Oral Auction - Saint Albert Schools Benefit Auction

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Let’s Boogie!

Saturday, April 19, 2008 27th Annual Auction to Benefit Saint Albert Catholic Schools General Chairperson

Evening Emcees

Theresa Martin

Dan McGinn & Matt Madsen

Seventies Music Trivia What is the full name of KC of K.C. & the Sunshine Band?


Schedule of Events



4:00 pm at Queen of Apostles Church

Join us in celebration as we gather to thank God for all the inspiration and guidance provided throughout the auction preparations.

All are welcome!

5:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D  oors open at the Mid-America Center Silent Auction Begins

6:30 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invocation Dinner (Bar is closed for invocation & dinner)

7:15 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A  nnouncement & Introductions $1 Raffle Drawing Quick Cash Card Game Freddie Falcon Award

7:30 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O  ral Auction Begins (Bar will re-open with first bid)

8:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silent Auction Closes

9:00 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Super Silent Auction Closes

roasted choice beef tenderloin encrusted in peppercorns & topped with sliced wild mushrooms Demi-glaze served with garlic roasted duchess potatoes fresh vegetables, & homemade rolls. Raspberry Cheesecake & Black Forest Cake

10:30 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Escalade Drawing

Seventies Music Trivia Where did the name Lynard Skynard come from?



Seventies Music Trivia What was the name of the singer with the ‘70s funk band Wild Cherry?


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From the President of Groove!


To all the members of our extended Saint Albert family:

Welcome to the 27th Annual Saint Albert Benefit Auction! Office of the Bishop

As president of Saint Albert Schools, I consider the auction to be one of the highlights of the school year. Not only does the event keep the cost of a Saint Albert education affordable, the gathering of so many people also demonstrates a spirit of cooperation among our school family.

April 2008

This year’s auction has some exciting new changes – primarily our new venue at the Mid-America Center ­—but also some time-honored traditions which highlight the best Saint Albert has to offer.

My Dear Friends, Although my responsibilities in my parish prevent me from joining you for “Saturday Night Fever” this evening, I am certainly with you in spirit. Your annual auction has been for many years not only a tremendous fundraiser but also a wonderful gathering of the entire St. Albert community. Throughout your school history there has been much to celebrate. This year is no exception as you rejoice in the success of your capital campaign & anticipate the construction which will allow the entire student body to come together on one campus. Congratulations to all of you as you celebrate what has been & the promise the future holds. Enjoy your evening! May God continue to bless all you do to assure current students & future generations the opportunity for Catholic education of the highest quality. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Rev. Msgr. Stephen L. Orr Diocesan Administrator


One of those traditions we’re bringing back to the auction this year is the raffle drawing for the 2008 Cadillac Escalade. Having the drawing at the auction is a perfect way to publicly recognize the hundreds of volunteers who make our two largest annual fundraisers possible. Tonight we especially honor Theresa Martin, who chaired our auction event this year. We also honor Jon & Laura Heisterkamp & T.J. & Laura Pattermann for coordinating the ticket sales efforts for our Escalade Raffle. Their leadership & dedication to Saint Albert sets a positive example for our whole community. On behalf of the 800 students & staff at Saint Albert, I would like to express a special thank you for your presence here tonight. Through your generosity, you are making a direct impact on the quality of education we can provide to our young people.

May God continue to bless you & your family,

President Saint Albert Catholic Schools


From the Head Dancing Queen!

Dear Friends: All right disco fans…whether you’re a closet Bee Gee or a John Travolta “wanna-be”, reach way back into your closets & dust off those platform shoes & those funky, far out threads. We’re planning an evening to remember. Welcome to the 27th Annual St. Albert Auction, “Saturday

General Auction Rules AGAIN THIS YEAR; Your seat number is NOT your bid number. Bid numbers will be assigned at check-in on the night of the auction. One bid number per household is requested unless individuals plan to pay separately. Your BID NUMBER IS USED FOR SILENT, SUPER SILENT & ORAL AUCTIONS. You are responsible for all the bids made by your number as verified by a Benefit Auction Table Official during the Silent Auction/Super Silent or the auctioneer during the Oral Auction. Please do not let other bidders use your number. This will avoid confusion & possible embarrassment to the person assigned the number. Payment for successfully bid items may be made at the Finance tables (located in the hallway across from the auction room) or as previously arranged with Auction pay. You may use cash, check, Mastercard or Visa.

Night Fever”! Can you dig it?

SOLD IS SOLD! All bid sales are final. No exchange or refunds on items except as specified. All items must be paid for on the night of the Auction. No billings will be done. All checks are to made payable to “St. Albert Benefit Auction.”

This evening would not be possible without the dedication of so many people. They have

Items must be removed the evening of the Benefit Auction unless special arrangements are made for larger items. Larger items may be picked up on Sunday, April 20, 2008 between 10:00 am & 12:00 noon.

amazed me & shown me yet another reason to be proud of being part of this wonderful family. Thank you all for the giving of your time, talents, & guidance. You are truly a gift to our community. And now…all you groovy, cool cats— I want you to “feel the funk” & sit back & enjoy the evening!

Theresa Martin 2008 Auction Chair

St. Albert makes no express or implied warranties or representations of any kind or nature with respect to the property or services. By your purchase, the buyer waives any claims for liability against either St. Albert or the donor of the property or services. Neither St. Albert nor the donor is responsible for personal injury or damage to property that may result from the property or services sold. It may be helpful to bidders in both the Silent & Oral Auctions to form “bidding groups” if the group is interested in bidding on “multi-use” or “group” type of items such as a dinner or fun item.

Silent Auction

All items in the Silent Auction have write-in bid sheets on the tables near the item. Persons desiring to bid are asked to write their bid number, table number & amount of bid on each bid sheet. Each item is assigned a specific minimum bid that is at the top of the bid sheet. Each new bid must exceed the previous bid by at least the minimum increase stated on the bid sheet to constitute a valid bid. The table host/hostess will circle your bid number, initial the bid sheet, collect the bid sheets, & record the final bid. After you have paid for the item, you can leave it in the Silent Auction Room or take it to your car. After the item has been released to you, it becomes your responsibility. Security will be provided for all items left in the Silent Auction Room during dinner & the Oral Auction.

Seventies Music Trivia Who is Theresa’s favorite seventies band?

Oral Auction

The Oral Auction will begin after dinner & continue without interruption until items are sold. Each auction item is numbered. The auctioneer will call out the numbered item & give a brief description. Please examine the Oral Auction items, which will be on display. A large screen will help highlight the item during the Oral Auction. The bidder can raise a bid by raising his bid card which will be seen by the auctioneer. After the auctioneer has accepted the highest bid, a runner will come to the successful bidder to write down his/her bid number & verify that he/she has made a successful bid. The Oral Auction items must be paid for at the Finance table or as previously arranged with Auction pay. You may pay anytime during the evening. The Oral Auction items will be released to the successful bidder upon receipt of the auctioneer’s sheet stamped “PAID” by the cashier. No item auctioned will be refunded, transferred, exchanged, or redeemed for cash.



Special Thanks Auctioneers

Saint Albert Schools offer special thanks to this evening’s auctioneers, whose special talents are such an important part of a successful event. The following auctioneers have volunteered their services: Byron Menke • Brian Fischer • Ed Spencer • Rick Grote • Luke Spencer • Gary Juranek

Corporate Sponsors

Please join us in thanking our corporate sponsors. Their sponsorship provides an added level of support that helps ensure a successful evening.

ABC Electric

Smith, Peterson Law Firm, LLP

Kelly’s Carpet - Council Bluffs

Michael Romano, MD

Alegent Health - Mercy Hospital

KP Group, LLC

Cutler O’Neill Meyer Woodring Funeral Home

Kiewit Building Group, Inc

Heartland Properties


Catholic Mutual Group

HRH Labor Services, LLC

Creighton University

Candy Narmi @ NP Dodge Real Estate, Your Local Realtor

Quilters Many thanks to our quilters & donors: Conlon Twins- Susie Conlon and Marian Brown Pat Hutcheson Rosemary Mahoney Ron and Karen Nelson Holy Family Quilters Marilyn Alfers Jane Grant Joan Gubbels Pam Ratigan Rita Vallinch St. Patrick’s Quilters Rosie Fennell Margie Graeve Jo Meade

Auction Book

St. Patrick’s Quilters continued

Pam Ratigan Mary Roush Mary Schnitker Nancy Sievers Rose Spoto St. Peter’s Quilters Joan Becker Amelia Buhman Betty Herzell Alvera Hill Barbara Marshall Mary Ronk Lil Schechinger Mary Stokes

Special thanks to Carolynn Storm for all of her hard work and creativity that went into designing and preparing the auction book and invitations, and to Marge Goodwin for all of her help with typing and inputting information. and once again the printing of the auction book this year would not have been possible without the generous donations of Dan Burkey and Creighton University’s Varsity Press.


Auction Volunteers General Chairperson Theresa Martin

Publicity/Advertising Jenny VanSoelen

Isabel Bloom Donna Liston Young

Honorary Chair Fr. Mike Berner

Silent Auction April Gradoville-Chairperson Margie Johnson-Assistant Theresa Martin-Assistant Michelle Biller Sheryl Genereux Lisa Peters Lisa Dunning Natalie, Amanda & Andrew Burkey Jacque & Dillard Avey family Isany Cruz Tami & Don Fischer Mike & Linda Golwitzer & family Linda Jerkovich Leria Bray Suzanne & Marty Shudak Michelle Kavars Norma Finn LuAnne Bissell SA Boy Scout Troop 520 Jessica Campbell Jake Gradoville Junior class parents & students Jan Ryan SA Ambassadors

Class Gift Autographs April Gradoville Sheryl Genereux Lisa Peters Lisa Dunning

Administration Brian Osborne, President Jonna Andersen, Jr./Sr. High Principal Anne Jensen Elementary Principal Dyanne Wendling, Financial Assistant Jim Koch, Director of Operations Joy Nelson, Network Adminstrator Marge Goodwin, Assistant to the President Jenny VanSoelen, Marketing Director Decorations Chair: Lesa Socha Jim Socha Leria Bray Janna Feldman Arlene Ferrer Denise Hoag Christy Lenihan Matt Lenihan Melinda Straka Jennifer Williams Finance Chaircouple: Paul & Deb Cox Jim Koch Joy Nelson Dyanne Wendling Annette Pace Passes Liz Doll Kathleen Tague Sue & Mark Martin Elsie Moran Sheila Sturm Lyn Bowers Steve & Christy Noecker Kim Kouri Kathleen Kilnoski Lori Epperson Sue Wilms Post Prom Brenda Moran Mike & Janet Vermillion

Oral Auction Chaircouples: Matt & Lisa Gronstal Joe & Sally Narmi Steve & Sherry O’Neill Jen Brown Mike & Toni Geier Mike & Sheryl Genereux Ron & Lisa Hopp Greg & Margie Johnson Joe & Deb Kennebeck Charlie & Melissa Narmi Jon & Candy Narmi Matt & Michelle O’Neill Eric & Tamie Osterloh T.J. & Laura Pattermann Tom & Mary Kay Quigley Kris & Amy Rallis Brendan & Corrie Ryan Dale & Christie Scott Jim & Shari Springman Doug & Jill Struyk Steven’s Jewelers Steve & Beth Prichard

Small Acquisitions Chaircouple: Mike & LuAnne Bissell Paul & JoDee Burke Kirk & Rachele Campbell Judd & Janet Cochran Norman & Arlene Ferrer Charles & Melissa Gorman Dan & Lynn Herrington Mike & Chris Hoebelheinrich Jim & Doreen Knuth John & Deb Masker Tim & Theresa McBride Michael & Diane Mckee Bob & Michelle Mescher Kevin & Cathy Neilsen Past Chair Person Donors Andy & Michelle Biller Dan & Natalie Burkey Mary Clouse Tom Crowley Dennis & Jean Coughlin John Erixon Dan & Jane Gradoville Jan Hughes Jerry & Karen Jares Joe & Deb Kennebeck Tom & Jacque Liston MaryLou & Joe McGinn Craig & Brenda Moran Jim & Sonja Mortensen Jon & Candy Narmi Steve O’Neill Tom & MaryKay Quigley Tom & Annette Respeliers Chuck & Jonette Smith Wendell & Lyn Stuntz Larry & ME Ward Ted & Shelly Wickersham Attorney Donors Rick Crowl Noran Davis Nicole Engelhardt Michael Gallner Aimee Lowe John McHale


Auction Volunteers Joe McGinn Ed Noethe Jack Ruesch Roger Sawatzke Randy Shanks Shannon Simpson Charles Smith Tony Tauke Walter Thomas Doctor Donors Dr. Robert Armbruster Dr. Thomas Baer Dr. Kevin Crowley Dr. Norman Ferrer Dr. Alan Fisher Dr. Steve Goebel Dr. Jodi Hedrick Dr. Shawn Jones Dr. John Kilbride Dr. Anthony Romano Dentist Donors Dr. Paul Albertson Dr. Andrea Cardenzana Dr. Dennis Gray Dr. Brad Higginbotham Dr. Robert Hurley Dr. J. Terry Johnson Dr. David Jones Dr. James Knott Dr. Richard Ronk Dr. Thomas Schierbrock Dr. Peter Ziegler Auction Parties Chair - Mary Clouse Hosts: Pre K & 5th grade   –Bob & Jodi Hedrick Kindergarten   –Dr. & Mrs. Mark Otto   –Matt & Lisa Gronstal 1st Grade   –Vince & Valentina Arculeo   –Jim & Terri Blaha 2nd , 10th & 12th Grades   –Tom & Jacque Liston


3rd Grade   –Jim & Tracie Bowman   –Vince & Nancy Rew 4th Grade   –Drs. Isam & Diana Marar 6th Grade   –Jim & Traci Bowman   – Kevin & Bonnie Culjat 7th Grade   –Peter & Norma Finn 8th Grade   –Todd & Sarah Archer   –Matt & Kim Kouri   –Leo & Sue Martin 9th Grade   –Eric & Glee Ledger 11th Grade   –Craig & Brenda Moran Cash Donors Kathy Buchanan Harold Russell Marshall & Barb Heck Randy & Diane Shanno Ted & Shelly Wickersham Bankers Council Bluffs Savings Bank Frontier Bank Liberty Bank Midstates Bank US Bank Special Thanks To: Mike Sales from A+ Printing for donating the auction passes

Past Benefit Auction Chairpersons 1982

Jerry & Jan Hughes Bill Gress & Sara Foxley


Brian & Stephani Moon


Ted & Shelly Wickersham


Bill Gress & Sara Foxley


Roger & Marina Sawatzke Tom Crowley

1984 Joe & Mary Lou McGinn

Seventies Music Trivia What soap opera does the former bassist for Player appear on? What is the real name of Freddie Mercury? What is Paul McCartney’s first name?


Tom & Mary Kay Quigley


Dan & Jane Gradoville


Jon & Candy Narmi


Larry & M.E. Ward


Steve O’Neill & Ann Ekholm



Chuck & Jonette Smith


Jim & Maxine Marshall

Wendell & Lyn Stuntz Brian & Stephani Moon Jerry & Karen Jares Dennis & Jean Coughlin


Matt Walsh & Minnie Walsh



Wally Wilms & Sue Wilms


Jim & Sonja Mortensen


Wendell & Lyn Stuntz

Greg & Kathy Gentile Steven & Kellie Parker Dana & Sue Kruse Tom & Jacque Liston


Brad & Patti Higginbotham


Dan & Natalie Burkey


Tom & Annette Respeliers


Andy & Michelle Biller Craig & Brenda Moran


Joe & Debbie Kennebeck


Brent & Valerie Siegrist Mary Clouse John Erixon


Mary Clouse John Erixon Theresa Martin

Seventies Music Trivia

What do Triumph, BTO and the Guess Who have in common?

Freddie Falcon Award Winners 1982

Rev. Edward Hurley


Dr. Art Sciortino


Sondie Green & Candy Narmi


Roger & Margie ja


Charlotte Meade


Jerry & Karen Jares

1985 Mike Hughes & Jerry Hughes


Maurie O’Neill


Wendell & Lyn Stuntz


Harley McCoy


Gordon & Marcy Ord


Tom & Mary Kay Quigley


Rick & Laural Ronk


Dr. Bill Gress


Tom & Annette Respeliers


Chuck & Jonette Smith


Jan Hughes


Steve O’Neill & Jon Narmi


John & Barb Burg


Joe & Mary Lou McGinn


Ted & Shelly Wickersham


Jim & Maxine Marshall


Tim & Sherry Hobbins


Bud & Judy Kilnoski


Dale & Mary Ann Poole

Seventies Music Trivia Who sang backup on Carly Simon’s hit “You’re So Vain”?


Class Collection Participants

Corporate Sponsors THANK YOU

Many thanks to all those who hosted, organized, donated to & participated in the class collections and/or parties. Please accept our sincere apologies if we inadvertently omitted a name. Robert & Victoria Armbruster Todd & Sarah Archer Vincent & Tina Arculeo Patricia M. Athay Dillard & Jacque Avey David & Ashley Baker Steve & Kathy Baumert Jim & Jennifer Bendgen Andy & Michelle Biller Michael & LuAnne Bissell Jim & Terri Blaha Jim & Tracie Bowman Brian & Lyn Bowers Rod & Tia Brandenberg Brian & Leria Bray Jen Brown Jim & Marian Brown Lee & Jennifer Brungardt Donna & Lowell Bryant JoDee & Paul Burke Dan & Natalie Burkey Larry & Pam Carlson Priscilla Carraway Jeff & Amy Carter Lizabeth & Paul Cerny Mary Clouse Dennis & Jean Coughlin Sara Cox Joan & Rick Crowl Kevin & Bonnie Culjat Jim & Tonya Devine Mark & Julia Doll Scott & Liz Doll Teresa Dowell Jim & Deb Duggan Tony & Lisa Dunning John & Maureen Eickholt John Erixon & Diana Stolz Edward & Susan Evezic Tom & Patty Failla Chuck & Christine Fagan Ken & Cathy Faurot John & Jill Faust Michelle & Drew Ferguson Arlene & Norman Ferrer Toni & Richard Fetter Aili Filippi Norma & Peter Finn Andrew & Jill Fischer Don & Tami Fischer Bryan & Stacy Funk Jon & Maureen Garrigan Robert & Angela Gast Michael & Toni Geier Mike & Sheryl Genereux Irene & Dan Gentile Anna Gerjevic Tim & Annette Goeser Mike & Linda Golwitzer Ron & Marge Goodwin Chuck & Melissa Gorman 12 Joe & Cathy Gorman Dan & Jane Gradoville

David & Caroline Gran Matt & Lisa Gronstal Jay & Lisa Gubbels Sean & Brenda Hanafan Steve & Carol Haug Jim & Missy Hawk Darin & Teresa Hecker Bob & Jodi Hedrick Gerald & Marita Heiman Jon & Laura Heisterkamp Dan & Lynn Herrington Mariann Hilderbrand Kate Hobbins Michael & Chris Hoebelheinrich Ron & Lisa Hopp Mark & Susan Hopping Paul & Deb Hospodka Julie Howard Tommy & Alissa Hughes Greg & Margie Johnson Chad & Michelle Kavars Joe & Deb Kennebeck Neal & Marcy Kerkhoff Mary Kinard Erik & Dylies King Dennis & Marylyn Klein Michael & Joni Klusman Michael & Marie Knedler James & Doreen Knuth Matt & Kim Kouri Burton & Beverly Kragskow Dana & Sue Kruse Beth & Bill Kuck Eric & Glee Ledger Gregory & Tracy Lee Tom & Jacque Liston Matt Madsen & Kathleen Kilnoski Sally & John Madsen Pat & Rosemary Mahoney Isam & Diana Marar Leo & Sue Martin Susan P. Martin Theresa Martin Tim & Theresa McBride Matthew & Lynn McCourt John & Tammy McDonald Dan & Alison McGinn Mike & Sheryl McGinn John & Sue McHale Denise Anderson-McManis Bud & Charlotte Meade Steven & Nancy Michael Al & Susy Mooney Julie & Greg Mooney Craig & Brenda Moran Frank & Elsie Moran Kevin & Annette Moran Mary Morrow Tim & Ruth Munger Joe & Sally Narmi Jim & Joy Nelson Bill & Jenny Nettles Kevin & Cathy Nielsen Matt & Michelle O’Neill

Steve & Sherry O’Neill Monica & Mark Osterhaus Eric & Tamie Osterloh Linda & Dan Ostronic Mark & Kim Otto Jean Palmer T.J. & Laura Patterman Brian & Kelly Pearce Jim & Patty Pettit Nancy Pfeffer Pete & Kay Phillips James & Peg Pidgeon Philip & Carmen Ponce Harry Poulos Chris & Sarah Pudenz Kris Puhl Kris & Amy Rallis Vinny & Ellen Rallis Vince & Nancy Rew Daniel & Carolyn Rhedin David & JoEllen Rieck Scott Neal & Stacy Ring Paul & Laura Romano Tim & Ellen Ross Bill & Vicky Roux Michael & Melanie Ryan Aldea & Robert Simon Sheila Ryan & Diane Stoffel Eric & Kristina Sandbothe Steve & Stacy Shultz Randy & Diane Shanno Roger & Jane Showers Jeff & Trudi Shudak Marty & Suzanne Shudak Russ & Kathy Sindelar Pat & Shelley Snook Jim & Shari Springman Doug & Jill Struyk Mark & Claire Sundrup Amanda Swett Todd & Dawn Tarbox Gwen Teeple Jeff & Julie Theulen Dustin & Bridget Trager Thomas & Cynthia Urzendowski Dave & Jenny VanSoelen Gerard & Monika Venteicher Janet & Michael Vermillion Rick Waters Joe & Joan Welch Ken & Dyanne Wendling Tom & Mary Jo Ryan-Weihs William & Sheila Wettengel Kevin & Jill White Ted & Shelly Wickersham Keith & Genette Wirtz

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$ Dollar

Raffle $

Dancing Queen or Disco Duck Take Your Chance, It’s Only a Buck… Tickets $1 each or 12 for $10

for ticket sellers circulating among the - Look guests during the Silent Auction - Prize drawing during dinner

Prizes Include:

Harrah’s Overnight Getaway Package

$100 gift certificate for the 360 Restaurant & an Overnight Stay at Harrah’s Donated by Harrah’s Casino Council Bluffs

Ipod Shuffle

Donated by Jeff Martinez Tier One Bank Mall of the Bluffs

$50 Quaker Steak & Lube Gift Cards –

Donated by Quaker Steak & Lube Council Bluffs location

$50 Valentino’s Gift Cards –

Donated by the Madison Avenue Valentino’s

Russell Stover 5lb Chocolate Assortment Gift Box –

Donated by: Russell Stover Candy Shop- 72nd Street in Omaha, NE

$ Quick

Cash Game $

Purchase a playing card for $20 & take a chance at winning $500!

You have a 1 in 52 chance of winning. The card game will be played during dinner. Make your card purchase when you check in at the Auction, but plan to come early - the cards go quickly! The Quick Cash Card Game is sponsored by the 3rd Grade Parents


Silent Auction


Closes at 8:00 pm


Arbonne Health & Wellness Gym Bag Filled w/8 Arbonne Figure 8 Products. Consultation Included! Compliments of Shelly Wickersham, Independent Arbonne Consultant


Harrods Black Taxi Shoulder Gusset Bag direct from Harrods Dept. Store London. Compliments of Kindergarten Parents


Dillards Women’s Designer Fragrance Basket Compliments of Dillards Mall of the Bluffs


Dillards Men’s Calvin Klein Fragrance Basket Compliments of Dillards Mall of the Bluffs


Estee Lauder White Linen Basket Compliments of 8th Grade Parents


Gallery Hair Salon Basket - Products & Gift Certificate Compliments of The Gallery Hair Salon - Betty Saar


“The Hair Company” Products Basket Compliments of The Hair Company


Omaha Steaks Basket Compliments of Sophomore/Senior Class Parents


Box of 25 La Paloma Corojo Cigars Compliments of T J & Laura Patterman


Cellar 19 Wine Basket Compliments of Cellar 19


Exclusive Wine Basket - Kallstadter Kobnert Spatlese & Bretzenheimer Kronenberg Kabinext Compliments of T J & Laura Pattermann


Summerset Wine & Fifth Ave Crystal Wine Accessories Basket Compliments of 7th Grade Parents


Reisenthel 9 Compartment Picnic Tote w/wine Compliments of Freshmen Class Parents


Margarita Party Tub Compliments of Freshmen Class Parents




Closes at 8:00 pm


Closes at 8:00 pm


Exotic African Liquor Basket - Direct from Africa Compliments of Joni Klusman & Pam Carlson


Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents


Vodka Lemonade Basket Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents



Compliments of John & Maureen Eickholt


Compliments of T J & Laura Pattermann


Compliments of Geckler Fundraising - Scott Corpus


Compliments of Teresa & Darin Hecker


Compliments of Super Saver


Compliments of Dan & Angel Poole

“Oh! The Hat Box of Treasures My Grandma Found in Her Closet” Compliments of Allison & Alexis Narmi


Gourmet Snack Basket Compliments of Brian & Lyn Bowers


Get Ready For Golf Basket Compliments of Alexis & Grandma Narmi

Tastefully Simple Basket


Dead Sea Bath Basket direct from London Compliments of Kindergarten Class Parents

Super Saver Movie Basket $20 S/S Gift Certificate & 20 Free Movie Rental


“Lush” Fresh, Organic Bath Products direct from London Compliments of Kindergarten Class Parents

Soft Sided Cooler Stuffed w/ConAgra Goodies


“Royal Jelly” Bath Products Basket direct from London Compliments of Kindergarten Parents

Geckler Fundraising Gourmet Mixes Basket


Bath Towels in Waste Basket - Great Graduation Gift! Compliments of Kevin & Cathy Nielsen

Micro-brew Beer Basket - La Folie Sour Brown Wood Aged Beer & Trader Joe’s 2006 Vintage Ale


Scrapbooking Basket Compliments of Mary Morrow

Templeton Rye Whiskey Basket - Very Rare!


“Home Thymes” Collection of Kitchen Cleaners Basket

Gourmet Soup & Bread Basket in Caneware Ceramic Bowl Compliments of Mike & Janet Vermillion

Family Fun Basket Compliments of Jon & Candy Narmi


Jim Brown’s Famous Salsa Basket Compliments of Jim Brown


Saint Albert Class of 2008 Custom Printed M&M’s Compliments of Senior Class Parents


Saint Albert Class of 2008 Custom Printed M&M’s Compliments of Senior Class Parents


Breast Cancer Awareness Kitchen Basket

Seventies Music Trivia How much did the guy make who did the duck voice on “Disco Duck”?

Seventies Music Trivia Which State is “Grand Funk Railroad” from?

Compliments of Gwen Teeple & Lyle Kinley, Jr.



Class Gifts

Gift Certificates

Closes at 8:00 pm

Do the Hustle . . . These autographed class gifts are DYN-O-MITE!! Whether your child is just starting school or getting ready to graduate, these autographed class gifts are perfect keepsakes of your child’s days here at Saint Albert. The autographs are a fun way to remember the disco kings & queens who boogeyed down in their class

301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326

Closes at 8:00 pm


Struyk Turf $200.00 Gift Certificate

Pre-Kindergarten Personalized Child’s Chair Kindergarten - Mrs. Gradoville’s Class - Personalized Thumbprint Garden Rock Kindergarten - Mrs. Overstreet’s Class - Personalized Thumbprint Garden Rock Kindergarten - Mrs. Gradoville’s Class - Memories of Mrs. Gradoville’s Kindergarten Class Apron

Compliments of Struyk Turf Maintenance

Compliments of Randy & Lisa Milbrath

Compliments of Preferred Lawn & Landscaping - Darin Hecker

1st Grade - Ms. Ball’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 1st Grade - Ms. Doyle’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 2nd Grade - Mrs. Avalos’ Class - Autographed Clay Pot 2nd Grade - Mrs. Burgan’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 2nd Grade - Mrs. Epperson’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 3rd Grade - Mrs. Stevens’ Class - Autographed Clay Pot 3rd Grade - Mrs. Rallis’ Class - Autographed Clay Pot 4th Grade - Mr. Schaeffer’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 4th Grade - Ms. Cox’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 4th Grade - Mrs. Gorman’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 5th Grade - Mrs. Marshall’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 5th Grade - Mr. Ryan’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 6th Grade - Mrs. Assmann’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 6th Grade - Mrs. Schmitz’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 6th Grade - Mrs. Spencer’s Class - Autographed Clay Pot 7th Grade - Autographed Saint Albert Cross Ceramic Plate with Stand 8th Grade - Autographed Saint Albert Cross Ceramic Plate with Stand Freshman Class - Autographed Saint Albert Cross Ceramic Plate with Stand Sophomore Class - Autographed Saint Albert Cross Ceramic Plate with Stand Junior Class - Autographed Saint Albert Cross Ceramic Plate with Stand Senior Class - Autographed Saint Albert Cross Ceramic Plate with Stand Senior Class - Framed Autographed Cross


Thank you to:



Struyk Turf $200.00 Gift Certificate

Compliments of Struyk Turf Maintenance


Preferred Lawn & Landscaping $100.00 Gift Certificate One Year’s Worth of “Free” Haircuts Russ & Jerry’s Barber Shop

Compliments of Russ & Jerry’s Barber Shop - Jerry Schmitz


“Hilton Hotel” Deluxe Room for 1 Night

Compliments of Hilton Omaha - 1001 Cass


Thunder Bowl Party Package

Compliments of Thunderbowl


Kings Pointe Crossing Resort & Water Park Storm Lake, Iowa. 1 Night Stay & 4 Water Park Passes

Compliments of Buena Vista College


Bent Tree Golf Course 4 Free Rounds of Golf; M - Th. (cart not included)

Compliments of Bent Tree Golf Club


Champions Run Country Club Sunday Brunch for 4

Compliments of Champions Run


15 x 15 Fun Services Moonwalk

Compliments of Fun Services


Star Cinema Movie Passes (12)

Compliments of AGT Enterprises, Inc


Casting Crowns “The Altar & The Door” 2 Main Floor Concert Tickets, @ MAC April 27, 2008

Compliments of George Harman


Omaha Symphony 2 Tickets to Any Series Concerts. Excluding Specials

Compliments of Omaha Symphony


Omaha Community Playhouse “South Pacific” 2 Tickets Opening Weekend May 23- 25.

Compliments of Omaha Community Playhouse


Rose Theater Pass for 4 single tickets

Compliments of The Rose Performing Arts

Lauritzen Gardens - 4 Individual One Day Passes

Savannah Filmore for donating the plate stands.


Romano’s True Value for donating the rocks

Compliments of Lauritzen Gardens

That Pottery Place for the discount on the plates


Sherbondy’s for donating the plants

Compliments of Omaha Children’s Museum

Omaha Children’s Museum Family Pass. Admits up to 6 people 1 visit 19

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates

Closes at 8:00 pm

Omaha Children’s Museum Family Pass. Admits up to 6 people for 1 visit


Compliments of Omaha Children’s Museum

Film Streams - One Year Membership - Omaha’s Own Nonprofit Cinema - Ruth Sokolof Theatre


Compliments of Film Streams

Funny Bone Comedy Club 4 Tickets (Expires 05/01/2008)


Compliments of Funny Bone

Saunders’ ATA Blackbelt Academy $40.00 Gift Certificate


Compliments of Saunders’ Blackbelt Academy

Pizza King $50.00


Compliments of Pizza King

Pizza King $50.00


Compliments of Pizza King

Katie’s Greek Restaurant $50.00 Gift Card


Compliments of Katie’s Greek Restaurant/Harry Poulos

Quaker Steak & Lube $50.00 Gift Card


Compliments of Quaker Steak & Lube

Quaker Steak & Lube $50.00 Gift Card


Compliments of Quaker Steak & Lube

Kobe Steak House $25.00 Gift Certificate


Compliments of Kobe Steak House

M’s Pub $25.00 Gift Certificate


Compliments of M’s Pub Compliments of Jack Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Jack Daddy’s Bar & Grill $25.00 Gift Certificate


Compliments of Jack Daddy’s Bar & Grill

Sgt. Pfeffer’s Café Italian Gift Certificate Dinner for 2 up to $25.00 Value


Compliments of Sgt. Pfeffers Cafe Italian

Valentino’s Gift Cards $50.00 (2/$25.00)


Compliments of Valentino’s

St. Louis BrewMaster’s Tour for 4 & Grant’s Farm VIP Tour


Compliments of Doll Distributing

433 20

UpStream Gift Certificate

Compliments of Upstream Brewing Company



Dave & Busters $25.00 Gift Card

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Godfathers Pizza 4 Gift Certificates 4 Large Pizzas

Compliments of Godfathers Pizza


Spaghetti Works Two Free Dinner & Drink Certificates

Compliments of Spaghetti Works


Runza 5 Free Meals Gift Certificates

Compliments of Runza


Burger King $20.00 Gift Certificates (4/$5.00)

Compliments of Simmonds Restaurant Management


Village Inn 2 Gift Certificates for Double Crust Fruit Pies

Compliments of Village Inn


Fazoli’s 2 $5.00 Coupons Toward Your Next Purchase

Compliments of Fazoli’s


Fareway Grocery Store $100.00 Gift Cards (5/$20.00)

Compliments of Fareway Grocery Store


Straka Brothers Meats $30.00 Gift Certificate

Compliments of Straka Brothers Meats


Mortensen Supermarket $20.00 Gift Certificate

Compliments of Mortensen’s Grocery


Mortensen Supermarket $15.00 Gift Certificate

Seventies Music Trivia Which two albino brothers achieved fame individually n the ‘70s?

Compliments of Mortensen’s Grocery

Jack Daddy’s Bar & Grill $25.00 Gift Certificate


Closes at 8:00 pm

Omaha Steaks $25.00 Gift Card

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


QuikTrip $20.00 Gift Certificate

Compliments of QuickTrip


Romano True Value $50.00 Gift Card (2/$25.00)

Compliments of Patricia Athay


Dennis Uniform $50.00 Gift Certificate (2/$25.00)

Compliments of Dennis Uniform


Dennis Uniform $50.00 Gift Certificate (2/$25.00)

Compliments of Dennis Uniform


Dennis Uniform $50.00 Gift Certificate (2/$25.00)

Compliments of Dennis Uniform


Dennis Uniform $50.00 Gift Certificate (2/$25.00)

Compliments of Dennis Uniform


Dennis Uniform $50.00 Gift Certificate (2/$25.00)

Compliments of Dennis Uniform


Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates

Closes at 8:00 pm

Midwest Sports $25.00 Gift Certificate Mall of the Bluffs Location Only


Compliments of Midwest Sports Mall of the Bluffs

Midwest Sports $25.00 Gift Certificate Mall of the Bluffs Location Only


Compliments of Midwest Sports Mall of the Bluffs

Closes at 8:00 pm


Cruise Certificate-$500 towards your $3500.00 cruise package

Compliments of Treynor State Bank and Four Corners Travel


$140.00 Gift Certificate for haircut and color by stylist Erin McNeal

Compliments of Erin McNeal

Upstairs Dancewear $25.00 Gift Certificate


Compliments of Upstairs Dancewear

Corum’s Flowers & Greenhouse $50.00 Gift Card



Compliments of Corum’s Flowers & Greenhouse

Closes at 8:00 pm

Family Eyecare Center $50.00 Gift Card (2/$25.00)


Compliments of Family Eyecare Center

Richardson Sales & Service $40.00 Gift Cert - Free Service on Vac/Sew Machine-Max 1 Ctf Per Machine


Compliments of Richardson Sales & Service

Richardson Sales & Service $40.00 Gift Cert - Free Service on Vac/Sew Machine-Max 1 Ctf Per Machine


Compliments of Richardson Sales & Service

Richardson Sales & Service $40.00 Gift Cert - Free Service on Vac/Sew Machine-Max 1 Ctf Per Machine


Compliments of Richardson Sales & Service

Richardson Sales & Service $40.00 Gift Cert - Free Service on Vac/Sew Machine-Max 1 Ctf Per Machine



Compliments of 5th Grade Parents


Max I Walker Cleaners & Launderers $40.00 Gift Certificate (4/$10.00)


Curves for Women - Council Bluffs Location - 2 Month Membership - Ladies Only Workout Facility

504 505

Compliments of Ashley Lynn’s

CopyCat $20.00 Gift Certificate

Compliments of CopyCat

Marcus Shoes $20.00 Gift Certificate


Compliments of Marcus Shoes


Compliments of Tretiak’s Decorating Center


Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents

469 22

Bass Pro Shops $25.00 Gift Card

Compliments of 4th Grade Parents

Christmas Countdown Snowman Compliments of Friend of St. Albert


Small Christmas Quilt Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


Santa’s Musical Toy Chest Compliments of John & Barb O’Connor

Cabela’s $25.00 Gift Card


Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Collection CD 5 Pack Compliments of American Gramaphone

Tretiak’s Decorating Center $40.00 Gift Certificate


Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Collection CD 5 Pack Compliments of American Gramaphone

Ashley Lynn’s Tanning $25.00 Gift Certificate


Fitz & Floyd Christmas Salt & Pepper Shakers Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Curves


Ceramic Snowman Nightlight Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Max I Walker


Glass Snowman Candle Holder w/Candles Compliments of Dan & Lynn Herrington

Compliments of Richardson Sales & Service


Peggy Karr 8” Easter Bunny Plate w/Stand


Santa Hat Basket - 30 Santa Hats & Reindeer Food Compliments of Jon & Candy Narmi


Holiday & Special Occasion Paper Products Basket Compliments of Grace & Grant Springman & Tuti


House and Home

House and Home

Closes at 8:00 pm

Closes at 8:00 pm

600 Fold-Away Hardwood Table - The Vermont Country Store - Handmade in the USA

616 Nonni’s Biscotti Ceramic Cookie Jar

Compliments of John & Barb O’Connor

Compliments of Brian & Lyn Bowers

601 Kodak Easy Share 8 Inch Digital Picture Frame 128mb

617 Wine Rack with 3 Bottles of Wine, Glasses & Charms

Compliments of Don & Lisa Schwartz

Compliments of Brian & Lyn Bowers

602 Axion 7” Digital Photo Frame - Single Photo or Slide Show

618 “Red Envelope” Small Picnic Steady Stick Table & Wine/Wine Glass Holders

Compliments of Sam, Allison & Noah Narmi

Compliments of Denise Peters & Marlene Etheridge

603 “The Pampered Chef” 16 Piece Simple Additions Dinnerware Set (4/4 pc place settings) New March ‘08

619 Remember Sign “Remember Yesterday - Cherish Tomorrow - Believe in Yourself”

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of 7th Grade Parents

604 “The Pampered Chef” Forged Cutlery Carving Set

620 Hamilton Beach 6qt Meal Maker Crock Pot

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of Mark & Kim Otto

605 “The Pampered Chef” 9” Bread Knife & Cutting Board

621 Stainless Steel Steamer by Chefmate - 3 Piece Set

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of Jon & Candy Narmi

606 “The Pampered Chef” Deep Covered Baker

622 Chips N Dip Heated Party Platter

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of Angela Cash

607 “The Pampered Chef” 12 Piece Appetizer Plates & Caddy Set

623 Handpainted “Golftini” Lolita Collection Martini Glass

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of Al & Susy Mooney

608 “The Pampered Chef” Festive Desserts Set for Four

624 Mikasa Set of 4 Etched Martini Glasses Success/Happiness/Wisdom/Friendship

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of 7th Grade Parents

609 “The Pampered Chef” Mini Fluted Pan

625 Uttermost Designer Tin Chest

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents

610 “The Pampered Chef” Prep Bowl Set

626 Modern Vibrant Color Etched Bowl

Compliments of Kindergarten Parents

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents

611 “The Pampered Chef” Chillzanne Bowl

627 Set of Royal Blue Blown Glass - 8 Goblets & 6 Bowls

Compliments of Kindergarten Parents

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

612 “The Pampered Chef” Chillzanne Rectangle Server

628 Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread - Sign - 40”x 6”

Compliments of Kindergarten Parents

Compliments of Mike & Sheryl Genereux

613 “The Pampered Chef” Food Chopper

629 Wooden Photo Storage Box Glass Display Top

Compliments of Kindergarten Parents

614 “The Pampered Chef” Classic Batter Bowl Gift Set Compliments of Kindergarten Parents

615 8 Piece Ceramic Pizza Serving Set Compliments of Jo Ganafalo


Seventies Music Trivia What was the name of Gene Simmons’ and Paul Stanley’s Band before KISS?

Compliments of John & Nancy Kilbride

630 3 Gallons Diamond Vogel Perm Acryl Paint - 1 Satin - 2 Eggshell - Return to Store for Tinting Compliments of Diamond Vogel Paint

631 1 Harley Davidson Hitch Cover Compliments of Council Hitch Truck Accessories


House and Home

In the Yard

Closes at 8:00 pm

Closes at 8:00

632 1 - 5/8” Hitch Pin Lock


Compliments of Council Hitch Truck Accessories

Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents

633 Raspberry Scented Candle


Compliments of Geckler Fundraising

Compliments of Sherbondy’s Garden Center

634 Bathroom Faucet & INSTALLATION! Compliments of Dan & Linda Ostronic

635 Task Force 155 Piece Tool Set Compliments of Jim & Julie Svajgl

636 109 Skil Piece Drill & Drive Set Compliments of Jon & Candy Narmi

637 Elvis Presley Touch Lamp Compliments of Oard Ross Pharmacy

638 Small Pet Quilt With Cat Toy Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky

639 Small Pet Quilt With Pet Toy


Garden Cart With Garden Items & Sherbondy’s Gift Card Ornate Concrete Bird Bath Ornate Concrete Bird Bath

Compliments of Sherbondy’s Garden Center


Stihl FS45 Trimmer

Compliments of Nelson Outdoor Power, Inc.


2 Hanging Flower Baskets

Compliments of Diller’s Greenhouse


2 Hanging Flower Baskets

Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents


Earl May Garden Trio - Shoes, Gloves & Apron

Compliments of Earl May Nursery & Greenhouse


Handmade 3 Piece Garden Hose Stepping Stones

Compliments of Natalie Burkey

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


640 Small Pet Quilt With Dog Toy

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


641 Matching Patchwork Lap Quilt & Small Quilt

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser

Bird Feeder Rain Gauge

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


642 Set of 2 Small Quilts

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky

643 Hand Made Oak Shelf


Rain Gauge 3 Piece BBQ Tool Set With Aluminum Storage Case

Compliments of Westlake Hardware

Compliments of Brent Schaeffer - Saint Albert 4th Grade Teacher

644 Hand Made Wood Shelf - Painted Glossy Blue Compliments of Brent Schaeffer - Saint Albert 4th Grade Teacher

645 Handcrafted Birch Blanket Chest in Natural Finish Compliments of Brent Schaeffer - Saint Albert 4th Grade Teacher



Team Spirit

Team Spirit

Closes at 8:00 pm


Chicago Cubs Stepping Stone/Wall Hanging

Compliments of Al & Susy Mooney 801

Chicago Cubs Game Basket Trio - Dominoes/Puzzle/UNO

Closes at 8:00 pm


“Go Falcons” Bleacher Blankie

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky 818 Creighton University Crewneck Sweatshirt - Size Large

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents 802 St. Louis Cardinals Popcorn Bucket

Compliments of Creighton University 819 Nebraska T-Shirt & Hat

Compliments of Senior Class Parents 803 “Home Plate” Door Mat

Compliments of Russell & Kathleen Sindelar 820 Notre Dame Sport Shorts - Men’s Small

Compliments of Al & Susy Mooney 804 New York Yankees Dominoes

Compliments of Brendan & Corrie Ryan 821 Iowa State Cyclone Basket

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents 805 Green Bay Packers Trio - Magnetic Darts, Talking Bottle Opener, Yo-Yo

Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents 822 Iowa Hawkeyes Stadium Seat With Blanket

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents 806 Chicago Bears Checkers

Compliments of Freshmen Class Parents 823 U of I Ceramic Plate With Stand

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents 807 Green & Gold Tied Fleece Falcon (Embroidered St. Albert Saintes) Blanket

Compliments of Senior Class Parents 824 Texas Fan Bucket

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling 808 Falcon Football Tub With Mini Football Signed by State Winning Quarterback Jake Waters

Compliments of Senior Class Parents


Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents 809 Saintes “Rock” Basket Compliments of St. Albert Booster Club 810 Falcons “Roll” Basket Compliments of St. Albert Booster Club 811 Saint Albert Support Package - SA Bleacher Seat, Umbrella, Car Flag, Visor Compliments of Sam & Noah Narmi 812 “Mini” Saint Albert Fan Basket - Handmade Sweater & Bonnet Set, Saintes & Falcon Boyd’s Bear Compliments of Sam, Allison, Noah & Alexis Narmi 813 Saint Albert Falcons Golf Towel - Embroidered

Seventies Music Trivia What was the name of Debbie Harry’s first band?

How did AC/DC get their name?

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents 814 Saint Albert Falcons Golf Towel - Embroidered Compliments of 6th Grade Parents 815 “Go Falcons 2008” Handmade Covered Brick Doorstop

Who was the lead singer of Pink Floyd?

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky 816 “Go Falcons” Bleacher Blankie Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky



Toys and Games

Toys and Games

Closes at 8:00 pm


Kids Campout Package

Closes at 8:00 pm


Switch Kick Color Flipping Ball (4 Yrs & Up)

Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Eastern “Lowdown” Bike

What’s in Ned’s Head (4 Yrs & Up) - “Winner of Family Fun 2003 Toy of the Year”

Compliments of True Wheel Bicycle Company

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Stuffed Riding Horse That Sings

Kids Battle the Grown-Ups (8 Yrs & Up)

Compliments of John & Barb O’Connor

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Gone Fishing in Pink - Beginning Fishing Set-Up

Last Word The Game (8 Yrs & Up) - “Multiple Award Winner”

Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Gone Fishing - Beginning Fishing Setup

Cranium (Adults & Teens) “4 Time Toy of the Year Winner”

Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Silver & Blue Razor Brand Scooter & Skater-Style Safety Helmet

Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents


“Outdoors Fun” - Wool Socks & $25.00 Cabela’s Gift Card

Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents


Guitar Hero III for WII

Compliments of 7th Grade Parents


Lamaze 2 in 1 Traveling Guppy Toy (0 to 24 Months)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Leap Frog Alphabet Pal Catepillar (12 Months & Up)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Mellissa & Doug Band in a Box 10 Instruments (3 Yrs & Up)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Mellissa & Doug Pasture Pals 12 Collectible Horse Breeds (3 Yrs & Up)

Yahtzee “Elvis” Shake Rattle & Roll Edition (8 Yrs & Up)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Guesstures (Adult)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Golden Retriever 1000 Piece Puzzle

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Collection of a Previously Owned Comic Book Hero Video’s & DVD’s

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert


Backgammon Set

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert


Hand Free SportBinox Sport Binoculars

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser


Wilson Prostaff X2 - 1 Dozen Golf Balls

Compliments of Hauff Sporting Goods

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Compliments of Hauff Sporting Goods

Madame Alexander “My First Baby” (0 Yr & Up)

Champion Green Large Scout Pullover

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Compliments of Frient of St. Albert

Miss Corolle Doll (3 Yrs & Up)

Acuity - 3 Pack Longneck Golf Headcovers

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Compliments of Kathy McDonald-Hingeley

Big Catch Fishing Set (3 Yrs & Up)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents


Playschool Mr. Potato Head Spiderman (2 Yrs & Up)

Compliments of 6th Grade Parents



Family First Book - Autographed by Author - Delores Jordan, Mother of Michael Jordan Reversible Crib Size Quilt - Halloween/Bright

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


Small Play Quilt

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


Toys and Games

Isabel Bloom

Closes at 8:00 pm


2 Child Sized Play Quilts

Compliments of Albert & Jean Palensky


Star Wars Plug & Play TV Game

Compliments of Walgreens


The Grill & Cooler Combo 2 in 1 Combination

Compliments of 7th Grade Parents


Compliments of Freshmen Class Parents

2 in 1 Blackjack Folding Poker Table Top - Camouflage

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert


Camper’s Duo - Multipurpose Tools & Emergency Candle

Compliments of Jon & Candy Narmi


More than 50 years ago, Midwestern artist Isabel Bloom began sharing her passion for hand-crafted sculpture designed to resemble the weathered bronze look of the Victorian era. Her protégé, Donna (Liston) Young, Saint Albert Class of ‘77, continues to honor Isabel’s legacy by creating many exciting new designs each year. Thousands of lives have been touched by sculptures from Isabel Bloom. Many of her most popular designs are now being offered through select, independent gift & garden stores nationwide.

1000 Gathering Blooms

Brookstone Digital Photo Keychain


Closes at 8:00 pm

This new large sculpture depicts a young lady who has just stepped out of her garden with her harvest of delightful blooms. A great accent in your home, patio or garden. Inspirational message included with sculpture: “Oh, the splendor of nature in bloom.” Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC

1001 Peace Angel Inspirational message: “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles & it must be taken one step at a time.”

Hard Back Book Duo

Compliments of Sam, Allison, Noah & Alexis Narmi

Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC

1002 Franky the Turtle Inspirational message: “Home is where…I am”. Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC

1003 Reach for the Stars

Seventies Music Trivia Who wrote almost all of the songs for the “Saturday Night Fever” soundtrack?

Which member of KISS was a songwriter for TV’s “Happy Days” and “Joanie Loves Chachi”?

Who were the four members of Led Zeppelin?


The name says it all! She’s all about inspiring us to reach our full potential….to reach for that star! Inspirational message: “If you spread your dreams before you, like a stairway to the sky - no star you ever reach for will ever be too high.” Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC

1004 Tiny Treasures This sweet sculpture of a young boy & girl holding tightly to their new found treasures. Inspirational message: “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back & realize they were the big things.” Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC

1005 Courage to Grow Courage to Grow is the third in the Angels of Courage series, inspired by the courage that victims of domestic violence must have to start anew. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Children & Families of Iowa Family Violence Center. Inspirational message: “Teach & guide me, give me a smile. Show me how, just for awhile. Take the time to plant a seed. With your love, I will succeed.” —Barb Kelley Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC

1006 Grace Isabel Bloom customers have been asking for a ‘dancing girl’…and here she is! Little girls, moms & grandmas all need to take her home! Inspirational message: “To live is to dance, to dance is to live.” Compliments of Isabel Bloom, LLC



Isabel Bloom

Steven’s Jewelry

Closes at 8:00 pm

1007 Vision of Hope Breast Cancer Awareness – Vision of Hope is the 12th annual sculpture created to increase awareness, promote early detection of breast cancer & raise funds for the Susan G. Komen Quad Cities Race-for-the-Cure. Inspirational message: “She who has hope has everything.” Compliments of Senior Class Parents

1008 Faith Breast Cancer Awareness - Faith is the 8th in a series of designs to support breast cancer research & prevention. Inspirational message: “Without faith nothing is possible, with it nothing is impossible.” Compliments of Senior Class Parents

1009 Shortstop A favorite of ballplayers & puppy lovers. Inspirational message: “I’ll run & play & catch a ball with loyalty & love for all.” Compliments of Senior Class Parents

Closes at 8:00 pm

Owned & operated by Saint Albert graduates Steve (`79) & Beth (Barnes `80) Prichard, Steven’s Jewelers is the largest independent jewelry store in Council Bluffs. From watches & diamond rings to pearls & precious gem stones, Steven’s Jewelers has something for everyone.

1100 Sterling Silver/Diamond Pendant

1101 Sterling Silver/Diamond Earrings

1121 1 4 kt. Yellow Gold Past/Present/Future Pendant

1102 Sterling Silver/Diamond Pendant

1122 14 kt. White Gold Diamond Pendant

1103 Sterling Silver/Diamond Earrings

1104 Sterling Silver/Diamond Pendant

1123 14 kt. Two-Tone Diamond Cross Pendant

1105 Sterling Silver/Diamond Earrings

1106 14 kt. White Gold Journey Ring 1/3 ct.tw

1124 14 kt. White Gold Diamond Ruby Pendant

1125 14 kt. White Gold Diamond Pendant

1107 14 kt. White Gold Anniversary Ring

1126 14 kt. White Gold Blue Topaz Pendant

1108 14 kt. White Gold Diamond Fashion Ring

1127 14 kt. White Gold Pink Sapphire & Diamond

1128 14 kt. Yellow Gold Pearl Stud Earrings

1109 14 kt. White Gold Diamond and Pink Tourmaline Ring

1129 14 kt. Yellow Gold Ruby Stud Earrings

1130 18 kt. Two-Tone Tanzanite & Diamond Earrings

1010 Boy with A Flag A little boy proudly holding the American flag. A little silk bouquet of flowers also works well in the little boy’s hands, making this a great gift for mom! Inspirational message: “Let freedom ring!” For one full year, Isabel Bloom, L.L.C. will donate $3.00 per sculpture to the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), a national organization that provides a support network for the surviving families of those who have died in service to America. Compliments of Senior Class Parents

1011 Always & Forever These love birds make a great anniversary or wedding gift. Inspirational message: “Love is a moment that lasts always & forever” Compliments of Senior Class Parents


1110 14 kt. White Gold Journey Pendant

1111 14 kt. Yellow Gold Ruby Pendant

1112 14 kt. Yellow Gold Threader Style Earrings

1131 14 kt. Yellow Gold Sapphire and Diamond Earrings

1132 14 kt. White Gold Blue Topaz Earrings

1113 14 kt. White Gold Pearl Diamond Ring

1133 14 kt. Yellow Gold Amethyst Earrings

1114 10 kt. White Gold Blue Topaz and Diamond Ring

1134 14 kt. White Gold Diamond Fashion Ring

1115 14 kt. Two-Tone Diamond/Garnet Ring

1135 14 kt. Two-Tone Multi-Color Bracelet

1116 14 kt. Two-Tone Slide

1117 14 kt. Yellow Gold Onyx Slide

1136 14 kt. Yellow Gold Emerald and Diamond Pendant

1118 14 kt. Yellow Gold Opal Slide

1137 14 kt. Yellow Gold Peridot Pendant

1119 14 kt. Diamond/Amethyst Slide

1138 14 kt. Yellow Gold Garnet Slide

1120 14 kt. Yellow Gold Citrene Slide


Art • Jewelry • Collectibles

Art • Jewelry • Collectibles

Closes at 8:00 pm


“Spring Time Ritual” Turkeys Framed & Matted Artwork

Closes at 8:00 pm


Set of 3 Handknit Creations Scarf, Felted Coat Pin & Necklace

Compliments of Ruth Munger

Compliments of Mary Clouse



“Peaceful Evening” Pheasants Terry Redlin Print on Canvas

Mother/Daughter Scarf Set

Compliments of Ruth Munger

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert



Pair of Framed Alex Miles Serigraph Limited Edition prints “Dawn I & Dawn II”

Gingerbread Necklace Handmade by Ray Hankes for Cancer Research

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Jon & Candy Narmi



Square Gold-framed Two Birds print

“I ❤ the Saintes” Bracelet

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Natalie Burkey



Pair of Gold-framed German Town Signed Pen & Ink Prints

“Let’s Go Falcons” Bracelet

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Natalie Burkey



Set of 2 Pen & Ink Framed Barns by Renowned Iowa Artist Marjorie Hayek

Jewelry Armoire

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser



Framed & Signed Photo Reprint “Vision Quest” by renowned Creighton Don Doll S.J.

Jewelry Armoire

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser



State of Iowa Water Color Art Print by renowned Iowa Artist

Wolf Leather Pocketbook Jewelry Case

Compliments of Doug & Jill Struyk

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert



“Beautiful Birch” set of 2 Oil Paintings by Susy Mooney

Dakota Smith Black/Silver Sunglasses

Compliments of Susy Mooney

Compliments of Wahl Optical/Bob Wahl



“Reflections of Peggy Karr” Oil Painting by Susy Mooney

Jones New York Sunglasses

Compliments of Susy Mooney

Compliments of Wahl Optical/Bob Wahl



“Buck of a Lifetime” 10-point Buck Sculpture by Nick Bibby for the Danbury Mint

Coyote Sunglasses

Compliments of Bob Simon

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser



“Unbridled Spirit” Wild Horses Sculpture, Danbury Mint

“Guess” Sunglasses

Compliments of Bob Simon

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser



Handmade Maple & Walnut Round Wood Box & Round Wood Vase Set

N.Y. Sunglasses

Compliments of Thomas Jensen

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser



Handmade Walnut & Maple Wood Plate

Compliments of Thomas Jensen


Jim Shore Autographed Heartwood Creek Red Barn

Wooden Wildlife Clock

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

Compliments of Dyanne Wendling


Authentic M.J. Hummel Set of 3 Mini Candle Holder Figurines, Numbered & Signed

Compliments of Msgr. Lawrence Beeson


Peggy Karr “Tuscan Villa” Plate

Compliments of Senior Class Parents



Seventies Music Trivia What was the name of John Travolta’s character in “Saturday Night Fever”?


Who wrote most of the lyrics for Elton John in the ‘70s?

Before his career took off, Jackson Browne joined what band for two weeks?

Who sang the song 40“Chevy Van”?

Who wrote Manfred Mann’s Earth Band’s 1977 #1 hit, “Blinded by the Light”?

Super Silent

Super Silent Auction Closes at 9:00 pm

VALUE 1300 Sun Red Retro 7-speed Tandem Bicycle

$ 600

Compliments of Mike & Toni Geier

1301 Handcrafted by Dan Gradoville - Adirondack Double Seated Lawn Chair

$ 500

Compliments of Dan & Jane Gradoville

1302 The Nourison 6’ Round New Zealand Wool Hand-made Rug

$ 600

(exchangeable for any in-stock rug in showroom up to $600 value.)

Compliments of Heartland Wood Floors

1303 “Three Lab Bakery” Limited Edition Print by Ken Bailey

$ 200

Matted & Framed Print 24” x 18”. Includes Chocolate Lab, Black Lab & Yellow Lab Compliments of Theresa Martin

1304 Weber Portable Grill Tailgate Cookout Package

$ 300

Weber Q-200 Portable Gas Tailgate Grill with fold down stand. Set of grill tools. St.Albert apron, St. Albert blanket & $25 Fareway Gift Card. Compliments of 8th Grade Parents

1305 DVD Home Theatre System Sony Bravia DVD Home Theatre System

$ 298

Compliments of No Frills Supermarket

1306 Stained Glass Stars Framed Art by Marian Brown


Beautiful multi-colored framed quilt block that really looks like stained glass stars. It is a one-of-a-kind piece of fabric art. Compliments of Marian Brown

1307 Tabitha Jewelry Box - Netshop Exclusive

$ 240

Compliments of Netshops/Tim & Annette Goeser

1308 Saturday Night at Grandma & Grandpa’s Super Basket Duo

$ 330

Includes Phillips Portable DVD Player, 4 Movies, Games, Throws & Snacks. Compliments of St. Albert Ambassadors

1309 Cinderella Dream Package

$ 300

1310 Nintendo DS-Lite

$ 225

Handmade Twin Cinderella Quilt & Pillow, Castle, Basket with Cinderella Barbie & Books. Compliments of Kathy McDonald-Hingeley A Black Nintendo DS-Lite, Accessory Package, & 2 Games: Brain Age & Super Mario Brother Compliments of 2nd Grade Parents


Super Silent Auction

Super Silent Auction

Closes at 9:00 pm

1311 Heartland Photo’s & Design Senior Portrait Session

Closes at 9:00 pm


$ 449

1312 Cookie Calendar - 6 Dozen Homemade Cookies Per Month for One Year

$ 250

Compliments of Boy Scout Troop #520

1313 St. Albert Jr./Sr. High School Principal for a Day

1314 Elementary Principal for A Day

1315 Saint Albert Scrolling Marquee Message


Honor your spouse, child, birthday, a team etc. The buyer selects a message for the marquee on McPherson to run for two days. Compliments of High School Principal Mrs. Jonna Andersen

1316 Deuces - Free Hall Rental

$ 450

Deuces - 20270 Old Lincoln Highway. Free Upstairs Hall Rental & Free Bartender. Perfect for a Birthday, Anniversary, or Christmas party. Compliments of Deuces, Bill & Mary Morrow

1317 Exterior Door with Installation

$ 400

1318 Señor Margaritas Party Pack Rental

1319 Sherwin Williams 30 Gallons Paint 1320 Gotta Have Groceries - $450 Grocery Gift Cards: Fareway, Hy-Vee, No Frills, SuperSaver, Wal-Mart

1323 $250 Dining Out Gift Card Package

$ 250

1324 Four Holiday Floral Arrangements Package

$ 400

1325 Joe Johnson Atlanta Hawks Autographed Jersey


Compliments of Kevin & Kristina Ryan

1326 Iowa Hawkeye Legends Autographed Football in Case - Kirk Ferentz, Dan Gable & Gary Dolphin


Compliments of Sam, Allison & Noah Narmi

1327 2007 Parochial Athletic League (PAL) 8th Grade Team - Autographed Football

$ 60

Compliments of Friend of St. Albert

1328 Ben Leber - San Diego Chargers Jersey - Matted & Framed

$ 500

Compliments of Joe & Deb Kennebeck

1329 Signed Autographed Football of Minnesota Vikings Ben Leber - Grandson of Al Leber


In Deluxe Acrylic Display Case With Gold Risers & Mirror Compliments of Peter & Norma Finn

$ 175

1330 Roy Williams Autographed Baseball - NCAA 2005 National Championship Hall of Fame Basketball Coach


Compliments of Sam, Allison & Noah Narmi

$ 600

Compliments of Sherwin Williams/Eric Ledger

$ 545

Includes a Fantastic Floral Arrangement for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day & 1 Holiday or Special Occasion of Your Choice Compliments of Bradley’s Floral

Compliments of Señor Margaritas

1322 Mother’s Day Trio

Why cook when you can dine out! Includes Applebees, Chili’s, Famous Daves, LaMesa & Pizza King. Compliments of Sophomore Class Parents

One exterior door up to $300 with installation by Dave’s Do-It-All-Remodeling Compliments of Dave’s Do-It-All Remodeling

$ 250

Diamond/Onyx 14k Slider/Pendant, Fabulous Mother’s Day Floral Arrangement from Bradley’s Flowers, $50 Dodge Riverside Gift Card Compliments of Freshmen Class Parents, Dodge Riverside, Stevens Jeweler


One elementary child can be a big shot for the day! He or she can make several decisions for one day. Declare a “no uniform” day for the entire elementary. Order a special treat for their class. Declare & help Mrs. Jensen plan a “Fun Day” for all elementary classes. Choose 3 friends for a special lunch with Mrs. Jensen Compliments of Elementary Principal, Mrs. Anne Jensen


Your Jr/Sr. High student will enjoy front door parking, breakfast and lunch with friends and special decisions, for instance, “a grub day” or “no detentions” when he or she is Principal for the day. Compliments of Jr./Sr. High School Principal Mrs. Jonna Andersen

1321 Grab-N-Go Graduation Gift Card Basket

This basket includes eight of Mrs. McGuire’s handmade graduation cards and eight $25 gift cards (Dillards, Kohl’s, K-Mart, JC Penneys). Grab and sign a card, grab a gift card and you’re out the door —off to the graduation party. Compliments of Senior Class Parents

A complete senior portrait session, including 3 outfits, indoor & outdoor. All printstotaling up to $449 are included. Not valid w/any other offer. Must be used in 2008. Compliments of Heartland Photo’s & Design


$ 450

1331 Baseball Hall of Famer - Carl Yastrzemski Autographed Baseball

$ 175

7 Time Gold Glove Winner - Considered One of the Finest Defensive Left Fielders of all Time Compliments of John & Barb O’Connor

Compliments of Junior Class Parents



Super Silent Auction Closes at 8:00 pm

VALUE 1332 New York Mets Pitcher Billy Wagner Autographed Baseball - 5 Time All Star

$ 100

Compliments of John & Barb O’Connor

1333 2 Season tickets - Creighton Men’s Soccer - Fall 2008

$ 200

Compliments of Anonymous Donor

1334 2 Season Tickets - Creighton Women’s Soccer - Fall 2008

$ 100

Compliments of Anonymous Donor

1335 2 Season Tickets - Creighton 08/09 Womens Basketball & Autographed 07/08 Team Basketball

$ 200

Compliments of Anonymous Donor

1336 Martin Guitar and Autographed Taylor Swift CD

$ 350

Compliments of Martin Guitar and Lidgett Music for the guitar and Jen Brown for the CD

Notes Seventies Music Trivia What do the letters in the name ABBA stand for?

Where is the group Little River Band originally from? What are the names of the two female singers in the band HEART? According to Billboard, what were the first and last #1 songs of the ‘70s? Who directed Saturday Night Live? In the movie “Saturday Night Live”,What was Tony Manero’s brother Franks occupation? 42

Oral Auction

Oral Auction 1. Cruise the river with Captain Dale and his crew! Guests on this 3-boat river cruise will enjoy a day of fun in the sun on the beaches of the ol’ Muddy Mo. Food and beverages will be provided all day, and waterskiing, tubing and jet skiing will be available for those who want to get wet and wild! All you need to bring is your swimsuit and towel. 12 guests maximum. Cruise dates to be announced. This item has been an auction favorite for years . . . don’t miss out on the fun! Donated by Captains Dale & MaryAnn Poole; First Mates Dave & Joni Schnitker and Jenny Van Soelen; Cruise Directors Dan & Angel Poole; & Chief Bartender Dave Poole.


Creighton University Scholarship

VALUE: $1,000

Start your child or grandchild on the road to success at one of the finest Jesuit institutions in the country - Creighton University. Creighton offers more than 50 majors and has six professional schools where students explore different disciplines in the context of our Catholic heritage. This $1,000 scholarship is good for an incoming freshman for the fall of 2008 or 2009 or for a fall 2008 transfer student. We hope to “C U” at Creighton soon! Donated by Creighton University


In Touch With Tomorrow

VALUE: $955

Step into the 21st Century with this Toshiba Laptop Computer, and computer package. This package includes a Toshiba-Satellite Laptop with AMD Turion 64 X2-Onyx Blue, Hewlett Packard Photosmart Wireless Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner, Wireless Mouse, and Wireless Router. This computer package is loaded!! In addition, wireless capabilities means that you are no longer chained to a desk while you work on business, school work, surfing the internet, or digital photos and printing. This package is also perfect for any college student, who needs to be mobile and have the latest technology to aid them in their higher education. In this fast paced world information is everything, and this will put it all at your fingertips. Features of the Toshiba-Satellite Laptop with AMD Turion 64 X2-Onyx Blue:

• AMD Turion™ 64 X2 mobile technology TL-58* for AMD dual-core technology in a thin-and-light design; HyperTransport™ and AMD PowerNow!™ technologies and improved security with Enhanced Virus Protection**

• 2GB PC2-5300 DDR2 SDRAM for multitasking power, expandable to 4GB

• Multiformat DVD±RW/CD-RW drive with double-layer support records up to 8.5GB of data or 4 hours of video using compatible DVD+R DL and DVD-R DL media; also supports DVD-RAM

• AMD dual-core technology enables you to work or play with multiple programs without impacting performance; AMD64 technology provides simultaneous support for 32-bit and 64-bit computing; 1MB L2 cache memory for efficient processing

• 17" WXGA+ TFT-LCD widescreen display with TruBrite technology and 1440 x 900 resolution; native support for 720p content

• 160GB Serial ATA hard drive (5400 rpm)

• ATI RADEON X1200 graphics with 128MB-319MB dynamically allocated shared graphics memory; S-video TV-out

• 5-in-1 bridge media adapter supports Secure Digital, MultiMediaCard, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO and xD-Picture Card

• i.LINK (IEEE 1394) interface and 6 high-speed USB 2.0 ports for fast digital video, audio and data transfer

• Built-in Atheros high-speed wireless LAN (802.11b/g); 10/100 Ethernet LAN with RJ-45 connector; 56 Kbps high-speed modem

• Weighs 7.2 lbs. and measures just 1.8" thin for portable power; lithium-ion battery and AC adapter

• Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition operating system preinstalled; software package included with Microsoft Works 9.0, Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5, Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 and more

• AMD, AMD Arrow logo, AMD Turion, AMD PowerNow!, HyperTransport and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. *Model number indicates relative mobility and performance among this AMD processor class.

CD/DVD launch and control buttons, including play, stop, previous track and next track

Learn more about Windows Vista


Oral Auction

Oral Auction Packages are based on availability of SuperSaver flight category of both the hotels and airfare. There are certain black-out dates for holidays, conventions and other peak periods. Travel may not be available for departures on all days of the week and a 21 day advance purchase is required, travel must be completed by Dec. 15, 2008. Once reservations are confirmed, no name changes are allowed. Packages are based on quad occupancy, 2 adults and 2 children. Package is not available until invoiced. Contact the Vacation Superstore, in Omaha at 390-0909. Donated by Jon & Candy Narmi

• **AMD's Enhanced Virus Protection provides additional protection against buffer overflow viruses. AMD and its partners strongly recommend you continue to use third-party anti-virus software as part of your total security solution. Features of the HP-Photosmart Wireless Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner:

3-in-1 functionality — prints, copies and scans

• Fast print speeds up to 30 ppm* in black, up to 23 ppm* in color; creates a 4" x 6" photo-quality print in as little as 23 seconds*

Built-in wireless connectivity (802.11g) lets you print without connecting your computer

Up to 1200 rendered dpi resolution in black; up to 4800 x 1200 dpi in color

Borderless printing up to 8" x 11"

• Built-in card slots support CompactFlash, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, Secure Digital, MultiMediaCard and xD-Picture Card (media not included)

1.5" color display

Copies up to 30 cpm* in black; up to 23 cpm* in color

Copy resolution up to 600 dpi in black and up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi in color

Flatbed scanner with 48-bit color; scan resolution up to 19,200 dpi

• Prints on a variety of paper, including plain, inkjet and photo, plus envelopes, transparencies, labels, cards, iron-on transfers, panoramas and borderless media

100-sheet input tray and 50-page auto document feeder

Restore feature allows you to touch up old photos

USB interface

PC and Mac compatible

Donated by Joe & Cindy Connolly


Walt Disney World - Package


Cuddle up with this beautiful quilt on a cool autumn evening. This queen-sized quilt has an Ohio Star variation design. It is green and plum color, and has been machine pieced and quilted with cotton batting. This is a very striking quilt that will keep you cozy all autumn and winter long. Donated by Ron & Karen Nelson


Donated by Bob & Cyndi Brown, Jen Brown, and Jess Kimball


Donated by the 7th Grade Class and Annette Boncordo and Peggy Owen (SupperThyme), Don & Carol Torrez, (www.supperthymeusa.com)



“On the Road Again” with Leach Camper RV Rental


Whether you are heading to Wally World with the family, or with friends to Iowa City for a weekend football getaway, they both scream one word: Roadtrip!! Spice up this bonding experience with an RV. This getaway includes rental of a 28 foot air-conditioned motor home that sleeps up to 6. Your rental will be for seven days and includes 1000 free miles (22 cents per mile after the first 1000 miles). Book your trip as early as possible as dates are subject to availability, and a $500 deposit will be required to make sure the RV makes it back in one piece. On the road again, because you just can’t wait to get back on the road again!

The villages surround a 42-acre lake. In the midst of the lake, you'll find Parrot Cay Island. As the name suggests, the island is stocked with an aviary of colorful tropical birds. As you meander along this 1 ½ acre island on the nature trails, you will enjoy the peaceful, relaxing ambiance commonly found in the Caribbean. A large playground for the children is found here as well. The island is connected to the mainland by footbridges.

Passes provide guests with admission to one of the following theme parks for each day of the ticket: Magic Kingdom® Park, Epcot®, Disney-MGM Studios, Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park. Flexible and fun, it provides the perfect opportunity to experience all the magic of Walt Disney World without dealing with the ticket lines!

SupperThyme Tired of trying to come up with new ideas for dinner? Stuck in a dinnertime rut? Here is a chance to break out of the funk, and have fun making dinner! SupperThyme, located on Valley View Drive, will host a private party for eight, where each person can make five meals for their family, for a total of 40 meals! In addition, the group will receive a $100 gift certificate to Cellar 19 to bring your choice of wine and appetizers to enjoy during the cooking experience. Making dinner has never been so much fun!

Each brightly colored village consists of clusters of 2-story buildings with 64 guest rooms. Soothing pastel structures capped with brightly colored roofs, accented by white railings, provide both a relaxing and yet lively atmosphere to get guests into the spirit of the islands.

Your package will include 4 Days/3 Nights at Walt Disney World at the "Caribbean Beach Resort", including 3 Days of Park Passes for two adults and two children, roundtrip airfare for four, all hotel and airline taxes and Disney's Magical Transfers to/from the airport.

Big Splash! Swan Dive? Cannonball? The Triple Lindy? Whatever your favorite dive is, this party gives you a chance to perform it front of your family and friends. The Brown’s will host this unique pool party for up to ten adults at their estate on Greenview Road, which overlooks the beautiful southwest Iowa Loess Hills. In addition to the picturescue setting, cool water, and cocktails, you will enjoy food prepared by the renowned Chef Marc Chapman. This item must be used between June and September, and some advance notice is appreciated. Dive into the bidding on this item, and score the perfect ten this summer!

Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort is a vibrant, tropical delight. Covering two hundred manicured acres, it is divided into 5 villages named for Caribbean islands: Barbados, Jamaica, Martinique, Aruba, and Trinidad.

The buildings of Barbados are salmon with pink and teal roofs. The village of Martinique features sea blue with red roofs and pink trim. Bronze structures topped with green roofs are found in Trinidad. Sunny yellow buildings with blue roofs are common to Jamaica and the guests of Aruba will be housed in pink and purple with teal roofs. Each village has one quiet pool with the exception of Trinidad that has two. There's a themed pool at Old Port Royale with waterfalls and a water slide.

Meredith’s Puzzle Quilt

Donated by Edd & Donna Leach, Leach Camper Sales, Inc.


Just Fore Fun Whether you are a scratch golfer or just stepping onto the course for the first time, this item is for you. Charlie and Melissa Narmi will entertain up to seven guests at the Council Bluffs Country Club with a day of golf, cocktails, and dinner.


Oral Auction

Oral Auction

Charlie will have your carts properly stocked with balls, tees, and cigars prior to teeing off. He will review the most important of the Ten Commandments with respect to golf, “Thou shall not lie”. Charlie will then take you out to enjoy eighteen holes of golf. Council Bluffs Country Club roots run deep, and one thing which has remained constant through time is the championship golf course. The 18-hole course has a gorgeous layout, and can challenge the most serious of golfers. When you finish your round, then head into the clubhouse or out to the lanai and relax with the surroundings of Lake Manawa. Chef Jeremy will prepare a wonderful meal and drinks of your choosing. He is a rising star in the culinary world, and you will understand when you taste one of his wonderful meals. This day at the Club has it all for you; golf, beautiful surroundings, great food and drinks, and an enjoyable time with friends. Donated by Charlie & Melissa Narmi (www.councilbluffscountryclub.com)

10. Get Wet and Wild at the Great Wolf Lodge

VALUE: $875

Whether it’s 10 degrees below or raining cats and dogs, it’s always a balmy 84 degrees inside the Great Wolf Lodge. The Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City is a great resort where you have a variety of family activities under one roof. Activities include the Bear Track Landing - Kansas City’s Largest Indoor Water Park, a new Howl-in-One Mini Golf Course, and a one of a kind experience of MagiQuest. The water park is 38,000 square-feet indoors, with 8 waterslides, three pools and a four-story tree house waterfort. The state-of-the-art facility utilizes nearly 200,000 gallons of water that is splashed, sprayed, waved, and played in by both kids and parents alike. This package includes a two-night stay at the resort and 4 water park passes. The room includes two queen-sized beds, and a sofa sleeper with a semi-private living room. This offer is redeemable for one year. In addition, this package includes a $50 gift certificate to Famous Dave’s, a $100 BP gas card to get you to and from Kansas City, and an extra $100 cash to spend however you like. This is an ideal escape for both parents and kids of all ages! Donated by the 1st Grade Class (www.greatwolf.com)

11. Dream Vacation Why spend your vacation in a hotel room? Instead, you can spend it in a luxurious, completely equipped condo. This package includes an 8-day and 7-night stay in a one-bedroom or two bedroom unit for up to 4 people. There are over 600 desirable locations to choose from, including Hawaii, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and the Canary Islands, East Asian Pacific Rim, New Zealand, Caribbean, Australia, Europe, and the Continental United States. This vacation offer is valid one year from the date of issue. Check-ins are on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only. Taxes of $19/person/night are required, however, the Struyk’s have agreed to cover your taxes up to $300. Reservation form must include two locations and two dates to be processed, and are done via mail. In addition, there will be a $500 travel voucher for your traveling expenses. This is an exciting and exotic vacation waiting for you! Donated by Jill & Doug Struyk (Lucky Strike Travel); and Travel Voucher donated by Attorneys: Rick Crowl, Mike Gallner, John McHale, Ed Noethe, and Randy Shanks

12. Dinner with the the former President Hail Caesar....no, Hail Diane!! Enjoy an Italian Feast for 8 people of homemade sausage and pasta prepared by soon to be past President Brian Osborne and his lovely wife Diane. The dress is casual and the Italian vino will be flowing. They will host the dinner in their lovely home at a mutually agreed upon date.

13. A “Biggs” Party for 40 How big is this party? It’s this Biggs!! This unique establishment offers a cozy setting that is located in the Historic District of Council Bluffs. Raise your pint in the large glass windows to all of your friends driving by on Broadway! Kevin and Bonnie Culjat will close down and decorate Biggs for you and up to 40 friends and family for a three hour private party. Also included is hors d’oeuvres and $200 in beverages. Call 30 days in advance for available dates, and you must be at least 21 years of age to enjoy this item. Donated by Kevin & Bonnie Culjat

14. Cooking with Judy Al a Carte-BAM! This is a unique dining experience for eight people with the nationally acclaimed cooking coach Judy Al a Carte. Judy will demo a cooking class for eight people at the Fisher Fixture Company in the Old Market. This is a three course meal at an amazing cooking establishment, and is absolutely delectable. Judy has authored ten cookbooks and found it an honor to write a monthly feature on entertaining for Emeril Lagasse on www.emerils.com for three years. She is a member of several associations, including the International Association of Culinary Professionals. Judy does a cooking show, Judy Al a Carte, on NewsRadio 1110 KFAB, and in addition she teaches regular cooking classes for the home chef, as well as teaching classes at The Institute of Culinary Arts at Metro Community College. Buy this item for the food, and to learn world class cooking techniques. Either way you slice or dice it, you will come out a winner!! Donated by Judy Gilliard (aka Judy Al a Carte) (www.cookwithjudy.com) (www.fisherfixture.com)

15. Saint Albert Memory Quilt


Keep the memories of St. Albert alive with this hand-made St. Albert Memory Quilt. This quilt is sure to remind you of fond memories of St. Albert. The t-shirts that have gone into making this unique quilt have come from the St. Albert Booster Club. It would be a great way to decorate the bedroom of a young Falcon or Sainte, or a great gift for a St. Albert graduate. It could also become a special gift for a young family who has many football games, soccer matches, and sleep-overs in their future. Bid on this item and take home a bit of St. Albert comfort. Donated by Rosemary Mahoney and the Saint Albert Booster Club

16. Shamrocks and Leprechauns


If you ever wanted to dress up in green and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day more than once a year, then bid on this item and your dream will come true. This “1/2 Way to St. Patrick’s Day” Party will be held September 27, 2008. Up to 20 guests will get the evening started at 5:30 p.m. with a hayrack ride to St. Columbanus for a private church service at 7 p.m. Upon returning, the evening will continue with beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), a wonderful dinner, a fantastic live band, and an “Irish Surprise” for later in the evening. Also, if you need a little assistance at the end of the evening, you will get a free ride home on the Blarney Stone Express. This Irish party is a four-leaf clover and will give you good luck for years to come!! Donated by Melanie & Mike O’Ryan, Lisa & Ron O’Hopp, Lisa & Tony O’Dunning, Tia & Rod O’Brandenburg, Beth & Bill O’Kuck, Claire & Mark O’Sundrup, and Mary Jo & Tom O’Weihs.

Donated by Brian & Diane Osborne and Al & Susy Mooney



Oral Auction

Oral Auction

17. The Road to Omaha

22. 2007 State Championship Football

The College World Series is one of the premier NCAA Championship events. This package includes two reservedseat tickets to every 2008 session. These first-class seats are located in the main grandstand behind home plate. FIRST-CLASS SEATS! This means you have a championship view to every game, and you will never get rained on, or baked in the afternoon sun. Get on the “Road to Omaha” and enjoy the legendary Rosenblatt Stadium this summer. Donated by John & Robin Burkey

18. Birds of Prey Whooo, Whooo, Whooo have been perennial Auction donors of exciting and fun filled theme-dinners? Bob and Elaine Fenner! The theme for this year’s dinner is “Birds of Prey”. Bob and Elaine will host 8 people in their home for a wonderful six-course dinner. This dinner will include exquisite cuisine, fine wines, and lovely desserts. In addition, live entertainment will be provided by the Nebraska Raptor Association, which will bring Falcons, Owls and other birds of prey to the dinner. This unique dinner expires January, 2009, and please call Elaine to set up a date. Soar to great heights by bidding on this experience! Donated by Bob & Elaine Fenner

19. Big Green Egg

VALUE: $750

What does a Green and Gold fan need for their tailgating party? A Big Green Egg. The Large Egg is the most popular size and is able to easily handle the cooking needs of most family and social gatherings. The specifications are an 18-inch diameter cooking grid, weighs 140 pounds, and has 255 inches of cooking surface. You didn’t have to take Mrs. Schwartz’s Calculus class to understand that this means big! The large Egg can cook a 20 pound turkey, 12 hamburgers, 8 steaks, or 7 racks of ribs vertically. Become a master griller today! http://www.biggreenegg.com/eggs_L.html Donated by Romano True Value-Paul and Laura Romano

20. Gone Fishin’ You may not know what a Shad Rap, Slip Bobber, Spoon Lure, or PowerBait means, but your guide does! This trip is a guided two day fishing trip for three on Lake Oahe, near Pierre, South Dakota. Kelly Joneson will be your guide on one of the premier fishing lakes and top Walleye fisheries in the Midwest. In addition, you will receive a two night stay at Kelly Joneson’s “cabin”. You do not need to bring any tackle, as all fishing rods and tackle will be provided! You will need to purchase a three day temporary South Dakota fishing license. It is also recommended for your best fishing experience that you call Kelly right away to reserve your dates, which must be used by September 30, 2008. Once you go on this getaway you will be hooked for the rest of your life! Donated by Matt O’Neill, Steve O’Neill, Jon Narmi, and Charlie Narmi

21. Pre-Season Pigskin Tailgate Party for Twenty Hut-Hut-Party! Get together with 20 of your friends this summer before the start of the 2008 football season at Tim and Theresa McBride’s residence. This annual party will have plenty of first class tailgate food and beverages, with maybe a southern flare from the McBride’s Clemson roots and the Diez’s Florida State connections. Whether you talk about the upcoming season or reminisce about the current dynasty on “the Hill”, this party will get you pumped up for the upcoming season. Score a touchdown with your friends by catching this party!


Donated by Tim & Theresa McBride, Jim & Patty Pettit, Eric & Glee Ledger, Tony & Jacque Diez, and Dan & Jane Gradoville

Relive the 2007 State Championship Season with this St. Albert Falcon autographed football. This one-of-a-kind ball is autographed by the players and the coaching staff from the 2007 State Championship team, and comes in a display case. In addition, you will be given a highlight DVD from the 2006 and 2007 State Championship Seasons, compliments of StAlbertSportsFan.com. When you show your friends the ball you can argue about what is the best part of this dynasty; is it the 11 straight years in the playoffs, five straight semifinals, finalist in four out of the last five years, repeat state championships, or winning three out of the last four state championships? Your friends may win the argument, but you will always have the ball. Donated by the 2007 State Championship Football Team and Vince Rew, Charlie Narmi, and Owen Burgin at StAlbertSportsFan.com

23. Reserved Parking at St. Albert Home Football Games How many steps does it take to get from Margie and Greg Johnson’s driveway to the field of the 2004, 2006, and 2007 State Champion Football Teams? 5, 10, 15? Buy this item and you will find out. This package entitles the winning bidder to park two automobiles in the Johnson’s driveway, 205 Gleason Avenue, for all of the 2008 Varsity home football games. Donated by Margie & Greg Johnson.

24. Hunter’s Delight Two people will be the guests of Dr. John Otto on their 100 flooded acres near the Desoto Refuge, which is located by Missouri Valley, Iowa, 25 miles north of Council Bluffs. This hunting preserve is smack dab in the middle of the Central Migratory Flyway. This is a ½ day hunt at Dr. Otto’s best blind (they have 6 or 7). A dog will be provided, which means you can focus on the sky and not on trudging through the water. Dr. Otto indicates that the early season opening weekend and the regular season opening weekend are the best (if you can shoot, expect your limit), but the winner can select a weekend of his/her choice. This item is a duck hunter’s dream! Donated by Dr. & Mrs. John Otto

25. Sun Bonnet Sue This collector’s quilt is pieced and appliquéd from authentic 1930’s feed sacks. For the novice, appliqué is an ancient needlework technique in which pieces of fabric, embroidery, or other materials are stitched onto a foundation fabric to create designs. It has been donated by Pat Devine and hand stitched with traditional 30’s patterns by St. Patrick’s Quilters. The highest bidder of this masterpiece will truly have a collector’s item that you will enjoy for years to come. Donated by Pat Devine and the St. Patrick’s Quilters (Rose Spoto, Jo Meade, Mary Roush, Pam Ratigan, Mary Schnitker, Nancy Sievers, Rosie Fennell, and Margie Graeve)

26. Reserved Seating at Christmas Mass If you want less stress during the holiday season, and don’t want to have to fight your fellow Catholic brothers and sisters over pew space, then here is your chance to have the front row pew reserved for you and your family at Christmas Mass. A. St. Columbanus, Weston-Donated by Fr. Raphael Masabakhwa B. St. Patrick’s Church, Neola-Donated by Fr. Raphael Masabakhwa C. Holy Family-Donated by Fr. Dan Kirby and Fr. Lazarus Kirigia.


Oral Auction

Oral Auction

D. Queen of Apostles-Donated by Fr. Dan Kirby and Fr. Lazarus Kirigia.

peaceful retreat you have needed for so long. Stunning views of El Arco continue along the horizon and then, as you enter the nine-story high Atrium Lobby of the Villa del Palmar Beach Resort and Spa, with its amazing waterfalls, gorgeous salt-water aquarium and seashell chandeliers, you will instantly know that you are in one of the most desirable and prestigious resorts in Los Cabos.

E. St. Patrick’s Church, Council Bluffs-Donated by Fr. David Fleming F. St. Peter’s-Donated by Fr. Chuck Kottas

27. Where’s the Beef! Looking for a way to fill your freezer? Stock up now! This is a quarter beef, which is half of a side. The beef is cut to your specifications, and includes the processing. No more asking where’s the beef! It’s in the freezer! Donated by Moran Beef Inc; Joe & Leona Moran, Craig Moran, Frank Moran, and Kevin Moran

28. Holy Smoker!

VALUE: $1,000

Whether you are the master of your own grill, or a person who wants to get into the action, this barbeque is for you. The barbeque is a Kingfisher Country Cooker, which is classified as a “Smoker”. It is seasoned (experienced). The barbeque has been reconditioned and painted and is in great condition. Features of this barbeque include: a large cooking chamber with four trays that are approximately 10 inches by 36 inches on a rotating carousel (requires 110 V.) (has been used at the same time to smoke more than 60 racks of ribs along with 4 full briskets); an offset firebox with oven; a steam jacket box that injects steam in the cooking chamber to keep meats from drying; a professional thermometer; and mounted on two pneumatic tires with rotating caster. This smoker has been to State BBQ Competitions, and has produced many winning entries. As true barbeque competitors know, barbeque’s don’t get older, they get better! Donated by Steve & Stacy Shultz

29. Bo Knows Football Bo knows football, and Husker Nation is back! Bring a family member, friend, or business prospect to Lincoln for an exciting Husker experience. You will enjoy two club level tickets to an agreed upon 2008 Nebraska home football game. As you enter the legendary Memorial Stadium, you will take the elevators up to the Clubhouse level. You and your guest will enjoy the food, amenities, and perks of the First National Bank Clubhouse. When kickoff occurs, feel free to walk outside to the Clubhouse seats, and feel free to mosey in and out during the game to refill on food and refreshments. Husker football is back, so get on the Big Red Bandwagon tonight! Donated by Dan & Alison O’Neill, First National Bank (The Bank of Husker Nation)

30. Heavenly Dinner These men have help from above, and can flat out cook! Under the direction of Monsignor Orr and Father Fleming, the priests will act like Iron Chef’s and prepare a heavenly meal and entertain up to 10 guests in the home of Lisa and Tony Dunning. This evening will be filled with heavenly food, warm hospitality, and great storytelling. If you need some divine intervention, this might be the item for you! Donated by Our Wonderful Des Moines Diocesan Priests, Lisa & Tony Dunning, Ron & Lisa Hopp, Drew & Michelle Ferguson, and Scott & Liz Doll.

31. Cabo San Lucas At the Villa del Palmar Beach Resort, you will have the perfect combination of world-class amenities, 5 star panache, recreational activities and a stunning location, all just a 20 minute walk from downtown Los Cabos. Attendants on the beach cater to your every need and their Spa ensures that, even poolside, you can take advantage of the superb spa facilities and discover the real purpose behind your visit to Cabo San Lucas; paradise all in one place. 50

The white sands of the Medano Beach, bordered by the azure waters of the Sea of Cortez, offer you the

Your Junior Villa Suite offers you 592 square feet and can accommodate two adults and two children or three adults. With two double beds and one bathroom with Travertine marble accents, you will enjoy a dining table and chairs or a breakfast bar with bar stools. Your outdoor balcony or terrace is furnished with patio furniture. This package can accommodate two adults and two children or three adults in a Jr. Suite for 5 days/4 nights at the 5 Star Villa del Palmer Beach Resort in Cabo San Lucas, roundtrip airfare from Omaha for two, roundtrip airport/ hotel/airport transfers, all airline taxes, fuel surcharges and hotel taxes. Packages are based on availability of SuperSaver flight category of both the hotel and airfare. There are certain black-out dates for holidays, conventions and other peak travel periods. Travel may not be available for departures on all days of the week and a 21 day advance purchase is required. Once reservations are confirmed, no name changes are allowed. Packages are based on double occupancy. Travel must be completed by 12/15/08. Package is not available until invoiced. Contact the Vacation Superstore, in Omaha at 390-0909. Donated by Rhoden Auto Center

32. Barley’s Poker Run If you enjoy the World Series of Poker, then you will enjoy this poker “tournament”. Enjoy a fabulous and fun bus trip to 5 local “tournament sites” in the Council Bluffs area for up to 24 people. At each location, everyone will receive a playing card from a standard deck of cards. The person with the best poker hand (five-card stud) after the five stops wins a grand prize. Beverages will be provided on the bus. This is not a bluff, so you better go all-in with this item!! Donated by Matt & Jill Johnson, Barley’s

33. Black Jack and More This is not a gamble! The winning bidder and five friends are in for a unique evening of fun starting with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in an octagon suite at Ameristar Casino, with your very own private bartender and wait staff. You will receive private instruction in the game of Black Jack followed by a private Black Jack tournament, with the winner taking home gift certificates for an overnight stay in an octagon suite, dinner in the award winning Waterford Grill, and breakfast in the Prairie Mill. This Black Jack winner will go home with over $300 of fun! Approximately three hours of fun for six people, and countless hours of fun for the tournament winner. Thirty days notice is required for scheduling, with weekends and holidays excluded. This offer is valid through January, 2009. Do you hit on 15, or stay? Bid on this item and find out!! Donated by Ameristar Casino, Council Bluffs

34. Bluejay Fever Dana Altman, Kyle Korver, Nate Funk, Rodney Buford, Tony Barone, Eddie Sutton, “Red McManus, and Benoit Benjamin are a list of legends who have put their mark on the Creighton University basketball program. The winner of this item will receive two tickets to the Bluejay basketball 2008-2009 season, as well as an autographed basketball by the 2007-2008 Creighton basketball team. These tickets will not only get you into one of the most electric settings to watch a basketball game at the Qwest Center, but also a place to see and be seen in the Omaha Metro area. Whether you are a socialite or a hard-core basketball fan, this item is a slam-dunk! Donated by Anonymous Donor


Oral Auction 35. Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes This dinner cruise is hosted at the home of Mark and Stacy Genereux on the beautiful Lake Manawa. They, along with Mike and Sheryl Genereux, will entertain up to 12 adult guests. This party will kick off at 5 o’clock, and include a dinner, which will include your choice of steak, cheeseburgers in paradise, bratwursts, or chicken, plus all of the fixins’, and a little sponge cake for dessert. In addition, the margarita’s will be flowing! After the wonderful meal you will board the S.S. Genereux and wave bon voyage, as Captain Mark takes you on a pontoon ride around the beautiful Lake Manawa. For those who haven’t gotten their sea legs yet, you can wait on dry land and sip on a few frozen concoctions until the cruise comes back into port! Donated by Mark & Stacy Genereux and Mike & Sheryl Genereux

36. Dinner With a View The First National Tower is the tallest building in Nebraska, and the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. As you come onto the grounds you will enjoy the walk through the sixty foot high glass in the Winter garden, and the three unique fountains that will set the mood for a fantastic evening. You will then be escorted to the 40th floor to experience the awesome skyline and vibrant atmosphere of downtown Omaha with this dinner party for eight atop the First National Tower. Join your hosts Dan and Alison O’Neill for this intimate evening of abundant food and drink, and warm hospitality. Donated by Dan & Alison O’Neill

37. Okoboji Get-Away Get away from it all for a week. Spend a relaxing vacation at the Erixon summer home on Little Spirit Lake, just one of the lakes in Okoboji. The spacious dock invites swimmers and fisherman alike, and the western facing home is blessed with beautiful sunsets that dance on the lake’s surface. Take the paddle boat or canoe for a spin, or if you wish for a faster pace, bring your ski boat and venture out on one of the larger lakes for boating fun. Just bring food as this home comes complete with linens, VCR/DVD/TV, full kitchen, ceiling fans, window AC unit, and more. Accommodations include one bedroom with a king sized bed and another bedroom with bunks and a double bed. If you need to get back to “civilization”, then fabulous shopping, great restaurants, and championship golfing is just minutes away. The owners will do everything to make sure your stay is an enjoyable one.

Oral Auction 40. It’s Moovelous!! The star on your plate this year is Moran Beef, and it is mooovelous! This is a quarter beef, which is half of a side. The beef is cut to your specifications, and includes the processing. This corn-fed wonder produces choice USDA beef, which gets rave reviews from all audiences who try it. The winning bidder will enjoy an encore of this item all year long! Donated by Moran Beef Inc; Joe & Leona Moran, Craig Moran, Frank Moran, and Kevin Moran

41. White Kenmore Elite 19.7 cu. ft. Chest Freezer

Looking for somewhere to store all that beef? Look no more, this is a great deal. This Kenmore Elite chest freezer provides excellent customization options along with many convenient features you expect. With 3 lift-out baskets, 2 slide-out baskets and digital display electronics, this chest freezer is the solution to your freezer storage needs! • Oil cooled compressor Features include:

Organization options

2 slide-out baskets

3 Lift out baskets

FreezerMate ready

Digital display electronics

Energy Star® Qualified

Donated by Past St. Albert Auction Chairpersons

42. “Sunflower from Heaven” Painting by Deb McGuire and Mary Ann Poole This 3 ft. X 4 ft. 9 in. impressionistic painting was begun by Deb McGuire, artist, teacher and friend of St. Albert. Deb was a frequent visitor to my art studio on Monday nights as she spread her joy and love of nature and color with my students and me. The dripping effect of the background and floral shape of this work was created by Deb. It was one of her last major works. Her special dripping technique was her own creation. The colors and painting of the flower were my interpretation of Deb’s love of pinks and purples. Somehow it seemed as if Deb was there with me as I completed her work. It was a wonderful privilege to do so. Donated by MaryAnn Poole and the McGuire Family in memory of Deb.

43. God Bless America

38. Collage of Color

Donated by Steve & JoAnn Epperson (both class of 75’) & Tom (75’) & Annette Respeliers

44. Easy as Dell

This Christmas, wake up with your kids or grandkids and take pleasure in their excitement from the presents from Santa Claus, enjoy a pleasant Christmas brunch with your family, and then get comfortable for a peaceful and meaningful Mass with Fr. Mike Berner (St. Albert class of 1978). Fr. Berner will make the pilgrammage to your home in the afternoon to perform an efficient Christmas Day Mass for your family and friends. If you would like a more stress-free holiday season and an intimate religious experience with your family and friends, then reward yourself with this early Christmas gift.


Donated by Fr. Mike Berner (St. Albert class of 1978)

VALUE: $500

Whether you have unique technological needs, or need something as simple as solving some problems for homework, this is the computer system is for you. This package includes a Dell Vostro 200 Mini Tower with a Dell 19-inch Widescreen Flat Panel Monitor.

Donated by Karen Krause and the St. Patrick’s Quilters (Rose Spoto, Jo Meade, Mary Roush, Pam Ratigan, Mary Schnitker, Nancy Sievers, Rosie Fennell, and Margie Graeve)

39. Christmas Day Mass

VALUE: $1,750

Show your patriotism and love of country by flying Old Glory high above your homestead or place of business. This package includes a 25-foot commercial grade one-piece aluminum flagpole; 5’X8’ United States flag with accessories (rope, cleats, etc.), and the concrete and installation. God Bless America!!

Donated by John, Sean & Casey Erixon and Diane Stolz More than 1300 pieces of color give this 4 patch design a different look from every angle. The fabrics for this 90”X108” quilt have been donated by Karen Krause and hand quilted by the St. Patrick’s Quilters. The highest bidder will enjoy the way the color dances off of this work of art for years to come.

VALUE: $699

Features of the Dell Vostro Mini Tower:

• Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2160 (1.80GHz, 1MB L2 Cache, 800FSB)

• Primary Hard Drive-160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/ DataBurst Cache

• Operating System-Genuine Windows XP Home Edition

• Microsoft Works 8. (Does not include MS Word)

• Video Card-Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3100

• Monitor-Dell 19-inch Widescreen E198WFP Analog Flat Panel Monitor

• Sound-Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio

• Windows XP

• Memory1 GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM 667 MHz-2DIMMs

• Dell A225 2.0 Speakers

• Optical Drive-Single Drive: 16X DVD-ROM Drive

• Dell USB Keyboard


Oral Auction

• Dell Scroll Mouse

• Dell Network Assistant

• Adobe Acrobat Reader

• Network Interface-Integrated 10/100 Ethernet

• 1 Year Basic Limited Warranty & 1 Year NBD On-Site Service

• 1 Year Dell Automated PC Tuneup

In a high speed world this is your chance to have a customized high productive computer system in your home, business, or dorm room! Donated by Council Bluffs Savings Bank-Matt Gronstal

Oral Auction 48. Dance Team Delight Add something special to your little girls’ next birthday party or gathering by having the award-winning St. Albert Dance Team make a special appearance. The Dance Team will share some dance steps and beauty secrets as they create hair styles for each party member. Guests will enjoy lunch with the Dance Team, courtesy of Scott Street Pub, and find out how much fun it is to be a Dance Team girl! This special party is for up to 10 future Dance Teamers, transportation to Scott Street Pub is the responsibility of the party holder, and the party date is to be discussed between the host and Dance Team. Donated by Kevin & Bonnie Culjat (The Scott Street Pub) and Kathy Guinan and The State Championship Dance Team

45. WWW.BESEENBYTHEWORLD.COM Is your business or organization still stuck in second gear? How does the potential of having your business or organization be seen by millions of potential customers sound? Your business or organization needs to join the 21st century! This package includes your very own website with: custom graphic design; up to twenty pages of content; easy to use update service; domain name registration; up to five email addresses; and site hosting for one year. The Bluffs Online website will enable you to have a professional and easy-to-use platform to be seen by the world. If you are ready to kick your business or organization into high gear for the world to see, then this item is for you!

49. Summer Oasis

Donated by Bill & Beth Kuck, Bluffs Online

50. Front Nine-Back Nine

46. First In Lunch Line The lunch ladies have done it again! They have graciously donated $350 out of their own pockets to give the winning bidder’s child/children (or grandchild/children) a $350 credit voucher toward the purchase of delicious breakfasts and lunches, and first in-line privileges the entire 2008-2009 school year. This item is available to one child or a family of children, grades 7-12 only. Make your special student smarter, faster, and stronger by making sure he/she is first in the lunch line everyday! Donated by the Saint Albert Lunch Ladies---Cindy Connolly, Lori Fehl, Becky Hestness, Penny LeVier, Pat Nelson.

47. 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer Sport Utility 4D If you are looking for an automobile for yourself or for your child, look no further! This blue 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer Sport Utility 4D features:

• • • • • • • • • •

LT New Tires 6 Cylinder 4.2 Liter Automatic 4 Wheel Drive Sunroof Air Conditioning Dual Power Seats Power Steering Power Windows

• • • • • • • • •

Power Door Locks Tilt Wheel AM/FM Stereo CD Player Dual Front Air Bags ABS (4 Wheel) Roof Rack Alloy Wheels 90,000 miles

Donated by Dentists: Dr. Paul Albertson, Dr. Andrea Cardenzana, Dr. Dennis Gray, Dr. Brad Higginbotham, Dr. Robert Hurley, Dr. J. Terry Johnson, Dr. David Jones, Dr. James Knott, Dr. Richard Ronk, Dr. Thomas Schierbrock, and Dr. Peter Ziegler Donated by Doctors: Dr. Robert Armbruster, Dr. Thomas Baer, Dr. Kevin Crowley, Dr. Norman Ferrer, Dr. Alan Fisher, Dr. Steve Goebel, Dr. Jodi Hedrick, Dr. Shawn Jones, Dr. John Kilbride, 54 and Dr. Anthony Romano Donated by: Frontier Bank and Midstates Bank

Long-time Saint Albert supporters Dean and Connie (O’Grady) Ratliff will host 20 adults at their pool and backyard estate, where guests will enjoy cocktails at the Cabana, live music, cigars, lots of food, a stand-up routine by Matt O’Neill (whether he actually has a mike or not) and maybe even a swim lesson by resident pool-boy Steve O’Neill. This is a guaranteed great time! Donated by Dean & Connie Ratliff, Harley & Marlene McCoy, Matt & Michelle O’Neill, and Steve & Sherry O’Neill Golf aficionados will enjoy this golf package that will make your putter dazzle and your drive seem longer this upcoming summer. This package includes golf for three guests, 18 holes of golf at Omaha Country Club (OCC) and 18 holes of golf at Happy Hollow Country Club, stogies, cocktails, and dinner in the respective Clubhouse following the various rounds. The Front Nine: Nick Vondrak, former Omaha Country Club Golf Champion, will entertain three golfers during this exquisite golf outing at Omaha Country Club. This round will include fore-caddies, which are a special type of caddy. Omaha Country Club has enjoyed a rich tradition of excellence since it was founded on September 30, 1899. The championship golf course is magnificently designed throughout 190 acres of forested countryside and original Omaha farmlands. Each hole respects a land of great natural beauty with panoramic views of mature vegetation and natural rolling terrain. Honoring the spirit and integrity of the original course and the redesign of 1951 by Perry Maxwell, renowned golf course architect, Keith Foster was commissioned in 2005 to restore the golf course’s traditional appearance and character. The enhancements to the course were completed in October 2006 and re-opened June 23, 2007. The Omaha Country Club may be the host of the 2013 Champions Tour United States Open. The Back Nine: Charlie Narmi will entertain three golfers during a round at Happy Hollow Country Club. To many golfers, the Happy Hollow Country Club represents the hallowed grounds of rich golf tradition. The 18-hole course at the Happy Hollow Country Club has been steeped in tradition since it opened in 1925, which you will notice when you see “Putter Boy” when you tee off on Hole 1. The course features 6,659 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 71. This William B. Langford designed course offers a rating of 72.1, and it has a slope rating of 123 on Bent grass. At the end of your summer when you tally up your scorecard from the two outings it will surely add up to a great time!!

Donated by the Narmi Group at SmithBarney (www.omahacc.org and www.happyhollowclub.com)


Oral Auction 51. Decorative Concrete Curbing

Oral Auction VALUE: $1100

Take your manicured yard to a beautiful and elegant landscape masterpiece with a creative concrete edge. Look no further than decorative concrete curbing. This item from A+ Creative Curbing offers 200 feet of decorative curbing stamped with color. There are several different colors, stamps, and shapes to choose from. Concrete curbing is a continuous curb, ideal for such things as flower beds, existing landscape, tree rings, golf courses, driveways, playgrounds, and backyard ponds. You choose the shape, color, and design and A+ Creative Curb will do the rest! Donated by Jeff Minor and Steve Noecker (A+ Creative Curbing) (www.apluscreativecurb.com)

52. Police Reunion Tour

VALUE: $1,112

Whether you are a fast driver or not, these are four Police tickets worth getting! The Police, with special guest Elvis Costello and the Imposters, will perform at the Qwest Center on May 14, 2008. These four tickets are premium rock-star seats, Section 121, Row 2, Seats 1-4. This reunion tour marks the 30th anniversary of the Police’s beginnings. The Police and Elvis Costello and The Attractions were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003. In addition, this package includes a $150 voucher to Spencer’s (f/k/a Nick and Tony’s), where you can enjoy a preconcert dinner and drinks within walking distance of the concert. Don’t miss the hottest summer tour, which has already won numerous accolades including Pollstar’s “Tour of the Year” and Billboard Magazine’s “Top Selling Tour of 2007” and “Tour of the Year”!! Donated by Sam, Allison, and Noah Narmi


VALUE: $1,750

If your driveway is ready to be replaced, then this is the item for you! This item includes labor, materials, and equipment for a 500 square foot driveway 4” thick. This item excludes the following: This item includes the following:

1. Minor dirt grading

1. Removal of existing concrete

2. 3500 psi concrete

2. Additional Dirt for grading purposes

3. Concrete will be broomed finished & cured

3. Permits

4. Work will be done within a 5 mile radius of Council Bluffs

4. Poor soil conditions that won’t allow for new pavement

5. One concrete pour only

6. Proposal is good from April 1, 2008 thru October 1, 2008

5. Reinforcement

All materials are guaranteed to be as specified, and all work will be completed in a workmanlike manner to standard practices. Additional work possibly can be added to this item, and prices will be established between the two parties, as well as payment to be made as follows if done so: net 30 days. Spruce up the entrance to your house, by having a new driveway put in this summer! Donated by Ed & Jodi Leazenby (Leazenby Construction)

54. Kansas City – Speed Shopping Getaway

VALUE: $3,320

Escape to a fun weekend getaway for four that offers a little something for everyone! Travel in style to and from Kansas City in a chauffeured stretch limousine. While there, relax and unwind with a two-night stay in two leisure suite rooms at the Holiday Inn Express–Village West. Then, wake up refreshed and ready to experience the thrill of driving an actual NASCAR-style stock car with an afternoon for two at the Richard 56 Petty Driving Experience. Meanwhile, two of you can enjoy a truly unique shopping experience at the

new Legends open-air mall at Village West. Legends is the newest shopping attraction in Kansas City, featuring GAP, Banana Republic, Brooks Brothers, Old Navy and the Buckle. Finally, end your busy day in true “best-of-thewest” style, over a leisurely steak dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse. Package Includes:

Limo Transportation to and from Kansas City.

• Richard Petty Driving Experience (for two) – Includes driving instruction and 8 laps of excitement on the track. Potential Dates include 5/17, 5/18, 6/7, 6/8, 6/21, 7/26 and 7/27. (These were the dates available at the printing of the auction book, not all dates may be available by the time you make your selection.)

Gift certificates totaling $200 to Legends Outdoor Shopping Center.

Dinner for four at the Longhorn Steakhouse.

A two-room, two-night stay at the Holiday Inn Express-Village West.

Donated by: Chris Doyle – Envoy, Inc. , Dan & Natalie Burkey John & Robin Burkey

55. Jewel Box This queen sized quilt is a great combination of old country design with new aged colors. This is a Jewel Box design, which brings colors from earth tones to rust, to beiges and greens. It truly will stand out as a centerpiece in any modern home, and at the same time will be keep you cuddly on those cold winter evenings. This quilt is truly a jewel, and its beauty clearly shows. Donated by the Holy Family Quilters (Rita Vallinch, Pam Ratigan, Jane Grant, Marilyn Alfers, and Joan Gubbels)

56. Dinner with the Mayor Red-State Dinner? Blue-State Dinner? This is a Fun-State Dinner!!! Up to eight guests will enjoy dinner prepared by long-time St. Albert supporters and current city leader Mayor Tom Hanafan and his wife, Shirley Hanafan, with serving help from some members of the City Council. This party will occur at the Hanafan residence at a mutually agreed upon date. You will enjoy a wonderful dinner, cocktails, and lots of great conversation. I make the motion for a great party. Do I hear a second? Donated by Mayor Tom & Shirley Hanafan

57. Stogies and Spittoons Cowboys and Cowgirls, enjoy a “Bunkhouse Barbeque” at the Circle-N Ranch on Cogleywood Lane. Up to 20 guests will enjoy steaks on the grill, and all of Miss Candy’s special fixin’s. Riding, roping, and branding are optional, but cigars, spittoons, and cowboy beverages will be a plenty. Miss Candy promises to pull out all of the stops on this big hoe-down to make it a night to remember. Don’t be all hat and no cattle on this one, so bid it up! Donated by Jon & Candy Narmi, Joe & Sally Narmi, and Charlie & Melissa Narmi.


VALUE: $1,000

Show how your love will grow forever, year after year! This breathtaking 14k white gold circle journey pendant symbolizes the endless cycle of love, while the dazzling diamonds (.35 ctw) show how love grows greater with time. Buy this delicate necklace for the love of your life. Donated by 5th Grade Class and Bob & Jodi Hedrick, from Steven’s Jewelers

59. Come On! Come On! Come On! 57

Oral Auction

Oral Auction

Here is a gourmet cooking class you don’t want to miss. Gene Cammarota, owner and chef at Come On Into My Kitchen, located at 5423 Leavenworth in Omaha, will be your chef and entertainer for the evening. Gene hosts a radio program heard each Saturday at 2 PM Omaha radio station KKAR (1290 AM or www.1290kkar.com). Chef Commarota will work with you to develop a menu and will personally prepare your private gourmet dinner and cooking lessons for 10 people. The dinner package consists of an appetizer, salad, entree’, dessert, and selected wine for 10 people with tax and gratuity included. A cash bar is available. You can call Gene in advance to schedule your private dinner. Donated By: Andy & Michelle Biller, Rick & Joan Crowl, Andy & Paula Heck, Jerry & Karen Jares, John & TeresaSchlatuman Do you want to be Seen and Heard? Purchase a half-page, black and white ad in the Daily Nonpareil and you will be seen and heard throughout Council Bluffs and the Metropolitan Area. Donated by The Daily Nonpareil

VALUE: $1,500

You know it, you love it! StAlbertSportFan.com is THEE spot for all things Green and Gold. StAlbertSportsFan.com will be happy to add you to our list of sponsors as well as broadcast an event of your choosing. Game, recital, reunion, meeting…we don’t care, we’ll do it! Join 14,000 + visitors a month who have the exact same passion you do- St. Albert Sports!! Donated by StAlbertSportsFan.com-Vince Rew, Charlie Narmi, and Owen Burgin

62. The Fridge


Your family and the 1985 Chicago Bears have a lot in common. You both can’t get it done without “The Fridge”. This refreshingly cool item is an Amana Side-by-Side Refrigerator. Some practical convenience’s of this refrigerator include: Dimensions: • Height-70 inches • Width-35 5/8 inches • Depth-33 ¼ inches Features: • White • Energy Star • Sound Package-Ultimate • Automatic Icemaker • Stainless Steel • Fixed Shelf-Three • Electric • Automatic Moisture Control Freezer Lights • Adjustable Door Buckets-Four • Basket Drawers-One • Spillsaver Glass Crisper Shelf-One • Adjustable Spillsaver Glass Shelf-Three • Total Capacity-25.6 cu.ft. 58 • Snack Drawer-One

• • • • • •

Adjustable Gallon Door Buckets Covered Egg Storage Dairy Center Adjustable Freezer Door Buckets Freezer Basket Wire Freezer Shelves

Commonsense Features: • ENERGY STAR® Qualifed • EasyView™ Lighting Package • SofSound™ Quiet Package • One-Year Full Warranty

Push your family across the goal line with this highly recommended refrigerator by Amana. Donated by Jim & Deb Duggan

63. Thunder and Lightning

60. The Daily Nonpareil Advertising

61. St. AlbertSportsFan.com

• Garden Fresh Crisper-One • Dual Drawer-One • Covered Egg Storage-Removable • Lighting-Three • Adjustable Gallon Door Buckets • Beverage Chiller Practical Convenience: • Temp-Assure® Freshness Design • Five-Button Electronic FrontFill™ Dispenser • PuriClean II Retractable Water Filter • Three Adjustable Spillsaver™ Glass Shelves • Temperature-Controlled Beverage Chiller™ Compartment • 25.6 Cu. Ft. Capacity • Auto Night Light • Child Lock • Humidity-Controlled Garden Fresh™ Crisper Drawer • Clear Snack Drawer • Temperature-Controlled Dual Drawer

Deuce McCallister and Reggie Bush make up the Thunder and Lightning backfield for the New Orleans Saints, and the highest bidder of this item will receive an autographed black jersey from each running back. Both running backs were first round picks, and everyone watched Reggie Bush run away with the Heisman Trophy Award, Doak Walker Award, First Team All-American Award, and Walter Camp Award in 2005 while a star for USC. Bush was also featured on the front cover of NCAA 07 for EA Sports. They make up an explosive backfield, and you can have a piece of the action with these two jerseys! Donated by Kevin (91’) and Kristina Ryan

64. Dream Design Why trade spaces when rooms in your home just need a little help to transform into a dream come true. The highest bidder of this gift will receive both the talents of an Interior Designer, as well as the money to put it all together! Arlene Osterloh has teamed up with Kellys Carpet Omaha owners Mike and Jody Hughes this year to provide this amazing package. Arlene Osterloh received her MS in textiles and design from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and has designed for Interiors by Joan and Associates since 1987. Arlene is a member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Arlene will offer three hours of her services keeping your budget, lifestyle, and personal tastes in mind. Arlene can give you guidance about the various steps of your project, whether it is a new construction, a major renovation, or simply a space that needs some attention. You will find everything you are looking for at Kellys Carpet Omaha, with a $1000 gift certificate. Arlene will help you find the perfect flooring or counter tops, whether it be wood, tile, laminate flooring, vinyl or carpet. You may also choose from many counter top options such as granite, quartz, corian or formica. Long time St. Albert supporters Mike and Jody Hughes have been awarded the Mohawk Floorscape 2007 National Dealer of the Year. This item expires May of 2009, and you’ll like the way they do business. Transform that special room in your house with this dream design! Donated by Jody & Mike Hughes (Kellys Carpet of Omaha-www.kellyscarpetomaha.com/) and Arlene Osterloh (Interior by Joan and Associates-www.interiorsbyjoan.com)

65. Wild Game Feed Come and Experience the hands-down best Wild Game Feed in the Metro area. The highest bidder will receive a reserved front table for eight at the Queen of Apostles Knights of Columbus Wild Game Feed held on February 7, 2009 at the Great Hall at Queen of Apostles. A professional Chef prepares the meal, and new and exciting recipes are added each year. This event is one of the hardest tickets in town to get, and this ensures you get in the door with your friends, customers, or hunting buddies, and also get front row seating! As if the Wild Game Feed wasn’t enough, an added bonus is you will receive a $400 voucher to the Bass Pro Shop. This will ensure that all of your hunting and fishing needs are taken care of before the next season gets underway. Donated by the Queen of Apostles Knights of Columbus and Anonymous Donor


Oral Auction

Oral Auction

66. 1994 Cadillac 6-Door Fleetwood Federal Limousine

71. Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend

Why would you ever need your very own limousine? You want to comfortably seat eight people on a road trip to a St. Albert game; you want to haul all of your buddies in the same car on the way to the Pheasant Hunt; you want your 16-year old to have plenty of metal around them as they learn how to drive; you want to have plenty of room when you take your kid and their friends to look at Christmas lights; or you want to ride like a movie star! This 1994 Cadillac 6-Door Fleetwood Federal Limousine has the following features: white exterior; blue interior; 8-cylinder (same type of Chevrolet Corvette); automatic transmission; cassette player; air conditioning; power windows; power seats; power locks; cruise control; excellent shape; garage kept; 54,376 miles; and new tires. This baby is a beauty!! Show up at every event like you belong on the red carpet! Donated by Jon & Candy Narmi

67. Be the Star of Your Own Commercial

Diamond earrings are a must-have for any woman’s jewelry wardrobe and are the perfect gift for any occasion. These 14K white gold diamond stud earrings are decked out with sparkling diamonds, .50 ctw. The highest bidder on these elegant earrings will realize why diamonds are forever. Donated by the 5th Grade Class and Bob & Jodi Hedrick, from Steven’s Jewelers

72. Fill and Glow

Value: $3,000

Donated by Mark Hunter, Cox Media

This practical package includes $800 of gas for the entire year, as well as at least two car washes a month for an entire year.

• 31-$8 “Works” car wash vouchers to Gorilla Car Wash. The Works package includes: undercarriage spray, 2 low pressure soap passes, high pressure rinse, foaming wax, poly seal, spot free rinse, and dry.

73. Barley’s Party Birthday Party, Bachelorette Party, Retirement Party, Work Party, or whatever your reason to have a Party, Barley’s has the room for you. This large upstairs party room sits on the top floor of Barley’s, and can comfortably hold 40 to 50 people. This package includes use of the Private Party Room, hors d’oeuvres, appetizers, and one keg. This item is all inclusive; all that you have to bring is the fun! Donated by Matt & Jill Johnson, Barley’s

74. Give me an F! Give me a U! Give me an N! If you want a guaranteed way of bringing a smile to the faces of your little girl and all of her friends, then this is the gift for you. Have the St. Albert Cheerleaders come to your child’s party for two hours of fun playing games, painting faces, and showing first class cheers to the girls. The Cheerleaders will also bring with them a half sheet cake and ice cream. We’ve got spirit, yes we do, we’ve got spirit how about you?!!!

Donated by Darin & Teresa Hecker, Preferred Lawn & Landscaping; www.preferredlawns.com

69. Santa Claus is Coming to Town

A. Have Santa (John Erixon) come to your home for a very special visit to delight the children. Santa will make this special visit of sometime the week before Christmas right up to and including Christmas Eve. He can hand out gifts, listen to Christmas wishes, enjoy some cookies and milk, or talk about his friend, Rudolph to the little ones. Santa will pose for photos that will make lasting memories.

Donated by Gail Pogge and the St. Albert Cheerleaders

75. Born to Run

B. Whether you are young or getting on in age, Santa (John Erixon) never gets old. Santa can either come to your house to entertain the children, to an adult Christmas party, or to an Office Christmas party. Whether he gets asked for a new X-Box 360, a diamond ring, or a raise from the boss, Santa will not disappoint. Santa will pose for photos, and everyone will go away with a smile after seeing their favorite friend from the North Pole.

Donated by John Erixon

70. Pinwheels This quilt will dazzle your eyes, all while keeping you warm and comfortable. This queen size quilt is made of reproduction prints in the Pinwheel pattern. There are 35 blocks, each in a different print. The outside border is quilted in a cable stretch. This quilt is beautiful, and can be all yours!!


Donated by the St. Peter’s Quilt Ladies (Lil Schechinger, Joan Becker, Barbara Marshall, Alvera Hill, Mary Ronk, Betty Herzell, Amelia Buhman, and Mary Stokes)

16-$50 gas cards to BP.

Donated by: Gas donated by Attorneys: Tony Tauke, Charles Smith, Nicole Engelhardt, Jack Ruesch, Aimee Lowe, Walter Thomas, and Shannon Simpson; and Carwashes donated by Jeff Ballenger (Gorilla Car Wash)

VALUE: $2,000

Kids got you running in all directions? Need extra time for fishing or golfing? Just don’t have the time to do the yard work? Give yourself a vacation all summer long from the monotony of mowing and fertilizing. Preferred Lawn and Landscaping will do the work for you! This package includes weekly mowing for the whole Summer; a 6 step Premium fertilizer package; and aeration in the fall! It is limited to 12,000 square feet of gorgeous green grass. Keep your lawn beautiful and strong all year long!


This package includes:

The winner of this gift will receive one 30-second still frame commercial on Omaha and Council Bluffs “GoScout Homes” for one month. Spots to run 8 times per day with more than 50,000 viewers per week. PLUS running the same spot on HGTV, DIY, ESPN, News On One, The Weather Channel, CNN, Food Channel, CMT, TBS, Discovery Channel and Fox News. This item is subject to available inventory, and must be used in 2008. Be the star of your own commercial by being the highest bidder, and be seen by whole metro area!

68. Salon for your Lawn

VALUE: $1,000

VALUE: $800

Lose weight and rock your workout with the ProFormXP Weight Loss 620 Treadmill. Equipped with a Custom Weight Loss Center, you can quickly enter your weight, workout time, the number of calories you want to burn and the center will create a custom workout based on your individual needs. And, with an Interplay(tm) Universal iPod(r)* Dock, adding motivation to your workout has never been easier. Features of this Treadmill:

• The Weight Loss 620 also offers a QuietTech 20 x 55 treadbelt, giving you a smoother, freer workout, no matter your stride length, and a 1.75 CHP motor, a 300 lb. weight limit.

• Custom Weight Loss Center - Lose weight fast with this customized weight-loss feature that uses your weight, work-out time and your calorie-burn goal to create a customized, body-slimming workout.

• Interplay(tm) Universal iPod Dock - Rock your workout with this built-in, Universal Dock for iPod, which comes with a cable that plugs directly into the treadmills console and your iPod.

• 8 Customizable ifit(r) Workouts - Get personalized results with 8 built-in workouts, each featuring ifit(r) training technology and customizable workout settings.


Oral Auction

• QuietTech(tm) 1.75 CHP Drive Motor - Experience the ultimate in smooth, quiet drive with this self-cooling drive motor, thats designed to reduce overall workout noise.

• AirTech(tm) Cushioning - Step up your joint protection with AirTech(tm) cushioning, uniquely designed to offer maximum workout comfort.

• 20" x 55" QuietTech(tm) Treadbelt - This heavy-duty, treadmill belt is designed to operate more quietly and more smoothly than a normal treadbelt.

• Grafixx(tm) Display - See your preferred workout information at nearly 1" tall with this display that’s advanced enough to visually display either your heart beat or an animated figure walking, jogging or running through your workout with you.

• Precision QuickSpeed(tm) Control - Change your speed in precise increments with this speed control that allows you to quickly refine your speed setting down to 1/10 of a MPH.

Whether you are working on your New Year’s Resolution or training for a marathon, this is an item you want to run away with! Donated by Dr. Wendell and Lyn Stuntz and Southwest Orthodontics

76. State Championship Parking

Oral Auction Experience the benefits of massage therapy with any of our relaxing treatments, including the Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, or our White Sugar Honey Polish. In addition to improving general circulation, a massage treatment by Therapy Professionals, Inc. will ensure your stay at the InterContinental Chicago is a soothing one. Your package for 4 people includes, non-stop airfare to Chicago, two rooms for two nights at the Luxury 5 Star InterContinental Chicago on Michigan Ave, One 60 minute Massage per person and one 30 minute White Sugar Honey Polish per person, all taxes on the hotel and airline fuel surcharges and taxes. Packages are based on availability of SuperSaver flight category of both the hotels and airfare. There are certain blackout dates for holidays, conventions and other peak periods. Travel may not be available for departures on all days of the week and a 21 day advance purchase is required. Once reservations are confirmed, no name changes are allowed. Packages are based on double occupancy. Travel must be completed by 12/15/08. Package is not available until invoiced. Contact the Vacation Superstore, in Omaha at 390-0909. Donated by The Narmi Group at Smith Barney-Jon Narmi & Charlie Narmi

If you don’t want to run the stairs like Rocky Balboa after football and soccer victories, or sit in the snow and rain, then bid on this item where you can park right on the legendary Al Leber Field. Reserve this spot and you will receive free admission for yourself and up to five passengers to all varsity football and soccer (boys and girls) events, which will also include six Booster Club tickets to each home game. Soccer games require you to show up at least 30 minutes before the fútbol is kicked off. To watch your back-to-back State Championship football team kick off you will need to be there at least 45 minutes early, but that will just give you more time to enjoy John Erixon’s cheesburgers and brats!

79. Raised Relief Iron Base World Floor Globe

Donated by St. Albert Schools

80. Exploration of the Loess Hills

77. St. Albert Alumni Dinner The St. Albert Alumni Association will host a fabulous dinner for up to 16 people in your home. They will bring the steaks, cocktails, side dishes, cocktails, dessert, and cocktails. While you and your guests kick up your feet, “Chef Charlie” and his crew will take care of it all, including the clean up! Your only job this evening is to relax and have a great time!! Donated by the St. Albert Alumni Association

78. Chicago SPA Weekend The 5 Star InterContinental Chicago was originally built as the Medinah Athletic Club in 1929. This historic city landmark boasts an impressive contemporary interior, innovative cuisine and fine amenities and service. With its art-deco exterior, Roman-style swimming pool and upscale accommodations, guests will enjoy unforgettable stays at this dynamic downtown getaway. Directly above the hotel’s Grand Ballroom is the historic Junior Olympic indoor swimming pool. The original Medinah Athletic Club included a gymnasium, running track, bowling alley, golfing, and archery ranges; the pool was the only element to survive the years. It was considered an engineering feat at the time it was built in 1929 because it was above ground, holding 120,000 gallons of water. Famous for its many visitors over the years, it was the personal favorite of Johnny Weissmuller, the Olympic gold medalist and original Tarzan star. Adjacent to pool, the hotel’s state-of-the-art Fitness Center spans three levels, and is one of the largest hotel fitness centers in Chicago. Including men’s and women’s private locker facilities, spacious shower stalls, dry saunas, and dedicated cardio / aerobic and strength-training rooms, this comprehensive and fullservice Fitness Center is available to our guests 24 hours. Personal trainers and spa services are available 62 upon request.

VALUE: $607

Stone County Ironworks has made quality heirlooms and pieces of art for numerous years. They have spared no expense or beauty with this Raised Relief Iron Base World Floor Globe, which has been uniquely made by blacksmiths with traditional tools and their natural artistic ability. The hand wrought iron base and natural beauty will make this piece of art the focal point of any room and in any setting. Donated by Echo (formerly Interstate Electric) Columbus, Magellan, Coronado, and Cousteau were some famous explorers. You and up to seven family members or friends will enjoy exploring the western slopes of the Iowa Loess Hills. You will begin your exploration at the Breezy Hills Vineyard and Winery. This local winery is located near Minden, Iowa and has a spectacular panoramic view atop the western slopes of the Loess Hills. Darrell and Roberta Morse will give you a tour of the vineyard and winery, and explain the various wines that they offer. You will taste fabulous wines and enjoy wonderful hors d’oeuvres. From the winery you will trek southward to the Roane Farm. There you will enjoy an Iowa homestyle meal with all the country fixins’ to go along with it, luscious desert, and great hospitality. Please use by January 31, 2009, at a mutually agreed upon date. Bid on this item and discover the Explorer the In You! Donated by Jack & Mike Roane, Darrell & Roberta Morse (Breezy Hills Vineyard & Winery-www.breezyhills.com), and Bill & Jeannette Masker

81. For Those About to Rock, We Salute You! Whether you are an AC/DC groupie, a Faith Hill fan, or Buddy Holly listener, you all have one thing in common….. you love music. This gift is for all music lovers….your very own Jukebox! A Jukebox is a great centerpiece or compliment for either your home or office. This item works great, sounds fabulous, and looks marvelous. In addition, John Glenn with Waitt Radio Networks has graciously donated 30 CD’s to stock the Jukebox, so it is ready to rock the Casbah! For those about to rock, we salute you! Jukebox donated by Sherry O’Neill (Sherry’s Shear Impressions), and the 30 CD’s donated by John Glenn (Waitt Radio Networks)


Oral Auction 82. Wii Believe You’ll Enjoy This Big Screen

Oral Auction VALUE: $1,424

The Superbowl, March Madness, the Olympics, Dancing with the Stars, or Gaming are a number of reasons why you need to get a big screen and start watching events at a larger level. Enjoy this Polaroid 40” LCD HDTV with Digital Tuner. Some specifications of this amazing television are: 40-inch widescreen LCD, which delivers 1366 X 768 resolution with more than a million pixels for superb picture quality at 720p; built in digital (ATSC)/analog (NTSC) tuner, which receives conventional analog broadcasts and digital broadcasts including HDTV programs where available; 1200:1 dynamic contrast ratio and 8-ms. Response time, which ensure deeper black and brighter whites along with less blurring when there is motion onscreen; Polaroid picture quality engine and video processor, which provides true-to-life color and enhance images using a three-dimensional filter; HDMI, component video, S-video, audio and computer connections, which accommodate DVD players, camcorders, surround sound systems, computers and other gear; two built-in speakers and simulated surround sound, which furnish stereo audio and surround sound effect; and detachable stand, which also has the capability to mount on a wall with an optional 200 X 400 mm VESA-compatible kit sold separately. As if the big screen weren’t enough, Matt Madsen and Kathleen Kilnoski have donated a Nintendo Wii, an extra game controller, and Wii Sports. This is the hottest gaming system in the world right now, and is enjoyed by people of all ages. This gaming system will get the whole family off the couch as the games are physically interactive and fun to play as a group. Donated by Walmart & Matt Madsen & Kathleen Kilnoski If you want to watch Desperate Housewives right up until the tipoff, then this is a gift for you! Park right across from the High School gym lobby. This reserved spot for your family is good for the school days, so junior is never late, and on game nights as well so you never miss a minute of the action. You will even have your rock star parking marked with your very own personalized parking sign!! Donated by St. Albert Schools

84. Block by Block This quilt is built block by block, and the final product is exquisite. It is queen sized, machine pieced by Pat, professionally machine quilted, and each block has its own distinction and character. The colors of wine and navy add a cozy and warm feeling to any room. Donated by Pat Hutcheson

VALUE: $600

Bridges Bay Resort is a place where you can enjoy year-round fun in Okoboji’s only indoor waterpark, or bring your boat and experience the fun of Lake Okoboji! This package includes a two-night stay in a 2 bedroom condo, with a full kitchen, laundry, gas fireplace, and more! The indoor waterpark offers a variety of exciting features including: waterslides, a 500-gallon dump bucket, water-dropping mushroom, Lil’ Squirt play features, Lily pad waterwalk, Triple-hoop basketball area, and much more! Bracco Waterfront Cafe and Island Bar is also coming to Bridges Bay Resort! This beautiful waterfront restaurant is scheduled to open in May 2008. Bridges Bay Resort is also adding an outdoor pool featuring Bracco swim up pool bar! The pool and swim up bar are scheduled to open in June 2008.


Donated by the 4th Grade Class

86. The Ultimate Day at the Iowa State Capitol If you are into Political Science and American History, then this item is a dream come true for you. You and five guests will get an up-close and personal tour of the Legislative Branch of the Iowa State Government in Des Moines. This once in a lifetime opportunity will include tours of the Iowa State Capitol Building; of Gov. Chet Culver’s Office; the Iowa Governor’s Home on Terrace Hill; the House and Senate Chambers by Assistant Minority Leader Representative Doug Struyk (88’); lunch with Assistant Minority Leader Representative Doug Struyk (88’). You also will receive a United States flag and an Iowa flag that have been flown over the Iowa State Capitol Building; and a chance to talk politics one-on-one with our elected officials. The normal legislative week is from noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. For best availability of the Legislators, the trip should be made between January 21 and March 13, 2009. Donated by Doug Struyk

87. Mow and Throw

83. Year-Round VIP Parking

85. Come and Play at Bridges Bay

In addition to the Bridges Bay Waterpark, we are including a Hapi Family Fun Pak for a family of 4 to the Historic Arnolds Park which includes unlimited amusement park ride access, meal deals, game tickets and discounts for the Queen II excursion boat, the Queen’s Court shops and other area businesses. To top it off, this package includes $100 in BP gas cards.

VALUE: $1,000

For all of you do-it-yourselfers out there, these landscaping items will keep your residence looking great in all seasons. This combination includes a Toro Super Recycler Mower and a Toro CCR Powerlite Snowthrower. The Toro Super Recycler Mower (Model 20095) is the top of the line mower of the 2008 season! Some of its features include: • Engine-Briggs & Stratton 190cc 4-Cycle Side Valve • Power Rating-6.75 Ft. Lbs. Gross Torque • Guaranteed to Start Promise-5 years • Starter-Key-Lectric Start • Drive System/Handle-Personal Pace Rear Wheel Drive • Cutting Width-21” • Height of Cut-1.25”-4.24” (7 positions) • “Quick Wash” Wash Out Port • Deck Material-Cast Aluminum (no rust) • Mulch, Side Discharge, Rear Bag • Warranty-5 Year Full • Approximate Weight-95 lbs. The Toro CCR Powerlite Snowthrower features include: • Capacity per Minute-Up to 1100 lbs • Throw Distance-Up to 25 feet • Clearing Widty-16”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Engine-Tecumseh 2-Cycle Displacement-98cc Starter-Recoil Compression Release-Standard Governor-Air-Vane Ignition-Electronic Fuel Capacity-.90 Quart Auger Type-Power Curve Rotor Rotor Propelled-Standard Chute Control-Chute & Deflector Handle Drive System-Rotor Propelled Folding Handle-Standard Tires-6” X 1.5” Cut Depth-11” Weight-37 lbs Warranty-2 year full coverage

Donated by Andy, Eric, and Greg Olson (Olson Brothers Construction)


Oral Auction

Oral Auction

88. Three Remote Auto Starters

VALUE: $960

Add some life to your automobile by letting it warm up before you take off! The winning bidder will receive three remote auto starters(ScyTek Galaxy 1000RS), which means one for mom’s automobile, one for dad’s automobile, and one for junior’s automobile! These are the top of the line. Features of the ScyTek Galaxy 1000RS:

Any security by-pass module if needed.

Power door lock control

• Labor on installation of remote starter is included by Creative Auto Solutions in Council Bluffs.

Trunk Release

True RPM Sensing for Real Time Cranking

• Installation of keyless entry system or truck pop is included in this prize.

RPM Learning Indication

• Some vehicles require 2 keys in order to program the security by-pass in order for the remote starter to start the vehicle. The prize winner will be required to provide 2 keys at the time of install to program the security by-pass. Upon completion of installation, both keys will be returned and will still be usable.

• Remote Start Tachless Mode using Adaptive Digital Signal Processing -compatible with all vehicles

Remote Start Tach Monitor

Parking Light Flasher

Courtesy Light Control

Super Bright Blue LED Status Indicator

• One (1) 5 Button code hopping Remote Controls (four remotes max.)

Remote engine starter

Anti-grind Option

Gas or Diesel compatibility

The highest bidder will receive a bit of safety and comfort for the entire family! Donated by the Pre-Kindergarten Class and Bob & Jodi Hedrick

VALUE: $1,000

The winner of this gets two cutting-edge Sony items that will leave you surrounded with a high quality sound system! The first item is a Sony DAV HDX500/i Home Theatre System-5.1 Channel. You can watch movies, listen to your entire music collection, play video games, and play XM satellite radio with the DAV-HDX500 BRAVIA theater system. And with the touch of a button on the included remote, BRAVIA Theater Sync lets you manage select Sony HDMI components quickly and effortlessly. The DAV-HDX500 even features a 5-DVD/CD changer that upscales standard 480p DVDs to 1080i resolution (requires compatible television). In addition to playing from a wide range of music sources, the DAV-DX500 boasts automatic calibration that delivers optimal sound from speakers, no matter where they are placed. Attention gamers and movie watchers, the second item is a Sony Playstation 3. The PS3 is the latest video gaming system in the popular Playstation series. Some of the main features of this console include its robust multimedia capabilities, connectivity with the PlayStation Portable, and its use of a next-gen optical media, Blu-ray Disc, as its primary storage medium. This system is fast, and fun to play. Donated by HRH Labor Services, LLC-Don and Marta Foust


VALUE: $1,600

If you’re looking to spruce up the front yard and be the envy of the neighborhood, then look no more. This package includes 200 feet of professionally installed lighted concrete landscape border. The lighted curbing eliminates the need for edging, trimming, and weeding. It’s an attractive new look for your yard, and curves and winds to follow the contour of flower beds and walkways. Wind your way into landscaping beauty by bidding on this item!

92. Nostalgia Electrics KRS-2100 Kegorator Beer Keg Fridge

If you want to feel like you are either in the game or in the movie, these items are for you!!

91. Curb Appeal

Donated by Kevin Klein (Advanced Custom Concrete & Borders)

• One (1) 2-Way 5 Button remote control (two remotes max.)

89. Surround Yourself with Sony

Walgreens is a quality blue chip stock that has very high growth potential. They are located on prime corners, and with baby boomers hitting retirement they are in the right industry with the dispensing of pharmaceuticals. If this is a company that sounds of interest to you, buy this item, and you will add 25 shares of Walgreen Company to your portfolio!! Buy Low-Sell High! Donated by John & Mary Fischer

Personal coded override switch

90. 25 Shares of Walgreens (WAG)

VALUE: $500

Whether you are a beer enthusiast, or a family who likes to have parties, this item is for you. The KRS-2100 Beer Keg Fridge lets you enjoy fresh, cold, premium tap beer in your own home. The pressurized Kegorator keeps beer carbonated for weeks. Just place a keg of your favorite brew in the refrigerated chamber and plug it in. To dispense, it’s as easy as pulling the lever. Rolling casters let you move the Kegorator to the party, whether it is indoors or outdoors. It holds one full or pony-size keg or two 5-gallon kegs; comes with a semi-gloss black tower; guard rail; durable black counter-style top; empty CO2 bottle; and a cleaning and maintenance kit; 2.5-pound aluminum tank with single-gauge medical-equipment-grade CO2 regulator; CGA – 320 hookup to CO2 tank; dimensions: 20.3”L x 26”W x 32”H; weighs about 80 pounds; 120 volts; UL listed; 90-day mfg. warranty; black exterior. In addition, you will receive one 1/4 barrel keg of beer of your choice from a wide array of Budweiser Products to get your party started right! Donated by Mark & Julia Doll (Doll Distributing)

93. Garden Oasis

VALUE: $1179

Turn your backyard into a garden oasis and experience outdoor entertaining in style. The River Stone Collection includes a 39”long x 64” wide x 28” high table, four chairs and two swivel rockers. This River Stone 7 piece dining set has rust-free aluminum, powder coated frames that resist fading and chipping and has a durable, multi-step hand applied finish. Story Back Design is unique and stylish. The dining table has replaceable porcelain tiles and a decorative cast aluminum center piece. 1 year warranty on fabric and finish. This patio set also comes with a 7.5 foot market umbrella which includes a strong, lightweight and rust free aluminum pole. Also comes with multiposition push button tilt mechanism and hand crank. Velcro straps allow a string of lights to be easily attached. As an added bonus, you will stay warm on those cool spring or fall evenings with a Fire Sense Black Patio Heater. This Patio Heater has an overall height of 89 inches, has a heat range up to 18 foot in diameter, uses a standard 20 lb. LPG BBQ tank, and has a weighted 20 inch base for stability. Enjoy your time outdoors this spring, summer, and fall with this extravagant patio setup! Patio Set donated by St. Albert Auction Past Chairpersons and Patio Heater donated by Attorneys: Noran Davis, Joe McGinn, and Roger Sawatzke


Oral Auction 94. Great American 8’ Power Air-Hockey Table

VALUE: $1,920

You don’t have to be Wayne Gretzky, Keith Tkachuk, or Gordy Howe to enjoy hockey. The highest bidder for this item can enjoy all the “skate time” that they want in the comfort of their own home or business. This Great American Power Air-Hockey Table is eight-feet long, and is a perfect ten when it comes to air-hockey tables. Some of this item’s specifications and features are: wide goals make defense more challenging and offer a high speed, shootout style of play; aluminum rails give true deflection with minimal energy transfer for fast rebound play; rails are oversized to help keep the puck on the playing surface; arcade style puck return system provides easy access to resume play quickly after goals; legs are reinforced for stability and are equipped with adjustable levelers to ensure level play; a hinged bottom door provides space for the legs if you ever store or move your table; formica playing surface is smooth, highly durable, and easy to clean; industrial grade blower creates a thicker cushion of air to keep the puck in motion; playing surface and cabinet graphics provide the look and feel of a true arcade air hockey table; and this table is 99 by 51 inches with a 93 by 44 inch playing surface. Deciding whether to purchase this item is as easy as an empty-netter, so bid early and often on this fun and exciting item! http://www.netshops.com/products.cfm?action=view&key=GRA004 Donated by Netshops, Tim & Annette Goeser

95. NordicTrack Elliptical, Audio Strider 800

VALUE: $999

Spring is here and swimsuit weather is just around the corner. Tone and firm your body just in time for the warm weather with this great Elliptical machine by Nordic Track. Features include:

• ifit® Workout Card Technology-ifit® combines fitness equipment and modern technology with interactive Memory Cards that can be ordered from your local Sears retailer or the Internet. Each ifit® Workout automatically controls the resistance of the elliptical and provides motivational coaching from a certified personal trainer.

• Music Port-Plug your media player into the console and play your favorite music or media files through the ellipticals built-in speakers. The port is equipped with a shelf that is great for securing most devices.

• Grafixx™ Display-The brand new white backlit Grafixx™ is a high-resolution graphical display that animates your screen giving you more accurate, less machine-like readings.

• StrideMax™ Incline Ramp-Changing the incline of an elliptical changes the shape of the elliptical stride, which alters the muscle groups your workout focuses on. This ramp has a number of settings with a max incline of 30.

• SMR™ Silent Magnetic Resistance-This smooth, frictionless resistance system allows you to adjust your workout intensity without interrupting your workout. Choose from twelve resistance levels to target specific workout and conditioning goals.

• 6 Personal Trainer Workouts, 2 Heart Rate Workouts-The AudioStrider 800 comes with 6 Personal Trainer workouts that automatically adjust the resistance of the elliptical to focus on aerobic, weight loss, or performance goals. It includes 2 Heart Rate workouts that help you stay in the right training zone by automatically increasing the resistance when you need to raise your heart rate and decreasing the resistance when you need to lower it.

• 1-Touch™ Workout Programming-Select your preferred workout with the single touch of a button. Each workout button has a diagram so you can easily choose the right workout without any guesswork.

96. The Great Hunt Up to six people will enjoy access to some of Iowa’s finest hunting grounds. Come and spend the day on the Fischer’s land to find the finest whitetail deer in Iowa. Guests will be able to spend the weekend (second season) shooting the deer of your dreams. You will have access to more than 1,000 acres of prime hunting ground. On Saturday, your group will be served a wild game lunch and refreshments. An experienced hunting guide will be available for your use. Come early in the fall to scope out your buck! If you are more of a bird lover, then make arrangements to come out opening weekend of pheasant season and shoot your roosters. It’s up to you. Donated by Andy & Jill Fischer

97. Are you ready for some Football!!

VALUE: $700

If you love watching football games indoors and on the turf (which of course all Falcon Football fans love to do) then you will love your hometown professional football team. This package includes two tickets to the Iowa Blackhawks for the 2008 season. The Iowa Blackhawks are a member of the American Professional Football League, and all home games are played at the Mid-America Center. You will also enjoy an autographed football by the team, and an autographed Blackhawks jersey. Also included in this package are dinner vouchers to some of your favorite local eateries for a pre-game or post-game dinner. (Tish’s-$50, Famous Dave’s-$50, Quaker Steak and Lube-$50, La-Mesa-$50, and Ruby Tuesday’s-$50). In addition, for the non-football times of the year that you want to head down towards the MAC, a $150 gift certificate to the Star Cinema will help you fill the void very nicely. The games are fast and furious, and this year’s team is championship caliber, so don’t miss out on the action! Donated by Michael Wolff (www.iowablackhawks.com); and the restaurant and movie vouchers are donated by Liberty Bank, MidStates Bank, and US Bank.

98. Big Diamond Quilt This queen sized quilt would look beautiful in your bedroom! This quilt was made with special meaning by the Conlon Twins, as it was done in the memory of their mother, Regina. This 83” X 108” quilt is made with beautiful fabric from designer Kaffe Fassett. The exquisite quilting of the piece really adds to the beauty of the quilt. Donated by the Conlon Twins-Susie Conlon & Marian Brown, in the memory of their mother, Regina.

99. Bowl of Cash This item will have the highest bidder rolling in the dough! A bowl of cash will be circulated among auction guests throughout the evening. Guests will have the opportunity to add money to the bowl until this item comes up for bid. How much cash is in the bowl? $1,000, $3,000, $5,000? Guestimate, and take a chance! You win and so do the students of St. Albert!!! Donated by the Guests of the 2008 St. Albert Auction and bowl donated by the 4th grade class.

Donated by St. Albert Auction Past Chairpersons



Oral Auction


100. Las Vegas Welcome to the house that fame built. Hip, modern, decidedly dramatic, and the centerpiece of the Las Vegas Strip, Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino is more than the newest hotel in town. It’s the shopping, dining and gambling destination of choice for the city that celebrates celebrity. Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino has all the action you can handle with three acres of gaming, a variety of tables and slots, a huge poker room, and The Playing Field race and sports book. You can dine at one of eight extraordinary and already famous restaurants, including Koi from Los Angeles and Strip House from New York. Catch “Stomp Out Loud” in our 1,500-seat Showroom. Splurge at Miracle Mile Shops with 170 stores and boutiques. Rejuvenate at the Planet Hollywood Spa by Mandara. and luxuriate in one of their plush and stylish rooms — each one with its own piece of Hollywood history — actual memorabilia from famous films. Your package will include 3 Days/2 Nights in exciting Las Vegas. Package includes Non-Stop airfare from Omaha to Las Vegas for two, two nights at the new Luxury Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casio, all airline taxes and fuel surcharges and hotel taxes. Packages are based on availability of SuperSaver flight category of both the hotels and airfare. There are certain black-out dates for holidays, conventions and other peak periods. Travel may not be available for departures on all days of the week and a 21 day advance purchase is required. Once reservations are confirmed, no name changes are allowed. Packages are based on double occupancy. Travel must be completed by 12/15/08. Package is not available until invoiced. Contact the Vacation Superstore, in Omaha at 390-0909. Donated by Rhoden Auto Center

Check out www.saintalbertauction.org for updated items!





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