casino night - Temple B`nai Israel

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JANUARY Worship Services

OCTOBER Worship Services

Temple B’nai Israel • Clearwater, Florida – Volume 6, NUMBEr 10



NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Friday, October 3rd 8:00 PM Kol Nidre Shabbat Services

Join us for a great evening of fun, food, silent auction and lots of fabulous prizes!

Saturday, October 4th 10:15 AM Yom Kippur Service 1:00 PM Afternoon Study 4:00 PM Yizkor & Neilah 6:00 PM Break-The-Fast Wednesday, October 8th 6:30 PM Sukkot Program Thursday, October 9th 10:30 AM Sukkot Morning Services Friday, October 10th 6:30 PM Sukkot Under The Stars Wednesday, October 15th 7:00 PM Simchat Torah and Consecration Thursday, October 16th 10:30 AM Simchat Torah Yizkor Services Friday, October 17th 7:30 PM Shabbat Services Saturday, October 18th 10:30 AM Nolan Pollack’s Bar Mitzvah Friday, October 24th 7:30 PM Shabbat Services Friday, October 31st 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

May this 1980 MGB be inscribed to your garage this year! Raffle tickets $50 each - Winner to be announced at Casino Night! (You do not need to be present to win) Special Thanks to our Incredible 2014 Sponsors Blaxberg & Associates Brooker Creek Dental Group Countryside Foot & Ankle Creative Contractors Janee Paper Klein & Heuchan Inc.

Leonard Mankin and Leslie Mankin Safety Harbor Optical Serata Jewelers TBI: Brotherhood, Chai 5 & WTBI USAmeribank

Temple B’nai Israel TEMPLE B’NAI ISRAEL Multi-Generational Trip to Israel June 7 B’N -B’N 17, 2015 TEMPLE EMPLE AI ISRAEL T AI SRAEL 11 DAY|TOUR OF ISRAEL |JIUNE 9—19, 2012 Led byTEMPLE The B’N Treiser AI ISRAELFamily

11 D DAY|TOUR OUR OF ISRAEL|JUNE 9—19, 2012 11 OFDIANIEL SRAEL|J UNE 9—19, 2012 Y: RABBI &R ACHEL TREISER LEDAYB|T 11 DAY|TOUR OF ISRAEL|JUNE 9—19, 2012 EMPLE B’NAI SRAEL ED BY: RT ABBI DANIEL ANIEL & IR R ACHEL TREISER LED BY: RABBI D & ACHEL TREISER L Dear Friends, ALL IS INCLUDED: Y: RABBI DANIEL & RACHEL TREISER DearTHIS Friends, 11LED DAYB|T OUR OF ISRAEL|JUNE 9—19, 2012 -8 Nights of accommodations + late Dear Friends, In theFriends, Spring of 2010, 42 members of Temple B’nai Israel were part of an incredible ALL THIS IS INCLUDED: In the Spring of 2010,hotels 42 members ofDear Temple B’nai Israel were part of an incredible journey, our Temple’s first Trip ALL THIS IS INCLUDED: checkout using selected journey, our Temple’s TripTtoREISER Israel. Together we experienced the sights and sounds -8 Nights of accommodations + late ED B Y : R ABBI D ANIEL & Rfirst ACHEL L Dear Friends, -8 Nights of accommodations + late In the Spring of Temple 2010, 42 members of Temple Temple B’nai Israel wereagain. part of ofTogether an incredible incredible to Israel. Two years later, 22 more members of our family joined RachelB’nai and Israel me once we -All transfers (ONE PER GROUP) ALL THIS using IS INCLUDED: In the Spring of 2010, 42 members of were part an checkout selected hotels of our ancient homeland, learned from our brothers andand sisters about daily life inlife thein the checkout using selected hotels -13 meals: 8 Israeli buffet breakfasts experienced the sights and sounds of our ancient homeland, learned from our brothers sisters about daily journey, our Temple’s first Trip to Israel. Together we experienced the sights and sounds -8 Nights of accommodations + late journey, our Temple’s first Trip to Israel. Together we experienced the sights and sounds -All transfers (ONE PER GROUP) In the Spring of 2010, 42 members of Temple B’nai Israel were part of an incredible Jewish state, and we became closer as a group as well. Ask anyone who went, and they will -All transfers (ONE PER GROUP) and 5 dinners (Fixed Menu) Jewish state, and we became closer as a group as well. Ask anyone who went, and they will tell you it is an experience checkout using selected hotels of our ourFriends, ancient homeland, homeland, learned learned from from our our brothers brothers and and sisters sisters about about daily daily life life in in the Dear -13 meals: meals: Israeli buffet breakfasts of journey, Temple’s firstthey Tripwill to Israel. Together we it’s experienced the sights andthe sounds ALL THISofIStouring tellturn! youancient itour is an experience never forget. Now, YOUR turn! -13 88INCLUDED: Israeli buffet breakfasts -8 days they will never forget. Now, it’s YOUR -All transfers (ONE PER GROUP) Jewish state, and we became closer as a group as well. Ask anyone who went, and they will will and 5 dinners (Fixed Menu) Jewish state, and we became closer as a group as well. Ask anyone who went, and they -8 Nights of accommodations + late of our ancient homeland, learned from our brothers and sisters about daily life in the and 5 dinners (Fixed Menu) -All meals: sightseeing In the Spring ofexperience 2010, 42 members of Temple B’nai Israel were part of an incredible -13 8 Israeli buffet breakfasts tell you it is an they will never forget. Now, it’s YOUR turn! -8 days of touring checkout using selected hotels Rachel and Ian invite to join your fellow temple members and as we get other toand know tell youstate, itour isand experience they will never forget. it’s YOUR turn! -8 days of touring Rachel and I (Fixed invite you to join our own family members your family aswewe get to us know oneach an -Private motor coaches featuring Jewish and weyou became closer as a group as Now, well. Ask anyone who went, they will and 5 dinners Menu) journey, Temple’s firstof Trip to Temple Israel. Together experienced the each sights and sounds -All transfers sightseeing -All (ONE PER GROUP) other on an intimate journey to the land of Israel. No experience has the power to bring -All sightseeing large panoramic windows, reclining intimate journey to the land of Israel from June 7th-17th, 2015. 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Ask anyone who went, and they will large5 panoramic panoramic windows, reclining and dinners (Fixed Menu)English other on anIintimate journey toyour the land of temple Israel. No experience power toDead bring large windows, reclining Rachel and invite you to join fellow andfortress ushas as the we get to -Friendly and professional climband tomotor the rebel fortress atop Masada (orthe enjoy the view from the cable car), relax in mineral waters of Masada theknow walk ancient cities our ancestors walked, climbmembers to the the rebel atop (oreach -Private coaches featuring seats footrests Judaism to life like a trip to Israel. And no vacation could offer greater adventure. We will tell you ittoislife an like experience will And nevernoforget. Now, it’s offer YOUR turn! adventure. We will -8 days oftour touring seats and footrests Judaism a the trip tothey Israel. vacation could greater speaking educator licensed other an intimate journey tocar), the land of Israel. experience hasDead the power to bring Sea, tour the home ofand Jewish mysticism in on Tsfat, celebrate Shabbat in relax Jerusalem, andNo so much of more! large panoramic windows, reclining enjoy the view from cable in the mineral waters the Sea, tour the -Friendly and professional English -All sightseeing walk the ancient ancient cities cities our our ancestors ancestors walked, walked, climb climb to to the the rebel rebel fortress fortress atop atop Masada Masada (or (or -Friendly professional English guide walk seats andand footrests Judaism to life like ayou triptotojoin no temple vacation could offer greater Weeach will homethe ofand Jewish mysticism inIsrael. Tsfat, celebrate Shabbat in Jerusalem, andweadventure. soget much more! Rachel I invite yourAnd fellow members and us as to tour know speaking tour educator and licensed licensed -Private motor coaches featuring enjoy the view from the cable car), relax in the mineral waters of the Dead Sea, thea speaking tour educator and -All speaker fees and expenses This trip brings something new and special to our experiences. For the fi rst time in our Temple’s history, this will be -Friendly and professional English enjoy the view from the cable car), relax in the mineral waters of the Dead Sea, tour the walk the ancient cities our ancestors walked, climb to the rebel fortress atop Masada (or guide panoramic windows, reclining other an intimate journey the land of Israel. Notouring experience has the power bring large guide -All program and entrance fees home on of Jewish Jewish mysticism in to Tsfat, celebrate Shabbat in Jerusalem, and sofamily muchIto more! multi-generational trip, seniors, everyone between. With options to choose from speaking tourfees educator anddesigned licensed for children, Whether you are aand first-timer or ainveteran traveler, a single, a couple or aso promise home of mysticism in Tsfat, celebrate Shabbat in Jerusalem, and much more! enjoy the view from the cable car), relax in the mineral waters of the Dead Sea, tour thewill -All speaker and expenses seats and footrests Judaism to life like a trip to Israel. And no vacation could offer greater adventure. We -All speaker feesfrom and expenses along the way, jeepfees touring and you rafting in the Golan to seminars on the current issues and security in the Middle guide eleven days you’ll never forget. We will have many opportunities prior to departure to -All program and entrance home of ancient Jewish in Tsfat, celebrate Shabbat in Jerusalem, and sofamily much more! NOTprogram INCLUDED: Airfare to English the tour -Friendly and and Whether you aremysticism first-timer ortrip, veteran traveler, athe single, couple or celebration promise -All entrance fees walk the cities our ancestors walked, climb the rebel fortress atop Masada (or East,speaker there isprofessional something for everyone.gather And, asyou a highlight ofknow this it willtraveler, feature B’nai Mitzvah of -All fees and expenses Whether are aa get first-timer or aa veteran ato single, aa couple or aa family II promise together to to each other better, and to study the land and people of departure point and from the tour speaking tour educator and licensed you want eleven days you’ll never forget. 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We will have many opportunities prior people to departure tips to guides and driver. -All speaker fees and your spirit! NOT INCLUDED: Airfare to thetour tour Whether you are a fiexpenses rst-timer or a veteran traveler, single, a couple orwill a family, I promise you eleven days you’ll never to ending point, personal expenses, and Israel. So join us for a journey that open your mind, touch your heart, and replenish ending point, personal expenses, Israel. So join ustofor a to journey will open your mind, touch your heart, and replenish -All program and entrance fees gather together know each other better, and toknow study the land people of to departure point and from the tour and Whether you are a get first-timer orthat a veteran traveler, ato single, a couple or and a family I promise forget. We will have prior to departure to gather together to get each other better, and tips toTO guides and driver. HOW REGISTER? 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To Next to Tour Search type Temple departure point and from the tour For updated tourBoth information visit Next itinerary, to tour search, the home page. will direct to a tentative day-by-day hotels,type and in direct online visit visit online B’nai Israel which will direct you to Temple B’nai Israel, or simply go to and click on the Israeli flag on on ending point, personal expenses, and Israel. So join us for a journey that will open your mind, touch your heart, and replenish HOW TOTour REGISTER? To register Temple B’naitour Israel, or simply andto click on thego Israeli flag For updated information visit Next tour search, type in For updated tour information visit Next to tour search, type in Clearwater, or simply to www. Next to Search type Temple registration. Information about travel will be available very soon as well. Next to Tour Search type Temple the day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and tips to guides and driver. the home page. Both will direct you to a tentative day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and direct your spirit!page. Both will direct you to a tentative day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and direct online visit the B’nai Israel which will will direct you to Temple B’nai simplyBoth go towill and click on the Israeli flag on andfor click on to the Israeli flhome ag on theIsrael, homeorpage. direct you to a tentative day-by-day itinerary, B’nai Israel which direct direct registration. Or anyyou Next to Tour Search type Temple registration. Information about air to travel will be available [email protected] soon as as well. well. If you have any questions, feel free contact me at Temple, the day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and registration. Information about air travel will be available very soon hotels, and direct registration. Information about air travel will be available very soon as well. HOW TO REGISTER? To register the home page. Both will direct you to a tentative day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and direct . the day-by-day itinerary, hotels, individual inquiries anddirect phone For updated tour information visit Next to tour search, type in B’nai Israel which will you and to direct registration. Or for any online visit registration. Information about airtotravel will be very soon as direct registration. Orcall for 888-811any and reservations youitinerary, can [email protected] Ifcontact youyear have any questions, feel“Next free contact meavailable at Temple, Temple, Temple B’nai Israel, orwe simply go and clickmake onwell. the Israeli flaga on .. the day-by-day hotels, Each atany Passover say, Year in Jerusalem.” This year, that dream If you have any questions, feel free toIf me at Temple, [email protected]. [email protected] you have questions, feel free to contact me at individual inquiries and phone Next to Tour Search type1phone Temple individual inquiries and 2812 and select option to speak direct registration. Or for any the home page. Both will direct you to a tentative day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and direct reality by visiting Israel. feel free to contact me at Temple, [email protected] reservations you can can call 888-811B’nai Israel which willcall direct you repto . If youyear have any questions, reservations you 888-811Each at Passover we say, “Next “Next Year in in 19th Jerusalem.” This year, make make that that dream dream aa with an ARZA World reservation individual inquiries and phone There will be an informational meeting for the trip on Sunday, October at 5:30 PM. Each year at Passover we say, Year Jerusalem.” This year, registration. Information about air travel will be available very soon as well. 2812 and select option 1 to speak the day-by-day itinerary, hotels, and 2812 and select option 1 to speak resentative. reality by by visiting visiting Israel. Israel. reservations you can call 888-811L’Shalom, reality with an ARZA World reservation repEach year at PassoverNext we say, “Next Year in dream Jerusalem.” This year, make that dream a direct registration. Orreservation forwe anysay, repwith ARZA World Eachan year at Passover “Next Year in Jerusalem.” year, make that reality 2812 and select option 1 to speak [email protected]. If you by have any questions, feel free to contact me at aTemple, resentative.inquiries and phone individual reality visiting Israel. resentative. L’Shalom, by visiting Israel. with an ARZA World reservation repRabbi Daniel Treiser L’Shalom, reservations you can call 888-811Each year at Passover we say, “Next Year in Jerusalem.” This year, make that dream a resentative. L’Shalom, 2812 and select option 1 to speak Rabbi Daniel Daniel Treiser Treiser L’Shalom, Rabbi reality by visiting Israel. with an ARZA World reservation repRabbi Daniel Treiser resentative. Rabbi Daniel Treiser L’Shalom, TOUR TO ISRAEL











Rabbi Daniel Treiser $2,999


Rates are per person based on double occupancy with a minimum of 30 participants. *Child ages 2-18 sharing room as third only. Should the group not reach the June 9-19, 9-19, 2012 2012 $1,160 $2,999 $1,989 June TOUR TO ISRAEL LAND ONLY AS A THIRD ONLY*) SINGLE$1,160 SUPPLEMENT minimum number of participants required a small group operating fee will be applied. LAND ONLY (CHILD $2,999 $1,989 Rates are per person based on double occupancy with a minimum of 30 participants. *Child ages 2-18 sharing room as third only. Should the group not reach the Rates are per personJune based on double occupancy with a minimum of 30 participants. *Child ages 2-18 sharing room as third only. Should the group not reach the 9-19, 2012 $1,160 $1,989 minimum number of participants required a small group operating fee $2,999 will be applied. minimum number of participants required a small group operating fee will be applied. Rates are per personTOUR basedTO onISRAEL double occupancy with a minimum ofLAND 30 participants. *Child agesONLY 2-18 (CHILD sharingAS room as third only. Should theSINGLE groupSUPPLEMENT not reach the ONLY LAND A THIRD ONLY*) minimum number A ofnon-refundable participants required operatingisfee will beupon applied. IMPORTANT: depositaofsmall $300group per participant required registration. Deposit must be received by April 1, 2012. Space is limited.

June 9-19, 2012

Rates are per person based on double occupancy withparticipant a minimumisofrequired 30 participants. *Child ages 2-18 sharing room as Should group not reach the IMPORTANT: A non-refundable deposit of $300 per upon registration. Deposit must be received bythird April only. 1, 2012. Spacethe is limited. IMPORTANT: A non-refundable deposit of $300 per participant is required upon registration. Deposit must be received by April 1, 2012. Space is limited. minimum number of participants required a small group operating fee will be applied.


A non-refundable deposit of $300 per participant is required upon registration. Deposit must be received by April 1, 2012. Space is limited.


A non-refundable deposit of $300 per participant is required upon registration. Deposit must be received by April 1, 2012. Space is limited.

TBI Board President Denise Kirschbaum The High Holy Days are behind us, and it is a time for new beginnings. For the leadership of our congregation, it is a time to look forward to working together to fulfill the vision of Temple B’nai Israel. How will we do this? Our upcoming events appeal to various ages and interests – participate in whatever suits you. Better yet, join the committee working on that event. Shabbat on the beach, Blue Jean Shabbat, Simcha Shabbat, Friday Night Live and traditional Shabbat services will continue so that each congregant’s spiritual needs can be met. What about personal growth? Check out TBI’s adult education classes. Construction of our new sanctuary, social hall, and chapel will commence in this New Year. This too is a new beginning. We will see the beginnings of a new, more beautiful, vibrant synagogue. Of course we will strive to be the caring, compassionate, and welcoming community we have always been, and then some. I am truly blessed to be given the opportunity to collaborate with our wonderful temple staff and congregational family. May your New Year be sweet, healthy, happy, and peaceful. L’Shalom, Denise

Thank you to our latest Preserving Our Future Campaign Donors: Mel and Jan Cohen Risa and Bill Demers Jerome Granoff Myrna Katz

Director of Membership Engagement Barbara Bloom Now that the High Holidays are just about behind us, it’s a great time to start thinking about putting some of those “extraordinary” details of life in order. Perhaps every year you get to check off one of those tasks that may keep you up at night: Should I get rid of my land line phone? Should I check my emergency contacts with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles? Have I made some plans for when it’s my time to leave this earth? Too often I have sat with families during a time of personal crisis trying to figure out where and how to make funeral arrangements. The best gift you can give yourself and your family is to have a plan in place. When is the last time you had this discussion? I urge you to take this time of the new year to make decisions, act, and get it off your mind. The Temple presently has cemetery plots available at two wonderful locations: Curlew Hills Memory Gardens on Curlew Road in Clearwater, and our beautiful new garden at Serenity Gardens on Indian Rocks Road in Largo/Seminole. Currently the prices for plots are: Curlew Hills - $2500 and Serenity Gardens - $2800 per plot. Payment plan are always available. I am always available to help you with this difficult, yet necessary task. BARBARA

Our Newest Temple Members

Jenny Alexander Mark, Yijun, Sarah, and Charlie Oberlander Sherwood Sarles Herbert and Jane Wollowick





Feed your mind, feed your soul, find your community here at Temple B’nai Israel with these educational opportunities


Wednesdays (cont’d)


BEGINNING HEBREW CLASS Fee for Temple Members: $20.00 (cost of book) Fee for Non-Temple Members: $50.00 Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM Classes begin: October 22 - January 28 Instructor: Denise Kirschbaum This very popular class is offered to adults who have never studied the Hebrew language and/or those who simply wish to “brush up” a “dusty” memory. In the Spring we will continue our Hebrew program with both “Advanced Beginner” and “Intermediate” Hebrew classes. We will be using a Hebrew primer that has proven to be reader/beginner-friendly.

LEARNER’S MINYAN - SHABBAT MORNING STUDY AND PRAYER EXPERIENCE Fee: NONE Saturday 10:30 AM Dates: Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Feb. 28, Apr. 4 (Pesach morning) May 2—Each service followed by a Kiddush lunch Instructor: Rabbi Treiser & Danielle Rodnizki After journeying through the Shabbat morning prayer service last year, we will continue to explore the themes of the prayers as we celebrate Shabbat together. Join with Danielle and Rabbi Treiser in a series of services where we will come to understand our prayer customs and appreciate the beauty and meaning of our services.

GOD, TORAH & ISRAEL: PERSPECTIVES FROM GREAT JEWISH THINKERS Fee for Members: NONE Fee for Non-Temple Members: NONE Wednesdays 7:00 PM Dates: Begins October 29 - December 3 (not 11/26) Instructor: Rabbi Treiser Buber, Rosenzweig, Heschel, Kaplan — these and more great Jewish minds contributed to our understanding of God and the world. Together we’ll explore some of their most famous teachings and how they can inform our decisions and our lives today. After last year’s successful class on the early philosophers, this class will focus on the thinkers of the 20th century. TORAH STUDY WITH RABBI Fee for Members: NONE Fee for Non-Temple Members: $30.00 per year Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:00 PM Classes begin: October 22, 2014 Instructor: Rabbi Daniel Treiser As we celebrate Simchat Torah, we mark the beginning of the Torah Reading cycle. So too it is time for us to return to our weekly Torah study class. This year, we “begin at the end”, and start our study with the final book of the Torah, Deuteronomy. Each week, we continue right where we left off. Even if you weren’t in the Torah class last year or if you have never studied Torah before, this is a wonderful place to begin, as we not only learn the stories, but also to discover how it relates to our modern day lives. If you are a Torah Study “veteran”, this is for you, too. As it says in the Talmud, “Turn it, turn it, turn it again….” There’s always something new to discover in the Torah!

Sundays INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM Fee for Members: NONE (There will be books to purchase) Fee for Non-Temple Members: $100 (Plus books) Sundays 9:15 –10:15 am Classes Begin: January 2015 (14 weeks) Instructor: Rabbi Treiser Back to the Basics, Judaism 101. This class, open to the entire community, will explore some of the basic Jewish teachings of our tradition. We will learn about the Jewish calendar and holidays, life-cycle, Bible, basic understandings of Jewish philosophical thought and Israel. This class is designed for those who are involved in interfaith relationships, for anyone considering converting to Judaism, anyone interested in Adult B’nai Mitzvah, or anyone simply looking for a “refresher course” on the basics of Judaism. SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES Fee: NONE No need to sign up. Just watch your Temple Bulletin for “coming attractions” and dates. We hope to have one movie each month on a Sunday at 2:00 PM. Bring your friends! Free popcorn and liquid refreshments (nonalcoholic)! Check the bulletin for movie schedules. CONTACT THE TEMPLE OFFICE AT (727) 531-5829 OR [email protected] TO REGISTER FOR ANY OF THESE CLASSES.

Dani Gamson Religious School Director “You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh With Rosh Hashanah behind us and still so much more High Holiday fun ahead of us, the quote above from Winnie the Pooh reminds us that sometimes we have get outside our comfort zone to engage in relationship with others. The Education and Youth Department has SO many opportunities for you to leave your corner of the Forest. My October wish for you is that you pick one new opportunity and come join us this month! 10.4 Saturday 10:15am Religious School Yom Kippur Program & Service @ Sanctuary 1:00pm TEEN TALK in the APR with Rabbi Greg & Dani 10.5 Sunday Religious School & Sukkah Decorating 10.8 Wednesday 6:30pm TICHON Pizza in the Sukkah 10.10 Friday 6:30pm BYOP – Bring Your Own Picnic Dinner and enjoy games in the Sukkah before Simcha Shabbat as well as a special Oneg after services 10.12 Sunday 5th & 6th Grade Parent Participation Day 10.15 Consecration & Simchat Torah Service 7:00pm Come see the Torah completely unrolled, listen to both the end and the beginning of Torah and celebrate our youngest students and new students at this interactive fun family service. 10.24 – 10.26 Friday - Sunday NFTY-STR Fall Kallah @ Temple Kol Ami Emanu-el, Plantation, FL 10.25 Saturday 2nd Grade Havdallah Happening

CHAI 5 Chai 5 held its 2014-15 kick-off event, The Annual Progressive Dinner. Our gracious hosts, Denise Kirschbaum and Mindy Siegel did a great job organizing our kick-off event. The dinner, catered by Desestos, was scrumptious and the homemade appetizers and desserts were delicious as usual and everyone had a great time catching up with one another. The winners of gift card drawings were: Polly Kraus and Adrienne Weiss. The Foxes and Levines won drawings for the Casino Night tickets. Chai 5 will once again be sponsors for Casino Night and we will also be contributing an entertainment basket to the silent auction. If you would like to donate gift cards to this basket please call Genia Pandorf at 725-4475. She can let you know what is needed. In years past this basket has always been a huge hit and really helped to contribute to the silent auction. Nearly everyone has renewed their dues. If you haven’t done so yet, please send in your check made payable to Chai 5 for $18.00 per person to me at 858 Whippoorwill Drive, Palm Harbor FL 34683 or to the Temple, attention Chai 5. Welcome to all new Temple members! If you are in the age range of late 40’s to early 60’s, you are a fit for Chai 5. We host social events throughout the year as well as support the Temple’s events. We purchase JNF Trees in Israel for all our B’nai Mitzvah students and support programs such as care packages to all our college students with funding to help defray costs. If you are interested in joining Chai 5, you can contact Steffi Rosenbaum - [email protected]. Wishing everyone L’Shana Tovah, Steffi Rosenbaum – Chai 5 President

Women of Temple B’nai Israel Hope you had a very wonderful New Year and that 5775 will be healthy, safe and full of happiness. The Jewish High Holy days means something different to everyone. For me, it is always a time to think back over the past year and, then, ahead to the new year to decide what I can do better or maybe differently. As I write this, I think of three funeral services that I have to attend in the next 10 days for 3 friends. One in particular was a member of our Temple family and she became my friend. She was only 64 when she died. I spoke to her about a week before she passed away and I tried, the best that I could, to comfort her with words but somehow that never seemed enough. I guess that what I learned (or maybe already knew) was to make sure that every time I see my friends or talk to them, I express how much I cherish their friendship and, yes, even love them. WTBI has given me the gift of friendship, support and, yes, love and allows me to have a Florida “family” with whom I can share my life. I would like to invite all Temple women to experience the same Florida “family” that I have. It can truly be a life raft in a sea of troubled water. We have some great events coming up. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. At 7:00 p.m. on October 14th in the TBI Sukkah, we will have a program discussing breast health and early detection methods. Our guest speaker is our own Elaine Miller, RN. This is a program that all of our women and men, too, should attend. October 21st is our monthly Rosh Chodesh program. The subject is being called our “Bucket List”. Think about what you want to do or dream of doing at some point in your life. This should be a fun and insightful program. It is being held at my home, 964 Porter Dr., Largo. Please RSVP to Carolyn Gold, [email protected] or to me, Barbara Baughman, [email protected] Make sure to stop in to the Judaica Shop and see all of the new merchandise from Israel. The pieces made of Jerusalem stone are just gorgeous and make lovely gifts. Hope to see you soon. Shalom, Barbara Baughman, WTBI Co-President

~Don’t have the time to bake for the Friday night oneg? ~Don’t like to bake? Do you have a ~Can’t bake? BAR/BAT MITZV AH ~Don’t have any help baking? coming up??? 

Temple B’nai Israel Sisterhood has a program called “Just Desserts” for anyone interested in sponsoring an oneg with home baked desserts. We can help you celebrate any occasion with your community. If interested in more information, please contact Lynn Amy Levenson, [email protected] or Barbara Baughman, sadiegal@ Various prices ($200 and up) depending on what you want to order.

Wednesday, October 8th — 6:30-8:30 PM   


Free pizza Special Torah study program with Rabbi Treiser, together with Tichon High School students Special “Sugar in the Shack” Dessert Oneg!

Thursday, October 9th — 10:30 AM SUKKOT MORNING 

Sukkot Yizkor Service at 10:30 AM

Friday, October 10th — 6:30 PM SUKKOT UNDER THE STARS!    

BYOP Bring Your Own Picnic dinner to enjoy in the Courtyard or in the Sukkah Temple will provide the drinks Our Simcha Shabbat will take place in the Sanctuary, celebrating our October simchas Head out to the Sukkah to wave the lulav and etrog

Sunday, October 12th — 6:00 PM FESTIVAL OF THE HARVEST!    

Music by Mary and the MDs Harvest Vegetarian Dinner Live Music from 7:00-9:00 PM $10 Adults / $5 under 18 / Free under 6—RSVP

Monday, October 13th — 6:30 PM BROTHERHOOD GAME NIGHT! 

Brotherhood Game Night in the Sukkah

Tuesday, October 14th — 6:00 PM WTBI SUKKOT PROGRAM! 

WTBI Health Awareness Program

Wednesday, October 15th — 7:00 PM SIMCHAT TORAH & CONSECRATION! 

Simchat Torah and Consecration Service at 7:00 PM

Thursday, October 16th — 10:30 AM YIZKOR SERVICES 

Simchat Torah Yizkor Service at 10:30 AM

A message from Friendship Club’s President, Linda White:

We meet on Thursday afternoons in the APR from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. The age starts at 60 on up thru the 90’s. We won’t close the door to anyone who hasn’t quite reached that age range. In fact, we’ll welcome you with open arms. The games that are played are Bridge, Mah Jongg and Mexican Train Dominoes. Everyone has such a good time it would be nice to see more people join in the fun. If there is a game that you would enjoy playing that is not listed please let me know. I’ll see what I can do. Last month, our “Greek Luncheon” was a great success! The pictures below show the happy faces of some of our friends. For information, contact Linda White at 727-688-0626 or [email protected].

Becky Rodnizki, Ruth Weintraub, Linda White

Back: Janet White, Miriam Merens, Linda Goldman Fran Brickman, Marcia Cain. Shirley Botkin, Ariella Safer

Laurie Kelly

Watch for news of our next luncheon!

Enid Newmark, Helen Debowsky Penny Taub, Barbara Haskel, Carol Livesay

Bob Mansfeld, Carl Glassburg, Gloria Levin

Book Bunch meets on October 21st, 1:00 PM in the Temple Library. Up for discussion: My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for his Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq by Ariel Sabar. With ISIS terrorism in the news, and Kurds fighting them, learning about that part of the world might help our understanding of current events. Our second choice is The Ladies Auxiliary by Tova Mirvis. A young widow and her daughter move to an Orthodox community in Memphis for the child to experience her father’s roots. For information on the selections for the Book Bunch, contact Iris Shalit at 727-595-8307 or email [email protected] Sukkot Festival of the Harvest here at temple on October 12th 6:00 to 9:00 PM. A time to give thanks and rejoice as described in Leviticus 23:33-42. Come at 6:00 PM to sample vegetarian foods. Stay to enjoy live 60’s music by Mary & the MDs (physician musicians) under the leadership of Dr. Gordon Goodman. Check this Tablet’s flyer for details!

Our B’nai Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah - Nolan Pollack October 18, 2014 Nolan is a 7th grader at Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School. His favorite activity is to captain a motor boat out on the water. In fact, he would prefer to be on a boat to just about any other place. He spends every summer at Camp Sea Gull in North Carolina honing his boating skills and has earned some of the highest ranks at camp. When he’s not on a boat, he’s happiest with his friends, with a good book, on a computer, or with his friends on the computer. Nolan is excited to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah weekend with his friends and family, including those who are local and those who are making the trek from Maine, California, New York, Colorado, Arizona, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Massachusetts!

MITZVAH KNITTERS & CROCHETERS Do you like to knit or crochet? Why not stop by and see what we are up to and join us if you’re interested. Our group welcomes workers at any time. We meet every Thursday in the Temple Library, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Some enjoy knitting/crocheting from home and occasionally drop off their work for distribution to area hospitals. We will be making hats and afghans for children and adults who are in cancer treatment as well as for newborns.

Celebrate Sukkot with your TBI Family The Temple’s famous “Extra-Large” Sukkah is open throughout the week for you to visit with your family. WTBI, Brotherhood and BIFTY will all be having activities in the Sukkah, so join them for the fun. And come by for these Temple-wide events, too:

Wednesday, October 8th 2014 6:30-8:30 pm  We’ll start with a free pizza dinner  Then we’ll have a special Torah study program with Rabbi Treiser, together with the students from our Tichon High School program  We’ll finish off with a “Sugar in the Shack” Dessert Oneg!

“Sukkot Under the Stars” Simcha Shabbat Friday, October 10th 2014 6:30 pm

 “BYOP” Bring Your Own Picnic dinner to enjoy in the Courtyard or in the Sukkah (call the office if you’d like help arranging a dinner.)  Temple will provide the drinks  Our October Simcha Shabbat will take place in the Sanctuary, celebrating all our October simchas  Head out to the Sukkah to wave the lulav and etrog

Reservations aren’t required, but if you can let the office know you’re coming, it will help us prepare. E-mail Val at [email protected] or call 727-531-5829.



Music by Mary and the MDs

(Dr Gordon Goodman, Bandleader) Temple B’nai Israel -1685 S. Belcher rd. $10 Adults / $5 under-18 / Free under-6 6:00 pm (Harvest Vegetarian Dinner) Live Music Follows 7:00-9:00 pm


Call the temple 727-531-5829 or email [email protected] The Rockin’ Docs have the musical cure for what ails you! Mary and the MDs (all doctor musicians)

Brotherhood Brotherhood will be celebrating what else in October, but Octoberfest! We are lining up a Tampa Breweries tour for the middle of the month (exact date and time is being determined based on the breweries’ brewing schedule, so details to follow). We will be using the JCC's bus and making multiple stops at 2-3 breweries. We will be helping with upcoming fundraising events such as cooking for casino night on 11/15. We hope that you will join us by sending your $36 dues payment as soon as possible so we can get you on the email list to attend the many upcoming events this year. We would like to thank the following men who as of 9/8 have already joined this year 2014/2015. The last list was the 2013/2014 list and we thank those gentlemen for their support last year. Terry Adler, Ray Cepko, Jeff Garfield, Jeffrey Goldberg, George Gomory, Gordon Goodman, Andy Hano, Barry Kraus, Bill Krutchick, Saul Lerner, Bob Levine, Lenny Mankin, Jordan Messler, Howard Rodetsky, Robert Rifkin, Ron Rosenbaum, Michael Ross, Howard Rubin, Todd Siegel, and Matt Sperber. The Brotherhood contribution to the week-long Sukkot celebration will be games night on Monday, 10/13 at 6:30 PM. Cards Under the Stars should be a lot of fun! Hope to see you around the Temple!

Brotherhood will be catering Kiddush Luncheons for B’nai Mitzvah for Temple Members. Keep the money in the Temple and hire Brotherhood to do your Kiddush Luncheon. We will save you money over hiring an outside caterer. Please contact Evan Madow at [email protected] for details and a menu.

Attention All Congregants: Need a ride to Friday night services? Need a ride to Temple events? Willing to offer an occasional ride to someone? No long term commitment necessary, only the opportunity to start Shabbat with a mitzvah! Please call the Temple office and we will try to coordinate the need with the opportunity

Friday, October 10th at 7:30 PM If your birthday or anniversary is this month, you should have received an invitation from TBI, wishing you a wonderful day, and inviting you to join Rabbi Treiser on the Bimah at our Simcha Shabbat at 7:30 PM on Friday, October 10th, 2014, to receive a special blessing. We hope to see you there! November’s Simcha Shabbat will be held on Friday, November 14th, 2014, at 7:30 PM. If you have a birthday or anniversary in November, you will be receiving an invitation from us before then (if the information is available in our database).

THANK YOU 2013-2014 Torah Circle Donors Donations received between 8/15/14 and 9/17/14

Under $360 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Feldman

Gilah $360 to $499 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bragin Robert Mansfeld

Chai $1,000 to $1,799 Mr. & Mrs. Keith Warshofsky

Simchah $500 to $999 Dr. Mel & Mrs. Jan Cohen Mrs. Betsy Schweitzer Ms. Mindy Siegel

Tovah $3,600 to $4,999 Mr. Melvin Myers & Mrs. Toby Nastir

We Gratefully Acknowledge These Thoughtful Contributions (contributions received 8/15/14 through 9/14/14)



Joan Abatemarco………………………....George Eastman Stephan Alpert……………………..Roberta “Rache” Alpert Vivian Benci & Saul Lerner………………..Gertrude Lerner Edward & Lois Biard………………………..Benjamin Biard Ann & Peter Blumencranz………….Bernard Blumencranz Evelyn G. Blumencranz James Vetrone Shirley Botkin…………………………………….Sam Botkin Laurie & Richard Closson……………General Linscott Hall Leah & John Conway………………………...Evelyn Cohen Veta Felmus……………………………………Harry Felmus Ethel Reizner Solomon Reizner Ed & Iris Gantz………………………………...Sidney Gantz Stan Ginsburg & Sheila Rolfe……………...Hilda Ginsburg Liz & Julian Greengold……………………Lawrence Palkes Gaye Harfenist…………………………..Roslyn Dubrowsky Marcia Hano………………………...Jeffrey Lawrence Hano Vicki & Andy Hano……………………….Rose Grandanette Jeffrey Lawrence Hano Scott & Julie Klavans………………………...Daniel Klavans Annette Kraut…………………………………...Samuel Kraut Bill & Frances Krutchick…………………..Pauline Krutchick Jason & Marsha Lesser…………………..Geraldine Lesser Sheila Malloy……………………………………Scott Cooper Leonard Mankin……………………………….Esther Mankin Sanford Mankin Melvin Myers…………………………………....Muriel Delton Abraham Levine Samuel Myers Toby Nastir…………………………………….Bernard Nastir Ronnie Pollack………………………………..Abraham Stein Hanna Stein Irving Stein Linda Reed………………………………Scott Edward Reed John & Toni Rinde……………………………….Stanley Igel Stella Rinde Howard & Natalie Rubin…………………...….Robert Rubin Ruth Rubin……………………………………...Robert Rubin Ariella Safer………………………………....William P. Safer Bob & Myra Sann………………….....Raphael Bonn Kogan Gladys Schwartz……………………...…Abraham Schwartz Betsy, Eric & Karly Schweitzer…………...Marty Schweitzer Harold Seltzer………………………………….Harriet Seltzer Jeffrey Warshaw Robert & Judith Serata………………………Bernard Serata Mack & Dorothy Shuman………………….Norman Shuman Mindy Siegel…………………………………….Harold Siegel





Bruce & Marilyn Smith……………………..Gertrude Marcus Felix Smith David & Debbie Waldman………………..Dorothy McLaurin Nancy Weiss………………………………….Frank B. Weiss

Linda Goldman……………………………….Carl Glassberg John & Toni Rinde………………………..Mark & Judy Klein Stan & Maureen Rosewater Arthur Rutenberg Joe & Sherry Schwartz Anthony Verdeja & Jason…………………...Liora’s Naming WTBI………………………………………………………...TBI



Sandra & Jay Epstein…...………………….…Frank Madow



Joy & Jona Karp……………………………….Rabbi Treiser Lore Lynn………………………………………….Claire Lynn Bob and Sheila Seiler…………………… …...Rabbi Treiser Arielle & Michael Willson……………………...Rabbi Treiser



Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes………………..Dave Cline’s Father Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes…………………...Guido Castelletti Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes…………………..Solomon Haimes Deborah Nader-Rutz & Charles Rutz……..Lillian Schertzer



Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes………………………Ed Armstrong Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes…………………………Fred Fisher Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes…………………….Sari Mara Moss Dr. & Mrs. Allen Haimes………….Deborah & Charles Rutz Deborah Nader-Rutz & Charles Rutz……....Patricia Tucker Deborah Nader-Rutz & Charles Rutz……The Moss Family



Mildred Cohn…………………………………….Louise Cohn

Life Cycles OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 1 - Sylvia Ahrens 1 - Mitchell Golden 1 - Rebecca Malloy 1 - Stanley Newmark 1 - Hunter Radin 1 - Howard Rubin 2 - Barbara Bellack 2 - Debbie Eustace 3 - Jordan Rodnizki 3 - Adam Schwartz 3 - Stephanie VanZandt 4 - Eric Egozi 4 - Benjamin Lopatin 4 - Fran Rackoff 4 - Yair Safriel 4 - Stacie Vereb 5 - Lynn Greenblott 6 - Elena Firschein 6 - Dylan Mockensturm 6 - Lisa Newmark-Miller 6 - Michael Roth 7 - Rylie Frayman 7 - Sherry Schwartz 7 - George Wolf 8 - Lawrence Fishman 8 - Evan Frayman 8 - Mark Klein 8 - Leonard Mankin 8 - Georgia Ofenloch 9 - Steven Cohn 9 - Carrie Beth Lesser-Pfeil 9 - Hannah Miller 9 - Danielle Rodnizki 9 - Danielle Steg

10 - Carolee Pezzuti 11 - Meredith Cooper 13 - Mary Bellack 13 - Sandy Epstein 13 - Joshua Haimes 13 - Leslie Mankin 13 - Emily Mason 14 - Jordan Behar 14 - Dana Harris 15 - Gregory Fox 15 - Jenna Polur 15 - Stefani Von Harten 16 - Mark Birenbaum 16 - Sheryl Goff 16 - Fran Kipling 16 - Rebecca Tieder 17 - Victoria Alpert 17 - Nathan Graff 17 - Barbara Haskel 17 - Benjamin Mason 18 - Nick Rackoff 18 - Lori Rosenthal 19 - Jason Lesser 19 - Scott Rothenberg 20 - Delilah Brahm 20 - Melinda Feldman 20 - Daniel Pinsker 20 - Scott Von Harten 22 - Steven Hollander 22 - Roberta Mockensturm 23 - Albert Gart 23 - Mark Wall 24 - Mikki Edelstein 24 - Calvin Simon 24 - Simone Wilk


Congratulations to Barbara and Gordon Goodman — new grandparents to twin granddaughters, Rebecca Kaur Purewal and Ilana Kaur Purewal, born August 28th to Amy Goodman and Jesse Purewal

25 - Joe Brickman 25 - Natasha Englander 25 - Samuel Kraus 25 - Arielle Radin 25 - Rachel Sperber 27 - Marley Bellack 27 - Doris Berger 27 - Michael Vereb 29 - Avery Frayman 29 - Sylas Futchko 29 - Mila Melamud 30 - Robert Fisher 30 - Yanina Fishman 30 - Mark Kerman 30 - Harry Levine 30 - Stephanie Shagrin 31 - Steven Hano 31 - Meridith Leonhirth 31 - Scott Lueken 31 - Susan Martin

OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 1 - Jeffrey/Elizabeth Garfield 4 - Paul/Meredith Leonhirth 5 - Edward/Iris Gantz 6 - Evan/Kathy Madow 7 - Roger/Amy Rolfe 9 - Kenneth/Sue Lynn 10 - Kerry/Lisa Kalman 10 - Loren/Joy Pollack 10 - Michael/Wendy Rib 12 - Brian/Fredda Stover 14 - Seth/Ashleigh Futchko 23 - Ernest/Michelle Digiovanni 25 - Scott/Marcy Daniels 25 - Jonathan/Margaret Morgan


Fran Segall, mother of Jennifer Segall and Michael Segall ****************************** Hal Alterman, husband of Lynn Alterman

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Temple B’nai Israel

OCTOBER 2014 Sun





2 6:30 PM Tichon


9:00 AM Religious School




9:00 AM Religious School 12:00 Noon Youth Choir Sukkot Program Mary & The MD’s

19 9:00 AM Religious School

13 6:30 PM Brotherhood Game Night In Sukkah


12:00 Noon Youth Choir

9:00 AM Religious School .

5:15 PM Jazzercise 6:00 PM WTBI Health Awareness Program


6:30 PM Sukkot Program Pizza in the Hut

7:00 PM Simchat Torah and Consecration Services


5:00 PM BIFTY Dinner


28 5:15 PM Jazzercise


6:30 PM Tichon


8:00 PM Kol Nidre Services

10 10:30 AM Sukkot Morning Services


6:30 PM Sukkot Under The Stars


1:00 PM Friendship Club

7:30 PM Shabbat Services


6:30 PM Board Mtg. 7:30 PM Leadership Council

1:00 PM Friendship Club

7:00 PM Philosophy Study

5:15 PM Jazzercise

8:00 PM Torah Study

7:00 PM WTBI Bd Mtg



7th Grade Study 10:30 AM Nolan Pollack’s Bar Mitzvah

25 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

5:15 PM Jazzercise







7:30 PM Simcha Shabbat Service

10:30 AM Simchat Torah Yizkor Services

6:30 PM Tichon 8:00 PM Torah Study


5:15 PM Jazzercise



5:15 PM Jazzercise

5:30 PM Israel Trip Mtg.



1:00 PM Friendship Club



5:15 PM Jazzercise


31 7:30 PM Shabbat Services

Rabbi Daniel Treiser Cantorial Soloist * Danielle Rodnizki Director of Membership Engagement * Barbara Bloom Religious School Director * Dani Gamson Temple Administrator * Angela Wachtler Administrative staff Val Sanford Clergy/Office Support Becca Tieder Religious School/Office Support Bulletin Val Sanford

Non.Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tampa, FL Permit No. 8035

1685 S. Belcher Road, Clearwater, FL 33764

Catulll Regular PMS 2945 Blue

Graphic Design

Temple B’nai Israel 1685 S. Belcher Road • Clearwater, FL 33764 PH 727.531.5829 • FX 727.530.5159





Denise Kirschbaum Paul Gross Bruce Levine Todd Siegel Jorge Rodnizki Marcia Miller Nina Warshofsky Renee Raimi and Sandy Broida Ray Cepko Polly Kraus Rhoda Ross Matt Sperber Brian Rolfe Helene Debowsky Barbara Baughman Steve Klein Linda White Steffi Rosenbaum

President Administrative Vice President President Appointee President Appointee Financial Vice President Youth and Education Vice President Membership & Leadership Vice President Development Vice President Religious and Cultural Vice President Annual Campaign Vice President Secretary Member at Large Member at Large Women of TBI (WTBI) Co-President Women of TBI (WTBI) Co-President Brotherhood President Friendship Club President Chai Five President

Temple Staff Contact Information:

General Temple Contact Information: [email protected] Brotherhood Contact Information: Catulll Regular PMS 2945 Blue

[email protected]

Rabbi Daniel Treiser.................... [email protected] Cantorial Soloist Danielle Rodnizki [email protected] Barbara Bloom............................ [email protected] Dani Gamson........................... [email protected] Val Becca Tieder................................. [email protected] Angela Wachtler.......................... [email protected]

Sisterhood Contact Information: [email protected] The Temple Tablet is published monthly. Postage paid at Tampa, FL. Please RUSH to our readers– Time Critical Material

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