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Orange County Provider Directory/Directorio de Proveedores Blue Shield 65 Plus (HMO) Date printed/Fecha de impresión: April 2016 Plan year/Año del plan: 2016
This directory represents only those providers who are in the Orange County area and is not a full list of our network providers. If you don't find the provider you're looking for or would like to see a complete listing of the providers available to you by area, visit You may also call Blue Shield 65 Plus (HMO) Member Services to have a list sent to you. Please refer to the next page for a listing of the plan's service area. Este directorio incluye solo aquellos proveedores ubicados en el área de Orange County y no es una lista completa de nuestros proveedores de la red. Si no encuentra el proveedor que busca o si le gustaría ver una lista completa de los proveedores disponibles para usted, clasificados por área, visite También puede llamar al Departamento de Servicio para Miembros de Blue Shield 65 Plus (HMO) para que le envíen una lista. Consulte la página siguiente para ver cómo está conformada el área de servicio del plan. Y0118_15_187 CMS Approved 08232015
The service area for Blue Shield 65 Plus is all of Orange, Fresno, and San Diego counties and parts of Contra Costa, Kern, Los Angeles, Riverside, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, Santa Clara, and Ventura counties. The service area for Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan is all of Orange County and parts of Los Angeles County. Please refer to the plan Summary of Benefits or Evidence of Coverage for a full list of zip codes for your applicable partial county in the service area. This directory lists providers who are in the Orange County area. The following zip codes are part of the Orange County area. El área de servicio de Blue Shield 65 Plus es la totalidad de los condados de Orange, Fresno y San Diego, y algunos sectores de los condados de Contra Costa, Kern, Los Ángeles, Riverside, Sacramento, Santa Bárbara, San Luis Obispo, San Bernardino, Santa Clara y Ventura. El área de servicio de Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan es la totalidad del condado de Orange y algunos sectores del condado de Los Ángeles. Consulte el Resumen de Beneficios o la Evidencia de Cobertura del plan para acceder a la lista completa de códigos postales correspondiente al área de servicio de los sectores parciales de su condado. Este directorio incluye a los proveedores ubicados en el área de Orange County. Los siguientes códigos postales forman parte del área de Orange County. Orange County (All Zips)
Table of Contents Using This Directory............................................................ p. ix Choosing Your PCP............................................................. p. ix Changing Your PCP............................................................. p. xi Physician Groups Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty ............................................ p. 1 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp Alamitos IPA .................................................................... p. 28 Los Alamitos Medical Center Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Applecare Medical Grp Select ......................................... p. 36 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Los Alamitos Medical Center Placentia Linda Hosp Brookshire IPA ................................................................ p. 65 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Daehan Prospect Med Grp .............................................. p. 75 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Edinger Medical Group .................................................... p. 80 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Family Choice Medical Group ......................................... p. 88 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Gnp Hoag Hospital .......................................................... p. 102 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Orthopedic Institute Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Gnp Orange Coast Memorial .......................................... p. 117 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Gnp Saddleback Memorial .............................................. p. 126 Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST ................................................ p. 135 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr
Table of Contents, continued Hcp Talbert Med Grp ........................................................p. 156 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Hoag Affiliated Physicians ................................................p. 169 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Lakewood IPA ..................................................................p. 178 Los Alamitos Medical Center Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach ................................p. 191 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback .................................p. 199 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr Memorialcare Medical Group ...........................................p. 211 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr San Clemente Mission Heritage Medical Group ......................................p. 231 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Mission Hospital Affil Phys ...............................................p. 241 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Noble Ama IPA .................................................................p. 249 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr South Coast Global Medical Center Inc Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc ........................p. 260 Los Alamitos Medical Center Prospect Gateway Medical Group ...................................p. 265 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp
Table of Contents, continued Prospect Hlth Corona ...................................................... p. 286 Placentia Linda Hosp Prospect Med Grp Orange .............................................. p. 289 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp ................. p. 319 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Los Alamitos Medical Center Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA ............................................. p. 334 Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp St Joseph Heritage Med Grp ........................................... p. 370 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys ............................................... p. 382 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center St Jude Affil Phys ............................................................ p. 398 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center St Jude Heritage Medical Grp ......................................... p. 406 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians .............................. p. 415 University Of California Irvine Med Ctr Uc Irvine Health Med Grp ................................................ p. 423 University Of California Irvine Med Ctr Dentists................................................................................. p. 431 Skilled Nursing Facilities .................................................... p. 461 Index ..................................................................................... p. 465
Table of Contents, continued
Information in this directory is current as of the date on the front cover. Some network providers may have been added or removed from our network after this directory was printed. Since information changes often, a provider's listing in this directory does not guarantee that the provider is still in the network or accepting new patients. To get the most up-to-date information about network providers in your area, please visit or call Blue Shield 65 Plus. Prospective Members Please call your broker or call Blue Shield 65 Plus or Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan at: (800) 488-8000 TTY 711 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14. However, after February 14, your call will be handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays. Current Members Please call Member Services at: (800) 776-4466 TTY 711 Hours are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14. However, after February 14, your call will be handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays.
Índice de contenidos Cómo utilizar este directorio .............................................. p. xii Cómo elegir a su médico de atención primaria (PCP) ..... p. xii Cómo cambiar de médico de atención primaria (PCP) .... p. xii Grupos médicos Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty ............................................ p. 1 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp Alamitos IPA .................................................................... p. 28 Los Alamitos Medical Center Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Applecare Medical Grp Select ......................................... p. 36 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Los Alamitos Medical Center Placentia Linda Hosp Brookshire IPA ................................................................ p. 65 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Daehan Prospect Med Grp .............................................. p. 75 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Edinger Medical Group .................................................... p. 80 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Family Choice Medical Group ......................................... p. 88 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Gnp Hoag Hospital .......................................................... p. 102 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Hoag Orthopedic Institute Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Gnp Orange Coast Memorial .......................................... p. 117 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Gnp Saddleback Memorial .............................................. p. 126 Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST ................................................ p. 135 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr
Índice, continuación Hcp Talbert Med Grp ....................................................... p. 156 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Hoag Affiliated Physicians ............................................... p. 169 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Lakewood IPA ................................................................. p. 178 Los Alamitos Medical Center Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach ............................... p. 191 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback ................................ p. 199 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr Memorialcare Medical Group .......................................... p. 211 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr San Clemente Mission Heritage Medical Group ..................................... p. 231 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Mission Hospital Affil Phys .............................................. p. 241 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Noble Ama IPA ................................................................ p. 249 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr South Coast Global Medical Center Inc Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc ....................... p. 260 Los Alamitos Medical Center Prospect Gateway Medical Group ................................... p. 265 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp
Índice, continuación Prospect Hlth Corona .......................................................p. 286 Placentia Linda Hosp Prospect Med Grp Orange ...............................................p. 289 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp .................p. 319 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr Los Alamitos Medical Center Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA ..............................................p. 334 Orange County Global Medical Center Inc Placentia Linda Hosp St Joseph Heritage Med Grp ............................................p. 370 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys ................................................p. 382 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center St Jude Affil Phys .............................................................p. 398 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center St Jude Heritage Medical Grp ..........................................p. 406 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr Mission Hospital Laguna Beach St Joseph Hospital Orange St Jude Medical Center Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians ...............................p. 415 University Of California Irvine Med Ctr Uc Irvine Health Med Grp .................................................p. 423 University Of California Irvine Med Ctr Dentistas ...............................................................................p. 431 Centros de enfermería especializada .................................p. 461 Índice .....................................................................................p. 465
Índice, continuación
La información incluida en este directorio está vigente a la fecha que se indica en la portada. Es posible que se hayan agregado o quitado algunos proveedores de la red luego de la impresión de este directorio. Dado que la información cambia a menudo, el hecho de que un proveedor se encuentre en este directorio no garantiza que aún forme parte de la red o que acepte nuevos pacientes. Para obtener la información más actualizada sobre los proveedores de la red disponibles en su área, visite findaprovider o llame a Blue Shield 65 Plus. Futuros miembros Comuníquese con su corredor de seguros o llame a Blue Shield 65 Plus o a Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan al: (800) 488-8000 TTY 711 El horario de atención es de 8:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., todos los días de la semana, del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero. Sin embargo, después del 14 de febrero, las llamadas que se realicen durante los fines de semana y los días feriados serán atendidas por nuestro sistema telefónico automático. Miembros actuales Llame al Departamento de Servicio para Miembros al: (800) 776-4466 TTY 711 El horario de atención es de 7:00 a. m. a 8:00 p. m., todos los días de la semana, del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero. Sin embargo, después del 14 de febrero, las llamadas que se realicen durante los fines de semana y los días feriados serán atendidas por nuestro sistema telefónico automático.
Using This Directory This directory lists the provider network in the region indicated on the front cover of this directory.
• Network PCPs, specialists, hospitals, clinics and urgent care centers are listed by physician group.
If you don't find the provider you're looking for or would like to see a complete listing of the providers available to you by area visit You may also call Member Services to have a directory sent to you.
• The hospital or hospitals affiliated with the physician group are listed at the beginning of the physician group section in this directory.
To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage. The "network providers" listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care services. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory; however some services may require a referral. You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Physician (PCP). The term "PCP" will be used throughout this directory. Generally, you must get your health care services from your PCP. When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
• If you need to be hospitalized, your PCP will coordinate your admission to the hospital associated with your physician group. If more than one hospital is associated with the physician group, your PCP will determine which hospital is most appropriate for your care. • PCPs are listed alphabetically under one of the following categories: Family Practice, General Practice, Internal Medicine, and OB/ GYN. Your PCP will provide or coordinate all your covered medical care while you are a member of our plan. PCPs who are not accepting new patients are listed under the category Accepting Current Patients Only. You may choose a PCP in this category only if you are new to Blue Shield 65 Plus and are currently a patient of that physician or changing to a new
physician group and that physician is also part of the new physician group. • Affiliated specialists are listed in alphabetical order under their specialty. If your PCP feels you need more specialized treatment, he or she will refer you, upon physician group approval, to a specialist associated with the network physician group. If your specialist recommends that you continue to see him or her for more services, those services may need to be authorized by your network physician group. • Urgent Care facilities affiliated with your physician group are listed under Urgent Care Centers. You may use these Urgent Care Facilities or any other Urgent Care facility in your plan service area if you need urgent medical care when your PCP's office is closed. • If you decide to enroll in the optional supplemental dental HMO plan, you can find a list of network dentists in this directory. For more information about choosing a network dentist, you can go to the beginning of that section in this directory. (Note: This plan is not available to members in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties.).
Using This Directory, continued • Plan pharmacies are not listed in this directory. You may request a list of these facilities by calling our Member Services department or by going to To choose your PCP, follow these simple steps 1. Choose the doctor you want as your PCP from this directory. Note: If you are interested in a particular specialist, make sure he or she is in the same physician group as the PCP you select. You will need an authorized referral from your PCP's physician group before you can be treated by a specialist, except for routine women's health care as described below. 2. Call the office of the PCP you have selected to make sure that he or she is accepting new patients and for answers to any questions you may have about the doctor (e.g. office hours, availability evenings and/or weekends and educational background). 3. Enter the ID number of the PCP you have chosen in the appropriate box on the plan enrollment form. If you need help choosing a PCP, please call Member Services. Changing your current PCP is easy If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue to go to that same provider. You may change
your PCP at any time. However, if you are under inpatient care in the hospital or you are in the middle of a course of treatment with your PCP or a specialist, we recommend that you do not change your physician/physician group until you are discharged or complete your course of treatment. If you decide to change your PCP, simply call Member Services and we will check to make sure the doctor you choose is accepting new patients. You should ask whether the new PCP you are selecting has a referral relationship with any specialist you are currently seeing. You will need an authorized referral from your PCP's physician group before you can be treated by a specialist, except for routine women's health care as described below and in your Evidence of Coverage. We will make the change for you, tell you over the phone when this change will go into effect, and send you a new member ID card. If you call by the 15th of the month, your transfer to a new PCP will be effective on the first day of the following month. Sometimes a PCP, specialist, or clinic you are using might leave the plan. If this happens, you will have to switch to another network doctor. We will notify you if this happens and make sure you continue to have access
to all plan services. If you are a female member who prefers to see an OB/GYN for your routine women's health care (mammograms, pap tests, and pelvic and breast exams), you can make an appointment with any OB/GYN listed under your network physician group without a referral from your PCP. If possible, call your PCP before you seek medical care. If you go to a doctor, hospital or other provider without the approval of your PCP except in an emergency or when you need urgently needed services, out-of-area renal dialysis (within the United States), or other self-referred services as defined in Chapter 3 of your Evidence of Coverage, you will be responsible for services. Neither Original Medicare nor Blue Shield will be responsible for the costs. Urgently needed services are non-emergency, unforeseen medical illness, injury, or condition that requires immediate medical care. Urgently needed services may be furnished by network providers or by out-of-network providers when network providers are temporarily unavailable or inaccessible. If you need care in an emergency, get medical help as quickly as possible. Call 911 for help or go to the nearest emergency room. You do not
Using This Directory, continued need to get permission first from your physician or other network provider. A medical emergency is when you believe that you have medical symptoms that require immediate medical attention to prevent loss of life, loss of a limb, or loss of function of a limb. The medical symptoms may be an illness, injury, severe pain, or a medical condition that is quickly getting much worse. Make sure that Blue Shield knows about your emergency because your physician will need to be involved in following up on your emergency care. You or someone else should call to tell your physician about your emergency care as soon as possible, preferably within 48 hours. The number to call is located on your plan ID card. What if you need medical attention right away for an unforeseen illness or injury, but your health is not in serious danger? If you need medical help immediately but your health is not in serious danger, the help you need is called "urgently needed services". If you are in your plan's service area please call your PCP or, if your physician's office is closed, go to any urgent care facility listed in this directory or affiliated with your physician group.
If you are outside the plan service area, first call your PCP whenever possible. If you are treated for a condition that meets the definition of urgently needed services while you are outside the plan service area, we prefer that you return to the service area to get follow-up care through your PCP. However, we will cover follow-up care that you get from non-network providers outside the plan service area as long as the care you are getting still meets the definition of "urgently needed services". Some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or more of the following services that may be covered under your plan contract and that you might need: family planning; contraceptive services; and sterilization, including tubal ligation at the time of labor and delivery. To ensure that you can obtain the healthcare services that you need, call our Member Services department for assistance. Some hospitals participate in an independent quality program. Hospitals identified with the symbol L participate in the Leapfrog Group, an independent California program that works to implement three key practices that have been shown to improve patient safety. Leapfrog hospitals 1) do computer checks on prescriptions to avoid drug interactions; 2) have a full-time physician specialist on staff in all
intensive care units; and 3) perform high-risk surgical procedures, such as heart surgery, only when certain quality criteria are met. If you need skilled nursing facility care, transitional care or specialized services, your PCP will arrange for you to be transferred to a subacute care facility contracting with Blue Shield or another facility with which he or she is affiliated. You may request a list of these facilities by calling our Member Services department. If you receive a bill from any non-network provider for covered services such as emergency or urgently needed services or out-of-area renal dialysis services, please do not pay it. Instead, please send it to us at the following address and we will pay the covered amount, minus any applicable copayment/coinsurance amount(s): Blue Shield 65 Plus and Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan Claims Department P.O. Box 272640 Chico, CA 95927-2640
Cómo utilizar este directorio Este directorio incluye la red de proveedores de la región indicada en la portada. Si no encuentra el proveedor que busca o si le gustaría ver una lista completa de los proveedores disponibles para usted, clasificados por área, visite También puede llamar al Departamento de Servicio para Miembros para que le envíen un directorio. Para obtener información detallada sobre su cobertura de atención de la salud, consulte su Evidencia de Cobertura. Los "proveedores de la red" incluidos en este directorio han acordado brindarle servicios de atención de la salud. Puede acudir a cualquiera de los proveedores de nuestra red incluidos en este directorio; no obstante, es posible que necesite una derivación para algunos servicios. Tendrá que elegir a uno de los proveedores de nuestra red incluidos en este directorio para que sea su médico de atención primaria (Primary Care Physician, PCP). Se utilizará la sigla "PCP" en todo este directorio. Por lo general, debe recibir los servicios de atención de la salud por medio de su PCP. Cuando elige a su PCP, también elige los hospitales y la red de
especialistas afiliados al grupo médico. • Los PCP, especialistas, hospitales, clínicas y centros de atención urgente de la red aparecen por grupo médico. • El hospital o los hospitales afiliados al grupo médico están incluidos al comienzo de la sección correspondiente a los grupos médicos de este directorio. • Si necesita ser hospitalizado, su PCP coordinará su ingreso al hospital que esté asociado con su grupo médico. Si hay más de un hospital asociado con el grupo médico, su PCP determinará cuál es el hospital más apropiado para brindarle atención. • Los PCP aparecen ordenados alfabéticamente en una de las siguientes categorías: Medicina familiar, Medicina general, Medicina interna y Obstetricia/ginecología (OB/GYN, por sus siglas en inglés). Su PCP brindará o coordinará toda su atención médica cubierta mientras usted sea miembro de nuestro plan. Los PCP que actualmente no aceptan nuevos pacientes se incluyen en la categoría Solo se aceptan pacientes actuales. Puede elegir a un PCP en esta categoría solamente si es
miembro nuevo de Blue Shield 65 Plus y es paciente actual de dicho médico, o bien si se cambia a un nuevo grupo médico del cual el médico mencionado también forme parte. • Los especialistas afiliados aparecen ordenados alfabéticamente según su especialidad. Si su PCP considera que usted necesita tratamiento más especializado, lo derivará a un especialista asociado con el grupo médico de la red, previo consentimiento de dicho grupo médico. Si su especialista le recomienda que siga yendo a las consultas para recibir más servicios, es posible que su grupo médico de la red tenga que autorizar tales servicios. • Los centros de atención urgente afiliados a su grupo médico están incluidos en la sección "Centros de atención urgente". Si necesita atención médica urgente y el consultorio de su PCP está cerrado, puede utilizar estos u otros centros de atención urgente en el área de servicio de su plan. • Si decide inscribirse en el plan dental HMO opcional complementario, podrá encontrar una lista de dentistas
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación de la red en este directorio. Para obtener más información sobre cómo elegir a un dentista de la red, consulte el comienzo de la sección correspondiente en este directorio. (Nota: Este plan no está disponible para los miembros de los condados de San Luis Obispo y Santa Bárbara). • Las farmacias del plan no están incluidas en este directorio. Puede solicitar una lista de estas farmacias llamando a nuestro Departamento de Servicio para Miembros, o bien puede consultarla en Para elegir a su PCP, realice estos simples pasos: 1. Elija al médico de este directorio que le gustaría que sea su PCP. Nota: Si está interesado en un especialista en particular, asegúrese de que dicho especialista esté en el mismo grupo médico que el PCP que elija. Necesitará una derivación autorizada del grupo médico de su PCP para poder recibir tratamiento de un especialista, excepto en el caso de la atención de rutina para la salud femenina, tal como se describe más adelante. 2. Llame al consultorio del PCP que eligió para asegurarse de que acepte nuevos pacientes y para obtener respuestas a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre el médico (por ejemplo, horarios de atención,
disponibilidad por la noche o los fines de semana, y formación académica). 3. Ingrese el número de identificación del PCP que eligió en la casilla correspondiente del formulario de inscripción del plan.
describe más adelante y en su Evidencia de Cobertura.
Si necesita ayuda para elegir a un PCP, llame al Departamento de Servicio para Miembros.
Si llama antes del día 15 del mes, su traspaso a un nuevo PCP entrará en vigor el primer día del mes siguiente.
Es fácil cambiar su PCP actual Si ha acudido con anterioridad a un determinado proveedor de la red, no es necesario que siga visitando a ese mismo proveedor. Puede cambiar de PCP en cualquier momento. Sin embargo, si recibe actualmente atención para pacientes internados en el hospital o se encuentra en pleno tratamiento con su PCP o con un especialista, le recomendamos que no cambie de médico o grupo médico hasta que le den el alta o complete el tratamiento. Si decide cambiar de PCP, simplemente llame al Departamento de Servicio para Miembros, y verificaremos que el médico que eligió acepte nuevos pacientes. Debe preguntar si el nuevo PCP que eligió realiza derivaciones a alguno de los especialistas que visita actualmente. Necesitará una derivación autorizada del grupo médico de su PCP para poder recibir tratamiento de un especialista, excepto en el caso de la atención de rutina para la salud femenina, tal como se
Nosotros haremos el cambio por usted, le avisaremos por teléfono cuando se lleve a cabo y le enviaremos una nueva tarjeta de identificación de miembro.
A veces, puede suceder que un PCP, un especialista o una clínica que le brindan atención abandonen el plan. De ser así, tendrá que cambiarse a otro médico de la red. Le notificaremos si esto ocurre y nos aseguraremos de que siga teniendo acceso a todos los servicios del plan. Si es mujer y prefiere visitar a un obstetra o ginecólogo para recibir su atención de rutina para la salud femenina (mamografías, pruebas de Papanicolaou, y exámenes ginecológicos y de los senos), puede programar una cita con cualquier obstetra o ginecólogo incluido en su grupo médico de la red sin necesidad de contar con una derivación de su PCP. Si es posible, llame a su PCP antes de solicitar atención médica. Si acude a un médico, un hospital u otro proveedor sin la aprobación de su PCP, usted será responsable de los servicios, excepto en caso de emergencia o cuando requiera servicios
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación urgentemente necesarios, diálisis renal fuera del área (dentro de los Estados Unidos) o cualquier otro servicio autoderivado, según se define en el Capítulo 3 de su Evidencia de Cobertura. Ni Medicare Original ni Blue Shield serán responsables de los costos. Se brindan servicios urgentemente necesarios para tratar una enfermedad, una lesión o una afección médica imprevistas, sin carácter de emergencia, que requieran atención médica inmediata. Los servicios urgentemente necesarios pueden recibirse de proveedores de la red o de proveedores fuera de la red cuando los proveedores de la red no son accesibles o no están disponibles temporalmente. Si necesita atención en un caso de emergencia, obtenga asistencia médica lo más pronto posible. Llame al 911 para obtener ayuda o acuda a la sala de emergencias más cercana. No necesita obtener primero el permiso de su médico o de otro proveedor de la red. Una emergencia médica se presenta cuando usted considera que tiene síntomas médicos que requieren atención médica inmediata para prevenir la muerte, la pérdida de una extremidad o la invalidez de una extremidad. Los síntomas médicos pueden incluir una enfermedad, una lesión, dolor intenso o una afección médica que empeora rápidamente.
Asegúrese de que se informe a Blue Shield acerca de su emergencia, ya que será necesario que su médico haga un seguimiento de su atención de emergencia. Usted u otra persona deben llamar a su médico para notificarle acerca de su atención de emergencia cuanto antes, en lo posible en un plazo de 48 horas. El número al que debe llamar se encuentra en su tarjeta de identificación del plan. ¿Qué ocurre si necesita atención médica inmediata para una enfermedad o una lesión imprevistas, pero su salud no corre grave peligro? Si necesita asistencia médica inmediata, pero su salud no corre grave peligro, dicha asistencia se denomina "servicios urgentemente necesarios". Si se encuentra en el área de servicio de su plan, llame a su PCP. Si el consultorio de su médico está cerrado, diríjase a cualquiera de los centros de atención urgente incluidos en este directorio o afiliados a su grupo médico. Si se encuentra fuera del área de servicio del plan, siempre que sea posible, llame primero a su PCP. Si sufre una afección que requiere servicios urgentemente necesarios (conforme a la definición proporcionada) y recibe tratamiento mientras está fuera del área de servicio del plan, preferimos que regrese al área de servicio para que su PCP le brinde atención de seguimiento. No obstante,
cubriremos la atención de seguimiento que reciba de los proveedores no pertenecientes a la red que estén fuera del área de servicio del plan, siempre y cuando la atención recibida siga cumpliendo con la definición de "servicios urgentemente necesarios". Algunos hospitales y otros proveedores no brindan uno o más de los siguientes servicios que pueden estar cubiertos en el contrato de su plan y que usted podría necesitar: planificación familiar, servicios de anticoncepción, y esterilización, incluida la ligadura de trompas inmediatamente después del parto. Para asegurarse de que puede obtener los servicios de atención de la salud que necesita, llame a nuestro Departamento de Servicio para Miembros y solicite ayuda. Algunos hospitales participan en un programa de calidad independiente. Los hospitales identificados con el símbolo L participan en el programa Leapfrog Group, un programa independiente de California que busca implementar tres prácticas esenciales que, según se ha demostrado, mejoran la seguridad del paciente. Los hospitales que participan en el programa Leapfrog: 1) controlan las recetas por computadora para evitar la interacción entre medicamentos, 2) cuentan con un médico especialista de tiempo completo en el personal de todas las unidades de cuidado
Cómo utilizar este directorio, continuación intensivo y 3) llevan a cabo procedimientos quirúrgicos de alto riesgo, como cirugías cardíacas, solo cuando se cumple con ciertas normas de calidad. Si necesita atención en centros de enfermería especializada, atención de transición o servicios especializados, su PCP coordinará su transferencia a un centro de atención subaguda que tenga contrato con Blue Shield o a otro centro al cual su PCP esté afiliado. Puede solicitar una lista de estos centros llamando a nuestro Departamento de Servicio para Miembros. Si recibe una factura de cualquier proveedor no perteneciente a la red por servicios cubiertos, como atención de emergencia, servicios urgentemente necesarios o servicios de diálisis renal fuera del área, no la pague. Envíenos la factura a la siguiente dirección y nosotros pagaremos el monto cubierto, menos los montos de copago o coseguro que correspondan: Blue Shield 65 Plus y Blue Shield 65 Plus Choice Plan Claims Department P.O. Box 272640 Chico, CA 95927-2640
This page intentionally left blank
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty Affiliated Hospitals BlueSheidl65 Plus
comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr L 17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, 92708
Ellen Amador F ID No. 100087763011 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Farsi
Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708 Orange County Global Medical Center Inc 1001 N Tustin Ave Santa Ana, 92705 Placentia Linda Hosp L 1301 N Rose Dr Placentia, 92870
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red,
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571025 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Family Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rodolfo Arevalo M ID No. 100090280034 947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-1491 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1701 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 354 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2464 (323) 221-5366 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1217 W Whittier Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4642 (323) 728-6070 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Youssef Beshai M ID No. 100106725009 801 N Harbor Bl Anaheim, CA 92805-1810 (714) 774-7500 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ashish Bhavsar M ID No. 100184871008 410 W Central Ave STE 105 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 529-8923 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bruno Bucci M ID No. 100107030005 620 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-5716 (714) 547-6485 Languages: Italian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Thuy Bui F 10362 Bolsa Ave Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shahida Baig F ID No. 100188037021 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Trieu Bui M ID No. 100105256003 10551 Mcfadden Ave STE C Garden Grove, CA 92843-5329 (714) 839-1276 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Family Practice Janine Chamberlin F ID No. 100052615024 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd SUITE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Michael Dao M ID No. 100019932016 14362 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 531-7830 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vey Chen M ID No. 100104371008 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Henry Cheng M ID No. 100210518008 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 242 Anaheim, CA 92807-4760 (714) 974-0613 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Semira Dariushnia F ID No. 100110877005 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 288-0052 Languages: French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Pauline Dang F 13872 Harbor Blv 1C Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese Phu Dang M ID No. 100076322006 10495 Bolsa Ave 106 Westminster, CA 92683-6762 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jaclynn Do F ID No. 100089331008 8070 Westminster Blvd # A Westminster, CA 92683-3303 (714) 899-9898 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Kasein Gonzalez Gonzalez M ID No. 100159743018 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Spanish
Dennis Downs M ID No. 100086341004 200 N Harbor Blvd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92805-2511 (714) 533-7021 Languages: Spanish
Joseph Gregurich M ID No. 100050359002 11180 Warner Ave # 363 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7501 (714) 556-8320 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tuoc Duong M ID No. 100094333008 9009 Mcfadden Ave Westminster, CA 92683-6408 (714) 899-2600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344011 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish John Geiss M ID No. 100226234007 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 306 Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 577-9500 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Chinh Dinh M ID No. 100069897004 3414 W Ball Rd STE F Anaheim, CA 92804-3726 (714) 761-9137 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235010 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish
Said El Zayat M ID No. 100060507011 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic and French
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kenneth Grubbs M ID No. 100074043005 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Family Practice Jose Guerra M ID No. 100163320007 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-5314 (714) 490-2750 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Huy Kim Hoang M ID No. 100082865005 10530 Bolsa Ave STE C Westminster, CA 92683-6799 (714) 554-4676 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jeff Huang M ID No. 100071860007 18663 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6709 (714) 887-9800 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jacob Huynh M ID No. 100227678005 7901 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 869-8146 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yousef Ireifej M ID No. 100012460006 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Charles Jackson M ID No. 100068096004 17122 Beach Blvd STE 102 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-5992 (714) 847-6545
Paul Johnson M ID No. 100043271007 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850 Languages: Spanish
Khiem Lai M ID No. 100108716008 12502 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92840-4807 (714) 590-1949 Languages: Vietnamese
David Joss M ID No. 100012007010 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish
Nguyet Le F ID No. 100066934003 1771 W Romneya Dr STE E1 Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 535-5589 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141012 321 N Pomona Ave STE B Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 462-8383 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Thomas Kockinis M ID No. 100083025005 18811 Huntington St STE 130 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-6003 (714) 596-1105 Languages: Filipino, German, Italian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Pat Kouwabunpat M ID No. 100059386014 1610 W Edinger Ave B Santa Ana, CA 92704-4339 (714) 641-1610 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loi Luu F ID No. 100068442004 14501 Magnolia St STE 108 Westminster, CA 92683-1307 (714) 799-7731 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sanjeev Mall M ID No. 100191112011 710 S Brookhurst St STE Q Anaheim, CA 92804-4321 (714) 598-7578 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew Manos M ID No. 100083638007 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Greek and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Family Practice Catherine Marks F ID No. 100231399012 3400 West Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 157 Kingswood Irvine, CA 92620 (714) 398-3484 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Chester Mojica M ID No. 100039460012 12511 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 643-7176 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Assanassios Moussa Faltas M ID No. 100231398011 3400 W Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
William Ngo M ID No. 100104756002 8342 Garden Grove Blvd 5 Garden Grove, CA 92844-1192 (714) 590-4899 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754008 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brian Minkus M ID No. 100082451012 18502 Gridley Rd Artesia, CA 90701-5406 (562) 865-6160 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Diane Nguyen F 10362 Bolsa Ave STE 110 Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khanh Nguyen M ID No. 100105298055 13830 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-3121 (714) 467-4330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lan Nguyen F ID No. 100071143004 10402 Westminster Ave 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843-4861 (714) 539-4900 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phuc Dang Nguyen M ID No. 100105218006 7895 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4043 (714) 893-0882 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Quang Binh Nguyen M ID No. 100234354005 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tien Nguyen M ID No. 100105036007 2222 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92707-3220 (714) 542-1331 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Douglas Nitta M ID No. 100055242007 301 W Bastanchury Rd STE 155 Fullerton, CA 92835-3477 (714) 773-1116 Languages: Japanese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Arthur Nuval M ID No. 100047758014 910 S Knott Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-8674 (714) 527-2888 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hitesh Patel M ID No. 100039358006 7915 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 891-4549 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose Perez M ID No. 100076529010 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-5314 (714) 490-2750 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mahmood Peshimam ID No. 100030726002 10900 Warner Ave STE 115 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3846 (714) 968-8600 Languages: Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Family Practice Dzung Pham M ID No. 100105142004 15435 Jeffrey Rd STE 127 Irvine, CA 92618-4113 (949) 654-8455 Languages: Chinese, French and Vietnamese
Shida Saam F ID No. 100093095013 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 106 Irvine, CA 92618-3704 (714) 541-5355 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Tuan Phan M ID No. 100081677012 10362 Bolsa Ave # 206 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at: 801 N Tustin Ave 203 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3612 (714) 541-5355 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Prosser M ID No. 100070030007 6510 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90815-1554 (562) 429-8812 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Huong Quy F ID No. 100144225009 9559 Bolsa Ave STE D Westminster, CA 92683-5986 (714) 531-5754 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maryam Rahnemun F ID No. 100044080015 520 N Main St STE 220 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4623 (714) 547-1700 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rosemary Reyes F ID No. 100214861009 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 490-2750 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Nahla Salem F ID No. 100039479016 631 S Brookhurst St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92804-3563 (714) 991-5700 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 26781 Portola Pkwy STE 4E Foothill Ranch, CA 92610-1758 (949) 297-3888 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 8101 Newman Ave STE B Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7042 (714) 847-3030 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Reza Shafee M ID No. 100046125009 2010 E 1st St STE 130 Santa Ana, CA 92705-4086 (949) 836-3540 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Homa Shoghian F ID No. 100109807004 1329 W Warner Ave Santa Ana, CA 92704-5118 (714) 444-0044 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Don Smith M ID No. 100043911005 1125 E 17th St N453 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2265 (714) 547-5801 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steele Smith M ID No. 100034201005 3055 W Orange Ave 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3159 (714) 527-7707 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ali Tajik M ID No. 100111646008 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 826-7440 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hoong Foong Tang ID No. 100093986007 3010 W Orange Ave STE 402 Anaheim, CA 92804-3173 (714) 220-3101 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gardner Tarlow M 215 N State College Blvd STE C Anaheim, CA 92806-2936 (714) 772-2210 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Family Practice Carmen Terreros F ID No. 100083252007 801 N Tustin Ave STE 607 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3610 (714) 541-4145 Languages: Spanish
Lauren Tran F ID No. 100083040005 10362 Bolsa Ave 207 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese
Anh Chi Tran M ID No. 100104956005 1714 N Bush St Santa Ana, CA 92706-2812 (714) 541-8883 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Mary Tran F ID No. 100034299002 10741 Westminster Ave STE 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-9181 Languages: Vietnamese
Cam Huong Tran F ID No. 100134714003 10090 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4721 (714) 590-1682 Languages: Vietnamese
Nhu Van Truong M ID No. 100092990004 10402 Westminster Ave STE 100B Garden Grove, CA 92843-4862 (714) 539-4946 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Clamon Vu M ID No. 100158833004 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415009 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice Chung Bui ID No. 100058843005 10301 Bolsa Ave STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-6784 (714) 531-2203 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Donny Tran M ID No. 100231522007 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Kinh Tran M ID No. 100084925003 15975 Harbor Blvd Fountain Valley, CA 92708-1303 (714) 546-6575 Languages: French and Vietnamese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Harvey Yung M ID No. 100082607005 1781 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1818 (714) 808-9208 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin
Charles Yang M ID No. 100105707002 17552 Beach Blvd STE B Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6821 (714) 848-1177 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665028 8551 La Palma Ave STE A Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-8609 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at: 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Samuel Carlis M ID No. 100027518008 20932 Brookhurst St 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646-6638 (714) 963-4559 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - General Practice Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703020 767 W 19th St 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish
Cam Le M ID No. 100092722003 9341 Bolsa Ave Westminster, CA 92683-5928 (714) 894-9666 Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144057 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Humberto Florian M ID No. 100009997005 2090 S Euclid St 104 Anaheim, CA 92802-3143 (714) 539-2200 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Samuel Gendler M ID No. 100016358010 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Polish and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Chinh Huynh M ID No. 100051931004 9411 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5980 (714) 839-2896 Languages: Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Ghadir Kinawy F ID No. 100112668004 1125 E 17th St # W122 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 547-9090 PCPs-GeneralPracitce
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946013 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
German Navarro M ID No. 100101314008 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Ann Newsome F ID No. 100043434007 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Huu Nguyen M ID No. 100105098006 1220 Hemlock Way STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92707-3656 (714) 957-0040 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Ky Nguyen M ID No. 100105151007 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 643-9442 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Thuy Nguyen M ID No. 100072140004 9741 Bolsa Ave STE 117 Westminster, CA 92683-6682 (714) 775-1628 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Tung Nguyen M ID No. 100105243002 2509 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3401 (714) 541-0057 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Vy Chi Nguyen M ID No. 100081810003 10161 Bolsa Ave STE C202 Westminster, CA 92683-6775 (714) 775-2222 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Kea Pai F 11100 Warner Ave STE 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 966-5205 Languages: Korean PCPs-GeneralPractice
Tung Phan M ID No. 100104854005 10152 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4754 (714) 530-3939 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - General Practice Shafeeq Shamsiddeen M ID No. 100087742028 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-5314 (714) 490-2750 Languages: Spanish
Chi Huu Phung M ID No. 100114161003 13155 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-1080 (714) 537-8487 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-General Practci e
Jared Piety M ID No. 100049199054 6510 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90815-1554 (562) 429-8812 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Frank Rubino M ID No. 100100332003 10681 Bolsa Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-5270 (714) 554-2322 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Jesus Serna M ID No. 100035105003 2621 S Bristol St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5718 (714) 550-0971 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Joseph Serna M 2620 S Bristol St STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-5503 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Matthew Szawlowski M ID No. 100014625004 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 841-5958 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Thomas Ton M ID No. 100045195013 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Mercedes Samson F ID No. 100085598013 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at: 12116 Beach Blvd Stanton, CA 90680-3704 (714) 898-2222 Languages: Spanish
Du Tran M ID No. 100068717002 10090 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4721 (714) 590-1682 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Janja Viltuznik F ID No. 100068590006 2617 E Chapman Ave 205 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 538-6822 Languages: Serbo-Croatian, Slavak and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Eva Yong F ID No. 100103838006 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 710 Anaheim, CA 92801-2814 (714) 535-7559 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
George Youssef M ID No. 100057184011 1120 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2805 (714) 774-0754 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine Behdad Akbarpour M ID No. 100111272004 6801 Quail Hill Pkwy Irvine, CA 92603-4234 (949) 725-0100 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Turkish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ravindra Alapati M ID No. 100039931011 1771 W Romneya Dr STE C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 758-0403 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Telugu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mir Ali M ID No. 100098819007 3400 W Ball Rd STE 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 828-2554 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106012 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549014 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ahmed Badr M ID No. 100103956008 3055 W Orange Ave STE 103 Anaheim, CA 92804-3152 (714) 995-2901 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727014 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Prakash Bondade M ID No. 100014080005 17150 Euclid St STE 218 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4092 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Loc Dac Bui M ID No. 100073719003 8900 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5475 (714) 897-2623 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Majed Chane M ID No. 100112140005 18800 Main St 103 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1707 (714) 842-8100 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Regina Cuenca F ID No. 100110842063 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Wu Yen Chen M ID No. 100055546002 11100 Warner Ave STE 118 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 979-5650 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Taiwanese
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3528 (714) 836-6800 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ching Fong Chin M ID No. 100091985004 17822 Beach Blvd STE 252 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7184 (714) 843-5770 Languages: Chinese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Roberto Contreras M ID No. 100133604007 904 E Pacific Coast Hwy Long Beach, CA 90806-5626 (562) 612-4891 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dat Duong M ID No. 100109688016 13926 Beach Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 893-1212 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Paul Duong M ID No. 100105688003 9433 Bolsa Ave STE A Westminster, CA 92683-5964 (714) 839-7332 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768004 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Gerald Gellerman M ID No. 100041396004 5977 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808-3752 (562) 421-3727 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Arthur Helfat M ID No. 100037771006 3400 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 995-1098 Languages: Spanish
Manisha Goel F ID No. 100112685063 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Hindi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victoria Greblya F ID No. 100108123008 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Russian PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Robert Ha M ID No. 100089650006 8700 Warner Ave STE 140 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3209 (714) 847-6727 Languages: Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Asaad Hakim M ID No. 100028104012 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Franklin Hanauer M ID No. 100007501006 601 South Beach Blvd Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 827-4240
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403064 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Peng-Yun Huang F ID No. 100253275003 113 Waterworks Way STE 110 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 393-5789 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842010 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gurleen Jamarai M ID No. 100134233021 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 503 Anaheim, CA 92801-2812 (714) 533-1707 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shelly Heidelbaugh F ID No. 100047032008 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nishu Karki F ID No. 100193993009 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 780-5990 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Abdul Khan M ID No. 100071815057 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Munazza Khan F ID No. 100109392010 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chin Se Kim M ID No. 100038044014 1736 W Medical Center Dr STE B Anaheim, CA 92801-1854 (714) 520-0809 Languages: Japanese and Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dae Choong Kim ID No. 100025470004 8862 Garden Grove Blvd STE 102 Garden Grove, CA 92844-1212 (714) 539-9963 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Nam Kim M ID No. 100026072016 6261 Stanton Ave Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 739-4325 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 210 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 222-9158 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Russell Klein M ID No. 100100611004 1501 Superior Ave 111 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3600 (949) 274-8030 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aruna Krishnaswamy F 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ryan Klein M ID No. 100058655004 1501 Superior Ave 111 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3600 (949) 274-8030
Also located at: 1510 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813-5002 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
William Klein M ID No. 100015112004 1501 Superior Ave 111 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3600 (949) 274-8030
Also located at: 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
Krishan Krishna M ID No. 100103100004 3356 W Ball Rd STE 210 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 826-0910 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6233 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Son Thanh Le M ID No. 100095888006 8887 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92844-2608 (714) 698-3880 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Tam Le M ID No. 100200130002 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 634-9442 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ching Lee M ID No. 100097075003 408 S Beach Blvd STE 203 Anaheim, CA 92804-1877 (714) 527-9111 Languages: Chinese, Korean and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hwa Mu Lee M ID No. 100041120003 3010 W Orange Ave STE 103 Anaheim, CA 92804-3170 (714) 821-9420 Languages: Korean PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Thirapan Kunakornskul M ID No. 100020325004 1120 W La Palma Ave STE 6 Anaheim, CA 92801-2820 (714) 776-6930 Languages: Lao and Thai PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Soledad Lee F ID No. 100074185010 6888 Lincoln Ave STE M Buena Park, CA 90620-4107 (714) 828-8400 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Trang Lam F ID No. 100209485005 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Harold Lin M ID No. 100015865005 3791 Katella Ave STE 105 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2000 (562) 594-6693 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Anhtuan Nguyen M ID No. 100071445004 10362 Bolsa Ave 207 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese
Thai Nguyen M ID No. 100101428007 15556 Brookhurst St STE B Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 775-8090 Languages: Vietnamese
Cuong Nguyen M ID No. 100102200004 9211 Bolsa Ave STE 220 Westminster, CA 92683-5571 (714) 898-9966 Languages: Vietnamese
Thanh Nguyen F ID No. 100076372014 15576 Brookhurst St STE B Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 775-8090 Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at: 1510 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Spanish
Dao Nguyen F ID No. 100038464004 9211 Bolsa Ave STE 220 Westminster, CA 92683-5571 (714) 898-9966 Languages: Vietnamese
Arlena Menda F ID No. 100057074006 710 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Spanish
Dat Manh Nguyen M ID No. 100105283004 14536 Brookhurst St STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-5788 (714) 531-2548 Languages: Vietnamese
Thanh Minh Nguyen M ID No. 100105021004 8919 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92844-2609 (714) 893-5511 Languages: Vietnamese
Magdi Messiha M ID No. 100113216007 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic, Egyptian and Spanish
Hung Nguyen 10362 Bolsa Ave 110 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese
Manish Marolia M ID No. 100059142005 17822 Beach Blvd 473 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 596-5557 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Meena Meka F ID No. 100219558003 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dean Ngo M ID No. 100086512009 15606 Brookhurst St B Westminster, CA 92683-7581 (714) 531-0000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nhan Nguyen M ID No. 100067234003 10298 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4830 (714) 537-8269 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tu Nguyen M ID No. 100089327008 10362 Bolsa Ave # 206 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vuong Nguyen M ID No. 100086565010 10141 Westminster Ave E Garden Grove, CA 92843-4788 (714) 467-4321 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jae Park M 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Arun Patel M ID No. 100038680007 907 W Wilshire Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-1635 (714) 871-6161 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hamendra Rana M ID No. 100037694007 1913 E 17th St STE 106 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8627 (714) 547-6278 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kathryn Rigonan F ID No. 100084512004 11100 Warner Ave # 154 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 754-0100 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stanley Rosenblatt M ID No. 100017802003 1501 Superior Ave 111 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3600 (949) 274-8030 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joey Arcadio Lun Santos M ID No. 100102178004 1020 S Anaheim Blvd STE 220 Anaheim, CA 92805-5821 (714) 635-7127 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alan Schwartz M ID No. 100040371053 2621 S Bristol St 307 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5766 (714) 918-3070 Languages: Spanish
Barry Schwartz M ID No. 100074120004 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 848-7676 Languages: Spanish
Phuong Ta F ID No. 100166184010 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Farid Shakibai M ID No. 100018230002 11100 Warner Ave STE 110 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 557-0997 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
Dillon Tran M ID No. 100169495002 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 215 Westminster, CA 92683-5562 (714) 897-3300 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
James Sharkoff M ID No. 100091013013 8045 Cerritos Ave Stanton, CA 90680-2436 (714) 828-2444 Languages: Greek PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
John Stouffer M 3356 W Ball STE 217 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 827-5140 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M 11180 Warner Ave STE 271 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 979-2825 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sobha Sunderrajan F 11180 Warener Ave STE 271 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 435-0150 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Telugu PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Nhon Tran M ID No. 100073394002 14082 Magnolia St STE 109 Westminster, CA 92683-4764 (714) 895-8583 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Scott Tran M ID No. 100105049004 9876 Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-6418 (714) 534-4001 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Vu Truong M ID No. 100108748007 1775 W Lincoln Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-6771 (714) 491-9022 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine David Tsong M ID No. 100065606003 17822 Beach Blvd STE 352 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7176 (714) 848-8131 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese, Korean and Mandarin PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hon Yu M ID No. 100038984003 2621 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5700 (714) 210-2450 Languages: Chinese and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ker Chow Chang M ID No. 100098906035 400 W. Central Ave STE. 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 255-1148 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Thuan Vo M ID No. 100028795006 9024 Bolsa Ave Westminster, CA 92683-5531 (714) 899-2911 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Long Dei Liu M ID No. 100020477002 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 402 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 539-7030 Languages: Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
John Wang M ID No. 100088855003 11160 Warner Ave 405 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4012 (714) 263-0923 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish
Martin Blanco Eccleston M ID No. 100059729006 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thuc Tu M ID No. 100094366007 6552 Bolsa Ave N Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2656 (714) 898-9635 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jung San Yu M ID No. 100010120004 351 Hospital Rd STE 211 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3504 (949) 645-4000 Languages: Chinese
Ha Nguyen M ID No. 100105348036 1066 Atlantic Ave D Long Beach, CA 90813-3401 (562) 590-2241 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 2707 E Valley Blvd 103 West Covina, CA 91792-3195 (626) 810-7772 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hung-Chuan Cheng M ID No. 100014292005 11100 Warner Ave STE 118 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 444-0724 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527006 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hing Be M ID No. 100104380005 1834 W Lincoln Ave STE P Anaheim, CA 92801-5425 (714) 991-5680 Languages: Cambodian
Janak Chopra M ID No. 100019119007 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 404 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 638-0232 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Family Practice Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687009 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Duc Tran M ID No. 100105584015 9091 Edinger Ave A Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-4616 Languages: Vietnamese
Victor Dinh M ID No. 100087803013 9746 Westminster Ave STE D2 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 530-0776 Languages: Vietnamese
Anna Liu F ID No. 100012178007 11100 Warner Ave # 358 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-1500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
General Practice
Sheldon Fayner M ID No. 100046044006 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish
Nhanhau Ngo F ID No. 100060776014 12692 Brookhurst St. Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 657-7100 Languages: Vietnamese
Navid Geula M ID No. 100107189009 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Hung Nguyen M ID No. 100054783016 10222 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 539-0444 Languages: Vietnamese
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813006 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757
William Nuesse M ID No. 100096540005 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420 Languages: French, German and Vietnamese
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364012 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khine Khin F ID No. 100107913007 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Burmese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Eliott Romero M ID No. 100092885024 11180 Warner Ave STE 253 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7515 (714) 546-0099 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reza Danesh M 10931 Cherry St STE 200 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 497-9229 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Ghanshyam Lohiya M ID No. 100011814004 1120 W Warner Ave A Santa Ana, CA 92707-3179 (714) 850-9700 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Ngoc Nguyen F ID No. 100105123002 12302 Garden Grove Blvd STE 27 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1834 (714) 530-2772 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Lucy Saenz F 1203 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-1954 (714) 224-3388 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - General Practice Hichang Choi M ID No. 100087499003 4336 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3564 (562) 799-6000 Languages: Korean
David Shek M ID No. 100045699014 1401 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-6246 (714) 772-9800 PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine Amirtha Ajit F ID No. 100011951010 1751 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 776-3180 Languages: Spanish and Tamil PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Alyn Gary Anderson M ID No. 100092322004 17822 Beach Blvd 166 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 848-8208 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M ID No. 100109933060 1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302 Fullerton, CA 92835-4131 (714) 441-0591 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 836-6800 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Minh Do M 4718 W 1st St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 418-0488 Languages: Vietnamese
Rakesh Bhola M ID No. 100049855007 1781 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1818 (714) 776-2700 Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Vincent Chiu M ID No. 100042658002 3010 W Orange Ave STE 109 Anaheim, CA 92804-3170 (714) 527-6363 Languages: Mandarin and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nguyen Dang M 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713009 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese
Francisco Gonda M ID No. 100053488009 1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2826 (714) 956-5470 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pin Hung Hsieh M ID No. 100045044014 13522 Newport Ave 102 Tustin, CA 92780-3707 (714) 573-8200 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chung Hur F ID No. 100040025008 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Raouf Kayaleh M ID No. 100036116013 1125 E 17th St # E109 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 279-0711 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Su Yong Kuo F 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858008 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Ajay Meka M ID No. 100098859026 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu
Chuan Nguyen M ID No. 100105288007 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6209 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu
Hoang Tran Nguyen M ID No. 100113329006 16040 Harbor Blvd STE G Fountain Valley, CA 92708-1327 (714) 531-7930 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Minsen Mok M ID No. 100020961005 11100 Warner Ave 362 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 434-4990 Languages: Cantonese and Chinese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph Nassir M ID No. 100063669006 17822 Beach Blvd 430 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 843-6800 Languages: Farsi, Hebrew and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Phuc Vinh Nguyen M ID No. 100105343004 9500 Bolsa Ave STE M Westminster, CA 92683-5943 (714) 531-8915 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Derek Truong Phan M ID No. 100104855008 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 205 Westminster, CA 92683-5561 (714) 891-7035 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Phuongchi Phan F ID No. 100089497013 14571 Magnolia St STE 207 Westminster, CA 92683-5576 (714) 890-9241 Languages: French and Vietnamese
Daniel Nassir Hilton M ID No. 100077003010 17822 Beach Blvd STE 430 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7508 (714) 843-6800 Languages: Farsi and Spanish Sujata Reddy F 18111 Brookhurst St 6100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 968-6789 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lutfi Sayyur M 220 Laguna Rd STE 6 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 446-8702 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sultan Shah M ID No. 100043126007 710 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 710 N Euclid St STE 400 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-5002 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Archana Shende F ID No. 100111099009 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 309 Anaheim, CA 92801-2811 (714) 999-1050 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 23441 Golden Springs Dr # 346 Diamond Bar, CA 91765-2030 (714) 262-4027 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hung Min Sung M ID No. 100013151005 2621 S Bristol St STE 109 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5718 (714) 754-0310 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Otto Liao M Tustin, CA
Arthur Calick M Huntington Beach, CA
Joseph Nguyen M Los Alamitos, CA
Jerrold Cantor M Santa Ana, CA
Divyang Trivedi M Norwalk, CA
Watson Desa M Los Alamitos, CA
Also located at: 17370 Norwalk Blvd Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Francis Yu M Irvine, CA
Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA
Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA
Khue Vu M ID No. 100137229010 14571 Magnolia St STE 106 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 894-6233 Languages: Vietnamese
Chiwai Chan M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Steven Forman M Los Alamitos, CA
Winston Wong M ID No. 100046178009 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA
Ranjit Goonetilleke M Santa Ana, CA
Reza Mahrou M Irvine, CA
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA
Doanh Andrew Nguyen Westminster, CA
David Kramer M Anaheim, CA
Also located at: 17370 Norwalk Blvd Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Amir Rafizad M Irvine, CA
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA
Robert Lee M Los Alamitos, CA
Kwan Tan M ID No. 100063177009 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Harpreet Singh M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology
Cardiovascular Disease
Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Tao Hong Duong M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Paul Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Jerrold Bustos M Irvine, CA
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Ramadneep Brar F Los Alamitos, CA
Stuart Fischer M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Mark Miller M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Luc Sinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Thai Nguyen M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Timothy O Neill M Los Alamitos, CA
Harishchandra Patel M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Frank Garofalo M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jeffrey Punim M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Sanjiv Patel M Fountain Valley, CA
Gregory Bartlow M Santa Ana, CA
Aleem Syed M Anaheim, CA
Kumar Raja M Huntington Beach, CA
Lani Clark F Los Alamitos, CA
Michael Tran M Orange, CA
Rodney Ranaei M Fountain Valley, CA
Cole Fulwider F Los Alamitos, CA
Linda Wang F Los Alamitos, CA
Shankarlingam Sainath M Fountain Valley, CA
Laura King F Los Alamitos, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA
Rifaat Salem M Irvine, CA
Anil Shah M Santa Ana, CA
Jacqueline Levin F Mission Viejo, CA Rancho Santa Margarita, CA San Clemente, CA
Harshad Shah M Huntington Beach, CA
Mark Maida M Los Alamitos, CA
Family Practice
Satinder Swaroop M Fountain Valley, CA
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA
Richard Swensson M Long Beach, CA
Navid Nami M Newport Beach, CA
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Quan Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Parvindar Wadhwa M Anaheim, CA
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Jesse Wasley M Huntington Beach, CA
Syrus Rayhan M Huntington Beach, CA
Bret Witter M Los Alamitos, CA
Michael Tabibian M Los Alamitos, CA
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Amer Zarka M Santa Ana, CA
Ole Saetrum Opgaard M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Billy Yee M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Rodolfo Arevalo M Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Hing Be M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Ker Chow Chang M Brea, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
John Geiss M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Hung Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tuan Phan M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Reza Shafee M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Gastroenterology
Gynecologic Oncology
Ashokkumar Amin M Anaheim, CA
Michael Berman M Orange, CA
Songul Atay F Los Alamitos, CA
Ambika Bali F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Ranjan Sapra M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Merrill Shum M Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Shahnaz Shaikh F Fountain Valley, CA
Nilesh Vora M Long Beach, CA
Nicole Sharkey F Anaheim, CA
Reena Vora F Anaheim, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Infectious Disease
Sirus Farivar M Huntington Beach, CA
Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA
Puneet Chahal F Santa Ana, CA
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Rehana Baqai F Lamirada, CA
Javier Davila M Fountain Valley, CA
Hoa Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Eric Cheung M Lakewood, CA
Pankaj Khemka M Anaheim, CA
Quang Phan M Garden Grove, CA
Eknath Deo M Long Beach, CA
Melissa King F Santa Ana, CA
Harvinder Sahni M Fountain Valley, CA
Aamer Farooq M Downey, CA
David Lang M Newport Beach, CA
Davinder Singh M Fountain Valley, CA
Jack Freimann M Montebello, CA
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA
David Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Youssef Gamal M Anaheim, CA
Dick Yip M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Huang M Downey, CA
Beena Shah F Anaheim, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Long Phi Dang M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Jason Yip M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Stephen Huang M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Tuan Ta M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
William Thompson M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Ramin Zabihi M Mission Viejo, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Zelner M Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel Kim M Anaheim, CA
Amirtha Ajit F Anaheim, CA
General Practice
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA
Ravin Rupani M Downey, CA
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Internal Medicine Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Nishu Karki F Anaheim, CA
Anjali Vora F Newport Beach, CA
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M Fullerton, CA
Raouf Kayaleh M Santa Ana, CA
Khue Vu M Westminster, CA
Rakesh Bhola M Anaheim, CA
Aruna Krishnaswamy F Anaheim, CA
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA
Hwa Mu Lee M Anaheim, CA
Winston Wong M Buena Park, CA Cerritos, CA
Ahmed Badr M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Majed Chane M Huntington Beach, CA
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA
Ching Fong Chin M Huntington Beach, CA
Daniel Nassir Hilton M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Hichang Choi M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Hoang Tran Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Mir Madani M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA
Phuc Vinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Regina Cuenca F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Thai Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Thanh Minh Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Eric Cheung M Lakewood, CA
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA
Eknath Deo M Long Beach, CA
Marvin Reyes M Fountain Valley, CA
Nahid Hamoui F Irvine, CA
Lutfi Sayyur M Fullerton, CA
Daniel Huang M Downey, CA
Archana Shende F Anaheim, CA
Stephen Huang M Downey, CA
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Nader Javadi M Orange, CA
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA
Thuan Vo M Westminster, CA
Daniel Kim M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Medical Oncology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sandeep Dang M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Minh Do M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Manisha Goel F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Asaad Hakim M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Arthur Helfat M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Gurleen Jamarai M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Thomas Reynolds M Downey, CA Montebello, CA
Gaytri Gandotra F Fountain Valley, CA
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Nancy Hernandez F Garden Grove, CA
Avedik Semerjian M Lakewood, CA
Joginder Jodhka M Fountain Valley, CA
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Ravin Rupani M Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Ranjan Sapra M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Merrill Shum M Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nilesh Vora M Long Beach, CA
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA
Reena Vora F Anaheim, CA
Laurence Lewin M Orange, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Carol Major F Orange, CA
Tarun Marwaha M Fountain Valley, CA
Ronald Naglie M Long Beach, CA
Essam Mostafa M Fountain Valley, CA
Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA
Manuel Porto M Orange, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Mindy Bixby F Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Eric Wechsler M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Vijayalakshmi Wijeyakumar F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA
Russell Ness M Garden Grove, CA
Maher Azer M Los Alamitos, CA
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Alexander Cheung M Anaheim, CA
Chong Parke M Long Beach, CA
An Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA
Mohamed Rajudin M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ing Wong M Los Alamitos, CA
Neurology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Alan Cohen M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
William Hornstein M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
James Kim M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Omid Omidvar M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jack Rubin M Los Alamitos, CA
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Leslie Gonzalez F Los Alamitos, CA
Russell Rapoza M Fountain Valley, CA
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA
William Han M Fountain Valley, CA
Shala Salem F Irvine, CA
Nguyen Thong M Long Beach, CA
Christine Hoang F Westminster, CA
Daryoosh Samimi M Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
In Hur M Anaheim, CA
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA
Nancy Vu F Westminster, CA
Hong An Jan M Garden Grove, CA
Stephen Torday M Fountain Valley, CA
Hyung Kim M Santa Ana, CA
Dzu Tran Westminster, CA
Joel Kizner M Los Alamitos, CA
Hiep Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Long Dei Liu M Garden Grove, CA
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA
Virginia Agnelli F Los Alamitos, CA
Jaime Ludmir M Santa Ana, CA
Cau Vo M Westminster, CA
Francois Phong Bui M Westminster, CA
Nilima Mamtora F Anaheim, CA
Peter Wang M Garden Grove, CA
Gregory Chan M Anaheim, CA
Jay Masserman M Fountain Valley, CA
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Cynthia Chao F Long Beach, CA Alan Dang F Santa Ana, CA
Sunita Moola F Fountain Valley, CA
Nicolas Dikio M Los Alamitos, CA
Ha Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Ban Duc Doan M Garden Grove, CA
Phu Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Amin Fawwaz M Anaheim, CA
John Pinches M Los Alamitos, CA
Mehrdad Forghan Arani M Garden Grove, CA
Roya Rakhshani F Costa Mesa, CA
Duke Phan M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jamie Kim M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Minal Mehta F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
James Boyce M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Mark Alan Bronstein M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Leslie Bruce Lyle M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Luis Chanes M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Eli Chang M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Tom Chang M La Quinta, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Lawrence Chong M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Matthew Kim M Fullerton, CA
Thanh Lan Quan F Westminster, CA
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Santa Ana, CA
Tae Kim M Cerritos, CA
Teresa Rosales F Long Beach, CA
Omar Krad M Santa Ana, CA
David Samimi M Garden Grove, CA
Norman Liu M Garden Grove, CA
Jude Santiago M Westminster, CA
Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA
Steven Schmidt M Anaheim, CA
Carlos Martinez M Long Beach, CA
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA
John Mcbeath M Long Beach, CA
Alice Song F Long Beach, CA
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Kevin Suk M Arcadia, CA
Mohammad Neal M Anaheim, CA
Michael Vu M Westminster, CA
Elizabeth Nguyen F Westminster, CA
Sarah Whang F Orange, CA
Randall Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Jared Younger M Fountain Valley, CA
Triet Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Trung Minh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Roh M Garden Grove, CA
Trinh Nhu F Los Alamitos, CA
Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA
Nelson Noguchi M Anaheim, CA
Michael Tran M Westminster, CA
Tuyet Mai Phan F Westminster, CA
Ashkan Pirouz M La Jolla, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Anthony Culotta M Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Viet Dang M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kourosh Dastgheib M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Cuong-Dung Do M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kim Anh Doan F Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
James Donovan M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Charles Eifrig M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
L Wayne Freeman M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Selena Fu F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Julie Gasperini F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nengjie Ge M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Lawrence Geisse M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Scott Grant M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ilan Hartstein M La Palma, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Leonidas Johnson M Buena Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Phuong Le M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Optometrist Kauser Sharieff F Orange, CA
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Trang Tran F Westminster, CA
Steven Jensen M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Dieu Nga Truong F Garden Grove, CA
Kenneth Kim M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Crti cal Care Medci ne
Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA
Kenneth Grant M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Castanon M Hungtington Beach, CA
Anjuli Kumar F Long Beach, CA
Cecil Folmar M Westminster, CA
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA
Pediatric Pulmonology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Frank Caruana M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Crti cal Care Medci ne
Otolaryngology / Otology / Pediatric Laryngology / Rhinology Gastroenterology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
B Richard Burke M Irvine, CA
Benedict Ching M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
David Haupt M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Kevin Ho M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Peter Kim M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
R Denis Russell M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Michael Kim M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Nghia Nguyen M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Charles Oh M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Nainamohamed Rahman M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Samuel Whitaker M Alhambra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Nina Yoshpe F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Kathy Yu-Syken F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Cyrus Mehraban Shahriary M Long Beach, CA
Michael Schilling M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Philip Shupe M Rancho Santa Marg, CA
Joseph Chun M Buena Park, CA
Michael Simons M Fountain Valley, CA
Mamerto Garcia M Anaheim, CA
Steven Swartz M Huntington Beach, CA
Duke Kim M Mission Viejo, CA
Eric Travis M Huntington Beach, CA
Xuanto Leduc F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Thanh Quoc Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Clifton Schermerhorn M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Pulmonary Diseases
Pediatric Cardiology
Jacob Sweidan M Garden Grove, CA
Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Jooby Babu M West Covina, CA
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA
Dieumy Thai F Westminster, CA
Jagminder Bhalla M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Robby Ayoub M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Diseases Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
James Gitlin M Huntington Beach, CA
Peter Leport M Fountain Valley, CA
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA
Gerald Ho M La Palma, CA
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Richard Le M Anaheim, CA
Nina Trinh F La Palma, CA
Santosh Mohanty M Huntington Beach, CA
Hwa Mu Lee M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA
Jin Jou Lu M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Kwei Min Pan M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery General
Arnold Ostrow M Los Alamitos, CA
Pejman Babakhanlou M Anaheim, CA
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA
John Saito M Garden Grove, CA
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
Adarsh Sharma M Newport Beach, CA
Joel Berman M Fountain Valley, CA
Yasser Salem M Anaheim, CA Foothill Ranch, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Todd Harris M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Nghiem Dang M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Radiology Diagnostic Linda Hwa F Anaheim, CA
Edgar Fernandez M Fountain Valley, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Richard Guerrero M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Nahid Hamoui F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Robert Woodhouse M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Theodore Jekums M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Rheumatology David Dang M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Kychuong Van Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Nguyen Do Duy M Fountain Valley, CA
Robert Kwon M Los Alamitos, CA
Humberto Sauri Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Howard Knohl M Stanton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery General Vascular Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Daniel Flanigan M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Rajesh Lal M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Surgery Hand Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Hand
Surgery Neurological Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Edward Chappell M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Neurological Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA
Peyman Tabrizi M Santa Ana, CA
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Surgery Orthopedic
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Shlomi Albert M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Ruben Baghdassarian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Kamran Aflatoon M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Surgery Pediatric
Duke Ahn M Los Alamitos, CA
John German M Orange, CA
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
Lance Betson M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Stuart Chalfin M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Manilal Mehta M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
Antony Reddy M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Gerald Cara M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Plastic
Khiem Dao M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Farbod Esmailian M Los Alamitos, CA
Alfred Sidhom M Anaheim, CA
Arian Mowlavi M Laguna Beach, CA
Nhiep Tang M Santa Ana, CA
Elizabeth Nguyen F Westminster, CA
Bernard Turbow M Fountain Valley, CA
Thuan Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Wineland M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Payam Farjoodi M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Raymond Folmar M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Edward Green M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Richard Solmer M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Farhad Hajaliloo M Long Beach, CA
Alan Tran M Fountain Valley, CA
Todd Katzman M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Eamonn Mahoney M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Harry Marinow M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Alaa Afifi M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Richard Ott M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Alamitos IPA Affiliated Hospitals
Los Alamitos Medical Center L 3751 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, 90720
Family Practice
Gerardo Canchola M 8551 La Palma Ave STE A Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-8609 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jacqueline Aguiluz F 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
Urgent Care Centers
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Ellen Amador F ID No. 100087763009 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rodolfo Arevalo M 947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270 Anaheim, CA 92805-5584 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Samuel Carlis M 20932 Brookhurst St 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646-6638 (714) 963-4559 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Michael Dao M 14362 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 531-7830 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Francisco Badar M ID No. 100113313020 19123 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703 (562) 924-8880 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Birinder Brara M 3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90808-2145 (562) 421-7292 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish
Karen Dix F ID No. 100038621019 911 E San Antonio Dr 4 Long Beach, CA 90807-2204 (562) 799-0383 Languages: Cambodian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose Mari Elacion M ID No. 100052060012 3650 E South St STE 412 Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 634-8001 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Alamitos IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344008 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Geiss M ID No. 100226234005 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 306 Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 577-9500 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Charles Jackson M ID No. 100068096006 17122 Beach Blvd STE 102 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-5992 (714) 847-6545 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sherif Labatia M 5750 Downey Ave STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 384-3034 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Matemotja M 711 E Rosecrans Ave Compton, CA 90221 (310) 635-5223 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 12131 Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1154 (562) 809-0299 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Manuel Mendoza M 16323 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-5209 (562) 925-7716 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
John Molina M ID No. 100083037039 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Hitesh Patel M ID No. 100039358013 7915 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 891-4549 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mahmood Peshimam ID No. 100030726004 10900 Warner Ave STE 115 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3846 (714) 968-8600 Languages: Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 4870 Barranca Pky 230 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 559-8600 Languages: Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice David Joss M ID No. 100012007013 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144062 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Frank Rubino M ID No. 100100332009 10681 Bolsa Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-5270 (714) 554-2322 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Mercedes Samson F 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Alamitos IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice Barry Schwartz M ID No. 100074120006 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 848-7676 Languages: Spanish
Archna Chaudhary F 4401 Atlantic Ave STE 202 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 988-2777 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil
Robert Lugliani M ID No. 100006335015 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 902 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 437-0996 Languages: Italian
Also located at: 5122 Katella Ave STE 308 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-8555 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil
Meena Meka F ID No. 100219558011 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Spanish
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311012 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi
Also located at: 1501 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Internal Medicine
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ahmed Alsadek ID No. 100027436006 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Youssef Awad M ID No. 100083652024 3530 Long Beach Blvd STE 120 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 989-1200 Languages: Arabic PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Aaron Kern M 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 812 Long Beach, CA 90831 (562) 437-0506 Languages: Arabic PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Prakash Bondade M 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Audrey Konow F ID No. 100019213010 601 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 1 Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 609-1068 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Robert Melikian M 3801 Katella Ave STE 321 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3369 (562) 594-8149 Languages: Armenian, Farsi and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard Lee M 5981 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Spanish
Rene Perez Silva M ID No. 100009095020 1045 Atlantic Ave 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave STE 225 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3364 (562) 594-6995 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Alamitos IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744011 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sajeet Sawhney M ID No. 100253911002 11100 Warner Ave STE 218 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 641-9696 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Farid Shakibai M ID No. 100018230004 11100 Warner Ave STE 110 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 557-0997 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sobha Sunderrajan F 11180 Warener Ave STE 271 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 435-0150 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
David Tsong M ID No. 100065606005 17822 Beach Blvd STE 352 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7176 (714) 848-8131 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese, Korean and Mandarin
John Wang M ID No. 100088855004 11160 Warner Ave 405 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4012 (714) 263-0923 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Petra Wong F ID No. 100103814021 3801 Katella Ave STE 301 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-6472 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Ha Nguyen M ID No. 100105348035 1066 Atlantic Ave D Long Beach, CA 90813-3401 (562) 590-2241 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Also located at: 3791 Katella Ave 108 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3105 (562) 431-3521 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527010 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Yvette Cressey F ID No. 100063109013 1275 N Rose Dr # 124 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 792-0000 Languages: French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brandon Grove M ID No. 100089138010 5888 Edinger Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1705 (714) 377-7469 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813009 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vikram Marfatia M ID No. 100111167035 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 817-5603 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Weiping Mei F ID No. 100034500013 5865 E Naples Plaza Long Beach, CA 90803 (562) 438-5021 Languages: Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Duc Tran M ID No. 100105584012 9091 Edinger Ave A Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-4616 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Alamitos IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice General Practice
Fee Kyan M 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 300 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 804-0100 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sheldon Fayner M ID No. 100046044013 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Sen Lai M ID No. 100018101013 2690 Pacific Ave STE 270 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 599-0609 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine Alyn Gary Anderson M ID No. 100092322005 17822 Beach Blvd 166 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 848-8208 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Irene Leech F ID No. 100006785011 125 E 8th St STE 100 Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 590-8509 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Neha Bhansali F 3300 E South St STE 205 Ajay Meka M Lakewood, CA 90805-4587 ID No. 100098859045 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 Joseph Chun M (714) 635-8570 ID No. 100064665014 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, 6261 Stanton Ave Tagalog and Telugu Buena Park, CA 90621-2436 Daniel Nassir Hilton M (714) 739-4325 ID No. 100077003008 Languages: Korean and 17822 Beach Blvd STE 430 Spanish Huntington Beach, CA Also located at: 92647-7508 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd (714) 843-6800 STE 210 Languages: Farsi and Spanish Irvine, CA 92618-3189 Visal Nga M (949) 222-9158 1269 E Anaheim St Languages: Korean and Long Beach, CA 90813-3709 Spanish (562) 599-5300 Rozalie Jackson F Languages: Cambodian 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 210 Long Beach, CA 90815-4020 (562) 986-1450 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Joseph Nguyen M 4332 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3564 (714) 244-9651 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sujata Reddy F ID No. 100022108019 18111 Brookhurst St 6100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 968-6789 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vannarith So M 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 101 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 986-6138 Languages: Cambodian PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jacquelyn Vander Wall F ID No. 100029621007 10861 Cherry St STE 104 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-5403 (562) 431-8771 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Chifoo David Yue M 9349 Somerset Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-3447 (562) 866-8111 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 5309 Lincoln Ave Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 484-8111 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Specialty Physicians
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Alamitos IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Allergy Immunology Allergy Immunology
Laura King F Los Alamitos, CA
Anoop Shah M Long Beach, CA
Mark Maida M Los Alamitos, CA
Timothy Simmons M Long Beach, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA
Alex Kutas M Lakewood, CA
Jonathan Blitzer M Huntington Beach, CA
Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA
Cynthia Forsthoff F Long Beach, CA
Linda Wang F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Steven Meltzer M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Marc Tamaroff M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Robert Lee M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Cardiovascular Disease Stuart Fischer M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Steven Forman M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Sabira Tejani F Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Serge Tobias M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Hematology / Oncology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Neha Bhansali F Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Karen Dix F Long Beach, CA
Joseph Chun M Buena Park, CA Irvine, CA
John Geiss M Placentia, CA
Rozalie Jackson F Long Beach, CA
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA
Jonathan Baron M Santa Ana, CA
Richard Lee M Los Alamitos, CA
Meena Meka F Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Henry Van Gieson M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Gregory Bartlow M Santa Ana, CA
Gaurang Chaurushia M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA
Michael Castro M Lakewood, CA
Joe Chen M Los Alamitos, CA
Lani Clark F Los Alamitos, CA
Visal Nga M Long Beach, CA
Long Phi Dang M Westminster, CA
Cole Fulwider F Los Alamitos, CA
Joseph Nguyen M Los Alamitos, CA
Daniel Rodiles M Los Alamitos, CA
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Matthew Goodman M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Daniel Nassir Hilton M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Alamitos IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Nicolas Dikio M Los Alamitos, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Vannarith So M Long Beach, CA
Leslie Gonzalez F Los Alamitos, CA
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Joel Kizner M Los Alamitos, CA
Elias Ayoub M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Cecil Folmar M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Medical Oncology Jonathan Blitzer M Long Beach, CA
Ha Nguyen M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Anthony Ciarolla M Long Beach, CA
John Pinches M Los Alamitos, CA
Josephine Saad F Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Pediatrics Xuanto Leduc F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Ronald Fischman M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Hubert Gulak M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne/Rehabli ta oi n
Stanley Carson M Long Beach, CA
Carl Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Victor Kabbany M Lakewood, CA Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Lawrence Hodor M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Avedik Semerjian M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Ronald Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Joseph Hughes M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Pulmonary Diseases Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Thomas Di Julio M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Larry Pasquali M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael Erlich M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Virginia Agnelli F Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Cynthia Chao F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Michael Cogan M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Arthur Gelb M Lakewood, CA
Jared Younger M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Padmanabha Shakkottai M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Radiology Therapeutic Sulabha Dave F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Rheumatology Trinh Nhu F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Andre Babajanians M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Alamitos IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology Nancy Godfrey F Long Beach, CA
Ramy Elias M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Michael Maehara M Long Beach, CA
David Wall M Bellflower, CA
Ivette Stickelmaier F Lakewood, CA
Andrew Wassef M Lakewood, CA
Surgery General
Surgery Plastic
Dena Amr F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Pearlman Hicks M Long Beach, CA
Philip Faraci M Lakewood, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Andre Maginot M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Surgery Thoracic Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
James Murray M Long Beach, CA
Daniel Bethencourt M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA
Navrose Grewal M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Simon Rayhanabad M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Guy Lemire M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Neurological Ramin Javahery M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Hooshang Pak M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Abraham Rayhaun M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Ivar Szper M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Urology Ernest Agatstein M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Shahrad Aynehchi M Downey, CA Inglewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence Paletz M Downey, CA Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Surgery Orthopedic Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select Affiliated Hospitals
Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Family Practice
Los Alamitos Medical Center L 3751 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, 90720 Placentia Linda Hosp L 1301 N Rose Dr Placentia, 92870
Elmo Agatep M ID No. 100093431006 1198 Pacific Coast Hwy SUITE I Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 594-5627 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919028 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Rodolfo Arevalo M ID No. 100090280036 947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-1491 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1217 W Whittier Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4642 (323) 728-6070 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Francisco Badar M 19123 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703 (562) 924-8880 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shahida Baig F 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Juan Alas Pocasangre M ID No. 100113677008 325 E La Habra Blvd La Habra, CA 90631-5439 (562) 691-7100 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ethan Allen M ID No. 100051768006 12820 Studebaker Rd STE 101 Norwalk, CA 90650-2580 (562) 868-7873 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Soma Barua F ID No. 100107663010 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Bengali and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jenny Batongmalaque F ID No. 100076856009 23251 Main St Carson, CA 90745-5229 (310) 830-4561 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Eric Roberto Batres M ID No. 100066038005 5101 Florence Ave STE 4 Bell Gardens, CA 90201-3801 (323) 560-4673 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571014 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Youssef Beshai M ID No. 100106725010 801 N Harbor Bl Anaheim, CA 92805-1810 (714) 774-7500 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrea Brown F ID No. 100080975004 3460 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2334 (562) 594-6599 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
James Burris M ID No. 100058553008 2540 N Santiago Blvd Orange, CA 92867-1862 (714) 921-1030 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sangjun Byeon M ID No. 100028756011 18391 Colima Rd 201 Rowland Heights, CA 91748-2730 (626) 912-2911 Languages: Korean PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665015 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Howard Bland M ID No. 100098852006 1198 Pacific Coast Hwy STE 1 Sherie Carnegie F Seal Beach, CA 90740 ID No. 100061604007 (562) 799-7071 8142 Firestone Blvd Languages: Spanish Downey, CA 90241-4231 (562) 869-8621 William Bowman M ID No. 100065456006 Janine Chamberlin F 5977 E Spring St ID No. 100052615021 Long Beach, CA 90808 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd (562) 421-3727 SUITE 100 Languages: Sindhi and Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Spanish (714) 985-6400 Birinder Brara M ID No. 100013286011 3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90808-2145 (562) 421-7292 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew Chao M ID No. 100221204015 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd STE 255 Anaheim Hills, CA 92807 (714) 998-5677 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter Chau M ID No. 100059352012 5979 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 423-0421 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Po Zan Chen M ID No. 100034944004 2605 1\2 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-2309 (323) 722-5700 Languages: Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry Cheng M ID No. 100210518005 751 S Weir Caynon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808 (714) 974-0611 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loida Constantino F ID No. 100095454010 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 104 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 961-8820 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Anissa Davis F ID No. 100055648004 3460 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2334 (562) 594-6599 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Matthew Davis M ID No. 100031907004 10601 Walker St 250 Cypress, CA 90630-4733 (714) 252-8311 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mehtab Bambrah Dhamija F ID No. 100114408011 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3409 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose De Souza M ID No. 100063663004 3460 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2334 (562) 594-6599 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Virendra Desai M ID No. 100062383005 5451 La Palma Ave 43 La Palma, CA 90623-1728 (714) 523-0000 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Karen Dix F ID No. 100038621014 911 E San Antonio Dr 4 Long Beach, CA 90807-2204 (562) 799-0383 Languages: Cambodian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edward Drake M ID No. 100079863008 1325 N Rose Dr 201 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 203-1760 Languages: German and Spanish
Kailash Dhamija M ID No. 100089396021 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jose Mari Elacion M 3650 E South St STE 412 Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 634-8001 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3409 (562) 595-7467 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344007 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bertha Gonzalez F ID No. 100028664009 3106 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-2217 (323) 728-1274 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Eduardo Gonzalez M ID No. 100095288006 3625 M L King Jr Bl 7 Lynwood, CA 90262-3509 (310) 763-1336 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kasein Gonzalez Gonzalez M ID No. 100159743010 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kendra Gorlitsky F ID No. 100200376003 4085 S Vermont Ave Los Angeles, CA 90037-1942 (323) 541-1411 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shobha Govind F ID No. 100049162009 3650 South St 103 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-8110 Languages: Hindi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Bethany Gray F ID No. 100193244012 10601 Walker St STE 250 Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 252-8311 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Ole Heggeness M ID No. 100093510006 10210 Orr And Day Rd A Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-3500 (562) 863-8774 Languages: Spanish
David Joss M ID No. 100012007011 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish
Gloria Hu F ID No. 100166547004 3460 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-6599
Dan Kahen M ID No. 100243140008 1146 W Redondo Beach Blvd Gardena, CA 90247 (310) 323-9999 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jasia Hu F ID No. 100017278005 5977 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808 (562) 421-3727 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter Hugh M ID No. 100036607008 3650 South St 204 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 602-8841 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jincy Jacob F ID No. 100149582017 832 S Grevillea Ave Inglewood, CA 90301 (310) 419-4354 Languages: French, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cindy Jen F ID No. 100190954003 10601 Walker St STE 250 Cypress, CA 90630-4733 (714) 252-8311 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Elizabeth Kavoossi F ID No. 100065379005 5977 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808 (562) 421-3727 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Susan Kawakami F ID No. 100078410005 8556 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240-4015 (562) 861-0101 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Maribel Khoury F ID No. 100090775005 14906 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-3409 (562) 630-1991 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Nabil Horacio Khoury M ID No. 100102905008 14906 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-3409 (562) 630-1991 Languages: Arabic, Hebrew and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Gregory Kimball M ID No. 100107377006 1198 Pacific Coast Hwy STE I Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 799-7071 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rolf Knapp M ID No. 100084369007 2540 N Santiago Blvd Orange, CA 92867-1862 (714) 921-1030 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard Lee M ID No. 100220215005 3460 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-6599 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M ID No. 100020508012 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Judith Lee Vogt F ID No. 100030688005 3460 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-6599 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Augustin Lin M ID No. 100098652004 13768 Roswell Ave STE 120 Chino, CA 91710-1404 (909) 396-1755 Languages: Burmese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Lloyd M 1198 Pacific Coast Hwy STE 1 Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 799-7071 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Marcus Lum M ID No. 100100282008 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000
Daniel Matemotja M 711 E Rosecrans Ave Compton, CA 90221 (310) 635-5223 Languages: Russian and Spanish
John Millane M ID No. 100099978004 5977 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808-3752 (562) 421-3727 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 7643 S. Atlantic Avenue Cudahy, CA 90201 (323) 771-1713 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Brian Minkus M ID No. 100082451014 18502 Gridley Rd Artesia, CA 90701-5406 (562) 865-6160 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jamshid Maleki M ID No. 100096014007 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edwin Mangune M ID No. 100173362005 16660 Paramount Blvd 110 Paramount, CA 90723-5433 (562) 633-2021 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Laurine Maxell F ID No. 100080903002 5977 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808-3752 (562) 421-3727 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Paramjot Mann F ID No. 100110491005 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805-4595 (562) 817-5602 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Punjabi
Manuel Mendoza M ID No. 100047566013 16323 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-5209 (562) 925-7716 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Payam Marouni M ID No. 100083045016 8338 Rosemead Blvd Pico Rivera, CA 90660 (562) 942-1200 Languages: Armenian, Farsi, Filipino, Persian and Spanish
Paul Mercer M ID No. 100009246005 10210 Orr And Day Rd A Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-3500 (562) 863-8774 Languages: Spanish
Edgar Martinez M ID No. 100082313009 3512 E Florence STE 102 Huntington Park, CA 90255-5900 (323) 582-1180 Languages: Spanish
Marianne Mikhail F ID No. 100196873005 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2025 (714) 985-6400 Languages: Arabic and French
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946016 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Nasir Mohammedi M ID No. 100092184010 9200 Colima Rd STE 207 Whittier, CA 90605-1814 (562) 945-0252 Languages: French, Hindi and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sabeen Munib F ID No. 100168805014 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd SUITE 206 Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 282-6935 Languages: Hindi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Douglas Nitta M ID No. 100055242008 301 W Bastanchury Rd STE 155 Fullerton, CA 92835-3477 (714) 773-1116 Languages: Japanese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Arnold Pang M ID No. 100113657008 15572 Gale Ave Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-1513 (626) 377-4562 Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Venancio Prado M ID No. 100085347008 7444 Florence Ave STE G Downey, CA 90240-3600 (562) 806-9955 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jose Prieto M ID No. 100084038006 4566 Florence Ave STE 2 Cudahy, CA 90201-4346 (323) 582-7186 Languages: Spanish
Deepak Patel M ID No. 100074311021 215 N State College Blvd STE A Anaheim, CA 92806 John Prosser M (714) 517-0467 Languages: Hindi and Spanish ID No. 100070030009 6510 E Spring St Deborah Pauer F Long Beach, CA 90815-1554 ID No. 100032546004 (562) 429-8812 3460 Katella Ave Languages: Spanish Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2334 Karen Rasmussen F (562) 594-6599 ID No. 100150039005 Kristine Percy F 3460 Katella Ave ID No. 100038660007 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 539 S Brea Blvd 100 (562) 594-6599 Brea, CA 92821-5377 Lee Razalan M (714) 671-2936 ID No. 100058357008 Languages: French and 2511 Pacific Ave Spanish Long Beach, CA 90806-3033 Ronald Pinkerton M (562) 424-4661 ID No. 100052236005 Languages: Spanish and 8337 Telegraph Rd 315 Tagalog Pico Rivera, CA 90660-4909 Steven Reynolds M (562) 928-5892 ID No. 100096815005 Languages: Spanish 5977 Spring St Abelardo Pita M Long Beach, CA 90808 ID No. 100090422005 (562) 421-3727 13930 Seal Beach Blvd Maria Rodriguez F Seal Beach, CA 90740 ID No. 100080370006 (562) 430-8888 2417 Whittier Blvd STE 101 Languages: Spanish Los Angeles, CA 90023-1356 (323) 881-1641 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rosa Rodriguez F ID No. 100178157006 1910 Magnolia Ave SUITE 101 Los Angeles, CA 90007-1220 (323) 541-1411 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joan Rosenburg F ID No. 100093052026 13930 Seal Beach Blvd Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-8888 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joe Rossini M ID No. 100077233008 420 W. Central Ave. STE A Brea, CA 92821 (714) 529-3971 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rafael Rubalcava M ID No. 100087553007 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roger Samawi M ID No. 100035070009 1045 Atlantic Ave 1019 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 901-9228 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dennis Sanchez M ID No. 100015951010 9306 Alondra Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-4212 (562) 866-9100 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3529 Firestone Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-3031 (323) 566-1700 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Mark Schneider M ID No. 100075074006 10800 Paramount Blvd 402 Downey, CA 90241-3331 (562) 923-8333 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Cordelia Sotelo F ID No. 100071943005 5977 East Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808 (562) 421-3727 Languages: Spanish
Gardner Tarlow M 215 N State College Blvd STE C Anaheim, CA 92806-2936 (714) 772-2210 Languages: Spanish
Salvador Sotomayor M ID No. 100047494013 5036 Passons Blvd STE 2 Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2864 (562) 654-2800 Languages: Italian and Spanish
Atef Tawfik ID No. 100216991005 11003 Lakewood Blvd 201 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 869-1038
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Marianna Shakhnovits F ID No. 100148496004 101 E Beverly Blvd 303 Montebello, CA 90640-4316 (323) 837-5147 Languages: Armenian Denise Smith F ID No. 100090330013 3737 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd STE 605 Lynwood, CA 90262 (310) 639-9363
Shrikant Tamhane M ID No. 100049991013 23517 Main St STE 103 Carson, CA 90745-5234 (310) 834-5388 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin Sechrist M ID No. 100065691006 10800 Paramount Blvd 402 Downey, CA 90241-3331 (562) 923-8333
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tahani Soliman F ID No. 100082229006 6526 Rugby Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-4006 (323) 583-2247 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lauren Stearns F ID No. 100048911007 539 S Brea Blvd 100 Brea, CA 92821-5377 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 5920 Atlantic Blvd Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 562-2535 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Smita Soans F ID No. 100106743013 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Rodolfo Tabila M Languages: Hindi and Spanish ID No. 100072742013 1339 W Willow St Rasha Soliman F Long Beach, CA 90810-3116 ID No. 100093176012 (562) 492-6698 6526 Rugby Ave Languages: Filipino, Spanish Huntington Park, CA and Tagalog 90255-4006 (323) 583-2247 Ali Tajik M Languages: Spanish ID No. 100111646006 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 826-7440 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Daniel Uribe M ID No. 100062305014 121 N Euclid St La Habra, CA 90631-4614 (562) 691-0811 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 13307 San Antonio Dr Norwalk, CA 90650-2970 (562) 863-0124 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Xanthe Victoria F ID No. 100076182006 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice
General Practice
Rosario Cecilio F ID No. 100038792007 15111 Whittier Blvd 102 Whittier, CA 90603-2136 (562) 945-6440 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Tagalog
Robert Wielenga M ID No. 100083198004 10835 New St Downey, CA 90241-3714 (562) 923-9100 Languages: Spanish
Jeremiah Aguolu M ID No. 100104287012 15603 Hawthorne Blvd Lawndale, CA 90260-2639 (310) 644-4488 Languages: French, Spanish and Tagalog
Basil Felahy M ID No. 100095779016 11017 S Atlantic Ave 1 Lynwood, CA 90262-3001 (310) 635-3800 Languages: Arabic
Alberto Wilches M ID No. 100030125008 7831 Jackson St Paramount, CA 90723-5016 (562) 531-1178 Languages: Spanish
Eung Bai M ID No. 100015977006 12017 Rosecrans Ave Norwalk, CA 90650-4120 (562) 868-2027 Languages: Korean
Donna Wong F ID No. 100077682005 10800 Paramount Blvd STE 402 Downey, CA 90241-3334 (562) 923-8333 Languages: Arabic, Chinese and Mandarin
Luis Galdamez M ID No. 100060866009 6831 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-4805 (323) 581-8234 Languages: Spanish
Edgardo Binoya M ID No. 100058316004 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 118 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 866-1500 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Also located at: 2955 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5836 (323) 585-0732 Languages: Spanish
Graciela Calatayud ID No. 100091810006 3400 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5835 (323) 589-9384 Languages: Spanish
Fernando Gonzales M ID No. 100054605010 12444 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602-1005 (562) 698-0161 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Maurice Vincent M ID No. 100059140011 410 W Central Ave STE 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 482-2775 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Harvey Yung M ID No. 100082607007 1781 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1818 (714) 808-9208 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phillip Zaret M ID No. 100040006005 15090 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1301 (562) 943-8444 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Cindy Zia F ID No. 100165264004 1198 Pacific Coast Hwy STE I Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 799-7071 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665024 8551 La Palma Ave STE A Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-8609 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - General Practice Sudha Govindarajan F ID No. 100057066012 1640 W 3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90017-1102 (213) 483-1251 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tamil PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at: 101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302 Montebello, CA 90640-4316 (323) 728-8181 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tamil PCPs-General Practci e
Mohamed Hafez M ID No. 100190419004 9918 Katella Ave STE C Anaheim, CA 92804-6466 (714) 625-8320 Languages: Arabic PCPs-General Practci e
Humberto Herrera M ID No. 100084659019 6831 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-4805 (562) 734-7070 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at: 2955 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5836 (323) 585-0732 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Mehar Iqbal F ID No. 100026764019 7851 Walker St STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1734 (714) 670-1261 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 609 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-3623 (714) 670-1261 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -General Practci e
Saturnina Mercado F ID No. 100018099007 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 207 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 863-3474 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -General Practci e
Meera Modi F ID No. 100056899012 1100 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90012-1217 (213) 250-3716 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Vijaya Katukota F ID No. 100038415019 2272 Pacific Ave # A Long Beach, CA 90806-4312 (562) 427-8018 Languages: Hindi and Spanish Rosalind Pallivathucal F ID No. 100093883011 Also located at: 8100 California Ave STE K 100 E Market St South Gate, CA 90280-2469 (323) 357-1000 Long Beach, CA 90805-5924 (562) 428-4222 Languages: Italian, Malayalam Languages: Hindi and Spanish and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Aram Keusayan M ID No. 100009569008 7643 Atlantic Ave Cudahy, CA 90201-5019 (323) 771-1713 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Michael Maguire M ID No. 100031567004 7624 Painter Ave 100 Whittier, CA 90602-2300 (562) 945-9333 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Abdul Masoud M ID No. 100024644006 555 W Compton Blvd 104 Compton, CA 90220-3085 (310) 639-7200 Languages: Farsi and German
Venancio Prado M ID No. 100085347025 6301 Greenleaf Ave Whittier, CA 90601-3536 (562) 693-9880 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Adoracion Reyes F ID No. 100067560004 1350 Chestnut Ave Long Beach, CA 90813-2945 (562) 599-1565 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - General Practice William Rubinson M ID No. 100036140009 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish
Hoong Foong Tang ID No. 100093986008 3010 W Orange Ave STE 402 Anaheim, CA 92804-3173 (714) 220-3101 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
Donald Salis M ID No. 100024714004 14359 Pioneer Blvd # A Norwalk, CA 90650-4850 (626) 864-7279 Languages: Spanish
Ngoc Mai Tran F ID No. 100104991010 15715 S Atlantic Ave Fl 2 Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221-4242 (323) 541-1411 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese
Mercedes Samson F ID No. 100085598012 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Mahendra Sanathra M ID No. 100084824004 2015 E Florence Ave Los Angeles, CA 90001-2754 (323) 581-0000 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Shokouh Tamadon F ID No. 100089937005 15111 Whittier Blvd 102 Whittier, CA 90603-2136 (562) 945-6440 Languages: Farsi PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Terence T Tan M ID No. 100111669004 3301 Beechwood Ave Lynwood, CA 90262-3301 (310) 638-5188 Languages: Burmese and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Cesar Velez M ID No. 100024107011 4070 E Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90023-3332 (323) 268-8545 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Samantha Von Ins F ID No. 100194578002 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Behrooz Yagoobian M ID No. 100010557010 15730 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-4333 (562) 634-1000 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine John Adams M ID No. 100025486014 2777 Pacific Ave E Long Beach, CA 90806-2625 (562) 426-6571 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Richard Aguilar M ID No. 100091768013 8327 Davis St # 202 Downey, CA 90241-4998 (562) 923-8055 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 7705 Seville Ave # B Huntington Park, CA 90255-6315 (323) 582-7406 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Parveen Ahmed F ID No. 100060296006 4511 Rosemead Blvd Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2032 (562) 695-2282 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mir Ali M ID No. 100098819009 3400 W Ball Rd STE 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 828-2554 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Anwar Arastu M ID No. 100081281008 12675 La Mirada Blvd 200 La Mirada, CA 90638-2200 (562) 941-9853 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549016 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian
Carl Buckhorn M ID No. 100072402057 515 E Commonwealth Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-2020 (657) 378-9888 Languages: Spanish
Ahmed Badr M ID No. 100103956010 3055 W Orange Ave STE 103 Anaheim, CA 92804-3152 (714) 995-2901 Languages: Arabic
Archna Chaudhary F ID No. 100109300024 4401 Atlantic Ave STE 202 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 988-2777 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Linda Barkodar F ID No. 100143034010 2809 Tweedy Blvd South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 567-9909 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Domingo Barrientos M ID No. 100097866007 10800 Paramount Blvd STE 203 Downey, CA 90241-3317 (562) 869-1322 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Mohammad Chaudhry M ID No. 100108117009 101 E Beverly Blvd 401 Montebello, CA 90640-4317 (323) 722-2260 Languages: Pakistan, Punjabi and Urdu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727016 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Maurice Bell M ID No. 100072404008 4100 Long Beach Blvd STE 200 Long Beach, CA 90807-2696 (562) 981-2355
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 5122 Katella Ave STE 308 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-8555 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Prasad Chode M ID No. 100068754007 8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 319-2085 Languages: Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kenneth Cohen ID No. 100048385005 2101 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-3951 (323) 724-3210 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lucita Cruz F 12507 Alondra Blvd Norwalk, CA 90650-7351 (562) 802-2203 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dwight David M ID No. 100071400005 15111 Whittier Blvd 102 Whittier, CA 90603-2136 (562) 945-6440 Languages: Farsi, Filipino and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Beverly Davis F ID No. 100043657007 3628 E Imperial Hwy 202 Lynwood, CA 90262-2643 (310) 631-5000 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Verretta Deorosan F ID No. 100102961021 1045 W Redondo Beach Blvd STE 115 Gardena, CA 90247-4129 (323) 779-2800 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Daniel Enayati M ID No. 100015206007 3175 Firestone Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-2951 (323) 567-8910 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
William Essilfie M ID No. 100036714013 1141 W Redondo Beach Blvd STE 307 Gardena, CA 90247-3583 (310) 715-6100 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Stuart Finkelstein M ID No. 100102931023 3650 South St 101 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 633-1765 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Donna Frisch F ID No. 100027714005 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd 206 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 282-6934 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alan Frischer ID No. 100076838004 11480 Brookshire Ave 200 Downey, CA 90241-5018 (562) 806-0874 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arnab Ganguly M ID No. 100218994004 11525 Brookshire Ave SUITE 400 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 869-4497 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gerald Gellerman M ID No. 100041396005 5977 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90808-3752 (562) 421-3727 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jaya George F ID No. 100029442062 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azmy Ghaly M ID No. 100096562009 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Manisha Goel F ID No. 100112685056 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 836-6800 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Stanley Golanty M ID No. 100101956010 2777 Pacific Ave E Long Beach, CA 90806-2625 (562) 426-6571 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gopal Govindarajan M ID No. 100030406015 1640 W 3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90017-1102 (213) 483-1251 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish and Tamil PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 101 E Beverly Blvd STE 302 Montebello, CA 90640-4316 (323) 728-8181 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish and Tamil PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shehnaz Habib F ID No. 100083641008 8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2 Paramount, CA 90723-5200 (562) 602-2508 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403066 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311009 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Augustine Iluore M ID No. 100108195008 11633 Hawthorne Blvd 103 Hawthorne, CA 90250-2321 (310) 219-2929 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ron Javdan M ID No. 100216791004 611 E Imperial Hwy STE 107 Los Angeles, CA 90059 (323) 732-0100 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Alberto Jimeno M ID No. 100031981010 6061 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022-4428 (323) 725-1795 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Lloyd Johnson M ID No. 100048486007 120 S Montebello Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4730 (323) 726-0533 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Iftikhar Khan M ID No. 100016747003 101 E Beverly Blvd STE 406 Montebello, CA 90640-4317 (323) 725-3099 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Philip Lim M ID No. 100092908008 9604 Artesia Blvd STE 101 Bellflower, CA 90706-8040 (562) 804-6661 Languages: Chinese and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jackson Ma M ID No. 100092429013 433 N 4th St STE 208 Montebello, CA 90640 (323) 725-1867 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Audrey Konow F ID No. 100019213008 601 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 1 Placentia, CA 92870-3006 Patricia Maciog F (714) 961-8500 ID No. 100009763012 Languages: Spanish 6226 E Spring St STE 240 Long Beach, CA 90815-1453 Eddie Lam M (562) 938-7129 ID No. 100037917010 Languages: Spanish 333 S Garfield Ave A Ravi Makam M Alhambra, CA 91801-3800 (626) 289-7333 ID No. 100051306012 Languages: Cantonese and 1120 W La Palma Ave 14 Mandarin Anaheim, CA 92801-2801 (714) 774-9747 Soledad Lee F Languages: Spanish and ID No. 100074185008 Telugu 6888 Lincoln Ave STE M Buena Park, CA 90620-4107 Alva Marsh M (714) 828-8400 ID No. 100019354023 1112 N Santa Fe St Languages: Spanish and Compton, CA 90221 Tagalog (310) 638-1100 Tsz Ying Lee F Languages: Spanish 9209 Colima Rd STE 4400 Whittier, CA 90605-1823 Glenn Marshak M Languages: Cantonese ID No. 100089310014 3175 Firestone Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-2951 (323) 567-8910 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rivera Marco Martinez M ID No. 100101725004 4566 Florence Ave STE 5 Cudahy, CA 90201-4346 (323) 771-7466 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Thomas Mccloy M ID No. 100068044009 1045 Atlantic Ave 1019 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 437-6213 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ricardo Mckenzie M ID No. 100008528010 3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470 Lynwood, CA 90262-2662 (310) 604-3456 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Gonzalo Montalvan M ID No. 100015254006 3815 Atlantic Ave STE 3 Long Beach, CA 90807-3500 (562) 426-9482 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Andrew Mui M ID No. 100229323002 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 17370 Norwalk Blvd Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Min Min Mya F ID No. 100152269009 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Burmese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Christopher Nguyen M ID No. 100105380005 13930 Seal Beach Blvd Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Khalid Nur M ID No. 100081733006 4511 Rosemead Blvd Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2032 (562) 692-3388 Languages: Korean, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gnyandev Patel M ID No. 100078689016 3300 E South St STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 232-2380 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jose Perez M ID No. 100045624030 3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107 Los Angeles, CA 90023-1746 (323) 604-0260 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Adrian Quezada M ID No. 100210123005 4205 Slauson Ave Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-0118 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Francisco Quijas M ID No. 100057183009 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michael Roach M ID No. 100025936007 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Eric Ross M ID No. 100071386004 1211 W La Palma Ave 605 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 774-8822 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744009 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Soumitra Sarkar M ID No. 100110821010 2614 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-2310 (323) 728-0653 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
William Sim ID No. 100103928004 11480 Brookshire Ave 200 Downey, CA 90241-5018 (562) 806-0874 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
David Skinner M ID No. 100060792014 10010 California Ave South Gate, CA 90280-6006 (323) 567-2425 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
John Stouffer M 3356 W Ball STE 217 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 827-5140 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Eric Tate M ID No. 100038850003 4056 Orange Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3717 (562) 424-3328 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Aida Salatinjants F ID No. 100060463009 13132 Studebaker Rd 3 Norwalk, CA 90650-2557 (562) 406-7070 Languages: Armenian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish
Odette Tawadrous F ID No. 100111388007 3625 M L King Jr Blvd 10 Lynwood, CA 90262-2662 (310) 223-1429 Languages: Arabic
Kyi Kyi San F 9701 Lakewood Blvd STE A Downey, CA 90240 (562) 806-4040 Languages: Burmese and Spanish
Sina Tebi M ID No. 100186802007 1126 E South St Long Beach, CA 90805-4132 (562) 984-9200 Languages: Farsi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Ky Minh Tran M ID No. 100105444008 4332 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3564 (562) 430-1235 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mark Tsai M ID No. 100070686010 16415 Colorado Ave STE 101 Paramount, CA 90723-5051 (562) 634-6341 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Malvin Yan M ID No. 100096349026 4207 Slauson Avenue Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-1100 Languages: Filipino and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 15718 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-4352 (562) 634-2111 Languages: Filipino and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rafaelito Victoria M ID No. 100069827006 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 Languages: Tagalog
Martin Zapata M ID No. 100096640006 9818 Paramount Blvd STE C Downey, CA 90240-4406 (562) 806-1214 Languages: Spanish
Kuan Pok Wong M ID No. 100023927007 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Petra Wong F 3801 Katella Ave STE 300 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-6472 Languages: Spanish
Silas Thomas M ID No. 100034520008 1145 E Compton Blvd Compton, CA 90221-3307 (310) 635-8006 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bernardita De Los Reyes F 2760 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5747 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Wuu Shyon Wu M ID No. 100031524011 101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201 Montebello, CA 90640-4315 (323) 722-5163 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Juan Alas Pocasangre M ID No. 100111138006 545 N San Gabriel Ave Azusa, CA 91702-2939 (626) 815-1511 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hing Be M ID No. 100104380006 1834 W Lincoln Ave STE P Anaheim, CA 92801-5425 (714) 991-5680 Languages: Cambodian PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Martin Blanco Eccleston M ID No. 100059729008 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mary Cerni F ID No. 100032147006 1325 N Rose Dr 203 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 529-5674 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Accepting Current Patients Only
Eing Min Chang M ID No. 100034591004 2690 Pacific Ave STE 290 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-8185 Languages: Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Ker Chow Chang M ID No. 100098906028 400 W. Central Ave STE. 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 255-1148 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vinita Chaudhary F ID No. 100099965012 3650 South St 210 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 630-0910 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edwin Choi M ID No. 100064126032 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ronald Correa M ID No. 100057357005 361 E Whittier Bl B La Habra, CA 90631-3842 (562) 694-3911 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yvette Cressey F ID No. 100063109007 1275 N Rose Dr # 124 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 792-0000 Languages: French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reza Danesh M 11950 Inglewood Ave Hawthorne, CA 90250 (310) 349-8338 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
David Guerrero M ID No. 100087956008 2210 E Compton Blvd Compton, CA 90221-3556 (310) 635-1852 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 10931 Cherry Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 497-9229 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
Luis Hernandez M ID No. 100102836006 1817 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-3969 (323) 721-5524 Languages: Spanish
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364014 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese
Margaret Herrera F ID No. 100068005009 1217 W Whittier Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4642 (323) 728-6070 Languages: Spanish and Taiwanese
Chancelor Daniel M ID No. 100059933026 617 W Manchester Ave Los Angeles, CA 90044-5718 (323) 750-9715 Languages: French and Spanish
Daniel Honigman M ID No. 100065501007 3180 Colima Rd A Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-6315 (626) 961-1644 Languages: Spanish
Sheldon Fayner M ID No. 100046044008 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish
Francisco Jimenez M ID No. 100037048016 1000 W Whittier Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4639 (323) 728-7353 Languages: Spanish
Sylvia Garcia F ID No. 100077529006 14442 Whittier Blvd STE 105 Whittier, CA 90605-2162 (562) 945-1940 Languages: French and Spanish
Also located at: 517 N Main St 100 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4686 (714) 647-0401 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Steven Maier M ID No. 100079894006 3460 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-6599
Shefali Khandwala F ID No. 100003377018 539 S Brea Blvd STE 100 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vikram Marfatia M ID No. 100111167041 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 817-5603 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish
Khine Khin F ID No. 100107913009 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Burmese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Yang Lee M ID No. 100031170009 5981 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 423-1424 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 16415 Colorado Ave STE 208 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Arturo Lopez M ID No. 100065929010 9209 Colima Road 2000B Whittier, CA 90605 (562) 236-2290 Languages: Spanish
Weiping Mei F 5865 E Naples Plaza Long Beach, CA 90803 (562) 438-5021 Languages: Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Emmanuel Mojtahedian M ID No. 100083035013 6425 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022-4603 (323) 728-0101 Languages: Farsi, French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alicia Nugas F ID No. 100054868009 22408 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1546 (562) 421-2188 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kristin Olah F ID No. 100061798005 10601 Walker St 250 Cypress, CA 90630-4733 (714) 252-8311 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mark Scheier M ID No. 100016508009 5451 La Palma Ave STE 22 La Palma, CA 90623-1730 (714) 228-1446 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Yvonne Tyson F ID No. 100026273010 925 E San Antonio Dr 18 Long Beach, CA 90807-2210 (562) 728-6738 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ivan Nenadic M ID No. 100031344017 4450 W Century Blvd Inglewood, CA 90304-1504 (310) 671-0555 Languages: Spanish
Mark Varallo M ID No. 100097001012 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631-6047 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 14611 Hawthorne Blvd Lawndale, CA 90260 (424) 374-8050 Languages: Spanish
Steve Villareal M ID No. 100068981007 11161 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90606-3007 (562) 695-2250 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Christopher Lundquist M ID No. 100102789008 2874 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 579-7505 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 14350 E Whittier Bl 205 Whittier, CA 90605 (562) 945-3707 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Family Practice Vincent Wong M ID No. 100211271004 710 N Euclid St STE 301 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Cantonese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice Shubhangi Godbole F ID No. 100037706023 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
John Goff M ID No. 100041392019 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Bernard Jorge M ID No. 100015558008 21505 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1121 (562) 916-7581 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Muhammad Nasir M ID No. 100010943014 12826 E Philadelphia St STE A Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 789-9908 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish and Urdu
Camilo Jorge M ID No. 100017195009 16415 Colorado Ave STE 102 Paramount, CA 90723-5051 (562) 531-1946 Languages: Spanish
Mohammad Riaz M ID No. 100039430005 16444 Paramount Blvd STE 103 Paramount, CA 90723-5453 (562) 531-7790 Languages: Spanish and Urdu
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Stanislaus Kinota M ID No. 100062093011 4450 W Century Blvd Inglewood, CA 90304-1504 (310) 671-0555 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at: 4023 Marine Ave Lawndale, CA 90260-1840 (310) 675-9555 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Ragaa Iskarous F ID No. 100092539009 11003 Lakewood Blvd STE 201 Downey, CA 90241-3876 (562) 869-1038 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Also located at: 5920 Atlantic Blvd Maywood, CA 90270-3101 (323) 562-2535 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Francisco Jimenez M ID No. 100037048044 6517 Eastern Ave Bell Gardens, CA 90201 (323) 773-8295 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Sandra Madrid F ID No. 100072138005 12462 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602-1005 (562) 693-0725 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Reynaldo Makabali M ID No. 100097939020 2400 W 7th St STE 110 Los Angeles, CA 90057-5008 (213) 389-9595 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -General Practci e
Ruben Ruiz M ID No. 100069818012 3342 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90023-2206 (323) 267-1214 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 3012 San Gabriel Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770-2536 (626) 572-8692 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
David Shek M ID No. 100045699015 1401 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-6246 (714) 772-9800 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 239 N Brea Blvd Brea, CA 92821-4004 (714) 671-0070 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 11803 E Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 (562) 924-4455 PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - General Practice Alfredo Sweeny M 4719 S Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90037-3244 (323) 231-9983 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Internal Medicine Sam Abdelmelek M ID No. 100112855019 500 W Willow St Long Beach, CA 90806-2831 (562) 427-1700 Languages: Arabic PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Amirtha Ajit F ID No. 100011951003 1751 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 776-3180 Languages: Spanish and Tamil PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nagasamudra Ashok M ID No. 100015725031 1533 Alamitos Ave B Long Beach, CA 90813-2214 (562) 218-5350 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Robby Ayoub M ID No. 100112141014 8201 Newman Ave STE 302 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 847-6900 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Neha Bhansali F ID No. 100053018007 3300 E South St STE 205 Lakewood, CA 90805-4587 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M ID No. 100109933056 1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302 Fullerton, CA 92835-4131 (714) 441-0591 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victor Carabello M ID No. 100081104012 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave STE L200 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2470 (323) 526-2880 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arthur Carrasco M ID No. 100072359008 8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 319-2085 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Angela Chan F ID No. 100108863008 7615 Eastern Ave Bell Gardens, CA 90201-4509 (562) 927-1307 Languages: Burmese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lawrence Cohn M ID No. 100034756008 16415 Colorado Ave STE 202 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-9977 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert Cons M ID No. 100066030010 14609 Whittier Blvd Whittier, CA 90605-1723 (562) 789-9592 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
D Cotton F ID No. 100101282007 12474 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602-1005 (562) 698-9779 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Nguyen Dang M ID No. 100105247067 1801 W Romneya Dr 409 Anaheim, CA 92801-1827 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 836-6800 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 14350 Whittier Blvd STE 315 Whittier, CA 90605-2150 (562) 464-2163 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Pedro De La Rosa M ID No. 100092868009 3816 Woodruff Ave 412 Long Beach, CA 90808-2147 (562) 377-1111 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lina Dela Cruz F 140 N Orange Ave STE 104 West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 800-4200 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Eric Enriquez M ID No. 100067175009 14623 Hawthorne Blvd STE 202 Lawndale, CA 90260-1589 (310) 973-8863 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Diana Hsu F ID No. 100083052014 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Francisco Gonda M ID No. 100053488007 1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2826 (714) 956-5470 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Goethe Hsu M ID No. 100079668012 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Taiwanese
John Hernandez M ID No. 100092015005 1417 W Beverly Blvd STE 101 Montebello, CA 90640-4125 (323) 726-1109 Languages: Spanish
Chung Hur F ID No. 100040025010 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Korean
Also located at: 8338 Rosemead Blvd Pico Rivera, CA 90660 (562) 942-1200 Languages: Spanish
Marian Jalil F ID No. 100063468008 14350 Whittier Blvd STE 200 Whittier, CA 90605-2148 (562) 945-7671 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Charles Holzner M ID No. 100075623008 10000 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90240 (562) 862-3684 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pin Hung Hsieh M ID No. 100045044005 13522 Newport Ave 102 Tustin, CA 92780-3707 (714) 573-8200 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
David Kramer M ID No. 100009541011 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jason Kurtz M ID No. 100154686007 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd 306 Placentia, CA 92870-3728 (714) 577-9500 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sen Lai M ID No. 100018101016 2690 Pacific Ave STE 270 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 599-0609 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jose Lara M ID No. 100068742004 4670 Gage Ave Bell, CA 90201-1360 (323) 562-3135 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Veassa Johnson F ID No. 100071522018 520 E Carson Plaza St STE 104 Carson, CA 90746 (310) 965-0300
John Lauridsen M ID No. 100074708012 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 4760 S Figueroa St Los Angeles, CA 90037-3159 (323) 232-2601 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jesse Licuanan M 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Muhammad Memon M ID No. 100012268006 555 W Compton Blvd STE 104 Compton, CA 90220-3099 (310) 639-7200 Languages: Urdu
Visal Nga M ID No. 100150656019 1269 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813-3709 (562) 599-5300 Languages: Cambodian
Shivanand Pole M 3851 Katella Ave STE 305 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 546-7282 Languages: Hindi and Kannada
Also located at: 3275 Tweedy Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-4348 (323) 567-2258 Languages: Urdu
Chuan Nguyen M ID No. 100105288009 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Chengalroyan Raghunathan M ID No. 100040139010 16660 Paramount Blvd STE 202 Paramount, CA 90723-5457 (562) 663-9191 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tamil
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Juan Montes M ID No. 100078246032 832 S Grevillea Ave Inglewood, CA 90301-3312 (310) 419-4354 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 4545 E 3rd St STE 102 Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 266-7888 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arleen Guerrero Nieva F ID No. 100031538011 330 W Willow St Long Beach, CA 90806-2802 (562) 595-9835 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Heriberto Nunez M ID No. 100082255013 880 S Atlantic Blvd STE 302 Monterey Park, CA 91754-4785 (626) 284-3111 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 13820 San Antonio Drive Norwalk, CA 90650 (562) 944-2181 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Pramod Multani M ID No. 100090763010 8333 Iowa St STE 200 Downey, CA 90241-4994 (562) 923-1211 Languages: Hindi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
George Pang M ID No. 100031445005 8135 Painter Ave STE 305 Whittier, CA 90602-3174 (562) 693-8258 Languages: Burmese and Cantonese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shirish Patel M ID No. 100027543012 5220 Clark Ave STE 125 Lakewood, CA 90712-2623 (562) 925-7401 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ron Roque M ID No. 100033503011 1760 Termino Ave STE 104 Long Beach, CA 90804-2169 (562) 494-8512 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Siamak Rouzroch M ID No. 100110083026 1703 Termino Ave STE 107 Long Beach, CA 90804-2126 (562) 494-8008 Languages: Farsi, German and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Arnold Savage M 4760 S Figueroa St Los Angeles, CA 90037-3159 (323) 232-2601 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lutfi Sayyur M ID No. 100029213068 220 Laguna Rd STE 6 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 446-8702 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Douglas Segal M ID No. 100153968004 3737 M L King Jr Blvd 401 Lynwood, CA 90262 (310) 604-0443 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vannarith So M ID No. 100057603009 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 101 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 986-6138 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jimmy Soliman M ID No. 100059341028 617 W Manchester Ave Los Angeles, CA 90044-5718 (323) 750-9715 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
James Song M ID No. 100071690069 16404 Colima Rd FL 1 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 581-8330 Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sampath Suryadevara M ID No. 100062627008 1771 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 520-3000 Languages: Hindi and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kwan Tan M ID No. 100063177011 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Olukemi Wallace F ID No. 100065973025 15342 Hawthorne Blvd 102 Lawndale, CA 90260-2152 (310) 644-8400 Languages: Nigerian and Spanish
Also located at: 17370 Norwalk Blvd Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Also located at: 4253 Redondo Beach Blvd Lawndale, CA 90260-3341 (310) 370-5888 Languages: Nigerian and Spanish
Kartik Thaker M ID No. 100080353009 3650 South St STE 210 Lakewood, CA 90712-1527 (562) 630-2360 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish
Also located at: 600 W Machester Ave STE 4 Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 778-7697 Languages: Nigerian and Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 12291 E Washington Blvd STE 105 Whittier, CA 90606 (562) 698-7599 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor Wassily M ID No. 100112054035 101 E. Beverly Blvd STE 202 Montebello, CA 90640 (323) 722-7711 Languages: Arabic, Armenian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Philip Weinstein M ID No. 100033759012 16660 Paramount Blvd STE 201 Paramount, CA 90723-5457 (562) 633-3131 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hanson Wong M ID No. 100100599010 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 804-7223 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Winston Wong M ID No. 100046178011 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 17370 Norwalk Blvd Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Marc Baskin M Bellflower, CA Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Thomas Brodie M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Richard Deits M Anaheim, CA Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Hossein Eftekhari M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Amin Farah M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Louis Marchioli M Lamirada, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Steven Meltzer M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Roger Nguyen M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Marc Tamaroff M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Harinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Alireza Jafari M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Paiboon Mahaisavariya M Downey, CA
Paul Yoshino M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Chiropractor Edward Chu M Hacienda Heights, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Asif Durrani M Paramount, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Dan Fox M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Todd Stockwell M Long Beach, CA Robert Wilkinson M Brea, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Dermatology Fernando Canon M Pico Rivera, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Pareshkumar Patel M Whittier, CA
David Friedman M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Hossein Pedarsani M Lakewood, CA
Fredric Rosenberg M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Chengalroyan Raghunathan M Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Harvinder Sahota M Bellflower, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Gopal Govindarajan M Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA
Cardiac Electrophysiology Prakash Shenoy M Duane Bridges M Fullerton, CA Hawthorne, CA
Kartik Thaker M Lakewood, CA Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jungmee Kim Lamirada, CA
Kaushal Tamboli M Lynwood, CA
Laurel Zober F Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism David Berger M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Richard Berkson M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Anantjit Singh M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued Specialty Physicians - Endocrinology Metabolism Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Arnold Pang M Hacienda Heights, CA
Jose Pantoja M Lakewood, CA
Sylvia Shaw F Lynwood, CA
Rafael Rubalcava M Lamirada, CA
Aleem Syed M Anaheim, CA
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA
Zelman Weingarten M Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA
Minou Tran F Downey, CA
Xanthe Victoria F Bellflower, CA
Jeremiah Aguolu M Lawndale, CA
Kanchana Viswanathan F Lakewood, CA Long Beach, CA
Humberto Herrera M Huntington Park, CA
Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
General Practice Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Family Practice
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA Whittier, CA
Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Ambika Bali F Anaheim, CA
Muhammad Nasir M Whittier, CA
Rodolfo Arevalo M Montebello, CA
Mohan Bhasker M Gardena, CA
Venancio Prado M Whittier, CA
Soma Barua F Los Angeles, CA
Gaurang Chaurushia M Lynwood, CA
Mohammad Riaz M Paramount, CA
Jenny Batongmalaque F Carson, CA
William Essilfie M Gardena, CA
William Rubinson M Downey, CA
Hing Be M Anaheim, CA
Casey Fu F Hacienda Heights, CA
Ker Chow Chang M Brea, CA
Fernando Ibarra M Monterey Park, CA
Cynthia Chao F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Loida Constantino F Long Beach, CA
Bill Kim M Downey, CA
Hyuk Lee M Bellflower, CA
Karen Dix F Long Beach, CA
Sushil Ojha M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Francisco Jimenez M Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Nasir Mohammedi M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hemant Pande M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Marcus Lum M Lamirada, CA
Camilo Jorge M Paramount, CA
Rangarao Panguluri M Anaheim, CA Baldwin Park, CA Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Daniel Huang M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Infectious Disease Hugh Fulmer M Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued Specialty Physicians - Infectious Disease Pauline Ho F Placentia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Pankaj Khemka M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Dwight David M Whittier, CA
Thomas Mccloy M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Ricardo Mckenzie M Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Meher Tabatabai F Lynwood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
William Essilfie M Gardena, CA
Muhammad Memon M Compton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Joel Trotter M Placentia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Stuart Finkelstein M Lakewood, CA
Gonzalo Montalvan M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Internal Medicine Sam Abdelmelek M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
John Adams M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Amirtha Ajit F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Nagasamudra Ashok M Long Beach, CA
Jaya George F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Manisha Goel F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Marian Jalil F Whittier, CA
Shirish Patel M Lakewood, CA
Veassa Johnson F Carson, CA
Shivanand Pole M Los Alamitos, CA
Iftikhar Khan M Montebello, CA
Francisco Quijas M Los Angeles, CA
David Kramer M Anaheim, CA
Chengalroyan Raghunathan M Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M Fullerton, CA
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Victor Carabello M Los Angeles, CA
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Lawrence Cohn M Paramount, CA
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
D Cotton F Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Gnyandev Patel M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Neha Bhansali F Lakewood, CA
Visal Nga M Long Beach, CA
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Maurice Bell M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Arleen Guerrero Nieva F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Linda Barkodar F South Gate, CA
Min Min Mya F Anaheim, CA
Gopal Govindarajan M Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Ahmed Badr M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Robby Ayoub M Huntington Beach, CA
Pramod Multani M Downey, CA
Rivera Marco Martinez M Cudahy, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Michael Roach M Lamirada, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Siamak Rouzroch M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Arnold Savage M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Lutfi Sayyur M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Douglas Segal M Lynwood, CA
Medical Oncology
Vannarith So M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Daniel Huang M Newport Beach, CA
Sita Yanamadala F Long Beach, CA Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sampath Suryadevara M Anaheim, CA
Patricia Alvarado F Montebello, CA
Alan Cohen M Los Alamitos, CA
Eric Tate M Long Beach, CA
Hassan Boroujerdi Rad M Placentia, CA Whittier, CA
Dane Copeland M Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Odette Tawadrous F Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kartik Thaker M Lakewood, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Mark Tsai M Paramount, CA
Mohammad Ismail M Anaheim, CA
Rafaelito Victoria M Bellflower, CA
Samia Khwaja F Lynwood, CA
Olukemi Wallace F Lawndale, CA
Arvind Mehta M Long Beach, CA
Victor Wassily M Montebello, CA
Tanzina Nasreen F Paramount, CA
Philip Weinstein M Paramount, CA
Jesus Ramirez M Los Angeles, CA
Hanson Wong M Bellflower, CA
Rodrigo Rocha M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Winston Wong M Buena Park, CA Cerritos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Antoine Mitri Downey, CA Omid Omidvar M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Theodore Prentice M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Zhanna Rapoport F Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Johanna Rosenthal F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jack Rubin M Los Alamitos, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology Lydia Aguilera F Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Malvin Yan M Lynwood, CA South Gate, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Khalifa Mansour M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Malvin Yan M Maywood, CA Martin Zapata M Downey, CA
Chan Kim M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Monica Thornhill Joynes F Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Munther Hijazin M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Wuu Shyon Wu M Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Salvatore Danna M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Ronald Fischman M Lakewood, CA Carlos Gonzalez M Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Wen-Yuan Chiang F South Gate, CA
Ky Minh Tran M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Gwen Allen F Gardena, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Vellore Bhupathy M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Karol Bowens F Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Jorge Carreon M South Gate, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Pedro Cepeda M Redondo Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Arthur Edelstein M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Milton Lee M Lynwood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Marc Melnik M Brea, CA Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Stanley Wijesekera M Montebello, CA
Ron Gallemore M Torrance, CA
Jocelyn Zuniga F Downey, CA
Sandeep Khanna M Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Eric Kaplan M Bellflower, CA Long Beach, CA
Alejandro Montes M Whittier, CA
L Wayne Freeman M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Samuel Im M Whittier, CA
Edward Austin M Compton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Bernardita De Los Reyes F Huntington Park, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Deep Dudeja M La Habra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Edgar Abbes M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Jackie Chan M Pico Rivera, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Peter Mastan M Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John Chan M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Seymour Melnik M Brea, CA Whittier, CA
Joseph Peters M La Habra, CA Lynwood, CA
Devadatt Mishal M Downey, CA
Hanna Shammas M Downey, CA La Habra, CA Lynwood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Anthony Ogundipe M Lynwood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jung Park M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Loy Pham M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Silas Thomas M Compton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Phuong Truong F Downey, CA Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ophthalmology Henry Cramer M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ira Cohen M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Jeri Gruenes F Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Gabriel Halperin M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Ophthalmology / Otology / Lawrence Hodor M Laryngology / Rhinology Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Deep Dudeja M La Mirada, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
A Jessica Luu F Lamirada, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Stanley Lowe M Laryngology / Rhinology South Gate, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Elias Ayoub M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
David Chen M Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Shin Chiu M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Michael Oshea M Hacienda Heights, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Mark Reed Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Melanie Reed F Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued Specialty Physicians - Podiatrist Lawrence Rubin M Gardena, CA Torrance, CA
Radiation Oncology
Surgery General Vascular
Sulabha Dave F Long Beach, CA
Daniel Bethencourt M Long Beach, CA
Michael Schilling M Anaheim, CA
Jeffrey Kronson M Arcadia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
William Spak M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Psychiatry James Pratty M Cerritos, CA Torrance, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Michael Maehara M Downey, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Tien I Su F Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Pulmonary Diseases Robby Ayoub M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Arthur Gelb M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Panch Jeyakumar M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Vijay Kamdar M Downey, CA Lynnwood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Surgery General
Christopher Aho M Whittier, CA
Maxine Anderson F Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Stevan Clark M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Robert Deere M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Francis Essien M Temecula, CA Wildomar, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Narindar Singh M Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Harley Deere M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Daniel Lemay M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Haig Minassian M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic Charles Alexander M Pico Rivera, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Denise Joseph Brown F Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Viken Konyalian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Robert Bohr M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Mark Minkes M Downey, CA Jose Montano M Lynwood, CA Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Devang Savani M Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Neurological
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Ashok Raheja F Lynwood, CA
Sami Shoukair M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA
Saleem Waraich M Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Carlos Makabali M Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Richard Chambers M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Yung Cho M Los Angeles, CA Pico Rivera, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Krishnaswamy Narayanan M Vance Eberly M Montebello, CA Downey, CA Mark Odou M Ramy Elias M Montebello, CA Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Applecare Medical Grp Select, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Kyle Low M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Allen Lu M City Of Industry, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Kevin Park M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Thomas Peterson M Lynnwood, CA
George Panagiotides M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Jose Spiwak M Lynwood, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Urology Ernest Agatstein M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Ali Alavi M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA
Stuart Feldman M Pico Rivera, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA
Juan Kaplan M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Kourosh Shamlou M Downey, CA
Derrick Marinelli M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Gerald Swanson M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Manish Mehta M Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Surgery Plastic
Lawrence Paletz M Downey, CA Inglewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
John Britto M Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Pearlman Hicks M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Neil Klein M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Surgery Thoracic Navrose Grewal M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Anthony Lee M Lynwood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA Affiliated Hospitals
Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
Family Practice
Francisco Badar M 19123 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703 (562) 924-8880 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919022 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ethan Allen M ID No. 100051768002 12820 Studebaker Rd STE 101 Norwalk, CA 90650-2580 (562) 868-7873 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ellen Amador F ID No. 100087763004 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Birinder Brara M ID No. 100013286005 3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90808-2145 (562) 421-7292 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter Chau M ID No. 100059352004 5979 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 423-0421 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loida Constantino F ID No. 100095454003 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 104 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 961-8820 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Au M ID No. 100103467003 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 206 Long Beach, CA 90815-4020 (562) 498-1363 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese, Mandarin, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Manouchehr Esmaili M ID No. 100021677003 13132 Studebaker Rd 1 Norwalk, CA 90650-2557 (562) 868-5757 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Kailash Dhamija M ID No. 100089396029 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3409 (562) 595-7467 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mehtab Bambrah Dhamija F ID No. 100114408006 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3409 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Karen Dix F ID No. 100038621005 911 E San Antonio Dr 4 Long Beach, CA 90807-2204 (562) 799-0383 Languages: Cambodian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Claudia Eppele F ID No. 100111464004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (888) 885-9555 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Fernando Gonzales M ID No. 100054605003 12444 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602-1005 (562) 698-0161 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shobha Govind F ID No. 100049162005 3650 South St 103 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-8110 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sherif Labatia M 5750 Downey Ave STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 384-3034 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M ID No. 100020508018 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tamara Maher F ID No. 100021313003 10861 Cherry St STE 106 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-5403 (562) 431-9200 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew Manos M ID No. 100083638003 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Greek and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Daniel Matemotja M 711 E Rosecrans Ave Compton, CA 90221 (310) 635-5223 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 12131 Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1154 (562) 809-0299 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Manuel Mendoza M ID No. 100047566005 16323 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-5209 (562) 925-7716 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Saturnina Mercado F ID No. 100018099003 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 207 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 863-3474 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Brian Minkus M 18502 Gridley Rd Artesia, CA 90701-5406 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Dien Pham M ID No. 100105535005 855 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813-3550 (562) 591-0840 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Smita Soans F ID No. 100106743007 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Paul Yoon M ID No. 100077998004 3650 South St STE 207 Lakewood, CA 90712-1524 (562) 220-2727 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Rodolfo Tabila M ID No. 100072742016 21624 Figueroa St Carson, CA 90745-1948 (310) 328-9900 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
General Practice
Also located at: 1339 W Willow St Long Beach, CA 90810-3116 (562) 492-6698 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carolina Vazquez F ID No. 100068234003 6501 Eastern Ave A Bell Gardens, CA 90201-3003 (323) 771-0145 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Srividya Venkataraman F ID No. 100113945005 3816 Woodruff Ave STE 406 Long Beach, CA 90808-2146 (562) 497-9314 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tamil PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alberto Wilches M ID No. 100030125003 7831 Jackson St Paramount, CA 90723-5016 (562) 531-1178 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reginald Yeske M ID No. 100071352003 1770 Clark Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-3801 (562) 597-9402 Languages: Spanish
Marilou Lucero F ID No. 100051149003 8301 Florence Ave STE 104 Downey, CA 90240-3946 (562) 861-3581 Languages: Filipino and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Behrooz Yagoobian M ID No. 100010557006 15730 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-4333 (562) 634-1000 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946007 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Venancio Prado M ID No. 100085347014 7507 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-6027 (323) 587-0088 Languages: Spanish
John Adams M ID No. 100025486008 2777 Pacific Ave E Long Beach, CA 90806-2625 (562) 426-6571 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Also located at: 6301 Greenleaf Ave Whittier, CA 90601-3536 (562) 693-9880 Languages: Spanish
Youssef Awad M 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 812 Long Beach, CA 90831 (562) 437-0506 Languages: Arabic
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3530 Long Beach Blvd STE 120 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 989-1200 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Domingo Barrientos M ID No. 100097866003 10800 Paramount Blvd STE 203 Downey, CA 90241-3317 (562) 869-1322 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Archna Chaudhary F ID No. 100109300018 4401 Atlantic Ave STE 202 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 988-2777 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 5122 Katella Ave STE 308 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-8555 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Heena Contractor F ID No. 100094541018 1045 Atlantic Ave 915 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 596-1667 Languages: French, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 10941 Bloomfield St A Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2530 (562) 596-1667 Languages: French, Spanish and Urdu
Lloyd Johnson M ID No. 100048486003 120 S Montebello Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4730 (323) 726-0533 Languages: Spanish
Michael Freund M ID No. 100007729004 3650 South St 110 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-6140
Aaron Kern M ID No. 100086723004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Maurice Bell M ID No. 100072404004 4100 Long Beach Blvd STE 200 Long Beach, CA 90807-2696 (562) 981-2355
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Stuart Finkelstein M ID No. 100102931006 3650 South St 101 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 633-1765 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cherie Garcia F ID No. 100109138004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Olga Ginzburg F ID No. 100110271004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: French and Russian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stanley Golanty M ID No. 100101956004 2777 Pacific Ave E Long Beach, CA 90806-2625 (562) 426-6571 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Scott Gordon M ID No. 100077826004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Eddie Lam M ID No. 100037917004 333 S Garfield Ave A Alhambra, CA 91801-3800 (626) 289-7333 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard Lee M ID No. 100082875011 5981 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Robert Lugliani M ID No. 100006335008 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 902 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 437-0996 Languages: Italian PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Patricia Maciog F ID No. 100009763004 6226 E Spring St STE 240 Long Beach, CA 90815-1453 (562) 938-7129 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Ricardo Mckenzie M ID No. 100008528003 3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470 Lynwood, CA 90262-2662 (310) 604-3456 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rene Perez Silva M ID No. 100009095012 1045 Atlantic Ave 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Khalid Saeed M ID No. 100029675004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Mark Tsai M ID No. 100070686003 16415 Colorado Ave STE 101 Paramount, CA 90723-5051 (562) 634-6341 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kuan Pok Wong M ID No. 100023927004 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Petra Wong F 3801 Katella Ave STE 300 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-6472 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Harold Seifer M ID No. 100008264004 3650 South St 110 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-6140 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mansoor Shah M ID No. 100024202004 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jocelyn Sumcad F ID No. 100025018006 16660 Paramount Blvd 101 Paramount, CA 90723-5433 (562) 633-0976 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Vinita Chaudhary F ID No. 100099965006 3650 South St 210 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 630-0910 Languages: Hindi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Yang Lee M ID No. 100031170005 5981 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 423-1424 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 16415 Colorado Ave STE 208 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark Scheier M ID No. 100016508003 5451 La Palma Ave STE 22 La Palma, CA 90623-1730 (714) 228-1446 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alex Tran M ID No. 100099441009 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice David Shek M ID No. 100045699005 1401 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-6246 (714) 772-9800 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 11803 E Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 (562) 924-4455 PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Sam Abdelmelek M ID No. 100112855010 500 W Willow St Long Beach, CA 90806-2831 (562) 427-1700 Languages: Arabic PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gerald Cohen M ID No. 100018271013 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3414 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Barry Allswang M ID No. 100038210012 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3414 (562) 491-9456 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Neha Bhansali F ID No. 100053018003 3300 E South St STE 205 Lakewood, CA 90805-4587 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Winston Chung M ID No. 100059063011 1045 Atlantic Ave 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 Languages: Spanish
Lawrence Cohn M ID No. 100034756003 16415 Colorado Ave STE 202 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-9977 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pedro De La Rosa M ID No. 100092868004 3816 Woodruff Ave 412 Long Beach, CA 90808-2147 (562) 377-1111 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Diana Hsu F ID No. 100083052004 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Goethe Hsu M ID No. 100079668004 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tzong Hwang M ID No. 100037616003 12146 South St STE B Artesia, CA 90701-6844 (562) 809-0288 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Norman Kuo M ID No. 100052074004 5471 La Palma Ave STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1773 (714) 521-0239 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Fee Kyan M ID No. 100057064004 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 300 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 804-0100 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Irene Leech F ID No. 100006785004 125 E 8th St Long Beach, CA 90813-4309 (562) 590-8509 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jesse Licuanan M 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Arvind Mehta M ID No. 100011179004 2785 Pacific Ave A Long Beach, CA 90806-2640 (562) 424-4447 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Juan Montes M ID No. 100078246028 832 S Grevillea Ave Inglewood, CA 90301-3312 (310) 419-4354 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Visal Nga M ID No. 100150656022 1269 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813-3709 (562) 599-5300 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100067401004 4332 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3564 (714) 244-9651 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Renuka Patel F ID No. 100038150003 8357 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240-3928 (562) 622-2470 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shivanand Pole M 3851 Katella Ave STE 305 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 546-7282 Languages: Hindi and Kannada PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ron Roque M ID No. 100033503003 1760 Termino Ave STE 104 Long Beach, CA 90804-2169 (562) 494-8512 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Manohar Senra M ID No. 100032255003 8337 Telegraph Rd STE 215 Pico Rivera, CA 90660-4945 (562) 927-6597 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vannarith So M ID No. 100057603004 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 101 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 986-6138 Languages: Cambodian PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kwan Tan M ID No. 100063177006 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Philip Weinstein M ID No. 100033759004 16660 Paramount Blvd STE 201 Paramount, CA 90723-5457 (562) 633-3131 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hanson Wong M ID No. 100100599005 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 804-7223 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Winston Wong M ID No. 100046178006 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shirish Patel M ID No. 100027543003 5220 Clark Ave STE 125 Lakewood, CA 90712-2623 Also located at: (562) 925-7401 17370 Norwalk Blvd Languages: Gujarati and Hindi Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chok Wan M ID No. 100096600007 2153 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806-4513 (562) 599-4833 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Marc Baskin M Bellflower, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Roger Nguyen M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Anesthesiology Pain Management George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease
Jerry Floro M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Hyuk Lee M Bellflower, CA
Randall Harada M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA Montebello, CA
Tzong Hwang M Artesia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Hematology / Oncology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Ricardo Mckenzie M Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Arvind Mehta M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Fernando Canon M Pico Rivera, CA
Eric Cheung M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Michael Castro M Lakewood, CA
Jack Freimann M Downey, CA
Joseph Nguyen M Los Alamitos, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Stephen Huang M Downey, CA
Renuka Patel F Downey, CA
David Berger M Downey, CA
Merrill Shum M Whittier, CA
Shirish Patel M Lakewood, CA
Minou Tran F Downey, CA
Infectious Disease
Shivanand Pole M Los Alamitos, CA
Family Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Sandeep Bansil M Downey, CA
Visal Nga M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Internal Medicine
Manohar Senra M Pico Rivera, CA
Loida Constantino F Long Beach, CA
Sam Abdelmelek M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Vannarith So M Long Beach, CA
John Adams M Long Beach, CA
Mark Tsai M Paramount, CA
Maurice Bell M Long Beach, CA
Philip Weinstein M Paramount, CA
Neha Bhansali F Lakewood, CA
Hanson Wong M Bellflower, CA
Steven Weiss M Downey, CA
Lawrence Cohn M Paramount, CA
Winston Wong M Buena Park, CA
General Practice
Heena Contractor F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Karen Dix F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Alex Tran M Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Venancio Prado M Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Stuart Finkelstein M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Victor Oranusi M Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci neGeiratircMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Brookshire IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology Medical Oncology
Emma Clay F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Radiation Oncology
Carl Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Eric Cheung M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Ronald Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jack Freimann M Downey, CA
Sulabha Dave F Long Beach, CA
Michael Maehara M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Trinh Nhu F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Surgery General
Larry Pasquali M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Ronald Fischman M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Mark Minkes M Laryngology / Rhinology Downey, CA
Stephen Huang M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Merrill Shum M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Victor Kabbany M Lakewood, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Avedik Semerjian M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ayman Neoman M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Robert Deere M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Elias Ayoub M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Surgery General Vascular Robert Deere M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Pediatrics Alejandro Montes M Whittier, CA
Mark Minkes M Downey, CA
Surgery Hand Plastic
Khalifa Mansour M Downey, CA
Lawrence Hodor M Lakewood, CA
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Richard Rosenberg M Lakewood, CA
Surgery Neurological
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Neurology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Manuel Chon M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryHand Pal stic
Harley Deere M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Pulmonary Diseases
Eric Kaplan M Bellflower, CA
Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA
Daniel Lemay M Downey, CA
Arthur Gelb M Lakewood, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Brian Brown M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Stanley Carson M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Richard Chambers M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Padmanabha Shakkottai M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Brookshire IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Kevin Park M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Kourosh Shamlou M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Andrew Wassef M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Surgery Plastic Pearlman Hicks M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Urology Ernest Agatstein M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Shahrad Aynehchi M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence Paletz M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Barton Wachs M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Daehan Prospect Med Grp Affiliated Hospitals Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Martin Ahn M ID No. 100029677006 6301 Beach Blvd STE 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-4030 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shahida Baig F ID No. 100188037022 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sangjun Byeon M ID No. 100028756006 18391 Colima Rd 201 Rowland Heights, CA 91748-2730 (626) 912-2911 Languages: Korean PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Albert Chang M ID No. 100086039007 16300 Sand Canyon Ave 910 Irvine, CA 92618-3711 (949) 585-9870 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Wonbae Choe M ID No. 100093101027 720 North Harbor Bvld STE B Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 782-7700 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Yong Lee M ID No. 100259018006 9535 Garden Grove Blvd SUITE 103-104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Moon Oh M ID No. 100111077003 3500 Barranca Pkwy 330 Irvine, CA 92606-8226 (949) 552-8217 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Burn Park M ID No. 100023820004 19085 Colima Rd Rowland Heights, CA 91748-2953 (626) 964-5001 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dong Son M ID No. 100165187006 408 S Beach Bl 204 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 527-2240 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Yi M ID No. 100070744004 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice Eung Bai M ID No. 100015977002 12017 Rosecrans Ave Norwalk, CA 90650-4120 (562) 868-2027 Languages: Korean PCPs-GeneralPractice
Seung Chang M ID No. 100031281003 19687 Valley Blvd Walnut, CA 91789-2146 (909) 598-5228 Languages: Korean PCPs-GeneralPractice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Daehan Prospect Med Grp, continued PCPs - General Practice Ki Che M ID No. 100096322003 12506 South St Cerritos, CA 90703-7134 (562) 809-0142 Languages: Korean PCPs-General Practci e
Jeong Ok Lee F ID No. 100039222017 760 Washburn Ave STE 21 Corona, CA 92882-3303 (951) 734-8000 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Internal Medicine Kyu Ahn M ID No. 100082540008 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 505 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1904 (714) 539-6100 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 1900 Royalty Dr STE 205 Pomona, CA 91767-3013 (909) 620-0389 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Woo Sung Ahn M ID No. 100101167003 20145 Pioneer Blvd Lakewood, CA 90715-1051 (562) 916-5020 Languages: Korean PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Don Cho M ID No. 100019284009 13818 Pioneer Blvd Norwalk, CA 90650-3918 (562) 868-3775 Languages: Korean PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Richard Han M ID No. 100078179008 5742 Beach Blvd STE A Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-7575 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hoon Hong M ID No. 100069941008 5742 Beach Blvd STE A Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-7575 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Deno Kang M ID No. 100097156004 18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204 Artesia, CA 90701-4407 (562) 402-9801 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soo Woong Kang M ID No. 100028701003 11832 E Rosecrans Ave 127 Norwalk, CA 90650-4107 (562) 868-6256 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bangsun Kim M ID No. 100103485004 2500 Alton Pkwy 108 Irvine, CA 92606-5024 (949) 552-8282 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chin Se Kim M ID No. 100038044010 1736 W Medical Center Dr STE B Anaheim, CA 92801-1854 (714) 520-0809 Languages: Japanese and Korean
Kyoung Kim F ID No. 100002361004 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Nicholas Kim M ID No. 100028029003 3010 W Orange Ave STE 409 Anaheim, CA 92804-3173 (714) 484-3781 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Su Yong Pak M ID No. 100031287004 5451 La Palma Ave STE 14 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 523-3212 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jae Park M ID No. 100112630018 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205008 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hyuk Lee M ID No. 100013809006 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 303 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 804-4441 Languages: Korean PCPs -Obsterci s/Gyencol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Daehan Prospect Med Grp, continued PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Edwin Choi M ID No. 100064126022 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Paul Chang M ID No. 100086043007 5742 Beach Blvd STE A Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-7575 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph Chun M ID No. 100064665022 6261 Stanton Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2436 (714) 739-4325 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John Lee M ID No. 100009477008 400 N Euclid St Fullerton, CA 92832-1625 (714) 879-8700 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mark Song M ID No. 100031289008 1401 S Brookhurst Rd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92833-4492 (714) 626-0700 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specialty Physicians
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chung Hur F ID No. 100040025005 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tyson Cobb M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Harinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Allergy Immunology Duke Kim M Garden Grove, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management Philip Doh M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Also located at: 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 210 Irvine, CA 92618-3189 (949) 222-9158 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Cardiovascular Disease
Certified Nurse Practitioner Julie Gutierrez F Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Certfi edNursePractioner
Chiropractor David Greenberg M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Peter Jung M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Timothy Noble M
Cardiac Electrophysiology Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Gary Wright M Anaheim, CA
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA
Mary Jung F Orange, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Dermatology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Aleem Syed M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Joseph Song M Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Daehan Prospect Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Gastroenterology
Nicholas Kim M Anaheim, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
John Lee M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
In Hur M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Andrew Ko M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Paul Lee M Costa Mesa, CA Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA
Hyuk Lee M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Mark Song M Fullerton, CA
Matthew Kim M Fullerton, CA
Medical Oncology
Tae Kim M Cerritos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Jason Shin M Pomona, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Won Yu M Orange, CA
Adarsh Daswani M Lakewood, CA
Clyde Holstein M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
William Han M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Michael Roh M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Alice Song F Long Beach, CA Pasadena, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Julia Song F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Alex Hsu M Long Beach, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Deno Kang M Artesia, CA
Kevin Suk M Arcadia, CA Downey, CA Los Angeles, CA
Infectious Disease
Tae Lee M Garden Grove, CA Lakewood, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Joseph Lee M Artesia, CA Los Angeles, CA
Joel Trotter M Placentia, CA
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA
Internal Medicine
Joseph Chun M Buena Park, CA Irvine, CA
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Hematology / Oncology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Pauline Ho F Placentia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Bhanu Sud M Placentia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Deno Kang M Artesia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Kyoung Kim F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Chan Kim M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Jason Kim M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Charles Oh M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Daehan Prospect Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Christopher Quilligan M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Eric Waki M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Nicholas Kim M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Surgery General
Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Nathan Chung M Placentia, CA
Todd Kim M Garden Grove, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Rajesh Lal M Garden Grove, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Kyle Low M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Tae Soon Kim M Rowland Heights, CA
Francis Lee M Garden Grove, CA
Dieumy Thai F Fullerton, CA Westminster, CA
Michael Rubinstein M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Surgery General Vascular Bindesh Shah M
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Rajesh Lal M Garden Grove, CA Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Podiatrist Peter Kim M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Surgery Hand
Chris Park M Rowland Heights, CA
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Paul Yoon M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Neurological
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Steve Yoon M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Hand
Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Pulmonary Diseases Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Orthopedic Gerald Alexander M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Radiation Oncology John Thropay M Alhambra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Radiology Therapeutic John Thropay M Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Gerald Swanson M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Kendall Wagner M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Eugen Williams M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery Thoracic Richard Ott M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Robert Bohr M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Yung Cho M Los Angeles, CA Pico Rivera, CA
Sarah Hwang F La Palma, CA
David Downs M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Urology Antony Reddy M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Alfred Sidhom M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Edinger Medical Group Affiliated Hospitals
Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr L 17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, 92708
Family Practice Betty Yu ID No. 100049783006 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian L 1 Hoag Dr Newport Beach, 92663 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Also located at: 18682 Beach Blvd 155 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2050 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin
Internal Medicine Stanley Arnold M ID No. 100052730005 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 18682 Beach Blvd 155 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2050 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Matthew Boone ID No. 100058409005 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Elaine Cummings Grodin ID No. 100053164005 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Karen Don F ID No. 100072358005 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 18682 Beach Bl 145 155 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2048 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tamara Fogarty F ID No. 100090294007 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Cambria Hembree F ID No. 100067523003 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Edinger Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Douglas Mcconnaughey ID No. 100099118005 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 18682 Beach Blvd 155 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2050 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jack Middlebrooks M ID No. 100082596004 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Obstetrics / Gynecology Minal Mehta F ID No. 100030069010 18111 Brookhurst St # 4450 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 848-2383 Languages: Gujarati and Spanish PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lauri Seymour F ID No. 100111681005 9900 Talbert Ave 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 18682 Beach Blvd 155 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2050 (714) 965-6500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Alan Viglione M ID No. 100250638002 9900 Talbert Ave STE 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 965-2500 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Amarpal Chana M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Amanda Donohue F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Radhakrishan Gandhi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Sajeet Sawhney M ID No. 100253911006 11100 Warner Ave STE 218 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 641-9696
Thomas Benvenuti M Newport Beach, CA
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Thuy Le F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Steven Weinstein M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
William Barreto M Long Beach, CA
Arvind Nirula M Irvine, CA
Medhat Mikhael M Long Beach, CA
Sanjiv Patel M Irvine, CA
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Steven Schiff M Irvine, CA
Medhat Mikhael M Long Beach, CA
Surinder Thind M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Cardiac Electrophysiology Jennifer Wong F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Mahnaz Behboodikhah F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Cardiology Rajesh Banker M San Francisco, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Subbarao Mylavarapu M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Darel Benvenuti M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Edinger Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Douglas Cable M Newport Beach, CA
Phuong Nguyen F Newport Beach, CA
Javier Davila M Fountain Valley, CA
Archana Rao F Fountain Valley, CA
Martin Fee M Newport Beach, CA
Harvinder Sahni M Fountain Valley, CA
Catherine Koper F Newport Beach, CA
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Richard Zelner M Fountain Valley, CA
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Sanjiv Patel M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Mary Eberhart F Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Craig Koehler M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Varuna Raizada F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Marvin Reyes M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Hematology / Oncology David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA
Philip Robinson M Newport Beach, CA
Andrew Ceavatta M Fountain Valley, CA
John Eilbert M Fountain Valley, CA
Brandie Metz F Irvine, CA
Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA
Anjali Vora F Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Dermatology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Duc Do M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Mark Ngo M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Ivy Joan Madu F Orange, CA
Ranjan Sapra M Fountain Valley, CA
Jeffrey Punim M Huntington Beach, CA
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA
Family Practice Sports Medicine
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
James Ting M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli PracticeSportsMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jay Diliberto M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Internal Medicine Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Infectious Disease Susan Allen F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Medical Oncology David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Luke Chen M Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Charles Bailey M Aliso Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Edinger Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology Kiem Liem M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Eleonor Quan F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Gerardo Bustillo M Fountain Valley, CA
Vijayalakshmi Wijeyakumar F Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Nerses Tchekmedyian Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Neurology Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA Stephen Jenkins M Long Beach, CA
Menashe Kfir M Newport Beach, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Santa Ana, CA
Marlin Mills M Newport Beach, CA
Paul Maistros M Fountain Valley, CA
Reshma Parikh F Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Christina Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Peirnat l Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Peirnat l Medci ne
Caroline Conner F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
David Diaz M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Peirnat l Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Eleanor Hawkins F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Michael Haydon M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Minal Mehta F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Quynh Vo Hanser F Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Peirnat l Medci ne
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA
Meagan Moore F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Lena Nguyen Fountain Valley, CA
Gaytri Gandotra F Fountain Valley, CA
Duke Phan M Fountain Valley, CA
Joginder Jodhka M Fountain Valley, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Tarun Marwaha M Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel Potter M Fullerton, CA Newport Beach, CA
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Mark Van Houten M Irvine, CA
Roya Rakhshani F Costa Mesa, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Beverly Sansone Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Linh Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Vineet Shrivastava M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Edinger Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Arthur Lu M Westminster, CA
Elizabeth Tracy F Fountain Valley, CA
Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Triet Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Marie Arboleda F Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Elizabeth Chung F Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lydia Banuelos F Anaheim, CA Foothill Ranch, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Robert Blau M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Mark Alan Bronstein M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anthony Culotta M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Antoine Fahd M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Shalu Gupta F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA
Trung Minh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Brent Norman M Newport Beach, CA Lee Novick Fountain Valley, CA Nika Omid F Huntington Beach, CA Stephen Prepas M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Dwayne Logan M Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Kristine Kuhlmeier F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Scott Lee M San Pedro, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Nima Rezaei Abbassi M Huntington Beach, CA
Mary Ma F Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ehsan Sadri M Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael Vu M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
David Wirta M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jared Younger M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Gina Lee F Huntington Beach, CA
Anthony Huynh M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Richard Klotz M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Daniel Kline M Irvine, CA
Harvey Goldstone M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Vicken Karageozian Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Kaplan M Huntington Beach, CA
Kevin Germundsen M Huntington Beach, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Claudia Montana Collins F Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Joseph Powell M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Donald Teshima M Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Mailan Tran F Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Erica Urrea F Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Patricia Uyekawa F Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Edinger Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Otolaryngology / Otology / Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Gurpreet Ahuja M Orange, CA
Jodie Gandy F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA
Keith Weiner M Orange, CA
Richard Castanon M Hungtington Beach, CA
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA
Joni Doherty F Newport Beach, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Sherman Don M Fountain Valley, CA
Anjuli Kumar F Long Beach, CA
Timothy Kelley M Newport Beach, CA
Mini Mehra F Long Beach, CA
Alejandro Alva M Costa Mesa, CA
Jack Shohet M Newport Beach, CA
Barry Steinmetz M Orange, CA
Gustavo Alva M Costa Mesa, CA
Ayal Willner M Los Alamitos, CA Newport Beach, CA
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA
Daniel Chueh M Orange, CA
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Jason Kellogg M Costa Mesa, CA
Jagmohan Batra M Long Beach, CA
Sarabjit Sandhu M Newport Beach, CA
Tempe Chen F Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Nina Yoshpe F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Kathy Yu-Syken F Huntington Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Otto Liao M Huntington Beach, CA Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Pediatric Cardiology James Chu M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Joel Lipkin M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Daniel Recalde M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Michael Simons M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
David Michalik M Long Beach, CA
Psychiatry Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Kimberly Bova F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhcol ogist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Pediatric Pulmonology
Kerry Delk M Newport Beach, CA
Terry Chin F Long Beach, CA
Margreta Klassen F Newport Beach, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Pavaninder Mann M Costa Mesa, CA
Balaji Charlu M Newport Beach, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
David Chun M Orange, CA
Troy Leaming M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology
Kazuto Augustus M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhcol ogist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhcol ogist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhcol ogist
Hoang Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Edinger Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Diseases Kelly Francis F Fountain Valley, CA
William Ross Dobkin M Newport, CA
Atif Iqbal M Fountain Valley, CA
Christopher Duma M Newport Beach, CA
Jane Kakkis F Fountain Valley, CA
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Radiation Oncology
Peter Leport M Fountain Valley, CA
Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA
Regiane De Andrade F Fountain Valley, CA
Thang Dinh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Robert Woodhouse M Fountain Valley, CA
Parin Patel M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Adarsh Sharma M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Michael Russo M Fountain Valley, CA
Christine Leehealey F Irvine, CA
Surgery General Vascular
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Cardiovascular Stephen Lindsay M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Nguyen Do Duy M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCardoi vascual r
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCool nSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Surgery General
John Puckett M Newport Beach, CA
Mir Ali M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
James Caillouette M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Kenneth Chambers M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Khiem Dao M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Steven Dennis M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Payam Farjoodi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Dena Amr F Fountain Valley, CA
Alan Beyer M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCool nSurgery
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA
Steven Gausewitz M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Hand
David Gazzaniga M Newport Beach, CA
Joel Berman M Fountain Valley, CA
Shaunak Desai M Newport Beach, CA
Andrew Gerken M Newport Beach, CA
Anthony Caffarelli M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Neurological
Michael Gordon M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryHand
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Edinger Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Tze Ip M Newport Beach, CA
James Wendt M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Richard Lee M Newport Beach, CA
Daniel Bethencourt M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Nader Nassif M Newport Beach, CA
Philip Faraci M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Colin Joyo M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Kathryn Perkins Tift F Fountain Valley, CA
Tuan Lam M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Russell Petrie M Newport Beach, CA
Daryl Pearlstein M Newport Beach, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Aidan Raney M Newport Beach, CA
Alexander Tischler M Newport Beach, CA
Douglas Zusman M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Pediatric
John German M Orange, CA
Don Bui M Laguna Hills, CA
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA
Alan Freedman M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Plastic
Cu Phan M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Hugh Bailey M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Robert Torrey M Duarte, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Eugene Elliott M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Bernard Turbow M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Peter Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Jeffrey Yoshida M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Richard Solmer M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group Affiliated Hospitals
Shahida Baig F 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr L 17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, 92708
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención
Trieu Bui M ID No. 100105256005 10551 Mcfadden Ave STE C Garden Grove, CA 92843-5329 (714) 839-1276 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Antonio Carbayo M ID No. 100097143003 415 N Sycamore St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4607 (714) 667-6900 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703013 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235021 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Family Practice Jason Abney M 23181 Verdugo Drive SUITE 103A Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 366-1053 Languages: Cantonese, Farsi, French, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Michael Dao M ID No. 100019932020 14362 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 531-7830 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chinh Dinh M ID No. 100069897006 3414 W Ball Rd STE F Anaheim, CA 92804-3726 (714) 761-9137 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Dinh Dinh ID No. 100105674005 14291 Euclid St # D112 Garden Grove, CA 92843-4980 (714) 554-2250 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jaclynn Do F ID No. 100089331011 8070 Westminster Blvd # A Westminster, CA 92683-3303 (714) 899-9898 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Tuoc Duong M ID No. 100094333011 9009 Mcfadden Ave Westminster, CA 92683-6408 (714) 899-2600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Said El Zayat M ID No. 100060507013 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Michael Farrell M ID No. 100223898002 23181 Verdugo Drive SUITE 103A Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 366-1053
Loi Luu F ID No. 100068442008 14501 Magnolia St STE 108 Westminster, CA 92683-1307 (714) 799-7731 Languages: Vietnamese
Humberto Florian M ID No. 100009997006 2090 S Euclid St 104 Anaheim, CA 92802-3143 (714) 539-2200 Languages: Spanish
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144058 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Samuel Gendler M ID No. 100016358011 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Polish and Spanish
John Molina M ID No. 100083037031 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Gregurich M ID No. 100050359003 11180 Warner Ave # 363 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7501 (714) 556-8320 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jeff Huang M ID No. 100071860010 18663 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6709 (714) 887-9800 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mansoor Mosley M ID No. 100092485004 1220 Hemlock Way 104 Santa Ana, CA 92707-3650 (714) 754-5400 Languages: Farsi, French and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
German Navarro M ID No. 100101314011 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
An Nguyen F ID No. 100220440003 23181 Verdugo Dr STE 103A Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 366-1053 Languages: Cantonese, Farsi, French, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Huu Nguyen M ID No. 100105098009 1220 Hemlock Way STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92707-3656 (714) 957-0040 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754011 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khanh Nguyen M ID No. 100105298059 13830 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-3121 (714) 467-4330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lan Nguyen F ID No. 100071143008 10402 Westminster Ave 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843-4861 (714) 539-4900 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phuc Dang Nguyen M ID No. 100105218009 7895 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4043 (714) 893-0882 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Brian Shaw M ID No. 100044994005 23181 Verdugo Drive SUITE 103A Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 366-1053
Quang Binh Nguyen M ID No. 100234354007 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pumipak Tantamjarik M ID No. 100062433009 12555 Garden Grove Bl 504 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 537-5609 Languages: Spanish and Thai
Thuy Anh Nguyen F ID No. 100105110004 9862 Chapman Ave STE B Garden Grove, CA 92841-2726 (714) 418-2040 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tung Nguyen M ID No. 100105243003 2509 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3401 (714) 541-0057 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Cam Huong Tran F ID No. 100134714004 10090 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4721 (714) 590-1682 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hitesh Patel M ID No. 100039358007 7915 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 891-4549 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Dillon Tran M ID No. 100169495004 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 215 Westminster, CA 92683-5562 (714) 897-3300 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Huong Quy F ID No. 100144225010 9559 Bolsa Ave STE D Westminster, CA 92683-5986 (714) 531-5754 Languages: Vietnamese
Donny Tran M ID No. 100231522002 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Barry Schwartz M ID No. 100074120005 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 848-7676 Languages: Spanish
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415012 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kinh Tran M ID No. 100084925007 15975 Harbor Blvd Fountain Valley, CA 92708-1303 (714) 546-6575 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Lethuy Tran F ID No. 100027671008 15355 Brookhurst St 102 Westminster, CA 92683-7077 (714) 775-3050 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mary Tran F ID No. 100034299005 10741 Westminster Ave STE 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-9181 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Nhu Van Truong M ID No. 100092990008 10402 Westminster Ave STE 100B Garden Grove, CA 92843-4862 (714) 539-4946 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose Valdez M ID No. 100064675005 1125 E 17th St STE E224 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2221 (714) 547-0634 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Illie Wu F ID No. 100140417006 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (888) 499-4303 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Charles Yang M ID No. 100105707003 17552 Beach Blvd STE B Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6821 (714) 848-1177 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice Chung Bui ID No. 100058843009 10301 Bolsa Ave STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-6784 (714) 531-2203 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Pauline Dang F 13872 Harbor Blv 1C Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Phu Dang M ID No. 100076322010 10495 Bolsa Ave 106 Westminster, CA 92683-6762 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Chinh Huynh M ID No. 100051931011 9411 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5980 (714) 839-2896 Languages: Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese
Hung Quach M ID No. 100105306002 14382 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 839-8770 Languages: Vietnamese
Ky Nguyen M ID No. 100105151011 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 643-9442 Languages: Vietnamese
Frank Rubino M ID No. 100100332004 10681 Bolsa Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-5270 (714) 554-2322 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Vy Chi Nguyen M ID No. 100081810006 10161 Bolsa Ave STE C202 Westminster, CA 92683-6775 (714) 775-2222 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Kea Pai F 11100 Warner Ave STE 302 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 966-5205 Languages: Korean PCPs -General Practci e
Trung Pham M ID No. 100105495002 9500 Bolsa Ave STE A1 Westminster, CA 92683-5943 (714) 775-8855 PCPs -General Practci e
Tung Phan M ID No. 100104854008 10152 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4754 (714) 530-3939 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Jesus Serna M ID No. 100035105004 2621 S Bristol St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5718 (714) 550-0971 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Joseph Serna M 2620 S Bristol St STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-5503 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Thomas Ton M ID No. 100045195011 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Du Tran M ID No. 100068717004 10090 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4721 (714) 590-1682 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106018 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Isaac Beshay M ID No. 100110662026 2200 Harbor Blvd STE B210 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-5890 (949) 548-2273 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Prakash Bondade M ID No. 100014080006 17150 Euclid St STE 218 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4092 (714) 241-8552
Michael Dao M ID No. 100019932011 3701 W Mcfadden Ave Santa Ana, CA 92704-1385 (714) 775-3580 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dat Duong M ID No. 100109688018 13926 Beach Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 893-1212 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Paul Duong M ID No. 100105688007 9433 Bolsa Ave STE A Westminster, CA 92683-5964 (714) 839-7332 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Loc Dac Bui M ID No. 100073719006 8900 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5475 (714) 897-2623 Languages: Vietnamese
John Eilbert M ID No. 100014764007 11180 Warner Ave 371 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7501 (714) 545-8700 Languages: Armenian, Sign Language and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
An Dang M ID No. 100072949008 13872 Harbor Blvd STE 1C Garden Grove, CA 92843-4000 (714) 531-5791 Languages: Vietnamese
Jaya George F ID No. 100029442070 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Huy Kim Hoang M ID No. 100082865008 10530 Bolsa Ave STE C Westminster, CA 92683-6799 (714) 554-4676 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403070 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842013 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Abdul Khan M ID No. 100071815059 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Munazza Khan F ID No. 100109392012 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Trang Lam F ID No. 100209485002 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Son Thanh Le M ID No. 100095888009 8887 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92844-2608 (714) 698-3880 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Dean Ngo M ID No. 100086512013 15606 Brookhurst St B Westminster, CA 92683-7581 (714) 531-0000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cuong Nguyen M ID No. 100102200005 9211 Bolsa Ave STE 220 Westminster, CA 92683-5571 (714) 898-9966 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dao Nguyen F ID No. 100038464005 9211 Bolsa Ave STE 220 Westminster, CA 92683-5571 (714) 898-9966 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dat Manh Nguyen M ID No. 100105283005 14536 Brookhurst St STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-5788 (714) 531-2548 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Huy Nguyen M ID No. 100045810006 14571 Magnolia St 210 Westminster, CA 92683-5574 (714) 894-3103 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nhan Nguyen M ID No. 100067234006 10298 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4830 (714) 537-8269 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thai Nguyen M 15576 Brookhurst St STE B Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 775-8090 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thanh Nguyen F ID No. 100076372017 15576 Brookhurst St STE B Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 775-8090 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thuy Nguyen M ID No. 100072140007 9741 Bolsa Ave STE 117 Westminster, CA 92683-6682 (714) 775-1628 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Tuan Nguyen M ID No. 100105241013 14221 Euclid St STE H Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 530-2420 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M 9500 Bolsa Ave P Westminster, CA 92683-5943 (714) 775-4400 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arun Patel M ID No. 100038680008 907 W Wilshire Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-1635 (714) 871-6161 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hamendra Rana M ID No. 100037694008 1913 E 17th St STE 106 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8627 (714) 547-6278 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Davinder Singh M ID No. 100034777008 11100 Warner Ave 268 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 540-9911 Languages: Punjabi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Viney Soni M ID No. 100021954014 9940 Talbert Ave STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 545-8700 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Hindustani, Punjabi, Sign Language, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Phuong Ta F ID No. 100166184008 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Vuong Nguyen M ID No. 100086565014 10141 Westminster Ave E Garden Grove, CA 92843-4788 (714) 467-4321 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Nhon Tran M ID No. 100073394005 14082 Magnolia St STE 109 Westminster, CA 92683-4764 (714) 895-8583 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Obstetrics / Gynecology
Scott Tran M ID No. 100105049007 9876 Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-6418 (714) 534-4001 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Toan Tran M ID No. 100044792002 7631 Wyoming St STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-3904 (714) 379-0199 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Vu Truong M ID No. 100108748010 1775 W Lincoln Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-6771 (714) 491-9022 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Long Dei Liu M ID No. 100020477004 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 402 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 539-7030 Languages: Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese Ha Nguyen M 1951 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 218-6264 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Thuc Tu M ID No. 100094366010 6552 Bolsa Ave N Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2656 (714) 898-9635 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Van Vu M ID No. 100081284002 12345 Westminster Ave Santa Ana, CA 92703-1408 (714) 554-8170 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364016 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Victor Dinh M ID No. 100087803012 9746 Westminster Ave STE D2 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 530-0776 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813011 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527008 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hung-Chuan Cheng M ID No. 100014292007 11100 Warner Ave STE 118 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 444-0724 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687011 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Philip Kouros M 8041 Newman Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (888) 499-9303 Languages: French, Greek, Italian and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ghanshyam Lohiya M ID No. 100011814005 1120 W Warner Ave A Santa Ana, CA 92707-3179 (714) 850-9700 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Nhanhau Ngo F ID No. 100060776015 12692 Brookhurst St. Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 657-7100 Languages: Vietnamese
Duc Tran M ID No. 100105584018 9091 Edinger Ave A Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-4616 Languages: Vietnamese
Hung Nguyen M 10222 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 539-0444 Languages: Vietnamese
General Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ngoc Nguyen F ID No. 100105123005 12302 Garden Grove Blvd STE 27 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1834 (714) 530-2772 Languages: Vietnamese
Vu Ban ID No. 100105195005 14571 Magnolia St STE 106 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 894-6233 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Van Nguyen F ID No. 100135194007 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 215 Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 897-3300 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Josephine Choa F ID No. 100111927019 1400 N Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2304 (714) 541-6815 Languages: Burmese, Cantonese, Chinese, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713012 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese
Nguyen Dang M ID No. 100105247088 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 836-6800 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Minh Do M 4718 W 1st St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 418-0488 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Andy Tuan Ho M ID No. 100089484003 9081 Bolsa Ave STE 109 Westminster, CA 92683-5590 (714) 891-7393 Languages: Turkish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 216 Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 897-3300 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eliott Romero M ID No. 100092885015 999 N Tustin Ave STE 220 Santa Ana, CA 92705-6506 (714) 543-3522 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Su Yong Kuo F 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Huan Le M ID No. 100105261005 15355 Brookhurst St 102 Westminster, CA 92683-7077 (714) 775-3066 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Derek Truong Phan M ID No. 100104855010 10152 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4754 (714) 960-3948 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858012 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ajay Meka M ID No. 100098859017 2740 S Bristol St 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6209 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu
Phuongchi Phan F ID No. 100089497015 14571 Magnolia St STE 207 Westminster, CA 92683-5576 (714) 890-9241 Languages: French and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Minsen Mok M ID No. 100020961008 11100 Warner Ave 362 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 434-4990 Languages: Cantonese and Chinese
Hung Min Sung M ID No. 100013151006 2621 S Bristol St STE 109 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5718 (714) 754-0310 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Phuc Vinh Nguyen M ID No. 100105343007 9500 Bolsa Ave STE M Westminster, CA 92683-5943 (714) 531-8915 Languages: Vietnamese
Khue Vu M ID No. 100137229012 14571 Magnolia St STE 106 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 894-6233 Languages: Vietnamese
Tam Nguyen M ID No. 100084992008 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Jimmy Wu M ID No. 100109814019 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (714) 636-7852 Languages: Arabic, Burmese, Cantonese, Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hai Pham M ID No. 100105041005 9600 Bolsa Ave STE F Westminster, CA 92683-5949 (714) 531-8711 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Specialty Physicians
Allergy Immunology Roger Nguyen M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology Alan Ho M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management Chiwai Chan M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Cardiology Robert Castro M Garden Grove, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease Arthur Calick M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Jerrold Cantor M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Majed Chane M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Gilbert Chang M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Tao Hong Duong M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Steven Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-CertifedNurse Practi oner
Nuri Park F Laguna Hills, CA
Quang Phan M Garden Grove, CA
Vinod Malhotra M Fountain Valley, CA
Hoda Shawky F Garden Grove, CA
Jason Shin M Garden Grove, CA
Luc Sinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA
David Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Thai Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Genetics Medical
Xuanto Leduc F Fountain Valley, CA
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-CertifedNurse Practi oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Tuan Duc Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Tung Huu Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Quan Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Marvous Saunders M Santa Ana, CA
Shahnaz Shaikh F Fountain Valley, CA
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Hematology / Oncology
Cao Van Pham M Huntington Beach, CA
Phong Bui M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Shankarlingam Sainath M Fountain Valley, CA
Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA
Nicholas Thanh Quang M Westminster, CA
Anil Shah M Santa Ana, CA
Family Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Satinder Swaroop M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-GeneticsMedci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Certified Nurse Practitioner Thanh Thi Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Janet Pan F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Ranjan Sapra M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA
Infectious Disease
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Javier Davila M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Hung Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA
An Nguyen M Corona, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
James Tran M Westminster, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Gastroenterology Long Phi Dang M Westminster, CA
Internal Medicine Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Truong Leduc Fountain Valley, CA
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hoa Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
An Dang M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Minh Do M Santa Ana, CA
Peyman Salimi-Tari M Fountain Valley, CA
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Ranjan Sapra M Fountain Valley, CA
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
John Eilbert M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Jaya George F Santa Ana, CA
An Dang M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA
Sandeep Dang M Fountain Valley, CA
Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Santa Ana, CA
Phuc Vinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Joginder Jodhka M Fountain Valley, CA
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA
Hai Pham M Westminster, CA
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
Duke Phan M Fountain Valley, CA
Davinder Singh M Fountain Valley, CA
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Tarun Marwaha M Fountain Valley, CA
Nancy Vu F Westminster, CA
Toan Tran M Westminster, CA
Essam Mostafa M Fountain Valley, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Khue Vu M Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ban Duc Doan M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Hyung Kim M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Medical Oncology
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA
Long Dei Liu M Garden Grove, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA
Thanh Minh Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Jaime Ludmir M Santa Ana, CA
An Nguyen M Corona, CA
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Trung Minh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Pediatric Pulmonology
Ha Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Tuyet Mai Phan F Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Phu Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Thanh Lan Quan F Westminster, CA
Courtney Jones F Fountain Valley, CA
Debora Sedaghat F Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Vu M Westminster, CA
Thanh Quoc Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA
Stephen Torday M Fountain Valley, CA
Huong Pham F Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
John Saito M Garden Grove, CA Irvine, CA
Dieu Nga Truong F Garden Grove, CA
Praful Sarode M Huntington Beach, CA
Annmarie Nguyen F Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Thanh-Mai Trinh F Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Hiep Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
John Saito M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Pediatrics Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Otolaryngology / Otology / Barry Steinmetz M Long Beach, CA Laryngology / Rhinology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Orange, CA Torrance, CA
Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA
Luis Chanes M Santa Ana, CA
Sarah Vakkalanka F Fountain Valley, CA
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Santa Ana, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Physicians Assistant
James Chu M Huntington Beach, CA Orange, CA
Y Nha Thi Dinh F Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Viet Dang M Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Arthur Lu M Westminster, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Desmond Mcguire M Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA
Anjuli Kumar F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Thanh Van Ngoc F Fountain Valley, CA
Malinda Lin F Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Richard Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Mini Mehra F Torrance, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Leah Hanson F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Meredith Harsh F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Sean Richland M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Brian Riding M Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Vi Tran M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Podiatrist Benedict Ching M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Podiatrist Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Vijaykumar Kini M Tustin, CA
Lan Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Henny Nguyen F Garden Grove, CA
Ajmel Puthawala M Fountain Valley, CA
Kwei Min Pan M Santa Ana, CA
R Denis Russell M Fountain Valley, CA
Alam Syed M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Michael Russo M Fountain Valley, CA
Chuc Dang M Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Michael Simons M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Thu Van F Garden Grove, CA
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Chang Lee M Garden Grove, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Gail Ross F Garden Grove, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Mir Ali M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Kychuong Van Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery General Vascular Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Surgery Hand
Surgery General
Khiem Dao M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Hand
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Head
Pulmonary Diseases
Joel Berman M Fountain Valley, CA
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA
Ahmed Badr M Anaheim, CA
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Neurological
Asaad Hakim M Westminster, CA
Nghiem Dang M Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Hoang Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Nguyen Do Duy M Fountain Valley, CA
Jin Jou Lu M Fountain Valley, CA
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA
Edgar Fernandez M Fountain Valley, CA
David Pham M Fountain Valley, CA
Kenneth Chambers M Fountain Valley, CA
Kelly Francis F Fountain Valley, CA
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Payam Farjoodi M Fountain Valley, CA
Atif Iqbal M Fountain Valley, CA
Adam Holleran M Fountain Valley, CA
Peter Leport M Fountain Valley, CA
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA
Santosh Mohanty M Huntington Beach, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Radiation Oncology Linda Chan F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Asif Harsolia M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Head
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Orthopedic Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Family Choice Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Suketu Vaishnav M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Surgery Plastic Alan Tran M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Surgery Thoracic Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Urology Huey Lin M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital Affiliated Hospitals
Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian L 1 Hoag Dr Newport Beach, 92663
Family Practice Bassil Aish M ID No. 100056589005 17742 Beach Blvd 215 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6818 (714) 848-1655 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hoag Orthopedic Institute 16250 Sand Canyon Ave Irvine, 92618 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente
William Armstrong M ID No. 100102811005 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bart Barrett M ID No. 100072777003 19361 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2503 (714) 960-4500
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Archana Bhogill F ID No. 100035586013 5 Journey SUITE 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Hindi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Arnold Brender M ID No. 100016485005 17742 Beach Blvd 215 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6818 (714) 848-1655 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
David Bunten M ID No. 100077002005 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Rita Archer F ID No. 100049954002 19582 Beach Blvd STE 219 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5923 (714) 378-5147
Isaac Beshay M ID No. 100110662025 2200 Harbor Blvd STE B210 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-5890 (949) 548-2273 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Sabine Bernbeck F ID No. 100107106004 19582 Beach Blvd 218 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 845-5900 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Cheng M ID No. 100045200006 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Winston Cheshire M ID No. 100030336004 17122 Beach Blvd 104 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-5992 (714) 964-4448 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued PCPs - Family Practice Bonnie Cheung F ID No. 100191905003 9131 Adams Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92646-3403 (714) 845-5900
Jay Friehling M ID No. 100149058011 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish
Grant Chu M ID No. 100001844004 520 Superior Ave STE 205 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3667 (949) 650-2462 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin
Fred Galluccio M ID No. 100075349004 901 Dover Dr 102 Newport Beach, CA 92660-5538 (949) 646-4865 Languages: German and Spanish
Brian Coyne M 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330
Janet Goodfellow F ID No. 100068201003 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 417-9820 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter V Dangvu M ID No. 100105583004 17742 Beach Blvd STE 340 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6872 (714) 842-7600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Howard Fishbein M ID No. 100037553005 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604-4630 (949) 552-2700 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Francis Foo M 18785 South Brookhurst Street STE 100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Janet Huang F ID No. 100007711003 18 Endeavor 203 Irvine, CA 92618-3164 (949) 733-0168 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert Katzen M ID No. 100018487015 18785 S Brookhurt St STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-0042 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Vly, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Catou Greenberg F ID No. 100072487003 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Julia Harris F ID No. 100027858004 19582 Beach Blvd 218 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 845-5900 Languages: Spanish
Karen Kim F ID No. 100070645003 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter Kim M ID No. 100081200006 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Hsueh Hua Ho F ID No. 100113019019 15785 Laguna Canyon Rd STE # 115 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 551-5152 Languages: Mandarin
John Lalonde M ID No. 100072542007 2216 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1711 (949) 631-9009 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued PCPs - Family Practice Raul Miranda M ID No. 100104569004 275 Victoria St STE 2K Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 646-1631 Languages: Spanish
Henry Leung M ID No. 100053387028 26671 Aliso Creek Rd 101 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4809 (949) 425-0321 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew Mleynek M ID No. 100100975004 19582 Beach Blvd 218 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 845-5900
Justin Liao M ID No. 100024749005 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Regina Mojica F ID No. 100177356005 4950 Barranca Pkwy Irvine, CA 92604-4671 (949) 552-8585
Lawrence Lo M ID No. 100077845002 400 Newport Center Dr STE 301 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7604 (949) 644-1300 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Behnaz Haghighi Motlagh F ID No. 100197006008 26671 Aliso Creek Rd STE 205 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4810 (949) 831-0300 Languages: Dutch, Farsi and German PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tannaz Meisami M ID No. 100092609005 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
William Menzies M 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish
Chrystene Nguyen F ID No. 100097534005 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mary Minar F ID No. 100056165002 18821 Delaware St STE 207 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1936 (714) 848-1004 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Gina Nga Nguyen F ID No. 100028430017 1190 W Baker St STE 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4105 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Uyen Nguyen F ID No. 100105454003 18682 Beach Blvd 160 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2077 (714) 378-1300 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Alan Nili M ID No. 100093992004 18 Endeavor STE 307 Irvine, CA 92618-3177 (949) 260-0106 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Shannon Oconnor F ID No. 100027672005 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rafael Penunuri M ID No. 100093382005 1419 Superior Ave 1 Newport Beach, CA 92663-2723 (949) 650-0587 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Thao Phan F ID No. 100050946006 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 18785 South Brookhurst Street #100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued PCPs - Family Practice Sarin Prakobwanakit F ID No. 100242901004 520 Superior Ave STE 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Thai PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carol Shi F ID No. 100091402003 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jennifer Shoquist F 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330
Tiffany Wilson F ID No. 100048357003 33 Creek Rd A190 Irvine, CA 92604-4791 (949) 559-4480 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Wendell Witte M 19582 Beach Blvd STE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2410 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Kelly Wong F ID No. 100111000003 33 Creek Rd A190 Irvine, CA 92604-4791 (949) 559-4480 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Somers M ID No. 100070900009 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin Steinfeld M 19582 Beach Blvd STE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2424 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lincoln Tom M ID No. 100082385005 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jared Williams M ID No. 100079069005 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dana Yan F 18785 S. Brookhurst STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-0042 Languages: Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
General Practice Nazli Ahmed F 1190 Baker St STE 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Hindustani and Urdu PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine Shirin Afrasiabi F ID No. 100046802008 2301 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92627-6576 (949) 548-5700 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Amanda Binns F ID No. 100207849003 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 410 Irvine, CA 92618-3703 (949) 732-3530 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gary Carlson M ID No. 100007279003 520 Superior Ave 220 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 642-2333 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Julie Copon F ID No. 100075944005 17822 Beach Blvd STE 225 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7517 (714) 848-5240 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Phuong Doan F ID No. 100105213004 19582 Beach Blvd STE 102 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 963-1030 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
John Eilbert M ID No. 100014764005 11180 Warner Ave 371 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7501 (714) 545-8700 Languages: Armenian, Sign Language and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
David Huang M ID No. 100058895003 275 Victoria St STE 2B Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 722-6178 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kalena Hwang F ID No. 100070498014 16300 Sand Canyon Ave 410 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 732-3530 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Emad Mikhail M ID No. 100072526006 4870 Barranca Pkwy 330 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 653-5810 Languages: Arabic
Satoshi Kamada M ID No. 100048942006 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 280 Irvine, CA 92618-3191 (949) 453-1201 Languages: Japanese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John Morey M ID No. 100040972008 19582 Beach Blvd 317 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5924 (714) 378-2417
Gregory Katz M ID No. 100085901003 520 Superior Ave 220 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 642-2333
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 355 Placentia Ave STE 309 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3312 (949) 646-4411
Priyanka Krishnan F ID No. 100249489005 23331 El Toro Rd STE 102 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 916-9100
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Son Nguyen ID No. 100105184005 19582 Beach Blvd STE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5923 (714) 378-2404 Languages: Vietnamese
Erica Kuhn F ID No. 100063322003 1401 Avocado Ave 302 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7720 (949) 640-0635 Languages: German
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ehab Mady M ID No. 100168519008 510 Superior Ave STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663-3665 (949) 791-3001 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rejan Mccaskill F ID No. 100059556003 520 Superior Ave 220 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 642-2333 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Wernher Ovalle M ID No. 100053504003 520 Superior Ave 200 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 642-0900 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sevitlana Safaei F 520 Superior Ave SUITE 205 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 650-2462 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Albert Saisho M ID No. 100077651004 15785 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 340 Irvine, CA 92618-3178 (949) 262-0080 Languages: Japanese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sajeet Sawhney M ID No. 100253911005 11100 Warner Ave STE 218 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 641-9696 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Adarsh Sharma M ID No. 100048650006 520 Superior Ave 230 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3667 (949) 548-7979 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Meera Shukla F ID No. 100191970002 361 Hospital Rd 322 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3524 (949) 574-0777 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Germin Soliman F ID No. 100069803003 1401 Avocado Ave 302 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7720 (949) 640-0635 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Viney Soni M ID No. 100021954007 9940 Talbert Ave STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 545-8700 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Hindustani, Punjabi, Sign Language, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mikio Tachibana M ID No. 100092889005 11100 Warner Ave # 154 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-2800 Languages: Japanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 205B Irvine, CA 92604-8646 (949) 262-0200 Languages: Japanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael Waldman M ID No. 100009043002 2 Hughes STE 175 Irvine, CA 92618-2037 (949) 600-8260 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John Stephen Wikle M ID No. 100096304003 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 207 Irvine, CA 92604-8648 (949) 262-9700 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Samy Younis M ID No. 100071541017 62 Corporate Park STE 240 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 451-9292 Languages: Arabic, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Richard Agnew M ID No. 100040323003 351 Hospital Rd 306 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3509 (949) 650-3777 PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Sheryl Long F ID No. 100027624005 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 417-9820 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brenda Mah Mccaa F ID No. 100092139008 19582 Beach Blvd SUITE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2410 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alexander Deyan M ID No. 100090504005 351 Hospital Rd 611 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3509 (949) 720-9848 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs -Aceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Kathleen Boos F ID No. 100056905005 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Eric Clark M ID No. 100079641007 5 Journey STE 190 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3015 (949) 360-1069 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Anita Liu F ID No. 100081684002 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 208 Irvine, CA 92604-4687 (949) 551-2828 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ronald Young M ID No. 100052646003 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 451-6060 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Ratul Chatterjee M 19582 Beach Blvd STE 314 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 887-8114 Languages: Bengali, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 320 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-2716 (949) 646-9996 Languages: Bengali, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
David Chun M ID No. 100051880002 361 Hospital Rd 322 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3524 (949) 574-0777 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Scott Jenkins M 1501 Superior Ave 310 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 574-9300 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Atef Khouzam ID No. 100034875003 361 Hospital Rd # 322 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3522 (949) 574-0777 Languages: French
Steven Weinstein M Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ann Mai F ID No. 100108879002 4950 Barranca Pkwy Irvine, CA 92604-8648 (949) 262-9700 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Yeming Sun F ID No. 100022013003 113 Waterworks Way Irvine, CA 92618-3168 (949) 552-6788 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Anesthesiology William Barreto M Long Beach, CA
Michael Panutich M Newport Beach, CA
Medhat Mikhael M Long Beach, CA
Sanjiv Patel M Irvine, CA
Kimberly Safman F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Steven Schiff M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management Andrew Messiha M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Allergy Immunology William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Cardiology Rajesh Banker M San Francisco, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Jorge Castellanos Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Amarpal Chana M Irvine, CA Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Jennifer Wong F Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease Mahnaz Behboodikhah F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Darel Benvenuti M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Thomas Benvenuti M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Jeffrey Bruss M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Bonnie Gainer F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Desmond Levin M Newport Beach, CA
Robert Greenfield M Irvine, CA
Subbarao Mylavarapu M Newport Beach, CA
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Carey O Bryan M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Radhakrishan Gandhi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Richard Haskell Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Ankmalika Louis F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Amanda Donohue F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specialty Physicians
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Jennifer Knox Barleben F ID No. 100096559003 520 Superior Ave STE 205 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3667 (949) 650-2462
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Sanjiv Patel M Fountain Valley, CA
Rahil Bandukwala M Lake Forest, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA
Ali Behzadnia M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Jane Frederick F Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Daniel Potter M Fullerton, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Ku Juey Chang M Lake Forest, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
John Argerich M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Brian Chavez M Lake Forest, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Mary Eberhart F Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
William Somers M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Duc Do M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Vincent Hayes M Newport Beach, CA
Family Practice
Sonia Grewal F Newport Beach, CA
Donald Abrahm M Newport Beach, CA
Priyanka Krishnan F Lake Forest, CA
Pundari Chemitiganti Huntington Beach, CA
Tanya Evans F Laguna Niguel, CA
Ivy Joan Madu F Orange, CA
Lino Deguzman M Newport Beach, CA
Tony Hsu M Huntington Beach, CA
Ali Moattari M Newport Beach, CA
Parminder Dhaliwal M Newport Beach, CA
Marvi Iqbal F La Palma, CA
Farzana Naqvi F Newport Beach, CA
Jay Diliberto M Huntington Beach, CA
Malcolm Ke M Newport Beach, CA
Sam Pourbabak M Lake Forest, CA
Tejinder Kalra M Newport Beach, CA
Gary Lee M Irvine, CA
Jeffrey Punim M Huntington Beach, CA
David Kaufman M Irvine, CA
Neda Mehr F Newport Beach, CA
Francis Rhie M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Christopher Lee M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Craig Koehler M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Dermatology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Navid Nami M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Nancy Silverberg F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism Diana Albay F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Paul Rosenblit M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Endocrinology Reproductive Nestor Dourron M Fullerton, CA Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Herbert Lee M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Phuong Nguyen F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Richard Quist M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Patricia Shih Ting F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Gynecologic Oncology Gynecologic Oncology
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA
Philip Robinson M Newport Beach, CA
Medical Oncology
Anjali Vora F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gci Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gci Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Gynecology Patricia Korber F Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Internal Medicine David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Varuna Raizada F Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Ratul Chatterjee M Huntington Beach, CA
David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Kiem Liem M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Robert Moss M Fountain Valley, CA Eleonor Quan F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Hematology / Oncology
Kiem Liem M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Merle Robboy M Newport Beach, CA
Luke Chen M Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA
John Eilbert M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Priyanka Krishnan F Lake Forest, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Nerses Tchekmedyian Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Mark Ngo M Long Beach, CA
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA
Harvinder Sahni M Fountain Valley, CA
Melissa Bush F Laguna Hills, CA
Infectious Disease
Albert Saisho M Irvine, CA
John Elliott M Laguna Hills, CA
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Menashe Kfir M Newport Beach, CA
Adarsh Sharma M Newport Beach, CA
David Lagrew M Laguna Hills, CA
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Marlin Mills M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Susan Allen F Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Charles Bailey M Aliso Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Douglas Cable M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Martin Fee M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Kathleen Berkowitz F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Yeming Sun F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Catherine Koper F Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Neurology Child Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Linh Thong F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Jacob Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
Kambiz Vahabzadeh M Newport Beach, CA
Ku Juey Chang M Lake Forest, CA
Eric Wechsler M Newport Beach, CA
Glenn Chiang M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Vijayalakshmi Wijeyakumar F Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Reshma Parikh F Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Peirnat l Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Bryan Dang M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ying Peng F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Diane Stein F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Obstetrics / Gynecology Richard Agnew M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Morris Ahdoot M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Robert Anderson M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Philip Yang M Irvine, CA
Gunjan Bhatnagar F Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA
Bruce Cleeremans M Irvine, CA
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Amer Jabara M Orange, CA
David Gehret M Newport Beach, CA
Charles Kaupke M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Mark Montano M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sandeep Dang M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Evangeline Chu F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Wei Lau F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Christina Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sarah Lee F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
David Diaz M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Essam Mostafa M Huntington Beach, CA
Alexander Deyan M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
C Philip Ocarroll M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Azita Mesbah F Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Lisa Crane F Irvine, CA
Lisa Diaz F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Nasrin Farbakhsh F Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Brooke Hargrove F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Eleanor Hawkins F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Mark Van Houten M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Michael Haydon M Newport Beach, CA
Carla Wells F Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Candace Howe F Newport Beach, CA
Jeffrey Illeck M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Justin Aaker M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christina Lee F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jennifer Lee F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Lydia Banuelos F Anaheim, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Brent Norman M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Robert Blau M Huntington Beach, CA
Lee Novick Fountain Valley, CA
W Andrew Cies M Newport Beach, CA
Nika Omid F Huntington Beach, CA
Efraim Duzman M Irvine, CA
Stephen Prepas M Newport Beach, CA
Eran Duzman M Irvine, CA
Nima Rezaei Abbassi M Huntington Beach, CA
Antoine Fahd M Huntington Beach, CA
Ehsan Sadri M Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kimberly Mckanders F Lakewood, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Catalin Marinescu M Newport Beach, CA
Dwayne Logan M Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Nengjie Ge M Irvine, CA
Lena Nguyen Fountain Valley, CA
Shalu Gupta F Long Beach, CA
Linh Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA
Paul Blaze M Huntington Beach, CA Orange, CA
Stephanie Ricci F Newport Beach, CA
Vicken Karageozian Huntington Beach, CA
Beverly Sansone Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel Kline M Irvine, CA
Vineet Shrivastava M Long Beach, CA
Richard Klotz M Huntington Beach, CA
Patricia Strachan F Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Amr Kouchouk M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Elizabeth Tracy F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
David Wirta M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Elizabeth Chung F Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lindy Hoang F Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Anthony Huynh M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Gina Lee F Huntington Beach, CA
Mila Kamenev F Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Optometrist Babak Kamkar M Costa Mesa, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Kathy Yu-Syken F Huntington Beach, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Kristine Kuhlmeier F Long Beach, CA
James Bredenkamp M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Scott Lee M San Pedro, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Mary Ma F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Claudia Montana Collins F Anaheim, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Los Alamitos, CA Newport Beach, CA
Kenneth Zuckerman M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Felizardo Camilon M Orange, CA
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology
Philip Chironis Newport Beach, CA
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA
Joni Doherty F Newport Beach, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Steven Feinberg M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Al regy/Imunol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Dennis Noda M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Aaron Sako M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Timothy Kelley M Newport Beach, CA
James Chu M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Simon Madorsky M Newport Beach, CA
David Chun M Orange, CA
Jack Shohet M Newport Beach, CA
Ahmad Ellini M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Ruth Tang F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Donald Teshima M Huntington Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Evan Thomas M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Victor Strelzow M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Wendy Tran F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Jodie Gandy F Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Mailan Tran F Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
John Sun M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Paul Sun M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Patricia Uyekawa F Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Mary Wells F Lake Forest, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Ayal Willner M Long Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Christopher Yian M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Nina Yoshpe F Los Alamitos, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology Anjuli Kumar F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Mini Mehra F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Gastroenterology Daniel Recalde M Huntington Beach, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA
George Moro M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Alejandro Alva M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Daniel Ng M Newport Beach, CA
Gustavo Alva M Costa Mesa, CA
Surgery General
Jason Kellogg M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Barry Steinmetz M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Jagmohan Batra M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Tempe Chen F Long Beach, CA
David Michalik M Long Beach, CA
Kimberly Bova F Newport Beach, CA
Margreta Klassen F Newport Beach, CA
Paul Qaqundah M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Pavaninder Mann M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Rafael Vergara M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Au Bui M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Colleen Coleman F Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Michael Hurwitz M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Mandeep Singh F Irvine, CA
Steven Beanes M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Pulmonary Diseases Syed Naqvi M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Ronald Katz M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Rajesh Lal M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Marlowe Ross M Huntington Beach, CA
Balaji Charlu M Newport Beach, CA
Lakshni Shukla M Newport Beach, CA
Arie Gluzman M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Babak Rad M Newport Beach, CA
Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Russo M Fountain Valley, CA
Azadeh Majlessi F Huntington Beach, CA
Alexander Shadid M Newport Beach, CA
Christine Thai F Huntington Beach, CA
Lincoln Snyder M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Cardiovascular
Peter Wang M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Kazuto Augustus M Dana Point, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Gary Mccarter M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Troy Leaming M Dana Point, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Laurence Pearl M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Anthony Caffarelli M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Richard Gates M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery General Vascular Robert Burns M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Vascular Shaunak Desai M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Plastic
Nguyen Do Duy M Fountain Valley, CA
David Gazzaniga M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Stephen Lindsay M Newport Beach, CA
Andrew Gerken M Newport Beach, CA
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA
Michael Gordon M Newport Beach, CA
David Nabi M Newport Beach, CA
Tze Ip M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Richard Doering M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
John Puckett M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Hugh Bailey M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Semira Bayati F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Lavinia Chong Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Hyun Chun M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Tenley Lawton F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA
Mervin Low M Newport Beach, CA
Mark Kobayashi M Irvine, CA
Richard Lee M Newport Beach, CA
Bradley Mudge M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Neurological
Nader Nassif M Newport Beach, CA
David Rosenberg M Newport Beach, CA
Mark Newman M Newport Beach, CA
Richard Solmer M Newport Beach, CA
Todd Peters M Newport Beach, CA
Michael Sundine M Costa Mesa, CA
Russell Petrie M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
James Wendt M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery Hand Plastic Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryHandPl ascti
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
William Ross Dobkin M Newport, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Christopher Duma M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic Alan Beyer M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
James Caillouette M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Steven Dennis M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
James Ting M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Eleonore Zetrenne F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Surgery Thoracic
Alexander Tischler M Newport Beach, CA
Richard Gates M Orange, CA
Nicholas Yaru Newport Beach, CA
Colin Joyo M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Pediatric
Daryl Pearlstein M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Mustafa Kabeer M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Ledford Powell M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Hoag Hospital, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Thoracic Aidan Raney M Newport Beach, CA
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Robert Torrey M Duarte, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Stephen Auerbach M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jeffrey Yoshida M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Robert Bae M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Don Bui M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jill Byers F Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Alan Freedman M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Moses Kim M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Leah Nakamura F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Josh Randall M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial Affiliated Hospitals Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
William Armstrong M ID No. 100102811003 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Bart Barrett M ID No. 100072777002 19361 Beach Blvd Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2503 (714) 960-4500 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sabine Bernbeck F ID No. 100107106003 19582 Beach Blvd 218 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 845-5900 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Bassil Aish M ID No. 100056589003 17742 Beach Blvd 215 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6818 (714) 848-1655 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Isaac Beshay M ID No. 100110662023 2200 Harbor Blvd STE B210 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-5890 (949) 548-2273 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Archana Bhogill F ID No. 100035586010 5 Journey SUITE 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Hindi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Arnold Brender M ID No. 100016485003 17742 Beach Blvd 215 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6818 (714) 848-1655
David Bunten M ID No. 100077002003 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Cheng M ID No. 100045200004 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bonnie Cheung F ID No. 100191905002 9131 Adams Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92646-3403 (714) 845-5900 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brian Coyne M 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter V Dangvu M ID No. 100105583002 17742 Beach Blvd STE 340 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6872 (714) 842-7600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Howard Fishbein M ID No. 100037553003 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604-4630 (949) 552-2700 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued PCPs - Family Practice Francis Foo M 18785 South Brookhurst Street STE 100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Fred Galluccio M ID No. 100075349005 901 Dover Dr 102 Newport Beach, CA 92660-5538 (949) 646-4865 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Janet Goodfellow F ID No. 100068201005 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 417-9820 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Catou Greenberg F ID No. 100072487006 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Julia Harris F ID No. 100027858003 19582 Beach Blvd 218 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 845-5900 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Henry Leung M ID No. 100053387031 26671 Aliso Creek Rd 101 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4809 (949) 425-0321 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Spanish
Robert Katzen M ID No. 100018487013 18785 S Brookhurt St STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-0042
Justin Liao M ID No. 100024749003 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Taiwanese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jay Friehling M ID No. 100149058010 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hsueh Hua Ho F ID No. 100113019017 15785 Laguna Canyon Rd STE # 115 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 551-5152 Languages: Mandarin
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Vly, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Tannaz Meisami M ID No. 100092609003 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Karen Kim F ID No. 100070645006 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter Kim M ID No. 100081200004 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Lalonde M ID No. 100072542005 2216 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1711 (949) 631-9009 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Menzies M 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Raul Miranda M ID No. 100104569002 275 Victoria St STE 2K Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 646-1631 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Andrew Mleynek M ID No. 100100975003 19582 Beach Blvd 218 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 845-5900 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued PCPs - Family Practice Chrystene Nguyen F ID No. 100097534003 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gina Nga Nguyen F ID No. 100028430015 1190 W Baker St STE 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4105 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Uyen Nguyen F ID No. 100105454004 18682 Beach Blvd 160 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2077 (714) 378-1300 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Thao Phan F ID No. 100050946004 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 18785 South Brookhurst Street #100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 18785 S Brookhurst STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese Sarin Prakobwanakit F ID No. 100242901002 520 Superior Ave STE 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Thai
Shannon Oconnor F ID No. 100027672003 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069
Carol Shi F ID No. 100091402006 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Martin Steinfeld M 19582 Beach Blvd STE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2424 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lincoln Tom M ID No. 100082385003 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alan Nili M ID No. 100093992002 18 Endeavor STE 307 Irvine, CA 92618-3177 (949) 260-0106 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Somers M ID No. 100070900007 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jennifer Shoquist F 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jared Williams M ID No. 100079069003 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tiffany Wilson F ID No. 100048357005 33 Creek Rd A190 Irvine, CA 92604-4791 (949) 559-4480 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Wendell Witte M 19582 Beach Blvd STE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2410 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kelly Wong F ID No. 100111000005 33 Creek Rd A190 Irvine, CA 92604-4791 (949) 559-4480 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued PCPs - Family Practice Dana Yan F ID No. 100096355013 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Tagalog
Phuong Doan F ID No. 100105213005 19582 Beach Blvd STE 102 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2996 (714) 963-1030 Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at: 18785 S. Brookhurst STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-0042 Languages: Tagalog
Satoshi Kamada M ID No. 100048942004 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 280 Irvine, CA 92618-3191 (949) 453-1201 Languages: Japanese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice Nazli Ahmed F 1190 Baker St STE 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Hindustani and Urdu
Munazza Khan F ID No. 100109392006 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine Shirin Afrasiabi F ID No. 100046802006 2301 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92627-6576 (949) 548-5700 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Amanda Binns F ID No. 100207849004 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 410 Irvine, CA 92618-3703 (949) 732-3530 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Julie Copon F ID No. 100075944003 17822 Beach Blvd STE 225 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7517 (714) 848-5240 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Manish Marolia M ID No. 100059142010 2 Journey STE 201 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3373 (949) 427-6074 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 17822 Beach Blvd 473 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 596-5557 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Emad Mikhail M ID No. 100072526004 4870 Barranca Pkwy 330 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 653-5810 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Internal Medi cne
John Morey M ID No. 100040972007 19582 Beach Blvd 317 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5924 (714) 378-2417 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 355 Placentia Ave STE 309 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3312 (949) 646-4411 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Son Nguyen ID No. 100105184004 19582 Beach Blvd STE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5923 (714) 378-2404 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sajeet Sawhney M ID No. 100253911004 11100 Warner Ave STE 218 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 641-9696 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Viney Soni M ID No. 100021954016 9940 Talbert Ave STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 545-8700 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Hindustani, Punjabi, Sign Language, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mikio Tachibana M ID No. 100092889003 11100 Warner Ave # 154 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-2800 Languages: Japanese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Samy Younis M ID No. 100071541015 62 Corporate Park STE 240 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 451-9292 Languages: Arabic, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527011 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813010 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eric Clark M ID No. 100079641003 5 Journey STE 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 360-1069 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 5 Journey STE 190 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3015 (949) 360-1069 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brandon Grove M ID No. 100089138007 5888 Edinger Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1705 (714) 377-7469
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Anesthesiology Pain Management William Barreto M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Sheryl Long F ID No. 100027624006 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 417-9820 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Brenda Mah Mccaa F ID No. 100092139007 19582 Beach Blvd SUITE 307 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2410 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ronald Young M ID No. 100052646004 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 451-6060 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Kathleen Boos F ID No. 100056905003 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Spanish
Steven Weinstein M Huntington Beach, CA
Internal Medicine Ratul Chatterjee M 19582 Beach Blvd STE 314 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 887-8114 Languages: Bengali, Hindi and Urdu PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology William Berger M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA
Andrew Messiha M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Medhat Mikhael M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Cardiology Amarpal Chana M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Nicolas Doan Van M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Amanda Donohue F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Sanjiv Patel M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiology Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
General Practice Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practie
Jennifer Wong F Irvine, CA
Internal Medicine
Gynecologic Oncology
Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA
David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
John Argerich M Newport Beach, CA
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Vincent Hayes M Newport Beach, CA
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Dermatology Tony Hsu M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Ratul Chatterjee M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Brandie Metz F Irvine, CA
Anjali Vora F Newport Beach, CA
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Hematology / Oncology Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Medical Oncology David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA
Jeffrey Punim M Huntington Beach, CA
Mark Ngo M Long Beach, CA
Luke Chen M Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA
Paul Rosenblit M Huntington Beach, CA
Amol Rajeev Rao M Fountain Valley, CA
Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Ana Rojas F Newport Beach, CA
Mickey Coffler M Newport Beach, CA
Kiem Liem M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Homayoon Sanati M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyReproductvi e
Jane Frederick F Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyReproductvi e
Daniel Potter M Fullerton, CA Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyReproductvi e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Infectious Disease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Eleonor Quan F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Ana Rojas F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Family Practice William Somers M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Catherine Koper F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Nerses Tchekmedyian Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA
Quynh Vo Hanser F Torrance, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Peirnat l Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Sandeep Dang M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Neurology Child Ying Peng F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Ronald Fischman M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Paul Blaze M Huntington Beach, CA Orange, CA Babak Kamkar M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Claudia Montana Collins F Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Victor Kabbany M Lakewood, CA
Gerardo Bustillo M Fountain Valley, CA
Essam Mostafa M Huntington Beach, CA
Caroline Conner F Fountain Valley, CA
James Bredenkamp M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Chong Parke M Long Beach, CA
Eleanor Hawkins F Fountain Valley, CA
Peter Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Meagan Moore F Fountain Valley, CA
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology
Lena Nguyen Fountain Valley, CA
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA
Linh Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA
Otto Liao M Huntington Beach, CA Tustin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Al regy/Imunol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Avedik Semerjian M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kambiz Vahabzadeh M Newport Beach, CA
Beverly Sansone Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Meenakshi Verma F Lakewood, CA
Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA
James Chu M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Eric Wechsler M Newport Beach, CA
Lee Novick Fountain Valley, CA
Philip Yang M Irvine, CA
Stephen Prepas M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Pediatric Cardiology
Elizabeth Tracy F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Al regy/Imunol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Ahmad Ellini M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Jagmohan Batra M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Infectious Diseases Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Atif Iqbal M Fountain Valley, CA
Pediatric Orthopedics
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Jane Kakkis F Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircOrthopedci s
Radiation Oncology
Pediatric Pulmonology
Linda Chan F Long Beach, CA
Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Tempe Chen F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Terry Chin F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Joel Cherlow M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Pediatrics Lourdes Brown F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Paul Qaqundah M Huntington Beach, CA
Asif Harsolia M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA
Arie Gluzman M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Podiatrist Kazuto Augustus M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Wesley Kobayashi M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Troy Leaming M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Daniel Recalde M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Pulmonary Diseases Thomas Asciuto M Fountain Vly, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Adarsh Sharma M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
David Vannix Los Alamitos, CA
Alam Syed M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery General Vascular
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Laurence Pearl M Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Ajmel Puthawala M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Rafael Vergara M Huntington Beach, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Rheumatology Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Noreen Hussaini F Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Surgery Cardiovascular Tuan Lam M Long Beach, CA
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA
Surgery General
Surgery Neurological
Dena Amr F Fountain Valley, CA
Devin Binder M Orange, CA
Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Kelly Francis F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Orange Coast Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Kenneth Chambers M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Khiem Dao M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Payam Farjoodi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Kathryn Perkins Tift F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Surgery Plastic Hugh Bailey M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Eugene Elliott M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Mervin Low M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Surgery Thoracic Daniel Bethencourt M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Tuan Lam M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Urology Don Bui M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Leah Nakamura F Fountain Valley, CA F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group. Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Gnp Saddleback Memorial Affiliated Hospitals Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr L 24451 Health Center Dr Laguna Hills, 92653
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente
Mohammed Ali M ID No. 100114282019 23672 Birtcher Dr # A Lake Forest, CA 92630-1711 (949) 770-7301 Languages: Hindi, Telugu and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 655 Camino De Los Mares STE 117 San Clemente, CA 92673-2809 (949) 493-9344 Languages: Hindi, Telugu and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Armstrong M ID No. 100102811004 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025
David Bunten M ID No. 100077002004 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John Cheng M ID No. 100045200005 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Brian Coyne M 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Bassil Aish M ID No. 100056589004 17742 Beach Blvd 215 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6818 (714) 848-1655 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Isaac Beshay M ID No. 100110662024 2200 Harbor Blvd STE B210 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-5890 (949) 548-2273 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Archana Bhogill F ID No. 100035586014 5 Journey SUITE 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Peter V Dangvu M ID No. 100105583003 17742 Beach Blvd STE 340 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6872 (714) 842-7600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Howard Fishbein M ID No. 100037553004 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604-4630 (949) 552-2700 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Francis Foo M 18785 South Brookhurst Street STE 100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Arnold Brender M ID No. 100016485004 17742 Beach Blvd 215 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6818 (714) 848-1655 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued PCPs - Family Practice Fred Galluccio M ID No. 100075349006 901 Dover Dr 102 Newport Beach, CA 92660-5538 (949) 646-4865 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jeffrey Globus M 26902 Oso Pky STE 140 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 916-8870
Robert Katzen M ID No. 100018487014 18785 S Brookhurt St STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-0042 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Vly, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Janet Goodfellow F ID No. 100068201004 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 417-9820 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Catou Greenberg F ID No. 100072487005 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Olina Harwer F ID No. 100072874006 32241 Camino Capistrano 105A San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-3708 (949) 661-6555 Languages: Czech and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hsueh Hua Ho F ID No. 100113019018 15785 Laguna Canyon Rd STE # 115 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 551-5152 Languages: Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Justin Liao M ID No. 100024749004 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tannaz Meisami M ID No. 100092609004 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Kim F ID No. 100070645005 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: Korean PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Peter Kim M ID No. 100081200005 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
John Lalonde M ID No. 100072542006 2216 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1711 (949) 631-9009 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Henry Leung M ID No. 100053387027 26671 Aliso Creek Rd 101 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4809 (949) 425-0321 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
William Menzies M 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Raul Miranda M ID No. 100104569003 275 Victoria St STE 2K Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 646-1631 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Regina Mojica F ID No. 100177356004 4950 Barranca Pkwy Irvine, CA 92604-4671 (949) 552-8585 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Behnaz Haghighi Motlagh F ID No. 100197006007 26671 Aliso Creek Rd STE 205 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4810 (949) 831-0300 Languages: Dutch, Farsi and German PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued PCPs - Family Practice Chrystene Nguyen F ID No. 100097534004 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Gina Nga Nguyen F ID No. 100028430016 1190 W Baker St STE 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4105 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Uyen Nguyen F ID No. 100105454005 18682 Beach Blvd 160 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2077 (714) 378-1300 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 18785 South Brookhurst Street #100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Perry Sheidayi M ID No. 100090804008 18 Endeavor STE 201 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 650-5771 Languages: Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carol Shi F ID No. 100091402005 1441 Avocado Ave 503 Newport Beach, CA 92660-7721 (949) 718-9020 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jennifer Shoquist F 18785 S Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Somers M ID No. 100070900008 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Lincoln Tom M ID No. 100082385004 18785 Brookhurst St STE 200 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-5330 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alan Nili M ID No. 100093992003 18 Endeavor STE 307 Irvine, CA 92618-3177 (949) 260-0106 Languages: Farsi and Spanish Shannon Oconnor F ID No. 100027672004 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sarin Prakobwanakit F ID No. 100242901003 520 Superior Ave STE 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Thai
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Thao Phan F ID No. 100050946005 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Jared Williams M ID No. 100079069004 1190 Baker St 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4108 (714) 668-2500 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Tiffany Wilson F ID No. 100048357004 33 Creek Rd A190 Irvine, CA 92604-4791 (949) 559-4480 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kelly Wong F ID No. 100111000004 33 Creek Rd A190 Irvine, CA 92604-4791 (949) 559-4480 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Dana Yan F 18785 S. Brookhurst STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 378-0042 Languages: Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued PCPs - General Practice General Practice Nazli Ahmed F 1190 Baker St STE 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 668-2500 Languages: Hindustani and Urdu PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Internal Medicine Shirin Afrasiabi F ID No. 100046802007 2301 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, CA 92627-6576 (949) 548-5700 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Amanda Binns F ID No. 100207849005 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 410 Irvine, CA 92618-3703 (949) 732-3530 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Julie Copon F ID No. 100075944004 17822 Beach Blvd STE 225 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7517 (714) 848-5240 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Reza Govashiri M ID No. 100047181004 24421 Calle De La Louisa STE 200 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-7609 (949) 830-4201 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Satoshi Kamada M ID No. 100048942005 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 280 Irvine, CA 92618-3191 (949) 453-1201 Languages: Japanese
Albert Saisho M ID No. 100077651003 15785 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 340 Irvine, CA 92618-3178 (949) 262-0080 Languages: Japanese
Priyanka Krishnan F ID No. 100249489004 23331 El Toro Rd STE 102 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 916-9100
Mikio Tachibana M ID No. 100092889004 11100 Warner Ave # 154 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-2800 Languages: Japanese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Katherine Manasson F ID No. 100113316003 26732 Crown Valley Pkwy # 50 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6306 (949) 348-1085 Languages: Farsi and Russian PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Manish Marolia M ID No. 100059142011 2 Journey STE 201 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3373 (949) 427-6074 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 17822 Beach Blvd 473 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 596-5557 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
John Stephen Wikle M ID No. 100096304002 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 207 Irvine, CA 92604-8648 (949) 262-9700 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Samy Younis M ID No. 100071541016 62 Corporate Park STE 240 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 451-9292 Languages: Arabic, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kalena Hwang F ID No. 100070498013 16300 Sand Canyon Ave 410 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 732-3530
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Emad Mikhail M ID No. 100072526005 4870 Barranca Pkwy 330 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 653-5810 Languages: Arabic PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Kathleen Boos F ID No. 100056905004 520 Superior Ave 360 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3637 (949) 644-1025 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued PCPs - Family Practice Eric Clark M ID No. 100079641006 5 Journey STE 190 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3015 (949) 360-1069
Mark Ngo M Laguna Hills, CA
Priyanka Krishnan F Lake Forest, CA
Sam Pourbabak M Lake Forest, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Jeffrey Feiner M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Sheryl Long F ID No. 100027624007 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 417-9820 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Ronald Young M ID No. 100052646005 4870 Barranca Pkwy 350 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 451-6060 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Specialty Physicians
Michael Gault Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Endocrinology Reproductive Mickey Coffler M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Daniel Lamont M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Nestor Dourron M Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Douglas Lyle M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Robert Masters M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Jane Frederick F Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Daniel Potter M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Allergy Immunology
William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA
John Argerich M Newport Beach, CA
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA
Vincent Hayes M Newport Beach, CA
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA
Tanya Evans F Laguna Niguel, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Steven Weinstein M Huntington Beach, CA
Gary Lee M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Brandie Metz F Irvine, CA
Afshin Gerayli M Laguna Hills, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Michael Shahbazian M Laguna Hills, CA
Rahil Bandukwala M Lake Forest, CA
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Ku Juey Chang M Lake Forest, CA
Shahriar Minokadeh M Laguna Hills, CA
Brian Chavez M Lake Forest, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Family Practice William Somers M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Barry Donner M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Catherine Ngo F Sacramento, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Phuong Nguyen F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Ketan Shah M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Benjamin Weinberg M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Gynecologic Oncology Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Gynecology Gynecology
Albert Saisho M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Medical Oncology
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA
David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Cuong Ly M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Neurology Caroline Choan F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Hematology / Oncology
Robert Carroll M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
David Burtzo M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Luke Chen M Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Robert Carroll M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Mark Ngo M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Amol Rajeev Rao M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Ana Rojas F Newport Beach, CA
Kiem Liem M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Pedro Postigo M San Clemente, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA Eleonor Quan F Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Ana Rojas F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Nerses Tchekmedyian Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Alan White M Laguna Hills, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Priyanka Krishnan F Lake Forest, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Michael Shen M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Neurology Child Ying Peng F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Obstetrics / Gynecology John Brown M Newport Beach, CA Linda Chung F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Reshma Parikh F Laguna Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medicni e
Nephrology Ku Juey Chang M Lake Forest, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA
William Preston M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Infectious Disease
Ronald Gim M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA
Internal Medicine
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Lihong Wu F Long Beach, CA
Kiet Loc F Laguna Hills, CA
Sassan Farjami M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA
Dean Le M Laguna Hills, CA
Bruce Hagadorn M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Julie Kim F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Rachael Lopez F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Amy Peters F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Nathaniel Ho M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Daniel Sternfeld M Laguna Hills, CA
Timothy You M Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Satvinder Gujral F Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Wendy Tran F Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Noor Haffar F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
John Hovanesian M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Diana Kersten F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Edward Kim M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jan Lukac M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Roger Ohanesian M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Stephen Prepas M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Savak Teymoorian M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Esrafil Abedi M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Sanford Chen M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Rajiv Rathod M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
James Bredenkamp M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Michael Cho M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Dennis Crockett M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Michael Jakobsen M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Jagmeet Mundi M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology John Sun M Eugene Chang M Santa Ana, CA
Mark Wohlgemuth M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Brian Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Otolaryngology / Otology / Christopher Yian M Laryngology / Rhinology Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jeffrey Jacobs M Laguna Hills, CA
Phillip Wells M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Kathy Yu-Syken F Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology Otto Liao M Huntington Beach, CA Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Al ergy /mI unol gy
Pediatric Cardiology Farhouch Berdjis M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Ahmad Ellini M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Ryland Melford M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Pediatric Gastroenterology Mini Mehra F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastorenterol gy
Barry Steinmetz M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastorenterol gy
Paul Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastorenterol gy
John Supance M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Christopher Thompson M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Infectious Diseases Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Pulmonary Diseases
Jagmohan Batra M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Surgery General
Fady Kadifa M Laguna Hills, CA
Blake Ashley M Laguna Hills, CA
Pediatric Pulmonology
David Law M Laguna Hills, CA
Nora Evans F Laguna Hills, CA
Terry Chin F Long Beach, CA
Bryan Vo M Laguna Hills, CA
Maher Gobran M Orange, CA
Thomas Vovan M Laguna Hills, CA
Elvira Klause F San Clemente, CA
Inchel Yeam M San Clemente, CA
Chirag Patel M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Radiation Oncology
Mandeep Singh F Irvine, CA
Linda Chan F Long Beach, CA
Jason Wong M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Surgery General Vascular
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Joel Cherlow M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Vidal Espeleta M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Tempe Chen F Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Lourdes Brown F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Paul Qaqundah M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Arie Gluzman M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Asif Harsolia M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Podiatrist Robin Andrews Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Kazuto Augustus M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Troy Leaming M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Joel Lipkin M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Daniel Recalde M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Ajmel Puthawala M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
William Wallace M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Alam Syed M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Neurological
Robert Jackson M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Alan Schenk M Laguna Woods, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Surgery Cardiovascular Joanne Starr F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
David Sabet M Laguna Beach, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Wang Teng M Laguna Hills, CA
William Thibault M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Farzad Massoudi M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic Arash Aminian M Laguna Woods, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Kyle Coker M Laguna Woods, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Gnp Saddleback Memorial, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Larry Gersten M Laguna Woods, CA
Ledford Powell M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Scott Graham M Laguna Woods, CA
Bryce Johnson F Laguna Woods, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Nimish Raj Kadakia M Laguna Hills, CA
Don Bui M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Robert Montgomery M Laguna Woods, CA
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA
Lonnie Moskow M Laguna Woods, CA
Moses Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Christopher Veneziano M Laguna Woods, CA
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA
Lance Wrobel M Laguna Woods, CA
Leah Nakamura F Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Plastic
Josh Randall M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Hugh Bailey M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Hootan Daneshmand M Foothill Ranch, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Mervin Low M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Surgery Thoracic Shigeru Chino M Laguna Niguel, CA
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA
Sevak Darbinian M Orange, CA
Robert Torrey M Duarte, CA
Puneet Dhawan M Orange, CA
Jeffrey Yoshida M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Richard Gates M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST Affiliated Hospitals
Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Family Practice
Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919040 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Kyu Ahn M ID No. 100082540020 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 505 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1904 (714) 539-6100 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Eleanor Azurin F ID No. 100110349022 8706 Imperial Hwy Downey, CA 90242-3906 (562) 923-8300 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Shahida Baig F ID No. 100188037018 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Youssef Beshai M ID No. 100106725011 801 N Harbor Bl Anaheim, CA 92805-1810 (714) 774-7500 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chung Bui ID No. 100058843007 10301 Bolsa Ave STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-6784 (714) 531-2203 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hao Cao F ID No. 100048099023 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-5314 (714) 490-2750 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Francisco Badar M 19123 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703 (562) 924-8880 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog
Also located at: 12116 Beach Blvd Stanton, CA 90680-3704 (714) 989-2222 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235012 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Family Practice Pauline Dang F 13872 Harbor Blv 1C Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phu Dang M ID No. 100076322008 10495 Bolsa Ave 106 Westminster, CA 92683-6762 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Michael Dao M ID No. 100019932018 14362 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 531-7830 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Teresa Flores F ID No. 100207722005 1206 E 17th Street STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 352-2911 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chinh Dinh M ID No. 100069897005 3414 W Ball Rd STE F Anaheim, CA 92804-3726 (714) 761-9137 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Samuel Gendler M ID No. 100016358013 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Polish and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jaclynn Do F ID No. 100089331015 8070 Westminster Blvd # A Westminster, CA 92683-3303 (714) 899-9898 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Said El Zayat M ID No. 100060507012 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic and French
Kasein Gonzalez Gonzalez M ID No. 100159743017 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Spanish
Jose Guerra M ID No. 100163320015 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311011 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jeff Huang M ID No. 100071860009 18663 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6709 (714) 887-9800 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Yousef Ireifej M ID No. 100012460007 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141004 321 N Pomona Ave # B Fullerton, CA 92832-1927 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Family Practice Thomas Kockinis M ID No. 100083025006 18811 Huntington St STE 130 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-6003 (714) 596-1105 Languages: Filipino, German, Italian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pat Kouwabunpat M ID No. 100059386016 2509 W Mcfadden Avenue STE C Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 542-4723 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 1610 W Edinger Ave B Santa Ana, CA 92704-4339 (714) 641-1610 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khiem Lai M ID No. 100108716006 12502 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92840-4807 (714) 590-1949 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Arash Lalezary M ID No. 100108413009 7218 Garfield Ave Bell Gardens, CA 90201-4812 (562) 927-1111 Languages: Farsi, French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loi Luu F ID No. 100068442006 14501 Magnolia St STE 108 Westminster, CA 92683-1307 (714) 799-7731 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Paramjot Mann F ID No. 100110491006 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805-4595 (562) 817-5602 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Punjabi
Assanassios Moussa Faltas M ID No. 100231398004 3400 W Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic
Catherine Marks F ID No. 100231399004 3400 West Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754010 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese
Daniel Matemotja M 711 E Rosecrans Ave Compton, CA 90221 (310) 635-5223 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Khanh Nguyen M ID No. 100105298057 13830 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-3121 (714) 467-4330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Manuel Mendoza M ID No. 100047566017 16323 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-5209 (562) 925-7716 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Chester Mojica M ID No. 100039460011 12511 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 643-7176 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
John Molina M ID No. 100083037027 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lan Nguyen F ID No. 100071143006 10402 Westminster Ave 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843-4861 (714) 539-4900 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phuc Dang Nguyen M ID No. 100105218013 7901 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 898-9368 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Family Practice Quang Binh Nguyen M ID No. 100234354008 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Thuy Anh Nguyen F ID No. 100105110003 9862 Chapman Ave STE B Garden Grove, CA 92841-2726 (714) 418-2040 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Yen Nguyen M 9191 Westminster Ave STE 207 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2751 (714) 899-2000 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Rosemary Reyes F ID No. 100214861006 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 490-2750 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Rubinson M ID No. 100036140011 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Susan Sharp F ID No. 100054467013 17400 Irvine Blvd SUITE M Irvine, CA 92780 (714) 542-5988 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pumipak Tantamjarik M ID No. 100062433010 12555 Garden Grove Bl 504 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 537-5609 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Cam Huong Tran F ID No. 100134714005 10090 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4721 (714) 590-1682 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Donny Tran M ID No. 100231522004 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Homa Shoghian F ID No. 100109807006 1329 W Warner Ave Khai Tran M Santa Ana, CA 92704-5118 (714) 444-0044 ID No. 100154415011 Thomas Parsa M ID No. 100049311008 Languages: Farsi and Spanish 15068 Moran St 2864 E Imperial Hwy Westminster, CA 92683-6505 Reuven Sison M (714) 897-3690 Brea, CA 92821-6714 ID No. 100035348014 (714) 996-9708 Languages: Vietnamese 9401 Long Beach Blvd Languages: Spanish Kinh Tran M South Gate, CA 90280-4144 (323) 582-8612 ID No. 100084925005 Deepak Patel M ID No. 100074311019 Languages: Spanish and 15975 Harbor Blvd 215 N State College Blvd Tagalog Fountain Valley, CA STE A 92708-1303 Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 546-6575 ID No. 100111646015 (714) 517-0467 Languages: French and Languages: Hindi and Spanish 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Vietnamese Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 Huong Quy F (714) 826-7440 ID No. 100144225013 Languages: Farsi, Spanish 9559 Bolsa Ave STE D and Tagalog Westminster, CA 92683-5986 (714) 531-5754 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Family Practice Nhu Van Truong M ID No. 100092990006 10402 Westminster Ave STE 100B Garden Grove, CA 92843-4862 (714) 539-4946 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jack Vu M 9191 Westminster Ave STE 207 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2751 (714) 899-2000 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665016 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Joseph Carella M ID No. 100006676031 610 West 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706 (714) 541-4090 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703012 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Humberto Florian M ID No. 100009997009 2090 S Euclid St 104 Anaheim, CA 92802-3143 (714) 539-2200 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Pushpa Gursahani F ID No. 100049312020 7212 Orangethorpe Avenue SUITE 9A Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 503-6550 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Chinh Huynh M ID No. 100051931006 9411 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5980 (714) 839-2896 Languages: Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Trang Lam F ID No. 100209485009 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Kasin Chai M 1212 S Bristol St STE 16 Santa Ana, CA 92704-3439 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Thai PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Also located at: 1226 E Mcfadden Ave Santa Ana, CA 92705-4106 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Thai PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Tam Le M ID No. 100200130004 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 634-9442 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Burton Lutsky M ID No. 100019368010 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 590-3090 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Daniel Matemotja M ID No. 100084173022 12131 Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1154 (562) 809-0299 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144063 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Saturnina Mercado F ID No. 100018099010 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 207 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 863-3474 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPractice
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946017 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Anthony Naples M ID No. 100074704004 13095 Jamboree Rd Tustin, CA 92782-9150 (714) 838-8254 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - General Practice Vy Chi Nguyen M ID No. 100081810005 10161 Bolsa Ave STE C202 Westminster, CA 92683-6775 (714) 775-2222 Languages: Vietnamese
Ann Newsome F ID No. 100043434009 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1919 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Virgilio Panganiban M 16704 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 925-7033 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 12463 Brookhurst St STE A & B Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-9850 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Huu Nguyen M ID No. 100105098008 1220 Hemlock Way STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92707-3656 (714) 957-0040 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese Ky Nguyen M ID No. 100105151009 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 643-9442 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Sergio Trani M ID No. 100073538007 15955 Paramount Blvd A Paramount, CA 90723-5113 (562) 531-9806 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine
Also located at: 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Tung Phan M ID No. 100104854007 10152 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4754 (714) 530-3939 Languages: Vietnamese
Thomas Ton M ID No. 100045195007 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Chi Huu Phung M ID No. 100114161005 13155 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-1080 (714) 537-8487 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106014 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Shafeeq Shamsiddeen M ID No. 100087742027 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-5314 (714) 490-2750 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 12116 Beach Blvd Stanton, CA 90680-3704 (714) 898-2222 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Ahmed Badr M ID No. 100103956011 3055 W Orange Ave STE 103 Anaheim, CA 92804-3152 (714) 995-2901 Languages: Arabic PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Carl Buckhorn M ID No. 100072402063 515 E Commonwealth Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-2020 (657) 378-9888 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Khaled Chan M ID No. 100110315010 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Charles Chong M ID No. 100008008009 1751 W Romneya Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 778-0454 Languages: Chinese
Jaya George F ID No. 100029442064 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay
Lucita Cruz F ID No. 100093627009 12507 Alondra Blvd Norwalk, CA 90650-7351 (562) 802-2203 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael Dao M ID No. 100057256010 9191 Westminster Ave STE 101 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2751 (714) 899-2000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Paul Duong M ID No. 100105688005 9433 Bolsa Ave STE A Westminster, CA 92683-5964 (714) 839-7332 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Manisha Goel F 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Victoria Greblya F ID No. 100108123009 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Russian PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William Essilfie M ID No. 100036714014 1141 W Redondo Beach Blvd STE 307 Gardena, CA 90247-3583 (310) 715-6100 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768011 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Asaad Hakim M ID No. 100028104013 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 12463 Brookhurst St Ab Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-9850 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3215 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shelly Heidelbaugh F ID No. 100047032009 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Robert Ha M ID No. 100089650009 12828 Harbor Blvd STE 320 Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-3032 Languages: Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shehnaz Habib F ID No. 100083641013 8540 Alondra Blvd STE B2 Paramount, CA 90723-5200 (562) 602-2508 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403068 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Linda Hsu F ID No. 100071649002 11101 La Reina Ave 101 Downey, CA 90241-4237 (562) 867-2796 Languages: Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Arlena Menda F ID No. 100057074007 710 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Spanish
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842012 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese
Aruna Krishnaswamy F ID No. 100103173011 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
Nishu Karki F ID No. 100193993015 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 780-5990
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6233 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
Andrew Mui M ID No. 100229323005 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Abdul Khan M ID No. 100071815058 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu
Son Thanh Le M 8887 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92844-2608 (714) 698-3880 Languages: Vietnamese
Madhavi Mulye M ID No. 100107681004 1401 West First St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 542-9700 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Meena Meka F ID No. 100219558025 606 S Euclid Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Spanish
German Navarro M ID No. 100101314009 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Munazza Khan F ID No. 100109392011 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hong Sik Kim M ID No. 100103290004 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 503 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1919 (714) 530-3740 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1510 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dean Ngo M ID No. 100086512011 15606 Brookhurst St B Westminster, CA 92683-7581 (714) 531-0000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Thanh Nguyen F ID No. 100076372016 15576 Brookhurst St STE B Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 775-8090 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Thanh Minh Nguyen M ID No. 100105021006 8919 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92844-2609 (714) 893-5511 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tuan Nguyen M ID No. 100105241012 14221 Euclid St STE H Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 530-2420 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vuong Nguyen M ID No. 100086565012 10141 Westminster Ave E Garden Grove, CA 92843-4788 (714) 467-4321 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gnyandev Patel M ID No. 100078689022 3300 E South St STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 232-2380 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205005 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Selma Prechel F ID No. 100040699006 515 S Beach Blvd STE F Anaheim, CA 92804-1812 (714) 995-7503
Carlos Saad M 1401 N Tustin Ave 350 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8644 (714) 558-8133 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744013 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dara Saghafi M ID No. 100113490004 1401 W 1st St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92703-3757 (714) 542-9700 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Aida Salatinjants F ID No. 100060463013 13132 Studebaker Rd 3 Norwalk, CA 90650-2557 (562) 406-7070 Languages: Armenian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arunpal Sehgal M ID No. 100023415060 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805-4595 (562) 817-5602 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
James Sharkoff M ID No. 100091013014 8045 Cerritos Ave Stanton, CA 90680-2436 (714) 828-2444 Languages: Greek PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Viney Soni M ID No. 100021954013 9940 Talbert Ave STE 101 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-5153 (714) 545-8700 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Hindustani, Punjabi, Sign Language, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Phuong Ta F ID No. 100166184005 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Navin Saran M ID No. 100077890008 1661 W Broadway STE 14 Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 533-1234 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Anh Tran F 9191 Westminster Ave STE 207 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2751 (714) 899-2000 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Alan Schwartz M ID No. 100040371057 2621 S Bristol St 307 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5766 (714) 918-3070 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Vu Truong M ID No. 100108748014 1775 W Lincoln Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-6771 (714) 491-9022 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Martin Blanco Eccleston M ID No. 100059729010 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish
Shubhangi Godbole F ID No. 100037706026 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish
David Tsong M ID No. 100065606004 17822 Beach Blvd STE 352 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7176 (714) 848-8131 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese, Korean and Mandarin
Hung-Chuan Cheng M ID No. 100014292006 11100 Warner Ave STE 118 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 444-0724 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
John Goff M ID No. 100041392033 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yvette Cressey F ID No. 100063109010 1275 N Rose Dr # 124 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 792-0000 Languages: French
Thuc Tu M ID No. 100094366008 6552 Bolsa Ave N Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2656 (714) 898-9635 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samantha Von Ins F ID No. 100194578009 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364015 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese Gustavo Estrella M ID No. 100077893006 6901 Atlantic Ave Cudahy, CA 90201-3646 (323) 562-6700 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527007 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813007 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Khine Khin F ID No. 100107913011 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Burmese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687010 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Navid Geula M ID No. 100107189011 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Family Practice Jorge Lopez M ID No. 100061278011 140 E. Commonwealth Ave Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 522-2001 Languages: Spanish
Duc Tran M ID No. 100105584011 9091 Edinger Ave A Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-4616 Languages: Vietnamese
Tam Nguyen M ID No. 100084992007 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6232 (714) 825-1844 Languages: Spanish
Mark Varallo M ID No. 100097001010 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631-6047 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Spanish
Lucy Saenz F ID No. 100108546023 1203 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-1954 (714) 224-3388 Languages: Spanish
Vincent Wong M ID No. 100211271006 701 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Cantonese
Also located at: 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vikram Marfatia M ID No. 100111167042 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 817-5603 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nhanhau Ngo F ID No. 100060776016 12692 Brookhurst St. Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 657-7100 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hung Nguyen M 10222 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 539-0444 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Richard Ong M ID No. 100080814009 1626 S Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92707-2214 (714) 541-2639 Languages: Burmese, Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
General Practice Janak Chopra M ID No. 100019119009 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 404 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 638-0232 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs -General Practci e
Christopher Lundquist M ID No. 100102789010 2874 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 579-7505 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Ngoc Nguyen F ID No. 100105123007 12302 Garden Grove Blvd STE 27 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1834 (714) 530-2772 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine Amirtha Ajit F ID No. 100011951009 1751 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 776-3180 Languages: Spanish and Tamil PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Robby Ayoub M ID No. 100112141017 8201 Newman Ave STE 302 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 847-6900 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Angela Chan F ID No. 100108863014 7615 Eastern Ave Bell Gardens, CA 90201-4509 (562) 927-1307 Languages: Burmese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Vincent Chiu M ID No. 100042658004 3010 W Orange Ave STE 109 Anaheim, CA 92804-3170 (714) 527-6363 Languages: Mandarin and Spanish
Pin Hung Hsieh M ID No. 100045044019 1025 South Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-6220 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
John Lauridsen M ID No. 100074708014 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish
Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713011 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese
Also located at: 1301 Rose Drive Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 933-2000 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
Hoang Le M ID No. 100101236005 10221 Slater Ave 102 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4748 (714) 964-9060 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nguyen Dang M ID No. 100105247078 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3530 (714) 836-6800 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Minh Do M 4718 W 1st St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 418-0488 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1001 Tustin Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 953-3500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 13522 Newport Ave 102 Tustin, CA 92780-3707 (714) 573-8200 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chung Hur F ID No. 100040025012 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jesse Licuanan M 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858010 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Su Yong Kuo F 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Ajay Meka M ID No. 100098859050 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1510 E 7th Street Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6209 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Minsen Mok M ID No. 100020961011 11100 Warner Ave 362 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 434-4990 Languages: Cantonese and Chinese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chuan Nguyen M ID No. 100105288011 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shirish Patel M ID No. 100027543013 5220 Clark Ave STE 125 Lakewood, CA 90712-2623 (562) 925-7401 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Hai Pham M ID No. 100105041011 9600 Bolsa Ave STE F Westminster, CA 92683-5949 (714) 531-8711 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Derek Truong Phan M ID No. 100104855014 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 205 Westminster, CA 92683-5561 (714) 891-7035 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shivanand Pole M 3851 Katella Ave STE 305 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 546-7282 Languages: Hindi and Kannada PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sultan Shah M ID No. 100043126010 710 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Fariborz Shams M ID No. 100100439007 515 S Beach Bl F Anaheim, CA 92804-1812 (714) 995-7503 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Archana Shende F ID No. 100111099002 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 309 Anaheim, CA 92801-2811 (714) 999-1050 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jimmy Soliman M ID No. 100059341016 617 W Manchester Ave Los Angeles, CA 90044-5718 (323) 750-9715 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 3801 S Harbor Blvd STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704-7901 (714) 751-5555 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sampath Suryadevara M ID No. 100062627010 1771 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 520-3000 Languages: Hindi and Telugu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kwan Tan M ID No. 100063177023 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hanson Wong M ID No. 100100599021 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 804-7223 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Winston Wong M ID No. 100046178026 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Linda Wang F Long Beach, CA
Serge Tobias M Long Beach, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Konstantinos Vlachonassios M Downey, CA
Gregory Rosen M Beverly Hills, CA Westminster, CA
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA
Billy Yee M Beverly Hills, CA Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specialty Physicians
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Allergy Immunology Raffaele Davidovich M Long Beach, CA
Timothy Guan Yeh M Anaheim, CA
Mark Ellis M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Leela Athalye F Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Roger Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Joseph Chow M Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Hung Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Henry Van Gieson M Long Beach, CA
Tien Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Cardiovascular Disease
William Rubinson M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Adam Rotunda M Newport Beach, CA
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA
Emergency Medicine
Darryl Werner M Santa Ana, CA
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA
Maleah Grover F Long Beach, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Fernando Austin M Huntington Beach, CA
Mahaveer Khemka M Anaheim, CA
David Berger M Downey, CA
Michael Blam M Long Beach, CA
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Santa Ana, CA
Steven Eng M Lakewood, CA
Long Phi Dang M Westminster, CA
Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA
Paul Rosenblit M Huntington Beach, CA
Babak Firoozi M Anaheim, CA
Nicolas Doan Van M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Harinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Emergency Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Mark Miller M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Anantjit Singh M Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
William Lyons M Long Beach, CA
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA
Infectious Disease
Steve Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Javier Davila M Fountain Valley, CA
Minh Do M Santa Ana, CA
Richard Faraday M Orange, CA
William Essilfie M Gardena, CA Long Beach, CA
Nancy Han F Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Sushil Ojha M Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Jose Pantoja M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Phiet Phung M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Raza Iqbal M Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Michael Lauermann M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Jaya George F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Manisha Goel F Anaheim, CA
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA
General Practice
Kathleen Macleod F Los Alamitos, CA
Asaad Hakim M Garden Grove, CA Westminster, CA
Katherine Malkasian F Newport Beach, CA
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA
Sarah Hwang F La Palma, CA
Marvin Reyes M Fountain Valley, CA
Nishu Karki F Anaheim, CA
Internal Medicine
Hong Sik Kim M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Genetics Clinical Jose Abdenur M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Touran Zadeh M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Genetics Medical Raymond Wang M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Amirtha Ajit F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Medci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Hematology / Oncology
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA
Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA Montebello, CA
Robby Ayoub M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jonathan Blitzer M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Hoang Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Ahmed Badr M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Aruna Krishnaswamy F Anaheim, CA
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Meena Meka F Santa Ana, CA
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine
Thanh Minh Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Panch Jeyakumar M Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne Crti calCareMedci ne
Adarsh Daswani M Garden Grove, CA Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Gnyandev Patel M Lakewood, CA
Maternal Medicine
Shirish Patel M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Maternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Melissa Bush F Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Hai Pham M Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Menashe Kfir M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Maternal Medci ne
Joginder Jodhka M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Deno Kang M Artesia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Shivanand Pole M Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Medical Oncology Richy Agajanian M Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Carlos Saad M Santa Ana, CA
Rehana Baqai F Corona, CA Long Beach, CA
Navin Saran M Anaheim, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Arunpal Sehgal M Lakewood, CA
Anthony Ciarolla M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Archana Shende F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Cynthia Forsthoff F Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Hanson Wong M Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Asha Ravikumar F Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurology Martin Backman M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Alan Cohen M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Perinatl Medci ne
Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Hassan Boroujerdi Rad M Placentia, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Irfan Ahmad M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Winston Wong M Buena Park, CA
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Joanna Tan F Costa Mesa, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Sampath Suryadevara M Anaheim, CA
Tae Lee M Garden Grove, CA Lakewood, CA
Omid Omidvar M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA
Robert Clark M Long Beach, CA
Nirav Patel M Los Alamitos, CA
Kathleen Berkowitz F Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Charles Eifrig M Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA
Denise Cassidenti F Beverly Hills, CA Westminster, CA
Shalu Gupta F Long Beach, CA
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
George Perrine M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kenneth Chan M Redondo Beach, CA Torrance, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Theodore Prentice M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Abraham Rayhaun M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Alan Dang F Fountain Valley, CA Amelia Erickson F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Jennifer Mcnulty F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Thomas Ruiz M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Radmila Runic F Long Beach, CA Stephen Torday M Fountain Valley, CA
Naser Elbalalesy M Mission Viejo, CA
Hiep Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Thanh Le M Long Beach, CA
Stephanie Wyckoff F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Perry Lubens M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ophthalmology Lydia Banuelos F Anaheim, CA San Pedro, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Fox Boswell M Long Beach, CA
Marli Amin F Redondo Beach, CA Westminster, CA
Stanley Carson M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
John Lean M Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Dwayne Logan M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
John Mcbeath M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Desmond Mcguire M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Randall Nguyen M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael Roh M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Teresa Rosales F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Ehsan Sadri M Long Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anne Tournay F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Mary Dyes F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Neurology Child
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Hani Salehi Had M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Kavita Surti F Covina, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Optometrist Elizabeth Chung F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Otolaryngology / Otology / Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA Laryngology / Rhinology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Felizardo Camilon M Orange, CA
Pierangelo Renella M Orange, CA
Cecil Folmar M Westminster, CA
Christopher Tan M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Bassam Younes M Long Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastorenterol gy
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Paula Groncy F Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy /Onocl ogy
Jay Goland Anaheim, CA
Keith Weiner M Orange, CA
Cyril Mahood Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Ivan Kirov M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy /Onocl ogy
Steven Neudorf M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy /Onocl ogy
Peter Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Pediatric Endocrinology
Quoc Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Mario Brakin M Long Beach, CA
Diane Nugent F Orange, CA
Susan Clark F Orange, CA
Ramesh Patel M Long Beach, CA
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Timothy Flannery M Orange, CA
Antonio Arrieta M Orange, CA
Nina Yoshpe F Huntingtn Bch, CA Long Beach, CA
Pablito Nagpala M Long Beach, CA
Negar Ashouri F Orange, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Lien Trinh F Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Samuel Whitaker M Alhambra, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Ayal Willner M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy /Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy /Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Pediatric Nephrology Dorit Ben Ezer F Orange, CA
Dominic Blurton M Costa Mesa, CA Long Beach, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Anthony Chang M Orange, CA
Kenneth Grant M Orange, CA
Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA
Mitchell Katz M Fountain Valley, CA Orange, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Orange, CA
Richard Mathis M Long Beach, CA
Amy Harrison F Orange, CA
Barry Steinmetz M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
David Hicks M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
David Chun M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Jodie Gandy F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Gira Morchi F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Pediatric Orthopedics Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Ortohpedci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Ortohpedci s
Pediatric Pulmonology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Pulmonology Eliezer Nussbaum M Long Beach, CA
Anchalee Yuengsrigul F Orange, CA
Alejandro Alva M Costa Mesa, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Pediatric Rheumatology
Pulmonary Diseases
Sheryl Boon F Orange, CA
Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Surgery General
Arthur Gelb M Lakewood, CA
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Ramesh Patel M Fountain Valley, CA
Mir Ali M Fountain Valley, CA
Jeffrey Riker M Long Beach, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Los Alamitos, CA
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA
Maged Tanios M Long Beach, CA
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Rheumatol ogy
Oranee Chai F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Eleanor Chang F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Heather Hawthorne F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Thanh Quoc Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Wesley Mizutani M Huntington Beach, CA
Radiation Oncology
Surgery Colon Surgery Ayman Neoman M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Jasjit Singh F Orange, CA
Vijaykumar Kini M Tustin, CA
Edgar Fernandez M Fountain Valley, CA
Amit Soni M Orange, CA
John Thropay M Montebello, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Patricia Veiga F Orange, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Peter Leport M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
John Thropay M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Robert Woodhouse M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Russell Montgomery M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA
Jeffrey Desantis M Orange, CA
Mir Behnam Khaleghi M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA
Ashish Nath M Anaheim, CA
Lyle Nalli M Long Beach, CA
Krishan Khurana M Santa Ana, CA
Jeffrey Ho M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Podiatrist Chuc Dang M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Troy Reyna M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Houman Solomon M Torrance, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Robert Bohr M La Habra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery General Vascular Christopher Combs M
Troy Reyna M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Surgery Plastic
William Foley M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA
Lakewood, CA
Stephen Kubaska M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA
Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Gates M Orange, CA
William Kim M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Erick Montero M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA
Ramy Elias M Lakewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Surgery Neurological Barry Ceverha M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Harley Deere M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Daniel Lemay M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
William Loudon M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Hooshang Pak M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Ivar Szper M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Anthony Leung M Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA
Kamran Aflatoon M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Surgery Thoracic Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Richard Ott M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Urology Ernest Agatstein M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Manish Mehta M Lynwood, CA Torrance, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Eleby Washington M Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Michael Norris M Downey, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence Paletz M Downey, CA Inglewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jonathan Perley M Lakewood, CA Montebello, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Surgery Pediatric John German M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Jose Spiwak M Lynwood, CA
Richard Solmer M Newport Beach, CA
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA
Jules Perley M Lakewood, CA Montebello, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Cu Phan M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST, continued Specialty Physicians - Urology Alfred Sidhom M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Barton Wachs M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Richard Wineland M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp Affiliated Hospitals
Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Family Practice
Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr L 17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, 92708 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente
Richard Aldana M ID No. 100085405003 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Masoomeh Djodeir F ID No. 100168755003 2925 Palo Verde Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-1552 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Persian and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 4910 Airport Plaza Dr Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Persian and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Babel F ID No. 100078810003 1002 N Fairview St Santa Ana, CA 92703-1811 (714) 835-8501 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919045 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog
Mariam Behbehani F ID No. 100247230002 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 Languages: Farsi
Rama Bathala F ID No. 100028477007 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tamer Fathy M 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Nidhi Jain F ID No. 100195910005 2925 North Palo Verde Ave Long Beach, CA 90801 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 4910 Airport Plaza Dr Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued PCPs - Family Practice Paula Joubert Greene ID No. 100098370004 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000
Gina Rocillo F ID No. 100152724003 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000
Cindy Lee F ID No. 100220050002 14591 Newport Ave STE 206 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 442-4864 Languages: Korean
Holly Salem F ID No. 100096899005 19066 Magnolia St Huntington Beach, CA 92646-2232 (714) 968-0068 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M ID No. 100020508034 13330 Bloomfield Ave STE 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3264 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Depinder Mann F 14591 Newport Ave STE 206 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 442-4864 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Matemotja M 711 E Rosecrans Ave Compton, CA 90221 (310) 635-5223 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Huong Quy F ID No. 100144225014 9559 Bolsa Ave STE D Westminster, CA 92683-5986 (714) 531-5754 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rosemary Reyes F ID No. 100214861005 2237 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 490-2750 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
General Practice Joseph Carella M ID No. 100006676030 610 West 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706 (714) 541-4090 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mehrdad Salimkhanian M 4870 Barranca Pkwy 110 Irvine, CA 92604-4709 (949) 857-1248 Languages: Farsi
Trang Lam F ID No. 100209485008 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 929-2300 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mihaela Shabdeen F ID No. 100107185003 1002 N Fairview St Santa Ana, CA 92703-1811 (714) 835-8501 Languages: Romanian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Susan Sharp F ID No. 100054467012 17400 Irvine Blvd SUITE M Irvine, CA 92780 (714) 542-5988 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Megan Velazquez F ID No. 100196096002 500 Alamitos Ave Long Beach, CA 90802-1614 (562) 432-5661 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Daniel Matemotja M ID No. 100084173021 12131 Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1154 (562) 809-0299 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Internal Medicine Domingo Barrientos M ID No. 100097866011 10800 Paramount Blvd STE 203 Downey, CA 90241-3317 (562) 869-1322 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Malcolm Blanchard M ID No. 100222929004 818 West Alondra Blvd. Compton, CA 90220 (310) 537-1337 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor Caluya M ID No. 100081383004 19066 Magnolia St Huntington Beach, CA 92646-2232 (714) 968-0068 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Khaled Chan M ID No. 100110315009 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Philip Cheu M 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2389 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mark Fredrick M ID No. 100042985004 19066 Magnolia St Huntington Beach, CA 92646-2232 (714) 968-0068 Languages: French and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 4910 Airport Plaza Dr Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Hungarian PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Smitha Daka F 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 Languages: Hindi and Telugu Dat Duong M ID No. 100109688017 13926 Beach Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 893-1212 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Angelina Espinoza-Lopez F ID No. 100113970007 818 W Alondra Blvd Compton, CA 90220 (310) 537-1337 Languages: Spanish
Zoltan Csuka M ID No. 100244092002 2925 North Palo Verde Ave Long Beach, CA 90801 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Hungarian
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Marcela Espinosa F ID No. 100065103006 17071 Springdale St Huntington Beach, CA 92649-4669 (714) 377-9333 Languages: Filipino, Flemish, Ilocana, Sign Language and Tagalog
Paul Gallardo M ID No. 100094810003 8311 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240-3928 (562) 923-4911 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hooshang Javaheri ID No. 100037034004 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000 Languages: Farsi and Persian PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Linda Lam F ID No. 100167819006 19066 Magnolia St Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 968-0068 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Anh Le F ID No. 100168201005 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Melanie Lin F 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Daisy Guevara F ID No. 100067223005 8311 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240-3928 (562) 923-4911
Dorothy Marquez F ID No. 100070211003 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000 Languages: Spanish
Asaad Hakim M ID No. 100028104014 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3215 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Khadija Mayet F ID No. 100062204004 19066 Magnolia St Huntington Beach, CA 92646-2232 (714) 968-0068 Languages: Gujarati and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael Her M ID No. 100169980003 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2607 (714) 995-1000 Languages: Korean
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Madhavi Mulye M ID No. 100107681005 1401 West First St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 542-9700 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hima Natla F ID No. 100110280011 3501 S Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Minh Nguyen M ID No. 100046297009 2785 Pacific Ave STE B Long Beach, CA 90806-2641 (562) 981-8979 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shanti Nilakantan F ID No. 100021442003 2925 Palo Verde Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-1552 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 4910 Airport Plaza Dr Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 429-2473 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205004 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Manuel Quinones M 1236 N Magnolia Ave Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 995-1000 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744012 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Gustavo Estrella M ID No. 100077893005 6901 Atlantic Ave Cudahy, CA 90201-3646 (323) 562-6700 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Duc Tran M ID No. 100105584010 9091 Edinger Ave A Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-4616 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roxanne Stallworth F ID No. 100185861002 1002 N Fairview St Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 835-8501 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Allergy Immunology
William Wong M ID No. 100101206008 500 Alamitos Ave Long Beach, CA 90802-1614 (562) 432-5661
Sarah Field F Orange, CA
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thiri Oo F ID No. 100177208002 8311 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240-3928 (562) 923-4911 Languages: Burmese
Thomas Ruiz M 3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 929-2300 Languages: Spanish
Archana Shah F ID No. 100076742003 1002 N Fairview St Santa Ana, CA 92703-1811 (714) 835-8501 Specialty Physicians Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gregory Ochoa M ID No. 100249998002 8311 Florence Avenue Downey, CA 90240 (562) 923-4911 Languages: Spanish
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Raffaele Davidovich M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Mark Ellis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Anesthesiology Raafat Mattar M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
Medhat Mikhael M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology Samuel Park M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Mark Miller M Anaheim, CA
Frank Garofalo M Tustin, CA
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Minh Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Craig Hite Los Alamitos, CA
Gary Baker M Lakewood, CA
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA Santa Ana, CA
Tuan Duc Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Chiwai Chan M Fountain Valley, CA
Sami Shoukair M La Palma, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Ray Pendergraft M Redondo Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Paul Choi M Huntington Beach, CA
Anantjit Singh M Downey, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA
Dermatology Kenneth Alpern M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Jonathan Baron M Santa Ana, CA
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA
Serge Tobias M Long Beach, CA
Scott Bronstein M Long Beach, CA
Timothy Guan Yeh M Anaheim, CA
James Tran M Westminster, CA
David Causier Long Beach, CA
Henry Van Gieson M Long Beach, CA
Gary Cole M Huntington Beach, CA
Konstantinos Vlachonassios M Downey, CA
Zane Miranda M Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Mark Miller M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Alicia Montanez F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA
Amarpal Chana M Fountain Valley, CA
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Deits M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Tien Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Irvine, CA
Certified Nurse Practitioner
Emergency Medicine
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Harinder Gogia M Santa Ana, CA
Lisa Marie Gause F Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Maleah Grover F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Lance Brooks M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Dan Fox M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
David Jesse M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Endocrinology Metabolism David Berger M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Richard Berkson M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Endocrinology Metabolism Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Raymond Tran M Santa Ana, CA
Nancy Han F Huntington Beach, CA
Alex Kutas M Lakewood, CA
Family Practice Geriatric Medicine
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA
Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA
Katayoun Khalighi F Costa Mesa, CA
Keith Martin M Placentia, CA
Paul Rosenblit M Huntington Beach, CA
Steve Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Linda Wang F Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Steven Eng M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli PracticeGerai trci Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Denise Cassidenti F Fountain Valley, CA Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Gregory Rosen M Los Angeles, CA Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Sushil Ojha M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Fernando Austin M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Michael Blam M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Christopher Bui M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Billy Yee M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Endocrinology Reproductive
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Rangarao Panguluri M Baldwin Park, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Phiet Phung M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
David Chapman M Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Genetics Medical
Gaurang Chaurushia M Downey, CA
Jose Abdenur M Orange, CA
Conrad Cox M Lakewood, CA
Raymond Wang M Orange, CA
Long Phi Dang M Westminster, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-GeneticsMedci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-GeneticsMedci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Emanuela Bonfoco F Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Nhon Dinh M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Betty Fletcher F Long Beach, CA
Richy Agajanian M Montebello, CA
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Rehana Baqai F Lamirada, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Man Nguyen M Santa Ana, CA
William Essilfie M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Christopher Salem M Fountain Valley, CA
Sirus Farivar M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Mehrdad Salimkhanian M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA
Babak Firoozi M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hiv Aids Specialist Richard Faraday M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hvi Adi sSpecai l si t
Infectious Disease Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Infectious Disease Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Justin Harris M Long Beach, CA
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine
Pankaj Khemka M Anaheim, CA
Trevor Hayes M Long Beach, CA
Michael Lauermann M Los Alamitos, CA
Rasam Hosseinian M Long Beach, CA
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA West Covina, CA
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Im M Santa Ana, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Katherine Malkasian F Newport Beach, CA
Steven Izumi M Long Beach, CA
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA
Gurleen Jamarai M Anaheim, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Javier Davila M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci neCrti cal CareMedi cne
Medical Oncology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Vasanthakumari Jeyakumar F Compton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Marvin Reyes M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Tony Khan M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Tuan Ta M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Alia Khan Hudson F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Internal Medicine
Min Min Mya F Anaheim, CA
Hany Bashandy M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Minh Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Phu Tran M Santa Ana, CA
Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA
Vanessa Vinn F Costa Mesa, CA
An Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Anjali Vora F Newport Beach, CA
Ronald Fischman M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sabrina Harper F Long Beach, CA
Jacob Sweidan M Garden Grove, CA Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Asaad Hakim M Westminster, CA
Ravi Krishnan M Orange, CA
Reza Rasouli M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Chan Chou Chuang M Torrance, CA
Irfan Ahmad M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Derek Chao M Long Beach, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Jooby Babu M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Homayoon Sanati M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Joginder Jodhka M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Victor Kabbany M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Omid Omidvar M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
James Kim M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Perry Lubens M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Nirav Patel M Long Beach, CA
Sanford Schneider M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Tae Lee M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Mary Zupanc F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Laurence Lewin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
George Perrine M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Marli Amin F Redondo Beach, CA Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Theodore Prentice M Downey, CA
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA
Nima Ramezan Arab M Los Alamitos, CA
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA
Amelia Erickson F Santa Ana, CA
Sharief Taraman M Orange, CA
Bruce Kovacs M Garden Grove, CA
Michael Thompson M Los Alamitos, CA
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Marlin Mills M Newport Beach, CA
Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA
Wenqiang Tian M Anaheim, CA
Ramin Mirhashemi M Torrance, CA
Nicole Cobo F Long Beach, CA
Lily Tran F Orange, CA
Van Nguyen F Long Beach, CA
Alan Cohen M Long Beach, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Radmila Runic F Long Beach, CA
Anjalee Galion F Orange, CA
Neurology Child
Josephine Saad F Lakewood, CA
Tarun Marwaha M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Arvind Mehta M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Avedik Semerjian M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Neurology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Mary Dyes F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Rifaat Salem M Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ehsan Sadri M Newport Beach, CA
Anthony Chang M Orange, CA
Stephen Torday M Fountain Valley, CA
James Chu M Orange, CA
Stephanie Wyckoff F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Nicole Sharkey F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Dat Do M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
David Chun M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Donald Teshima M Anaheim, CA
Fox Boswell M Long Beach, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Uthara Mohan F Laryngology / Rhinology
Stanley Carson M Long Beach, CA
Felizardo Camilon M Orange, CA
Andrew Choy M Long Beach, CA
Cecil Folmar M Westminster, CA
Robert Clark M Long Beach, CA
Jay Goland Anaheim, CA
Shalu Gupta F Long Beach, CA
Nader Kalantar M Arcadia, CA Pasadena, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Jodie Gandy F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Keith Weiner M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Cyril Mahood Huntington Beach, CA
Pediatric Endocrinology Mario Brakin M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Omar Krad M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nguyen Pham M Orange, CA
Susan Clark F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Dwayne Logan M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Samuel Whitaker M Alhambra, CA
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
John Mcbeath M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nina Yoshpe F Long Beach, CA
Timothy Flannery M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Sheldon Nankin M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Elizabeth Nguyen F Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology Inderpal Randhawa M Long Beach, CA
Pablito Nagpala M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Lien Trinh F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Al ergy/Imunol gy
Pediatric Cardiology
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Trung Minh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Dominic Blurton M Long Beach, CA
Ashish Chogle M Orange, CA
Teresa Rosales F Long Beach, CA
Francesca Byrne F Long Beach, CA
Mitchell Katz M Orange, CA
Randall Nguyen M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastorenterol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Gastroenterology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Negar Ashouri F Orange, CA
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA
Sonia Michail F Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Jasjit Singh F Orange, CA
Frances Reis M Fountain Valley, CA
Pediatric Nephrology
Sachidevi Vegesna M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Mathis M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Robert Tran M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Dorit Ben Ezer F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Nephrol gy
Patricia Veiga F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Nephrol gy
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation Jeffrey Ho M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Pediatric Pulmonology
Paula Groncy F Long Beach, CA
Amy Harrison F Long Beach, CA
Diemha Hoang F Long Beach, CA
Loan Hsieh F Orange, CA
David Hicks M Orange, CA
Dieumy Thai F Westminster, CA
Ivan Kirov M Orange, CA
Eliezer Nussbaum M Long Beach, CA
Physicians Assistant
Steven Neudorf M Orange, CA
John Saito M Garden Grove, CA
Diane Nugent F Orange, CA
Pediatric Rheumatology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Jennifer Herrera F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Christopher Novits M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Ramesh Patel M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Geetha Puthenveetil F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Lilibeth Ramilo Torno F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Sheryl Boon F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Rheumatol gy
Andrew Shulman M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Rheumatol gy
Pediatrics Ashish Chogle M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Leonard Sender M Orange, CA
Anjalee Galion F Orange, CA
Wei Ping Shen F Orange, CA
Richard Grainey M Santa Ana, CA
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Heather Hawthorne F Orange, CA
Antonio Arrieta M Orange, CA
Van Huynh F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Debbie Tanedo F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Alicia Tokumaga F Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci ansAs si tant
Podiatrist Jonathan Bennett M Fullerton, CA Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Chuc Dang M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Jeffrey Desantis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Lyle Nalli M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Podiatrist Keith Penera M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Meyoung Ryu F Downey, CA
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Maged Tanios M Long Beach, CA
Merin Yoshida F Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Sarah Hwang F La Palma, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Radiation Oncology
Wesley Mizutani M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Vijaykumar Kini M Tustin, CA
Sleep Medicine
Ajmel Puthawala M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Anjalee Galion F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
James Kim M Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Sharief Taraman M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
John Thropay M Montebello, CA
Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA
Ayman Neoman M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol ogy
Pulmonary Diseases Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA
Neil Goldstein M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Surgery Colon Surgery Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Arthur Gelb M Lakewood, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Sulabha Dave F Long Beach, CA
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA
Surgery General Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Thomas Gates M Long Beach, CA
Chin Wei Huang M Long Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Harold Klem M Long Beach, CA
Gregory Chambers M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Irfan Khan M Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA
Alam Syed M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Richard Le M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Ramesh Patel M Fountain Valley, CA
Registered Physical Therapist
Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Mary Camacho F Huntington Beach, CA
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA
Nancy Kim F Huntington Beach, CA
David Gibbs M Orange, CA
Joseph Ku M Downey, CA
Mustafa Kabeer M Costa Mesa, CA
Shaun Torbati M Huntington Beach, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Devang Savani M Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Padmanabha Shakkottai M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Peter Leport M Fountain Valley, CA
Ramin Javahery M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA
Richard Kim M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
William Kim M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Francois Lalonde M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Daniel Lemay M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Anthony Leung M Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Kyle Low M La Habra, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
William Thibault M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Hooshang Pak M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
David Vannix Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Abraham Rayhaun M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery General Vascular Ivar Szper M
Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
William Foley M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Andre Maginot M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery Orthopedic Kamran Aflatoon M Newport Beach, CA
Samuel Rosenfeld M Orange, CA
Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA
Bindesh Shah M La Habra, CA
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA
Kourosh Shamlou M Downey, CA
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Chambers M Downey, CA
Trieu Tran M Fountain Valley, CA
Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA
Eleby Washington M Torrance, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Orange, CA
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Russell Montgomery M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Neurological Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Barry Ceverha M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Edward Chappell M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Harley Deere M Downey, CA
Ramy Elias M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Christopher Duma M Newport Beach, CA
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery Pediatric David Gibbs M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPedai tric
Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery Plastic Farbod Esmailian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hcp Talbert Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Plastic Larry Nichter M Huntington Beach, CA
Shahrad Aynehchi M Inglewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA
Lauren Fanning Huntington Beach, CA
Arthur Salibian Orange, CA
Lawrence Paletz M Inglewood, CA
Richard Solmer M Newport Beach, CA
Jonathan Perley M Lakewood, CA Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Surgery Thoracic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Jules Perley M Lakewood, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Alfred Sidhom M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Barton Wachs M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Daniel Bethencourt M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Sevak Darbinian M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Richard Gates M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Drewry Morris M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
David Perkowski M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Alexander Stein M Los Angeles, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Urology Ernest Agatstein M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians Affiliated Hospitals Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian L 1 Hoag Dr Newport Beach, 92663 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691 Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651 St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868 St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red,
comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Steven Luh M ID No. 100043538011 6340 Irvine Blvd Irvine, CA 92620-2102 (949) 559-6500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs Family Practice Jeffrey Brandt M ID No. 100184143003 510 Superior Ave STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663-3663 (949) 791-3001 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Robert Chang M ID No. 100236638002 6340 Irvine Blvd Irvine, CA 92620 (949) 559-6500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Corinne Giesemann F ID No. 100020028003 26671 Aliso Creek Rd STE 101 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 791-3107 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Clare Green F ID No. 100186851003 510 Superior Ave 200b Newport Beach, CA 92663-3661 (949) 791-3001 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Felix Horng M ID No. 100037208006 6340 Irvine Blvd Irvine, CA 92620-2102 (949) 559-6500 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Hien Nghiem F ID No. 100105599008 4900 Barranca Pky Irvine, CA 92604-8603 (949) 791-3114 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Erin Ohara F ID No. 100196987008 19582 Beach Blvd STE 250 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 477-8020 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brian Paik M ID No. 100026009007 4900 Barranca Pky Irvine, CA 92604-8603 (949) 791-3103 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Zwi Steindler F ID No. 100031856006 4900 Barranca Parkway STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 791-3103 Languages: Hebrew and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bena Teo F ID No. 100022244007 6340 Irvine Blvd Irvine, CA 92620-2102 (949) 559-6500 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued PCPs - Family Practice Joseph Weiland M ID No. 100246337005 510 Superior Ave STE 200D Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 791-3001 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Internal Medicine Abeer Awad F ID No. 100176990004 510 Superior Ave STE 200D Newport Beach, CA 92663-3664 (949) 791-3003 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nancy Love F 19582 Beach Blvd STE 250 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-4995 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ehab Mady M ID No. 100168519010 351 Hospital Rd STE 401 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3506 (949) 631-6002 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ani Baghdassarian F 360 San Miguel STE 105 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 791-3222 Languages: Armenian and Spanish
Laura Salazar F ID No. 100196999003 510 Superior Ave STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663-3663 (949) 791-3001 Languages: Spanish
Vance Cao M ID No. 100099037006 19582 Beach Blvd STE 207 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-2410 Languages: Vietnamese
Randa Serag F ID No. 100136797007 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 311 Irvine, CA 92618-3703 (949) 791-3101
Maily Creamer F ID No. 100022646022 510 Superior Ave STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663-3665 (949) 791-3001
Also located at: 4900 Barranca Pkwy STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 791-3103
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kambiz Karimi M ID No. 100197508002 510 Superior Ave STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663-3665 (949) 791-3001 Languages: Farsi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hong Shune F ID No. 100196968009 4900 Barranca Pkwy STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 791-3103 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 311 Irvine, CA 92618-3703 (949) 791-3101 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Aditi Springstubb F ID No. 100201144002 510 Superior Ave STE 200C Newport Beach, CA 92663-3664 (949) 791-3001 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mercedes Tomioka F ID No. 100036422012 4900 Barranca Pkwy STE 103 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 791-3103 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 16300 Sand Canyon STE 311 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 791-3101 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Danny Vo M ID No. 100199906008 19582 Beach Blvd STE 250 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 378-4996 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Elizabeth Yanni F ID No. 100196997007 26671 Aliso Creek Rd STE 200 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 791-3105 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 510 Superior Ave STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663-3663 (949) 791-3001 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Richard Harano M 360 San Miguel STE 105 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 791-3222 Julie Matsuura F ID No. 100080065003 19582 Beach Blvd STE 206 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-5950 (714) 378-4995 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Specialty Physicians
Alexander Deyan M ID No. 100090504007 351 Hospital Rd 611 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3509 (949) 720-9848 Languages: Spanish
Allergy Immunology
PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Lawson Mcclung M ID No. 100044007004 26671 Aliso Creek Rd STE 200 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4810 (949) 360-0330 Languages: German Valentina Dalili Shoaie F ID No. 100007716009 510 Superior Avenue STE 200B Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 791-3001 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Massoud Alipour M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Mahnaz Behboodikhah F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Lee Carter M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Brian Chesnie M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Stephen Cohen M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Loula Amin F Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Stephen Ehrlich M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Bruce Friedman M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Ankmalika Louis F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
William Sokol M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Steven Weinstein M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management Stephen Barkow M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Balaji Charlu M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Medhat Mikhael M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Kimberly Safman F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Bahram Eslami M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Mahmoud Eslami Farsani M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Dipti Itchhaporia F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Sepideh Kazemi F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Paul Meltzer M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Subbarao Mylavarapu M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Babak Pezeshki M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Dennis Sarabi M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Brett Wertman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Cardiovascular Disease Rajesh Banker M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Richard Blankenbaker M Newport Beach, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Family Practice Sports Medicine
Radhakrishan Gandhi M Newport Beach, CA
Jinsun Choi F Huntington Beach, CA
James Ting M Newport Beach, CA
Jay Lee M Orange, CA
Daniel Nadeau M Newport Beach, CA
James Pagano M Santa Ana, CA
Francis Rhie M Orange, CA
Shahrooz Bemanian M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Paul Rosenblit M Huntington Beach, CA
Lino Deguzman M Newport Beach, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Kevin Belasco M Newport Beach, CA
Mickey Coffler M Fullerton, CA
Paul Lee M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Laura Cohen F Huntington Beach, CA
Jane Frederick F Newport Beach, CA
Lynn Dimino F Newport Beach, CA
Ilene Hatch F Irvine, CA
Lelia Ettefagh F Newport Beach, CA
Daniel Potter M Newport Beach, CA
Arta Farshidi F Newport Beach, CA
Lawrence Werlin M Irvine, CA
Gary Lee M Irvine, CA
Family Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Michael Snyder M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Hien Tran M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Zwi Steindler F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cne
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Phuong Nguyen F Newport Beach, CA Abhay Parikh M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Shahla Rahmatullah F Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Zwi Steindler F Irvine, CA Bena Teo F Irvine, CA
Family Practice Geriatric Medicine Shiho Ito F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie Geriatrci Medicni e
Emergency Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Navid Nami M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Neda Mehr F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci eSportsMedicni e
Surinder Saini M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Victor Yu M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Gynecologic Oncology John Brown M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Vincent Nguyen M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie Geriatrci Medicni e
Kristina Mori F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Eugene Yim M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Gynecology Gynecology
Internal Medicine Geriatric Bryan Dang M Newport Beach, CA Medicine Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Lisa Worsch F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Mercedes Tomioka F Irvine, CA
Sandeep Dang M Fountain Valley, CA
Maternal Medicine
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eGearitricMedi cne
Infectious Disease Charles Bailey M Aliso Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Melissa Bush F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Anjali Vora F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Sarah Lee F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Rajesh Banker M Newport Beach, CA
Michael Haydon M Newport Beach, CA
Radhakrishan Gandhi M Newport Beach, CA
Menashe Kfir M Newport Beach, CA
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA
Marlin Mills M Newport Beach, CA
Essam Mostafa M Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Nageotte M Newport Beach, CA
Hong Shune F Irvine, CA
Vineet Shrivastava M Newport Beach, CA
Mercedes Tomioka F Irvine, CA
Medical Oncology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Charles Kaupke M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Alex Fong M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Internal Medicine
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Azita Mesbah F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Essam Mostafa M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Sajeet Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Linh Thong F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Greg Angstreich M Newport Beach, CA
Kambiz Vahabzadeh M Newport Beach, CA
Dilruba Haque F Newport Beach, CA
Eric Wechsler M Newport Beach, CA
Minh Nguyen M Newport Beach, CA
Vijayalakshmi Wijeyakumar F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Anjali Vora F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Elizabeth Yanni F Aliso Viejo, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Subbarao Mylavarapu M Newport Beach, CA
Louis Vandermolen Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Nephrology Jacob Ahdoot M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne CrticalCareMedci ne
Glenn Chiang M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Teryn Clarke F Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Neurology Janet Chance F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Andrew Ly M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Lisa Crane F Irvine, CA
Carla Wells F Irvine, CA
Robert Moore M Newport Beach, CA
Alexander Deyan M Newport Beach, CA
Jason Muir M Newport Beach, CA
Rhonda Flora F Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Jose Puangco M Newport Beach, CA
Alex Fong M Newport Beach, CA
Kaveh Saremi M Newport Beach, CA
Michael Haydon M Newport Beach, CA
Rodman Shankle M Newport Beach, CA
Lisa Karamardian F Newport Beach, CA
Sandeep Thakkar M Newport Beach, CA
Anne Kent F Newport Beach, CA
Neurology Child
Menashe Kfir M Newport Beach, CA
David Millett M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Kim Anh Doan F Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Eran Duzman M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Golareh Fazilat F Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Druann Mccluskey F Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Samir Shah M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Nadeem Vaidya M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA
Jody White Lai F Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Ira Vidor M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Andrew Mcintosh M Laguna Niguel, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Neurophysiology Clinical Kaveh Saremi M Newport Beach, CA
Pantea Mozayeni F Irvine, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Michael Nageotte M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurophysi ol gyClni cal
Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA
Ashley Balaker F Laguna Beach, CA Steven Feinberg M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Reshma Parikh F Newport Beach, CA
Alexis Furze M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Morris Ahdoot M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Varuna Raizada F Newport Beach, CA
Jagmeet Mundi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Monica Aszterbaum F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Vineet Shrivastava M Newport Beach, CA
Robert Pettis M Laguna Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kathleen Berkowitz F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Vinita Speir F Newport Beach, CA
John Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Gunjan Bhatnagar F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Patricia Strachan F Irvine, CA
Paul Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christopher Yian M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Allergy / Immunology Pediatric Allergy / Immunology
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Brian Kim M Newport Beach, CA
William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA
Kimberly Safman F Newport Beach, CA
Marc Dyer M Laguna Niguel, CA
Robert Freed M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Paul Qaqundah M Huntington Beach, CA
William Mcnair M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Sheetal Gavankar F Huntington Beach, CA
Burt Rahavi M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Pediatric Cardiology
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Valeh Karimkhani F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Sleep Medicine
Sarabjit Sandhu M Newport Beach, CA
Wesley Fleming F Irvine, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Surgery Cardiovascular
David Chun M Mission Viejo, CA
Jonathan Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
Colin Joyo M Newport Beach, CA
Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA
Thomas Diamant Newport Beach, CA
Aidan Raney M Newport Beach, CA
Jodie Gandy F Mission Viejo, CA
Robert Hewlett M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Bruce Moricca Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
James Chu M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Sel p Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Daniel Ng M Newport Beach, CA
Pediatric Orthopedics
Dennis Novak M Newport Beach, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Mission Viejo, CA
Paul Selecky M Newport Beach, CA
Carl Weinert M Mission Viejo, CA
Steven Beanes M Newport Beach, CA
Adarsh Sharma M Newport Beach, CA
Au Bui M Newport Beach, CA
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Newport Beach, CA
Colleen Coleman F Newport Beach, CA
Radiation Oncology
William Davis M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Pediatrics Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Paul Qaqundah M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Elizabeth Yanni F Aliso Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Peter Chen M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery General Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Craig Cox Newport Beach, CA
Lisa Guerra F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Nahid Hamoui F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Burak Ozgur M Newport Beach, CA
Robert Grumet M Orange, CA
Michael Hurwitz M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Mark Halikis M Orange, CA
Ronald Katz M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Todd Harris M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Zachary Adler M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Tze Ip M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA
Francis Lee M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Jonathan Kaplan M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Lawrence Barnett M Orange, CA
Laurence Pearl M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
David Kruse M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Steven Barnett M Orange, CA
Alexander Shadid M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Francois Lalonde M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Alan Beyer M Newport Beach, CA
Melvin Silverstein M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Richard Lee M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
James Caillouette M Newport Beach, CA
Lincoln Snyder M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Corey Lieber M Newport, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Michael Danto M Orange, CA
Peter Wang M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
William Mcmaster M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery General Vascular
Jeffrey Deckey M Orange, CA
Anthony Caffarelli M Newport Beach, CA
Steven Dennis M Newport Beach, CA
Stephen Lindsay M Newport Beach, CA
Shaunak Desai M Newport Beach, CA
David Nabi M Newport Beach, CA
Paul Dinh M Orange, CA
Garabed Nishanian M Irvine, CA
Scott Fischer M Orange, CA
John Puckett M Newport Beach, CA
Steven Gausewitz M Newport Beach, CA
Surgery Neurological
David Gazzaniga M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Nader Nassif M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Jay Patel M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Jiun Rong Peng M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Russell Petrie M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Carlos Prietto M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Miguel Prietto M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Christopher Duma M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Andrew Gerken M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Robert Louis M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Samuel Rosenfeld M Mission Viejo, CA Benjamin Rubin M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Michael Gordon M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Hoag Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic John Schlechter M Orange, CA
Don Bui M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
David Smith M Orange, CA
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA
Jeremy Smith M Orange, CA
Richard Holevas M Newport Beach, CA
Alexander Tischler M Newport Beach, CA
Moses Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Jon White M Orange, CA
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA
Surgery Plastic
Leah Nakamura F Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Michael Bain M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Josh Randall M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Semira Bayati F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Joyce Chen F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Tenley Lawton F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Arian Mowlavi M Laguna Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
James Taylor M San Rafael, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Nirav Savalia M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Michael Sundine M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Robert Torrey M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Surgery Thoracic John Maurice M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Jeffrey Yoshida M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Ledford Powell M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Urology Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA Affiliated Hospitals
Los Alamitos Medical Center L 3751 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, 90720
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919034 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ellen Amador F ID No. 100087763008 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Au M ID No. 100103467009 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 206 Long Beach, CA 90815-4020 (562) 498-1363 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese, Mandarin, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Francisco Badar M ID No. 100113313019 19123 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703 (562) 924-8880 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Youssef Beshai M ID No. 100106725014 801 N Harbor Bl Anaheim, CA 92805-1810 (714) 774-7500 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Birinder Brara M ID No. 100013286017 3816 Woodruff Ave STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90808-2145 (562) 421-7292 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Peter Chau M ID No. 100059352014 5979 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 423-0421 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Vey Chen M ID No. 100104371011 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Cambodian PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Loida Constantino F ID No. 100095454013 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 104 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 961-8820 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Kailash Dhamija M ID No. 100089396033 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave STE A Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 595-7467 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mehtab Bambrah Dhamija F ID No. 100114408024 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave STE A Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Mari Elacion M 20930 Bonita St STE W Carson, CA 90746 (310) 324-7765 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 3650 E South St STE 412 Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 634-8001 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Claudia Eppele F ID No. 100111464007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (888) 885-9555 Languages: Spanish
Tamara Maher F ID No. 100021313006 10861 Cherry St STE 106 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-5403 (562) 431-9200 Languages: Arabic
Sandra Goines F ID No. 100070372007 5242 Katella Ave STE 106 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2863 (562) 431-5010
Andrew Manos M ID No. 100083638008 1760 Termino Ave STE 222 Long Beach, CA 90804-2157 (562) 498-0029 Languages: Greek and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Daniel Harvey M ID No. 100041450015 824 E Carson St STE 206 Carson, CA 90745-2262 (310) 513-9361 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Peter Hugh M ID No. 100036607014 5451 La Palma Ave 16 La Palma, CA 90623-1728 (562) 602-8841 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 3650 South St 204 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 602-8841 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sherif Labatia M 5750 Downey Ave STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90712 (562) 384-3034 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M ID No. 100020508026 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Charles Maples M ID No. 100092134007 3771 Katella Ave STE 110 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3111 (562) 430-6850 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Matemotja M 711 E Rosecrans Ave Compton, CA 90221 (310) 635-5223 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 12131 Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1154 (562) 809-0299 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Manuel Mendoza M ID No. 100047566021 16323 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-5209 (562) 925-7716 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Saturnina Mercado F ID No. 100018099008 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 207 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 863-3474 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Lee Razalan M ID No. 100058357009 2511 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806-3033 (562) 424-4661 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Brian Minkus M ID No. 100082451022 18502 Gridley Rd Artesia, CA 90701-5406 (562) 865-6160 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish
Roger Samawi M ID No. 100035070010 1045 Atlantic Ave 1019 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 901-9228 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Arthur Nuval M ID No. 100047758011 910 S Knott Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-8674 (714) 527-2888 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Rodolfo Tabila M 1339 W Willow St Long Beach, CA 90810-3116 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Dien Pham M ID No. 100105535006 855 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813-3550 (562) 591-0840 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
John Prosser M ID No. 100070030010 6510 E Spring St Long Beach, CA 90815-1554 (562) 429-8812 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Neill Ramos M ID No. 100141507006 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 708 Long Beach, CA 90813-3410 (562) 491-9045 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Srividya Venkataraman F ID No. 100113945008 3816 Woodruff Ave STE 406 Long Beach, CA 90808-2146 (562) 497-9314 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tamil PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Xanthe Victoria F ID No. 100076182007 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kerry Wyche M ID No. 100043498009 3801 Katella Ave 206 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 493-3764
Reginald Yeske M ID No. 100071352006 1770 Clark Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-3801 (562) 597-9402 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Paul Yoon M ID No. 100077998010 3650 South St STE 207 Lakewood, CA 90712-1524 (562) 220-2727 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
General Practice Shobha Govind F ID No. 100049162010 3650 South St 103 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-8110 Languages: Hindi PCPs -General Practci e
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946021 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Mercedes Samson F ID No. 100085598015 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Homan Siman M ID No. 100111988012 1231 N Avalon Blvd Wilmington, CA 90744-2601 (310) 835-7215 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice Anthony Sotelo M ID No. 100087252005 803 Central Ave Seal Beach, CA 90740-6309 (562) 598-2421 PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Alberto Wilches M ID No. 100030125009 7831 Jackson St Paramount, CA 90723-5016 (562) 531-1178 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Behrooz Yagoobian M ID No. 100010557019 15730 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-4333 (562) 634-1000 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Internal Medicine John Adams M ID No. 100025486019 2777 Pacific Ave E Long Beach, CA 90806-2625 (562) 426-6571 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mir Ali M ID No. 100098819013 3400 W Ball Rd STE 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 828-2554 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549019 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Domingo Barrientos M ID No. 100097866012 10800 Paramount Blvd STE 203 Downey, CA 90241-3317 (562) 869-1322 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727019 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Maurice Bell M ID No. 100072404012 4100 Long Beach Blvd STE 200 Long Beach, CA 90807-2696 (562) 981-2355 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Archna Chaudhary F ID No. 100109300019 4401 Atlantic Ave STE 202 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 988-2777 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 5122 Katella Ave STE 308 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-8555 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Tamil PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Youssef Awad M ID No. 100083652021 3530 Long Beach Blvd STE 120 Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 989-1200 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chester Choi M ID No. 100074787007 1045 Atlantic Bl 708 Long Beach, CA 90813-3410 (562) 491-9045 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Heena Contractor F ID No. 100094541026 1045 Atlantic Ave 915 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 596-1667 Languages: French, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 10941 Bloomfield St A Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2530 (562) 596-1667 Languages: French, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Karen Dix F ID No. 100038621018 911 E San Antonio Dr 4 Long Beach, CA 90807-2204 (562) 799-0383 Languages: Cambodian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ghulam Dostzada M 3771 Katella Ave STE 300 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-8149 Languages: Farsi, French and Persian PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Stuart Finkelstein M ID No. 100102931015 3650 South St 101 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 633-1765 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Scott Gordon M ID No. 100077826007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Spanish
Michael Freund M ID No. 100007729007 3650 South St 110 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-6140 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cherie Garcia F ID No. 100109138007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Reza Ghanian M ID No. 100081555008 824 E Carson St 201 Carson, CA 90745-2262 (310) 233-3228 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Bijan Ghatan M ID No. 100011490005 20401 Avalon Blvd STE B Carson, CA 90746-3226 (310) 327-8877 Languages: Farsi and French PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Olga Ginzburg F ID No. 100110271007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: French and Russian PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Aaron Kern M ID No. 100086723007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aruna Krishnaswamy F ID No. 100103173019 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1510 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813-5002 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stanley Golanty M ID No. 100101956013 2777 Pacific Ave E Long Beach, CA 90806-2625 (562) 426-6571 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Thomas Hendon M ID No. 100062546006 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 203 Long Beach, CA 90815-4020 (562) 597-5549
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6233 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Eddie Lam M ID No. 100037917011 333 S Garfield Ave A Alhambra, CA 91801-3800 (626) 289-7333 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Richard Lee M ID No. 100082875016 5981 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave STE 225 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3364 (562) 594-6995 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 16415 Colorado Ave STE 208 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Michael Liff M ID No. 100102286012 1045 Atlantic Ave 902 Long Beach, CA 90813-3410 (562) 437-0996 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Philip Lim M ID No. 100092908011 9604 Artesia Blvd STE 101 Bellflower, CA 90706-8040 (562) 804-6661 Languages: Chinese and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Harold Lin M ID No. 100015865006 3791 Katella Ave STE 105 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2000 (562) 594-6693 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert Lugliani M ID No. 100006335014 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 902 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 437-0996 Languages: Italian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Patricia Maciog F ID No. 100009763008 6226 E Spring St STE 240 Long Beach, CA 90815-1453 (562) 938-7129 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thomas Mccloy M ID No. 100068044010 1045 Atlantic Ave 1019 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 437-6213 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Meena Meka F ID No. 100219558010 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 1501 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Robert Melikian M ID No. 100008335004 3801 Katella Ave STE 321 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3369 (562) 594-8149 Languages: Armenian, Farsi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gnyandev Patel M ID No. 100078689025 3300 E South St STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 232-2380 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rene Perez Silva M ID No. 100009095016 1045 Atlantic Ave 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mojtaba Sabahi M ID No. 100067528066 1491 E La Palma Ave A Anaheim, CA 92805-1564 (714) 776-2390 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 3610 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3418 (562) 424-8814 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Khalid Saeed M ID No. 100029675007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Harold Seifer M ID No. 100008264007 3650 South St 110 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 531-6140 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mansoor Shah M ID No. 100024202007 5750 Downey Ave 100 Lakewood, CA 90712-1405 (562) 630-3105 Languages: Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jocelyn Sumcad F ID No. 100025018010 16660 Paramount Blvd 101 Paramount, CA 90723-5433 (562) 633-0976 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Ky Minh Tran M ID No. 100105444011 4332 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3564 (562) 430-1235 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mark Tsai M ID No. 100070686016 16415 Colorado Ave STE 101 Paramount, CA 90723-5051 (562) 634-6341 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Rafaelito Victoria M ID No. 100069827008 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 Languages: Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Kuan Pok Wong M ID No. 100023927009 10230 Artesia Blvd 102 Bellflower, CA 90706-6763 (562) 866-1764 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Petra Wong F ID No. 100103814020 3801 Katella Ave STE 301 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-6472 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jack Wu M ID No. 100098252006 3845 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 595-9206 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Hyuk Lee M ID No. 100013809013 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 303 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 804-4441 Languages: Korean PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Perry Koseff M ID No. 100023674007 300 Redondo Ave Long Beach, CA 90814-2651 (562) 439-6966 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Yang Lee M ID No. 100031170016 5981 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90805-3510 (562) 423-1424 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ha Nguyen M ID No. 100105348023 1951 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 218-6264 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Also located at: 16415 Colorado Ave STE 208 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-0015 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1066 Atlantic Ave D Long Beach, CA 90813-3401 (562) 590-2241 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Vinita Chaudhary F ID No. 100099965013 3650 South St 210 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 630-0910 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364017 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vikram Marfatia M ID No. 100111167031 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 817-5603 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Weiping Mei F ID No. 100034500012 5865 E Naples Plaza Long Beach, CA 90803 (562) 438-5021 Languages: Mandarin PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Alicia Nugas F ID No. 100054868014 22408 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1546 (562) 421-2188 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Mark Scheier M ID No. 100016508013 5451 La Palma Ave STE 22 La Palma, CA 90623-1730 (714) 228-1446 Languages: Spanish
Winston Chung M ID No. 100059063016 1045 Atlantic Ave 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3471 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish
Julie Sherman F ID No. 100059633006 1703 Termino Ave STE 209 Long Beach, CA 90804-2128 (562) 498-3002 Languages: Spanish
Gerald Cohen M ID No. 100018271018 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3414 (562) 491-9456 Languages: Spanish
Yvonne Tyson F ID No. 100026273011 925 E San Antonio Dr 18 Long Beach, CA 90807-2210 (562) 728-6738
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 Languages: Spanish
Internal Medicine
Lawrence Cohn M ID No. 100034756011 16415 Colorado Ave STE 202 Paramount, CA 90723-5054 (562) 531-9977 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Goethe Hsu M ID No. 100079668020 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Taiwanese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Tzong Hwang M ID No. 100037616010 12146 South St STE B Artesia, CA 90701-6844 (562) 809-0288 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Rodolfo Ibarra M ID No. 100090457007 911 E San Antonio Dr 1 Long Beach, CA 90807-2204 (562) 423-0436 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sam Abdelmelek M ID No. 100112855028 500 W Willow St Long Beach, CA 90806-2831 (562) 427-1700 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Barry Allswang M ID No. 100038210017 1045 Atlantic Ave STE 506 Long Beach, CA 90813-3414 (562) 491-9456 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 3801 Katella Ave 330 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3338 (562) 594-9546 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Neha Bhansali F ID No. 100053018011 3300 E South St STE 205 Lakewood, CA 90805-4587 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rozalie Jackson F ID No. 100059694020 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 210 Long Beach, CA 90815-4020 (562) 986-1450 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Pedro De La Rosa M ID No. 100092868012 3816 Woodruff Ave 412 Long Beach, CA 90808-2147 (562) 377-1111 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Diana Hsu F ID No. 100083052020 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
David Kramer M ID No. 100009541020 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Norman Kuo M ID No. 100052074007 5471 La Palma Ave STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1773 (714) 521-0239 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Fee Kyan M ID No. 100057064010 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 300 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 804-0100 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sen Lai M ID No. 100018101010 2690 Pacific Ave STE 270 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 599-0609 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese Steven Lake M ID No. 100093206006 911 E San Antonio Dr 6 Long Beach, CA 90807-2204 (562) 423-6441 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Irene Leech F ID No. 100006785007 125 E 8th St Long Beach, CA 90813-4309 (562) 590-8509 Jesse Licuanan M 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shirish Patel M ID No. 100027543021 5220 Clark Ave STE 125 Lakewood, CA 90712-2623 (562) 925-7401 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
Also located at: 1501 E 7th St Long Beach, CA 90813-5001 (562) 590-9800 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu
Phuongchi Phan F ID No. 100089497022 14571 Magnolia St STE 207 Westminster, CA 92683-5576 (714) 890-9241 Languages: French and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ajay Meka M 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azhar Muttalib M ID No. 100071688012 23639 Hawthorne Blvd STE 102 Torrance, CA 90505-5985 (310) 373-9980 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Visal Nga M ID No. 100150656025 1269 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813-3709 (562) 599-5300 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100067401012 4332 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, CA 90720-3564 (714) 244-9651 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arvind Mehta M ID No. 100011179019 2785 Pacific Ave A Long Beach, CA 90806-2640 Renuka Patel F (562) 424-4447 ID No. 100038150007 Languages: Hindi and Spanish 8357 Florence Ave Downey, CA 90240-3928 (562) 622-2470 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Shivanand Pole M 3851 Katella Ave STE 305 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 546-7282 Languages: Hindi and Kannada PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ron Roque M ID No. 100033503017 1760 Termino Ave STE 104 Long Beach, CA 90804-2169 (562) 494-8512 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Siamak Rouzroch M ID No. 100110083018 1703 Termino Ave STE 107 Long Beach, CA 90804-2126 (562) 494-8008 Languages: Farsi, German and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Manohar Senra M ID No. 100032255009 8337 Telegraph Rd STE 215 Pico Rivera, CA 90660-4945 (562) 927-6597 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Lakewood IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Vannarith So M ID No. 100057603012 1777 N Bellflower Blvd STE 101 Long Beach, CA 90815-4019 (562) 986-6138 Languages: Cambodian
Hanson Wong M ID No. 100100599027 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 804-7223 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Cardiovascular Disease
Kwan Tan M ID No. 100063177024 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Winston Wong M ID No. 100046178027 6900 Lincoln Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-4148 (714) 527-8777 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
George Panagiotides M Lakewood, CA
Also located at: 17370 Norwalk Blvd Cerritos, CA 90703-2748 (562) 809-5674 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin
Chifoo David Yue M ID No. 100015587018 9349 Somerset Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-3447 (562) 866-8111 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jacquelyn Vander Wall F ID No. 100029621006 10861 Cherry St STE 104 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-5403 (562) 431-8771 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chok Wan M ID No. 100096600008 2153 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806-4513 (562) 599-4833 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Philip Weinstein M ID No. 100033759019 16660 Paramount Blvd STE 201 Paramount, CA 90723-5457 (562) 633-3131 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jerry Floro M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
William Madrid M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 5309 Lincoln Ave Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 484-8111 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin
Milan Rawal M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Henry Van Gieson M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Michael Castro M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Endocrinology Metabolism Richard Berkson M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Steven Eng M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Alex Kutas M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology
Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Marc Baskin M Long Beach, CA
Minou Tran F Downey, CA
Steven Meltzer M Long Beach, CA
Linda Wang F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Marc Tamaroff M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Loida Constantino F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Family Practice Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Lawrence Cohn M Paramount, CA
Joseph Nguyen M Los Alamitos, CA
Gastroenterology Jose Pantoja M Lakewood, CA
Heena Contractor F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Gnyandev Patel M Lakewood, CA
Timothy Simmons M Long Beach, CA
Karen Dix F Long Beach, CA
Steven Weiss M Downey, CA
Ghulam Dostzada M Los Alamitos, CA
General Practice
Stuart Finkelstein M Lakewood, CA
Xanthe Victoria F Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Tzong Hwang M Artesia, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Rozalie Jackson F Long Beach, CA
Gaurang Chaurushia M Downey, CA Padmanabha Shakkottai M Lakewood, CA
David Kramer M Anaheim, CA Aruna Krishnaswamy F Anaheim, CA
Cynthia Forsthoff F Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA
Internal Medicine
Michael Liff M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Maurice Bell M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Neha Bhansali F Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Gaurang Chaurushia M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Siamak Rouzroch M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Manohar Senra M Pico Rivera, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Padmanabha Shakkottai M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Vannarith So M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Hematology / Oncology
John Adams M Long Beach, CA
Shivanand Pole M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Richard Lee M Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai tricMedi cne
Sam Abdelmelek M Long Beach, CA
Shirish Patel M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Geriatric Medicine
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai tricMedi cne
Renuka Patel F Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ivette Stickelmaier F Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gerai tricMedi cne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Ivette Stickelmaier F Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Ky Minh Tran M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Mark Tsai M Paramount, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Thomas Mccloy M Long Beach, CA
Rafaelito Victoria M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Arvind Mehta M Long Beach, CA
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Meena Meka F Santa Ana, CA
Philip Weinstein M Paramount, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Azhar Muttalib M Torrance, CA
Hanson Wong M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Visal Nga M Long Beach, CA
Winston Wong M Buena Park, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Lakewood IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Medical Oncology Medical Oncology
Joel Kizner M Los Alamitos, CA
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Hyuk Lee M Bellflower, CA
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Ha Nguyen M Long Beach, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Josephine Saad F Lakewood, CA
Hubert Gulak M Long Beach, CA
Emma Clay F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Lawrence Hodor M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jonathan Blitzer M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Anthony Ciarolla M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Nephrology Heena Contractor F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ronald Fischman M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Victor Kabbany M Lakewood, CA Long Beach, CA
Carl Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Ronald Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Neurology Michael Erlich M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Virginia Agnelli F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Larry Pasquali M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Elias Ayoub M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Richard Spellberg M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Pulmonary Diseases Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA Arthur Gelb M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Radiation Oncology Sulabha Dave F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Andre Babajanians M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Michael Cogan M Long Beach, CA
Joseph Chun M Buena Park, CA
Jose De La Rosa M Paramount, CA
Rafael Vergara M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Rheumatology Laryngology / Rhinology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Richard Rosenberg M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Cynthia Chao F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Trinh Nhu F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Haifa Al Azawi F Paramount, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Avedik Semerjian M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Peripheral Vascul arDsi ease
Edward Austin M Compton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Nancy Godfrey F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Michael Maehara M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Lakewood IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Colon Surgery Surgery Colon Surgery
Surgery Orthopedic
Ayman Neoman M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Ernest Agatstein M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Surgery General
Ramy Elias M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Shahrad Aynehchi M Downey, CA Inglewood, CA
Andrew Wassef M Lakewood, CA
Lawrence Paletz M Downey, CA Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCool nSurgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Dena Amr F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Philip Faraci M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Plastic
Andre Maginot M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Pearlman Hicks M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Barton Wachs M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Simon Rayhanabad M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Thoracic Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Surgery General Vascular Daniel Bethencourt M Simon Rayhanabad M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Surgery Hand
Navrose Grewal M Lakewood, CA
Stewart Brown M Long Beach, CA
Guy Lemire M Long Beach, CA
Surgery Neurological
Surgical Oncology
Ramin Javahery M Long Beach, CA
Dena Amr F Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryHand
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Hooshang Pak M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgi cal Oncol ogy
Philip Faraci M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgi cal Oncol ogy
Abraham Rayhaun M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Surgi cal Oncol ogy
Ivar Szper M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach Affiliated Hospitals
Stephen Harms M 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 346-2222 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Gary Ohashi M ID No. 100093572005 15464 Goldenwest St Westminster, CA 92683-6149 (714) 891-9008 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Tara Scott F ID No. 100165434008 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 346-2222 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jamison Thompson M ID No. 100192018002 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815-3126 (562) 346-2222 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Elisa Wilson F ID No. 100187634004 15464 Goldenwest St Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-9008 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edmond Wong M 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 346-2222 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs Family Practice Jenifer Aaronson F ID No. 100220029010 455 E Columbia St STE 201 Long Beach, CA 90806 (844) 822-4646 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ewa Farrelly F ID No. 100163493008 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815-3126 (562) 346-2222 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106016 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lance Hirano M ID No. 100072486011 2110 N Bellflower Ave Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 346-2222 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Peter Kaneshige M ID No. 100027081005 2110 N Bellflower Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-3126 (562) 346-2222 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Christian Lu M ID No. 100161750004 2865 Atlantic Ave 104 Long Beach, CA 90806-1740 (562) 933-1820 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Evelina Svrdlan F ID No. 100176048003 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815-3126 (562) 346-2222 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Lauren Barnes F ID No. 100091239005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carrie Fields F ID No. 100076680005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued PCPs - Family Practice Abigail Fletcher F ID No. 100110136005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish
Jeffrey Luther M ID No. 100085703005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish
Laura Guadiana F ID No. 100218400005 450 E Spring St STE. 1 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish
Rose Swords F ID No. 100111408005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Cynthia Herzog F ID No. 100079550005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050
Internal Medicine
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Barreto M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Jon Bennett M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Reza Mahrou M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Brooke Laduca F ID No. 100080452005 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jeffrey Lai M ID No. 100171183003 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jay Lee M ID No. 100107749010 450 E Spring St 1 Long Beach, CA 90806-1625 (562) 933-0050 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Laurie Mortara F 2110 N Bellflower Ave Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 346-2222 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Medhat Mikhael M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Amir Rafizad M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Minal Mehta F ID No. 100030069005 18111 Brookhurst St # 4450 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 848-2383 Languages: Gujarati and Spanish
Specialty Physicians
Rex Winters M Cypress, CA
Allergy Immunology
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA
PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Terry Chin F Long Beach, CA
Steven Appleby M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Steven Meltzer M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Marc Tamaroff M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Cardiovascular Disease Steven Appleby M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Ranjit Goonetilleke M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Khiet Hoang M Long Beach, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Hematology / Oncology
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA
Diana Albay F Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Milan Patel M Anaheim, CA
Steven Eng M Lakewood, CA
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA
Puneet Chahal F Santa Ana, CA
Serge Tobias M Long Beach, CA
Alex Kutas M Lakewood, CA
Lance Hirano M Long Beach, CA
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA
Family Practice
Michael Lauermann M Los Alamitos, CA
Kenneth Wen M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Nady Eskarous M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Stephen Harms M Long Beach, CA
Jonathan Huynh M Fountain Valley, CA
Edmond Wong M Long Beach, CA
Todd Masler M Cerritos, CA
Andrew Ko M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Michael Castro M Lakewood, CA
Matthew Mukherjee M Burbank, CA
Bernard Gottlieb M Placentia, CA
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA
Shireen Guide F Rancho Sta Marg, CA
Stephen Severance M Long Beach, CA
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA
Ketan Shah M Laguna Hills, CA
Tien Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
James Trenbeath M Laguna Hills, CA
Soheil Simzar M Newport Beach, CA San Diego, CA
Barry Zamost M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Infectious Disease Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Ana Rojas F Fountain Valley, CA
Internal Medicine Nayyer Ali M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Lance Hirano M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Peter Kaneshige M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Christian Lu M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Laurie Mortara F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
General Practice
Matthew Mukherjee M Burbank, CA
Tomi Evans F Long Beach, CA
Barry Zamost M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Allen Adams M San Diego, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni eCrti cal Care Medci ne
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kyaw Moe M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Omid Omidvar M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Maternal Medicine Menashe Kfir M Newport Beach, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Michael Nageotte M Long Beach, CA
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
Randolph Shey M Long Beach, CA
Emily Seet F Torrance, CA
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Thompson M Long Beach, CA
Medical Oncology
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Meenakshi Verma F Lakewood, CA
Banafsheh Yafeh F Long Beach, CA
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA
Neurology Child
Nicole Cobo F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA
Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Ignacio Carrillo Nunez M Fountain Valley, CA
Nuclear Medicine
Caroline Choan F Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nucl earMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Jonathan Blitzer M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Anthony Ciarolla M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Cynthia Forsthoff F Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Sherief Gamie M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Homayoon Sanati M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Nicole Cobo F Long Beach, CA
Ved Prakash M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nucl earMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA
Alan Cohen M Long Beach, CA
Viet Anh Be M Fountain Valley, CA
Ronald Fischman M Lakewood, CA
William Hornstein M Fountain Valley, CA
Cynthia Chao F Long Beach, CA
Victor Kabbany M Lakewood, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Huntington Beach, CA
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Michael Cogan M Long Beach, CA
Andrew Choy M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Caroline Conner F Fountain Valley, CA
Robert Clark M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ronald Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Trinh Nhu F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
David Diaz M Fountain Valley, CA
Kourosh Dastgheib M Garden Grove, CA
Ban Duc Doan M Garden Grove, CA
Kim Anh Doan F Huntington Beach, CA
Marsha Granese F Mission Viejo, CA
Julie Gasperini F Long Beach, CA
Theodore Pasquali M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Jamie Kim M Fountain Valley, CA
Lawrence Geisse M Los Alamitos, CA
Nimesh Pathak M Long Beach, CA
Minal Mehta F Fountain Valley, CA
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA
Irene Sasaki F Long Beach, CA
Rabin Mizrahi M Long Beach, CA
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA
Roya Rakhshani F Costa Mesa, CA
Rajiv Rathod M Santa Ana, CA
Bertram Sohl M Long Beach, CA
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA
Essam Taymour M Long Beach, CA
Karen Tison F Fountain Valley, CA
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Tran M Westminster, CA
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA
Jared Younger M Fountain Valley, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Orange, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Fox Boswell M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Stanley Carson M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Jenny Choi F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Harvey Goldstone M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Shawn Yamamoto M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Peter Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Nguyen Pham M Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Emma Clay F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
James Boyce M Garden Grove, CA
Larry Pasquali M Los Alamitos, CA
Jesse Tan M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Ayal Willner M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Carl Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Nina Yoshpe F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Kathy Yu-Syken F Long Beach, CA
Pediatric Pulmonology
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Christopher Parrish M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircAl ergy /mI unol gy
Pediatric Endocrinology Mario Brakin M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Paul Do M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Paula Groncy F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Mitchell Katz M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Moataz Giurgius M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Arash Mahajerin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Jason Kellogg M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Sonia Michail F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircEndocrinol gy
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Michael Simons M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircEndocrinol gy
Pablito Nagpala M Long Beach, CA
Serra Ryu F Fullerton, CA Irvine, CA
Catherine Gritchen F Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircEndocrinol gy
Sonia Michail F Long Beach, CA
Victoria Foley F Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Cyrus Mehraban Shahriary M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircEndocrinol gy
Rebecca Hicks F Long Beach, CA
Visoth Chan F Mission Viejo, CA
Sarabjit Sandhu M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Salvacion Torre M Torrance, CA
Wendy Linderholm F Long Beach, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Pulmonary Diseases
Fred Batkin M Long Beach, CA
Allen Adams M Anaheim, CA San Diego, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Diemha Hoang F Long Beach, CA
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA
Melanie Irwin F Orange, CA
Asaad Hakim M Westminster, CA
Jason Koh M Long Beach, CA
Jeffrey Riker M Long Beach, CA
Dieumy Thai F Westminster, CA
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Maged Tanios M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Anjuli Kumar F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Sarah Sela Herman F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Jerry Finklestein M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircHematol gy/Oncol ogy
Pediatric Nephrology Deepak Rajpoot M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNephrol gy
Jeff Angarola M Rancho Santa Marg, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued Specialty Physicians - Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology
Karen Ragland F Inglewood, CA
Jonathan To M Brea, CA
Charles Raker M Long Beach, CA
Peter Willens M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Joel Cherlow M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Regsi ter dPhysci al Therapi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Thomas Gates M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Asif Harsolia M Long Beach, CA
Sleep Medicine
Deeb Ziad M Long Beach, CA
Stephen Brown M Long Beach, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Speech Therapist
Ajmel Puthawala M Long Beach, CA
Ivette Stickelmaier F Lakewood, CA
Kirby Mccord F Fountain Valley, CA
Alam Syed M Long Beach, CA
Registered Physical Therapist
Surgery Cardiovascular
Lyndsay Defilippo F Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Vijaykumar Kini M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Sel p Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Spe ch Therapsi t
Tuan Lam M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Matthew Hudkins M Irvine, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Tyler Dorrel M Brea, CA Mark Haffar M Anaheim, CA
Radiology Diagnostic
Dustin Hancock M Laguna Niguel, CA
Corey Chakarun M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Rafael Jimenez M Long Beach, CA Palm Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Scott Locken M Brea, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Rebecca Mccloskey F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Praveen Jonnala M Long Beach, CA
Jonathan Meltzer M Laguna Niguel, CA
Sarah Kao F Fountain Valley, CA
Ruth Marie Meltzer F Irvine, CA
Francine Kim F Long Beach, CA
Duncan Mitchell M Costa Mesa, CA
Susan Lee F Orange, CA
Kevin Rausch M Laguna Niguel, CA
Ved Prakash M Fountain Valley, CA
Jessica Snyder F Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Dai gnostci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Robert Woodhouse M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Surgery Colon Surgery Ayman Neoman M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Surgery General Dena Amr F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Kent Azaren M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Joel Berman M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Leslie Edrich M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Steven Grant M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Jeffrey Islas M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA
Eugene Elliott M Fountain Valley, CA
Thang Dinh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Douglas Garland Long Beach, CA
Michael Sundine M Costa Mesa, CA
Laurence Pearl M Huntington Beach, CA
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA
Alan Tran M Fountain Valley, CA
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Michael Russo M Fountain Valley, CA
Ram Mudiyam M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Joseph Vardayo M Long Beach, CA
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Rajesh Lal M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Fountain Valley, CA
Tuan Lam M Long Beach, CA
Michael Pahl M Westminster, CA
Erick Montero M Laguna Hills, CA
Stewart Brown M Long Beach, CA
Ronald Smith M Long Beach, CA
Shaun Setty M Long Beach, CA
Surgery Neurological
Curtis Spencer M Long Beach, CA
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Undersea Medicine
Surgery General Vascular Christopher Ninh M Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery Hand Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryHand
Barry Ceverha M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Azadeh Farin F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Philip Yuan M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Surgery Pediatric
Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA
Dean Anselmo M Long Beach, CA
Minh Tran M Westminster, CA
Nam Nguyen M Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Troy Reyna M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Emory Chang M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Alvin Chang M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-UnderseaMedi cne
Urology Shlomi Albert M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Ruben Baghdassarian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Regina Hovey F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Surgery Plastic
Michael Norris M Los Alamitos, CA
Marcel Daniels M Long Beach, CA
Bernard Turbow M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Barton Wachs M Long Beach, CA F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos. Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback Affiliated Hospitals Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708 Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr L 24451 Health Center Dr Laguna Hills, 92653
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Jon Biorkman M ID No. 100102408005 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael Chang M ID No. 100217390004 15 Mareblu Street 100 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 448-0656 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Shilpa Gaikwad F ID No. 100113091006 34052 La Plz STE 103 Dana Point, CA 92629-2571 (949) 240-2555 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David Gonzalez M ID No. 100200908009 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
George Karapetian M 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Armenian and Farsi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Marjan Karimabadi F ID No. 100196435002 29472 Avenida De Las Bandera Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2651 (949) 459-9968 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jasbir Kaur F ID No. 100145246004 23512 Madero Rd Mission Viejo, CA 92691-2743 (949) 583-1600
Kenneth Kazenelson M P29472 Avenida Las Bandera Rancho Santa Margar, CA 92688 (949) 459-9968 Languages: Chinese, Persian and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 29472 Avenida De Las Banderas Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 459-9968 Languages: Chinese, Persian and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lowell Kleinman M ID No. 100017626008 1300 Avenida Hermosa 250 San Clemente, CA 92673-6315 (949) 542-7700 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mary Moon F ID No. 100218448004 23512 Madero Road Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 583-1600 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ali Parsaeian M 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-8703 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued PCPs - Family Practice Marjan Pedarsani F ID No. 100113548005 23512 Madero Rd Mission Viejo, CA 92691-2743 (949) 583-1600 Languages: Farsi
Usha Idnani F ID No. 100114073004 34052 La Plz 105 Dana Point, CA 92629-2587 (949) 276-6499 Languages: Hindi
Kamran Ghodsian M ID No. 100102338017 26691 Plaza Dr. STE. 212 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 362-1515 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Sabrina Wilder F ID No. 100224878008 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-8703 (949) 661-9600
Alan Israel M 4050 Barranca Pkwy STE 200 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 551-1090
Accepting Current Patients Only
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Internal Medicine Ku Juey Chang M ID No. 100079645008 23331 El Toro Rd 102 Lake Forest, CA 92630-4891 (949) 916-9100 Languages: Chinese, Farsi and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jason Dugan M ID No. 100191779004 250 E Yale Loop STE 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
James Sperber M 675 Camino De Los Mares STE 200 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 542-8865 Languages: German and Spanish
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gyencol gy
PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Craig Albert M 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Lilian Tran F ID No. 100105534008 29472 Avenida De Las Banderas Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 459-9968 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Gwendolyn Gore F ID No. 100020754005 29472 Ave De Las Banderas Rancho Santa Marga, CA 92688-2651 (949) 459-9968
Saghi Rokhshadfar F ID No. 100113408006 23512 Madero Rd Mission Viejo, CA 92691-2743 (949) 583-1600 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Maryam Yazdanshenas F ID No. 100224906005 1300 Avenida Vista Hermosa STE 250 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 542-7700 Languages: Farsi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Brian Chavez M ID No. 100070577011 23331 El Toro Rd 102 Lake Forest, CA 92630-4891 (949) 916-9100 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
James Ashizawa M ID No. 100056553008 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Japanese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Frederic Balguma M ID No. 100173791003 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Candace Basich F ID No. 100073084005 1300 Avenida Hermosa 250 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 542-7700 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued PCPs - Family Practice Mark Cianciola M ID No. 100057057005 29472 Avenida Las Bandera Rancho Santa Marg, CA 92688 (949) 459-9968 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Scott Greenspan M ID No. 100067813008 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 661-9600 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew Hong M 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-8703 (949) 661-9600 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carlos Schmidt M 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-8703 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Stasiewicz M ID No. 100037441005 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Patrick Thompson M ID No. 100080403005 15 Mareblu 100 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3015 (949) 448-0656 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daisy Tint F ID No. 100071356006 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 Languages: Burmese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Suchitra Trikha F ID No. 100025171005 15 Mareblu 100 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3015 (949) 448-0656 Languages: Hindustani and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mimi Van Trinh F ID No. 100105591008 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 661-9600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine Chienwei Chen M ID No. 100007212006 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Predrag Mitrevski M ID No. 100071204007 675 Camino De Los Mares STE 200 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 542-8865 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dung Trinh M ID No. 100105202006 23512 Madero Rd Mission Viejo, CA 92691-2743 (949) 583-1600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Anthony Wong M ID No. 100061211005 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Minal Mehta F ID No. 100030069006 18111 Brookhurst St # 4450 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 848-2383 Languages: Gujarati and Spanish PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology
Seema Khan F 1300 Avenida Vista Hermosa STE 250 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 542-7700
William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA
Keith Lee M ID No. 100066947005 250 E Yale Loop 200 Irvine, CA 92604-4697 (949) 551-1090
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Anesthesiology Stephen Barkow M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jeffrey Feiner M Laguna Hills, CA
Jonathan Huynh M Fountain Valley, CA
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Ronald Gim M Laguna Hills, CA
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA
Ranjit Goonetilleke M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Standiford Helm M Laguna Hills, CA
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA
Reza Mahrou M Irvine, CA
Richard Jacob M Mission Viejo, CA
Amir Rafizad M Irvine, CA
David Kawanishi M Mission Viejo, CA
Daniel Kulick M Mission Viejo, CA
Jon Bennett M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Jonathan Baron M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Gregory Bartlow M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Matthew Goodman M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Shireen Guide F Rancho Sta Marg, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Absalom Hepner M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Daniel Lamont M Laguna Hills, CA
Soheil Simzar M Newport Beach, CA San Diego, CA
Jay Lee M Orange, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Douglas Lyle M Laguna Hills, CA
Diana Albay F Irvine, CA
Michael Miyamoto M Mission Viejo, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Milan Patel M Anaheim, CA
David Diaz M Fountain Valley, CA Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Lynne Hung F Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Arthur Loussararian M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Brett Wertman M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Donald Rediker M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Family Practice
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Kenneth Wen M Anaheim, CA
Patrick Thompson M Aliso Viejo, CA
Hossein Alimadadian M Irvine, CA
Brett Wertman M Mission Viejo, CA
Maged Azer Orange, CA
George Wesley M Orange, CA
Stephen Ehrlich M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Ardalan Babaknia M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Frank Garofalo M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Barry Donner M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA
Ashkan Farhadi M Costa Mesa, CA
Cuong Ly M Laguna Hills, CA
Navjyot Gujral F San Clemente, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Craig Ennis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Kim Kanaly F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Andrew Ko M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Howard Cheng M Laguna Hills, CA
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA
Paul Coluzzi M Irvine, CA
Habib Rahman M Mission Viejo, CA
Shlomit Ein Gal F Laguna Niguel, CA
Surinder Saini M Newport Beach, CA
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA
Stephen Severance M Long Beach, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA
Ketan Shah M Laguna Hills, CA
Infectious Disease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
David Stanton M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Jonathan Blitzer M Huntington Beach, CA Anthony Ciarolla M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Cynthia Forsthoff F Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
David Margileth M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
James Trenbeath M Laguna Hills, CA
Medical Oncology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Theodore Sy M Aliso Viejo, CA
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Hematology / Oncology
Haig Najarian M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Patricia Wallace F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Jagadeesh Reddy M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Edward Wagner M Laguna Niguel, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
General Practice
Alan White M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Kevin Ashby M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Internal Medicine
Genetics Medical
Ku Juey Chang M Lake Forest, CA
Jacob Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
Touran Zadeh M Orange, CA
Shlomit Ein Gal F Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Medci al
Gynecologic Oncology John Brown M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Gwendolyn Gore F Rancho Santa Marga, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Habib Azad M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
May Chen F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Glenn Chiang M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA
Theodore Teacher M Mission Viejo, CA
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Nathaniel Ho M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Amer Jabara M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Elizabeth Traynor F Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ignacio Carrillo Nunez M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Neurology Child
Caroline Choan F Laguna Hills, CA
Diane Stein F Irvine, CA
Alan Cohen M Long Beach, CA
Nuclear Medicine
Ali Elahi M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nucl earMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Charles Kaupke M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Joel Levine M Laguna Hills, CA
Joey Gee M Mission Viejo, CA
Ved Prakash M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nucl earMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA
Morris Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
William Hornstein M Fountain Valley, CA
Russell Ness M Garden Grove, CA
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA
Dean Le M Laguna Hills, CA
David Packard M Mission Viejo, CA
Thomas Bailey M Mission Viejo, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Huntington Beach, CA
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
Viet Anh Be M Fountain Valley, CA
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Jerry Benzl M Mission Viejo, CA
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Brian Chavez M Lake Forest, CA
Pedro Postigo M San Clemente, CA
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA
William Preston M Laguna Hills, CA
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Caroline Conner F Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Shen M Laguna Hills, CA
Steve Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Laurence Fakinos M Mission Viejo, CA
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA
Heba Farag F Mission Viejo, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Daniel Sternfeld M Laguna Hills, CA
David Gwynn M Mission Viejo, CA
Marsha Granese F Mission Viejo, CA
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
Ziad Kharuf M Orange, CA
Bryan Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
John Hovanesian M Laguna Hills, CA
Jamie Kim M Fountain Valley, CA
Tiffany Tran F Mission Viejo, CA
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA
Rachael Lopez F Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA
Jeffrey Jacobs M San Clemente, CA
Minal Mehta F Fountain Valley, CA
Peter Joson M San Clemente, CA
Viken Melkonian M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kamran Ghodsian M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Diana Kersten F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Leslie Bruce Lyle M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Sean Adrean M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Edward Kim M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Luis Chanes M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
John Lean M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Vivien Pan F Mission Viejo, CA
Sanford Chen M Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA
Marvin Posner M Mission Viejo, CA
Robert Clark M Long Beach, CA
Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA
Roya Rakhshani F Costa Mesa, CA
Kim Anh Doan F Huntington Beach, CA
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Sara Ramirez F Mission Viejo, CA
Charles Eifrig M Santa Ana, CA
Marjorie Mosier Irvine, CA
Merle Robboy M Newport Beach, CA
Julie Gasperini F Long Beach, CA
Sheldon Nankin M Orange, CA
Craig Salcido M Mission Viejo, CA
Faris Ghosheh M Mission Viejo, CA
Brent Norman M Newport Beach, CA
Esther Schmuel F Laguna Hills, CA
Ribhi Ghosheh Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Stadler M Mission Viejo, CA
Satvinder Gujral F Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Roger Ohanesian M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
John Maggiano M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Rajiv Rathod M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology David Sacks M Santa Ana, CA
Larry Pasquali M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Steven Schmidt M Anaheim, CA
Theodore Pasquali M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Cho M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Dennis Crockett M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nimesh Pathak M Long Beach, CA
Ramin Tayani M San Clemente, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Irene Sasaki F Long Beach, CA
Karen Tison F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Tran M Orange, CA
Jenny Choi F Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Joni Doherty F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Nazih Haddad M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
James Heinrich M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Sidney Weiss M Mission Viejo, CA
Harvey Goldstone M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Jakobsen M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Timothy You M Fullerton, CA Santa Ana, CA
Donna Hwang F Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Karen Skvarna F Laguna Hills, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Mai Tang F Fullerton, CA
James Bredenkamp M Irvine, CA
Billy Tran M Anaheim, CA
Emma Clay F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Mimi Tran F Santa Ana, CA
Carl Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
John Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Paul Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
John Supance M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Wendy Tran F Laguna Hills, CA
Jesse Tan M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Ronald Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Peter Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Jared Younger M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Jagmeet Mundi M Mission Viejo, CA
Randall Wong M Mission Viejo, CA
Christopher Yian M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Shawn Yamamoto M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology Christopher Parrish M
Otolaryngology / Otology / Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA Laryngology / Rhinology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Al ergy /mI unol gy
Trinh Nhu F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Al ergy /mI unol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Cardiology
Visoth Chan F Mission Viejo, CA
Fady Kadifa M Laguna Hills, CA
Devon Glazer M Irvine, CA
Raul Marquez M Mission Viejo, CA
Thomas Rambacher M Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Rovzar M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Serra Ryu F Fullerton, CA Irvine, CA
Devang Savani M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
James Chu M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Pierangelo Renella M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Pediatric Endocrinology Susan Clark F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Michael Simons M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
George Schiffman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
George Shahinian M Laguna Beach, CA
Rebecca Hicks F Long Beach, CA
Moataz Giurgius M Costa Mesa, CA
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Jason Kellogg M Garden Grove, CA
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Inchel Yeam M San Clemente, CA
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Jonathan Ahdoot M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Pediatric Pulmonology
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Radiation Oncology
Amy Harrison F Long Beach, CA
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA
Chu Pei Feng F Santa Ana, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA
Vijaykumar Kini M Tustin, CA
Christopher Lawler M Dana Point, CA
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA
Ernest Ngo M Santa Ana, CA
Ziba Ranjbaran F Mission Viejo, CA
Vidal Espeleta M Laguna Hills, CA
Ajmel Puthawala M Laguna Hills, CA
Dieumy Thai F Westminster, CA
Lawrence Geisse M Los Alamitos, CA
Carolyn Young F Mission Viejo, CA
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Jeff Angarola M Rancho Santa Marg, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Victor Cachia M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Asaad Hakim M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
James Cooper M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Anooshiravan Hami M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Matthew Hudkins M Irvine, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Radiology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Mary Sondag F Laguna Hills, CA
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA
Robert Lindsey M Laguna Hills, CA
Jonathan To M Brea, CA
Radiology Diagnostic
Kenneth Deck M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
Sarah Kao F Fountain Valley, CA
Krishan Khurana M Santa Ana, CA
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA
Andrew Malatskey M Laguna Hills, CA
Alan Schenk M Laguna Woods, CA
Nguyen Do Duy M Fountain Valley, CA
Ved Prakash M Fountain Valley, CA
Sleep Medicine
Nora Evans F Laguna Hills, CA
Registered Physical Therapist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Sel pMedci ne
Huey Lin M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Stephen Brown M Long Beach, CA
Speech Therapist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Theodore Jekums M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Elvira Klause F San Clemente, CA
Lyndsay Defilippo F Laguna Niguel, CA
Kirby Mccord F Fountain Valley, CA
Tyler Dorrel M Brea, CA
Surgery Cardiovascular
Kenneth Kushner M Mission Viejo, CA
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Ralph Maeda M Mission Viejo, CA
William Thibault M Orange, CA
Thang Dinh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Mark Haffar M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Spe ch Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Dustin Hancock M Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Scott Locken M Brea, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Rebecca Mccloskey F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Jonathan Meltzer M Laguna Niguel, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Ruth Marie Meltzer F Irvine, CA
Surgery General Hazem Afifi M Santa Ana, CA Dena Amr F Los Alamitos, CA Blake Ashley M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Kwei Min Pan M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Chirag Patel M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Laurence Pearl M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Marvin Atchison M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Joel Berman M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Jessica Snyder F Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Kevin Rausch M Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Duncan Mitchell M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Michael Russo M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
John Shaver M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
William Wallace M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Jason Wong M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Sylvain Palmer Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Surgery General Vascular Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA William Foley M Fullerton, CA
Gowriharan Thaiyananthan M Newport Beach, CA
Garabed Nishanian M Irvine, CA
Minh Tran M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Neurological Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Edwin Ashley M Anaheim, CA
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA
Robert Baird M Irvine, CA
Samuel Rosenfeld M Orange, CA
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA
Floyd Shon M Irvine, CA
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA
William Van Der Reis M San Clemente, CA
Richard Claveria M Mission Viejo, CA
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA
Kyle Coker M Laguna Woods, CA
Ari Youderian M Laguna Woods, CA
Jeffrey Deckey M Orange, CA
Surgery Pediatric
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Bradley Noblett M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Arash Aminian M Laguna Woods, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Farzad Massoudi M Laguna Hills, CA
William Mcmaster M Orange, CA
Ram Mudiyam M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Richard Kim M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Anthony Kim M Mission Viejo, CA
Steven Ma M Santa Ana, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Robert Jackson M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Lonnie Moskow M Laguna Woods, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Hector Ho M Orange, CA
Francois Lalonde M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Wang Teng M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
John German M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPedai tric
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Chiedozie Nwagwu M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Nimish Raj Kadakia M Irvine, CA
William Loudon M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPedai tric
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Jacques Palmer Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Plastic Surgery Plastic
Surgery Trauma / Critical Care
Nhiep Tang M Santa Ana, CA
Chirag Patel M Laguna Hills, CA
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Undersea Medicine
Mark Krugman M Newport Beach, CA
Alvin Chang M Santa Ana, CA
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA
Leonard Prutsok M Orange, CA
Andrew Smith M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Hootan Daneshmand M Foothill Ranch, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryTruama/Crti cal Care
Eugene Elliott M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -UnderseaMedci ne
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Shlomi Albert M Fountain Valley, CA
Bernard Turbow M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Michael Sundine M Costa Mesa, CA
Theodore Benderev M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Alan Tran M Fountain Valley, CA
Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Ivan Turpin M Orange, CA
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Surgery Thoracic
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA
Alaa Afifi M Santa Ana, CA
Regina Hovey F Fountain Valley, CA
Hazem Afifi M Santa Ana, CA
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Los Alamitos, CA
Leah Nakamura F Laguna Hills, CA
Richard Gates M Orange, CA
Erik Pasin M Laguna Hills, CA
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA
Cu Phan M Newport Beach, CA
David Perkowski M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA
Josh Randall M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Joanne Starr F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group Affiliated Hospitals Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708 Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr San Clemente 654 Camino De Los Mares San Clemente, 92673
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Arfa Babaknia ID No. 100084886004 11420 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2529 (714) 549-1300 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Michael Chang M ID No. 100217390002 15 Mareblu Street 100 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 448-0656 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David Chun M ID No. 100056772004 722 Baker St Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4320 (714) 557-6300 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Asdghig Daderian F ID No. 100179786005 3010 W Orange Ave 302 Anaheim, CA 92804-3169 (714) 826-1200 Languages: Arabic, Armenian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Nasrin Damoui F ID No. 100111496005 18111 Brookhurst St STE 1100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 861-4770 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rosemary Donaldson Ford F 15464 Goldenwest St Westminster, CA 92683-6149 (714) 891-9008 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David Dunckel M ID No. 100073372004 11420 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2529 (714) 549-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Melissa Gutierrez F ID No. 100079720006 3010 W Orange Ave 302 Anaheim, CA 92804-3169 (714) 826-1200 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Harms M 2110 N Bellflower Blvd Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 346-2222 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jason Hart M ID No. 100192016004 15464 Goldenwest St Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-9008 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ena Kariya F ID No. 100081993004 722 Baker St Costa Mesa, CA 92626-4320 (714) 557-6300 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Emily Lee F ID No. 100077080004 Rachit Doshi M ID No. 100222557002 11420 Warner Ave 722 Baker Street Fountain Valley, CA Costa Mesa, CA 92626 92708-2529 (714) 557-6300 (714) 549-1300 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi Languages: Burmese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Jo Lieberman Pan F ID No. 100101304004 11420 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2529 (714) 549-1300 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Cathrin Lim F ID No. 100198188018 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100153846009 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780-3804 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gary Ohashi M ID No. 100093572004 15464 Goldenwest St Westminster, CA 92683-6149 (714) 891-9008 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jill Panitch F ID No. 100059699008 9122 Adams Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 378-0900 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Frank Marino M ID No. 100032707002 7677 Center Ave STE 100 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-3030 (714) 891-1731 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rhonda Meier F ID No. 100052694006 9122 Adams Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 378-0900 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Mary Moon F ID No. 100218448002 23512 Madero Road Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 583-1600 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Lucy Suwarsa F ID No. 100034489004 11420 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2529 (714) 549-1300 Languages: Indonesian PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jenny Tan F ID No. 100194191002 3010 W Orange Ave 302 Anaheim, CA 92804-3169 (714) 826-1200 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Scott Newman M ID No. 100077295003 9122 Adams Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 378-0900 Languages: Hebrew PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Ricardo Perez M ID No. 100064790004 1212 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3418 (714) 954-0432 Languages: Spanish
Adam Wass M ID No. 100113153008 722 Baker St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 557-6300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mitchell Watanabe M ID No. 100073938004 1212 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3418 (714) 954-0432 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sabrina Wilder F ID No. 100224878007 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-8703 (949) 661-9600 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Maryam Yazdanshenas F ID No. 100224906004 1300 Avenida Vista Hermosa STE 250 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 542-7700 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Eddy Yu M 31001 Rancho Viejo Rd STE 200 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-8703 (949) 661-9600 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Marilyn Yu F ID No. 100086411011 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Cantonese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Matthew Zeller M ID No. 100076095005 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine
Kamran Haghighat M ID No. 100111542004 3010 W Orange Ave 302 Anaheim, CA 92804-3169 (714) 826-1200 Languages: Farsi and Persian PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Brian Chavez M ID No. 100070577010 23331 El Toro Rd 102 Lake Forest, CA 92630-4891 (949) 916-9100 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Lalita Komanapalli F ID No. 100092768005 18111 Brookhurst St STE 1100 Kamran Ghodsian M Fountain Valley, CA 92708 ID No. 100102338016 (714) 861-4770 26691 Plaza Dr. STE. 212 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Ehab Mady M (949) 362-1515 ID No. 100168519016 Languages: Farsi and Spanish 351 Hospital Rd STE 401 Joel Bartlett M Newport Beach, CA ID No. 100079312005 92663-3506 Accepting Current 18111 Brookhurst St STE 1100 (949) 631-6002 Patients Only Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 861-4770 Nanette Mitchell F Family Practice Languages: Spanish ID No. 100058086007 18561 Beach Blvd Jamie Lewis M Kien An Duong M Huntington Beach, CA ID No. 100030473007 ID No. 100104805004 92648-2053 15464 Goldenwest St 11420 Warner Ave (714) 848-0080 Westminster, CA 92683 Fountain Valley, CA (714) 891-9008 92708-2529 David Simon M (714) 549-1300 ID No. 100069248006 Timothy Mcdonald M Languages: Chinese and 3010 W Orange Ave 302 ID No. 100086812004 Vietnamese 11420 Warner Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-3169 (714) 826-1200 Fountain Valley, CA Catherine Gentemann F 92708-2529 ID No. 100097352008 Kim Trinh F (714) 549-1300 18561 Beach Blvd ID No. 100183774001 Languages: Spanish Huntington Beach, CA 11420 Warner Ave 92648-2053 Fountain Valley, CA Khoa Nguyen M (714) 848-0080 92708-2529 ID No. 100047272010 (714) 549-1300 9122 Adams Ave Gwendolyn Gore F Huntington Beach, CA 92646 ID No. 100020754004 (714) 378-0900 29472 Ave De Las Banderas Languages: Vietnamese Rancho Santa Marga, CA Kristine Arthur F ID No. 100108743004 11420 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2529 (714) 549-1300 Languages: French
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
92688-2651 (949) 459-9968
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Internal Medicine
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA
Chiwai Chan M Fountain Valley, CA
Steven Meltzer M Long Beach, CA
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA
George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA
Marc Tamaroff M Long Beach, CA
Alan Ho M Fountain Valley, CA
Geeta Venkat F Mission Viejo, CA
Larry Ho M Irvine, CA
Steven Weinstein M Huntington Beach, CA
Medhat Mikhael M Long Beach, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Minal Mehta F ID No. 100030069004 18111 Brookhurst St # 4450 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 848-2383 Languages: Gujarati and Spanish
Shahriar Alikhani M Laguna Hills, CA
Richard Paicius M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Ihong Chen M ID No. 100049502005 18111 Brookhurst St STE 1100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 861-4770 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Nisha Patel F 17360 Brookhurst Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 665-1600 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Elizabeth Tsai F 17360 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 665-1600
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Stephen Barkow M Mission Viejo, CA
Lynne Hung F Mission Viejo, CA
William Barreto M Fountain Valley, CA
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA
Jon Bennett M Santa Ana, CA
Arthur Loussararian M Mission Viejo, CA
Allergy Immunology
Andres Betts M San Clemente, CA
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA
William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA
Catherine Chung F Santa Ana, CA
Marc Dyer M San Clemente, CA
Matthew Harris M Laguna Hills, CA
Emanuel Shaoulian M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specialty Physicians
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Brett Wertman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mark Ellis M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Standiford Helm M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Rex Winters M Cypress, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Sarah Field F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Donald Ruhland M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ronald Gehling M San Clemente, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease
Daniel Lamont M Laguna Hills, CA
Certified Nurse Practitioner
Jay Lee M Orange, CA
Jennifer Lockwood F San Juan Capistrano, CA
Douglas Lyle M Laguna Hills, CA
Marvin Appel M Long Beach, CA
Robert Masters M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Maged Azer Orange, CA
Michael Miyamoto M Mission Viejo, CA
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA
Alicia Montanez F Anaheim, CA
Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA
Jonathan Baron M Santa Ana, CA
Stephen Ehrlich M Mission Viejo, CA
Milan Patel M Anaheim, CA
Gregory Bartlow M Santa Ana, CA
Jeffrey Feiner M Laguna Hills, CA
Donald Rediker M Mission Viejo, CA
Jacqueline De Luca F Long Beach, CA
Howard Frumin M Laguna Hills, CA
Shalizeh Shokooh F Orange, CA
Tanya Foreman F San Diego, CA
Ronald Gim M Laguna Hills, CA
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Matthew Goodman M Santa Ana, CA
Ranjit Goonetilleke M Anaheim, CA
Serge Tobias M Long Beach, CA
Shireen Guide F Rancho Sta Marg, CA
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA
Hohai Van M Anaheim, CA
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA
Richard Jacob M Mission Viejo, CA
Henry Van Gieson M Long Beach, CA
Tien Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
David Kawanishi M Mission Viejo, CA
Winfried Waider M Long Beach, CA
Daniel Kulick M Mission Viejo, CA
Kenneth Wen M Anaheim, CA
Soheil Simzar M Newport Beach, CA San Diego, CA
Dinesh Kumar M Anaheim, CA Costa Mesa, CA
George Wesley M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Hossein Alimadadian M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Certfi edNursePractioner
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Myron Butts M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Frank Garofalo M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jonathan Huynh M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Dermatology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Anne Tremaine F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Emergency Medicine Emergency Medicine
Ardalan Babaknia M Irvine, CA
Daniel Rodiles M Los Alamitos, CA
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA
Carlos Saad M Santa Ana, CA
Joe Chen M Los Alamitos, CA
Surinder Saini M Newport Beach, CA
Barry Donner M Laguna Hills, CA
Stephen Severance M Long Beach, CA
Craig Ennis M Orange, CA
Ketan Shah M Laguna Hills, CA
Ashkan Farhadi M Orange, CA
David Stanton M Orange, CA
Saeid Goshtasbi M Downey, CA
Theodore Sy M Aliso Viejo, CA
Navjyot Gujral F San Clemente, CA
James Trenbeath M Laguna Hills, CA
Andrew Ko M Fountain Valley, CA
Benjamin Weinberg M Laguna Hills, CA
Matthew Mukherjee M Burbank, CA
Diana Yao F Long Beach, CA
Haig Najarian M Orange, CA
Kong Peng Yap M Fountain Valley, CA
Catherine Ngo F Laguna Hills, CA
Jason Yip M Anaheim, CA
Thai Van Nguyen F Los Alamitos, CA
Barry Zamost M Long Beach, CA
Stephen Harms M Long Beach, CA
Eugene Pantangco M Los Alamitos, CA
General Practice
Kalpana Patel F Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geenral Practci e
Joseph Nguyen M Tustin, CA Eddy Yu M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA
Touran Zadeh M Orange, CA
Habib Rahman M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Robert Kingston M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Darryl Werner M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Mazin Abdullah M Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Diana Albay F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Rahil Bandukwala M Lake Forest, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Ku Juey Chang M Lake Forest, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Steven Eng M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Jennifer Hsieh F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Priyanka Krishnan F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Alex Kutas M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Family Practice Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Kevin Ashby M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Tomi Evans F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Genetics Clinical Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sClni cal
Kim Kanaly F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Gynecology Patricia Wallace F Mission Viejo, CA
Internal Medicine
Hematology / Oncology
Marvin Appel M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Howard Cheng M Laguna Hills, CA
Joe Chen M Los Alamitos, CA
Paul Coluzzi M Irvine, CA
Shlomit Ein Gal F Laguna Niguel, CA
Eknath Deo M Long Beach, CA
Sarah Field F Orange, CA
Shlomit Ein Gal F Laguna Niguel, CA
Gwendolyn Gore F Rancho Santa Marga, CA
Minch Fong M Mission Viejo, CA
Rasam Hosseinian M Fountain Valley, CA
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA
Infectious Disease
Brandon Khaw M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Nisha Patel F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Daniel Rodiles M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Lawrence Santora M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Chit Wai F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Diana Yao F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Kong Peng Yap M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Inchel Yeam M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Douglas Cable M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Tammy Le F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Puneet Chahal F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Michael Lauermann M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Jooby Babu M Tustin, CA Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Matthew Mukherjee M Burbank, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Tuan Ta M Santa Ana, CA
Nayyer Ali M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Kimberly Motta F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA
Allen Adams M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Alicia Montanez F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Edward Mescher M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Tammy Le F Anaheim, CA
David Zander M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Cuong Ly M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA
Barry Zamost M Long Beach, CA
Inchel Yeam M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Thai Van Nguyen F Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Alan White M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Eugene Pantangco M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine Internal Medicine Geriatric Edward Wagner M Laguna Niguel, CA Medicine Monzer Kaddour M Nephrology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Santa Ana, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Maternal Medicine
Jacob Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
Jason Pang M Garden Grove, CA
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA
Habib Azad M Mission Viejo, CA
Sridhar Reddy M Garden Grove, CA
Medical Oncology
May Chen F Mission Viejo, CA
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Glenn Chiang M Orange, CA
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA
Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA
Avedik Semerjian M Lakewood, CA
Ronald Fischman M Lakewood, CA
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA
Nathaniel Ho M Laguna Hills, CA
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Amer Jabara M Orange, CA
Steve Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA
Philip Yang M Fountain Valley, CA
Charles Kaupke M Orange, CA
Karen Zoller F Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni eGerai tricMedi cne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jonathan Blitzer M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Howard Cheng M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Anthony Ciarolla M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Paul Coluzzi M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Eknath Deo M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Cynthia Forsthoff F Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jack Jacoub M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
David Margileth M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
H Moayeri M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurology Martin Backman M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Mindy Bixby F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Lloyd Nagasawa M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Essam Mostafa M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ignacio Carrillo Nunez M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Collin Vu M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
William Preston M Laguna Hills, CA
Daniel Shrey M Orange, CA
Nicole Cobo F Long Beach, CA
Nima Ramezan Arab M Long Beach, CA
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA
Alan Cohen M Long Beach, CA
Zhanna Rapoport F Huntington Beach, CA
Diane Stein F Irvine, CA
Ali Elahi M Mission Viejo, CA
Hamid Salehi M Mission Viejo, CA
Lily Tran F Orange, CA
Amanda Fernandez F Orange, CA
Michael Shen M Laguna Hills, CA
Neurophysiology Clinical
Joey Gee M Mission Viejo, CA
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurophysoi l gy Cil ncal
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA
Theodore Teacher M Mission Viejo, CA
Jeffrey Dobkin M Laguna Hills, CA
William Hornstein M Fountain Valley, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Joel Levine M Laguna Hills, CA
Jean Lake F Long Beach, CA
Elizabeth Traynor F Laguna Hills, CA
Ved Prakash M Fountain Valley, CA
Dean Le M Laguna Hills, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Thanh Le M Long Beach, CA
Banafsheh Yafeh F Long Beach, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Huntington Beach, CA
Mary Zupanc F Orange, CA
Panos Marmarelis M Long Beach, CA
Neurology Child
Leon Baginski F Mission Viejo, CA
Fred Nour M Mission Viejo, CA
Nicole Cobo F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Thomas Bailey M Mission Viejo, CA
Mary Dyes F Long Beach, CA
Viet Anh Be M Fountain Valley, CA
Rebecca Garfinkle F Irvine, CA
Jerry Benzl M Mission Viejo, CA
Habib Ismail M Orange, CA
Melissa Bush F Laguna Hills, CA
Sharon Kim F Orange, CA
Scott Capobianco M Mission Viejo, CA
Caroline Choan F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Fred Nour M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Nuclear Medicine Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nucel arMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nucel arMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nucel arMedi cne
Morris Ahdoot M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Pedro Postigo M San Clemente, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Minal Mehta F Fountain Valley, CA
Daniel Sternfeld M Laguna Hills, CA
Cynthia Chao F Long Beach, CA
Viken Melkonian M Mission Viejo, CA
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA
Brian Chavez M Lake Forest, CA
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA
Bryan Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA
Kurt Miller M Mission Viejo, CA
Tiffany Tran F Mission Viejo, CA
Caroline Conner F Fountain Valley, CA
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA
Jocelyn Bennett Craig F Long Beach, CA
Vivien Pan F Mission Viejo, CA
Occupational Medicine
David Diaz M Fountain Valley, CA Fullerton, CA
Amy Peters F Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-OccupationalMedci ne
Kenneth Chan M Torrance, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ban Duc Doan M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Robert Vu M Westminster, CA
Occupational Therapist
Marvin Posner M Mission Viejo, CA
Jane Moore F San Clmente, CA
Roya Rakhshani F Costa Mesa, CA
Jane Tu F Orange, CA
Sara Ramirez F Mission Viejo, CA
Audrey Yonesato F Orange, CA
Merle Robboy M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-OccupationalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-OccupationalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-OccupationalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-OccupationalTherapsi t
Craig Salcido M Mission Viejo, CA
Parastou Abedi F Aliso Viejo, CA Irvine, CA
Rifaat Salem M Torrance, CA
Sean Adrean M Anaheim, CA
Shala Salem F Torrance, CA
Leslie Bruce Lyle M Santa Ana, CA
Esther Schmuel F Laguna Hills, CA
Luis Chanes M Santa Ana, CA
Edward Stadler M Mission Viejo, CA
Eugene Chang M Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Rasha Hashad F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Darcy Healey F Rcho Sta Marg, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Marsha Granese F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kathleen Pollock F Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kamran Ghodsian M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Heba Farag F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Laurence Fakinos M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ilene Hatch F Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ziad Kharuf M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jamie Kim M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Rachael Lopez F Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA
David Sacks M Santa Ana, CA
Robert Clark M Long Beach, CA
Edward Kim M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA
George Salib M Laguna Hills, CA
Kourosh Dastgheib M Garden Grove, CA
Daniel Kline M Irvine, CA
Kim Anh Doan F Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Omar Krad M Mission Viejo, CA
Sanford Chen M Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Charles Eifrig M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
John Lean M Laguna Hills, CA John Maggiano M Santa Ana, CA Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA John Mcbeath M Long Beach, CA Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John Hovanesian M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jeffrey Jacobs M San Clemente, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Khaled Tawansy M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Ramin Tayani M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Savak Teymoorian M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Karen Tison F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ravi Menghani M Long Beach, CA
Ira Vidor M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Marjorie Mosier Irvine, CA
Sidney Weiss M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
Donald Serafano M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Satvinder Gujral F Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ribhi Ghosheh Mission Viejo, CA
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Faris Ghosheh M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lawrence Geisse M Los Alamitos, CA
Steven Schmidt M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Julie Gasperini F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Julie Furlan F Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Sheldon Nankin M Orange, CA
Jared Younger M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nelson Noguchi M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Brent Norman M Newport Beach, CA
Emma Clay F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Roger Ohanesian M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
Carl Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Rajiv Rathod M Santa Ana, CA
Ronald Hartman M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Peter Joson M San Clemente, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Teresa Rosales F Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Christina Leung F Laguna Hills, CA
Dennis Crockett M Mission Viejo, CA
Trinh Nhu F Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Mark Levy M Laguna Hills, CA
Jennifer Derebery F Los Angeles, CA
Ken Lin M Anaheim, CA
Joni Doherty F Newport Beach, CA
Rebecca Ng F San Clemente, CA
Norman Ge M Irvine, CA
Theodore Pasquali M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Karen Skvarna F Laguna Hills, CA
Nazih Haddad M Newport Beach, CA
Nimesh Pathak M Long Beach, CA
Mai Tang F Fullerton, CA
James Heinrich M Mission Viejo, CA
Duna Raoof F Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
Billy Tran M Anaheim, CA Irvine, CA
John House M Orange, CA
Irene Sasaki F Long Beach, CA
Mimi Tran F Santa Ana, CA
William Slattery M Orange, CA
Wendy Tran F Laguna Hills, CA
Randall Wong M Mission Viejo, CA
Audrey Mok F Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Larry Pasquali M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Marie Arboleda F Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Hannah Cho F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Jenny Choi F Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Jessica Duran F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Kevin Germundsen M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Harvey Goldstone M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Donna Hwang F Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Michael Jakobsen M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
William Luxford M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Shawn Yamamoto M Laguna Hills, CA
Jagmeet Mundi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Peter Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Nguyen Pham M Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Esrafil Abedi M Laguna Hills, CA
Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Derald Brackmann M Los Angeles, CA
John Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
James Bredenkamp M Irvine, CA
Paul Sun M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA
Jesse Tan M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Michael Cho M Irvine, CA
Jesus Tan M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Pierangelo Renella M Orange, CA
Paula Groncy F Long Beach, CA
Eric Wilkinson M Los Angeles, CA
Pediatric Endocrinology
Ivan Kirov M Orange, CA
Ayal Willner M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Christopher Thompson M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Mario Brakin M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Mark Wohlgemuth M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Wan Yin Chan F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Rebecca Hicks F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Pediatric Cardiology Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Audra Deveikis F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Pablito Nagpala M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA
Lilibeth Ramilo Torno F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Timothy Flannery M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Ael rgy/Imunol gy
Christopher Parrish M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Diane Nugent F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology
Steven Neudorf M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Susan Clark F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Christopher Yian M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Delma Nieves F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatric Pulmonology
Ashish Chogle M Orange, CA
Amy Harrison F Orange, CA
Jeffrey Ho M Orange, CA
Eliezer Nussbaum M Long Beach, CA
Mitchell Katz M Orange, CA
Cyrus Mehraban Shahriary M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Francesca Byrne F Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
James Chu M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Anjuli Kumar F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Nita Doshi F Orange, CA
Anchalee Yuengsrigul F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Mini Mehra F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Pediatric Sports Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA
Anup Patel M Orange, CA
Jonathan Minor M Orange, CA
Robert Tran M Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri SportsMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Heather Hawthorne F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Jerry Finklestein M Long Beach, CA
Jose Abdenur M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Antonio Arrieta M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatrics Rafael Vergara M Huntington Beach, CA
Naser Elbalalesy M Mission Viejo, CA
Raymond Wang M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Gary Feldman M Long Beach, CA
Hugh Adams M Long Beach, CA
Geeta Grover F Orange, CA
Fred Batkin M Long Beach, CA
Heather Hawthorne F Orange, CA
Brandon Buehler M Brea, CA
Arash Mahajerin M Orange, CA
James Cushing M Mission Viejo, CA
Eliezer Nussbaum M Long Beach, CA
Audrey Huang F Long Beach, CA
Geetha Puthenveetil F Orange, CA
Melanie Irwin F Orange, CA
Leonard Sender M Orange, CA
Jason Koh M Long Beach, CA
Wei Ping Shen F Orange, CA
Khang Lai M Irvine, CA
Serra Ryu F Fullerton, CA Irvine, CA
Jasjit Singh F Orange, CA
Christopher Lawler M Dana Point, CA
Michael Simons M Fountain Valley, CA
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA
Kenneth Lynn M Laguna Hills, CA
John Supance M San Clemente, CA
Ziba Ranjbaran F Mission Viejo, CA
Pornchai Tirakitsoontorn M Orange, CA
Dieumy Thai F Westminster, CA
Lien Trinh F Orange, CA
Physicians Assistant
Moataz Giurgius M Costa Mesa, CA
Patricia Veiga F Orange, CA
Makell Murphy M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Physicai nsAs si tant
Jason Kellogg M Laguna Hills, CA
Dorit Ben Ezer F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Kazuto Augustus M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Victor Cachia M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Visoth Chan F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Devon Glazer M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Harry Harbison M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Eric Hubbard M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Michael Poliskie M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Thomas Rambacher M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Jeff Angarola M Rancho Santa Marg, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Gustavo Alva M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Daniel Chueh M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Psychiatry Chang Lee M Costa Mesa, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Joseph Mirkovich M Costa Mesa, CA
Raul Marquez M Mission Viejo, CA
James Cooper M San Clemente, CA
Edward Mescher M Anaheim, CA
Matthew Hudkins M Irvine, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Nayana Shah F Costa Mesa, CA
Michael Rovzar M San Juan Capistrano, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
John Ursino M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Robert Lindsey M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Devang Savani M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Pulmonary Diseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Brian Moffit M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
George Schiffman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Murray Reicher M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Allen Adams M Anaheim, CA San Diego, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Jonathan Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
George Shahinian M Laguna Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA
Glenda Romero-Urquhart F Santa Ana, CA
Radiology Diagnostic
Ettayapuram Sunderrajan M Fountain Valley, CA
Keith Burnett M Laguna Hills, CA
Maged Tanios M Long Beach, CA
Linda Hwa F Long Beach, CA
Bryan Vo M Laguna Hills, CA
Rafael Jimenez M Long Beach, CA
Radiation Oncology
Sarah Kao F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Vidal Espeleta M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Barbara Galko F Laguna Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Asaad Hakim M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Anooshiravan Hami M Santa Ana, CA
Joel Cherlow M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Asif Harsolia M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
James Krueger M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
David Lefkowitz M Laguna Niguel, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Ajmel Puthawala M Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Carolyn Young F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Irfan Khan M San Clemente, CA
Francine Kim F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Fady Kadifa M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Archana Lucchesi F Long Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Andrew Malatskey M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Radiology Corey Chakarun M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
June Chen F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Nishant Mehta M Fountain Valley, CA San Diego, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
Son Nguyen M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Dai gnostic
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Radiology Diagnostic Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Roland Dulla M Brea, CA
Mary Sondag F Laguna Hills, CA
Ved Prakash M Fountain Valley, CA
Jonathan Ebert M Brea, CA
Jonathan To M Brea, CA
Charles Raker M Long Beach, CA
Robert Gorman M Laguna Beach, CA
Angelo Urquico M Brea, CA
Howard Simon M Laguna Niguel, CA Newport Beach, CA
Mark Haffar M Anaheim, CA
Andrew Van Leuven M Irvine, CA
Dustin Hancock M Laguna Niguel, CA
Rheumatology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Radiology Therapeutic
David Hirchman M Brea, CA
Chu Pei Feng F Santa Ana, CA
Sharon Ho F Brea, CA
Thomas Gates M Long Beach, CA
Scott Locken M Brea, CA
Vijaykumar Kini M Tustin, CA
Mandy Magoto F Anaheim, CA
Stephen Brown M Long Beach, CA
Ernest Ngo M Santa Ana, CA
Rebecca Mccloskey F Anaheim, CA
Speech Pathologist
Alam Syed M Long Beach, CA
Jonathan Meltzer M Laguna Niguel, CA
Registered Physical Therapist
Ruth Marie Meltzer F Irvine, CA
Kevin Brittain M Long Beach, CA
Duncan Mitchell M Costa Mesa, CA
Jamie Smullin F Cerritos, CA Fountain Valley, CA
Courtney Catania F Huntington Beach, CA
Kevin Rausch M Laguna Niguel, CA
Speech Therapist
Kevin Courvoisier M Orange, CA
Amanda Rogers F Huntington Beach, CA
Lyndsay Defilippo F Laguna Niguel, CA
Shayna Slater F Huntington Beach, CA
Tyler Dorrel M Brea, CA
Jessica Snyder F Laguna Niguel, CA
Kourosh Nourisamie M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Glenn Slocum M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyDiagnostci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Krishan Khurana M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Alan Schenk M Laguna Woods, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Sleep Medicine Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pMedi cne
Yomna Elsiddig F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chPathol gsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Mariah Reyes F San Clmente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chPathol gsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chPathol gsi t
Megan Brooks F San Clemente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Sheila Fry F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
Kirby Mccord F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Regsi teredPhysci al Therapsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiovascular
Kenneth Deck M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Andre Maginot M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA
Peter Leport M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Ralph Maeda M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Nguyen Do Duy M Fountain Valley, CA
Thang Dinh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
William Thibault M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Leslie Edrich M Long Beach, CA
David Oliak M Brea, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery Colon Surgery Nora Evans F Laguna Hills, CA
Nora Evans F Laguna Hills, CA
Ayman Neoman M Long Beach, CA
Kelly Francis F Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery General
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Mir Ali M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Kwei Min Pan M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Chirag Patel M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Parin Patel M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
David Gibbs M Orange, CA
Laurence Pearl M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Lori Aliksanian F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Steven Grant M Long Beach, CA
Jessica Rayhanabad F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Dena Amr F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Anna Houterman F Orange, CA
Michael Russo M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Blake Ashley M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Atif Iqbal M Fountain Valley, CA
Jayanth Sanampudi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
John Shaver M Mission Viejo, CA
Marvin Atchison M Mission Viejo, CA
Theodore Jekums M Anaheim, CA
Pejman Babakhanlou M Anaheim, CA
Jane Kakkis F Fountain Valley, CA
William Wallace M Laguna Hills, CA San Clemente, CA
Joel Berman M Fountain Valley, CA
Elvira Klause F San Clemente, CA
Jason Wong M Laguna Hills, CA
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA
Kenneth Kushner M Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery General Vascular
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA
Rajesh Lal M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Michele Carpenter F Orange, CA
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
David Dearing M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Vascular Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA
Ehab Mady M Newport Beach, CA
Bradley Noblett M Orange, CA
Richard Claveria M Mission Viejo, CA
Russell Montgomery M Fullerton, CA
Chiedozie Nwagwu M Mission Viejo, CA
Kyle Coker M Laguna Woods, CA
Garabed Nishanian M Irvine, CA
Jacques Palmer Mission Viejo, CA
Jeffrey Deckey M Orange, CA
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA
Sylvain Palmer Mission Viejo, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Orange, CA
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA
Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA
Payam Farjoodi M Fountain Valley, CA
Wang Teng M Laguna Hills, CA
Alexander Taghva M Mission Viejo, CA
Byron Field M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Neurological
Gowriharan Thaiyananthan M Newport Beach, CA
Douglas Garland Long Beach, CA
William Foley M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Minh Tran M Westminster, CA
Kenneth Huh M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Barry Ceverha M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Surgery Orthopedic
Nimish Raj Kadakia M Irvine, CA
Hector Ho M Orange, CA
Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA
Stanley Katz M La Mirada, CA
Robert Jackson M Laguna Hills, CA
Arash Aminian M Laguna Woods, CA
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA
Anthony Kim M Mission Viejo, CA
Edwin Ashley M Anaheim, CA
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Kim M Newport Beach, CA
Robert Baird M Irvine, CA
Francois Lalonde M Orange, CA
Gregory Lekovic M Los Angeles, CA
Bret Batchelor M Fountain Valley, CA
Steven Ma M Santa Ana, CA
Farzad Massoudi M Laguna Hills, CA
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA
William Mcmaster M Orange, CA
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA
Emory Chang M Long Beach, CA
Lonnie Moskow M Laguna Woods, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Ram Mudiyam M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Pediatric
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
John German M Orange, CA
Daniel Bethencourt M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
William Loudon M Orange, CA
Shigeru Chino M Laguna Niguel, CA
Troy Reyna M Orange, CA
Richard Gates M Orange, CA
Surgery Plastic
Erick Montero M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Kathryn Perkins Tift F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pediatrci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Leah Pike F Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Samuel Rosenfeld M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Floyd Shon M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Hootan Daneshmand M Foothill Ranch, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Eugene Elliott M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Farbod Esmailian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Mark Krugman M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Ronald Smith M Long Beach, CA
Leonard Prutsok M Orange, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Murtaza Rizvi M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
John Tiberi M Long Beach, CA
Andrew Smith M Irvine, CA
William Van Der Reis M San Clemente, CA
Michael Sundine M Costa Mesa, CA
Emile Wakim M Huntington Beach, CA
Alan Tran M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Ivan Turpin M Orange, CA
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Ari Youderian M Laguna Woods, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Alaa Afifi M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Philip Yuan M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Charles Murphy M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Joanne Starr F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Surgery Trauma / Critical Care Chirag Patel M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Surgical Oncology Carey Cullinane F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Surgi calOncol ogy
Undersea Medicine Manish Mehta M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-UnderseaMedci ne
William Warden M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Urology Shlomi Albert M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Ruben Baghdassarian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Hazem Afifi M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Theodore Benderev M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Fritz Baumgartner M Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Memorialcare Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Urology Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA
Bernard Turbow M Fountain Valley, CA
Stephen Hightower M Los Alamitos, CA
Barton Wachs M Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Regina Hovey F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Huey Lin M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
William Naftel M Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Leah Nakamura F Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Michael Norris M Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Erik Pasin M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Cu Phan M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Josh Randall M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Nhiep Tang M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Heritage Medical Group Affiliated Hospitals
Internal Medicine
Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691
Family Practice
Mehrnaz Badie F ID No. 100113854005 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 325 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Farsi
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651
Phillip Cecchini M ID No. 100107669005 30131 Town Center Dr STE 135 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-2010 (949) 363-9595 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Robert Eller M ID No. 100019047008 30131 Town Center Dr STE 135 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 363-9595 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868 St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Regina Chinsio Kwong F ID No. 100201033010 57 Prism Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 430-3960 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Reza Govashiri M ID No. 100047181003 24421 Calle De La Louisa STE 200 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-7609 (949) 830-4201 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
James Decock M ID No. 100051324014 26795 Portola Pkwy Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 829-9403 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Julia Kao F ID No. 100216242002 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy. STE 305 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Susan Lee F 27231 La Paz Rd A Laguna Beach, CA 92677 (949) 643-9111 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rama Samoori F 26732 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 170 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-7246 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Torsten Kruse M ID No. 100035409010 831 Via Suerte STE 102 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 364-5600 Languages: French and German PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Nina Swadener F ID No. 100219528002 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 305 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Spanish
Brian Lo M ID No. 100071949004 30131 Town Center Dr 211 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-2034 (949) 499-3400 Languages: French PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Khadija Mayet F 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 315 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Gujarati and Urdu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Vy Nguyen F ID No. 100105037005 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 325 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Vietnamese
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Angela Calton F 30131 Town Ctr Dr STE 135 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 363-9595 James Connor ID No. 100082151006 27231 La Paz Rd A Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-3627 (949) 643-9111 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Fu F ID No. 100095684004 30131 Town Center Dr STE 135 Laguna Niguel, CA Nader Noorian M 92677-2010 ID No. 100052175006 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 305 (949) 429-1213 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 Languages: Mandarin and Spanish (949) 364-6000 Jim Lam M Duc Pham M ID No. 100064259003 26800 Crown Vly Pkwy 27231 La Paz Rd A STE 315 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 643-9111 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Cantonese, Languages: Spanish and Chinese and Spanish Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
William Steffan M ID No. 100088597006 27231 La Paz Rd Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-3627 (949) 643-9111 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael Morris M ID No. 100072208005 26800 Crown Valley Parkway SUITE 325 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Spanish
Elwyn Rexinger M ID No. 100050578006 831 Via Suerte STE 102 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 364-5600
Michael Stouder M ID No. 100098275012 26795 Portola Pkwy Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 829-9403 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
General Practice John Meehan M ID No. 100096545006 27231 La Paz Rd A Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-3627 (949) 643-9111 PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine Eric Benner M ID No. 100074899004 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 315 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mark Hauptman M ID No. 100100158005 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 305 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 (949) 364-6000 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Madineth Muy F ID No. 100082949009 26800 Crown Vly Pkwy STE 325 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joe Nguyen M 26800 Crown Vly Pkwy STE 315 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kelly Williams F Denis Yoshii M 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 250 Costa Mesa, CA Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 Anesthesiology (949) 364-6000 Standiford Helm M Janet Yazdi F Laguna Hills, CA ID No. 100086097007 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy 305 Larry Ho M Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6384 Irvine, CA (949) 364-6000 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Soodabeh Abravesh F ID No. 100091351003 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 310 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-8020 (949) 218-1100 Languages: Farsi
Stephen Barkow M Mission Viejo, CA
Specialty Physicians
Richard Paicius M Aliso Viejo, CA
Allergy Immunology
Cardiac Electrophysiology
William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA
Aseem Desai M Mission Viejo, CA
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA
Stephen Ehrlich M Mission Viejo, CA
Marc Dyer M Laguna Niguel, CA
Lynne Hung F Mission Viejo, CA
Amy Underwood Jolly F 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 330 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000
Ronald Gehling M Laguna Niguel, CA
Jay Tiongson M Mission Viejo, CA
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA
Chad Wadell M 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 315 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA
Donald Pratt M 26800 Crown Vly Pkwy STE 330 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kenneth Rexinger M ID No. 100058286009 831 Via Suerte STE 102 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 364-5600 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michele Staunton F ID No. 100043245010 26800 Crown Vly Pkwy STE 330 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 364-6000 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Standiford Helm M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Larry Ho M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Brett Wertman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Geeta Venkat F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Cardiovascular Disease Sanjay Deepak Bhojraj M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Aseem Desai M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Shireen Guide F Rancho Sta Marg, CA
Family Practice Sports Medicine
Lynne Hung F Mission Viejo, CA
Katherine Lee F Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Marandola M Mission Viejo, CA
Tze Ip M Mission Viejo, CA
Frances Segal F Mission Viejo, CA
Richard Jacob M Mission Viejo, CA
Kim Tang F Lake Forest, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
David Kawanishi M Mission Viejo, CA
Yue Yu F Mission Viejo, CA
Daniel Kulick M Mission Viejo, CA
Shruti Ariza F Mission Viejo, CA
Arthur Loussararian M Mission Viejo, CA
Karen Frankwich F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy
Wanjun Bae M Mission Viejo, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Edward Block M Mission Viejo, CA
Joseph Barrera M Mission Viejo, CA
Elmer Chang M Mission Viejo, CA
Amy Van Bui F Murrieta, CA
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA
Mim Mulford F Mission Viejo, CA
Eric Chu M Mission Viejo, CA
Ole Saetrum Opgaard M Garden Grove, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Jack Feng M Mission Viejo, CA
Absalom Hepner M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci eSportsMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Ronald Adamany M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Juan Arguello M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Michael Miyamoto M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Donald Rediker M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Jay Tiongson M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Mark Zaremba M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Chiropractor Clayton Thomas Noel M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Neil Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Jay Marks M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Dermatology Ira Bell M Lake Forest, CA
Michael Truong M Mission Viejo, CA
Karen Benik F Lake Forest, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Daniel Dicesare M Mission Viejo, CA
Viken Melkonian M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tanya Evans F Laguna Niguel, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Asghar Oliai M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Michael Santoro M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Family Practice
Ramin Zabihi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Michael Monge M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - General Practice General Practice
Sanjay Deepak Bhojraj M Mission Viejo, CA
David Kovacs M Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Block M Mission Viejo, CA
Daniel Kulick M Mission Viejo, CA
Patricia Wallace F Mission Viejo, CA
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA
Raymond Kwa M Mission Viejo, CA
Sohila Zarandy F Ladera Ranch, CA
Hernan Castro Rueda M Mission Viejo, CA
Alyssa Le F Mission Viejo, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Elmer Chang M Mission Viejo, CA
Arthur Loussararian M Mission Viejo, CA
William Chang M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Jay Marks M Mission Viejo, CA
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA
Raul Marquez M Mission Viejo, CA
Catherine Driver F Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Miyamoto M Mission Viejo, CA
Stephen Ehrlich M Mission Viejo, CA
Pardise Moraghebi F Mission Viejo, CA
Sherif El Sokkary M Mission Viejo, CA
Lloyd Nagasawa M Mission Viejo, CA
Jack Feng M Mission Viejo, CA
Sina Neshatian M Mission Viejo, CA
Karen Frankwich F Mission Viejo, CA
Loan Nguyen F Mission Viejo, CA
Joey Gee M Mission Viejo, CA
David Packard M Mission Viejo, CA
Robert Goldberg M Mission Viejo, CA
Daniel Ponticiello M Mission Viejo, CA
Keith Hsu M Mission Viejo, CA
Tauseef Qureshi M Mission Viejo, CA
Tze Ip M Mission Viejo, CA
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA
Sanjivan Kohli M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Donald Rediker M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
John Meehan M Laguna Niguel, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practi e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Gynecology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Gabriel Carabulea M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Howard Cheng M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Shlomit Ein Gal F Laguna Niguel, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
George Miranda M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Infectious Disease Juan Arguello M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Charles Bailey M Aliso Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Jagadeesh Reddy M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Farjad Sarafian M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Internal Medicine Ronald Adamany M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Habib Azad M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Joseph Barrera M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Ira Bell M Lake Forest, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
David Packard M Mission Viejo, CA
Andrew Mcintosh M Laguna Niguel, CA
Alan Schenk M Laguna Woods, CA
Jason Pang M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Melissa Przeklasa Auth F Laguna Niguel, CA
George Schiffman M Mission Viejo, CA
Theodore Teacher M Mission Viejo, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Gerald Sugino M Mission Viejo, CA
Steve Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Neil Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Leon Baginski F Mission Viejo, CA
Steve Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Cummings M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Thomas Bailey M Mission Viejo, CA
Ali Elahi M Mission Viejo, CA
Jerry Benzl M Mission Viejo, CA
Joey Gee M Mission Viejo, CA
Scott Capobianco M Mission Viejo, CA
Medical Oncology
Thomas Ludema Mission Viejo, CA
Kathryn Cvar F Mission Viejo, CA
Minch Fong M Mission Viejo, CA
Kenneth Martinez M Aliso Viejo, CA
Laurence Fakinos M Mission Viejo, CA
Lloyd Nagasawa M Mission Viejo, CA
Andrew Nik M Mission Viejo, CA
Heba Farag F Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Wagner M Laguna Niguel, CA
Fred Nour M Mission Viejo, CA
Parastoo Faraz Eslami F Ladera Ranch, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Hamid Salehi M Mission Viejo, CA
Kamran Ghodsian M Costa Mesa, CA
Vivien Pan F Mission Viejo, CA
Eleonora Spokoyny F Mission Viejo, CA
Marsha Granese F Mission Viejo, CA
Jay Yao M Mission Viejo, CA
Rasha Hashad F Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurology Child
Habib Azad M Mission Viejo, CA
Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA
Gloria Jaucian F Mission Viejo, CA
Magdy Nawar M Mission Viejo, CA
Rebecca Garfinkle F Irvine, CA Laguna Niguel, CA
Michael Rovzar M San Juan Capistrano, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Soodabeh Abravesh F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Michael Truong M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Edward Wagner M Laguna Niguel, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Reza Allamehzadeh M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Kim Kanaly F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Viken Melkonian M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jeffrey Jacobs M Laguna Hills, CA
Wendy Tran F Laguna Hills, CA
Kathleen Pollock F Mission Viejo, CA
Peter Joson M San Clemente, CA
Randall Wong M Mission Viejo, CA
Sara Ramirez F San Clemente, CA
Diana Kersten F Laguna Hills, CA
Orthopedic Medicine Sports Medicine
Craig Salcido M Mission Viejo, CA
Brian Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Stephen Gardner M Mission Viejo, CA
Joan Sasaki F Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Edward Stadler M Mission Viejo, CA
Omar Krad M Mission Viejo, CA
Esrafil Abedi M Laguna Hills, CA
Patrick Thein M Dana Point, CA
Jan Lukac M Laguna Hills, CA
James Bredenkamp M Laguna Hills, CA
Tiffany Tran F Mission Viejo, CA
Roger Ohanesian M Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Cho M Mission Viejo, CA
Kevin Prendiville M Laguna Hills, CA
Dennis Crockett M Mission Viejo, CA
Paul Prendiville M Laguna Hills, CA
James Heinrich M Mission Viejo, CA
Holly Spanggord F Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Jakobsen M Mission Viejo, CA
Ramin Tayani M Mission Viejo, CA
Jagmeet Mundi M Mission Viejo, CA
Faris Ghosheh M Mission Viejo, CA
Savak Teymoorian M Laguna Hills, CA
John Sun M Laguna Hills, CA
Ribhi Ghosheh Mission Viejo, CA
Sidney Weiss M Mission Viejo, CA
Paul Sun M Laguna Hills, CA
Satvinder Gujral F Mission Viejo, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / John Supance M Mission Viejo, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Andrew Henrick M Laguna Hills, CA
Duna Raoof F Laguna Hills, CA
Christopher Thompson M Mission Viejo, CA
John Hovanesian M Laguna Hills, CA
Phillip Wells M San Clemente, CA
Kurt Miller M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Parastou Abedi F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Luis Chanes M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Orthopedci Medci neSports Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Anthony Huang M Foothill Ranch, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Sam Nosrati M Mission Viejo, CA
Sarah Mosko F Orange, CA
Christopher Yian M Laguna Hills, CA
Thomas Rambacher M Mission Viejo, CA
Grace Mucci F Orange, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Nitza Rodriguez F Mission Viejo, CA
Stephen Openshaw M Fullerton, CA
David Sabet M Laguna Beach, CA
Barbara Rosen Tustin, CA
Robert Spencer M Mission Viejo, CA
Nicole Vincent F Orange, CA
William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA
Allan Weiss M Orange, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA
William Chang M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Ali Elahi M Mission Viejo, CA
Robert Goldberg M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Denis Yoshii M Costa Mesa, CA
Priscilla Armstrong F Orange, CA
Rahul Kale M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Robert Davison M Orange, CA
James Cushing M Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Fenton M Newport Beach, CA
Hamid Fadavi M Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Foust M Santa Ana, CA
Khang Lai M Irvine, CA
Heather Huszti F Orange, CA
Bruce Johnston M Irvine, CA
Mark Wohlgemuth M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Jodie Gandy F Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Pediatrics Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Geeta Venkat F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Sanjivan Kohli M San Juan Capistrano, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Raul Marquez M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Tauseef Qureshi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Michael Rovzar M San Juan Capistrano, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
George Schiffman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Victor Cachia M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Visoth Chan F Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Cindy Kim F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Radiation Oncology
Diane Lemont F Fountain Valley, CA
William Chou M Mission Viejo, CA
Julie Moghal F Orange, CA
Stephen Doggett M Tustin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Devon Glazer M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Jan Mccann M Laguna Hills, CA
Bruce Tammelin M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Radiation Oncology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Theodore Coutsoftides M Orange, CA
Chiedozie Nwagwu M Mission Viejo, CA
Elizabeth Hyden F Mission Viejo, CA
Richard Gates M Orange, CA
Jacques Palmer Mission Viejo, CA
Carolyn Young F Mission Viejo, CA
Anita Gregory F Orange, CA
Sylvain Palmer Mission Viejo, CA
Kenneth Kushner M Mission Viejo, CA
Alexander Taghva M Mission Viejo, CA
Ralph Maeda M Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Garabed Nishanian M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Chu Pei Feng F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Hernan Castro Rueda M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Catherine Driver F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Karim Abdollahi M Laguna Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Mark Jason M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
John Shaver M Mission Viejo, CA
Kent Adamson M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
David Kovacs M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
William Thibault M Mission Viejo, CA
Arash Aminian M Laguna Woods, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Jaya Philipose F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Surgery General Vascular
David Ashkenaze M Laguna Beach, CA
Alan Schenk M Laguna Woods, CA
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Burdi M Mission Viejo, CA
William Shiel M Mission Viejo, CA
Garabed Nishanian M Irvine, CA
Richard Claveria M Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery Cardiovascular
Wang Teng M Laguna Hills, CA
Herbert Eidt M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Surgery Hand Plastic
Surgery Colon Surgery
Arian Mowlavi M Laguna Beach, CA
Mark Elzik M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Drewry Morris M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery HandPal stci
Theodore Coutsoftides M Orange, CA
Edmund Evangelista M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Surgery Neurological
Anita Gregory F Orange, CA
Robert Jackson M Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Fitzpatrick M Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery General
Anthony Kim M Mission Viejo, CA
Stephen Gardner M Mission Viejo, CA
Jason Liauw M Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Gillman M Laguna Beach, CA
Farzad Massoudi M Laguna Hills, CA
Tiva Hanjan M Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Steven Chang Laguna Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Michael Coccia M Laguna Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Heritage Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Michael Marandola M Mission Viejo, CA
Kent Marangi M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Theodore Benderev M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Robert Montgomery M Laguna Woods, CA
Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
John Morris M Mission Viejo, CA
Don Bui M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Samuel Park M Mission Viejo, CA
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Tom Thomas M Mission Viejo, CA
Moses Kim M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Stephen Tocci M Laguna Woods, CA
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Jerald Waldman M Mission Viejo, CA
Leah Nakamura F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Lance Wrobel M Laguna Woods, CA
Erik Pasin M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Surgery Pediatric John German M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPedi atrci
Josh Randall M Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Surgery Plastic Allen Doezie M Ladera Ranch, CA
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA
James Heinrich M Mission Viejo, CA
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA
Christopher Nolan M Laguna Hills, CA
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Surgery Thoracic Sevak Darbinian M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Erick Montero M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys Affiliated Hospitals
Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691
Family Practice
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651 St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868 St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Mohammed Ali M ID No. 100114282022 23672 Birtcher Dr # A Lake Forest, CA 92630-1711 (949) 770-7301 Languages: Hindi, Telugu and Urdu
Jeffrey Globus M ID No. 100008104004 26902 Oso Pky STE 140 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 916-8870 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 665 Camino De Los Mares STE 203 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 493-9344 Languages: Hindi, Telugu and Urdu
David Regan Gonzalez M ID No. 100096155002 26732 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 461 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-8523 (949) 347-2566 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Judy Huynh F ID No. 100065290003 25401 Cabot Rd 101 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-5524 (949) 768-4850 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Archana Bhogill F ID No. 100035586011 5 Journey SUITE 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Hindi
Richard Kempert M ID No. 100032926003 34052 La Plz 101 Dana Point, CA 92629-2587 (949) 496-4369 Languages: Spanish
John Cheng M ID No. 100045200007 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish
K Mitchell Naficy M ID No. 100104435002 27512 Calle Arroyo A San Juan Capistran, CA 92675-6783 (949) 489-0773 Languages: Farsi, French and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Danuta Delnitz F ID No. 100109319003 34052 La Plz 102 Dana Point, CA 92629-2587 (949) 240-8555 Languages: Polish and Russian PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shannon Oconnor F ID No. 100027672006 5 Journey 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5336 (949) 360-1069 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Family Practice David Pino M ID No. 100054011002 30200 Rancho Viejo Rd San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-1560 (949) 282-1065
Maryam Rahnemun F ID No. 100044080012 14130 Culver Dr STE H2 Irvine, CA 92604-0334 (949) 612-6050 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Larry Snyder M ID No. 100046750004 34052 La Plz 101 Dana Point, CA 92629-2587 (949) 496-4369 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Brent Silvers M ID No. 100061031005 2 Hughes 150 Irvine, CA 92618-2056 (949) 770-1122
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Lynn Napoli F ID No. 100069369002 26732 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 461 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-8523 (949) 347-2566 Accepting Current PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs-General Practci e
Patients Only
Internal Medicine Mozhgan Ashtari F ID No. 100114417012 23141 Moulton Pkwy STE 202 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 305-2711 Languages: Farsi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Reza Govashiri M ID No. 100047181002 24421 Calle De La Louisa STE 200 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-7609 (949) 830-4201 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Katherine Manasson F ID No. 100113316004 26732 Crown Valley Pkwy # 50 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6306 (949) 348-1085 Languages: Farsi and Russian
Soodabeh Abravesh F ID No. 100091351002 26800 Crown Valley Pkwy STE 310 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-8020 (949) 218-1100 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Obsterci s/Gyencol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kamran Ghodsian M ID No. 100102338009 24502 Pacific Park Dr 105 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3033 (949) 362-1515 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
General Practice
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Eric Clark M 5 Journey STE 130 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 360-1069 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Raef Elsanadi M ID No. 100040631002 27800 Medical Center Rd STE 212 Mission Viejo, CA 92691-6408 (949) 364-3582 Languages: Arabic
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology William Berger M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Warner Carr M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Marc Dyer M Laguna Niguel, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Ronald Gehling M Laguna Niguel, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Christina Schwindt F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Mark Sugar M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Geeta Venkat F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Denis Yoshii M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology Brian Levine M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Anesthesiology Pain Management Afshin Gerayli M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology Pain Management Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jay Tiongson M Mission Viejo, CA
Mim Mulford F Mission Viejo, CA
Larry Ho M Irvine, CA
Mark Zaremba M Laguna Hills, CA
Ole Saetrum Opgaard M Anaheim Hills, CA
Richard Paicius M Aliso Viejo, CA
Neil Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Standiford Helm M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPai nManagement
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPai nManagement
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Martin Geoffreys M Cardiac Electrophysiology Dana Point, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Michael Truong M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Jay Tiongson M Mission Viejo, CA
Clayton Thomas Noel M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Family Practice
Stephen Ehrlich M Mission Viejo, CA
Ira Bell M Lake Forest, CA
K Mitchell Naficy M San Juan Capistran, CA
Brett Wertman M Mission Viejo, CA
Karen Benik F Lake Forest, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Daniel Dicesare M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Family Practice Sports Medicine Michael Marandola M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie Sports Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tanya Evans F Laguna Niguel, CA
Ronald Adamany M Mission Viejo, CA
Katherine Lee F Laguna Hills, CA
Juan Arguello M Mission Viejo, CA
Frances Segal F Mission Viejo, CA
Shruti Ariza F Mission Viejo, CA
Kim Tang F Lake Forest, CA
Wanjun Bae M Mission Viejo, CA
Yue Yu F Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Block M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Daniel Kulick M Mission Viejo, CA
Karen Frankwich F Mission Viejo, CA
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA
Arthur Loussararian M Mission Viejo, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Michael Miyamoto M Mission Viejo, CA
Joseph Barrera M Mission Viejo, CA
Donald Rediker M Mission Viejo, CA
Amy Van Bui F Mission Viejo, CA
Sanjay Deepak Bhojraj M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Aseem Desai M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Absalom Hepner M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tze Ip M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Richard Jacob M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
David Kawanishi M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gy
Eric Chu M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jack Feng M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Jay Marks M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Karen Frankwich F Mission Viejo, CA
Poneh Rahimi F Mission Viejo, CA
Sanjivan Kohli M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Michael Santoro M Mission Viejo, CA
David Kovacs M Mission Viejo, CA
Ramin Zabihi M Mission Viejo, CA
Raul Marquez M Mission Viejo, CA
Tauseef Qureshi M Mission Viejo, CA
Asghar Oliai M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Michael Cummings M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Ali Elahi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Joey Gee M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Thomas Ludema Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Medical Oncology
Andrew Nik M Mission Viejo, CA
Sohila Zarandy F Ladera Ranch, CA
Minch Fong M Mission Viejo, CA
Fred Nour M Mission Viejo, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Lloyd Nagasawa M Mission Viejo, CA
Hamid Salehi M Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Wagner M Laguna Niguel, CA
Eleonora Spokoyny F Mission Viejo, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Theodore Teacher M Mission Viejo, CA
Vivien Pan F Mission Viejo, CA
Jay Yao M Mission Viejo, CA
Neurology Child
Reza Allamehzadeh M Laguna Hills, CA
Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA
Habib Azad M Mission Viejo, CA
Rebecca Garfinkle F Irvine, CA Laguna Niguel, CA
Patricia Wallace F Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Gabriel Carabulea M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Howard Cheng M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Shlomit Ein Gal F Laguna Niguel, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neonatl /Perinatl Medci ne
Infectious Disease Juan Arguello M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Charles Bailey M Aliso Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jagadeesh Reddy M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Magdy Nawar M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Farjad Sarafian M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
David Packard M Mission Viejo, CA Jason Pang M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Elmer Chang M Mission Viejo, CA
Steve Tran M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Andrew Mcintosh M Laguna Niguel, CA Melissa Przeklasa Auth F Laguna Niguel, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Sanjay Deepak Bhojraj M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Soodabeh Abravesh F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Leon Baginski F Mission Viejo, CA San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Thomas Bailey M Mission Viejo, CA San Clemente, CA
Sara Ramirez F Mission Viejo, CA
Brian Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Craig Salcido M Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Joan Sasaki F Ladera Ranch, CA
Omar Krad M Mission Viejo, CA
Edward Stadler M Mission Viejo, CA
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA
Patrick Thein M Dana Point, CA
Roger Ohanesian M Laguna Hills, CA
Tiffany Tran F Mission Viejo, CA
Kevin Prendiville M Laguna Hills, CA
Paul Prendiville M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Jerry Benzl M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Scott Capobianco M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kathryn Cvar F Mission Viejo, CA San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Laurence Fakinos M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kamran Ghodsian M Aliso Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Marsha Granese F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Rasha Hashad F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Gloria Jaucian F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kim Kanaly F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Viken Melkonian M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kurt Miller M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kathleen Pollock F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Holly Spanggord F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Luis Chanes M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Parastoo Faraz Eslami F Ladera Ranch, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Parastou Abedi F Aliso Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Heba Farag F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Ramin Tayani M San Clemente, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Savak Teymoorian M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Faris Ghosheh M Mission Viejo, CA
Sidney Weiss M Mission Viejo, CA
Satvinder Gujral F Mission Viejo, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Andrew Henrick M Laguna Hills, CA
Jan Lukac M Laguna Hills, CA
John Hovanesian M Laguna Hills, CA
Duna Raoof F Laguna Hills, CA
Jeffrey Jacobs M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Peter Joson M San Clemente, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Anthony Huang M Foothill Ranch, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Diana Kersten F Laguna Hills, CA
Wendy Tran F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Randall Wong M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Orthopedic Medicine Sports Medicine Orthopedic Medicine Sports Medicine
Pathology Anatomic Clinical
Devon Glazer M Mission Viejo, CA
Stephen Gardner M Mission Viejo, CA
Kenneth Kaye M Mission Viejo, CA
Jan Mccann M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ortohpedci Medci ne SportsMedi cne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pathol gy AnatomicCil nci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Hitomi Momose F Mission Viejo, CA Laryngology / Rhinology James Bredenkamp M Pediatric Cardiology
Sam Nosrati M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pathol gy AnatomicCil nci al
Mission Viejo, CA Michael Cho M Mission Viejo, CA
Jodie Gandy F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Dennis Crockett M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Thomas Rambacher M Mission Viejo, CA Nitza Rodriguez F Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
David Sabet M Laguna Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
James Heinrich M Mission Viejo, CA
Theodore Caliendo M Mission Viejo, CA
Robert Spencer M Mission Viejo, CA
Michael Jakobsen M Mission Viejo, CA
Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA
Allan Weiss M Mission Viejo, CA
Jagmeet Mundi M Mission Viejo, CA
Duke Kim M Mission Viejo, CA
John Sun M Laguna Hills, CA
Denis Yoshii M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Pulmonary Diseases
Paul Sun M Laguna Hills, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
William Chang M San Juan Capistrano, CA
John Supance M Mission Viejo, CA
James Cushing M Mission Viejo, CA
Robert Goldberg M Mission Viejo, CA
Christopher Thompson M Mission Viejo, CA
Hamid Fadavi M Mission Viejo, CA
Rahul Kale M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Phillip Wells M San Clemente, CA
Khang Lai M Irvine, CA
Sanjivan Kohli M San Juan Capistrano, CA
Mark Wohlgemuth M Mission Viejo, CA
Raul Marquez M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Christopher Yian M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Bruce Johnston M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Victor Cachia M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Tauseef Qureshi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Visoth Chan F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Michael Rovzar M San Juan Capistrano, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Steve Eng M Aliso Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Diseases Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Michael Coccia M Laguna Beach, CA
Alexander Taghva M Mission Viejo, CA
George Shahinian M Laguna Hills, CA
Kenneth Kushner M Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Bruce Tammelin M Mission Viejo, CA
Ralph Maeda M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
John Shaver M Mission Viejo, CA
George Schiffman M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Karim Abdollahi M Laguna Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Kent Adamson M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Stephen Doggett M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Sohila Zarandy F Ladera Ranch, CA
Arash Aminian M Laguna Woods, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Elliott Wagner M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy
Surgery General Vascular
David Ashkenaze M Laguna Beach, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Robert Duensing M Laguna Hills, CA
Michael Burdi M Mission Viejo, CA
Garabed Nishanian M Irvine, CA
Richard Claveria M Mission Viejo, CA
Wang Teng M Laguna Hills, CA
Herbert Eidt M Mission Viejo, CA
Hernan Castro Rueda M Mission Viejo, CA
William Wallace M Laguna Hills, CA
Mark Elzik M Mission Viejo, CA
Catherine Driver F Mission Viejo, CA
Surgery Neurological
Edmund Evangelista M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
William Chou M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Carolyn Young F Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Rheumatology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Steven Chang Laguna Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Stephen Gardner M Mission Viejo, CA Michael Gillman M Laguna Beach, CA Tiva Hanjan M Placentia, CA Michael Marandola M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Jacques Palmer Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Surgery General
Michael Fitzpatrick M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Chiedozie Nwagwu M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
William Shiel M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Farzad Massoudi M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Alan Schenk M Laguna Woods, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Jason Liauw M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Jaya Philipose F Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Anthony Kim M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
David Kovacs M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Robert Jackson M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Mark Jason M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Kent Marangi M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Sylvain Palmer Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Robert Montgomery M Laguna Woods, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Mission Hospital Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic John Morris M Mission Viejo, CA
Samuel Park M Mission Viejo, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Theodore Benderev M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Tom Thomas M Mission Viejo, CA
Paul Brower M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Stephen Tocci M Laguna Woods, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Don Bui M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Jennifer Gruenenfelder F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Jerald Waldman M Mission Viejo, CA
Moses Kim M Laguna Hills, CA
Lance Wrobel M Laguna Woods, CA
James Meaglia M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Surgery Pediatric John German M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Leah Nakamura F Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPedi atrci
Surgery Plastic Allen Doezie M Ladera Ranch, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Arian Mowlavi M Laguna Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Erik Pasin M Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Josh Randall M Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Karan Singh M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Christopher Nolan M Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Aaron Spitz M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Surgery Thoracic Sevak Darbinian M Orange, CA
Bradley Taylor M Laguna Hills, CA
Richard Gates M Mission Viejo, CA
Neyssan Tebyani M Laguna Hills, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Erick Montero M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Drewry Morris M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
William Thibault M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Noble Ama IPA Affiliated Hospitals
Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr L 17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, 92708
Family Practice
Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr L 9920 Talbert Ave Fountain Valley, 92708 South Coast Global Medical Center Inc 2701 S Bristol St Santa Ana, 92704
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Bruno Bucci M ID No. 100107030006 620 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-5716 (714) 547-6485 Languages: Italian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Antonio Carbayo M ID No. 100097143002 415 N Sycamore St STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4607 (714) 667-6900 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703021 767 W 19th St 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235011 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Michael Dao M ID No. 100019932017 14362 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 531-7830 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jaclynn Do F ID No. 100089331009 8070 Westminster Blvd # A Westminster, CA 92683-3303 (714) 899-9898 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Long Duong M ID No. 100062764006 2708 Westminster Ave 130 Santa Ana, CA 92706-2192 (714) 554-7350 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Guerra M ID No. 100163320016 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jeff Huang M ID No. 100071860008 18663 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6709 (714) 887-9800 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Noble Ama IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Pat Kouwabunpat M ID No. 100059386010 1610 W Edinger Ave B Santa Ana, CA 92704-4339 (714) 641-1610 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Loi Luu F ID No. 100068442005 14501 Magnolia St STE 108 Westminster, CA 92683-1307 (714) 799-7731 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
John Molina M ID No. 100083037033 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pumipak Tantamjarik M ID No. 100062433005 12555 Garden Grove Bl 504 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 537-5609 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Dillon Tran M ID No. 100169495003 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 215 Westminster, CA 92683-5562 (714) 897-3300 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Donny Tran M ID No. 100231522003 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415010 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese
Deepak Patel M ID No. 100074311026 215 N State College Blvd STE A Anaheim, CA 92806 Kinh Tran M (714) 517-0467 Languages: Hindi and Spanish ID No. 100084925004 15975 Harbor Blvd Huong Quy F Fountain Valley, CA ID No. 100144225011 92708-1303 9559 Bolsa Ave STE D (714) 546-6575 Westminster, CA 92683-5986 Languages: French and (714) 531-5754 Vietnamese Languages: Vietnamese Mary Tran F Homa Shoghian F ID No. 100034299003 ID No. 100109807005 10741 Westminster Ave 1329 W Warner Ave STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5118 Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 444-0044 (714) 537-9181 Languages: Farsi and Spanish Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754015 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tien Nguyen M ID No. 100105036008 2222 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92707-3220 (714) 542-1331 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
William Ngo M ID No. 100104756003 8342 Garden Grove Blvd 5 Garden Grove, CA 92844-1192 (714) 590-4899 Languages: Vietnamese
Khanh Nguyen M ID No. 100105298056 13830 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-3121 (714) 467-4330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yen Nguyen M 9191 Westminster Ave STE 207 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2751 (714) 899-2000 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Lan Nguyen F ID No. 100071143005 10402 Westminster Ave 100 Garden Grove, CA 92843-4861 (714) 539-4900 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Noble Ama IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Nhu Van Truong M ID No. 100092990005 10402 Westminster Ave STE 100B Garden Grove, CA 92843-4862 (714) 539-4946 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gilbert Varela M ID No. 100098700009 12116 Beach Blvd Stanton, CA 90680-3704 (714) 898-2222 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Clamon Vu M ID No. 100158833005 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
Pauline Dang F 13872 Harbor Blv 1C Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese
Thuan Nguyen ID No. 100105150002 15420 Crenshaw Blvd Gardena, CA 90249-4524 (310) 324-5599 Languages: Vietnamese
Phu Dang M ID No. 100076322007 10495 Bolsa Ave 106 Westminster, CA 92683-6762 (714) 531-5201 Languages: French and Vietnamese
Thuy Nguyen M ID No. 100072140005 9741 Bolsa Ave STE 117 Westminster, CA 92683-6682 (714) 775-1628 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Chinh Huynh M ID No. 100051931005 9411 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5980 (714) 839-2896 Languages: Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Burton Lutsky M ID No. 100019368009 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 590-3090 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Chung Bui ID No. 100058843006 10301 Bolsa Ave STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-6784 (714) 531-2203 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665034 8551 La Palma Ave STE A Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-8609 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Also located at: 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946014 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Ky Nguyen M ID No. 100105151008 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 643-9442 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Vy Chi Nguyen M ID No. 100081810004 10161 Bolsa Ave STE C202 Westminster, CA 92683-6775 (714) 775-2222 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Tung Phan M ID No. 100104854006 10152 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4754 (714) 530-3939 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Chi Huu Phung M ID No. 100114161004 13155 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-1080 (714) 537-8487 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
Joseph Serna M 2620 S Bristol St STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-5503 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Noble Ama IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice Michael Dao M 9191 Westminster Ave STE 207 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2751 (714) 899-2000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Thomas Ton M ID No. 100045195006 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Du Tran M ID No. 100068717003 10090 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4721 (714) 590-1682 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-General Practci e
Kyu Ahn M ID No. 100082540010 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 505 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1904 (714) 539-6100 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Thutrang Do F ID No. 100071689009 15735 Hawthorne Blvd STE 111 Lawndale, CA 90260-2664 (310) 675-1300 Languages: Vietnamese Dat Duong M ID No. 100109688013 13926 Beach Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 893-1212 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Aruna Krishnaswamy F ID No. 100103173010 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
Paul Duong M ID No. 100105688004 9433 Bolsa Ave STE A Westminster, CA 92683-5964 (714) 839-7332 Languages: Vietnamese
Trang Lam F ID No. 100209485006 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese
Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768005 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic
Tam Le M ID No. 100200130003 9746 Westminster Ave STE D3 Garden Grove, CA 92844-2984 (714) 634-9442 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Loc Dac Bui M ID No. 100073719004 8900 Bolsa Ave STE B Westminster, CA 92683-5475 (714) 897-2623 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
An Dang M 13872 Harbor Blvd STE 1C Garden Grove, CA 92843-4000 (714) 531-5791 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Dae Choong Kim ID No. 100025470005 8862 Garden Grove Blvd STE 102 Garden Grove, CA 92844-1212 (714) 539-9963 Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842011 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese
Huy Kim Hoang M ID No. 100082865006 10530 Bolsa Ave STE C Westminster, CA 92683-6799 (714) 554-4676 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Noble Ama IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Dean Ngo M ID No. 100086512010 15606 Brookhurst St B Westminster, CA 92683-7581 (714) 531-0000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Thanh Minh Nguyen M ID No. 100105021005 8919 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92844-2609 (714) 893-5511 Languages: Vietnamese
Tan Ngo ID No. 100016798002 9431 Edinger Ave Westminster, CA 92683-7425 (714) 839-8400 Languages: Vietnamese
Tuan Nguyen M ID No. 100105241011 14221 Euclid St STE H Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 530-2420 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Huu Nguyen M ID No. 100105098007 1220 Hemlock Way STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92707-3656 (714) 957-0040 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Luc Sinh Nguyen M 14571 Magnolia Ave SUITE 208 Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 438-0082 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nhan Nguyen M ID No. 100067234004 10298 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4830 (714) 537-8269 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thanh Nguyen F ID No. 100076372015 15576 Brookhurst St STE B Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 775-8090 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M ID No. 100035062008 9500 Bolsa Ave P Westminster, CA 92683-5943 (714) 775-4400 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vuong Nguyen M ID No. 100086565011 10141 Westminster Ave E Garden Grove, CA 92843-4788 (714) 467-4321 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Melissa Siew F ID No. 100249453002 17220 Newhope St STE 125 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 435-0600 Languages: Spanish
Anh Tran F ID No. 100145828010 9191 Westminster Ave STE 205 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 899-2000 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Nhon Tran M ID No. 100073394003 14082 Magnolia St STE 109 Westminster, CA 92683-4764 (714) 895-8583 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Scott Tran M ID No. 100105049005 9876 Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-6418 (714) 534-4001 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Vu Truong M ID No. 100108748008 1775 W Lincoln Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-6771 (714) 491-9022 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Phuong Ta F ID No. 100166184009 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Long Dei Liu M ID No. 100020477003 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 402 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 539-7030 Languages: Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Noble Ama IPA, continued PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only Accepting Current Patients Only
Hung Nguyen M 10222 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 539-0444 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Edwin Choi M ID No. 100064126026 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Richard Ong M ID No. 100080814003 1626 S Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92707-2214 (714) 541-2639 Languages: Burmese, Cantonese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Victor Dinh M ID No. 100087803010 9746 Westminster Ave STE D2 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 530-0776 Languages: Vietnamese
Duc Tran M ID No. 100105584016 9091 Edinger Ave A Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 531-4616 Languages: Vietnamese
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687015 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Ngoc Nguyen F ID No. 100105123003 12302 Garden Grove Blvd STE 27 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1834 (714) 530-2772 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jorge Lopez M ID No. 100061278006 2740 S Bristol St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6232 (714) 825-1844 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Nhanhau Ngo F ID No. 100060776013 12692 Brookhurst St. Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 657-7100 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Kunthy Prum M ID No. 100104802002 1082 Redondo Ave Long Beach, CA 90804-3927 (562) 434-4457 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Phac Vo M ID No. 100092542002 611 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813-3301 (562) 591-8982 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713010 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858009 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ajay Meka M ID No. 100098859014 2740 S Bristol St 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6209 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Minsen Mok M ID No. 100020961006 11100 Warner Ave 362 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 434-4990 Languages: Cantonese and Chinese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Lucy Saenz F ID No. 100108546009 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Noble Ama IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Hoang Tran Nguyen M ID No. 100113329007 16040 Harbor Blvd STE G Fountain Valley, CA 92708-1327 (714) 531-7930 Languages: Vietnamese
Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA
Kim Tang F Lake Forest, CA
Robert Greenfield M Fountain Valley, CA
Emergency Medicine
Thuy Le F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Phuc Vinh Nguyen M ID No. 100105343005 9500 Bolsa Ave STE M Westminster, CA 92683-5943 (714) 531-8915 Languages: Vietnamese
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M Westminster, CA
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Khue Vu M ID No. 100137229011 14571 Magnolia St STE 106 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 894-6233 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Darryl Werner M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Emergency Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hai Pham M ID No. 100105041003 9600 Bolsa Ave STE F Westminster, CA 92683-5949 (714) 531-8711 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Lori Aliksanian F Santa Ana, CA
Arvind Nirula M Fountain Valley, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Harishchandra Patel M Anaheim, CA
Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Steven Schiff M Fountain Valley, CA
Michael Tran M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Family Practice
Surinder Thind M Fountain Valley, CA
Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Jerrold Cantor M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Nicolas Doan Van M Fountain Valley, CA
Hung Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Tao Hong Duong M Westminster, CA
Ashokkumar Amin M Anaheim, CA
Allergy Immunology
Luc Sinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Christopher Bui M Santa Ana, CA
Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA
Shankarlingam Sainath M Fountain Valley, CA
Long Phi Dang M Westminster, CA
Roger Nguyen M Downey, CA
Jennifer Wong F Fountain Valley, CA
Truong Leduc Fountain Valley, CA
Chiwai Chan M Fountain Valley, CA
Paul Barkmeier M Garden Grove, CA
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Quang Phan M Garden Grove, CA
Narayanaiyengar Devaraj M Anaheim, CA
Quan Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Jason Shin M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specialty Physicians
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Noble Ama IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Nirav Gandhi M La Palma, CA
An Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Kong Peng Yap M Irvine, CA
Aruna Krishnaswamy F Anaheim, CA
Hong Sik Kim M Garden Grove, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
Hoang Tran Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Luc Sinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
David Truong M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Steven Armentrout M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Timothy Byun M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Everett Grahn M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Phuc Vinh Nguyen M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Haresh Jhangiani M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Thanh Minh Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Hai Pham M Westminster, CA Khue Vu M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
James Padova M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Muralidhara Raju M Fountain Valley, CA Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
An Nguyen M Corona, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Madhavi Mummaneni F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Tiberio Lindgren M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurology Karen Frei F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Marriage Family Therapist Stephen Jenkins M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Richard Mcguckin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Mari age Famli yTherapi st
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Infectious Disease
Medical Oncology
Elizabeth Nghiem F Fountain Valley, CA
Steven Armentrout M Orange, CA
Peyman Tabrizi M Santa Ana, CA
Internal Medicine
Everett Grahn M Orange, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Tiberio Lindgren M Orange, CA
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Madhavi Mummaneni F Orange, CA
Nancy Vu F Westminster, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Neurology Child
Thutrang Do F Lawndale, CA
Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
An Dang M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Michael Dao M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
James Kim M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Noble Ama IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Obstetrics / Gynecology
Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Omar Krad M Santa Ana, CA
Tam Bui M Fountain Valley, CA
George Mayo M Fountain Valley, CA
Sherman Don M Fountain Valley, CA
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Quang Chi Quach M Westminster, CA
Richard Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Tri Minh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Hong An Jan M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Hyung Kim M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
James Lin M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Long Dei Liu M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Phu Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Triet Nguyen M Westminster, CA
Donald Sperling M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Stephen Torday M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Trung Minh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Jessica Mcmichael F Orange, CA
Tuyet Mai Phan F Westminster, CA
Pediatric Pulmonology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Thanh-Mai Trinh F Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Hiep Truong M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Pediatric Orthopedics
Michael Vu M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Zacharia Reda M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Ophthalmology Jessica Boeckmann F Tustin, CA
Pediatric Sports Medicine Ophthalmology / Otology / Jonathan Minor M Laryngology / Rhinology Orange, CA
Luis Chanes M Santa Ana, CA
Mark Alan Bronstein M Fountain Valley, CA
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Santa Ana, CA
Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA
Viet Dang M Westminster, CA
Sally Dang F Garden Grove, CA
Cuong-Dung Do M Westminster, CA
Harvey Goldstone M Fountain Valley, CA Long Beach, CA
Jacob Sweidan M Garden Grove, CA
Kevin Tran M Westminster, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Charles Eifrig M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri SportsMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Optometrist Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Pediatrics Veronique Jotterand F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Xuanto Leduc F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Thanh Quoc Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Jeffrey Ho M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Noble Ama IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Podiatrist Podiatrist
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Surgery Neurological
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Surgery Colon Surgery
Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Chuc Dang M Westminster, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Kevin Ho M Westminster, CA
Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Mansour Nejadrasool M Garden Grove, CA
Surgery General
John Kelly M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Ken Nguyen M Lamirada, CA
Dena Amr F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Zafar Khan M Fountain Valley, CA
Sean Cao M Fountain Valley, CA
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Nghiem Dang M Westminster, CA
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA
Edgar Fernandez M Fountain Valley, CA
John Schlechter M Orange, CA
Theodore Jekums M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Stein M Fountain Valley, CA
Ravinder Singh F Garden Grove, CA
Chin Kim M Anaheim, CA
Suketu Vaishnav M Fountain Valley, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Santosh Mohanty M Huntington Beach, CA
Surgery Pediatric
Lan Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Steven Altman M Tustin, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Michael Poliskie M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Steven Swartz M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Thu Van F Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
John German M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Hoang Le M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Kwei Min Pan M Santa Ana, CA
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Jin Jou Lu M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Yasser Salem M Huntington Beach, CA
Mustafa Kabeer M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Syed Naqvi M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Kychuong Van Westminster, CA
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Radiology Giao Le M Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Surgery Plastic
Surgery General Vascular Alan Tran M Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Rheumatology Lalitha Ananth F Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Kwei Min Pan M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Thoracic Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Noble Ama IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Thoracic Santosh Mohanty M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Urology Huey Lin M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Nhiep Tang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc Affiliated Hospitals
Emerico Csepanyi M ID No. 100100907003 16510 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703-2115 (562) 229-0902 Languages: Italian and Spanish
Los Alamitos Medical Center L 3751 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, 90720
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente
Family Practice Ernesto Cortez M ID No. 100066197003 10251 Artesia Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-6719 (562) 867-8681 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kailash Dhamija M ID No. 100089396040 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Dionisio Dabu M ID No. 100113587003 2220 Clark Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-2521 (562) 597-4181 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog
Mehtab Bambrah Dhamija F ID No. 100114408035 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701-5533 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jorge Echeverri M ID No. 100083212003 4476 Tweedy Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-6359 (323) 563-9499 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Thilan Fernando M ID No. 100072262004 11480 Brookshire Ave 204 Downey, CA 90241-5018 (562) 862-2775 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Lombardo M ID No. 100097607003 2220 Clark Ave Long Beach, CA 90815-2521 (562) 597-4181 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kathleen Morgan F ID No. 100143486005 2220 Clark Ave Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 597-4181 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Angelyn Moultrie Lizana F ID No. 100075797003 10251 Artesia Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-6719 (562) 867-8681 Languages: Mandarin and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Augusto Rodriguez M ID No. 100080530003 10234 Rosecrans Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-2602 (562) 920-1632 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
William Rubinson M ID No. 100036140015 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Donald Salis M ID No. 100024714012 14359 Pioneer Blvd # A Norwalk, CA 90650-4850 (626) 864-7279 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc, continued PCPs - General Practice General Practice Anthony Sotelo M ID No. 100087252008 803 Central Ave Seal Beach, CA 90740-6309 (562) 598-2421 PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Internal Medicine Rajiv Dhamija M ID No. 100089395018 18326 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701 (562) 860-5599 Languages: Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 3760 Atlantic Ave Long Beach, CA 90807-3409 (562) 595-7467 Languages: Cambodian, Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pinal Doshi M ID No. 100111240003 16510 Bloomfield Ave Cerritos, CA 90703-2115 (562) 229-0902 Languages: Hindi
Charles Kung M ID No. 100080926004 10251 Artesia Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-6719 (562) 867-8681 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 10234 Rosecrans Ave Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 920-1632 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sanatkumar Patel M ID No. 100009277004 10251 Artesia Blvd Bellflower, CA 90706-6719 (562) 867-8681 Languages: Gujarati PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Vinod Patel M ID No. 100014098005 11480 Brookshire Ave 204 Downey, CA 90241-5018 (562) 862-2775 Languages: Gujarati PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joel Golden M ID No. 100035436003 10234 Rosecrans Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-2602 (562) 920-1632
Laura Sullivan F ID No. 100077591004 11480 Brookshire Ave 204 Downey, CA 90241-5018 (562) 862-2775 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Richard Jordan M ID No. 100192915002 4476 Tweedy Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-6359 (323) 563-9499 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kathleen Trivich F 3851 Katella Ave STE 155 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2600 (562) 344-1350
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice John Goff M ID No. 100041392045 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Neha Bhansali F ID No. 100053018015 3300 E South St STE 205 Lakewood, CA 90805-4587 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jesse Licuanan M 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shirish Patel M ID No. 100027543029 5220 Clark Ave STE 125 Lakewood, CA 90712-2623 (562) 925-7401 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Marc Baskin M Bellflower, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Cardiac Electrophysiology Alicia Montanez F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiac Electrophysiology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Timothy Simmons M Long Beach, CA
Eddie Thara M Downey, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Randall Harada M Downey, CA
Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA
Rodina Vatanparast F Downey, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Arati Chand F Downey, CA Glendale, CA
Anantjit Singh M Downey, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Deepika Wali F Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jerry Floro M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Eric Cheung M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Internal Medicine Neha Bhansali F Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Chiropractor Todd Stockwell M Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Dermatology Michael Castro M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Don King M Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Fredric Rosenberg M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism David Berger M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Family Practice William Rubinson M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Michael Chung M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jack Freimann M Downey, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Rajiv Dhamija M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Joel Golden M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Youssef Gamal M Anaheim, CA Downey, CA
Shirish Patel M Lakewood, CA
Ping Hu F Downey, CA Long Beach, CA
Eric Cheung M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA
Daniel Huang M Downey, CA Santa Ana, CA
Jack Freimann M Downey, CA
Stephen Huang M Downey, CA
Rajiv Dhamija M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Medical Oncology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Nephrology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Reza Mostofi M Downey, CA
Cyril Anyadike M Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA
Joel Golden M Bellflower, CA
Thomas Reynolds M Downey, CA Montebello, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Adebambo Ojuri M Los Angeles, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Marian Rosenthal F Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Munther Hijazin M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ravin Rupani M Downey, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Merrill Shum M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Theodore Prentice M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Surgery Hand Plastic
Daniel Truong M Fountain Valley, CA
Sulabha Dave F Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA
Surgery Neurological
Michael Maehara M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Daniel Lemay M Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryHand Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Manuel Chon M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Eric Kaplan M Bellflower, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Jung Park M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Surgery Cardiovascular David Vannix Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic Richard Chambers M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Otolaryngology / Otology / Surgery General Robert Deere M Laryngology / Rhinology Henry Cramer M Downey, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Downey, CA
Sasha Maher F Downey, CA
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA
Gary Chen M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
James Lee M Bellflower, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Stanley Lowe M Downey, CA South Gate, CA
Denise Joseph Brown F Los Alamitos, CA
Jorge Dubin M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Kourosh Shamlou M Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Robert Deere M Downey, CA
Andrew Wassef M Lakewood, CA
Andre Maginot M Los Alamitos, CA
Surgery Plastic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Mark Minkes M Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Dwight Roberson M Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Surgery Hand Orthopedic
Austin Haw Yu M Los Alamitos, CA
Kevin Park M Downey, CA
Surgery General Vascular Downey, CA
Joel Epstein M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Pulmonary Diseases
Florante Luzano M Los Alamitos, CA
Daniel Kaplan M Santa Fe Springs, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Simon Rayhanabad M Los Alamitos, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Ramy Elias M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Gary Chen M Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Thoracic Navrose Grewal M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Thomas Tzeng M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery HandOrthopedci
Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery HandOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc, continued Specialty Physicians - Urology Urology Shahrad Aynehchi M Downey, CA Inglewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Sepehr Nowfar M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Lawrence Paletz M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group Affiliated Hospitals
Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Family Practice
Orange County Global Medical Center Inc 1001 N Tustin Ave Santa Ana, 92705 Placentia Linda Hosp L 1301 N Rose Dr Placentia, 92870
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Ali Ahmad M ID No. 100217570007 1125 N Magnolia Ave STE 105 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 477-8794 Languages: Arabic, Korean and Spanish
Annette Bernhut Caplin F ID No. 100064622003 845 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-1622 (714) 997-2899 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Martin Ahn M ID No. 100029677009 6301 Beach Blvd STE 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-4030 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571022 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sarah Apollo F 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd STE 105 B Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 998-3627 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rodolfo Arevalo M ID No. 100090280039 947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-1491 Languages: Spanish
Bruno Bucci M ID No. 100107030003 620 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-5716 (714) 547-6485 Languages: Italian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
James Burris M ID No. 100058553005 2540 N Santiago Blvd Orange, CA 92867-1862 (714) 921-1030 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 507 S Atlantic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 446-0201 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Shahida Baig F ID No. 100188037025 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Steven Callahan M ID No. 100065724010 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782-0221 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samuel Carlis M ID No. 100027518006 20932 Brookhurst St 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646-6638 (714) 963-4559 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Ali Dariushnia M ID No. 100111583005 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 538-4576 Languages: Farsi, French, Persian and Spanish
Janine Chamberlin F ID No. 100052615020 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd SUITE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Andrew Chao M ID No. 100221204010 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Semira Dariushnia F ID No. 100110877004 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 288-0052 Languages: French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vey Chen M ID No. 100104371007 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edward Drake M ID No. 100079863005 1325 N Rose Dr 201 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 203-1760 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry Cheng M ID No. 100210518012 751 S Weir Caynon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808 (714) 974-0611 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Wonbae Choe M ID No. 100093101021 720 North Harbor Bvld STE B Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 782-7700 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Shirley Chung F ID No. 100066426006 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Said El Zayat M ID No. 100060507009 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic and French
Teresa Flores F ID No. 100207722008 1206 E 17th Street STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 352-2911 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Geoffrey Furman M ID No. 100070608002 801 N Tustin Ave STE 602 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3610 (714) 245-2417 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Don Garcia M ID No. 100094603006 896 S Harbor Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-5158 (714) 491-1026 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 6344 Beach Blvd Buena Park, CA 90621-2876 (714) 670-0251 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344005 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 1055 E La Habra Blvd STE 3 La Habra, CA 90631-5597 (562) 691-3247 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 419 W Chapman Ave STE F Placentia, CA 92870-5907 (714) 792-0425 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Nicole Garcia F ID No. 100042455007 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd 105B Anaheim, CA 92807-4317 (714) 998-3627 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samuel Gendler M ID No. 100016358008 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Polish and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kasein Gonzalez Gonzalez M ID No. 100159743007 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kenneth Grubbs M ID No. 100074043003 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420
Eric Huang M ID No. 100176957011 1550 Superior Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 270-2107 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 307 Placentia Ave STE 107 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 270-2153 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 331 W Halesworth Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 (949) 270-2107 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Yousef Ireifej M 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David Jesse M ID No. 100066948007 3000 E Birch St STE 110 Brea, CA 92821-6261 (714) 996-5770 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David Joss M ID No. 100012007007 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141008 321 N Pomona Ave # B Fullerton, CA 92832-1927 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daryoush Khoshrou M ID No. 100106485005 801 N Tustin Ave STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3607 (714) 558-1310 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pat Kouwabunpat M ID No. 100059386008 1610 W Edinger Ave B Santa Ana, CA 92704-4339 (714) 641-1610 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Lau F ID No. 100114380014 1310 West Stewart Drive STE 410 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Cantonese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Olga Le Clercq F ID No. 100193245004 6189 La Palma Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-2858 (714) 522-2891 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yong Lee M ID No. 100259018008 9535 Garden Grove Blvd SUITE 103-104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Cathrin Lim F ID No. 100198188008 1100b N Tustin Ave D1 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Brian Minkus M ID No. 100082451009 18502 Gridley Rd Artesia, CA 90701-5406 (562) 865-6160 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish
Also located at: 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish
John Molina M ID No. 100083037026 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish
Catherine Marks F ID No. 100231399008 3400 West Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic
Glenn Morinishi M ID No. 100087439003 1211 W La Palma Ave 404 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-1030 Languages: Spanish
Jose Mayorga M ID No. 100087830016 330 W Halesworth Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 (949) 270-2132 Languages: Spanish
Assanassios Moussa Faltas M ID No. 100231398008 3400 W Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maria Corazon Meris F ID No. 100110591002 3400 W Ball Rd STE 102 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 816-0088 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754006 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Marianne Mikhail F ID No. 100196873009 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2025 (714) 985-6400 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khanh Nguyen M ID No. 100105298054 13830 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-3121 (714) 467-4330 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Douglas Nitta M ID No. 100055242005 301 W Bastanchury Rd STE 155 Fullerton, CA 92835-3477 (714) 773-1116 Languages: Japanese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Merlie Pacheco Ocampo F ID No. 100073036017 200 S Beach Blvd STE B La Habra, CA 90631-5181 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Thomas Parsa M ID No. 100049311005 2864 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 996-9708 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Deepak Patel M ID No. 100074311023 215 N State College Blvd STE A Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 517-0467 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hitesh Patel M ID No. 100039358004 7915 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 891-4549 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Octaviano Roges M ID No. 100106094014 1211 W La Palma Avenue STE 408 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 353-3250 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Nahla Salem F ID No. 100039479021 8101 Newman Ave STE B Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7042 (714) 847-3030 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 4720 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92869 (714) 771-7600 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mercedes Samson F ID No. 100085598007 8615 Knott Ave 3 Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 (714) 527-4833 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Susan Sharp F ID No. 100054467011 17400 Irvine Blvd SUITE M Irvine, CA 92780 (714) 542-5988 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Fatemeh Sheikhan F ID No. 100065211009 1617 E 1st St STE A Santa Ana, CA 92701-6385 (714) 246-0000 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Dimitri Sirakoff M ID No. 100101202017 1206 E 17th St STE 204 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2641 (714) 835-3500 Languages: Bulgarian, Russian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rasha Soliman F ID No. 100093176007 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ali Tajik M ID No. 100111646004 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 826-7440 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Tagalog
General Practice Chung Bui ID No. 100058843003 10301 Bolsa Ave STE 102 Westminster, CA 92683-6784 (714) 531-2203 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415007 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Roger Wang M ID No. 100012781003 1125 E 17th St # W239 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 835-1818 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese
Brian Capeloto ID No. 100063327006 1000 S Anaheim Blvd STE 200 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 634-4884 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Joseph Carella M 517 N Main St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4684 (714) 647-0401 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Joseph Yi M ID No. 100070744007 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
James Yoshikawa M ID No. 100094495003 1211 W La Palma Ave 404 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-1030 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Usha Date F ID No. 100036569008 6550 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2612 (714) 522-3333 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Eduardo Disarli M ID No. 100098783008 1514 N Sycamore St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2332 (714) 558-6800 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Lien Doan M ID No. 100107624004 2605 W Orangethorpe Ave STE A Fullerton, CA 92833-6225 (714) 871-2850 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - General Practice Dennis Downs M 200 N Harbor Blvd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92805-2511 (714) 533-7021 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Mohamed Hafez M ID No. 100190419008 9918 Katella Ave STE C Anaheim, CA 92804-6466 (714) 625-8320 Languages: Arabic PCPs-General Practci e
Mehar Iqbal F ID No. 100026764024 7851 Walker St STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1734 (714) 670-1261 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Walter Jayasinghe M ID No. 100073090013 526 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3619 (714) 558-9355 Languages: Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Gary Jystad M ID No. 100051451003 915 E Katella Ave 100 Anaheim, CA 92805-6616 (714) 634-4884 PCPs-General Practci e
Burton Lutsky M ID No. 100019368007 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 590-3090 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Marigangaiah Mahadev M ID No. 100106041007 125 S Chaparral Ct 102 Anaheim, CA 92808-2263 (714) 998-1941 Languages: Hindi
Manuel Saenz M ID No. 100045868005 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144055 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Sohrab Salamati-Pour M ID No. 100019177013 775 N Tustin St Orange, CA 92867-7128 (714) 628-8888 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946011 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish
Barry Schwartz M ID No. 100074120008 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 848-7676 Languages: Spanish
Michie Moreno F ID No. 100171843005 526 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3619 (714) 558-9355 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Ann Newsome F ID No. 100043434005 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
George Ricks M ID No. 100043431011 25431 Cabot Rd STE 118 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 362-8877 Languages: Polish, Russian and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Joseph Serna M 2620 S Bristol St STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-5503 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Don Smith M ID No. 100043911003 1125 E 17th St N453 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2265 (714) 547-5801 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Fe Solmayor F ID No. 100021697006 200 S Beach Blvd B La Habra, CA 90631-5180 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - General Practice Janja Viltuznik F ID No. 100068590004 2617 E Chapman Ave 205 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 538-6822 Languages: Serbo-Croatian, Slavak and Spanish
Khaled Chan M ID No. 100110315006 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and French
Edgar Flores M ID No. 100100164008 501 S Brookhurst Rd Fullerton, CA 92833-3207 (714) 870-0717 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Internal Medicine
Michael Demicco M ID No. 100015801010 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300
Michael Fox M ID No. 100094496057 1310 W Stewart Dr 410 Orange, CA 92868-3854 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Spanish
Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106010 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549010 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727010 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Prakash Bondade M ID No. 100014080019 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Steven Duckor M ID No. 100042419009 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mohamed El Nachef M ID No. 100031596015 2571 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2622 (714) 827-9797 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Nadia Elihu F ID No. 100108712004 1010 W La Veta Ave 750 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 361-6600 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Hosea Brown M ID No. 100017878011 25431 Cabot Rd 118 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-5518 (949) 362-8877 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768009 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Syam Gaddam M ID No. 100049186017 11922 Seacrest Dr A Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-9100 Languages: Telugu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jaya George F ID No. 100029442058 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Edgardo Gonzalez M ID No. 100090379006 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victoria Greblya F ID No. 100108123006 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Russian PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Asaad Hakim M ID No. 100028104010 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Paul Johnson M ID No. 100043271005 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850 Languages: Spanish
Audrey Konow F ID No. 100019213007 601 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 1 Placentia, CA 92870-3006 (714) 961-8500 Languages: Spanish
Nishu Karki F ID No. 100193993013 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 780-5990
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403061 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Abdul Khan M ID No. 100071815055 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311006 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842007 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Damanpreet Jamarai F ID No. 100109699043 3033 W Orange Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-3156 (714) 827-3000 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Kyoung Kim F ID No. 100002361007 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shelly Heidelbaugh F ID No. 100047032006 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gurleen Jamarai M 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 503 Anaheim, CA 92801-2812 (714) 533-1707 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Munazza Khan F ID No. 100109392008 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bangsun Kim M ID No. 100103485006 2500 Alton Pkwy 108 Irvine, CA 92606-5024 (949) 552-8282 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kevin Kuettel M ID No. 100083944008 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
James Law M ID No. 100063933058 1010 W La Veta Ave 750 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 361-6600 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Soledad Lee F ID No. 100074185005 6888 Lincoln Ave STE M Buena Park, CA 90620-4107 (714) 828-8400 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ravi Makam M ID No. 100051306005 1120 W La Palma Ave 14 Anaheim, CA 92801-2801 (714) 774-9747 Languages: Spanish and Telugu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Vinod Malhotra M ID No. 100037061009 11100 Warner Ave 268 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 540-9911 Languages: Punjabi
Jae Park M ID No. 100112630015 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744006 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
Corazon Medina F ID No. 100027774004 1751 W Romneya Dr STE H Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 563-2114 Languages: Tagalog
Gnyandev Patel M ID No. 100078689011 3300 E South St STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 232-2380 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
John Sarkaria M ID No. 100098550003 14642 Newport Ave STE 450 Tustin, CA 92780-6092 (714) 669-4449
Arlena Menda F ID No. 100057074004 710 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Spanish
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205011 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
German Navarro M ID No. 100101314006 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kusum Ohri F ID No. 100046628004 1310 W Stewart Dr 602 Orange, CA 92868-3854 (714) 639-0414 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Su Yong Pak M ID No. 100031287007 5451 La Palma Ave STE 14 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 523-3212 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Guy Randazzo M 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 410 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Dennis Riff M ID No. 100024546009 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Zahra Shahim F ID No. 100189358011 1306 W Stewart Dr STE 602 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-0414 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
James Sharkoff M ID No. 100091013006 8045 Cerritos Ave Stanton, CA 90680-2436 (714) 828-2444 Languages: Greek PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Prakash Shenoy M ID No. 100039094005 1736 W Medical Center Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1854 (714) 635-1781 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Davinder Singh M ID No. 100034777006 11100 Warner Ave 268 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 540-9911 Languages: Punjabi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Muhammad Sohel M ID No. 100016820010 303 N East St Anaheim, CA 92805-3341 (714) 491-1771 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu
Vu Truong M ID No. 100108748005 1775 W Lincoln Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-6771 (714) 491-9022 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Also located at: 805 W La Veta Ave STE 110 Orange, CA 92868-3933 (714) 289-8800 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu
Thuc Tu M ID No. 100094366012 6552 Bolsa Ave N Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2656 (714) 898-9635 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
John Stouffer M 3356 W Ball STE 217 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 827-5140 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thuan Vo M ID No. 100028795003 9024 Bolsa Ave Westminster, CA 92683-5531 (714) 899-2911 Languages: Vietnamese
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527004 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hing Be M ID No. 100104380003 1834 W Lincoln Ave STE P Anaheim, CA 92801-5425 (714) 991-5680 Languages: Cambodian PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Tackson Tam M ID No. 100008727006 1010 W La Veta Ave 750 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 361-6600 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Korean PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Felicia Tran F ID No. 100062100006 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Scott Tran M ID No. 100105049012 9876 Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-6418 (714) 534-4001 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Peter Winkle M ID No. 100053416008 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Martin Blanco Eccleston M ID No. 100059729004 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mary Cerni F ID No. 100032147007 1325 N Rose Dr 203 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 529-5674 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Ker Chow Chang M ID No. 100098906030 400 W. Central Ave STE. 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 255-1148 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 2707 E Valley Blvd 103 West Covina, CA 91792-3195 (626) 810-7772 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edwin Choi M ID No. 100064126024 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364009 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813004 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757
Alireza Mirzabozorg M ID No. 100029872003 6189 La Palma Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-2858 (714) 522-2891 Languages: Farsi
Daniel Jimenez M ID No. 100057119008 520 W 17th St STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92706-3614 (714) 972-2727 Languages: Spanish
Fernando Montelongo M ID No. 100098026007 932 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2109 (714) 997-8050 Languages: Spanish
Khine Khin F ID No. 100107913005 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Burmese
Mary Ann Nuesse F ID No. 100013556005 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420 Languages: German and Spanish
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687006 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
William Nuesse M ID No. 100096540004 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420 Languages: French, German and Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert Doomun M ID No. 100068539007 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Navid Geula M ID No. 100107189007 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Anna Liu F ID No. 100012178004 11100 Warner Ave # 358 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-1500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jorge Lopez M ID No. 100061278005 2740 S Bristol St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6232 (714) 825-1844 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eliott Romero M ID No. 100092885004 999 N Tustin Ave STE 220 Santa Ana, CA 92705-6506 (714) 543-3522 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Laura Tangredi F 1040 East Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866 (714) 532-5353 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Family Practice Vincent Wong M ID No. 100211271018 701 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Cantonese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice John Hiserodt M ID No. 100083566008 1720 W Ball Rd STE 4B Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 254-0224 PCPs-General Practci e
Francisco Jimenez M ID No. 100037048047 517 N Main St 100 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4686 (714) 647-0401 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Lucy Saenz F ID No. 100108546014 1203 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-1954 (714) 224-3388 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at: 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
David Shek M ID No. 100045699011 1401 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-6246 (714) 772-9800 PCPs-General Practci e
Vijay Wali ID No. 100057324007 1001 E Chapman Ave D Fullerton, CA 92831-3851 (714) 451-0000 Languages: Hindi
Internal Medicine Robby Ayoub M ID No. 100112141015 8201 Newman Ave STE 302 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 847-6900 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chung Hur F ID No. 100040025006 710 N Euclid St 301 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 991-8650 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Graciela Imbastari F ID No. 100068202004 2617 E Chapman Ave 205 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 538-6822 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M ID No. 100109933053 1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302 Fullerton, CA 92835-4131 (714) 441-0591 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert Buster M ID No. 100084559005 845 W La Veta Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92868-3930 (714) 639-2600 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713008 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nguyen Dang M ID No. 100105247075 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jason Kurtz M ID No. 100154686005 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd 306 Placentia, CA 92870-3728 (714) 577-9500 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
John Lauridsen M ID No. 100074708006 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 230 Anaheim, CA 92807-4780 (714) 974-2820 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
John Lee M ID No. 100009477011 400 N Euclid St Fullerton, CA 92832-1625 (714) 879-8700 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858005 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-General Practci e
Minh Do M 4718 W 1st St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 418-0488 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Joseph Nassir M ID No. 100063669004 17822 Beach Blvd 430 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 843-6800 Languages: Farsi, Hebrew and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sultan Shah M ID No. 100043126005 710 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jimmy Soliman M ID No. 100059341012 3801 S Harbor Blvd STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704-7901 (714) 751-5555
Daniel Nassir Hilton M ID No. 100077003007 17822 Beach Blvd STE 430 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7508 Mark Song M (714) 843-6800 Languages: Farsi and Spanish ID No. 100031289011 1401 S Brookhurst Rd Chuan Nguyen M STE 100 ID No. 100105288005 Fullerton, CA 92833-4492 710 N Euclid St 301 (714) 626-0700 Anaheim, CA 92801-4115 Languages: Korean (714) 991-8650 Jyotika Wali F Languages: Spanish and ID No. 100091396005 Vietnamese 1001 E Chapman Ave D Rosalia Osias F Fullerton, CA 92831-3851 (714) 451-0000 ID No. 100016350004 3340 W Ball Rd STE F Languages: Hindi Anaheim, CA 92804-3729 Obstetrics / Gynecology (714) 723-0787 Languages: Arabic, Spanish Ebrahim Duel M ID No. 100018651004 and Tagalog 301 N Main St Sujata Reddy F Santa Ana, CA 92701-4852 ID No. 100022108010 (714) 547-6641 18111 Brookhurst St 6100 Languages: Farsi and Spanish Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 Also located at: (714) 968-6789 1400 W Mcfadden Ave STE 4 Languages: Hindi Santa Ana, CA 92704-3438 (714) 546-8200 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Specialty Physicians
Allergy Immunology Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Duke Kim M Garden Grove, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Otto Liao M Laguna Hills, CA Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Roger Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Anesthesiology Hooman Rastegar M Long Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management Kais Alsharif M Downey, CA Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Eduardo Anguizola M Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA Pomona, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
Amir Pouradib M Downey, CA Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Anesthesoi l gy Pani Management
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Anesthesiology Pain Management Harinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA
Keyvan Zavarei M Downey, CA Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Anesthesoi l ogyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Cardiac Electrophysiology David Kramer M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jacqueline Eubany F Santa Ana, CA
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Timothy Guan Yeh M Anaheim, CA
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Certified Nurse Practitioner
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA
Jennifer Fuentes F Fullerton, CA
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA
Julie Gutierrez F Tustin, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Victoria Gyore F Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Richard Deits M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Karol Dangaran F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
David Friedman M Anaheim, CA Mary Jung F Orange, CA Wieke Liem F Orange, CA Marvous Saunders M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Steven Stanowicz M Orange, CA Melissa Watcher F Orange, CA Sharam Yashar M Anaheim, CA Signal Hill, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Lien Hua Feng F Tustin, CA Lisa Wheadon F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Joseph Chow M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Tyson Cobb M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Jay Applebaum M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Brian Kolski M Orange, CA
Todd Biegler M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardai cEl ectrophysoi l ogy
Dicran Baron M Orange, CA
Seyed Shazadeh Safavi M Anaheim, CA
Chiropractor Carlos Garcia M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Emergency Medicine Darryl Werner M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Endocrinology Metabolism Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Peter Jung M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Ole Saetrum Opgaard M Anaheim Hills, CA Garden Grove, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Fernando Rayas M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Endocrinology Metabolism Aleem Syed M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Family Practice
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hing Be M Anaheim, CA
Kong Peng Yap M Irvine, CA
Ker Chow Chang M Brea, CA
Dick Yip M Anaheim, CA
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA
Jason Yip M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Fernando Montelongo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Bhanu Sud M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Tuan Ta M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
William Thompson M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Joel Trotter M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
General Practice Marigangaiah Mahadev M Anaheim, CA
Internal Medicine Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Nancy Pierre Paul F Costa Mesa, CA
Robby Ayoub M Huntington Beach, CA
Joan Rosenburg F Santa Ana, CA
Daryoosh Samimi M Fountain Valley, CA
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M Fullerton, CA
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPracti e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Christopher Bui M Santa Ana, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Reena Vora F Anaheim, CA
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA
Richard Faraday M Orange, CA
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA
Infectious Disease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Hiv Aids Specialist Specai tl yPhysci ans-HivAi dsSpeciail st
Puneet Chahal F Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Dennis Riff M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Richard Faraday M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Pauline Ho F Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Minh Do M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Michael Fox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Asaad Hakim M Garden Grove, CA
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA
Mamerto Garcia M Anaheim, CA
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA
Damanpreet Jamarai F Anaheim, CA
Dennis Riff M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Jaya George F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Gurleen Jamarai M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
John Sarkaria M Tustin, CA
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Nishu Karki F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Prakash Shenoy M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kyoung Kim F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Davinder Singh M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Muhammad Sohel M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Mark Song M Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Thuan Vo M Westminster, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Vinod Malhotra M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Daniel Nassir Hilton M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Rosalia Osias F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne Crti calCareMedci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Anooshiravan Hami M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne Crti calCareMedci ne
Medical Oncology Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Asha Ravikumar F Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA
Neurology John Chen M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Clyde Holstein M Anaheim, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Gnyandev Patel M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA
Mohammad Ismail M Anaheim, CA Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
John Lee M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
James Law M Orange, CA
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Humayon Khan M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Mayank Pathak M Fountain Valley, CA
Hyung Kim M Santa Ana, CA
Zhanna Rapoport F Huntington Beach, CA
Sergio Levenzon M Santa Ana, CA
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA
Jay Masserman M Fountain Valley, CA
Bookinakere Subhas M Anaheim, CA
Sunita Moola F Fountain Valley, CA
Bevinahalli Suresh M Anaheim, CA
Phu Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Michael Thompson M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
John Pinches M Hawaiian Gardens, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA
Ana Sanchez F Orange, CA
Daniel Truong M Long Beach, CA
Jerald Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology George Ahad M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Viet Anh Be M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Ebrahim Duel M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Mehrdad Forghan Arani M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Ambica Garg F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Jesus Hernandez M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Christine Hoang F Westminster, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Tom Chang M Anaheim, CA Arcadia, CA Huntington Beach, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Nicholas Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA
Anthony Culotta M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael Davis M Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Huntington Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Charles Eifrig M Laguna Hills, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
George Garcia M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
John Gunn M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA
Jessica Boeckmann F Anaheim Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Tustin, CA
Joshua Hedaya M Anaheim Hills, CA Huntington Beach, CA Pasadena, CA
Luis Chanes M Mission Viejo, CA
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christopher Winkle M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA
Omar Krad M Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA
Ashkan Pirouz M Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA Herman Rundle M Orange, CA
Orlando Camacho M Monterey Park, CA
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Optometrist Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Michael Lappin M Santa Ana, CA
Keith Rundle M Orange, CA
Steven Chiana M Fullerton, CA
John Lean M Laguna Hills, CA Santa Ana, CA
Ehsan Sadri M Foothill Ranch, CA Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Elizabeth Chung F Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Hani Salehi Had M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Dat Do M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Samir Shah M Huntington Beach, CA
Jay Kwok M Orange, CA
Michael Sheety M Santa Ana, CA
Mary Ma F Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kristie Lin F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Dwayne Logan M Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Whitney Lomazow F Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Tustin, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
George Mayo M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kevin Suk M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sharon Theodore F Anaheim, CA
Evelyn Perez F Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA
Michael Tran M Westminster, CA
Andrew Pilon M Santa Ana, CA
Jason Moss M Anaheim, CA
Paul Urrea M Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA
Valerie Pilon F Santa Ana, CA
Anne Nguyen F Monterey Park, CA
Sarah Whang F Orange, CA
Elizabeth Nguyen F Westminster, CA
Jeanine Yamanaka F Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Druann Mccluskey F Huntington Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Nelson Noguchi M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Mark Osterloh M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Kauser Sharieff F Orange, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Donald Teshima M Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Foothill Ranch, CA Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Laura Howard F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Optometrist Erica Urrea F Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA San Pedro, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Jonathan Bennett M Fullerton, CA Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Ruben Ezquerro M Hawaiian Gardens, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Felizardo Camilon M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA
Elham Farajian F Hungtington Beach, CA
Michael Fox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Anooshiravan Hami M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
David Haupt M Anaheim, CA Newport Beach, CA
Richard Le M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Tammy Le F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Allen Iseri M Corona, CA
Howard Hewlett M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Jacob Sweidan M Garden Grove, CA
Corey Lejeune M Tustin, CA
Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA
Physicians Assistant
Deric Lords M Placentia, CA
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA
Michael Poliskie M Santa Ana, CA
Viney Soni M Fountain Valley, CA
Martin Holt M Fullerton, CA
William Spak M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Jack Stewart M Orange, CA
Robert Horner M Costa Mesa, CA
Wenjay Sung M Orange, CA
Benjamin Kaska M Costa Mesa, CA
Jacqueline White F Orange, CA
Chu Pei Feng F Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA
Mimi Mathews F Anaheim, CA
Lyman Wilson M Orange, CA
Ernest Ngo M Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Jeremy Elkins M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Lizbeth Escobedo F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Hesper Tsai F Costa Mesa, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Radiation Oncology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radai toi nOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Jooby Babu M Santa Ana, CA Tustin, CA
Neil Goldstein M Newport Beach, CA
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA
John Thropay M Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy
Radiology Therapeutic Specai l tyPhysi cans-Radoi l ogy Therapeutic
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Rheumatology Rheumatology
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
James Gitlin M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Gerald Ho M La Palma, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Edgar Fernandez M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Mir Behnam Khaleghi M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA
Russell Montgomery M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Felix Gaw M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Hand
Krishan Khurana M Santa Ana, CA
Abdollah Gilani M Los Angeles, CA
Nicholas Kim M Anaheim, CA
Richard Guerrero M Fountain Valley, CA
Tien I Su F Downey, CA
Chin Kim M Anaheim, CA
Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA
Saleem Waraich M Placentia, CA
Rajesh Lal M Garden Grove, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Darice Yang F Downey, CA Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Surgery Cardiovascular
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Francis Lee M Garden Grove, CA
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Hand
Surgery Neurological Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Bryan Oh M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA
Gowriharan Thaiyananthan M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Lan Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Minh Tran M Westminster, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA
Thang Dinh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA
Surgery General
Surgery General Vascular Peter Birnbaum M
Pejman Babakhanlou M Anaheim, CA
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
David Balch M Placentia, CA
William Foley M Fullerton, CA
Tuan Lam M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCardoi vascual r
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCardoi vascual r
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCool nSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryCool nSurgery
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Afshin Aminian M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Carlo Biscaro M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Richard Blanks M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Gateway Medical Group, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Hamid Rahman M Santa Ana, CA
Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA
Gerald Cara M Anaheim, CA
Samuel Rosenfeld M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Richard Gates M Orange, CA
Robert Bohr M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Jeffrey Dobyns M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Israel Rottermann M Santa Ana, CA John Schlechter M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Todd Katzman M Anaheim, CA
Bindesh Shah M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Gerald Swanson M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Hamid Mir M Newport Beach, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Shail Vyas M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Emile Wakim M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Paul Wakim M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Carl Weinert M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Surgery Plastic
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
William Thibault M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Thomas Tzeng M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Urology Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Manilal Mehta M Anaheim, CA William Pearce M Santa Ana, CA
Steve Vu M Corona, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Antony Reddy M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Alfred Sidhom M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Surgery Thoracic Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA
Fritz Baumgartner M Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA
Timothy Lim M Anaheim, CA
Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Assad Moheimani M Long Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA
Richard Ott M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Kyle Low M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Francois Lalonde M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Tuan Lam M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Raymond Folmar M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Tohraci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Hlth Corona Affiliated Hospitals
Mohammad Danesh M ID No. 100100673008 31581 Canyon Estates Dr Lake Elsinore, CA 92532-0424 (951) 244-3500 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Placentia Linda Hosp L 1301 N Rose Dr Placentia, 92870
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice Farough Owiesy M 802 Magnolia Ave STE 106 Corona, CA 92879 (951) 371-9500 Languages: Farsi, German and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Jessica Basa F ID No. 100017411005 1810 Fullerton Ave 105 Corona, CA 92881-3103 (951) 371-8805 Languages: Chinese, Filipino and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hitesh Patel M ID No. 100039358009 127 N Mckinley St STE 101 Corona, CA 92879-6563 (951) 278-2600 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Internal Medicine Richard Mantell M ID No. 100096785044 2791 Green River Rd STE 103 Corona, CA 92882-7452 (951) 735-5570 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Shams Iqbal M Corona, CA Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Amit Patel M Riverside, CA Upland, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Francis Yu M Fullerton, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology Andrew Thio M Hemet, CA Murrieta, CA Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management Jesus Lao M Corona, CA Murrieta, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Marc Lynch M Chino, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Andrew Thio M Corona, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Cardiovascular Disease Nimmagadda Rao M Corona, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Michael Baluyut M ID No. 100048886003 1810 Fullerton Ave 105 Corona, CA 92881-3103 (951) 371-8805 Languages: Chinese, Filipino and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chiropractor Jeffrey Cline M Corona, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Dermatology Lucius Blanchard M Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Hlth Corona, continued Specialty Physicians - Dermatology Randolph Jacobs M Corona, CA Sun City, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Corona, CA Fountain Valley, CA
Hesham El Mokadem M Corona, CA Moreno Valley, CA Riverside, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Ronald Shiell M Redlands, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA
Herbert Rettinger M Orange, CA
Mohamedali Ismailijee M Corona, CA Riverside, CA
Priya Shah F Orange, CA
Robert Chang M Corona, CA Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Rajini Iyer F Corona, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Aruna Gupta F Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Gastroenterology Cyril Anyadike M Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Arthur Galoustian M Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Paul Huynh M Moreno Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Ok Kim M Corona, CA Moreno Valley, CA Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Rakesh Chopra M Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Salam Ishak M Moreno Valley, CA Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Robert Fan M Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Hematology / Oncology Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Joseph J Lee M Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Paulus Santoso M Corona, CA Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Ophthalmology John Carlson M Riversdie, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Paul Niu M Corona, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Corona, CA Fountain Valley, CA
Tom Chang M Pomona, CA
John Robertson M Riverside, CA
Jean Cheng F Riverside, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Chao Sun M Riverside, CA
Anthony Culotta M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurology James Kim M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael Davis M Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Edgar Ardila M Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne CrticalCareMedci ne
Medical Oncology Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Medci al Oncol gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Herman Carstens M Corona, CA Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Joshua Hedaya M Pasadena, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Angelita Palanca Capistrano F Corona, CA Moreno Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Richard Pesavento M Riversdie, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Hlth Corona, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Michael Samuel M Anaheim, CA Murrieta, CA
Roger Tsutsumi M Corona, CA Riverside, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Surgery Plastic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Sharon Theodore F Riverside, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Ben Childers M Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Krishan Khurana M Santa Ana, CA
Steve Vu M Corona, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Surgery General
Surgery Thoracic
Naseem Attar M Riverside, CA
Richard Ott M Orange, CA
David Chun M Orange, CA
Michael Chin M Corona, CA Riverside, CA
Jodie Gandy F Orange, CA
Gustavo Lara M Riverside, CA
Eric Shepard M Riverside, CA
Mohammad Kanakriyeh M San Bernardino, CA
John Moon M Riverside, CA
Nimmagadda Rao M Corona, CA
Surgery General Vascular
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Seth Bernstein M Corona, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Pediatric Cardiology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Brandon Louie M Riverside, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Harvey Nurick M Riverside, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation Khuram Akbar Sial M Los Angeles, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Physicians Assistant Felipe Cendejas M Corona, CA Los Angeles, CA Murrieta, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Surgery Neurological Lawrence Clark M Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic John Gonzalez M Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Neil Halbridge M Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Donald Kim M Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Stephen Suzuki M Riverside, CA
James Lee M Anaheim, CA
Gurvinder Uppal F Riverside, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange Affiliated Hospitals
Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr L 17100 Euclid St Fountain Valley, 92708
Family Practice
Sarah Apollo F 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd STE 105 B Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 998-3627 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Orange County Global Medical Center Inc 1001 N Tustin Ave Santa Ana, 92705 Placentia Linda Hosp L 1301 N Rose Dr Placentia, 92870
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Martin Ahn M ID No. 100029677005 6301 Beach Blvd STE 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-4030 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Juan Alas Pocasangre M ID No. 100113677004 325 E La Habra Blvd La Habra, CA 90631-5439 (562) 691-7100 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mohammed Ali M ID No. 100114282018 23672 Birtcher Dr # A Lake Forest, CA 92630-1711 (949) 770-7301 Languages: Hindi, Telugu and Urdu
Rodolfo Arevalo M ID No. 100090280031 947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-1491 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robila Ashfaq F ID No. 100046150014 1125 E 17th St N152 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 285-1100 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 655 Camino De Los Mares STE 117 San Clemente, CA 92673-2809 (949) 493-9344 Languages: Hindi, Telugu and Urdu PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Vincent Ayroso M 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (714) 636-7852 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 8041 Newman Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7034 (714) 500-0224 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mojgan Amirkhan F ID No. 100050288006 1100 N Tustin Ave STE F Santa Ana, CA 92705-3509 (714) 667-7922 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Steven Callahan M ID No. 100065724008 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782-0221 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese
Samir Azzam M ID No. 100110168006 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 707 Anaheim, CA 92801-2814 (714) 776-2100 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 210 Orange, CA 92868-3837 (714) 210-8730 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571018 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish
Janine Chamberlin F ID No. 100052615017 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd SUITE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400
Bruce Chow M ID No. 100081339004 710 S Brookhusrt O P Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 780-5690 Languages: Spanish
Mirna Chambi ID No. 100072464002 7151 Lincoln Ave # Ab Buena Park, CA 90620-4613 (714) 821-6506 Languages: Spanish
Shirley Chung F ID No. 100066426003 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Adel Boutros M ID No. 100086510005 22611 Lake Forest Dr STE C4 Lake Forest, CA 92630-1700 (949) 951-9399 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Wonbae Choe M ID No. 100093101018 720 North Harbor Bvld STE B Ower Castro M 790 E Bonita Ave 2ND FLOOR Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 782-7700 Pomona, CA 91767 (909) 447-8585 Languages: Korean and Languages: Spanish Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Henry Cheng M ID No. 100210518009 751 S Weir Caynon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808 (714) 974-0611
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Youssef Beshai M ID No. 100106725005 801 N Harbor Bl Anaheim, CA 92805-1810 (714) 774-7500 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Bruno Bucci M ID No. 100107030002 620 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-5716 (714) 547-6485 Languages: Italian and Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Samuel Carlis M ID No. 100027518003 20932 Brookhurst St 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646-6638 (714) 963-4559 Languages: Spanish
Andrew Chao M ID No. 100221204007 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Albert Chang M ID No. 100086039006 16300 Sand Canyon Ave 910 Irvine, CA 92618-3711 (949) 585-9870 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235004 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Melvin Coats M ID No. 100072311010 9209 Colima Rd STE 2000B Whittier, CA 90605 (562) 236-2290 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Semira Dariushnia F ID No. 100110877002 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 288-0052 Languages: French, Persian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jaclynn Do F ID No. 100089331003 8070 Westminster Blvd # A Westminster, CA 92683-3303 (714) 899-9898 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Edward Drake M ID No. 100079863004 1325 N Rose Dr 201 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 203-1760 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Cyrus Damirchi M ID No. 100046224008 901 Dover Dr STE 231 Newport Beach, CA 92660-5515 (949) 631-5252 Languages: Farsi, Italian, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael Dao M ID No. 100019932012 14362 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4608 (714) 531-7830 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ali Dariushnia M ID No. 100111583003 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 538-4576 Languages: Farsi, French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tuoc Duong M ID No. 100094333002 9009 Mcfadden Ave Westminster, CA 92683-6408 (714) 899-2600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Said El Zayat M ID No. 100060507006 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344002 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hamid Eskandari M ID No. 100110778003 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 220 Irvine, CA 92618-7706 (949) 559-5153 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alonzo Flores M ID No. 100068916002 229 S Glassell St Orange, CA 92866-1945 (714) 639-0303 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Teresa Flores F ID No. 100207722010 1206 E 17th Street STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 352-2911 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nicole Garcia F ID No. 100042455005 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd 105B Anaheim, CA 92807-4317 (714) 998-3627 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Christine Gerges F ID No. 100158463011 539 S Brea Blvd Fl 1 STE 100 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-2936 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jeffrey Globus M 26902 Oso Pky STE 140 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 916-8870 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice David Jesse M ID No. 100066948006 3000 E Birch St STE 110 Brea, CA 92821-6261 (714) 996-5770 Languages: Spanish
Olina Harwer F ID No. 100072874002 32241 Camino Capistrano 105A San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-3708 (949) 661-6555 Languages: Czech and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chee Ho M ID No. 100059702003 24953 Paseo De Valencia STE 16B Laguna Hills, CA 92653-4339 (949) 305-8360 Languages: Chinese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hsueh Hua Ho F ID No. 100113019013 15785 Laguna Canyon Rd STE # 115 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 551-5152 Languages: Mandarin PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jeff Huang M ID No. 100071860004 18663 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6709 (714) 887-9800 Languages: Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
David Joss M ID No. 100012007003 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish Gita Kalantari F ID No. 100108248011 4010 E Chapman Ave STE C Orange, CA 92869 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Farsi and German PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141005 321 N Pomona Ave # B Fullerton, CA 92832-1927 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Yousef Ireifej M ID No. 100012460019 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Daryoush Khoshrou M ID No. 100106485002 801 N Tustin Ave STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3607 (714) 558-1310 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pat Kouwabunpat M ID No. 100059386007 1610 W Edinger Ave B Santa Ana, CA 92704-4339 (714) 641-1610 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Karen Lau F ID No. 100114380013 1310 West Stewart Drive STE 410 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Cantonese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
John Le M 1550 Superior Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 270-2100 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Cathrin Lim F ID No. 100198188005 1100b N Tustin Ave D1 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Paul Mansonhing M 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 204 Irvine, CA 92604-4687 (949) 726-1770 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sunil Mapara F ID No. 100084424005 5475 E La Palma Ave 100 Anaheim, CA 92807-2075 (714) 970-0911 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Jose Mayorga M 1550 Superior Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3653 (949) 270-2107 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 330 W Halesworth Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 (949) 270-2132 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Behnaz Haghighi Motlagh F ID No. 100197006009 26671 Aliso Creek Rd STE 205 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-4810 (949) 831-0300 Languages: Dutch, Farsi and German PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Connie Nguyen F ID No. 100088063007 15355 Brookhurst St 102 Westminster, CA 92683-7077 (714) 775-3057 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Marianne Mikhail F ID No. 100196873006 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2025 (714) 985-6400 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Brian Minkus M ID No. 100082451006 18502 Gridley Rd Artesia, CA 90701-5406 (562) 865-6160 Languages: Portuguese and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Molina M ID No. 100083037015 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754002 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Douglas Nitta M ID No. 100055242004 301 W Bastanchury Rd STE 155 Fullerton, CA 92835-3477 (714) 773-1116 Languages: Japanese and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Merlie Pacheco Ocampo F ID No. 100073036014 200 S Beach Blvd STE B La Habra, CA 90631-5181 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Thomas Parsa M ID No. 100049311004 2864 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 996-9708 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hitesh Patel M ID No. 100039358003 7915 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 891-4549 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kristine Percy F ID No. 100038660004 539 S Brea Blvd 100 Brea, CA 92821-5377 (714) 671-2936 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Arthur Nuval M ID No. 100047758003 910 S Knott Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-8674 (714) 527-2888 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Tuan Phan M ID No. 100081677009 10362 Bolsa Ave # 206 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 10362 Bolsa Ave 207 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 10362 Bolsa Ave STE 110 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Maryam Rahnemun F ID No. 100044080011 14130 Culver Dr STE H2 Irvine, CA 92604-0334 (949) 612-6050 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 520 N Main St STE 220 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4623 (714) 547-1700 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Octaviano Roges M ID No. 100106094016 1211 W La Palma Avenue STE 408 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 353-3250 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joe Rossini M 420 W. Central Ave. STE A Brea, CA 92821 (714) 529-3971 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Shida Saam F ID No. 100093095007 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 106 Irvine, CA 92618-3704 (714) 541-5355 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Dimitri Sirakoff M ID No. 100101202003 1206 E 17th St STE 204 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2641 (714) 835-3500 Languages: Bulgarian, Russian and Spanish
Also located at: 801 N Tustin Ave 203 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3612 (714) 541-5355 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Steele Smith M ID No. 100034201003 3055 W Orange Ave 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3159 (714) 527-7707
Nahla Salem F ID No. 100039479003 8101 Newman Ave STE B Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7042 (714) 847-3030 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
Carlos Sobral M ID No. 100101030005 3300 West Coast Hwy STE A Newport Beach, CA 92663-4007 (949) 491-9991 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Susan Sharp F ID No. 100054467009 17400 Irvine Blvd SUITE M Irvine, CA 92780 (714) 542-5988 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rasha Soliman F ID No. 100093176004 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Perry Sheidayi M ID No. 100090804006 18 Endeavor STE 201 Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 650-5771 Languages: Persian and Spanish
Lauren Stearns F ID No. 100048911004 539 S Brea Blvd 100 Brea, CA 92821-5377 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Joan Sy F ID No. 100090936011 Fatemeh Sheikhan F 1617 E 1st St STE A 24953 Paseo De Valencia Santa Ana, CA 92701-6385 STE 1A (714) 246-0000 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Languages: Farsi and Spanish (949) 460-9200 Languages: Spanish
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Ali Tajik M ID No. 100111646009 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 826-7440 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pumipak Tantamjarik M ID No. 100062433003 12555 Garden Grove Bl 504 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 537-5609 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gardner Tarlow M 215 N State College Blvd STE C Anaheim, CA 92806-2936 (714) 772-2210 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Valdez M ID No. 100064675002 1125 E 17th St STE E224 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2221 (714) 547-0634 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Tanacio Villaruz M ID No. 100210120001 2015 W First St STE L Santa Ana, CA 92703 Languages: Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Maurice Vincent M ID No. 100059140014 410 W Central Ave STE 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 482-2775 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Carmen Terreros F ID No. 100083252004 801 N Tustin Ave STE 607 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3610 (714) 541-4145 Languages: Spanish
Illie Wu F ID No. 100140417003 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (888) 499-4303 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415003 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese
Joseph Yi M ID No. 100070744003 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean
Lethuy Tran F ID No. 100027671007 15355 Brookhurst St 102 Westminster, CA 92683-7077 (714) 775-3050 Languages: Vietnamese
Eva Yong F ID No. 100103838003 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 710 Anaheim, CA 92801-2814 (714) 535-7559 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
George Youssef M ID No. 100057184008 1120 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2805 (714) 774-0754 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 1077 N State College Blvd Anaheim, CA 92806-2702 (714) 774-0754 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice Judy Bourget F ID No. 100078560002 34052 La Plz STE 104 Dana Point, CA 92629-2571 (949) 429-8760 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665035 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703015 767 W 19th St 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Usha Date F ID No. 100036569005 6550 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2612 (714) 522-3333 PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - General Practice Eduardo Disarli M ID No. 100098783005 1514 N Sycamore St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2332 (714) 558-6800 Languages: Spanish
Charles Jackson M ID No. 100068096002 17122 Beach Blvd STE 102 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-5992 (714) 847-6545
Marigangaiah Mahadev M ID No. 100106041006 125 S Chaparral Ct 102 Anaheim, CA 92808-2263 (714) 998-1941 Languages: Hindi
Lien Doan M ID No. 100107624002 2605 W Orangethorpe Ave STE A Fullerton, CA 92833-6225 (714) 871-2850 Languages: Vietnamese
Walter Jayasinghe M ID No. 100073090011 526 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3619 (714) 558-9355 Languages: Sindhi and Spanish
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144052 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Humberto Florian M ID No. 100009997003 2090 S Euclid St 104 Anaheim, CA 92802-3143 (714) 539-2200 Languages: Spanish
Ghadir Kinawy F ID No. 100112668002 1125 E 17th St # W122 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 547-9090
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Samuel Gendler M ID No. 100016358005 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Polish and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Mohamed Hafez M ID No. 100190419005 9918 Katella Ave STE C Anaheim, CA 92804-6466 (714) 625-8320 Languages: Arabic PCPs-General Practci e
Mehar Iqbal F ID No. 100026764026 7851 Walker St STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1734 (714) 670-1261 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Thomas Kockinis M ID No. 100083025003 18811 Huntington St STE 130 Huntington Beach, CA 92648-6003 (714) 596-1105 Languages: Filipino, German, Italian, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPractice
Anne Luhan F ID No. 100174513002 34052 La Plz STE 102 Dana Point, CA 92629-2571 (949) 388-4800 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Burton Lutsky M ID No. 100019368005 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 590-3090 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Roxana Minkus F ID No. 100075946008 2650 S Bristol St 105 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5751 (714) 800-1919 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Michie Moreno F ID No. 100171843003 526 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3619 (714) 558-9355 PCPs -General Practci e
Anthony Naples M ID No. 100074704003 13095 Jamboree Rd Tustin, CA 92782-9150 (714) 838-8254 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -General Practci e
Ann Newsome F ID No. 100043434003 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - General Practice Tung Phan M ID No. 100104854003 10152 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-4754 (714) 530-3939 Languages: Vietnamese
Barry Schwartz M ID No. 100074120003 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 848-7676 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 205 Westminster, CA 92683-5561 (714) 891-7035 Languages: Vietnamese
Joseph Serna M 2620 S Bristol St STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-5503 Languages: Spanish
George Ricks M ID No. 100043431009 25431 Cabot Rd STE 118 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 362-8877 Languages: Polish, Russian and Spanish
Fe Solmayor F ID No. 100021697010 200 S Beach Blvd B La Habra, CA 90631-5180 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Manuel Saenz M ID No. 100045868007 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish
Hoong Foong Tang ID No. 100093986003 3010 W Orange Ave STE 402 Anaheim, CA 92804-3173 (714) 220-3101 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
Sohrab Salamati-Pour M ID No. 100019177011 775 N Tustin St Orange, CA 92867-7128 (714) 628-8888 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
David Sanchez Anaya M ID No. 100067209002 1800 N Bush St Santa Ana, CA 92706-2852 (714) 480-6800 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Thomas Ton M ID No. 100045195005 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Samantha Von Ins F ID No. 100194578007 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Bradley Walker M ID No. 100030573006 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (714) 636-7852 Languages: Armenian and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Yanbing Zeng F ID No. 100032178003 24953 Paseo De Valencia STE 29A Laguna Hills, CA 92653-4343 (949) 951-4953 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Internal Medicine Kyu Ahn M ID No. 100082540007 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 505 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1904 (714) 539-6100 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Woo Sung Ahn M 20145 Pioneer Blvd Lakewood, CA 90715 (562) 916-5020 Languages: Korean PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106007 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549004 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ahmed Badr M ID No. 100103956004 3055 W Orange Ave STE 103 Anaheim, CA 92804-3152 (714) 995-2901 Languages: Arabic PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727004 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600
Khaled Chan M ID No. 100110315004 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Prasad Chode M ID No. 100068754010 8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 319-2085 Languages: Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Bryan Choi M ID No. 100171846003 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 Jagminder Bhalla M (714) 636-7852 ID No. 100039892003 Languages: Korean and 1801 W Romneya Dr STE 405 Spanish Anaheim, CA 92801-1826 (714) 956-3160 Charles Chong M Languages: Hindi ID No. 100008008004 1751 W Romneya Dr STE A Prakash Bondade M Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 ID No. 100014080003 (714) 778-0454 17150 Euclid St STE 218 Languages: Chinese Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4092 Michael Demicco M (714) 241-8552 ID No. 100015801007 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Also located at: Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 (714) 778-1300 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Hosea Brown M Orange, CA 92869-3226 ID No. 100017878004 (714) 633-1823 25431 Cabot Rd 118 Laguna Hills, CA 92653-5518 (949) 362-8877 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Suhasini Deshmukh F ID No. 100013954004 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 310 Orange, CA 92869-3242 (714) 288-6122 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Steven Duckor M ID No. 100042419006 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mohamed El Nachef M ID No. 100031596012 2571 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2622 (714) 827-9797 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768007 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Edgar Flores M ID No. 100100164005 501 S Brookhurst Rd Fullerton, CA 92833-3207 (714) 870-0717 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Syam Gaddam M ID No. 100049186014 11922 Seacrest Dr A Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-9100 Languages: Telugu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Jaya George F ID No. 100029442055 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay
Shelly Heidelbaugh F ID No. 100047032004 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850
Nishu Karki F ID No. 100193993010 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 780-5990
Florina Geron F ID No. 100192553003 4050 Barranca Pky 265 Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 262-9200
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403058 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282
Also located at: 400 Newport Center Dr STE 401 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 262-9200
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311004 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi
Abdul Khan M ID No. 100071815053 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edgardo Gonzalez M ID No. 100090379003 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Victoria Greblya F ID No. 100108123003 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Russian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Asaad Hakim M ID No. 100028104008 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842003 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gurleen Jamarai M 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 503 Anaheim, CA 92801-2812 (714) 533-1707 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Paul Johnson M ID No. 100043271003 12462 Brookhurst St B Garden Grove, CA 92840-4759 (714) 636-9850 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Munazza Khan F ID No. 100109392004 275 Victoria St 1E Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1906 (949) 574-3615 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Bangsun Kim M ID No. 100103485003 2500 Alton Pkwy 108 Irvine, CA 92606-5024 (949) 552-8282 Languages: Korean PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kyoung Kim F ID No. 100002361003 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Korean PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Audrey Konow F 135 South State College Blvd STE 200 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 975-1507 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Kevin Kuettel M ID No. 100083944005 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish
Magdi Messiha M ID No. 100113216003 355 Placentia Ave 201 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3311 (949) 646-4355 Languages: Arabic, Egyptian and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Trang Lam F ID No. 100209485004 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Soledad Lee F ID No. 100074185002 6888 Lincoln Ave STE M Buena Park, CA 90620-4107 (714) 828-8400 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic, Egyptian and Spanish Nabil Morcos M ID No. 100081132003 999 N Tustin Ave STE 15 Santa Ana, CA 92705-6504 (714) 564-8287 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Vinod Malhotra M ID No. 100037061008 11100 Warner Ave 268 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 540-9911 Languages: Punjabi
Benjamin Navarro M ID No. 100104388006 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (888) 499-9303 Languages: Spanish
Manish Marolia M ID No. 100059142002 17822 Beach Blvd 473 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 596-5557 Languages: Spanish
German Navarro M ID No. 100101314003 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dean Ngo M ID No. 100086512005 15606 Brookhurst St B Westminster, CA 92683-7581 (714) 531-0000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Huu Nguyen M ID No. 100105098003 1220 Hemlock Way STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92707-3656 (714) 957-0040 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Tu Nguyen M ID No. 100089327006 10362 Bolsa Ave 207 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 10362 Bolsa Ave # 206 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Vuong Nguyen M ID No. 100086565006 10141 Westminster Ave E Garden Grove, CA 92843-4788 (714) 467-4321 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Su Yong Pak M ID No. 100031287003 5451 La Palma Ave STE 14 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 523-3212 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jae Park M ID No. 100112630016 9535 Garden Grove Blvd STE 104 Garden Grove, CA 92844 (714) 534-1112 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Arun Patel M ID No. 100038680005 907 W Wilshire Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-1635 (714) 871-6161 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Dennis Riff M ID No. 100024546006 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish
Zahra Shahim F ID No. 100189358009 1306 W Stewart Dr STE 602 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-0414 Languages: Farsi
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205007 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish
James Sharkoff M ID No. 100091013003 8045 Cerritos Ave Stanton, CA 90680-2436 (714) 828-2444 Languages: Greek
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Hamendra Rana M ID No. 100037694004 1913 E 17th St STE 106 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8627 (714) 547-6278 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Guy Randazzo M ID No. 100079565060 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 410 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mariam Razi F ID No. 100009289008 361 Hospital Rd STE 227 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (943) 436-7294 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744004 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Joey Arcadio Lun Santos M ID No. 100102178002 1020 S Anaheim Blvd STE 220 Anaheim, CA 92805-5821 (714) 635-7127 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Navin Saran M 1661 W Broadway STE 14 Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 533-1234 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Robert Schiffer M ID No. 100013762002 320 Superior Ave STE 300 Newport Beach, CA 92663-2742 (949) 631-3001 Languages: German, Hungarian and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Prakash Shenoy M ID No. 100039094002 1736 W Medical Center Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1854 (714) 635-1781 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sobha Sunderrajan F 11180 Warener Ave STE 271 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 435-0150 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Telugu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Phuong Ta F ID No. 100166184003 7761 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92841-4200 (714) 898-8888 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hieu Tram M ID No. 100071579003 15355 Brookhurst St 102 Westminster, CA 92683-7077 (714) 775-3060 Languages: French and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Felicia Tran F ID No. 100062100003 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Samy Younis M ID No. 100071541014 62 Corporate Park STE 240 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 451-9292 Languages: Arabic, Spanish and Tagalog
Dong Trang M ID No. 100151117004 8041 Newman Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7034 (888) 499-9303 Languages: Vietnamese
Jung San Yu M ID No. 100010120002 351 Hospital Rd STE 211 Newport Beach, CA 92663-3504 (949) 645-4000 Languages: Chinese
Thuc Tu M ID No. 100094366011 6552 Bolsa Ave N Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2656 (714) 898-9635 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Peter Winkle M ID No. 100053416005 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish
Humayon Khan M ID No. 100063664006 12881 Chapman Ave Garden Grove, CA 92840-4100 (714) 663-2000 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Thuan Vo M ID No. 100028795002 9024 Bolsa Ave Westminster, CA 92683-5531 (714) 899-2911 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 12881 Chapman Ave Garden Grove, CA 92840-4100 (714) 663-2000 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Co Pham M ID No. 100105255006 10362 Bolsa Ave 110 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
Tuan Phan M ID No. 100081677009 10362 Bolsa Ave # 206 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Obsterci s/Gyencol gy
Also located at: 10362 Bolsa Ave 207 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Obsterci s/Gyencol gy
Also located at: 10362 Bolsa Ave STE 110 Westminster, CA 92683-6763 (714) 531-2091 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Obsterci s/Gyencol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs -Aceptni gCur entPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Afdal Allam M ID No. 100092527003 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 Languages: Arabic PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hing Be M ID No. 100104380012 1834 W Lincoln Ave STE P Anaheim, CA 92801-5425 (714) 991-5680 Languages: Cambodian PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Mary Cerni F ID No. 100032147003 1325 N Rose Dr 203 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 529-5674 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Hung-Chuan Cheng M ID No. 100014292002 11100 Warner Ave STE 118 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7500 (714) 444-0724 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yvette Cressey F ID No. 100063109003 1275 N Rose Dr # 124 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 792-0000 Languages: French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364003 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert Doomun M ID No. 100068539003 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Honigman M ID No. 100065501003 3180 Colima Rd A Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-6315 (626) 961-1644 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gayle Hopper F ID No. 100023813003 8970 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-3211 (714) 848-7757 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Jimenez M ID No. 100057119007 520 W 17th St STE 1 Santa Ana, CA 92706-3614 (714) 972-2727 Languages: Spanish
Darrin Luu M ID No. 100044582005 1125 E 17th St N152 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 285-1100 Languages: Vietnamese
Shefali Khandwala F ID No. 100003377014 539 S Brea Blvd STE 100 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish
Mary Ann Nuesse F ID No. 100013556003 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420 Languages: German and Spanish
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687003 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Anna Liu F ID No. 100012178002 11100 Warner Ave # 358 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-1500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Arturo Lopez M 9209 Colima Road 2000B Whittier, CA 90605 (562) 236-2290 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jorge Lopez M ID No. 100061278008 2740 S Bristol St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6232 (714) 825-1844 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Theodore Pastrana M ID No. 100069817003 100 E Valencia Mesa Dr STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 525-4185 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Eliott Romero M ID No. 100092885020 11180 Warner Ave STE 253 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7515 (714) 546-0099 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 999 N Tustin Ave STE 220 Santa Ana, CA 92705-6506 (714) 543-3522 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark Varallo M ID No. 100097001007 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631-6047 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Family Practice Gregory Wolf ID No. 100016876003 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 204 Orange, CA 92869-3240 (714) 633-4040
Joseph Longnecker M ID No. 100031383003 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 306 Placentia, CA 92870-3751 (714) 577-9500
Vincent Wong M ID No. 100211271016 701 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Cantonese
Christopher Lundquist M ID No. 100102789004 2874 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 579-7505 Languages: Spanish
General Practice
Fernando Montelongo M ID No. 100098026003 932 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2109 (714) 997-8050 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Janak Chopra M ID No. 100019119002 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 404 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 638-0232 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-General Practci e
Sheldon Fayner M ID No. 100046044002 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
John Hiserodt M 1720 W Ball Rd STE 4B Anaheim, CA 92804-5588 PCPs-General Practci e
David Keulen M ID No. 100062556004 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (714) 636-7852 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Lucy Saenz F ID No. 100108546011 1203 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-1954 (714) 224-3388 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
David Shek M ID No. 100045699006 1401 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-6246 (714) 772-9800 PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at: 239 N Brea Blvd Brea, CA 92821-4004 (714) 671-0070 PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at: 11803 E Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 (562) 924-4455 PCPs -General Practci e
Internal Medicine Jayendra Amin M ID No. 100036009003 13095 Jamboree Rd Tustin, CA 92782-9150 (714) 838-8254 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Alyn Gary Anderson M ID No. 100092322002 17822 Beach Blvd 166 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 848-8208 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Robby Ayoub M ID No. 100112141013 8201 Newman Ave STE 302 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 847-6900 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Rakesh Bhola M ID No. 100049855004 1781 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1818 (714) 776-2700 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Josephine Choa F ID No. 100111927014 1400 N Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2304 (714) 541-6815 Languages: Burmese, Cantonese, Chinese, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713005 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Joseph Chun M ID No. 100064665021 6261 Stanton Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2436 (714) 739-4325 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Gilbert Gelfand M 15627 Imperial Hwy La Mirada, CA 90638 (562) 944-9994 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shubhangi Godbole F ID No. 100037706031 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Francisco Gonda M ID No. 100053488003 1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2826 (714) 956-5470 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 210 Irvine, CA 92618-3189 (949) 222-9158 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Nguyen Dang M ID No. 100105247072 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Shawn Hamilton F ID No. 100101056002 4902 Irvine Center Dr STE 105 Irvine, CA 92604-3334 (949) 651-9671 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Pin Hung Hsieh M ID No. 100045044007 13522 Newport Ave 102 Tustin, CA 92780-3707 (714) 573-8200 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
David Kramer M ID No. 100009541005 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Su Yong Kuo F 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jason Kurtz M ID No. 100154686003 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd 306 Placentia, CA 92870-3728 (714) 577-9500 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Huan Le M ID No. 100105261004 15355 Brookhurst St 102 Westminster, CA 92683-7077 (714) 775-3066 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
John Lee M ID No. 100009477009 400 N Euclid St Fullerton, CA 92832-1625 (714) 879-8700 Languages: Korean PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jesse Licuanan M ID No. 100032648025 8251 La Palma Ave STE 434 Buena Park, CA 90620 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858003 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Jonathan Ou M ID No. 100189801005 2707 S Diamond Bar Blvd STE 104 Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3500 (909) 594-8331 Languages: Korean
Hung Min Sung M ID No. 100013151002 2621 S Bristol St STE 109 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5718 (714) 754-0310 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese
Joseph Nassir M ID No. 100063669003 17822 Beach Blvd 430 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7101 (714) 843-6800 Languages: Farsi, Hebrew and Spanish
Derek Truong Phan M ID No. 100104855005 9191 Bolsa Ave STE 205 Westminster, CA 92683-5561 (714) 891-7035 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Sampath Suryadevara M ID No. 100062627003 1771 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 520-3000 Languages: Hindi and Telugu
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Daniel Nassir Hilton M ID No. 100077003005 17822 Beach Blvd STE 430 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7508 (714) 843-6800 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Hoang Tran Nguyen M ID No. 100113329003 16040 Harbor Blvd STE G Fountain Valley, CA 92708-1327 (714) 531-7930 Languages: Vietnamese Rosalia Osias F ID No. 100016350002 3340 W Ball Rd STE F Anaheim, CA 92804-3729 (714) 723-0787 Languages: Arabic, Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mark Rodrigues M ID No. 100018244003 1140 W La Veta Ave STE 470 Orange, CA 92868-4200 (714) 245-9900 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Sujata Reddy F ID No. 100022108008 18111 Brookhurst St 6100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 968-6789 Languages: Hindi
Jimmy Soliman M ID No. 100059341010 3801 S Harbor Blvd STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704-7901 (714) 751-5555 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mark Song M ID No. 100031289007 1401 S Brookhurst Rd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92833-4492 (714) 626-0700 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Ali Tabatabai M ID No. 100077842003 23961 Calle Magdalena 426 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 916-7600 Languages: Farsi and Persian PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Hanson Wong M ID No. 100100599025 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 804-7223 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jimmy Wu M ID No. 100109814011 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840-5800 (714) 636-7852 Languages: Arabic, Burmese, Cantonese, Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued PCPs - Obstetrics / Gynecology Obstetrics / Gynecology Ebrahim Duel M ID No. 100018651003 301 N Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-4852 (714) 547-6641 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Eduardo Anguizola M Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA Pomona, CA Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Rahul Doshi M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Jacqueline Eubany F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Also located at: 1400 W Mcfadden Ave STE 4 Santa Ana, CA 92704-3438 (714) 546-8200 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Duke Kim M Garden Grove, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Otto Liao M Ladera Ranch, CA Laguna Hills, CA Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Roger Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Jacob Offenberger M Canyon Country, CA Granada Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Francis Yu M Fullerton, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Chiwai Chan M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA
Brian Kolski M Orange, CA
Reza Mahrou M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Amir Pouradib M Downey, CA Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Arthur Calick M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Tyson Cobb M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Stephen Cohen M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Amir Rafizad M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Richard Deits M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Khuram Akbar Sial M Corona, CA Lake Elsinore, CA Los Angeles, CA Murrieta, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Keyvan Zavarei M Anaheim, CA Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Bahram Eslami M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Mahmoud Eslami Farsani M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Sasan Ghaffari M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Harinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Inderpal Gujral M Aliso Viejo, CA Laguna Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Sepideh Kazemi F Aliso Viejo, CA Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Satinder Swaroop M Fountain Valley, CA
Paul Turek M Mission Viejo, CA
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA
Ronald Vaselenko M Lake Forest, CA Tustin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Parvindar Wadhwa M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Christina Duong F Garden Grove, CA
Ira Bell M Lake Forest, CA
Julie Gutierrez F Tustin, CA
Karen Benik F Lake Forest, CA
Victoria Gyore F Orange, CA
Fernando Canon M Pico Rivera, CA
Lien Hua Feng F Tustin, CA
Joseph Chow M Huntington Beach, CA
Esther Lee F La Habra, CA
Laura Cohen F Huntington Beach, CA
Karol Dangaran F Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
David Lee M Glendale, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Paiboon Mahaisavariya M Downey, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Vinod Malhotra M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Paul Meltzer M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Nabil Morcos M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Stephen Costales M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Carlos Garcia M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
David Greenberg M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Randy Higashi M San Diego, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Timothy Noble M Anaheim, CA
Ramin Rabbani M Laguna Hills, CA
Seyed Shazadeh Safavi M Anaheim, CA
Shankarlingam Sainath M Fountain Valley, CA
Brent Smith M Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tanya Foreman F Newport Beach, CA David Friedman M Anaheim, CA Shireen Guide F Rancho Sta Marg, CA San Clmente, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Shadi Qasqas M Lake Elsinore, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Peter Jung M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
James Pagano M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Dermatology Kevin Belasco M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
David Kramer M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Certified Nurse Practitioner Specai l tyPhysci ans -Certfi edNursePracti oner
Mahaveer Khemka M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Marvi Iqbal F La Palma, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Mary Jung F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Malcolm Ke M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Azin Meshkinpour F Lake Forest, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Dermatology Navid Nami M Newport Beach, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Om Chaurasia M Mission Viejo, CA
Syrus Rayhan M Huntington Beach, CA
Mazin Abdullah M Costa Mesa, CA
Marvous Saunders M Santa Ana, CA
Lawrence Werlin M Irvine, CA
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyReproductvi e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Ronald Shiell M Mission Viejo, CA Newport Beach, CA Rancho Santa Marga, CA Riverside, CA San Clemente, CA
Family Practice
Steven Stanowicz M Orange, CA
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA
Belinda Tan F Mission Viejo, CA Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA San Clemente, CA
Tuan Phan M Westminster, CA
Hing Be M Anaheim, CA
Sirus Farivar M Huntington Beach, CA
Hamid Eskandari M Irvine, CA
Andrew Ko M Fountain Valley, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Nancy Pierre Paul F Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Kim Tang F Lake Forest, CA
Joan Rosenburg F Santa Ana, CA
Melissa Watcher F Orange, CA
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Marshall Grossman M Garden Grove, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Alaa Abousaif M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ole Saetrum Opgaard M Anaheim Hills, CA Herbert Rettinger M Orange, CA
Shahrooz Bemanian M Costa Mesa, CA Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Michael Tran M Orange, CA
Christopher Bui M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Paul Lee M Costa Mesa, CA Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Dennis Riff M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Ashokkumar Amin M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Bachar Kurdi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Robert Schiffer M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Jason Shin M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Kong Peng Yap M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Dick Yip M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Jason Yip M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Victor Yu M Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Corona, CA Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Ramin Zabihi M Mission Viejo, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
General Practice
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Thomas Reynolds M Downey, CA Glendale, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Joseph Longnecker M Placentia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Marigangaiah Mahadev M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Fernando Montelongo M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Genetics Medical Touran Zadeh M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Genetci sMedi cal
Gynecologic Oncology Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA
Infectious Disease
William Han M Fountain Valley, CA
Suhasini Deshmukh F Orange, CA
Bryan Cassim Doo M Whittier, CA
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA
John Lok M Fountain Valley, CA
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA
Gilbert Gelfand M La Mirada, CA
Tuan Ta M Santa Ana, CA
Jaya George F Anaheim, CA
Internal Medicine
Asaad Hakim M Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Daryoosh Samimi M Fountain Valley, CA
Robby Ayoub M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gy
Hematology / Oncology
Ahmed Badr M Anaheim, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Jagminder Bhalla M Anaheim, CA
Youssef Gamal M Anaheim, CA Glendale, CA
Rakesh Bhola M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gci Oncol gy
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gci Oncol gy
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Puneet Chahal F Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gci Oncol gy
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Joseph Chun M Buena Park, CA Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Gurleen Jamarai M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Nishu Karki F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Kyoung Kim F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
David Kramer M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
John Lee M Fullerton, CA
Sampath Suryadevara M Anaheim, CA
Hassan Boroujerdi Rad M Placentia, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA
Ali Tabatabai M Laguna Hills, CA
Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA
Thuan Vo M Westminster, CA
Vinod Malhotra M Fountain Valley, CA
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Sandeep Dang M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA Newport Beach, CA
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Daniel Nassir Hilton M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Rosalia Osias F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Hanson Wong M Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Anooshiravan Hami M Santa Ana, CA Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eCrti cal CareMedci ne
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Medical Oncology
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Dennis Riff M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Haresh Jhangiani M Corona, CA Fountain Valley, CA
Navin Saran M Anaheim, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Robert Schiffer M Newport Beach, CA
Evangeline Reyes F Fountain Valley, CA
Prakash Shenoy M Anaheim, CA
Robert Torrey M Duarte, CA Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Mark Song M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Lalitha Durairaj F Fountain Valley, CA Gaytri Gandotra F Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eCrti cal CareMedci ne
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eCrti cal CareMedci ne
Jonathan Ou M Diamond Bar, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Hoang Tran Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Nathaniel Ho M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Clyde Holstein M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Mohammad Ismail M Anaheim, CA Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Joginder Jodhka M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Ashish Kalthia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Laurence Lewin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Cuong Ly M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Kyaw Moe M Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Magdy Nawar M Mission Viejo, CA
Douglas Chang M Foothill Ranch, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
John Chen M Tustin, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Clyde Holstein M Anaheim, CA Dean Le M Laguna Hills, CA Kiet Loc F Laguna Hills, CA David Lombardi M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA
Mehrdad Mahdad M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Philip Yang M Anaheim, CA Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
William Preston M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Zhanna Rapoport F Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Martin Backman M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Heshmat Foroohar M Encino, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ambica Garg F Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Christine Hoang F Westminster, CA Humayon Khan M Garden Grove, CA Santa Ana, CA Jay Masserman M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Charles Moniak M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Sudha Moola F Corona, CA Riverside, CA
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA
Sunita Moola F Fountain Valley, CA
Bevinahalli Suresh M Anaheim, CA
Co Pham M Westminster, CA
Michael Thompson M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Tuan Phan M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Nguyen Thong M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Michael Shen M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Ebrahim Duel M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
James Park M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Vijayalakshmi Wijeyakumar F Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kenneth Martinez M Aliso Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA
Matthew Clark M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sobha Sunderrajan F Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
John Shaib M Brea, CA Downey, CA Lamirada, CA
Francois Phong Bui M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ajit Sawhney M Fountain Valley, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Rallabhandi Sankaram M Fountain Valley, CA
Lance Betson M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA
Lydia Aguilera F Montebello, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Varuna Raizada F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Ana Sanchez F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Nicole Sharkey F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
William Delapena M Huntington Park, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Kim Anh Doan F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jerald Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Nicholas Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Charles Eifrig M Laguna Hills, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Eddie Garcia M Huntington Park, CA Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Oncology Medical Youssef Gamal M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gyMedi cal
Ophthalmology Sean Adrean M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lawrence Chong M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Anthony Culotta M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Michael Davis M Downey, CA Huntington Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Albert Delapena M Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Melissa Mayberry F Huntington Park, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
George Mayo M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Mohammad Neal M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
George Garcia M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Elizabeth Nguyen F Westminster, CA
Nengjie Ge M Irvine, CA
Herman Rundle M Orange, CA
Zahra Ghiasi F Irvine, CA
Keith Rundle M Orange, CA
Scott Grant M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA
David Sacks M Santa Ana, CA
John Gunn M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Pomona, CA
Steven Schmidt M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA
Lincoln Manzi M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Kaplan M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Gina Lee F Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
George Salib M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Samir Shah M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael Sheety M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Albert Sheffer M Huntington Park, CA Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Valerie Pilon F Santa Ana, CA
Ramin Tayani M Laguna Hills, CA Mission Viejo, CA San Clemente, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Arash Sadeghian M Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Alejandra Uchio F Huntington Park, CA Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA
John Sun M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Paul Sun M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Kauser Sharieff F Orange, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Sarah Vakkalanka F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Lisa Shimada F La Habra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Christopher Yian M Laguna Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Richard Castanon M Hungtington Beach, CA
Ivan Tsai M Huntington Beach, CA
Laura Howard F Orange, CA
Susan Ung F Santa Ana, CA
James Chu M Orange, CA
Jan Lukac M Laguna Hills, CA
Garrett Wada M Anaheim, CA
David Chun M Orange, CA
Thomas Wiant M Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA
Jodie Gandy F Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Benjamin Mandel M Huntington Park, CA Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA Van Nuys, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Druann Mccluskey F Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Lad Rubaum M Panorama City, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Optometrist Charles Dominguez M Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Jay Kwok M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Todd Mishima M Montebello, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Andrew Pilon M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Pediatric Cardiology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Uthara Mohan F Newport Beach, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Keith Weiner M Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Esrafil Abedi M Irvine, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Alexis Furze M Los Alamitos, CA Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Avrum Kaufman M Irvine, CA Ladera Ranch, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Charles Oh M Tustin, CA
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA
Pediatric Pulmonology John Saito M Garden Grove, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Pul monol gy
Pediatrics Rasiq Ahmed M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Robert Pettis M Laguna Beach, CA
Theodore Caliendo M Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Eleanor Chang F Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatrics Allen Iseri M Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Mitali Mitra F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Ruben Ezquerro M Hawaiian Gardens, CA Santa Ana, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Elham Farajian F Huntington Beach, CA
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA
Paul Han M Santa Ana, CA
Jooby Babu M Santa Ana, CA Tustin, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Thanh Quoc Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Praful Sarode M Huntington Beach, CA Norwalk, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation Khuram Akbar Sial M Corona, CA Lake Elsinore, CA Los Angeles, CA Murrieta, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Arash Hassid M Los Angeles, CA Howard Hewlett M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Mimi Mathews F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Podiatrist Daniel Bank M Costa Mesa, CA Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Jonathan Bennett M Fullerton, CA Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Khaled Chan M Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Elbert Chang M Montclair, CA
Deric Lords M Placentia, CA
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA
Michael Poliskie M Lakewood, CA Santa Ana, CA
Michael Fox M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Physicians Assistant
Martin Holt M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Corey Lejeune M Tustin, CA
William Spak M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Phyiscai nsAs si tant
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Arshia Roohian F Laguna Woods, CA
Jeremy Elkins M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Dieumy Thai F Fullerton, CA Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhyiscalMedci ne/Rehabi tl atoi n
Jonathan Ahdoot M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Thu Van F Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Jacqueline White F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Lyman Wilson M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Psychiatry Ravinder Singh F Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Psychologist Mehrangiz Rajab Lundquist F Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Asaad Hakim M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Anooshiravan Hami M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Gene Hong M Montclair, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Abraham Ishaaya M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Panch Jeyakumar M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Fady Kadifa M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Shahram Khorrami M Montclair, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Diseases James Law M Orange, CA
Richard Le M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
David Dang M Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Tammy Le F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Rajesh Lal M Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Sarah Hwang F La Palma, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Jack Stewart M Orange, CA
Glenn Hifumi M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Gerald Ho M La Palma, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA
Richard Guerrero M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
James Gitlin M Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Charanpal Singh M Anaheim, CA
Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Gilbert Gelfand M Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA
Sean Cao M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Robert Freed M Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Mir Behnam Khaleghi M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Francis Lee M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Krishan Khurana M Santa Ana, CA
Santosh Mohanty M Huntington Beach, CA
Tien I Su F Downey, CA
Lan Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA
Thomas Gates M Long Beach, CA
Nina Trinh F La Palma, CA
Thang Dinh Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Harold Klem M Long Beach, CA
Saleem Waraich M Placentia, CA
Laurence Pearl M Newport Beach, CA
Ernest Ngo M Laguna Beach, CA Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA
Surgery Cardiovascular
Richard Stewardson M Placentia, CA
Radiation Oncology Chu Pei Feng F Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
John Thropay M Huntington Beach, CA Montebello, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Radiology Neil Goldstein M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Todd Harris M Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gy
Tuan Lam M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Surgery Colon Surgery Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Richard Stewardson M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery General Vascular Jeffrey Ballard M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Surgery General
Son Duong M Fountain Valley, CA
David Balch M Placentia, CA
Daniel Flanigan M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Vascular William Foley M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Timothy Harward M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Bryan Oh M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Kyle Low M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Hamid Mir M Marina Del Rey, CA Newport Beach, CA Placentia, CA
David Nabi M Newport Beach, CA
Gowriharan Thaiyananthan M Chino Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA San Bernardino, CA
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA
Minh Tran M Westminster, CA
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA
Surgery Orthopedic
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA
Russell Montgomery M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Hand Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryHand
Khiem Dao M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryHand
Surgery Neurological Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Kamran Aflatoon M Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Gerald Alexander M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Afshin Aminian M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Carlo Biscaro M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Gerald Cara M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Edward Chappell M La Mirada, CA Los Angeles, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Khiem Dao M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Farzad Massoudi M Laguna Hills, CA
David Downs M Fullerton, CA
Ali Mesiwala M Pomona, CA San Bernardino, CA
Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Francois Lalonde M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Trong Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Hamid Rahman M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Samuel Rosenfeld M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Israel Rottermann M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Michael Rubinstein M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Bindesh Shah M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Gerald Swanson M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Shail Vyas M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Med Grp Orange, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Kendall Wagner M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Emile Wakim M Huntington Beach, CA
Santosh Mohanty M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Richard Ott M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Paul Wakim M Huntington Beach, CA
Alexander Stein M Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA
Carl Weinert M Mission Viejo, CA
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA
Eugen Williams M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Surgery Plastic Arian Mowlavi M Laguna Beach, CA
Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Nirav Savalia M Newport Beach, CA
William Pearce M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Richard Solmer M Newport Beach, CA
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Michael Sundine M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Steve Vu M Corona, CA Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Robert Torrey M Duarte, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Bernard Turbow M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Robert Wald Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryPlastic
Surgery Thoracic Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Alaa Afifi M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
Tuan Lam M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp Affiliated Hospitals
Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1111 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, 92801
Family Practice
Los Alamitos Medical Center L 3751 Katella Ave Los Alamitos, 90720
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919024 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571021 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Youssef Beshai M ID No. 100106725007 801 N Harbor Bl Anaheim, CA 92805-1810 (714) 774-7500 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Janine Chamberlin F ID No. 100052615019 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd Ali Ahmad M SUITE 100 ID No. 100217570006 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 1125 N Magnolia Ave STE 105 (714) 985-6400 Anaheim, CA 92801 Andrew Chao M (714) 477-8794 ID No. 100221204009 Languages: Arabic, Korean 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd and Spanish STE 100 Martin Ahn M Yorba Linda, CA 92886 ID No. 100029677008 (714) 985-6400 6301 Beach Blvd STE 101 Vey Chen M Buena Park, CA 90621-4030 ID No. 100104371006 (714) 994-5290 8615 Knott Ave 3 Languages: Korean and Buena Park, CA 90620-3841 Spanish (714) 527-4833 Shahida Baig F Languages: Cambodian ID No. 100188037024 Henry Cheng M 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 ID No. 100210518011 Buena Park, CA 90620 751 S Weir Caynon Rd (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808 and Urdu (714) 974-0611 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - Family Practice Wonbae Choe M ID No. 100093101020 720 North Harbor Bvld STE B Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 782-7700 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Kasein Gonzalez Gonzalez M ID No. 100159743006 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Spanish
Shirley Chung F ID No. 100066426005 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish
Ole Heggeness M ID No. 100093510004 10210 Orr And Day Rd A Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670-3500 (562) 863-8774 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lucita Cruz F ID No. 100093627003 12507 Alondra Blvd Norwalk, CA 90650-7351 (562) 802-2203 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344004 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish Rita Glor F ID No. 100095905005 11903 Downey Ave Downey, CA 90242-2529 (562) 869-1121 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Peter Hugh M ID No. 100036607007 3650 South St 204 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 602-8841 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Tuoc Duong M ID No. 100094333005 9009 Mcfadden Ave Westminster, CA 92683-6408 (714) 899-2600 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David Joss M ID No. 100012007006 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M ID No. 100020508009 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave STE 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3264 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Cathrin Lim F ID No. 100198188007 1100b N Tustin Ave D1 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141007 321 N Pomona Ave # B Fullerton, CA 92832-1927 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Catherine Marks F ID No. 100231399007 3400 West Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic
Olga Le Clercq F ID No. 100193245003 6189 La Palma Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-2858 (714) 522-2891
Manuel Mendoza M ID No. 100047566007 16323 Clark Ave Bellflower, CA 90706-5209 (562) 925-7716 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - Family Practice Marianne Mikhail F ID No. 100196873008 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2025 (714) 985-6400 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nasir Mohammedi M ID No. 100092184006 9200 Colima Rd STE 207 Whittier, CA 90605-1814 (562) 945-0252 Languages: French, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Assanassios Moussa Faltas M ID No. 100231398007 3400 W Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic
Octaviano Roges M ID No. 100106094013 1211 W La Palma Avenue STE 408 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 353-3250 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Arthur Nuval M ID No. 100047758007 910 S Knott Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-8674 (714) 527-2888 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Merlie Pacheco Ocampo F ID No. 100073036016 200 S Beach Blvd STE B La Habra, CA 90631-5181 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ki Che M ID No. 100096322005 12506 South St Cerritos, CA 90703-7134 (562) 809-0142 Languages: Korean PCPs-GeneralPractice
Steele Smith M ID No. 100034201004 3055 W Orange Ave 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3159 (714) 527-7707
Usha Date F ID No. 100036569007 6550 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2612 (714) 522-3333
Rasha Soliman F ID No. 100093176006 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish
Eduardo Disarli M ID No. 100098783007 1514 N Sycamore St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2332 (714) 558-6800 Languages: Spanish
Ali Tajik M ID No. 100111646013 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 826-7440 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Tagalog
Mohamed Hafez M ID No. 100190419007 9918 Katella Ave STE C Anaheim, CA 92804-6466 (714) 625-8320 Languages: Arabic
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754005 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese
General Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415006 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Joseph Yi M ID No. 100070744006 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Mehar Iqbal F ID No. 100026764023 7851 Walker St STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1734 (714) 670-1261 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Antonio Reyes M ID No. 100076589003 408 S Beach Blvd STE 111 Anaheim, CA 92804-1866 (714) 826-8800 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - General Practice Internal Medicine
Manuel Saenz M ID No. 100045868004 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish
Ravindra Alapati M ID No. 100039931009 1771 W Romneya Dr STE C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 758-0403 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Telugu
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Chander Sharma M ID No. 100036384006 1771 W Romneya Dr B Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 490-1200 PCPs-General Practci e
Mir Ali M ID No. 100098819005 3400 W Ball Rd STE 205 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 (714) 828-2554 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549008 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian
Fe Solmayor F ID No. 100021697012 200 S Beach Blvd B La Habra, CA 90631-5180 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Hoong Foong Tang ID No. 100093986005 3010 W Orange Ave STE 402 Anaheim, CA 92804-3173 (714) 220-3101 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-General Practci e
Samantha Von Ins F ID No. 100194578006 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Charles Chong M ID No. 100008008005 1751 W Romneya Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 778-0454 Languages: Chinese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 16415 Colorado Ave 304 Paramount, CA 90723-5035 (562) 531-4171
PCPs-General Practci e
Prasad Chode M ID No. 100068754011 8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 319-2085 Languages: Telugu
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727008 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jagminder Bhalla M ID No. 100039892005 1801 W Romneya Dr STE 405 Anaheim, CA 92801-1826 (714) 956-3160 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Prakash Bondade M ID No. 100014080018 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael Demicco M ID No. 100015801009 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Steven Duckor M ID No. 100042419008 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Mohamed El Nachef M ID No. 100031596014 2571 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2622 (714) 827-9797 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768002 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic
Edgardo Gonzalez M ID No. 100090379005 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Tagalog
Nishu Karki F ID No. 100193993012 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 780-5990
Hashem Fatemi M 5471 La Palma Ave STE 103 La Palma, CA 90623-1798 (714) 523-7122 Languages: Arabic, Farsi and Spanish
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403060 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282
Kyoung Kim F ID No. 100002361006 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Stuart Finkelstein M ID No. 100102931010 3650 South St 101 Lakewood, CA 90712-1502 (562) 633-1765 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edgar Flores M ID No. 100100164007 501 S Brookhurst Rd Fullerton, CA 92833-3207 (714) 870-0717 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Syam Gaddam M ID No. 100049186016 11922 Seacrest Dr A Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-9100 Languages: Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jaya George F ID No. 100029442057 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842006 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Gurleen Jamarai M 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 503 Anaheim, CA 92801-2812 (714) 533-1707 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Deno Kang M ID No. 100097156006 18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204 Artesia, CA 90701-4407 (562) 402-9801 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Soo Woong Kang M ID No. 100028701005 11832 E Rosecrans Ave 127 Norwalk, CA 90650-4107 (562) 868-6256 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Krishan Krishna M ID No. 100103100003 3356 W Ball Rd STE 210 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 826-0910 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 15030 Imperial Hwy B Lamirada, CA 90638-1301 (562) 943-6584 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kevin Kuettel M ID No. 100083944007 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Thirapan Kunakornskul M ID No. 100020325002 1120 W La Palma Ave STE 6 Anaheim, CA 92801-2820 (714) 776-6930 Languages: Lao and Thai PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Soledad Lee F ID No. 100074185004 6888 Lincoln Ave STE M Buena Park, CA 90620-4107 (714) 828-8400 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Ravi Makam M ID No. 100051306004 1120 W La Palma Ave 14 Anaheim, CA 92801-2801 (714) 774-9747 Languages: Spanish and Telugu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Su Yong Pak M ID No. 100031287006 5451 La Palma Ave STE 14 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 523-3212 Languages: Korean PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dilip Patel M ID No. 100051977004 3400 W Ball Rd 212 Anaheim, CA 92804-3738 (714) 527-1000 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish
Mohamed Rajudin M ID No. 100090406003 3010 W Orange Ave STE 404 Anaheim, CA 92804-3173 (714) 229-9500 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog Dennis Riff M ID No. 100024546008 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Navin Saran M ID No. 100077890004 1661 W Broadway Anaheim, CA 92802-1110 (714) 533-1234 Languages: Hindi
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gnyandev Patel M ID No. 100078689009 3300 E South St STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 232-2380 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Corazon Medina F ID No. 100027774003 1751 W Romneya Dr STE H Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 563-2114 Languages: Tagalog
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205010 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Also located at: 1661 W Broadway STE 14 Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 533-1234 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
James Sharkoff M ID No. 100091013005 8045 Cerritos Ave Stanton, CA 90680-2436 (714) 828-2444 Languages: Greek PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Prakash Shenoy M ID No. 100039094004 1736 W Medical Center Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1854 (714) 635-1781 Languages: Hindi PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Sami Shoukair M ID No. 100032341009 5471 La Palma Ave STE 103 La Palma, CA 90623-1798 (714) 523-7122 Languages: Arabic, Farsi and Fukienese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Felicia Tran F ID No. 100062100005 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Scott Tran M ID No. 100105049011 9876 Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-6418 (714) 534-4001 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Peter Winkle M ID No. 100053416007 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish
Robert Doomun M ID No. 100068539006 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606
Mark Varallo M ID No. 100097001008 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631-6047 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687005 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Vincent Wong M ID No. 100211271017 701 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Cantonese
Vikram Marfatia M ID No. 100111167036 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 817-5603 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish
General Practice
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Petra Wong F 3801 Katella Ave STE 300 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-6472 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Hyuk Lee M ID No. 100013809008 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 303 Bellflower, CA 90706-6769 (562) 804-4441 Languages: Korean PCPs-Obste rics/Gynecol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Hing Be M ID No. 100104380014 1834 W Lincoln Ave STE P Anaheim, CA 92801-5425 (714) 991-5680 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364008 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alireza Mirzabozorg M ID No. 100029872007 6189 La Palma Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-2858 (714) 522-2891 Languages: Farsi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alicia Nugas F ID No. 100054868005 22408 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1546 (562) 421-2188 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Chunilal Shah M ID No. 100023127004 15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104 Lamirada, CA 90638-1600 (562) 947-1619 Languages: Hindi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Janak Chopra M 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 404 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 638-0232 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-GeneralPractice
Sheldon Fayner M ID No. 100046044004 3356 W Ball Rd STE 206 Anaheim, CA 92804-3728 (714) 827-8890 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Shubhangi Godbole F ID No. 100037706032 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Fernando Montelongo M ID No. 100098026006 932 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2109 (714) 997-8050 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - General Practice Lucy Saenz F ID No. 100108546013 1203 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-1954 (714) 224-3388 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Joseph Chun M ID No. 100064665019 6261 Stanton Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2436 (714) 739-4325 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Francisco Gonda M ID No. 100053488005 1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2826 (714) 956-5470 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Also located at: 15775 Laguna Canyon Rd STE 210 Irvine, CA 92618-3189 (949) 222-9158 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Andy Tuan Ho M ID No. 100089484009 9081 Bolsa Ave STE 109 Westminster, CA 92683-5590 (714) 891-7393 Languages: Turkish and Vietnamese
Nguyen Dang M ID No. 100105247074 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Pin Hung Hsieh M ID No. 100045044009 13522 Newport Ave 102 Tustin, CA 92780-3707 (714) 573-8200 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
David Shek M ID No. 100045699009 1401 S Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805-6246 (714) 772-9800 PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 239 N Brea Blvd Brea, CA 92821-4004 (714) 671-0070 PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at: 11803 E Carson St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 (562) 924-4455 PCPs-General Practci e
Internal Medicine Rakesh Bhola M ID No. 100049855006 1781 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1818 (714) 776-2700 Languages: Hindi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Gilbert Gelfand M 15627 Imperial Hwy La Mirada, CA 90638 (562) 944-9994 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 12291 Washington Blvd 300 Whittier, CA 90606-2500 (562) 758-6600 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 12456 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 758-6600 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
John Lee M ID No. 100009477010 400 N Euclid St Fullerton, CA 92832-1625 (714) 879-8700 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jesse Licuanan M ID No. 100032648026 8251 La Palma Ave STE 434 Buena Park, CA 90620 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 3300 E South St STE 205 Long Beach, CA 90805 (562) 531-0377 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Manfred Molina M ID No. 100088371003 4433 Slauson Ave Maywood, CA 90270-2931 (323) 560-4373 Languages: Spanish
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Pramod Multani M ID No. 100090763005 8333 Iowa St STE 200 Downey, CA 90241-4994 (562) 923-1211 Languages: Hindi
Roger Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology John Ogai M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Anesthesiology Pain Management George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA John Ogai M Anaheim, CA
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sampath Suryadevara M ID No. 100062627004 1771 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 520-3000 Languages: Hindi and Telugu
Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyImunol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Ricardo Castro M Anaheim, CA Garden Grove, CA Long Beach, CA Clarence Hunter M La Mirada, CA Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Cardiology Hashem Fatemi M La Palma, CA
Edward Komberg M La Palma, CA
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA
Ferdinand Lopez M Corona, CA Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Mahaveer Khemka M Anaheim, CA
William Welch M Buena Park, CA Norco, CA
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Oscar Matthews M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Lawrence Nichols M La Palma, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Sami Shoukair M La Palma, CA
Sharam Yashar M Anaheim, CA Signal Hill, CA
Certified Nurse Practitioner
Emergency Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Allergy Immunology
Robert Andrade M La Mirada, CA
Peter Jung M Anaheim, CA
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Specialty Physicians
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mark Song M ID No. 100031289010 1401 S Brookhurst Rd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92833-4492 (714) 626-0700 Languages: Korean
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Certfi edNursePractioner
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Shirish Patel M ID No. 100027543006 5220 Clark Ave STE 125 Lakewood, CA 90712-2623 (562) 925-7401 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi
Lisa Wheadon F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Jennifer Fuentes F Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-CertifedNurse Practi oner
Julie Gutierrez F Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-CertifedNurse Practi oner
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
Darryl Werner M Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Emergency Medci ne
Endocrinology Metabolism Michael Perley M Lakewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Endocrinology Metabolism Herbert Rettinger M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Aleem Syed M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Chander Sharma M Anaheim, CA Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -General Practie
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Gynecologic Oncology Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA
Fikret Atamdede M Newport Beach, CA
Joseph Chun M Buena Park, CA Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Nasir Mohammedi M Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Gastroenterology Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA
John Micha M Newport Beach, CA Ramin Mirhashemi M Newport Beach, CA
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA
Hashem Fatemi M La Palma, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Chunilal Shah M Lamirada, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Alberto Mendivil M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Joan Rosenburg F Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Rakesh Bhola M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Onocl ogy
Hing Be M Anaheim, CA
Jagminder Bhalla M Anaheim, CA
Daryoosh Samimi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Hematology / Oncology
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Stuart Finkelstein M Lakewood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA
Ambika Bali F Anaheim, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Gilbert Gelfand M La Mirada, CA Whittier, CA
Rangarao Panguluri M Baldwin Park, CA Whittier, CA
Reena Vora F Anaheim, CA
Jaya George F Anaheim, CA
Infectious Disease
Dick Yip M Anaheim, CA
Bharat Chauhan M Anaheim, CA
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA
Jason Yip M Anaheim, CA
William Thompson M Newport Beach, CA
General Practice
Internal Medicine
Deno Kang M Artesia, CA
Fernando Montelongo M Orange, CA
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA
Nishu Karki F Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Gurleen Jamarai M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Mohammad Ismail M Anaheim, CA Paramount, CA
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
John Lee M Fullerton, CA
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Jesse Licuanan M Long Beach, CA
Anooshiravan Hami M Anaheim, CA
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA
Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Kyoung Kim F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eCrti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eCrti cal CareMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni eCrti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Pramod Multani M Downey, CA
Medical Oncology
Gnyandev Patel M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Shirish Patel M Lakewood, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Mohamed Rajudin M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Dennis Riff M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Navin Saran M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Robert Torrey M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOncol ogy
Nephrology Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA Heena Contractor F Los Alamitos, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sami Shoukair M La Palma, CA
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA
Mark Song M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sampath Suryadevara M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Asha Ravikumar F Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Jack Rubin M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Leonard Shapiro M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Adarsh Daswani M Lakewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Prakash Shenoy M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Mohamed Rajudin M Anaheim, CA
Neurology Aaron Allen M Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
John Chen M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Alan Cohen M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Alex Hsu M Long Beach, CA
Clyde Holstein M Anaheim, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Elham Jafarimojarrad F Garden Grove, CA La Mirada, CA
Tom Chang M Anaheim, CA Arcadia, CA Huntington Beach, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Omid Omidvar M Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Nima Ramezan Arab M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Anthony Culotta M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Bookinakere Subhas M Anaheim, CA
Yadavindar Dang M La Palma, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Bevinahalli Suresh M Anaheim, CA Gregory Chan M Anaheim, CA
Michael Davis M Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA
In Hur M Anaheim, CA
Selena Fu F Anaheim, CA
Hyung Kim M Santa Ana, CA
Scott Grant M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Hyuk Lee M Bellflower, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Nilima Mamtora F Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
John Pinches M Hawaiian Gardens, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ophthalmology Sean Adrean M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Jessica Boeckmann F Anaheim Hills, CA Long Beach, CA Tustin, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Mercer Mcclure M Chino, CA Diamond Bar, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Jason Moss M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Mohammad Neal M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Anne Nguyen F Monterey Park, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Mark Osterloh M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Steven Schmidt M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Kevin Suk M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Sharon Theodore F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Paul Urrea M Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Jeanine Yamanaka F Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
John Gunn M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Ilan Hartstein M La Palma, CA
Orlando Camacho M Monterey Park, CA
Joshua Hedaya M Anaheim Hills, CA Huntington Beach, CA Pasadena, CA
Robert Frohn M Bellflower, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Optometrist Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Anthony Huang M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Kristie Lin F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Optometrist Evelyn Perez F Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA
Kunal Shah M Bellflower, CA
Physicians Assistant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Michael Poliskie M Laguna Hills, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Jacob Sweidan M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Karen Dawson F
William Spak M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Otolaryngology / Otology / Anaheim, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Wenjay Sung M Orange, CA
Martin Garcia M La Palma, CA
Lyman Wilson M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Nazih Haddad M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Samuel Whitaker M Alhambra, CA
Martin Holt M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Mimi Mathews F Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Dwight Bergquist M Lakewood, CA
Jonathan Bennett M Fullerton, CA Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Steven Macina M Huntington Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol aryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Otology Samuel Whitaker M Alhambra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otol ogy
Pediatric Cardiology James Chu M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Richard Wittner M Long Beach, CA Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pediatric Endocrinology
Robert Blaine M Anaheim, CA La Mirada, CA
James Pratty M Cerritos, CA Torrance, CA
Frank Caruana M Los Alamitos, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Bhavna Bali F Long Beach, CA
Corey Lejeune M Tustin, CA
Pablito Nagpala M Long Beach, CA
Deric Lords M Placentia, CA
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
Stanley Lowe M South Gate, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Paula Groncy F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Jagminder Bhalla M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Howard Hewlett M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA James Lee M Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Jooby Babu M Santa Ana, CA Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Ryan Culver M Corona, CA Garden Grove, CA
Juliana Austin F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Psyhci atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Anooshiravan Hami M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Richard Le M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Tammy Le F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Puml onaryDiseases
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Pulmonary Diseases Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Radiation Oncology Chu Pei Feng F Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Thomas Gates M Long Beach, CA
Darice Yang F Downey, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Surgery Cardiovascular Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Surgery Colon Surgery Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Ayman Neoman M Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Surgery General
John Thropay M Alhambra, CA Garden Grove, CA
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Surgery Neurological Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA Blake Berman M Anaheim, CA Corona, CA La Mirada, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol on Surgery
Ernest Ngo M Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Hand
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Harold Klem M Long Beach, CA
David Weil M Garden Grove, CA La Mirada, CA Long Beach, CA
David Balch M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Edward Chappell M La Mirada, CA Los Angeles, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Daniel Lemay M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Orthopedic
Radiology Therapeutic
Sean Cao M Newport Beach, CA
John Thropay M Montebello, CA
Felix Gaw M Anaheim, CA
Edwin Ashley M Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Rheumatology Gerald Ho M La Palma, CA Monterey Park, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Sarah Hwang F La Palma, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Gerald Cara M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
David Weil M Garden Grove, CA La Mirada, CA Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Michael Maehara M Downey, CA Long Beach, CA
Surgery General Vascular Zenia Cortes F Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA
Tien I Su F Downey, CA
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA
Nina Trinh F La Palma, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Surgery Hand
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Ying Chi F Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryHand
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Tushar Doshi M Anaheim, CA Corona, CA La Mirada, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Byron Field M Anaheim, CA Garden Grove, CA
Raymond Folmar M Anaheim, CA
Alfred Sidhom M Anaheim, CA
Neil Katz M Long Beach, CA
Raymond Sleiman M Long Beach, CA
Stanley Katz M Anaheim, CA Long Beach, CA
Robert Torrey M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Todd Katzman M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Kanu Patel M La Palma, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA
Manilal Mehta M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Barton Wachs M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jeffrey Yoshida M Irvine, CA Mission Viejo, CA Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Pomona, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Shail Vyas M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrhtopedci
Surgery Pediatric Fombe Ndiforchu M Carson, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Surgery Plastic Farbod Esmailian M Los Alamitos, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Surgery Thoracic Naveen Dhar M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Robert Shuman M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Thomas Tzeng M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA Affiliated Hospitals
Samuel Agra M ID No. 100094821008 6245 De Longpre Ave STE 206 Hollywood, CA 90028 (323) 785-1223 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Orange County Global Medical Center Inc 1001 N Tustin Ave Santa Ana, 92705
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Placentia Linda Hosp L 1301 N Rose Dr Placentia, 92870
Urgent Care Centers
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Jose Aceves M ID No. 100087152003 14609 Whittier Blvd Whittier, CA 90605-1723 (562) 789-9592 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Jacqueline Aguiluz F ID No. 100040919026 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3251 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog
Juan Alas Pocasangre M ID No. 100113677006 325 E La Habra Blvd La Habra, CA 90631-5439 (562) 691-7100 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Sarah Apollo F 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd STE 105 B Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 998-3627 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rodolfo Arevalo M ID No. 100090280040 947 S Anaheim Blvd STE 270 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-1491 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ali Ahmad M ID No. 100217570008 1125 N Magnolia Ave STE 105 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 477-8794 Languages: Arabic, Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 507 S Atlantic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 446-0201 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Nicola Azar M ID No. 100230221003 2928 E Cesar Chavez Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 266-6700 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 5831 Firestone Blvd STE E South Gate, CA 90280 (562) 806-7545 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Martin Ahn M ID No. 100029677010 6301 Beach Blvd STE 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-4030 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shahida Baig F ID No. 100188037026 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Soma Barua F ID No. 100107663005 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Bengali and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mark Benor M ID No. 100190342006 5901 Green Valley Cir STE 405 Culver City, CA 90230-6971 (424) 266-7474 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571023 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Bruno Bucci M ID No. 100107030004 620 S Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701-5716 (714) 547-6485 Languages: Italian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
James Burris M ID No. 100058553006 2540 N Santiago Blvd Orange, CA 92867-1862 (714) 921-1030 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steven Callahan M ID No. 100065724011 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782-0221 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samuel Carlis M ID No. 100027518007 20932 Brookhurst St 101 Huntington Beach, CA 92646-6638 (714) 963-4559 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Andrew Chao M ID No. 100221204011 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 985-6400 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Po Zan Chen M ID No. 100034944003 2605 1\2 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-2309 (323) 722-5700 Languages: Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Henry Cheng M ID No. 100210518013 751 S Weir Caynon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808 (714) 974-0611 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Wonbae Choe M ID No. 100093101022 720 North Harbor Bvld STE B Fullerton, CA 92832 (714) 782-7700 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235008 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Melvin Coats M ID No. 100072311011 9209 Colima Rd STE 2000B Whittier, CA 90605 (562) 236-2290 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Malihe Dardashti F ID No. 100049473004 8500 Wilshire Blvd STE 625 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3120 (310) 360-9785 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 2530 S San Pedro St Los Angeles, CA 90011-1520 (213) 748-0449 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Shirley Chung F ID No. 100066426007 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Ali Dariushnia M ID No. 100111583006 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 538-4576 Languages: Farsi, French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Semira Dariushnia F ID No. 100110877010 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 288-0052 Languages: French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Pamela Davis F ID No. 100041044004 9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1840 (310) 623-1248 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edward Drake M ID No. 100079863006 1325 N Rose Dr 201 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 203-1760 Languages: German and Spanish
Teresa Flores F ID No. 100207722009 1206 E 17th Street STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 352-2911 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nicole Garcia F ID No. 100042455008 6200 E Canyon Rim Rd 105B Anaheim, CA 92807-4317 (714) 998-3627 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
John Geiss M ID No. 100226234009 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 306 Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 577-9500 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Tuoc Duong M ID No. 100094333006 9009 Mcfadden Ave Westminster, CA 92683-6408 (714) 899-2600 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344006 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish
Christine Gerges F ID No. 100158463009 539 S Brea Blvd Fl 1 STE 100 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-2936 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 7901 Walker St La Palma, CA 90623 (714) 671-2936 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Alonzo Flores M ID No. 100068916004 229 S Glassell St Orange, CA 92866-1945 (714) 639-0303 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Eric Huang M ID No. 100176957012 1550 Superior Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 270-2107 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 307 Placentia Ave STE 107 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 270-2153 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 331 W Halesworth Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 (949) 270-2107 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
David Jesse M ID No. 100066948008 3000 E Birch St STE 110 Brea, CA 92821-6261 (714) 996-5770 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Cadrin Gill M ID No. 100018059008 231 W Vernon Ave STE 101 Los Angeles, CA 90037-2778 (323) 231-5181 Languages: French, German and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Kasein Gonzalez Gonzalez M ID No. 100159743008 710 N Euclid St STE 101 Anaheim, CA 92801-4122 (714) 517-2100 Languages: Spanish
Rita Glor F ID No. 100095905006 11903 Downey Ave Downey, CA 90242-2529 (562) 869-1121 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pauline Jose F ID No. 100093308010 8631 W 3rd St STE 1135E Los Angeles, CA 90048-5901 (310) 657-8455 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice David Joss M ID No. 100012007008 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141009 321 N Pomona Ave # B Fullerton, CA 92832-1927 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daryoush Khoshrou M ID No. 100106485006 801 N Tustin Ave STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3607 (714) 558-1310 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gloria Ko F 18575 E Gale Ave STE 205 City Of Industry, CA 91748 (626) 964-3900 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pat Kouwabunpat M ID No. 100059386009 1610 W Edinger Ave B Santa Ana, CA 92704-4339 (714) 641-1610 Languages: Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Olga Le Clercq F ID No. 100193245009 6189 La Palma Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-2858 (714) 522-2891 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Stephen Lee M ID No. 100020508010 21508 Norwalk Blvd Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716-1122 (562) 865-5214 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 13330 Bloomfield Ave STE 111 Norwalk, CA 90650-3264 (562) 868-0733 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Cathrin Lim F ID No. 100198188009 1100b N Tustin Ave D1 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 1 Hope Dr Tustin, CA 92782 (714) 247-0300 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Augustin Lin M ID No. 100098652003 13768 Roswell Ave STE 120 Chino, CA 91710-1404 (909) 396-1755 Languages: Burmese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Marcus Lum M ID No. 100100282005 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Brian Madden M ID No. 100021378006 2143 S Sepulveda Blvd STE 300 Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 575-3100 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Catherine Marks F ID No. 100231399009 3400 West Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Payam Marouni M ID No. 100083045003 13750 Victory Blvd Van Nuys, CA 91401-2324 (818) 988-9090 Languages: Armenian, Farsi, Filipino, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Edgar Martinez M ID No. 100082313004 3512 E Florence STE 102 Huntington Park, CA 90255-5900 (323) 582-1180 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Mayorga M ID No. 100087830017 330 W Halesworth Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 (949) 270-2132 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Maria Corazon Meris F ID No. 100110591005 3400 W Ball Rd STE 102 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 816-0088 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Marianne Mikhail F ID No. 100196873010 16671 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 100 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2025 (714) 985-6400 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Sarvenaz Mobasser M ID No. 100153132006 204 E Pico Bl Los Angeles, CA 90015 (213) 457-4000 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Nasir Mohammedi M ID No. 100092184007 9200 Colima Rd STE 207 Whittier, CA 90605-1814 (562) 945-0252 Languages: French, Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Famyli Practci e
John Molina M ID No. 100083037035 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish Bijan Motamedi M ID No. 100031621008 2121 S San Pedro St Los Angeles, CA 90011-1160 (213) 742-0300 Languages: Russian and Spanish Assanassios Moussa Faltas M ID No. 100231398009 3400 W Ball Rd STE 202 Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 236-9663 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Angel Perez M ID No. 100099270004 6517 Eastern Ave Bell Gardens, CA 90201-3003 (323) 773-8295 Languages: Spanish
Merlie Pacheco Ocampo F ID No. 100073036018 200 S Beach Blvd STE B La Habra, CA 90631-5181 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Maryam Rahnemun F ID No. 100044080013 14130 Culver Dr STE H2 Irvine, CA 92604-0334 (949) 612-6050 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
Mehrdad Pakdaman M ID No. 100110209004 1115 S Robertson Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90035-1403 (310) 659-9999 Languages: Farsi, French, Hebrew and Spanish
Also located at: 520 N Main St STE 220 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4623 (714) 547-1700 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Thomas Parsa M ID No. 100049311006 2864 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 996-9708 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Joseph Nguyen M ID No. 100163754007 14571 Magnolia St STE 105 Westminster, CA 92683-5575 (714) 892-1313 Languages: Vietnamese
Deepak Patel M ID No. 100074311024 215 N State College Blvd STE A Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 517-0467 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Octaviano Roges M ID No. 100106094015 1211 W La Palma Avenue STE 408 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 353-3250 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rafael Rubalcava M ID No. 100087553005 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Kristine Percy F ID No. 100038660006 539 S Brea Blvd 100 Brea, CA 92821-5377 (714) 671-2936 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Nahla Salem F ID No. 100039479025 8101 Newman Ave STE B Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7042 (714) 847-3030 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 4720 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92869 (714) 771-7600 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Donald Salis M ID No. 100024714013 14359 Pioneer Blvd # A Norwalk, CA 90650-4850 (626) 864-7279 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kiritkumar Shah M ID No. 100013708002 3434 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90023-1708 (323) 268-6751 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Reuven Sison M ID No. 100035348011 9401 Long Beach Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-4144 (323) 582-8612 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Smita Soans F 4545 E. 3rd St. 102 Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 266-7888 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Rasha Soliman F ID No. 100093176008 400 W Central Ave 106 Brea, CA 92821-3013 (714) 990-1882 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Lauren Stearns F ID No. 100048911006 539 S Brea Blvd 100 Brea, CA 92821-5377 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Fatemeh Sheikhan F 1617 E 1st St STE A Santa Ana, CA 92701-6385 (714) 246-0000 M Languages: Farsi and Spanish Ali Tajik ID No. 100111646011 3400 W Ball Rd STE 207 Dimitri Sirakoff M ID No. 100101202015 Anaheim, CA 92804-3737 1206 E 17th St STE 204 (714) 826-7440 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2641 Languages: Farsi, Spanish (714) 835-3500 and Tagalog Languages: Bulgarian, Russian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Khai Tran M ID No. 100154415008 15068 Moran St Westminster, CA 92683-6505 (714) 897-3690 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Valdez M ID No. 100064675004 1125 E 17th St STE E224 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2221 (714) 547-0634 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Carolina Vazquez F ID No. 100068234006 6501 Eastern Ave A Bell Gardens, CA 90201-3003 (323) 771-0145 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roger Wang M ID No. 100012781005 1125 E 17th St # W239 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 835-1818 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Yi Wang M ID No. 100108881007 1661 Hanover Rd 201 City Of Industry, CA 91748-1796 (626) 965-4628 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joseph Yi M ID No. 100070744008 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Joseph Carella M ID No. 100006676028 517 N Main St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4684 (714) 647-0401 Languages: Spanish
Antonio Zamorano M 4864 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90029 (323) 661-2700 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
General Practice Edward Alexander M ID No. 100070872008 3000 E 1st St Los Angeles, CA 90063-2807 (323) 262-6935 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Seung Chang M ID No. 100031281005 19687 Valley Blvd Walnut, CA 91789-2146 (909) 598-5228 Languages: Korean PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 2032 Marengo St Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 987-1030 Languages: Spanish
Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703018 767 W 19th St 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish
Ludvik Artinyan M ID No. 100089389004 5300 Santa Monica Blvd 200 Los Angeles, CA 90029-1131 (323) 461-5882 Languages: Armenian, Russian and Turkish
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Eung Bai M ID No. 100015977003 12017 Rosecrans Ave Norwalk, CA 90650-4120 (562) 868-2027 Languages: Korean PCPs-General Practci e
Gerardo Canchola M ID No. 100096665021 2621 S Bristol St STE 302 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5719 (714) 662-7710 Languages: Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Elizabeth Covington F ID No. 100047336005 3701 Stocker St STE 101 Los Angeles, CA 90008-5145 (323) 290-2107 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Usha Date F ID No. 100036569009 6550 Knott Ave Buena Park, CA 90621-2612 (714) 522-3333 PCPs-GeneralPractice
Ada Elena Del Rivero-Yamuy F ID No. 100081963004 3831 Hughes Ave 101 Culver City, CA 90232-2751 (310) 204-0104 Languages: French, Italian and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Jose Delgado M ID No. 100081694002 5240 E Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022-2002 (323) 727-9936 PCPs -General Practci e
Eduardo Disarli M ID No. 100098783009 1514 N Sycamore St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2332 (714) 558-6800 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Lien Doan M ID No. 100107624005 2605 W Orangethorpe Ave STE A Fullerton, CA 92833-6225 (714) 871-2850 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs -General Practci e
Manouchehr Esmaili M ID No. 100021677004 13132 Studebaker Rd 1 Norwalk, CA 90650-2557 (562) 868-5757 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice Solemon Hakimi M ID No. 100016247013 1140 S Robertson Blvd 3 Los Angeles, CA 90035-1404 (310) 659-2029 Languages: Farsi and Persian
Zhanna Feldsher F ID No. 100107054020 2928 E Cesar E Chavez Ave Los Angeles, CA 90033-3110 (323) 266-6700 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Violeta Galdamez F ID No. 100060868005 2955 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5836 (323) 585-0732 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 5831 Firestone Blvd SUITE E South Gate, CA 90280 (562) 806-7545 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Also located at: 6831 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-4805 (323) 581-8234 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 2915 Santa Monica Blvd STE 1 Santa Monica, CA 90404-2438 (310) 449-0098 Languages: Farsi and Persian
Geoffrey Furman M ID No. 100070608003 801 N Tustin Ave STE 602 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3610 (714) 245-2417 Languages: Spanish
Nijole Glaze F ID No. 100107626004 3611 M L King Jr Blvd 102 Lynwood, CA 90262 (310) 608-3600 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Humberto Herrera M ID No. 100084659015 6831 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-4805 (562) 734-7070 Languages: Spanish
Fernando Gonzales M ID No. 100054605006 12444 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602-1005 (562) 698-0161 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Also located at: 2955 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5836 (323) 585-0732 Languages: Spanish
Luis Galdamez M ID No. 100060866006 6831 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-4805 (323) 581-8234 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Also located at: 2955 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5836 (323) 585-0732 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Ali Hadadz M 9808 Venice Blvd 503 Culver City, CA 90232 (310) 204-5510 Languages: Farsi and Turkish PCPs -General Practci e
Mohamed Hafez M ID No. 100190419009 9918 Katella Ave STE C Anaheim, CA 92804-6466 (714) 625-8320 Languages: Arabic PCPs -General Practci e
Mehar Iqbal F ID No. 100026764025 7851 Walker St STE 105 La Palma, CA 90623-1734 (714) 670-1261 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Walter Jayasinghe M ID No. 100073090014 526 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3619 (714) 558-9355 Languages: Sindhi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice Aram Keusayan M ID No. 100009569003 7643 Atlantic Ave Cudahy, CA 90201-5019 (323) 771-1713 PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
Richard Powell M ID No. 100024673007 5901 W Olympic Blvd STE 504 Los Angeles, CA 90036-4633 (323) 935-5858 Languages: French and Spanish
Also located at: 2701 Firestone Blvd W South Gate, CA 90280-2778 (323) 249-6162 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Galina Makovoz F ID No. 100011704013 7607 Santa Monica Blvd STE 27 Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 650-5494 Languages: Russian PCPs-General Practci e
Venancio Prado M ID No. 100085347028 7507 Seville Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-6027 (323) 587-0088 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Jamshid Maleki M ID No. 100096014005 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
Michie Moreno F ID No. 100171843006 526 W 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92706-3619 (714) 558-9355 PCPs-General Practci e
Also located at: 6301 Greenleaf Ave Whittier, CA 90601-3536 (562) 693-9880 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Francisco Rodriguez M ID No. 100057058010 330 W Las Tunas Dr 1 San Gabriel, CA 91776 (626) 284-3300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
Henrico Mungcal M ID No. 100078123003 1937 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806-5321 (562) 591-7302 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog
Saeid Sadighi M ID No. 100026409009 11702 Imperial Hwy 110 Norwalk, CA 90650-2890 (562) 406-8655 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Karine Kirakosyan F ID No. 100108758007 500 E Olive Ave 315 Burbank, CA 91501-3316 (818) 972-1000 Languages: Armenian and Russian
PCPs-General Practci e
Francisco Paredes M ID No. 100083263007 9315 Telegraph Rd Pico Rivera, CA 90660-5424 (562) 654-6855 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Manuel Saenz M ID No. 100045868006 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Sohrab Salamati-Pour M ID No. 100019177014 775 N Tustin St Orange, CA 92867-7128 (714) 628-8888 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
David Sanchez Anaya M ID No. 100067209005 1800 N Bush St Santa Ana, CA 92706-2852 (714) 480-6800 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Barry Schwartz M ID No. 100074120009 17822 Beach Blvd STE 367 Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7116 (714) 848-7676 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice Joseph Serna M 2620 S Bristol St STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 545-5503 Languages: Spanish PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Pagiel Shechter M ID No. 100111125007 9808 Venice Penthouse Culver City, CA 90232-2732 (310) 733-4171 Languages: Arabic and Hebrew PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Boris Shemer M ID No. 100012155003 7607 Santa Monica Blvd STE 28 West Hollywood, CA 90046-6400 (323) 656-7094 Languages: Russian PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Valery Shulman M ID No. 100068188006 7559 Santa Monica Blvd STE 201 Los Angeles, CA 90046-6406 (323) 878-2523 Languages: Armenian and Russian PCPs-GeneralPracitce
Salvador Sotomayor M ID No. 100047494008 5036 Passons Blvd STE 2 Pico Rivera, CA 90660-2864 (562) 654-2800 Languages: Italian and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Jose Villagomez M ID No. 100098576008 12099 Washington Blvd 400 Los Angeles, CA 90066-5891 (310) 398-3803 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Etsegenet Ayele F ID No. 100111549011 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600 Languages: Russian PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Internal Medicine Richard Aguilar M ID No. 100091768010 8327 Davis St # 202 Downey, CA 90241-4998 (562) 923-8055 Languages: Spanish
Steven Becker M ID No. 100073727011 5122 Katella Ave 210 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-2826 (562) 598-0600
Also located at: 7705 Seville Ave # B Huntington Park, CA 90255-6315 (323) 582-7406 Languages: Spanish
Mahesh Bhuta M ID No. 100017600004 9711 Venice Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034-5109 (310) 559-9884 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Woo Sung Ahn M 20145 Pioneer Blvd Lakewood, CA 90715 (562) 916-5020 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Fe Solmayor F ID No. 100021697013 200 S Beach Blvd B La Habra, CA 90631-5180 (562) 267-7000 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Jamshid Baharvar M ID No. 100031435007 2428 Santa Monica Blvd STE 404 Santa Monica, CA 90404-2047 (310) 828-6868 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish
Samantha Von Ins F ID No. 100194578008 5451 La Palma Ave STE 19 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 521-9126 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Rosario Sison F ID No. 100014006004 9401 Long Beach Blvd South Gate, CA 90280-4144 (323) 567-9782 Languages: Spanish
Anwar Arastu M ID No. 100081281005 12675 La Mirada Blvd 200 La Mirada, CA 90638-2200 (562) 941-9853 Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Prakash Bondade M ID No. 100014080020 11180 Warner Ave STE 167 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 241-8552 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Harvey Brown M ID No. 100016720005 1400 S Grand Ave 605 Los Angeles, CA 90015-3048 (213) 742-0910
Kenneth Cohen ID No. 100048385003 2101 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-3951 (323) 724-3210
Adrienne Burrows F ID No. 100034608002 9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1840 (424) 888-6298
Michael Demicco M ID No. 100015801011 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300
Mohammad Chaudhry M ID No. 100108117006 101 E Beverly Blvd 401 Montebello, CA 90640-4317 (323) 722-2260 Languages: Pakistan, Punjabi and Urdu
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Prasad Chode M ID No. 100068754012 8255 Firestone Blvd STE 501 Downey, CA 90241 (562) 319-2085 Languages: Telugu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Peter Chung M ID No. 100092881004 3220 S Brea Canyon Rd STE H Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3481 (909) 594-1848 Languages: Chinese and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Also located at: 15651 Imperial Hwy 202 Lamirada, CA 90638-1628 (562) 943-6761 Languages: Chinese and Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
William Essilfie M ID No. 100036714007 1141 W Redondo Beach Blvd STE 307 Gardena, CA 90247-3583 (310) 715-6100 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Omar Fadeel M ID No. 100061768010 3356 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3727 (714) 827-6625 Languages: Arabic PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Marshal Fichman M 8635 W 3rd St STE 292W Los Angeles, CA 90048-6152 (310) 271-5784 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jack Ditlove M 414 N Camden Dr STE 775 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 274-0200 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Steven Duckor M ID No. 100042419010 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Dana Eisenman M ID No. 100093408003 150 N Robertson Blvd # 350n Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2142 (310) 360-7671 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Mohamed El Nachef M ID No. 100031596016 2571 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2622 (714) 827-9797 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish
Edgar Flores M ID No. 100100164009 501 S Brookhurst Rd Fullerton, CA 92833-3207 (714) 870-0717 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Alexander Ford M ID No. 100016645005 1125 S Beverly Dr STE 700 Los Angeles, CA 90035-1180 (310) 277-6405 Languages: Hebrew and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Syam Gaddam M ID No. 100049186018 11922 Seacrest Dr A Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-9100 Languages: Telugu PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Yulionas Gayauskas M ID No. 100108826015 8540 S Sepulveda Blvd STE 1006 Los Angeles, CA 90045-3819 (310) 695-9911 Languages: Latvian and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jaya George F ID No. 100029442059 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Malay
Martin Hauptschein M ID No. 100020000008 2080 Century Park E STE 1006 Los Angeles, CA 90067-2013 (310) 553-6777 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 2101 Hillhurst Ave Los Angeles, CA 90027-2003 (323) 664-2931 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Azmy Ghaly M ID No. 100096562005 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Randall Gilbert M ID No. 100014350008 4340 Overland Ave Culver City, CA 90230-4117 (310) 842-7500 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Edgardo Gonzalez M ID No. 100090379007 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Randy Hawkins M ID No. 100019881004 644 E Regent St STE 200 Inglewood, CA 90301-1444 (310) 674-5353 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Julie Hwynn F ID No. 100104842008 12555 Garden Grove Bl 301 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 741-0501 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shaheen Iqbal M ID No. 100063587003 609 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-3623 (323) 728-6445 Languages: Punjabi and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Peter Jalbuena M ID No. 100110009005 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Arabic, Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kenneth Horwitz M ID No. 100027403062 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311007 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi
Gurleen Jamarai M 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 503 Anaheim, CA 92801-2812 (714) 533-1707 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
Daryl Houston M ID No. 100099309010 3831 Hughes Ave STE 707 Culver City, CA 90232-6841 (310) 838-7381
Alberto Jimeno M ID No. 100031981005 6061 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022-4428 (323) 725-1795 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 575 E Hardy St STE 320 Inglewood, CA 90301-4051 (310) 838-7381
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Armen Hovhannisyan M 8444 Crenshaw Blvd Inglewood, CA 90305-1914 Languages: Armenian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Lloyd Johnson M ID No. 100048486004 120 S Montebello Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-4730 (323) 726-0533 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Steven Kamara M ID No. 100060416003 6221 Wilshire Blvd STE 617 Los Angeles, CA 90048-5215 (323) 935-9700 Languages: Farsi, French and Hebrew PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Michael Kamiel M ID No. 100018638006 9808 Venice Blvd STE 503 Culver City, CA 90232-6804 (310) 559-3663 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Deno Kang M ID No. 100097156008 18102 Pioneer Blvd STE 204 Artesia, CA 90701-4407 (562) 402-9801 Languages: Korean PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Soo Woong Kang M ID No. 100028701006 11832 E Rosecrans Ave 127 Norwalk, CA 90650-4107 (562) 868-6256 Languages: Korean PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Nishu Karki F ID No. 100193993014 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 (714) 780-5990 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Bangsun Kim M ID No. 100103485007 2500 Alton Pkwy 108 Irvine, CA 92606-5024 (949) 552-8282 Languages: Korean
Kyoung Kim F ID No. 100002361008 1211 W La Palma Ave 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Henry Kirsch M ID No. 100081785003 9808 Venice Blvd STE 503 Culver City, CA 90232-6804 (310) 287-3111 Languages: German and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Herbert Kornfeld M ID No. 100020417009 2080 Century Park E STE 1207 Los Angeles, CA 90067-2015 (310) 553-2122 Languages: French and Russian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Kevin Kuettel M ID No. 100083944009 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish
Michael Kwok M ID No. 100099747004 3220 S Brea Canyon Rd H Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3481 (909) 594-1848 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Also located at: 15651 Imperial Hwy 202 Lamirada, CA 90638-1628 (562) 943-6761 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Eddie Lam M ID No. 100037917008 333 S Garfield Ave A Alhambra, CA 91801-3800 (626) 289-7333 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Soledad Lee F ID No. 100074185006 6888 Lincoln Ave STE M Buena Park, CA 90620-4107 (714) 828-8400 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Rita Kumar F ID No. 100049178004 4340 Overland Ave Culver City, CA 90230-4117 (310) 559-4411 Languages: Hindi and Urdu
Arthur Lipper M ID No. 100016050004 150 N Robertson Blvd STE 350 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2127 (310) 659-8977 PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Ravi Makam M ID No. 100051306006 1120 W La Palma Ave 14 Anaheim, CA 92801-2801 (714) 774-9747 Languages: Spanish and Telugu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jamshid Niknam M ID No. 100034501006 401 S La Brea Ave Inglewood, CA 90301-2321 (310) 275-7575 Languages: Farsi PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 1901 W Badillo St West Covina, CA 91790-1133 (626) 962-5625 Languages: Spanish and Telugu
Vlad Nusinovich M ID No. 100108840011 7855 Santa Monica Blvd 201 W Hollywood, CA 90046 (310) 623-9222 Languages: Russian and Ukrainian
Ricardo Mckenzie M ID No. 100008528005 3680 E Imperial Hwy STE 470 Lynwood, CA 90262-2662 (310) 604-3456 Languages: Spanish
Su Yong Pak M ID No. 100031287008 5451 La Palma Ave STE 14 La Palma, CA 90623-1729 (714) 523-3212 Languages: Korean
James Meltzer M ID No. 100036842004 8920 Wilshire Blvd STE 333 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2003 (310) 855-1288 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Gnyandev Patel M ID No. 100078689012 3300 E South St STE 206 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 232-2380 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Mike Mirahmadi M 435 N Bedford Dr STE 212 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 858-5090 Languages: Farsi
Jose Perez M ID No. 100045624017 1905 E Gage Ave Los Angeles, CA 90001-1817 (323) 604-0260 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 3392 Motor Ave Los Angeles, CA 90034-3712 (310) 777-6667 Languages: Farsi
Also located at: 3500 Whittier Blvd STE 107 Los Angeles, CA 90023-1746 (323) 604-0260 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Barry Neidorf M 2080 Century Park E STE 1006 Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 277-2771 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Celyne Phung F ID No. 100241205012 1211 West La Palma Ave STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 772-8282 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Adrian Quezada M ID No. 100210123008 4205 Slauson Ave Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-0118 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Francisco Quijas M ID No. 100057183005 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave 3900 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2424 (323) 307-0800 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
David Ramin M ID No. 100070442006 9025 Wilshire Blvd STE 210 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1825 (310) 276-7575 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 3831 Hughes Ave 707 Culver City, CA 90232-2751 (310) 276-7575 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
David Razi M ID No. 100111147012 3451 W Century Blvd B1 Inglewood, CA 90303-1227 (310) 677-9400 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Jonathan Reitman M ID No. 100098687005 8920 Wilshire Blvd 310 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1920 (310) 360-7690 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mohammad Rezvani M ID No. 100002495011 9808 Venice Blvd STE 603 Culver City, CA 90232 (310) 842-8988 Languages: Farsi PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744007 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish
Prakash Shenoy M ID No. 100039094006 1736 W Medical Center Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1854 (714) 635-1781 Languages: Hindi
Aida Salatinjants F ID No. 100060463005 13132 Studebaker Rd 3 Norwalk, CA 90650-2557 (562) 406-7070 Languages: Armenian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish
Min Shin M ID No. 100039805002 2968 E Florence Ave Huntington Park, CA 90255-5826 (323) 583-1500 Languages: Korean
Soumitra Sarkar M ID No. 100110821007 2614 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-2310 (323) 728-0653 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Steven Simons M ID No. 100039424009 9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 200 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (310) 274-3444 Languages: Spanish
Arunpal Sehgal M ID No. 100023415053 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805-4595 (562) 817-5602 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish
Mehran Sourehnissani M ID No. 100017070011 3451 W Century Blvd STE B1 Inglewood, CA 90303-1228 (310) 677-9400 Languages: Farsi, Persian and Spanish
Zahra Shahim F ID No. 100189358012 1306 W Stewart Dr STE 602 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-0414 Languages: Farsi
Syed Tirmizi M 9808 Venice Blvd STE 404 Culver City, CA 90232 (310) 556-0702 Languages: Hindi and Urdu
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sherril Rieux F ID No. 100090334003 9001 Wilshire Blvd STE 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-1840 (310) 623-1248 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dennis Riff M ID No. 100024546010 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Michael Roach M ID No. 100025936005 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
James Sharkoff M ID No. 100091013007 8045 Cerritos Ave Stanton, CA 90680-2436 (714) 828-2444 Languages: Greek PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Robert Rothbart M ID No. 100091212005 1400 S Grand Ave 605 Los Angeles, CA 90015-3048 (213) 742-0910 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Felicia Tran F ID No. 100062100007 6301 Beach Blvd 101 Buena Park, CA 90621-2840 (714) 994-5290 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Scott Tran M ID No. 100105049013 9876 Katella Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-6418 (714) 534-4001 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Jacob Tsadok M ID No. 100049517004 11645 Wilshire Blvd STE 1090 Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 277-9010 Languages: Hebrew and Persian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thuc Tu M ID No. 100094366013 6552 Bolsa Ave N Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2656 (714) 898-9635 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Arturo Vega M ID No. 100114303006 3742 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90023-1704 (323) 780-4100 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Thuan Vo M ID No. 100028795004 9024 Bolsa Ave Westminster, CA 92683-5531 (714) 899-2911 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Peter Winkle M ID No. 100053416009 1211 W La Palma Ave 306 Anaheim, CA 92801-2815 (714) 778-1300 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Also located at: 2617 E Chapman Ave 302 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 633-1823 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Henry Winn M ID No. 100093502004 15651 E Imperial Hwy 102b Lamirada, CA 90638-1600 (562) 947-9591 Languages: French, Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Wuu Shyon Wu M ID No. 100031524007 101 E Beverly Blvd STE 201 Montebello, CA 90640-4315 (323) 722-5163 Languages: Chinese and Taiwanese PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Bao Yang M ID No. 100013604006 149 N 6th St Montebello, CA 90640-5257 (323) 721-5121 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Zia Hashemi M ID No. 100081811005 4750 Gage Ave Bell, CA 90201-1351 (323) 562-1100 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Hing Be M ID No. 100104380015 1834 W Lincoln Ave STE P Anaheim, CA 92801-5425 (714) 991-5680 Languages: Cambodian PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Malvin Yan M ID No. 100096349018 3625 M L King Jr Blvd 4 Lynwood, CA 90262 (310) 886-0869 Languages: Filipino and Spanish
Oyindamola Carew Akenzua F ID No. 100111532009 8540 S Sepulveda Blvd # 150 Westchester, CA 90045-3807 (310) 417-4014 Languages: Spanish
Also located at: 15718 Paramount Blvd Paramount, CA 90723-4352 (562) 634-2111 Languages: Filipino and Spanish
Hector Castillo M ID No. 100099559025 12751 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 636-7852 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Mary Cerni F ID No. 100032147005 1325 N Rose Dr 203 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 529-5674 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 2707 E Valley Blvd 103 West Covina, CA 91792-3195 (626) 810-7772 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Edgar Chavez M ID No. 100113952007 1005 E Washington Blvd A Los Angeles, CA 90021-3020 (213) 745-3636 Languages: Spanish Yvette Cressey F ID No. 100063109004 1275 N Rose Dr # 124 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 792-0000 Languages: French PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Hiep Dang M ID No. 100105364010 14160 Brookhurst St Garden Grove, CA 92843-4657 (714) 590-9697 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687007 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Lina Dela Cruz F 140 N Orange Ave STE 104 West Covina, CA 91790 (626) 800-4200 Languages: Spanish
Agustin Lara M ID No. 100132602008 1005 E Washington Blvd A Los Angeles, CA 90021-3020 (213) 745-3636 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ker Chow Chang M ID No. 100098906031 400 W. Central Ave STE. 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 255-1148 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Steven Davis M ID No. 100104693003 1125 Via Verde San Dimas, CA 91773-4400 (909) 592-9778 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert Doomun M ID No. 100068539008 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sylvia Garcia F ID No. 100077529003 14442 Whittier Blvd STE 105 Whittier, CA 90605-2162 (562) 945-1940 Languages: French and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Honigman M ID No. 100065501005 3180 Colima Rd A Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-6315 (626) 961-1644 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Shefali Khandwala F ID No. 100003377017 539 S Brea Blvd STE 100 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Anna Liu F ID No. 100012178005 11100 Warner Ave # 358 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 966-1500 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Arturo Lopez M ID No. 100065929005 14350 Whittier Blvd 215 Whittier, CA 90605-2138 (562) 236-2290 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jorge Lopez M ID No. 100061278009 2740 S Bristol St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6232 (714) 825-1844 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Gregory Maddex M ID No. 100040238002 1111 Grand Ave STE L Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4172 (909) 860-2605 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Family Practice Vikram Marfatia M ID No. 100111167038 3300 E South St STE 305 Lakewood, CA 90805 (562) 817-5603 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Alireza Mirzabozorg M ID No. 100029872008 6189 La Palma Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-2858 (714) 522-2891 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Raymond Moallemi M ID No. 100166748020 3755 Beverly Blvd STE 301 Los Angeles, CA 90004-3540 (323) 664-7777 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Chunilal Shah M ID No. 100023127005 15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104 Lamirada, CA 90638-1600 (562) 947-1619 Languages: Hindi
Gregory Wolf ID No. 100016876005 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 204 Orange, CA 92869-3240 (714) 633-4040
Laura Tangredi F 1040 East Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866 (714) 532-5353 Languages: Spanish
Vincent Wong M ID No. 100211271019 701 N Euclid St STE 107 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 533-4511 Languages: Cantonese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Alex Tran M ID No. 100099441021 321 S Mednik Ave Los Angeles, CA 90022-1839 (323) 266-7888 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese Also located at: 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Fernando Montelongo M ID No. 100098026008 932 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2109 (714) 997-8050 Languages: Spanish
Mark Varallo M ID No. 100097001009 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631-6047 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Spanish
Omar Perez M ID No. 100057349006 10728 Ramona Blvd STE A El Monte, CA 91731-2601 (626) 442-9430 Languages: Spanish
Lorenzo Vazquez M ID No. 100098995019 1840 N Hacienda Blvd 10 La Puente, CA 91744-1143 (626) 931-6618 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
General Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 4036 Whittier Blvd STE 200 Los Angeles, CA 90023-2561 (323) 796-0500 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Loghman Abdian M ID No. 100073292014 1107 S Alvarado St 102 Los Angeles, CA 90006-4184 (213) 380-9999 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs-GeneralPractice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Also located at: 15433 Amar Rd La Puente, CA 91744-2811 (626) 336-3023 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Benjamin Behroozan M ID No. 100063736016 5255 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90027-5716 (323) 463-7262 Languages: Farsi PCPs-GeneralPractice
Also located at: 2221 Lincoln Blvd # 200 Santa Monica, CA 90405-1320 (310) 396-9999 Languages: Farsi PCPs-GeneralPractice
Geetha Gabbita F ID No. 100042459005 14568 Whittier Blvd Whittier, CA 90605-2129 (562) 698-8263 Languages: Hindi, Kannada, Spanish, Tamil and Telugu PCPs-GeneralPractice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - General Practice John Goff M ID No. 100041392015 11942 Paramount Blvd B Downey, CA 90242-2306 (562) 923-6060 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-General Practci e
PCPs-General Practci e
John Hiserodt M ID No. 100083566009 1720 W Ball Rd STE 4B Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 254-0224
PCPs-General Practci e
Emmanuel Mojtahedian M ID No. 100083035008 6425 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90022-4603 (323) 728-0101 Languages: Farsi, French and Spanish
PCPs -General Practci e
PCPs -General Practci e
Lucy Saenz F ID No. 100108546015 1203 N Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92801-1954 (714) 224-3388 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Also located at: 1215 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA 92701-2640 (714) 547-4411 Languages: Spanish PCPs -General Practci e
Masha Livhits F ID No. 100109597006 6399 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048-5712 (323) 653-6431 Languages: Russian and Spanish
Also located at: 3012 San Gabriel Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770-2536 (626) 572-8692 Languages: Spanish
Francisco Jimenez M ID No. 100037048046 517 N Main St 100 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4686 (714) 647-0401 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
John Luster M ID No. 100055509003 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 306 Orange, CA 92869-3243 (714) 997-1920 Languages: French, Spanish and Tagalog Sandra Madrid F ID No. 100072138003 12462 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602-1005 (562) 693-0725 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Joseph Longnecker M ID No. 100031383004 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd STE 306 Placentia, CA 92870-3751 (714) 577-9500
Ruben Ruiz M ID No. 100069818010 3342 Whittier Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90023-2206 (323) 267-1214 Languages: Spanish
Luis Hernandez M ID No. 100102836004 1817 W Beverly Blvd Montebello, CA 90640-3969 (323) 721-5524 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-General Practci e
Christopher Lundquist M ID No. 100102789005 2874 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 579-7505 Languages: Spanish
Muhammad Nasir M ID No. 100010943020 12826 E Philadelphia St STE A Whittier, CA 90601 (562) 789-9908 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Spanish and Urdu PCPs-GeneralPractice
Vijay Wali ID No. 100057324008 1001 E Chapman Ave D Fullerton, CA 92831-3851 (714) 451-0000 Languages: Hindi PCPs -General Practci e
Gordon Wong M ID No. 100044156005 409 W Main St Alhambra, CA 91801-3433 (626) 382-1263 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs -General Practci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Internal Medicine
Robert Cons M ID No. 100066030006 14609 Whittier Blvd Whittier, CA 90605-1723 (562) 789-9592 Languages: Spanish
Nagasamudra Ashok M ID No. 100015725020 1648 Tyler Ave B South El Monte, CA 91733-3440 (626) 579-0103 D Cotton F Languages: Hindi and Spanish ID No. 100101282004 12474 Washington Blvd Hossein Babaali M Whittier, CA 90602-1005 ID No. 100055673004 (562) 698-9779 2428 Santa Monica Blvd 402 Languages: Spanish Santa Monica, CA 90404-2045 Nguyen Dang M (310) 829-3385 ID No. 100105247076 Languages: Farsi, Portuguese 1211 W La Palma Ave and Spanish STE 207 Anaheim, CA 92801-2810 Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M (714) 772-8282 ID No. 100109933054 1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese Fullerton, CA 92835-4131 (714) 441-0591 Jay Doostan M Languages: Gujarati, Hindi ID No. 100015263021 and Urdu 1700 Westwood Blvd Fl 1 Los Angeles, CA 90024-5608 Hassan Boroujerdi Rad M (310) 703-4233 ID No. 100104057010 Languages: Farsi 14350 E Whittier Blvd 101 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Gilbert Gelfand M 15627 Imperial Hwy La Mirada, CA 90638 (562) 944-9994 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 12291 Washington Blvd 300 Whittier, CA 90606-2500 (562) 758-6600 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 12456 Washington Blvd Whittier, CA 90602 (562) 758-6600 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Shubhangi Godbole F ID No. 100037706033 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Whittier, CA 90605-2164 David Frisch M (562) 907-7616 ID No. 100038818003 Languages: Farsi and Spanish 150 N Robertson Blvd STE 350A Victor Carabello M Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2160 ID No. 100081104007 (310) 659-6716 1700 E Cesar E Chavez Ave
Jeffrey Helfenstein M ID No. 100017948003 99 N La Cienega Blvd STE 203 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-2285 (310) 289-9955 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
STE L200 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2470 (323) 526-2880 Languages: Spanish Elena Chetver F ID No. 100106395013 7531 Santa Monica STE 210 West Hollywood, CA 90046 (323) 650-2991 Languages: Russian PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Andy Tuan Ho M 9081 Bolsa Ave STE 109 Westminster, CA 92683-5590 (714) 891-7393 Languages: Turkish and Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Pin Hung Hsieh M ID No. 100045044011 13522 Newport Ave 102 Tustin, CA 92780-3707 (714) 573-8200 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Diana Hsu F ID No. 100083052010 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin and Taiwanese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Marina Kovalevsky F ID No. 100111801007 7737 Santa Monica Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90046-6269 (323) 650-3335 Languages: Russian PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Jason Kurtz M ID No. 100154686006 1041 E Yorba Linda Blvd 306 Placentia, CA 92870-3728 (714) 577-9500
Also located at: 11822 Floral Dr Whittier, CA 90601-2900 (562) 908-4355 Languages: Spanish
Kelvin Mai M ID No. 100050858006 2337 W 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92703-3503 (714) 547-3915 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Marian Jalil F ID No. 100063468005 14350 Whittier Blvd STE 200 Whittier, CA 90605-2148 (562) 945-7671 Languages: Arabic and Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Scott Leeds M ID No. 100080756003 415 N Crescent Dr STE 225 Beverly Hills, CA 90210-6809 (310) 777-0159 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Son Hong Le M 9143 E Valley Blvd 101A Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 573-3545 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Juan Montes M ID No. 100078246040 321 S Mednik Ave Los Angeles, CA 90022-1839 (323) 266-7888 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Goethe Hsu M ID No. 100079668008 12651 Lakewood Blvd Downey, CA 90242-4561 (562) 861-3111 Languages: Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog and Taiwanese
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
John Lee M ID No. 100009477012 400 N Euclid St Fullerton, CA 92832-1625 (714) 879-8700 Languages: Korean
Lakshman Makandura M ID No. 100064168019 2219 S Hacienda Blvd STE 101 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-4610 (626) 961-2461 Languages: Sinhala and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Also located at: 910 S Sunset Ave STE 8 West Covina, CA 91790-3409 (626) 338-8407 Languages: Sinhala and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Luzviminda Montecillo F ID No. 100110526012 645 Aerick St STE 1 Inglewood, CA 90301-4882 (310) 673-2764 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Shura Moreno M ID No. 100060367013 4146 E Olympic Blvd STE B Los Angeles, CA 90023-3347 (323) 262-9948 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jesus Muro M ID No. 100059589005 3831 Hughes Ave STE 707 Culver City, CA 90232-6841 (310) 838-7381 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Jonathan Ou M ID No. 100189801006 2707 S Diamond Bar Blvd STE 104 Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3500 (909) 594-8331 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
George Pang M ID No. 100031445003 8135 Painter Ave STE 305 Whittier, CA 90602-3174 (562) 693-8258 Languages: Burmese and Cantonese PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Stella Popova F ID No. 100054109007 7258 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90046-3410 (323) 654-7716 Languages: Armenian and Russian
Ajit Shah M ID No. 100025295003 15651 Imperial Hwy STE 104 Lamirada, CA 90638-1600 (562) 947-1619 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish
Yelena Vaynerov F ID No. 100018315005 7559 Santa Monica Blvd STE 201 Los Angeles, CA 90046-6406 (323) 878-2523 Languages: Russian
Raj Prasad M ID No. 100113281007 9808 Venice Blvd STE 707 Culver City, CA 90232-6802 (310) 237-0023
Pejman Shamekh M ID No. 100109108003 2080 Century Park E STE 1207 Los Angeles, CA 90067-2015 (310) 788-0074 Languages: Farsi and Persian
Jyotika Wali F ID No. 100091396006 1001 E Chapman Ave D Fullerton, CA 92831-3851 (714) 451-0000 Languages: Hindi
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sujata Reddy F ID No. 100022108011 18111 Brookhurst St 6100 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-6728 (714) 968-6789 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jimmy Soliman M ID No. 100059341013 3801 S Harbor Blvd STE B Santa Ana, CA 92704-7901 (714) 751-5555 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Siamak Rouzroch M ID No. 100110083016 1703 Termino Ave STE 107 Long Beach, CA 90804-2126 (562) 494-8008 Languages: Farsi, German and Spanish
James Song M ID No. 100071690074 16404 Colima Rd FL 1 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 581-8330 Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish
Joel Schneider M ID No. 100011099006 9201 W Sunset Blvd STE 212 Los Angeles, CA 90069-3703 (310) 273-4291
Mark Song M ID No. 100031289012 1401 S Brookhurst Rd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92833-4492 (714) 626-0700 Languages: Korean
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Payam Shadi M ID No. 100082069004 633 S La Brea Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036-3521 (323) 938-9999 Languages: Farsi, Korean and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Sampath Suryadevara M ID No. 100062627006 1771 W Romneya Dr C Anaheim, CA 92801-1817 (714) 520-3000 Languages: Hindi and Telugu PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victor Wassily M ID No. 100112054038 101 E. Beverly Blvd STE 202 Montebello, CA 90640 (323) 722-7711 Languages: Arabic, Armenian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Philip Weinstein M ID No. 100033759007 16660 Paramount Blvd STE 201 Paramount, CA 90723-5457 (562) 633-3131 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Steven Witlin M 10100 Culver Blvd STE A Culver City, CA 90232 (310) 845-9311 Languages: Russian and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Hanson Wong M ID No. 100100599024 10230 Artesia Blvd STE 201 Bellflower, CA 90706-6768 (562) 804-7223 Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Nga Wong F ID No. 100081834010 819 W Cesar E Chavez Ave Los Angeles, CA 90012-2130 (213) 613-1255 Languages: Chinese and Vietnamese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Glen Wool M ID No. 100067323003 300 S Beverly Dr STE 108 Beverly Hills, CA 90212-4804 (310) 556-7991 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Sepideh Zahedy Kapusta F ID No. 100111617003 2094 W La Habra Blvd La Habra, CA 90631-5007 (562) 697-1001 Languages: Farsi, German and Spanish PCPs-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology
Stephen Wong M Alhambra, CA Hacienda Heights, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Anesthesiology Ricardo Chambi M Maywood, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Hooman Rastegar M Long Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
George El Khoury M Long Beach, CA Reza Mahrou M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Roger Nguyen M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Sheri Koplik F Beverly Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Leon Kupferwasser M Tarzana, CA Van Nuys, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Benjamin Shwachman M Covina, CA
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Kaushal Tamboli M Downey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease Edward Abdullah M San Bernardino, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Keyvan Zavarei M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Brian Kolski M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Leon Robb M Culver City, CA Valley Village, CA
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA
Christina Economides F Los Angeles, CA
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA Westminster, CA
Duke Kim M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Michael Hakimi M Van Nuys, CA
Amir Rafizad M Fountain Valley, CA
John Lauridsen M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Pravin Kapadia M Norwalk, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA
Hossein Eftekhari M Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
Amir Pouradib M Downey, CA Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Behnoush Zarrini M Beverly Hills, CA
Bruce Friedman M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Satinder Bhatia M Beverly Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Cardiac Electrophysiology Jacqueline Eubany F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi acEel ctrophysoi l gy
Neil Buchbinder M Beverly Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Steven Burstein M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
David Cannom M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Leon Kupferwasser M Tarzana, CA Van Nuys, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jay Lee M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Bruce Samuels M Beverly Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Munaf Shamji M Tarzana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Tyson Cobb M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Suhail Dohad M Beverly Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Anantjit Singh M Downey, CA
Rex Liu M Alhambra, CA Montebello, CA
Charles Swerdlow M Beverly Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Yaron Elad M Beverly Hills, CA
Paiboon Mahaisavariya M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA
Peter Fung M Alhambra, CA Montebello, CA
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Eli Gang M Beverly Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Harinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Placentia, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Ivan Ho M Los Angeles, CA
Pareshkumar Patel M Whittier, CA
Debra Judelson F Beverly Hills, CA
Charles Pollick M Los Angeles, CA
Ronald Karlsberg M Beverly Hills, CA
Leo Polosajian M Reseda, CA
Sheri Koplik F Beverly Hills, CA
Robert Rose M Beverly Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Steven Tabak M Beverly Hills, CA Kaushal Tamboli M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Mason Weiss M Culver City, CA Inglewood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Keith Yabumoto M El Segundo, CA Michael Yeh M Alhambra, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Vinh Khiem Nguyen M Westminster, CA Joan Orlando F Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Guy Mayeda M Los Angeles, CA
Michael Hakimi M Van Nuys, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Xiushi Liu F Alhambra, CA Glendale, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Hossein Eftekhari M Downey, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Robert Lerman M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Richard Deits M Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Madan Sharma M Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascularDsi ease
Paul Yoshino M Downey, CA Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Certified Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Fuentes F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Certfi edNursePractioner
Julie Gutierrez F Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Certfi edNursePractioner
Victoria Gyore F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Certfi edNursePractioner
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Certified Nurse Practitioner Speciatl yPhysci ans-Certifed Nurse Practi oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Leopoldo Hernandez M Los Angeles, CA
Hing Be M Anaheim, CA
Lisa Wheadon F Anaheim, CA Santa Ana, CA
Tuan Hoang Xuan M Chino, CA
Oyindamola Carew Akenzua F Westchester, CA
Lien Hua Feng F Tustin, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Certifed Nurse Practi oner
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Melissa Watcher F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Ker Chow Chang M Brea, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Steven Buell M Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Carlos Garcia M Santa Ana, CA
Sharam Yashar M Anaheim, CA Signal Hill, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
John Geiss M Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Millard Zisser M Los Angeles, CA
Marcus Lum M Lamirada, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Nasir Mohammedi M Whittier, CA
Peter Jung M Anaheim, CA
Nathan Eitan M Whittier, CA
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA
Robert Santino M Pasadena, CA
Ole Saetrum Opgaard M Garden Grove, CA
Fernando Montelongo M Orange, CA
Seyed Shazadeh Safavi M Anaheim, CA
Herbert Rettinger M Orange, CA
Nancy Pierre Paul F Costa Mesa, CA
Jay Shery M Culver City, CA
Miguel Rodriguez Colume M Los Angeles, CA
Joan Rosenburg F Santa Ana, CA
Gina Travis F Glendora, CA
Priya Shah F Orange, CA
Rafael Rubalcava M Lamirada, CA
Robert Wilkinson M Brea, CA
Aleem Syed M Anaheim, CA
Chunilal Shah M Lamirada, CA
Endocrinology Reproductive
Ali Tajik M Anaheim, CA
Eric Sills M Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Alex Tran M Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Randy Higashi M City Of Industry, CA San Diego, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Radwan Badawi M Monterey Park, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Fernando Canon M Pico Rivera, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Joseph Chow M Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Reproductive
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Family Practice Jacqueline Aguiluz F Hawaiian Gardens, CA
Family Practice Geriatric Medicine
Soma Barua F Los Angeles, CA
Yi Wang M City Of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Yi Wang M City Of Industry, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
David Friedman M Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci eGerai tricMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Gastroenterology
Zelman Weingarten M Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ravindra Alapati M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Cyril Anyadike M Corona, CA Culver City, CA Inglewood, CA Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Lynwood, CA
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA
Derek Dobalian M Long Beach, CA
Jason Yip M Anaheim, CA
Robert Fan M Inglewood, CA Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Lynwood, CA
Arash Zarimani M Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Venancio Prado M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Pagiel Shechter M Culver City, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-General Practie
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Kong Peng Yap M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Dick Yip M Anaheim, CA
Gynecology Shala Salem F Corona, CA Torrance, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Daryoosh Samimi M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hematology / Oncology Richy Agajanian M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
General Practice
Linnea Chap F Beverly Hills, CA
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA
Benjamin Behroozan M Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica, CA
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA
Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA
Edgar Medhikhani M Glendale, CA
Jose Delgado M Los Angeles, CA
Duke Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA
Zhanna Feldsher F Los Angeles, CA
Adebambo Ojuri M Los Angeles, CA
Solemon Hakimi M Santa Monica, CA
Rangarao Panguluri M Baldwin Park, CA Whittier, CA
Humberto Herrera M Huntington Park, CA
Daniel Huang M Downey, CA Newport Beach, CA
Joseph Longnecker M Placentia, CA
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA
Henrico Mungcal M Long Beach, CA
Ravin Rupani M Culver City, CA Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Timothy Simmons M Los Angeles, CA Lynwood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Mordo Suchov M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Tu Tran M Huntington Park, CA Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Muhammad Nasir M Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Eric Cheung M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jack Freimann M Culver City, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Afshin Eli Gabayan M Beverly Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Youssef Gamal M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Richard Powell M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-General Practice
Merrill Shum M Culver City, CA Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Hematology / Oncology Manuel Zevallos M Lynwood, CA
Harvey Brown M Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Infectious Disease
Victor Carabello M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Puneet Chahal F Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
D Cotton F Whittier, CA
Marian Jalil F Whittier, CA Gurleen Jamarai M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Nguyen Dang M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Bryan Cassim Doo M Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Bharat Chauhan M La Puente, CA
Daryl Houston M Culver City, CA Inglewood, CA
Michael Kamiel M Culver City, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Pauline Ho F Placentia, CA
Michael Demicco M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Tommy Lu M Hemet, CA
Jack Ditlove M Beverly Hills, CA
Nishu Karki F Anaheim, CA
Peter Ruane M Los Angeles, CA
Jay Doostan M Los Angeles, CA
Kyoung Kim F Anaheim, CA
Bhanu Sud M Placentia, CA
Steven Duckor M Anaheim, CA
Herbert Kornfeld M Los Angeles, CA
Tuan Ta M Santa Ana, CA
William Essilfie M Gardena, CA
Marina Kovalevsky F West Hollywood, CA
William Thompson M Newport Beach, CA
Syam Gaddam M Garden Grove, CA
Kevin Kuettel M Anaheim, CA
Joel Trotter M Placentia, CA
Gilbert Gelfand M La Mirada, CA Whittier, CA
Son Hong Le M Rosemead, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Internal Medicine Nagasamudra Ashok M South El Monte, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Jaya George F Anaheim, CA Randall Gilbert M Culver City, CA Martin Hauptschein M Los Angeles, CA Randy Hawkins M Inglewood, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
John Lee M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Scott Leeds M Beverly Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Kelvin Mai M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Ravi Makam M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Hassan Boroujerdi Rad M Whittier, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Hossein Babaali M Santa Monica, CA
Deno Kang M Artesia, CA
Kenneth Horwitz M Anaheim, CA
Ricardo Mckenzie M Lynwood, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
James Meltzer M Beverly Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Internal Medicine Mike Mirahmadi M Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Luzviminda Montecillo F Inglewood, CA
Joel Schneider M Los Angeles, CA
Malvin Yan M Lynwood, CA
Arunpal Sehgal M Lakewood, CA
Bao Yang M Montebello, CA
Payam Shadi M Los Angeles, CA
Internal Medicine Critical Care Medicine
Pejman Shamekh M Los Angeles, CA
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA
Prakash Shenoy M Anaheim, CA
Anooshiravan Hami M Santa Ana, CA
Min Shin M Huntington Park, CA
Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA
Mark Song M Fullerton, CA
Maternal Medicine
Mehran Sourehnissani M Inglewood, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Shura Moreno M Los Angeles, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Jesus Muro M Culver City, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Jamshid Niknam M Inglewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Jonathan Ou M Diamond Bar, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci neCrticalCareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Gnyandev Patel M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Celyne Phung F Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Bruce Kovacs M Garden Grove, CA Long Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Stella Popova F Los Angeles, CA
Sampath Suryadevara M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Raj Prasad M Culver City, CA
Syed Tirmizi M Culver City, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Francisco Quijas M Los Angeles, CA
Thuan Vo M Westminster, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
David Razi M Inglewood, CA
Victor Wassily M Montebello, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Sujata Reddy F Fountain Valley, CA
Philip Weinstein M Paramount, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Dennis Riff M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Michael Roach M Lamirada, CA
Peter Winkle M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Steven Witlin M Culver City, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Robert Rothbart M Los Angeles, CA
Hanson Wong M Bellflower, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Siamak Rouzroch M Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Wuu Shyon Wu M Montebello, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedicni e
Medical Oncology Linnea Chap F Beverly Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Veena Charu F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Alexander Gaitanis M Downey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Ajit Maniam M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Thomas Reynolds M Downey, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Manuel Zevallos M Lynwood, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Nephrology Patricia Alvarado F Montebello, CA Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Parvaneh Bahmani F Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Michael Bien M Covina, CA San Dimas, CA
Aamir Jamal M Covina, CA San Dimas, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Hassan Boroujerdi Rad M Placentia, CA Whittier, CA
Ashish Kalthia M Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Seyed Farhad Chimeh M Beverly Hills, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Pradip Chowdhury M Montebello, CA Paramount, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Sandeep Dang M Fountain Valley, CA Huntington Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Dennis Lange M Lynwood, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Azita Mesbah F Irvine, CA Newport Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Mojtaba Moghadam M Covina, CA San Dimas, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Shahriare Nasser-Moaddeli M Whittier, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ronald Fischman M Downey, CA Lakewood, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Neurology John Chen M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Anthony Ciabarra M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Jack Florin Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Israel Gorinstein M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Clyde Holstein M Anaheim, CA Irvine, CA Chan Kim M Whittier, CA Sayed Monis M Whittier, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Amna Rizvi F Covina, CA San Dimas, CA Syed Rizvi M Covina, CA San Dimas, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Carlos Gonzalez M Montebello, CA Paramount, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Claudio Gallego M Covina, CA San Dimas, CA
Philip Yang M Anaheim, CA Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Son Dinh M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Riad Darwish M Whittier, CA
Jayakumar Vidhun M Whittier, CA
John Shaib M Downey, CA Lamirada, CA
Johnson Moon M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Zhanna Rapoport F Huntington Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Donald Snider M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Pagiel Shechter M Culver City, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kevin Huang M Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Monica Thornhill Joynes F Montebello, CA
Stephen Waldman M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Qun Xu M Fullerton, CA West Covina, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jennifer Imparato F Whittier, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Obstetrics / Gynecology Veronica Abusleme F Panorama City, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Sunita Moola F Fountain Valley, CA
Betsy Blechman F Culver City, CA
Vellore Bhupathy M Whittier, CA
Arjang Naim M Los Angeles, CA
Claire Bravo F Los Angeles, CA
Albert Nassir M Los Angeles, CA
David Boyer M Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles, CA
Lydia Aguilera F Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Luis Chanes M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Kourosh Daneshgar M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Mehrdad Forghan Arani M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Heshmat Foroohar M Encino, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Ambica Garg F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
David Ghozland M Santa Monica, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Zia Hashemi M Bell, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Christine Hoang F Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Hyung Kim M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Stephen Lee M Montebello, CA
Sandra Nieto F Downey, CA Montebello, CA Norwalk, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Azmath Qureshi M Whittier, CA Ana Sanchez F Orange, CA Nicole Sharkey F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
David Su M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jerald Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Nicholas Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kevin Khai Tieu M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Michael Vizcarra M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Thomas Chu M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Anthony Culotta M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Rose Cunningham-Ahumada F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael Davis M Anaheim, CA Downey, CA Huntington Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Pouya Dayani M Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Jay Masserman M Fountain Valley, CA
Sepideh Zahedy Kapusta F La Habra, CA
Marc Melnik M Brea, CA Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Lawrence Chong M Huntington Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Jamie Lipeles M Marina Del Rey, CA Santa Monica, CA
Lung Hsiung Chang M Alhambra, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Sean Adrean M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Charles Eifrig M Laguna Hills, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Seymour Melnik M Brea, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
George Garcia M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Nengjie Ge M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Casimiro Gonzalez M Bell, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Wayne Martin M Chino, CA Diamond Bar, CA
Nancy Sand F Los Angeles, CA Paramount, CA
George Mayo M Garden Grove, CA
Steven Schmidt M Anaheim, CA
Druann Mccluskey F Huntington Beach, CA
Jerry Sebag M Huntington Beach, CA
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Samir Shah M Huntington Beach, CA
Jason Moss M Anaheim, CA
Hanna Shammas M La Habra, CA Lynwood, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Scott Grant M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
John Gunn M Anaheim, CA Huntington Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Pomona, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Mohammad Neal M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Michael Sheety M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
Anne Nguyen F Monterey Park, CA
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA
Elizabeth Nguyen F Westminster, CA
Joseph Kerendian M Beverly Hills, CA
Nelson Noguchi M Anaheim, CA
Sandeep Khanna M Bellflower, CA Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA
Roger Novack M Beverly Hills, CA Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kevin Suk M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sharon Theodore F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Loan Tran F Norwalk, CA Rosemead, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Omar Krad M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Mark Osterloh M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Miguel Unzueta M Bellflower, CA Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
John Lean M Santa Ana, CA
Joseph Peters M La Habra, CA Lynwood, CA
David Liao M Los Angeles, CA Torrance, CA
Firas Rahhal M Los Angeles, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Michael Tran M Westminster, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Paul Urrea M Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Kristie Lin F Anaheim, CA
Richard Roe M Los Angeles, CA Torrance, CA
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Herman Rundle M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Keith Rundle M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Alexander Walsh M Los Angeles, CA Pasadena, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Jeffrey Winston M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Jeanine Yamanaka F Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Ophthalmology / Otology / Nhu Ly F Fullerton, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Pediatric Cardiology
Thomas Chu M Beverly Hills, CA
John Nishimoto M Fullerton, CA
Joseph Ahdoot M Pasadena, CA Santa Monica, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Laura Howard F Orange, CA
Evelyn Perez F Los Angeles, CA Monterey Park, CA
Lennis Burke M Pasadena, CA Santa Monica, CA
Andrew Pilon M Santa Ana, CA
James Chu M Orange, CA
David Sendrowski M Fullerton, CA
David Chun M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Benjamin Mandel M Huntington Park, CA Los Angeles, CA Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA Van Nuys, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Firas Rahhal M Beverly Hills, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Elizabeth Deoliveira F Pasadena, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Richard Roe M Beverly Hills, CA
Thomas Huang M Santa Ana, CA
Roberto Roizenblatt M Montebello, CA Santa Ana, CA Van Nuys, CA
Hugh Moore M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Santa Monica, CA
Eshagh Eshaghpour M Culver City, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Jodie Gandy F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Kevin Suk M Garden Grove, CA
Christopher Quilligan M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
L Stephen Gordon M Arcadia, CA Los Angeles, CA
Homayoun Tabandeh M Beverly Hills, CA
Robert Ruder M Beverly Hills, CA
Jimmy Sun M Anaheim, CA
Robert Loitz M Downey, CA Pasadena, CA West Covina, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Orlando Camacho M Monterey Park, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Steven Chiana M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
George Comer M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Sarah Vakkalanka F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
John Vanore M Glendale, CA Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Jay Kwok M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Lynne Louie F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Eric Waki M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Irving Tessler M Santa Monica, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pediatrics Sandy Koh F El Monte, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Marigangaiah Mahadev M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Alejandro Montes M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation Susie S Kay F San Gabriel, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Ruben Ezquerro M Hawaiian Gardens, CA Santa Ana, CA
Lyman Wilson M Orange, CA
Elham Farajian F Huntington Beach, CA
Jooby Babu M Tustin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Physicians Assistant Manuk Chulyan M Los Angeles, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Jeremy Elkins M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Lizbeth Escobedo F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Martin Holt M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Robert Horner M Costa Mesa, CA
Howard Hewlett M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Corey Lejeune M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Thomas Lim M Los Angeles, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Mark Linam M Norwalk, CA Paramount, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Benjamin Kaska M Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Hesper Tsai F Costa Mesa, CA Santa Ana, CA
Pulmonary Diseases Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Prakash Bondade M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Clyde Dos Santos M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Harmohinder Gogia M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Anooshiravan Hami M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Panch Jeyakumar M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Deric Lords M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Mimi Mathews F Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Richard Le M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Michael Marcus M Irvine, CA Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Tammy Le F Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
William Mccarron M Los Angeles, CA
Devang Savani M Santa Ana, CA
Peter Park M Los Angeles, CA
Narindar Singh M Santa Ana, CA
Michael Alberico M Los Angeles, CA
William Spak M Orange, CA
Daniel Suarez M Huntington Park, CA
Kibrom Asrat M Norwalk, CA
Wenjay Sung M Orange, CA
Radiation Oncology
Jonathan Bennett M Fullerton, CA Tustin, CA
Steven Swartz M Anaheim, CA Buena Park, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Frank Caruana M Los Alamitos, CA
Kevin Tseng M Los Angeles, CA
Ira Cohen M Downey, CA
Jacqueline White F Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci ans Asi stant
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Chu Pei Feng F Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA Thomas Gates M Long Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Patricia Gordon F Beverly Hills, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Radiation Oncology David Khan M El Segundo, CA Santa Monica, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Ernest Ngo M Mission Viejo, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radai toi nOncol gy
Syam Vunnamadala M Anaheim, CA
Spencer Brown M Culver City, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Rajesh Lal M Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Tam Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Radiology Therapeutic John Thropay M Montebello, CA
Surgery General
David Balch M Placentia, CA
Dipti Doshi F Artesia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Gerald Ho M La Palma, CA Monterey Park, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Sarah Hwang F La Palma, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Mir Behnam Khaleghi M Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Abdollah Gilani M Los Angeles, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Jordan Goodstein M Culver City, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Richard Guerrero M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Nahid Hamoui F Irvine, CA Glenn Hifumi M Bellflower, CA Jeffrey Kronson M Arcadia, CA Quy Le M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Saleem Waraich M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Francis Lee M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Darice Yang F Downey, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Rheumatol ogy
Surgery Cardiovascular Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Edward Chappell M La Mirada, CA Los Angeles, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Ali Mesiwala M Pomona, CA San Bernardino, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Nina Trinh F La Palma, CA
Mark Anderson M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Tien I Su F Downey, CA
Surgery Neurological
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Seymour Levine M Beverly Hills, CA
Marius Saines M Culver City, CA Inglewood, CA Los Angeles, CA Marina Del Rey, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Siamak Milanchi M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Radoi l gy Therapeutci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Antonio Ong M Rosemead, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Richard Stewardson M Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Tien Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Bryan Oh M Newport Beach, CA Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Gowriharan Thaiyananthan M Chino Hills, CA Newport Beach, CA Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic Charles Alexander M Pico Rivera, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery General Vascular Gerald Alexander M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Quang Vo M Monterey Park, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Pramod Batra M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Afshin Aminian M Orange, CA
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA
Eugen Williams M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Carlo Biscaro M Santa Ana, CA
Sharoun Porat M Anaheim, CA
Robert Bohr M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Richard Raczka M Anaheim, CA
Farbod Esmailian M Los Alamitos, CA
Hamid Rahman M Santa Ana, CA
Nirav Savalia M Newport Beach, CA
Samuel Rosenfeld M Orange, CA
Steve Vu M Corona, CA Huntington Beach, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Andrzej Bulczynski M Marina Del Rey, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery Plastic Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Yung Cho M Los Angeles, CA Pico Rivera, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Christopher Combs M Lakewood, CA Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Jeffrey Dobyns M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
David Downs M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Ramy Elias M Lakewood, CA
Israel Rottermann M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Michael Rubinstein M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Bindesh Shah M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Gerald Swanson M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Kyle Low M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
James Mcpherson M Los Angeles, CA Marina Del Rey, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Richard Ott M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Shail Vyas M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Kendall Wagner M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Andrew Wassef M Lakewood, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Ali Alavi M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Babak Bamshad M Los Angeles, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Ezzat Wassef M Lakewood, CA
Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Carl Weinert M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA
Reginald G Abraham M Fountain Valley, CA
Thomas Tzeng M Whittier, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Hamid Mir M Marina Del Rey, CA Newport Beach, CA Placentia, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Trieu Tran M Fountain Valley, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Francois Lalonde M Orange, CA
Robert Wald Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Daniel Kaplan M La Habra, CA Santa Fe Springs, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Stuart Feldman M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA, continued Specialty Physicians - Urology Juan Kaplan M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Derrick Marinelli M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Brian Norouzi M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
William Pearce M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Jonathan Perley M Lakewood, CA Long Beach, CA Los Alamitos, CA Montebello, CA Norwalk, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Atef Yacoub M Montebello, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp Affiliated Hospitals
Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691
Family Practice
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651
Athena Andersen F ID No. 100076233003 2212 E 4th St Santa Ana, CA 92705-3870 (714) 288-3230 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Nicole Awad ID No. 100093180005 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 201 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 633-1011 Languages: Arabic, French and Spanish
St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
Urgent Care Centers
Lian Bach ID No. 100081846003 2212 E 4th St Santa Ana, CA 92705-3870 (714) 288-3230 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Paul Constantine M ID No. 100023490004 2501 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92869-3204 (714) 633-1011 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Michael Gilbert ID No. 100067684006 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 201 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3325
Nicolas Hernandez M ID No. 100003375011 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 203 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3350 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Christos Howard M ID No. 100102702003 845 W La Veta Ave 108 Orange, CA 92868-3930 (714) 639-2600 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Steven Joe M ID No. 100056950003 2212 E 4th St Santa Ana, CA 92705-3870 (714) 288-3230 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Virany Kreng F ID No. 100063967005 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 203 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3340 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Philip Madrid M ID No. 100011044005 2212 E 4th St STE 202 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 288-3230 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Michael Malouf M ID No. 100059381006 12942 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 705-2120 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued PCPs - Family Practice Fernando Martinez M ID No. 100066182003 2212 E 4th St Santa Ana, CA 92705-3870 (714) 288-3230 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Regina Mojica F ID No. 100177356008 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 306 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3120 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ivan Nichols ID No. 100009195003 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 204 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3350 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jong Park ID No. 100014144005 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 204 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3350 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Norman Rosen M ID No. 100099148003 2501 E Chapman Ave SUITE 306 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 682-3350 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
G Scott Smith ID No. 100086858005 2501 E Chapman Ave STE. 203 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 633-1011 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Steven Smith M ID No. 100155605004 1095 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-7110 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Parveen Vora F ID No. 100188196002 12942 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 705-2120 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine Laura Cho F 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 306 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3120 Languages: Korean PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Bonnie Connolly F ID No. 100150960003 1095 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780-3526 (714) 505-7110 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Jane Curtis F ID No. 100076835005 2212 E 4th St STE 304 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 288-3230 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chesda Eng M ID No. 100194852005 1095 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-7110 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Kathleen Glaspy F ID No. 100220313002 2501 E Chapman Avenue SUITE 305 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 628-3110 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Diane Kim F ID No. 100220238003 2212 E Fourth St STE 304 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 288-3230 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Robert Parke M ID No. 100042161057 845 W La Veta Ave 108 Orange, CA 92868-3930 (714) 639-2600 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Mohammed Qazi M ID No. 100246475001 2141 N Harbor Blvd STE 25000 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 626-8650 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Misty Rydelski F ID No. 100079203010 1095 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-7110 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Julie Vu F ID No. 100165653009 12942 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92840 (714) 705-2120 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Lulu Yang F ID No. 100141274003 845 W La Veta Ave 108 Orange, CA 92868-3930 (714) 639-2600 Languages: Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only Accepting Current Patients Only
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Gary Bennett M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gy
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Susan Rahimi F ID No. 100220069006 2501 E Chapman Ave STE 204 Orange, CA 92869 (714) 633-1011 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Specialty Physicians
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Brian Kim M Orange, CA
Albert Lai M Placentia, CA
Thomas Kim M Orange, CA
Jay Lee M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Robert Buster M ID No. 100084559004 845 W La Veta Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92868-3930 (714) 639-2600 Languages: Spanish
Warren Johnston M Orange, CA
Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Anesthesoi l gyPainManagement
Internal Medicine
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mahmoud Eslami Farsani M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA
Hossein Alimadadian M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Dicran Baron M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Brian Kolski M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Donald Mahon M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Paul Meltzer M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Allergy Immunology
David Pan M Orange, CA Tustin, CA
Wan Yin Chan F Orange, CA
Aidan Raney M Orange, CA
Mark Ellis M Orange, CA
Cardiovascular Disease
Lawrence Santora M Orange, CA
Hossein Alimadadian M Irvine, CA
Arthur Selvan M Santa Ana, CA
Maged Azer Orange, CA
Shalizeh Shokooh F Orange, CA
Michael Chan M Orange, CA
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA
Tyson Cobb M Orange, CA
George Wesley M Orange, CA
Stephen Cohen M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Sarah Field F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Donald Levy M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Bahram Eslami M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
William Harris M Orange, CA
James Pagano M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
David Greenberg M Costa Mesa, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
Rick Letts M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chiropractor
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Chiropractor Dennis Poole M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Priya Shah F Orange, CA
John Brown M Newport Beach, CA
Family Practice
Jay Applebaum M Orange, CA
Paul Constantine M Orange, CA
Alberto Mendivil M Orange, CA
Jonathan Baron M Santa Ana, CA
Norman Rosen M Orange, CA
Kristina Mori F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Gregory Bartlow M Santa Ana, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Matthew Goodman M Santa Ana, CA
Alaa Abousaif M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Mary Jung F Orange, CA
Craig Ennis M Orange, CA
Brendan Lloyd M Santa Ana, CA
Jessica Hung F Orange, CA
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA
James Lee M Orange, CA
Tanya Nino F Orange, CA
William Metzger M Orange, CA
Steven Stanowicz M Orange, CA
Haig Najarian M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Edward Alexson M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Timothy Byun M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Everett Grahn M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Winston Ho M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Sam Huang M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism Maruja Diaz Arjonilla F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Tariq Mahmood M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jose Roque M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Hardeep Singh M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Ivy Joan Madu F Orange, CA
Tiberio Lindgren M Orange, CA
David Margileth M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Madhavi Mummaneni F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Herbert Rettinger M Orange, CA
David Stanton M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Sarah Rettinger F Orange, CA
Won Yu M Orange, CA
James Padova M Orange, CA
Francis Rhie M Orange, CA
Gynecologic Oncology
Chuan-Ju Pan F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Aaron Rockoff M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Stavroula Otis F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Nabil Phillips M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Hematology / Oncology Chau Tran F Orange, CA
Infectious Disease
Michael Arquilla M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Robert Armen M Orange, CA
Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Richard Faraday M Orange, CA
Glenn Chiang M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Victor Yu-Ching Hsu M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Internal Medicine Robert Parke M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Vishal Patel M Mission Viejo, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Medical Oncology Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Tariq Mahmood M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Mayank Pathak M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ashish Kalthia M Fullerton, CA Charles Kaupke M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sarah Lee F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Laurence Lewin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
David Margileth M Orange, CA
Neonatal / Perinatal Medicine
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medi cni e
Edward Linzey M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neonatal/Perni atl Medi cni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Amir Shokraeipour M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Amer Jabara M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Tiberio Lindgren M Orange, CA
Neelantha Desilva M Orange, CA David Lombardi M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Aaron Rockoff M Orange, CA
Richard Dauben M Orange, CA
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Internal Medi cni e
Andrew Phan M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Bryan Dang M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sayan Ray M Orange, CA
Linh Thong F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA
Neurology Child Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Amanda Fernandez F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Anjalee Galion F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Habib Ismail M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Sharon Kim F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Andrew Mower M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
Sanford Schneider M Orange, CA
Sridhar Reddy M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Daniel Shrey M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Neurology Child Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Randy Fiorentino M Orange, CA
Paiwen Sheen M Orange, CA
Sharief Taraman M Orange, CA
Teresa Garcia F Orange, CA
Corinne Sugihara F Newport Beach, CA
Minodora Totoiu F Orange, CA
Kamran Ghodsian M Santa Ana, CA
Yen Tran F Orange, CA
Anne Tournay F Orange, CA
Arthur Goldstein M Newport Beach, CA
Juan Velez M Orange, CA
Lily Tran F Orange, CA
Jesus Hernandez M Anaheim, CA
Carla Wells F Irvine, CA
Mary Zupanc F Orange, CA
Myron Kanofsky M Orange, CA
Anita York F Orange, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Humayon Khan M Santa Ana, CA
Ziad Kharuf M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Allan Akerman M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Bedros Kojian Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Sanford Chen M Fullerton, CA Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA William Chen M Long Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Monica Aszterbaum F Irvine, CA
Eunice Lee F Tustin, CA
Viet Anh Be M Fountain Valley, CA
Edward Linzey M Orange, CA
Andrew Cassidenti M Orange, CA
Yonatan Mahller M Orange, CA
Lisa Crane F Irvine, CA
Pantea Mozayeni F Irvine, CA
Ban Duc Doan M Garden Grove, CA
Cristina Oday F Orange, CA
Daniel Dobalian M Orange, CA
Lilly Ramirez Boyd F Orange, CA
Seifolah Esfandiari M Santa Ana, CA
Daniel Reich M Santa Ana, CA
Janis Fee F Orange, CA
Ana Sanchez F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Charles Eifrig M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
George Garcia M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Laura Howard F Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
John Hwang M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Charles Keller M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Michael Lappin M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology John Maggiano M Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anhlinh Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA
Anthony Mccanta M Orange, CA
Adrian Pop M Orange, CA
Gira Morchi F Orange, CA
James Weyrich M Santa Ana, CA
Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Desmond Mcguire M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Sheldon Nankin M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Otolaryngology / Otology / Michael Recto M Orange, CA Laryngology / Rhinology
Brent Norman M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Dong Park M Orange, CA
Felizardo Camilon M Orange, CA
Pierangelo Renella M Orange, CA
Robert Del Junco M Orange, CA
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Herman Rundle M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Edward Lee M Orange, CA
Keith Rundle M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Cardoi l gy
Pediatric Endocrinology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Aisha Simjee F Orange, CA
Faramarz Shabdiz M Orange, CA
Jose Abdenur M Orange, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Amrit Bhangoo M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Dan Tran M Orange, CA
Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
David Yomtoob M Orange, CA
Anthony Chang M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Timothy You M Fullerton, CA Newport Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA
James Chu M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Darren Brown M Tustin, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Hannah Cho F Irvine, CA
David Chun M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Timothy Flannery M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Nita Doshi F Orange, CA
Nikta Forghani F Orange, CA
Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA
Himala Kashmiri M Orange, CA
Jodie Gandy F Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Ajanta Naidu F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Jay Kwok M Orange, CA
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Susan Clark F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Richard Chang M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Prit Sinchai M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Maria Horenstein F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Christina Reh F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Endocrinology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Van Huynh F Orange, CA
Delma Nieves F Orange, CA
Raymond Wang M Orange, CA
Nina Hwang F Orange, CA
Jasjit Singh F Orange, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Ivan Kirov M Orange, CA
Pediatric Nephrology
Ashish Chogle M Orange, CA
Carol Lin F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Nephrol ogy
Kenneth Grant M Orange, CA
Arash Mahajerin M Orange, CA
Jeffrey Ho M Orange, CA
Steven Neudorf M Orange, CA
Shaheen Idries F Orange, CA
Diane Nugent F Orange, CA
Mitchell Katz M Orange, CA
Geetha Puthenveetil F Orange, CA
Anup Patel M Orange, CA
Lilibeth Ramilo Torno F Orange, CA
Jeffrey Dobyns M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Cecilia Vaquero Solans F Orange, CA
Elyssa Rubin F Orange, CA
Francois Lalonde M Orange, CA
Gregory Wong M Orange, CA
Leonard Sender M Orange, CA
Bassam Younes M Orange, CA
Wei Ping Shen F Orange, CA
William Mcmaster M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
Amit Soni M Orange, CA
David Buchbinder M Orange, CA
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Heather Hawthorne F Orange, CA
Felice Adler Shohet F Orange, CA
Agnes Horvath F Orange, CA
Antonio Arrieta M Orange, CA
Loan Hsieh F Orange, CA
Negar Ashouri F Orange, CA
Lien Trinh F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Hematol ogy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Dorit Ben Ezer F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Shoba Narayan F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Patricia Veiga F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Hematol gy/Onocl ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Infectious Dsi eases
Pediatric Orthopedics Afshin Aminian M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Jonathan Minor M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
John Schlechter M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Orthopedci s
Pediatric Pulmonology Chana Chin F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Susan Gage F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
Amy Harrison F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai tcri Puml onol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Pulmonology David Lee M Placentia, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Sunil Kamath M Orange, CA
Lisa Pitino F Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Neal Nakra M Orange, CA
James Law M Orange, CA
Praful Sarode M Huntington Beach, CA
Daniel Arrhenius M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Robert Parke M Orange, CA
Chester Clark M Orange, CA
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA
Jacob Jones M Orange, CA
Jack Stewart M Orange, CA
Wenjay Sung M Orange, CA
Radiation Oncology
Sheryl Boon F Orange, CA
Tanuja Bhandari F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Andrew Shulman M Orange, CA
Amor Del Mundo F Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Venita Williams F Orange, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Baljeet Khurana F Santa Ana, CA
Geeta Grover F Orange, CA
Sarabjit Sandhu M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Anthony Mccanta M Orange, CA
Ravinder Singh F Garden Grove, CA
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA
Gregory Wong M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
David Hicks M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Michael Fox M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Pornchai Tirakitsoontorn M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Anchalee Yuengsrigul F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Pediatric Rheumatology
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircRheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircRheumatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Robert Davison M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Michael Danto M Orange, CA
Suzanne Engelman F Laguna Niguel, CA Michael Fenton M Newport Beach, CA
Rheumatology Mir Behnam Khaleghi M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Joo Hyung Lee M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Andrew Phan M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Bruce Marcus M Irvine, CA
Thomas Powell M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Albert Lai M Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Melanie Irwin F Orange, CA
Young Lee M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Robert Ash M Orange, CA
Sheree Riley Violon F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Sleep Medicine Neal Nakra M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pMedi cne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Barbara Rosen Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Cardiovascular Surgery Cardiovascular
Hisham El-Bayar M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Sevak Darbinian M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Maher Gobran M Orange, CA
Stephen Kubaska M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Anita Gregory F Orange, CA
Russell Montgomery M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Orange, CA
Yigit Guner M Orange, CA
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA
Sami Hamamji Tustin, CA
Surgery Hand
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Puneet Dhawan M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Richard Gates M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Fariba Gharai F Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Drewry Morris M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Joanne Starr F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Jay Harness M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Jeffrey Johnsrud M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Rajesh Khanijou M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Surgery Colon Surgery
Ashish Nath M Anaheim, CA
Theodore Coutsoftides M Orange, CA
Eric Pham M Tustin, CA
Anita Gregory F Orange, CA
Surgery General Vascular
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
George Moro M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General
Jeffrey Ballard M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Surgery General
Kim James Charney M Orange, CA
Pejman Babakhanlou M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Flanigan M Orange, CA
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA
William Foley M Fullerton, CA
Michele Carpenter F Orange, CA
Timothy Harward M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Kim James Charney M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Navid Ghalambor Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryHand
Andres Taleisnik M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryHand
Roger Wilson Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryHand
Surgery Neurological Lars Anker M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
William Loudon M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Joffre Olaya M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryNeurol gci al
Surgery Orthopedic Lawrence Barnett M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Steven Barnett M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Paul Beck M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Ayaz Biviji M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Daniel Debottis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Orthopedic Jeffrey Deckey M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Paul Dinh M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Scott Fischer M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Miguel Prietto M Orange, CA
Surgery Plastic
Samuel Rosenfeld M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Michael Shepard M Orange, CA
Daniel Reichner M Orange, CA
David Smith M Orange, CA
Arthur Salibian Orange, CA
Jeremy Smith M Orange, CA
Ivan Turpin M Orange, CA
Julio Taleisnik M Orange, CA
Justin West M Orange, CA
Kevin Triggs M Orange, CA
Linda Zeineh F Orange, CA
Carl Weinert M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Steve Kang M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Jonathan Kaplan M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
David Kruse M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Francois Lalonde M Mission Viejo, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Eric Lee M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Jessica Mcmichael F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Sterling Mutz Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Sevak Darbinian M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Jon White M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Puneet Dhawan M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Surgery Pediatric Saeed Awan M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Leonard Prutsok M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Mark Halikis M Orange, CA
Windy Olaya F Orange, CA
Benjamin Rubin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Robert Grumet M Orange, CA
Mark Krugman M Newport Beach, CA
John German M Orange, CA
Richard Gates M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Fariba Gharai F Orange, CA
Jay Patel M Orange, CA
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA
Jiun Rong Peng M Orange, CA
Yigit Guner M Orange, CA
Drewry Morris M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Anatol Podolsky M Newport Beach, CA
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA
Carlos Prietto M Orange, CA
Peter Yu M Orange, CA
Joanne Starr F Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Throaci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Heritage Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Urology Urology Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Lamia Gabal Shehab F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Ashok Kar M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Brian Norouzi M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
William Pearce M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys Affiliated Hospitals
Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691
Family Practice
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mojgan Amirkhan F ID No. 100050288007 1100 N Tustin Ave STE F Santa Ana, CA 92705-3509 (714) 667-7922 Languages: Spanish
St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
Samir Azzam M ID No. 100110168007 1211 W La Palma Ave STE 707 Anaheim, CA 92801-2814 (714) 776-2100 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Anne Amer F ID No. 100158228007 2115 N Tustin St STE 1 Orange, CA 92865 (714) 921-3870 Languages: Arabic and Chinese
Also located at: 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 210 Orange, CA 92868-3837 (714) 210-8730 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Annette Bernhut Caplin F ID No. 100064622002 845 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-1622 (714) 997-2899 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jason Berry M ID No. 100006571020 751 S Weir Canyon Rd STE 167 Anaheim, CA 92808-1962 (714) 974-0611 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Richard Bond M ID No. 100079937003 1140 W La Veta Ave 700 Orange, CA 92868-4223 (714) 547-5404 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Gaston Cilliani M ID No. 100029703017 767 W 19th St 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Jose Cilliani M ID No. 100074235006 767 W 19th St STE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3500 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703-4527 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Family Practice Ali Dariushnia M ID No. 100111583004 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 538-4576 Languages: Farsi, French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Semira Dariushnia F ID No. 100110877003 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 108 Orange, CA 92869-3241 (714) 288-0052 Languages: French, Persian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Said El Zayat M ID No. 100060507008 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Arabic and French PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Roxann Engle F ID No. 100101344003 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Kavita Desai F ID No. 100110616003 1140 W La Veta Ave 700 Orange, CA 92868-4223 (714) 547-5404 Languages: Spanish
Ana Fajardo F ID No. 100049255002 845 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-1622 (714) 997-2899 Languages: Spanish
Prajakta Deshpande F ID No. 100226977004 1140 W La Veta Ave STE 700 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 547-5404 Languages: Spanish
Antonio Ferrey M ID No. 100030383003 1140 W La Veta Ave 700 Orange, CA 92868-4223 (714) 547-5404 Languages: Spanish
Dinh Dinh 14281 Beach Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 893-8800 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Alonzo Flores M ID No. 100068916003 229 S Glassell St Orange, CA 92866-1945 (714) 639-0303 Languages: Spanish
Jaclynn Do F ID No. 100089331004 8070 Westminster Blvd # A Westminster, CA 92683-3303 (714) 899-9898 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
Kathleen Gallaher F ID No. 100076873003 17871 Santiago Blvd STE 206 Villa Park, CA 92861-4118 (714) 974-1362 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Catherine Garcia F ID No. 100074059003 1140 W La Veta Ave 700 Orange, CA 92868-4223 (714) 547-5404 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samuel Gendler M ID No. 100016358007 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Polish and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kenneth Grubbs M ID No. 100074043002 867 S Tustin St Orange, CA 92866-3426 (714) 771-1420 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Guerra M ID No. 100163320020 767 W 19th Street SUITE 101 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 574-2121 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 420 S Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 541-5252 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
David Joss M ID No. 100012007005 5500 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd 255 Anaheim, CA 92807-3154 (714) 998-5677 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Family Practice Daryoush Khoshrou M ID No. 100106485004 801 N Tustin Ave STE 101 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3607 (714) 558-1310 Languages: Farsi
Raj Menon M ID No. 100031144054 3620 S Bristol St STE 102 Santa Ana, CA 92704-7314 (714) 556-6666 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
David Kritz ID No. 100069154003 1140 W La Veta Ave 700 Orange, CA 92868-4223 (714) 547-5404 Languages: Spanish
John Molina M ID No. 100083037028 3743 S Plaza Dr Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 332-1800 Languages: Spanish
Karen Lau F ID No. 100114380010 1310 West Stewart Drive STE 410 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Cantonese
German Navarro M ID No. 100101314005 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gary Linnemann M ID No. 100040357002 1534 E Warner Ave STE A Santa Ana, CA 92705-5475 (714) 557-5599 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Paul Mansonhing M 4950 Barranca Pkwy STE 204 Irvine, CA 92604-4687 (949) 726-1770 Languages: Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Also located at: 801 N Tustin Ave 203 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3612 (714) 541-5355 Languages: Farsi and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Susan Sharp F ID No. 100054467008 17400 Irvine Blvd SUITE M Irvine, CA 92780 (714) 542-5988 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Hal Shimazu M ID No. 100097876004 845 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-1622 (714) 997-2899 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Zhen Lu M ID No. 100007958010 2115 North Tustin Avenue STE 1 Orange, CA 92865 (714) 921-3870 Languages: Arabic, Chinese and Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Arthur Nuval M ID No. 100047758005 910 S Knott Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-8674 (714) 527-2888 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog
Shida Saam F ID No. 100093095008 16300 Sand Canyon Ave STE 106 Irvine, CA 92618-3704 (714) 541-5355 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
Moon Oh M ID No. 100111077005 3500 Barranca Pkwy 330 Irvine, CA 92606-8226 (949) 552-8217 Languages: Korean
Dimitri Sirakoff M ID No. 100101202004 1206 E 17th St STE 204 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2641 (714) 835-3500 Languages: Bulgarian, Russian and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Pumipak Tantamjarik M ID No. 100062433007 12555 Garden Grove Bl 504 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 537-5609 Languages: Spanish and Thai PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Family Practice Carmen Terreros F ID No. 100083252005 801 N Tustin Ave STE 607 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3610 (714) 541-4145 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jose Valdez M ID No. 100064675003 1125 E 17th St STE E224 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2221 (714) 547-0634 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Janja Viltuznik F ID No. 100068590003 2617 E Chapman Ave 205 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 538-6822 Languages: Serbo-Croatian, Slavak and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roger Wang M ID No. 100012781002 1125 E 17th St # W239 Santa Ana, CA 92701-2201 (714) 835-1818 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Linda Warner F ID No. 100057438002 17871 Santiago Blvd STE 206 Villa Park, CA 92861-4118 (714) 974-1362 Languages: Spanish
Robert Armen M ID No. 100078479007 845 W La Veta Ave STE 107A Orange, CA 92868-3930 (714) 289-7171 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Thomas Blair M ID No. 100054343002 725 W La Veta Ave STE 110 Orange, CA 92868-4445 (714) 538-7060 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Ronald Daoud M 1010 W La Veta Ave STE. 610 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 285-2311 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Suhasini Deshmukh F ID No. 100013954005 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 310 Orange, CA 92869-3242 (714) 288-6122 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Huong Duong F ID No. 100105126003 17400 Irvine Blvd F Tustin, CA 92780-3030 (714) 838-5610 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Hassan Alkhouli M ID No. 100028106009 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Florina Geron F ID No. 100192553007 400 Newport Center Dr STE 401 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 262-9200 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Victoria Greblya F ID No. 100108123005 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683-4001 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Russian PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Arthur Helfat M ID No. 100037771003 3400 W Ball Rd STE 100 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 995-1098 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Thomas Hryniewicki M ID No. 100085349002 845 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-1622 (714) 997-2899 Languages: Polish and Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dae Choong Kim ID No. 100025470003 8862 Garden Grove Blvd STE 102 Garden Grove, CA 92844-1212 (714) 539-9963 Languages: Korean PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Nadia Elihu F ID No. 100108712003 1010 W La Veta Ave 750 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 361-6600 Hong Sik Kim M Languages: Farsi and Spanish ID No. 100103290002 12665 Garden Grove Blvd Michael Fox M STE 503 ID No. 100094496056 Garden Grove, CA 1310 W Stewart Dr 410 92843-1919 Orange, CA 92868-3854 (714) 530-3740 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Korean and Languages: Spanish Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Aruna Krishnaswamy F ID No. 100103173025 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
Kusum Ohri F ID No. 100046628003 1310 W Stewart Dr 602 Orange, CA 92868-3854 (714) 639-0414 Languages: Hindi, Spanish and Urdu
Muhammad Sohel M ID No. 100016820009 303 N East St Anaheim, CA 92805-3341 (714) 491-1771 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6233 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Kannada and Spanish
Harishchandra Patel M ID No. 100038038005 3400 W Ball Rd STE 203 Anaheim, CA 92804-3735 (714) 527-7000 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
Also located at: 805 W La Veta Ave STE 110 Orange, CA 92868-3933 (714) 289-8800 Languages: Arabic, Hindi, Punjabi, Spanish and Urdu
James Law M ID No. 100063933057 1010 W La Veta Ave 750 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 361-6600 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Hamendra Rana M ID No. 100037694005 1913 E 17th St STE 106 Santa Ana, CA 92705-8627 (714) 547-6278 Languages: Hindi
Tackson Tam M ID No. 100008727005 1010 W La Veta Ave 750 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 361-6600 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Korean
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Guy Randazzo M 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 410 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-9401 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Haleh Safavi F ID No. 100114267003 1010 W La Veta Ave 610 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 285-2311 Languages: Farsi and Persian
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St STE 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Dean Ngo M ID No. 100086512016 15606 Brookhurst St B Westminster, CA 92683-7581 (714) 531-0000 Languages: Spanish and Vietnamese
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Meena Meka F ID No. 100219558020 2865 Atlantic Ave STE 108 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-0301 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Sasan Salmi M ID No. 100036730003 1010 W La Veta Ave 610 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 285-2311 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Samy Younis M ID No. 100071541011 62 Corporate Park STE 240 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 451-9292 Languages: Arabic, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Alex Zand M ID No. 100094838003 1010 W La Veta Ave 610 Orange, CA 92868-4300 (714) 285-2311 Languages: Farsi, Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternal Medci ne
Zahra Shahim F ID No. 100189358016 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 602 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 639-0414 Languages: Farsi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Accepting Current Patients Only Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Janak Chopra M ID No. 100019119003 12555 Garden Grove Blvd STE 404 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1903 (714) 638-0232 Languages: Hindi and Punjabi PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Robert Doomun M ID No. 100068539005 19871 Yorba Linda Blvd STE 104 Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2811 (714) 777-3606 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lawrence Ehrlich M ID No. 100077112002 1040 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2111 (714) 532-5353 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Daniel Jimenez M ID No. 100057119006 801 N Tustin Ave STE 601 Santa Ana, CA 92705-3610 (714) 565-1077 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Sangamitra Kothapa F ID No. 100012687013 1226 N Broadway Santa Ana, CA 92701-3412 (714) 825-0940 Languages: Hindi and Spanish
John Luster M ID No. 100055509002 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 306 Orange, CA 92869-3243 (714) 997-1920 Languages: French, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Fernando Montelongo M ID No. 100098026005 932 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2109 (714) 997-8050 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Laura Tangredi F 1040 East Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866 (714) 532-5353 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Gregory Wolf ID No. 100016876004 2617 E Chapman Ave STE 204 Orange, CA 92869-3240 (714) 633-4040 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Jennifer Wong F ID No. 100070169002 1310 W Stewart Dr STE 603 Orange, CA 92868-3857 (714) 633-3145 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Jorge Lopez M ID No. 100061278004 2740 S Bristol St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6232 (714) 825-1844 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Allen Chou M ID No. 100082713007 12665 Garden Grove Blvd 502B Garden Grove, CA 92843-1901 (714) 534-2222 Languages: Chinese
Minh Do M 4718 W 1st St STE 100 Santa Ana, CA 92703 (714) 418-0488 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Graciela Imbastari F ID No. 100068202003 2617 E Chapman Ave 205 Orange, CA 92869-3226 (714) 538-6822 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Su Yong Kuo F 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 502A Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 537-7800 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Also located at: 7955 Westminster Blvd Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 379-3221 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Ivan Martinez M ID No. 100100072002 500 S Anaheim Hills Rd STE 200 Anaheim, CA 92807-4759 (714) 974-1717 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Pravin Sharma M ID No. 100083202003 1240 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92866-2217 (714) 771-2800 Languages: Spanish
Ajay Meka M ID No. 100098859024 606 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-1234 (714) 635-8570 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Anesthesiology Pain Management Marc Cheng M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Albert Lai M Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Chaewon Song M ID No. 100039590006 12665 Garden Grove Blvd STE 503 Garden Grove, CA 92843-1919 (714) 530-3740 Languages: Korean
Also located at: 2740 S Bristol St 208 Santa Ana, CA 92704-6209 (714) 979-5734 Languages: Hindi, Spanish, Tagalog and Telugu PCPs-InternalMedci ne
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Minsen Mok M ID No. 100020961003 11100 Warner Ave 362 Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7506 (714) 434-4990 Languages: Cantonese and Chinese PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Cardiology Hossein Alimadadian M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Mahmoud Eslami Farsani M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Hung Min Sung M ID No. 100013151004 2621 S Bristol St STE 109 Santa Ana, CA 92704-5718 (714) 754-0310 Languages: Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese
Brian Kolski M Orange, CA
Specialty Physicians
Hossein Alimadadian M Irvine, CA
Allergy Immunology
Maged Azer Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Phuongchi Phan F ID No. 100089497011 14571 Magnolia St STE 207 Westminster, CA 92683-5576 (714) 890-9241 Languages: French and Vietnamese
David Pan M Orange, CA Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Cardiovascular Disease Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mark Rodrigues M ID No. 100018244004 1140 W La Veta Ave STE 470 Orange, CA 92868-4200 (714) 245-9900 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Mahesh Shah M ID No. 100036520002 431 S Batavia St STE 101 Orange, CA 92868-3937 (714) 288-1012 Languages: Hindi
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Wan Yin Chan F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Dicran Baron M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Mark Ellis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Michael Chan M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Sarah Field F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Tyson Cobb M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
William Harris M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Stephen Cohen M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Donald Levy M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Otto Liao M Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Chao I Lin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
Bahram Eslami M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
Mahmoud Eslami Farsani M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascual rDsi ease
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Chi ropractor
Dennis Poole M Orange, CA
Fernando Montelongo M Orange, CA
Brian Kim M Orange, CA
Thomas Kim M Orange, CA
Jonathan Baron M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Alaa Abousaif M Orange, CA
Gregory Bartlow M Santa Ana, CA
Ambika Bali F Anaheim, CA
Matthew Goodman M Santa Ana, CA
Craig Ennis M Orange, CA
Trevor Muirhead M Santa Ana, CA
Madhukar Jigjinni M Santa Ana, CA
Emergency Medicine
James Lee M Orange, CA
Warren Johnston M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Famiyl Practie
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jay Lee M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Donald Mahon M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Jairo Marin M Santa Ana, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Paul Meltzer M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
James Pagano M Irvine, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
James Pierog M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-EmergencyMedi cni e
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism Ivy Joan Madu F Orange, CA
Haig Najarian M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Herbert Rettinger M Orange, CA
Hardeep Singh M Orange, CA
Sarah Rettinger F Orange, CA
David Stanton M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Lawrence Santora M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Arthur Selvan M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Shalizeh Shokooh F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Francis Rhie M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Joanne Starr F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Aaron Rockoff M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Paul Rosenblit M Huntington Beach, CA
David Greenberg M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Priya Shah F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Lisa Abaid F Newport Beach, CA John Brown M Newport Beach, CA Alberto Mendivil M Orange, CA Kristina Mori F Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Family Practice Gaston Cilliani M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Rick Letts M Irvine, CA
Gynecologic Oncology
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
George Wesley M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Kelly Tucker M Orange, CA
William Metzger M Orange, CA
Hematology Chau Tran F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy
John Molina M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Hematology / Oncology Hematology / Oncology
Pankaj Khemka M Anaheim, CA
Chaewon Song M Garden Grove, CA
Sayan Ray M Orange, CA
Medical Oncology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Internal Medicine
Edward Alexson M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Everett Grahn M Orange, CA
Hassan Alkhouli M Westminster, CA
Timothy Byun M Orange, CA
Winston Ho M Orange, CA
Robert Armen M Orange, CA
Everett Grahn M Orange, CA
Sam Huang M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Allen Chou M Garden Grove, CA
Sam Huang M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Edward Alexson M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Timothy Byun M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Tiberio Lindgren M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Suhasini Deshmukh F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Tariq Mahmood M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Madhavi Mummaneni F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Stavroula Otis F Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
James Padova M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Chuan-Ju Pan F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
Infectious Disease Robert Armen M Orange, CA
Minh Do M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Michael Fox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Arthur Helfat M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Hong Sik Kim M Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Aruna Krishnaswamy F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Tiberio Lindgren M Orange, CA Tariq Mahmood M Irvine, CA Orange, CA David Margileth M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Madhavi Mummaneni F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Nephrology Michael Arquilla M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
James Law M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Steve Bui M Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Meena Meka F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Glenn Chiang M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Harishchandra Patel M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Victor Yu-Ching Hsu M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Richard Faraday M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy/Oncol ogy
David Margileth M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Aaron Rockoff M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Infectious Dsi ease
Muhammad Sohel M Orange, CA
Bryan Dang M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Amer Jabara M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Ashish Kalthia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Neelantha Desilva M Orange, CA
Mary Zupanc F Orange, CA
Mayank Pathak M Orange, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Amir Shokraeipour M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Charles Kaupke M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Neurology Child Naser Elbalalesy M Hungtington Beach, CA Mission Viejo, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Sarah Lee F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Kevin Pham M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Monica Aszterbaum F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Anjalee Galion F Orange, CA
Andrew Cassidenti M Orange, CA
Habib Ismail M Orange, CA
Lisa Crane F Irvine, CA
Sharon Kim F Orange, CA
Ban Duc Doan M Garden Grove, CA
Andrew Mower M Orange, CA
Daniel Dobalian M Orange, CA
Sanford Schneider M Orange, CA
Seifolah Esfandiari M Santa Ana, CA
Daniel Shrey M Orange, CA
Janis Fee F Orange, CA
Maija Riikka Steenari F Orange, CA
Randy Fiorentino M Orange, CA
Sharief Taraman M Orange, CA
Teresa Garcia F Orange, CA
Minodora Totoiu F Orange, CA
Peter Geddes M Orange, CA
Anne Tournay F Orange, CA
Kamran Ghodsian M Santa Ana, CA
Lily Tran F Orange, CA
Arthur Goldstein M Newport Beach, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Epifanio Anzaldo M Orange, CA
Viet Anh Be M Fountain Valley, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Payal Mittal F Orange, CA
Allan Akerman M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Amanda Fernandez F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Laurence Lewin M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Neurol ogyChli d
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sridhar Reddy M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Linh Thong F Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Neurology Richard Dauben M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChi dl
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Obste ircs /Gynecol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Carla Wells F Irvine, CA
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Myron Kanofsky M Orange, CA
Anita York F Orange, CA
Eugene Chang M Santa Ana, CA
Humayon Khan M Santa Ana, CA
Ziad Kharuf M Orange, CA
George Garcia M Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Alexander Bonakdar M Santa Ana, CA
Jesus Hernandez M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Bedros Kojian Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Eunice Lee F Tustin, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Laura Howard F Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Darren Brown M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Charles Keller M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Edward Linzey M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Michael Lappin M Santa Ana, CA
Hannah Cho F Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Byron Fennema M Huntington Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Yonatan Mahller M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Sheldon Nankin M Orange, CA
Jay Kwok M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Pantea Mozayeni F Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Brent Norman M Laguna Hills, CA
Anhlinh Nguyen F Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Cristina Oday F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Dong Park M Orange, CA
Kauser Sharieff F Orange, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Herman Rundle M Orange, CA
James Weyrich M Santa Ana, CA
Keith Rundle M Orange, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
David Sacks M Santa Ana, CA
Felizardo Camilon M Orange, CA
Aisha Simjee F Orange, CA
Robert Del Junco M Orange, CA
Prit Sinchai M Orange, CA
Edward Lee M Orange, CA
Sarah Whang F Orange, CA
Jerald Robinson M Orange, CA
David Yomtoob M Orange, CA
Faramarz Shabdiz M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Lilly Ramirez Boyd F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Daniel Reich M Santa Ana, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Ana Sanchez F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Paiwen Sheen M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Corinne Sugihara F Newport Beach, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Yen Tran F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Juan Velez M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opotmetrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Cardiology
Amrit Bhangoo M Orange, CA
Cecilia Vaquero Solans F Orange, CA
Richard Chang M Orange, CA
Gregory Wong M Orange, CA
Susan Clark F Orange, CA
Bassam Younes M Orange, CA
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA
Pediatric Hematology / Oncology
Timothy Flannery M Orange, CA
David Buchbinder M Orange, CA
Nita Doshi F Orange, CA
Nikta Forghani F Orange, CA
Heather Hawthorne F Orange, CA
Ahmad Ellini M Orange, CA
Himala Kashmiri M Orange, CA
Agnes Horvath F Orange, CA
Jodie Gandy F Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Christina Reh F Orange, CA
Loan Hsieh F Orange, CA
Lien Trinh F Orange, CA
Van Huynh F Orange, CA
Raymond Wang M Orange, CA
Nina Hwang F Orange, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Ivan Kirov M Orange, CA
Ashish Chogle M Orange, CA
Carol Lin F Orange, CA
Kenneth Grant M Orange, CA
Arash Mahajerin M Orange, CA
Jeffrey Ho M Orange, CA
Steven Neudorf M Orange, CA
Shaheen Idries F Orange, CA
Diane Nugent F Orange, CA
Mitchell Katz M Orange, CA
Geetha Puthenveetil F Orange, CA
Anup Patel M Orange, CA
Lilibeth Ramilo Torno F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Farhouch Berdjis M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Anthony Chang M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
James Chu M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
David Chun M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Maria Horenstein F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Anthony Mccanta M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Endocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Gira Morchi F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Linda Muhonen F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Michael Recto M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pierangelo Renella M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Keith Weiner M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Pediatric Endocrinology Jose Abdenur M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Endocrni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Hematol gy/Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Elyssa Rubin F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircHematol gy/Oncol ogy
Wei Ping Shen F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircHematol gy/Oncol ogy
Amy Harrison F Long Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
David Hicks M Orange, CA
Anthony Mccanta M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Thanh Quoc Nguyen M Fountain Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Amit Soni M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircHematol gy/Oncol ogy
Sunil Kamath M Los Angeles, CA Orange, CA
John Sarkaria M Tustin, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Felice Adler Shohet F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Antonio Arrieta M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Negar Ashouri F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Delma Nieves F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Jasjit Singh F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Neal Nakra M Orange, CA
Praful Sarode M Huntington Beach, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Pornchai Tirakitsoontorn M Los Angeles, CA Orange, CA
Gregory Wong M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pedi atrci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Anchalee Yuengsrigul F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Puml onol ogy
Pediatric Rheumatology Sheryl Boon F Orange, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation Michael Danto M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne/Rehabli ta oi n
Melanie Irwin F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne/Rehabli ta oi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Rheumatol ogy
Albert Lai M Placentia, CA
Pediatric Nephrology
Andrew Shulman M Orange, CA
Dorit Ben Ezer F Orange, CA
David Lee M Placentia, CA
Barton Billeci M Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNephrol gy
Shoba Narayan F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNephrol gy
John Nguyen M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNephrol gy
Patricia Veiga F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircNephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Lourdes Brown F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Eleanor Chang F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Pediatric Orthopedics
Mark Daniels M Orange, CA
Jonathan Minor M Orange, CA
Mamerto Garcia M Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircOrthopedci s
Pediatric Pulmonology Chana Chin F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne/Rehabli ta oi n
Jeffrey Desantis M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Howard Hewlett M Newport Beach, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Jacob Jones M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Tina Jussal F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Geeta Grover F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Susan Gage F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medi cne/Rehabli ta oi n
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Rheumatol ogy
William Spak M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Allen Iseri M Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci s
Wenjay Sung M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Podiatrist Lyman Wilson M Orange, CA
Jack Stewart M Orange, CA
Drewry Morris M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Podai trsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Radiation Oncology
Baljeet Khurana F Santa Ana, CA
Tanuja Bhandari F Orange, CA
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA
Sarabjit Sandhu M Newport Beach, CA
Radiology Therapeutic
Surgery Colon Surgery
Vinayak Shanbhag M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCardoi vascul ar
Robert Ash M Orange, CA
Theodore Coutsoftides M Orange, CA
Young Lee M Orange, CA
Anita Gregory F Orange, CA
Venita Williams F Orange, CA
George Moro M Orange, CA
Robert Davison M Orange, CA
Surgery General
Suzanne Engelman F Laguna Niguel, CA Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Ravinder Singh F Garden Grove, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi ol gyTherapeutci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Mir Behnam Khaleghi M Orange, CA
Pejman Babakhanlou M Anaheim, CA
Joo Hyung Lee M Orange, CA
Kim Brandau F Anaheim, CA
Michael Fenton M Newport Beach, CA
Thomas Powell M Orange, CA
Michele Carpenter F Orange, CA
Bruce Marcus M Irvine, CA
Sleep Medicine
Kim James Charney M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Sheree Riley Violon F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Barbara Rosen Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Pulmonary Diseases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Neal Nakra M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Sl e pMedi cne
Surgery Cardiovascular Sevak Darbinian M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Theodore Coutsoftides M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Maher Gobran M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Anita Gregory F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Michael Fox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
James Law M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Robert Parke M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Guy Randazzo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Puml onaryDiseases
Puneet Dhawan M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Richard Gates M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Fariba Gharai F Fullerton, CA Orange, CA
Yigit Guner M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Sami Hamamji Tustin, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Jay Harness M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Jeffrey Johnsrud M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Rajesh Khanijou M Orange, CA
Surgery Neurological
George Moro M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Eric Lee M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Lars Anker M Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Jessica Mcmichael F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
William Loudon M Orange, CA
Joseph Mule M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Sterling Mutz Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA
Ashish Nath M Anaheim, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Christopher Ninh M Fountain Valley, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Joffre Olaya M Orange, CA
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Orthopedic
Eric Pham M Tustin, CA
Lawrence Barnett M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery General Vascular Steven Barnett M Orange, CA
Jeffrey Ballard M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Kim James Charney M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Paul Beck M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Peter Birnbaum M Anaheim, CA
Daniel Flanigan M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Ayaz Biviji M Orange, CA
Timothy Harward M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Daniel Debottis M Orange, CA
Stephen Kubaska M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Jeffrey Deckey M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Russell Montgomery M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Orange, CA
Jay Patel M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Carlos Prietto M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Miguel Prietto M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Benjamin Rubin M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Michael Shepard M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
David Smith M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Jeremy Smith M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery Pediatric
Scott Fischer M Orange, CA
Saeed Awan M Orange, CA
Robert Grumet M Orange, CA
John German M Orange, CA
Steve Kang M Orange, CA
Maryam Gholizadeh F Orange, CA
Paul Dinh M Orange, CA
Jonathan Kaplan M Orange, CA
Yigit Guner M Orange, CA
Mark Halikis M Orange, CA
David Kruse M Orange, CA
Vinh Lam M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryGeneral Vascul ar
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery Hand Orthopedic Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryHand Orthopedci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryHand Orthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pedai trci
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Pediatric Peter Yu M Orange, CA
Surgery Plastic
Shawn Beck M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Mark Krugman M Newport Beach, CA
Lamia Gabal Shehab F Irvine, CA
Windy Olaya F Orange, CA
Matthew Greenberger M Santa Ana, CA
Leonard Prutsok M Orange, CA
Ashok Kar M Orange, CA
Daniel Reichner M Orange, CA
Brian Norouzi M Orange, CA
Arthur Salibian Orange, CA
William Pearce M Santa Ana, CA
Ivan Turpin M Orange, CA
Garo Tertzakian M Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Justin West M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Linda Zeineh F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Surgery Thoracic Sevak Darbinian M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Puneet Dhawan M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Richard Gates M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Drewry Morris M Mission Viejo, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Brian Palafox M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
Joanne Starr F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Affil Phys Affiliated Hospitals
Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691
Family Practice
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651 St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Douglas Nitta M ID No. 100055242003 301 W Bastanchury Rd STE 155 Fullerton, CA 92835-3477 (714) 773-1116 Languages: Japanese and Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Elaheh Farshidi M ID No. 100112842004 1801 W Romneya Dr 305 Anaheim, CA 92801-1855 (714) 999-5948 Languages: Farsi and Spanish Thomas Parsa M ID No. 100049311003 Christine Gerges F 2864 E Imperial Hwy ID No. 100158463010 Brea, CA 92821-6714 539 S Brea Blvd Fl 1 STE 100 (714) 996-9708 Brea, CA 92821 Languages: Spanish (714) 671-2936 Kristine Percy F David Jesse M ID No. 100038660003 ID No. 100066948005 539 S Brea Blvd 100 3000 E Birch St STE 110 Brea, CA 92821-5377 Brea, CA 92821-6261 (714) 671-2936 (714) 996-5770 Languages: French and Languages: Spanish Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Edward Drake M ID No. 100079863009 1325 N Rose Dr 201 Placentia, CA 92870-3840 (714) 203-1760 Languages: German and Spanish
Jamshid Maleki M ID No. 100096014011 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Farsi and Spanish
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Henry Kaw M ID No. 100111141003 321 N Pomona Ave # B Fullerton, CA 92832-1927 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Marcus Lum M ID No. 100100282012 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joe Rossini M ID No. 100077233007 420 W. Central Ave. STE A Brea, CA 92821 (714) 529-3971 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Rafael Rubalcava M ID No. 100087553011 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Family Practice Lauren Stearns F ID No. 100048911003 539 S Brea Blvd 100 Brea, CA 92821-5377 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish
Charles Chong M ID No. 100008008003 1751 W Romneya Dr STE A Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 778-0454 Languages: Chinese
Gardner Tarlow M 215 N State College Blvd STE C Anaheim, CA 92806-2936 (714) 772-2210 Languages: Spanish
Ali Houshyar M ID No. 100013311003 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi
Maurice Vincent M ID No. 100059140010 410 W Central Ave STE 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 482-2775 Languages: French and Spanish
Audrey Konow F 135 South State College Blvd STE 200 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 975-1507 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Harvey Yung M ID No. 100082607002 1781 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1818 (714) 808-9208 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Phillip Zaret M ID No. 100040006003 15090 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1301 (562) 943-8444 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Anwar Arastu M ID No. 100081281003 12675 La Mirada Blvd 200 La Mirada, CA 90638-2200 (562) 941-9853 Languages: Hindi and Urdu PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Shahla Sadighian F ID No. 100015744003 1275 N Rose Dr 126 Placentia, CA 92870-3941 (714) 524-3880 Languages: Farsi, Spanish and Turkish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Brian Gray M ID No. 100066798010 4300 Rose Dr SUITE F Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 992-5350 PCPs-Obsterci s/Gynecol gy
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Corazon Medina F ID No. 100027774002 1751 W Romneya Dr STE H Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 563-2114 Languages: Tagalog PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Arun Patel M ID No. 100038680004 907 W Wilshire Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-1635 (714) 871-6161 Languages: Hindi and Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Michael Roach M ID No. 100025936012 15625 Imperial Hwy Lamirada, CA 90638-1627 (562) 902-3000 Languages: Spanish PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac epting CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Ker Chow Chang M ID No. 100098906027 400 W. Central Ave STE. 104 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 255-1148 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Also located at: 2707 E Valley Blvd 103 West Covina, CA 91792-3195 (626) 810-7772 Languages: Chinese, Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Rosanna Iskander F ID No. 100101731016 1330 W Covina Blvd STE 102 San Dimas, CA 91773-3200 (909) 592-3323 Languages: Arabic and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued PCPs - Family Practice Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M ID No. 100109933062 1321 N Harbor Blvd STE 302 Fullerton, CA 92835-4131 (714) 441-0591 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Urdu
Shefali Khandwala F ID No. 100003377015 539 S Brea Blvd STE 100 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 671-2936 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Christopher Lundquist M ID No. 100102789003 2874 E Imperial Hwy Brea, CA 92821-6714 (714) 579-7505 Languages: Spanish
Steve Li Chan M 660 N Diamond Bar Blvd STE 118 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 612-5835 Languages: Cantonese, Chinese and Mandarin
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Susan Cocke F Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Donald Gjesdal M Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Donald Levy M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Theodore Pastrana M ID No. 100069817008 100 E Valencia Mesa Dr STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 525-4185 Languages: Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Shubhangi Godbole F ID No. 100037706025 501 S Idaho St STE 100 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 690-0400 Languages: Gujarati, Hindi and Spanish Amirtha Ajit F ID No. 100011951002 1751 W Romneya Dr STE F Anaheim, CA 92801-1815 (714) 776-3180 Languages: Spanish and Tamil
Alfred Moon M Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
John Lee M ID No. 100009477006 400 N Euclid St Fullerton, CA 92832-1625 (714) 879-8700 Languages: Korean
Albert Lai M Orange, CA Placentia, CA
Jonathan Ou M 2707 S Diamond Bar Blvd STE 104 Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3500 (909) 594-8331 Languages: Korean
Cardiac Electrophysiology
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Internal Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Anesthesiology Pain Management
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-General Practci e
Chao I Lin M Brea, CA Orange, CA
Francisco Gonda M ID No. 100053488002 1110 W La Palma Ave STE 10 Anaheim, CA 92801-2826 (714) 956-5470 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
General Practice
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Allergy Immunology
Charles Daniels M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
William Ko M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Arthur Zepeda M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Duane Bridges M Fullerton, CA Hawthorne, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Timothy Guan Yeh M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardai cElectrophysoi l ogy
Jyotika Wali F ID No. 100091396004 1001 E Chapman Ave D Fullerton, CA 92831-3851 (714) 451-0000 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Cardiology Eugene Byun M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Narayanaiyengar Devaraj M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
Specialty Physicians
Jay Han M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Cardoi l ogy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tobey Wu Kuo F Fullerton, CA
Yee Miao M Fullerton, CA
Edward Lee M Fullerton, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Scott Sainburg M Fullerton, CA
Ramesh Rathod M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Serhat Aytug M Fullerton, CA
Eugene Yoon M Fullerton, CA
Samim Enayat M Fullerton, CA
John Gilbert M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gynecol gy
Alireza Jafari M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Jon Sherman M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Yong Hun Suh M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Gastroenterol gy
Thomas Hughes M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ol gy
Hematology / Oncology
Cardiovascular Disease
Nisha Jayani F Fullerton, CA
Steven Kim M Fullerton, CA
Jesus Vera M Fullerton, CA
Steven Saltman M Fullerton, CA
Roy Panares M Fullerton, CA
John Zamarra M Fullerton, CA
Family Practice
David Park M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Ker Chow Chang M Brea, CA
Kevin Kuwabara M Brea, CA
Elaheh Farshidi M Anaheim, CA
Pauline Ho F Placentia, CA
Marcus Lum M Lamirada, CA
Bhanu Sud M Placentia, CA
Rafael Rubalcava M Lamirada, CA
Joel Trotter M Placentia, CA
Khaled Hassan M Fullerton, CA
Internal Medicine
Martin Carr M Fullerton, CA
Amirtha Ajit F Anaheim, CA
Rupa Reddy F Yorba Linda, CA
David Chapman M Yorba Linda, CA
Rajiv Ishwarlal Bhavsar M Fullerton, CA
Robert Rosenberg M Fullerton, CA
Hyder Jamal M Yorba Linda, CA
John Lee M Fullerton, CA
Karen Simpson F Fullerton, CA
Keith Martin M Yorba Linda, CA
Jonathan Ou M Diamond Bar, CA
Stacy Thurber F Fullerton, CA
Sajen Mathews M Fullerton, CA
Michael Roach M Lamirada, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Chri opractor
Daniel Chang M Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Linda Golkar F Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gastorenterol gy
Infectious Disease Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Marriage Family Therapist Marriage Family Therapist Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Nawal Lotfy F Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Marai geFamyli Therapsi t
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Medical Oncology Steven Kim M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Richard Lloyd M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Giribala Patel F Fullerton, CA
Asha Ravikumar F Anaheim, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Frederick Dieterich M Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Theresa Franks F Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sridhar Reddy M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Sanjay Sharma M Fullerton, CA
Jacquelyn Cortez F Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Brian Gray M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Donald Henderson M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Herbert Tiquia M Garden Grove, CA
Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Steve Bui M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Vivian Lin F Yorba Linda, CA
Anthony Ciabarra M Fullerton, CA
Melanie Santos F Fullerton, CA
Thomas Ela M Anaheim, CA
Johanna Su F Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA
Jack Florin Fullerton, CA
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Johnson Moon M Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Ashish Kalthia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Faisal Qazi M Pomona, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Johanna Rosenthal F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
Stephen Waldman M Fullerton, CA
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Dennis Buchanan M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Kiran Bath F Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Alexander Cheung M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA
Robyn Lawton F Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jerald Thanos M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Nicholas Thanos M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Lina Wong F Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ophthalmology Sean Adrean M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Sam Goldberger M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
Scott Grant M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Opth aml ol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology Noor Haffar F Brea, CA Laguna Hills, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
John Esser M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Jamie Hancock F Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Eric Waki M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Natalie Hoshi F Diamond Bar, CA
Marigangaiah Mahadev M Anaheim, CA
Jeff Kaku M Fullerton, CA
Jonathan Ou M Diamond Bar, CA
Lynne Louie F Fullerton, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Gary Lovcik M Anaheim, CA
Jerry Fralick M Fullerton, CA
Charles Luu M Fullerton, CA
Suzy Kim F Brea, CA
Ashkan Pirouz M Fullerton, CA Los Alamitos, CA
Nhu Ly F Fullerton, CA
Clifford Terry Fullerton, CA
Kauser Sharieff F Orange, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Albert Lai M Orange, CA Placentia, CA
John Kim M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Matthew Kim M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci s
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
William Mosier M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Sarah Whang F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jeffrey Winston M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
John Zdral M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Paul Yang M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
David Lee M Orange, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Fred Nowroozi M Brea, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Otolaryngology / Otology / Robyn Sato F Laryngology / Rhinology Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Physci alMedci ne /Rehabi tl ation
Hana Bui F Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Jason Kim M Laryngology / Rhinology Fullerton, CA
Richard Grenier M Anaheim Hills, CA
Esfandiar Sabet-Peyman M Fullerton, CA
Jeri Gruenes F Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Placentia, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy /Rhni ol gy
Optometrist Taylor Bladh M Diamond Bar, CA Westminster, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
Robert Downs M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Optometrsi t
James Lee M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Hugh Moore M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Christopher Quilligan M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Jeffrey Katz M Anaheim, CA Corona, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
Lisbeth Keplinger F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
James Lee M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Podai trsi t
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Podiatrist Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
John Ursino M Santa Ana, CA
Maria Xanthos Fullerton, CA
Rebecca Penera F Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Priscilla Armstrong F Fullerton, CA
James Hardeman M Fullerton, CA
Dale Rosenblum M Fullerton, CA
Gary Baffa M Fullerton, CA
Farhan Khabaz M Fullerton, CA
Sherri Bates F Fullerton, CA
Edward Lawton M Fullerton, CA
Joan Danto F La Habra, CA
James Pearle M Fullerton, CA
Patricia Del Valle F Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA
Mark Weissig M Fullerton, CA
Karen Dymond F La Habra, CA
Sanjay Chabra M Fullerton, CA
Eric Naasz M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Psychiatry Wadie Alkhouri M Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Alejandro Alva M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Gustavo Alva M Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Weiming Chu M Costa Mesa, CA Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Rheumatology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Ann Golay F Fullerton, CA
Andrew Concoff M Fullerton, CA
Eileen Kang F Fullerton, CA
Michael Fabricant M Fullerton, CA
Jeffrey Katz M Fullerton, CA
Jason Kellogg M Costa Mesa, CA Irvine, CA
Jay Kim M Fullerton, CA
Wayne Lenz M La Habra, CA
Shirley Pang F Fullerton, CA
Cyrus Nasserian M Diamond Bar, CA
Clarence Leung M Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA
Surgery Cardiovascular
Sandhya Gudapati F Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Said Jacob M Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Clint Salo M Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Taghrid Sidhom F Glendora, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Hina Sidhu F Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Sanjai Thankachen M Costa Mesa, CA Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Brian Palafox M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardi ovascual r
Carol Lynch F Diamond Bar, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Ronald Salem M Diamond Bar, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Margaret Slaven F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Allison Wagner Millette F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
William Thibault M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardi ovascual r
Surgery Colon Surgery Kevin Kinzinger M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
Stephen Wilson M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Col nSurgery
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Affil Phys, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery General Surgery General
Bradley Noblett M Orange, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Kevin Kinzinger M Fullerton, CA
Raed Ali M Fullerton, CA
Robert Mccoy M Fullerton, CA
Donald Bittner M Fullerton, CA
Clarence Petrie M Fullerton, CA
Karen Evensen F Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Theodoros Daskalakis M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Puneet Dhawan M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA
Urology Ali Alavi M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Stuart Feldman M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Steven Posner M Orange, CA
Andrew Karich M Fullerton, CA
Michael Tsinberg M Fullerton, CA
Kiarash Khajavi M Fullerton, CA
Michael Gazzaniga M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Lori Uyeno F Fullerton, CA
Eric Lin M Fullerton, CA
Derrick Marinelli M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery General Vascular Joseph Mayo M Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
William Foley M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Stewart Shanfield M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Stephen Kubaska M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Russell Montgomery M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA
Shahram Solhpour M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Eric Tygenhof M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Alan Weinberg M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Urol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Allen Tham M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Mikel Whiting M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Neurological Lars Anker M Fullerton, CA
Surgery Plastic Hengli Lin M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Hector Ho M Orange, CA
Michael Mcconnell M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
William Loudon M Orange, CA
Robert Wald Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Pal stic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryNeurol gci al
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp Affiliated Hospitals
Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr L 27700 Medical Center Rd Mission Viejo, 92691
Family Practice
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Hwy Laguna Beach, 92651
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
St Jude Medical Center L 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, 92835
Christopher Davenport M 2151 N Harbor Blvd STE 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 446-5101 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente
PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Fouzia Asif F ID No. 100196268002 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92835-2625 (714) 449-6900 Languages: Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu
St Joseph Hospital Orange L 1100 W STEwart Dr Orange, 92868
Mark Davenport M ID No. 100082045003 2151 N Harbor Blvd 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835-3820 (714) 446-5101
Debra Gutierrez F ID No. 100196349004 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 449-6900 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Royce Hutain M ID No. 100078476006 501 N Cornell Ave Fullerton, CA 92831-2744 (714) 992-2730 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Ana Ivanova F ID No. 100107770011 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 Languages: Bulgarian and Russian PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Arash Farahanchi M ID No. 100046353006 1514 Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 860-1144 Languages: Farsi
Christian Lising M ID No. 100075140003 500 W Central Ave B Brea, CA 92821-3027 (714) 671-0766 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
Christopher Aou M ID No. 100096079003 2151 N Harbor Blvd 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835-3820 (714) 446-5101 Languages: Mandarin, Spanish and Taiwanese
Mark Giglio M ID No. 100038453005 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 200 Fullerton, CA 92835-2626 (714) 449-6910
Natalie Garcia-Montoya F ID No. 100220286002 8078 E. Santa Ana Canyon Rd. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 (714) 974-2900 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Judy Losco F ID No. 100072725004 4300 Rose Dr # R Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2026 (714) 577-6630 Languages: Filipino, Spanish and Tagalog PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued PCPs - Family Practice Jennifer Lu F ID No. 100247705003 2151 N Harbor Blvd STE 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 446-5101
Dean Okimoto M ID No. 100073995005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211
Shobha Mahesh F ID No. 100106616008 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211
Billie Park M ID No. 100212360006 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 577-6620
Scott Middleton M ID No. 100072196003 731 N Beach Blvd 175 La Habra, CA 90631-3657 (562) 697-6030 Languages: Spanish
Jo Ellen Pitzer F ID No. 100100575009 8078 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd Anaheim Hills, CA 92808-1108 (714) 974-2900 Languages: Spanish
Marlene Mires F ID No. 100100884003 500 W Central Ave B Brea, CA 92821-3027 (714) 671-0766 Languages: Spanish
Robert Ranney M ID No. 100085592004 2720 N Harbor Blvd 100 Fullerton, CA 92835-2609 (714) 449-6900 Languages: French
John Murashige M ID No. 100093541003 1514 Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3929 (909) 860-1144 Languages: Spanish
Joe Redd M ID No. 100049614005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Mohammad Nabulsi M ID No. 100246010002 731 N Beach Blvd STE 175 La Habra, CA 90631 (562) 697-6030 Languages: Arabic PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Roberta Nieto F ID No. 100089232009 1514 S. Valley Vista Drive Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 860-1144 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
David Rhodes M ID No. 100093752003 1514 Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3929 (909) 860-1144 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Biren Shah M ID No. 100064075003 500 W Central Ave B Brea, CA 92821-3027 (714) 671-0766 Languages: Gujarati and Hindi PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Angelia Sidarta F ID No. 100096352003 500 W Central Ave B Brea, CA 92821-3027 (714) 671-0766 Languages: Indonesian and Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Lytton Smith M ID No. 100055515003 4300 Rose Dr Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2026 (714) 528-4211 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Ynolde Smith F ID No. 100065143007 2151 N Harbor Blvd 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835-3820 (714) 446-5101 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Douglas Starr M ID No. 100080399003 1514 Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3929 (909) 860-1144 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Joanna Tan F ID No. 100093151005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Kenneth Tan M ID No. 100011160005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 Languages: Mandarin PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Gina Tran F ID No. 100233400002 1514 Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 860-1144 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Famiyl Practice
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued PCPs - Family Practice Lauren Tran F 1514 S Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (909) 860-1144 Languages: Vietnamese
Jason Jilk M ID No. 100214234004 8078 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd Anaheim Hills, CA 92808 (714) 974-2900
Jessica Tucker F ID No. 100175806003 2720 N Harbor Bl 300 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 449-6990
Robert Landman M ID No. 100015125005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 Languages: Spanish
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
PCPs-Famyli Practci e
PCPs-Internal Medi cne
James Yoon M ID No. 100214315010 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 300 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 449-6990 Languages: Korean PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Internal Medicine Amy Alias F ID No. 100172616003 2141 N Harbor Blvd 25000 Fullerton, CA 92835-3827 (714) 626-8650 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
William Batty M ID No. 100008595006 4300 Rose Dr. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Bradley Borsari M ID No. 100077580004 2141 N Harbor Blvd STE 25000 Fullerton, CA 92835-3801 (714) 626-8650 Languages: Spanish PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Maximilian Garces M ID No. 100073180005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
David Ruckman M ID No. 100066340003 2141 N Harbor Blvd STE 25000 Fullerton, CA 92835-3801 (714) 626-8605 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Neha Savalia F ID No. 100010159005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 Languages: Gujarati PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Obstetrics / Gynecology Brian Gray M 4300 Rose Dr SUITE F Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 992-5350 PCPs-Obsteircs/Gynecol gy
James Benoit M ID No. 100052276003 2151 N Harbor Blvd 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835-3820 (714) 446-5101 Languages: Spanish PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Alexandra Duke F ID No. 100061661004 2720 N Harbor Blvd 200 Fullerton, CA 92835-2609 (714) 449-6910 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Anne Ford F ID No. 100047656003 2720 N Harbor Blvd 200 Fullerton, CA 92835-2609 (714) 449-6910 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Daniel Kim M ID No. 100030884003 2151 N Harbor Blvd 3200 Fullerton, CA 92835-3820 (714) 446-5101 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Brian Koffman M ID No. 100104304003 1514 Valley Vista Dr Diamond Bar, CA 91765-3929 (909) 860-1144 Languages: French PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Andrew Morrison M 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 449-6900 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
Accepting Current Patients Only PCPs-Ac eptni g CurentPatientsOnl y
Family Practice Jonathan Anderson M ID No. 100096919003 2720 N Harbor Blvd 200 Fullerton, CA 92835-2609 (714) 449-6910 Languages: Spanish
Bruce Mutter M 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 100 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 449-6900 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Doreen Rioux F 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 PCPs -Famli yPrcatci e
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Anthony Bae M ID No. 100097238003 4300 Rose Dr Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2026 (714) 577-6601 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Ruben Cabral M ID No. 100095714004 2141 N Harbor Blvd STE 25000 Fullerton, CA 92835-3801 (714) 626-8650 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Allison Foley F ID No. 100111674005 4300 Rose Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 528-4211 PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Leo Garcia ID No. 100097355004 2141 N Harbor Blvd 25000 Fullerton, CA 92835-3801 (714) 626-8609 Languages: Filipino and Tagalog PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Aeri Kang F 2720 N Harbor Blvd SUITE 300 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 449-6990 Languages: Korean PCPs-Internal Medi cne
Paulynne Liang F ID No. 100075745011 220 Laguna Rd STE. 6 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 680-0050 Languages: Chinese
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Also located at: 2720 N Harbor Blvd STE 230 Fullerton, CA 92835 (714) 680-0050 Languages: Chinese
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Duane Bridges M Hawthorne, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
Timothy Guan Yeh M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-CardiacEel ctrophysoi l gy
PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Eugene Byun M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Jay Han M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Specialty Physicians
Alireza Jafari M Whittier, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Allergy Immunology Susan Cocke F Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Donald Gjesdal M Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Donald Levy M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Chao I Lin M Brea, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Edward Lee M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Ramesh Rathod M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Yong Hun Suh M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Jesus Vera M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiol gy
Cardiovascular Disease
Alfred Moon M Yorba Linda, CA
Narayanaiyengar Devaraj M Anaheim, CA
Jay Han M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Al ergymI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Jerry Fralick M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gy
Ramesh Rathod M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
Anesthesiology Pain Management
Yong Hun Suh M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Cardiovascual rDisease
William Ko M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Robyn Sato F Fullerton, CA
Kevin Kuwabara M Brea, CA
Arthur Zepeda M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Chri opractor
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Anesthesi ol gyPani Management
Daniel Chang M Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Dermatol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Dermatology Linda Golkar F Yorba Linda, CA
Marriage Family Therapist
Khaled Hassan M Fullerton, CA
Martin Carr M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Ann Golay F Fullerton, CA
Hyder Jamal M Yorba Linda, CA
Nawal Lotfy F Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Marai geFamyli Therapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Rupa Reddy F Yorba Linda, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Robert Rosenberg M Fullerton, CA
Sajen Mathews M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Yee Miao M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Stacy Thurber F Fullerton, CA
Steven Kim M Fullerton, CA
Eugene Yoon M Fullerton, CA
Richard Lloyd M Fullerton, CA
Roy Panares M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Endocrinology Metabolism Serhat Aytug M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Samim Enayat M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
John Gilbert M Fullerton, CA
Theresa Franks F Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Thomas Hughes M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Family Practice Anne Ford F Fullerton, CA
Hematology / Oncology Steven Kim M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Roy Panares M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Andrew Concoff M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli PracticeSportsMedi cni e
Infectious Disease Pauline Ho F Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Bhanu Sud M Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Joel Trotter M Placentia, CA
David Park M Fullerton, CA Giribala Patel F Fullerton, CA Sanjay Sharma M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Nephrology Nausheen Ali F Anaheim, CA Steve Bui M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Alexander Cheung M Anaheim, CA La Palma, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIfectoi usDisease
Internal Medicine Sports Medicine Kiarash Khajavi M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -nIternal Medci ne SportsMedi cne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practice
Family Practice Sports Medicine
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Steven Saltman M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Medci alOnclo gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Endocrinol gyMetabosil m
Nisha Jayani F Fullerton, CA
Medical Oncology
Scott Sainburg M Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Tobey Wu Kuo F Fullerton, CA
Carol Lynch F Diamond Bar, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Marai geFamyli Therapsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Karen Simpson F Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Marai geFamyli Therapsi t
Nirav Gandhi M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Nancy Hernandez F Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Ashish Kalthia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Paul Krasner M Anaheim, CA
Johanna Rosenthal F Fullerton, CA
Sam Goldberger M Fullerton, CA
Stephen Waldman M Fullerton, CA
Scott Grant M Fullerton, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology
Noor Haffar F Brea, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Jorge Mandelbaum M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Dennis Buchanan M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Richard Hill M Santa Ana, CA
Ramani Nathan M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Jacquelyn Cortez F Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Russell Ness M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA
Frederick Dieterich M Placentia, CA
Matthew Kim M Fullerton, CA
Brian Gray M Yorba Linda, CA
Jan Lukac M Brea, CA
Donald Henderson M Yorba Linda, CA
William Mosier M Fullerton, CA
Robyn Lawton F Yorba Linda, CA
Ashkan Pirouz M Fullerton, CA
Vivian Lin F Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA
Esfandiar Sabet-Peyman M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Asha Ravikumar F Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Sridhar Reddy M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Harmanjit Singh M Anaheim, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Herbert Tiquia M Fullerton, CA Garden Grove, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Nephrol ogy
Melanie Santos F Fullerton, CA
John Kim M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Clifford Terry Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Neurology Kiran Bath F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Anthony Ciabarra M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Thomas Ela M Anaheim, CA
Johanna Su F Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Jerald Thanos M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
John Zdral M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Lina Wong F Diamond Bar, CA
Noor Haffar F Laguna Hills, CA
Jan Lukac M Laguna Hills, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Faisal Qazi M Pomona, CA
Jeffrey Winston M Fullerton, CA
Nicholas Thanos M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Johnson Moon M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obstetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Jack Florin Fullerton, CA
Sarah Whang F Orange, CA
Sean Adrean M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Ophtal mol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Ophthalmology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology Ashkan Pirouz M Los Alamitos, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
James Lee M Fullerton, CA
Hugh Moore M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Richard Grenier M Anaheim Hills, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Taylor Bladh M Diamond Bar, CA Westminster, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
John Esser M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Jamie Hancock F Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Natalie Hoshi F Diamond Bar, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Jeff Kaku M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Lynne Louie F Fullerton, CA
Jeffrey Katz M Anaheim, CA Corona, CA
Eric Waki M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA
Lisbeth Keplinger F Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Pediatric Allergy / Immunology Donald Levy M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Al ergy/Imunol gy
Chao I Lin M Brea, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pedai trci Al ergy/Imunol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Gary Lovcik M Anaheim, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Christopher Quilligan M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Otloaryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Robert Downs M Anaheim, CA
Jeri Gruenes F Placentia, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
James Lee M Anaheim, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Eric Naasz M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Rebecca Penera F Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Dale Rosenblum M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Podi atrsi t
Charles Luu M Fullerton, CA
Charles Daniels M Orange, CA Placentia, CA
Nhu Ly F Fullerton, CA
Jerry Fralick M Fullerton, CA
Alejandro Alva M Costa Mesa, CA
Kauser Sharieff F Yorba Linda, CA
Suzy Kim F Brea, CA
Gustavo Alva M Costa Mesa, CA
Paul Yang M Anaheim Hills, CA
Albert Lai M Orange, CA Placentia, CA
Weiming Chu M Costa Mesa, CA Irvine, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Optometsirt
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Otolaryngology / Otology / David Lee M Laryngology / Rhinology
Orange, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Hana Bui F Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Jason Kim M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otol ogy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Fred Nowroozi M Brea, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
Wadie Alkhouri M Glendora, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Sandhya Gudapati F Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Jason Kellogg M Costa Mesa, CA Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Robyn Sato F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -PhysicalMedci ne/Rehabi tl ation
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Psychiatry Clarence Leung M Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Cyrus Nasserian M Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA
Ronald Salem M Diamond Bar, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Margaret Slaven F Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Clint Salo M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Taghrid Sidhom F Diamond Bar, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Hina Sidhu F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Sanjai Thankachen M Costa Mesa, CA Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Kevin Kinzinger M Fullerton, CA
Allison Wagner Millette F Fullerton, CA
Stephen Wilson M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryCol on Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Pulmonary Diseases James Hardeman M Fullerton, CA
Surgery General Theodoros Daskalakis M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Farhan Khabaz M Fullerton, CA
Kevin Kinzinger M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Edward Lawton M Fullerton, CA
Robert Mccoy M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
James Pearle M Fullerton, CA
Clarence Petrie M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
John Ursino M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhi atry
Mark Weissig M Fullerton, CA
Michael Tsinberg M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Psychologist Priscilla Armstrong F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Lori Uyeno F Fullerton, CA
Sanjay Chabra M Fullerton, CA
Stephen Wilson M Fullerton, CA
Andrew Concoff M Fullerton, CA
Surgery General Vascular
Michael Fabricant M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Gary Baffa M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Sherri Bates F Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
William Foley M Fullerton, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Patricia Del Valle F Diamond Bar, CA Glendora, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Jay Kim M Fullerton, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Karen Dymond F La Habra, CA
Shirley Pang F Fullerton, CA
Eileen Kang F Fullerton, CA Lake Forest, CA
Surgery Cardiovascular
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Jeffrey Katz M Fullerton, CA
Puneet Dhawan M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Wayne Lenz M La Habra, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Pscyhol ogi st
Brian Palafox M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Cardoi vascual r
Stephen Kubaska M Anaheim, CA Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Russell Montgomery M Fullerton, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Steven Posner M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Surgery Hand Donald Bittner M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryHand
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
St Jude Heritage Medical Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Neurological Surgery Neurological
Allen Tham M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Lars Anker M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Mikel Whiting M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryOrthopedci
Devin Binder M Fountain Valley, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Surgery Pediatric
Hector Ho M Orange, CA
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA
William Loudon M Orange, CA
Surgery Plastic
Michael Muhonen M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPedai tric
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Hengli Lin M Fullerton, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Bradley Noblett M Orange, CA
Michael Mcconnell M Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryNeurol gi cal
Surgery Orthopedic
Robert Wald Fullerton, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryPal stci
Raed Ali M Fullerton, CA
Surgery Thoracic
Donald Bittner M Fullerton, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryThoraci c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Karen Evensen F Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Andrew Karich M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Kiarash Khajavi M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Eric Lin M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Joseph Mayo M Yorba Linda, CA
William Thibault M Fullerton, CA Mission Viejo, CA
Urology Ali Alavi M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Stuart Feldman M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Michael Gazzaniga M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Stewart Shanfield M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Harry Skinner M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Shahram Solhpour M Fullerton, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryOrthopedi c
Derrick Marinelli M Fullerton, CA Placentia, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Eric Tygenhof M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
Alan Weinberg M Fullerton, CA Yorba Linda, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians Affiliated Hospitals University Of California Irvine Med Ctr L 101 The City Drive South Orange, 92868
Urgent Care Centers
Kathryn Larsen F ID No. 100054967012 2100 Medical Plz Dr Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7002
Bavani Nadeswaran F ID No. 100110030005 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-3201 (714) 456-7002
David Morohashi M ID No. 100103809011 2100 Medical Plz Dr Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7002
Lan Nguyen M ID No. 100105371004 101 The City Dr South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7016 Languages: Vietnamese
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Lisa Gibbs F ID No. 100058692007 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7007 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Christopher Kroner M ID No. 100159102014 2100 Medical Plz Dr Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7002 PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Vinh Nguyen M ID No. 100215294002 101 The City Dr South SENIOR CENTER PAV 4 Orange, CA 92868 (888) 456-7007 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Baotran Vo F 2100 Medical Plaza Drive Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7007 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Internal Medicine Emilie Chow F ID No. 100013406014 2100 Medical Plaza Dr Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7002 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Molood Hadi F ID No. 100194984004 2100 Medical Plaza Dr Irvine, CA 92697-0001 (888) 456-7002 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
Chinh Le M ID No. 100107028007 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7007 PCPs -nIternalMedci ne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Maryam Rahimi F ID No. 100175113004 101 The City Dr South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7016 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Terra Safer F ID No. 100083003009 2100 Medical Plz Dr Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7002 Languages: Spanish PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Sonia Sehgal F ID No. 100087844005 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7007 Languages: Hindi PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Herbert Sier M ID No. 100167393002 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-3201 (714) 456-7007 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Meera Sohail F ID No. 100220323002 101 The City Drive S Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-7007 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued PCPs - Internal Medicine Martha Sosa Johnson F ID No. 100082453005 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-3201 (888) 456-7002
Donald Levy M Orange, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Cardiovascular Disease
Bogi Andersen M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Al ergyIm unol ogy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Byron Allen M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Simin Torabzadeh M ID No. 100092469005 2100 Medical Plaza Dr Irvine, CA 92697 (949) 757-0443 PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Steven Chessler M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Arthur Calick M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Yung In Choi M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Jin Kim F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Andrew Reikes M Irvine, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
Accepting Current Patients Only
Jeannette Lin F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Ping Wang M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
PCPs-Acceptni gCurentPatei nts Onyl
Family Practice Emily Dow F ID No. 100069379011 300 W Carl Karcher Wy Anaheim, CA 92801 (888) 456-7002 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Dawn Lombardo F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Qin Yang M Irvine, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Endocrni ol gyMetabosil m
John Longhurst M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Shaista Malik F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Family Practice Vinh Nguyen M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 1 Medical Plz Dr BLDG 820 Irvine, CA 92697 (888) 456-7002 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Also located at: 800 N Main St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (888) 456-7002 PCPs-Famyli Practci e
Alice Perlowski F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Arnold Seto M Orange, CA
Gregory Albers M Orange, CA
Kenneth Chang M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cardi ovascual rDisease
Beverly Wang F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Cytopathol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Ke-Qin Hu Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Internal Medicine
Steven Tam M ID No. 100093477008 101 The City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-3201 (888) 456-7002 Languages: Chinese
Sergei Grando M Irvine, CA
William Karnes M Orange, CA
Kristen Kelly F Irvine, CA
John Lee M Orange, CA
Kenneth Linden M Irvine, CA
Hooshang Meshkinpour M Irvine, CA
Janellen Smith F Irvine, CA
Timothy Morgan M Orange, CA
Christopher Zachary M Orange, CA
Douglas Nguyen M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
PCPs-InternalMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specialty Physicians Allergy Immunology Sudhir Gupta M Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Al ergy mI munol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Gastroenterology Jose Carrillo M Orange, CA
Infectious Disease
Jason Samarasena M Orange, CA
Robert Carroll M Newport Beach, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Genetics Clinical
Vi Chiu M Orange, CA
Nimisha Parekh F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Catherine Diamond Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Donald Forthal M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Maureen Bocian F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Susan Claster F Orange, CA
Geeta Gupta F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Natalie Gallant F Long Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Angela Fleischman F Orange, CA
Susan Huang F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
John Gargus M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
John Fruehauf M Orange, CA
Steven Park M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
June Anne Gold F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Deepa Jeyakumar F Orange, CA
Ming Tan M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Virginia Kimonis F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Kanwarpal Kahlon M Orange, CA
Lauri Thrupp F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Michael Zaragoza M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Genetics Cil nci al
Samuel Klempner M Orange, CA
Jeremiah Tilles M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIfectoi usDisease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Gynecologic Oncology
Internal Medicine
Michael Berman M Orange, CA
Chaitali Nangia F Orange, CA
Mosen Istwani M Riverside, CA
Robert Bristow M Orange, CA
Sai Hong Ou M Orange, CA
Philip Disaia M Orange, CA
Michael Schlutz M Newport Beach, CA
Qin Yang M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Ramez Eskander M Orange, CA
Tara Seery F Orange, CA
Judith Chung F Orange, CA
Valerie Galvan Turner F Orange, CA
Leonard Sender M Orange, CA
Afshan Hameed F Orange, CA
Kristine Penner F Orange, CA
Lewis Slater M Orange, CA
Tamera Hatfield F Orange, CA
Krishnansu Tewari F Orange, CA
Richard Van Etten M Orange, CA
Carol Major F Orange, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Jason Zell M Orange, CA
Manuel Porto M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Daniela Bota F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Maternal Medicine Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Maternal Medicine Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Szofia Bullain F Orange, CA
Steven Schreiber M Orange, CA
Deborah Wing F Orange, CA
Tiyonnoh Cash F Orange, CA
Indranil Sen Gupta M Orange, CA
Mary Zaki F Orange, CA
Steven Cramer M Orange, CA
Steven Small M Orange, CA
Medical Oncology
Cyrus Dastur M Orange, CA
Gaby Thai F Irvine, CA
Michael Demetriou M Irvine, CA
Annabel Wang F Orange, CA
An Do M Orange, CA
John Weiss M Irvine, CA
Mark Fisher M Orange, CA
Wengui Yu M Orange, CA
Leonid Groysman M Orange, CA
Neurology Child
Leif Havton M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Kevin Harley M Orange, CA Mosen Istwani M Riverside, CA
Neal Hermanowicz M Irvine, CA
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh Orange, CA
Claudia Kawas F Orange, CA
Wei Lau F Orange, CA
Jack Lin M Orange, CA
Hamid Moradi M Orange, CA
Lilit Mnatsakanyan F Orange, CA
Madeline Pahl F Orange, CA
Anna Morenkova F Orange, CA
Jennifer Butler F Orange, CA
Connie Rhee F Orange, CA
Tahseen Mozaffar M Orange, CA
Laura Fitzmaurice F Orange, CA
Aimee Pierce F Orange, CA
Jacqueline Guerrero F Orange, CA
Mona Sazgar F Orange, CA
Tabetha Harken F Santa Ana, CA
Julianne Toohey F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Maternal Medi cni e
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Rita Mehta F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Frank Meyskens M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Andreea Nanci F Costa Mesa, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Edward Nelson M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-MedicalOncol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Nephrology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Yama Akbari M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Ira Lott M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Anne Tournay F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Neurology Critical Care Medicine
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Wengui Yu M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyCrti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Lama Al Khoury F Orange, CA
Joseph Donnelly M Santa Ana, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Sumit Garg M Irvine, CA
Jennifer Che F Irvine, CA
Michael Krychman M Santa Ana, CA
Ronald Gaster M Irvine, CA
John Spaeth M Orange, CA
Felicia Lane F Orange, CA
Jeffrey Joseph M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
Otolaryngology / Otology / Laryngology / Rhinology
Stephanie Jacobs F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Rachel Perry F Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Jennefer Russo F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Maria Kenney F Irvine, CA Baruch Kuppermann M Irvine, CA Christine Lin F Irvine, CA Ken Lin M Irvine, CA Robert Lingua M Irvine, CA Stephanie Lu F Orange, CA
Occupational Therapist Aparna Guttery F Santa Ana, CA
Sameh Mosaed F Irvine, CA
Angela Winslow F Santa Ana, CA
Anthony Nesburn M Orange, CA
Oncology Medical
Jennifer Simpson F Irvine, CA
Michael Schlutz M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gyMedi cal
Hamid Djalilian M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Norman Ge M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Norman Harris M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Harrison Lin M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Sunil Verma M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Brian Wong M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anand Bhatt M Irvine, CA Robert Crow M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Matthew Wade M Irvine, CA
Marjan Farid F Irvine, CA
Roger Crumley M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Roger Steinert M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Jacob Boeckmann M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Mitul Mehta M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Therapsi t
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Therapsi t
Naveen Bhandarkar M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Kevin Vuchinich M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Valeria Simon F Orange, CA
William Armstrong M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Lili Sheibani F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Naghmeh Salamat-Saberi F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Optometrsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Pathology Anatomic Clinical Beverly Wang F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pathol ogy AnatomicClni cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Paul Blaze M Orange, CA
Pediatric Cardiology Myriam Almeida-Jones M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Anjan Batra M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Cardiology Nafiz Kiciman M Orange, CA
Pediatric Endocrinology
Lilia Carey F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Ajanta Naidu F Irvine, CA
Shivani Chopra F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Pulmonary Diseases
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Lawrence Faziola M Orange, CA
Matthew Brenner M Orange, CA
Phyllis Agran F Orange, CA
Eleni Hailemariam F Orange, CA
Mohsen Davoudi M Orange, CA
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Anju Hurria F Orange, CA
Bahman Saatian M Orange, CA
Jagmohan Batra M Orange, CA
Aaron Kheriaty M Orange, CA
Radiation Oncology
Pediatric Pulmonology
Deena Mcrae F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircCardoi l gy
David Monkarsh M Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Robert Myers M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Psychol gsi t
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircEndocrinol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircGastorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircIfnectious Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Parima Daroui F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Dan Cooper M Orange, CA
Andrei Novac M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Jeffrey Kuo M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Mehrdad Jalili M Orange, CA
Adrian Preda M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Nilam Ramsinghani F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Pediatrics Peter Chung M Santa Ana, CA
Katherine Roulette F Orange, CA
Robin Steinberg Epstein F Santa Ana, CA
Alan Schneider M Orange, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Atur Turakhia M Orange, CA
Shahira Khoury F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Registered Physical Therapist Winnie Ma Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Patricia Morita Nagai F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Rachel Baker F Santa Ana, CA
Rheumatology George Lawry M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Kenten Wang M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Jean Gehricke M Santa Ana, CA
Dan Mandel M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Speech Therapist
David Haupt M Orange, CA
Amy Griffiths F Santa Ana, CA
Chantawan Chantaphakul F Santa Ana, CA
David Sabet M Laguna Beach, CA
Christy Hom F Orange, CA
Barbara Moore F Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Speech Therapist Specai l tyPhysci ans -Spe ch Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery General Vascul ar
Samuel Wilson M Orange, CA
Gregory Rafijah M Orange, CA
Surgery Colon Surgery
Surgery Hand Orthopedic
Joseph Carmichael M Orange, CA
Neil Jones M Orange, CA
Steven Ross M Orange, CA
Steven Mills M Orange, CA
Surgery Neurological
Michael Stamos M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Michelle Wahlquist F Santa Ana, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery HandOrthopedci
John Scolaro M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Jefferson Chen Orange, CA
Martin Tynan M Orange, CA
Kiarash Golshani M Costa Mesa, CA Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA
David Zamorano M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Surgery General Matthew Dolich M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Clarence Foster M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
David Imagawa M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
John Nelson M Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Frank Hsu M Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Li Mei Lin F Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Ninh Nguyen M Orange, CA
Mark Linskey M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Alice Police F Costa Mesa, CA
Radoslav Raychev M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Brian Smith M Orange, CA
Shuichi Suzuki M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Maki Yamamoto F Orange, CA
Sumeet Vadera M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Surgery Orthopedic
Surgery General Vascular Nitin Bhatia M Orange, CA
Roy Fujitani M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Nii Kabu Kabutey M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Stuart Green M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Theodore Teruya M Orange, CA
Ranjan Gupta M Costa Mesa, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Surgery Plastic Gregory Evans M Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Keyianoosh Paydar M Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Surgery Thoracic Richard Gates M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Jeffrey Milliken M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Surgery Trauma / Critical Care Cristobal Barrios M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Nicole Bernal F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Hirohito Ichii M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Allen Kong M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Russell Williams M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Phillip Kiester M Orange, CA
Eric Kuncir M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgery Trauma / Critical Care Michael Lekawa Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-SurgeryTrauma /Crictal Care
Surgical Oncology John Butler M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Aram Demirjian M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Karen Lane F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Urology Ralph Clayman M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Gamal Ghoniem M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Mark Jordan M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Antoine Khoury M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jaime Landman M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Irene Mcaleer F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Ross Moskowitz M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Aaron Spitz M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Bernard Turbow M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Edward Uchio M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Elias Wehbi M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp Affiliated Hospitals University Of California Irvine Med Ctr L 101 The City Drive South Orange, 92868
Urgent Care Centers This plan provides coverage for urgently need services both in-network and out-of-network. For an up-to-date list of Urgent Care Centers in the network, please contact your medical group.
Renee Ballentine F ID No. 100100719005 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Spanish
Vinh Nguyen M ID No. 100215294003 101 The City Dr South SENIOR CENTER PAV 4 Orange, CA 92868 (888) 456-7007
Regan Chan M ID No. 100109268005 293 S Main St STE 200 Orange, CA 92868-3843 (714) 838-8848 Languages: Spanish
David Sodaro M ID No. 100077170005 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Stanley Cho M ID No. 100058811007 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Centros de atención urgente Este plan brinda cobertura para servicios urgentemente necesarios en centros de la red y fuera de la red. Para obtener una lista actualizada de los centros de atención urgente de la red, comuníquese con su grupo médico.
PCPs Family Practice Harry Ahn M ID No. 100228292002 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Korean and Spanish
Arlene Ing F ID No. 100106480005 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Indonesian and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Susie Kim F ID No. 100113759005 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 Languages: Korean and Spanish PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Internal Medicine Deepika Lekawa F ID No. 100077847005 1451 Irvine Blvd Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 838-8878 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Dennis Long M ID No. 100039642005 293 S Main St STE 200 Orange, CA 92868-3843 (714) 838-8848 PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Kenneth Tram M ID No. 100104775006 293 S Main St STE 200 Orange, CA 92868-3843 (714) 838-8848 Languages: Vietnamese PCPs-Itnenral Medi cne
Specialty Physicians
PCPs-Famiyl Practice
Samuel Lin M ID No. 100009886005 293 S Main St STE 200 Orange, CA 92868-3843 (714) 838-8848 Languages: Spanish and Taiwanese PCPs -Fma li yPrcatci e
Allergy Immunology Sudhir Gupta M Costa Mesa, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
Donald Levy M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Al ergyIm unol ogy
L=LeapFrog F=Female M=Male When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease
Christopher Zachary M Orange, CA
Hooshang Meshkinpour M Irvine, CA
Endocrinology Metabolism
Timothy Morgan M Orange, CA
Bogi Andersen M Orange, CA
Douglas Nguyen M Orange, CA
Steven Chessler M Orange, CA
Nimisha Parekh F Orange, CA
Yung In Choi M Orange, CA
Jason Samarasena M Orange, CA
Andrew Reikes M Irvine, CA
Genetics Clinical
Ping Wang M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sClni cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Dermatol gy
Byron Allen M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Arthur Calick M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Morton Kern M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Jin Kim F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Jeannette Lin F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gatsorenterol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
Dawn Lombardo F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Maureen Bocian F Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Endocrni ol ogy Metabol si m
John Longhurst M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Family Practice
Natalie Gallant F Long Beach, CA
Shaista Malik F Orange, CA
Vinh Nguyen M Orange, CA
June Anne Gold F Orange, CA
Pranav Patel M Orange, CA
Family Practice Geriatric Medicine
Virginia Kimonis F Orange, CA
Alice Perlowski F Orange, CA
Vinh Nguyen M Orange, CA
Michael Zaragoza M Orange, CA
Arnold Seto M Orange, CA
Genetics Medical
Carl Albers M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
John Gargus M Orange, CA
Anand Ganesan M Irvine, CA
Gregory Albers M Orange, CA
Gynecologic Oncology
Sergei Grando M Irvine, CA
Kenneth Chang M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Kristen Kelly F Irvine, CA
Ke-Qin Hu Orange, CA
Kenneth Linden M Irvine, CA
William Karnes M Orange, CA
Janellen Smith F Irvine, CA
John Lee M Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Famli yPractie Geriatrci Medicni e
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sClni cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sClni cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sClni cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sClni cal
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Cardoi vascul arDsi ease
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Dermatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Geentci sMedci al
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Michael Berman M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Robert Bristow M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Philip Disaia M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Ramez Eskander M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gastroenterol gy
Valerie Galvan Turner F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Gynecol gi cOncol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Gynecologic Oncology Kristine Penner F Moreno Valley, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Leslie Randall F Orange, CA
Chaitali Nangia F Orange, CA
Internal Medicine
Sai Hong Ou M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-nIternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Roger Kornu M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Maternal Medicine
Michael Schlutz M Newport Beach, CA
Cindy Chau F Orange, CA
Hand Surgery
Tara Seery F Orange, CA
Judith Chung F Orange, CA
Neil Jones M Orange, CA
Leonard Sender M Orange, CA
Afshan Hameed F Orange, CA
Hematology / Oncology
Lewis Slater M Orange, CA
Tamera Hatfield F Orange, CA
Richard Van Etten M Orange, CA
Carol Major F Orange, CA
Jason Zell M Orange, CA
Manuel Porto M Orange, CA
Infectious Disease
Julianne Toohey F Orange, CA
Krishnansu Tewari F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Gynecol gci Oncol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -HandSurgery
Daniela Bota F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Jose Carrillo M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Robert Carroll M Newport Beach, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Hematol gy /Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Vi Chiu M Orange, CA
Thomas Cesario M Orange, CA
Susan Claster F Orange, CA
Catherine Diamond Orange, CA
Angela Fleischman F Orange, CA
Donald Forthal M Orange, CA
John Fruehauf M Orange, CA
Geeta Gupta F Orange, CA
Frank Meyskens M Orange, CA
Deepa Jeyakumar F Orange, CA
Susan Huang F Orange, CA
Andreea Nanci F Costa Mesa, CA
Kanwarpal Kahlon M Orange, CA
Steven Park M Orange, CA
Samuel Klempner M Orange, CA
Ming Tan M Orange, CA
Gordon Mclaren M Orange, CA
Lauri Thrupp F Orange, CA
Rita Mehta F Orange, CA
Jeremiah Tilles M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Hematol gy/Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Deborah Wing F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Mary Zaki F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Maternal Medci ne
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Medical Oncology Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Medci al Oncol gy
Cyril Barton M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Kevin Harley M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
Mosen Istwani M Riverside, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Nephrol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-InfectiousDsi ease
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Nephrology Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Neal Hermanowicz M Irvine, CA
Anne Tournay F Orange, CA
Wei Lau F Orange, CA
Claudia Kawas F Orange, CA
Neurology Critical Care Medicine
George Lawry M Orange, CA
Jack Lin M Orange, CA
Wengui Yu M Orange, CA
Hamid Moradi M Orange, CA
Lilit Mnatsakanyan F Orange, CA
Neurophysiology Clinical
Madeline Pahl F Orange, CA
Anna Morenkova F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurophysiol gyClni cal
Connie Rhee F Orange, CA
Aimee Pierce F Orange, CA
Mona Sazgar F Orange, CA
Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Nephrol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Steven Schreiber M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Lama Al Khoury F Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyCrti cal CareMedci ne
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Yama Akbari M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Neurol gyChidl
Indranil Sen Gupta M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Obstetrics / Gynecology Jennifer Butler F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Ramez Eskander M Moreno Valley, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Laura Fitzmaurice F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Szofia Bullain F Orange, CA
Indranil Sen Gupta M Irvine, CA Orange, CA
Tiyonnoh Cash F Orange, CA
Steven Small M Orange, CA
Tabetha Harken F Santa Ana, CA
Steven Cramer M Orange, CA
Gaby Thai F Irvine, CA
Stephanie Jacobs F Orange, CA
Cyrus Dastur M Orange, CA
Annabel Wang F Orange, CA
Michael Krychman M Santa Ana, CA
Michael Demetriou M Irvine, CA
John Weiss M Irvine, CA
Felicia Lane F Orange, CA
An Do M Orange, CA
Wengui Yu M Orange, CA
Kristine Penner F Moreno Valley, CA
Neurology Child
Rachel Perry F Anaheim, CA Orange, CA Santa Ana, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Mark Fisher M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy
Joseph Donnelly M Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Leonid Groysman M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Ira Lott M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Neurol ogy Chli d
Leif Havton M Irvine, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Neurol gy
Jacqueline Guerrero F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
Jennefer Russo F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Obtsetrci s/Gynecol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Obstetrics / Gynecology Naghmeh Salamat-Saberi F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Christine Lin F Irvine, CA
Jacob Boeckmann M Orange, CA
Lili Sheibani F Orange, CA
Ken Lin M Irvine, CA
Roger Crumley M Orange, CA
Valeria Simon F Orange, CA
Robert Lingua M Irvine, CA
Hamid Djalilian M Orange, CA
Kevin Vuchinich M Orange, CA
Stephanie Lu F Orange, CA
Norman Ge M Orange, CA
Occupational Therapist
Mitul Mehta M Orange, CA
Norman Harris M Orange, CA
Sameh Mosaed F Irvine, CA
Harrison Lin M Orange, CA
Anthony Nesburn M Orange, CA
Victor Passy M Orange, CA
Michael Schlutz M Newport Beach, CA
Jennifer Simpson F Irvine, CA
Sunil Verma M Orange, CA
Roger Steinert M Irvine, CA
Brian Wong M Orange, CA
Jeremiah Tao M Irvine, CA
Pediatric Cardiology
Matthew Wade M Irvine, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Obste rics /Gynecol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Aparna Guttery F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Angela Winslow F Santa Ana, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oc upatoi nal Therapsi t
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Oncology Medical Specai l tyPhysci ans -Oncol gyMedi cal
Anand Bhatt M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Otoal ryngol gy/Otol gy/Laryngol ogy/Rhni ol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Robert Crow M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Myriam Almeida-Jones M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Ophthaml ol ogy
Anjan Batra M Orange, CA
Sumit Garg M Irvine, CA
Paul Blaze M Orange, CA
Nafiz Kiciman M Orange, CA
Ronald Gaster M Irvine, CA
Jennifer Che F Irvine, CA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Jeffrey Joseph M Anaheim, CA Orange, CA
John Spaeth M Orange, CA
Phyllis Agran F Orange, CA
Marjan Farid F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Maria Kenney F Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Baruch Kuppermann M Irvine, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -Ophtal mol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Optometrist
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Cardi ol gy
Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Gastroenterol ogy
Otolaryngology / Otology / Pediatric Infectious Laryngology / Rhinology Diseases William Armstrong M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
Jagmohan Batra M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-Pedai trci Infectoi usDiseases
Naveen Bhandarkar M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Otoal ryngol ogy/Otlo gy/Laryngol gy/Rhi nol gy
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Pediatric Pulmonology Pediatric Pulmonology
Anju Hurria F Orange, CA
Pulmonary Diseases
Aaron Kheriaty M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Dan Cooper M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Matthew Brenner M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Mehrdad Jalili M Orange, CA
Deena Mcrae F Orange, CA
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircPuml onol gy
Mohsen Davoudi M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Steven Leven M Orange, CA
Peter Chung M Santa Ana, CA
Andrei Novac M Orange, CA
Robin Steinberg Epstein F Santa Ana, CA
Adrian Preda M Orange, CA
Physical Medicine / Rehabilitation
Jody Rawles F Orange, CA
Parima Daroui F Orange, CA
Kais Alsharif M Orange, CA
Katherine Roulette F Orange, CA
Jeffrey Kuo M Orange, CA
Shahira Khoury F Orange, CA
Alan Schneider M Orange, CA
Nilam Ramsinghani F Orange, CA
Kenten Wang M Orange, CA
Atur Turakhia M Orange, CA
Registered Physical Therapist
David Haupt M Orange, CA
Rachel Baker F Santa Ana, CA
Winnie Ma Orange, CA
David Sabet M Laguna Beach, CA
Jean Gehricke M Santa Ana, CA
Amy Griffiths F Santa Ana, CA
Sheetal Desai F Orange, CA
Christy Hom F Orange, CA
Roger Kornu M Orange, CA
David Monkarsh M Santa Ana, CA
Dan Mandel M Orange, CA
Robert Myers M Orange, CA
Speech Therapist
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Pedi atircs
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Physci al Medci ne/Rehabil ta oi n
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Podi atirst
Rimal Bera M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Radiation Oncology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Radi atoi n Oncol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Patricia Morita Nagai F Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Regi sterd PhysicalTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Lawrence Faziola M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Shivani Chopra F Orange, CA
Bahman Saatian M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhci atry
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Lilia Carey F Irvine, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Pul monary Dsi eases
Ajanta Naidu F Irvine, CA
Rheumatology Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Rheumatol gy
Chantawan Chantaphakul F Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Psyhcol ogi st
Eleni Hailemariam F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Psychai try
Barbara Moore F Santa Ana, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Spe chTherapsi t
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Speech Therapist Michelle Wahlquist F Santa Ana, CA
Surgery Neurological
Surgery Colon Surgery
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -Spe ch Therapsi t
John Scolaro M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Jefferson Chen Orange, CA
Martin Tynan M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Joseph Carmichael M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Steven Mills M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Kiarash Golshani M Costa Mesa, CA Laguna Hills, CA Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Alessio Pigazzi M Orange, CA
Frank Hsu M Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA
Michael Stamos M Orange, CA
Li Mei Lin F Costa Mesa, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryCol n Surgery
Surgery General Clarence Foster M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Mark Linskey M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
David Imagawa M Orange, CA
Radoslav Raychev M Orange, CA Shuichi Suzuki M Orange, CA Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Ninh Nguyen M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Brian Smith M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Stuart Green M Orange, CA
Keyianoosh Paydar M Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Surgery Thoracic Richard Gates M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryThoraci c
Cristobal Barrios M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Costa Mesa, CA
Nicole Bernal F Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Neil Jones M Orange, CA
Matthew Dolich M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Phillip Kiester M Orange, CA
Hirohito Ichii M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Gregory Rafijah M Orange, CA
Allen Kong M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Samuel Wilson M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Russell Williams M Orange, CA
Daniel Jaffurs M Orange, CA
Surgery Trauma / Critical Care
Nitin Bhatia M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Theodore Teruya M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryPl astci
Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
Nii Kabu Kabutey M Orange, CA
Gregory Evans M Costa Mesa, CA Orange, CA
Jeffrey Milliken M Orange, CA
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Surgery General Vascular Ranjan Gupta M Roy Fujitani M Orange, CA
Surgery Plastic
Sumeet Vadera M Orange, CA
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
Alice Police F Costa Mesa, CA
Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryOrthopedci
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Neurol gi cal
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneral
John Nelson M Irvine, CA
David Zamorano M Orange, CA
Steven Ross M Orange, CA
Eric Kuncir M Orange, CA Specai l tyPhysi cans-SurgeryTramu a/Crti cal Care
Specai tl yPhysci ans-Surgery Orthopedic
Specai l tyPhysci ans -SurgeryGeneralVascual r
F=Female M=Male
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group.
Uc Irvine Health Med Grp, continued Specialty Physicians - Surgical Oncology Surgical Oncology John Butler M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Aram Demirjian M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Karen Lane F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Surgci al Oncol gy
Urology Kara Babaian F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Ralph Clayman M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Gamal Ghoniem M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Mark Jordan M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Antoine Khoury M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Jaime Landman M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Irene Mcaleer F Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Ross Moskowitz M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Aaron Spitz M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Bernard Turbow M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Edward Uchio M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
Elias Wehbi M Orange, CA Speciatl yPhysci ans-Urol gy
F=Female M=Male Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Dental Providers If you decide to enroll in the optional supplemental dental HMO plan, you will need to select a network dentist. BlueSheidl65 Plus
If you would like to inquire about the status of a listed dental provider, or if you would like to change your dentist, you can call your plan’s dental benefits administrator at (888) 679-8928 [TTY (800) 855-2881], 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays, excluding holidays. Out-of-area emergency dental care If you are outside your plan service area and require emergency dental care, you may obtain treatment from any licensed dentist. You will need to submit a claim to us for reimbursement. Please contact us at the number on your plan ID card if you receive services from an out-of-area dentist. Reimbursement for out-of-area emergency dental care To obtain reimbursement, submit your request for reimbursement, payment receipt, and description of services rendered in writing to: Blue Shield of California P.O. Box 272590 Chico, CA 95927-2590 Generally, bills for services must be submitted to Blue Shield 65 Plus within one year of the service date. For more information about the optional supplemental dental HMO plan, please read the plan’s Evidence of Coverage.
Proveedores dentales Si decide inscribirse en el plan dental HMO opcional complementario, deberá elegir a un dentista de la red. Si desea obtener información sobre el estado de un proveedor dental incluido en la lista, o si quiere cambiar de dentista, comuníquese con el administrador de beneficios dentales de su plan llamando al (888) 679-8928 [TTY (800) 855-2881], de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes, excepto los feriados. Atención dental de emergencia fuera del área de servicio Si está fuera del área de servicio de su plan y necesita atención dental de emergencia, puede recibir tratamiento de cualquier dentista autorizado. Deberá presentarnos una reclamación para solicitar un reembolso. Si recibe servicios por parte de un dentista fuera del área, comuníquese con nosotros al número que se encuentra en su tarjeta de identificación del plan. Reembolso por atención dental de emergencia fuera del área Para obtener un reembolso, envíe por escrito su solicitud de reembolso, el recibo de pago y una * Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 431
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación descripción de los servicios recibidos a la siguiente dirección: Blue Shield of California P.O. Box 272590 Chico, CA 95927-2590 Por lo general, las facturas de los servicios deben presentarse ante Blue Shield 65 Plus en un plazo de un año desde la fecha en que se recibió el servicio. Para obtener más información sobre el plan dental HMO opcional complementario, lea la Evidencia de Cobertura del plan.
2 MAREBLU LN STE 200 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949) 831-8826 Claire Cho, DDS ID 7017
101 E LINCOLN AVE STE 100 ANAHEIM, CA 92805 (714) 535-0192 Haesung Kim, DDS ID 383927 Richard Yong, DDS ID 384028
26888 SOUTH LA PAZ RD STE B ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949) 362-5600 Cornel Crasnean, DDS ID 12006975 27066 S LA PAZ RD ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949) 362-6516 Reza Birjandi, DDS ID 11740 27131 ALISO CREEK RD STE 120 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 (949) 362-3668 Lauren Truong, DMD ID 420559
1112 N MAGNOLIA AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 828-1211 Juan Canchola, DDS ID 1659951 William Gross, DMD ID 12019355 Jaimeson Hofkes, DDS ID 8360492 Tayar Lamin, DDS ID 309159 Trung Ngo, DDS ID 12029097 Roanna Siangio, DMD ID 1823788 Harprabh Singh, DMD ID 1089558 Trang To, DMD ID 1601959
Richard Wurtz, DDS ID 11999980 1116 N EUCLID ST ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 635-0855 Vahid Einollahi, DDS ID 2971190 1161 N EUCLID ST STE 605 ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 999-5050 John Delaney, DDS ID 46999 1210 S BROOKHURST ANAHEIM, CA 92804 (714) 535-7500 Mustafa Bilal, DDS ID 423301 1221 N EUCLID ST ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 491-2732 Jason Morgan, DDS ID 239559 1221 N HARBOR BLVD ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 224-5255 Ali Tavakoli, DDS ID 311171
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 432 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 140 S FAIRMONT BLVD ANAHEIM, CA 92808 (714) 974-0054 Jason Morgan, DDS ID 1156214 150 N STATE COLLEGE BLVD ANAHEIM, CA 92805 (714) 491-8441 Jose Cardenas, DDS ID 334356 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910099 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12148072 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3909553 Jeffrey Flores, DDS ID 1959144 Helen Ford ID 12132058 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 332701 Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 446781 Mana Kafaei ID 12207518 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060727 Jennifer Kimura ID 12125750 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374548 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606642 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12057187 Mozhgan Molkara, DDS ID 12029362 Sameer Patel ID 12207500 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3275439
Melissa Rodas, DDS ID 1132496 Emilyjane Sunga, DDS ID 10215708 James Tan ID 12157886 Don Vu, DDS ID 423013 David Younan, DDS ID 12035115 1696 W KATELLA AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92802 (714) 635-3460 Dilshad Abtin, DDS ID 12222933 Dina Contreras ID 12222845 Chad D’aloisio, DDS ID 253860 Amit Desai, DDS ID 2023189 Sameh Gendy, DDS ID 333216 Marianna Ghularyan, DDS ID 10903316 Amanpreet Gill, DDS ID 326583 Shilpa Gupta, DDS ID 1171534 Anh Hoang, DDS ID 379774 Evelinda Jacob ID 12085127 Francis James, DDS ID 12017361 Ki-woong Lee, DDS ID 406853 Shabnam Marini ID 12053596 Shadi Mazaheri ID 12222793
Irene Mokriy, DDS ID 12070672 Vida Namavar, DDS ID 12067717 Stephanie Nguyen, DDS ID 1401273 Aditi Pampaniya, DDS ID 1723764 Roya Pouryavari, DDS ID 1321644 Mona Soliman, DDS ID 12223738 Sameeh Tadros, DDS ID 1299922 Anahita Tajbakhsh, DDS ID 12223635 Kumzoo Wohn, DDS ID 12222846 Chong Ye ID 2373924 Weiqiang Zhong, DDS ID 12223698 1751 W ROMNEYA DR STE D ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 772-3538 Jannette Trent, DMD ID 456916 1842 W LINCOLN AVE STE B ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 533-4321 Neeta Somani ID 287783 2060 S EUCLID ST STE G ANAHEIM, CA 92802 (714) 638-0018 Robert Go, DDS ID 382958
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 433
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 2170 W LINCOLN AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 535-3933 Joseph Mina Atalla, DDS* ID 10215263 William Cox, DDS ID 231739 Michelle Meador ID 12165482 Richard Nelson, DDS ID 12079239 Rajni Sharma, DDS ID 6105471 Don Vu, DDS ID 12133470 2261 W LINCOLN AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 491-8600 Thuan Nguyen, DDS ID 336280 Ching Ming Shen, DDS ID 189648 Chuck Truc Trong Le, DDS ID 188049 2265 W LINCOLN AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 491-8600 Lisa Tran, DDS ID 255763 2300 S HARBOR BLVD ANAHEIM, CA 92802 (714) 750-3030 Jason Morgan, DDS ID 700728 3006 W LINCOLN AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 828-8275 Chanyul Kim, DDS ID 301103
3174 W LINCOLN AVE STE 102 ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 732-6078 Michael Le, DDS ID 10696146 330 N STATE COLLEGE BLVD STE 105 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 (714) 772-5005 Michael Badea, DDS ID 169748 Van Le, DDS ID 348130 Robert Sadighi, DDS ID 169751 414 S ANAHEIM HILLS RD STE F ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 974-5223 Mohammad Zareh, DDS ID 9756208 522 N MAGNOLIA AVE ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 828-1415 David Cho, DDS ID 1874516 Tsvetanka Doncheva, DDS ID 2018378 David Kang ID 1956336 5675 E LA PALMA AVE STE 197 ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 695-0593 Anthony Nguyen, DDS ID 2022310
5731 E SANTA ANA CANYON RD STE A ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 998-2956 Reneelyn Dang, DDS ID 454559 Charles Rodgers, DDS ID 36261 Deepa Sidhu, DDS ID 12004540 Christine Vian, DDS ID 11771631 5731 E SANTA ANA CANYON RD STE A ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 998-2856 Lincoln Parker, DMD ID 12017029 Casey Vidovich ID 12195887 Clint Walker ID 12146931 5731 SANTA ANA CANYON RD STE A ANAHEIM, CA 92807 (714) 998-2856 Neusha Najafi, DDS ID 3379630 Jahan Pandhoh, DDS ID 6510700 637 N EUCLID ST ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 772-2893 Michael Bailey, DDS ID 5395 Anthony Nguyen, DDS ID 283950 Thinh Nguyen, DDS ID 410215
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 434 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Thomas Nguyen, DDS ID 5403 Thuan Nguyen, DDS ID 295519 Ching Ming Shen, DDS ID 168638 Lisa Tran, DDS ID 266718 Chuck Truc Trong Le, DDS ID 5396 710 S BROOKHURST STE O P ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 490-1585 Tu Cathrine Dao, DDS ID 6824 Dheepa Jagadeesan, DDS ID 371691 David Lena, DDS ID 168681 Kaustubh Marathe, DDS ID 368120 Andrew Nguyen, DMD ID 188937 Ladan Partovi ID 168502 Kim Pham, DMD ID 368415 Shaaban Sakr, DDS ID 168696 Adrian Sarchisian, DDS ID 168842 Elmer Serquina ID 168890 710 S BROOKHURST ST STE K ANAHEIM, CA 92804 (714) 758-0778 Maisun Saeed, DDS ID 179770
710 S BROOKHURST ST STE O ANAHEIM, CA 92804 (714) 780-5665 Lanchi Pham, DDS ID 1135402 710 S BROOKHURST ST STE O P ANAHEIM, CA 92804 (714) 780-5665 Maria Luisa Co, DDS ID 1278736 Renata Da Fonseca, DDS ID 1554173 Vicky Duong, DMD ID 697670 Phuong Ha, DDS ID 1723565 Silvana Tredinnick, DDS ID 701635 Colleen Vo, DDS ID 1299312 Thach Vo, DMD ID 698598 Johnny Wong, DDS ID 1820331 710 S BROOKHURST ST STE O ANAHEIM, CA 92804 (714) 780-5665 Alain Toca, DDS ID 12155438 815 N EUCLID ST ANAHEIM, CA 92801 (714) 758-0791 Pragnesh Dholakiya, Not Specified ID 8429 Norman Quan, Doctor of Pasto ID 296330
922 S EUCLID ST ANAHEIM, CA 92802 (714) 776-7015 Brooks Morgan, DDS ID 183615 Tania Nguyen, DDS ID 1211852 9672 BALL RD ANAHEIM, CA 92804 (714) 772-4378 Jayang Vora, DDS ID 6544
BREA 101 W IMPERIAL HWY STE E BREA, CA 92821 (714) 988-1000 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910070 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589338 Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 1106581 Angeli Kapoor, DDS ID 2089392 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060642 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374540 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606687 Chau Ngo, DDS ID 1123477 Frank Pham, DDS ID 1135186 Aarti Puri, DDS ID 1539898 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3483630 Aarti Shah, DDS ID 1594546
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 435
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 11552013 Don Vu, DDS ID 1657800 101 W IMPERIAL HWY STE E BREA, CA 92821 (714) 988-1000 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12147975 Helen Ford ID 12132045 Mohammed Kader, DDS ID 12142252 Mana Kafaei ID 12207512 Jennifer Kimura ID 12131499 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12095700 Christina Minh- Nguyen ID 12132801 Sameer Patel ID 12207292 Kooshyar Tahmasbi Dezfuly ID 12204800 David Younan, DDS ID 12035113 1770 E LAMBERT RD STE 200 BREA, CA 92821 (714) 255-9700 Mimi Yang, DDS ID 2019011 200 E IMPERIAL HWY BREA, CA 92821 (714) 671-9999 Ashok Mehta ID 8989
2500 E IMPERIAL HWY STE 120 BREA, CA 92821 (714) 990-2299 Barbara Gaffino, DDS ID 1364624
2500 E IMPERIAL HWY STE 120 BREA, CA 92821 (714) 990-2299 Nayiry Charshafjian, DDS ID 12019345 Casey Vidovich ID 12195588
5258 A BEACH BLVD STE A BUENA PARK, CA 90621 (714) 523-2828 Eun Paik, DDS ID 10798413
391 W CENTRAL AVE BREA, CA 92821 (714) 987-6916 Ayed Hawatmeh, DDS ID 12042409 503 E IMPERIAL HWY BREA, CA 92821 (714) 672-9000 John Whitworth, DDS ID 179610 552 E LAMBERT RD BREA, CA 92821 (714) 990-3344 Catherine Nguyen, DDS ID 1264683 649 W IMPERIAL HWY STE H BREA, CA 92821 (714) 529-1232 Wendy Yang ID 169279 782 N BREA BLVD BREA, CA 92821 (714) 257-0330 Trinh Nguyen, DMD ID 1265481
10102 VALLEY VIEW ST BUENA PARK, CA 90620 (714) 229-4898 Thet Swe, DDS ID 380685
5971 LINCOLN AVE BUENA PARK, CA 90620 (714) 995-3976 Hatem Abdelhadi, DDS ID 4822679 Maryam Afifi ID 12219352 Tarlan Akhavan, DDS ID 2019297 Wesam Alani, DDS ID 1364847 Rula Al-salti, DDS ID 1399000 Tamara Ayoub ID 12224229 Shideh Azimi, DDS ID 1322928 Yanina Beck, DDS ID 12220681 Neda Borna ID 12039087 Cesar Carrasco ID 12219705 Tzu Fei Chang ID 12219694 Jo Choi, DDS ID 6512080 Sarkis Dabbagh, DDS ID 10904471
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 436 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Amit Desai, DDS ID 1822358 Maribel Dio, DDS ID 12102642 Mary Farshidpour, DMD ID 4588855 Muhammad Fayoumi, DDS ID 1263597 Mona Gad, DDS ID 2228423 Shiva Ghahremani, DDS ID 12033567 Azita Ghalchi, DDS ID 1822326 Amanpreet Gill, DDS ID 1826169 Peter Huang, DDS ID 12124532 Steve Hwang ID 12041919 Paula Izvernari, DDS ID 1958579 Leila Khamsei, DDS ID 1400443 Antonio Lazo, DDS ID 4823082 Peter Lee, DMD ID 2449580 Kimia Maheri ID 12112691 Soraya Mahran, DDS ID 1500037 Anh-thu Mai, DMD ID 12223453 Fereshteh Mazhary, DDS ID 4823256 Irene Mokriy, DDS ID 12071077 Ma Judina Morales, DDS ID 1656739 Rashi Muthal, DDS ID 11771848
Stephanie Nguyen, DDS ID 362928 Tu-uyen Nguyen, DDS ID 10215993 Aditi Pampaniya, DDS ID 712929 Anjana Patel, DDS ID 1956362 Bhavna Patel, DDS ID 445178 Roya Pouryavari, DDS ID 362931 Parviz Rahimzadeh, DDS ID 442882 Mojdeh Roboubi ID 12075802 Iman Sadri, DDS ID 12220710 Ed Samra, DDS ID 2301109 Jianxiong Shen, DDS ID 12223664 Sergey Sirenko, DDS ID 1597628 Henry Sobol, DDS ID 10903349 Shahrzad Taat, DDS ID 1957363 Mariz Tanious, dds ID 9755838 Gamal Tewfik, DDS ID 1281205 Michael Tran ID 12093231 Kumzoo Wohn, DDS ID 1250552 Chong Ye ID 12225134
6131 ORANGETHORPE AVE STE 405 BUENA PARK, CA 90620 David Rabizadeh, DDS ID 12197023 6131 ORANGETHROPE AVE STE 405 BUENA PARK, CA 90620 Tom Tu, DDS ID 12160523 6850 LINCOLN AVE STE 101 BUENA PARK, CA 90620 (714) 995-6000 Pahn Cho, DDS ID 414100 6891 LA PALMA AVE BUENA PARK, CA 90620 (714) 994-6911 Edna Ramirez Jue, DMD ID 13959 7011 ORANGETHORPE AVE STE 100 BUENA PARK, CA 90621 (714) 994-4482 Pragnesh Dholakiya, Not Specified ID 442536 7540 ORANGETHORPE AVE STE C4 BUENA PARK, CA 90621 (714) 522-4445 Soon Yong Shim, DMD ID 1264118
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 437
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 8381 LA PALMA AVE SUITE B&C BUENA PARK, CA 90620 (714) 228-9990 Joseph Mina Atalla, DDS ID 12089974
2000 HARBOR BLVD STE B100 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 645-5070 Jonathan Shapiro, DDS ID 12120498
8575 KNOTT AVE STE A BUENA PARK, CA 90620 (714) 761-8575 Edward Suh, DDS ID 264013
2000 N HARBOR BLVD STE B100 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 645-5070 Anthony Follico, DDS ID 11116032
2023 HARBOR BLVD STE D COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 646-9000 Tuankiet Ly, DDS ID 695338
1450 BAKER ST STE B COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714) 435-1971 Faramarz Boniadi, DDS ID 219879 1835 NEWPORT BLVD STE E267 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 574-0100 Farshad Saghatchi, DDS ID 348857 2000 HARBOR BLVD STE B100 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 645-5070 William Cox, DDS ID 286479 Fayezeh Hazrati, DDS ID 227682 Tammam Sheabar, DDS ID 691719
230 E 17TH ST STE 208 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 645-0045 Rinesh Ganatra, DDS ID 417222 2300 HARBOR BLVD STE H5 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (949) 610-0146 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910072 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589340 Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 713862 Angeli Kapoor, DDS ID 1249908 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060645 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374541 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606689
Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3483631 Melissa Rodas, DDS ID 1401285 Shorouq Sahawneh, DDS ID 731761 Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 11552012 Pavithra Thankachen, DDS ID 1164325 Don Vu, DDS ID 1594650 2300 HARBOR BLVD STE H5 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (949) 610-0146 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12147978 Mana Kafaei ID 12207501 Jennifer Kimura ID 12131425 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12039748 Mozhgan Molkara, DDS ID 12046787 Christina Minh- Nguyen ID 12132783 James Tan ID 12157883 David Younan, DDS ID 12035119 267 E 17TH ST COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 646-2411 Hisham Alkhateeb, DDS ID 11231 Maha Hetata, DDS ID 11229
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 438 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 2969 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714) 437-1100 Matt Farzin, DDS ID 12148097 3030 HARBOR BLVD STE G1 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714) 546-6100 Nayiry Charshafjian, DDS ID 12007341 Delaine Cole-richards, DDS ID 10903693 Michael Nguyen, DMD ID 11995983 Darin Reagan, DDS ID 277594 320 BRISTOL ST STE H COSTA MESA, CA 92626 (714) 546-7595 Parisa Behroozi, DDS ID 364630 534 W 19TH ST COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 645-0218 Nadia Abazarnia, DDS ID 10405155 Hatem Abdelhadi, DDS ID 437538 Tamara Ayoub ID 12224487 Shideh Azimi, DDS ID 1322931 Tzu Fei Chang ID 12219697 Amit Desai, DDS ID 1822353 Mary Farshidpour, DMD ID 4588854 Muhammad Fayoumi, DDS ID 1263605
Mona Gad, DDS ID 2228424 Shiva Ghahremani, DDS ID 12033571 Azita Ghalchi, DDS ID 1819821 Amanpreet Gill, DDS ID 1826179 Kimia Maheri ID 12118492 Soraya Mahran, DDS ID 1823728 Anh-thu Mai, DMD ID 12153268 Fereshteh Mazhary, DDS ID 4823253 Irene Mokriy, DDS ID 12071069 Vida Namavar, DDS ID 10213712 Stephanie Nguyen, DDS ID 701919 Tu-uyen Nguyen, DDS ID 10120641 Anjana Patel, DDS ID 1956358 Parviz Rahimzadeh, DDS ID 1248096 Ed Samra, DDS ID 2301111 Jianxiong Shen, DDS ID 12223650 Shahrzad Taat, DDS ID 1957369 Mariz Tanious, dds ID 9755858
CYPRESS 10017 VALLEY VIEW ST CYPRESS, CA 90630 (714) 761-2211 Trinh Nguyen, DMD ID 12164732 11741 VALLEY VIEW ST STE E CYPRESS, CA 90630 (714) 826-3000 Jason Morgan, DDS ID 218026 5460 ORANGE AVE CYPRESS, CA 90630 (714) 226-9630 Michael Badea, DDS ID 421065 Robert Sadighi, DDS ID 421984 6334 LINCOLN AVE CYPRESS, CA 90630 (714) 527-1801 Gamal Tewfik, DDS ID 707103 6897 KATELLA AVE CYPRESS, CA 90630 (714) 952-3044 Thanh Doan, DMD ID 462003 Kim-thanh Tran, DDS ID 134657
DANA POINT 32515 GOLDEN LANTERN ST STE D DANA POINT, CA 92629 (949) 661-2000 Joanne Gabot* ID 12186934
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 439
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 34080 GOLDEN LANTERN ST STE 201 DANA POINT, CA 92629 (949) 661-5664 Amir Larijani, DDS ID 48294
FOOTHILL RANCH 26730 TOWNE CENTRE DR STE 101 FOOTHILL RANCH, CA 92610 (949) 916-4500 Abbas Rajabi, DDS ID 4823143 45 AUTO CENTER DR STE 110 FOOTHILL RANCH, CA 92610 (949) 588-5906 Sumeet Pandhoh, DDS ID 297041 Jimmy Tran, DMD ID 12009150 45 AUTO CENTER DR STE 110 FOOTHILL RANCH, CA 92610 (949) 588-5906 Erica Kim ID 12153272
FOUNTAIN VALLEY 11703 EDINGER AVE FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 (714) 775-1934 Pauline Phan, DDS ID 50359
17150 EUCLID AVE STE 308 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 (714) 434-1307 Andre Bao Tan Duong, DDS ID 44507 18625 BROOKHURST ST FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 Azadeh Ashtiany, DDS ID 12118783 18633 BROOKHURST ST FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 (714) 274-4222 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12147991 Mana Kafaei ID 12207502 Angeli Kapoor, DDS ID 2089393 Jennifer Kimura ID 12131426 Alex Martel, DDS ID 1166563 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12095701 Christina Minh- Nguyen ID 12132784 Sameer Patel ID 12207297 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 2620347 Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 11552014 Robert Tadych, DDS ID 1194030 Pavithra Thankachen, DDS ID 1166572
FULLERTON 100 LAGUNA RD STE 210 FULLERTON, CA 92835 (714) 526-3655 Mohammad Zareh, DDS ID 12113493 100 N STATE COLLEGE BLVD STE E FULLERTON, CA 92831 (714) 738-8452 Stela Dimitrova-munro, DDS ID 713021 100 N STATE COLLEGE BLVD STE E FULLERTON, CA 92831 (714) 738-8452 Eric Chiang, DDS ID 12218209 1019 N HARBOR BLVD FULLERTON, CA 92838 (714) 992-0300 Anna Talmood, DDS ID 47010 1105 S EUCLID ST STE E FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 738-0304 Justin Tran, DMD ID 1366333 1321 N HARBOR BLVD STE 201 FULLERTON, CA 92835 (714) 526-5577 Michael Oh, DMD ID 252896
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 440 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 137 W CHAPMAN AVE STE A FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 738-6001 Amit Shah, DDS ID 239764 1573 S HARBOR BLVD FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 441-0131 Peter Pham, DDS ID 9574346 Manoranjani Sambangi, DDS ID 8822402 1620 S HARBOR BLVD STE A FULLERTON, CA 92832 Mona Soliman, DDS ID 12143647 1620 S HARBOR BLVD STE A FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 294-7066 Alaa Abdallah, DDS ID 12091215 Dilshad Abtin, DDS ID 12222939 Tamara Ayoub ID 12224491 Yanina Beck, DDS ID 12220676 Cesar Carrasco ID 12219712 Janice Cheng, DDS ID 12219453 Dina Contreras ID 12100684 Amit Desai, DDS ID 12091216 Himani Desai ID 12220587 Ronald Inge ID 12223723
Jia-kae Liou, DDS ID 12220767 Anh-thu Mai, DMD ID 12223443 Shabnam Marini ID 12102037 Shadi Mazaheri ID 12222796 Raghavendra Olety, DDS ID 12091214 Tejal Patel ID 12220132 Parviz Rahimzadeh, DDS ID 12222808 Iman Sadri, DDS ID 12220707 Anahita Tajbakhsh, DDS ID 12223332 Chong Ye ID 12225148 Weiqiang Zhong, DDS ID 12223705 1657 W ORANGETHORPE AVE FULLERTON, CA 92833 (714) 626-0288 Kenny Jang, DDS ID 1164461 170 N RAYMOND AVE FULLERTON, CA 92831 (714) 870-2000 Asal Kohandel-shirazi, DMD ID 1156402 1718 W ORANGETHORPE AVE FULLERTON, CA 92833 (714) 525-3855 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910101 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12147999
Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589349 Helen Ford ID 12132047 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 1656860 Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 445990 Mana Kafaei ID 12207508 Angeli Kapoor, DDS ID 2089399 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060692 Jennifer Kimura ID 12105796 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374549 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606644 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12112481 Mozhgan Molkara, DDS ID 12029313 Chau Ngo, DDS ID 717833 Pauline Nguyen, DDS ID 1164353 Sameer Patel ID 12207513 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3484226 Melissa Rodas, DDS ID 1135898 Emilyjane Sunga, DDS ID 10214632 Mimi Yang, DDS ID 1546997
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 441
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 2442 E CHAPMAN AVE FULLERTON, CA 92831 (714) 525-4538 Nadia Saleeb, DDS ID 7577 2949 BREA BLVD FULLERTON, CA 92835 (714) 671-0300 Hossein Abdolhosseini, DDS ID 1822697 Ahmad Aghakhan-moheb, DDS ID 1822725 345 S EUCLID ST STE A FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 773-9300 Zaw Thu, DDS ID 1320366 446 E COMMONWEALTH AVE FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 680-6767 Susie Hong, DDS ID 224683 607 E CHAPMAN AVE FULLERTON, CA 92831 (714) 774-2638 Nandini Murthy, DDS ID 5619 905 W WILSHIRE AVE FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 871-6161 Anjana Patel, DDS ID 6323 906 W ORANGETHORPE AVE FULLERTON, CA 92832 (714) 871-3900 Shirley Lee, DMD ID 406763
GARDEN GROVE 10044 WESTMINSTER AVE GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 (714) 539-7070 Tania Nguyen, DDS ID 1211851 Foroud Tale-yazdi, DDS ID 457950 10044 WESTMINSTER BLVD GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 (714) 539-7070 Brooks Morgan, DDS ID 38936 10372 WESTMINSTER AVE GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 (714) 530-7220 Nader Botros, DDS ID 13963 12400 EUCLID ST GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 (714) 537-1600 Alyssa Tang, DDS ID 270396 12462 BROOKHURST ST STE C GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 (714) 638-7470 Marianna Ibrahim ID 12178984 12630 BROOKHURST ST STE B GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 (714) 530-4920 Allen Baker, DDS ID 46904 Alvin Chow, DDS ID 12010300 Nader Ramzi, DDS ID 12192139
Alan Torres ID 12010437 12630 BROOKHURST ST STE B GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 (714) 530-4920 William Gross, DMD ID 12192141 12752 GARDEN GROVE BLVD STE 200 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 (714) 636-2595 Shady Shaaban ID 706738 12828 HARBOR BLVD STE 340 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 (714) 530-9801 Maria Luisa Co, DDS ID 1278737 Renata Da Fonseca, DDS ID 1554164 Tu Cathrine Dao, DDS ID 6732 Vicky Duong, DMD ID 407030 Phuong Ha, DDS ID 1723584 Dheepa Jagadeesan, DDS ID 371694 Hoa Ly, DDS ID 290278 Kaustubh Marathe, DDS ID 368121 Roshani Patel-mehta, DDS ID 405126 Kim Pham, DMD ID 368424 Lanchi Pham, DDS ID 1135401
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 442 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Michael Scamurra, DMD ID 375572 The-hao Tran, DDS ID 368020 Silvana Tredinnick, DDS ID 701553 Colleen Vo, DDS ID 1299314 Thach Vo, DMD ID 1823614 Johnny Wong, DDS ID 1820334
HUNTINGTON BEACH 15921 GOLDEN WEST ST HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 (714) 589-2589 Brian Nguyen, DMD ID 7193513
16071 GOLDENWEST ST HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 (714) 536-2383 Christopher Cheong 12828 HARBOR BLVD STE 340 ID 12180489 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 Nicole Smith, DDS (714) 530-9801 ID 12039211 Hanhngoc Vo 16474 BOLSA CHICA ID 12173359 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 12872 HARBOR BLVD (714) 377-3736 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 (714) 638-8273 Titi Dang, DMD ID 225048 Thanh Le, DDS ID 12068933 16511 GOLDENWEST ST STE 101 13133 HARBOR BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 92647 (714) 537-8770 (714) 848-9200 Kha Le, DMD Nora Caballero, DDS ID 262355 ID 46968 13732 EUCLID ST GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 17692 BEACH BLVD STE 310 (714) 530-0921 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA Vahid Einollahi, DDS 92647 ID 12155578 (714) 842-5035 14331 EUCLID ST Mark Sakabe, DDS STE 101 ID 274595 GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 Maryann Young, DMD (714) 554-1155 ID 274594 Val Tran, DDS ID 1826901
18593B BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 581-9797 Franco Miele, DDS ID 12132171 18682 BEACH BLVD STE 100 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 968-3522 Faranak Bigdeli, DDS ID 255749 Foruzan Bigdeli, DDS ID 416523 18700 MAIN ST STE 204 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 274-9713 Amit Bhakta ID 12212912 18800 MAIN ST STE 110 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 842-6151 Mohdsameer Aljanedi, DDS ID 254722 Babak Mirmarashi ID 254722 18821 DELAWARE ST STE 101 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 848-8211 Mohdsameer Aljanedi, DDS ID 315041 Babak Mirmarashi ID 436005
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 443
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 19059 BUSHARD ST HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 964-2040 Celine Pham ID 12106308
19754 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 964-8830 Lina Musleh, DDS ID 17498
19080 BROOKHURST ST HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 968-2527 Trinh Nguyen, DMD ID 415346
4911 WARNER AVE STE 202 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 (714) 846-4414 Gary Stewart, DDS ID 46988
19365 MAIN ST STE 108 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (949) 393-2999 Farshid Siami, DDS ID 12217188 19720 BEACH BLVD STE A HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 593-1010 Shiva Ghahremani, DDS ID 1367482 Jonathan Shapiro, DDS ID 441730 Alex Sharifian, DDS ID 308675 Hien Tran, DDS ID 10404776 19720 BEACH BLVD STE A HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 593-1010 Aimee Belier ID 12175301 Thuy-hien Nguyen, DDS ID 12191090
5942 EDINGER AVE STE 101 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 (714) 377-4449 Mohdsameer Aljanedi, DDS ID 246353 Tandis Eftekhari, DMD ID 252456 Babak Mirmarashi ID 428720 7812 WARNER AVE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 (714) 841-4700 Alexander Moradzadeh, DDS ID 2454548 9506 HAMILTON AVE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 964-1900 Richard Nguyen, DMD ID 12051490 Steven Nguyen, DDS ID 12039620
9842 ADAMS AVE STE 106 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 968-4907 Marcos Magar, DDS ID 1279106 Alex Sharifian, DDS ID 308687 Nicole Smith, DDS ID 1278748 9842 ADAMS AVE STE 106 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 968-4907 Aimee Belier ID 12030987 9931 YORKTOWN AVE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 963-9809 Linh Trinh, DDS ID 48848 9952 HAMILTON AVE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646 (714) 593-0256 Subodh Swaroop, DDS ID 332302
IRVINE 113 WATER WORKS WAY STE 220 IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 727-0777 Thomas Gonzales, DDS ID 1280950
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 444 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 113 WATER WORKS WAY STE 310 IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 552-7988 Dean Ariaee, DDS ID 5392
16520 BAKE PKWY STE 155 IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 786-0640 Roya Toomarian, DDS ID 45197
113 WATERWORKS WAY STE 130 IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 502-5100 Safaeddin Jahanbani, DDS ID 409744
17010 RED HILL AVE IRVINE, CA 92614 (949) 975-0150 Carolyn Ghazal, DDS ID 9574384 Megan Moshar ID 12147071 Nicole Smith, DDS ID 9574738
14130 CULVER DR STE C IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 653-8888 Abbas Rajabi, DDS ID 307407 14427 CULVER DR IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 733-0486 Nam Dang, DDS ID 280209 Bindu Kansagra, DDS ID 10402601 Kinh La-pham ID 12148256 Bach Nguyen, DDS ID 1660430 15362 ALTON PKWY IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 447-5050 Navid Zamani, DMD ID 12180235 16100 SAND CANYON AVE STE 300 IRVINE, CA 92618 (949) 453-9800 Ashraf Abdel Malek, DDS ID 37084
17931 MACARTHUR BLVD IRVINE, CA 92614 (949) 862-0028 Basem Airood, DDS ID 356361 33 CREEK RD STE 300 BLOCK C IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 333-2717 Karim Bouhairi, DDS ID 1550050 4330 BARRANCA PKWY STE 230 IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 786-1234 Jee Lee, DMD ID 201171 4710 BARRANCA PKWY IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 559-5110 Robert Loomis, DDS* ID 362465
4950 BARRANCA PKWY STE 105 IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 551-4242 William Cox, DDS ID 292200 Dzien Nguyen, DDS ID 2873717 Bruce Schwandt, DDS ID 1265624 Nathan Vu ID 332408 5321 UNIVERSITY DR STE A IRVINE, CA 92612 (949) 653-2244 Negah Parsangi, DDS ID 1061893 5405 ALTON PKWY STE F IRVINE, CA 92604 (949) 262-0300 Gagan Uppal, DMD ID 2299572
LA HABRA 111 N EUCLID ST LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 697-1229 Valentina Redden, DDS ID 1104434 1150 E IMPERIAL HWY LA HABRA, CA 90631 (714) 992-2200 Suk-joong Lee, DDS ID 201936 1250 W WHITTIER BLVD LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 266-9277 Kourosh Dianatyazdi, DDS ID 432460
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 445
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 1281 E LA HABRA BLVD STE 4 LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 697-3788 Jatin Shah ID 365269 1370 S BEACH BLVD STE E LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 694-5850 Kyung Yu, DDS ID 207125 1701 W IMPERIAL HWY STE B LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 690-5729 Themosthenes Angelus, DDS ID 1547483 Rebecca Koehler, DMD ID 1821945 Noor Rahimi, DDS ID 1138857 Michael Sycamore, DDS ID 1246222 1875 W LA HABRA BLVD LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 266-0033 Edward Lew, DMD ID 1246930 2501 LA HABRA BLVD STE 7 LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 698-6684 Michael C. Mcclane, DDS ID 8556 331 N HARBOR BLVD LA HABRA, CA 90631 (562) 694-3511 William Cox, DDS ID 3958
Sara Dabirizanjani ID 12136485 Christopher Dinh, DDS ID 12173165 Rajni Sharma, DDS ID 5481841
LA PALMA 7881 VALLEY VIEW ST LA PALMA, CA 90623 (714) 739-2727 Taylor Pham, DDS ID 63226
LADERA RANCH 27702 CROWN VALLEY PKWY STE A2 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 (949) 365-1900 Christine Chung, DDS ID 719533 Chuck Truc Trong Le, DDS ID 717190
LAGUNA BEACH 27051 MOULTON PKWY LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92656 (949) 448-7500 Faramarz Boniadi, DDS ID 30487 Monica Boniadi, Not Specified ID 221252 31796 S COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 (949) 415-1020 Bramley Birrer, DDS ID 10903408
385 N COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 (949) 494-7115 Joseph Levingston, DDS ID 59373
LAGUNA HILLS 22972 MOULTON PKWY STE 106 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 770-3010 Rodney Boyd, DDS ID 167462 23024 LAKE FOREST DR STE A LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 716-7166 Mahshid Farhoumand, DDS ID 273069 23141 MOULTON PKWY STE 211 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 916-0568 Sameeh Tadros, DDS* ID 5179487 23521 PASEO DE VALENCIA STE 206 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 770-7766 Akash Lapsi, DDS ID 421102 23595 MOULTON PKWY STE I LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 454-0499 Tam-huong Tran, DDS ID 5606023
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 446 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 23961 CALLE DE LA MAGDALENA STE 431 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 588-7525 Aida Shahangian, DDS ID 37624
24022 CALLE DE LA PLATA STE 450 LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 830-0074 Carol Basilio-duenas, DDS ID 168318 Li-wen Cheng, DMD ID 462465 Flora Stenger, DDS ID 462223
27901 LA PAZ RD STE D LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 389-8195 Jack Kavanagh ID 279457 Tamlyn Lee, DDS ID 295621 Alex Sharifian, DDS ID 201843 Shabnam Taherian, DDS ID 2228528
24401 RIDGE ROUTE DR STE 107A LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 588-2112 Ruxanda Ghibu, DDS ID 11624 25260 LA PAZ RD STE I LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 831-8100 Farshad Saghatchi, DDS ID 165236 25401 ALICIA PKWY STE J LAGUNA HILLS, CA 92653 (949) 587-3010 Victor Mai ID 12082826
27150 ALICIA PKWY STE J LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 362-4900 Sasha Rahnama, DDS ID 1557528
27901 LA PAZ RD STE D LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 389-9195 Clint Walker ID 12146937 28940 GOLDEN LANTERN STE H LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 363-2010 Houman Rahnama, DDS ID 38224 30001 CROWN VALLEY PKWY STE G LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 Soraya Mahran, DDS ID 12168689 30140 TOWN CENTER DR LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 249-4180 Gary Mar, DDS ID 9117
Katie Stern, DDS ID 295562 30231 GOLDEN LANTERN STE D LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 363-1200 Sobhi Batniji, DDS ID 6529 30262 CROWN VALLEY PKWY STE E LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 363-0018 Shahla Nadir Mohammadi, DDS ID 12103289 32341 GOLDEN LANTERN STE B LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 496-7910 Shirin Moshrefi, DDS ID 1044322 32341 GOLDEN LANTERN STE C LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 (949) 496-7910 Hugh Murray Iii, DDS ID 178062
LAGUNA WOODS 24102 EL TORO RD STE A LAGUNA WOODS, CA 92637 (949) 830-6510 Mohsim Mahmood, DDS ID 674467 Zoya Sky, DDS ID 12149110
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 447
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 24310 MOULTON PKWY STE C1 LAGUNA WOODS, CA 92637 (949) 859-3988 Christine Chung, DDS ID 27930
LAKE FOREST 22373 EL TORO RD LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 951-5503 Jeffrey Huang, DDS ID 305782 22706 ASPAN ST STE 602 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 716-7000 Kathy Maasoumi, DDS ID 694795 23082 RIDGE ROUTE DR STE A LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 837-2766 Juan Canchola, DDS ID 1659986 Beatrice Lu, DDS ID 416635 23082 RIDGE ROUTE DR STE A LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 837-2766 Pichak Kelk, DDS ID 12097419 Jeffrey Malmquist ID 12206777 Trung Ngo, DDS ID 12038869 Nikou Rahbar, DDS ID 12115515
23361 EL TORO RD STE 105 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 458-1012 Carlos Velarde ID 12029310 23591 EL TORO RD STE 130 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 206-9508 Amani Soliman, DDS ID 11686 23704 EL TORO RD STE A LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 770-9355 Bindu Kansagra, DDS ID 703969 Elham Mcmurray, DDS ID 305438 Victoria Nguyen, DDS ID 11773288 23704 EL TORO RD STE A LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 770-9355 Roshani Patel-mehta, DDS ID 12071166 Sharon Sampaga, DDS ID 12193994 25411 TRABUCO RD STE 112 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 (949) 581-1000 Foroud Tale-yazdi, DDS ID 700380
LOS ALAMITOS 10900 LOS ALAMITOS BLVD STE 133 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 (562) 596-8888 Sangita Hablani, DDS ID 420200
Michael Le, DDS ID 296388 Ashok Mehta ID 8984 3662 KATELLA AVE STE 206 LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 (562) 598-7914 Melissa Cheng, Not Specified ID 12018627 Quynh Nhi Ngo ID 12173461 3724 KATELLA AVE LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 (562) 936-0071 Robert Goodis, DDS ID 14513 Charles Kim ID 12200520 Denise Stolz, DDS ID 280900 Nathaniel Weiner, DDS ID 14514
MISSION VIEJO 23166 LOS ALISOS BLVD STE 230 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 457-0223 Taher Abuzalan, DDS ID 350700 23166 LOS ALISOS BLVD STE 230 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 457-0223 Alexander Marose ID 12192030 23482 ALICIA PKWY MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 581-0090 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910085
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 448 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589343 Jeffrey Flores, DDS ID 2022021 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 341522 Mana Kafaei ID 12207503 Angeli Kapoor, DDS ID 1247783 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060648 Jennifer Kimura ID 12148791 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374543 Alex Martel, DDS ID 1322059 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12086412 Mozhgan Molkara, DDS ID 12046723 Alan Newman, DDS ID 1465216 Christina Minh- Nguyen ID 12132806 Sameer Patel ID 12207294 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3484209 Melissa Rodas, DDS ID 1135933 Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 11552015 Jean-louis Sos, DDS ID 2020619 Robert Tadych, DDS ID 1322075 Ngoc Tran, DDS ID 338622 Don Vu, DDS ID 1657808
25523 MARGUERITE PKWY STE C MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 (949) 768-1800 Farzin Allameh, DDS ID 3801908 Foruzan Bigdeli, DDS ID 281341 William Cox, DDS ID 232020 Jeffrey Jacobson, DMD ID 6512425 25523 MARGUERITE PKWY STE C MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 (949) 768-1800 Abrak Etemad ID 12204028 Richard Nelson, DDS ID 12128076 Zoya Sky, DDS ID 12043445 25982 PALA STE 110 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 707-7000 Shadi Rad Jadali, DDS* ID 227040 25982 PALA STE 110 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 707-7000 Kim Bui, DDS* ID 269514 26032 MARGUERITE PKWY STE A1 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 (949) 582-8400 Rebekah Ballard, DDS ID 394765 Brian Buehler, DDS ID 265522
Joseph Ko, DDS ID 1656720 Victoria Nguyen, DDS ID 6811606 Ghazal Vala, DDS ID 12008199 26302 LA PAZ RD STE 203 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 586-5669 James Vartanian, DDS ID 20068 26342 OSO PKWY STE 204 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 (949) 367-1111 Khashayar Allen Etemadi, DDS ID 419994 26482 Alicia Pkwy MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 581-0090 David Younan, DDS ID 12035121 26800 CROWN VALLEY PKWAY STE 405 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 481-8513 Elham Khajavi, DDS ID 5607446 27654 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 354-5620 Ahmad Aghakhan-moheb, DDS ID 10120849
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 449
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 27725 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY STE 270 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 951-0951 Shellaine Delcampo, DMD ID 295757 27871 MEDICAL CENTER RD STE 165 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 (949) 364-2529 Rama Ghaem-maghami, DDS ID 336689 Negah Parsangi, DDS ID 5278 28201 MARGUERITE PKWY STE 10 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 (949) 347-0302 Sarah Zirakzadeh, DDS ID 255935
NEWPORT BEACH 122 AGATE AVE STE B NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92662 (949) 675-3636 Sanaa Tariq, DDS ID 2157347 1501 SUPERIOR AVE STE 100 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (949) 650-6772 Liviu Gold, DDS ID 211242 Eric Wilson, DDS ID 246042
2105 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RD NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 721-1730 Tandis Eftekhari, DMD ID 1157545 3404 VIA LIDO STE 2C NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (949) 673-9460 Kimberly Nguyen, DDS ID 1323379 355 PLACENTIA AVE STE 1‘00 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 (949) 646-0818 Amit Shah, DDS ID 295812 3991 MACARTHUR BLVD STE 228 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (949) 863-1327 Daniel Huang, DDS ID 300053
ORANGE 1111 TOWN AND COUNTRY RD STE 33 ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 285-0505 Melissa Cheng, Not Specified ID 13830 Haesung Kim, DDS ID 295555 Richard Yong, DDS ID 295529
1330 N GLASSELL ST ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 997-5555 Dina Aleissa, DDS ID 12093755 1502 E COLLINS AVE ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 288-8464 Jason Morgan, DDS ID 218033 1518 E LINCOLN AVE ORANGE, CA 92865 (714) 998-8998 Charles Park, DDS ID 1138348 1616 E MAYFAIR AVE ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 996-4057 Pyi Soe, DDS ID 12044810 Nilar Thein, DDS ID 12044808 1632 E KATELLA AVE STE B ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 538-2311 Rennie Cheung, DMD ID 156722 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910457 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589485 Jeffrey Flores, DDS ID 1959142 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 1656858 Angeli Kapoor, DDS ID 1164303 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 3589787
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 450 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374551 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606683 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3484232 Melissa Rodas, DDS ID 1299884 Aarti Shah, DDS ID 1606243 Robert Tadych, DDS ID 1322078 Don Vu, DDS ID 2087656 Mimi Yang, DDS ID 1535539 1632 E KATELLA AVE STE B ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 538-2311 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12148002 Helen Ford ID 12132044 Mana Kafaei ID 12207510 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12167237 Mozhgan Molkara, DDS ID 12064508 Sameer Patel ID 12207516 James Tan ID 12157885 179 N TUSTIN AVE ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 288-1035 Myat Htoo, DDS ID 167608 Farid Pakravan, DDS ID 630108
1872 N TUSTIN AVE ORANGE, CA 92865 (714) 637-8662 Nader Ramzi, DDS ID 11771268 2022 W CHAPMAN AVE ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 978-3333 Naresh Dialani, DDS ID 208277 Moni Mosharaf, DDS ID 157327 Alden Yue, DDS ID 203427 2291 N TUSTIN ST ORANGE, CA 92865 (714) 282-2525 Danny Lee, DMD ID 12120304 235 E KATELLA AVE ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 633-3336 Thanh Dinh, DDS ID 234719 2393 N TUSTIN ST STE A ORANGE, CA 92865 (714) 453-0215 Henry Vu Nguyen, DDS ID 12180197 294 S TUSTIN ST ORANGE, CA 92866 (714) 639-4132 Dona Torbati, DDS ID 10214467 Shaila Torbati, DDS ID 11550446
3138 E CHAPMAN AVE STE A ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 639-2703 Joseph Sabet, DDS ID 4484 3138 E CHAPMAN AVE STE A ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 639-2703 Michael Schultz, DDS ID 12182582 424 S MAIN ST STE H ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 639-1922 Don Vu, DDS ID 3484034 424 S MAIN ST STE HIJ ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 639-1922 Michelle Meador ID 12173607 424 S MAIN ST STE HIJ STE H ORANGE, CA 92868 (714) 639-1922 William Cox, DDS ID 3952 Randa Nasr, DDS ID 1089763 Dzien Nguyen, DDS ID 372249 765 N TUSTIN AVE ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 771-7474 Ramesh Kothari, DDS ID 276093
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 451
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación PLACENTIA 1525 N PLACENTIA AVE STE H PLACENTIA, CA 92870 (714) 528-0089 Barbara Tran, DDS ID 269741 1858 N PLACENTIA AVE PLACENTIA, CA 92870 (714) 577-9071 Trinh Nguyen, DMD ID 360463 Tuan Nguyen, DDS ID 360474
RANCHO SANTA MARGAR 22195 EL PASEO ST STE 220 RANCHO SANTA MARGAR, CA 92688 (949) 766-0006 Rinesh Ganatra, DDS ID 244438 29839 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY STE 100 RANCHO SANTA MARGAR, CA 92688 (949) 766-7687 Orly Taitz, DDS ID 169861 30592 SANTA MARGARITA PKWY STE D RANCHO SANTA MARGAR, CA 92688 (949) 766-5740 Barbara Gaffino, DDS ID 694655 Holly Nguyen, DDS ID 404293
675 CAMINO DE LOS MARES STE 501 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 (949) 248-2525 Alex Eidelstein, DDS ID 57161
22195 EL PASEO ST STE 260 RCHO STA MARG, CA 92688 (949) 459-9300 Amir Larijani, DDS ID 266790
943 AVENIDA PICO STE A SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 (949) 366-9555 Brian Buehler, DDS ID 276155
943 AVENIDA PICO UNIT A SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 (949) 366-9555 Sharon Sampaga, DDS ID 12010829 Joseph Shilkofski, DMD ID 12005222
Darin Reagan, DDS ID 323799 Linda Vanson ID 12190095
1151 PUERTA DEL SOL STE A SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 (949) 369-8300 Steven Edwards, DDS ID 468604 439 N EL CAMINO REAL STE E SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 (949) 366-1177 Amir Nikraz, DDS ID 156705 638 CAMINO DE LOS MARES STE C 140 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 (949) 234-0500 Hossein Jahangiri, DDS ID 1171998 675 CAMINO DE LOS MARES STE 304 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92673 H Bronson Bassir, DDS ID 12034372
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 31654 RANCHO VIEJO RD STE I1 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 240-4337 Luis Riberos, DDS ID 426254 Eric Wilson, DDS ID 424499 31878 DEL OBISPO ST STE 105 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 487-3273 Diaa Fahmy, DDS ID 425470 Khaled Soliman, DDS ID 424533
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 452 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación 31897 DEL OBISPO ST STE 100 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 487-0284 Maryam Ekhtiar, DDS ID 1165984 31952 CAMINO CAPISTRANO STE C 14 & C 16 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 240-6888 Mehrdokht Mehrvarzi, Not Specified ID 21695
SANTA ANA 102 E 4TH ST 2ND FL SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 558-1464 Jorge Vital, DDS ID 202064 1109 W 17TH ST SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 835-2383 The-hao Tran, DDS ID 12173358 Hanhngoc Vo ID 12143759 Johnny Wong, DDS ID 12149145 1120 W WARNER AVE STE C SANTA ANA, CA 92707 (714) 556-4740 Geeta Seth, DDS ID 222331
1125 E 17TH ST STE W127 SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 541-9203 Alexander Moradzadeh, DDS ID 1076781 1227 W 17TH ST SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 881-1441 Eric Huang, DDS ID 12182591 Ukjae Jung ID 12165675 1319 N MAIN ST SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 972-2782 Shahin Mahallati, DDS ID 1826217 1400 N MAIN ST STE A SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 541-7928 Renata Da Fonseca, DDS ID 1554165 Tu Cathrine Dao, DDS ID 6727 Vicky Duong, DMD ID 407025 Phuong Ha, DDS ID 1723588 Dheepa Jagadeesan, DDS ID 371696 David Lena, DDS ID 168637 Hoa Ly, DDS ID 168268 Andrew Nguyen, DMD ID 188948 Ladan Partovi ID 168458 Roshani Patel-mehta, DDS ID 405287
Kim Pham, DMD ID 368427 Lanchi Pham, DDS ID 1135399 Shaaban Sakr, DDS ID 168729 Adrian Sarchisian, DDS ID 168754 Michael Scamurra, DMD ID 375575 Elmer Serquina ID 168853 Silvana Tredinnick, DDS ID 701569 Colleen Vo, DDS ID 1299322 Thach Vo, DMD ID 1823615 Shahrzad Zarrinnam, DDS ID 6718 1424 N BROADWAY AVE SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 550-6088 Sameh Gendy, DDS ID 419399 1521 N BROADWAY ST SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 972-2801 John Parkhur, DMD ID 2298935 1601 W 17TH ST STE G SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 567-9255 Justin Chung, DDS ID 4029222 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589344 Jeffrey Flores, DDS ID 2022022 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 341572
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 453
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 1657437 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060678 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374544 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606690 Alan Newman, DDS ID 1465221 Tung Ngo, DDS ID 692400 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3484211 Aarti Shah, DDS ID 1594547 Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 11552016 Don Vu, DDS ID 460492 1601 W 17TH ST STE G SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 567-9255 Gary Davis, DDS ID 12147995 Mana Kafaei ID 12207504 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12095693 Sameer Patel ID 12207295 David Younan, DDS ID 12035120 1717 OLD TUSTIN AVE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 835-9188 Maryam Nazeri, DDS ID 405497
1717 OLD TUSTIN AVE STE B SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 480-0790 Lamise Kassem ID 12088017 1913 E 17TH ST STE 113 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 547-9751 Louis Cohen, DDS ID 58180 1920 E 17TH ST STE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 953-6881 William Depriest, DDS ID 42187 Arnel Eugenio, DDS ID 468607 Alexander Gladkov, DDS ID 462611 John Spear, DDS ID 42188 Gary Winslow, DDS ID 42186 2231 S BRISTOL SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 556-1001 Akbar Heidarinia, DMD ID 13986 2502 S BRISTOL ST SANTA ANA, CA 92704 Danial Rezaei Kalantari, DDS ID 12135921 2618 S BRISTOL ST SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 540-7101 Ruben Begino, DDS ID 296122
2637 N GRAND AVE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 288-9980 Prakash Patel, DDS ID 42009 2700 N MAIN ST STE 115 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 571-0228 Daniel Huang, DDS ID 2454333 2701 W 1ST ST SANTA ANA, CA 92703 (714) 480-8430 Hatem Abdelhadi, DDS ID 4822674 Ashley Ahuja, DDS ID 10696258 Rula Al-salti, DDS ID 459981 Tamara Ayoub ID 12224227 Shideh Azimi, DDS ID 1322926 Yanina Beck, DDS ID 12220679 Neda Borna ID 12042036 Cesar Carrasco ID 12219717 Tzu Fei Chang ID 12076973 Jo Choi, DDS ID 6512141 Chad D’aloisio, DDS ID 12223816 Amit Desai, DDS ID 1822223 Himani Desai ID 12220584 Naeil Elhussiny, DDS ID 12223817
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 454 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Mary Farshidpour, DMD ID 12220403 Muhammad Fayoumi, DDS ID 12085957 Mona Gad, DDS ID 2228509 Shiva Ghahremani, DDS ID 12223321 Azita Ghalchi, DDS ID 1822318 Amanpreet Gill, DDS ID 1826168 Hadi Hamdan, DDS ID 12223818 Amal Hanna, dds ID 6962376 Paula Izvernari, DDS ID 1958588 Leila Khamsei, DDS ID 1400440 Sheida Khazaii-tabari, DDS ID 12223819 Antonio Lazo, DDS ID 4823080 Hanh Le, DDS ID 10213781 Peter Lee, DMD ID 2374813 Weena Lopez, DDS ID 11771488 Kimia Maheri ID 12112686 Soraya Mahran, DDS ID 1823719 Anh-thu Mai, DMD ID 12223044 Fereshteh Mazhary, DDS ID 4822984 Irene Mokriy, DDS ID 12070870 Nazy Morshed, DDS ID 1165919
Vida Namavar, DDS ID 10214319 Stephanie Nguyen, DDS ID 1320950 Tu-uyen Nguyen, DDS ID 719828 Van Nguyen, DDS ID 1321693 Anjana Patel, DDS ID 1956356 Parviz Rahimzadeh, DDS ID 2159681 Jose Rivera, DDS ID 10903102 Syed Rizvi, DDS ID 12223815 Iman Sadri, DDS ID 12219466 Ed Samra, DDS ID 2301132 Jianxiong Shen, DDS ID 12223631 Sergey Sirenko, DDS ID 1597611 Henry Sobol, DDS ID 10903345 Shahrzad Taat, DDS ID 1157905 Mariz Tanious, dds ID 10119745 Tam Tran, DDS ID 4823069 Tiffany Wilson ID 12059542 Kumzoo Wohn, DDS ID 419244 2701 W FIRST ST SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 480-8430 Henry Tran, DMD ID 155085
2709 WESTMINSTER AVE STE J SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 554-8441 Charles Park, DDS ID 12016602 2723 N BRISTOL ST STE D7 SANTA ANA, CA 92706 (714) 569-0021 Nandini Murthy, DDS ID 7500 2749 N GRAND AVE SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 639-3723 Cindy Tran, DDS ID 12057613 2781 W MACARTHUR BLVD STE N SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 556-7277 Amitiss Nasiri-ansari, DDS ID 414214 2835 S BRISTOL ST STE A 1ST FL SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 754-1888 Tamer Shalaby, DDS* ID 687627 31 E MACARTHUR CRESCENT STE 109 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 (714) 549-1248 Samira Amini, DDS ID 257703 3358 S BRISTOL ST SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (657) 235-3031 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910091
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 455
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Gary Davis, DDS ID 12147996 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589345 Jeffrey Flores, DDS ID 1959145 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 2156470 Mana Kafaei ID 12207505 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060680 Jennifer Kimura ID 12148790 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374545 Alex Martel, DDS ID 5606682 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12095692 Christina Minh- Nguyen ID 12132785 Sameer Patel ID 12207298 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3484220 Melissa Rodas, DDS ID 2160016 Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 12065267 David Younan, DDS ID 12035118 3500 S BRISTOL ST STE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 957-6030 Juan Canchola, DDS ID 1660034 Thanh Le, DDS ID 268190 Harprabh Singh, DMD ID 1122968
Trang To, DMD ID 1601975 Sean Yar, DDS ID 326504 3500 S BRISTOL ST STE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 957-6030 Abrak Etemad ID 12102652 Zahra Hashemi ID 12145033 Pichak Kelk, DDS ID 12097416 Trung Ngo, DDS ID 12028759 Hoang Nguyen, DDS ID 12215040 3620 S BRISTOL ST STE 307 SANTA ANA, CA 92704 (714) 540-2836 Shahin Mahallati, DDS ID 412315 500 N MAIN ST SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 973-9005 Hatem Abdelhadi, DDS ID 4822677 Maryam Afifi ID 12219353 Rula Al-salti, DDS ID 1399002 Tamara Ayoub ID 12224231 Shideh Azimi, DDS ID 1301775 Yanina Beck, DDS ID 12220683 Cesar Carrasco ID 12219706 Tzu Fei Chang ID 12076533
Connie Chen, DDS ID 1598013 Jo Choi, DDS ID 6512082 Chad D’aloisio, DDS ID 244451 Amit Desai, DDS ID 1822359 Himani Desai ID 12220442 Mary Farshidpour, DMD ID 4588853 Muhammad Fayoumi, DDS ID 12085649 Mona Gad, DDS ID 282292 Shiva Ghahremani, DDS ID 12033568 Azita Ghalchi, DDS ID 1822329 Amanpreet Gill, DDS ID 1826170 Amal Hanna, dds ID 6962385 Leila Khamsei, DDS ID 1400436 Sheida Khazaii-tabari, DDS ID 12223824 Antonio Lazo, DDS ID 4823081 Hanh Le, DDS ID 10213904 Kimia Maheri ID 12112708 Soraya Mahran, DDS ID 1823726 Anh-thu Mai, DMD ID 12151933 Fereshteh Mazhary, DDS ID 4823250 Irene Mokriy, DDS ID 12071078
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 456 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Nazy Morshed, DDS ID 12223755 Vida Namavar, DDS ID 10213699 Stephanie Nguyen, DDS ID 355372 Tu-uyen Nguyen, DDS ID 10215994 Aditi Pampaniya, DDS ID 1723762 Anjana Patel, DDS ID 1956354 Roya Pouryavari, DDS ID 247681 Parviz Rahimzadeh, DDS ID 457482 Jose Rivera, DDS ID 10903123 Mojdeh Roboubi ID 12075803 Ed Samra, DDS ID 2301136 Jianxiong Shen, DDS ID 12223665 Sergey Sirenko, DDS ID 1597624 Shahrzad Taat, DDS ID 1957365 Mariz Tanious, dds ID 9755841 Tam Tran, DDS ID 4823072 801 N TUSTIN AVE STE 502 SANTA ANA, CA 92705 (714) 505-1641 Heba Guirguis, DDS ID 435150
940 N GRAND AVE SANTA ANA, CA 92701 (714) 541-9494 Lori Cho, DDS ID 415761 Soheil Soleimani ID 411216
SEAL BEACH 1058 BOLSA AVE SEAL BEACH, CA 90740 (562) 594-4885 Maged Nessim, DDS ID 167489 12419 SEAL BEACH BLVD SEAL BEACH, CA 90740 (562) 431-0393 Jeffrey Kramer, DDS ID 12006978 Minh-an La-pham ID 12147068 Bach Nguyen, DDS ID 11550684
STANTON 11001 BEACH BLVD STANTON, CA 90680 (714) 891-6623 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3910094 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 3589346 Jeffrey Flores, DDS ID 2022023 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 280917 Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 700344 Mana Kafaei ID 12207506 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060686
Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374546 Alex Martel, DDS ID 3910824 Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12095691 Bhaswati Moulik, DDS ID 1547927 Alan Newman, DDS ID 1465228 Chau Ngo, DDS ID 717834 Christina Minh- Nguyen ID 12132786 Sameer Patel ID 12207299 Aarti Puri, DDS ID 1539902 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3275211 Farheen Shariff, DDS ID 11552018 Emilyjane Sunga, DDS ID 10215707 David Younan, DDS ID 12035125 12793 BEACH BLVD STANTON, CA 90680 (714) 903-9963 Darshita Talim, DDS ID 322078 7025 KATELLA AVE STANTON, CA 90680 (714) 229-1234 Jeffrey Chu, DDS ID 41036 7757 KATELLA AVE STE D STANTON, CA 90680 (714) 209-7702 Dorothy Chao, DDS ID 335332
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 457
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación TUSTIN 1096 IRVINE BLVD TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 838-2875 Young Kim, DDS ID 12038647 12575 NEWPORT AVE STE B TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 731-6100 Baher Fahmy, DDS ID 229305 12791 NEWPORT AVE STE 200 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 730-7777 Sumeet Srivastava, DDS ID 10404666 13372 NEWPORT AVE STE F TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 665-0898 Fayezeh Hazrati, DDS ID 12108248 13400 NEWPORT AVE STE B TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 838-1280 Dave Nguyen, DDS ID 330545 13422 NEWPORT AVE STE E TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 665-0005 Faranak Bigdeli, DDS ID 12106707 Foruzan Bigdeli, DDS ID 12106709
13721 NEWPORT AVE STE 1 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 368-1400 Thang Do, DMD ID 295645 Alex Sharifian, DDS ID 28921 Van Trinh, DDS ID 1367967 13721 NEWPORT AVE STE 1 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 368-1400 Aimee Belier ID 12037693 13830 RED HILL AVE TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 832-1730 Negar Zareh, DDS ID 48578 17601 E 17 ST STE 100 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 544-7511 Amit Shah, DDS* ID 265689 17602 17TH ST STE 105 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 450-8570 Khoi Nguyen, DDS ID 12214895 18102 IRVINE BLVD STE 200 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 832-7220 Dimple Manchandia, DDS ID 1194289
18102 IRVINE BLVD STE 205 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 731-5656 Jasleen Brar, DDS ID 41056 740 EL CAMINO REAL STE 200 TUSTIN, CA 92780 (714) 838-3230 Sangita Hablani, DDS* ID 451850
WESTMINSTER 15310 GOLDENWEST ST WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 893-2411 Karen Huffman, DDS ID 2159571 Taylor Pham, DDS ID 1550496 15458 BEACH BLVD WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 898-3220 Justin Chung, DDS ID 3909936 Viet Dinh, DMD ID 2462241 Helen Ford ID 12132049 Dennis Fratt, DDS ID 1656854 Aaron Gudino, DDS ID 439440 Mana Kafaei ID 12207511 Ashkan Khoshrou, DMD ID 5060695 Gregory Le, DDS ID 2374552 Alex Martel, DDS ID 1365712
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 458 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Farzin Mehrdad, DDS ID 12167238 Mozhgan Molkara, DDS ID 12064509 Chau Ngo, DDS ID 716968 Sameer Patel ID 12207517 Aarti Puri, DDS ID 1539901 Kourosh Rahimpour, DDS ID 3483629 Aarti Shah, DDS ID 1605626 Don Vu, DDS ID 1657802 5871 WESTMINSTER BLVD STE G WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 373-5999 Cuong Nguyen, DDS ID 463715 7631 WESTMINSTER AVE WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 895-4030 Grace Dy, DMD ID 7194389 8001 WESTMINSTER BLVD WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 889-4131 Hatem Abdelhadi, DDS ID 458521 Ashley Ahuja, DDS ID 10696269 Tarlan Akhavan, DDS ID 2019300 Wesam Alani, DDS ID 1364854 Tamara Ayoub ID 12224485 Shideh Azimi, DDS ID 1322929
Yanina Beck, DDS ID 12220684 Robert Cadalso, DDS ID 12223777 Cesar Carrasco ID 12219708 Tzu Fei Chang ID 12219696 Jo Choi, DDS ID 6512150 Sarkis Dabbagh, DDS ID 10904488 Chad D’aloisio, DDS ID 12223778 Amit Desai, DDS ID 1822349 Himani Desai ID 12220444 Maribel Dio, DDS ID 12102643 Mary Farshidpour, DMD ID 4588856 Muhammad Fayoumi, DDS ID 1263601 Mona Gad, DDS ID 2228963 Sameh Gendy, DDS ID 6964249 Azita Ghalchi, DDS ID 1822330 Amanpreet Gill, DDS ID 1826176 James Habashy, DDS ID 12004408 Omid Hemmat ID 12074831 Steve Hwang ID 12041921 Paula Izvernari, DDS ID 1958606 Sheida Khazaii-tabari, DDS ID 12223779
Jae Kwon, DMD ID 1822474 Antonio Lazo, DDS ID 4823084 Kimia Maheri ID 12082373 Soraya Mahran, DDS ID 1823727 Anh-thu Mai, DMD ID 12165341 Fereshteh Mazhary, DDS ID 1241509 Irene Mokriy, DDS ID 12027959 Nazy Morshed, DDS ID 1536803 Rashi Muthal, DDS ID 11771857 Vida Namavar, DDS ID 10213700 Stephanie Nguyen, DDS ID 1401262 Tu-uyen Nguyen, DDS ID 10216001 Van Nguyen, DDS ID 1321704 Aditi Pampaniya, DDS ID 736320 Anjana Patel, DDS ID 1956357 Son David Phan, DDS ID 11771270 Parviz Rahimzadeh, DDS ID 2159691 Jose Rivera, DDS ID 10903130 Nasir Sadeghi ID 12223780 Ed Samra, DDS ID 2301139 Jianxiong Shen, DDS ID 12004977
* Indica que no se aceptan nuevos pacientes al momento de la impresion de este material Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory 459
Dental Providers, continued/Proveedores dentales continuación Henry Sobol, DDS ID 10903355 Khaled Soliman, DDS ID 12220769 Shahrzad Taat, DDS ID 1957367 Mariz Tanious, dds ID 9755850 Gamal Tewfik, DDS ID 1281199 Michael Tran ID 12093233 Tam Tran, DDS ID 4823073 Tiffany Wilson ID 12223776 Chunzhu Yu, DDS ID 8513799 9435 EDINGER AVE WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 775-1818 Ngoc-lien Nguyen ID 239903 9900 MCFADDEN AVE STE 101 WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 531-5770 Kha Le, DMD ID 49187 Michael Tran, DDS ID 421245 9900 MCFADDEN AVE STE 102 WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 (714) 531-1131 Christopher Wong, DDS ID 243345
YORBA LINDA 16691 YORBA LINDA BLVD YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 854-9920 Nam Dang, DDS ID 1244534 Elmira Elahi, DMD ID 11774727 Soraya Safi, DDS ID 11774385 17540 YORBA LINDA BLVD YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 996-4057 Pyi Soe, DDS ID 180940 Nilar Thein, DDS ID 155978
19831 YORBA LINDA BLVD STE A YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 693-0990 Kimberly Rivera, DDS ID 376910 20429 YORBA LINDA BLVD YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 695-9530 Shahla Nadir Mohammadi, DDS ID 237744 Sohrab Yazdani, DDS ID 296473
18432 YORBA LINDA BLVD STE D YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 970-2801 Nam Dang, DDS ID 284479 Elmira Elahi, DMD ID 12005057 Negin Momtaz, DDS ID 11998369 Charles Rodgers, DDS ID 281990 19751 ESPERANZA RD YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 779-9870 Ricardo Alpez, DDS ID 7596 19762 YORBA LINDA BLVD STE A YORBA LINDA, CA 92886 (714) 777-5737 Smitesh Patel, DDS ID 1957020
* Indicates not accepting new patients at time of printing. 460 Blue Shield 65 Plus Directory
Skilled Nursing Facilities/Centros de enfermería especializada Advanced Rehab Center Of Tustin 2210 E 1st St Santa Ana, CA 92705-3802 (714) 547-7091 BlueSheidl65 Plus
Alta Care Center 13075 Blackbird St Garden Grove, CA 92843-2902 (714) 530-6322 Anaheim Healthcare Center 501 S Beach Blvd Anaheim, CA 92804-1810 (714) 816-0540 Anaheim Terrace Care Ctr 141 S Knott Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-1406 (714) 821-7310 Beachside Nursing Center 7781 Garfield Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2026 (714) 847-9671 Buena Park Nursing Center 8520 Western Ave Buena Park, CA 90620-3927 (714) 828-8222 Buena Vista Care Center 1440 S Euclid St Anaheim, CA 92802-2156 (714) 535-7264 Capistrano Beach Care Center 35410 Del Rey Capistrano Beach, CA 92624-1814 (949) 496-5786
Capistrano Beach Extended Care And Living Ctr 35410 Del Rey Capistrano Beach, CA 92624-1814 (949) 496-5786 Carehouse Convalescent Hsp 1800 Old Tustin Ave Santa Ana, CA 92705-7810 (714) 835-4200 Chapman Harbor Conv Hosp Snf 12232 Chapman Ave Garden Grove, CA 92840-3717 (714) 534-8030 Country Villa Plaza Healthcare Center 1209 Hemlock Way Santa Ana, CA 92707-3609 (714) 546-1966 Crystal Cove Care Center 1445 Superior Ave Newport Beach, CA 92663-6152 (949) 515-3930 Emeritus At Yorba Linda 17803 Imperial Hwy Yorba Linda, CA 92886-2362 (714) 777-9666 Evergreen Fullerton Healthcare 2222 N Harbor Blvd Fullerton, CA 92835-2605 (714) 992-5701
Flagship Healthcare Ctr 466 Flagship Rd Newport Beach, CA 92663-3635 (949) 764-2100 Fountain Care Center 1835 W La Veta Ave Orange, CA 92868-4132 (714) 978-6800 Freedom Village Healthcare Ctr 23442 El Toro Rd Lake Forest, CA 92630-6979 (949) 472-8353 French Park Care Center 600 E Washington Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701-3843 (714) 973-1656 Garden Grove Convalescent Hospital 12882 Shackelford Ln Garden Grove, CA 92841-5109 (714) 638-9470 Garden Park Care Center 12681 Haster St Garden Grove, CA 92840-6040 (714) 971-2153 Helping Hands Of Westminster 240 Hospital Cir Westminster, CA 92683-3953 (714) 892-6686
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group
Skilled Nursing Facilities, continued/ Centros de enfermería especializada, continuación Huntington Valley Healthcare Ctr 8382 Newman Ave Huntington Beach, CA 92647-7038 (714) 842-5551
Orangegrove Rehab Hospital 12332 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92843-1804 (714) 534-1041
La Habra Convalescent Hospital 1233 W La Habra Blvd La Habra, CA 90631-5226 (562) 691-0781
Pacific Haven Healthcare Ctr 12072 Trask Ave Garden Grove, CA 92843-3821 (714) 534-1942
La Palma Nursing Center 1130 W La Palma Ave Anaheim, CA 92801-2803 (714) 772-7480 Lake Forest Nursing Center 25652 Old Trabuco Rd Lake Forest, CA 92630-2776 (949) 380-9380 Leisure Court Nursing Ctr 1135 N Leisure Ct Anaheim, CA 92801-2939 (714) 772-1353 Manorcare Health Services Fountain Valley 11680 Warner Ave Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2513 (714) 241-9800 New Orange Hills 5017 E Chapman Ave Orange, CA 92869-4211 (714) 997-7090 Orange Healthcare And Wellness Centre 920 W La Veta Ave Orange, CA 92868-4302 (714) 633-3568
Palm Terrace Hlthcare And Rehab Ctr 24962 Calle Aragon Laguna Woods, CA 92637-3883 (949) 587-9000 Park Anaheim Healthcare Center 3435 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-3708 (714) 827-5880 Park Regency Care Center 1770 W La Habra Blvd La Habra, CA 90631-5130 (714) 773-0750 Park Vista At Morningside 2525 Brea Blvd Fullerton, CA 92835-2787 (714) 256-1000 Parkview Healthcare Center 1514 E Lincoln Ave Anaheim, CA 92805-2219 (714) 774-2222 Quaker Gardens 12151 Dale St Stanton, CA 90680-3899 (714) 530-9100
Sea Cliff Healthcare Ctr 18811 Florida St Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1920 (714) 847-3515 Seal Beach Health And Rehabilitation Center 3000 Beverly Manor Rd Seal Beach, CA 90740-2535 (562) 598-2477 Also located at: 3000 N Gate Rd Seal Beach, CA 90740-2535 (562) 598-2477 St Edna Subacute And Rehab Center 1929 N Fairview St Santa Ana, CA 92706-2205 (714) 554-9700 St Elizabeth Healthcare Ctr 2800 N Harbor Blvd Fullerton, CA 92835-1727 (714) 871-9202 Stanley Healthcare Center 14102 Springdale St Westminster, CA 92683-3538 (714) 893-0026 Sun Mar Nursing Center 1720 W Orange Ave Anaheim, CA 92804-2638 (714) 776-1720 Town And Country Manor 555 E Memory Ln Santa Ana, CA 92706-1705 (714) 547-7581 Victoria Healthcare Ctr 340 Victoria St Costa Mesa, CA 92627-1914 (949) 642-0387
Cuando elige a su PCP, también está eligiendo el/los hospital/es y la red de especialistas afiliados al grupo de médicos.
Walnut Manor Care Center 1401 E Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92805-5927 (714) 776-7150 West Anaheim Extended Care 645 S Beach Blvd Anaheim, CA 92804-3102 (714) 821-1993
Windsor Gardens Care Center Of Fullerton 245 E Wilshire Ave Fullerton, CA 92832-1935 (714) 871-6020
Windsor Gardens Conv Ctr Of Anaheim 3415 W Ball Rd Anaheim, CA 92804-3708 (714) 826-8950
When you choose your PCP, you are also choosing the hospital(s) and specialty network affiliated with the physician group
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ALPHABETICAL INDEX/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO Aaker, Justin 112 Aaronson, Jenifer 191 Abaid, Lisa 83, 122, 130, 174, 310, 328, 373, 389 Abazarnia, Nadia 439 Abbes, Edgar 62 Abdallah, Alaa 441 Abdel Malek, Ashraf 445 Abdelhadi, Hatem 436, 439, 454, 456, 459 Abdelmelek, Sam 54, 60, 70, 72, 185, 188 Abdenur, Jose 149, 161, 223, 376, 393 Abdian, Loghman 351 Abdolhosseini, Hossein 442 Abdollahi, Karim 239, 247 Abdullah, Edward 356 Abdullah, Mazin 216, 309 Abedi, Esrafil 132, 222, 237, 314 Abedi, Parastou 220, 237, 245 Abney, Jason 88 Abousaif, Alaa 309, 373, 389 Abraham, Reginald G 87, 153, 168, 198, 202, 215, 285, 318, 367, 368 Abrahm, Donald 109 Abravesh, Soodabeh 233, 236, 242, 244 Abtin, Dilshad 433, 441 Abusleme, Veronica 362 Abuzalan, Taher 448 Aceves, Jose 334 Adamany, Ronald 234, 235, 243 Adams, Allen 194, 196, 217, 225 Adams, Hugh 224 Adams, John 45, 60, 67, 72, 181, 188 Adamson, Kent 239, 247 Adler Shohet, Felice 377, 394 Adler, Zachary 176 Adrean, Sean 205, 220, 313, 330, 363, 402, 411
Advanced Rehab Center Of Tustin 461 Affiliated Drs Of Orange Cty 1 Afifi, Alaa 27, 210, 229, 318 Afifi, Hazem 208, 210, 229 Afifi, Maryam 436, 456 Aflatoon, Kamran 27, 154, 167, 317 Afrasiabi, Shirin 105, 120, 129 Agajanian, Richy 20, 59, 72, 73, 149, 150, 161, 262, 359 Agatep, Elmo 36 Agatstein, Ernest 35, 64, 74, 154, 168, 190 Aghakhan-moheb, Ahmad 442, 449 Agnelli, Virginia 23, 34, 189 Agnew, Richard 107, 111 Agra, Samuel 334 Agran, Phyllis 420, 427 Aguilar, Richard 45, 343 Aguilera, Lydia 61, 312, 363 Aguiluz, Jacqueline 28, 33, 36, 59, 65, 72, 135, 148, 156, 161, 178, 187, 319, 328, 334, 358 Aguolu, Jeremiah 43, 59 Ahad, George 281 Ahdoot, Jacob 111, 173, 203, 218 Ahdoot, Jonathan 175, 207, 225, 315 Ahdoot, Joseph 365 Ahdoot, Morris 111, 174, 204, 219 Ahmad, Ali 265, 319, 334 Ahmad, Irfan 150, 162 Ahmed, Nazli 105, 120, 129 Ahmed, Parveen 45 Ahmed, Rasiq 314 Ahn, Duke 27 Ahn, Harry 423 Ahn, Kyu 76, 135, 252, 297 Ahn, Martin 75, 265, 289, 319, 334 Ahn, Woo Sung 76, 297, 343 Aho, Christopher 63
Ahuja, Ashley 454, 459 Ahuja, Gurpreet 85 Airood, Basem 445 Aish, Bassil 102, 117, 126 Ajit, Amirtha 16, 20, 54, 60, 145, 149, 400, 401 Akbari, Yama 418, 426 Akbarpour, Behdad 8 Akerman, Allan 375, 391 Akhavan, Tarlan 436, 459 Al Azawi, Haifa 189 Al Khoury, Lama 418, 426 Alamitos IPA 28 Alani, Wesam 436, 459 Alapati, Ravindra 8, 20, 59, 78, 148, 161, 309, 322, 328, 359 Alas Pocasangre, Juan 36, 50, 289, 334 Alavi, Ali 64, 368, 405, 414 Albay, Diana 109, 193, 202, 216 Alberico, Michael 366 Albers, Carl 424 Albers, Gregory 416, 424 Albert, Craig 200 Albert, Shlomi 27, 198, 210, 229 Aldana, Richard 156 Aleissa, Dina 450 Alexander, Charles 63, 367 Alexander, Edward 340 Alexander, Gerald 79, 317, 367 Alexson, Edward 373, 390 Ali, Mir 8, 45, 86, 100, 153, 181, 227, 322 Ali, Mohammed 126, 241, 289 Ali, Nausheen 22, 98, 150, 162, 218, 280, 329, 402, 410 Ali, Nayyer 193, 217 Ali, Raed 405, 414 Alias, Amy 408 Alikhani, Shahriar 214 Aliksanian, Lori 227, 255 Alimadadian, Hossein 202, 215, 372, 388 Alipour, Massoud 171
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Aljanedi, Mohdsameer 443, 444 Alkhateeb, Hisham 438 Alkhouli, Hassan 9, 20, 92, 97, 140, 149, 191, 193, 207, 225, 258, 271, 279, 297, 310, 315, 385, 390 Alkhouri, Wadie 404, 412 Allam, Afdal 14, 31, 94, 121, 144, 274, 302 Allameh, Farzin 449 Allamehzadeh, Reza 236, 244 Allen, Aaron 329 Allen, Byron 416, 424 Allen, Ethan 36, 65 Allen, Gwen 61 Allen, Susan 82, 110 Allswang, Barry 70, 185 Almeida-Jones, Myriam 419, 427 Alpern, Kenneth 160 Alpez, Ricardo 460 Alsadek, Ahmed 30 Al-salti, Rula 436, 454, 456 Alsharif, Kais 277, 428 Alta Care Center 461 Altman, Steven 258 Alva, Alejandro 85, 114, 153, 404, 412 Alva, Gustavo 85, 114, 224, 404, 412 Alvarado, Patricia 61, 361 Amador, Ellen 1, 28, 65, 178 Amer, Anne 382 Amin, Ashokkumar 20, 255, 309 Amin, Jayendra 304 Amin, Loula 171 Amin, Marli 151, 163 Amini, Samira 455 Aminian, Afshin 124, 152, 167, 176, 209, 228, 284, 317, 368, 377 Aminian, Arash 133, 209, 228, 239, 247 Amirkhan, Mojgan 289, 382
Amr, Dena 35, 86, 124, 190, 197, 208, 227, 258 Anaheim Healthcare Center 461 Anaheim Regional Medical Ctr 1, 36, 75, 135, 156, 265, 319 Anaheim Terrace Care Ctr 461 Ananth, Lalitha 34, 73, 86, 114, 124, 189, 258 Andersen, Athena 370 Andersen, Bogi 416, 424 Anderson, Alyn Gary 16, 32, 304 Anderson, Jonathan 408 Anderson, Mark 26, 79, 167, 258, 284, 317, 332, 367 Anderson, Maxine 63 Anderson, Robert 111 Andrade, Robert 327 Andrews, Robin 133 Angarola, Jeff 196, 207, 224 Angelus, Themosthenes 446 Angstreich, Greg 173 Anguizola, Eduardo 277, 307 Anker, Lars 379, 396, 405, 414 Anselmo, Dean 198 Anyadike, Cyril 262, 287, 359 Anzaldo, Epifanio 151, 163, 204, 219, 374, 375, 391 Aou, Christopher 406 Apollo, Sarah 265, 289, 334 Appel, Marvin 215, 217 Applebaum, Jay 278, 373 Appleby, Steven 192 Applecare Medical Grp Select 36 Arastu, Anwar 45, 343, 399 Arboleda, Marie 84, 222 Archer, Rita 102 Ardila, Edgar 287 Arevalo, Rodolfo 1, 19, 28, 36, 59, 265, 289, 334 Argerich, John 109, 122, 130 Arguello, Juan 234, 235, 243, 244
Ariaee, Dean 445 Ariza, Shruti 234, 243 Armen, Robert 374, 385, 390 Armentrout, Steven 256 Armstrong, Priscilla 238, 404, 413 Armstrong, William 102, 117, 126, 419, 427 Arnold, Stanley 80 Arquilla, Michael 374, 390 Arrhenius, Daniel 378 Arrieta, Antonio 152, 165, 223, 377, 394 Arthur, Kristine 213 Artinyan, Ludvik 340 Asciuto, Thomas 124 Ash, Robert 378, 395 Ashby, Kevin 203, 216 Ashfaq, Robila 289 Ashizawa, James 200 Ashkenaze, David 239, 247 Ashley, Blake 133, 208, 227 Ashley, Edwin 209, 228, 332 Ashok, Nagasamudra 54, 60, 353, 360 Ashouri, Negar 152, 165, 377, 394 Ashtari, Mozhgan 242 Ashtiany, Azadeh 440 Asif, Fouzia 406 Asrat, Kibrom 366 Aszterbaum, Monica 174, 375, 391 Atalla, Joseph Mina 434, 438 Atamdede, Fikret 328 Atay, Songul 20 Atchison, Marvin 208, 227 Athalye, Leela 148 Attar, Naseem 288 Au, Joseph 65, 178 Auerbach, Stephen 116 Augustus, Kazuto 85, 114, 124, 133, 224 Austin, Edward 62, 189 Austin, Fernando 148, 161 Austin, Juliana 331
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Awad, Abeer 170 Awad, Nicole 370 Awad, Youssef 30, 67, 181 Awan, Saeed 380, 396 Ayele, Etsegenet 9, 46, 181, 271, 298, 322, 343 Aynehchi, Shahrad 35, 74, 168, 190, 264 Ayoub, Elias 34, 62, 73, 189 Ayoub, Robby 25, 54, 60, 63, 145, 149, 276, 279, 304, 310 Ayoub, Tamara 436, 439, 441, 454, 456, 459 Ayroso, Vincent 289 Aytug, Serhat 401, 410 Azad, Habib 203, 218, 235, 236, 244 Azar, Nicola 334 Azaren, Kent 197 Azer, Maged 202, 215, 372, 388 Azer, Maher 22 Azimi, Shideh 436, 439, 454, 456, 459 Azurin, Eleanor 135 Azzam, Samir 290, 382 Babaali, Hossein 353, 360 Babaian, Kara 430 Babajanians, Andre 34, 189 Babakhanlou, Pejman 26, 227, 284, 379, 395 Babaknia, Ardalan 202, 216 Babaknia, Arfa 211 Babel, Karen 156 Babu, Jooby 25, 162, 217, 283, 315, 331, 366 Bach, Lian 370 Backman, Martin 22, 83, 98, 150, 163, 194, 204, 218, 312 Badar, Francisco 28, 36, 65, 135, 178 Badawi, Radwan 358 Badea, Michael 434, 439 Badie, Mehrnaz 231 Badr, Ahmed 9, 21, 46, 60, 100, 140, 149, 298, 310
Bae, Anthony 409 Bae, Robert 116 Bae, Wanjun 234, 243 Baffa, Gary 404, 413 Baghdassarian, Ani 170 Baghdassarian, Ruben 27, 198, 229 Baginski, Leon 219, 236, 245 Baharvar, Jamshid 343 Bahmani, Parvaneh 361 Bai, Eung 43, 75, 340 Baig, Shahida 1, 36, 75, 88, 135, 265, 319, 334 Bailey, Charles 82, 110, 173, 235, 244 Bailey, Hugh 87, 115, 125, 134 Bailey, Michael 434 Bailey, Thomas 204, 219, 236, 245 Bain, Michael 177 Baird, Robert 209, 228 Baker, Allen 442 Baker, Gary 160 Baker, Rachel 420, 428 Balaker, Ashley 174 Balch, David 284, 316, 332, 367 Balguma, Frederic 200 Bali, Ambika 20, 59, 328, 389 Bali, Bhavna 331 Ballard, Jeffrey 316, 379, 396 Ballard, Rebekah 449 Ballentine, Renee 423 Baluyut, Michael 286 Bamshad, Babak 368 Ban, Vu 95 Bandukwala, Rahil 109, 130, 216 Bank, Daniel 315 Banker, Rajesh 81, 108, 171, 173 Bansil, Sandeep 72 Banuelos, Lydia 84, 112, 151 Baqai, Rehana 20, 150, 161 Barkmeier, Paul 255 Barkodar, Linda 46, 60
Barkow, Stephen 171, 201, 214, 233 Barnes, Lauren 191 Barnett, Lawrence 176, 379, 396 Barnett, Steven 176, 379, 396 Baron, Dicran 278, 372, 388 Baron, Jonathan 33, 160, 202, 215, 373, 389 Barrera, Joseph 234, 235, 243 Barreto, William 81, 108, 121, 192, 214 Barrett, Bart 102, 117 Barrientos, Domingo 46, 68, 157, 181 Barrios, Cristobal 421, 429 Bartlett, Joel 213 Bartlow, Gregory 19, 33, 202, 215, 373, 389 Barton, Cyril 425 Barua, Soma 36, 59, 335, 358 Basa, Jessica 286 Bashandy, Hany 162 Basich, Candace 200 Basilio-duenas, Carol 447 Baskin, Marc 58, 71, 187, 261 Bassir, H Bronson 452 Batchelor, Bret 27, 86, 100, 124, 167, 198, 209, 228 Bates, Sherri 404, 413 Bath, Kiran 402, 411 Bathala, Rama 156 Batkin, Fred 196, 224 Batniji, Sobhi 447 Batongmalaque, Jenny 36, 59 Batra, Anjan 419, 427 Batra, Jagmohan 85, 114, 123, 133, 420, 427 Batra, Pramod 26, 258, 284, 316, 332, 367 Batres, Eric Roberto 37 Batty, William 408 Baumgartner, Fritz 18, 35, 86, 124, 153, 154, 168, 190, 198, 210, 229, 285 Bayati, Semira 115, 177
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Be, Hing 14, 19, 50, 59, 274, 279, 302, 309, 325, 328, 349, 358 Be, Viet Anh 194, 204, 219, 281, 375, 391 Beachside Nursing Center 461 Beanes, Steven 114, 175 Beck, Paul 379, 396 Beck, Shawn 116, 177, 285, 318, 368, 381, 397 Beck, Yanina 436, 441, 454, 456, 459 Becker, Steven 9, 46, 181, 271, 298, 322, 343 Begino, Ruben 454 Behbehani, Mariam 156 Behboodikhah, Mahnaz 81, 108, 171 Behroozan, Benjamin 351, 359 Behroozi, Parisa 439 Behzadnia, Ali 109 Belasco, Kevin 172, 308 Belier, Aimee 444, 458 Bell, Ira 234, 235, 243, 308 Bell, Maurice 46, 60, 68, 72, 181, 188 Bemanian, Shahrooz 172, 309 Ben Ezer, Dorit 152, 165, 224, 377, 394 Benderev, Theodore 210, 229, 240, 248 Benik, Karen 234, 243, 308 Benner, Eric 232 Bennett, Gary 372 Bennett, Jon 192, 202, 214 Bennett, Jonathan 165, 283, 315, 331, 366 Benoit, James 408 Benor, Mark 335 Benvenuti, Darel 81, 108 Benvenuti, Thomas 81, 108 Benzl, Jerry 204, 219, 236, 245 Bera, Rimal 428
Berdjis, Farhouch 113, 123, 132, 175, 223, 257, 376, 393 Berger, David 58, 72, 148, 160, 262 Berger, William 108, 121, 130, 175, 201, 214, 233, 238, 242 Bergquist, Dwight 331 Berkowitz, Kathleen 110, 151, 174 Berkson, Richard 58, 160, 187 Berman, Blake 332 Berman, Joel 26, 86, 100, 197, 208, 227 Berman, Michael 20, 417, 424 Bernal, Nicole 421, 429 Bernbeck, Sabine 102, 117 Bernhut Caplin, Annette 265, 382 Bernstein, Seth 288 Berry, Jason 1, 37, 265, 290, 319, 335, 382 Beshai, Youssef 1, 37, 135, 178, 290, 319 Beshay, Isaac 92, 102, 117, 126 Bethencourt, Daniel 35, 63, 87, 125, 168, 190, 229 Betson, Lance 27, 312 Betts, Andres 214 Beyer, Alan 86, 115, 176 Bhakta, Amit 443 Bhalla, Jagminder 25, 298, 310, 322, 328, 331 Bhandari, Tanuja 378, 395 Bhandarkar, Naveen 419, 427 Bhangoo, Amrit 376, 393 Bhansali, Neha 32, 33, 54, 60, 70, 72, 185, 188, 261, 262 Bhasker, Mohan 59 Bhatia, Nitin 421, 429 Bhatia, Satinder 356 Bhatnagar, Gunjan 111, 174 Bhatt, Anand 419, 427 Bhavsar, Ashish 1
Bhavsar, Rajiv Ishwarlal 16, 21, 54, 60, 276, 279, 353, 360, 400, 401 Bhogill, Archana 102, 117, 126, 241 Bhojraj, Sanjay Deepak 233, 235, 243, 244 Bhola, Rakesh 16, 21, 304, 310, 326, 328 Bhupathy, Vellore 61, 363 Bhuta, Mahesh 343 Biegler, Todd 278 Bien, Michael 362 Bigdeli, Faranak 443, 458 Bigdeli, Foruzan 443, 449, 458 Bilal, Mustafa 432 Billeci, Barton 394 Binder, Devin 86, 115, 124, 209, 228, 284, 317, 367, 414 Binns, Amanda 105, 120, 129 Binoya, Edgardo 43 Biorkman, Jon 199 Birjandi, Reza 432 Birnbaum, Peter 27, 63, 167, 209, 228, 284, 332, 396 Birrer, Bramley 446 Biscaro, Carlo 284, 317, 368 Bittner, Donald 405, 413, 414 Biviji, Ayaz 379, 396 Bixby, Mindy 22, 218 Bladh, Taylor 403, 412 Blaine, Robert 331 Blair, Thomas 385 Blam, Michael 148, 161 Blanchard, Lucius 286 Blanchard, Malcolm 157 Blanco Eccleston, Martin 14, 50, 144, 274 Bland, Howard 37 Blankenbaker, Richard 172 Blanks, Richard 284 Blau, Robert 84, 112 Blaze, Paul 112, 123, 419, 427 Blechman, Betsy 363 Blitzer, Jonathan 33, 34, 149, 189, 194, 203, 218
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Block, Edward 234, 235, 243 Blurton, Dominic 152, 164 Bocian, Maureen 417, 424 Boeckmann, Jacob 419, 427 Boeckmann, Jessica 257, 281, 330 Bohr, Robert 63, 79, 154, 285, 368 Bonakdar, Alexander 392 Bond, Richard 382 Bondade, Prakash 9, 21, 30, 33, 92, 97, 271, 279, 283, 298, 310, 315, 322, 328, 331, 343, 360, 366 Bonfoco, Emanuela 161 Boniadi, Faramarz 438, 446 Boniadi, Monica 446 Boon, Sheryl 153, 165, 378, 394 Boone, Matthew 80 Boos, Kathleen 107, 121, 129 Borna, Neda 436, 454 Boroujerdi Rad, Hassan 61, 150, 311, 353, 360, 362 Borsari, Bradley 408 Boswell, Fox 151, 164, 195 Bota, Daniela 417, 425 Botros, Nader 442 Bouhairi, Karim 445 Bourget, Judy 295 Boutros, Adel 290 Bova, Kimberly 85, 114 Bowens, Karol 61 Bowman, William 37 Boyce, James 23, 195 Boyd, Rodney 446 Boyer, David 363 Brackmann, Derald 222 Brakin, Mario 152, 164, 196, 223 Brandau, Kim 26, 153, 166, 208, 227, 284, 379, 395 Brandt, Jeffrey 169 Brar, Jasleen 458 Brar, Ramadneep 18 Brara, Birinder 28, 37, 65, 178
Bravo, Claire 363 Bredenkamp, James 113, 123, 132, 206, 222, 237, 246 Brender, Arnold 102, 117, 126 Brenner, Matthew 420, 428 Bridges, Duane 58, 400, 409 Bristow, Robert 417, 424 Brittain, Kevin 226 Britto, John 64 Brodie, Thomas 58 Bronstein, Mark Alan 23, 84, 257 Bronstein, Scott 160 Brooks, Lance 160 Brooks, Megan 226 Brookshire IPA 65 Brower, Paul 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Brown, Andrea 37 Brown, Brian 73 Brown, Darren 376, 392 Brown, Harvey 344, 360 Brown, Hosea 271, 298 Brown, John 83, 111, 122, 131, 163, 172, 203, 218, 310, 328, 373, 389 Brown, Lourdes 124, 133, 394 Brown, Spencer 367 Brown, Stephen 197, 208, 226 Brown, Stewart 190, 198 Bruce Lyle, Leslie 23, 205, 220 Bruss, Jeffrey 108 Bucci, Bruno 1, 249, 265, 290, 335 Buchanan, Dennis 402, 411 Buchbinder, David 377, 393 Buchbinder, Neil 356 Buckhorn, Carl 46, 140 Buehler, Brandon 224 Buehler, Brian 449, 452 Buell, Steven 358 Buena Park Nursing Center 461 Buena Vista Care Center 461 Bui, Amy Van 234, 243 Bui, Au 114, 175
Bui, Christopher 161, 255, 279, 309 Bui, Chung 6, 91, 135, 251, 269 Bui, Don 87, 116, 125, 134, 177, 240, 248 Bui, Francois Phong 23, 312 Bui, Hana 403, 412 Bui, Kim 449 Bui, Loc Dac 9, 92, 252 Bui, Phong 97 Bui, Steve 162, 256, 311, 329, 362, 374, 390, 402, 410 Bui, Tam 25, 85, 99, 195, 206, 222, 257 Bui, Thuy 1 Bui, Trieu 1, 88 Bulczynski, Andrzej 368 Bullain, Szofia 418, 426 Bunten, David 102, 117, 126 Burdi, Michael 239, 247 Burke, B Richard 25 Burke, Lennis 365 Burnett, Keith 225 Burns, Robert 114 Burris, James 37, 265, 335 Burrows, Adrienne 344 Burstein, Steven 357 Burtzo, David 82, 110, 122, 131 Bush, Melissa 110, 150, 173, 219 Buster, Robert 276, 372 Bustillo, Gerardo 83, 123 Bustos, Jerrold 18 Butler, Jennifer 418, 426 Butler, John 422, 430 Butts, Myron 215 Byeon, Sangjun 37, 75 Byers, Jill 116 Byrne, Francesca 164, 223 Byun, Eugene 400, 409 Byun, Timothy 256, 373, 390 Caballero, Nora 443 Cable, Douglas 82, 110, 217 Cabral, Ruben 409 Cachia, Victor 207, 224, 238, 246
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Cadalso, Robert 459 Caffarelli, Anthony 86, 114, 176 Caillouette, James 86, 115, 176 Calatayud, Graciela 43 Calick, Arthur 18, 96, 307, 416, 424 Caliendo, Theodore 246, 314 Callahan, Steven 265, 290, 335 Calton, Angela 232 Caluya, Victor 157 Camacho, Mary 166 Camacho, Orlando 282, 330, 365 Camilon, Felizardo 113, 152, 164, 283, 376, 392 Canchola, Gerardo 6, 28, 37, 43, 139, 251, 295, 340 Canchola, Juan 432, 448, 456 Cannom, David 357 Canon, Fernando 58, 72, 308, 358 Cantor, Jerrold 18, 96, 255 Cao, Hao 135 Cao, Sean 26, 100, 153, 166, 197, 208, 227, 258, 316, 332 Cao, Vance 170 Capeloto, Brian 269 Capistrano Beach Care Center 461 Capistrano Beach Extended Care And Living Ctr 461 Capobianco, Scott 219, 236, 245 Cara, Gerald 27, 285, 317, 332 Carabello, Victor 54, 60, 353, 360 Carabulea, Gabriel 235, 244 Carbayo, Antonio 88, 249 Cardenas, Jose 433 Carehouse Convalescent Hsp 461 Carella, Joseph 139, 157, 269, 340
Carew Akenzua, Oyindamola 349, 358 Carey, Lilia 420, 428 Carlis, Samuel 6, 28, 265, 290, 335 Carlson, Gary 105 Carlson, John 287 Carmichael, Joseph 421, 429 Carnegie, Sherie 37 Carpenter, Michele 227, 379, 395 Carr, Martin 401, 410 Carr, Warner 108, 121, 123, 130, 233, 235, 242 Carrasco, Arthur 54 Carrasco, Cesar 436, 441, 454, 456, 459 Carreon, Jorge 62 Carrillo Nunez, Ignacio 194, 204, 218 Carrillo, Jose 417, 425 Carroll, Robert 131, 417, 425 Carson, Stanley 34, 73, 151, 164, 195 Carstens, Herman 287 Carter, Lee 171 Caruana, Frank 25, 331, 366 Cash, Tiyonnoh 418, 426 Cassidenti, Andrew 375, 391 Cassidenti, Denise 151, 161 Castanon, Richard 25, 85, 314 Castellanos, Jorge 108 Castillo, Hector 349 Castro Rueda, Hernan 235, 239, 247 Castro, Michael 33, 72, 187, 193, 262 Castro, Ower 290 Castro, Ricardo 327 Castro, Robert 96 Catania, Courtney 226 Causier, David 160 Ceavatta, Andrew 82 Cecchini, Phillip 231 Cecilio, Rosario 43 Cendejas, Felipe 288
Cepeda, Pedro 62 Cerni, Mary 50, 274, 302, 350 Cesario, Thomas 425 Ceverha, Barry 154, 167, 198, 228 Chabra, Sanjay 404, 413 Chahal, Puneet 20, 193, 217, 279, 310, 360 Chai, Kasin 139 Chai, Oranee 153 Chakarun, Corey 197, 225 Chalfin, Stuart 27 Chamberlin, Janine 2, 37, 266, 290, 319 Chambers, Gregory 166 Chambers, Kenneth 86, 100, 125 Chambers, Richard 63, 73, 167, 263 Chambi, Mirna 290 Chambi, Ricardo 356 Chan, Angela 54, 145 Chan, Chiwai 18, 96, 160, 214, 255, 307 Chan, Gregory 23, 330 Chan, Jackie 62 Chan, John 62 Chan, Kenneth 151, 220 Chan, Khaled 21, 140, 149, 158, 162, 196, 207, 225, 271, 279, 298, 310, 315 Chan, Linda 100, 124, 133 Chan, Michael 372, 388 Chan, Regan 423 Chan, Steve Li 400 Chan, Visoth 196, 207, 224, 238, 246 Chan, Wan Yin 223, 372, 388 Chana, Amarpal 81, 108, 121, 160 Chance, Janet 173 Chand, Arati 262 Chane, Majed 9, 21, 96 Chanes, Luis 23, 99, 205, 220, 237, 245, 257, 281, 363 Chang, Albert 75, 290
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Chang, Alvin 198, 210 Chang, Anthony 152, 164, 376, 393 Chang, Daniel 401, 409 Chang, Douglas 312 Chang, Eing Min 50 Chang, Elbert 315 Chang, Eleanor 153, 314, 394 Chang, Eli 23 Chang, Elmer 234, 235, 244 Chang, Emory 198, 228 Chang, Eugene 132, 220, 392 Chang, Gilbert 96 Chang, Kenneth 416, 424 Chang, Ker Chow 14, 19, 51, 59, 275, 279, 350, 358, 399, 401 Chang, Ku Juey 109, 111, 130, 131, 200, 203, 216 Chang, Lung Hsiung 363 Chang, Michael 199, 211 Chang, Paul 77 Chang, Richard 376, 393 Chang, Robert 169, 287 Chang, Seung 75, 340 Chang, Steven 239, 247 Chang, Tom 23, 281, 287, 330 Chang, Tzu Fei 436, 439, 454, 456, 459 Chang, William 235, 238, 246 Chantaphakul, Chantawan 420, 428 Chao, Andrew 37, 266, 290, 319, 335 Chao, Cynthia 23, 34, 59, 189, 194, 220 Chao, Derek 162 Chao, Dorothy 457 Chap, Linnea 359, 361 Chapman Harbor Conv Hosp Snf 461 Chapman, David 161, 401 Chappell, Edward 26, 167, 317, 332, 367 Charlu, Balaji 85, 114, 171
Charney, Kim James 379, 395, 396 Charshafjian, Nayiry 436, 439 Charu, Veena 21, 78, 149, 150, 162, 279, 280, 287, 310, 311, 328, 329, 359, 361 Chatterjee, Ratul 107, 110, 121, 122 Chau, Cindy 425 Chau, Peter 37, 65, 178 Chaudhary, Archna 30, 46, 68, 181 Chaudhary, Vinita 51, 69, 184 Chaudhry, Mohammad 46, 344 Chauhan, Bharat 149, 161, 203, 217, 279, 310, 328, 360 Chaurasia, Om 130, 202, 216, 234, 235, 243, 309 Chaurushia, Gaurang 33, 59, 161, 188 Chavez, Brian 109, 130, 200, 204, 213, 220 Chavez, Edgar 350 Che, Jennifer 419, 427 Che, Ki 76, 321 Chemitiganti, Pundari 109 Chen, Chienwei 201 Chen, Connie 456 Chen, David 62 Chen, Gary 263 Chen, Ihong 214 Chen, Jefferson 421, 429 Chen, Joe 33, 216, 217 Chen, John 280, 312, 329, 362 Chen, Joyce 177 Chen, June 225 Chen, Luke 82, 110, 122, 131 Chen, May 203, 218 Chen, Peter 175 Chen, Po Zan 37, 335 Chen, Sanford 132, 205, 221, 375 Chen, Tempe 85, 114, 124, 133 Chen, Vey 2, 178, 266, 319 Chen, William 375
Chen, Wu Yen 9 Cheng, Henry 2, 37, 266, 290, 319, 335 Cheng, Howard 203, 217, 218, 235, 244 Cheng, Hung-Chuan 14, 94, 144, 303 Cheng, Janice 441 Cheng, Jean 287 Cheng, John 102, 117, 126, 241 Cheng, Li-wen 447 Cheng, Marc 18, 192, 202, 214, 307, 356, 372, 388 Cheng, Melissa 448, 450 Cheong, Christopher 443 Cherlow, Joel 124, 133, 197, 225 Cheshire, Winston 102 Chesnie, Brian 171 Chessler, Steven 416, 424 Chetver, Elena 353 Cheu, Philip 158 Cheung, Alexander 22, 402, 410 Cheung, Bonnie 103, 117 Cheung, Eric 20, 21, 72, 73, 262, 359 Cheung, Rennie 450 Chi, Ying 26, 79, 86, 125, 166, 198, 209, 228, 284, 285, 317, 332 Chiana, Steven 282, 365 Chiang, Eric 440 Chiang, Glenn 111, 173, 203, 218, 374, 390 Chiang, Wen-Yuan 61 Childers, Ben 288 Chimeh, Seyed Farhad 362 Chin, Chana 377, 394 Chin, Ching Fong 9, 21 Chin, Michael 288 Chin, Terry 85, 124, 133, 192 Ching, Benedict 25, 99 Chino, Shigeru 134, 229 Chinsio Kwong, Regina 231
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Chironis, Philip 113 Chiu, Shin 62 Chiu, Vi 417, 425 Chiu, Vincent 16, 146 Cho, Claire 432 Cho, David 434 Cho, Don 76 Cho, Hannah 222, 376, 392 Cho, Laura 371 Cho, Lori 457 Cho, Michael 132, 206, 222, 237, 246 Cho, Pahn 437 Cho, Stanley 423 Cho, Yung 63, 79, 368 Choa, Josephine 95, 305 Choan, Caroline 131, 194, 204, 219 Chode, Prasad 46, 298, 322, 344 Choe, Wonbae 75, 266, 290, 320, 335 Chogle, Ashish 164, 165, 223, 377, 393 Choi, Bryan 298 Choi, Chester 181 Choi, Edwin 51, 77, 254, 275 Choi, Hichang 16, 21 Choi, Jenny 195, 206, 222 Choi, Jinsun 172 Choi, Jo 436, 454, 456, 459 Choi, Paul 160 Choi, Yung In 416, 424 Chon, Manuel 73, 263 Chong, Charles 141, 298, 322, 399 Chong, Lavinia 115 Chong, Lawrence 23, 313, 363 Chopra, Janak 14, 145, 304, 325, 387 Chopra, Rakesh 287 Chopra, Shivani 420, 428 Chou, Allen 16, 21, 95, 97, 146, 149, 254, 256, 276, 279, 305, 310, 387, 390 Chou, William 238, 247
Chow, Alvin 442 Chow, Bruce 290 Chow, Emilie 415 Chow, Joseph 148, 278, 308, 358 Chowdhury, Pradip 362 Choy, Andrew 164, 195 Chu, Edward 58 Chu, Eric 234, 243 Chu, Evangeline 111 Chu, Grant 103 Chu, James 85, 99, 113, 123, 164, 175, 207, 223, 314, 331, 365, 376, 393 Chu, Jeffrey 457 Chu, Thomas 363, 365 Chu, Weiming 404, 412 Chuang, Chan Chou 162 Chueh, Daniel 85, 224 Chulyan, Manuk 366 Chun, David 85, 107, 113, 152, 164, 175, 211, 288, 314, 365, 376, 393 Chun, Hyun 115 Chun, Joseph 25, 32, 33, 77, 78, 189, 305, 310, 326, 328 Chung, Catherine 214 Chung, Christine 446, 448 Chung, Elizabeth 84, 112, 151, 282 Chung, Judith 417, 425 Chung, Justin 433, 435, 438, 441, 448, 450, 453, 455, 457, 458 Chung, Linda 131 Chung, Michael 262 Chung, Nathan 79 Chung, Peter 344, 420, 428 Chung, Shirley 266, 290, 320, 335 Chung, Winston 70, 185 Ciabarra, Anthony 362, 402, 411 Cianciola, Mark 201 Ciarolla, Anthony 34, 150, 189, 194, 203, 218
Cies, W Andrew 112 Cilliani, Gaston 7, 20, 88, 97, 139, 149, 249, 255, 295, 310, 340, 359, 382, 389 Cilliani, Jose 2, 88, 135, 249, 291, 335, 382 Clark, Chester 378 Clark, Eric 107, 121, 130, 242 Clark, Lani 19, 33 Clark, Lawrence 288 Clark, Matthew 83, 111, 174, 194, 204, 220, 312 Clark, Robert 151, 164, 195, 205, 221 Clark, Stevan 63 Clark, Susan 152, 164, 207, 223, 376, 393 Clarke, Teryn 173 Claster, Susan 417, 425 Claveria, Richard 209, 228, 239, 247 Clay, Emma 73, 189, 195, 206, 221 Clayman, Ralph 422, 430 Cleeremans, Bruce 111 Cline, Jeffrey 286 Co, Maria Luisa 435, 442 Coats, Melvin 291, 335 Cobb, Tyson 77, 278, 307, 357, 372, 388 Cobo, Nicole 163, 194, 219 Coccia, Michael 239, 247 Cocke, Susan 400, 409 Coffler, Mickey 122, 130, 172 Cogan, Michael 34, 189, 195 Cohen, Alan 22, 61, 150, 163, 194, 204, 219, 329 Cohen, Gerald 70, 185 Cohen, Ira 62, 366 Cohen, Kenneth 46, 344 Cohen, Laura 172, 308 Cohen, Louis 454 Cohen, Stephen 171, 307, 372, 388 Cohn, Lawrence 54, 60, 70, 72, 185, 188
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Coker, Kyle 133, 209, 228 Cole, Gary 160 Coleman, Colleen 114, 175 Cole-richards, Delaine 439 Coluzzi, Paul 203, 217, 218 Combs, Christopher 35, 73, 154, 167, 190, 263, 368 Comer, George 365 Concoff, Andrew 404, 410, 413 Conner, Caroline 83, 123, 195, 204, 220 Connolly, Bonnie 371 Connor, James 232 Cons, Robert 54, 353 Constantine, Paul 370, 373 Constantino, Loida 37, 59, 65, 72, 178, 187 Contractor, Heena 68, 72, 181, 188, 189, 329 Contreras, Dina 433, 441 Contreras, Roberto 9 Cooper, Dan 420, 428 Cooper, James 207, 225 Copeland, Dane 61 Copon, Julie 105, 120, 129 Correa, Ronald 51 Cortes, Zenia 332 Cortez, Ernesto 260 Cortez, Jacquelyn 402, 411 Costales, Stephen 308 Cotton, D 54, 60, 353, 360 Country Villa Plaza Healthcare Center 461 Courvoisier, Kevin 226 Coutsoftides, Theodore 239, 379, 395 Covington, Elizabeth 340 Cox, Conrad 161 Cox, Craig 175 Cox, William 434, 438, 445, 446, 449, 451 Coyne, Brian 103, 117, 126 Craig, Jocelyn Bennett 220 Cramer, Henry 62, 263 Cramer, Steven 418, 426 Crane, Lisa 111, 174, 375, 391
Crasnean, Cornel 432 Creamer, Maily 170 Cressey, Yvette 31, 51, 144, 303, 350 Crockett, Dennis 132, 206, 222, 237, 246 Crow, Robert 419, 427 Crumley, Roger 419, 427 Cruz, Lucita 46, 141, 320 Crystal Cove Care Center 461 Csepanyi, Emerico 260 Csuka, Zoltan 158 Cuenca, Regina 9, 21 Cullinane, Carey 229 Culotta, Anthony 24, 84, 281, 287, 313, 330, 363 Culver, Ryan 331 Cummings Grodin, Elaine 80 Cummings, Michael 236, 244 Cunningham-Ahumada, Rose 24, 99, 237, 245, 257, 281, 363 Curtis, Jane 371 Cushing, James 224, 238, 246 Cvar, Kathryn 236, 245 D'aloisio, Chad 433, 454, 456, 459 Da Fonseca, Renata 435, 442, 453 Dabbagh, Sarkis 436, 459 Dabirizanjani, Sara 446 Dabu, Dionisio 260 Daderian, Asdghig 211 Daehan Prospect Med Grp 75 Daka, Smitha 158 Dalili Shoaie, Valentina 171 Damirchi, Cyrus 291 Damoui, Nasrin 211 Danesh, Mohammad 286 Danesh, Reza 15, 51 Daneshgar, Kourosh 363 Daneshmand, Hootan 134, 210, 229 Dang, Alan 23, 151 Dang, An 22, 92, 97, 98, 162, 252, 256
Dang, Bryan 111, 173, 374, 390 Dang, Chuc 100, 153, 165, 258 Dang, David 26, 100, 153, 166, 197, 226, 258, 316 Dang, Hiep 15, 51, 94, 144, 184, 275, 303, 325, 350 Dang, Long Phi 20, 33, 97, 148, 161, 255 Dang, Nam 445, 460 Dang, Nghiem 26, 100, 258 Dang, Nguyen 16, 21, 54, 60, 95, 98, 146, 149, 276, 279, 305, 310, 326, 328, 353, 360 Dang, Pauline 2, 91, 136, 251 Dang, Phu 2, 91, 136, 251 Dang, Reneelyn 434 Dang, Sally 257 Dang, Sandeep 21, 98, 111, 123, 173, 311, 362 Dang, Titi 443 Dang, Viet 24, 99, 257 Dang, Yadavindar 330 Dangaran, Karol 278, 308 Dangvu, Peter V 103, 117, 126 Daniel, Chancelor 51 Daniels, Charles 400, 412 Daniels, Marcel 198 Daniels, Mark 152, 164, 207, 223, 376, 393, 394 Danna, Salvatore 61 Danto, Joan 404 Danto, Michael 176, 378, 394 Dao, Khiem 27, 86, 100, 125, 317 Dao, Michael 2, 28, 88, 92, 136, 141, 249, 252, 256, 291 Dao, Tu Cathrine 435, 442, 453 Daoud, Ronald 385 Darbinian, Sevak 134, 168, 240, 248, 379, 380, 395, 397 Dardashti, Malihe 335 Dariushnia, Ali 266, 291, 335, 383 Dariushnia, Semira 2, 266, 291, 336, 383
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Daroui, Parima 420, 428 Darwish, Riad 362 Daskalakis, Theodoros 405, 413 Dastgheib, Kourosh 24, 195, 221 Dastur, Cyrus 418, 426 Daswani, Adarsh 78, 150, 329 Date, Usha 269, 295, 321, 340 Dauben, Richard 374, 391 Dave, Sulabha 34, 63, 73, 166, 189, 263 Davenport, Christopher 406 Davenport, Mark 406 David, Dwight 46, 60 Davidovich, Raffaele 148, 159 Davila, Javier 20, 82, 97, 149, 162 Davis, Anissa 38 Davis, Beverly 46 Davis, Gary 433, 436, 438, 440, 441, 451, 454, 456 Davis, Matthew 38 Davis, Michael 281, 287, 313, 330, 363 Davis, Pamela 336 Davis, Steven 350 Davis, William 175 Davison, Robert 238, 378, 395 Davoudi, Mohsen 420, 428 Dawson, Karen 331 Dayani, Pouya 363 De Andrade, Regiane 86 De La Rosa, Jose 189 De La Rosa, Pedro 54, 70, 185 De Los Reyes, Bernardita 50, 62 De Luca, Jacqueline 215 De Souza, Jose 38 Dearing, David 227 Debottis, Daniel 379, 396 Deck, Kenneth 208, 227 Deckey, Jeffrey 176, 209, 228, 380, 396 Decock, James 231 Deere, Harley 63, 73, 154, 167
Deere, Robert 63, 73, 263 Defilippo, Lyndsay 197, 208, 226 Deguzman, Lino 109, 172 Deits, Richard 58, 160, 278, 307, 357 Del Junco, Robert 376, 392 Del Mundo, Amor 378 Del Rivero-Yamuy, Ada Elena 340 Del Valle, Patricia 404, 413 Dela Cruz, Lina 54, 350 Delaney, John 432 Delapena, Albert 313 Delapena, William 313 Delcampo, Shellaine 450 Delgado, Jose 340, 359 Delk, Kerry 85 Delnitz, Danuta 241 Demetriou, Michael 418, 426 Demicco, Michael 148, 161, 271, 279, 298, 309, 310, 322, 328, 344, 360 Demirjian, Aram 422, 430 Dennis, Steven 86, 115, 176 Deo, Eknath 20, 21, 217, 218 Deoliveira, Elizabeth 365 Deorosan, Verretta 46 Depriest, William 454 Derebery, Jennifer 222 Desa, Watson 18 Desai, Amit 433, 437, 439, 441, 454, 456, 459 Desai, Aseem 233, 243 Desai, Himani 441, 454, 456, 459 Desai, Kavita 383 Desai, Shaunak 86, 115, 176 Desai, Sheetal 428 Desai, Virendra 38 Desantis, Jeffrey 153, 165, 394 Deshmukh, Suhasini 298, 310, 385, 390 Deshpande, Prajakta 383 Desilva, Neelantha 374, 391
Devaraj, Narayanaiyengar 255, 400, 409 Deveikis, Audra 223 Deyan, Alexander 107, 111, 171, 174 Dhaliwal, Parminder 109 Dhamija, Kailash 38, 66, 179, 260 Dhamija, Mehtab Bambrah 38, 66, 179, 260 Dhamija, Rajiv 261, 262 Dhar, Naveen 18, 101, 258, 285, 318, 332, 333 Dhawan, Puneet 134, 379, 380, 395, 397, 405, 413 Dholakiya, Pragnesh 435, 437 Di Julio, Thomas 34 Dialani, Naresh 451 Diamant, Thomas 175 Diamond, Catherine 417, 425 Dianatyazdi, Kourosh 445 Diaz Arjonilla, Maruja 373 Diaz, David 83, 111, 195, 202, 220 Diaz, Lisa 111 Dicesare, Daniel 234, 243 Dieterich, Frederick 402, 411 Dikio, Nicolas 23, 34 Diliberto, Jay 82, 109 Dimino, Lynn 172 Dimitrova-munro, Stela 440 Dinh, Chinh 2, 88, 136 Dinh, Christopher 446 Dinh, Dinh 88, 383 Dinh, Nhon 161 Dinh, Paul 176, 380, 396 Dinh, Son 22, 98, 111, 123, 173, 215, 311, 362 Dinh, Thanh 451 Dinh, Victor 15, 94, 254 Dinh, Viet 433, 435, 438, 441, 449, 450, 453, 456, 457, 458 Dinh, Y Nha Thi 99 Dio, Maribel 437, 459 Disaia, Philip 417, 424
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Disarli, Eduardo 269, 296, 321, 340 Ditlove, Jack 344, 360 Dix, Karen 28, 33, 38, 59, 66, 72, 181, 188 Djalilian, Hamid 419, 427 Djodeir, Masoomeh 156 Do, An 418, 426 Do, Cuong-Dung 24, 257 Do, Dat 164, 282 Do, Duc 82, 109 Do, Jaclynn 2, 88, 136, 249, 291, 383 Do, Minh 16, 21, 95, 98, 146, 149, 276, 279, 387, 390 Do, Paul 196 Do, Thang 458 Do, Thutrang 252, 256 Doan Van, Nicolas 18, 81, 96, 108, 121, 148, 215, 255 Doan, Ban Duc 23, 98, 195, 220, 375, 391 Doan, Kim Anh 24, 174, 195, 205, 221, 313 Doan, Lien 269, 296, 340 Doan, Phuong 105, 120 Doan, Thanh 439 Dobalian, Daniel 375, 391 Dobalian, Derek 359 Dobkin, Jeffrey 219 Dobkin, William Ross 86, 115 Dobyns, Jeffrey 152, 167, 175, 209, 228, 285, 332, 368, 377 Doering, Richard 115 Doezie, Allen 240, 248 Doggett, Stephen 238, 247 Doh, Philip 77 Dohad, Suhail 357 Doherty, Joni 85, 113, 206, 222 Dolich, Matthew 421, 429 Dominguez, Charles 314 Don, Karen 80 Don, Sherman 85, 257 Donaldson Ford, Rosemary 211 Doncheva, Tsvetanka 434
Donnelly, Joseph 418, 426 Donner, Barry 130, 202, 216 Donohue, Amanda 81, 108, 121 Donovan, James 24 Doo, Bryan Cassim 310, 360 Doomun, Robert 275, 303, 325, 350, 387 Doostan, Jay 353, 360 Dorrel, Tyler 197, 208, 226 Dos Santos, Clyde 26, 162, 207, 217, 280, 283, 311, 315, 329, 331, 361, 366 Doshi, Dipti 367 Doshi, Nita 223, 376, 393 Doshi, Pinal 261 Doshi, Rachit 211 Doshi, Rahul 307 Doshi, Tushar 332 Dostzada, Ghulam 181, 188 Dourron, Nestor 109, 130 Dow, Emily 416 Downs, David 79, 317, 368 Downs, Dennis 2, 270 Downs, Robert 403, 412 Drake, Edward 38, 266, 291, 336, 398 Driver, Catherine 235, 239, 247 Dubin, Jorge 263 Duckor, Steven 161, 271, 279, 298, 309, 310, 322, 328, 344, 360 Dudeja, Deep 62 Duel, Ebrahim 277, 281, 307, 312 Duensing, Robert 133, 208, 209, 227, 239, 247 Dugan, Jason 200 Duke, Alexandra 408 Dulla, Roland 226 Duma, Christopher 86, 115, 167, 176 Dunckel, David 211 Duong, Andre Bao Tan 440 Duong, Christina 308 Duong, Dat 9, 92, 158, 252
Duong, Huong 385 Duong, Kien An 213 Duong, Long 249 Duong, Paul 9, 92, 141, 252 Duong, Son 26, 86, 100, 124, 166, 316 Duong, Tao Hong 18, 96, 255 Duong, Tuoc 2, 88, 291, 320, 336 Duong, Vicky 435, 442, 453 Durairaj, Lalitha 22, 82, 110, 194, 204, 218, 311 Duran, Jessica 222 Durrani, Asif 58 Duy, Nguyen Do 26, 86, 100, 115, 208, 227 Duzman, Efraim 112 Duzman, Eran 112, 174 Dy, Grace 459 Dyer, Marc 175, 214, 233, 242 Dyes, Mary 151, 163, 219 Dymond, Karen 404, 413 Eberhart, Mary 82, 109 Eberly, Vance 63 Ebert, Jonathan 226 Echeverri, Jorge 260 Economides, Christina 356 Edelstein, Arthur 62 Edinger Medical Group 80 Edrich, Leslie 197, 227 Edwards, Steven 452 Eftekhari, Hossein 58, 356, 357 Eftekhari, Tandis 444, 450 Ehrlich, Lawrence 387 Ehrlich, Stephen 171, 202, 215, 233, 235, 243 Eidelstein, Alex 452 Eidt, Herbert 239, 247 Eifrig, Charles 24, 151, 205, 221, 257, 281, 313, 363, 375 Eilbert, John 82, 92, 98, 105, 110 Ein Gal, Shlomit 203, 217, 235, 244 Einollahi, Vahid 432, 443 Eisenman, Dana 344
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Eitan, Nathan 358 Ekhtiar, Maryam 453 El Khoury, George 33, 58, 71, 160, 187, 214, 277, 307, 327, 356 El Mokadem, Hesham 287 El Nachef, Mohamed 271, 298, 322, 344 El Sokkary, Sherif 235 El Zayat, Said 2, 88, 136, 266, 291, 383 Ela, Thomas 402, 411 Elacion, Jose Mari 28, 38, 179 Elad, Yaron 357 Elahi, Ali 204, 219, 236, 238, 244 Elahi, Elmira 460 Elbalalesy, Naser 151, 163, 174, 175, 224, 236, 238, 244, 246, 374, 391 El-Bayar, Hisham 379 Elhussiny, Naeil 454 Elias, Ramy 35, 63, 154, 167, 190, 263, 368 Elihu, Nadia 271, 385 Elkins, Jeremy 283, 315, 366 Eller, Robert 231 Ellini, Ahmad 25, 85, 113, 123, 132, 175, 223, 224, 376, 393 Elliott, Eugene 87, 125, 198, 210, 229 Elliott, John 110 Ellis, Mark 148, 159, 214, 372, 388 Elsanadi, Raef 242 Elsiddig, Yomna 226 Elzik, Mark 239, 247 Emeritus At Yorba Linda 461 Enayat, Samim 401, 410 Enayati, Daniel 46 Eng, Chesda 371 Eng, Steve 246 Eng, Steven 148, 161, 187, 193, 216 Engelman, Suzanne 378, 395
Engle, Roxann 2, 29, 38, 266, 291, 320, 336, 383 Ennis, Craig 203, 216, 373, 389 Enriquez, Eric 55 Eppele, Claudia 66, 179 Epstein, Joel 34, 63, 73, 153, 166, 189, 263 Erickson, Amelia 151, 163 Erlich, Michael 34, 189 Escobedo, Lizbeth 283, 366 Esfandiari, Seifolah 375, 391 Eshaghpour, Eshagh 365 Eskandari, Hamid 291, 309 Eskander, Ramez 417, 424, 426 Eskarous, Nady 193 Eslami, Bahram 171, 307, 372, 388 Esmaili, Manouchehr 66, 340 Esmailian, Farbod 27, 167, 229, 333, 368 Espeleta, Vidal 133, 207, 225 Espinosa, Marcela 158 Espinoza-Lopez, Angelina 158 Esser, John 403, 412 Essien, Francis 63 Essilfie, William 46, 59, 60, 141, 149, 161, 344, 360 Estrella, Gustavo 144, 159 Etemad, Abrak 449, 456 Etemadi, Khashayar Allen 449 Ettefagh, Lelia 172 Eubany, Jacqueline 278, 307, 356 Eugenio, Arnel 454 Evangelista, Edmund 239, 247 Evans, Gregory 421, 429 Evans, Nora 133, 208, 227 Evans, Tanya 109, 130, 234, 243 Evans, Tomi 193, 216 Evensen, Karen 405, 414
Evergreen Fullerton Healthcare 461 Ezquerro, Ruben 283, 315, 366 Fabricant, Michael 404, 413 Fadavi, Hamid 238, 246 Fadeel, Omar 9, 141, 252, 271, 298, 323, 344 Fahd, Antoine 84, 112 Fahmy, Baher 458 Fahmy, Diaa 452 Fajardo, Ana 383 Fakinos, Laurence 204, 220, 236, 245 Family Choice Medical Group 88 Fan, Robert 287, 359 Fanning, Lauren 168 Faraci, Philip 35, 87, 190 Faraday, Richard 149, 161, 279, 374, 390 Farag, Heba 204, 220, 236, 245 Farah, Amin 58 Farahanchi, Arash 406 Farajian, Elham 283, 315, 366 Faraz Eslami, Parastoo 236, 245 Farbakhsh, Nasrin 111 Farhadi, Ashkan 203, 216 Farhoumand, Mahshid 446 Farid, Marjan 419, 427 Farin, Azadeh 198 Farivar, Sirus 20, 161, 309 Farjami, Sassan 82, 110, 122, 131 Farjoodi, Payam 27, 86, 100, 125, 228 Farooq, Aamer 20 Farrell, Michael 89 Farrelly, Ewa 191 Farsani, Mahmoud Eslami 171, 307, 372, 388 Farshidi, Arta 172 Farshidi, Elaheh 398, 401
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Farshidpour, Mary 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Farzin, Matt 439 Fatemi, Hashem 323, 327, 328 Fathy, Tamer 156 Fawwaz, Amin 23 Fayner, Sheldon 15, 32, 51, 304, 325 Fayoumi, Muhammad 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Fazilat, Golareh 174 Faziola, Lawrence 420, 428 Fee, Janis 375, 391 Fee, Martin 82, 110 Feinberg, Steven 113, 174 Feiner, Jeffrey 130, 202, 215 Felahy, Basil 43 Feldman, Gary 224 Feldman, Stuart 64, 368, 405, 414 Feldsher, Zhanna 341, 359 Feng, Chu Pei 207, 226, 239, 283, 316, 332, 366 Feng, Jack 234, 235, 243 Fennema, Byron 392 Fenton, Michael 238, 378, 395 Fernandez, Amanda 219, 374, 391 Fernandez, Edgar 26, 100, 153, 258, 284 Fernando, Thilan 260 Ferrey, Antonio 383 Fichman, Marshal 344 Field, Byron 228, 333 Field, Sarah 159, 214, 217, 372, 388 Fields, Carrie 191 Finkelstein, Stuart 47, 60, 68, 72, 181, 188, 323, 328 Finklestein, Jerry 196, 223 Fiorentino, Randy 375, 391 Firoozi, Babak 148, 161 Fischer, Scott 176, 380, 396 Fischer, Stuart 18, 33 Fischman, Ronald 34, 61, 73, 123, 162, 189, 194, 218, 362
Fishbein, Howard 103, 117, 126 Fisher, Mark 418, 426 Fitzmaurice, Laura 418, 426 Fitzpatrick, Michael 239, 247 Flagship Healthcare Ctr 461 Flanigan, Daniel 26, 316, 379, 396 Flannery, Timothy 152, 164, 223, 376, 393 Fleischman, Angela 417, 425 Fleming, Wesley 175 Fletcher, Abigail 192 Fletcher, Betty 161 Flora, Rhonda 174 Flores, Alonzo 291, 336, 383 Flores, Edgar 271, 298, 323, 344 Flores, Jeffrey 433, 449, 450, 453, 456, 457 Flores, Teresa 136, 266, 291, 336 Florian, Humberto 7, 89, 139, 296 Florin, Jack 362, 402, 411 Floro, Jerry 72, 187, 262 Fogarty, Tamara 80 Foley, Allison 409 Foley, Victoria 196 Foley, William 154, 167, 209, 228, 284, 317, 379, 405, 413 Follico, Anthony 438 Folmar, Cecil 25, 34, 152, 164 Folmar, Raymond 27, 285, 333 Fong, Alex 173, 174 Fong, Minch 217, 236, 244 Foo, Francis 103, 118, 126 Ford, Alexander 344 Ford, Anne 408, 410 Ford, Helen 433, 436, 441, 451, 458 Foreman, Tanya 215, 308 Forghan Arani, Mehrdad 23, 281, 363 Forghani, Nikta 376, 393 Forman, Steven 18, 33
Foroohar, Heshmat 312, 363 Forsthoff, Cynthia 33, 150, 188, 194, 203, 218 Forthal, Donald 417, 425 Foster, Clarence 421, 429 Fountain Care Center 461 Fountain Valley Regional Hosp And Med Ctr 1, 80, 88, 156, 249, 289 Foust, Michael 238 Fox, Dan 58, 160 Fox, Michael 271, 279, 283, 315, 378, 385, 390, 395 Fralick, Jerry 403, 409, 412 Francis, Kelly 86, 100, 124, 227 Franks, Theresa 402, 410 Frankwich, Karen 234, 235, 243, 244 Fratt, Dennis 433, 441, 449, 450, 453, 456, 457, 458 Frederick, Jane 109, 122, 130, 172 Fredrick, Mark 158 Freed, Robert 175, 316 Freedman, Alan 87, 116 Freedom Village Healthcare Ctr 461 Freeman, L Wayne 24, 62 Frei, Karen 256 Freimann, Jack 20, 72, 73, 262, 359 French Park Care Center 461 Freund, Michael 68, 182 Friedman, Bruce 18, 81, 171, 255, 277, 307, 327, 356 Friedman, David 58, 278, 308, 358 Friehling, Jay 103, 118 Frisch, David 353 Frisch, Donna 47 Frischer, Alan 47 Frohn, Robert 330 Fruehauf, John 417, 425 Frumin, Howard 215 Fry, Sheila 226 Fu, Casey 59
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Fu, Karen 232 Fu, Selena 24, 330 Fuentes, Jennifer 278, 327, 357 Fujitani, Roy 421, 429 Fulmer, Hugh 59 Fulwider, Cole 19, 33 Fung, Peter 357 Furlan, Julie 221 Furman, Geoffrey 266, 341 Furze, Alexis 174, 314 Gabal Shehab, Lamia 381, 397 Gabayan, Afshin Eli 359 Gabbita, Geetha 351 Gabot, Joanne 439 Gad, Mona 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Gaddam, Syam 271, 279, 298, 310, 323, 328, 344, 359, 360 Gaffino, Barbara 436, 452 Gage, Susan 377, 394 Gaikwad, Shilpa 199 Gainer, Bonnie 108 Gaitanis, Alexander 361 Galdamez, Luis 43, 341 Galdamez, Violeta 341 Galion, Anjalee 163, 165, 166, 374, 391 Galko, Barbara 225 Gallaher, Kathleen 383 Gallant, Natalie 417, 424 Gallardo, Paul 158 Gallego, Claudio 362 Gallemore, Ron 62 Galluccio, Fred 103, 118, 127 Galoustian, Arthur 287 Galvan Turner, Valerie 417, 424 Gamal, Youssef 20, 262, 310, 313, 359 Gamie, Sherief 194 Ganatra, Rinesh 438, 452 Gandhi, Nirav 98, 150, 162, 204, 218, 256, 280, 329, 402, 410
Gandhi, Radhakrishan 81, 108, 172, 173 Gandotra, Gaytri 22, 83, 311 Gandy, Jodie 85, 113, 152, 164, 175, 238, 246, 288, 314, 365, 376, 393 Ganesan, Anand 424 Gang, Eli 357 Ganguly, Arnab 47 Garces, Maximilian 408 Garcia, Carlos 278, 308, 358 Garcia, Catherine 383 Garcia, Cherie 68, 182 Garcia, Don 266 Garcia, Eddie 313 Garcia, George 281, 313, 363, 375, 392 Garcia, Leo 409 Garcia, Mamerto 25, 280, 394 Garcia, Martin 331 Garcia, Nicole 267, 291, 336 Garcia, Sylvia 51, 350 Garcia, Teresa 375, 391 Garcia-Montoya, Natalie 406 Garden Grove Convalescent Hospital 461 Garden Park Care Center 461 Gardner, Stephen 237, 239, 246, 247 Garfinkle, Rebecca 219, 236, 244 Garg, Ambica 281, 312, 363 Garg, Sumit 419, 427 Gargus, John 417, 424 Garland, Douglas 198, 228 Garofalo, Frank 19, 160, 202, 215 Gasperini, Julie 24, 195, 205, 221 Gaster, Ronald 419, 427 Gates, Richard 114, 115, 134, 154, 168, 210, 229, 239, 248, 285, 379, 380, 395, 397, 421, 429 Gates, Thomas 166, 197, 226, 316, 332, 366
Gault, Michael 130 Gause, Lisa Marie 160 Gausewitz, Steven 86, 176 Gavankar, Sheetal 175 Gaw, Felix 284, 332 Gayauskas, Yulionas 345 Gazzaniga, David 86, 115, 176 Gazzaniga, Michael 405, 414 Ge, Nengjie 24, 112, 313, 364 Ge, Norman 222, 419, 427 Geddes, Peter 391 Gee, Joey 204, 219, 235, 236, 244 Gehling, Ronald 214, 233, 242 Gehret, David 111 Gehricke, Jean 420, 428 Geiss, John 2, 19, 29, 33, 336, 358 Geisse, Lawrence 24, 195, 207, 221 Gelb, Arthur 34, 63, 73, 153, 166, 189 Gelfand, Gilbert 305, 310, 316, 326, 328, 353, 360 Gellerman, Gerald 9, 47 Gendler, Samuel 7, 89, 136, 267, 296, 383 Gendy, Sameh 433, 453, 459 Gentemann, Catherine 213 Geoffreys, Martin 243 George, Jaya 47, 60, 92, 98, 141, 149, 271, 280, 299, 310, 323, 328, 345, 360 Gerayli, Afshin 130, 242 Gerges, Christine 291, 336, 398 Gerken, Andrew 86, 115, 176 German, John 27, 87, 154, 209, 229, 240, 248, 258, 380, 396 Germundsen, Kevin 84, 222 Geron, Florina 299, 385 Gersten, Larry 134 Geula, Navid 15, 144, 275 Ghaem-maghami, Rama 450
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Ghaffari, Sasan 307 Ghahremani, Shiva 437, 439, 444, 455, 456 Ghalambor, Navid 379 Ghalchi, Azita 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Ghaly, Azmy 47, 345 Ghanian, Reza 182 Gharai, Fariba 379, 380, 395 Ghatan, Bijan 182 Ghazal, Carolyn 445 Ghiasi, Zahra 313 Ghibu, Ruxanda 447 Ghodsian, Kamran 200, 205, 213, 220, 236, 242, 245, 375, 391 Gholizadeh, Maryam 27, 154, 166, 227, 258, 380, 396 Ghoniem, Gamal 422, 430 Ghosheh, Faris 205, 221, 237, 245 Ghosheh, Ribhi 205, 221, 237 Ghozland, David 363 Ghularyan, Marianna 433 Gibbs, David 166, 167, 227 Gibbs, Lisa 415 Giesemann, Corinne 169 Giglio, Mark 406 Gilani, Abdollah 284, 367 Gilbert, John 401, 410 Gilbert, Michael 370 Gilbert, Randall 345, 360 Gill, Amanpreet 433, 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Gill, Cadrin 336 Gillman, Michael 239, 247 Gim, Ronald 131, 202, 215 Ginzburg, Olga 68, 182 Gitlin, James 26, 284, 316 Giurgius, Moataz 196, 207, 224 Gjesdal, Donald 400, 409 Gladkov, Alexander 454 Glaspy, Kathleen 371 Glaze, Nijole 341 Glazer, Devon 207, 224, 238, 246
Globus, Jeffrey 127, 241, 291 Glor, Rita 320, 336 Gluzman, Arie 114, 124, 133 Gnp Hoag Hospital 102 Gnp Orange Coast Memorial 117 Gnp Saddleback Memorial 126 Go, Robert 433 Gobran, Maher 133, 379, 395 Godbole, Shubhangi 53, 144, 305, 325, 353, 400 Godfrey, Nancy 35, 189 Goel, Manisha 10, 21, 47, 60, 141, 149 Goff, John 53, 144, 261, 352 Gogia, Harinder 58, 77, 148, 160, 278, 308, 357 Gogia, Harmohinder 26, 63, 79, 166, 207, 225, 283, 315, 331, 366 Goines, Sandra 179 Goland, Jay 152, 164 Golanty, Stanley 47, 68, 182 Golay, Ann 404, 410 Gold, June Anne 417, 424 Gold, Liviu 450 Goldberg, Robert 235, 238, 246 Goldberger, Sam 402, 411 Golden, Joel 261, 262 Goldstein, Arthur 375, 391 Goldstein, Neil 166, 283, 316 Goldstone, Harvey 84, 195, 206, 222, 257 Golkar, Linda 401, 410 Golshani, Kiarash 421, 429 Gonda, Francisco 16, 55, 305, 326, 400 Gonzales, Fernando 43, 66, 341 Gonzales, Thomas 444 Gonzalez Gonzalez, Kasein 2, 38, 136, 267, 320, 336 Gonzalez, Bertha 38 Gonzalez, Carlos 61, 362 Gonzalez, Casimiro 364
Gonzalez, David 199 Gonzalez, David Regan 241 Gonzalez, Edgardo 271, 299, 323, 345 Gonzalez, Eduardo 38 Gonzalez, John 288 Gonzalez, Leslie 23, 34 Goodfellow, Janet 103, 118, 127 Goodis, Robert 448 Goodman, Matthew 33, 202, 215, 373, 389 Goodstein, Jordan 367 Goonetilleke, Ranjit 18, 192, 202, 215 Gordon, L Stephen 365 Gordon, Michael 86, 115, 176 Gordon, Patricia 366 Gordon, Scott 68, 182 Gore, Gwendolyn 200, 203, 213, 217 Gorinstein, Israel 362 Gorlitsky, Kendra 38 Gorman, Robert 226 Goshtasbi, Saeid 216 Gottlieb, Bernard 193 Govashiri, Reza 129, 231, 242 Govind, Shobha 38, 66, 180 Govindarajan, Gopal 47, 58, 60 Govindarajan, Sudha 44 Graham, Scott 134 Grahn, Everett 256, 373, 390 Grainey, Richard 165 Grando, Sergei 416, 424 Granese, Marsha 195, 205, 220, 236, 245 Grant, Kenneth 25, 152, 377, 393 Grant, Scott 24, 313, 330, 364, 402, 411 Grant, Steven 197, 227 Gray, Bethany 38 Gray, Brian 399, 402, 408, 411 Greblya, Victoria 10, 141, 271, 299, 385 Green, Clare 169
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Green, Edward 27 Green, Stuart 421, 429 Greenberg, Catou 103, 118, 127 Greenberg, David 77, 308, 372, 389 Greenberger, Matthew 210, 230, 285, 318, 368, 381, 397 Greenfield, Robert 18, 81, 96, 108, 121, 160, 192, 202, 215, 255 Greenspan, Scott 201 Gregory, Anita 239, 379, 395 Gregurich, Joseph 2, 89 Grenier, Richard 403, 412 Grewal, Navrose 35, 64, 190, 263 Grewal, Sonia 109 Griffiths, Amy 420, 428 Gritchen, Catherine 196 Groncy, Paula 152, 165, 196, 223, 331 Gross, William 432, 442 Grossman, Marshall 309 Grove, Brandon 31, 121 Grover, Geeta 224, 378, 394 Grover, Maleah 148, 160 Groysman, Leonid 418, 426 Grubbs, Kenneth 2, 267, 383 Gruenenfelder, Jennifer 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Gruenes, Jeri 62, 403, 412 Grumet, Robert 176, 380, 396 Guadiana, Laura 192 Gudapati, Sandhya 404, 412 Gudino, Aaron 433, 435, 438, 441, 454, 457, 458 Guerra, Jose 3, 136, 249, 383 Guerra, Lisa 175 Guerrero, David 51 Guerrero, Jacqueline 418, 426 Guerrero, Richard 26, 284, 316, 367 Guevara, Daisy 158 Guide, Shireen 193, 202, 215, 234, 308
Guirguis, Heba 457 Gujral, Inderpal 308 Gujral, Navjyot 203, 216 Gujral, Satvinder 132, 205, 221, 237, 245 Gulak, Hubert 34, 189 Guner, Yigit 379, 380, 395, 396 Gunn, John 281, 313, 330, 364 Gupta, Aruna 287 Gupta, Geeta 417, 425 Gupta, Ranjan 421, 429 Gupta, Shalu 84, 112, 151, 164 Gupta, Shilpa 433 Gupta, Sudhir 416, 423 Gursahani, Pushpa 139 Gutierrez, Debra 406 Gutierrez, Julie 77, 278, 308, 327, 357 Gutierrez, Melissa 211 Guttery, Aparna 419, 427 Gwynn, David 205 Gyore, Victoria 278, 308, 357 Ha, Phuong 435, 442, 453 Ha, Robert 10, 141 Habashy, James 459 Habib, Shehnaz 47, 141 Hablani, Sangita 448, 458 Hadadz, Ali 341 Haddad, Nazih 206, 222, 331 Hadi, Molood 415 Hafez, Mohamed 44, 270, 296, 321, 341 Haffar, Mark 197, 208, 226 Haffar, Noor 132, 403, 411 Hagadorn, Bruce 131 Haghighat, Kamran 213 Hailemariam, Eleni 420, 428 Hajaliloo, Farhad 27 Hakim, Asaad 10, 21, 100, 141, 149, 158, 162, 196, 207, 225, 272, 280, 299, 310, 315 Hakimi, Michael 356, 357 Hakimi, Solemon 341, 359 Halbridge, Neil 288
Halikis, Mark 176, 380, 396 Halperin, Gabriel 62 Hamamji, Sami 379, 395 Hamdan, Hadi 455 Hameed, Afshan 417, 425 Hami, Anooshiravan 207, 225, 280, 283, 311, 315, 329, 331, 361, 366 Hamilton, Shawn 305 Hamoui, Nahid 21, 26, 175, 367 Han, Jay 400, 409 Han, Nancy 149, 161 Han, Paul 315 Han, Richard 76 Han, William 23, 78, 310 Hanauer, Franklin 10 Hancock, Dustin 197, 208, 226 Hancock, Jamie 403, 412 Hanjan, Tiva 239, 247 Hanna, Amal 455, 456 Hanson, Leah 99 Haque, Dilruba 173 Harada, Randall 72, 262 Harano, Richard 171 Harbison, Harry 224 Hardeman, James 404, 413 Hargrove, Brooke 111 Harken, Tabetha 418, 426 Harley, Kevin 418, 425 Harms, Stephen 191, 193, 211, 216 Harness, Jay 379, 395 Harper, Sabrina 162 Harris, Julia 103, 118 Harris, Justin 162 Harris, Matthew 214 Harris, Norman 419, 427 Harris, Todd 26, 176, 316 Harris, William 372, 388 Harrison, Amy 152, 165, 207, 223, 377, 394 Harsh, Meredith 99 Harsolia, Asif 100, 124, 133, 197, 225 Hart, Jason 211
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Hartman, Carl 34, 73, 189, 195, 206, 221 Hartman, Ronald 34, 73, 189, 195, 206, 221 Hartstein, Ilan 24, 330 Harvey, Daniel 179 Harward, Timothy 317, 379, 396 Harwer, Olina 127, 292 Hashad, Rasha 220, 236, 245 Hashemi, Zahra 456 Hashemi, Zia 349, 363 Haskell, Richard 108 Hassan, Khaled 401, 410 Hassid, Arash 315 Hatch, Ilene 172, 220 Hatfield, Tamera 417, 425 Haupt, David 25, 283, 420, 428 Hauptman, Mark 232 Hauptschein, Martin 345, 360 Havton, Leif 418, 426 Hawatmeh, Ayed 436 Hawkins, Eleanor 83, 111, 123 Hawkins, Randy 345, 360 Hawthorne, Heather 153, 165, 223, 224, 377, 393 Haydon, Michael 83, 112, 173, 174 Hayes, Trevor 162 Hayes, Vincent 109, 122, 130 Hazrati, Fayezeh 438, 458 Hcp IPA SOUTH COAST 135 Hcp Talbert Med Grp 156 Healey, Darcy 220 Hedaya, Joshua 281, 287, 330 Heggeness, Ole 39, 320 Heidarinia, Akbar 454 Heidelbaugh, Shelly 10, 141, 272, 299 Heinrich, James 206, 222, 237, 240, 246 Helfat, Arthur 10, 21, 385, 390 Helfenstein, Jeffrey 353 Helm, Standiford 202, 214, 233, 243
Helping Hands Of Westminster 461 Hembree, Cambria 80 Hemmat, Omid 459 Henderson, Donald 402, 411 Hendon, Thomas 182 Henrick, Andrew 237, 245 Hepner, Absalom 202, 234, 243 Her, Michael 158 Hermanowicz, Neal 418, 426 Hernandez, Jesus 281, 375, 392 Hernandez, John 55 Hernandez, Leopoldo 358 Hernandez, Luis 51, 352 Hernandez, Nancy 22, 280, 311, 329, 362, 374, 390, 402, 410 Hernandez, Nicolas 370 Herrera, Humberto 44, 59, 341, 359 Herrera, Jennifer 165 Herrera, Margaret 51 Herzog, Cynthia 192 Hetata, Maha 438 Hewlett, Howard 283, 315, 331, 366, 394 Hewlett, Robert 175 Hicks, David 152, 165, 378, 394 Hicks, Pearlman 35, 64, 74, 190 Hicks, Rebecca 196, 207, 223 Hifumi, Glenn 316, 367 Higashi, Randy 308, 358 Hightower, Stephen 230 Hijazin, Munther 61, 262 Hill, Richard 24, 205, 221, 281, 313, 364, 403, 411 Hirano, Lance 191, 193 Hirchman, David 226 Hiserodt, John 276, 304, 352 Hite, Craig 160 Ho, Alan 96, 214 Ho, Andy Tuan 95, 326, 353
Ho, Chee 292 Ho, Gerald 26, 284, 316, 332, 367 Ho, Hector 209, 228, 405, 414 Ho, Hsueh Hua 103, 118, 127, 292 Ho, Ivan 357 Ho, Jeffrey 153, 165, 223, 257, 377, 393 Ho, Kevin 25, 258 Ho, Larry 214, 233, 243 Ho, Nathaniel 131, 204, 218, 311 Ho, Pauline 60, 78, 279, 360, 401, 410 Ho, Sharon 226 Ho, Winston 373, 390 Hoag Affiliated Physicians 169 Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian 80, 102, 169 Hoag Orthopedic Institute 102 Hoang Xuan, Tuan 358 Hoang, Anh 433 Hoang, Christine 23, 281, 312, 363 Hoang, Diemha 165, 196 Hoang, Huy Kim 3, 92, 252 Hoang, Khiet 193 Hoang, Lindy 112 Hodor, Lawrence 34, 62, 73, 189 Hofkes, Jaimeson 432 Holevas, Richard 177 Holleran, Adam 100 Holstein, Clyde 22, 78, 150, 163, 204, 219, 280, 311, 312, 329, 362 Holt, Martin 283, 315, 331, 366 Holzner, Charles 55 Hom, Christy 420, 428 Hong, Andrew 201 Hong, Gene 315 Hong, Hoon 76 Hong, Susie 442 Honigman, Daniel 51, 303, 350
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Hopper, Gayle 15, 31, 94, 121, 144, 275, 303 Horenstein, Maria 376, 393 Horner, Robert 283, 366 Horng, Felix 169 Hornstein, William 22, 194, 204, 219 Horvath, Agnes 377, 393 Horwitz, Kenneth 10, 21, 47, 60, 92, 98, 141, 149, 272, 280, 299, 310, 323, 328, 345, 360 Hoshi, Natalie 403, 412 Hosseinian, Rasam 162, 217 House, John 222 Houshyar, Ali 30, 47, 136, 272, 299, 345, 399 Houston, Daryl 345, 360 Houterman, Anna 227 Hovanesian, John 132, 205, 221, 237, 245 Hovey, Regina 198, 210, 230 Hovhannisyan, Armen 345 Howard, Christos 370 Howard, Laura 282, 314, 365, 375, 392 Howe, Candace 112 Hryniewicki, Thomas 385 Hsieh, Jennifer 216 Hsieh, Loan 165, 377, 393 Hsieh, Pin Hung 16, 55, 146, 305, 326, 353 Hsu, Alex 78, 329 Hsu, Diana 55, 70, 185, 354 Hsu, Frank 421, 429 Hsu, Goethe 55, 70, 185, 354 Hsu, Keith 235 Hsu, Linda 141 Hsu, Tony 109, 122 Hsu, Victor Yu-Ching 374, 390 Htoo, Myat 451 Hu, Gloria 39 Hu, Jasia 39 Hu, Ke-Qin 416, 424 Hu, Ping 262 Hua Feng, Lien 278, 308, 358
Huang, Anthony 237, 245, 330 Huang, Audrey 224 Huang, Chin Wei 166 Huang, Daniel 20, 21, 59, 61, 262, 359, 450, 454 Huang, David 105 Huang, Eric 267, 336, 453 Huang, Janet 103 Huang, Jeff 3, 89, 136, 249, 292 Huang, Jeffrey 448 Huang, Kevin 362 Huang, Peng-Yun 10 Huang, Peter 437 Huang, Sam 373, 390 Huang, Stephen 20, 21, 72, 73, 262 Huang, Susan 417, 425 Huang, Thomas 25, 78, 206, 222, 283, 314, 331, 365 Hubbard, Eric 224 Hudkins, Matthew 197, 207, 225 Huffman, Karen 458 Hugh, Peter 39, 179, 320 Hughes, Joseph 34 Hughes, Thomas 401, 410 Huh, Kenneth 228 Hung, Jessica 373 Hung, Lynne 202, 214, 233, 234 Hunter, Clarence 327 Huntington Valley Healthcare Ctr 462 Hur, Chung 16, 55, 77, 146, 276 Hur, In 23, 78, 330 Hurria, Anju 420, 428 Hurwitz, Michael 114, 176 Hussaini, Noreen 124 Huszti, Heather 238 Hutain, Royce 406 Huynh, Anthony 84, 112 Huynh, Chinh 7, 91, 139, 251 Huynh, Jacob 3
Huynh, Jonathan 193, 202, 215 Huynh, Judy 241 Huynh, Paul 287 Huynh, Van 165, 377, 393 Hwa, Linda 26, 225 Hwang, Donna 206, 222 Hwang, John 195, 205, 221, 257, 282, 313, 364, 375 Hwang, Kalena 105, 129 Hwang, Nina 377, 393 Hwang, Sarah 79, 149, 166, 316, 332, 367 Hwang, Steve 437, 459 Hwang, Tzong 70, 72, 185, 188 Hwynn, Julie 10, 92, 142, 252, 272, 299, 323, 345 Hyden, Elizabeth 239 Ibarra, Fernando 59 Ibarra, Rodolfo 185 Ibrahim, Marianna 442 Ichii, Hirohito 421, 429 Idnani, Usha 200 Idries, Shaheen 377, 393 Illeck, Jeffrey 112 Iluore, Augustine 47 Im, Richard 162 Im, Samuel 62 Imagawa, David 421, 429 Imbastari, Graciela 276, 387 Imparato, Jennifer 362 Ing, Arlene 423 Inge, Ronald 441 Ip, Tze 87, 115, 176, 234, 235, 243 Iqbal, Atif 86, 100, 124, 227 Iqbal, Marvi 109, 308 Iqbal, Mehar 44, 270, 296, 321, 341 Iqbal, Raza 149 Iqbal, Shaheen 345 Iqbal, Shams 286 Ireifej, Yousef 3, 136, 267, 292 Irwin, Melanie 196, 224, 378, 394
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Iseri, Allen 283, 315, 394 Ishaaya, Abraham 315 Ishak, Salam 287 Iskander, Rosanna 399 Iskarous, Ragaa 53 Islas, Jeffrey 197 Ismail, Habib 219, 374, 391 Ismail, Mohammad 61, 280, 311, 329 Ismailijee, Mohamedali 287 Israel, Alan 200 Istwani, Mosen 417, 418, 425 Itchhaporia, Dipti 171 Ito, Shiho 172 Ivanova, Ana 406 Iyer, Rajini 287 Izumi, Steven 162 Izvernari, Paula 437, 455, 459 Jabara, Amer 111, 204, 218, 374, 391 Jackson, Charles 3, 29, 296 Jackson, Robert 133, 209, 228, 239, 247 Jackson, Rozalie 32, 33, 185, 188 Jacob, Evelinda 433 Jacob, Jincy 39 Jacob, Richard 202, 215, 234, 243 Jacob, Said 404 Jacobs, Jeffrey 132, 205, 221, 237, 245 Jacobs, Randolph 287 Jacobs, Stephanie 419, 426 Jacobson, Jeffrey 449 Jacoub, Jack 82, 122, 131, 194, 203, 218 Jafari, Alireza 58, 401, 409 Jafarimojarrad, Elham 330 Jaffurs, Daniel 429 Jagadeesan, Dheepa 435, 442, 453 Jahanbani, Safaeddin 445 Jahangiri, Hossein 452 Jain, Nidhi 156
Jakobsen, Michael 132, 206, 222, 237, 246 Jalbuena, Peter 345 Jalil, Marian 55, 60, 354, 360 Jalili, Mehrdad 420, 428 Jamal, Aamir 362 Jamal, Hyder 401, 410 Jamarai, Damanpreet 272, 280 Jamarai, Gurleen 10, 21, 162, 272, 280, 299, 310, 323, 328, 345, 360 James, Francis 433 Jan, Hong An 23, 257 Jang, Kenny 441 Jason, Mark 239, 247 Jaucian, Gloria 236, 245 Javadi, Nader 21 Javaheri, Hooshang 158 Javahery, Ramin 35, 167, 190 Javdan, Ron 47 Jayani, Nisha 401, 410 Jayasinghe, Walter 270, 296, 341 Jekums, Theodore 26, 208, 227, 258 Jen, Cindy 39 Jenkins, Scott 107 Jenkins, Stephen 83, 256 Jensen, Steven 25 Jesse, David 160, 267, 292, 336, 398 Jessica Luu, A 62 Jeyakumar, Deepa 417, 425 Jeyakumar, Panch 63, 150, 315, 366 Jeyakumar, Vasanthakumari 162 Jhangiani, Haresh 20, 21, 97, 98, 194, 203, 218, 256, 287, 310, 311 Jigjinni, Madhukar 389 Jilk, Jason 408 Jimenez, Daniel 275, 303, 387 Jimenez, Francisco 51, 53, 59, 276, 352 Jimenez, Rafael 197, 225
Jimeno, Alberto 47, 345 Jodhka, Joginder 22, 83, 98, 150, 163, 311 Joe, Steven 370 Johnson, Bryce 134 Johnson, Leonidas 24 Johnson, Lloyd 48, 68, 345 Johnson, Paul 3, 272, 299 Johnson, Veassa 55, 60 Johnsrud, Jeffrey 379, 395 Johnston, Bruce 238, 246 Johnston, Warren 372, 389 Jones, Courtney 99 Jones, Jacob 378, 394 Jones, Neil 421, 425, 429 Jonnala, Praveen 197 Jordan, Mark 422, 430 Jordan, Richard 261 Jorge, Bernard 53 Jorge, Camilo 53, 59 Jose, Pauline 336 Joseph Brown, Denise 63, 263 Joseph, Jeffrey 419, 427 Joson, Peter 205, 221, 237, 245 Joss, David 3, 29, 39, 267, 292, 320, 337, 383 Jotterand, Veronique 24, 84, 99, 112, 164, 195, 221, 257 Joubert Greene, Paula 157 Joyo, Colin 87, 115, 175 Judelson, Debra 357 Jung, Mary 77, 278, 308, 373 Jung, Peter 77, 278, 308, 327, 358 Jung, Ukjae 453 Jussal, Tina 394 Jystad, Gary 270 Kabbany, Victor 34, 73, 123, 163, 189, 194 Kabeer, Mustafa 115, 166, 258 Kabutey, Nii Kabu 421, 429 Kadakia, Nimish Raj 134, 209, 228 Kaddour, Monzer 218 Kader, Mohammed 436
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Kadifa, Fady 133, 207, 225, 315 Kafaei, Mana 433, 436, 438, 440, 441, 449, 451, 454, 456, 457, 458 Kahen, Dan 39 Kahlon, Kanwarpal 417, 425 Kakkis, Jane 86, 124, 227 Kaku, Jeff 403, 412 Kalantar, Nader 164 Kalantari, Gita 292 Kalantar-Zadeh, Kamyar 418, 426 Kale, Rahul 238, 246 Kalra, Tejinder 109 Kalthia, Ashish 22, 193, 194, 203, 204, 217, 218, 311, 362, 374, 391, 402, 411 Kamada, Satoshi 106, 120, 129 Kamara, Steven 346 Kamath, Sunil 378, 394 Kamdar, Vijay 63 Kamenev, Mila 112 Kamiel, Michael 346, 360 Kamkar, Babak 113, 123 Kanakriyeh, Mohammad 288 Kanaly, Kim 203, 216, 236, 245 Kaneshige, Peter 191, 193 Kang, Aeri 409 Kang, David 434 Kang, Deno 76, 78, 150, 323, 328, 346, 360 Kang, Eileen 404, 413 Kang, Soo Woong 76, 323, 346 Kang, Steve 380, 396 Kanofsky, Myron 375, 392 Kansagra, Bindu 445, 448 Kao, Julia 231 Kao, Sarah 197, 208, 225 Kapadia, Pravin 356 Kaplan, Daniel 64, 79, 154, 167, 263, 285, 317, 368 Kaplan, Eric 62, 73, 263
Kaplan, Jonathan 176, 380, 396 Kaplan, Juan 64, 369 Kaplan, Michael 84, 313 Kapoor, Angeli 435, 438, 440, 441, 449, 450 Kar, Ashok 381, 397 Karageozian, Vicken 84, 112 Karamardian, Lisa 174 Karapetian, George 199 Karich, Andrew 405, 414 Karimabadi, Marjan 199 Karimi, Kambiz 170 Karimkhani, Valeh 175 Kariya, Ena 211 Karki, Nishu 10, 21, 142, 149, 272, 280, 299, 310, 323, 328, 346, 360 Karlsberg, Ronald 357 Karnes, William 416, 424 Kashmiri, Himala 376, 393 Kaska, Benjamin 283, 366 Kassem, Lamise 454 Katukota, Vijaya 44 Katz, Gregory 106 Katz, Jeffrey 403, 404, 412, 413 Katz, Mitchell 152, 164, 196, 223, 377, 393 Katz, Neil 333 Katz, Ronald 114, 176 Katz, Stanley 228, 333 Katzen, Robert 103, 118, 127 Katzman, Todd 27, 285, 333 Kaufman, Avrum 314 Kaufman, David 109 Kaupke, Charles 111, 173, 204, 218, 374, 391 Kaur, Jasbir 199 Kavanagh, Jack 447 Kavoossi, Elizabeth 39 Kaw, Henry 3, 136, 267, 292, 320, 337, 398 Kawakami, Susan 39 Kawanishi, David 202, 215, 234, 243
Kawas, Claudia 418, 426 Kay, Susie S 366 Kayaleh, Raouf 16, 21 Kaye, Kenneth 246 Kazemi, Sepideh 171, 308 Kazenelson, Kenneth 199 Ke, Malcolm 109, 308 Kelk, Pichak 448, 456 Keller, Charles 375, 392 Kelley, Timothy 85, 113 Kellogg, Jason 85, 114, 196, 207, 224, 404, 412 Kelly, John 27, 87, 100, 115, 125, 167, 198, 209, 228, 258 Kelly, Kristen 416, 424 Kempert, Richard 241 Kenney, Maria 419, 427 Kent, Anne 174 Keplinger, Lisbeth 403, 412 Kerendian, Joseph 364 Kern, Aaron 30, 68, 182 Kern, Morton 424 Kersten, Diana 132, 205, 237, 245 Keulen, David 304 Keusayan, Aram 44, 342 Kfir, Menashe 83, 110, 150, 173, 174, 194 Khabaz, Farhan 404, 413 Khajavi, Elham 449 Khajavi, Kiarash 405, 410, 414 Khaleghi, Mir Behnam 153, 284, 316, 367, 378, 395 Khalighi, Katayoun 161 Khamsei, Leila 437, 455, 456 Khan Hudson, Alia 162 Khan, Abdul 10, 92, 142, 272, 299 Khan, David 367 Khan, Humayon 281, 302, 312, 375, 392 Khan, Iftikhar 48, 60 Khan, Irfan 166, 225 Khan, Munazza 10, 92, 120, 142, 272, 299 Khan, Seema 201
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Khan, Tony 162 Khan, Zafar 87, 100, 125, 154, 198, 228, 258 Khandwala, Shefali 52, 303, 350, 400 Khanijou, Rajesh 379, 396 Khanna, Sandeep 62, 364 Kharuf, Ziad 205, 220, 375, 392 Khaw, Brandon 217 Khazaii-tabari, Sheida 455, 456, 459 Khemka, Mahaveer 148, 308, 327 Khemka, Pankaj 20, 60, 162, 390 Kheriaty, Aaron 420, 428 Khin, Khine 15, 52, 144, 275 Khorrami, Shahram 315 Khoshrou, Ashkan 433, 435, 438, 441, 449, 450, 454, 456, 457, 458 Khoshrou, Daryoush 267, 292, 337, 384 Khoury, Antoine 422, 430 Khoury, Maribel 39 Khoury, Nabil Horacio 39 Khoury, Shahira 420, 428 Khouzam, Atef 108 Khurana, Baljeet 378, 395 Khurana, Krishan 153, 208, 226, 284, 288, 316 Khwaja, Samia 61 Kiciman, Nafiz 420, 427 Kiester, Phillip 421, 429 Kim, Anthony 209, 228, 239, 247 Kim, Bangsun 76, 272, 299, 346 Kim, Bill 59 Kim, Brian 132, 175, 237, 245, 372, 389 Kim, Chan 61, 78, 362 Kim, Chanyul 434 Kim, Charles 448 Kim, Chin 258, 284 Kim, Chin Se 10, 76
Kim, Cindy 238 Kim, Dae Choong 10, 252, 385 Kim, Daniel 20, 21, 408 Kim, Diane 371 Kim, Donald 288 Kim, Duke 25, 77, 246, 277, 307, 356 Kim, Edward 132, 205, 221, 237, 245 Kim, Erica 440 Kim, Francine 197, 225 Kim, Haesung 432, 450 Kim, Hong Sik 142, 149, 256, 385, 390 Kim, Hyung 23, 98, 257, 281, 330, 363 Kim, James 22, 163, 166, 256, 287 Kim, Jamie 23, 195, 205, 220 Kim, Jason 78, 403, 412 Kim, Jay 404, 413 Kim, Jin 416, 424 Kim, John 403, 411 Kim, Julie 131 Kim, Jungmee 58 Kim, Karen 103, 118, 127 Kim, Kenneth 25 Kim, Kyoung 76, 78, 272, 280, 299, 310, 323, 329, 346, 360 Kim, Matthew 24, 78, 403, 411 Kim, Michael 25 Kim, Moses 116, 134, 177, 240, 248 Kim, Nam 10 Kim, Nancy 166 Kim, Nicholas 76, 78, 79, 284 Kim, Ok 287 Kim, Peter 25, 79, 103, 118, 127 Kim, Richard 167, 209, 228 Kim, Sharon 219, 374, 391 Kim, Steven 401, 402, 410 Kim, Susie 423 Kim, Suzy 403, 412 Kim, Tae 24, 78 Kim, Tae Soon 79
Kim, Thomas 372, 389 Kim, Todd 79 Kim, William 154, 167 Kim, Young 458 Kimball, Gregory 39 Kimonis, Virginia 417, 424 Kimura, Jennifer 433, 436, 438, 440, 441, 449, 456 Kinawy, Ghadir 7, 296 King, Don 262 King, Laura 19, 33 King, Melissa 20 Kingston, Robert 216 Kini, Vijaykumar 100, 153, 166, 197, 207, 226 Kinota, Stanislaus 53 Kinzinger, Kevin 404, 405, 413 Kirakosyan, Karine 342 Kirov, Ivan 152, 165, 223, 377, 393 Kirsch, Henry 346 Kizner, Joel 23, 34, 189 Klassen, Margreta 85, 114 Klause, Elvira 133, 208, 227 Klein, Neil 64 Klein, Russell 11 Klein, Ryan 11 Klein, William 11 Kleinman, Lowell 199 Klem, Harold 166, 316, 332 Klempner, Samuel 417, 425 Kline, Daniel 84, 112, 221 Klotz, Richard 84, 112 Knapp, Rolf 39 Knohl, Howard 26 Knox Barleben, Jennifer 108 Ko, Andrew 78, 193, 203, 216, 309 Ko, Gloria 337 Ko, Joseph 449 Ko, William 400, 409 Kobayashi, Mark 115 Kobayashi, Wesley 124 Kockinis, Thomas 3, 137, 296 Koehler, Craig 82, 109 Koehler, Rebecca 446
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Koffman, Brian 408 Koh, Jason 196, 224 Koh, Sandy 365 Kohandel-shirazi, Asal 441 Kohli, Sanjivan 235, 238, 244, 246 Kojian, Bedros 375, 392 Kolski, Brian 278, 307, 356, 372, 388 Komanapalli, Lalita 213 Komberg, Edward 327 Kong, Allen 421, 429 Konow, Audrey 30, 48, 272, 299, 399 Konyalian, Viken 63 Koper, Catherine 82, 110, 122 Koplik, Sheri 356, 357 Korber, Patricia 110 Kornfeld, Herbert 346, 360 Kornu, Roger 425, 428 Koseff, Perry 184 Kothapa, Sangamitra 15, 94, 144, 254, 275, 303, 325, 350, 387 Kothari, Ramesh 451 Kouchouk, Amr 112 Kouros, Philip 94 Kouwabunpat, Pat 3, 137, 250, 267, 292, 337 Kovacs, Bruce 163, 361 Kovacs, David 235, 239, 244, 247 Kovalevsky, Marina 354, 360 Krad, Omar 24, 164, 221, 237, 245, 257, 282, 364 Kramer, David 18, 55, 60, 185, 188, 278, 305, 308, 310 Kramer, Jeffrey 457 Krasner, Paul 22, 98, 150, 163, 204, 218, 256, 280, 329, 402, 411 Kreng, Virany 370 Krishna, Krishan 11, 323 Krishnan, Priyanka 106, 109, 110, 129, 130, 131, 216 Krishnan, Ravi 162
Krishnaswamy, Aruna 11, 21, 142, 149, 182, 188, 252, 256, 386, 390 Kritz, David 384 Kroner, Christopher 415 Kronson, Jeffrey 63, 367 Krueger, James 225 Krugman, Mark 210, 229, 380, 397 Kruse, David 176, 380, 396 Kruse, Torsten 231 Krychman, Michael 419, 426 Ku, Joseph 166 Kubaska, Stephen 154, 379, 396, 405, 413 Kuettel, Kevin 149, 161, 272, 279, 280, 300, 309, 311, 323, 329, 346, 359, 360 Kuhlmeier, Kristine 84, 113 Kuhn, Erica 106 Kulick, Daniel 202, 215, 234, 235, 243 Kumar, Anjuli 25, 85, 99, 113, 196, 223 Kumar, Dinesh 215 Kumar, Rita 346 Kunakornskul, Thirapan 11, 323 Kuncir, Eric 421, 429 Kung, Charles 261 Kuo, Jeffrey 420, 428 Kuo, Norman 70, 185 Kuo, Su Yong 16, 95, 146, 305, 387 Kupferwasser, Leon 356, 357 Kuppermann, Baruch 419, 427 Kurdi, Bachar 33, 97, 193, 216, 255, 278, 309 Kurtz, Jason 55, 276, 305, 354 Kushner, Kenneth 208, 227, 239, 247 Kutas, Alex 33, 161, 187, 193, 216 Kuwabara, Kevin 401, 409 Kwa, Raymond 235
Kwok, Jay 282, 314, 365, 376, 392 Kwok, Michael 346 Kwon, Jae 459 Kwon, Robert 26 Kyan, Fee 32, 70, 186 La Habra Convalescent Hospital 462 La Palma Nursing Center 462 Labatia, Sherif 29, 66, 179 Laduca, Brooke 192 Lagrew, David 110 Lai, Albert 372, 378, 388, 394, 400, 403, 412 Lai, Jeffrey 192 Lai, Jody White 174 Lai, Khang 224, 238, 246 Lai, Khiem 3, 137 Lai, Sen 32, 55, 186 Lake Forest Nursing Center 462 Lake, Jean 219 Lake, Steven 186 Lakewood IPA 178 Lal, Rajesh 26, 79, 114, 198, 227, 284, 316, 367 Lalezary, Arash 137 Lalonde, Francois 167, 176, 209, 228, 285, 317, 368, 377, 380 Lalonde, John 103, 118, 127 Lam, Eddie 48, 68, 182, 346 Lam, Jim 232 Lam, Linda 158 Lam, Trang 11, 92, 139, 157, 252, 300 Lam, Tuan 87, 124, 125, 197, 198, 284, 285, 316, 318 Lam, Vinh 27, 87, 115, 227, 258, 380, 396 Lamin, Tayar 432 Lamont, Daniel 130, 202, 215 Landman, Jaime 422, 430 Landman, Robert 408 Lane, Felicia 419, 426 Lane, Karen 422, 430
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Lang, David 20 Lange, Dennis 362 Lao, Jesus 286 La-pham, Kinh 445 La-pham, Minh-an 457 Lappin, Michael 282, 375, 392 Lapsi, Akash 446 Lara, Agustin 350 Lara, Gustavo 288 Lara, Jose 55 Larijani, Amir 440, 452 Larsen, Kathryn 415 Lau, Karen 267, 292, 384 Lau, Wei 111, 418, 426 Lauermann, Michael 149, 162, 193, 217 Lauridsen, John 18, 55, 60, 146, 149, 276, 277, 280, 307, 327, 356 Law, David 133 Law, James 272, 280, 316, 378, 386, 390, 395 Lawler, Christopher 207, 224 Lawry, George 420, 426 Lawton, Edward 404, 413 Lawton, Robyn 402, 411 Lawton, Tenley 115, 177 Lazo, Antonio 437, 455, 456, 459 Le Clercq, Olga 267, 320, 337 Le, Alyssa 235 Le, Anh 158 Le, Cam 7 Le, Chinh 415 Le, Dean 131, 204, 219, 312 Le, Giao 258 Le, Gregory 433, 435, 438, 441, 449, 451, 454, 456, 457, 458 Le, Hanh 455, 456 Le, Hoang 85, 100, 146, 149, 258 Le, Huan 95, 305 Le, John 292 Le, Kha 443, 460 Le, Michael 434, 448
Le, Nguyet 3 Le, Phuong 24 Le, Quy 26, 86, 124, 284, 332, 367 Le, Richard 26, 166, 283, 316, 331, 366 Le, Son Hong 354, 360 Le, Son Thanh 11, 92, 142 Le, Steven 96 Le, Tam 11, 86, 100, 124, 139, 153, 166, 252, 258, 284, 316, 367 Le, Tammy 217, 283, 316, 331, 366 Le, Thanh 151, 219, 443, 456 Le, Thuy 18, 81, 97, 108, 121, 148, 160, 192, 202, 214, 255 Le, Van 434 Leaming, Troy 85, 114, 124, 133 Lean, John 151, 205, 221, 282, 364 Leduc, Truong 97, 255 Leduc, Xuanto 25, 34, 97, 257 Lee Vogt, Judith 39 Lee, Anthony 64 Lee, Chang 100, 225 Lee, Ching 11 Lee, Christina 112 Lee, Christopher 109 Lee, Cindy 157 Lee, Danny 451 Lee, David 308, 378, 394, 403, 412 Lee, Edward 376, 392, 401, 409 Lee, Emily 211 Lee, Eric 380, 396 Lee, Esther 308 Lee, Eunice 375, 392 Lee, Francis 79, 176, 284, 316, 367 Lee, Gary 109, 130, 172 Lee, Gina 84, 112, 313 Lee, Herbert 109 Lee, Hwa Mu 11, 21, 26
Lee, Hyuk 59, 72, 76, 78, 184, 189, 325, 330 Lee, James 263, 288, 331, 373, 389, 403, 412 Lee, Jay 77, 172, 192, 202, 215, 278, 307, 308, 356, 357, 372, 389 Lee, Jee 445 Lee, Jennifer 112 Lee, Jeong Ok 76 Lee, John 77, 78, 276, 280, 305, 311, 326, 329, 354, 360, 400, 401, 416, 424 Lee, Joo Hyung 378, 395 Lee, Joseph 78 Lee, Joseph J 287 Lee, Katherine 234, 243 Lee, Keith 201 Lee, Ki-woong 433 Lee, Milton 62 Lee, Paul 78, 172, 309 Lee, Peter 437, 455 Lee, Richard 30, 33, 39, 68, 87, 115, 176, 182, 188 Lee, Robert 18, 33 Lee, Sarah 111, 173, 374, 391 Lee, Scott 84, 113 Lee, Shirley 442 Lee, Soledad 11, 48, 272, 300, 324, 346 Lee, Stephen 29, 39, 66, 157, 179, 320, 337, 363 Lee, Suk-joong 445 Lee, Susan 197, 231 Lee, Tae 78, 150, 163 Lee, Tamlyn 447 Lee, Tsz Ying 48 Lee, Yang 52, 69, 184 Lee, Yong 75, 267 Lee, Young 378, 395 Leech, Irene 32, 70, 186 Leeds, Scott 354, 360 Leehealey, Christine 86 Lefkowitz, David 225 Leisure Court Nursing Ctr 462
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Lejeune, Corey 283, 315, 331, 366 Lekawa, Deepika 423 Lekawa, Michael 422 Lekovic, Gregory 228 Lemay, Daniel 63, 73, 154, 167, 263, 332 Lemire, Guy 35, 190 Lemont, Diane 238 Lena, David 435, 453 Lenz, Wayne 404, 413 Leport, Peter 26, 86, 100, 153, 167, 227 Lerman, Robert 357 Letts, Rick 372, 389 Leung, Anthony 154, 167 Leung, Christina 222 Leung, Clarence 404, 413 Leung, Henry 104, 118, 127 Leven, Steven 428 Levenzon, Sergio 281 Levin, Desmond 108 Levin, Jacqueline 19 Levine, Brian 242 Levine, Joel 204, 219 Levine, Seymour 367 Levingston, Joseph 446 Levy, Donald 372, 388, 400, 409, 412, 416, 423 Levy, Mark 222 Lew, Edward 446 Lewin, Laurence 22, 163, 311, 374, 391 Lewis, Jamie 213 Liang, Paulynne 409 Liao, David 364 Liao, Justin 104, 118, 127 Liao, Otto 18, 85, 123, 132, 171, 201, 214, 233, 242, 277, 307, 356, 372, 388 Liauw, Jason 239, 247 Licuanan, Jesse 55, 60, 70, 72, 146, 149, 186, 188, 261, 262, 305, 311, 326, 329 Lieber, Corey 176 Lieberman Pan, Jo 212
Liem, Kiem 83, 110, 122, 131 Liem, Wieke 278 Liff, Michael 182, 188 Lim, Cathrin 212, 268, 292, 320, 337 Lim, Philip 48, 182 Lim, Thomas 366 Lim, Timothy 285 Lin, Augustin 39, 337 Lin, Carol 377, 393 Lin, Chao I 77, 201, 214, 277, 307, 327, 356, 372, 388, 400, 409, 412 Lin, Christine 419, 427 Lin, Eric 405, 414 Lin, Harold 11, 183 Lin, Harrison 419, 427 Lin, Hengli 405, 414 Lin, Huey 101, 208, 230, 259 Lin, Jack 418, 426 Lin, James 257 Lin, Jeannette 416, 424 Lin, Ken 222, 419, 427 Lin, Kristie 282, 330, 364 Lin, Li Mei 421, 429 Lin, Malinda 99 Lin, Melanie 158 Lin, Samuel 423 Lin, Vivian 402, 411 Linam, Mark 366 Linden, Kenneth 416, 424 Linderholm, Wendy 196 Lindgren, Tiberio 256, 373, 374, 390 Lindsay, Stephen 86, 115, 176 Lindsey, Robert 208, 225 Lingua, Robert 419, 427 Linnemann, Gary 384 Linskey, Mark 421, 429 Linzey, Edward 374, 375, 392 Liou, Jia-kae 441 Lipeles, Jamie 363 Lipkin, Joel 85, 133 Lipper, Arthur 346 Lising, Christian 406 Liu, Anita 107
Liu, Anna 15, 275, 303, 350 Liu, Long Dei 14, 23, 94, 98, 253, 257 Liu, Norman 24 Liu, Rex 357 Liu, Xiushi 357 Livhits, Masha 352 Lloyd, Brendan 373 Lloyd, John 39 Lloyd, Richard 402, 410 Lo, Brian 232 Lo, Lawrence 104 Loc, Kiet 131, 312 Locken, Scott 197, 208, 226 Lockwood, Jennifer 215 Logan, Dwayne 84, 112, 151, 164, 282 Lohiya, Ghanshyam 15, 94 Loitz, Robert 365 Lok, John 20, 82, 97, 149, 162, 193, 217, 310 Lomazow, Whitney 282 Lombardi, David 312, 374 Lombardo, Dawn 416, 424 Lombardo, Joseph 260 Long, Dennis 423 Long, Sheryl 107, 121, 130 Longhurst, John 416, 424 Longnecker, Joseph 304, 310, 352, 359 Loomis, Robert 445 Lopez, Arturo 52, 303, 350 Lopez, Ferdinand 327 Lopez, Jorge 145, 254, 275, 303, 350, 387 Lopez, Rachael 131, 205, 220 Lopez, Weena 455 Lords, Deric 283, 315, 331, 366 Los Alamitos Medical Center 28, 36, 178, 260, 319 Losco, Judy 406 Lotfy, Nawal 402, 410 Lott, Ira 418, 426 Loudon, William 154, 209, 229, 379, 396, 405, 414
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Louie, Brandon 288 Louie, Lynne 365, 403, 412 Louis, Ankmalika 108, 171 Louis, Robert 176 Loussararian, Arthur 202, 214, 234, 235, 243 Lovcik, Gary 403, 412 Love, Nancy 170 Low, Kyle 64, 79, 167, 285, 317, 368 Low, Mervin 115, 125, 134 Lowe, Stanley 62, 263, 331 Lu, Allen 64 Lu, Arthur 84, 99 Lu, Beatrice 448 Lu, Christian 191, 193 Lu, Jennifer 407 Lu, Jin Jou 26, 100, 258 Lu, Stephanie 419, 427 Lu, Tommy 360 Lu, Zhen 384 Lubens, Perry 151, 163 Lucchesi, Archana 225 Lucero, Marilou 67 Ludema, Thomas 236, 244 Ludmir, Jaime 23, 98 Lugliani, Robert 30, 68, 183 Luh, Steven 169 Luhan, Anne 296 Lukac, Jan 62, 112, 132, 237, 245, 313, 314, 364, 403, 411 Lum, Marcus 40, 59, 337, 358, 398, 401 Lundquist, Christopher 52, 145, 304, 352, 400 Lundquist, Mehrangiz Rajab 315 Luster, John 352, 387 Luther, Jeffrey 192 Lutsky, Burton 139, 251, 270, 296 Luu, Charles 403, 412 Luu, Darrin 303 Luu, Loi 3, 89, 137, 250 Luxford, William 222 Luzano, Florante 263
Ly, Andrew 173 Ly, Cuong 131, 203, 217, 311 Ly, Hoa 442, 453 Ly, Nhu 365, 403, 412 Ly, Tuankiet 438 Lyle, Douglas 130, 202, 215 Lynch, Carol 404, 410 Lynch, Marc 286 Lynn, Kenneth 224 Lyons, William 149 Ma, Jackson 48 Ma, Mary 84, 113, 282 Ma, Steven 209, 228 Ma, Winnie 420, 428 Maasoumi, Kathy 448 Macina, Steven 331 Maciog, Patricia 48, 68, 183 Macleod, Kathleen 149 Madani, Mir 21 Madden, Brian 337 Maddex, Gregory 350 Madorsky, Simon 113 Madrid, Philip 370 Madrid, Sandra 53, 352 Madrid, William 187 Madu, Ivy Joan 82, 109, 373, 389 Mady, Ehab 106, 110, 115, 124, 133, 170, 173, 213, 217, 228 Maeda, Ralph 208, 227, 239, 247 Maehara, Michael 35, 63, 73, 189, 263, 332 Magar, Marcos 444 Maggiano, John 205, 221, 376 Maginot, Andre 26, 35, 86, 124, 153, 167, 189, 190, 197, 208, 227, 263 Magoto, Mandy 226 Maguire, Michael 44 Mah Mccaa, Brenda 107, 121 Mahadev, Marigangaiah 270, 279, 296, 310, 365, 403 Mahaisavariya, Paiboon 58, 308, 357
Mahajerin, Arash 196, 224, 377, 393 Mahallati, Shahin 453, 456 Mahdad, Mehrdad 83, 98, 150, 162, 194, 204, 219, 312 Maher, Sasha 263 Maher, Tamara 66, 179 Maheri, Kimia 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Mahesh, Shobha 407 Mahller, Yonatan 375, 392 Mahmood, Mohsim 447 Mahmood, Tariq 373, 374, 390 Mahon, Donald 372, 389 Mahoney, Eamonn 27 Mahood, Cyril 152, 164 Mahran, Soraya 437, 439, 447, 455, 456, 459 Mahrou, Reza 18, 192, 202, 307, 356 Mai, Anh-thu 437, 439, 441, 455, 456, 459 Mai, Ann 108 Mai, Kelvin 16, 21, 96, 98, 146, 149, 254, 256, 276, 280, 306, 311, 354, 360 Mai, Victor 447 Maida, Mark 19, 33 Maier, Steven 52 Maistros, Paul 83 Majlessi, Azadeh 114 Major, Carol 22, 417, 425 Makabali, Carlos 63 Makabali, Reynaldo 53 Makam, Ravi 48, 60, 272, 278, 280, 324, 327, 329, 347, 356, 357, 360 Makandura, Lakshman 354 Makovoz, Galina 342 Malatskey, Andrew 208, 225 Maleki, Jamshid 40, 342, 398 Malhotra, Vinod 97, 273, 280, 300, 308, 311 Malik, Shaista 416, 424 Malkasian, Katherine 149, 162 Mall, Sanjeev 3
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Malmquist, Jeffrey 448 Malouf, Michael 370 Mamtora, Nilima 23, 330 Manasson, Katherine 129, 242 Manchandia, Dimple 458 Mandel, Benjamin 314, 365 Mandel, Dan 420, 428 Mandelbaum, Jorge 22, 78, 98, 150, 163, 204, 218, 256, 280, 329, 402, 411 Mangune, Edwin 40 Maniam, Ajit 150, 162, 279, 280, 287, 310, 311, 328, 329, 359, 361 Mann, Depinder 157 Mann, Paramjot 40, 137 Mann, Pavaninder 85, 114 Manorcare Health Services Fountain Valley 462 Manos, Andrew 3, 66, 179 Mansonhing, Paul 292, 384 Mansour, Khalifa 61, 73 Mantell, Richard 286 Manzi, Lincoln 24, 34, 84, 195, 205, 221, 313 Mapara, Sunil 292 Maples, Charles 179 Mar, Gary 447 Marandola, Michael 234, 240, 243, 247 Marangi, Kent 240, 247 Marathe, Kaustubh 435, 442 Marchioli, Louis 58 Marcus, Bruce 378, 395 Marcus, Michael 366 Marfatia, Vikram 31, 52, 145, 184, 325, 351 Margileth, David 203, 218, 373, 374, 390 Marin, Jairo 77, 278, 356, 357, 372, 389 Marinelli, Derrick 64, 369, 405, 414 Marinescu, Catalin 112 Marini, Shabnam 433, 441
Marino, Frank 212 Marinow, Harry 27 Marks, Catherine 4, 137, 268, 320, 337 Marks, Jay 234, 235, 243 Marmarelis, Panos 219 Marolia, Manish 12, 120, 129, 300 Marose, Alexander 448 Marouni, Payam 40, 337 Marquez, Dorothy 158 Marquez, Raul 207, 225, 235, 238, 244, 246 Marsh, Alva 48 Marshak, Glenn 48 Martel, Alex 433, 435, 438, 440, 441, 449, 451, 454, 456, 457, 458 Martin, Keith 161, 401 Martin, Wayne 364 Martinez, Carlos 24 Martinez, Edgar 40, 337 Martinez, Fernando 371 Martinez, Ivan 387 Martinez, Kenneth 236, 312 Martinez, Rivera Marco 48, 60 Marwaha, Tarun 22, 83, 98, 163 Masler, Todd 193 Masoud, Abdul 44 Masserman, Jay 23, 281, 312, 363 Massoudi, Farzad 133, 209, 228, 239, 247, 317 Mastan, Peter 62 Masters, Robert 130, 215 Matemotja, Daniel 29, 40, 66, 137, 139, 157, 179 Mathews, Mimi 283, 315, 331, 366 Mathews, Sajen 401, 410 Mathis, Richard 152, 165 Matsuura, Julie 171 Mattar, Raafat 159 Matthews, Oscar 327 Maurice, John 177
Maxell, Laurine 40 Mayberry, Melissa 313 Mayeda, Guy 357 Mayet, Khadija 158, 232 Mayo, George 257, 282, 313, 364 Mayo, Joseph 405, 414 Mayorga, Jose 268, 293, 337 Mazaheri, Shadi 433, 441 Mazhary, Fereshteh 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Mcaleer, Irene 422, 430 Mcbeath, John 24, 151, 164, 221 Mccann, Jan 238, 246 Mccanta, Anthony 376, 378, 393, 394 Mccarron, William 366 Mccarter, Gary 114 Mccaskill, Rejan 106 Mcclane, Michael C. 446 Mccloskey, Rebecca 197, 208, 226 Mccloy, Thomas 48, 60, 183, 188 Mcclung, Lawson 171 Mcclure, Mercer 330 Mccluskey, Druann 174, 282, 314, 364 Mcconnaughey, Douglas 81 Mcconnell, Michael 405, 414 Mccord, Kirby 197, 208, 226 Mccoy, Robert 405, 413 Mcdonald, Timothy 213 Mcguckin, Richard 256 Mcguire, Desmond 24, 99, 151, 205, 221, 257, 282, 313, 364, 376 Mcintosh, Andrew 174, 236, 244 Mckanders, Kimberly 112 Mckenzie, Ricardo 48, 60, 69, 72, 347, 360 Mclaren, Gordon 425 Mcmaster, William 176, 209, 228, 377
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Mcmichael, Jessica 257, 380, 396 Mcmurray, Elham 448 Mcnair, William 175 Mcnulty, Jennifer 151 Mcpherson, James 368 Mcrae, Deena 420, 428 Meador, Michelle 434, 451 Meaglia, James 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Medhikhani, Edgar 359 Medina, Corazon 273, 324, 399 Meehan, John 232, 235 Mehr, Neda 109, 172 Mehra, Mini 85, 99, 113, 132, 223 Mehrdad, Farzin 433, 436, 438, 440, 441, 449, 451, 454, 456, 457, 459 Mehrvarzi, Mehrdokht 453 Mehta, Arvind 61, 70, 72, 163, 186, 188 Mehta, Ashok 436, 448 Mehta, Manilal 27, 285, 333 Mehta, Manish 64, 154, 229 Mehta, Minal 23, 81, 83, 192, 195, 201, 205, 214, 220 Mehta, Mitul 419, 427 Mehta, Nishant 225 Mehta, Rita 418, 425 Mei, Weiping 31, 52, 184 Meier, Rhonda 212 Meisami, Tannaz 104, 118, 127 Meka, Ajay 17, 32, 96, 147, 186, 254, 388 Meka, Meena 12, 30, 33, 142, 150, 183, 188, 386, 390 Melford, Ryland 132 Melikian, Robert 30, 183 Melkonian, Viken 205, 220, 234, 236, 245 Melnik, Marc 62, 363 Melnik, Seymour 62, 363 Meltzer, James 347, 360
Meltzer, Jonathan 197, 208, 226 Meltzer, Paul 171, 308, 372, 389 Meltzer, Ruth Marie 197, 208, 226 Meltzer, Steven 33, 58, 187, 192, 214 Memon, Muhammad 56, 60 Memorialcare Med Grp Long Beach 191 Memorialcare Med Grp Saddleback 199 Memorialcare Medical Group 211 Menda, Arlena 12, 142, 273 Mendivil, Alberto 83, 110, 122, 131, 172, 205, 220, 328, 373, 389 Mendoza, Manuel 29, 40, 66, 137, 179, 320 Menghani, Ravi 221 Menon, Raj 7, 29, 89, 139, 270, 296, 384 Menzies, William 104, 118, 127 Mercado, Saturnina 44, 66, 139, 180 Mercer, Paul 40 Meris, Maria Corazon 268, 337 Mesbah, Azita 111, 173, 362 Mescher, Edward 217, 225 Meshkinpour, Azin 308 Meshkinpour, Hooshang 416, 424 Mesiwala, Ali 317, 367 Messiha, Andrew 108, 121 Messiha, Magdi 12, 300 Metz, Brandie 82, 122, 130 Metzger, William 373, 389 Meyskens, Frank 418, 425 Miao, Yee 401, 410 Micha, John 83, 110, 122, 131, 163, 203, 218, 310, 328 Michail, Sonia 165, 196 Michalik, David 85, 114 Middlebrooks, Jack 81
Middleton, Scott 407 Miele, Franco 443 Mikhael, Medhat 81, 108, 121, 159, 171, 192, 214 Mikhail, Emad 106, 120, 129 Mikhail, Marianne 40, 268, 293, 321, 338 Milanchi, Siamak 26, 166, 175, 258, 284, 316, 367 Millane, John 40 Miller, Kurt 220, 237, 245 Miller, Mark 18, 148, 160 Millett, David 174 Milliken, Jeffrey 421, 429 Mills, Marlin 83, 110, 163, 173 Mills, Steven 421, 429 Minar, Mary 104 Minassian, Haig 63 Minkes, Mark 63, 73, 263 Minkus, Brian 4, 40, 66, 180, 268, 293 Minkus, Roxana 7, 40, 67, 139, 180, 251, 270, 296 Minokadeh, Shahriar 130 Minor, Jonathan 223, 257, 377, 394 Mir, Hamid 285, 317, 368 Mirahmadi, Mike 347, 361 Miranda, George 235 Miranda, Raul 104, 118, 127 Miranda, Zane 160 Mires, Marlene 407 Mirhashemi, Ramin 163, 328 Mirkovich, Joseph 225 Mirmarashi, Babak 443, 444 Mirzabozorg, Alireza 275, 325, 351 Mishal, Devadatt 62 Mishima, Todd 314 Mission Heritage Medical Group 231 Mission Hosp Regional Med Ctr 169, 231, 241, 370, 382, 398, 406 Mission Hospital Affil Phys 241
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 169, 231, 241, 370, 382, 398, 406 Mitchell, Duncan 197, 208, 226 Mitchell, Nanette 213 Mitra, Mitali 315 Mitrevski, Predrag 201 Mitri, Antoine 61 Mittal, Payal 391 Miyamoto, Michael 202, 215, 234, 235, 243 Mizrahi, Rabin 195 Mizutani, Wesley 153, 166 Mleynek, Andrew 104, 118 Mnatsakanyan, Lilit 418, 426 Moallemi, Raymond 351 Moattari, Ali 109 Moayeri, H 122, 131, 194, 203, 218 Mobasser, Sarvenaz 338 Modi, Meera 44 Moe, Kyaw 194, 312 Moffit, Brian 225 Moghadam, Mojtaba 362 Moghal, Julie 238 Mohammedi, Nasir 40, 59, 321, 328, 338, 358 Mohan, Uthara 25, 81, 99, 108, 121, 130, 164, 165, 314 Mohanty, Santosh 26, 100, 258, 259, 316, 318 Moheimani, Assad 285 Mojica, Chester 4, 137 Mojica, Regina 104, 127, 371 Mojtahedian, Emmanuel 52, 352 Mok, Audrey 222 Mok, Minsen 17, 96, 147, 254, 388 Mokriy, Irene 433, 437, 439, 455, 456, 459 Molina, John 29, 33, 89, 97, 137, 148, 250, 255, 268, 279, 293, 309, 338, 358, 384, 389 Molina, Manfred 327
Molkara, Mozhgan 433, 438, 441, 449, 451, 459 Momose, Hitomi 246 Momtaz, Negin 460 Monge, Michael 234 Moniak, Charles 23, 98, 112, 174, 195, 205, 220, 312 Monis, Sayed 362 Monkarsh, David 420, 428 Montalvan, Gonzalo 48, 60 Montana Collins, Claudia 84, 113, 123 Montanez, Alicia 160, 215, 217, 261 Montano, Jose 63 Montano, Mark 111 Montecillo, Luzviminda 354, 361 Montelongo, Fernando 275, 279, 304, 310, 325, 328, 351, 358, 387, 389 Montero, Erick 154, 198, 229, 240, 248 Montes, Alejandro 62, 73, 365 Montes, Juan 56, 71, 354 Montgomery, Robert 134, 240, 247 Montgomery, Russell 153, 167, 228, 284, 317, 379, 396, 405, 413 Moola, Sudha 312 Moola, Sunita 23, 281, 312, 363 Moon, Alfred 400, 409 Moon, John 288 Moon, Johnson 362, 402, 411 Moon, Mary 199, 212 Moore, Barbara 420, 428 Moore, Hugh 365, 403, 412 Moore, Jane 220 Moore, Meagan 83, 123 Moore, Robert 174 Moradi, Hamid 418, 426 Moradzadeh, Alexander 444, 453 Moraghebi, Pardise 235
Morales, Ma Judina 437 Morchi, Gira 152, 376, 393 Morcos, Nabil 300, 308 Morenkova, Anna 418, 426 Moreno, Michie 270, 296, 342 Moreno, Shura 354, 361 Morey, John 106, 120 Morgan, Brooks 435, 442 Morgan, Jason 432, 433, 434, 439, 450 Morgan, Kathleen 260 Morgan, Timothy 416, 424 Mori, Kristina 172, 373, 389 Moricca, Bruce 175 Morinishi, Glenn 268 Morita Nagai, Patricia 420, 428 Moro, George 114, 379, 395, 396 Morohashi, David 415 Morris, Drewry 168, 239, 248, 379, 380, 395, 397 Morris, John 240, 248 Morris, Michael 232 Morrison, Andrew 408 Morshed, Nazy 455, 457, 459 Mortara, Laurie 192, 193 Mosaed, Sameh 419, 427 Moshar, Megan 445 Mosharaf, Moni 451 Moshrefi, Shirin 447 Mosier, Marjorie 205, 221 Mosier, William 403, 411 Mosko, Sarah 238 Moskow, Lonnie 134, 209, 228 Moskowitz, Ross 422, 430 Mosley, Mansoor 89 Moss, Jason 282, 330, 364 Moss, Robert 110 Mostafa, Essam 22, 98, 111, 123, 173, 218 Mostofi, Reza 262 Motamedi, Bijan 338 Motlagh, Behnaz Haghighi 104, 127, 293 Motta, Kimberly 217
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Moulik, Bhaswati 457 Moultrie Lizana, Angelyn 260 Moussa Faltas, Assanassios 4, 137, 268, 321, 338 Mower, Andrew 374, 391 Mowlavi, Arian 27, 177, 239, 248, 318 Mozaffar, Tahseen 418 Mozayeni, Pantea 174, 375, 392 Mucci, Grace 238 Mudge, Bradley 115 Mudiyam, Ram 198, 209, 229 Muhonen, Linda 152, 153, 164, 207, 223, 376, 393 Muhonen, Michael 154, 167, 228, 379, 396, 405, 414 Mui, Andrew 48, 142 Muir, Jason 174 Muirhead, Trevor 19, 160, 193, 202, 215, 373, 389 Mukherjee, Matthew 193, 216, 217 Mule, Joseph 26, 63, 153, 167, 284, 379, 396 Mulford, Mim 234, 243 Multani, Pramod 56, 60, 327, 329 Mulye, Madhavi 142, 159 Mummaneni, Madhavi 256, 373, 390 Mundi, Jagmeet 132, 174, 206, 222, 237, 246 Mungcal, Henrico 342, 359 Munib, Sabeen 40 Murashige, John 407 Muro, Jesus 354, 361 Murphy, Charles 229 Murphy, Makell 224 Murray Iii, Hugh 447 Murray, James 35 Murthy, Nandini 442, 455 Musleh, Lina 444 Muthal, Rashi 437, 459 Muttalib, Azhar 186, 188 Mutter, Bruce 408
Mutz, Sterling 380, 396 Muy, Madineth 233 Mya, Min Min 49, 60, 162 Myers, Robert 420, 428 Mylavarapu, Subbarao 81, 108, 171, 173 Naasz, Eric 404, 412 Nabi, David 115, 176, 317 Nabulsi, Mohammad 407 Nadeau, Daniel 172 Nadeswaran, Bavani 415 Nadir Mohammadi, Shahla 447, 460 Naficy, K Mitchell 241, 243 Naftel, William 230 Nagasawa, Lloyd 218, 235, 236, 244 Nageotte, Michael 173, 174, 194 Naglie, Ronald 22 Nagpala, Pablito 152, 164, 196, 223, 331 Naidu, Ajanta 376, 420, 428 Naim, Arjang 363 Najafi, Neusha 434 Najarian, Haig 203, 216, 373, 389 Nakamura, Leah 116, 125, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Nakra, Neal 378, 394, 395 Nalli, Lyle 153, 165 Namavar, Vida 433, 439, 455, 457, 459 Nami, Navid 19, 109, 172, 309 Nanci, Andreea 418, 425 Nangia, Chaitali 417, 425 Nankin, Sheldon 164, 205, 221, 376, 392 Naples, Anthony 139, 296 Napoli, Lynn 242 Naqvi, Farzana 109 Naqvi, Syed 114, 258 Narayan, Shoba 377, 394 Narayanan, Krishnaswamy 63 Nasir, Muhammad 53, 59, 352, 359
Nasiri-ansari, Amitiss 455 Nasr, Randa 451 Nasreen, Tanzina 61 Nasserian, Cyrus 404, 413 Nasser-Moaddeli, Shahriare 362 Nassif, Nader 87, 115, 176 Nassir Hilton, Daniel 17, 21, 32, 33, 277, 280, 306, 311 Nassir, Albert 363 Nassir, Joseph 17, 277, 306 Nath, Ashish 153, 379, 396 Nathan, Ramani 22, 98, 163, 194, 204, 218, 256, 280, 312, 329, 362, 374, 391, 402, 411 Natla, Hima 159 Navarro, Benjamin 300 Navarro, German 7, 89, 142, 273, 300, 384 Nawar, Magdy 236, 244, 312 Nazeri, Maryam 454 Ndiforchu, Fombe 333 Neal, Mohammad 24, 313, 330, 364 Neidorf, Barry 347 Nejadrasool, Mansour 258 Nelson, Edward 418 Nelson, John 421, 429 Nelson, Richard 434, 449 Nenadic, Ivan 52 Neoman, Ayman 73, 153, 166, 190, 197, 227, 332 Nesburn, Anthony 419, 427 Neshatian, Sina 235 Ness, Russell 22, 98, 204, 256, 312, 329, 362, 374, 391, 402, 411 Nessim, Maged 457 Neudorf, Steven 152, 165, 223, 377, 393 New Orange Hills 462 Newman, Alan 449, 454, 457 Newman, Mark 115 Newman, Scott 212 Newsome, Ann 7, 140, 270, 296
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Ng, Daniel 114, 175 Ng, Rebecca 222 Nga, Visal 32, 33, 56, 60, 71, 72, 186, 188 Nghiem, Elizabeth 82, 110, 122, 149, 162, 193, 203, 217, 256 Nghiem, Hien 169 Ngo, Catherine 130, 216 Ngo, Chau 435, 441, 457, 459 Ngo, Dean 12, 93, 142, 253, 300, 386 Ngo, Ernest 207, 226, 283, 316, 332, 367 Ngo, Mark 82, 110, 122, 130, 131 Ngo, Nhanhau 15, 95, 145, 254 Ngo, Quynh Nhi 448 Ngo, Tan 253 Ngo, Trung 432, 448, 456 Ngo, Tung 454 Ngo, William 4, 250 Ngoc, Thanh Van 99 Nguyen, An 89, 97, 98, 256 Nguyen, Andrew 435, 453 Nguyen, Anhlinh 376, 392 Nguyen, Anhtuan 12 Nguyen, Anne 282, 330, 364 Nguyen, Annmarie 99 Nguyen, Anthony 434 Nguyen, Bach 445, 457 Nguyen, Brian 443 Nguyen, Catherine 436 Nguyen, Christina 83, 111 Nguyen, Christina Minh- 436, 438, 440, 449, 456, 457 Nguyen, Christopher 49 Nguyen, Chrystene 104, 119, 128 Nguyen, Chuan 17, 56, 147, 277 Nguyen, Connie 293 Nguyen, Cuong 12, 93, 459 Nguyen, Dao 12, 93 Nguyen, Dat Manh 12, 93
Nguyen, Dave 458 Nguyen, Diane 4 Nguyen, Doanh Andrew 18 Nguyen, Douglas 416, 424 Nguyen, Duke 20, 82, 122, 172, 255, 279, 309, 359 Nguyen, Dzien 445, 451 Nguyen, Elizabeth 24, 27, 164, 282, 313, 364 Nguyen, Gina Nga 104, 119, 128 Nguyen, Ha 14, 23, 31, 34, 94, 99, 184, 189 Nguyen, Henny 100 Nguyen, Henry Vu 451 Nguyen, Hoa 20, 97 Nguyen, Hoang 456 Nguyen, Hoang Tran 17, 21, 255, 256, 306, 311 Nguyen, Holly 452 Nguyen, Hung 12, 15, 19, 95, 97, 145, 148, 254, 255 Nguyen, Huu 7, 89, 140, 253, 300 Nguyen, Huy 93 Nguyen, Joe 233 Nguyen, John 394 Nguyen, Joseph 4, 18, 32, 33, 71, 72, 89, 137, 186, 188, 212, 216, 250, 268, 293, 321, 338 Nguyen, Ken 258 Nguyen, Khanh 4, 89, 137, 250, 268 Nguyen, Khoa 213 Nguyen, Khoi 458 Nguyen, Kimberly 450 Nguyen, Ky 7, 91, 140, 251 Nguyen, Lan 4, 89, 100, 137, 250, 258, 284, 316, 415 Nguyen, Lena 83, 112, 123 Nguyen, Linh 83, 112, 123 Nguyen, Loan 235 Nguyen, Luc Sinh 18, 97, 253, 255, 256 Nguyen, Man 161
Nguyen, Michael 439 Nguyen, Minh 159, 160, 162, 173 Nguyen, Nam 198 Nguyen, Nghia 25 Nguyen, Ngoc 15, 95, 145, 254 Nguyen, Ngoc-lien 460 Nguyen, Nhan 12, 93, 253 Nguyen, Ninh 421, 429 Nguyen, Pauline 441 Nguyen, Peter 87, 123, 152, 195, 206, 222 Nguyen, Phu 23, 99, 257, 281 Nguyen, Phuc Dang 4, 89, 137 Nguyen, Phuc Vinh 17, 21, 96, 98, 255, 256 Nguyen, Phuong 82, 109, 130, 172 Nguyen, Quan 19, 97, 255 Nguyen, Quang Binh 4, 90, 138 Nguyen, Quoc 152 Nguyen, Randall 24, 151, 164 Nguyen, Richard 99, 257, 444 Nguyen, Roger 58, 71, 96, 148, 255, 277, 307, 327, 356 Nguyen, Son 106, 120, 225 Nguyen, Stephanie 433, 437, 439, 455, 457, 459 Nguyen, Steve 149, 161 Nguyen, Steven 444 Nguyen, Tam 96, 145 Nguyen, Tania 435, 442 Nguyen, Thai 12, 18, 21, 93, 97 Nguyen, Thai Van 216, 217 Nguyen, Thang Dinh 86, 198, 208, 227, 284, 316 Nguyen, Thanh 12, 93, 142, 253 Nguyen, Thanh Minh 12, 21, 98, 143, 150, 253, 256 Nguyen, Thanh Quoc 25, 99, 153, 257, 315, 394 Nguyen, Thanh Thi 97 Nguyen, Thinh 434
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Nguyen, Thomas 435 Nguyen, Thuan 27, 251, 434, 435 Nguyen, Thuy 7, 93, 251 Nguyen, Thuy Anh 90, 138 Nguyen, Thuy-hien 444 Nguyen, Tien 4, 19, 27, 86, 100, 115, 148, 154, 160, 193, 198, 209, 215, 228, 250, 258, 317, 367 Nguyen, Tri Minh 257 Nguyen, Triet 24, 84, 257 Nguyen, Trinh 436, 439, 444, 452 Nguyen, Trong 87, 125, 154, 198, 209, 229, 258, 317 Nguyen, Trung Minh 24, 84, 99, 164, 257 Nguyen, Tu 12, 300 Nguyen, Tuan 93, 143, 253, 452 Nguyen, Tuan Duc 97, 160 Nguyen, Tung 7, 90 Nguyen, Tung Huu 97 Nguyen, Tu-uyen 437, 439, 455, 457, 459 Nguyen, Uyen 104, 119, 128 Nguyen, Van 95, 163, 455, 459 Nguyen, Victoria 448, 449 Nguyen, Vincent 172 Nguyen, Vinh 415, 416, 423, 424 Nguyen, Vinh Khiem 93, 97, 98, 253, 255, 256, 356, 357 Nguyen, Vuong 12, 93, 143, 253, 300 Nguyen, Vy 232 Nguyen, Vy Chi 7, 91, 140, 251 Nguyen, Yen 138, 250 Nhu, Trinh 24, 34, 73, 189, 195, 206, 222 Nichols, Ivan 371 Nichols, Lawrence 327 Nichter, Larry 168 Nieto, Roberta 407 Nieto, Sandra 363
Nieva, Arleen Guerrero 56, 60 Nieves, Delma 223, 377, 394 Nik, Andrew 236, 244 Niknam, Jamshid 347, 361 Nikraz, Amir 452 Nilakantan, Shanti 159 Nili, Alan 104, 119, 128 Ninh, Christopher 154, 198, 229, 258, 317, 368, 380, 396 Nino, Tanya 373 Nirula, Arvind 18, 81, 82, 97, 108, 121, 160, 193, 215, 255 Nishanian, Garabed 176, 209, 228, 239, 247 Nishimoto, John 365 Nitta, Douglas 4, 40, 268, 293, 398 Niu, Paul 287 Noble Ama IPA 249 Noble, Timothy 77, 308 Noblett, Bradley 209, 228, 405, 414 Noda, Dennis 113 Noel, Clayton Thomas 234, 243 Noguchi, Nelson 24, 221, 282, 364 Nolan, Christopher 240, 248 Noorian, Nader 232 Norman, Brent 84, 112, 205, 221, 376, 392 Norouzi, Brian 369, 381, 397 Norris, Michael 154, 198, 230 Nosrati, Sam 238, 246 Nour, Fred 219, 236, 244 Nourisamie, Kourosh 226 Novac, Andrei 420, 428 Novack, Roger 364 Novak, Dennis 175 Novick, Lee 84, 112, 123 Novits, Christopher 165 Nowfar, Sepehr 264 Nowroozi, Fred 403, 412 Nuesse, Mary Ann 275, 303 Nuesse, William 15, 275 Nugas, Alicia 52, 184, 325
Nugent, Diane 152, 165, 223, 377, 393 Nunez, Heriberto 56 Nur, Khalid 49 Nurick, Harvey 288 Nusinovich, Vlad 347 Nussbaum, Eliezer 153, 165, 223, 224 Nuval, Arthur 4, 180, 293, 321, 384 Nwagwu, Chiedozie 209, 228, 239, 247 O Bryan, Carey 108 O Neill, Timothy 19 Ocarroll, C Philip 111 Ochoa, Gregory 159 Oconnor, Shannon 104, 119, 128, 241 Oday, Cristina 375, 392 Odou, Mark 63 Offenberger, Jacob 307 Ogai, John 327 Ogundipe, Anthony 62 Oh, Bryan 284, 317, 367 Oh, Charles 25, 78, 314 Oh, Michael 440 Oh, Moon 75, 384 Ohanesian, Roger 132, 205, 221, 237, 245 Ohara, Erin 169 Ohashi, Gary 191, 212 Ohri, Kusum 273, 386 Ojha, Sushil 59, 149, 161 Ojuri, Adebambo 262, 359 Okimoto, Dean 407 Olah, Kristin 52 Olaya, Joffre 379, 396 Olaya, Windy 380, 397 Olety, Raghavendra 441 Oliai, Asghar 234, 244 Oliak, David 227 Omid, Nika 84, 112 Omidvar, Omid 22, 61, 150, 163, 194, 330 Ong, Antonio 367 Ong, Richard 145, 254
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Oo, Thiri 159 Openshaw, Stephen 238 Opgaard, Ole Saetrum 19, 234, 243, 278, 309, 358 Orange Coast Mem Med Ctr 1, 28, 65, 80, 102, 117, 135, 156, 191, 199, 211, 249 Orange County Global Medical Center Inc 1, 265, 289, 334 Orange Healthcare And Wellness Centre 462 Orangegrove Rehab Hospital 462 Oranusi, Victor 72 Orlando, Joan 357 Oshea, Michael 62 Osias, Rosalia 277, 280, 306, 311 Osterloh, Mark 282, 330, 364 Ostrow, Arnold 26 Otis, Stavroula 373, 390 Ott, Richard 27, 79, 154, 285, 288, 318, 368 Ou, Jonathan 306, 311, 354, 361, 400, 401, 403 Ou, Sai Hong 417, 425 Ovalle, Wernher 106 Owiesy, Farough 286 Ozgur, Burak 176 Pacheco Ocampo, Merlie 268, 293, 321, 338 Pacific Haven Healthcare Ctr 462 Packard, David 204, 235, 236, 244 Padova, James 256, 373, 390 Pagano, James 172, 308, 372, 389 Pahl, Madeline 418, 426 Pahl, Michael 198 Pai, Kea 7, 91 Paicius, Richard 214, 233, 243 Paik, Brian 169 Paik, Eun 436
Pak, Hooshang 35, 154, 167, 190 Pak, Su Yong 76, 273, 300, 324, 347 Pakdaman, Mehrdad 338 Pakravan, Farid 451 Palafox, Brian 134, 168, 210, 229, 284, 285, 379, 380, 395, 396, 397, 404, 413 Palanca Capistrano, Angelita 287 Paletz, Lawrence 35, 64, 74, 154, 168, 190, 264 Pallivathucal, Rosalind 44 Palm Terrace Hlthcare And Rehab Ctr 462 Palmer, Jacques 209, 228, 239, 247 Palmer, Sylvain 209, 228, 239, 247 Pampaniya, Aditi 433, 437, 457, 459 Pan, Chuan-Ju 373, 390 Pan, David 372, 388 Pan, Janet 97 Pan, Kwei Min 26, 100, 208, 227, 258 Pan, Vivien 205, 220, 236, 244 Panagiotides, George 64, 187 Panares, Roy 401, 410 Pande, Hemant 59 Pandhoh, Jahan 434 Pandhoh, Sumeet 440 Pang, Arnold 41, 59 Pang, George 56, 354 Pang, Jason 218, 236, 244 Pang, Shirley 404, 413 Panganiban, Virgilio 140 Panguluri, Rangarao 59, 161, 328, 359 Panitch, Jill 212 Pantangco, Eugene 216, 217 Pantoja, Jose 59, 149, 188 Panutich, Michael 108 Paredes, Francisco 342 Parekh, Nimisha 417, 424
Parikh, Abhay 172 Parikh, Reshma 83, 111, 131, 174 Park Anaheim Healthcare Center 462 Park Regency Care Center 462 Park Vista At Morningside 462 Park, Billie 407 Park, Burn 75 Park, Charles 450, 455 Park, Chris 79 Park, David 401, 410 Park, Dong 376, 392 Park, Jae 12, 76, 273, 300 Park, James 22, 83, 98, 111, 123, 131, 151, 163, 194, 204, 219, 281, 312 Park, Jong 371 Park, Jung 62, 263 Park, Kevin 64, 74, 263 Park, Nuri 97 Park, Peter 366 Park, Samuel 160, 240, 248 Park, Steven 417, 425 Parke, Chong 22, 123 Parke, Robert 371, 374, 378, 395 Parker, Lincoln 434 Parkhur, John 453 Parkview Healthcare Center 462 Parrish, Christopher 196, 206, 223 Parsa, Thomas 138, 268, 293, 338, 398 Parsaeian, Ali 199 Parsangi, Negah 445, 450 Partovi, Ladan 435, 453 Pasin, Erik 210, 230, 240, 248 Pasquali, Larry 34, 73, 189, 195, 206, 222 Pasquali, Theodore 195, 206, 222 Passy, Victor 427 Pastrana, Theodore 303, 400
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Patel, Amit 286 Patel, Anjana 437, 439, 442, 455, 457, 459 Patel, Anup 223, 377, 393 Patel, Arun 13, 93, 301, 399 Patel, Bhavna 437 Patel, Chirag 133, 208, 210, 227, 229 Patel, Deepak 41, 138, 250, 268, 338 Patel, Dilip 324 Patel, Giribala 402, 410 Patel, Gnyandev 49, 60, 143, 150, 183, 188, 273, 280, 324, 329, 347, 361 Patel, Harishchandra 19, 255, 386, 390 Patel, Hitesh 4, 29, 90, 268, 286, 293 Patel, Jay 176, 380, 396 Patel, Kalpana 216 Patel, Kanu 333 Patel, Milan 193, 202, 215 Patel, Nirav 151, 163 Patel, Nisha 214, 217 Patel, Pareshkumar 58, 357 Patel, Parin 86, 227 Patel, Prakash 454 Patel, Pranav 424 Patel, Ramesh 152, 153, 165, 166 Patel, Renuka 71, 72, 186, 188 Patel, Sameer 433, 436, 440, 441, 449, 451, 454, 456, 457, 459 Patel, Sanatkumar 261 Patel, Sanjiv 19, 81, 82, 108, 109, 121 Patel, Shirish 56, 60, 71, 72, 147, 150, 186, 188, 261, 262, 327, 329 Patel, Smitesh 460 Patel, Tejal 441 Patel, Vinod 261 Patel, Vishal 374
Patel-mehta, Roshani 442, 448, 453 Pathak, Mayank 22, 83, 98, 111, 123, 151, 163, 194, 204, 219, 256, 262, 281, 374, 391 Pathak, Nimesh 195, 206, 222 Pauer, Deborah 41 Paydar, Keyianoosh 421, 429 Pearce, William 285, 318, 369, 381, 397 Pearl, Laurence 114, 124, 176, 198, 208, 227, 316 Pearle, James 404, 413 Pearlstein, Daryl 87, 115 Pedarsani, Hossein 58 Pedarsani, Marjan 200 Pendergraft, Ray 160 Penera, Keith 166 Penera, Rebecca 404, 412 Peng, Jiun Rong 176, 380 Peng, Ying 111, 123, 131 Penner, Kristine 417, 425, 426 Penunuri, Rafael 104 Percy, Kristine 41, 293, 338, 398 Perez Silva, Rene 30, 69, 183 Perez, Angel 338 Perez, Evelyn 282, 331, 365 Perez, Jose 4, 49, 347 Perez, Omar 351 Perez, Ricardo 212 Perkins Tift, Kathryn 87, 125, 229 Perkowski, David 168, 210 Perley, Jonathan 154, 168, 369 Perley, Jules 154, 168 Perley, Michael 19, 33, 59, 148, 161, 187, 327 Perlowski, Alice 416, 424 Perrine, George 151, 163 Perry, Rachel 419, 426 Pesavento, Richard 287 Peshimam, Mahmood 4, 29 Peters, Amy 131, 220 Peters, Joseph 62, 364 Peters, Todd 115
Peterson, Thomas 64 Petrie, Clarence 405, 413 Petrie, Russell 87, 115, 176 Pettis, Robert 174, 314 Pezeshki, Babak 171 Pham, Cao Van 97 Pham, Celine 444 Pham, Co 302, 312 Pham, David 100 Pham, Dien 67, 180 Pham, Duc 232 Pham, Dzung 5 Pham, Eric 379, 396 Pham, Frank 435 Pham, Hai 96, 98, 147, 150, 255, 256 Pham, Huong 99 Pham, Kevin 22, 98, 194, 204, 218, 374, 391 Pham, Kim 435, 442, 453 Pham, Lanchi 435, 442, 453 Pham, Loy 62 Pham, Nguyen 164, 195, 222 Pham, Peter 441 Pham, Taylor 446, 458 Pham, Trung 91 Phan, Andrew 374, 378 Phan, Cu 87, 154, 210, 230 Phan, Derek Truong 17, 96, 147, 306 Phan, Duke 23, 83, 98 Phan, Pauline 440 Phan, Phuongchi 17, 96, 186, 388 Phan, Quang 20, 97, 255 Phan, Son David 459 Phan, Thao 104, 119, 128 Phan, Tuan 5, 19, 294, 302, 309, 312 Phan, Tung 7, 91, 140, 251, 297 Phan, Tuyet Mai 24, 99, 257 Philipose, Jaya 239, 247 Phillips, Nabil 373
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Phung, Celyne 76, 78, 143, 150, 159, 162, 273, 280, 301, 311, 324, 329, 347, 361 Phung, Chi Huu 8, 140, 251 Phung, Phiet 149, 161 Pierce, Aimee 418, 426 Pierog, James 389 Pierre Paul, Nancy 279, 309, 358 Piety, Jared 8 Pigazzi, Alessio 429 Pike, Leah 229 Pilon, Andrew 282, 314, 365 Pilon, Valerie 282, 314 Pinches, John 23, 34, 281, 330 Pinkerton, Ronald 41 Pino, David 242 Pioneer Provider Network A Med Grp Inc 260 Pirouz, Ashkan 24, 282, 403, 411, 412 Pita, Abelardo 41 Pitino, Lisa 378 Pitzer, Jo Ellen 407 Placentia Linda Hosp 1, 36, 265, 286, 289, 334 Podolsky, Anatol 154, 167, 209, 229, 285, 317, 368, 380 Pole, Shivanand 56, 60, 71, 72, 147, 150, 186, 188 Police, Alice 421, 429 Poliskie, Michael 224, 258, 283, 315, 331 Pollick, Charles 357 Pollock, Kathleen 220, 237, 245 Polosajian, Leo 357 Ponticiello, Daniel 235 Poole, Dennis 373, 389 Pop, Adrian 376 Popova, Stella 355, 361 Porat, Sharoun 27, 64, 167, 285, 317, 333, 368 Porto, Manuel 22, 417, 425 Posner, Marvin 205, 220
Posner, Steven 154, 167, 209, 228, 284, 317, 379, 396, 405, 413 Postigo, Pedro 131, 204, 219 Potter, Daniel 83, 109, 122, 130, 172 Pouradib, Amir 277, 307, 356 Pourbabak, Sam 109, 130 Pouryavari, Roya 433, 437, 457 Powell, Joseph 84 Powell, Ledford 115, 134, 177 Powell, Richard 342, 359 Powell, Thomas 378, 395 Prado, Venancio 41, 44, 59, 67, 72, 342, 359 Prakash, Ved 194, 197, 204, 208, 219, 226 Prakobwanakit, Sarin 105, 119, 128 Prasad, Raj 355, 361 Pratt, Donald 233 Pratty, James 63, 331 Prechel, Selma 143 Preda, Adrian 420, 428 Prendiville, Kevin 237, 245 Prendiville, Paul 237, 245 Prentice, Theodore 61, 151, 163, 262 Prepas, Stephen 84, 112, 123, 132 Preston, William 131, 204, 219, 312 Prieto, Jose 41 Prietto, Carlos 176, 380, 396 Prietto, Miguel 176, 380, 396 Prospect Gateway Medical Group 265 Prospect Hlth Corona 286 Prospect Med Grp Orange 289 Prospect Northwest Orange County Med Grp 319 Prospect Prof Med Grp IPA 334 Prosser, John 5, 41, 180
Prum, Kunthy 254 Prutsok, Leonard 210, 229, 380, 397 Przeklasa Auth, Melissa 236, 244 Puangco, Jose 174 Puckett, John 86, 115, 176 Punim, Jeffrey 19, 82, 109, 122 Puri, Aarti 435, 457, 459 Puthawala, Ajmel 100, 124, 133, 166, 197, 207, 225 Puthenveetil, Geetha 165, 224, 377, 393 Qaqundah, Paul 114, 124, 133, 175 Qasqas, Shadi 308 Qazi, Faisal 402, 411 Qazi, Mohammed 371 Quach, Hung 91 Quach, Quang Chi 257 Quaker Gardens 462 Quan, Eleonor 83, 110, 122, 131 Quan, Norman 435 Quan, Thanh Lan 24, 99 Quang, Nicholas Thanh 97 Quezada, Adrian 49, 347 Quijas, Francisco 49, 60, 347, 361 Quilligan, Christopher 79, 365, 403, 412 Quinones, Manuel 159 Quist, Richard 109 Qureshi, Azmath 363 Qureshi, Tauseef 235, 238, 244, 246 Quy, Huong 5, 90, 138, 157, 250 Rabbani, Ramin 308 Rabizadeh, David 437 Raczka, Richard 27, 64, 154, 167, 285, 317, 333, 368 Rad Jadali, Shadi 449 Rad, Babak 114 Rafijah, Gregory 421, 429
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Rafizad, Amir 18, 192, 202, 307, 356 Raghunathan, Chengalroyan 56, 58, 60 Ragland, Karen 197 Rahavi, Burt 175 Rahbar, Nikou 448 Raheja, Ashok 63 Rahhal, Firas 364, 365 Rahimi, Maryam 415 Rahimi, Noor 446 Rahimi, Poneh 172, 193, 203, 216, 234, 235, 244 Rahimi, Susan 372 Rahimpour, Kourosh 433, 435, 438, 440, 441, 449, 451, 454, 456, 457, 459 Rahimzadeh, Parviz 437, 439, 441, 455, 457, 459 Rahman, Habib 203, 216 Rahman, Hamid 285, 317, 368 Rahman, Nainamohamed 25 Rahmatullah, Shahla 172 Rahnama, Houman 447 Rahnama, Sasha 447 Rahnemun, Maryam 5, 242, 294, 338 Raizada, Varuna 82, 110, 174, 312 Raja, Kumar 19 Rajabi, Abbas 440, 445 Rajpoot, Deepak 196 Raju, Muralidhara 86, 115, 154, 198, 209, 228, 256 Rajudin, Mohamed 22, 324, 329 Raker, Charles 197, 226 Rakhshani, Roya 23, 83, 195, 205, 220 Rambacher, Thomas 207, 224, 238, 246 Ramezan Arab, Nima 163, 219, 330 Ramilo Torno, Lilibeth 165, 223, 377, 393 Ramin, David 347
Ramirez Boyd, Lilly 375, 392 Ramirez Jue, Edna 437 Ramirez, Jesus 61 Ramirez, Sara 205, 220, 237, 245 Ramos, Neill 180 Ramsinghani, Nilam 420, 428 Ramzi, Nader 442, 451 Rana, Hamendra 13, 93, 301, 386 Ranaei, Rodney 19 Randall, Josh 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Randall, Leslie 425 Randazzo, Guy 273, 280, 283, 301, 311, 316, 378, 386, 390, 395 Randhawa, Inderpal 164 Raney, Aidan 87, 116, 175, 372 Ranjbaran, Ziba 207, 224 Ranney, Robert 407 Rao, Amol Rajeev 122, 131 Rao, Archana 82 Rao, Nimmagadda 286, 288 Raoof, Duna 222, 237, 245 Rapoport, Zhanna 61, 219, 281, 312, 362 Rapoza, Russell 23 Rasmussen, Karen 41 Rasouli, Reza 162 Rastegar, Hooman 277, 356 Rathod, Rajiv 132, 195, 205, 221 Rathod, Ramesh 401, 409 Rausch, Kevin 197, 208, 226 Ravikumar, Asha 150, 280, 329, 402, 411 Rawal, Milan 187 Rawles, Jody 428 Ray, Sayan 374, 390 Rayas, Fernando 278 Raychev, Radoslav 421, 429 Rayhan, Syrus 19, 309 Rayhanabad, Jessica 35, 124, 167, 190, 198, 227
Rayhanabad, Simon 26, 35, 86, 124, 167, 190, 198, 208, 228, 263 Rayhaun, Abraham 35, 151, 167, 190 Razalan, Lee 41, 180 Razi, David 347, 361 Razi, Mariam 301 Reagan, Darin 439, 452 Recalde, Daniel 85, 114, 124, 133 Recto, Michael 376, 393 Reda, Zacharia 257 Redd, Joe 407 Redden, Valentina 445 Reddy, Antony 27, 79, 285 Reddy, Jagadeesh 203, 235, 244 Reddy, Rupa 401, 410 Reddy, Sridhar 218, 374, 391, 402, 411 Reddy, Sujata 17, 21, 32, 33, 162, 277, 280, 306, 310, 311, 355, 361 Rediker, Donald 202, 215, 234, 235, 243 Reed, Mark 62 Reed, Melanie 62 Reh, Christina 376, 393 Reich, Daniel 375, 392 Reicher, Murray 225 Reichner, Daniel 380, 397 Reikes, Andrew 416, 424 Reis, Frances 165 Reitman, Jonathan 348 Renella, Pierangelo 152, 207, 223, 376, 393 Rettinger, Herbert 287, 309, 328, 358, 373, 389 Rettinger, Sarah 373, 389 Rexinger, Elwyn 232 Rexinger, Kenneth 233 Reyes, Adoracion 44 Reyes, Antonio 321 Reyes, Evangeline 20, 22, 256, 287, 310, 311
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Reyes, Mariah 226 Reyes, Marvin 21, 82, 149, 162 Reyes, Rosemary 5, 138, 157 Reyna, Troy 153, 154, 198, 229 Reynolds, Steven 41 Reynolds, Thomas 22, 262, 310, 361 Rezaei Abbassi, Nima 84, 112 Rezaei Kalantari, Danial 454 Rezvani, Mohammad 348 Rhee, Connie 418, 426 Rhie, Francis 109, 172, 373, 389 Rhodes, David 407 Riaz, Mohammad 53, 59 Riberos, Luis 452 Ricci, Stephanie 112 Richland, Sean 99 Ricks, George 270, 297 Riding, Brian 99 Rieux, Sherril 348 Riff, Dennis 273, 279, 280, 301, 309, 311, 324, 329, 348, 361 Rigonan, Kathryn 13 Riker, Jeffrey 153, 196 Riley Violon, Sheree 378, 395 Rioux, Doreen 408 Rivera, Jose 455, 457, 459 Rivera, Kimberly 460 Rizvi, Amna 362 Rizvi, Murtaza 229 Rizvi, Syed 362, 455 Roach, Michael 49, 60, 348, 361, 399, 401 Robb, Leon 356 Robboy, Merle 110, 205, 220 Roberson, Dwight 64, 73, 74, 168, 190, 263 Robertson, John 287 Robinson, Jerald 392 Robinson, Philip 82, 110 Roboubi, Mojdeh 437, 457 Rocha, Rodrigo 61
Rocillo, Gina 157 Rockoff, Aaron 373, 374, 389, 390 Rodas, Melissa 433, 438, 441, 449, 451, 456 Rodgers, Charles 434, 460 Rodiles, Daniel 33, 216, 217 Rodrigues, Mark 306, 388 Rodriguez Colume, Miguel 358 Rodriguez, Augusto 260 Rodriguez, Francisco 342 Rodriguez, Maria 41 Rodriguez, Nitza 238, 246 Rodriguez, Rosa 41 Roe, Richard 364, 365 Rogers, Amanda 226 Roges, Octaviano 268, 294, 321, 338 Roh, Michael 24, 78, 151 Roizenblatt, Roberto 365 Rojas, Ana 122, 131, 193 Rokhshadfar, Saghi 200 Romero, Eliott 15, 95, 275, 303 Romero-Urquhart, Glenda 225 Roohian, Arshia 315 Roque, Jose 373 Roque, Ron 56, 71, 186 Rosales, Teresa 24, 151, 164, 221 Rose, Robert 357 Rosen, Barbara 238, 378, 395 Rosen, Gregory 148, 161 Rosen, Norman 371, 373 Rosenberg, David 115 Rosenberg, Fredric 58, 262 Rosenberg, Richard 73, 189 Rosenberg, Robert 401, 410 Rosenblatt, Stanley 13 Rosenblit, Paul 109, 122, 148, 161, 172, 389 Rosenblum, Dale 404, 412 Rosenburg, Joan 41, 279, 309, 328, 358
Rosenfeld, Samuel 167, 176, 209, 229, 285, 317, 368, 380 Rosenthal, Johanna 61, 402, 411 Rosenthal, Marian 262 Ross, Eric 49 Ross, Gail 100 Ross, Marlowe 114 Ross, Steven 421, 429 Rossini, Joe 41, 294, 398 Rothbart, Robert 348, 361 Rottermann, Israel 285, 317, 368 Rotunda, Adam 148 Roulette, Katherine 420, 428 Rouzroch, Siamak 56, 60, 186, 188, 355, 361 Rovzar, Michael 207, 225, 236, 238, 246 Ruane, Peter 360 Rubalcava, Rafael 41, 59, 338, 358, 398, 401 Rubaum, Lad 314 Rubin, Benjamin 176, 380, 396 Rubin, Elyssa 377, 394 Rubin, Jack 22, 61, 329 Rubin, Lawrence 63 Rubino, Frank 8, 29, 91 Rubinson, William 45, 59, 138, 148, 260, 262 Rubinstein, Michael 79, 317, 368 Ruckman, David 408 Ruder, Robert 365 Ruhland, Donald 214 Ruiz, Ruben 53, 352 Ruiz, Thomas 151, 159 Rundle, Herman 282, 313, 364, 376, 392 Rundle, Keith 282, 313, 364, 376, 392 Runic, Radmila 151, 163 Rupani, Ravin 20, 22, 262, 359 Russell, R Denis 25, 100 Russo, Jennefer 419, 426
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Russo, Michael 86, 100, 114, 198, 208, 227 Rydelski, Misty 371 Ryu, Meyoung 166 Ryu, Serra 196, 207, 224 Saad, Carlos 143, 150, 216 Saad, Josephine 34, 163, 189 Saam, Shida 5, 294, 384 Saatian, Bahman 420, 428 Sabahi, Mojtaba 183 Sabet, David 133, 238, 246, 420, 428 Sabet, Joseph 451 Sabet-Peyman, Esfandiar 403, 411 Sacks, David 206, 221, 313, 392 Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr 126, 199 Saddleback Memorial Med Ctr San Clemente 211 Sadeghi, Nasir 459 Sadeghian, Arash 314 Sadighi, Robert 434, 439 Sadighi, Saeid 342 Sadighian, Shahla 31, 49, 143, 159, 273, 301, 348, 399 Sadri, Ehsan 84, 112, 151, 164, 282 Sadri, Iman 437, 441, 455 Saeed, Khalid 69, 183 Saeed, Maisun 435 Saenz, Lucy 15, 145, 254, 276, 304, 326, 352 Saenz, Manuel 270, 297, 322, 342 Safaei, Sevitlana 106 Safavi, Haleh 386 Safer, Terra 415 Safi, Soraya 460 Safman, Kimberly 108, 171, 175 Saghafi, Dara 143 Saghatchi, Farshad 438, 447 Sahawneh, Shorouq 438 Sahni, Harvinder 20, 82, 110
Sahota, Harvinder 58 Sainath, Shankarlingam 19, 97, 255, 308 Sainburg, Scott 401, 410 Saines, Marius 367 Saini, Surinder 172, 203, 216 Saisho, Albert 106, 110, 129, 131 Saito, John 26, 99, 165, 314 Sakabe, Mark 443 Sako, Aaron 113 Sakr, Shaaban 435, 453 Salamati-Pour, Sohrab 270, 297, 342 Salamat-Saberi, Naghmeh 419, 427 Salatinjants, Aida 49, 143, 348 Salazar, Laura 170 Salcido, Craig 205, 220, 237, 245 Saleeb, Nadia 442 Salehi Had, Hani 151, 282 Salehi, Hamid 219, 236, 244 Salem, Christopher 161 Salem, Holly 157 Salem, Nahla 5, 269, 294, 339 Salem, Rifaat 19, 163, 220 Salem, Ronald 404, 413 Salem, Shala 23, 220, 359 Salem, Yasser 26, 258 Salib, George 221, 313 Salibian, Arthur 168, 380, 397 Salimi-Tari, Peyman 98 Salimkhanian, Mehrdad 157, 161 Salis, Donald 45, 260, 339 Salmi, Sasan 386 Salo, Clint 404, 413 Saltman, Steven 401, 410 Samarasena, Jason 417, 424 Samawi, Roger 41, 180 Sambangi, Manoranjani 441 Samimi, Daryoosh 23, 279, 310, 328, 359 Samimi, David 24 Samoori, Rama 231
Sampaga, Sharon 448, 452 Samra, Ed 437, 439, 455, 457, 459 Samson, Mercedes 8, 29, 45, 180, 269 Samuel, Michael 288 Samuels, Bruce 357 San, Kyi Kyi 49 Sanampudi, Jayanth 227 Sanathra, Mahendra 45 Sanati, Homayoon 122, 162, 194 Sanchez Anaya, David 297, 342 Sanchez, Ana 281, 313, 363, 375, 392 Sanchez, Dennis 41 Sand, Nancy 364 Sandhu, Sarabjit 85, 175, 196, 378, 395 Sankaram, Rallabhandi 22, 83, 98, 194, 204, 218, 312 Sansone, Beverly 83, 112, 123 Santiago, Jude 24 Santino, Robert 358 Santora, Lawrence 217, 372, 389 Santoro, Michael 234, 244 Santos, Joey Arcadio Lun 13, 301 Santos, Melanie 402, 411 Santoso, Paulus 287 Sapra, Ranjan 20, 22, 82, 97, 98 Sarabi, Dennis 171 Sarafian, Farjad 235, 244 Saran, Navin 143, 150, 301, 311, 324, 329 Sarchisian, Adrian 435, 453 Saremi, Kaveh 174 Sarkar, Soumitra 49, 348 Sarkaria, John 273, 280, 394 Sarode, Praful 99, 315, 378, 394 Sasaki, Irene 195, 206, 222 Sasaki, Joan 237, 245
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Sato, Robyn 403, 409, 412 Saunders, Marvous 97, 278, 309 Sauri, Humberto 26 Savage, Arnold 56, 60 Savalia, Neha 408 Savalia, Nirav 177, 318, 368 Savani, Devang 63, 166, 207, 225, 283, 311, 316, 329, 332, 361, 366 Sawhney, Ajit 22, 83, 98, 111, 123, 173, 204, 218, 312 Sawhney, Sajeet 31, 34, 81, 82, 83, 106, 110, 111, 120, 122, 123, 173 Sayyur, Lutfi 17, 21, 56, 60 Sazgar, Mona 418, 426 Scamurra, Michael 443, 453 Scheier, Mark 52, 69, 185 Schenk, Alan 133, 208, 226, 236, 239, 247 Schermerhorn, Clifton 25 Schiff, Steven 19, 81, 82, 97, 108, 109, 121, 192, 202, 214, 255 Schiffer, Robert 301, 309, 311 Schiffman, George 207, 225, 236, 238, 247 Schilling, Michael 25, 63 Schlechter, John 177, 258, 285, 377 Schlutz, Michael 417, 419, 425, 427 Schmidt, Carlos 201 Schmidt, Steven 24, 206, 221, 313, 330, 364 Schmuel, Esther 205, 220 Schneider, Alan 420, 428 Schneider, Joel 355, 361 Schneider, Mark 42 Schneider, Sanford 163, 374, 391 Schreiber, Steven 418, 426 Schultz, Michael 451 Schwandt, Bruce 445 Schwartz, Alan 13, 143
Schwartz, Barry 13, 30, 90, 270, 297, 342 Schwindt, Christina 113, 121, 124, 130, 206, 223, 233, 242 Scolaro, John 421, 429 Scott, Tara 191 Sea Cliff Healthcare Ctr 462 Seal Beach Health And Rehabilitation Center 462 Sebag, Jerry 24, 84, 195, 206, 221, 313, 364 Sechrist, Martin 42 Sedaghat, Debora 99 Seery, Tara 417, 425 Seet, Emily 194 Segal, Douglas 57, 61 Segal, Frances 234, 243 Sehgal, Arunpal 143, 150, 348, 361 Sehgal, Sonia 415 Seifer, Harold 69, 183 Sela Herman, Sarah 196 Selecky, Paul 175 Selvan, Arthur 372, 389 Semerjian, Avedik 22, 34, 73, 123, 163, 189, 218 Sen Gupta, Indranil 418, 426 Sender, Leonard 165, 224, 377, 417, 425 Sendrowski, David 365 Senra, Manohar 71, 72, 186, 188 Serafano, Donald 221 Serag, Randa 170 Serna, Jesus 8, 91 Serna, Joseph 8, 91, 251, 270, 297, 343 Serquina, Elmer 435, 453 Seth, Geeta 453 Seto, Arnold 416, 424 Setty, Shaun 198 Severance, Stephen 193, 203, 216 Seymour, Lauri 81 Shaaban, Shady 442 Shabdeen, Mihaela 157
Shabdiz, Faramarz 376, 392 Shadi, Payam 355, 361 Shadid, Alexander 114, 176 Shafee, Reza 5, 19 Shah, Aarti 435, 451, 454, 459 Shah, Ajit 355 Shah, Amit 441, 450, 458 Shah, Anil 19, 97 Shah, Anoop 33 Shah, Archana 159 Shah, Beena 20 Shah, Bindesh 79, 167, 285, 317, 368 Shah, Biren 407 Shah, Chunilal 325, 328, 351, 358 Shah, Harshad 19 Shah, Jatin 446 Shah, Ketan 130, 193, 203, 216 Shah, Kiritkumar 339 Shah, Kunal 331 Shah, Mahesh 388 Shah, Mansoor 69, 183 Shah, Nayana 225 Shah, Priya 287, 358, 373, 389 Shah, Samir 174, 282, 313, 364 Shah, Sultan 17, 147, 277 Shahangian, Aida 447 Shahbazian, Michael 130 Shahim, Zahra 273, 301, 348, 386 Shahinian, George 207, 225, 247 Shahriary, Cyrus Mehraban 25, 196, 223 Shaib, John 312, 362 Shaikh, Shahnaz 20, 97 Shakhnovits, Marianna 42 Shakibai, Farid 13, 31 Shakkottai, Padmanabha 34, 73, 166, 188 Shalaby, Tamer 455 Shamekh, Pejman 355, 361 Shamji, Munaf 357
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Shamlou, Kourosh 64, 74, 167, 263 Shammas, Hanna 62, 364 Shams, Fariborz 147 Shamsiddeen, Shafeeq 8, 140 Shanbhag, Vinayak 395 Shanfield, Stewart 405, 414 Shankle, Rodman 174 Shaoulian, Emanuel 214 Shapiro, Jonathan 438, 444 Shapiro, Leonard 22, 98, 150, 163, 204, 218, 256, 280, 329 Sharieff, Kauser 25, 282, 314, 392, 403, 412 Shariff, Farheen 436, 438, 440, 449, 454, 456, 457 Sharifian, Alex 444, 447, 458 Sharkey, Nicole 20, 164, 313, 363 Sharkoff, James 13, 143, 273, 301, 324, 348 Sharma, Adarsh 26, 86, 106, 110, 124, 175 Sharma, Chander 322, 328 Sharma, Madan 357 Sharma, Pravin 388 Sharma, Rajni 434, 446 Sharma, Sanjay 402, 410 Sharp, Susan 138, 157, 269, 294, 384 Shaver, John 208, 227, 239, 247 Shaw, Brian 90 Shaw, Sylvia 59 Shawky, Hoda 97 Shazadeh Safavi, Seyed 278, 308, 358 Sheabar, Tammam 438 Shechter, Pagiel 343, 359, 362 Sheen, Paiwen 375, 392 Sheety, Michael 282, 313, 364 Sheffer, Albert 313 Sheibani, Lili 419, 427 Sheidayi, Perry 128, 294 Sheikhan, Fatemeh 269, 294, 339
Shek, David 16, 53, 69, 276, 304, 326 Shemer, Boris 343 Shen, Ching Ming 434, 435 Shen, Jianxiong 437, 439, 455, 457, 459 Shen, Michael 131, 204, 219, 312 Shen, Wei Ping 165, 224, 377, 394 Shende, Archana 17, 21, 147, 150 Shenoy, Prakash 58, 273, 280, 301, 311, 324, 329, 348, 361 Shepard, Eric 288 Shepard, Michael 380, 396 Sherman, Jon 401 Sherman, Julie 185 Shery, Jay 358 Shey, Randolph 194 Shi, Carol 105, 119, 128 Shiel, William 239, 247 Shiell, Ronald 287, 309 Shilkofski, Joseph 452 Shim, Soon Yong 437 Shimada, Lisa 314 Shimazu, Hal 384 Shin, Jason 78, 97, 255, 309 Shin, Min 348, 361 Shoghian, Homa 5, 138, 250 Shohet, Jack 85, 113 Shokooh, Shalizeh 215, 372, 389 Shokraeipour, Amir 374, 391 Shon, Floyd 209, 229 Shoquist, Jennifer 105, 119, 128 Shoukair, Sami 63, 160, 324, 327, 329 Shrey, Daniel 219, 374, 391 Shrivastava, Vineet 83, 112, 173, 174 Shukla, Lakshni 114 Shukla, Meera 106 Shulman, Andrew 165, 378, 394
Shulman, Valery 343 Shum, Merrill 20, 22, 72, 73, 262, 359 Shuman, Robert 27, 35, 168, 198, 227, 229, 333 Shune, Hong 170, 173 Shupe, Philip 25 Shwachman, Benjamin 356 Sial, Khuram Akbar 288, 307, 315 Siami, Farshid 444 Siangio, Roanna 432 Sidarta, Angelia 407 Sidhom, Alfred 27, 79, 155, 168, 285, 333 Sidhom, Taghrid 404, 413 Sidhu, Deepa 434 Sidhu, Hina 404, 413 Sier, Herbert 415 Siew, Melissa 253 Sills, Eric 358 Silverberg, Nancy 109 Silvers, Brent 242 Silverstein, Melvin 176 Sim, William 49 Siman, Homan 180 Simjee, Aisha 376, 392 Simmons, Timothy 33, 188, 262, 359 Simon, David 213 Simon, Howard 226 Simon, Valeria 419, 427 Simons, Michael 25, 85, 100, 196, 207, 224 Simons, Steven 348 Simpson, Jennifer 419, 427 Simpson, Karen 401, 410 Simzar, Soheil 193, 202, 215 Sinchai, Prit 376, 392 Singh, Anantjit 58, 148, 160, 262, 357 Singh, Charanpal 316 Singh, Davinder 20, 93, 98, 273, 280 Singh, Hardeep 373, 389
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Singh, Harmanjit 23, 194, 218, 280, 312, 402, 411 Singh, Harprabh 432, 456 Singh, Harpreet 18 Singh, Jasjit 153, 165, 224, 377, 394 Singh, Karan 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Singh, Mandeep 114, 133 Singh, Narindar 63, 153, 166, 207, 225, 283, 316, 332, 366 Singh, Ravinder 258, 315, 378, 395 Sirakoff, Dimitri 269, 294, 339, 384 Sirenko, Sergey 437, 455, 457 Sison, Reuven 138, 339 Sison, Rosario 343 Skinner, David 49 Skinner, Harry 414 Skvarna, Karen 206, 222 Sky, Zoya 447, 449 Slater, Lewis 417, 425 Slater, Shayna 226 Slattery, William 222 Slaven, Margaret 404, 413 Sleiman, Raymond 333 Slocum, Glenn 226 Small, Steven 418, 426 Smith, Andrew 210, 229 Smith, Brent 308 Smith, Brian 421, 429 Smith, David 177, 380, 396 Smith, Denise 42 Smith, Don 5, 270 Smith, G Scott 371 Smith, Janellen 416, 424 Smith, Jeremy 177, 380, 396 Smith, Lytton 407 Smith, Nicole 443, 444, 445 Smith, Ronald 198, 229 Smith, Steele 5, 294, 321 Smith, Steven 371 Smith, Ynolde 407 Smullin, Jamie 226
Snider, Donald 151, 163, 204, 219, 281, 312, 330, 362 Snyder, Jessica 197, 208, 226 Snyder, Larry 242 Snyder, Lincoln 114, 176 Snyder, Michael 172 So, Vannarith 32, 34, 57, 61, 71, 72, 187, 188 Soans, Smita 42, 67, 339 Sobol, Henry 437, 455, 460 Sobral, Carlos 294 Sodaro, David 423 Soe, Pyi 450, 460 Sohail, Meera 415 Sohel, Muhammad 274, 280, 386, 390 Sohl, Bertram 195 Sokol, William 171 Soleimani, Soheil 457 Solhpour, Shahram 405, 414 Soliman, Amani 448 Soliman, Germin 106 Soliman, Jimmy 57, 147, 277, 306, 355 Soliman, Khaled 452, 460 Soliman, Mona 433, 441 Soliman, Rasha 42, 269, 294, 321, 339 Soliman, Tahani 42 Solmayor, Fe 270, 297, 322, 343 Solmer, Richard 27, 87, 115, 154, 168, 318 Solomon, Houman 154 Somani, Neeta 433 Somers, William 105, 109, 119, 122, 128, 130 Son, Dong 75 Sondag, Mary 208, 226 Song, Alice 24, 78 Song, Chaewon 388, 390 Song, James 57, 355 Song, Joseph 77 Song, Julia 78 Song, Mark 77, 78, 277, 280, 306, 311, 327, 329, 355, 361
Soni, Amit 153, 377, 394 Soni, Viney 26, 86, 93, 98, 107, 110, 120, 122, 124, 143, 150, 166, 283 Sos, Jean-louis 449 Sosa Johnson, Martha 416 Sotelo, Anthony 181, 261 Sotelo, Cordelia 42 Sotomayor, Salvador 42, 343 Sourehnissani, Mehran 348, 361 South Coast Global Medical Center Inc 249 Spaeth, John 419, 427 Spak, William 63, 283, 315, 331, 366, 394 Spanggord, Holly 237, 245 Spear, John 454 Speir, Vinita 174 Spellberg, Richard 189 Spencer, Curtis 198 Spencer, Robert 238, 246 Sperber, James 200 Sperling, Donald 257 Spitz, Aaron 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248, 422, 430 Spiwak, Jose 64, 154 Spokoyny, Eleonora 236, 244 Springstubb, Aditi 170 Srivastava, Sumeet 458 St Edna Subacute And Rehab Center 462 St Elizabeth Healthcare Ctr 462 St Joseph Heritage Med Grp 370 St Joseph Hosp Affil Phys 382 St Joseph Hospital Orange 169, 231, 241, 370, 382, 398, 406 St Jude Affil Phys 398 St Jude Heritage Medical Grp 406 St Jude Medical Center 169, 231, 241, 370, 382, 398, 406
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Stadler, Edward 205, 220, 237, 245 Stallworth, Roxanne 159 Stamos, Michael 421, 429 Stanley Healthcare Center 462 Stanowicz, Steven 278, 309, 373 Stanton, David 203, 216, 373, 389 Starr, Douglas 407 Starr, Joanne 133, 210, 229, 379, 380, 389, 397 Stasiewicz, John 201 Staunton, Michele 233 Stearns, Lauren 42, 294, 339, 399 Steenari, Maija Riikka 194, 196, 219, 224, 375, 378, 391 Steffan, William 232 Stein, Alexander 168, 318 Stein, Daniel 27, 87, 100, 125, 154, 167, 198, 209, 229, 258 Stein, Diane 111, 204, 219 Steinberg Epstein, Robin 420, 428 Steindler, Zwi 169, 172 Steinert, Roger 419, 427 Steinfeld, Martin 105, 119 Steinmetz, Barry 85, 99, 114, 132, 152 Stenger, Flora 447 Stern, Katie 447 Sternfeld, Daniel 132, 205, 220 Stewardson, Richard 316, 367 Stewart, Gary 444 Stewart, Jack 283, 316, 378, 395 Stickelmaier, Ivette 35, 188, 197 Stockwell, Todd 58, 262 Stolz, Denise 448 Stouder, Michael 232 Stouffer, John 13, 49, 274 Strachan, Patricia 112, 174 Strelzow, Victor 113 Su, David 363
Su, Johanna 402, 411 Su, Tien I 63, 284, 316, 332, 367 Suarez, Daniel 366 Subhas, Bookinakere 281, 330 Suchov, Mordo 359 Sud, Bhanu 78, 279, 360, 401, 410 Sugar, Mark 96, 108, 121, 130, 214, 233, 242 Sugihara, Corinne 375, 392 Sugino, Gerald 236 Suh, Edward 438 Suh, Yong Hun 401, 409 Suk, Kevin 24, 78, 84, 257, 282, 330, 364, 365 Sullivan, Laura 261 Sumcad, Jocelyn 69, 183 Sun Mar Nursing Center 462 Sun, Chao 287 Sun, Jimmy 365 Sun, John 113, 132, 174, 206, 222, 237, 246, 314 Sun, Paul 113, 132, 174, 206, 222, 237, 246, 314 Sun, Yeming 108, 110 Sunderrajan, Ettayapuram 13, 21, 86, 100, 124, 175, 196, 207, 225 Sunderrajan, Sobha 13, 21, 31, 34, 83, 98, 194, 204, 218, 301, 311, 312 Sundine, Michael 115, 177, 198, 210, 229, 318 Sung, Hung Min 17, 96, 306, 388 Sung, Wenjay 283, 331, 366, 378, 394 Sunga, Emilyjane 433, 441, 457 Supance, John 132, 206, 224, 237, 246 Suresh, Bevinahalli 281, 312, 330 Surti, Kavita 151
Suryadevara, Sampath 57, 61, 147, 150, 306, 311, 327, 329, 355, 361 Suwarsa, Lucy 212 Suzuki, Shuichi 421, 429 Suzuki, Stephen 288 Svrdlan, Evelina 191 Swadener, Nina 232 Swanson, Gerald 64, 79, 285, 317, 368 Swaroop, Satinder 19, 97, 308 Swaroop, Subodh 444 Swartz, Steven 25, 258, 366 Swe, Thet 436 Sweeny, Alfredo 54 Sweidan, Jacob 25, 162, 257, 283, 331 Swensson, Richard 19 Swerdlow, Charles 357 Swords, Rose 192 Sy, Joan 294 Sy, Theodore 203, 216 Sycamore, Michael 446 Syed, Alam 100, 124, 133, 166, 197, 226 Syed, Aleem 19, 59, 77, 279, 328, 358 Szawlowski, Matthew 8 Szper, Ivar 35, 154, 167, 190 Ta, Phuong 13, 93, 143, 253, 301 Ta, Tuan 20, 162, 217, 279, 310, 360 Taat, Shahrzad 437, 439, 455, 457, 460 Tabak, Steven 357 Tabandeh, Homayoun 365 Tabatabai, Ali 306, 311 Tabatabai, Meher 60 Tabibian, Michael 19 Tabila, Rodolfo 42, 67, 180 Tabrizi, Peyman 27, 256 Tachibana, Mikio 107, 120, 129 Tadros, Sameeh 433, 446 Tadych, Robert 440, 449, 451
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Taghva, Alexander 228, 239, 247 Taherian, Shabnam 447 Tahmasbi Dezfuly, Kooshyar 436 Taitz, Orly 452 Tajbakhsh, Anahita 433, 441 Tajik, Ali 5, 19, 42, 59, 138, 148, 269, 279, 295, 309, 321, 328, 339, 358 Taleisnik, Andres 379 Taleisnik, Julio 380 Tale-yazdi, Foroud 442, 448 Talim, Darshita 457 Talmood, Anna 440 Tam, Steven 416 Tam, Tackson 274, 386 Tamadon, Shokouh 45 Tamaroff, Marc 33, 58, 187, 192, 214 Tamboli, Kaushal 58, 356, 357 Tamhane, Shrikant 42 Tammelin, Bruce 238, 247 Tan, Belinda 309 Tan, Christopher 152 Tan, James 433, 438, 451 Tan, Jenny 212 Tan, Jesse 195, 206, 222 Tan, Jesus 222 Tan, Joanna 150, 407 Tan, Kenneth 407 Tan, Kwan 18, 57, 71, 147, 187 Tan, Ming 417, 425 Tan, Terence T 45 Tanedo, Debbie 165 Tang, Alyssa 442 Tang, Hoong Foong 5, 45, 297, 322 Tang, Kim 234, 243, 255, 309 Tang, Mai 206, 222 Tang, Nhiep 27, 210, 230, 259 Tang, Ruth 113 Tangredi, Laura 275, 351, 387 Tanios, Maged 153, 166, 196, 225
Tanious, Mariz 437, 439, 455, 457, 460 Tantamjarik, Pumipak 90, 138, 250, 295, 384 Tao, Jeremiah 427 Taraman, Sharief 163, 166, 375, 391 Tariq, Sanaa 450 Tarlow, Gardner 5, 42, 295, 399 Tate, Eric 49, 61 Tavakoli, Ali 432 Tawadrous, Odette 49, 61 Tawansy, Khaled 221 Tawfik, Atef 42 Tayani, Ramin 206, 221, 237, 245, 314 Taylor, Bradley 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Taylor, James 177 Taymour, Essam 195 Tchekmedyian, Nerses 83, 110, 122, 131 Teacher, Theodore 204, 219, 236, 244 Tebi, Sina 49 Tebyani, Neyssan 116, 134, 177, 210, 230, 240, 248 Tejani, Sabira 33 Teng, Wang 133, 209, 228, 239, 247 Teo, Bena 169, 172 Terreros, Carmen 6, 295, 385 Terry, Clifford 403, 411 Tertzakian, Garo 210, 230, 285, 318, 369, 381, 397 Teruya, Theodore 421, 429 Teshima, Donald 84, 113, 164, 282 Tessler, Irving 365 Tewari, Krishnansu 417, 425 Tewfik, Gamal 437, 439, 460 Teymoorian, Savak 132, 221, 237, 245 Thai, Christine 114
Thai, Dieumy 25, 79, 165, 196, 207, 224, 315 Thai, Gaby 418, 426 Thaiyananthan, Gowriharan 209, 228, 284, 317, 367 Thaker, Kartik 57, 58, 61 Thakkar, Sandeep 174 Tham, Allen 405, 414 Thankachen, Pavithra 438, 440 Thankachen, Sanjai 404, 413 Thanos, Jerald 281, 313, 363, 402, 411 Thanos, Nicholas 281, 313, 363, 402, 411 Thara, Eddie 262 Thein, Nilar 450, 460 Thein, Patrick 237, 245 Theodore, Sharon 282, 288, 330, 364 Thibault, William 133, 167, 208, 227, 239, 248, 285, 404, 414 Thind, Surinder 19, 81, 82, 97, 108, 122, 148, 160, 193, 215, 255 Thio, Andrew 286 Thomas, Evan 113 Thomas, Silas 50, 62 Thomas, Tom 240, 248 Thompson, Christopher 132, 223, 237, 246 Thompson, Jamison 191 Thompson, Michael 163, 194, 281, 312 Thompson, Patrick 201, 202 Thompson, William 20, 279, 328, 360 Thong, Linh 111, 173, 374, 391 Thong, Nguyen 23, 83, 111, 123, 151, 163, 194, 204, 219, 256, 263, 281, 312 Thornhill Joynes, Monica 61, 362
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Thropay, John 79, 153, 166, 283, 316, 332, 367 Thrupp, Lauri 417, 425 Thu, Zaw 442 Thurber, Stacy 401, 410 Tian, Wenqiang 163 Tiberi, John 229 Tieu, Kevin Khai 23, 84, 99, 195, 205, 220, 257, 281, 313, 363 Tilles, Jeremiah 417, 425 Ting, James 82, 115, 172 Ting, Patricia Shih 109 Tint, Daisy 201 Tiongson, Jay 233, 234, 243 Tiquia, Herbert 22, 312, 329, 362, 374, 391, 402, 411 Tirakitsoontorn, Pornchai 224, 378, 394 Tirmizi, Syed 348, 361 Tischler, Alexander 87, 115, 177 Tison, Karen 195, 206, 221 To, Jonathan 197, 208, 226 To, Trang 432, 456 Tobias, Serge 33, 148, 160, 193, 215 Toca, Alain 435 Tocci, Stephen 240, 248 Tokumaga, Alicia 165 Tom, Lincoln 105, 119, 128 Tomioka, Mercedes 170, 173 Ton, Thomas 8, 91, 140, 252, 297 Toohey, Julianne 418, 425 Toomarian, Roya 445 Torabzadeh, Simin 416 Torbati, Dona 451 Torbati, Shaila 451 Torbati, Shaun 166 Torday, Stephen 23, 99, 151, 164, 257 Torre, Salvacion 196 Torres, Alan 442 Torrey, Robert 87, 116, 134, 177, 311, 318, 329, 333
Totoiu, Minodora 375, 391 Tournay, Anne 151, 375, 391, 418, 426 Town And Country Manor 462 Tracy, Elizabeth 84, 112, 123 Tram, Hieu 301 Tram, Kenneth 423 Tran, Alan 27, 101, 198, 210, 229, 258 Tran, Alex 69, 72, 351, 358 Tran, Anh 143, 253 Tran, Anh Chi 6 Tran, Barbara 452 Tran, Billy 206, 222 Tran, Bryan 205, 220 Tran, Cam Huong 6, 90, 138 Tran, Chau 374, 389 Tran, Cindy 455 Tran, Dan 376 Tran, Dillon 13, 90, 250 Tran, Donny 6, 90, 138, 250 Tran, Du 8, 91, 252 Tran, Duc 15, 31, 95, 145, 159, 254 Tran, Dzu 23 Tran, Felicia 274, 302, 324, 348 Tran, Gina 407 Tran, Henry 455 Tran, Hien 172, 444 Tran, James 97, 160 Tran, Jimmy 440 Tran, Justin 440 Tran, Kevin 257 Tran, Khai 6, 90, 138, 250, 269, 295, 321, 339 Tran, Kim-thanh 439 Tran, Kinh 6, 90, 138, 250 Tran, Ky Minh 50, 61, 184, 188 Tran, Lauren 6, 408 Tran, Lethuy 90, 295 Tran, Lilian 200 Tran, Lily 163, 219, 375, 391 Tran, Lisa 434, 435 Tran, Loan 364 Tran, Mailan 84, 113
Tran, Mary 6, 90, 250 Tran, Michael 19, 24, 195, 206, 255, 282, 309, 364, 437, 460 Tran, Mimi 206, 222 Tran, Minh 198, 209, 228, 284, 317 Tran, Minou 59, 72, 187 Tran, Neil 234, 236, 243 Tran, Ngoc 449 Tran, Ngoc Mai 45 Tran, Nhon 13, 93, 253 Tran, Phu 162 Tran, Raymond 161 Tran, Robert 25, 85, 99, 114, 132, 165, 196, 207, 223 Tran, Scott 13, 94, 253, 274, 324, 349 Tran, Steve 204, 218, 236, 244 Tran, Tam 455, 457, 460 Tran, Tam-huong 446 Tran, The-hao 443, 453 Tran, Tiffany 205, 220, 237, 245 Tran, Toan 94, 98 Tran, Trang 25 Tran, Trieu 167, 368 Tran, Tu 359 Tran, Val 443 Tran, Vi 99 Tran, Wendy 113, 132, 206, 222, 237, 245 Tran, Yen 375, 392 Trang, Dong 302 Trani, Sergio 140 Travis, Eric 25 Travis, Gina 358 Traynor, Elizabeth 204, 219 Tredinnick, Silvana 435, 443, 453 Tremaine, Anne 215 Trenbeath, James 193, 203, 216 Trent, Jannette 433 Triggs, Kevin 380 Trikha, Suchitra 201 Trinh, Dung 201
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Trinh, Kim 213 Trinh, Lien 152, 164, 224, 377, 393 Trinh, Linh 444 Trinh, Mimi Van 201 Trinh, Nina 26, 316, 332, 367 Trinh, Thanh-Mai 99, 257 Trinh, Van 458 Trivedi, Divyang 18 Trivich, Kathleen 261 Trotter, Joel 60, 78, 279, 360, 401, 410 Truc Trong Le, Chuck 434, 435, 446 Truong, Daniel 23, 83, 98, 111, 123, 151, 163, 194, 219, 256, 263, 281 Truong, David 20, 97, 256 Truong, Dieu Nga 25, 99 Truong, Hiep 23, 99, 151, 257 Truong, Lauren 432 Truong, Michael 234, 236, 243 Truong, Nhu Van 6, 90, 139, 251 Truong, Paul 18 Truong, Phuong 62 Truong, Vu 13, 94, 144, 253, 274 Tsadok, Jacob 349 Tsai, Elizabeth 214 Tsai, Hesper 283, 366 Tsai, Ivan 314 Tsai, Mark 50, 61, 69, 72, 184, 188 Tseng, Kevin 366 Tsinberg, Michael 405, 413 Tsong, David 14, 31, 144 Tsutsumi, Roger 288 Tu, Jane 220 Tu, Thuc 14, 94, 144, 274, 302, 349 Tu, Tom 437 Tucker, Jessica 408 Tucker, Kelly 77, 217, 278, 307, 308, 356, 357, 372, 389 Turakhia, Atur 420, 428
Turbow, Bernard 27, 87, 198, 210, 230, 318, 422, 430 Turek, Paul 308 Turpin, Ivan 210, 229, 380, 397 Tygenhof, Eric 405, 414 Tynan, Martin 421, 429 Tyson, Yvonne 52, 185 Tzeng, Thomas 263, 285, 333, 368 Uc Irvine Health Affiliated Physicians 415 Uc Irvine Health Med Grp 423 Uchio, Alejandra 314 Uchio, Edward 422, 430 Underwood Jolly, Amy 233 Ung, Susan 314 University Of California Irvine Med Ctr 415, 423 Unzueta, Miguel 364 Uppal, Gagan 445 Uppal, Gurvinder 288 Uribe, Daniel 42 Urquico, Angelo 226 Urrea, Erica 84, 283 Urrea, Paul 282, 330, 364 Ursino, John 225, 404, 413 Uyekawa, Patricia 84, 113 Uyeno, Lori 405, 413 Vadera, Sumeet 421, 429 Vahabzadeh, Kambiz 111, 123, 173 Vaidya, Nadeem 174 Vaishnav, Suketu 101, 258 Vakkalanka, Sarah 99, 314, 365 Vala, Ghazal 449 Valdez, Jose 90, 295, 339, 385 Van Der Reis, William 209, 229 Van Etten, Richard 417, 425 Van Gieson, Henry 33, 148, 160, 187, 215 Van Houten, Mark 83, 111 Van Leuven, Andrew 226 Van, Hohai 215
Van, Kychuong 26, 100, 258 Van, Thu 100, 258, 315 Vander Wall, Jacquelyn 32, 187 Vandermolen, Louis 173 Vannix, David 124, 167, 263 Vanore, John 365 Vanson, Linda 452 Vaquero Solans, Cecilia 377, 393 Varallo, Mark 52, 145, 303, 325, 351 Vardayo, Joseph 198 Varela, Gilbert 251 Vartanian, James 449 Vaselenko, Ronald 308 Vatanparast, Rodina 262 Vaynerov, Yelena 355 Vazquez, Carolina 67, 339 Vazquez, Lorenzo 351 Vega, Arturo 349 Vegesna, Sachidevi 165 Veiga, Patricia 153, 165, 224, 377, 394 Velarde, Carlos 448 Velazquez, Megan 157 Velez, Cesar 45 Velez, Juan 375, 392 Veneziano, Christopher 134 Venkat, Geeta 214, 233, 238, 242 Venkataraman, Srividya 67, 180 Vera, Jesus 401, 409 Vergara, Rafael 114, 124, 189, 224 Verma, Meenakshi 123, 194 Verma, Sunil 419, 427 Vian, Christine 434 Victoria Healthcare Ctr 462 Victoria, Rafaelito 50, 61, 184, 188 Victoria, Xanthe 42, 59, 180, 188 Vidhun, Jayakumar 362 Vidor, Ira 174, 221
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Vidovich, Casey 434, 436 Viglione, Alan 81 Villagomez, Jose 343 Villareal, Steve 52 Villaruz, Tanacio 295 Viltuznik, Janja 8, 271, 385 Vincent, Maurice 43, 295, 399 Vincent, Nicole 238 Vinn, Vanessa 162 Viswanathan, Kanchana 59 Vital, Jorge 453 Vizcarra, Michael 23, 195, 205, 220, 281, 313, 363 Vlachonassios, Konstantinos 148, 160 Vo Hanser, Quynh 83, 123 Vo, Baotran 415 Vo, Bryan 133, 225 Vo, Cau 23 Vo, Colleen 435, 443, 453 Vo, Danny 170 Vo, Hanhngoc 443, 453 Vo, Phac 254 Vo, Quang 367 Vo, Thach 435, 443, 453 Vo, Thuan 14, 21, 274, 280, 302, 311, 349, 361 Von Ins, Samantha 45, 144, 297, 322, 343 Vora, Anjali 21, 82, 110, 122, 162, 173 Vora, Jayang 435 Vora, Nilesh 20, 22 Vora, Parveen 371 Vora, Reena 20, 22, 279, 328 Vovan, Thomas 133 Vu, Clamon 6, 251 Vu, Collin 82, 122, 131, 193, 203, 217, 218 Vu, Don 433, 434, 436, 438, 449, 451, 454, 459 Vu, Jack 139 Vu, Julie 371 Vu, Khue 18, 21, 96, 98, 255, 256 Vu, Michael 24, 84, 99, 257
Vu, Nancy 23, 98, 256 Vu, Nathan 445 Vu, Robert 220 Vu, Steve 285, 288, 318, 368 Vu, Van 94 Vuchinich, Kevin 419, 427 Vunnamadala, Syam 27, 154, 168, 284, 285, 317, 318, 332, 333, 367 Vyas, Shail 285, 317, 333, 368 Wachs, Barton 74, 155, 168, 190, 198, 230, 333 Wada, Garrett 314 Wade, Matthew 419, 427 Wadell, Chad 233 Wadhwa, Parvindar 19, 308 Wagner Millette, Allison 404, 413 Wagner, Edward 203, 218, 236, 244 Wagner, Elliott 247 Wagner, Kendall 79, 318, 368 Wahlquist, Michelle 421, 429 Wai, Chit 217 Waider, Winfried 33, 148, 160, 188, 193, 215 Waki, Eric 79, 365, 403, 412 Wakim, Emile 229, 285, 318 Wakim, Paul 285, 318 Wald, Robert 318, 368, 405, 414 Waldman, Jerald 240, 248 Waldman, Michael 107 Waldman, Stephen 362, 402, 411 Wali, Deepika 262 Wali, Jyotika 277, 355, 400 Wali, Vijay 276, 352 Walker, Bradley 297 Walker, Clint 434, 447 Wall, David 35 Wallace, Olukemi 57, 61 Wallace, Patricia 203, 217, 235, 244 Wallace, William 133, 208, 227, 247
Walnut Manor Care Center 463 Walsh, Alexander 364 Wan, Chok 71, 187 Wang, Annabel 418, 426 Wang, Beverly 416, 419 Wang, John 14, 31 Wang, Kenten 420, 428 Wang, Linda 19, 33, 148, 161, 187 Wang, Peter 23, 114, 176 Wang, Ping 416, 424 Wang, Raymond 149, 161, 224, 377, 393 Wang, Roger 269, 339, 385 Wang, Yi 339, 358 Waraich, Saleem 63, 284, 316, 367 Warden, William 229 Warner, Linda 385 Washington, Eleby 154, 167 Wasley, Jesse 19 Wass, Adam 212 Wassef, Andrew 35, 74, 190, 263, 368 Wassef, Ezzat 368 Wassily, Victor 57, 61, 355, 361 Watanabe, Mitchell 212 Watcher, Melissa 278, 309, 358 Wechsler, Eric 22, 111, 123, 173 Wehbi, Elias 422, 430 Weil, David 332 Weiland, Joseph 170 Weinberg, Alan 405, 414 Weinberg, Benjamin 130, 216 Weiner, Keith 85, 113, 152, 164, 175, 238, 246, 288, 314, 365, 376, 393 Weiner, Nathaniel 448 Weinert, Carl 124, 154, 167, 175, 209, 229, 285, 315, 318, 368, 380 Weingarten, Zelman 59, 359
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Weinstein, Philip 57, 61, 71, 72, 187, 188, 355, 361 Weinstein, Steven 81, 108, 121, 130, 171, 214 Weiss, Allan 238, 246 Weiss, John 418, 426 Weiss, Mason 357 Weiss, Sidney 206, 221, 237, 245 Weiss, Steven 72, 188 Weissig, Mark 404, 413 Welch, William 327 Wells, Carla 112, 174, 375, 392 Wells, Mary 113 Wells, Phillip 132, 237, 246 Wen, Kenneth 193, 202, 215 Wendt, James 87, 115 Werlin, Lawrence 172, 309 Werner, Darryl 148, 216, 255, 278, 327 Wertman, Brett 171, 202, 214, 233, 243 Wesley, George 202, 215, 372, 389 West Anaheim Extended Care 463 West, Justin 380, 397 Weyrich, James 376, 392 Whang, Sarah 24, 282, 392, 403, 411 Wheadon, Lisa 278, 327, 358 Whitaker, Samuel 25, 152, 164, 331 White, Alan 131, 203, 217 White, Jacqueline 283, 315, 366 White, Jon 177, 380 Whiting, Mikel 405, 414 Whitworth, John 436 Wiant, Thomas 314 Wielenga, Robert 43 Wijesekera, Stanley 62 Wijeyakumar, Vijayalakshmi 22, 83, 111, 173, 312 Wikle, John Stephen 107, 129
Wilches, Alberto 43, 67, 181 Wilder, Sabrina 200, 212 Wilkinson, Eric 223 Wilkinson, Robert 58, 358 Willens, Peter 197 Williams, Eugen 79, 318, 368 Williams, Jared 105, 119, 128 Williams, Kelly 233 Williams, Russell 421, 429 Williams, Venita 378, 395 Willner, Ayal 85, 113, 152, 195, 223 Wilson, Elisa 191 Wilson, Eric 450, 452 Wilson, Lyman 283, 315, 331, 366, 395 Wilson, Roger 379 Wilson, Samuel 421, 429 Wilson, Stephen 404, 413 Wilson, Tiffany 105, 119, 128, 455, 460 Windsor Gardens Care Center Of Fullerton 463 Windsor Gardens Conv Ctr Of Anaheim 463 Wineland, Richard 27, 155 Wing, Deborah 418, 425 Winkle, Christopher 281 Winkle, Peter 149, 161, 274, 279, 280, 302, 309, 311, 325, 329, 349, 359, 361 Winn, Henry 349 Winslow, Angela 419, 427 Winslow, Gary 454 Winston, Jeffrey 364, 403, 411 Winters, Rex 192, 214 Wirta, David 84, 112 Witlin, Steven 355, 361 Witte, Wendell 105, 119 Witter, Bret 19 Wittner, Richard 85, 113, 133, 152, 164, 192, 214, 314, 331 Wohlgemuth, Mark 132, 223, 238, 246 Wohn, Kumzoo 433, 437, 455 Wolf, Gregory 304, 351, 387
Wong, Anthony 201 Wong, Brian 419, 427 Wong, Christopher 460 Wong, Donna 43 Wong, Edmond 191, 193 Wong, Gordon 352 Wong, Gregory 377, 378, 393, 394 Wong, Hanson 57, 61, 71, 72, 147, 150, 187, 188, 306, 311, 355, 361 Wong, Ing 22 Wong, Jason 133, 209, 227 Wong, Jennifer 19, 81, 82, 97, 108, 110, 122, 124, 160, 255, 387 Wong, Johnny 435, 443, 453 Wong, Kelly 105, 119, 128 Wong, Kuan Pok 50, 69, 184 Wong, Lina 402, 411 Wong, Nga 356 Wong, Petra 31, 50, 69, 184, 325 Wong, Randall 206, 222, 237, 245 Wong, Stephen 356 Wong, Vincent 53, 145, 276, 304, 325, 351 Wong, William 159 Wong, Winston 18, 21, 58, 61, 71, 72, 148, 150, 187, 188 Woodhouse, Robert 26, 86, 153, 197 Wool, Glen 356 Worsch, Lisa 173 Wright, Gary 77 Wrobel, Lance 134, 240, 248 Wu Kuo, Tobey 401, 410 Wu, Illie 91, 295 Wu, Jack 184 Wu, Jimmy 96, 306 Wu, Lihong 82, 83, 110, 122, 131 Wu, Wuu Shyon 50, 61, 349, 361 Wurtz, Richard 432
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Wyche, Kerry 180 Wyckoff, Stephanie 151, 164 Xanthos, Maria 404 Xu, Qun 362 Yabumoto, Keith 357 Yacoub, Atef 369 Yafeh, Banafsheh 194, 219 Yagoobian, Behrooz 45, 67, 181 Yamamoto, Maki 421 Yamamoto, Shawn 195, 206, 222 Yamanaka, Jeanine 282, 330, 364 Yan, Dana 105, 120, 128 Yan, Malvin 50, 61, 349, 361 Yanamadala, Sita 61 Yang, Bao 349, 361 Yang, Charles 6, 91 Yang, Darice 284, 332, 367 Yang, Lulu 371 Yang, Mimi 436, 441, 451 Yang, Paul 403, 412 Yang, Philip 21, 78, 98, 111, 123, 173, 194, 203, 204, 218, 312, 362 Yang, Qin 416, 417 Yang, Wendy 436 Yanni, Elizabeth 171, 173, 175 Yao, Diana 216, 217 Yao, Jay 236, 244 Yap, Kong Peng 216, 217, 256, 279, 309, 359 Yar, Sean 456 Yaru, Nicholas 115 Yashar, Sharam 278, 327, 358 Yazdani, Sohrab 460 Yazdanshenas, Maryam 200, 212 Yazdi, Janet 233 Ye, Chong 433, 437, 441 Yeam, Inchel 133, 207, 217 Yee, Billy 19, 148, 161 Yeh, Michael 357 Yeh, Timothy Guan 148, 160, 278, 400, 409
Yeske, Reginald 67, 180 Yi, Joseph 75, 269, 295, 321, 339 Yian, Christopher 113, 132, 174, 206, 223, 238, 246, 314 Yim, Eugene 172 Yip, Dick 20, 279, 309, 328, 359 Yip, Jason 20, 216, 279, 309, 328, 359 Yomtoob, David 376, 392 Yonesato, Audrey 220 Yong, Eva 8, 295 Yong, Richard 432, 450 Yoon, Eugene 401, 410 Yoon, James 408 Yoon, Paul 67, 79, 180 Yoon, Steve 79 York, Anita 375, 392 Yoshida, Jeffrey 87, 116, 134, 177, 333 Yoshida, Merin 166 Yoshii, Denis 233, 238, 242, 246 Yoshikawa, James 269 Yoshino, Paul 58, 357 Yoshpe, Nina 25, 85, 113, 152, 164, 195 You, Timothy 132, 206, 376 Youderian, Ari 209, 229 Younan, David 433, 436, 438, 449, 454, 456, 457 Younes, Bassam 152, 377, 393 Young, Carolyn 207, 225, 239, 247 Young, Maryann 443 Young, Ronald 107, 121, 130 Younger, Jared 24, 34, 84, 195, 206, 221 Younis, Samy 107, 121, 129, 302, 386 Youssef, George 8, 295 Yu, Austin Haw 263 Yu, Betty 80 Yu, Chunzhu 460 Yu, Eddy 212, 216
Yu, Francis 18, 286, 307 Yu, Hon 14 Yu, Jung San 14, 302 Yu, Kyung 446 Yu, Marilyn 212 Yu, Peter 380, 397 Yu, Victor 172, 310 Yu, Wengui 418, 426 Yu, Won 78, 373 Yu, Yue 234, 243 Yuan, Philip 198, 229 Yue, Alden 451 Yue, Chifoo David 32, 187 Yuengsrigul, Anchalee 153, 223, 378, 394 Yung, Harvey 6, 43, 399 Yu-Syken, Kathy 25, 85, 113, 132, 196 Zabihi, Ramin 20, 234, 244, 310 Zachary, Christopher 416, 424 Zadeh, Touran 149, 203, 216, 310 Zahedy Kapusta, Sepideh 356, 363 Zaki, Mary 418, 425 Zamani, Navid 445 Zamarra, John 401 Zamorano, Antonio 340 Zamorano, David 421, 429 Zamost, Barry 193, 216, 217 Zand, Alex 386 Zander, David 217 Zapata, Martin 50, 61 Zaragoza, Michael 417, 424 Zarandy, Sohila 235, 244, 247 Zareh, Mohammad 434, 440 Zareh, Negar 458 Zaremba, Mark 234, 243 Zaret, Phillip 43, 399 Zarimani, Arash 359 Zarka, Amer 19 Zarrini, Behnoush 356 Zarrinnam, Shahrzad 453 Zavarei, Keyvan 278, 307, 356 Zdral, John 403, 411
ALPHABETICAL INDEX, continued/ ÍNDICE ALFABÉTICO, continuación Zeineh, Linda 380, 397 Zell, Jason 417, 425 Zeller, Matthew 213 Zelner, Richard 20, 82 Zeng, Yanbing 297 Zepeda, Arthur 400, 409 Zetrenne, Eleonore 115 Zevallos, Manuel 360, 361 Zhong, Weiqiang 433, 441 Zia, Cindy 43 Ziad, Deeb 197 Zirakzadeh, Sarah 450 Zisser, Millard 358 Zober, Laurel 58 Zoller, Karen 218 Zuckerman, Kenneth 113 Zuniga, Jocelyn 62 Zupanc, Mary 163, 219, 375, 391 Zusman, Douglas 87
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contact us Enrollment If you are interested in enrolling, please call us at: (800) 488-8000 TTY 711 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14. After February 14, your call will be handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays. Member Services (800) 776-4466 TTY 711 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14. After February 14, your call will be handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays. Blue Shield of California is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Blue Shield of California depends on contract renewal. The provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our Member Service number at (800) 776-4466 [TTY 711, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week, from October 1 through February 14. However, after February 14, your call will be handled by our automated phone system on weekends and holidays. Esta información está disponible gratis en otros idiomas. Comuníquese con nuestro Servicio para Miembros al (800) 776-4466 [TTY 711] de 7 a.m. a 8 p.m., los siete días de la semana, desde el 1 de octubre hasta el 14 de febrero. Sin embargo, después del 14 de febrero, nuestro sistema telefónico automático atenderá su llamada durante los fines de semana y los días feriados.
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