CV: Rahel Hegnauer (CH/UK), * 20.12.1968 in Zurich, Switzerland
March 16, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download CV: Rahel Hegnauer (CH/UK), * 20.12.1968 in Zurich, Switzerland...
CV: Rahel Hegnauer (CH/UK), * 20.12.1968 in Zurich, Switzerland Lives in Zurich website:
Artist-in-residence: 2015 Post-.sjtub, Kerkrade, Netherlands 2014 Post-.sjtub, Kerkrade, Netherlands 2011 Contemporary art centre NAIRS, Scuol, Switzerland 2007–08 Khoj studio/Delhi and BAR1/Bangalore, India 2006 exchange project Paris18-Zurich4, Paris 2003 AKKU Uster, Switzerland 2003 Project Pro Fuge/municipality of Zurich, communal flats of Zurich, Grünau, Zurich 2001–02 Rades nearby Tunis, Tunisia 2000 Contemporary art centre NAIRS, Scuol 1997 Bratislava, Slowakia
Participation in group shows/site-specific interventions (choice): 2016 XXI Triennale International Exhibition Milan, City after the city, Ex expo area, Milan, Italy 2016 Swiss Art Awards, 2nd round, Basel 2015 POST - mining project in the Kolenkit, WOW, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2015 Zeichentisch/ ... wenn Bäume auf Dächern zu wachsen beginnen, paper factory Zwingen, collaboration with Michel Eigensatz and Ilona Schneider 2015 Kyrrrreck, gerk!, Kunstkasten Vebikus, Schaffhausen 2015 Tea, POP UP- Exhibition VISARTE Zurich, Schoffelgasse, Zurich 2014 One afternoon in another world, Artdock/Visarte - Schöne Bescherung, collaboration with Sabine Troendle, Zurich 2011 Grandfathers lockers, Garderobe/BINZ 39, Zurich 2011/12/13 To pour water from the Ganges into the river Inn, centre of contemporary art Nairs, Scuol 2011 Curraint d’ajer, contemporary art centre Nairs, Scuol 2009 Koli village, Khar Danda, workshop with students of Rizvi architecture College, Mumbai Festival 09, India 2009, zu Gast im Forum Schlossplatz, Aarau, Switzerland 2007 The hidden hyacinths of the Yamuna, Khoj studio, Delhi, India 2006 Jardin temporaire, exchange project Paris18-Zurich4, Paris 2004 Swiss Art Awards, 2nd round, Basel 2004 Im Geröll/in the boulders, glacier of Morteratsch, transit.graubünden, Pontresina, Switzerland 2003 layout, 2 - room flat, Verein Pro Fuge/municipality of Zurich, communal flats of Zurich 2000 Alice’s Korridor, installation, summer residency at Shed im Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld, Switzerland 1999 75cm x 75cm, inst./perf. collaboration with Marisa Unholz, annually performance days (Stromereien), Tanzhaus Zurich 1997 The Invisible Exhibition, Pezinok Central Park, Slovakia
Solo projects/site-specific interventions (choice): 2015 mute - Wenn die Stille zum Bild wird, art space: Post-.sjtub, Kerkrade, Netherlands 2014 Wenn die Kirche nicht mehr im Dorf steht, LOKAL 14, Zurich 2014 Te koop, te huur/to sell, for rent, Kerkrade, Netherlands 2013 Cloud‘s End, collaboration with Jenson Anto, India-Switzerland, Kaskadenkondensator, Basel 2008 Tree trunks & fly overs, photographic intervention, Bangalore, India 2003 Nest, communal flats of Zurich, Grünau, Zurich
2003 Lüften/airing, town hall Uster 2002 Umeluege/have a look, Kunstkasten, Katharina-Sulzerplatz, Winterthur 1999 3-room flat, installation, Bäckeranlage (public parc), Zurich
Commissioned works: 2014 trafögl/clover, commissioned work by se-Architekten (Ilona Schneider, Michel Eigensatz), Ardez, Switzerland
Education: 2005-07 Postgraduate studies, MAS in Public Sphere, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, Switzerland 1989-95 Master of Arts in Art Education, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zurich, Switzerland 1991-92 Glasgow School of Art, Departement Environmental Art, Scotland
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