Mitter 0664 165 9122 Christa Muckenhumer 07277 8618 ST. AEGIDI Christina Hamedinger 07717 7653 Petra Ratzenbock 07717 20033 ST. GEORGEN/ATT Manuela Hemetsberger 0664 73693929 ST. MARIEN KIRCHEN/POL Anna Aschl * 07249 47246 Sabine Bundschuh * 07249 47330 Elisabeth Haidvogel 07227 8513 Annette Ortmayr 0699 116 94491 ST. MARTIN Renate Kastner 0699 1632 3216 ST. ULRICH im MUHLKREIS Monika Stelzer 0664 571 7883 ST. VALENTIN Martha Bitzinger 0680 1196446
Elke Hametner 0650 3310870 Margareta Hehenberger 07435 58338 Margarete Nohbauer 0664 175 6260 Marianne Peil 0680 303 5465 Emma Postel 0664 3619921 Lisabeth Schafelner 07435 52877 0664 7877 480 STEYEGG Elfriede Fureder 0699 8174 7562 STEYR Mathilde Kolm * 07252 41643 Erika Kratschmann * 07252 48797 Sabine Mareda 0664 73645617 Natlaie Miglbauer 07252 41864 Magdalena Pichler * 07252 81306 Hedwig Weiglhuber * 07252 42692 ** TAISKIRCHEN im INNKREIS Petra Greifeneder 0664 2153 805 TAUFKIRCHEN an der PRAM Edith Gahbauer 07719 8113 TERBBERG Barbara Steinauer 0650 9809890 THENING Ursula Diem 0676 844749222 Gerlinde Guld 0699 1069 1194 TIMMELTSHAM Regina Kleindienst 0676 7820117 TRAUN Sabine Mayer 0664 320 1545 Roswitha Mairinger 0699 11669398 Stefan Schachner 0664 4904177 UNGENACH Ursula Duftschmid 076728303 UTTENDORF Monika Kainerstorfer 0664 3758673 VOCKLABRUCK Daniela Enzinger 0699 12081059 VOCKLAMARKT Annemarie Ebner 07682 3742 WAIS bei SALZBURG Brigitta Pilaj * 0662/854224 WAIZENKIRCHEN Martina Biermair 07277 3696 Gertrude Watzenbock 07277 3819 WALDZELL Anna Angerer 07754 3283 WALDING Birgit Plakolb 0650 4302417
WALLERN an der TRATTNACH Gabriele Recheis-Reischauer 0664 4819465 WEIBERN Annemarie Eichlehner 0680 4448197 WEIBKIRCHEN an der TRAUN Monika Kainerstorfer 0664 73758673 WEISSKIRCHEN Johannes Heilinger 0699 12765298 WELS Veronika Humer * (Instructor) ** 0664 8130309 Maria Mayr-Miksche 0699 12605817 Isabella Meissl 07242 60026 Sabina Sonnleitner 0699 11974769 Christine Spiesberger 07242 42936 Waltraud Stoiber 07242 216297 Michael Wipplinger 0676 4215940 WIPPENHAM/GURTEN Michaela Pauzenberger 0664 1319255 WOLFSEGG am HAUSRUCK Barbara Wiesmuller 07676 7571 ZELL an der PRAM Herta Doberer 07764 6674 Sabine Meier 0650 6766065
OSTTIROL KALS am GROBGLOCKNER Gitti Gratz 0664 2667958 LIENZ Waltraud Krobath 0664 1237898 Petra Lackner-Parisi 0664 1951986 Angelika Peintner 0664 5298164 Erwin Peintner 0664 1955007 Almuth Wenninger 0699 12125661 OBERTILLIACH Myriam Pietveld 04847 20031 SILLIAN Brigitte Mayr 0664 9382518 Susanne Woschnak 0664 1326997
SALZBURG ABTENAU Elisabeth Hirscher 0664 2402070 Manuela Kubler 0664 73621291 BERNDORF Andrea Wiendl * 0650 755 5567 ** Juliana Maier * 06225 7679
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Erika Schondorfer * 0664 5223165 EUGENDORF Sylvia Gruber 0650 7770677 HALLEIN Edwina Schnoll 0664 6533312 HOF bei SALBURG Christine Matlschweiger 0664 4631188 HUTTAU Herta Einwaller 0664 9923423 KAPRUN Doris Junger 0664 5126999 KOSTENDORF bei SALZBURG Herta Schorghofer 0621 66092 LOCHEN Maria Angelberger 07745 8326 Regina Lindner 0650 6860231 Francine Peres 07745 8783 MAISHOFEN Anna Grunder 0660 8195944 MOOSBACH bei MAUERKIRCHEN Agnes Kreilinger 07724 3987 MUNDERFING Hildegard Rothner 07744 8133 PISCHLSDORF Josef Falk 0664 1130395 Sabine Rinnerthaler 07742 7013 ROBBACH bei MAUERKIRCHEN Ursula Tiefenthaler 07723 6118 SAALFELDEN am STEINERNEN Erwin Peintner 0664 1955007 ST. JOHANN/Pg. Petra Lackner 0664 3704815 ST. WOLFGANG im SALZKAMMERGUT Maria Fischer 061382461 STRABWALCHEN Renate Herzog 0660 6861890 WEIBPRIACH Andreas Gahr 06473 7022 ZELL/SEE Dorothea Tevini * 0664 5036988
STEIERMARK BAD WALTERSDORF Ingrid Vogl 0664 45 77 598 BIRKFELD Elfriede Haidenhofer 0676 5211789 GRAZ Erika Suanjak-Traidl * 0650 8209976 ** GRAZ - ST. PETER Herta Krutzler 0316 573758
LEOBEN Helmut Landvogt 0676 6298357 ** MURZZUSCHLAG Gabriele Gottert 03852 49636 PISCHELSDORF in STEIRMARK Barbara Pirkheim 0664 1556780 RETTENEGG Zdenka Fusshaller 0664 3570947 SINABELKIRCHEN Martina Tripold 0664 9120090 STALLHOFEN Eva Schlatzer 0680 2015271 STAINZ Margret Kalcher 03463 60099 ST. JAKOB im WALDE Anna Zink 0664 4408906 ST. MARGARETHEN an der RAAB Waltraud Lamprecht 0664 3844660 STRADEN Simone Kothgasser 0664 409 3923 STAINZ Sandra Elhanafi 0699 1139 1090 STRALLEGG Sandra Stdlhofer 0664 5306009 WEIBKIRCHEN in STEIERMARK Erich Kropf 0664 41340124 ZWARING POLS Gertrude Godl 0681 10567365
TIROL ABSAM Simone Scheiber 0676 6247063 ALDRANS Christiana Dollinger 0699 81201487 ANGERBERG Sibylle Coluccini 0676 5632833 AXAMS Marion Abentung 0699 1928 0307 Susi Jenewein 0664 1045741 BAD HARING Christine Gasser 0699 11196625 BRANDENBERG Andrea Gschwentner 05331 5656 ** Birgit Gwercher * 0676 5852023 ** Petra Messner 05331 5128 BREITENBACH am INN Anita Wukowitsch 0699 19667061 BRIXEN im THALE Susanne Laihartinger 05334 61 03 FIEBERBRUNN Maria Obholzer 0664 2324942
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
FINKENBERG Gregor Klocker 0664 2043510 FRIZENS Dagmar Nagiller 0664 2218724 HOPFGARTEN Sophia-Maria Berger * 05335 8275 Petra Ebner 0699 11354087 Britta Embacher 0664 5408442 IMST Christian Unterlechner 0660 3110842 INZING Helga & Peter Walch 0664 6243469 INNSBRUCK Sandra Hieger 0676 4840069 ** Ingrid Wiedermann 0664 1290167 ITTER Heidi Schlemaier 0650 7171151 KIRCHBERG Maria Eigner * 05357 2034 KITZBUHEL E.u H. Grandner 05356 66255 Renate Pflugler 05337/64248 KUFSTEIN Marianne Horngacher * 0699 11307145 Martin Margreiter 0680 1174770 Anna Sasse 699 81401934 LANDECK Verena Ronacher 0650 630 9500 ** LANGKAMPFEN Catharina Mang 0664 16 70054 MUNSTER Arthur Strigl 0650 9108803 OBERNDORF Johann *& Margarete* Luftensteiner 05352 64709 PETTNAU Solvita Kopitova 0664 4676736 POLLING in TIROL Adriana Van Kortenhof-Rieder 05238 87527 RINN Angela Exeli 0650 5914989 SCHWAZ Birgit Heib 0650 704 8233 Sabine Gschwentner 05242 66002 SOLL Martina Treichl 0664 4135612 ST. JOHANN in TIROL Bettina Dagn * 0664 2317279 ** TELFS Eva-Maria Ablinger 0650 9533933
Eva-Maria Zangerl 0699 11096115 THIERSEE Erika Kempe 0664 3424286 TUX Gerda Fankhauser 0676 9722805 WESTENDORF Anita Papp 0664 9201714 Karina Prem 0664 9643887 WILDSCHONAUOBERAU Daniela Klinger 0533921514 WORGL Maria Jungmann 0664 3730203 Alexandra Pezzei 05332 761 02
KARNTEN ALTENMARKT bei ST. GALLEN Maria Kahlhofer 0664 5555306 BODENSDORF Josefine Ofner 0680 3039741 EBENTHAL in KARNTEN Helga Kriznar 0664 3941716 FEISTRITZ/DRAU Astrid Rassi * 04245 5586 FEISTRITZ/ROSENTAL Christiane Leutschacher 0664 403 1163 FELDKIRCHEN Maria-Theresia Grimm 04276 29184 Renate Vielgut 04276 29220 Petra Wegscheider 0664 3899690 FRIESACH Mareva Krassimira 06766 074678 KEUTSCHACH Astrid Kalt 0676 5904964 KLAGENFURT Marlene Ceeh - M - G 0664 1912901 Brigitte Gitschthaler 0650 8533530 Gerda Janig 0463 282400 Christiane Leutschacher 0664 403 1163 Monika Primig 0664 5009422 Karin Starzacher 0664 73766684 KLAGENFURTWOLFNITZ Beatrix Alberer 0664 2121478 MARIA RAIN Renate Aitzetmuller * 04222 784382 Annemarie Gressel 0664 60480211 Gertrude Jahn 0664 3465839 Gabi Klanschek 04227 84802
Isabella Pogoriutschnig 04227 60125 MARIA ELEND Anna Muller * 04253 2409 MOOSBURG in KARTEN Wolfgang Steiner 0699 14318333 PICHL Gabriele Krockenberger 06454 66676 RADENTHEIN Christine Lackner 04246 2048 SEEBODEN Christine Loipold 0676 4373540 ST. MICHAEL bei BLEIBURG Angela Gogl 0650 5002284 ST. VEIT Karoline-Claudia Schwarz 0664 2263 920 Wolfgang Kulterer 0676 843 384843 VILLACH Aloisia Ebner 04242 327814 Karin & Walter Proprentner 0424227060 Corinna Spasojevic 0650 7771073 Andrea Stockenreitner * 04242 59065 VILLACH - LANDSKRON Iris May-Kreiger 0664 7342 3327 WINKLERN, MOLLTAL Barbara Schader 0664 1153500
VORARLBERG ALTACH Biranka Hay-Wedam 0432 7915460 BLUDENZ Margarita Brock 05552 67502 Gerda Moll 664 7678877 DEUTSCHKREUTZ Gerda Haiden 02613 89240 DORNBIRN Renate Heinzle 0664 5049996 EGG Margit Blank 0680 2473291 FELDKIRCH Martha Gutmann 05522 71200 Christine Hehle 0664 2208650 GOFIS Brigitte Bertsch 05522 38124 ** GOTZIS Anita Barta 0664 4408746 GROBPETERSDORF Ilse Weninger-Graf 03362 2065 JABING Gabriele Weinzetti 0664 121 8789 KOBERSDORF Sonja Steiner 0676 7287 839
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KOBLACH Silvia Fritsch 0664 8234125 LATERNS Birgit Reisch 0699 123 11456 LUDESCH Maria Luise Fritsche 0650 7075304 LUSTENAU Ingrid Brustle 0650 957 3574 MEININGEN Daniela Tiefenthaler 0664 5117345 NENZING Annemarie Beck 05525 63064 NUZIDERS Petra Frei-Gabriel 0664 4675644 RANKWEIL Silvia Pichler 05522 45732 SCHLINS Beate Mahr 05524 25394 SULZ-ROTHIS Renate Ruscher 05522 46624 ZAHLING Dr. Peter Mies 03325 22544 ZEMENDORF Monika Jiricka 0676 4048673
WIEN Sabine Bauer 0676 6724 0097 Barbara Bergh 0699 1953 1504 Martina Brezovits 0699 10168 169 Veronika Broderbauer 0699 172 1148 Therese de Maestri Volpini 0676 608 4142 Wolf-Dieter Angerer 699 1050 6785 Desiree Doganis 01 4165450 0676 6395188 Christa Fellmann 01 3300447 0664 1815501 Angelika Fritz 43 680 2198162 Anna Maetarum Furst 0660 3837782 Sophie Gnesda 0699 14867070 Sabine Grab 0676 4797012 Christine Haigner-Jakob 0664 823 2369 Silvia Hammerschmid 0699 1724 0952 Martina Hartmann 0699 105 28167 Rachel Helmut 0699 812 80234 Franz Hobel 0676 7461382 Mag. Magdalena Hollhuber * 0664 2548877 Waltraud Hruby * 0699 811 402 37
Christine Kafka 0660 6599 273 Felizitas Kafka 0676 375 1933 Barbara Khalil 0680 5532784 Peter Klein 0699 120 32067 Peter Knoll * 01 294 2636 ** Ruth Kogler 0664 4195039 Peter Lenhart 0650 2607431 Sandra Mandl 0676 3288 650 Tamara Metelka 0699 1242 8781 Renate Nessler 0664 3206300 Peter Oboda 0676 9312 085 Renate Ortner 0664 576 9607 Elisabeth Paulik 0664 3432408 Gabriele Penninger * 01 523 95 88 Ulrike Pohl 0664 7366 5656 Angelova Ralitsa 0676 570 9557 Silvia Ramsl 0664 8132060 Andrea Reichl 06641 1446787 Petra Saurer 0676 9093 722 Barbara Schatzschock 0676 4285354 Theresia Schindelar * 0650 6306421 Karin Schmelz 0676 3736 340 Agatha Sevcik 0680 122 6340 Ulrike Sommer 0680 1340869 Andrea Steger 0699 19425270 Christine Stoklassa 0664 3711283 Eike Selina Sturm 0660 659 57 99
BELGIUM RIXENSART Richard Kelly 0032 475222752 **
BRAZIL CURITIBA PR Adilson Pagan * 55 41 88044338
CANADA ALBERTA AIRDIE Theresa Bowker 587-775 1514 BLAIRMORE Jackie Ham 403-562 8965 BONNYVILLE Margaret Chick * 780- 812 2560 **
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
CALGARY Cheryl Abel 403-226 7658 Dixie Bennett * 403-681 4838 Bina Devani 403-619 0096 Jo-Anna Ehgoetz 403-452 7735 Richard Fernandes * 403-305 2575 Marleis Garvin * 403-607 8605 ** Lori Gildemeister 403-949 0049 Kerry Hilderman 403-243 6610 Rick Hoffman 403-295 6573 Tany Holmes 403-532 4825 Taunya Iervella 403-861 8954 Katherine Keyes 403- 353 0888 Angela Kirk * 403-542 3663 ** Glenda Linderman * 403-818 0357 Bruce Lofting * 403-270 3372 ** Vicky Maradyn 403-286 2425 Kelly McKillop 403-804 8477 Sandi Meinychuk * 403-720 0860 ** Christine Perkins * 403-282 9733 ** Shawna Ryan * 403-352 9199 ** Kathryn Young 403-880 1746 Ungela vanKipperslius * 403-686 3823 ** CANMORE Christine Labrot * 403-678 3266 ** COCHRANE Kyla Bly 403-981 5810 EDMONTON Jim Cretney 780-484 7924 Dawn Ettinger 780-964 4287 Marcel Hamann * 780-439 4040 ** Lena Kim * 780-944 2780 Donna King * 780-431 0629 ** Debra Martin 780-934 1321 Candace Myhr * 780-233 1116 ** Chelsea O’Neill 780-905 2695 Jeanette Strasbourg 780-951 5138 GRANDE PRAIRIE Angele Hynd * 780-605 2990 ** Lorianne Lemoine * 780-933 5588 Silvie Mainguy * 780-539 7076 Tammy Podridske*(Instructor) 780-402 3507 **
HIGH PRAIRIE Kimberly Dedels* (Instructor) 780-523 0156 ** JAMES RIVER BRIDGE Kathy Law 403-728 3152 JEAN COTE Michelle Duval 780-618 2232 LETHBRIDGE Carol Bitango * 403-320 2380 ** MAYERTHORN Jeannette Strasbourg * 780-269 0043 ** MEDICINE HAT Kristen Banks 403-529 9078 OKOTOKS Mykella Hekkanen * 403-938 0214 PEACE RIVER Rhonda Hill 780-6245604 Cheryl Olydam 780-624 4164 PINCHER CREEK Alice Wagner * 403-627 4525 ** PONOKA May Holman * 403-786 9041 Angela Walker * 403-7869 041 RED DEER Bonnie Gardiner 403-357 0077 Valerie Stang Foran 403- 309 3316 SHERWOOD Debbie Riddle 780-464 4767 ST ALBERT Gloria Schwenneker * 780-418 4134 ** STANDARD Neil Brandon * 403-644 2248 Ailsa Forbes * 416-983 5208 STONEY PLAINS Hali Fitzpatrick * 780-953 3613 ** Tammy Shipalesky 780-982 2779 SUNDRE Sharei Edgerton * 306-640 7707 VALLEYVIEW Kim Basarab-Ilg 780-524 3285 WATERTON PARK Carol Watt * 403-308 6812 ** WEMBLEY Anna Kylnkramer * 780-766 2416 ** Kim Nadeau 780-897 6185
BRITISH COLUMBIA AGASSIZ Gail Evans 604-991 5155 BURNABY Lillian Olivant * 604-437 5799 ** CHEMAINUS Melanye Walker * 250-256 4812
CHILLIWACK Margaret Snell 604-392 6665 COURTENAY Jacqueline Keeney 250-703 0044 FORT ST. JOHN Terri Dressler * 205-785 5405 Linda Fehr * 250-827 3840 HEFFLEY CREEK Ulrike Johnson-Krack 250-578 8808 KAMLOOPS Angela Milanese-Allen 250-573 2699 KELOWNA Janice Potter * 250-762 0160 ** Chuck Theesen * 250-764 0090 MAPLE RIDGE Gloria Dea * 604-313 5073 ** Stephen Smith * 778-240 1199 ** 100 MILE HOUSE Margit Iseli * 250-395 3698 LADYSMITH Lilja Hardy 250-245 7738 NELSON Roger Pratt 250-352 6893 PENTICTON Jese-Anne Wiens * 778-494 3321 PRINCE RUPERT Makayla Keehn * 250-624 5286 ** QUESNEL Leisa Henderson 250-624 5286 SALMO Betsy Telford * 250-357 9640 ** SALT SPRING ISLAND Christin Boyd * 250-537 0747 ** TRAIL Janet Thompson 250-368 6061 VICTORIA Ruth Schippers * 250-370 0954 ** VERNON Mardelle Beaucage Hansen * 250-308 8372 ** Beverley Lyons 250-542 1905 WHITE ROCK Dawn Ettinger 780-987 2256
MANITOBA DAUPHIN Mariann Harvey 204-648 6344 FLIN FLON Sheila Dubreuil 204-687 8345 Suzanne Madden 204-687 3953 Justine McDonald 204-687 6863 WINNIPEG Deirdre A. Jasper * 204-256 2273 **
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Dean Schrader 204-488 6528
NEW BRUNSWICK BATHURST Lise Ouellet 506-546 6660 CAPE PELE Lisa Cormier 506-530 4835 EAST BRANCH Julia Puschej 506-536 8568 MONCTON Yvonne Pellerin 506-531 0600 QUISPAMSIS Julie Allen-Cliff 506-849 8835 Jordan Glatt 504-638 9134 Allyson McQuinn 506-638 9331 SACKVILLE Elizabeth Massarelli * 506 536 0210
NEWFOUNDLAND GANDER Cyril Abbot 709-381 2000 ST. JOHN’S Anna Callahan-St. 709-576 0529 Joan Dohey 905-642 2600 Carol-Ann Galego 709-770 1738 Kate Johnson 709-764 0873 Ben Trevorrow 709-287 1661
NOVA SCOTIA BEDFORD Sarah Tanner * 902-293 5878 CHESTER BASIN Amy Grapel * 902-273 2166 ** Melissa Rose 902-275 5086 DARTMOUTH Jennifer Bishop * 902-461 0951 Meryl Cook * 902-431 4888** DEBERT Trini MacDonald 902-662 1899 HALIFAX Rita Armbruster 902-444 2729 Julie Berkowitz 902-423 4407 Cynthia Dean * 902-821 2122 ** Jane Holden * 902-455 2220 Veronica Tanner * 902-454 5878 INGRAMPORT Klara Darmos * 902-858 2108 ** LUNENBURG Patsy McDonald 902-634 4696
THREE FATHOM HARBOUR Patricia Quon 902-827 2222 WEST CHEZZETCOOK Jennifer Purcell 902-827 4241
ONTARIO ACTON Liz Corbett 905-877 2048 ALLISTON Jackie Jamieson 705-435 5566 ANCASTER Sorina Dragoman 905-648 3067 ** Nancy MacLeod 905-304 1295 AURORA Lisa Reiter 905-713 1945 BELLE RIVER Catherine Tiesteel 519-990 9930 BELLEVILLE Michelle Durkin 613-966 9660 Jane Lavery * 613-962 0657 ** Janet E. Riley * (Instructor) 613-848 2083 ** BOWMANVILLE Jessica Langille 905-244 2764 BRAMPTON Pia Poblete 416-918 4121 BRANDFORD Kerrianne Lejeune 519-751 9440 BURKS FALLS Janice Hunter 519-897 4711 BURLINGTON Maria D’Amelio McKim * 905-331 1344 ** Carol Kyte 905-319 1542 Julie Stevenson-Demeester * 905-332 9718 ** Lillian Stokker * 905-632 9821 Stephanie Udove * 905-632 6936 Ingrid Winstanley 905-335 0420 CAMBRIDGE Stephanie Farwell 519-621 0011 Susan Fisher 519-267 4885 Laurie Gilbank 519-621 0011 Georgina Hanchar 519-267 8855 Shannon Tarasko 519-503 4897 Jitka Vok * 519-653 6619 ** CAMERON Lucy Windebank * 705-359 1962 ** CARGILL Julie Fitzsimmor 519-353 5510 COBOURG Elizabeth Sleight * 905-377 1766
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
COLLINGWOOD Isabella Lehmann * 705-445 3295 ** COPPER CLIFF Jodie Whiteside 705-698 7936 DELWARE Jennifer Boere * 519-652 6392 EAST YORK Alexis Touyz * 416-465 2397 ** ELMIRA Kevin Bartley 519-669 0112 ELMVALE Dawn Horzempa 705-715 8983 ETOBICOKE Lisa Herbst * 416-259 0060 ** Kathy Olsanowski 416-418 1273 Deborah Shore 416-251 3453 EVERETT Angela Petherick * 705-434 2183 ** FENWICK Karen Beaulieu 905-892 9689 GEORGETOWN Heather Smith 905-873 9888 GRIMSBY Frank Dimaio * 519-621 0011 ** GUELPH Louise Heffernan 519-827 4297 Vivian Hildebrandt 519-837 4285 HAMILTON Rose Djuric * 905-574 6956 Caralei Peters 905-528 1661 Fran VanSickle 905-730 3914 Lori Whittaker * 905-521 3056 ** Francine Wong 905-865 7081 HANMER Sonya Arcand * 705-969 8466 ** HOLLAND CENTRE Kathy Burnside 519-986 3451 HUNTSVILLE Brandy Strelec 705-789 8998 JERSEYVILLE Fran VanSickle * 416-465 2397 KEMPTVILLE Caroline Doucette * 613-799 3315 ** KINGSTON Andree Boisvert * 613-331 3625 Barbara Ro Perry 613-353 6912 KINKARDINE Erin Blake 519-955 3454 Carla Bruce 519-525 2705 Eleanor Taylor 905-877 8822
LEAMINGTON Lesley Heinz * 519-326 8794 LONDON Donna Costa * 519-601 7709 ** Dr. Robert Dronyk 519-471 1917 Cathy Lommen 519-451 1036 Tricia McFarland * 519-396 7585 ** LUCKNOW Kaylan Hicks 519-357 8568 LYNDEN Gail Barber * 519-647 2623 ** MARKHAM Marleen Lum 416-756 6050 Quang Tran 416-298 7861 MILTON Tatiana Molina 647-213 6845 MISSISSAUGA Diana Borso * 905-567 4015 ** Lori Davey * 905-290 1466 ** Dina Eino 905-330 6287 Marielou Equaras 519-267 4885 Margarete Frattaroli 905-672 8023 Anna Galati 905-712 8698 Derek Murphy * (Instructor) 905-813 6161 ** NAPANEE Carol Stockwell 778-588 6979 NEWMARKET Carolyn Jackson * 905-895 4400 ** NIAGARA ON THE LAKE Victoria Mattucci-Ganski * 905-732 0409 NOBLETON Donna Taylor * 905-859 0677 OAKVILLE Dina Eino 905-569 6995 Colleen MacAleese 416-881 8478 Michelle McLeod 905-844 7446 OTTAWA Christine Fellows * 613-523 0640 ** Carol Kavanagh 613-228 7264 Barbara Loh 613-233 0883 Bette Madigan * 613-722 4249 ** Madeline McBride 613-798 7628 James Trinka 703-624 7089 OTTAWA EDWARDS Anna Bunda * 613-822 6325 ** OWEN SOUR Heather Greenaway 519-470 4585
PARIS Stephanie Smith 519-302 0195 PERTH Elena Richmond 613-864 6483 PICKERING Helen Jardine 905-903 0085 Sanda Langer 416-902 9180 PORT DOVER Ann L’Ecuyer * 519-583 0973 ** 800-701 2811 PORT ELGIN Jennifer Haessler 519-832 4500 ROCKLAND Avelia Manoukian 613-419 0899 ST. CATHERINES Grace Bochenek 905-325 2281 Debi Famelos 905-937 9731 Alaina Sumner 905-933 866 STOUFFVILLE Pamela Beach * 905-852 6440 Karen Dermody * 905-642 2600 ** TARA Beth Harrison 519-934 3484 TIMMINS Debbie Bazuik * 705-268 7973 ** TORONTO Cheryl D’Costa 647-999 3420 Jennifer Forgeron * 416-920 4325 ** Daniel Heaney * 416-769 1233 Heather Heaney * 647-828 3160 Lesley Johnson 647-802 9939 Pia Poblete 905-755 1077 Dr. Amir Sedighian 416-227 0800 Ania Sroka 416-461 9949 Erik Sroka * 416-461 9949 ** UNIONVILLE Sophia Rouchotas * 905-887 1892 ** UXBRIDGE Peggy Haupt * 905-649 6083 ** Jill Potter 905-852 9481 VAUGHAN Dorina Paraian 905-417 2593 WATERDOWN Melissa Howe * 905-690 6123 Sue Malley 905-627 7381 WATERLOO Barbara Brendemuehl * 519-743 1914 ** Denise Onslow *(Instructor) 519-885 0717 ** Rokhlin Yuliana 510-591 8872
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WHITBY Lois Bridgeman * 905-665 0111
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND CHARLOTTE Heather Scales * 902-393 5481 ** CHARLOTTETOWN Suzanne Murphy * 902-892 5715 HUNTER RIVER Kim Stilwell-Weeks 902-964 3122 MONTAGUE Ruth Courtney-Beck 902-962 3548 Darlene Larter 902-838 5416 MT. STEWART Debbie Betts 902-583 2134 STRATFORD Carolyn Courtney 902-628 6923
QUEBEC BRIGHAM Louise Boisvert * 450-263 5113 ** BROMONT France Charbonneau 450-776 0049 COWANSVILLE Isabelle Grard *(Instructor) 450-263 6113 ** DRUMMONDVILLE Rene Plante * 819-850 6952 EAST FARNHAM Karine Baraby 450-263 1562 GRANBY Carole Cote 450-375 2745 HAM-NORD Jean Desrosiers * 819-344 5789 L’ANGE-GARDIEN Ghislain Ouellette 819-986 6272 LAPRAIRIE Elsie Champoux 450-703 6667 LAVAL Nada Noujaim 450-973 4797 Helene St-Pierre * 450-681 1175 ** LONGUEUIL Nicole Lacasse 514-943 0492 MONTREAL Eva Arsenault 514-337 9825 Claudine Boisvert 514-210 7931 Monique Cadotte * 514-880 5802 Emily McLean 514 576 0884 Lucette Martel * 514-250 5922 ** Madeline O’Meara * 514-973 1470 ** Renee Tremblay 514-387 6643
OUTREMONT Brigitte Thomas * 514-276 6620 QUEBEC Marie Jose Sr. Onge * 418-682 0970 ** PIERREFONDS Jocelyne Harvey * 514-331 7031 ** REPENTIGNY Claudine Boisvert * 514-210 7931 SHERBROOKE Louise Beauchemin 819-564 2619 Celine Bazinet 819-565 2121 Lyne Thibault * 819-542 0851 ST. EUSTACHE Louis Laplante 514-928 2684 ST-HYACINTHE Francois Bousquet * 450-796 2873 ST. LAURENT Jolanta Busz 514-335 9437 STE-ANNE-DES-PLAIN Michelle Emond * 450-838 7896 ** VICORIAVILLE Christian Bilodeau 819-795 5381 Laurier Blais * 819-357 4180 ** WEEDON David Couture * 819-674 8729 **
SASKATCHEWAN ASSINIBOIA Mary Ellen McInnes 306-642 5418 DUNTROON Julia Harder 306-607 0034 ESTEVAN Audrey Johner * 306-634 5380 FIFE LAKE Lisa Bisgaard * 306-267 2121 ** HANLEY Melaine Duperreau 306-960 3698 HOLLAND CENTRE Kathy Burnside 519-270 1426 LA RONGE Ellen Paquin * 306-425 5360 MELFORT Laura West 403-981 5810 MISTATIM Linda Schekk * 250-573 2699 PRINCE ALBERT Melanie Duperreault 306-960 3698 Lucy Ormerod * 306-764 8228 ** REGINA Sandi Hextall 306-781 7400 Brenda Klarer 519-503 4897 Kimberly MacDonald 306-565 3556
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia ROSTHERN Mary Ann Chobotuk 306-467 2230 SASKATOON Monica Gillespie RN 306-934 1753 Rhonda Graves * 306-652 7114 Maureen Karpan 306-979 3555 Marilyn Poitras 306-242 4280 Patricia Wiebe 306-384 7877 VANCOUVER Kim Knuth 360-513 9978 Sue Pfendler 360-901 1471 WARMAN Barb Spendelow * 306-651 7378
CANARY ISLANDS FUERTEVENTURA Linda Foulkes 0034 695796036
SPAGNA LAS PALMAS Mario Cazorla Rivero 6396 24211
CHANNEL ISLANDS JERSEY ST. BRELADE Graham Taylor 07797 720828 ST. HELIER Peter * & Jacquline Le Breuilly 01534 722599
CRETE Doris Anastasiou 6979-159758 Katerina Argenti * 6987-112040 Maria Bardaki 6974 371994 Rina Basiliadou 6946 229964 Anna Bibilaki 6972 546920 Marina Fanouraki 6932 711497 Georgia Hamba 6974 905492 Anna Leotsari 6972 645767 Maria Mpikaki 6974 381863 Pandelis Petrakis 6932 766138 Haris Stefanou 6973 661898 Dorina Tataraki 6977 645582 Basilis Tsigdinos 6972-716618 Antonis Xiroudakis * (Instructor) 6973 017487
CROATIA BELI MANASTIR Grgic Zvonko 01 3831 271 BOSNJACI Mira Jusbasic 091 5783892 RIJEKA Miodrag Trpkov * 385 989 373875 ** ZAGREB Ru Ica Gagi 01 3831 271 Sanja Sajko 385 91 7311355
CYPRUS Kypros Kyprianou * 00357-99578453
DENMARK 8000 ARHUS C Lene Dahl 6067 5985 ARHUS V Lone Tofteby 3032 7241 5491 BLOMMENSLYST Tina Hoegh Kristensen 2366 4384 8740 BRAEDSTRUP Lis Christensen 5042 9679 2100 COPENHAGEN Janne Wiedinger Kristensen 3020 8599 5854 GISLEV Tove Bregnedal 3054 8842 3230 GRAESTED Cristina Larsen 2927 6290 3200 HELSINGE Kirsten Petersen 2482 7187 8543 HORNSLET Lonne Steens Amdi 2684 2244 2930 KLAMPENBORG Rikke Sandahl * 3168 4488 5462 MORUD Bente Pedersen 6596 4245 ** 5210 ODENSE NO Lena Rasmussen 6617 8020 ** 5220 ODENSE Chalotte Billenstein 6617 9363 ** Lene Rodshagen * (Instructor) 24 25 22 18 ** 6230 RODEKRO Maren Nielsen (Instructor) 5151 1666 ** 4291 RUDS VEDBY Cristina Simonsen 2168 9404 8355 SOLBJERG Brigitte Christiansen 3024 8563 6470 SYDALS Henrik Nielsen 2670 0703 8310 TRANBJERG J Mette Sofie Beuchert 2635 8374
SOUTHHAMPTON Emily Payne 07980 407435
HUNGERFORD Susan Morris * 01488 668447
BEACONSFIELD Marco Ferro 07776 171071
SIDCUP Paul Dunn 020-8308 0958 WEST KINGSDOWN Marie Reynolds 01474 854710
CARRINGTON Pat Hughes * 0115 9608855 ** LOUGHBOROUGH Pat Hughes * 01509 212424 ** NOTTINGHAM Pat Hughes * 0115 9118769 ** SOUTHWELL Carol Lynn * 01636 814007 WEST BRIDGFORD Pat Hughes * 0115 9143311 **
LEICESTER Tamara Diaz Garcia 0772 4859574
MORPETH John Bolton 07933 301106
STAMFORD Vicki Ball 07803 020571 Rebecca Hankins 07843 481938
MANTON Caroline Dabbs 01572 737542
TAUNTON Clare Oldham * 01984 656179 **
CAMBRIDGESHIRE HUNTINGDON Kay Biddle 01480 457468 PETERBOROUGH Helen Perkins * 01733 555476 ** WILLINGHAM Kim Pearson 01954 204142 **
CHESHIRE STOCKPORT Julie Elder * 0161 3742602 07960 602849
CORNWALL TRURO Angela Shipperley 01872 450795
CUMBRIA KENDALL Allan Brindley * 01539 722041 **
DEVON EXETER June Jupp * 01392 211282 PAIGNTON Helen Tucker 01803 874044
DORSET BLANDFORD Hanna Woods * 01725 517603 ** BOURNEMOUTH Laura Nokes 07734 666277 FERNDOWN Debbie Pettit 01202 854740
EAST SUSSEX BRIGHTON Anna Walker 07706 720774
HAMPSHIRE ANDOVER Fiona Webb 07783 421181** FARNBOROUGH Ellen Cobb * (Instructor) 01252 545837 **
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Clare Townsend 07624 202121 **
CENTRAL LONDON Caroline Betz 0207 9876491 0777 4032619 Marty Fabianova 07910 070369 Szymon Fijak 922 45780790 Michael Patrick * 0788 6440807 ** HAMPSTEAD Cindy Galvin * 07941 603447 **
MANCHESTER URMSTON John Hynes * 0161 7481834
MIDDLESEX LONDON Monica Gunn 07950 607160 STANMORE Veena Lidbetter 07771 833843
NORFOLK ALDBOROUGH Cornelis van der Does * 01263 825438 HOLT Cornelis van Der Does * 01263 825438 NORWICH Natalie Maskell 07770 277596 Cornelis van der Does * 01603 630226 SHERINGHAM Cornelis van Der Does * 01263 825438
STAFFORDSHIRE STAFFORD Kristie France * 01889 881725 ** 07772 005195
SURREY CAMBERLEY Barbara-Anne Chapman * 01276 500202 ** COBHAM Diana Menzies-Smith * 01932 988828 ** 07956 390109 PURLEY Janice Morris 020 86459028 ** PYRFORD WOKING Jim Bannell 07963 434639
WARWICKSHIRE ALDERMINISTER Caroline Balfour-Kinnear 01789 470886 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON Caroline Balfour-Kinnear 01789 470886
WEST MIDLANDS WALSALL Carol Caine 01922 684553
WEST SUSSEX SHOREHAM BY SEA Titus Foster * 01273 453293 ** STORRINGTON Titus Foster * 01273 453293 **
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
AMESBURY Gillian Mullan ** 01980 622585 BRADFORD ON AVON Janet Le Sueur 01225 867645
WORCESTERSHIRE PERSHORE Sue Buckley 01386 553008 ** TENBURY WELLS Hilary Foxwell * 01584 819010 **
FRANCE PARIS Faye Brindley 06 47 97 22 14
GERMANY 14532 STAHNSDORF Regine Weimar 0049 33701 90466 ** 23769 FEHMARN Petra Scherer 0049 4371 6216 27793 WILDESHAUSEN Kristof Klimanek 04431 930184 Carola Riedel 04431 930184 31848 BAD MUNDER Karin Jaskolski 05042 2131 38518 GIFHORN Inge Braun 05371 57502 42477 RADEVORMALD Andrea Luley 0049 2195 927885 48432 RHEINE Rob Susanne 0157 85568398 54314 BALDRINGEN Andrea Biewer 6587992881 54329 KONZ Pascal Thill no phone no 55597 WOLLSTEIN Iris Becker 06703 305717 56459 OBERSAYN Henry Zitmann 0049 2666911331 75236 KAMPFELBACH Christine Kaden.Baier 072324612 76829 LANDAU Jenny Jager 06341968573 57610 ALTENKIRCHEN Christine Grabowsky 02681 9823264 63808 HAIBACH Christine Berninger 06021 446730 64823 GROB-UMSTADT Dorothee Becker 607 875774 67240 BOBENHEIMROXHEIM Sandra Blum 496239 938018
70794 FILDERSTADT Sonja Kuster-Scharf 175 8207553 71636 LUDWIGSBURG Carola Mergen 07141 5075289 75334 STRAUBENHARDT Annette Trick 0049 708250973 76187 KARLSRUHE Gabriele Woschek 0721 752276 76332 BAD HERNALB Christine Benz 721 830 4369 76669 BAD SCHONBORN Susanne Lohse 07253 34767 76777 NEUPOTZ Regine Weinmeister 7272 959062 7743 JENA Martin Riedel 3641516690 78315 RADOLFZELLMARKELFINGEN Jutta Stiller 07732 982678 78662 BOSINGEN Birgit Schneider 0176 21804918 07404 660060 78739 HARDT Nicole Fehrenbacher 07422 55788 Erika Hilser 07422 21926 79312 EMMENDINGEN Katja Kolblin 0170 9425773 82266 INNING Marika Nothelfer-Sigl 08143 447314 82547 EURASBERG Carsten Ganz 8179 519000 83026 ROSENHEIM Roswitha Spathling 0049 8031 463238 83135 SCHECHEN Sonja Dialler 0049 80393267 83135 DEUTELHAUSEN/ SCHECHEN Evi Mittermaier 00498031 9019799 83661 LENGGRIES Michael Bittner 08042 1820 83737 IRSCHENBERG Dorothea Heinrich 8064 8195 84048 MAINBURG Dr. Frank Brucker 087513737 84072 AU. i. d. HALLERTAU Sabine Kronawitter 0811 55545516 84419 SCHWINDEGG Maria Keifer 08082 9495852 84437 REICHERTSHEIM Waltraud Maier 0049 80721504 84518 GARCHING Anna Zeilinger 8634 688318 84529 TITTMONING Katharina Neubauer 0049 86837497
85072 EICHSTATT Hefele Willi 0049 84212942 85356 FREISING Lucia Fahrnholz 8161 85778 85560 EBERSBERG Fritz Lang 08092 23800 Thomas Stohr 08092 860797 86911 DIENEN Barbara Hogel 00498807948494 87452 ALTUSRIED Simone Neumann 08373 921032 87494 RUCKHOLZ Marina Braun 0049 8369 910633 87733 MARKT RETTENBACH Silvia Sandleitner 8392 934530 87734 BENNINGEN Gabriele Keller 5341 4985 88046 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN Brigitte Kurner 0049 7541 31536 88213 RAVENSBURG Lidija Czernin 751 652 8595 Matthias Siebert 0049 751 9771542 88285 BODNEGG Melanie Dolezal 0049 7520 915096 88316 ISNY Fritz Scheel 0049 75624416 88348 BAD SAULGAU Anita Zimmermann 0049 7581 2657 88368 BERGATREUTE Andrea Mimm 07527 914535 90547 STEIN Elke Inspruckner 0049 211 2528639 90602 PYRBAUM Anita Grossenbacher 9180 939933 9135 BAD EISENKAPPEL Manuela Robler 09093 901145 93055 REGENSBURG Maria Theresia Blochl 0941 5998202 93095 HAGELSTADT Angela Dietrich 09453 998916 94032 PASSAU Andreas Dohrer 178 1654092 Bianca Hieber 1704 180886 Joanna Krenn 0851 87272 94099 RUHSTORF Matthias Heinzmann 0049 853132030 Giosele Maria Lew 8531 31479 94121 SALZWEG Brigitte Greuich 0049 8505 93497 95213 MUNCHBERG Monika Kern 0049 9251 8265
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96193 WACHENROTH Barbara Link 9548 8356 96450 COBURG Stefanie von Coburg 172 9905606
BADEN WURTTEMBERG 73431 AALEN Delia Wiedmann 07361 375245 76534 BADEN-BADEN Sabine Greiser-Wehner 0172 7211178 Klaus Hertweck 0033 879504512 0172 7259204 Joachim Lenz * 07221 397039 Monika Schnieder * 07721 397039 72336 BALINGEN Simone Hopf * 07433 967088 ** Wolfgang Schreijag 07433 967088 71034 BOBLINGEN Gordana Rogina Rummelin * 07031 760848 ** IGERSHEIM Klaus Etzl 07931 44436 68239 MANNHEIM Bettina Pein 0621 3392922 Petra Wolff 0621 479038 OFFTERSHEIM Dagmar Geiss * 06202 9505456 Andrea Mai 0602 53970 OPPENWEILER Helga Haag 07193 900876 SINDELFINGEN Bernhard Geiser 07031 815188 78549 SPAICHINGEN Anette Feinler 07424 601419 70599 STUTTGART Brigitte Platzke 0152 29774068 WERTHEIM-DERTIN Ingrid Schulz 09397 735
BAYERN 63755 ALZENAU Claudia Herzog 06023 504195 Anne Krohm * 06023 5165 Stefanie Trageser * 06023 8736 AMORBACH Barbara Praxl 09373 902700 63743 ASCHAFFENBURG Susanne Bruckner * 06028 3523 ** Reinhilde Rachor 06021 13923 Thomas Williams-op de Hipt 06021 451610
95444 BAYREUTH Dr. Angelika Nester 0921 78779998 BINDLACH Maria Schott 09208 580877 0170 4030544 BOGEN Astrid Cazzanelli 09422 4733 GEMUNDEN Erika Felbinger* 09351 3072 0170 9037524 GLATTBACH Joachim Fieber * 06021 95908 63773 GOLDBACH Sinje Gunther 06021 5830757 Martina Killmann* 06031 47641 GROBHEUBACH Dagmar Dworschak 09371 949523 95502 HIMMELKRON Petra Schobath 09227 973223 91315 HOCHSTADT Constanta-Marilena Schneider * 09193 1050 ** HOHENFURCH Heidi Fichtl 08861 909217 63768 HOSBACH Gertrud Groha 06021 588779 Gerdi Rausch 06021 55507 63867 JOHANNESBERG Frank Bergmann * 06021 445777 Christiane Herzog-Staab * 06029-996672 KARLSTEIN Peter Emge * 06188 993521 87493 KEMTEN-LAUBEN Simone Neumann * 08374 25476 KLEINHEUBACH Katja Blank 0171 3445228 KLEINWALLSTADT Heike Rachor 06022 2656950 63829 KROMBACH Bettina Eilhardt * 06024 6369900 63846 LAUFACH Sibylle Paulus * 06093 995956 ** Gisela Schroder * 06093 996166 63875 MESPELBRUNN Herbert Spatz * 06092 7525 ** METTEN Dr. Annemarie Maceiczyk 0991 9753 81247 MUNCHEN Marion Busse-Maier 089 51777899 Carsten Ganz 0152 21927469 Viola Hemm 089 8114648 Gisela Nora * (Instructor) 0049 89684123 ** 0049 178 7657657
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia Stefanie Weidner 089 120 24223 0177 5543176 NURNBERG Birgit Borovicka 0911 2059729 ODENPULLACH Dorothee Munzinger 0033 553815716 RAMSBERG Gudrun Muhlbauer 0160 97726633 SAILAUF Sandra Bergmann 06093 2149 63811 STOCKSTADT Dr. Jens Neidert * 0602 1820 Anita Rossmanith 06027 3165 63834 SULZBACH George Hartig * 06028 996086 ** Petra Roos * 06028 995525 UNTERHACHING Petra Teichert * 089 619098 96193 WACKENROTH Katharina Uhlmann * 09548 980803 63857 WALDASCHAFF Brigitte Sahl 06095 995534 63879 WEIBERSBRUNN Elfriede Haselhuhn * 06094 989169 Horst Roth 06094 8212 WORTH Dagmar Dworschak 09372 9407067 0171 4868988 WURZBURG Christian Broermann 0931 8041110 90513 ZIRNDORF Birgit Reissinger 0911 65678976
BERLIN-HERMSDORF Edith Siebarth 030 4044983 10138 BERLINKARLSHORST Doris Pries 030 50012301
WEINSTADT Peter Gehrke (Instructor) 07151 2786027 Ingrid Gehrke 0178 4152349
10825 BERLIN Katrin Adam 0177 680 3122 Anka Baier * 0177 2357658 Ilse Bartig no phone no List Beck 030 44047520 Susanne Dengler 030 80498284 Angelique Friedrich 030 7224339 Lukoma Korndorfer * 030 78891303 Barbel Kuhn 030 9311772 Gyuri Liebe * (Instructor) 030 46607718 0178 6935741 Maren Melchertsen 030 78706267 ** Lucyna Schwarz 030 8845830 0173 6148431 Ricarda Sommerfeld * 030 56301638
BRANDENBURG FURSTENWALDE Renate Jungmayr 03361 368953 LOWERBERGER LA Edda Teichmann 033094 51110 14467 POTSDAM Kathrin Hoffmann 0331 95130961 Dorothea Muschenborn * 0331 7048506
BREMEN 28199 BREMEN Birgit Brennecke * 0421 4377983 Claudia Eisenbach * 0421 5976159 Ute Holcombe 0421 8972266 Elisabeth Holt * 0421 9606216 Ute Marquardt * 0421 3760420 Erica Nullmeyer 0421 426670 Karin Oltmanns 0421 3966865 Charis Rugen * 0421 4350997 ** Hermann Rheil 0421 2232629 Miriam Claudia Schroder 0421 2428422 Barbara Schygulla * 0421 490854 Anna Vasst 0421 483907 Eva Wohlfahrt 0421 481829
HAMBURG 22043 HAMBURG Brigitte Beyer * 040 6525355 ** Friederike Grundmann * 040 20978916 Andris Ielitis 060431 79380 Margit Kittler-Fruehling 040 2007101** Ulla Klawan * 040 43180769 Gabriele Rahlf 04060 49828 Maja Urban 0173 20333 50
HESSEN 63674 ALTENSTADT Karin Heutzenroder 06047 1043 Sabine Darocca 1756 361066
Ragna Schumacher * (Instructor) ** 06047 952699 ALTENSTADT-HOCH Renate Frischholz 06047 97545 BAD HOMBURG Markus Weber * 06172 921010 61231 BAD NAUHEIM Christina Eb 06032 84020 Marianne Hofmann 06032 868719 63619 BAD ORB Isabel Neidert 06052 801430 37242 BAD SOODENALLENDORF Andrea Kreutzer* 05652 589748 ** BIEBERTAL Katja Groninger * 06409 2526 Dirk Stamm 06409 618922 BIEBERTAL-KONIGS Ulla Kern 06446 922270 BIRKLAR Claus Pfeffer 06404 64249 BIRSTEIN Andrea Spielmann 06054 5160 BRAUNFELS Lothar Waltenberg 06442-32788 64560 CRUMSTADT Christine Meyer * 06158 720268 63691 DAUERNHEIM Kerstin Fritz * 06035 207030 DRIEDORF Elke Niebergall 02775 578341 35085 EBSDOR FERGRUND Sandra Fischbach 06424 928655 ECHZELL Christiane Niederreiter 06008 1620 35463 FERNWALD Holger Gaumann * 0641 4801890 ** 65929 FRANKFURT/MAIN Astrid El-Hagge * 069 5602500 Claudia Schmidt 069 30853685 Neha-Jutta Volze* 069 60608839 FRIEDRICHSDORF Korono Gallen 06172 4997933 GEINHAUSEN Christine Buchhold 06051 915930 Jorg Ditmar* 06051 9059444 GIEBEN Angjela Nemcanin 0641 480903 Silke Schafer * 0641 30190026 ** Irene Vigano * 0641 4990379 Angelika Weiser * 0641 2503512
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Regina Willems 0641 791468 35394 GIESSEN Ursula Lappe * 0641 21575 35712 HAINBURG Sabine Melzer * 06182 992662 HEUCHELHEIM Sandra Schneider 0641 9699580 35410 HUNGEN Kai Buchler * 06402 504388 Klaus-Peter Karpf * 06402 508889 ** 35625 HUTTENBERG Pierre Kohler 06441 4459984 34376 IMMENHAUSENMARIENDORF Hannelore Puck 05673 3517 35510 KIRCH-GONS Ilona Wissner 06033 923302 35428 LANGGOONS Kurt Baumbach 06447 886355 35638 LEUN Christiane Wegricht * 06473 2448 35423 LICH Susanne Mai 06404 659453 Gesine Pabel * 06404 90106 Marion Romig-Schweitzer * 06404 4581 Angela Schoneck 06404 667598 LIMESHAIN Regina Fischer 06048 9538220 ** 35440 LINDEN Hans-Jurgen Folkerts 06403 9775455 Karin Habinger 0171 3183069 Petra Knob 06403 974102 Concepcion Zlata L.B. Krohl 06403 1551 MARBURG Barbara Loffert 06421 953720 Heidrun Marx 06421 931780 Maike Wachs 06421 893224 MICHELSTADT Ingryd Ganzert * 06156 9120 35756 MITTENAARBICKEN Kerstin Klopsch * 02772 62719 35325 MUCKE Ingrid Bloser 06400 1807 NAUHEIM Gundula Anker 06152 63375 NIDDERAU Nina Purzl 06187 906044 NIDDERAU-WINDE Barbara Melzer 06187 9946170
61440 OBERURSEL Simone Reich* 06171 916886 63075 OFFENBACH Wolfgang Ganzert * 0175 6752545 25415 POHLHEIM Alexandra Eckert * 06403 694558 Bernrd Fischer 06403 62224 Silvia Flanders * (Instructor) 06004 914194 Bernd Leidich * 06403 9760312 Eva-Maria Leidich * 06403 64632 Marion Pascoe 06403 963090 Karin Schmandt * 06403 67980 Johanna Vingerling * 0641 9433934 ** REINHEIM Regina Fischer 06048 9538220 35447 REISKIRCHEN Ina Constant * 06408 660660 Sabine Oelkrug-Kettner * 06401 5238 ROCKENBERG Daniela Doring 06033 927772 RODENBACH Carmen Bilau-Lehre 06184 54096 SCHOTTEN Angelika Part 06044 989517 63500 SELIGENSTADT Jutta Stauber-Robinson 06182 66087 35606 SOLMS Ulrike Schutz 06442 23540 STAUFENBERG Maike Waldschmidt 06406 836216 WETTENBERG Cornelia Schwartz-Geier 0641 85680 35435 WETTENBERGWISMAR Markus Friege-Koch * 06406-909386 25576 WETZLAR Dr. Michael Fieber * 06441 45221 Ulrike Fieber 06441 45221 Anja Heinrich* 06441 76197 Bettina Heinz * 06441 32495 Praxis Kraft & Leicht 06441 211985 Kerstin Mack 06441 781038 Gabriele Neuss-Biedenkopf 06441 781484 0177 5984531 Heide Treffenstadt* 06441 28789
MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN 19069 PIGELSHAGEN Astrid Behrens 0385 2015188
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
ANKUM Karin Kohnen 05462 887768 BAD PYRMONT Sandra Tollner 05281 608626 BAD ZWISCHENAH Silvia Manske 0173 8716141 29646 BISPINGEN Magdalena Anton * 05194 2674 27412 BREDDORF Rita Schygulla-Neubauer 04285 466 29229 CELLE Brigitte Bornschein 05141 483117 Rosemarie Urban 05086 955100 Gisela Wiedeck-Endrulat 05086 987059 DANNENBURG Christel Hausler 05861 7843 EMDEN Kirsten Venzke * 04921 22125 EMMERTHAL Katja-Caroline Buder 05151 9629899 31787 HAMEIN Andrea Geese * 05151/961456 HANNOVER Annelene Jaspers 0511 8756690 HOFER KR. CELLE Karin Gramenz 05145 471 31249 HOHENHAMEIN Rita Dobbelstein * 05128 5477 HUDE Sabine Zapf-Walter * 04223 700339 29364 LANLINGEN Hannelore Warneke 05082 1206 28865 LILIENTHAL Heidrun Entelmann * 04298 3834 Ines Knupper * 04298 959178 37627 LINNENKAMP Petra Boenke 05532 999475 49393 LOHNE Bettina Renz 0175 5924539 Astrid Wilke 04442 921015 21337 LUNEBURG Kerrin Olufs 04131 758434 Birgit Schray 04131 50400 NEUENKIRCHEN VORDEN Mary Joy Harvest * 05493 996116 ** NEUSTADT Elke Nordbrink 05032 911333 26954 NORDENHAM Juliane Aengeneyndt * 04731 23409 Jana Ganzert * 04731 924887
Dr. Peter Klan 04731 21439 Karin Onken 04731 207851 Petra von Munster * 04731 32079 26129 OLDENBURG Martina Barelman * 0441 21701936 Anke Greift 0441 5600403 Dr. Stefan Schweizer * 0441 9987676 Rainer Suda * 0441 601701 Stefanie Wahlen 0441 8859349 Dirk Weiber 0179 7737985 27711 OSTERHOLZ Hella Martin 04791 980434 26939 OVELGONNE Frank Bartels * 04401 705400 RASTEDE Jens Polle 04402 8690984 29571 ROSCHE Anne-Silke Timme 05803 987471 SCHLADEN/BEUCH Simone Barthel* 05335 905396 21217 SEEVETAL Dorothe Liehmann 040 7681203 SPRINGE/ELDAGSE Ute Schafer 05044 4468 28857 SYKE Sabine Wahl 04242 80914 VAREL Susanne Schwarmers 04451 961953 VORDORF Liane Czelinski* 05304 901452 WALLENHORST Annette Baumgarte 05407 3469966 WARDENBURG Harald Reimann 0441 508750 WEDELHEINE Britta Vofrei 05304 932112 30900 WEDEMARK Ute Martinkat * 05130 790326 27793 WILDESHAUSEN Simone Etzhold * 04431 931759 Kerstin Menke * 04431 955266
Stefan Hesse 0228 3868531 Rene Hilpert 0228 2267760 0179 2061164 Heiki Woltiri 0228 88653232 32761 DETMOLD Rosemarie SchulzeWermeling 05231 58358 DUSSELDORF Heiko Dorr * (Instructor) 0211 4921382 Claudia Schafer * 0211 4921382 ENNIGERLOH Karin Hellenkemper 02587 1052 GELSENKIRCHEN Elias Kutsojannis 0209 9997338 GRONAU-EDE Gesa Wilkes 02565 401740 JUCHEN Heiko Dorr (Instructor) 0174 4054287 Claudia Schafer 0172 2590260 KOLN Andrea Moller 0221 2901024-0 Hans Piter 0221 2900024-0 KONIGSWINTER Dr. Marlen Reinecke 02223 906699 MECKENHEIM Wolf W. Nolting 02225 9996888 NEUSS Angela Linden 02131 273638 NUMBRECHT Anita Sohn 02293 7521 02293 902400 RADEVORMWALD Andrea Luley 02195 927885 ROSRATH Ulrike Gunther 02205 897678 SOLINGEN Michaela Strempel * 02336 83788 ST. AUGUSTIN Monika Arens 0171 5441542 TONISVORST Marlies Schwarz-Heller 02156 972183 WETTER Dagmar Muller 02335 847414
AHLEN Dr. Gudrun PollmeierGender 02382 3677 BAD MUNSTEREIFER Gabriele Klawuhn 02257 950242 BONN Dr. Kerstin Ehrenberger 0228 4298486
55232 ALZEY Alexandra Busch * 06731 992033 ** BOBENTHAL Gabriele Jager * 06394-5595 ** ERIENBACH Julia Sayer * 07275 3489 LUDWIGSHAFEN Krin Boldt 0162 1042681
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55128 MAINZ Markus Rob 06131 7204943 Gisela Schneider * 06131-881908 ** 76777 NEUPOTZ Daniela Mannherz 07272 776033 SALZ Dieter Ressmann 06435 8331 55291 SAULHEIM Alexa Schwarze * 06732 951799 54296 TRIER Ursula Mohr * 0651 17390 waldrohrbach Simone Groger 06346-989341
SAARLAND 6589 MERCHWEILER Jennifer Schermer 06825 801947
SACHSEN LEIPZIG Franziska Helmbold 0341 9106731 Holger Klimesch 0341 6515382 Claudia Jensen * 0177 2752102 Ilka Naumann * 0341 9405050 Andre Schramm 0341 2412065 Jana Schramm 0341 2412065 Katja Simon 0152 03234707 TAUCHA Ann-Kathrin Lenz 034298 14379 Susanne Lenz * 034298 14379 Magnus Zulic 034298 14379
SACHSEN-ANHALT KRETZSCHAU Monika Schutze 03441 219320 WASSERLEBEN Brigitte Krebs 039451 4010
SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN BAD SCHWARTAU Sigrid Dretzler 0451 283012 22941 BARGTEHEIDE Kay Witten 04532 23077 BEUCHA Karin Pohler 034292 29224 24357 FLECKEBY Silke Ernstmeyer 04354 986421 24939 FLENSBURG Annmarie Grams 0461 581883 Frederick Grams 0461 581883
Ute Grams * (Instructor) 0461 581883 ** Getje Liebers 0461 3154758 Sylta Nowc * 0461 34446 Barbel Schnoor * 0177 5247314 ** 24558 HENSTEDTULZBURG Berit Tanzschule Haase 0172 6459085 24975 HUSBY Birgitt Thomsen 04634 1510 Knut Thomsen 04634 1510 23815 GESCHENDORF Claudia Gunther 04553 989911 25856 HATTSTEDT Anke Sacht 04846 1409 24147 KIEL Urda Gerritzen * 0431 2004082 24119 KRONSHAGEN Christine Leibing-Gabel 0431 548535 24857 LOOPSTEDT Birgit Ahlers-Jacobi * 04621 32312 23566 LUBECK Christine Knoll 0451 6121234 25704 NORDER MELDORF Silke Peters * 04839 951373 23689 PANSDORF Susanne Ackermann 04504 707514 24887 SILBERSTEDT Regina Stein * 04626 1775 24999 WEES Maike Kruger * 04631 622959 **
THUERINGEN 07973 GREIZ Karin Moser 03661 675744 98553 HINTERNAH Katrin Porrmann * 036841 47505
GREECE ATHENS Alaexander Adamidis * (Instructor) 6944-173841 Evaggelia Adali 6944 686879 Alexandra Antoniou * (Instructor) 6946 898974 Iro Iordanidou * 6946 498010 Christina Kapogianni 69328 95942 George Minadakis 6936 754351 Antzi Mpaizanou 6944 341742 Alis Mpel 6972 939888 Marlen Mpokari 6944 433753
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia Eua Papamihelaki 6972 945429 Sofia Pepa 6972 036028 Chrisanthi Polyzoidou * 6936 744296 Emily Poulou * 6944 734645 Athanasia Solomou 6977 777950 Anastela Stavrinou 6946 167884 Bagia Tsekoura 6974-962554 CENTRAL GREECE Giannis Karafyllidis 6936 933715 Eirini Solaki 69446 87408 Kostas Zaxos 6944 333911 MACEDONIA Georgia Diakopoulou 6986 353448 Taxiarxis Mparotsis 6977 504031 Katerina Simaioforidou * 6985 789017 PELOPONESE Michael Vamvakaris * 69320 54876
HONG KONG Hilda Yeun Ling Lau 852 9141 3002
HUNGARY PILISCSABA Iren Gulyik no phone no
INDIA ANDHERI/SUBURBS Keti Dhankani * 2632 6869 ** BANGALORE Helen Schreiner 990 2377855 BYCULLA/DADAR Purnoor Taraporwala * 2372 6072/9821 431470 ** BYCULLA/KEMPS CORNER Zeeba Shroff * 23710062/9821710841 ** COLABA/BREACH CANDY Shirley Battiwala * 23625150/23610871 ** COLABA CAUSEWAY Feroza *& Naushad Buchia * 2283 1075/9820709977 Kaizeen Palia * 9820102847 ** COLABA CAUSEWAY/ CHURCHGATE Ronnie Khajotia * 22853013 ** DEHLI Rachna Jundal 9818 42877 JOGESHWARI/ANDHRI Freny Palia * 26798079/9821128191 ** NEW DELHI Alfred Arkle 91 8860019566
Lynnette Nath 91 8860019566 PEDDAR ROAD Delna Sanghvi * 9820155210 ** PUNE Tejal Bhagat * 919371235808 ** Kavita Doshi * 919890030732 ** Zenobia Pajniger * 26132094 ** 9822030071 WANOWARIE Rasmi Pamnani * 919922018787 **
ITALY ABRUZZO MONTESILVANO Alexandru Pintilie 328 175 0709 Bogdan-Vasile Pintilie 329 114 6469 TERAMO Erika Di Bernardo 392 864 3104
EMILIA ROMAGNA CARPI Enrica Campi 338 6195074 CASTLE MAGGIORE Mauro Freddi * 051714440 ** PARMA Anna Maria Gelfi 328 538 3763 PIACENZA Enrico Dordoni 328 022 5780 PIEVE DI CEN Gilbert Dott. Fornasari * 347 2996706 ** POZZANO Anna Maria Potocco 347 7788102 RAVENNA Marco Turchetti 339 781 1315 SALSOMAGGIORE Carmela Giuseppa Giunta 339 5778299 S.LAZZARO DI SAVENA Annalisa Faliva * 329 7434560 ** TRECASALI Aurora Ghelfi 331 2132569
FRIULI-VENEZIA PALMANOVA Marco Venturini 0432 929078 PONZANO VENETO Agnese Adamkiwicz 3351437592 VILLORBA Marco Tombacco 3487071807
LAZIO FROSINONE Stefania Ricci 335 5390359
ROMA Jutta Brahm * 333 2512386 Daniela Fiorentini 06 4460397 Mariya Khyzha 320 6460412 Gaea Micaglio * 339 472 6265 Simona Porcu 339 5373716 Lucia Roma 339 5462735 Daniel Esteba Salgado Batti 06 72672819 Lara Zivkovic 333 3326396
LIGURIA CERIALE Elvia Canclini * 328 9499022 Milvia Canclini * 0182930411 ** GENOVA Grazia Papini 338 425 8443 VENTIMIGLIA Diana Gabriela Beraru 388 777 2808
LOMBARDIA BARLASSINA Antonella Bombino 338 9120744 BASIGLIO Lilly Balsamo 347 7419773 Margherita Del Giudice 392 1069194 BERGAMO Emanuela Mazza 333 662 1466 Anna Pauselli 340 967 2370 Silvana Tasca * 339 5353917 ** BERGAMO BUSTO ARSIZIO Lorenzo Borrello 333 400 4375 BIANZANO Luca Mangili 349 2519859 BOLLATE Daniela Vismara 333 6600626 BORMIO Fabio Magarotto 338 3140491 BRUGHERIO Antonella Mazzone 333 6380641 BUCCINANSCO Nives Antic * 02 45709531 ** CASALPUSTERLENGO Patrizia Bianchi 39 349 2682657 CASNIGO Maria Silvia Bettinaglio * 328 9618096 ** CASSINA DE PECCHI Marilena Pancera 347 824 8120 COLLE BRIANZA Maria Teresa Tonelli 347 817 7251
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CONCESIO BS Agostina Castellani * 328 2685857 CUSANO MILANINO Alfonso Boris Ania 331 2552135 Marco Mocarelli 348 2668862 LAVENO Rita Gasparotto 39 348 1033467 Doris Malenschek 349 3512243 Marina Marcucci * 02 48301182 Gaea Micaglio * 339 4726265 ** Brigitte Pfannkuch * 338 2156687 ** Laura Poni * 347 8925343 Natalia Ricatti 320 9549679 Daniela Ripamonti 348 4705528 Vanessa Sappa * 349 6926255 Stefano Zanoncelli 349 4144854 LOMBARDO Morenao Maestroni 339 8828516 MAGNAGO Margherita Giunta 339 606 5842 MISSAGLIA Piercarlo Proserpio 345 4069668 NOVA MILANESE Franca Cuccione * 338 7090531 ** Massimiliano Cuccione * (Instructor) 328 9457789 ** Pasquale Isernia * 339 4671020 ** NOVARA Crenguta Rucoi 3281 463735 PAVIA Guido Caravaggi 339 532 4115 Giuseppe Montagna 339 323 3506 Lorenzo Pati * 338 4774036 ** Dott. SSA Grazia Rotolo * 339 8725020 ** Lia Rotolo * 382 33235 ** PESCHIERA BORROMEO Federica Cerro * 339 1210165 RES. TORRE D’ISOLA Lucia Pulvirenti 347 9753161 RIVA DI SOLTO Irina Medzmariachvili 339 7064038 RHO Ivan Cammarota 340 0666754 ROBBIO Annamaria Gentile 348 2886625 RODENGO SOLANO Marco Gilberti * 327 9554112 **
SANTA GIULETTA Salvatore Pecoraro 39 349 1919305 S. PAOLO D’ARGON Marina Stocchi * 0359 59163 ** SARONNO Alessandro Pasqualini 320 9148031 VALMADRERA Manuela Acquistapace 339 4317587 Marco Negri 333 2477742 VILLASANTA Barbara Magni 328 5456974
MARCHE CINGOLI Paolo Tobaldi * 329 8137114 ** MORROVALLE Michele Concas 392 548 5626
PIEMONTE ALBA Rosella Defilippi 347 9800962 ASTI Oscar Mazzoglio 320 1689463 BANCHETTE D’IVREA Caterina Ravetto Enri 333 2470566 BENE VAGIENNA Maurizio Musso 347 813 1140 BIELLA Natalina Bassetto * 015 61786 ** Carlo Bruno 39 333 6878448 BORGARO TORINESE Riccardo Colombatto 011 4701920 CAMBIANO Germana Robella 328 7425689 CONIOLO Nicolette Lavagno 349 476 5979 DOGLIANI Elisa Cillario 339 1015669 FOSSANO Rosanna Bruno 328 5326457 GASSINO TSE Amalia Lombarte del Castillo 347 168 9510 IVREA Anna Scussel 338 6182305 LUSERNA SAN GIOVANNI Alessandro Cardon 335 6778505 MONCAKIERI Monika Parovel 39 339 7246184 MONTA Barbara Cauda 348 545 7206 NICHELINO Monica Usai 328 966 6482 OLEGGIO Barbara Camporelli 335 605 5407
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
OMEGNA Alberto Alberganti 335 644 1914 TORINO Costanza Arduino * 329 2129066 ** Gianluigi Biasion 39 339 8291088 Guido Bordone 348 691 6393 Marzia Silvia Burriesci 339 667 2854 Fabrizio Busso 339 6279873 Carla Cazzola * 333 8398999 ** Lucia Cellario 347 3113559 Nela Chirila 328 585 4397 Roberto Cillario 338 1277990 Valter Drago 327 5445610 Ana Ghenta 328 949 3285 Alina Iantuc 328 209 4423 Clara Loroni 39 328 7973361 Lucia Muzzalupo * 328 7842588 ** Cristina Pradelli * 327 7355297 ** Sandra Siracusano 348 846 4521 Antonietta Alberta Russo 349 792 3658 Laura Vanzillotta 349 1624939 VERCELLI Alice Cattin 388 7889155 VOLPIANO Ettore Gigliotti 335 7373153 ** Emiliana Reano 339 127 5657 VOLVERA Salvatore Alia 333 306 6421 Francesca Gallarate 011 9850674 Raffaella Valerio 340 605 2436
PUGLIA BRINDISI Cosimo Palano 360 372299
SARDEGNA CAGLIARI Silvana Saba 070 275060 LA MADDELENA Cinzia Valle 339 369 7486 OLBIA Umberto Goduto * 349 8113915 **
TOSCANA MASSA CENTRO Silvana Nargiso 349 0925528 MINUCCIANO Elena Pierotti 329 2966302
PIOMBINO Elena Masoli 39 320 4772022 SAN CACIANO V.D. PESA Claudia Pezet 346 6968520 VAGLIA Alessandro Targioni 333 7395045
TRENTINO ALTO ADIGE BOLZANO Monica Luritzhofer * 333 6234390 Roberto Patelli 333 6234390 Heinrich Dott. Schwarz * 0471 282815 ** Franco Risatti * 0471 973320 ** CALDARO Beate Andergassen 0471 963644 CLES Marco Merighi 334 8188558 COREDO Agnes Weger 0463 536992 CORVARA Martina Prinoth * 345 0806161 ** GARDOLO Carmen Gasperetti 347 9466502 GARGAZON Martina Tribus * 0473 292146 LA VILLA Monika Valentini * 349 3303944 ** LIVO Emanuela Gallina 3291697883 MERANO Doris Adang 333 5457095 ** NAVE SAN ROCCO Paola Eccel 0461 870534 POMAROLO TN Flavia Longo * 0464 413953 RALLO-TASSULLO Antonella Busetti 0463 451055 SAN PAOLO D’APPIANO Margit Hrasdil * 338 9329532 SFRUZ Luigina Bolego 331 1071310 TASSULLO Luciana Borghesi 333 2038246 Luisa Brida * 339 2714698 ** TERMON Veronica Cattani Dott 349 0084608 TRENTO Franco Eccel 328 9169074 Chiaro Magnelli 328 2163487 VIGOLO VATTARO Chiara Pontalti 349 4986515
VILLAZZANO Claudia Panizza 340 3664799
VALLE D’AOSTA AOSTA Piero Muraro * (Instructor) 335 6590694 ** Zulian Flavio 39 0165 230672 CHAMBAVE Teresina Grivon 0166 46551 CHARVENSODO Danila Vierin 0165 361352 COURMAYEUR Sheila Jackson * (Instructor) 0165 843417 ** Claudia Marcello 340 1610750 FENIS Giovanni Bonin 0165 764353 Anna Vairetto 0165 764353 NUS Barbara Demarie 0165 767836 PRE SAINT DIDIER Nicolo Balzani 333 6771270 PONTEY Evaristo Gorelli 345 1225525 POROSSAN Paola Amail 333 5293020 ST. CRISTOPHER Giorgio Burtolo 39 339 1076641 VALSAVARANCHE Arianne Gianni 340 4174929
VENETO PADOVA Christina Binelli * 333 6780885 ** Daniela Moressa 347 8134733 PIANIGA Fabiola Valotto * 041 469843 ** TORRI DI QUARTESOLO Corino Eugenia Buzea 348 272 7575
[email protected]
LUZEMBOURG WINDOF Barbara Chorus 00352 397658
MALAYSIA PERNANG Barbara Chapman * 013 486 6380
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SWAKOPMUND Sumari Piepmeyer * 00264 81124 3516 00264 64 462367 Claire van Aardt* (Instructor) 0264 644 04548 WINDHOEK Erica Robson 00264 81124 5661
NEW ZEALAND FAR NORTH/ BAY OF ISLANDS KAIOHE Louise Gadsby (09) 405 9874 Helen Schmuck (09) 407 4577 KERI KERI Sandra Gleeson-Jones * (09) 407 6534 Sally Sweetappple-Lane * (09) 407 7021 ** WAIPU Jeanie Fay 027 318 5245 WHANGEREI WHANGAREI Sandra Barrie * (09) 459 5257 ** Renate Christ 021 184 6067 Joop Strucijken (09) 434 0244 ** Graham & Jenny Sutcliffe 027 689 8433 (09) 459 4000 RODNEY WELLSFORD Christine Wright (09) 423 8235 021 0274 324 AUCKLAND NORTH SHORE ALBANY Sally Barrett * (09) 415 7046 ** Yana Long (09) 448 1445 021 147 2411 BAYSWATER Sarah Single (09) 445 9058 0274 843315 HILLCREST Candice Edwards * (09) 418 4338 OREWA Sue Kelly (09) 426 0992 TAKAPUNA Dorothy Charles (09) 214 5925 ** 022 3102864 TORBAY Marie Cameron * (09) 476 7460
Margaret Fairbrother * (09) 473 2605 Wendy Jones (09) 473 7021 021 2602380 WARKWORTH Krista Fletcher (09) 425 8828 021 265 5158 WHANGAPARAOA Susan Brown 021 331 242 Christine Hancock-Furnee * (09) 4241001** 021 300031 AUCKLAND - CENTRAL AUCKLAND Inga Von Benzon * (09) 533 3583 ** Ria Walraad * (09) 620 5557 ** MT. ALBERT Stephen Gin (09) 846 2033 ** Jane Woodall (09) 849 8246 MT EDEN Marilyn Mexted (09) 630 8734 021 627885 NEW WINDSOR Ulrika Haller * (09) 626 3004 SANDRINGHAM Carolyn Walker (09) 376 0934 TITIRANGI Robyn Carley (09) 816 9466 021 1292164 AUCKLAND - WEST HELENSVILLE Merril Tristram (09) 420 2573 NEW LYNN Sally Filmer 021 0827 1909 PIHA Doris Kraus * (09) 812 8140 TITIRANGI Jodie Hewitt (09) 818 9331 021 1181208 Caroline Karton 027 717 3660 AUCKLAND - EAST BUCKLANDS BEACH Susan Lee-Adamson 09 534 2052 Inga Von Benzon * (09) 533 3583 ** AUCKLAND - SOUTH PAPAKURA Kathy Bray * (09) 299 7640 ** Ken Nightingale * (09) 298 4588 ** WAIUKU Wendy Knott * (09) 235 2207 **
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
CAMBRIDGE Lynley Moroney 027 486 4850 HAMILTON Carolyn Dickey * (07) 855 0186 ** Jocelyne LaBoissette-Foiret 021 502095 Judy Osborne * (07) 843 3480 ** MATAMATA Julie Cameron (07) 880 9128 021 174 6309 MORRINSVILLE Judith Stevens (07) 823 2000 TE AWAMUTA Vicky Hardy (07) 871 9389 TIRAU Adrienne Charters * 021 1339 177 ** Graham Rubick 021 114 4144 TOKOROA Adrienne King (07) 886 6632 TUAKAU Angela Downs (07) 825 4797 KINGS COUNTRY ARIA Joanne Darke (07) 877 6692 BAY OF PLENTY KATIKATI June Sobye * (07) 552 0691 ** TAUPO Cindy Dansey 021 354132 TAURANGA Toni Craig * (07) 571 2072 ** Yvonne Eddy * (07) 543 0924 Eva Lee (07) 552 0997 027 337 4934 Diane Johnson (07) 544 2295 ** TE PUKE Julie Crossley * (07) 533 6611 Carol Pamment * (07) 573 5523 WAIHI BEACH Christine Robinson * (07) 863 5977 ** WHAKATANE Janet Hodges * (07) 308 8935 Kathy Mallen (07) 308 4604 ** Elizabeth McMillan (07) 322 2041 ROTORUA/ TAUPO/TURANGI NGONGOTAHA Rosemary Bailey * (07) 357 4591
ROTORUA Donna Ramlose * (07) 333 1594 Jennifer Raphael * (07) 347 0330 ** TAUPO Tracey Pool * (07) 378 8489 ** TARANAKI HAWERA Janice Gibson (06) 278 7157 021 939 995 WANGANUI AONVILLE Megan Allan (06) 345 8797 MANAWATU
FEILDING Ayvonne Hook (06) 323 3232 PALMERSTON NORTH Janice Hill (06) 357 9318 Gay Jarvis * (Instructor) (06) 355 2919 ** HAWKES BAY HASTINGS Glynis Anderson (06) 879 7090 Patricia Iversen * (06) 876 2828 ** Margaret Trimmer (06) 876 6460 NAPIER Karen Shields * (06) 843 7375 **
LOWER HUTT Marcia Pollock (04) 569 7923 Pat Scahill (04) 233 0404 ** STOKES HUTT Jan Stroobant (04) 938 8707 027 776 3735 STOKES VALLEY Pam Bierne (04) 563 9067 TRENTHAM Sheryl Harawira (04) 528 8474 UPPER HUTT Carol Jackson (04) 971 7380 ** PORIRUA PUKERUA BAY Chellisha Silva (04) 239 8202 WELLINGTON NEWLANDS Anouk Prouteau (04) 479 5018 ** WELLINGTON Dianne Mills (04) 905 8060 ** 027 2821 500 Richard Rust * (Instructor) (04) 473 7318 ** NELSON/ MARBOROUGH
CHRISTCHURCH Beverley Barnett (03) 324 3223 Sally Gidall * (03) 359 3556 LITTLE RIVER Penelope Goldstone * (03) 325 1385 REDCLIFFS Tatjana Parsons * (03) 384 9998 WESTMORLAND Sue Boleyn (03) 338 8224
LOVENSTAD Jorun Markali 47 67975759 SORGENFRIGT Gilvart Stensaker 99319556 0365 VALDRES Herbert Mollenhaue 47 95914830 VEAR Liv Marit Olsen 47 99790074
LANGGATEN Gunnar Espedal 40475609
ALLENTON Eveline Jasper * (03) 308 2082 ** ASHBURTON Ali Goward 022 186 5588 ** CENTRAL OTAGO BANNOCKBURN Joan Lloyd (03) 445 1510 ** CROMWELL Jessie Dickie * (03) 445 4435 ** OMAKAU Nikki Milne (03) 447 3632 QUEENSTOWN Danielle Argent *(Instructor) (03) 441 2011 021 806 656
Irene Rennie (03) 545 0495 MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS LEVIN/KAPITI COAST Lynette Boulton (03) 576 5204 LEVIN 021 1671818 Alison Revell MOTUEKA (06) 362 6603 PARAPARAUMU BEACH Brenda Pepperday (03) 929 8190 Christine Bull * 022 100 5547 (04) 297 1884** NELSON 027 354 0125 Lia William Heather Carter (03) 545 8977 (04) 298 2044 UPPER MOUTERE 021 504 087 Tracey Evans Dianne Mills (03) 526 6802 (04) 905 8060 ** WAKATU Jennifer Olley Maria Conrad (04) 298 9550 (03) 546 4688 RAUMATI SOUTH Katharine Mason * NORTH CANTERBURY (04) 299 7770 ** Kim Ruwjiu KAIAPOI (04) 902 3445 Johanna Lettink * 021 054 3222 (03) 312 7356 ** WAIKANAE RANGIORA Catherine Fleming Nicholette Kilgour (04) 293 3069 (03) 331 31500
MASTERTON Pauline Senior * (Instructor) (06) 3777 279 ** 027 2260 292 Janet Williams (06) 378 7724 0274 275 287
AVONHEAD Mark Palmer * 0800 581 481 BECKENHAM Karyn South (03) 379 2517
DUNGANNON Ivan Smith 44 7902763770
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GORE Pamela Casey (03) 208 4702 Fran Nicolson (03) 208 0592 INVERGARGILL Mary Dickens * 027 4627983 ** Tracey Kennedy (03) 235 7004
Co. ARMAGH WARRINGSTOWN Sandra Ruddell * 44 77623 22411
PHILIPPINES BACOLOD Willie Villar 63 917 887 1553 QUEZON CITY Vita Clave 63 919 244 8840 Kalpana Gandhi 63 916 678 4125 Jacqueline Po 63 920 952 0288 Lisabelle Teng 63 917 892 5611 TAGAYTAY CITY Jessie Capablanca 63 9177 372 682
PORTUGAL ALGARVE Garth Bullock 00351 912540071 Christian Reynolds 351 960247866 ALJEZUR Patrik Matthews 07980 625007 PORCHES Elke Muche 00351 96445 3896
REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Co. CLARE ENNIS Kevin Kinsella * 353 (87) 202 9066
DUBLIN CASTAHEANY Lynn O’Neil 353 (86) 889 1300 STILLORGAN Natasha Shanks 353 (86) 813 8868
Co. KILDARE KILL Suzette O’Leary (Instructor) 353 (86) 215 6722 **
FORDE Wenche Tollefsen 47 92423782
SLIEVERUE Mary Butler 353 (86) 330 0556
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
DOORDOYLE Catherine Sheehan * 353 (86) 239 7292
Co. TIPPERARY BORRISOKANE Breda & Sean Flannery 353 (87) 126 3007
Co. WESTMEAD MOATE Rose O’Connor 353 (86) 418 7436
Trevor Griffiths * (Instructor) 01764 670567 **
ROSSHIRE LOCHCARRO Helen McVarish 01520 722503
ROXBURGHSHIRE HAWICK Rachel Thompson 07791 681508 KELSO Angela Herdman 07921 839552
Elsie Cheng GOREY & ENNISCORTHY 82998828 Elizabeth Small Shailini Sinha (Instructor) 65 96702175 353 (86) 834 7700 ** BUGIS Merry Cooper Co. WICKLOW 65 6698 7017 ** 65 9055 5145 GRANGECON Gillian O’Brien 353 (86) 256 6039
SCOTLAND ARGYLLSHIRE OBAN Hazel Munro 07770 575745
AYRSHIRE SYMINGTON Rosemary MacAllister * 01563 830485 **
DUMFERIES & GALLOWAY DUMFRIES Jane Henderson 01387 266 257 07976 620753
FIFE DUMFERMLINE Annette Burgess * 0780 1732356 ** GLASGOW Hazifa Farrukh Mehmood 07535 133627
MIDLOTHIAN DALKEITH Lesley Baxter * (Instructor) 07946 525072 ** Margaret MacLean 0131 3341799 07752 336426 EDINBURGH Jo Bluett 07929 897460 PENICULK Paula Ann Barrett 07962 886356
SOUTH AFRICA WESTERN CAPE BERGVLIET Gail Lawson 021 7125950 Jean Nortje * (Instructor) 082 7078528 ** CLAREMONT Lee Morrissey 078 4872034 Collette Perry Wren 082 7511519 CONSTANTIA Sharon Levin 082 5572172 EVERSDAL Michelle Massey 079 6742091 KOMMETJIE Karrima Nortje 079 384 0049 MUIZENBERG Estelle Moys 084 8203920 NOORDHOEK Dee Loubscher 082 6553784 PLUMSTEAD Carrie Garner 082 9698025 PRINGLE BAY Renate Berger * 27 28 273 8407 ** RONDEBOSCH EAST Rashidah Hargey 083 2944429 SOMERSET Laurene Weil 083 2361474 STRAND Marion Coetzee 021 8533351 072 9061010 SWELLENDAM Beth Louw 083 564 5550 WILDERNESS Elize van Wyk 082 891 8531
BENONI Jeanette Viljoen 082 9021764 BOKSBURG Maria Da Ascenao 082 9599359 CRESTA Karen Flyn 083 5647288 EDENVALE Melissa Hillen 079 8959662 011 0242161 FOUNTAINBLEAU Cassi Volkwyn 083 2264579 FOURWAYS Laura Bennie 072 1296154 JOHANNESBURG Melissa Hillen 079 8959662 011 024 2161 KEMPTON PARK Lindsey Bock 082 4420599 LANGLAAGTE Bavani Moodley 083 4450536 MENLYN PARK Marti Lombard 084 7011616 NORTHCLIFF Zirkia Fourie (Instructor) 011 9551493 Diane Strickett 082 415 7889 RANDBERG Sean Johnson (Instructor) 061 0160336 WELTEVREDEN PARK Lynn Hoffmann 11 679 4526 Barabara Sandham-Spies 082 9409330 Sammi Wilson 083 6490579
Sylvia Bowyer 003495 2115981 ALCAUCIN Elaine Ginger * 0034 952 510 149
KWAZULU NATAL HILTON Margarete Lossl 333 43 1628 PIETERMARITZBURG Lesley Pascoe 084 765 6243
MPUMALANGA ERELO Kerry Hern 074 184 4545 Wimpie Hern 082 661 1405
SPAIN ALMERIA Brenda Gaywood * 34 950473160 ** BARCELONA Alain Gehin 010 342371149 MENORCA Peter Hans Kruck 0034 977 213100
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MALLORC/ BALEARES FOMALUTX Heidemarie Pfankuch 971 633321
NAUTIC TARRAGONA Peter Kruck 034 977 21 31 00
SWEDEN VIKINGSTAD Anita Johanson 013-331 190 070-4546131
SWITZERLAND ADLISWIL Maya Kunzler 079 6676208 ** BECKEN SG Margrith Kaeshammer Kalin 055 2831489 *8 Irmgard Kuster Kashammer 055 2833152 ** BERN Anne Keller * 031 331 58 07 BIRMENSTORF Lydia Danzer 056 225 10 36 BIRR Danica Gudel 056 4440382 BRUTTISELLEN Doris Derungs 052 558 8789 BULACH Claudia Frauenfelder * 044 862 73 14 Louise Salvisberg * 01 8607288 BUSSLINGEN Trudi Schurmann * 056 496 52 14 ** CHAM Patrick Frey 0795 012255 Susanne von Steiger 041 7601866 CHUR Reini Bardy-Leitner * 081 3534131 ** EDLIBACH Monica Kaiser 079 365 6463 EHRENDINGEN Hildegard Burger * 056 2223094 EMBRACH Sara Gelzer * 044 8654096 ENTLEBUCH Petra Schmidiger 079-7748208 ERMATINGEN Marianne Senger 071 671 29 22
ESCHENBACH Corinne Locher 055 2825033 FALLENDEN Andrea Richter 076 470 5398 FRENKENDORF Andrea Schadler 061 9012629 FRUTHWILEN Maya Hakios * 071 664 25 29 GIFFERS Doris Vonlanthen 026 418 010 GOLDAU Wolfgang Zahler 0418 554666 GOSSAU ZH Annalisa Peisker 0438 339332 GREPPEN Ulrike Bisang-Huber 079 818 9986 GREIFENSEE Eveline Sprunger * (Instructor) 078 622 29 82 HERGISWIL Albert Poli * 079 2094957 Alfred Poli 076 3902070 HETTLINGEN Katja Merki * 052 316 25 00 Anne-Marie Moser 052 3162643 HOCHFELDEN Silvia Marcolin * 044 860 9554 HOHENRAIN Christine Greder * 041 910 54 80 HOLZHAUSERN Susanne Michel 0792 982332 HOMBRECHTIKON Brigitta Studer 0449 267915 ** HUNENBERG Brigitte Hunkeler * 041 780 36 30 ** JONA Markus Grobil 055 2126757 Corinne KaufmannBachmann * 055 211 1411 ** KALTBRUNN SG Denise Jud-Zahner * 055 2834592 KEMPTTHAL Beatrice Jakob 076 4227882 KIRCHBERG SG Michaela Schwall * 079 5614917 ** KIRCHDORF BE Irene Straubhaar * 079 533 06 36 KREUZLINGEN Elena Costa-Craft * 071 5585548 ** KRIESSERN Jutta Wirth 079 709 0186 KUSSNACHT am RIGI Erika Baltensperger 041 8504619
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
LANGENDORF Cornelia Mereu 032 6223754 LAUSANNE Faye Brindley 41-766 279020 LOHN Brigitte Saladin * 052 6493995 LONAY Anne Schwerzmann * 021 8019145 ** LUGANO Alfonso Foglia * 091 994 8992 ** LUZERN Priska Fischer 041 2601228 Regina Purtschert 079 604 25891 MANNEDORF Monica Kraus 044 920 57 39 MONCHALTORF Michele Meili 043 277 81 85 NEFTENBACH Marlies Durst * 052 5770109 NEUENHOF Milana Lenzlinger * 056 4063254 ** NEUHAUSEN Christian Widmer * 079 222 35 32 NEUKIRCH Monika Buhler 071 4772871 NIEDERGLATT Esther Achenreiner * 044 8500821 ** OBERBIPP Jurg Egger 079 4234449 OBERENTFELDEN Serge Walty * 062 534 9919 RAPERSWILEN Rita Schmid 052 763 2922 RICHTERSWIL Sylvia Fischlin 044 784 3443 RIEDERN Cecile Muller 062 7584054 Daniela Zuliani 079 2078161 SCHLEINIKON Maya Frei 044 856 1746 SCHWANDEN bei BRIENZ Anna Schafflutzel 033 9510276 SCHWYZ Robert Christen 0418 116777 Magdalena Stalder 041 811 77 54 ** SENNWALD Heidi Frei 081 757 16 61 STEINHAUSEN Donka Scheuermeier 079 7448600 ** UETILBURG SG Hildegard Schmucki 055 2806245 UNTERAGERI Richard Gross 041 7112364
UNTERTERZEN Andrea Stoop 081 7382558 USTER Beatrice Schorno 043 399 0958 VEVEY VD Fiona Blair * 021 9210278 ** WADENSWIL Marianne Kellersberger * 044 780 77 69 ** WALENSTADT Margit Giger * 081 735 21 68 WANGEN B. OLTEN Blanka Rosenberg 062 212 2983 WATT Bettina Brudermann * 044 870 32 00 ** WETTINGEN Andrea Sophia Lucchini * 079 3135353 WETTSWIL Vreni Muller 044 862 0944 WICHTRACH Anne Keller * 031 7711076 WINTERTHUR Doris Derungs * 052 558 8789 Beatrice Locher 052 2026129 Urs Eisenring 052 243 0507 WOHLEN Sandra Schreck Frangi 079 2543892 ZUG Doris Schnider 0417 1105760 ** Bruno Ziegler 041 558 8992 ZURICH Gabrielle Arnet * 079 2092727 ** Daniela Greuter * 076 3177887 Elizabeth Herold 044 3836978 Diana Hornug 044 3103057 Doris Koch 044 373 1360 Sonja Wenger * 01 252 8362 **
KAOHSIUING CITY Lin Wan Shih (Instructor) 8867 2418106 ** Yen Shuyen (Instructor) 8867 2418106 ** Lin Yi Chen 8867 2230497 **
THE NETHERLANDS HAARLEM Marli Huikeshoven * 023 524 7022 ** 06 4543 8796 NAARDEN Robin Hoitingh * 31 0 35 6951968 ** Jacqui Marshall * 035 6951968 ** 07801 279255
BODRUM Leslie Rhoades * 535 640 8038 252 363 7043 IZMIR & AEGEAN Rosalynd Elliott-Ozlek * (Instructor) 90 532 615 8669 **
U.S.A. ALASKA ANCHORAGE Patty Krueger * 425-377 3839
ARIZONA ARIZONA CITY Alexia Monroe * (Instructor) ** 928-443 9355 CHINO VALLEY Holly Doucette 928-460 0312 Nancy Estrada 858-229 4167 Marti Huzarski * 928-710 0342 COTTONWOOD Cheryl Kasdorf * 928-649 9234 ** DEWEY Tanya Baker 928-632 8200 Suzanne Gregorius 928-772 0585 FLAGSTAFF Teresa Peterson * 928-380 5168 ** GILBERT
SEDONA Michael David Lawrence * 928-282 9359 ** Rhonda Peck 928-204 1971 SURPRISE Michael McKay 928-231 0657 TEMPE Cory Dillion 480-967 0767 Diana Hamilton 480-734 7203 Charmaine Maitland 480-600 2179 Jamie Schendel * 480-720 7578 TUCSON Dana Boyd 520-409 4898 Karen Brungardt * 520-825 1845 Cynthia Bruwer * 520-325 8081** Nancy Howe * 520-820 1810 Geoffrey Kearney * 520-609 5428 ** Eileen Shores * 520-405 7441 Josie Trapnell 520-306 6090 Yolanda Weinberger 520-207 6515
BELLA VISTA Constance Shaner 479-640 8587 BENTONVILLE Genise Hallisey 479-721 5465 Susanna Kidwell FAYETTEVILLE 417-425 4574 Debra DuBois * PEORIA 479-442 6541 ** Bev Myers GARFIELD 623-974 4356 Michelle Osborn PHOENIX 479-544 8236 Audrey Butko * GENTRY 480-235 2133 ** Nancy Pierson * Michele Chunko (Instructor) ** 602-799 9940 512-750 4012 Sue Gao MOUNT IDA 602-430 4599 Sherie Hatton Christiane Defiebre Hardcastle 870-867 7806 602-327 7816 ODEN Tary Vanstone Angela Bishop 602-319 2099 479-216 1165 PRESCOTT ROGERS Lynell Cavner * Stepanie Dwyer * 928-925 0528 ** 479-925 8874 Linda Clark SPRINGDALE 928-713 6406 Michael Schreiber * Colette Claude * 479-435 4334 ** 928-443 0043 ** Joy Herhold CALIFORNIA 928-710 6496 Jill McAdoo ANTELOPE 928-499 2959 Jane Sarro * Juanita Mersereau-Steiger 916-334 9232 ** 928-717 0038 AROMAS Denise Prettyman Jan Saxton 928-443 5571 831-277 8194 Laurel Trail AVILA BEACH 928-308 9993 Aletha Jelladian Jan Wheeler 805-595 2373 928-713 6672 BELMONT SCOTTSDALE Celia August Lisa Spomer 650-533 4006 480-998 1562
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BODEGA BAY Sandra Gustafson BSN RN * (Instructor) 707-548 3988 ** BOULDER CREEK Sean Wolf * (Instructor) 408-457 1719 CARMEL Elizabeth Rumer Lefebvre * 831-595 8502 ** Karin Twohig * (Instructor) ** 831-238 2228 CARMICHAEL Sandra McCord 916-971 9097 CHICO Jim Claflin 530-343 3623 Koni Needles * 530-990 4982 Marleau Peterson * 530-345 6300 CONCORD Hans (Klaus) Levy 925-808-8119 DUBLIN Wendy Pervere 925-726 1698 ESCALON Dave Cookson 209-996 6483 ** FAIR OAKS Gina Leeds 804-836 2961 FALL BROOK Dirk Dekoekkoek * 760-451 9444 Ruth Dekoekkoek * 760-451 9444 FREMONT Roy Di Vittorio 209-456 2067 GRANITE BAY Vicki Fu 916-532 9818 GRASS VALLEY Andi Krause 530-205 7893 GREENFIELD Linda Pruitt * 209-620 4335 ** LAGUNA WOODS Danielle Chung 949-637 4085 LAKEPORT Mito Shiraki * 707-245 7605 ** LAKESIDE Beverly Reyes * 619-448 9594 ** LAKEWOOD Irene Hazard 562-405 0324 LEMOORE Susan Tveit * 559-816 4938 ** LINCOLN Elena Alberts RN BS MAed* 916-543 0432 ** LIVERMORE Igor Bobritskiy 925-447 8294 Norma Jean Riley 925-447 8294 Paula A. Sabharwal * 215-801 1067 LOOMIS Janet Craft * 916-259 2423 **
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
Sue Hawley * 916-837 0458 ** LOS ANGELES Carol Wright * 310-463 9877 LOS GATOS Marlena Hood 408-354 9534 MARIETTA Janet Walker 801-673 0325 MILL VALLEY Meghan Marks 415-686 6163 MONTEREY Rachelle Onishi 831-601 0103 NEVADA CITY Larry Hierman 530-265 6312 OAKLAND Pratiti Beldner * (Instructor) 503-397 0429 ** ORANGEVALE Wenda Merz * 916-988 2359 ** Theresa Rutherford * 916-722 5560 ** ORDVILLE Christine Wisecarver 530-589 7957 OXNARD Amy Hall 805-444 7874 PACIFIC GROVE Sally Barton * (Instructor) 831-373 4676 ** Clare Twohig * 831-402 5881 PALM DESERT Jane Pardy * 760-485 0076 ** PEBBLE BEACH Michael Yerzy 831-277 8811 PLACERFILLE Nancy Vick 510-789 8859 RED BLUFF Faith Dubke 530-526 5357 ROCKLIN Annie Bernstein 916-534 5928 Steve Hitchcock * 916-676 0401 ** Harry Wharff * (Instructor) 916-652 7176 ** ROSEVILLE Jennifer Jackson 916-792 1596 SACRAMENTO James Graham 916-222 6110 Rebecca Kang 916-236 7777 SAN CLEMENTE Gabriela Ward 949-303 5471 SAN DIEGO Corinne Greenamyer * 858-566 9676 Kay Tilburg 619- 818 0329 SAN FRANCISCO Akiyo Mineo-Aldis * 415-812 1713 ** SAN JOSE Susan Bowen 408-455 2226
Jo Ann Mason * 408-891 4383 ** SAN RAFAEL David Willingham * (415) 328 7894 SANTA CLARA Linda Bertaut * 408-569 2434 ** SANTA MARIA Patricia Keefe * 805 347 0009 SUNNYVALE David Chan 408-768 0952 Grace Wu 408-368 8653 VAN NUYS Joy Marcinkowski 818-606 4073 VISTA Margaret Bentley 760-724 7528 WALNUT CREEK Jaime Cruz 925-639 1734 WATSONVILLE Karen Mora * 831-728 9538 ** WHITMORE Shannon Dederer 530-347 9569
COLORADO BOULDER Kat Shea * 303-447 0474 FORT COLLINS Helen Sellwood * 970-581 3950 ** GRAND JUNCTION Janelle Maurin 970-270 6754 LAFAYETTE Allie Powers * 720-352 4547 ** RIDGEWAY Suzy Morris 248-310 3750
Allan Grotheer * 860-635 0553 ** NEW HARTFORD Jacqueline Kane * 860-307 0232 NEWINGTON Kathleen Riley * 860-665 1254 NORTHFORD Leslie Amatrudo * 203-484 6786 ** NORWALK Robert Austin * 203-831 8366 STAMFORD Elizabeth Maller 914-401 6399 WALLINGFORD Martha Rogers * 203-284 3810
DELAWARE NEW CASTLE Barbara Bason * 302-322 1077 **
DELRAY BEACH Riccardo Colucci 561-809 4880 HERNANDO Francis Vocking * 352-201 6354 ** MIAMI BEACH Daniel De Marchi 415-990 4374 NAVARRE Holly Barclay 703-910 6574 ORMOND BEACH Paula Schandel * 386-212 2056 ** ST. AUGUSTINE Caroline Radosz 303-961 4438 TAMPA Tai Sheie * 850-499 4274
DAVENPORT Susan Hamann * 563-445 0657 MARION Nelda Eserin 512-745 4884
HAWAII HALEIWA Diane Hanzel * 808-637 4277 ** HONOLULU Carol Kikuchi * 808-295 3868 ** KANEOHE Ellen Okazaki * 808-389 0532 ** KAPAAU Terra Sutton * 808-896 0074 LAHAINA, MAUI Amy Brennan 773-677 8921 Jennifer Carey * 808-269 3498 **
IDAHO DRIGGS Brandi VanSeters 801-712 0285 MOSCOW Belinda Rhodes * 208-310 0404 TWIN FALLS Corine Faught 208-731 5702
ILLINOIS CHICAGO Jeff Muskovin * 773-778 7020 ** LONG GROVE Rose Yaeger 847-634 3052 PALATINE Cherise Katsaros 773-297 7900 YORKVILLE Lisa Sexton * 630-882 8909 **
INDIANA BERNE Joleen Sinn 260-820 1652 EVANSVILLE Terri Brown * 812-423 4586 ** MADISON Peter Preocanin 812-599 2126
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KANSAS FARLINGTON Becky Herlocker * 620-362 3123
LYNN Ketna King * 781-632 2599 SALEM Susan MacFarlane 508-826 8783 WELLFLETT Erin J. Mitchell 508-237 2513
ANN ARBOR Gail Kimball 734-478 5308 Miles Kimball KENTUCKY 734-994 5394 BIRMINGHAM HENDERSON Mark Rogers * Frances Hatchett * 248-761 4135 ** 812-305 5395 ** BLOOMFIELD HILLS Regina Townsend * MAINE 248-709 2802 ** DAMARISCOTTA BRIGHTON Lori Rizzuto * Gisela Bosch 207-563 3353 810-227 4678 NORTH BRIDGTON Dena Bowen (Instructor) Julianna Forbes 810-824 1604 ** 207-647 9423 Mary Dodich SOUTH BERWICK 810-923 6960 Ainslee Farrington (Instructor) Julie May * 603-833 3596 ** 810-227 0451 Lisa Toole Jennifer Meyer 603-591 0658 734 323-3881 ST. GEROGE Margaret Paris Kristine Anderson * 810-225 9051 207-372 9626 Jude Shepard * UNION 810-599 8855 Sherrie Clark * Belinda Wilkinson * 207-785 2468 248-514 9331 ** BURTON MARYLAND Karen Sweger BETHESDA 810-348 7034 Myriam Gaviria CLARKSTON 202-367 1427 Birgitte Heitkamp CHURCHTON 248-802 2923 Dawn Marie Groves * CLINTON TOWNSHIP 410-867 8776 ** Darcie Brunette COLUMBIA 586-873 5702 Wendy Seiler * CURTIS 410-707 5905 Judy Rose EASTON 906-586 9432 Kathryn Jul Schneider * DEXTER 614-209 1471 Janet Vecchio HARWOOD 734-673 9100 Maureen Flanagan FARMINGTON HILLS 310-643 1290 Georgetta Rajala * PARKVILLE 248-471 0838 ** Rose Roberts FENTON 410-241 0051 Corene Johnson ROCKVILLE 810-252 4601 Denise Lane GRAND BLANC 928-710 6701 Joy Ladd S. BERWICK 810-853 9947 Lisa Toole GRASS LAKE 207-748 3050 Roxanne Petrie SILVER SPRINGS 517-812 0370 Katherine Curtin * HAMTRAMCK 301-593 2400 x3 ** Frank Weigle SUDLERSVILLE 248-842 5530 Pam Wolf * HOWELL 410-708 6383 KJ Danielsen 517-802 8324 MASSACHUSETTS Donna Spiers-Dunn 517-552 0935 CAMBRIDGE KALAMAZOO Micki Kuttler * Danielle Beller * 520-222 6936 ** 269-788 8276 GEORGETOWN MT. MORRIS Suzanne Daigle * Colette Gilbert 810-444 8075 978-352 7677
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia PORT HURON Linda Wrobel * 810-966 0869 ROCHESTER Kathryn Mackenzie * 248-420 4755 ROCHESTER HILLS Helen Leonard 443-618 0793 Adela Versin 989-754 6630 SAGNAW Mary Anne Malek 989-754 6630 SANDUSKY Linda Hearsch * 810-648 5484 ** SILVERWOOD Pamela Sadler 810-882 1744 SOUTHFIELD Debra Fienau 248-417 6611 WATERFORD Debbie Clor 248-705 8093 YSILANTI Melissa Labadie 734-255 6661 Lisa Teets 734-678 4791
MINNESOTA ROCHESTER Diane Smith 507-421 8349
MISSOURI LIBERAL Gene Banwart * 417-214 5994 ** MARYVILLE Betty Ann Dean * 816-390 5112 NEOSHO Ava Becker 406-425 3650 SPRINGFIELD Renee Roberts * 417-343 8008
MONTANA SHELBY Marla Hasquet 406-460 0728 ** WHITEFISH Donnalee Forbes 406-863 9412
NEBRASKA LINCOLN Joe Fairbanks * 402-416 5549 OMAHA Elizabeth Dolejs 402-658 2671
NEVADA BUNKERVILLE Oscar Christensen * 702-346 5686 ** HENDERSON Barbara Warren 720-823 2412 LAS VEGAS Rosemary Duma * 702-897 3730
Oanh Hill 702-806 7345 Marie Wallace * 702-876 3431 ** RENO Celine Cinq 775-223 5861 SPARKS Margaret (Peggy) Peed 775-626 2054
NEW HAMPSHIRE CANDIA Valerie Neill 603-483 2909 DOVER Allison May * 802 922 8919 DUBLIN Ruth Thompson 603-563 8761 DURHAM Camille Clement 617-699 5640 KEENE Emily Nichols 603-352 9485 LONDONDERRY Cynthia Litch * 603-566 7294 ** NASHUA Michelle Campagna 603-880 6923 NEW BOSTON Pamela Pendlebury 603-325 2941 NEW LONDON Mary Gutgsell * 603-927 4119 ** PETERBOROUGH Abby LaRock * (Instructor) 603-924 7814 ** PORTSMOUTH Matthew Begnoche 603-431 0277 Sarah Troost 603-303 1052 RINDGE Rose Bochicchio * 603-831 2027 STRAFFORD Amanda Legsdin 603-988 2004
NEW JERSEY GALLOWAY Deborah O’Brien 609-748 0857 RIDGEFIELD PARK Barbara Finlayson * 201-641 9008 **
NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE Alison Nicodemo 505-340 6076 Linda Thomas * 505-291 8184 ** SANTA FE Julie Herman * 505-988 1236
NEW YORK BROOKLYN James Devereux 917-496 7516
Robin Sandberg * 718-928 4646 ** Moraima M. Suarez * 718-768 1598 COMMACK Andrew Kressel * 631-543 2444 ** FISHKILL Ingegerd Hanson 845-896 5765 GREENPORT Paula Mutch 360-802 8975 MIDDLE VILLAGE Mihaela Cancemi 917-453 9155 NEW YORK CITY Gordana Gilbert-Petrovic * 917-447 8044 Cynthia Rose * 212-877 5611 ** PLATTSBURGH Chester Mazzone 518-335 3497 ROCHESTER Lynn Stromquist Cooke * 585-750 4456 ** WHITE PLAINS Kimberley Davis-Horowitz 203-916 4600
Eden Hairston 937-508 9115
Pamela Wood 503-307 6388 CORVALLIS Renee Goodson * 541-908 4952 EUGENE Laura Magpali * (Instructor) 541- 525 4033 ** Diana Piwetz 541-485 6860 Nancy Radius 541-954 0798 Susan Smith * 541- 933 3975 ** FOREST GROVE Elizabeth Dimick * 503-380 7753 GRANTS PASS Kathleen Siegel * 541-226 7758 MILWAUKIE Darleen Sumner * 503-780 6180 ** MONMOUTH Julie Cook Meade 503-851 3571 PORTLAND Polly Alexander 802-238 4998 Tara “Cobalt” Coy (Instructor) 503-545 6248 ** Carola DiLorenzo 503-313 0576 Ramilton Franco 503-530 0986 Gail Gustafson 503-313 5369 Jean Lee 503 -936 4171 Elaine Schlarb 503-351 3881 Brenda Sherlock * 503-307 1686 Meigra Simon * 503-772 0084 ** Jean Wright 503-708 9707 REEDSPORT Tom Clarke * 541-271 9339 ** RHODODENDRON Mario Messina-Azekri * 503-228 3081 Nancy Powers 503-228 3081 SALEM Melodie Balmer 503-315 9826 Connie Koczur 503-910 8663 Heather Lilley 503-569 7232 ST. HELEN Gina Clairborne 503-706 6926
ALBANY Ann Nowak 541-223 1729 BEND Anne Sexton 541-324 0397 BROWNSVILLE Marie Kampfer 541-632 2559 CANBY Claire Melde 503-919 0931
BETHEL PARK Maria Shao Kurtzrock 412-805 2678 CARLISLE Nancy Bittinger 717-386 8279 Jonathan Burton 717-713 4098 DOVER Pam Keefer 717-825 9988
NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL Angelika Dammers 919-260 0880 HIGH POINT Sarah (Lizzie) Hearne 336-327 6431 NEW BERN Susan (Camille) Rust * 252-636 2956 THOMASVILLE Melody Dawson 253-509 3200 WASHINGTON Kathleen Redman 252-947 0999
OHIO ETNA Joyce Ann Provens 614-353 5091 FAIRBORN Leslie Burt * 937-361 2601 LIMA Doris Sturgeon * 419-230 2290 ** NEWTOWN Nancee Rogers * (Instructor) 513-527 4540 ** URBANA
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FEASTERVILLE TREVOSE Paula A. Sabharwal 925-667 0815 FORT WASHINGTON Yvonne Fisher * 215-206 5074 ** GARDNERS Betsy (Alice) Payne 717-448 1884 JOHNSTOWN Jean Brinker 814-255 3197 McMURRAY Susan Ambrosini 724-288 3054 Mary Martorano *(Instructor) 724-747 6272 OTTSVILLE Marie Gustafson * 610-847 5708 **
RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE Mark Brody MD * 401-521 2393 Sheila Froderman ND * 401-455 0546 RUMFORD Linda Vaughan 401-434 8432
SOUTH CAROLINA CHARLESTON Liz McNulty 843-329 9656 GREENVILLE Alice McCray * 864-419 2406 **
TENNESSE CLARKRANGE Jan Vidal Casada * 931-863 7589 ** KNOXVILLE Patrick Davis 402-933 9393 MANCHESTER Ron Clippard * 931-409 0992 ** RED BOILING SPRINGS Lorrie Henson MD * 931-510 5434 **
TEXAS ABILENE Susan Cummins 325-692 6297 Anita Fowler 325-518 1547 Neil Hall * 325-676 9227 ** Lisa Rhodes * 325-676 9227 ALPINE Dan Bennack 432-837 5015 AUSTIN Jessica Riley * 512-739-8299 ** BERTRAM Sandy Hall 830-613 6117 BIG SPRING Beverley Wise 432-889 0262
Members of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
COPPELL James (Jim) Kearney 757-805 0900 DALLAS Lael Laderman 908-896 2750 Tyra Quesenberry * 214-395 7195 ** Jim Shade 214-893 8983 Sue Andrea Siebens 214-437 2737 DUBLIN Wanda Wade * 254-445 3789 GEORGETOWN Virginia Hahn * 512-240 4323 ** GRANBURY Becki Gilliam * 972-814 3597 **
UTAH LEHI Andrea Jones * 801-636 3932 **
VERMONT ENOSBURG FALLS Karen Towle 802-933 5831 ESSEX JUNCTION Robin Robitaille * 802-316 0500 SOUTH BURLINGTON Caitlin Murdock 802-578 3675 ST. ALBANS Brandie Shilling 802-524 5300 Dawn Mulheron 803-393 1998 Nicole Tatro 802-782 8547 WEST RUPERT Donald Lourie 479-750 3803 WILLSTON Laurinda Poirier-Solomon 802-238 4659
VIRGINIA ALEXANDRIA Carol Oman Urban * 703-855 6182 ** CHESAPEAKE Elizabeth (Beth) Shellhart 757-932 6024 FISHERVILLE Christine Argenbright 520-240 4600 HAYMARKET Jacqui Thomson 703-403 3480 HERNDON Kate DeRiso * 703-728 3421 SALEM Rosemary Maxwell * 540-342 6656 ** SPRINGFIELD Vicki Mechner * (Instructor) 703-455 0111 ** WAYNESBORO Laura Roesch 720-260 0674
Mary Falk * 425-870 6609 ** MOSES LAKE ARLINGTON Cynthia Alporque * Jessica Sorentino 509-750 1185 360-631 7446 MT. VERNON BAINBRIDGE ISLAND Tara Ingrum Anne Belmont 360-421 3022 206-618 1211 Pam Kaczmarczyk BELLEVUE 360-424 3262 Nupar Tenne OLYMPIA 425-818 5007 Barb Amidon BELLINGHAM 360-438 2193 Lindsey Frazier Wendy Daray 360-306 0191 360-481 3184 BOTHELL Ruth Moss Rebecca Rainwater * 707-688 6032 425-273 3848 ** Debbie Sergent Debra Sidenquist 360-705 9758 ** 206-910 3816 PORT ANGELES Wendy White * Lynda Williamson 206 -403 8722 360-417 0703 BOW PORT HADLOCK Amy Colvin Harriet Logg 425-503 8886 360-302 1353 BREMERTON PORT ORCHARD Miriam Halvorson * Kate Austin * 360-271 5344 ** 360-674 2037 ** BURIEN RENTON Ralph Capone * Carol Chappelle 206-755 4534 ** 206-719 3785 CAMANO ISLAND Diane Brampton McAdaragh* RICHLAND Diane Gerig 360-387 0510 ** 509-222 0865 CARLSBORG RIVERSIDE Kathi Gunn Dawn Grillo 360-672 8513 509-826 4740 COLLEGE PLACE SEATTLE Yvonne Hall Jenny Armstrong 503-269 2607 206- 799 5503 COVINGTON Michelle Basey JoAnn Kovaly 206-356 3355 425-433 8775 Rachel Byrne EASTSOUND Cheryl Hunnicutt Danskin * 860-227 9669 Kelly Clancy * (Instructor) 360-376 2800 206-706 0063 ** EDMONDS Elisabeth Fleming-Prot Scott Wurtz * 206-789 8567 206-524 5511 ** Eunice Gong EVERETT 206-767 5183 Kristen Davis DeAnn Laube 425-315 2261 206-295 7022 Susan Kingsbury *(Instructor) Michelle Martin * 206-300 6877 ** 206-386 2035 ** Jamie Todd Rebecca Moorman 206-432 5124 206-280 1027 KALAMA Catherine North Jacquelyn Dailey 206-913 9932 206-551 7178 Alexandra Porter KELSO 206-547 5510 Kimberly Orizaga Karen Sziel 503-739 1635 206-200 0330 Tiffany Tomkinson KENMORE 206-883 7564 Sally Swenson * Jennifer Wong 425-770 5235 206-713 3127 KIRKLAND SEQUIM Cathy Kruse * Stacy Hopkins * 206-498 4790 ** 360-457 0667 ** LACEY SHORELINE Sarah Gregg Helen DeLay 360-561 9495 206-354 9560 LAKE STEVENS Debra Hartsfield * Kay Kramer * 206-365 5522 425-238 5140 Cynthia Senter MAPLE FALLS 206-229 1064 Sarah Morgan-Dow SNOHOMISH 360-393 6376 Karen Baughn MARYSVILLE 425-478 4455 Nancy Clark * Mary Hsu * 360-658 6071** 206-310 0006 **
Page 47
Gretchen Miles * (Instructor) 360-568 7075 ** Becky Stone * 360-668 8006 Rosina “Misty” Williams * 425-879 5484 SPOKANE Joanne Hillary * 509-924 6782 ** STANWOOD Annette Maier 425-308 1384 TACOMA Carl Radeck 253-232 5858 TUKWILA Cherie Yin 206-218 3861 VANCOUVER Kim Knuth 360-513 9978 Sue Pfendler 360-566 0388 VASHON Richard Kasden 206-567 5904 Lyn Solander 206-463 5801 WAHKIACUS Roberta (Bobbi) Sloan 603-341 2408 WASHOUGAL Wanda Walker 360-903 9919
WEST VIRGINIA LEWISBERG Lauren Wadsworth * 304-667 2195 ** MORGANTOWN Melita Mollohan * 304-288 0996
WISCONSIN BELIOT Krista Voysest * 608- 362 4940 **
EQUINE MUSCLE RELEASE THERAPY/ CCmrt Members Instructor - Ali Goward Queensland, Australia ph 0407-370206
AUSTRALIA NEW SOUTH WALES ALBURY Raquel Butler 0435-813505 BENDEMEER Rod Cox (02) 6769 6646 DAVISTOWN Virginia Ede (02) 4369 8893 FOSTERS VALLEY Trina Compton 0448-963306
GOULBURN Ailsa Roberts (02) 4844 7252 HELENSBURGH Karina Buckless 0450-133708 PARKES Eleanor Grady 07-4934 0423 TEMORA Sharon Day 0428-734903
QUEENSLAND AUGATHELLA Kent Russell (07) 4654 5080 BOORAL Katharine Plomer 0431-322758 BURPENGARY Kerry Higham (07) 5498 6815 CENTRAL QLD Sheryl Davey 0419-929456 GORDONVALE Cate Blanchard 0439 330 910 LANDSBOROUGH Carolyn Pryor (07) 5494 5788 LOCKYER WATERS Geoff Wallen (07) 5658 3322 MACKAY Evelyn Elliott 0448-751040 NOOSA HEADS Wesley Russell (07) 5448 3538 OLD BAR Carole Isaacs 0400-021410 PALMWOODS Melissa Groves (07) 5478 9669 SINNAMON PARK Russell Draeger (07) 3715 5140 TIARO Alison Goward (Director) 0407-370206 WIDGEE CROSSING SOUTH Bronwyn Bulmer (07) 5486 7709 YEPPOON Sharon Mitchell 0431-112543
TASMANIA CAMENA Gillian Brame (03) 6437 6148 CRESWICK Sue Parker 03-5345 8288
VICTORIA BRAYBROOK Ann Dicey 0425-923233 MARYBOROUGH Kim Blanch 0428-572110
Equine Muscle Release Therapy/CCmrt Members
BEHAMBERG Brigette Faschinger 00664 2767763 FOHRENAU Karin Schaffer 0699 10319122 GRAMMASTEN Sophie Pammer-Penn 0664 2231290 HAID Astrid-Eva Rensch 07229 88690 OBERWART Gabriele Weinzetti 0664 1218779
CANADA ONTARIO BALTIMORE Elizabeth Sleight 647 284 3707
DENMARK BLOMMENSLYST Tina Hoegh Kristensen 23664384 GIVE Jenny Basnes Aarbasted 045 61 663372 HORSENS Malue Boedker 045 30 283921 HVALSOE Marianne Kjelgaard-Hansen 0045 30 26 6787
KLAMPENBORG Rikke Sandahl 0045 995 4488 MORUD Bente Pedersen 20934245 ODENSE Ole Laurberg 26258232 Lene Rodshagen 24252218
GERMANY COBURG Prinzesin Stephanie von Coburg 49 1729905606 HAMBURG Alexandra Schmidt 160 3138935 MARKGRONINGEN Silvia Schwarz 0049 1707342388
PARAPARAUMU Jenifer Olley 04 298 9550
WAIHI BEACH Christine Robinson (07) 863 5977 WAIKATO Assim Nash (07) 888 2854
EDGEWORTH Hannah McLaughlin 01285 652 065
NORWAY LOVENSTAD Jorun Markali 47 367975759
ANDOVER Fiona Webb 07783 421181 FARNBOROUGH Ellen Cobb 01252 545837 NR. ANDOVER Jo Stevens 01264 771410 SOUTHAMPTON Emily Payne 7980 407435
ABOYNE Sahajo Southey 7712 760247
LUDLOW Nickatie Dimarco 01568 782 266
SAN CASCIANO Claudia Maria Pezet 0039 3315087223
GROSSWANGEN Lillian Steiner 0041 79 6167052
BARYSTONE Cathy Bass 01624 837929
HAMILTON Lynley Moroney 0274 864850 NAPIER Adrienne Charters 0211 339177
NOORD BRABANT Cathrine Van Goethem 0031 620374491
BLACKWATER Hazel Boxhall 01276 550211
WAREFIELD HORBURY Sarah Baglin 0774 784 7722
WARWICKSHIRE ALCESTER Susan Connolly 01789 772413 07737 396842
WEST SUSSEX NR. PULBOROUGH Christina Dodd 07855 833790 RUSPER Jennifer Roberts 01293 871489 07968 950481
CANTERBURY Amy Divers 0789 9061531
LEEDS Catherine Howarth 01132 588706 SOWERY BRIDGE Ruth Lomax 01422 839789
BRIMFILED LUDLOW Jacky Clarke 07888 764387
BEWDLEY Julian Gaze 01562 512870
Santa carries a heavy pack On Christmas Eve he hurt his back A touch of Bowen Kept him a goin’ And thus did he empty his sack TOM CLARK Welcome back Tom Reedsport, OR, USA
My client, Rose, has a dog called Clyde. After Rose had a Bowen, Clyde climbed up on the table and waited for the same treatment. I am sure there are many Bowen therapists who treat animals who would be most grateful if their clients were as compliant as Clyde. BARB HOFMANN. - Queensland
Instructor Robyn Wood’s Neck Pain Class at Capetown, South Africa Page 48
The Border College of Natural Therapies
BOWTECH The Original Bowen Therapy in harmony with Ayurveda Aromatherapy
Registered Training Organisation (TOID 21424)
An insight into Ease by Farida S. Irani The Bowtech Original Bowen Technique Mumbai born Farida Irani from Sydney, Australia, lectures in Ayurveda Aromatherapy and Bowtech, the original Bowen Technique to Practitioners in Australia, India and a couple of east Asian countries. Author of the book “The Magic of Ayurveda Aromatherapy” Farida produced “Bowtech Ease” an Ayurveda Aromatherapy Blend which has shown to be very profound in the release and relief work and sport related injuries and degenerative problems. This brilliant in depth explanation of Bowtech in Harmony with Ayurveda Aromatherapy is written in great clarity and detail. I have no hesitation in recommending Farida’s Booklet for Bowtech ease and the principles of Ayurveda to all health care professionals. Congratulations Farida,
For more information on this booklet please contact: Subtle Energies Email:
[email protected] **************************************
Diploma of Bowen Therapy 2015 COURSE DATES
Module 8 Toowoomba Perth Noosa Penrith Coffs Harbour Melbourne Sydney Buderim Hobart Gold Coast Nelson Bay Millicent Port Adelaide Griffith Geelong Module 9 Buderim Penrith Geelong Currimundi Toowoomba Noosa Perth Coffs Harbour Melbourne Penrith Sydney
16,17,18 Jan 2015 13,14,15 Feb 2015 28 Feb 1,2 Mar 2015 6,7,8 Mar 2015 8,9,10 May 2015 22,23,24 May 2015 2,3,4 June 2015 5,6,7 June 2015 17,18,19 June 2015 19,20,21 June 2015 26,27,28 June 2015
Module 10 Charleville Nelson Bay Griffith Buderim Penrith Geelong
23,24,25 Jan 2015 26,27,28 Feb 2015 5,6,7 May 2015 8,9,10 May 2015 12,13,14 Jun 2015 20,21,22 Jun 2015
Module 11 Penrith Perth Canberra Griffith
13,14,15 Feb 2015 17,18,19 Feb 2015 27,28 Feb, 1 Mar ‘15 27,28 Feb, 1 Mar ‘15 6,7,8 Mar 2015 13,14,15 Mar 2015 21,22,23 Mar 2015 27,28,29 Mar 2015 27,28,29 Mar 2015 28,29,30 Mar 2015 1,2,3 May 2015 12,13,14 May 2015 16,17,18 May 2015 20,21,22 May 2015 30,31 May 1June ‘15
31 Jan, 1,2 Feb 2015 24,25,26 Feb 2015 11,12,13 Mar 2015 5,6,7 May 2015
Contact B.C.N.T. Ph. Karen or Michael 02-60245814 http//bowen.bcnt.net.au
Galina Ivanova Qld, Instructor Desley Faulks, Qld and Brenton Kupke of Sth Australia enjoying a cuppa during a break at the SBP2 in Noosa Queensland in October 2014 Page 49
For current dates for Certificate IV Modules, Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy and CEU workshops - visit the BCNT website: www.bowen.bcnt.net.au or Bowen Training Australia www: bowentraining.com.au
Bowtech Merchandise Name:...................................................................................................... Address:................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................. Phone:.......................................... Email:................................................. Bowtech Shirts - Ladies
Polar Fleece Vest (L-XL)
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Solar-Lite Polo Powder Yellow (12-16) ........ Mid Blue (14-18) ........ Olive (12-14) ........ Watermelon (12-16) ........ Jade (12-18) ........ White (12-20) ........
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$50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00
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Bowtech Shirts - Mens Navy (M-L) ........ White (S-XXL) ........ Maroon (M-L) ........ Bone (M-L) ........ Apple Green (S&XXL) ........ Jade (S - XL) ........ Blue - Royal (M -XL) ........ Blue - Sky (M&L) ........
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$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
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Polo Capped Sleeve Apple (10-16) Lilac (10-16) Hot Pink (10-18) Spandex Lt. Blue (12-16) White (10-12) Navy (10-14) Sleeveless Pink (10-16) Green (10-16) Lt. Blue (10-16) Polo
White (10-18) Pink (10-18) Apple Green (S) Lemon (S & L) Hot Pink (10-14) Orange (10-16) Light Blue (14-20) Purple (12&20) Musk (12-14) Red (14) Black (14&18)
P.O. Box 733 Hamilton, Vic. 3300 Ph. (03) 5572 3000 Fax: (03) 5572 3144 Email:
[email protected]
Polo 3/4 Sleeve - Discontinued White (10 & 20) Cherry (14 & 18)
All items available from Head Office.
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$35.00 ............ $35.00 ............
........... .......... $30.00 ............ ........... A Vision to Heal Tribute to Rene Horwood .......... $30.00 ............ .......... Good Morning NZ .......... $30.00 ............ $40.00 .......... Brochures (per 100) .......... $25.00 ............ $40.00 .......... Poster (incl. postage) .......... $30.00 ............ $40.00 .......... Banner (material) 63x145cm .......... $60.00 ............ Car Sticker .......... $ 5.50 ............ $35.00 .......... Note Pad (A5) .......... $ 4.00 ............ $35.00 .......... Mouse Pad .......... $ 5.00 ............ $35.00 .......... Lapel Pin .......... $12.00 ............ Pen .......... $ 6.00 ............ $40.00 .......... Bowtech Formula (20 ml) .......... $22.00 ............ $40.00 .......... .......... $25.00 ............ $40.00 .......... Caps (assorted colours) (pink, orange, blue, bone and yellow) $40.00 .......... ........... $31.50 ............. $40.00 .......... Back Applicator $40.00 .......... John Wilks Books $40.00 .......... Understanding the Bowen Technique $40.00 .......... ........... $ 7.00 ............ $40.00 .......... $40.00 .......... The Bowen Technique - The Inside Story (inc. postage) $40.00 ......... ........... $76.00 .............
SUB-TOTAL $........................... Plus Postage $............................ (Please contact Head Office for details)
TOTAL ORDER $....................... All prices quoted are in Australian dollars - postage NOT included
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Page 50
Module 9 & 10 in Prescott, Arizona Back row: Linda Clark, Diana Hamilton, Cory Dillon, Tanya Baker, Jan Wheeler, Charmaine Maitland, Front row: Dan Bennack and Alexia Monroe (Instructor)
Module 1&2 in Portland, Oregon Front row: Linda Grove, Mark Miller, Heather Swearingen, Back row: Brenda Sherlock, Jennifer Roche, Darleen Sumner, Karin Twohig (Instructor) and Cheri Vawter
Specialised Bowen Procedures 2 - Master Classes presented by Ossie and Elaine in August 2014. Above: Sheffield, England Below: Toronto, Canada
Christmas Greetings and a
Happy New Year To All
Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia P.O. Box 733, Hamilton,Victoria Email:
[email protected] www.bowtech.com Page