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Commemoration Day 2009 Wednesday 21 October 2009 Royal Albert Hall • London

The Royal Albert Hall is home to Imperial College London’s Commemoration Day ceremonies.

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The Rector’s welcome

On behalf of all at Imperial College London, I am delighted to welcome our graduands and their guests to this special occasion. Our warmest congratulations go to everyone who graduates today. Graduation ceremonies are a time for looking both to the past and the future. I hope that you will always recall your time at Imperial fondly. Your university years are amongst the fullest life has to offer, with opportunities to meet new people, try different experiences and discover hidden talents. I hope the time you have spent here has been rewarding and that the degree you have attained is a key benefit, but not the only one from your time with us. Today we remember good times shared and we look ahead with excitement to the new chapter of your lives that is now beginning. There is no limit to what you may go on to achieve from here. Despite what you will have heard about the effects of the current recession, the demand for Imperial graduates remains strong and there will be many doors open to you now and in years to come. Your skills and

knowledge are what the world needs to tackle the many challenges it faces, and I look forward to witnessing the diverse ways in which you will each contribute. I hope there will be many chances to reacquaint ourselves in the years ahead, since this is by no means the end of your relationship with Imperial. You are now alumni of the College and I hope you will consider yourselves a part of our global community and keep in touch. We provide a service to our alumni for life, keeping them in touch with the most recent advances in science, technology and medicine. You provide a reward to us by keeping in touch and telling us about your career and how it is developing.

Sir Roy Anderson Rector Imperial College London

This is an occasion to celebrate success, and in congratulating graduands I would also like to thank the family and friends who have supported and encouraged them throughout their studies. I wish everyone an enjoyable and memorable day.

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Imperial – past and present Medical breakthroughs, scientific discoveries and new technologies conceived at the College have helped shape the years since Imperial’s foundation. Imperial researchers are now tackling the issues of the next century and beyond.

Imperial currently attracts over 14,000 students and 6,000 staff of the highest international quality and has a reputation worldwide for excellence in teaching and research. The College began its journey towards its current position amongst the world’s best universities just over a century ago with just 600 students and 12 professors. The College was founded in July 1907 from the merger of three great nineteenth century institutions — the Royal College of Science, the City and Guilds College and the Royal School of Mines. Mergers in the late twentieth century with St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, the National Heart and Lung Institute, the Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Wye College and the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology completed the formation of the present Imperial College London. Imperial’s founding charter created an institution “…to give the highest specialised instruction and to provide the fullest equipment for the most advanced training and research in various branches of science especially in its application to industry”. This commitment to apply Imperial’s research for the benefit of all has been a constant theme throughout the College’s history, and holds strong today with current focuses including interdisciplinary collaborations to tackle climate change, and mathematical modelling to predict and control the spread of infectious diseases, such as avian flu. With 67 Fellows of the Royal Society among our current academic staff, and distinguished past members of the College including 14 Nobel laureates and two Fields Medallists, Imperial’s contribution to society during its last century has been immense. Inventions and innovations include the discovery of penicillin, the development of holography and the foundations of fibre optics. Famous names associated with Imperial include T.H. Huxley, one of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth century; the author H.G. Wells; joint Nobel Prize winners, Sir Alexander Fleming and Sir Ernst Chain, discoverers of penicillin;


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

W.E. Dalby, the internationally renowned railway engineer; W.H. Perkin, inventor of mauveine, the first aniline dye that led to the development of the synthetic chemical industry; Sir Almroth Wright, a pioneer of vaccination; Eric Laithwaite, known for his development of magnetically levitated (maglev) high-speed trains; and George Finch who, in 1922, was able to climb higher than any previous mountaineer due to his pioneering work on oxygen and breathing apparatus. Since the College’s creation, over 140,000 of the brightest students in the world have been educated by such authorities in their subjects. Today, the College attracts students from over 125 countries across the globe, and has a network of international links and collaborations with many of the world’s top universities.

Imperial’s graduation ceremonies Until 1955, Imperial’s graduation ceremonies took place in the Great Hall of the University of London, which was then located in the Imperial Institute at the heart of the South Kensington Campus. Before each ceremony, a formal College procession filed from Prince Consort Road to the Great Hall of the Institute. All that remains of the Imperial Institute today is the Queen’s Tower, saved from demolition in the late 1960s. The first College graduation ceremony in the Royal Albert Hall was held on 26 October 1955. The day’s events commemorated the 1945 centenary of the Royal College of Science; the oldest forerunner of Imperial. The RCS centenary was attended by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth and its anniversary became known as Commemoration Day in honour of their visit. Imperial undergraduates and postgraduates were all presented at the same ceremony in the Royal Albert Hall on Commemoration Day each October until 1996, when a new postgraduate ceremony was added in May. In 2007, as part of the Centenary celebrations, a graduation ceremony was held in Singapore to reflect the large number of students coming to Imperial from Asia.

Highlights of 2008–09 iCub pushes forward understanding of intelligence

New imaging technique reveals three-dimensional fossil images

The Departments of Computing and Electrical and Electronic Engineering are using a humanlike robot known as iCub to explore how human beings interact with the world around them through awareness, perception, reasoning and judgement. iCub, which arrived at the College in March 2009, can move its head, arms, fingers, eyes and legs in a similar way to humans. The team plans to link the robot to a computer simulation that replicates how human brains communicate through short bursts of electrical energy, and discover whether iCub will be able to process information about its environment and move in response.

Two extinct species, related to today’s spiders, which lived around 300 million years ago have been revealed in three-dimensionial computer models developed by Imperial scientists in August 2009. Researchers used CT scanning to take 3,000 X-rays of each fossil, and believe this technique provides a much clearer picture of ancient extinct species than the usual method of splitting open rock to see the creature inside. Lead author, PhD student Russell Garwood in the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, says: “Our study helps build a picture of what was happening during this period early in the history of life on land.”

Imperial College Business School professor appointed to Monetary Policy Committee

‘Peculiar sex’ leads to antibiotic resistance

Economist Professor David Miles was appointed an external member on the Bank of England’s interest rate setting Monetary Policy Committee in March 2009. Business School Principal David Begg said: “We are committed to seeing our research make a real impact on society and the economy. David’s appointment to the committee that sets the UK’s interest rates, at a time of economic crisis, exemplified that commitment.”

>>> Keep in touch with Imperial by podcast A snapshot of work and play at Imperial is available in monthly instalments thanks to the College’s magazine podcast, now in its third year. Available on the first working day of each month, each edition provides a roundup of Imperial’s latest news, findings and events. It is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on the College’s Science Communication MSc course and the presenter of the BBC World Service’s Digital Planet programme. The podcast is available on iTunes and at www.imperial.

Warmer winters changing sheep shape Milder winters are causing a wild breed of Soay sheep on the Scottish island of Hirta to get smaller, despite the evolutionary benefits of possessing a large body, suggests work by Imperial biologists. The Department of Life Sciences researchers believe that, due to climate change, survival conditions on Hirta are becoming less challenging, meaning that slower-growing, smaller sheep are more likely to survive the winters than previously.

Plant scientists reach for the skies A rooftop greenhouse that will enable scientists to grow large quantities of plants for experiments has been built on top of Imperial’s Roderic Hill building. The GroDome provides over 200 square metres of temperature and light-controlled growing space, supporting research into new sources of biofuels, aphid resistance in plants and work to sequence the genome of the tomato.

Some disease-causing bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics because they have peculiar sex lives, say Imperial researchers. Lead author Dr William Hanage, of the Division of Epidemiology, Public Health and Primary Care, explains: “When humans have kids they mix up their DNA with that of their partner, but bacteria can pick up DNA from all sorts of places, even other species. Our research shows that bacteria which do this, that is undergo sex, with their own and other species are more likely to develop resistance to antibiotics, protecting them from being killed by these drugs.”

Science communication career beckons for young scientists Two new studentships for Imperial’s Science Media Production MSc course aim to encourage young scientists to pursue a career in the broadcast industry. Funded by the Welcome Trust, the studentships cover tuition fees, plus £18,000 for living expenses and a six-month internship on completion. Dr Stephen Webster, director of the Science Communication Group, says: “Good science communication requires expertise both in science and in media skills. You just have to look at that 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, which denied anthropogenic climate change. What a distortion of science and scientists!”

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Declaration of a Doctor Now, as a new doctor, I solemnly promise that I will to the best of my ability serve humanity; caring for the sick, preventing disease, promoting good health, and alleviating pain and suffering.

I will oppose policies in breach of human rights and will not participate in them. I will strive to change laws that are contrary to my profession’s ethics and will work towards a fairer distribution of health resources.

I recognise that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes considerable responsibility and I will not abuse my position.

I will recognise the limits of my knowledge and seek to maintain and increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life. I will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes and honestly assess and respond to those of others.

I will practise medicine with integrity, humility, honesty and compassion; working with my fellow doctors and other colleagues to meet the needs of my patients. I shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm of my patients.

I will assist my patients to make informed decisions that coincide with their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.

I will seek to promote the advancement of medical knowledge through teaching and research. I make this declaration solemnly, freely and upon my honour.

I will not permit considerations of gender, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, nationality, or social standing to influence my duty of care.


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Academic dress The robes worn by graduates today have their origin in the everyday dress of the Middle Ages. The ancient universities in Europe began as communities of scholars and teachers associated with cathedrals or monasteries. As fashions changed, the cloaks of that period were retained by the universities and became the main item of academic dress.

Imperial College London first degree robes Imperial’s new academic dress was first worn in 2008, following the College’s independence in 2007. The unifying theme of the robes is the use of the colour purple, inspired by W.H. Perkin’s invention of the first synthetic purple dye, mauveine, in 1856. BSc (Engineering), BEng and MEng


BSc and MSci

Imperial College London robes worn by recipients of fellowships, honorary degrees and associateships • FIC — Fellow of Imperial College London • DSc — Doctor of Science • AIC — Associate of Imperial College London AIC



University of London first degree robes Imperial left the University of London on 8 July 2007, but some graduates at today’s ceremony have chosen to graduate with the University of London degrees that were current at the time they began their studies. They will be wearing University of London robes. These robes are worn with distinctive hoods denoting Imperial’s constituent college Associateships.






• ACGI — Associate of the City and Guilds of London Institute • ARCS — Associate of the Royal College of Science • ARSM — Associate of the Royal School of Mines • AICSM — Associate of the Imperial College School of Medicine Medical students receiving the BSc (Bachelor of Science) degree wear University of London academic dress.

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Procession The company rises when the Procession enters the hall and remains standing until the Chairman of the Court and of the Council is seated.

First group • The Student Presidents

• The Dean for the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Geoff Pasvol

Second group

• Non-clinical Dean for the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Nigel Gooderham

• The Senior Assistant Registrar, Ms Rebecca Penny • The Wardens, College Tutors, Readers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, winners of the Rector’s Medals for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Pastoral Care Third group • The Academic Registrar, Mr Nigel Wheatley • The Professors • The Principal of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Stephen Richardson • The Principal of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Steve Smith • The Principal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professor Maggie Dallman

• The Pro Rector (Commercial Affairs), Mr Edward Astle • The Pro Rector (Education), Professor Julia Buckingham • The Pro Rector (International Affairs), Professor Mary Ritter • The Senior Principal, Professor Sir Peter Knight • The Newly-Elected Fellows, Honorary Graduates and Associate Fourth group • The College Secretary and Clerk to the Court and to the Council, Dr Rodney Eastwood • The Lay and Non-Academic Members of the Court

• The Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor David Nethercot

Fifth group

• The Dean for the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Alan Atkinson

• The Chairman of the Court and of the Council, The Lord Kerr of Kinlochard

• The Rector, Sir Roy Anderson

• The Director of Education, Faculty of Medicine, Professor Jenny Higham • The Dean for the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professor John Gibbon • The Head of the Division of Life Sciences, Professor Ian Owens

• Conductor of the Orchestra, Richard Dickins (Director of Music) • Conductor of the Choir, Colin Durrant • Organist, Andrew Lucas

• The Head of the Department of Physics, Professor Joanna Haigh


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Programme of ceremony 11.15 • Wednesday 21 October 2009

15.30 • Wednesday 21 October 2009



Student Orator

Student Orator

Address The Rector, Sir Roy Anderson

Address The Rector, Sir Roy Anderson

Presentation of Graduates Presentation of graduates from the Faculty of Engineering to whom the Associateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute and first degrees of the university have been awarded.

Presentation of Graduates Presentation of graduates from the Faculty of Natural Sciences to whom the Associateship of the Royal College of Science and first degrees of the university have been awarded.

Musical Interlude A Hymn for St Cecilia by Herbert Howells, with words by Ursula Vaughan Williams

Musical Interlude A Hymn for St Cecilia by Herbert Howells, with words by Ursula Vaughan Williams

Presentation of Graduates Presentation of graduates from the Faculty of Engineering to whom the Associateship of the Royal School of Mines and first degrees of the university have been awarded.

Presentation of Honorary Graduates The Principal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences requests the Rector to confer the Degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa of Imperial College London on

Presentation of Honorary Graduates The Principal of the Faculty of Engineering requests the Rector to confer the Degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa of Imperial College London on

• Professor Dame Louise Johnson The College Secretary and Clerk to the Court and to the Council requests the Rector to receive the Fellow of Imperial College London

• Dr Mohamed Ibrahim

• Mr Tony Mitcheson

The Principal of the Faculty of Engineering requests the Rector to receive the Fellow of Imperial College London

The Pro Rector (Education) requests the Rector to receive the Fellow of Imperial College London

• Professor Dame Julia Higgins

• Emeritus Professor Rees Rawlings

Presentation of Graduates Presentation of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine (MBBS) to whom the Associateship of the Imperial College School of Medicine and first degrees of the university have been awarded. Declaration of a Doctor Presentation of the Winners of the Rector’s Medals for Teaching and Pastoral Care The Pro Rector (Education) presents these winners • Dr Silvestre Pinho • Dr Matthew Genge

The Senior Principal of Imperial College London requests the Rector to confer the Associateship of Imperial College London on • Ms Linda Jones

Presentation of Graduates Presentation of graduates of the Faculty of Medicine (BSc) to whom first degrees of the university have been awarded. Presentation of the Winners of the Outstanding Achievement Award The Pro Rector (Education) presents the winners of the Outstanding Achievement Award

• Mr David Allman

• Mr Adeel Iqbal

• Professor David Lloyd Smith

• Mr Kapil Sugand

Valediction The Chairman of the Court and of the Council, The Lord Kerr of Kinlochard God Save The Queen Recession Reception

• Miss Hannah Theodorou

Presentation of the Winners of the Rector’s Medals for Teaching and Pastoral Care The Pro Rector (Education) presents these winners • Professor Denis Wright • Professor Richard Thompson

Valediction The Chairman of the Court and of the Council, The Lord Kerr of Kinlochard God Save The Queen Recession Reception

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Fellows A Fellowship of the College is the highest award Imperial can bestow on individuals judged to be persons of distinction and persons who have rendered significant services to the College or to the community.

Professor Dame Julia Higgins

Mr Tony Mitcheson Over the 10 years that he served as College Secretary and Clerk to the Court and Council, Tony Mitcheson played a central role in many of the key developments in Imperial’s recent history.

Professor Dame Julia Higgins is a leading polymer scientist who has contributed immensely to Imperial College London over more than 30 years. Dame Julia’s research focuses on the behaviour of complex materials, particularly polymers, and she leads a group specialising in neutron scattering techniques to investigate polymer behaviour. She joined Imperial as a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering in 1976, becoming a reader in 1985 and professor in 1989. She also held the roles of Dean of the City and Guilds College 1993–97 and Director of the Graduate School of Engineering and Physical Sciences 2002–06. She played an instrumental role in the development and implementation of the faculty system in 2001, and took up the role of Principal of the Faculty of Engineering in 2006, overseeing major events including the establishment of the Institute of Biomedical Engineering. She retired in September 2007 and is now a senior research investigator in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology.

He joined the College in 1997 after retiring as a full Colonel from the Royal Artillery, into which he had been commissioned in 1963. During his army service, he obtained his MA at Oxford University and served in Hong Kong, Germany, Northern Ireland, Canada, Cyprus and Libya. At Imperial, his time was bookended by the College’s two most recent Royal Charters, marking the full incorporation of medicine in 1997 and independence from the University of London in 2007. He played a key role in the development of the latter and in having the College’s status as an independent university approved by the Privy Council. The formation of the Imperial College School of Medicine, now the Faculty of Medicine, made great administrative demands as four previously independent medical schools merged with the College and, for five months, in addition to his own main duties, Tony Mitcheson also acted as Secretary to the School of Medicine.

In addition to her accomplishments in research, teaching and scientific leadership, Dame Julia has been a leading voice raising awareness of practices embedded in academic life that disadvantage women scientists. She is a former chair of the Athena Project, which works to advance and support women in science, engineering and technology and was a founding member of Imperial’s Academic Opportunities Committee.

His dedication to improving and streamlining the administration of Imperial College London continued throughout his tenure, and he chaired, or was a member of, all of the groups that introduced the College’s new financial, personnel and registry IT systems. He also played a leading part in major building projects, including the new student accommodation in Prince’s Gardens, the Ethos sports centre and the Faculty Building.

Her numerous honours include election to the fellowship of the Royal Society in 1995 and of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1999. Amongst many others, she is also a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Materials and the Institution of Chemical Engineers. She was made a DBE in 2001.

As Clerk he was responsible for providing support to the College’s Court and its governing body, the Council, working closely with both the present and previous Chairmen and the last two Rectors. He also had a wide portfolio of other responsibilities ranging from Health and Safety and Occupational Health, to the Conference Office and Internal Audit. For much of his time at the College he had overall responsibility for student residences, catering, sport and leisure services and security, all aspects of the College’s administration which brought him into direct and regular contact with students and Imperial College Union. He was appointed an OBE in 1990.


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Professor Rees Rawlings Professor Rees Rawlings has dedicated a lifetime of service to Imperial, arriving as an undergraduate student in 1961 and progressing through the College until he retired from the role of Pro Rector (Educational Quality) in 2007. In the course of his career he earned a reputation as one of the College’s top student champions, devoting energy and imagination to enhancing every aspect of the student experience. Professor Rawlings showed flair for academic life from an early stage, becoming a lecturer in the Department of Metallurgy, now Materials, in 1966, one year before he completed his PhD. His interest in student affairs quickly led him to take on the responsibilities of Admissions Tutor and then Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department. He became Dean of the Royal School of Mines in 1995 before taking up the role of Pro Rector (Educational Quality) in 1999. One of his most far-reaching innovations was the establishment of student online evaluation (SOLE), which gives undergraduate students the chance to provide anonymous feedback on their course modules and lecturers. The results of SOLE are used in many ways, from reassessing the content of modules to directly affecting academic promotions. The success of SOLE led to the establishment of ROLE, an online evaluation scheme specifically for research students. As a keen sportsman who played for Imperial while a student, Professor Rawlings was also instrumental in making sure the College’s sports facilities are world class. He oversaw the refurbishment of the boathouse at Putney, which reopened in 2001, and was a driving force behind Ethos, the College’s stateof-the-art sports centre at South Kensington. His many other achievements at Imperial include playing a key role in gaining the College’s degree awarding powers in 2003 and independence in 2007.

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall • Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Honorary Graduates Imperial College London honorary degrees are awarded to people of conspicuous merit, who are outstanding in their field or who have given exceptional service to the university.

Dr Mohamed Ibrahim

Professor Dame Louise Johnson

Named in 2008 as one of Time magazine’s top 100 most influential people in the world, Dr Mohamed Ibrahim is a global expert in mobile communications with a distinguished academic and business career. An early pioneer of the mobile phone, Dr Ibrahim was one of the team that created BT Cellnet (now O2) in the 1980s. He left the company in 1989 to create his own consultancy, Mobile Systems International, which was bought by Marconi in 2000. In 1998, he founded Celtel International to build and operate mobile networks in Africa. Celtel became one of Africa’s most successful companies with operations in 15 countries, covering more than a third of the continent’s population and investing more than US$750 million in Africa. The company was sold to MTC Kuwait in 2005 for $3.4billion. He is also founding chairman of Satya Capital Ltd, an investment company focused on opportunities in Africa. Continuing his concern for quality of life and development in Africa, Dr Ibrahim established the Mo Ibrahim Foundation in 2006 to support and nurture good leadership and stimulate debate on governance across Africa. The Foundation focuses on two major initiatives: the Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership, which recognises and celebrates excellence; and the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, which provides civil society with a comprehensive and quantifiable tool to promote government accountability. In recognition of his work, Dr Ibrahim has been awarded prizes including the Chairman’s Award for Lifetime Achievement from the GSM Association, The Economist’s Innovation Award for Social and Economic Innovation and the BNP Paribas Prize for Philanthropy. Dr Ibrahim has a BSc from the University of Alexandria and MSc from the University of Bradford, both in electronic engineering. He completed a PhD in mobile communications at the University of Birmingham.


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Professor Dame Louise Johnson is a pre-eminent scientist with a long record of contribution and achievement in research and teaching. She is particularly renowned for research elucidating the mechanisms of biologically important molecules, which has had profound effects on our understanding of biological systems. Dame Louise began her career in structural biology at the Royal Institution, London. As a graduate student with David Phillips, the founding father of enzyme studies, she contributed to work that led directly to the elucidation of the structure of lysozyme, the first enzyme structure to be solved by X-ray diffraction. Following the completion of her PhD, she spent a year at Yale as a postdoctoral research assistant in the Department of Biophysics. She then pursued her career at the University of Oxford, becoming David Phillips Professor in Molecular Biophysics in 1990, a post she held until her retirement in 2007. In 2003 she was appointed Director of Life Sciences at the Diamond Light Source, the UK’s new synchrotron source, a position she retained until 2008, and where she remains a Diamond Fellow. She is a professorial fellow at Corpus Christi College and honorary fellow at Somerville College, Oxford. Dame Louise was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1990 and made a member of European Molecular Biology Organisation in 1991. She was awarded the Linderstrom-Lang Prize in 1989 for her pioneering contributions to protein crystallography, the Charmian Medal for enzyme chemistry by the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1996, the Datta Medal in 1998 by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies and the Novartis Medal in 2009 by the Biochemical Society in recognition of her research in molecular structural biology. She was awarded the DBE in 2003 for services to biophysics.

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

New Associate Associateships are awarded to long-standing members of staff, former students or other persons, whether members of the university or not, who have rendered exceptional service to the College.

Miss Linda Jones Linda Jones joined Imperial’s Department of Physics in 1968 as a junior clerk in the Undergraduate Office and, through dedicated and exemplary service, has developed her career to hold her current position of Faculty Senior Projects Manager and Department Operations Manager for Physics. After spending seven years supporting both staff and students in her first role at the College, she became Group Secretary to High Energy Physics in 1975, distinguishing herself for the care and attention to detail required to coordinate and manage the largest teaching and research group in the Department of Physics. By 1989, she had enlarged this role to include HR issues at a departmental level, and had taken on the additional duties of assisting the Associate Head of Department and the Departmental Superintendent. In 1998 Miss Jones became Department Administrator for Physics, leading the development and establishment of a new, more efficient administrative structure. The system she devised is still in place in Physics, and has been replicated in other Faculty of Natural Sciences departments. In this role she also implemented new group structures that created clear mechanisms for dealing with finance and HR procedures, which had the added benefit of setting out a transparent career structure for administrative staff in the department. Miss Jones moved into the wider role of Deputy Faculty Operating Officer in 2006. Her responsibilities were further expanded in 2007, when she became Senior Projects Manager for the Faculty, and Operations Manager for the Department of Physics, focusing on College projects, research administration and assessment and HR issues. Major projects that have benefited from her carefully considered input over the years include Research Assessment Exercise submission activities in 1996, 2001 and 2008, and the implementation of InfoEd, the online system for managing research grants.

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall • Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Prizewinners 2009 The following awards and prizes are given to students with a record of exceptional achievement in scholarship.

Imperial College Business School Imperial College Business School Prize for Best Overall Performance in Joint Honours William Gates Governors’ Prize Joint Honours with Management Nishma Manek Joan Woodward Undergraduate Memorial Prize Michal Hoffman

Faculty of Engineering Royal Aeronautical Society Prize Paul Gilmartin Finsbury Medal Jeremy Dahan Governors’ Prize in Aeronautics Jeremy Dahan BAE Systems Prize Sara Arbos Torrent Cumarran Kaliyaperumal Joseph Sueke C.F. Rae Griffin Boom Prize in Aeronautics Sara Arbos Torrent

Henry Sawistowski Travel Fellowship Katrina Jacks Sarah De Zoysa Shell Prize Paul Dingwell Chemical Engineering Student Centenary Prize Oluwamayowa DebayoDoherty Lonza Prize Faisal Al-Marooqi Ahmed Zaini Hays Civil and Structural Engineering Prize Phillip Gilliland Sparkes-Pippard Prize Harriet Kirk

Governors’ BEng Prize in Computing Christopher Pinnick Governors’ MEng Prize in Computing Michael Hadjiyiannis Computing Student Centenary Prize Hubert Plociniczak Winton Capital Management Prize in Computing Gemma Hagen Governors’ BSc Prize in Geology Lucy Jones Governors’ MSci Prize in Geology Khaliq Ahmad Watts Medal Khaliq Ahmad Earth Science and Engineering Student Centenary Prize Josh Springett

KBR Prize in Environmental Engineering Elena Bailey

British Society of Mining Students Prize Stacey Emmerton

Pippard Memorial Medal and Prize Ana Caballero

Illing Prize Nadine Sutcliffe

Governors’ Prize in Civil Engineering Yoke Thye

Governors’ BEng Prize in Bioengineering Yazan Billeh

Institution of Civil Engineering Prize Ton Van Den Bremer

Hinchley Medal Tsze Han Tan

Sir Bruce White Prize in Civil and Environmental Engineering Ton Van Den Bremer

Loveless Book Prize Saliudeen Bakare William Mumby

IBM Project Prize William Deacon

Walter Redlich Prize Harriet Kirk

ABS Consulting Prize Michael Yap

Governors’ Prize in Chemical Engineering Brandon Ng

Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Roger Sargent Prize Pat Achakulwisut

Bioengineering Student Centenary Prize Richard Criddle

William Peck Book Prize Tsze Han Tan


Chemical Engineering Student Centenary Prize Mahmoud Usman

Unwin Medal and Prize Ton Van Den Bremer Skempton Prize Mohamed Latheef Microsoft Research Prize Andrew Jones Barnabas Malet

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Cullis Testimonial Fund Alex Middleton Bennett H. Brough Medal Christian Boulter Warington Smyth Medal and Prize Christian Boulter Simon Tapster De La Beche Medal Simon Tapster Clement Le Neve Foster Prize Emily Chow Ernest Edward Glorney Scholarship – EASC Julia Barrott Greatorez Prize Guangfan Tan Institution of Engineering and Technology Prize Guangfan Tan

Siemens Memorial Medal and Book Prize Zhongjie Chen

Mechanical Engineering Student Centenary Prize Sarah Butt

Henry Ford II Scholar Award in Electrical Engineering Bing Wen Tan

Governors’ MEng Prize in Mechanical Engineering Bjorn Jacobsen

Terry Whodcoat Memorial Prize Henry Commin

Institution of Mechanical Engineers Prize Till Hanten

Governors’ BEng Prize in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Bo Xu

Peter Pratt Memorial Prize Jonathan Downing

Governors’ MEng Prize in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Yaohao Chen Nicholas Battersby Prize Timothy Waites Sir Bruce White Prize in Electrical Engineering Marc Willerton Eric Laithwaite Prize Cyrus Jahanchahi Governors’ MEng Prize in Information Systems Engineering Hao Tri Pham Willis Jackson Medal and Prize Pietro Franchi Electrical and Electronic Engineering Student Centenary Prize Letizia Pepe Usmani Prize in MicroElectronics Charlene Ng IBM Prize in Information Systems Engineering Anthony Kleerekoper Institute of Electrical and Electonics Engineers’ Project Prize in Telecommunications Joshua Levine Lee Memorial Prize Daniel Jarrett

Governors’ BEng Prize in Materials Ekkalak Sereewatthanawut Governors’ MEng Prize in Materials James Francis Institute of Materials Prize Harriet Boswell Charles Salter Prize Benjamin Moorhouse Ernest Edward Glorney Scholarship – MMAT Kristina Kareh David West Prize Thomas Post Materials Student Centenary Prize Dugu Ege Bessemer Medal Jinfeng Ren Armourers’ and Brasiers’ Company Award Alicia Blatiak Mingjie Zhang ACGI Medal for Excellence Brandon Ng Bramwell Medal Siobhan Kohli-Lynch Henry Ford II Scholar Award in Mechanical Engineering Alex Liu

Faculty of Natural Sciences John McCombie Memorial Prize Luca Laraia Governors’ BSc Prize in Chemistry Elaine Koh Governors’ MSci Prize in Chemistry Mungyuen Li HVA Briscoe Prize in Inorganic Chemistry Frederick Scadding Harwood Prize Arun Shivalingam Evans Medal in Inorganic Chemistry Elaine Koh Donald Davis Prize Marcel Guenther Anton Stefanek Michael Herrmann Governors’ BSc Prize in Mathematics and Computer Science Michael Herrmann Governors’ MSci Prize in Mathematics and Computer Science Anton Stefanek Murray Prize in Physiology Rachel Dilley Gabriel Ferez Prize Ardiyanto Liaunardy-Jopeace

Howarth Prize Chandrika Nair Ian Clark Memorial Prize Emily Wilson June Mahon Memorial Prize Gladys Ang James Prize of the New Phytologist Trust Frances Casey Forbes Memorial Medal Kirstie Pottier Laurent Bonomo Prize Edward Poynton Governors’ Prize in Biology Zoe Seager Lance Ware Mensa Award Emma O’Brien Ken Allen Prizes Mohammad Akhter Peter Macrae Binghao Ng Gloucester Research Ltd Prizes Mehmet Akyol Kamaludin Dingle Calum Findlater Shuangzi Guo Despo Malikkidou Anand Patel Muhammad Versi Governors’ BSc Prize in Mathematics Foo Yeo Governors’ MSci Prize in Mathematics William Ellison

Governors’ BSc Prize in Biochemistry Elvin Tsang

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Prize Wen Cao Alastair Litterick

Governors’ MSci Prize in Biochemistry Daniel Ives

Derek Moore Memorial Prize Christopher Green

Governors’ Prize in Biomedical Science Kenneth Lay Michael Waight

Class of 1974 Prize Shin Hwang

C. Ewart Sticking Memorial Prizes Joan Chang

Sir Bruce White Project Prize in Mechanical Engineering Edward Smith

Beloff-Chain Prize Lindsay Lim

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Tensor Society Mathematics Prize Melissa Turcotte PSI Prize Wen Cao IBM Prize for Pure Mathematics Foo Yeo

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Prizewinners 2009 Faculty of Medicine

H.W.C. Vines Prize in Pathology Rebecca Roberts

Governors’ Prize Jennifer Richardson

Abrahams Prize Christopher Kin Pon Tam

Charing Cross and Westminster Alumnus Society Prize Jennifer Richardson

Calvely Prize Valerie Po-Ai Kuan Jennifer Richardson

Edgar Lawley Prize Valerie Po-Ai Kuan

Richard Hebb Prize Mark Jones Rebecca Roberts Saqib Rahman

Golding Medal Prize Jason Zhe Shan Ho Stevenson Prize Guy Calcott Gordon M. Holmes Prize Valerie Po-Ai Kuan Rebecca Shakir Cheadle Prize Deborah Allen British Pharmacological Society Prize Mark Peterzan Victor Ludorum Llewellyn Prize Romesh Sarvanandan Barron Prize Jennifer Richardson Anthony de Rothschild Prize Cosmo Scurr Glazer Prize in Surgery Mojtaba Nabatian Abdus Salam Undergraduate Prize Sania Jevtic Governors’ BSc Prize in Physics Stavros Mercouris Governor’s MSci Prize in Physics Sania Jevtic David Smith Prize for Medical MRI and Ultrasound Rodothea Amerikanou Astrid Flinois Tessella Prize for Software Stavros Mercouris Ali Mozaffari Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers Award – Instrumentation Prize Weiming Xu Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers Award – Project Prize Jack Cutler Scott Greening Jonathan Skidmore Tyndall Prize Aeneas Wiener Ludlam Prize Scott Greening Callendar Prize Ricardo Kennedy Orwin Prize Olawande Abe


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Norman C. Lake Prize Rebecca Roberts Ali Alsafi Faculty of Medicine Prize Thilina Ambepitiya Linden Baxter Rebecca Hatton Shohreh Honarbakhsh Alice Johnston Vaibhav Kumar Zoe Little Olivia Shields

Sturges Prize Sonia Bouri Valerie Po-Ai Kuan Vaibhav Kumar Mark Peterzan Jennifer Richardson Alison Wood Jasmine Anandarajah Prize Eleni Josephides Mili Shah Noel Timothy John Adamson Prize James Alexander Medical Women’s Federation Prize Hannah Mitchell David Lees Memorial Prize Sophie Lane Dudley Phillips Memorial Prize Matko Marlais Alan J. Stolow Prize James Renshaw Thomas Skurry Prize Chow Lai Pereira Prize Mark Jenkins Malcolm Morris Memorial Prize Stephanie Lewis Agnes Cope Prize Michael Waight

Meadows Prize Michelle Camarata

Steadman Prize Anna Roche

Humphrey Arthure Prize Deborah Allen Marianne Baithun

Thomas Henry Green Prize Semini Sumanasuriya

Frederick Bird Prize Christopher Wei Guang Ho Green Armytage Prize Rebecca Roberts T. Watts Eden Prize Mark Peterzan William Travers Prize Raj Jaspal H.W.C. Vines Prize Jennifer Richardson Wallace Prize Valarie Po-Al Kuan

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Julia Buckingham Prize Zofia Zielicka Morris Prize Nicholas Constantinou Max Bonn Memorial Prize Priya Garg

Outstanding Achievement Awards Medicine Adeel Iqbal Kapil Sugand Hannah Theodorou

Graduates Please note that this list of names is provided for the information and interest of those attending the ceremony. It represents a list of diplomates and graduates at the time of going to press, not all of whom are attending the ceremony. A DVD of the ceremonies is available at a cost of £20. If you have not already ordered a copy of the DVD and would like to do so, please contact the Events Office at [email protected]

Faculty of Engineering, Associates of the City and Guilds of London Institute and Bachelors of Engineering Aeronautics Stuart Brown Oliver Finn Yu Jin Lim Neha Obhrai Keen Yeung

Bioengineering Nur Fateha Abd Razak Oyinlola Adeyemo Yazan Billeh Gisoo Ehteshamzadeh Dominic Esteve Lucy Esteve Niraj Hiran Krupa Hirani Tianzuo Huo Marcus Jia Lu Jiang Jaroslaw Karcz Dineka Khurmi Siona Laverty Yunqin Lee Jiaxuan Lu Ian Lui Ayemon Lwin Thinzar Shwe Ma Chang-Jun Oh Valentina Miguez Pacheco Nuri Purswani Ramchandani Qin Qi David Roche Vanee Suri Chin Jie Toh Sara Temelso Yijia Wang Adam Watts Emma Wheatley Wing-Yan Prudence Wong Jing Xu Wen Xu

Computing Timothy Best Henry Bond Hui Chen Joel Jiew-Wei Cheng Andrew Crake Tanvi Dewan Charles Dunn Sara Dutta Stephanie Emile James Freedman James Finnerty Michael Gist Kevin Gracias George Hadjivarnava Gemma Hagen Faisal Karjikar Xiao Yuan Li Chong-U Lim Chang Liu David McNulty John Payce Christopher Pinnick Thomas Shutt Matthew Tait Omair Taraq Vladimir Temerko Rui Zhang Yue Zhao Luca Zorzino

Deng Wei Teh Jia Wang Xiaoying Wu Bo Xu Xu Xu Shi Yan Fangqi Yang Jonathan Yiew Yun Yong Dandi Yu

Mechanical Engineering Akash Agrawal Lucy Beeson Elizabeth Hyde Byoung In Jang Kartik Lotlikar Stefan Pavlovic Mingzi Shi Anannit Sumawong Annie Yan Tsz Wong Albert Tai Yuen Yu Suraendher Shanmuganathan

Associates of the City and Guilds of London Institute and Masters of Engineering Aeronautics

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Zhongjie Chen Shu Ming Cheung James Coombes Matthew Dayton Bryan Foong Wai Keat Shin Hung Hwang Neng Jiang Heng Kai Lee Yiming Li Chi Hin Ling Jin Leon Ooi Shu Fai Pun Shi Qiu Saad Salman Shrikrishna Selvaratnarajah Suraendher Shanmuganathan Wing Suet Amanda Tam Ahmed Tariq

Mustafa Abdel-Gadir Sara Arbos Torrent Adnan Aslam Nicholas Bate George Bostock Leonard Bouygues Alex Brinkmeyer Jae Won Bryan Chang Chi Kin Jimmy Chau Bing Liang Chia Wan Pang Matthew Chu Andrew Cockerell Owen Connick Samuel Cooper Jeremy Dahan Julian Dizy Suarez Vij Dhayan Robert Done Edwill Escobar-Ruiz Jonathan Feldman Dasith Fernando

Dillan Ganesh Paul Gilmartin Alexander Grisman Michael Haynes Charles Hennings Zhihui Zena Huang Edward Hughes Mohd Hussain Jamshid Jambor Sadeghi Attanayake Jayawardena Daniel Johnpillai Aliac Jojaghaian Cumarran Kaliyaperumal Pareen Kapadia Emily Kutarski Peter Lee Roland Leung Edward Lewis Mark Lewis Boyu Li Nok Kei Lucas Li Sam Lombard Mohsein Ma’som Maximilian Moldaschl Thomas Murray Chris O’Sullivan Sui Hang Pang Devang Patel Suhail Patel Robert Pak Yue Poon Amir Rahim Leonardo Ramirez Paul Rignall Oliver Rosenthal Xavier Scott Siriyalini Sivakumaran Khilan Shah Sina Stapelfeldt Joseph Sueke Tsun Fung Carl Tang Shafeen Tejani Joachim Trodler Yin Chung Martin Tsang Leon Vanstone Abeed Visram Alex Wong

Bioengineering Hoi Ga Chan Michael Chan Richard Criddle Lucas Hadjilucas

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Graduates Chi Leng Leong Peter Niemetz Peter Njuguna Jemil Salami Alexandru Serb Selina Solomon Aleksander Slater Maira Tariq Chaw Chen Maximilian Tay Dirk van Swaay Philip Webster Harry Wheeler Ke Yang

Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology Abdul Abdillah Pattatorn Achakulwisut Adedotun Adegboye Clare Akobundu Oludolapo Alli Faisal Almarzooqi Nadia Azmi Noor Azmi Saliudeen Bakare Guilherme Barbosa Gurson Bharara Jonathan Bolt Nathaniel Carter Chin Lin Chee Dan Chen Wilson Ka Chun Chin Laurence Cook Nabil Cook Sarah De Zoysa Oluwamayowa DebayoDoherty Paul Dingwall Camillo Falco Robert Gallen Mehdi Ghalaie Shaun Githuku Billy Lim Jin Hoe Andrew Holland Yat Ho Nicholas Hor Sue Lynn Hui Oshokhai Imomoh Nuraziatul Ismail Katrina Jacks Syed Jafri Oluwadamilola Jaiyeola Mohd Johari Terence Chee Ling Kam Zahid Karim Mohamed Khayat Folasade Labiyi Yen Teng Lam Wei Kit Lee Kai Sun Leung Rui Li Zekun Liang Tian Shii Lim


Qing Liu Jeremy Lovett Sabbir Mahmood Sherri Malek Nurzhan Marabayev Mark McBride John McIntyre Dimitrios Milionis William Mumby Ian Murray Brandon Ng Regent Wai Chun Ng Ezinwa Nwachukwu Elaine Okwa Temitope Onabanjo Chin Kin Ong Matthew Page Elmer Dak Chi Poon Nina Ramrattan Hesameddin Samadi Paul Samra Ayodeji Sasegbon Deepti Sewraz Aman Shahani Ether Sham Xiaojiao Shang Bin Shao Afsha Sheikh Nazeef Shuaibu Weiming Eugene Siew Wongsakorn Sirimongkolkasem Anastassia Sivena Evan Sketchley Mohamad Slim Roochi Solanki Cassandra Sui Joel Adam Talbot Jianwen Tan Tsze Han Tan Shalin Thakrar Lok Kan Kenneth Tong Baafour Totoe Jeffrey Tse Sze Yan Tse Mahmoud Usman Mohit Verma Rakesh Vyas Ke Wang Tom Warren Darina Windsor Faith Yick Shun Wong Ling Ching Wong Margaret Suen Ling Wong Xingmao Xie Wei Jie Yap Yi Foong Yap Zahra Yaroson Kwan Mun Yong Sarah Zahari Ahmad Zaini Mehdi Zohouri Vaghei

Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Civil and Environmental Engineering Amir Ahmadian Jumana Al-Zubaidi Xue Bai Elena Bailey Nauman Bajwa Timothy Banjo Robin Biddlecombe Emma Bradley Richard Brand Vishal Buxani Ana Caballero Kenneth Carter Lucas Cheuk Man Chan Pak Yee Chan Wai Chi Chan Jingyi Chen Yiwei Chen Saffier Cheng Koon-Chung Cheung Yogeeta Chhatralia Chen Chiu Ming Chinque Wing Man Choi Sin Wai Chong Alice Clarke Michael Davis Marco Duan Alice Fu Phillip Gilliland John Greensted Timothy Harford-Cross Mitchell Hensman Joanna Xing Ying Ho John James Yan Jiang Harriet Kirk Sota Komada Raj Kotecha Ronald Chin Yeung Kwok Mohamed Latheef Li Teck Lau Clarice Sin Kwan Lau Agnes Law Jack Leedale Fongyee Flora Lie Ada Jia Liu Xiao Liu Haifeng Li Daniel McKie Kwesi Menyah Seyed Miri Mohd Mustaza Cynthia Mynhardt Richard Parasram Loizos Pelecanos Anushka Perera James Pocknell Aminur Rahman Jennifer Roberts James Salmon Moritz Schrenk Ehsan Shaeri

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Stanislaw Sikorski Alexander Simpson Sung Hoon Son Antreas Spyrou Oliver Stanyon Freya Summersgill Andras Szollar Hiroaki Tanaka Whai Tak Tang Christopher Taylor Kea Hong Teo Yoke Pean Thye Michalis Trypiniotis Ton Van Den Bremer Daniel Weerawardena Naomi Wheeler Tharanga Wijayasinghe Simon Willmore Benjamin Witcher Andrew Chi Hin Wong Ching Wong Dong Xia Ran Xu Michael Wern Yian Yap Panos Zannetou Michalakis Zapitis Lu Sunny Zhang Zhi Zhao

Computing Gavin Aiken Adekunle Aladewolu Christopher Baldock Benjamin Banfield Robin Bennett Sameera Bhatnagar Rheese Burgess Simran Cashyap Namit Chadha Qi Chen Ralf Damaschke William Deacon Jaspreet Deo Jozef Dobos Robin Doherty Danesh Doostdar Victor Faion Carmen Fan Isaiah Chin Tao Fan Donal Farrell Joseph Freeman Daven Gahir Robin Gallimard Roberta Goodhead Jack Griffith Michael Hadjiyiannis William Harrower Faez Hasnan Justin Heister Wyndham Hudson Andrew Jones William Jones Matthew Chin Yeow Ko

Angelos Kozaris Christopher Kurzeja Stelios Kyprou Michael Lange Amanda Lalisang Vu Ngoc Duy Luong Barnabas Malet Pritam Mitra Nik Azim Nik Azam Alexander Nimmo Mohammad Noor Laurence Pike Hubert Plociniczak Bogdan Poleksic Diana Ramchandani David Rzepa Rishi Sawhney Saad Shabbir Nicolai Stawinoga Liao Tan Dung Chi Trinh Ivan Tsenkov Johnathan Tunnicliffe Mohammed Uddin Sicong Wang Fabian Wanner Charence Cheuk Lun Wong Dinusha Yatawara Camillia Zedan Christopher Zetter

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Tengku Abdul Aziz Lailatul Abdul Rauf Oghenevese Aghoghovbia Nicholas Bailey Brahim Betkaoui David Blancke Nathaniel Bottrell Xenia Bredima Olivia Bullock James Carver Prompong Chaikul Valerio Chang Constantinos Charalambous Mohammad Chaudhary George Yuhui Chen Ran Chen Yaohao Chen Shu Ming Cheung Henry Commin Vladimiros Dagkas Tsoukalas Eranga Dias Dahir Dini Savio D’Souza Amanjit Dulai Finlay Dobbie Nicos Economides Simon Fayer David Fernandez

Choon Yee Fong Pietro Franchi Zishaan Gatrad Piotr Gawlicki Panayiotis Georgiou Ray Gibson Benjamin Gilbert Andres Gomez Valentin Goverdovsky Tianze Guo Shi Hao He Prema Hooloomann Zhuang Ying Huang Yuan Hui Cyrus Jahanchahi Daniel Jarrett Mark Jenkins Juan Jerez Fullana Santosh Joshi Fotios Kantas Iris Kariotelli Hadeed Khalid Afrah Khan Anthony Kleerekoper Bartosz Koprowski Tomasz Koprowski Sung Won Lee Jason Lee Yi Tung Lee Na Kyung Lee Lai Kin Kenny Leung Joshua Levine Cheuk Hung Charles Li Mu Li Tongle Li Xin Li Daryl Jin Shui Lim Chang Liu Sheng Liu Erik Ljungqvist Kai Yan alasdair Lo James Mardell Donovan McGillen Stephen McKeague Syaza MD Taib Syafawati Md Yusof Tariq Melhem Abhishek Mittal Kavin Mittal Siti Mohamed

Khairul Mohamad Khairi Youwei Nan Chung Tsin Frankie Ng Wei Ling Charlene Ng Devesh Nigam Jin Ooi Letizia Pepe Sergei Perfiliev Baber Pervez Hao Tri Pham Vladica Popovac Saad Raja Dylan Rajaratnam Huasheng Rong Mireno Rossi Roger Rouhana David Sanderson Paulharveer Sangha Shrikrishna Selvaratnarajah Miraj Shah Gregoire Sharma Mao Sheng Piotr Sliwa Nicholas Steel Siti Sukor Muhammad Syed Mohamed Baquir Wing Suet Amanda Tam Bing Wen Tan Guangfan Tan Hui Tao Jamin Ern Thian Teo Ye Thiha Thant David Thompson Tzyy Shyang Tong Eduardo Vasquez Silva Marine Viegas Timothy Waites Wan Amirul Wan Mohd Mahyiddin Bei Wang Er Qing Wang Marc Willerton Ziqian Wu Pengcheng Xie Xin Xie Jiaxun Xu Ying Yin Dandi Yu Hafizah Zainol Abidin

Yuxuan Zhan Wei Zhang Michalis Zinieris

Mechanical Engineering Anwar Abit Kyriakos Anatolitis Ryan Apicella Wahid Azizi Aman Bains Emily Barnes Lee Bekhor Casper Benteler Faizan Bhojani Imandeep Bual Aleksander Buchacz Robert Burrell Sarah Butt Harry Carnegie Matthew Carter Nandeep Chaggar Shih Chyi Chak Vincent Sze Long Chan Alexandros Charogiannis Ahmad Che Ismail Nairui Cheng Justin Chi Yen Cheung Weng Meng Alvin Chow Mark Cordner Richard Cunliffe Kofi Danso Xiao Deng Sebastian Dick Yang Dong Alex Edgecombe Oliver Fairbairn Christopher Fennelly Urtahyatul Fouzee Mario Franchetti Colin Beng Chuan Goh Juan Gonzalez Boscolo Edward Grant Mohit Gupta Adil Hafiz Christopher Hampsheir Michael Hansom Lin Han Till Hanten Yin Ki Andrew Ho

Nasir Ilyas Bjorn Jacobsen Khawaja Jan Andrew Jarvis Joseph Jezic von Gesseneck Simon Johnson Aran Kankiwala Karin Ki Lin Hui Koh Siobhan Kohli-Lynch Wee Shiong Kwa Shan Ho Kwok Jacqueline Lai Richard Lalisang Deepak Lall Keith Kah Meng Lau Ian Lawrence Chee Wei Lee Seung Hwan Lee Chin Wing Eric Leung Joanna Li Yan Lin Eunice Mei Ling Liow Alex Liu Jeff Lo Clemens Lorf Philip Yan Hang Lui imon Alexander Mack David Macknelly Ying Kit Mak Salman Malik George Mallouppas Siten Mandalia Peter Mansbridge David Mulholland Ahmad Mustafa Christopher Namih Dhruv Nagpal Yin Ting Ng Nicodemos Nicodemou Christopher Nobbs Olakunle Olalere Hock Boon Ong Miriam Ozanne Alexander Parkes Maria Parkes Zhengqi Phua Byron Foor Po Aleks Ponjavic

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Rohit Poddar Ling San Poon Oliver Porter Thomas Priestley Alexander Rewse-Davies Philip Richardson Alexander Ross Darius Sanjaya Saudjana Adeel Sarwar Nikolaus Sauer Thomas Scruton Dilraj Sehmi Logan Selvam William Shadbolt Inderpal Sihra James Skeen Christopher Smith Edward Smith Sung Min Sohn Rishi Sood Edward Spofforth-Jones Patricia Steven Yan Sun Jonathan Wai Kit Tam Sam Tippetts Matthew Tow David West Oliver White Shuk Man Wong Pengzhan Xie Shufan Yang Annie Ho Ting Yiu Dennis Hon Ho Yiu Ye Yuan Danial Yusoff Saad Zahid Li Zhang Chen Zhou Noorfariza Zulkifli

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Graduates Associates of the Royal School of Mines and Bachelors of Engineering and Bachelors of Science Earth Science and Engineering Yousuf Al Mahrouqi Elizabeth Burns Eugene Chang Jia Zhuo Cheng Yoon - Jung Choi Leanne Cottle Isobel Drury Maral Halliyeva Lucy Jones Edward Kwiecinski Fangliang Li Muhannad Mansour Oh Ram Park Danny Povey Gerard Puente De La Vega Aaron Rankin Stuart Robinson William Turner

Materials Etienne Adriaenssen Raniya Alam Alicia Blatiak Harriet Boswell Hoi Yan Chan Caroline Yi Cao Erfang Chen Yu En Edwin Chua Chao Cui Alwyn Meng Dai Ali Shabbir Datoo Rosamund Fenwick Andrew Hiah Xin Huang Dennis Ho Yun Keung Ching Kong Spencer Lai Mun Keun Lee Soo-Na Lee Chalothorn Lotharukpong Simon Lumley Jing Zhen Luo Yanli Ma Ahmad Fazril Mustapa Jimmy Nathan Wai-Yee Phuah Poorni Polgampola Vorapat Pruecksamars Arun Rao Nicholas Read Jinfeng Ren Ekkalak Sereewatthanawut Tobias Shaw Zakaria Shukur Yick Ling Shum Nneamaka Ubah


Feng Wang Xi Wang Xiaomeng Joanne Wang Junwei Yang Ting Yang Paul Pak Ho Yeung Yong Zang Mingjie Zhang Renzhong Zhang Run Chen Zhang

Associates of the Royal School of Mines and Masters of Engineering and Masters in Science Earth Science and Engineering Khaliq Ahmad Sophie Alderman Joseph Allott Nnenna Amobi Charlotte Atteck Adam Baldwin Julia Barrott Christian Boulter Nicholas Brook Orlando Browne Timothy Chalk Tin Yi Chow Richard Clare Robert Cook Matthew Cooper Stacey Emmerton Stuart Fordyce Christopher Harris Daniel Hill Nikolay Karakashov Christopher Larvin Alexander Middleton Mark Sanders Cristina Sghibartz Rosie Smithells Sophie Spillard Joshua Springett Benedikt Steiner Nadine Sutcliffe Holly Sutherland Simon Tapster Stephanie Wilk

Materials Jules Carvalho Kai Cheung Chan Bingan Chen Kuan Chung Chen Martin Chiu Jonathan Downing Duygu Ege Haripin Ekoprima James Francis Adam Harman

Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Erica Iwai Kristina Kareh James Ming Teik Loh Harsh Mehta Benjamin Moorhouse Donovan Nightingale Ngozi Ofili-Okonkwo Alan Parish Thomas Post Sergey Punzhin Khandaker Rahman Thorsten Stechert Adam Storey Hok Man Tang Samuel Taub Wouter van den Bergh Samouel Toumbev Chavamas Vinijtrongjit Shaun Watkins Xia Ying Zheng

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Associates of the Royal College of Science and Bachelors of Science Chemistry Robin Aldworth Daniel Bailey Kara Bakhshi Tze Cheng Wilton Ho Wa Chu Astee Shin Ee Goh Zoe Hale Stephen Hines Su-Hyun Hong Siti Ibrahim Fairuzeta Ja’Afar Sachin Jivanji Mindaugas Juozapavicius Chanin Kethong Elaine Yi Ling Koh Catherine Pui Fen Lau Ying Ying Chloe Lee Wanny Wan-Siu Leung Zhuoxiang Li Shan Shan Liu Andrew Mower Reine Quen Li Ng Emily Rimington Frederico Sanches Hao Jun See Mark Sheppard Varun Sitaram Ananth Sriskandarajah Jennifer Strangeways Tomohiro Takeichi Alexander Williams Zhuo Yang Yuan Yu

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Life Sciences Bilal Abdul Jabbar Olawande Abe Abisoye Adekoya Kyrillos AdesinaGeorgiadis Eunice Agboola Kibria Ahmed Kaline Akinkugbe Ksenia Akodis Yusuf Aleem James Alford Thomas Alemayehu Shahidah Ali Munira Ally Andre Almeida Golsa Ameri Baraki Lauren Ames Amy Amin Wei Xin Gladys Ang Supaspong Angsuvarnsiri Katherine Arber Mehwish Ashfaq Natalie Ashford-Hodges Li Ling Adeline Bay Shaima Begom Simon Bennett Thomas Betts Jennifer Birtwell Akshay Bhutiani Chris Blake Daniel Boggins Elizabeth Bolton Alexandru Bor Quentin Bouche Emily Boyd David Boyce Amy Brenner Adeyoola Buko Syandra Bungsu Lucy Burbridge Thomas Bury Robert Butcher Nigel Byles Coral Came Stefan Carpanu Frances Casey Allen Chung Nam Chan Jennifer Mei Ki Chan Joyce Wing Sze Chan Mark Chan Timothy Pak Ho Chan Yee Lin Chan Thomas Chandler Joan Chang William Channer Charlie Chao Rakhee Chauhan Yilin Chen Chengshan Cheng Chin Wang Cheng Chuan Kie Cheng Jonathan Yu Cheung

Leonard Yan Ming Cheung Kaman Cheung Melissa Cheung Benjamin Hey Ben Ching Wei Xin Chin Ralph Chiti Paren Chohan Sameha Choudhary Maria Christodoulou Ji Hee Chung Lap Hang Chung Teresa Chung Carl Clayton Rebecca Clewarth Christian Clough Adam Coates Dominic Conquest Nicholas Constantinou Alexandra Crampton-Platt Rosa Da Costa Dan Daniel Anthony Davidson Nan Deng Matthias Detjen Rachel Dilley Matthew Dixon Frederic Doan Tran Philip Donaldson Philip Donkersley Clare D’Silva Warren Du Preez Siobhan Durran Antonia Emmett Rina Endo Inger Eriksson Andreas Esau Arina Fang Sarah Fazal Ze Feng James Field Claire Fielding Genevieve Finerty Kirsty Fong Yoke Jia Foo Ka Yun Fu Toshifumi Fujimori Angela I Ka Fung Katarzyna Gajos William Gates Julian Giannuzzi Andrew Gibson Xiaolei Gu Hongpei Gu Glenn Gubbay Parastou Haddadpour Khiaban Emanuil Halicioglu Waqaar Hameed Shengying Han Xiao Han Asma Haq Rachel Harris Eric Hauch Nicolette Hayes

Patrick Hayes Chen He Fuxiang He Ying He Stephanie Heard Andreas Herold Martyn Hibberd Alexandra Himiceva Sarah Hirech Adrian Ho Claudia Ho Michael Ho Shi Yi Ho Wing Ki Wendy Ho Chris Hogan Emma Holmes Samuel Hosseini Sameeh Hussain Nino Iakobachvili Alessandra Iannelli Ioanna-Maria Ioannou Attia Ishaque Mehwaesh Islam Yuen Yee Salina Ip Arjun Rai Jain Usman Javed Shiheng Jing Rehnuma Kabir Pawandeep Kahlon Mohamed Kamal Yuxin Kang Chung-Wei Kerr Kedarraja Kistnareddy Laura Klaering Caroline Knight Maria Knobel Yiling Kok Emmanuelle Kumaran Suet Yan Kwan Wai Yee Kwan Christopher Lai Cheryl Chuk-ke Lai Wing Pong Lai Kieran Lail Dickens Lam Pak Kei Lam Rafi Latif Kenneth Wei Jian Lay Vitaly Lazurenko Soizic Le Courtois Cheryl Lee Qin En Dongsun Lee Ronnie Kwan Chak Lee Sang Yun Lee Simon Yik Hin Lee Sarah Levitz Elle Li Rebecca Man Kwan Li Wayne Li Zhe Li Ardiyanto LiaunardyJopeace Joyce Lim Hui Ting Lindsay Yi Lien Lim

Mei Ann Lim Novandy Lim Su Phei Lim Chih Hao Lin Xiaowen Lin Lauren Lior-Liechtenstein Sali Liu Yue Liu Zhiyu Liu Achilleas Livieratos Lokesh Lokath Jetley Sheng Ling Lou Adrian Ludlam Yin Luo Ying Hua Luo Lauren Machin Stella Maerker Sonia Mak Mohammud Malik Chelsea Manning Emily May James Menhinick Ida-Sofia Milebratt Kathleen Millerioux Zhi Ming Priya Mistry Fatimah Mohamied Noor Faizah Mohd Naim Kristian Monelle-Benjamin Fatema Mozammel Imran Munshi Joyce Muriithi Irem Mushtaq Chandrika Nair Sarah Naghi Surinder Narang Menakha Nathan Abigail Newe Hon Chun Kaoru Ng Sze Hwei Ng Malcolm Ngiam Lisa - Hang Thi Nguyen Thi Hong Ha Nguyen Thi Thu Tra Nguyen Emma O’Brien Natalie Ong Annabelle Pagan Raymand Pang Kieran Parsons Dhruvesh Patel Hameeda Patel Hasmita Patel Virali Patel Navishka Paunrana Max Pengsa Magida Peregrino-Brimah Dk Nuramalina Hafizah Pg Hj Mumin Kathleen Pheasant David Pinto Kirstie Pottier Edward Poynton Shing Jackson Pun Nicola Quinn Pyatt

Sayda Raffiq Claire Raison Niharica Raizada Kiratpal Randhawa Meera Ravat Hannah Rouse Sally Rouse Niraj Rughani Anuradha Rupal Faizan Saadullah Keshalini Sabaratnam Anika Salim Aurora Sampson Priti Sarkar Cynthujaa Satchithananthan Iain Sawyer Lamia Sbiti Joseph Scott Zoe Seager Anusha Seneviratne Leila Serrao Nargis Shah Karthika Shanthakunalan Khalil Shariff Andrew Shaw Tsz-Wai Shum Malcolm Sim Joanna Skorupa Alan Small Mikaela Smit Jonathan Smith Richard Smith Charlotte Staples Anastasios Stavrou Matthew Steere Ioanna Stefani Katie Stevens Coralea Stephanou Edward Stephens Imaduddin Dato Haji Suhaimi Devon Summerhayes Hyun Jung Sung Man Ho Benedict Tam Chang Tan Charlie Tan Chetan Taylor Daisy Taylor Jonathan Tee Hashim Tejan-Jalloh Thilipan Thaventhiran Naomi Thorne Gregory Tomlinson Huyen My Tran Yung Tsang Elvin Tsang Anthony Tse Joan Sin Wai Tse Patty Tse Edwin Tucker Hugo Turner Stelios Tzellos Farhan Ullah

Mary Underwood Amisha Vadgama Royah Vaezi Nicholas van der Meulen Matilda Virta Robin von Stauffenberg Thuy Duong Vu Michael Waight Emily Waiyaiya Ting Wang Wenyi Wang Zheng Wang Sheila Warne Lise Watkins Yi Wen Charlotte Wevill Emily Wilson Jennifer Wilson Katy Wilson Andrew Winterhoff Enrica Wong Richard Woolley Lucinda Worth Shu-Hsin Wu Joseph Xhuxhi Zhe Xing Chi Kit Yeung Yi Yin Yifei Yun Sum Yee Jasmine Yung Mohammed Zaidi Lingnan Zeng Chenchen Zhang Xiaoen Zhang Yingzi Zhang Hailin Zhao Weifeng Zhu

Mathematics David Alison Andreas Antoniou Zeba Asghar Konstantinos Barmpis Ishan Batra Alexander Bishop Simon Braham Catherine Bufton Wen Cao Pok Yin Calvin Chan Ioanna Charalambous Mengyuan Chen Shuo Chen Yuen Mei Tiffany Cheung Sungboo Cho Yuen Ting Choi Melissa Jia Yi Chong Li Ann Choo Ben Clapperton Ting Fung Timothy Chu Ambarish Dash Jack Davies Knapp Robert Dorward Oliver Dynes

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Charlotte Edmunds Michael Emmanuel Louise Etheridge Zhengjie Fan Yao Feng Constantinos Georgis Muhammad Ghani Hannah Gray Samuel Groth Shuangzi Guo Tommy Hau Matthew Haywood Michael Herrmann Derek Vincent Ho Christopher How Yan Hu Yang Hu Zarif Jamil Xin Qi David Jiang Azlan Ibrahim Kamal Akif Ince Tetsuya Ishibashi Jeong Hyun Jang Savina Joseph Wassim Kesrouani Mohammed Khan Kyong Hwan Kim Vivien Mai Linh Klose Natalia Kulesza Nicoletta Kyriakidou Cheuk Sze Lee Siu Chung Leung Dong Hao Lin Danni Li Pei-Xuan Li Shanshan Li Shuyang Li Jin Lin Liao Shi Chian Lim Cuiyu Lin Gaozhao Liu Dong Yu Lou Xiaoyu Luo Luka Lukic Nhut Vu Luong Zhan Yu Ma Nikolaos Makriyannis Despo Malikkidou Sheena Mehnon Carl Chao Meng Siddika Merali Alexander Mettrick Ryo Momochi Fumiyo Nakagawa Kavit Nathwani Jack Nellies Hei Nam Helen Ng Kwan King Ng Yee Vin Ng Jonathan Ninian Christopher Noone Isac Odqvist Jens Oesterle

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Graduates James Pacileo Alexandre Pamela Peng Qi Pan Maria Papadopoulou Aakash Patel Khushbu Patel Priti Patel Sean Patrick Natalie Philippou Rebecca Purser Xiaoyun Qi Dechao Qin Thrishan Ramakrishnan Amrita Randhawa Sean Richardson Duane Riggs-Long Redwanul Robbani Thomas Roberts Francois Ruether Georgios Sakellariou Mark Saleme Shovik Sarangi Faisal Sayood Chan Seok Seo Handoo Seo Amna Shaddad Vinesh Shah Ashish Shrestha Davinder Singh Sharla Singh Matthew Smith Alexander SmokovicCampbell Bin Yang Song Danna Song Jelena Strbac Roman Subbotin Zhou Joe Sun Cong Tan Die Shaz Tan Keng Seng Tan Darius Jun Rong Tan Moqiu Sammy Tang Omar Tayeb Anthony Tse Jialu Tu Karin Valencia Rudan Wang Xufeng Wang Peter Welsby Shun Him Benny Wong Michael Wai Ho Wong Stephanie Wong Hao Lin Wu Wangyan Xia Zhijue Xing Xin Xiong Yichen Xu Foo Yee Yeo Chak Ming Yip Chensi Yu Dingxin Zhang Fubin Zhang Xuelin Zhang


Ziyu Zhang Erin Jing Zheng Chen Zhou Qian Zhou Lu Zi Liang Zou

Physics Martti Aarnio-Wihuri Alexander Adam Natasha Alexandrou Rodothea Amerikanou Katarina Anthony-Kittelsen Michael Ashcroft Tonje Baillie Michael Baskerville Emily Beir Richard Butterfield Luke Carroll Christopher Xiaojian Chen Philip Chi-Yung Chow Jack Cronin Sean De Souza Philipp Fleig Min Hui Francine Foo Rory Fyffe Scott Greening Colette Gregory Sean Havers Johannes Hesketh Bryn Hopewell Leonhard Marlo Horstmeyer Guangju (William) Hou James Houghton Isaac Huen Thomas Isbister Dafydd Johns William Kay Ismail Kaya Thomas Kealy Ricardo Kennedy Nicola Kersley Robbie Knowles David Lane Chung Ho Lau Andrew Lee Jung Hoon Lee Christopher Lewin Tianwei Li Xing Ni Liu Maxim McPartland Stavros Mercouris Aled Moses Joseph Muddiman Ruth Newrick Binghao Ng James O’Hanlon Kristina Ostman Despina Panayi Michele Pittoni Michael Powell Anna Reeves

Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Natasha Rhys Imogen Roberts Jason Rogers Shamsher Saddique Amandeep Sahota Joseph Shaw Richard Smith Jia-Ou Song Kieron Stopforth Hong’En Tan Alistair Turnbull Rebecca Wong Weiming Xu Xulin Xu Kenny Yeung Hamizah Yunos Shu Kai Zhou

Associates of the Royal College of Science and Masters of Science Chemistry Andrea Aletra Aba Ansah Richard Bale George Barnes Poh Yue Cheong Soongwon David Cho Kok Phin Chooi Jack Cornish Nico Cousens Sheena Cowell Andrew Dolan Simon Dowland Yue Fang James Fletcher Pierluigi Frison James Frost Yuen On Dorothy Fung Helen Gray Benjamin Griffin-Smith Owen Griffiths Anna Haslop Margaret Holme Ronald Howson Zheng Gang Huang David James Robert Jarvis Rachel Jones Jayda Kadir Steven Lal Brian Lane Edwin Lang Luca Laraia Chun Hung Law Matthew Leonard Kim Fung Li Mungyuen Li Julian Manch Sharandeep Matharu Patrick McMullen Tanya Miah

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Christie Ng Hieu Nguyen Flannan O’Mahony Serkan Osman Minh Ngoc Pham Elaine Kum Ling Poon Kirsten Rose Frederick Scadding Sheena Shah Lucy Smith Suzanne Squire Lushan Sun Yih Wei Teh Vladimir Turek Hin Chun Yau

Life Sciences Elizabeth Bal Marcus Blagrove Mark Brown Delica Kit Man Cheung Sue Chin Philip Cowie Kate Howell Daniel Ives James Mitchell Giovanni Rapacciuolo Annina Salmelin Heather Steele-Stallard Cuong Tang

Mathematics Shiraz Ahmed Mohammad Akhtar Danish Ali-Ahmed Alexander Balikhin David Birch Charlotte Burgess Asaad Chaudry Jonathan Cockayne Alex Craig Sophie Decelle Kamaludin Dingle Elena Ehrlich William Ellison Daniel Everall Benjamin Faife Calum Findlater Paul Ginzberg Hannah Gostling John Gordon Christopher Green Marcel Guenther James Haydon Christina Jackson Sajad Jafari Adam King Teppei Kubo Alastair Litterick King Ting Liu Peter Mabbott Rishi Makhecha

Maximilian Maldacker Daniel McNulty Aruran Morgan William Morris Giles Mumford Magdalene Papacharalambous Anand Patel Robert Porter Michael Sathyendran Saba Shafi Jonathan SmokovicCampbell Benjamin Steen Anton Stefanek Janine Symonds James Trippett Dimitrios Tsementzis Melissa Turcotte Muhammad Versi Daniel Walker Qianli Wu David Qian Yao

Physics Gino Abdul-Jabbar Mehmet Akyol Sajib Al-Rashid Lavinia Amin Hussain Anwar Emma Arbabzadah Emma Bailey Timothy Bartley Stefan Berg-Johansen Hinrik Bergs Heinrich Beukes Hannes Bohlin Kathryn Broadhouse David Buhler Daniel Burrows David Butcher Peter Cais Archi Campbell Richard Cartwright Christopher Chang Sing Chan Ngai Lam Alvin Chan Ben Chapman Yu Xi Chau Chia Yi Chng Tendayi Chuchu Caroline Clark Tom Culley Jack Cutler John Davenport Suvabrata De Jonathan Dennis Philip Evans Kristen Farebrother James Farley Nicholls William Feenan Astrid Flinois Jonathan Frazer

Ya Gao Jesse Garman Thomas Gosnell Adu Hassan James Herring Daniel Houghton William Hudson Ossian Hynes Sania Jevtic Peter Jones Aisha Kaushik Kristian Kent Susannah Kinghan Louis Lee Ren Chong Lim Chen Lin Samuel Lindsay Benjamin Lok James Long Philip Lynch Mark Manders Kit Ma Peter MacRae Omar Mahmood Vishal Masalawala Bayan Mazidian Karen McKay James Meakin Lukas Medlam Robert Mooney Aristide Mooyaart Seyyed Mozaffari-Chinjani Tinashe Muchada Jordan Muscatello Daria Nakariakova Christopher O’Reilly Edward O’Reilly Stefan Olsson Robbie Siddharth Patankar Raj Patel Vinesh Patel Ian Preedy Anas Rana Cyprian Rangel Carly Richardson Thomas Roberts Thomas Rodwell Samuel Rogerson Dennis Sarobe Taha Shahid

Alexander Shires Gareth Siret Jonathan Skidmore Adam Smith George Stevenson Michael Such Thomas Taylor Jeremy Teoh Christopher Thomas Rob Thomson Elsen Tjhung Hoi Ying To Sam Tuttle Vignesh Venkataraman Jasmeer Virdee Aeneas Wiener Samuel Williams Mischa Woods Ye Xiao Robert Yates Anthony Young Edward Yoxall Katharina Zeissler Keenan Zhuo

Faculty of Medicine, Bachelors of Science May Abboudi Muaad Abdulla Isa Abdur-Rahman Kushala Abeysekera Olurimitan Adedeji Adil Ahmad Zohreen Ahmed Ferdousi Aktar Mohammed Al-Hairi Emaad Alauddin Abdullah Albeyatti Imran Ali Zack Ally Damithri Amendra Arun Anandakumar Ahmed Arif Mahmoud Asgheddi Charlotte Askew Catherine Atkin Elena Atkinson Tamerlan Babayev Suha Bachir

Sameer Bahal Neil Bailey Bhavagaya Bakshi Kingsley Balachandran Alexander Baron Dinnish Baskaran Sophie Bearpark Aysha Begum Simon Bellringer Bryonnie Biddell Rachael Bishop Claire Bowen Edward Bray William Breakey Rachel Brookes Anthony Brown Daniel Brown Emily Cabourne Mariana Carreno Naiome Carter Lauren Chalmers Senduya Chandrakumaran Faizan Chaudery Rabiah Chaudhry Hanmeet Chawla Fong May Chew Geoffrey Chilvers Pramitha Chinduluri Samuel Chung Hai Chiu Angela Wei Mon Chow John Christian Olivia Cleevely Nathan Cohen Christopher Couzens Andrew Cowdray Nicholas Cunningham Farhad Daruwalla Benjamin Davies Sasan Dehbozorgi Deeksha Dhar Herjyot Dharni Andrew Doyle Naomi Drummond Sukhpreet Dubb Edward Dyson Natasha Eagles Kushani Ediriwickrema Chloe Edwards Camilla Elliott Doreen Ellis

Nadia Elsadani Jordan Evans Hassan Farhan Dominique FinneganParsons Campbell Flynn Richard Francis Farid Froghi Akira Fukutomi Ajay Gandhi Harriet Gardiner Priya Garg Salman Gauher Joseph George Manish George Reshma Ghedia Victoria Gibbs Cattleya Godsave Emily Goode Robert Gordon Raman Goyal Anna Goyder Keith Green Joon Soo Ha Balvinder Handa Katharine Hanan Shajheda Haque Francesca Harris Jemima Harris Alia Hayat Amelie Heidelberg Brian Herath Richard Hewitt Sarah Hickin Sarah Hill Thomas Holme Danielle Holsgrove Alice Hope Charlotte Hunt Kausar Hussain Maria Ibrahim Kevin Ilo Adeel Iqbal Dina Ismail Radhika Jalota Dominique James Aleeza Janmohamed Matthew Jaring Logan Jayabalan Sheila Jen

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Mark Jenkins Naima Jetha Sneha Jetty Nalinie Joharatnam Leah Jones Alan Jumaily James Kabza Hina Kadwani Joo Hyun Kang Radhini Karunaratne Zara Khalique Ravi Khehar Wing Lam Loretta Ko Neeraj Kohli Louis Koizia Jayanthi Krishnan Shophia Kuganolipava Andrew Kin Ting Kuk Meghana Kulkarni Guru Kumar Chow Yee Lai Fiona Laird Sophie Lane Samir Latif Rosemary Laurie Kaltumi Lawal Hannah Lawrence Duncan Leadbetter Joe Lee Sangoh Lee Phoebe Leung Jamie Lewis Omotolani Lewis Stephanie Lewis Niyati Lobo Kartik Logishetty Arnav Loomba Sanmay Low Lucy Xi Luo Caitlin Lyons Mohammad Mahmud Abid Malik Zeeshan Malik Nishma Manek Priyadeep Mangat Matko Marlais Rachel Marsh James Masters Carmelo Mastrandrea Sindhu Mazhar Siddiqi

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


Helen McDill Michael McEwan Emily Mei Ross Mirvis Angela Misra Abubakar Mohammed Alice Moran Lowri Morgan Antonia Mortimer Annie Movsesyan Dev Mukhey Nicholas Mulrenan Timothy Murigu Ralph Murphy Vinoth Nadesalingam Ravi Naik Daniel Neville Marilena Nicou Akin Nihat Nazaneen Nikpour Valisseh Henry Nnajiuba Raisha Nurani Eshan Oderuth Maytham Omran Elizabeth Osinibi Humza Osmani Bhavna Oza Bharat Pahilwani Joyeeta Palit Dhruv Panchal Jaipreet Panesar Yasotharan Paramesparan Chandni Parikh Rina Parmar Aatish Patel Bhavini Patel Honeysha Patel Jayna Patel Kayur Patel Nitisha Patel Prashant Patel Sayjel Patel Yuvraj Pattni Miles Payling Alexandra Perkins Matthew Phillips Luke Pratsides Holli Pritchard Rachel Purser-Lowman


Sarah Quinn Shreya Raghuvanshi Olivia Raglan Ashikur Rahman Musammat Rahman Samuel Rainsbury Ramyah Rajakulasingam Niroshini Rajaretnam Gaurav Rajput Ameena Rasheed Anenta Ratneswaren Jaspreet Rayet Kasra Razi Varun Reddy Elliott Rees James Renshaw Peter Reynolds Rosemarie Richards Maria Rivero Bosch Maleeha Rizvi Gemma Robinson Anna Roche Paola Rodriguez Alexander Rothnie Eleanor Rowland Simon Rowland Adrian Rozario Sheena Sabherwal Sandra Sadoo Laila Safarfashandi Zahraa Saldanha Mohammad Salmasi David Salmon Jenifer Salmons Keerthika Sampat David Samuel Matthew Samuel Sarah Sanderson Kirn Sandhu Natasha Sandhu Zubair Sarang Sharan Saroya Benjamin Saunders Joseph Sawyer Junaid Sayani Sheena Seewoonarain Li-Fay Seow Afsoon Sepahzad Priya Sethukumar Adarsh Shah

Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Deep Shah Mitsu Shah Sumera Sharif Lucinda Shaw Stuart Simon Khushboo Sinha Pavidra Sivanandarajah Jojeeni Sivapalan Pratheeba Sivarajah Corinna Slawinski Ellena Smith James Smith Thomas Smith Ashwin Soni Muhuntha Sri Ganeshan Semini Sumanasuriya Wei Lin Toby Sung Puvan Suppiah Emma Suttill Mehreen Tahir Hiren Tailor Andrew Paul Teck Kuen Tan Victoria Shi Rui Tan Suhail Tarafdar Jody-Ann Taylor Beatrice Taylor-Roberts Sasha Thambapillai Tharu Tharakan Arun Thiyagarajan Lucy Thomas James Tibbott Kirkby Tickell Sarah Tranter Sammy Trinh Fiona Turkes Sneha Varkey Mary Venn Jitin Verma Rohan Vithlani Alexander Walls Cherry Chenxi Wang Anna Weil Sarah Wells Natalie Whitehead Rachel Williams Thai Ying Wong Rosemary Wood Kathryn Wright Tina Xu

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Elizabeth Yates Hannah Yeend-CurdTrimble Aneurin Young Christopher Chin Sun Yu Daniel Zeloof Zofia Zielicka Zhao-Wei Zhou Khushnuda Zukhurova

Associates of the Imperial College School of Medicine and Bachelors of Medicine, Bachelors of Surgery Ciara Abbott Mona Abdul-Cader Heba Abu-Own Jeffrey Ahmed Nadeem Ahmed Rukevwe Ahweyevu Richard Akiboye Ali Al-Hussaini Rawan Al-Sharif Anabel Alakakone Furqan Alamgir Irfan Alamgir James Alexander Christopher Allen Deborah Allen Saira Alli Ali Alsafi Thilina Ambepitiya Tarik Amer Bernice Annan Lucinda Appiah Roshan Ariyaratnam Victoria Ashwell Laura Attipoe Bhavneet Aujla Marianne Baithun Ania Barling Eleanor Barry Natalia Barton Linden Baxter Christopher Beng Neyat Berhane Fenella Beynon Jasprit Bhamrah

Kiran Bhanderi Sumrit Bola Sonia Bouri James Bowler Emma Bradley Tara Kaur Brah Charles Brantly Omolola Brown Peter Brown Elizabeth Bullen Hannah Bundock James Burn Sabrina Butt Nicholas Butterfield Guy Calcott Michelle Camarata Herman Carneiro Jacob Chacko Laura Cherrington Jenny Cheung Suchitra Chinthapalli Shin-Young Cho Shiv Chopra Neil Chotai Shamim Chowdhury Anna Colclough William Collins Ruairidh Crawford Neil Crookston Isabelle D’Cruz John Dalton Hajira Dambha Michael Dangoor Camilla Darlow Philip Davidson Anita de Noronha Goyos James Dearden Austin Dekker Fatemah Dharsi Angad Dhillon Shamik Dholakia Hannah Dixon Luke Dixon Sumayya Dukes Christopher Eades Anietie Effiong Natasha Ehsanullah Collins Ekere Jadesola Ekpe Tom Everett

Christina Ferdinand Anita Fernando Natasha Fernando Carolina Fernandez James Fletcher Andrew Foskett Gregory Froome Nicholas Fuggle Anurag Garg Francesca Garrard Anthony Gibson Elizabeth Goode Edward Gray Sundeep Grewal Yisu Gu Shradha Gupta Shweta Gupta Sandeep Guram Stanislav Hadjivassilev Ruba Halabi Shreya Haldar Dashiell Hall Imran Haq Selena Harris Jennifer Hart Sabahat Hasnain Rebecca Hatton Elizabeth Hawkes Morwenna Haywood Lorraine Hickey Christopher Wei Guang Ho Jason Zhe Shan Ho Shohreh Honarbakhsh Laura Horgan Joanne Horton Eleanor Houghton James Howard Emily Hull Violeta Hussein Aikaterini Iatropoulou Amel Ibrahim Farakh Iqbal Jennifer Isherwood Richard Jabbour Zarif Jabbar-Lopez Ayesha Jameel Azaad Jameel

Raj Jaspal John Paul Jeans Lukshmy Jeyalingam Alice Johnston Hefina Jones Mark Jones Eleni Josephides Meera Joshi Mili Josson Saphira Kaesbach Chanyoung Kang Veerappan Kasivisvanathan Olivia Kenyon Lana Kettle Reena Khiroya Mark Khonje Ranjeev Kochhar Tiana Kordbacheh Nikolaos Kourkoulas Valerie Po-Ai Kuan Priyanka Kumar Vaibhav Kumar James Lagan Jonathan Lai Peter Lang Jenna Lau Emma Law Heather Hoi Ching Lee Sara Letafat Zoe Little Jessica Longley Joanna Longman Eda Lum Uzma Mahmood Adedeji Majekodunmi Faisal Majid Anura Malaweera Priyan Maleuwe Tantrige Salwa Malik Kavina Manalan Kate Manley Tandip Mann Danielle Mansingh Sonal Mapara Avni Mashru Naomi Mason Laura May

Benedict McCann Daniel McGuinness Sara McKelvie Serena Menashe Shilpa Mistry Hannah Mitchell Sophie Mitchinson Nia Morgan Justin Morrow Kinan Muhammed Mohammed Munshi Juliette Mutuyimana Mojtaba Nabatian Aparna Nair James Newman Kevin O’Donoghue Ryan O’Leary Kathryn Oakland Mohammed Obayed Mandirassa Osakonor Lucy Panek Junaid Patel Krashna Patel Melissa Patel Preya Patel Priyesh Patel Sajan Patel Shivali Patel Venisha Patel Mary Pattle Jessie Payne George Peck Victoria Pegna Sangeetha Pelly Nicholas Penney Mark Peterzan Nisarg Pipalia Krupa Pitroda Liam Poynter Mandakini Prabhakar Russell Pryce Shumonta Quaderi Esther Quinn Geraldine Quinn Neera Raghavan Sherine Rahal Mussarat Rahim

Saqib Rahman Nicholas Raison Usman Raja Reshmi Raychaudhuri Sameen Raza Hannah Readman Samuel Reiterbund-Olley Jennifer Richardson Rebecca Roberts Rujuta Roplekar Joshua Rosenberg Charlotte Rowland Adalina Sacco Nirmala Sadacharan Kapil Sahnan Victoria Sanderson Dina Saleh Menai Salam Huda Salmasi Ayshini Samarasinghe Romesh Sarvanandan Sobitha Sathianandan Gavin Schaller Cosmo Scurr Dushan Selvachandran Mieran Sethi Faria Shafique Anuja Shah Mili Shah Rebecca Shakir Kumaran Shanmugarajah Nidhi Sharma Fiorenza Shepherd Olivia Shields Wais Shinvari Hanieh Shirafkan Kimberley Shuttlewood Krishni Singanayagam Aubrey Smith James Smith Timothy Snow Nadia Sohrabi Meera Sothinathan Ranil Soysa Alexandra Stewart Arunan Sujenthiran Cameron Sullivan

Christopher Tam Haidy Tang Jacqueline Hiu Ying Tang Ali Tasleem Josef Taylor Dominic Teichmann Noel Timothy Samit Unadkat James Wakelam Farrah Wakil Chloe Walsh Ta-Wei David Wang Dominique Warren Katharine Webb Natasha Wiggins James Wigley Leonie Williams Rhian Williams Timothy Wills Ahmed Wobi CheukYee Cherie Wong Alison Wood Katherine Wooding Isabel Woodman Elizabeth Wortley Kahina Wotton-Hamrioui Anthony Yuk-Wai Wu Louis Yee Muhammad Zamir Da Zhang

Add your photos and videos of graduation to Flickr and YouTube and tag them ‘IMP150’ — they might be selected to illustrate the College website! Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

Imperial College London Commemoration Day


A message for alumni Congratulations! You are graduating from one of the world’s leading universities and this is a cause for celebration. I hope that you, your family and friends enjoy this very special day.

Over the past three or four years Imperial has played a big role in your life and, although graduation marks the successful culmination of your studies at the College, we hope that this doesn’t mean the end of your association with us. When you completed your degree, you became a valued Imperial alumnus and, as such, the Office of Alumni and Development is now your main link with the College. It is our role to help you to stay in touch with Imperial and with each other. Your dedicated Alumni Relations team is responsible for providing services and events for around 100,000 alumni around the world, including continued access to the Central Library and Careers Service, regular communications, interactive web services, and a varied programme of alumni events and reunions both in the UK and around the world. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions or comments that you may have. You can


Imperial College London Commemoration Day

Wednesday 21 October 2009 • Royal Albert Hall

also find out more by visiting the alumni website at or by talking to one of our representatives around the campus today. You will receive a welcome pack as you leave the Royal Albert Hall, which contains information about the services and benefits available to you, as well as a copy of the latest issue of Imperial Matters, your bi-annual alumni magazine. I hope that you enjoy looking through the pack and finding out more about what being an alumnus of Imperial College London means.

Ms Judy Beard Director of Development Office of Alumni and Development

©2009 Designed by Communications, Imperial College London Principal Photography: Imperial College London Additional photography: Edward Barrett; Information and illustrations of University of London academic dress from University of London Academic Dress by Philip Goff, University of London Press 1999 Illustrations of Imperial College London academic dress © Ede and Ravenscroft Ltd

Consistently rated amongst the world’s best universities, Imperial College London is a sciencebased institution with a reputation for excellence in teaching and research that attracts 14,000 students and 6,000 staff of the highest international quality. Innovative research at the College explores the interface between science, medicine, engineering and business, delivering practical solutions that improve quality of life and the environment underpinned by a dynamic enterprise culture. Since its foundation in 1907, Imperial’s contributions to society have included the discovery of penicillin, the development of holography and the foundations of fibre optics. This commitment to the application of research for the benefit of all continues today, with current focuses including interdisciplinary collaborations to improve health in the UK and globally, tackle climate change and develop clean and sustainable sources of energy.

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