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The 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention “A 360° view of the regulatory value chain”

November 25-26, 2015 Frankfurt am Main The 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention | 1

Our motto for the 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention is “A 360 ° view of the regulatory value chain”. How are current changes in regulatory requirements such as money market statistics/MMSR, AnaCredit and BCBS 239 impacting regulatory reporting? How can institutions control and plan for the effects of regulatory ratios and key figures upon business transactions? What challenges must be addressed by departments and IT in particular? How can we reduce costs, for example, through automation and standardized processes? Is a “reporting at the touch of a button” possible? These and other current issues are on the agenda of the plenary discussions and product-specific forums on both conference days.

Day 1 – November 25, 2015 Plenary Session

Stream I

Stream II

8:30 am Registration 9:30 am

ABACUS Solution Suite Strategy

11:00 am Coffee Break 11:30 am

ABACUS Solution Suite Strategy

ABACUS/Solvency II Partner Expositions

1:15 pm Lunch 2:30 pm

The Future of Banking Regulation

4:00 pm 4:30 pm Coffee Break

ABACUS/Solvency II

ABACUS/Transactions TR, MMSR

Coffee Break


5:00 pm

6:00 pm Closing 7:00 pm Evening Event

Day 2 – November 26, 2015 Plenary Session

Stream I

Stream II

Stream III

Stream IV

8:00 am Registration 9:00 am

ABACUS Next Generation

10:30 am Coffee Break 11:00 am

ABACUS/DaVinci und ABACUS Next Generation Planning and Roadmap


12:30 pm Lunch 1:30 pm

4:00 pm End

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ABACUS/ DaVinci Functional Outlook

ABACUS/ DaVinci Technical Outlook

ABACUS/ Regulator


ABACUS/DaVinci User Group

External speakers The 22nd ABACUS Convention will be moderated by business journalist Ulrich Ueckerseifer. We are also looking forward to presentations from notable speakers from banks and supervisory authorities.

Patrick Hoedjes Head of Department of Oversight & Operations EIOPA

Judith Höhler Head of Group Statistics Department Deutsche Bundesbank

Giancarlo Pellizzari Head of Supervisory Statistics European Central Bank

Josep M. Puigvert Principal EconomistStatistician at the Directorate General Statistics European Central Bank

Katharina Schurr, Commercial Lawyer (LL.M) Regulatory Reporting Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

Reinhold Stahl Head of Statistics Department Deutsche Bundesbank

Peter Stutz Manager Regulatory Requirements DZ BANK AG

Erkan Turna, DiplomBankbetriebswirt Head of Regulatory Reporting Department Landesbank BadenWürttemberg

Ulrich Ueckerseifer Moderator Business journalist

Evening Event The evening event at the Kameha Suite Frankfurt is offered as an ideal occasion to talk to other ABACUS users and share impressions and experiences of the conference topics in a relaxing atmosphere. As the evening highlight, Ulrich Ueckerseifer will deliver the keynote address, “Financial Market Regulation 2020”. A shuttle has been organized to transport you quickly and comfortably from the conference hotel to the Kameha Suite. If you prefer to arrange your own transportation to the evening event, directions can be picked up at the welcome desk. Address

Kameha Suite Frankfurt Taunusanlage 20 60325 Frankfurt am Main

Shuttle bus

Meeting Point: Marriott Hotel Driveway Time: approx. 6:00 pm

Public transportation

S-Bahn Stop: “Taunusanlage”


Parking Garages: “Alte Oper”, “Opern Turm”, “Trianon”, Bockenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt/Main

Return trip

Visitors are responsible for making their own arrangements for their return trip from the evening reception.

The 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention | 3

Wednesday, November 25, 2015 8:30 am Registration Plenary session, Platinum Ballroom I: – language: German* 9:30 am Opening Moderator Ulrich Ueckerseifer, business journalist 9:45 am Welcome Note Dr. Robert Wagner, Partner, BearingPoint 10:00 am ABACUS review and outlook Jürgen Lux, Partner, BearingPoint 11:00 am Coffee Break 11:30 am Target „Supervisory Regulation 2020“ Peter Stutz, Manager Regulatory Requirements, DZ BANK AG 12:00 am From regulatory reporting to ABACUS Next Generation Bodo Windmöller, Partner, BearingPoint Mark Gördes, Senior Manager, BearingPoint 1:15 pm Lunch 2:30 pm Impulse speeches, followed by discussion Statistical data exchange, standardization in statistics, AnaCredit and the role of Deutsche Bundesbank Reinhold Stahl, Head of Statistics Department, Deutsche Bundesbank Sequential approach and data quality : The various steps in the processing of banks‘ reports at the ECB Giancarlo Pellizzari, Head of Supervisory Statistics, European Central Bank AnaCredit – Challenges and problem-solving approaches Maik Frey, Partner, BearingPoint Stress Testing Erkan Turna, Head of Regulatory Reporting Department, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Katharina Schurr, Consultant Regulatory Reporting/Regulatory Analytics, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg 4:30 pm Coffee Break 5:00 pm ABACUS Awards 5:45 pm Closing Jürgen Lux, Partner, BearingPoint 6:00 pm Shuttle bus transfer to the evening event 7:00 pm Evening event at Kameha Suite

* For simultaneous German-English/English-German translations of presentations, headsets can be picked up at the welcome desk.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015 Stream I, Platinum Ballroom II: ABACUS/Solvency II – language: English 11:30 am Welcome Note Dr. Maciej Piechocki, Partner, BearingPoint 11:45 am Solvency II: Managing Change Patrick Hoedjes, Head of Department of Oversight & Operations, EIOPA 12:15 pm Insurance Statistics and Solvency II Judith Höhler, Head of Group Statistics Department, Deutsche Bundesbank 12:45 pm Discussion 1:00 pm Lunch 2:30 pm ABACUS/Solvency II – status and roadmap Rüdiger Lambrecht, Senior Manager, BearingPoint 3:30 pm Discussion 4:00 pm Closing / Coffee Break Stream II, Gold I: ABACUS/Transactions – language: German/English 2:30 pm Welcome Note Robert Bosch, Partner, BearingPoint 2:45 pm Money Market Statistical Reporting – state of affairs Josep M. Puigvert, Principal Economist-Statistician at the Directorate General Statistics, European Central Bank 3:15 pm ABACUS/Transactions – the new transaction-based reporting platform EMIR / MMSR / Outlook MiFIR and SFTR Sabine Pieper, Senior Manager, BearingPoint MMSR Workshop Sabine Pieper, Senior Manager, BearingPoint; Sabine Offermann, Senior Functional Engineer, BearingPoint 4:00 pm Closing / Coffee Break

The 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention | 5

Thursday, November 26, 2015 8:00 am Registration Plenary session, Platinum Ballroom I: ABACUS Next Generation – language: German 9:00 am Welcome Note Bodo Windmöller, Partner, BearingPoint 9:15 am ABACUS Next Generation - Snapshot Key note and discussion of the main functional areas of the new ABACUS platform Daniel Müller, Manager, BearingPoint; Marc Mährländer, Senior Manager, BearingPoint; Anke Dohse, Business Consultant, BearingPoint 10:30 am Coffee Break Plenary session, Platinum Ballroom I: ABACUS Next Generation and ABACUS/DaVinci – language: German 11:00 am Functional roadmap & release planning of ABACUS/DaVinci and ABACUS Next Generation Erik Becker, Senior Manager, BearingPoint 11:45 am Stress Testing with ABACUS/DaVinci Martin Rehker, Senior Manager, BearingPoint 12:15 pm The KPI support module Alexander Grimm, Business Development Manager, BearingPoint 12:30 pm Lunch Stream I, Platinum Ballroom I: ABACUS/DaVinci – functional outlook – language: German 1:30 pm An Outlook of AnaCredit Laura Schultes, Manager, BearingPoint Liquidity – deeper insight into LCR in accordance to the delegated act and ALMM David Ruben Schleiter, Senior Functional Engineer, BearingPoint; Caroline Osten, Functional Engineer, BearingPoint; Denisa Zietz, Functional Analyst, BearingPoint ABACUS/LiMa Oliver Schöps, Business Advisor, BearingPoint Own Funds: Overview of the new requirements for Supervisory Benchmarking Portfolios and Market Disclosure (BCBS D309) Dr. Jan Müller, Senior Functional Engineer, BearingPoint, Paul Dumitrescu, Functional Analyst, BearingPoint Financial Reporting national GAAP Max Strathmann, Business Consultant, BearingPoint Leverage Ratio - Delegated Act Anda Tomoiaga, Functional Engineer, BearingPoint New functionalities of the credit module Elena Monissen, Functional Engineer, BearingPoint 4:00 pm End

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Thursday, November 26, 2015 Stream I, Platinum Ballroom II: ABACUS/DaVinci – technical outlook – language: German 1:30 pm ABACUS/Performance Portal Mark Holländer, Senior Manager, BearingPoint Internal data storage of RECS_TYPE_930 - architecture and areas of activity for the conversion Christian Kühling, Manager, BearingPoint Perfomance, data growth and Oracle 12 migration Thomas von Lieven, Senior Technology Architect, BearingPoint ABACUS/IRR for SAP BA 9.0 with SAP HANA® Mark Holländer, Senior Manager, BearingPoint Last mile reporting in regulatory reporting Timo Schmuck, Manager, BearingPoint 4:00 pm End Stream II, Gold I: ABACUS/Regulator – language: English 1:30 pm Welcome note Dr. Maciej Piechocki, Partner, BearingPoint 1:45 pm ABACUS/Regulator roadmap Haiko Philipp, Manager, BearingPoint 2:30 pm Regulatory analytics with the KPI support module Alexander Grimm, Business Development Manager, BearingPoint 3:30 pm Advanced analytics with HyperCube Thomas Schmidt, Senior Sales Consultant, BearingPoint 4:00 pm End Stream III, Gold II: ABACUS/RiVa – language: German 11:00 am ABACUS/RiVa – Flexible, modular solution in bank controlling Outlook on new topics, interface to ABACUS Next Generation Dr. Werner Gothein, Partner, BearingPoint; Heike Held-Alt, Manager, BearingPoint 12:30 pm Lunch 1:30 pm New ABACUS/RiVa module FRTB Standard solution in ABACUS/RiVa: SPRG & SAMR Richard Schott, Business Consultant, BearingPoint; Eduard Dubin, Functional Engineer, BearingPoint 2:05 pm New functions in liquidity risk, credit risk, accounting in ABACUS/RiVa Dr. Markus Beuse, Senior Manager, BearingPoint 2:45 pm Flexible liquidity management in ABACUS/RiVa Analytics Dr. Stefan Böttger, Technology Consultant, BearingPoint 3:10 pm ABACUS/RiVa in Managed Service Nannett Bösing, Manager, BearingPoint 3:30 pm Q & A concerning applications, requirements, suggestions for improvement Dr. Werner Gothein, Partner, BearingPoint 4:00 pm End Stream IV, Gold III: ABACUS/DaVinci User Group – language: German 1:30 pm The ABACUS/DaVinci User Group is organized by our customers as a common forum to discuss further developments of the software, special issues and share concerns regarding interpretation issues. The ABACUS/DaVinci User Group is scheduled on the second conference day at 1:30 pm (until approx. 4 pm). The 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention | 7

About BearingPoint BearingPoint consultants understand that the world of business changes constantly and that the resulting complexities demand intelligent and adaptive solutions. Our clients, whether in commercial or financial industries or in government, experience real results when they work with us. We combine industry, operational and technology skills with relevant proprietary and other assets in order to tailor solutions for each client’s individual challenges. This adaptive approach is at the heart of our culture and has led to longstanding relationships with many of the world’s leading companies and organizations. Our global consulting network of 9,700 people serves clients in more than 70 countries and engages with them for measurable results and long-lasting success. For more information:

Contact In case of any questions, wishes or suggestions concerning the 22nd ABACUS Customer Convention please feel free to contact our organization team at the welcome desk on-site. We look forward to welcoming you to the convention and are happy to assist you in making the event an enjoyable experience. The welcome desk is located in the foyer area platinum and is available during the entire convention.


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