Customised routing systems made by Forster

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Issue 1|2009

4 Forster advertising products

aktuell The magazine for customers, staff and friends of the Forster Group

Customised routing systems made by Forster ... Page 6

8 Car park signs 10 Signage for the Steyr hospital

14 A new home

for old papers


THE EXECUTIVE SIDE Dear Friend, Dear Staff Member, Information and communication are pivotal to our knowledge society. The ability to rapidly communicate precise information without any loss of meaning is becoming an increasingly essential factor for success. Through its production of directional and information systems, Forster has been active in this segment for many decades. We specialise in delivering not just traffic signs but also signage for buildings, from simple door signs in office complexes to guidance systems in hospitals, airports and international exhibition centres: Forster signs supply information, help users to get around and advertise the presence of a business far and wide. This issue of Forster Aktuell introduces the new routing system developed for Industriezentrum NÖ-Süd, Austria’s biggest business park. Our Ecoplus provides an interesting concept that ensures better orientation and helps people find their way around an area 280 hectares in size. You will probably have noticed: After the makeover of our Forster Aktuell company magazine we gave our homepage a facelift, and the result has been online since October 2008 – a signal by the Forster Group to advertise a fresh new breeze in communications. Special attention was devoted to its informative content, a balanced presentation of our voluminous range of products and on ensuring user-friendly navigation. The new layout of our web site was further enhanced by several new functions – have you already seen our references page? For evidence that design need not take second place to content click on Have fun reading the latest news!

Christian Forster Chief Executive Officer


 ews from and about N Forster 3 ADVERTISING

Call of the mountain 4 Railjet signage 4 Dunlop fleet signage 5 Displays 5 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING

Getting there more quickly 6 Park & ride 8


Messe Hamburg 9

Operation signage at Steyr Hospital 10 CUSTOMER RELATIONS

The regional approach 11


Memory bank for the Free State of Saxony 14 INSIDE NEWS

Congratulations! 16 Sports and leisure 18


From idea to implementation 12

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New web page Communications are the lifeblood of customer relations. For this reason, the companies of the Forster Group have designed a new look for their online presence. Information is now available much faster and at a single glance. The emphasis is on a clear and consistent line – easy to follow and with informative illustrations that highlight the quality of our products. The new Forster website is available in German and English; and the subsidiaries are assigned separate pages where they present themselves in their own language.

Better, clearer, faster: Forster in the internet.


Ò New catalogue of traffic signs



GmbH 42

Verkau Michae fsbüro Sal 5020 l-Walz-Gaszburg Sal se 24 Tel. 066 zburg Fax 066 2 827544 E-Mail: 2 827544 salzbur -44 g@fors

Our new catalogue of traffic signs has been available since January 2009. The former supplement on “New sign formats stipulated by RVS 05.02.12” was integrated in the catalogue: the new direction sign formats are listed below the signs in the currently applicable format. The result is a highly practical working document that combines all designs and sizes.

L 5803 11/20087 A3

o Wie n straße 40-

85-0 5-33


Owner and publisher: Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik GmbH. Ú Editors: Christian Forster, Heinz Lumetsberger. Ú Contributors: Heide Maria Stütz, Michaela Schütter, Fritz Haselsteiner. Ú Photos: Forster archives, Foto Nutz, Architektur & Industriefotografie Gottschalk, Paterno Fotostudio, ÖBB Pressefoto Harald Eisenberger. Ú Text: Egger&Lerch. Ú Translation: Gertrude Maurer. Ú Printed by Gugler GmbH.

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Trade shows in 2009 Companies of the Forster Group show their products at the following trade shows organised in the first half of 2009: SISEG Ú (International Exhibition on Facilities Management and Purchasing) in Paris, 31 March to 2 April 2009 7th ASTRAD Symposium Ú (road maintenance, equipment and winter service) in Wels, 22–23 April 2009 5th International Conference Traffic and Safety in Road Tunnels Ú in Hamburg, 6–8 May 2009 98th German Library Day Ú in Erfurt, 2–5 June 2009 The Library Show Ú in Birmingham, 10–11 June 2009

Orgatec/Cologne: Forster presented novel products for office and facilities management use.

Trade show review BRAU Beviale 2008 Ú One of the main European trade shows for the beverage industry was held in Nuremberg on 12–14 November 2008. Forster found an excellent platform to present its products and solutions to optimise corporate advertising. Orgatec 2008 Ú The Forster Group exhibited its shelving systems and signs at the world’s largest trade shows for office and facility, held in Cologne on 21–25 October 2008. For mobile shelving, Forster presented its improved electric drive which can be easily and cheaply retrofitted even to existing shelving systems. Shelf panels decorated with customised motifs put colour into grey offices.





St. Anton am Arlberg wants to pitch its summer attractions to its winter guests. Forster Verkehrsund Werbetechnik produced the large-sized panels and installed them at the entry points to the famous celeb ski resort.

Entry points into St. Anton am Arlberg are marked by new advertising signs.

“The cradle of alpine skiing … also enticing in summer.” Four winter and summer motifs and two more subjects of the advert campaign were produced by digital printing. In addition to the print job, Forster provided the structural analysis, the full substructure and the round poles, and it also installed the signs.



Railjet trains are fitted with a hundred signs and pictograms each. Forster supplied the signage for the interior of the new comfortable trains used by Austrian Railways.

Forster came up with seat number and door signs for the ÖBB’s train information system. Pictograms indicating fire extinguishers, emergency brakes and non-smoker

compartments were needed in many different sizes. The film signs were produced as two-layer screenprints. The customer’s own colour “Railjet Blue” was obtained from a special screenprint shade combined with Iriodin pearl lustre pigments. Depending on the size of the pigments, a range from satin to glitter effects are possible. After printing, a satin laminate was applied for additional surface protection.

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Chirpy yellow

Displays Universal Music Austria Ú has opted for displays made by Forster to sell its Ö3 Time Journey CDs. Made of sheet steel, the display looks like an overlarge loudspeaker box that optimally sets off the product in electrics superstores. Beiersdorf AG Ú shows off its Eucerin series of medicinal sun tan lotions at selected pharmacies and drugstores in all of Austria. The printed displays made of metal, plastic and acrylic glass were produced by Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik.

Our branch operation in Salzburg gave the Dunlop dealers’ fleet cars their striking appearance. Last summer, 14 brand-new Fiat 500 vehicles were officially handed over to the Austrian Dunlop dealers. The ceremony took place on location at the Denzel customer centre in Salzburg where the small cars were arranged in a neat row – all of them fitted with the distinct Dunlop design: a chirpy yellow with an enormous tyre print. The classical Italian car will serve Dunlop dealers for the next three years. The signage of the impish fleet was achieved by Scotchcal film in black and silver; the dealer logos were made by digital printing. Our Salzburg office handled production and application of the creative outfit. FORSTER aktuell 1/2009

This distinctive CD rack beguiles music lovers.

Custom-made displays for top-quality products.




Drive by colours: how to make it easy to get around the IZ NÖ-Süd.


Getting there more quickly The IZ NÖ-Süd industrial park occupies a site the size of a small town. To help people find their way around more easily, a highly noticeable routing system has been installed.

Helmut Miernicki, ecoplus managing director, taking pleasure in the new guidance system.

Since its inception in the 1960s, the IZ NÖ-Süd to the south of Vienna has grown into one of Central Europe’s biggest industrial parks. Meanwhile, some 300 businesses employing altogether 11,000 staff have settled on an area of 280 hectares. People trying to get somewhere on a space of this size are prone to losing their way and therefore require a guidance system. Ecoplus, the economic management agency of the Lower Austrian Government which is in charge of the industrial park, developed a concept jointly with Zieser Architects which is based on a straightforward nonlinguistic routing system based on colours. Visitors only need to know the number of the building occupied by their destination company to be guided there through not more than two colour-coded routes. “The new routing system will allow customers, suppliers and all other visitors unfamiliar with the terrain to get to their destination much faster,” promises Helmut Miernicki, managing director of ecoplus.

Û Orientation • Signposts at the two main entry points to the industrial parks announce the guidance system to all comers. • Panels are installed at the car bays and along the main access roads, which list all buildings and the associated colour routing codes. • The route is indicated by colour signs. Buildings on side roads are signalled at the branch-off point. Each entry to a building is marked by a panel carrying its number. Structure Ú Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik was put in charge of all the signage for the colour coding system. For the signs, a 3M Diamond Grade film of type 3, optimised specifically for digital printing, was used for the retroreflecting base film, combined with a laminated Scotch-cal film. This laminate produces a clear and clean digital imprint with 3M inks. The imprinted film was then covered with a transparent high-performance protective laminate as an additional UV screen.

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Take the coloured route to get from the A2 junction to your destination.


Straight line approach Austria’s biggest industrial park, IZ NÖ-Süd, is now accessed through a direct exit from the Southern Motorway. The new junction is marked with Forster signs.

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It took less than a year for the Austrian motorway operator ASFINAG to complete the challenging exit to the IZ NÖ-Süd. This additional junction adds to road safety and relieves the Wiener Neudorf exit by absorbing a large part of the trucks share of the traffic. At its opening on 28 November 2008, Governor Dr. Erwin Pröll and his deputy Ernest

Gabmann lauded the new infrastructure as an enormous improvement for the region. By getting its own motorway exit, IZ NÖ-Süd has further added to its attractiveness. It eases access to the ecoplus industrial park and facilitates commuting for thousands of the park’s employees.





Park & ride Park and ride facilities are a good place to park your car and switch to the public transport system: brightly lit parking storeys with clear and logical signs to help drivers abstain from driving into the city.

A commission for the signage of a multi-storey car park includes marking parking decks in line with the colour code system, clearly identifying exits, flagging disabled parking areas, labelling access and escape routes, fitting information signs for cash desks and indicating other facilities. All this was handled by Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik for the new park & ride facility at the western entrance to Vienna. The signs were either mounted directly to the concrete walls or suspended from the ceiling. Signs designed to be fitted on round columns were rolled to size already at the works. Lucid arrangement Ú Colours help users to find their way and relocate their car. Accordingly, each level is assigned its own colour which is then used throughout the guidance system. Forster signs for car parks fully comply with all Traffic Code regulations. Vienna, Linz, Milan, Rome Ú It is not just the system for the P&R car

park at Vienna-Hütteldorf which originates at Waidhofen/Ybbs: commissioned by the car park operator Best in Parking, Forster has also produced the signage for the new underground car parks at the Vienna Schwarzenbergplatz and at the Linz Promenade – and even for two car parks in Milan and Rome respectively. Park & ride to combat congestion & stress Ú Urban zones are awash in cars; especially during the rush hours driving takes a terrible toll in terms of time and nerves wasted. P&R car parks help combat the root cause. The concept combines the benefits of private and public transport. Commuters and city visitors drive their own car from their home to the P&R car park where they leave their vehicle without having to bother about scarce city parking. The underground quickly takes them to their inner city destination and back – a system that is not just more economical but also more environmentally friendly as it reduces CO2 emissions.

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White on grey

How to help exhibitors and suppliers get around the fairground: Colberg & Forster furnished Messe Hamburg with a new directional system. Altogether eleven halls were furnished with wall-fitted and ceilingsuspended signs, posts, info screens, rotating and flag-type signs, as well as an outdoor advertising unit and a range of specially designed signs, all developed by Wangler & Abele, a design office in Munich. The systems are based on welded aluminium frames and panels, powder-coated in RAL 7021 greyblack. The lettering is mostly in the form of white adhesive letters, occasionally digitally printed. Size characterised not just the project as such: some of the signs were so big that their production machines had to be refitted. The Forster tool shop upgraded the bevel machine to accommodate outsize formats, so that signs of a length of more than 5 m could be produced without joints. It took an extremely precise planning and handling schedule to install the system without disturbing normal operations. The maps FORSTER aktuell 1/2009

and guideposts were continually adjusted to reflect newly finished halls. Our successful cooperation with Messe Hamburg was confirmed even before the project was finished in January 2009 – through the awarding of new contracts by ARGE Neue Messe.

White film on a grey base: the guidance system by Colberg & Forster furnishes clear and distinct information (left). Visitors are welcomed by deceptively simplelooking and prominently placed posts (right).

The combination of digital print and builtin variable message signs produced appealing solutions.


SIGNS Lucid signs help visitors and patients to find their way around the complexity of Steyr Hospital.


OPERATION SIGNAGE At Steyr Hospital a well-designed system guides patients and visitors through a maze of wards. It was supplied and installed by Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik. Complex structures Ú In the 90 years since it was first built, the hospital at Steyr has been constantly extended and renovated on an ongoing basis. In recent years, the hospital was virtually one large building site. But now it is a nice modern complex, to which several new buildings, wards and institutes have been added. Considering the sheer size of the complex, a comprehensive and efficient guidance system is not just helpful but essential. Subterranean passages link the buildings, and where they meet signposts of the Combiflex CF 10 type point people in the right

direction. Orientation in the new buildings is provided by extra-flat illuminated signs together with signs of the Combiflex CF 10 system and aluminium signs, digitally imprinted. White and turquoise letters on a blue ground were chosen by experts as this combination of colours is easy to see and read. Guiding lights Ú Outdoors, passers-by are shown the way by internally lit monument signs and illuminated signposts of the Combiflex CF 40 series, with signs of the Combiflex CF 10 type fitted to them. Their panels can be quickly exchanged so they can take any

future route changes in their stride. The guidance system is rounded off by signs at the main entrance and the car park. In addition to the standard traffic signs, drivers looking to park their car are helped by “vacant/full” signs in LED design. Through its installation of the guide system, Forster accompanied the latest construction phase at the Steyr Hospital from the opening of its psychiatric and outpatient clinics in April 2005 to the opening of its 3rd intensive care unit in January 2009.

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Ernst Buchriegler, our man for the west, with decades of experience to assist him.

The regional approach For our customers Forster has set up competent contacts in all Austrian states. Our regional sales managers for northern and eastern Austria were presented in the last issue of Forster Aktuell. This time we introduce our customer relations specialists for Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Salzburg, Carinthia and Styria. Ernst Buchriegler, our regional sales manager for Tyrol and Vorarlberg, is currently celebrating his 30th year with Forster. For him, the key factors for success are reliability, punctuality and – first and foremost – “the high satisfaction to be obtained from contacts with our customers”. An adopted Tyrolean since he married one in 1983, he runs a hobby football club in Innsbruck. Among his other passions are skiing, hiking in the mountains, cooking – and Greece. Emmerich Stangl gathered field experience in Upper Austria before taking over, in 1998, the Salzburg sales territory and becoming head of the Salzburg office. He is attracted by the opportunity to meet people and the challenge to develop creative, individual solutions tailored to each customer. As the Salzburg-based contact for traffic engineering, advertising and sign products, Emmerich Stangl and his team typically produce large parts FORSTER aktuell 1/2009

of their contracts directly in Salzburg. In his spare time he is fond of playing a round of golf. Michael Mairoll was in charge of traffic engineering and signs production in Salzburg from 1997, before he changed to the sales side. Since 2004, he has been assisting Emmerich Stangl with his projects and field work in the City of Salzburg, Flachgau and Tennengau. Recently he added the region along the Inn and Southern Bavaria to his sales territory. “What I love about my job is the opportunity to work and plan autonomously,” comments he. An enthusiastic football player, he loves spending his leisure time with his two sons or puts in some sports by way of mountain biking and running. Roland Almer became a member of the Forster team in August 2003. After starting out by selling office signage he changed to the field service and undertook the Styrian region. In 2007 he became regional sales manager and added Carinthia to his territory. Apart from in-depth product knowledge, Roland Almer is convinced that “a passionate preference for customer contacts” is the key prerequisite for working in the sales force. His leisure time is spent on mountain biking, skiing and, increasingly, ski tours.

Emmerich Stangl, head of our Salzburg Office.

Michael Mairoll, meeting a highly diverse challenge in the Salzburg region.

Roland Almer, caring for Forster customers in Carinthia and Styria.





Noise screens from aluminium and timber The art of turning ideas into practical reality – innovative noise barriers made of a combination of aluminium and wood.

The noise screen panels are designed to be highly absorbent on one side (aluminium) with a slotted absorbent back or a continuous reflecting back made of boilerpressure impregnated or thermally treated pine wood. A2 Wernberg and Zauchen Ú The noise barrier set up along the A2 motorway near Villach-Wernberg and Zauchen employs the novel aluminium/wood panels made by Forster. Bridge structures made of combined aluminium/ glass panels contribute the final element to noise screening along this motorway section in Carinthia.

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Noticeable in design, colouring and choice of materials: in 2008, Forster Metallbau GmbH added several interesting projects to its roll-call of noise barriers.


Cantering along the A4 Coloured glass/metal panels inscribed “Freudenau” and “Prater” to indicate the Vienna horse race course lighten up the noise barrier made of highly absorbent aluminium panels. It is decorated with a “movie sequence of galloping horse riders,” a flag of Vienna and

a “vienna” logo, all made of aluminium. The project was governed by short delivery and installation periods and the simultaneous work of several contractors on a confined site, which called for perfect coordination in order not to default on the deadline.


Quieter on Via Moravica

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Forster recently delivered noise barriers for fitting along a motorway in the Czech Republic. Aluminium panels with highly absorbent properties on both sides were installed at the D47 between Lipnik and Belotin. Using the digital printing technique, the panels were inscribed with signage indicating “Have a good journey” and “Towards Brno”.

Designers once again made good use of colour highlights and the combination of aluminium and glass.




Memory bank for the Free State of Saxony To ensure that archived treasures are preserved, magazines need to be air conditioned and fitted with the latest technology. Arbitec-Forster shipped mobile FOREG 2000 shelving to Dresden to supply the Free State’s new Main State Archive.

The Dresden archive documents a thousand years of Saxon, German and European history. It is charged with conserving this cultural heritage, supplementing and making it accessible to legislators, government and administrative officers, scientists, researchers, interested citizens and the general public. Miles of files Ú Next to the listed archival building, a new magazine was built in 2006–08, made of reinforced concrete and using passive solar technology. The clearly structured compact building consists of nine storeys: three magazines are below ground, five are above ground, and the administrative and engineering facilities are accommodated on the ground floor. The ceilings were specially reinforced to hold the enormous weight of the

A new home for old papers: it needs a sophisticated system to store and retrieve things of importance. FORSTER aktuell 1/2009


en: in Dresd Archive te ta S te in l regis rs t the Ma nd officia a s Stocks a le fi f metres o Û 46,610 4 deeds Û 53,66 charts ings Û 21,267 and draw 30 maps ,3 9 6 3 Û graphs 94 photo Û 391, 4 prints 8 official Û 31,09 ems library it films Û 73,819 iers and rr ound ca s 7 5 7 1, Û

Ò The new magazine building is a “qualitycertified passive heating house”.

archive – consisting, i.a., of 32 km of shelves for files – and the rails to move the mobile shelving were similarly calculated to comply with the structural requirements. The racks are fitted with shelves and a retractable table (of a width of up to 1300 mm and a depth of 900 mm) for each aisle. To achieve better ventilation of the archived stock, most of the racks were installed without end panels. The exception is the shelving for books and for the seal collection, which were provided with end panels. An interesting aspect is the colouring of the shelves: each storey was given its own colour scheme. The four-digit base numbers were placed on the face panel of each bay already at Waidhofen; each bay was assigned its own bay number. FORSTER aktuell 1/2009

Extras for drawings and seals Ú The need to archive drawings was already considered during the planning phase. Accordingly, the racks on the lowest basement level were given flat shelves of a height of 20 mm, arranged with a clearance of 60 mm. Some special stationary racks were fitted with draw shelves to store seals and tablets. For the collection of seals, the draw shelves were furnished with plastic trays fitted with additional strips for variable 20 mm spacing. These trays hold the 750 seals individually to avoid contact corrosion. The stationary racks are provided with additional vibration absorbers to allow shock-free arraying of the racks.




Congratulations! Û WEDDINGS Waidhofen/Ybbs: Erich Hiesberger, Christian Almberger, Alexandra Kos-Forstenlechner (née Kos), Stefan Cerny, Andrea Kleindessner (née Hofmacher), Maria Rigler (née Pichler) St. Peter/Au: Engin Güclü Salzburg Sales Office: Michael Mairoll

Û BIRTHS Waidhofen/Ybbs: Son Lukas for Josef and Andrea Grabner Daughter Eva for Josef Pitner

Daughter Leona for Merita and Wolfgang Dobersberger Son Maximilian for Sabine Aigner Son Leon for Minka and Valbon Tafallari Daughter Jennifer for Monika Gaßner Daughter Anna for Christa Stockinger Daughter Lejla for Edin Omerbasic St. Peter/Au: Son Gökan for Sefer Sabanci Daughter Anika for Manuela and Erwin Steinbauer Son Peter for Erika Lenauer Son Michael for Susanne Schönegger and Thomas Domani Salzburg Sales Office: Son Julian for Michael Mairoll

Û VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Julia Buder (industrial merchant) and Maria Stockinger (industrial merchant) graduated from the first form; Alexandra Aigner (industrial merchant) and Tanja Kaltenbrunner (industrial merchant) graduated from the second form, each with honours. Julian Etzlstorfer (technical draughtsman) graduated from the first form, and Haris Basic (screen printer) graduated from the fourth form, both with good success. Simon Brunthaler (industrial production engineer) graduated from the third form, and Patrick Freudenschuß (industrial production engineer) graduated from the fourth form, both with honours. Anna-Elisabeth Forster (screen printer) and Marco Marijanovic (screen printer) graduated from the second form, and Michaela Merkinger (screen printer) graduated from the fourth form, each with honours. Michaela Merkinger was also lauded for special merit. Sabrina Matzenberger (industrial merchant) passed the apprenticeship completion examination with good success. Status as of February 2009

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Michael Hochpöchler 30 YEARS

Josef Sattler Walter Streicher 25 YEARS

Barbara Hochbichler Herwig Fischer Franz Schachinger Thomas Freudenschuß 20 YEARS

Walter Bergmann Klaus Sonnleithner Günther Plank Sabine Felbauer Manuela Ortner Birgit Forster Günther Bachbauer Johann Rettensteiner Günther Schink Eva Nussbaumer Claudia Biber 15 YEARS

Franz Desch Hans-Peter Prüller Walter Trawetzky Kurt Großbichler Harald Freudenschuß Brigitte Fleischanderl Christoph Kalinski Admira Mandzuka Sylvia Hirner Leopold Gröbl Franz Haberfehlner 10 YEARS

Silvia Killinger Elisabeth Hirner Jürgen Florian Alois Farfeleder Walter Schmitsberger Harald Kaluza Sevim Cagiran Markus Aichinger Angela Bogar Martin Präuer Bernhard Putz Günther Wagner St. Peter/Au: 25 YEARS

Ludwig Schuller Erich Wirrer Brigitte Heher FORSTER aktuell 1/2009


Franz Ritt Manfred Stöger Christian Maderthaner Theresia Hirtenlehner Johannes Tatzreiter Petru Cristea Erika Punzhuber Stefanie Schäffer Susanne Gutmandelberger Renate Nietsch 10 YEARS

Ida Schuller Elfriede Haneder Gülsen Günes Wolfgang Reitbauer Carmen Aigner Gerda Wiesinger Silke Kaltenböck


With Forster for 35 years Michael Hochpöchler has been working for the company since 1973. He started out as a lorry driver from our former domicile at Hammergasse and eight years later changed to the shipping department. In 1985, Michael Hochpöchler became manager of the department and has since been responsible for scheduling the delivery tours, preparing goods for shipment from the Waidhofen plant and for managing the lorry fleet.

Waidhofen/Ybbs: Hannelore Linbacher Heidemarie Marquardt Arbitec-Forster: Rüdiger Wacker


In December 2008, a party was held to honour all staff members celebrating a long anniversary of membership in the Forster family. Christian Forster expressed his gratitude and appreciation of their many years of work and loyalty for the company. In his speech he expressed his enthusiasm for the great commitment and excellent cooperation within the company.



Sports and leisure 2008 Cycling Day The route chosen last autumn for the cycling day organised by the Forster Leisure Club offered great variety. Taking off from St. Peter in der Au, cyclists headed towards the Treffling valley, through Willerstorf/ Krenstetten and then turned back to St. Peter, ending the day with cider at the cosy tavern of Schwingenschlögel. Participants once again enjoyed the athletic and socialising merits of the cycling tour organised by the Forster Leisure Club.

Winners of the 2009 Forster Ski Race

2009 Forster Ski Race Superb weather conditions and radiant winners marked the ski and snowboard company championships held at Forsteralm on 24 January.

Manuela Hüttenbrenner and Thomas Spacil, two of the winners of the 2009 Forster Ski Race, showing off their medals. From left to right: Raimund Hüttenbrenner, Doris Wöginger, Thomas Spacil, Manuela Hüttenbrenner, Hans-Peter Prüller, Fritz Auer.

The fluent and demanding giant slalom made for an exciting race for all categories. The close race for the champion’s title was decided by Thomas Spacil who made the best time of the day and came in first before Manfred Hofmacher and Raimund Hüttenbrenner. The women’s category was won by Manuela Hüttenbrenner, Gundi Härtinger and Daniela Kern, while Heidrun Furtner and Jonathan Ritt

took first place each on their snowboards. The staff of Forsteralm Liftgesellschaft also collected triumphs: Andreas Forster carried the day against Leopold Spreitzer and Johannes Mayer sen. Anna Kerschbaumer, Birgit Spreitzer and Monika Fuchsluger secured the first three places in the women’s category. In the age categories IV and V, retirees August Schnabler and Johann Gill came out on top. The Forster ski competitions drew plenty of enthusiastic kids and youths who performed remarkably well. At the winners’ ceremony, organiser Fritz Auer expressed his thanks to the many people who had contributed to the success of the event. FORSTER aktuell 1/2009



Best company ski team in Lower Austria For 2009 Forster held on to its title of Lower Austrian Company Champion in the men’s category. On 1 February, 143 racers assembled at Annaberg for the 2009 company championship. Among individual racers, Raimund Hüttenbrenner was the fastest in age category II and Thomas Spacil came in second in the age category I. Jointly with Manfred Kalkhofer and Josef Großauer, the two once again secured the Lower Austrian Company Champion’s title for the Forster ski team. The 37th State Company Championship was organised by the Lower Austrian Sports Association and the Lower Austrian Company Sports Association.

Herta Mikesch, President of the Lower Austrian Sports Association, congratulates the winning Forster ski team: From right to left: Josef Großauer, Raimund Hüttenbrenner, Manfred Kalkhofer, Thomas Spacil, Fritz Auer, Heribert Pfeffer, Helmut Broscha.

Forster on the winners’ rostrum Last year’s number one at the Austrian Company Ski Championship, Forster this time managed an excellent third place. February 21, 2009: The Forster ski team arrived at Arnoldstein to defend its title at the federal company ski championship. After excellent runs by Raimund Hüttenbrenner

August Schnabler and Johann Gill, our most active retirees, are annual fixtures at the Forster Race (top left). Jubilation among the young (bottom left). FORSTER aktuell 1/2009

(5th place) and Manfred Hofmacher (3rd place), Thomas Spacil unfortunately came a cropper. Manfred Kalkhofer also had problems with the difficult giant slalom course that was set with some challenging breaks. Yet in spite of such troubles, Forster still managed to come in third in the team score of category I. The day was carried by Infineon from Villach.

Forster’s participants at the Federal Championship at Arnoldstein: Fritz Auer, Raimund Hüttenbrenner, Manfred Kalkhofer, Thomas Spacil and Manfred Hofmacher (from left to right).

Forster Verkehrs- und Werbetechnik GmbH Weyrer Strasse 135 A-3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs Telephone + 43 74 42/501-0 Telefax + 43 74 42/501-200 e-mail [email protected]

Forster Metallbau Gesellschaft m. b. H. Weyrer Strasse 135 A-3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs Telephone + 43 74 42/501-0 Telefax + 43 74 42/501-480 e-mail [email protected]

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