THE GUN - University of California, Irvine

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VOL. 5/ NO. 12/ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1972

STUDENT FE's UNDER THE GUN by tim Stephens asuci vice-president for administration

On this coming Thursday, November 9, the Irvine Division of the Academic Senateis going to meet. They will be meeting at 3 p.m. in Social Science Lecture Hall. One of the items buried deep in their agenda is the consideration of two opposing reports and attached recommendations concerning the Student Recommended Faculty Program (SRFP). During this past summer an ad hoc committee of the Senate wasestablished to review theSRFP withinstructions to produce a report and a recommendation for action. This

committee was composedof three faculty andone student.At the conclusion of the committee's deliberations it was found that aneven split existed in the committee,one side favoring revision and the other termination. Whatever the Academic Senate decides on Thursday will only he in the form of a recommendation to the Chancellor. The faculty will have to make a decision Thursday as to whether or not they wish the students to continue to exercise the power of recommendation over two percent of theIrvine faculty. Three years ago, when this program was instituted, it was indeed one of the most innovative and ambitious programs to be found anywhere in the country in theareaof student participation. The program has had to face andsolve many very difficult problems during its existence. As director of the program last year,I encountered more problems thenIever expected. But these problems were for the most part solved. Last year we succeededin our attempt to involvemore students in the program. Last year we did succeed in recommending a list of candidates whom we felt would add to the educational experiencethat the students of this campus were to receive this year. Last year as director Isaw areas in which the program could be strengthened and perfected proceduraly. Last year the cooperationbetween the administration and the ASUCI came together and allowed the program to be as big of a success as it was/is. Ihave a personal commitment to the Student Recommended Faculty Program. Iknow that Ishare this commitment with the students and faculty who worked on the program last year. Ibelieve that this commitment is also shared by the student body at large. This is not the time for wild accusations to be hurledback and forthbetween the peoplefavoringcontinuation and those supporting termination. Iask andinvite those students who are serious about the program and its future to attend the Academic Senate meeting. Ialso ask that any student who does attend the meeting will conduct him or herself in a courteous and rational manner. We have a problem before us which demands resolution. We shall have that resolution and when the dust settles the decision will be made in our favor. ~

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"T" /""""VE^D

Thanks to Governor Reagan,UC students will be paying the $100 per quarter educationalfee again next year.In June, he vetoednewly-appropriated monies to eliminatetuition at UC. "We did institute tuition for the University," explainedReagan in a.June 22, '71,speech to SanFrancisco's Commonwealth club. "It was a long and bloody battleand the administratorsstill won't call it tuition, but it is in fact, tuition. It seems to me that it is a sensible taxingpolicy toask those who benefit most by a service to pay at least a portion of that service." Most UC students can easily afford the cost of tuition. According to data from last year's Student Resources Survey, 73% of UC students are ineigiblc for financial aid.65% come from families with a median income of $18,500. Bui for thousands of other low and middle income students both those presently attending and those academically-qualified — to attend UC tuition is a burden. It wasn't supposed to be. When imposed by the Regents, it was generallyunderstood, but not promised, that the hulk of tuition revenues should help students with financial need. Instead, the Regents have diverted the monies to replace Reagan's slashes in the


UC budget. Presently,nearly 70' i

tuition revenues lurid new projects and purchase'lah supplies and equipment the 'r versilv savs is necessary. Res,,.,: tuition seems to of




XJCI Health Center brings Students better medical care by robert geskin

If you don't give a damn about your health, no one else

will! You have a fantastic opportunity in which you can maintain and improve your present health at UCI. It is the Student Health Service. The center is located just off Campus Dr. in front of Verano Place. The phone number is 833-5301. The center is open 24 hours a day, and a nurse is on duty in theemergency room at all times. Doctors are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. When a student comes to the health center, heor sheis seen first by a doctor in the general clinic. Then, if the doctor feels that it is necessary, the student will be referred to an appropriate specialist. Dr. .J.R. Erskine Morden. who is the Assistant Director of the Student Health Center,spends most of his time in the clinic. He answers questions concerning the center, handles complaints, and fills in where needed. The clinic has the equivalent service of four full time doctors. The most common illness seen at the clinic, according to Dr. Morden. is an upper respiratory infection. The nursing staff, which includes twelve R.N.'s and one L.V.N.. is headed by Mrs. Norma Grundy. Mrs. Grundy is kind, sensitive, and is a person with whom it is easy to talk. The night nurse is onduty 1

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Dr. Kidd. who takes can1 of

the athletes, is in chargeof the orthopedic staff. He told me t hut many of the students who participate in the Intramural sports program arc very poorly conditioned. "Student should play a little at first and

' I' I I I' ■

by fred kaplan, uci student lobby annex co-director be partly responsiblefor IJNMKT despite the repealedurgings ofthe SBPC, the Regents have refused Student financialneed. How great is this UNMKT stutoinvest the $100,000 UCB's finandenl financialneed? aid office feels is required to cial Kslimalescompiled by theSBPC accurately determine the extent

& HKW's San Francisco office range from $4.2-$10 million. But,

from 3 to 11 p.m.and isusually Joyce Mueller. Another important member of the staff is Dr. Leonard Lesser, who heads the psychatric staff. The stall' provides about 100 hours per week of cure. Mot tip - beat the after midterm's rush. Thesessions with the psychiatrist are confidential. They are not entered on the student's record at the Health Center, and the notes are destroyed at the end of the year. Dr. Lesser says that the most common mental health problem at UC1is loneliness.

of UNMET financial need at UC.

However, one very limitedstudy.




assessing only one source of

UNMET need onone campus, has

been completed (his quarter at 1KB. There, financial aidofNeers calculatedthe difference between (he demonstrated financial need of financial aid recipients and the actual monetary assistance awarded to them through tuition deferments, work study, etc. From this course alone, UCR's UNMKT need presently is $1.5 million. Bin what about those l.(. students who need aid and were (umed away for lack of funds? Because no records are kept, it is very difficult to estimate the extent of UNMKT need from this source. "We stopped taking applications for student financial aid Auk. 15. We werebroke," explains Jules LJGI's financial aid officer. Also, the UNMET need of persons who are academically( qualified but fail to apply to I no financial aid funds because are available for (hem has never been computed. Many ask what's happened to

Ihese students whocouldn'tobtain the proper financial aid. Were they forced to drop out of school? Enroll elsewhere? Can students achieve satisfactory grades when they arc forced into hardship situations because oi inadequate financial aid? Is I ( a school for upper income individuals alone? And what will happen il tuition revenues can't be used lor new continued on page 3

build up slowly." said Dr. Kidd. He added that the athletic department would be happy to set up fitness programs for those who are interested. Orthopedists are available from 1 to 4 p.m. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays.

Dr. Thompson; who rounded the contraception clinic, is in charge of the OB-Gyn. staff. There are three gynecologists at the center 'this year. The contraception clinic consists of lab work, a Pap smear, a gyn. exam, and a group session with a doctor and anurse. A coed can then obtain a prescription for birth control. There is presently a $15 charge for the contraception clinic. Another area in which students pay for services rendered is the dental clinic. Thedental clinic is headed by Dr. Zimmer. There are ten dentists who work at the clinic, and all practice within the community. There is also an oral surgeon who is on campus once every two weeks, and there are two dental assistants. The lees charged arc the lowest possible rates. Specialists are available in dermatology. K. N.T., cardiology, and gastroenterology as well. If needed, the costs to an outside doctor will be covered. However, this determination must be made by a doctor at the Health Center. Other departments include an infirmary providing overnight care, a clinical laboratory, physical therapy, x-ray, and a pharmacy 833-5304). The pharmacy is run by Walter Wine. He told me that the pharmacy tries to serve students with a smile and with a minimum of waiting. Ihave always found this to be true. The pharmacy is open until 4: 30 p.m. Thereis a substantial saving on everything from prophylactics to vitamins. Tetracycline capsules which cost up to 15-20c outside cost 4 C each at the pharmacy here. iNow lor some additional notes. The Student Health Advisory Committee is working with the doctors at the Health Center to bring the students better health care. The members of the committee disseminate information about the Health Center and collect suggestions for improvement from the students. There will be short articles on health topics forthcomingin the New University. At the end of each article, questions and the answers to those questions will be printed The questions can be about the article or any health topic. Please address questions concerning this article or the Student Health Advisory Committee to: SHAC care ol Robert (a'skin.

103A Cumbre.

Irvine. Cal.


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the letter. Why, wrote the wodoes the slate continue to support higher education when students today, inher eyes, are so ungratefuland so disruptive?

was important. It was "his" budget; consequent!) anyone desiring to amend it on the Senate floor had to first notify Collier. I saw him alone. Collier is short, with well groomed white hair. His faceis a

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atop his desk, direcllv above me. (oilier began to readexerplsFrom

vote. The position of Senator Collier

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Collier's tone suddenly changed. Other Senatorshad mentioned the "Dean" i be an unpredictable character. Jumping from his chair, he strode to his mahogany desk and immediately produced a letter he said Mas sent b.\ a woman constituent. Then, sitting

present financial aid programs

Tuition continued from page 1 construction and lah materials. 'Or other purposes. Itnl tuition is also discussed lor

Page 3








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"We have to take our flag back, it is not Nixon's, it is ours." Jane Fonda October 12,1972


'... a peace that will

last more than one

generation ...' —Richard Nixon wIt

am occurs to me that I

America Iam talking to myself

again." —Allan Guinsberg, 1956

Tuesday, November 7, 1972


Poge 6

newUniversity EDITORIAL BOARD Lee Solow, Dave Wilson Editors

Rick Teplitz Business Manager

P*m Leistner Managing Editor

Curtis Graham Editorial Director Unsigned editorials represent a majority opinion of the New University Editorial Board. Responsible individuals or groups may submit letters and articles contrary to the New

University editorial position. However, the editors reserve the right to use their discretion in publishing letters. Allother articles represent the opinions of the New University Editorial Board, the ASUCl, or the University of California.

HUMANS FOR MCGOVERN Richard Nixonwants "Pence w ithHonor."Hehashad four longyears to attain this gloriouspersonali|uesl and his results havebeen astonishingly successful! Yes. he has brought home manyol our boys while leaving just a small lore* behind in the bloody battlefields of that farforce happen to bejust awa> land. Included in that small 20.1100 additional dead young Americans, 100.000 added wounded, maimed and broken sons, and as an extra bonus. 500 more POW's. These exlra l'OW's arcan illus1

trationof Mr Nixon's willingness to spend America to war and "protect" the original POW's, rather than bring everyone home at the cost of a possible"dishonorable peace." Yes. the President's "peace with honor" plan has been progressing smoothly. Bring a lew of our boys home and replace them with bombs. Definitely much more efficient lor the business of death, wouldn't you stay at


Oh. those wonderful Vietnamese people that we areso desperately trying to protecl from the evil and sinister "Communism." Why. Communist government must be a late worse than death, because that is what Richard Nixon is dealing them. During the Nixon years over million IndoChina people have been killed, woundedor

renderedhomeless It thenumberiimillionsounds familiar to you. it just so happens to be about the same amount of life the lovable Adolf Hitler destroyed. Now, you might say. "Well, killedand woundedthat's too bad. but homeless, surely they can find anotherhome." But the tact is. that Nixon has ordered the average of 300 pounds ot bombs dropped on each person You can


this has done to tin- soil of these kind-

dependent people mot to mention Ihill Nixon hitsull the strong young workingboys out in the battlefield being killed ;it ;i tremendous rate). Bomb craters Mil the

countryside.Have you ever tried to make yourlivingofI oi .1 scorched, dead bombhole? And when the rains come,as they always do. these craters will be Mlled with water, jusl pevleel for the wholesale breeding malaria spreading mosquitoes. Why the Nixon planhits been so successful thaialmost 20' i of the peopleoi Laos have incurable malaria. Yes. tn hear him tell it. Richard Nixon's tremendous-

ly ingenious"Peace with Honor" planhas been working quite well for him. So well, in fact, thai he \\ ;is almost able to sweep the Viet Nam issueunder the politicalrug. Bui how c;m you eraseover an additional 120.000 American lives lost and woundedin the name of Nixonpeace. And. in addition, the ruined arid lost lives of over i> million lndoChinese. They are people too, they feel as much painas anyone when they see their entire family destroyedbefore their eyes or feel Napalmburning their very flesh and life away. This, however, is a meaningless sidelight to the President and his re-electorate, lor thi' history hooks will contain a grand notation saying that. "Richard M. Nixon didn't lose his war." That's worth the destruction ol an entirecivilization. . . don't you think' Nixon's "Peace with Honor" Dragon gleefully dealing death to the helplesspeople of Inrio-China.



Support your only say in faculty appointments: save the student FTE program. Come to the Academic Senate meeting Thursday. November 9 at 3 o'clock in the Social Science Lecture Hall.

CAN WE SAY Today being election day. we have been contemplating the prospects 1 whetheror not touse our voices to hi'lp George MeGovern becomethe President ol thi United States. We have to say YES. Now before you leave, young Nixons, please read what lias to be said. We don't see George McGovern as any type of saint, we view him simply as an alternative, to Dick Nixon. We know what has been done under lour years of Orange County's favorite son. We have seen the economy go from bad to worse, his wage and price controls are a farce, lor one person togointo a market wit ha tendollar bill and expect to buy food for a week is sheer fantasy. The welfare system recently becameaneven greater calamity In early October. Nixon rejected the Senate compromise ol his August. 1969. plan to helphold families together b> rewardingthe very poorfor working. So welfarealso remains an issue. And ihen Hictc is I nited Stales foreign policy. The -. ret plan ol reducing IndoChina to a vast wasteland ■.. : extremelyeffective.Now McGovern says thai " ted (he bombing will stop, there will be no ; thi puppet regime and no more Vietwill be killed saving American face." Isn't namese " it enoughto maki »ider his options?Or is there no feeling for the people ol IndoChina? Will we stand by ,\ atch RichardNixonuse the 35 millionVietnamese so that he can subject his will on the 'jop, million ol the Inited States It is true that McGov tin has fluctuated his viewsconcerning amnesty, marijuana abortion, and his SlflOO person year proposal He is honest and being honest and winning political campaignsusually don't go together. \s McGovern himsell said. "Politics is a compromising business." So McGovern has had to his el;irif> inconvenient truths, in order to moderate " \iews. instead ol issuing those "secret plans. \\ c urge a commitment to George McGovern; even il lit; can't stop the skyrocketing prices or resolve the welfare mess, .it least we won't add to the total ol 4.5 millionIndoChinese civilians killed, wounded, or made homeless: or the 150.000 soldiers killed on both sides: or the59 billiondollarsspent to insure "peace withHonor."


MECHA and the Chicano Pride Institute is sponsoring a canned food drive lor the people of Santa Ana. Give a little.


Last chance to vote lor/against the politician of your choice. Everything after today is for at least two years. Vote.




m ? i * icvivr

FRAUD It's a Fraud The growers conned people into signing petitions by falsely claiming that it would lower food prices and protect workers Secretary ol State Kdniund (i."Brown. Jr i-alied this "the worst case of election fraud hehad ever seen It's Anti-Labor, Proposition 22 would bar (Mr, of the farm workers from their own union It wouldeliminatethe possibility ol harvest time strikesand out-law secondary boycotts. \ bumper sticker saying "Boycott Lettuce" could cost you $5,000 or (i year in jail. A vote against Proposition22 is a vote for worker's rights It's Racist. Centuries ol racial discrimination have kept Mexican Vmerjcans in the lowest payingand least desirable farm jobs. Sixty-nine percent ol all farm workers live below the poverty li'»' Proposition 22 would cripple the only organization that oilers Mexican-Americans' a way


\ X



Final Choice Editor: As an active supporter ol George McGovern on this campus, Ihave recently become quite disgusted with a Dear

small groupl students v\ ho have indi\ idunlly dropped by our tablefrom lime to time. These are people who, in spite (tf the fact that they are for immediatetroop w ithdrawal from Vietnam, and are complete!) opposedlo Nixon's policies, are nol voting for Senator Mc(io\ern today, because thej are "disappointed" with him. What has happenedis understandable up to a point. George IVJcGovem came oil as some kind ol superman during the primaries and convention. Some peoplehad the idea he was pure, perfect, untouched b\ politics. Well, after the Eagleton affair and a leu other unfortunate incidents, many woke up to the fact thai Senator McGovern in reality is (gasp! ) a mere human being -■ and human beings do occasionally make mistakes^. People have also finally realized the ob\ ions fact that McGovern is a politician, and some have become disillusionedbecause of this. However, it is a sad but simple fact of life that in order tobecome a major candidate for the presidency and have any real chance of winning, one has to play politics. George wants to win: he won't accomplish a thing by going down in noble defeat.And he's up against one of the most bizarre political machines this country has ever seen. Consequent-

Can You Set Your Watch By a Bus? Editor:

It has been pointedout by concernedstudents thai our Transit District buses release indie.Minn QrangeCounty run on a hall-hourschedule (New University. October :il i was not correct The truth is. as anyone who stands and Wiiits can attest,

the buses run hourly. My apologies 1
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