IMPROCUSH-2 Improving Outcome of Cushing`s Syndrome

May 3, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Martin Reincke, Felix Beuschlein, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich

Dear colleagues,

Program Organizing Committee

Cushing’s syndrome has remained a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge since its first description by Harvey Cushing in 1912. Over the last decade, the treatment of Cushing’s syndrome has made progress. Surgical procedures have been refined and new medical treatments have reached the market. Despite these advances Cushing’s syndrome is a dreadful disease causing many co-morbidities and premature death if untreated. In addition, clinical problems remain unsolved, such as early diagnosis or the need for specific treatment of co-morbidities. This symposium, therefore, aims to address some of these issues by gathering leading experts in diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.

Jerome Bertherat, Felix Beuschlein, Martin Reincke, Marily Theodoropoulou

More recently also the understanding of genetics and pathophysiology of Cushing’s syndrome has made significant progress. Whether this will have impact on the treatment cannot be decided at this stage. However, the symposium will address this question by reflecting some of the more recent advances.

Contact for free Communications Sandra Schwaiger, phone +49-89-440057544 [email protected]

Registration Registration is mandatory (email): Sandra Schwaiger, fax. +49-89-440054428; [email protected] No registration fee. Beverages and meals will be provided during the symposium.

Venue Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung Südliches Schlossrondell 23; 80638 München

Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Medizinische Klinik, Campus Innenstadt in cooperation with

The symposion is jointly sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung. We cordially invite you and would be glad if you participate in this prime scientific event.

How to get there

Local Organising Committee

June 23 rd – 24th 2016

Munich, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung Südliches Schlossrondell

After the first successful meeting IMPROCUS-2 (Improving Outcome of Cushing’s Syndrome) in October 2014 we are happy to announce the second symposion of this kind. IMPROCUS-2 will be based on an international faculty with experts from around the world. Investigators will have the opportunity to present their most recent data as short orals or as posters. Plenty of time is reserved for discussion.

on behalf of the organizer

IMPROCUSH-2 Improving Outcome of Cushing’s Syndrome

Tram 17 direction Amalienburgstrasse Stop: Schloss Nymphenburg

Sektion Nebenniere, Steroide, Bluthochdruck AG Hypophyse European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENSAT) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

16.25 rd

Programme Thursday, June 23 2016 16.50 08.30 08.40 09.05

09.30 09.55


11.00 11.25 11.50 12.15

12.40 14.00



Session I Pathophysiology of CS Welcome and Introduction Martin Reincke, München Regulation of POMC expression Jacques Drouin, Montreal, Canada USP8 in Cushing’s disease and Nelson’s tumor Marily Theodoropoulou, Munich Glucocorticoid action Henriette Uhlenhaut, Munich, Germany Genetic factors and cortisol secretion in normal subjects Brian Walker, Edinburg, UK Coffee Break Session II Pathophysiology of CS Chairs: Ronchi&Stalla Connshing – a new syndrome Wiebke Arlt, Birmingham , UK Metabolomics in Cushing’s Guido Di Dalmazi, Munich, Germany New genetic hits in adrenal Cushing’s Christina Ronchi , Würzburg, Germany Neuropsychiatric disorders in Cushing's syndrome Anna Maria Colao, Naples, Turin Lunch and Poster Viewing Session III Free Communications from all fields of CS Chairs: NN Coffee Break Session IV Diagnosis and Subtyping Chairs: Beuschlein&Arlt Diagnostic score in Cushing’s syndrome



18.00 19.30

N.N. The plasma steroid metabolome in Cushing’s Syndrome Graeme Eisenhofer, Dresden Progressive corticotroph tumor Guillaume Assie, Paris, France Conventional and Nuclear Medicine Imaging in Ectopic Cushing's Syndrome Rosario Pivonello, Naples, Italy Ectopic Cushing’s syndrome: the use of hair cortisol Elisabeth van Rossum, Rotterdam, NL Cushing’s syndrome in children Constantine Stratakis, Bethesda, US Dinner

Programme Friday, June 24th 2016


08.55 09.20



10.55 11.20

Session V Treatment CRH and high dose dexamethasone testing in subtyping of Cushing’s syndrome Katrin Ritzel, Munich, Germany ARMC5 Jerome Bertherat, Paris, France Unilateral adrenalectomy in primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia Olivier Chabre, Grenoble, France Recovery of HPA axis and adrenal crisis after successful treatment Christina Berr, Munich, Germany Coffee Break Session VI Treatment Chairs: Grossman&Theodoropoulou Pasireotide Monica Gadelha, Sao Paolo, Brasil Metyrapone and osilodrostat


12.10 13:00

14.15 14.40 15.05 15.30 16.00

16. 25 16.50


John Newell-Price, Sheffield, UK Novel tumor-targeted pharmaceuticals in Cushing's diseas' Günter Stalla, Munich, Germany Cooperative Studies Chair: Martin Reincke Lunch and Poster Viewing Session VII Surgery in CS Chairs: Buchfelder&Swearingen Optimal treatment algorithm Ashley Grossman, Oxford, UK Pituitary imaging NN Nondiagnostic SPI Catheter Brook Swearingen, Boston, USA Coffee Break How do deal with recurrence/persistence: the neurosurgical perspective Jürgen Honegger, Tübingen, Germany Radiosurgery Michael Buchfelder, Erlangen, Germany Perioperative management during transsphenoidal surgery for CD Marcus Quinkler, Berlin, Germany Session VI Late Breaking News in Cushing’s syndrome End of Program

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