October 2006 - Charles Darwin University

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Charles Darwin University Graduation Program October 2006

Charles Darwin University October Graduation Ceremony 2006 The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan, AO, presiding Darwin Entertainment Centre Friday 13 October 2006

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

A Message from the Chancellor

As Chancellor of Charles Darwin University it is an honour and a privilege to congratulate the graduands of 2006. Charles Darwin University was formed through the merging of institutions such as the Northern Territory University, Centralian College, the Northern Territory Rural College and Menzies School of Health Research. This state of the art institution has grown into a place of learning for more than 18,000 students. Charles Darwin University offers a fresh approach to education, with a wide range of study options, excellent standards of teaching and an engaging learning environment. This is a university that aims to inspire its students to acquire the skills and knowledge to change their worlds for their own good and the good of the community. As well as being a celebration of knowledge, graduation ceremonies allow students to share their pride and satisfaction in achieving their goals with their families, friends, and the University staff who have supported and encouraged them throughout their studies. Graduation is not a farewell to the Charles Darwin University. We look forward to welcoming back graduands as members of the Alumni or through continuing formal studies and to the many symposia, lectures, concerts and events at the University. Congratulations again to the Charles Darwin University graduates of 2006. We have no doubt we will be hearing of your continuing achievements in your work and the community in the future.

Richard Ryan, AO Chancellor

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

A Message from the Vice-Chancellor

Each of you, tonight’s graduates, has grown in knowledge, in competence and understanding during your time as students at Charles Darwin University. Each of you, by deploying these attributes to the greatest possible extent, will make a difference; a difference to your own future, the future of your families, your community, the Northern Territory and the global community. You will be part of a rapidly changing world, where the only certainty is the development of new knowledge and new ways of doing things – ongoing change is simply part of life. Change provides opportunities and I hope you will welcome change and successfully ride the waves that produce it. Remember Charles Darwin, the namesake of the Territory’s university once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” The amount of information on any subject is growing at an ever-increasing rate. To move from being a novice and eventually to expert we all must continue to learn and to apply those learning’s. We must keep on learning in new fields as our roles change or we slip back down the ladder to being a novice. I hope your time at Charles Darwin University has resulted in you having a love of learning for life and that you will be open to new ideas. With its roots in the Northern Territory University College founded in 1986, the Darwin Institute of Technology, established from predecessor organisations the Northern Territory Rural College, Centralian College and Menzies School of Health Research, Charles Darwin University has a proud history of achievement. As graduates of Charles Darwin University, you are becoming alumni of a University that sees its role as providing vibrant learning, life-changing experiences and graduating individuals with the foundation to be excellent thinkers, workers and citizens: a University that equips its graduates with the generic skills to thrive in the complex world at large, joining thousands of alumni in making their mark around the world and to take on the particular challenges of the Northern Territory. I hope you have enjoyed your university experience. I hope you will continue to learn and that through your words and actions you will contribute to the development and reputation of the Charles Darwin University, a university that aspires to work with its alumni, wherever they may be, to provide an enriching experience. This evening is one of celebration; you have achieved a significant milestone and we are proud of you. All of us in the University join with your family and friends in saying “congratulations”.

Helen Garnett Vice-Chancellor

Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

A Message from Your Student Union

Firstly, congratulations on graduating at the Charles Darwin University. This is a special achievement that should be celebrated with friends and family. The Students’ Union sincerely hopes you enjoyed your time and experiences throughout your course. Your dedication and hard work as a student to successfully pass and graduate provides inspiration to aspiring graduates. We hope that your experience with the Students’ Union was positive and that we helped in some way to improve your time at the Charles Darwin University. Students operating and supporting the Students’ Union is central to the success of on-campus activities, and your participation and contribution was greatly appreciated. Hopefully some of the student services provided to you by the Students’ Union eased the pressure of university life. However, many of the services you received have recently been wound back as a result of federal government policy. Accordingly, the future of the Students’ Union is severely threatened, and I therefore encourage you to pass on good reports of your experience to current and future students, in order to ensure that the increased levels of volunteerism now necessary are forthcoming. Once again, congratulations to all graduates on behalf of the Charles Darwin University Students’ Union and we wish you all the very best luck with whatever you chose to do in your future career. Yours sincerely, Nathan Franklin President Charles Darwin University – Students’ Union

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

Australian Federation of University Women Inc Northern Territory The Australian Federation of University Women (Northern Territory) Inc (AFUW-NT) provided assistance in gowning for the Graduation Ceremony this evening. This is a fundraising activity providing scholarships for Northern Territory, and now East Timorese, women students. We presently offer three $1000 scholarships annually in the Northern Territory – one each to an undergraduate, a postgraduate and one identified for an Indigenous woman student. We are pleased to announce this year two new scholarships for women studying at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosae, Dili. The inaugural presentation ceremony was held in Dili in March this year. To fund these activities we plan to increase our membership base, seek the support of regular donors and continue to provide volunteers for CDU Graduation Ceremonies. AFUW-NT is a member of the Federal Council of the Australian Federation of University Women Inc (AFUW Inc). AFUW Inc joined the International Federation of University Women (IFUW) in 1924. IFUW has NGO status with the United Nations, and is a voice for graduate women, promoting the advancement of women worldwide and their equality of opportunity through initiatives in education, welfare, friendship, the environment and peace. Membership in AFUW Inc is open to all women who hold an undergraduate degree or its equivalent from a University anywhere in the world. AFUW Inc welcomes all women graduates who support its purposes and objectives. Employment in a University or any other location is not a requirement. AFUW Inc has Standing Committees on education, youth, international issues, the environment and peace in which AFUW-NT participates and contributes. AFUW Inc is also a member of the four Secretariats established by the Federal Government to advise on women’s perspectives on rural, economic, human rights and health issues. If you would like to know more about AFUW-NT, visit these websites: AFUW-NT : www.afuw-nt.org.au/index.html, AFUW Inc :www.afuw.org.au/welcome.htm IFUW: www.ifuw.org If you are interested in joining AFUW-NT please talk to us at the Graduation Ceremony, visit our website, ring 8946 6355 (BH) or write to The Secretary, AFUW – NT, Box 714, PO Parap NT 0804, or email the President, Penny Wurm ([email protected]), the Vice President, Helen Haritos ([email protected]) or the Secretary, Christine Silvester (christine. [email protected] ). 

Penny Wurm President 2006

Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University, Darwin Entertainment Centre Friday 13 October 2006 – 6.30pm

Order of Proceedings The Academic Procession will enter with the Assembly standing Processional: Gaudeamus Igitur, (Charles Darwin University Chamber Choir and Musicianship Choir) The National Anthem The Assembly will remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem (Charles Darwin University Chamber Choir and Musicianship Choir) Welcoming Address The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Helen Garnett PSM The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan AO The Conferring of Degrees and Awards Education, Health and Science Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Health and Science Professor Carol Kayrooz Technology Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Technology Dr Steve Shanahan Musical Performance Law, Business and Arts Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Arts Mr Adrian Walter Institute of Advanced Studies Presented by the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies Professor Robert Wasson Occasional Address Mr Michael Linskey Graduand Response Shameemah Salahudeen The Academic Procession will retire, the Assembly Standing Recessional: Rondeau

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 13 October Doctor of Philosophy John Christopher Guenther Thesis title: Vocation education and Training (VET) as a tool for regional planning and management: Case studies from Australian tropical savanna communities This project aims to determine the impact of vocational education and training (VET) in different kinds of communities in northern Australia. The research covered rural, Indigenous, urban and mining communities. It sought the views of industry, trainees, communities and voluntary organisations. Over 100 interviews were conducted with people involved in VET in Queensland and the Northern Territory. While most people interviewed reported work, income and education related outcomes, a range of other social, cultural, health, environmental and safety benefits were also found. Given the importance of culture, the environment and tourism for the region, particularly for Indigenous peoples it was found that VET was an under-utilised tool for equipping people for their livelihoods in the tropical savannas. One of the most important factors contributing to effective training was related to how it shapes a person’s ‘identity’ – that is, how trainees understand themselves and how they then relate to other people. Paul George Horner Thesis title: Systematics of the Snake-eyed Skinks, genus Cryptoblepharus Weigmann (Squamata: Scincidae) The thesis details taxonomic research on the scincid genus Cryptoblepharus, a group of small, arboreal lizards that was once believed to be a single, broadly distributed species. Using two independent discriminating techniques (allozyme electrophoresis and comparative morphology) the research investigated variation within and between populations and was aimed at distinguishing suspected ‘cryptic-species’. Principally focussed on Australian populations, it was determined that the six currently recognised species were species-complexes that actually comprised 24 species. Also recognising 13 taxa from the southwest Indian Ocean and 22 from the Indo-Pacific regions, Cryptoblepharus was determined to comprise a total of 59 taxa of which 17 are described as new. The thesis provides accounts of each of these species, giving descriptions and information on identification, distribution and natural history. Overall, the thesis contributes to a greater understanding of the biodiversity and conservation of the Australian fauna. Jennifer Louise Overton Thesis title: Teacher identity and power relationships in contexts of educational change: A case study of teachers

This qualitative study investigated teachers in contexts of ongoing educational change. Utilising the concept of ‘identity’, it considered the deeper personal and professional implications of change on eight early childhood teachers. Teachers discussed

Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

their educational interactions with change and the data were analysed using a three-tiered approach that included narrative, grounded theory and discourse analysis methods, evidencing three themes of teacher identity, power and change. In contexts of ongoing educational change, these teachers experienced some degree of personal and professional uncertainty and instability. This put teachers at risk of eroding the residual goodwill that has existed between teachers and the education system. The study has evidenced the ways in which the actions of the educational system shape the value that teachers assign to themselves and their working lives and corrode teachers’ sense of value to their employer and therefore has direct implications for teacher effectiveness and student learning. Noel Douglas Preece Thesis title: Indigenous Savanna Managers in Northern Australia: History, Law and Practice Indigenous ecological knowledge is a substantial resource for contemporary savanna management, but has been substantially ignored. This thesis researched historical material on IEK, analysed legal impediments to application of traditional practices, and examined management using traditional practices. Historically Aboriginal people managed resources with fire, wells and fisheries, and myriad other resource management tools. Interpretations of observations were affected by dramatic changes to indigenous society. Traditional burning is being reinstated, although influence of traditional fire in shaping biotic landscapes and re-establishing customary practice are contentious. Aboriginal practice has been dismissed as pyromania, and consequences for management as incidental, which is at odds with available evidence. Misunderstanding arises from contrasting views of objectives, values and goals. An impediment to ecological and reinstated traditional fire is bushfire legislation. Changes to existing law are needed for better savanna management. Doctor of Teaching Nicole Marie Traves Master of Applied Linguistics Yvonne Teresa Bond Maryanne Cameron Mekailaeh Michelle Figuera Julie Elise Fraser Nicola Anne Swayne Master of Education Anna Ingrid Katarina Fletcher Ruth Margaret Rawnsley Naomi Maureen Warriner Jennifer Kathleen Webber Master of Science Taegan Calnan

Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 13 October Master of Tropical Environmental Management John Charles Cahir Doherty Linda Ann Wirf Graduate Diploma of Education in Learning Communities Rosalind Mary Marden Graduate Diploma in Primary Education Toni Veronica Baird Jane Kerr Emma Caroline Liveris Natalie Ellen Vander Sluys Graduate Diploma in Psychology Robynne Louise Dixon Graduate Diploma in Tropical Environmental Management Nicholas John Edwin Gambold Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics Camille Joan Maynard Stephanie Edith Marcsik Graduate Certificate in Australian Indigenous ESL Teaching Louise Jessie Cooke Graduate Certificate in Education Douglas Robert Cairns Sophie Elizabeth Constable Deborah Nancy Hall Graduate Certificate in Health Joy-Anne Louise Ellis Bachelor of Psychology with Third Class Honours Barbara Kapser Bachelor of Behavioural Science Paul Reynolds Fong Anthony Hall Bachelor of Biomedical Science Jenna Brooke Gray Duncan Alan Roseby Bachelor of Children's Services Lena Marie Crasti Kathryn Anne Hartigan Bachelor of Education Robert Bonnar Melanie Jane Brown Julie Anne Collins Benjamin James Delanty Marie Terese Errington Katarina Farrand Jenny Maree Fergus Danielle Lesley Ford Alexandra Jeanne Fraser Nicole Lee James Jaylene Jan Rebecca Jayne Johnson

Lisa Frances Lever Crystal Louise Miller Margaret Mary Mulvey Tania Joy Nicholls Carol Anne Putica Sofia Rodrigues Alison Lee Sadowski David Keith John Scott Eleonore Simpson Joshua Leonard Walter Smith Carly Nicole Stagg Michelle Julie Suski Michelle Dianne Wolhuter Bachelor of Environmental Science Sharna Emma Frakking Kirsten Louise Rosenberg-Nielsen Kurt Bernhard Tschirner Catriona Margaret Wagg Bachelor of Nursing Julia Sondra Bethune Debra Tania Dalton Leonie Glenda Davidson Cheryl Diane Fontaine Garnet Christel Meldrum Alison Margaret Terriaca Dylan John Tindale Jennifer Lyn Tingwell Shillah Tombe Lee-Kaye Tonkin-Jones Bachelor of Science Felipe Fonseca Costa Matthew Allan Kerle Eudoxia Koulakis Kristy Jane Mellor Ken Patrick Newey Andrew Charles Kenneth Scott April Pamela Stevens Bachelor of Vocational and Adult Education Deborah Ann Potts Advanced Diploma of Vocational and Adult Education Kim Beasley Andrew Peter Moffat Diploma of Children's Services Nicole Channing Emelia Keane Jo-Anne Kellington Kelly Ann Parker Dewi Setyowati Diploma of Community Welfare Work Geoffrey Lewis Lohmeyer Diploma of Conservation and Land Management Joseph Michael D'Arcy 

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 13 October Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety Michael Klaassen Delene Kaye Mason-Waugh Diploma of Training and Assessment Systems Robert Neil Cantrill Cherie Castle Penelope Anne McIntosh Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training Lesleigh Annette Cartwright Lorraine Anne Gibbs Neville Wayne Hoare Anthony Perrone Certificate IV in Community Services and Health (Enrolled Nurse) Catherine Janice Ipsa Bainbridge Anna Guempel Marian Beth Young Certificate IV in Community Services Work Brooke Ash Gregory Lawrence Brown Kathleen Sarah Byron Rohan Stanley Chin Brendan Paul Howden Bob Jabateh Mamer Ayom Majak Javara Nova Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management Joseph Michael D'Arcy Certificate IV in Disability Work Lisa Anderson Lesley Ann Tonks Certificate IV in Education (Teacher Aide) Melissa Michelle Durbidge Nikki Ruth Taylor-Faint Certificate IV in Education Support Michelle Cavanough Sonya Joan Haywood Siok Tjien Heyward Loraine McCarthy Dee-Ann Maher Certificate IV in English Proficiency Linnette Eang Bethsaida Hingston Huyen Phuong Le Milagros Sampson Weerasekara Arachchillage Shyama Walles Certificate IV in Fitness Judith Ahern Catherine Joan Black 10

Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety Michael Klaassen Delene Kaye Mason-Waugh

Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Certificate IV in Sport (Development) William Frederick Adams Sophie Hawken Lee Anthony Wilson Certificate IV in Supporting Students With Additional Needs Jennifer Louise Shaw Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Neville Stuart Horrocks Stephen Thomas King Joseph Peter Pisani Jodie Ranford Certificate IV in Youth Work Gregory Lawrence Brown Brendan Paul Howden Javara Nova Vicki Ann Schultz Certificate III in Advanced English Proficiency (Second Language) Thi Hoang Anh Pham Certificate III in Aged Care Work Kelly Dow Bernardette Joy Jones Kim-Quy Le Ram Sami Jacquelene Joan Scott Fiona Michelle Stoddart Eunice Louise Watling Certificate III in Agriculture (Beef Production) Chelsea Maree Palmer Certificate III in Asset Maintenance (Pest Management - Technical) Peter Allan Kreymborg Certificate III in Children's Services Melissa Robin Adamson Arunee Broadbent Maria Lourdes Cheam Wendy Jane Collins Kylie Marie Couzner Brooke Lee Curtis Siragan Dawson Colleen Gaye Deelstra Tarida Dougherty Sharon Lee Haeusler Aimee Jane Hawkett Monique Jannese Katina Koulakis Tuanchai Kulatnam Vasanthadevi Mahendrarajah Snezana Miteva Shahida Parker Aplonia Raga Carmen Michelle Smith Phutthachat Sriwiset

Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 13 October Certificate III in Community Services (Alcohol and Other Drugs Work) Peta Theona Lee Certificate III in Community Services (Youth Work) Natalie Connell Certificate III in Community Services Work Kathleen Sarah Byron Adam Paul Hill Loretta Ann James Javara Nova Rebekah Dorothy Shepherd Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management Alf Connolly Joseph Markham Lucas John Paterson Certificate III in Disability Work Susan Elizabeth Glasgow Corazon Librillia Jones Barry Albert Sam Annette May Smith Brenda Mae Smith Certificate III in Fitness Melanie Jane Brandenburg Cathrine Wendy Briner Helen Louise Brown Certificate III in Health Service Assistance (Sterilisation Services) Joan Mary Ivinson Milagros Manning Judith Linda Williams Certificate III in Health Support Services (Client/ Patient Support Services) Helen O'Toole Marilyn Kay Petersen Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety Marlene Ann Organ Certificate III in Pathology Specimen Collection Sharon Byrne Shelly Anne Grundell Andrew Rollie McGinn Lynette Christina Edna McKee Lynda Tina Sidler Certificate III in Spoken and Written English Joji Ahlstrom Sadia Aman Violette Batwenga Violaine Couzinet-Kennaway Martasinia Elia Feni Hawati Michal Janecek Minu Jojo Edward Logoro Joseph Kambu Phonprapha Korenstra Joseph Mulbah

Jean Baptiste Nshimiyimana Ancharee Scott Bindu Mol Simon Farmo Boakai Siryon Fatu Miatta Siryon Sutrami Sunderland Song Yen Ton Nu Sry Risma Wahyuni Kaori Winters Xue Yi Wu Jidong Zhou Certificate III in Youth Work Amber-Lee Philpot Certificate II in Agriculture Daniel Dru Blundstone Anna Elliott Timothy Hugh Lanoe Greenhill Benjamin Hann Trevor John Mathews Emma-Kate Phillips Certificate II in Asset Maintenance (Cleaning Operations) Nhuan Hoa Andrew Lu Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management Frank Ger Certificate II in General Education for Adults Rodney Simpson John Theo Van Den Berg Certificate II in Horticulture Helen Catherine Graham Chansey Paech Certificate II in Introductory Vocational Education Skye Ellen Ingham Shannon McEnerney Saffron Reidy-Saliba Karina Marie Shadforth Aron Nathan Woods Jordan James Woods Certificate II in Spoken and Written English Padiet Agout Aloung Akoul Evelyn Alberca Bacala Akai Josephine Borbor Alex Diftera Nam Hoang Doan Simon Lemi Kenyi Sumiati Lay Prajuap Lekdee Kesi Platt Helen Ranita Roe Sintharat Sonenalongdeth Rebecca Wilima Toby Lien Thi Tran Phuangphaka Wheldon 11

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 13 October Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Jayden Adams Joel Peter Goldring Darren Porter Luke Ryan Ross Jonella Carli Atuna Toreresi Certificate I in General Education for Adults Ngakinui Grace Clifford John O'Brien Certificate I in Horticulture Warren Angus Ricky Connick Mervyn Peipei Quan Lam Phan Bruce Ratara Stephen Robert Ruff Certificate I in Rural Operations Aston Blacksmith Victor Donald Jayhms Thompson Certificate I in Spoken and Written English Birkisa Abdunahman Emmanuel Acieny Muna Said Ahmed Joyce Alobo Ling Ling Chan Huie Chen Jiequn Chen Yan Chan Chen Shukri Mohamed Farah Pathmadevi Gnanapiragasam Margaret Diko John Alfonso Jong Nurainiah Majid Tippawan Netpol Thi Ngoc Cam Nguyen Aida Kuba Paul Anugrah Pelupesy Netnapa Pochamni Quewah Marie Siryon Phongsri Steinert Ming Chieh Sun Son Phu Bao Tran Korpo Zay Zay

12 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Faculty of Technology • Friday 13 October Master of Engineering Mahesh Ram Ankolekar Sami Azam Mohamed Elgendi Praveen Vijayakumar Master of Engineering Management Ivan Budiono Keith De Dios Rahul Krishna Goutham Reddy Maddirala Shameemah Salahudeen Srinivasan Sankaran Pooja Sarupriya Master of Information Technology So Kuen Annie Chan Bina Noeline Mary Raju Anne Elizabeth Stewart Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Karen Leanne Hawkes Bachelor of Computer Systems Management Ronil Rohitesh Narayan Paul Albert Simon Watt

Certificate IV in Driving Instruction Chris John Cuthbertson Paul Stuart Griggs Jason Neil Hill Scott McDonald Pedr Davis O'Callaghan Wendy Susan Ogden Certificate IV in Information Technology (Client Support) Jessica Elizabeth Acton Jose Manuel Antunes Supoj Boonmanee Martin Joseph Bumpstead Ji Li Yvonne Maryanne Newman Michael Shane Reiter Andrew Phillip Rowe Kenneth Brian Vermudez Yue Xia You Dennis Yu Certificate IV in Metalliferous Mining Operations (Open Cut) Anthony Siebert

Bachelor of Design Sarah Catherine Bates

Certificate IV in Transport and Distribution (Road Transport) Haley Maree Roberson

Bachelor of Engineering Charles William Gamon Trenton David Gray

Certificate IV in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) David Bruce Bambach

Bachelor of Information Technology Cindy Shing Yee Chew David Andrew Fowler Michael Ginnis Joanne Mary Gould Kimmy Jongu Katherine Dinah McCarthy Steven Lay He Ma Sean Alexander Meakin Ridha Putri Ridwan Joseph Edward Michael Solly

Certificate III in Automotive (Mechanical - Diesel Fitter) Robert Jason Kunsek Samuel James Scarlett

Diploma of Information Technology (Network Engineering) Ruisito Leonardo De Guzman Yudong Ding Daniel Wayne Lake Nang Sri Phong Tip

Certificate III in Automotive (Mechanical - Heavy Vehicle Road Transport) Stephen Michael Cann Cameron Mansfield Daniel Lawrence Mumme Glenn Patrick Scarce

Diploma of Logistics Management Shane Croft Matthew Trent Dolling Christopher Allan Edge Anthony Martin Kealy Derek Robert Marshall Mark Stephen Rinne Haley Maree Roberson Simon Watt

Certificate III in Automotive (Mechanical - Light Vehicle) Daniel William Baines Daniel Egan Janelle Awhina Ruru Starcevich Matthew Watts Mathew Gary Weir

Certificate III in Automotive (Mechanical - Heavy Vehicle Mobile Equipment, Plant/Earth Moving/ Agricultural) Jonathan Harold Arthus Stephen Eric Cruse Gregor Kimberley Eupene

Certificate III in Automotive (Vehicle Body - Panel Beating) Nathan Adriaan De Leeuw Luke James Hicks

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

13 Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Technology • Friday 13 October Certificate III in Automotive (Vehicle Body - Vehicle Painting) Stewart Condon Chu Wei Lay Certificate III in Carpentry Martin Marko Burnett Certificate III in Electrotechnology Refrigeration and Airconditioning Lee Colvin John Duggan Joshua James Graham Nathan Graham Cameron Michael Moohan Craig Anthony Thomsen Hank Verwoerdt Certificate III in Electrotechnology Systems Electrician Andrew James Aldridge James Dowling Allen Brett Michael Cardow Adam Clark Matthew James Frederick Skefos Glynatsis Joshua Vincent Gotts Stephen Gary Hall Samantha Harbrow Justin Kym Hewett Drew Hodgson Michael Gordon Hore Adrian Stewart Johns Trevour Edward Jones George Kammas Phillip Koukouvas Jonathan Little Andrew James McCourt Dean Anthony Marrone Troy Miller Brendan Charles Moir Neil Munro Guy James Pepper Louis Joseph Rynski Luke Van Haaren Alen Miles Wood Graham William Wright Certificate III in Engineering (Fabrication Trade) Jonathon Jessop Justin Kane Minchin Certificate III in Engineering (Mechanical Trade) David James Gunn Aaron Thomas Harker Casey William Hunter Stephen Peterson Certificate III in Furnishing (Cabinet Making) Martin Cable

14 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Certificate III in General Construction (Carpentry) Ioanis Dionisiou Robert Lee Dunlop James Pearce John Trikilis Certificate III in Information Technology (General) Clayton Michael Kartinyeri Daniel Ladlow Certificate III in Metalliferous Mining Operations (Open Cut) Brett Chalmers Patrick May Trevor Montgomerie Louis Pearson Steven Grant Zeunert Certificate in Plumbing, Draining and Gasfitting (Trade) Michael James Lane Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Administration) Erin Bolton Amanda Nicole Cunningham Harley Ray Watts Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Road Transport) David Alexander Adam Kacee Chambers Brett Wayne Ellis Matthew John Funnell Mark Stewart Hancock Ian John Kimlin Peter Kenneth Lloyd Leslie James Pangquee James Te Kori Ruru Patrick Michael Ryan Keith Robert Smith John Neville Walmsley Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) Dean Ashley Leslie William Bishop Joe Brannan Des Cannon Walter Dal Santo Lynton Dale Michael Esplin Allan James Harris Steven Hutchinson Michael David Innes Brenton Main Luigi Martino Phillip John Mattin Timothy Mattin Vanessa Anne Parker Craige Robert Ralston Dino Rodato Andrew Seymour Russell Thomas Benjamin Woodruff

Faculty of Technology • Friday 13 October Certificate II in Automotive (Mechanical - Vehicle Servicing) Danny William Fisher Allan Lindsey Martin Bryce Jarreth Wright Certificate II in Electrotechnology Remote Area Essential Services Mark Markurri Bukulatjpi Joshua Wade Clark Justin Miller Tommy Nunggumajbarr Paddy (Jnr) Ryan Leslie Charles Sawdy Samuel Swanson Certificate II in Engineering (Production) Rick Dwawne Grocke Craig Hollingdrake Noel Andrew Trembath Ryan Ronald Tye

Certificate I in Information Technology Frank Akkermans Yvette Rosanne Assenberg Pedro Baptista Josephine Helene Barnaart Kevin Craig Blake Maria Ciubal Serge Jean Bernard Duquesne Nigel David Foster Gemma Teleen Graham Sylvia Kay Gregg Stephen James Keik Max King Dawn Le Lievre Shane Anthony Morris Theresa Nicolussi Candice Bianca Meaghan Pennicott Sintharat Sonenalongdeth Suzanne Joy Van Leeuwen Paul Douglas Vella Olive Evon Hope Wilde-Roach

Certificate II in General Construction Barry Raymond Fletcher Harold John McCormack Cedric Ross Warren Andrew Schaber Tristan Warrer Christopher Alexander Wilkinson Bryan Williams Certificate II in Information Technology Shakira Vanessa Baker Matthew Bryan Bochow Benjamin John Saunders Amie Laromu Teariki-Tautea Athole Gene Thode Certificate II in Information Technology (Applications) Shaza Al-Tai Marilyn Thelma Brown Joanne Barbara Edwards Fiona Michelle Evans Preamjai Francis Andrea Lesley Friend Erin Louise Klingberg Diane Judith Lee Cherie Lewis Cherie Nicole Marshall Peter Graham Moore Patricia Ann Parry Richard Arnold Probin Janice Maree Shanahan Certificate II in Metalliferous Mining Operations (Open Cut) Darren Malcolm John Cortes Linsey Flewell-Smith Wayne Gibson Certificate II in Transport and Distribution (Warehousing and Storage) James Richard Lee


October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 13 October Doctor of Philosophy David Maxwell Price Thesis title: Development of Intellectual Property Legislative Regimes in the GCC Members State of the Arab Gulf This thesis examines the intellectual property protection regimes of the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - in the context of their World Trade Organisation membership, and the requirements of the WTO’s TRIPS Agreement. The legal regimes, which have been established virtually in the span of a single generation, generally meet WTO and TRIPS standards. However, the GCC states have faced international pressure to adopt protection standards and laws which are not always appropriate to their national imperatives and societal and cultural mores. Hence a dichotomy exists between the principle as enshrined in the legislation and its practical application through enforcement. Outside the WTO context, international pressures continue to be applied through free trade agreements and other bilateral treaties for even higher standards of protection to be adopted. However, some contentious areas of intellectual property rights of particular local concern remain inadequately protected, such as traditional knowledge and cultural heritage, and indigenous biodiversity. Terry Anne Whitebeach Thesis title: Telling Someone Else’s Story: Writing the Life History of Donald Alexander (Pwerle) Ross (1915-1999) This aim of this thesis was to locate the life history of Don Ross, a stockman of Kaytetye and European ancestry, within the history of the pastoral industry and the history of race relations in the Northern Territory, and also within a literary tradition of auto/ biographical and life history writing. The thesis employs oral narratives, archival documents, historical and literary theoretical material to elucidate the ‘life and times’ of Don Ross. Don Ross’s life history contributes to aspects of Northern Territory history, including the pastoral industry and legislation and government policies for Indigenous people. The thesis also demonstrates the complexity of cross-cultural collaboration. The thesis helps elucidate Northern Territory history from ‘the other side of the frontier’. It also demonstrates the efficacy and positive outcomes of collaborative life history writing.


Master of Business Administration Anke Colditz Adrian Edwin Curry Kevin Raymond Fong Kar Hei Ip Jamie Osmond Paul Andrew Patteson

Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Master of International Management Bernadette Ann Barnes Dawna Charlotte Black Hanna-Maija Katariina Lempola Phillip William Leslie Malika Marie Okeil Sarinthon Suwanarusk Keke Tang Master of Professional Accounting Xiaoping Xia Master of Visual Arts Jacquelin Anne Fleet Graduate Diploma in Business Studies Baby Abraham Jason Alber Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice Adam James Fenton Gerard Phillip Maley Kathryn Samantha Martin Hieu Van Nguyen Stephen Bernard Quinn Graduate Certificate in Business Studies Klaus Zillner Graduate Certificate in Public Governance Warwick Bowman Kylie Ann Casimiro Ho-Ting Chik Van Huu Hoang Eamon Michael Holligan Keith Alexander Hutchinson Davina Josephine La Porte Tarrant Andrew Moore Janice Plews Matthew William Sargeant Hongmei Shaw Sarah Katrina Windle Huiwen Wu Bachelor of Arts with Second Class Honours, Division A Rachel Elinda Tumminello Bachelor of Arts with Second Class Honours, Division B Christopher Stephen Hajdu Bachelor of Visual Arts with Second Class Honours, Division A Alyson Megan De Groot Bachelor of Visual Arts with Second Class Honours, Division B Benjamin Eldon Livingston Warren Bachelor of Arts Elizabeth Martha Allan Michelle Gardner Katarina Farrand Donna Karita Grant

Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 13 October Samantha Kirsty Hewton Asriana Kebon Joshua Richard Martin Pauline Joyce Robinson Laura Elizabeth Smith Sandra Elizabeth Stuart Bachelor of Business Toni Maree Ah-Sam Vince Leonardo Albertoni Richard Andrew Brennan Kieran Robert Dale Brockman Lisa Chen Cindy Shing Yee Chew Allan Charles Chong-Fong Shane Bill Crowley Shaelene Louise Cubillo Shane Graham Kelly Louise Hall Kimmy Jongue Alexander Laurie Steven Lay He Ma Helen Makrylos Sean Alexander Meakin Kama Jean McCarthy Marianne Mortimer Minoli Carmel Shyane Muttukumaru Kaliopi Nicolakis Kathryn Ann Ryan Trevor Noel Sellick Karuna Mohani Singh Michael Andrew Smith Christopher John Still Bradley Scott Douglas Thomson Charmaine Thornton Nguyet Vu Bachelor of Business Administration Paula Susan Callaghan Bachelor of Business in Tourism Management Sonia Verena Kerime Gafgen Clare Graham Bachelor of Communication Katherine Leah Hollis Bachelor of Laws Antonio Giuseppe Barbaro Sarah Elizabeth Bell Charles Alfonso Wesley Fowler Michelle Gardner Damien Joseph Jones James Andrew Matthews Leia Euphoria Cessen Raams Patricia Margaret Rigby - Christophersen Bachelor of Library and Information Management Piatarihi Paula-Ann Loffley Bachelor of Southeast Asian Studies Robert Anthony Kasteel

Associate Degree in Legal Studies Cameron Harrison Benton Advanced Diploma of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Sachiko Shimizu Advanced Diploma of Accounting Beryl June Warne Diploma of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Shirlene Arlov Carmel Majella Le Lay Diploma of Accounting Elizabeth Kathleen Collins Pauline Ann Mosbergen Beryl June Warne Diploma of Business (Frontline Management) Garth Crowhurst Sandra Dong Geraldine Flynn Sharon Larkins Jason Lee Mark Lee Donna Marie McMasters Mark Anthony Motlop Bronwyn Suzanne Pinney Kara Elizabeth Rasmussen David Simmons Leonie Margaret Simmons Eileen Anne Van Iersel Diploma of Business (Human Resources) Joseph Daniel Ah-Sam Katherine Goshen Cucchiaro Elisha Louise Dicker Katherine Hazel Knuth Sarah O'Neill Emma Kate Suradi Mosiana Heti Taufalele-Johns Ann Dorothy Terry Jade Ivy Uzkuraitis Diploma of Business (Marketing) Anne Phuong Thao Nguyen-Huyen Nicole Smith Diploma of Hospitality Management Niki Hatzimihalis Kumutha Muthiah Diploma of Library and Information Services Margaret Bernadette Wardrope Diploma of Music Industry (Technical Production) Phillip Peter Lewanavanua Eaton Melodie Murphy Diploma of Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Paraskevi Tsougranis

Bachelor of Visual Arts Fiona Larene Gavino

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

17 Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 13 October Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy Jessica May Kennedy Certificate IV in Business Kerry Berry Jenny Elisha Bisset Huw James Brokensha Sunila Chitrakar Shaun Patrick Cusack Tracey Lee Davis Moona El Masri Sarah Denise Gayford Leah Harvy Janice Hill Melinda Ellen Kullack Pauline Ann Manifold Lazarus Murray Peter John Rose Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management) Tracey Lee Davis Certificate IV in Business (Human Resources) Sharon Louise Ursula Crawley Tracey Lee Davis Daisy Siew Joon Forrest Allison Beverley Hume Ursula Knuth Rosemary McDonald Kash Meer Kaur Mussak Sarina Roneaye Shailer Laurie Anne Zio Certificate IV in Business Administration Tracey Lee Davis Leah Harvy Certificate IV in Business Management Tracey Lee Davis Leah Harvy Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting) Stephanie Boubaris Danielle Leah Mrazek Certificate IV in Frontline Management Caraline Ruth Moody Certificate IV in Government Marion Blackburn Margaret Mary Buckley Pamela Anne Gray Linda May Kelleher Robert Paul Olzomer Iveta Saitz Carole Anne Sullivan Certificate IV in Graphic Design Foundation Allen See-Mink Chau Certificate IV in Hospitality (Supervision) Kim Marie Portegys 18

Certificate IV in Library and Information Services Sally Louise Bryett

Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Certificate IV in Tourism (Sales and Marketing) Jane Louise Brennan Donna Marie English Certificate IV in Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft Natalie Rose McDowell Lee Petrusis Certificate III in Business Shaza Al-Tai Margaret Mary Bates Darling Angelina Iduyan Cockburn Kathryn Dadd Sarah Jean Hanks Carol Edith Krogseter Christina Kerri Olman Anthony Robert Ormond Anita Rogers Juliet Sikiviu Tuipulotu Lezieanne Claire Viojan Certificate III in Business Administration Kobie Jade Dickson Certificate III in Financial Services (Accounts Clerical) Shannyn Marie Decet Debra Ann Fell Nicole Jane Gallas Karan Hayward Kerri Lee Higgins Tamara Louise Jarvis Danielle Leah Mrazek Certificate III in Government Julie-Ann Phillips Teresa Ann Schafer Geraldine Elizabeth Want Certificate III in Hairdressing Jenna Leanne Hopkins Kristen Jayde Jackson Tahnae West Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Ruel Arguilles Natalie Leona De Costa Gareth James Devlin Shane Colin Hanna Rebecca Louise Holmes John Paul Lang Marlene Ann Organ Helen Louise Settele Isabel Salima Spring Edy Triyanto Celeste Marie Wilde

Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 13 October Certificate III in Hospitality (Operations) Bryan Dexter Caluza Paolo Jose Guanilo Avalos Aliesha Margret Johnson Kerrie Marrie Mower Julie Yvonne Powell William Ylikotila Certificate III in Library and Information Services Conchita Abellanosa Sally Louise Bryett Certificate III in Multimedia Lyall Chase Williams Certificate III in Music Melodie Murphy Ben Wallace Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Travel Sales) Rebecca Jane Beichert Simone Carolin Yoshe Hollingworth Anthi Mpilias Certificate II in Business Casey Laura Dayman Miriam Ivy Gardner Gui Yu Hao Carol Edith Krogseter Tiffany Kynigopoulos Courtney Matsen Lisa Nalpinya Mununggurr Keeta Angeleigh Welch Certificate II in Clothing Production (Complex or Multiple Processes) Amelia Papathomas Certificate II in Clothing Production (Intermediate) Janelle Elizabeth Cowsill Matilda Kelly-Marie Studders Lisa-Marie Vassilakoglou Certificate II in Government Mark Anderson Rhys Arnott Teresa Anne Atie Jessica Bonanni Shirley Joanna Burgemeister Nathan Connor Simone Cordell Liesl Crompton Laura May Dakuna Amelia Graham Robbie Douglas Gray Claire Louise Harrington Sarah-Jane Jones Sheridan Leanne Martin Peter James McDonald Adrian Sean McKenzie Darius Cyrat Nasir Ruth Redden Kerri Anne Villiers Hugh Edward Woodbury

Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Alexander Fegan Lumduan Marcy Forrest Certificate II in Hospitality (Operations) Gwendoline Maree Colefax Michael Halikos Beth Amanda Harrison Wendy Anne Clair Williams Certificate II in Library and Information Services Conchita Abellanosa Judith Louanne Allan Sally Louise Bryett Fiona Monique Hutchinson Certificate II in Retail Operations Gemma Mostran Certificate II in Tourism (Operations) Kevin Brian Lyons Justo Villaflor Certificate I in Business Emma Finck Certificate I in Clothing Production Vicki Lee Anderson Leonie Maraniny Dhamarrandji Pauline Marrawuma Dhamarrandji Dhewl Giri Melisa Ursino Rossana Vorrasi Ada Nalinydjilinydji Wanybarrnga Ashleigh Winter Shaan Marie Wu Certificate I in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Sarah Adjudra Kirsten Ann Ahfat Phillip Cameron Atkinson Jacob Balbunhamirri Kristanty Batuk Stuart Blackburn Ina Chalakova Allan Chooiam Mone Coats-Ross Kris Cooper Amanda Louise Cox Megan Curby Catherine Dhaliwirr Amanda Dhamarrandji Sabatina Guyiyiwuy Dhamarrandji Salome Djalawan Aaron Edmistone Emmanuel Elambo Shauna Ford Yvonne Foster Ryan Laurence Gould Delinda Belle Grant Carlajn Christien Hill Genna Howarth Angela Maria Huddleston Brendan Hussey Carolyne Prudence James

October Graduation Ceremony 2006

19 Charles Darwin University

Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 13 October Puanna-Lea Kapi Stelios Karpathios Tammy Kathopoulis Joelene Marisha Killer Valadou Lappas Brendan Larrnganda Roseanne Budukali Lewis Elliott Connor Lobb Zoe Alex McGrath Nathaniel Madhunba Evonne Mamiyan Corbin Manners Jason Marrayilyil Elizabeth Morgan Annie Louise Muller Bobby Murrupanda Gilbert Nabobob Ada Nalidjilidjil Ben-Jon Phasey Jacob Rodda Jazman Ross Mirella Rusch Zoe Samiotis Vina May Skeen Tenneille Nicole Skinner Sharyn Smith Jason Tambling Julian Wambana Phyllis Warrana Hayden Wilson Ricky Worrutj Sharon Wukandawuy Certificate I in Retail Operations Darryl James Attwood Luke Barrett Gemma Clarke Christopher Constable Zoe Margaret Donovan Anton Karl Gepperth Emma Jones Sarah Jones Alysha Marie Kretschmann Melinda Robin Letts Andrew Nicholls Benjamin Reichstein Jake William Rucioch Robyn Skein Samuel Mark Walker

20 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Institute of Advanced Studies • Friday 13 October Master of Public Health Cynthia Filipcic Debbie Hudson Elizabeth Kasteel Caterina Michielli Cynthia Sarah Frances Pattianakotta Jennifer Clare Roberts Tracy Jayne Ward Katherine Dorothy Webby Graduate Diploma in Health Desley May Butler Graduate Diploma in Midwifery Helen Michelle Polkinghorne Stacey Ann Svenson Trudy Anne Wyndham Waghorn Graduate Diploma in Public Health Matthew Donald Davis Catherine Anne Doidge Hock Seng Lee Prashanth Sengodan


October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University


22 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006



October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University


24 Charles Darwin U n i v e r s i t y October Graduation Ceremony 2006

Charles Darwin University Graduation Program October 2006

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