Catholic Light School Pages – March 20, 2014

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Our Lady of Peace, St. Clare/ St. Paul’s Win Diocesan Championships

The varsity girls’ basketball team from Our Lady of Peace School in Clarks Green will represent the Diocese at the State Tournament March 21-23 in Johnstown.

St. Clare/St. Paul School in Scranton claimed the boys’ basketball Diocesan title and will represent the Diocese in Philadelphia at St. Joseph’s University on the weekend of March 29.

All Saints’ Individualized Instruction Students Meet Bishop Bambera For 26 years, the Diocese of Scranton has offered a unique and truly inspiring program to students with special needs. The Individualized Instruction (II) Program offers individuals with exceptionalities an opportunity to be educated in a learning environment while introducing adults and students to the concept of inclusion of individuals with special needs. After celebrating Mass on March 2 for people with developmental disabilities, Bishop Bambera gathered with students from the Individualized Instruction Program at All Saints Academy in Scranton. Pictured from left are: Reily Muldering, Emily Michael, Emily’s sister, Juliet Michael, Athena Lamboy, Melissa Commodario, Ella Mulderig.

Fat Tuesday Feast at St. John Neumann

Wyoming Area Catholic Donates to Greater Pittston Food Pantry Collection

Mrs. Peggy Burke, from the Greater Pittston food pantry, visited with Student Council representatives at Wyoming Area Catholic School in Exeter. The students presented her with the food they had collected throughout February for the pantry. Holy Rosary School Students Enjoy Ice Cream Social Father Andrew Sinnott, pastor of Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Duryea, enjoys an ice cream social with Holy Rosary School students. Pictured are: Gisele Falzone, Karli Mahasky, Joshua DeSanto, Seth Miller, Father Sinnott, Nakya Grumblis, Brielle Scheland.

Mrs. Beth Ecker’s St. John Neumann Regional Academy’s Pre-K 4-year-old class made donuts on Fat Tuesday and had a feast before the start of Lent.

St. Clare/ St. Paul Students Participate in Regional Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Competition Students from St. Clare/St. Paul School in Scranton participated in the Regional Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Competition at Wilkes University.

St. Jude Student Honored for Service To Wounded Warriors Project Mary Grace Eckert, a sixth grade student at St. Jude School in Mountaintop, was recently honored for her involvement in the Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors Program. Mary Grace sold cards for $1 each, raising over $3,500 for Wounded Warriors. She then personally delivered the cards to veterans at the Walter Reed National Military Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. Mary Grace was presented with a certificate naming her the first student ambassador to the PA Wounded Warriors, Inc.


The Diocese of Scranton is committed to educating our students in an environment that is academically excellent and facilitates the development of moral judgment and Christian decision-making. We are proud to share the following successes of our students in the classroom and in their service to others. Each day, our schools are fulfilling their mission of preparing today’s youth and young adults to become tomorrow’s faith-filled leaders.



Holy Cross Students Participate in Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science

Good Shepherd Academy Names Spelling Bee Champion

Holy Cross High School students participated in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Competition at Wilkes University. The following students won awards: The Marywood University Scholarship and The Commonwealth Medical College Fellowship Award to Kaitlyn McDonnell; The University of Scranton Scholarship to Christian Anderson; The Five Year Perseverance Award to Sarah Wheeler; the Four Year Perseverance Awards to Kaitlyn McDonnell and Christine Weihbrecht; the Three Year Perseverance Awards to Christian Anderson, Rachel Mackrell and Kelsey Widdick. Also winning awards were: Perfect Score to Ann Basting; First Place Awards to Christian Anderson, James Basting, Thomas Dzwonczyk, Rachel Mackrell, Drew Magda, Matthew Marsh, Kaitlyn McDonnell, Kella Pacifico, Amanda Tomlinson, Christine Weihbrecht, Sarah Wheeler. Second Place Awards to: Christina Brannon, Brandon Castellano, Nina Mucciolo. Third Place Award to Kailee Farrell.

Good Shepherd Academy (Kingston) 5th Grader Tushan Dargan won the Spelling Bee and will represent the school at the Times Leader/Scripps NEPA Regional Spelling Bee. The winner of this local Spelling Bee will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee near Washington, D.C.

St. Agnes Students Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday Students at St. Agnes School in Towanda celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday with various activities. Pictured are Pre-K 4 students dressed as Cats in Hats with red and white striped construction paper hats, and whiskers, noses, and bowties made from decorated Popsicle sticks.

St. John Neumann Assembles Care Package Evan Beiter, a third grade student at St. John Neumann Regional Academy, shares a care package his class assembled with two Williamsport policemen.

St. Jude Students Portray Saints for School Liturgy On a day when the student body of St. Jude School in Mountaintop honored the volunteers who help in so many ways at the school, the students were invited to dress as a saint for a special school liturgy. It was the students’ way of showing that the numerous volunteers were appreciated as the saints among us. The students, shown here with Father Joseph Evanko, were a part of the opening procession and were actively involved in the homily.

Holy Redeemer High School Music Students Recognized Music students from Holy Redeemer High School in Wilkes-Barre recently participated in district and regional festivals in chorus, band, and orchestra throughout northeastern Pennsylvania. Shown with Holy Redeemer Chorus Director Ann Manganiello (seated) are, from left: Maria Khoudary, Dallas; Michele Fromel, Dallas; Ben Nause, Swoyersville; Michael Pegarella, Shickshinny; Ciaran Burke, Wilkes-Barre; Emily Makar, Wilkes-Barre; Justin Prenga, Wilkes-Barre; Catherine Rose, Hunlock Creek.

Wyoming Area Catholic School Announces Holy Redeemer Scholars Holy Redeemer School System 8th graders recently took the placement test in preparation for their freshman year. Students are awarded scholarships based on their scores on this test. Wyoming Area Catholic students were very successful. Charles Kulick placed first and Megan Dillon placed second among all the students from the system. Bryce Yencha and Ryan Januszko were in the top 10%.


Holy Cross High School Competes in Mock Trial Competition Holy Cross High School in Dunmore was well represented in this year’s Mock Trial competition. In Round 1, Michael Pope received the Award for Best Advocate and James Basting received the Award for Best Witness. In Round 2, Rachel Mackrell received the Award for Best Advocate and Hanna Henshaw received the Award for Best Witness. In addition, the entire Holy Cross High School Mock Trial Team won Round 2 of the competition.

Running for Miles at Notre Dame High

Epiphany Students Celebrate the Anniversary of the Pancake The first grade at Epiphany School was invited to Tomasso’s Restaurant in Sayre to celebrate the anniversary of the pancake. Pictured from left are: Gretchen Schmieg, Brooke Romig, Anna Dinich, Isabella Russo , Katie Riley, Mr. Joseph Tomasso, Brady Darrow, Leo Villanti, Daniel Malos, Liam Barry, Carter Dengler and Brayden Schrader.

Ryan Mathiesen, a junior and cross country team member at Notre Dame High School in East Stroudsburg, ran 1,000 miles within a calendar year. Shown with his coaches Dan Sciarrillo and Bill Gaa, Ryan logged his miles January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.

Holy Family Academy Collects Items for Little Sisters of the Poor Students in the Service Club at Holy Family Academy in Hazleton collected items for the Little Sisters of the Poor in Scranton. The Service Club serves the school and many organizations in the community. Pictured are: Nicole Caparell, Meghan Darrough, Isabella Schwabe, Ryan Chapman, Joe Maguschak, Cole Bono, Faith Letcher, Sister Marie Therese and Sister Alice.

St. Mary of Mount Carmel Teacher Publishes Children’s Book Cathy Sosnowski, a first-grade teacher at St. Mary of Mount Carmel School in Dunmore and 34-year veteran of Catholic school teaching, authored a book entitled, Koi Girls. She wrote the story at the request of her students.


LaSalle Academy Students Participate in Who’s Who in Science and the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Students from LaSalle Academy in Jessup recently participated in the Who’s Who in Science Competition as well as the Regional Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Competition at Wilkes University.

Learning About Life on Broadway Students at Notre Dame Elementary School in East Stroudsburg learned about life as a Broadway performer when Ben Lipitz, a cast member of Disney’s The Lion King, recently presented a workshop. Lipitz, parent of Kindergarten student Mikaela, has starred as the warthog Pumbaa in the popular show.

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