Being part of a larger entity makes doing business so much easier Scotland has decided to stay in the United Kingdom and this has been welcomed by the German business community in the UK – being part of a larger entity makes doing business so much easier. The same is true for the UK and her place in the European Union, but whether the result of a potential referendum in 2017 will be as clear-cut as the one in Scotland remains to be seen. The next two to three years will be crucial in convincing the British public that the benefits of membership of the European Union far outweigh the costs. Although the UK’s economy is performing well at the moment, one must not forget that this development is mainly due to being integrated in a global economic system. Current negotiations with regard to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership show that if Europe speaks with one voice, more can be achieved on a global level. Nevertheless, the European Union needs to reform itself. This is an ongoing necessity as all countries are in constant need to adapt to a changing global economic environment. A long-overdue reform of the Common Agricultural Policy is one example and developing a fairer tax system is another: citizens feel increasingly disenchanted with certain multinationals reducing their tax burden through complex structures that do not reflect reality. The European Union is about more than just economic cooperation – it also represents a set of shared values. If we look at the current global political challenges, a fragmentation of institutions which represent these values will not only have political, but also economic consequences since both spheres have become increasingly intertwined. The European Union faces many future challenges, but if all countries work together constructively to keep special interest in check and introduce more market-driven policies, higher wealth can be created for all its citizens. This in turn will also make addressing the pressing global economic and political challenges more manageable. Dr Ulrich Hoppe Director General, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
sustaining members
Photo: Roberto Pfeil
The British Consulate-General in Düsseldorf now serves UK trade and investment from new offices On 1 October 2014, our new British Consulate-General office in Düsseldorf was officially opened by the UK Minister for Trade and Investment, Lord Livingston of Parkhead and the Deputy Premier of the State of North RhineWestphalia (NRW), Sylvia Loehrmann. The unveiling of the plaque was a symbolic moment. Not only did it mark the end of a two-year relocation process, it also made a strong statement about the value and importance the UK places on its relationship with NRW and Germany as a whole. Lord Livingston said at the opening: "The UK regards Germany as one of our most important partners in the world: in trade, foreign policy and in Europe." The historical ties between the UK and NRW are very close with a unique bond, which dates back to the founding of NRW in 1946. The UK and NRW do a lot of business together: 30% of UK exports to Germany are to NRW. Major NRW-based companies such as RWE, E.ON, Thyssen Krupp and Aldi are
Lord Livingston, UK Minister for Trade and Investment, and Sylvia Loehrmann, Deputy Premier of NRW, unveil the plaque represented and have significant investments in the UK. The British Ambassador to Germany, Sir Simon McDonald, told guests at the opening reception how much British companies "respected the excellence of industry and businesses, the purchasing power, the central location, the firstclass infrastructure and the international trade fairs in NRW." It is important to stress, however, that the remit of the Consulate-General in Düsseldorf is to look after British interests in Hesse, RhinelandPalatinate and Saarland, as well as in NRW. With the outsourcing of the visa operation in Germany to the company Teleperformance, and the centralisation of the passport service in Liverpool, the 25 staff at the Consulate-General focus on UK trade and investment (UKTI) consular and corporate services.
Photo: Roberto Pfeil
Priority sectors for the UKTI team in Düsseldorf are energy, engineering and infrastructure, life sciences, medical equipment, food and drink and consumer goods.
LONG TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE This year sees the 300th anniversary of the personal union of the crowns of Hanover and Great Britain. But the trading relationship between our two countries goes back even further. We share a long tradition of excellence in engineering and innovation.
British Consul-General Susan Speller addresses guests at the evening reception of the opening event
When George I acceded to the throne in 1714, Henry Mill was registering the patent for the first typewriter in Britain; whilst in Germany, Daniel Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer.
When William IV ended his reign 123 years later, George Stephenson's steam train was revolutionising international infrastructure; while Joseph von Frauenhofer's optical instruments had revolutionised our understanding of light.
ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING Engineering and manufacturing are at the heart of the UK government's efforts to rebalance the British economy by creating strong and sustainable growth across the country, and across various industries. The biggest driver of growth in the UK is currently manufacturing. Manufacturing output rose by 3.8% in the twelve months to February 2014. We already have first-class manufacturing in sectors such as aerospace, pharmaceuticals and defence. But we want to improve in other sectors too, increasing our capability in new technologies: bio-science, space and renewable energy. The British Consulate-General team, newly installed in their ninth-floor open-plan office in the central business district in Düsseldorf, and working closely with their colleagues at the Embassy in Berlin and the Consulate in Munich, have an important role to play in developing and increasing business in all sectors. The strength of the UK's trade and economic partnership with Germany is crucial to our success. Susan Speller HM British Consul-General in Düsseldorf
Looking to the future initiative talks to Peter Dixon, Global Financial Economist at Commerzbank, London They say that forecasting is an uncertain business, particularly when it concerns the future. However, it is an essential input into the business planning process and whilst we cannot always predict future events with any degree of accuracy, in the absence of any form of major economic shock we can have a reasonable guess as to likely trends. initiative: What trends are you working on?
Eurozone, particularly since the ECB has to set its monetary conditions to accommodate those
Peter Dixon: Our main focus is the outlook
economies which are far weaker than Germany’s.
for the European economy, but particularly Germany and the UK, which represent two of its stronger components. Turning first to the UK, the economy this year looks set to be the fastest-growing in the G7 partly due to the fact that the uncertainty shock in the wake of the Eurozone crisis appears to have abated. Since early 2013, UK growth has been running at a pace which is above the economy’s ability to sustain in the long run, so some moderation is likely in the months ahead. Nonetheless, the pace of expansion is likely to remain robust, which is good news for Germany since the UK represents Germany’s third-largest merchandise export market.
This in turn implies that the pound can be expected
initiative: How has the German economy
Peter Dixon, Global Financial Economist at Commerzbank, London
Both Aldi and Lidl have been well placed to tap into the new-found British desire for low-cost, no-frills retailing and have raised their market share at the expense of some of the bigger domestic players. Latest figures suggest that the two companies together account for an 8% share of UK sales – well down on the likes of Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda – but almost double their pre-recession share.
to consolidate recent gains against the euro, which may not be great news for UK exporters, but we
initiative: What else will be different after the
should not expect any complaints from their
German counterparts. PD: Although forecasts often seem to exist initiative: So is there still something special about
‘made in Germany’? PD: Indeed, the ‘made in Germany’ label
retains considerable cachet in the UK market. Germany’s expertise in cars is well known and four of the top 10 bestsellers in the UK so far this year are German. But whilst the position of German car makers is unlikely to change any time soon, German retailers have quietly been making progress in the UK.
only to prove the fallibility of the forecaster, one projection which should be taken seriously is that the recession will have changed the shape of the economy, so those companies which are best placed to tap into these changes will be the ones which perform most strongly. German consumers have long known the value of thrift; it appears that UK consumers are following in their footsteps and German companies may well reap some of the benefits.
been affected? PD: The German economy has also been relatively robust over the past year or so, although it has stumbled a little of late. To the extent that the weakness of GDP in the second quarter was a response to the outsize strength in the first three months, we expect the economy projected GDP growth rate of around 1.5% expected in 2015. However, this is slower than the 2.5% rate anticipated for the UK next year. initiative: What effect will these growth
rates have? PD: All this probably means that UK interest rates will begin to rise far sooner than in the
Photo Credit: 1000 Words/
to get back on a modest growth path, with a
EICC says a fond farewell to Hans Rissmann, OBE Hans Rissmann, OBE, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC) retired at the end of October 2014.
Hans Rissmann, OBE
Mr Rissmann led the business for 21 years and, under his leadership, it achieved global player status in the conferences and
exhibitions marketplace through strategic investment and commitment to exceeding the expectations of customers. He has been succeeded by Marshall Dallas. The Chamber would also like to thank Mr Rissmann for his dedication and commitment for his ongoing leadership as the President of the Scotland Committee.
Protocol to amend the Germany-UK double tax treaty
Apple Store design scores trademark win
Germany and the UK recently signed a protocol to amend how profits are attributed to a permanent establishment (PE) in a contracting state of an entity situated in the other contracting state. Currently, attribution is based on the business of the PE. The protocol narrows the attribution down to functions performed, assets used and risks assumed by the PE. The protocol is not yet in force.
In a ground-breaking ruling, the European Court of Justice has affirmed that retail store layouts are registrable as trademarks. The issue arose from a trademark application filed by Apple in Germany for the distinctive layout of its Apple stores. On a reference from the Bundespatentgericht, the CJEU affirmed that provided the layout can be represented graphically and can distinguish one trader’s goods and services from others’, there is no reason why it should not be registrable (Apple, Inc. v Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Case C-421/13). The ruling strengthens the ability of retailers to protect innovative shop design against copycat competitors. For more information on protection of trademark rights please contact Angela Fox (pictured above) at:
New premises SCHUBERT + NASSE Rechtsanwälte are pleased to announce the opening of their new offices on the banks of the Rhine at Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 120-122, Cologne. The move from Oberländer Ufer 186, Marienburg means the law firm is now 850m closer to Cologne's famous cathedral. The move is a result of the expansion of the firm’s banking and commercial law departments at the start of 2014.
Kostenloses Merkblatt zur Rentenversicherung Die Deutsch-Britische Industrie- und Handelskammer hat das kostenlose Merkblatt zu den Neuerungen bei der britischen Rentenversicherung auf den neuesten Stand gebracht, erweitert und um eine praktische Checkliste für Arbeitgeber ergänzt. Das acht Seiten umfassende Merkblatt ist erhältlich bei
[email protected]
Join the German-British Chamber's group on LinkedIn
Looking for bilingual employees? Then why not list your job vacancies on the German-British Chamber’s Jobs Online service? This web-based database of job opportunities for those speaking German and English receives thousands of hits every month and is a simple way of finding new employees. Members of the Chamber receive six free credits per membership year to advertise vacancies (one credit = one month).
Métier UK DMC joins Chamber London-based business event specialist, conference and meetings organiser, Métier UK DMC, has become a member of the German-British Chamber. The company specialises in creating unique and exclusive Great British experiences while providing friendly customer service and value for money. Métier UK DMC already serves the German market but hopes to expand its German client base. or (in German)
New Councillors
CHAMBER CONTACTS Honorary Officers / Präsidium und Vorstand Patron / Schirmherr HE Dr Peter Ammon Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany President / Präsident Sir Nigel Broomfield, KCMG Vice-Presidents / Vizepräsidenten Sir Michael Arthur, KCMG
Heiner Böhmer
Dr Alexander Moscho
General Manager of Helaba (Landesbank Hessen & Thuringia) London Branch since March 2011. Prior to joining Helaba, he had a long career with WestLB, starting in Düsseldorf in 1989 and followed by various positions in Hong Kong, Sydney and Shanghai. In 2001 he became Executive Director, Head of Finance at WestLB, London Branch where he held a number of positions, the last being Global Head of Business Management and Development, Corporate and Structured Finance. He is an alumni of IMD Lausanne Business School in Switzerland as well as the London Business School.
Senior Bayer Executive for UK/ Ireland, Managing Director of Bayer plc and Head of the Bayer HealthCare and Pharma businesses in the UK. Before coming to the UK, he led Corporate Development at Bayer AG in Germany for over three years. Previously, he established Bayer Business Consulting as one of the leading European in-house consulting units. Before joining Bayer, he was an Associate Principal and Leadership Team Member of the global Pharmaceuticals & Health Care Practice at McKinsey & Company, Inc. and held various entrepreneurial positions in the biotechnology/medical devices and venture capital industries.
Robert A Bischof SCCO International Ltd George W von Mallinckrodt, KBE, KCSG Schroders plc
Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder Chairman / Vorsitzender Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet Robert Bosch Ltd
Marguerite McCaughan Manager Marketing & Communication / Marketing & Kommunikation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4183
Vice-Chairperson / Stellv. Vorsitzende Patricia Godfrey Nabarro
Jana Toon Press & Public Relations / Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188
Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder Heiner Böhmer Helaba, London Marcus Breitschwerdt Daimler AG Armin Brestrich KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, London Jean-Louis Evans TÜV Süd Product Service Ltd Dr Stefan Georg Delta Economics Richard Hall Schaeffler (UK) Ltd
Simon Jonsson KPMG LLP
Jochen Müller Country Manager UK within MSB-I, based in London. In this function he is responsible for Commerzbank’s business with corporate clients in the UK. Prior to this role, he was Head of M&A within Commerzbank's Development & Strategy department. Before joining Commerzbank in 2011, he worked in the investment banking departments of UBS and Lehman Brothers in Frankfurt and London. He holds a degree in Business Administration and completed a bank apprenticeship at Commerzbank in Cologne.
Kai Daniel Finance & Organisation / Finanzen und Organisation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4187
Prof Barry Stickings, CBE
Franz W Smet ACI Group Ltd
Dr Ulrich Hoppe German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
General Manager of BayernLB, London Branch since April 2013. He joined BayernLB in 1999 where he was responsible for utility customers in the CEEMEA region before joining the syndication team in 2001. In 2002 he transferred to BayernLB’s Tokyo Branch for two years to head the local risk office. After his return in 2004, he rejoined the syndication team covering German corporates. In April 2008 he became Head of Syndication and took over global responsibility in 2009.
Finance & Organisation Sabine Marland Head of Finance & Organisation / Leiterin Finanzen & Organisation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4120
Marketing Services Sven Riemann Head of Marketing Services / Leiter Marketing Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4185
Johannes Heinloth BayernLB, London
Johannes Heinloth
Thesy Lobitzer PA to Director General / Assistentin des Hauptgeschäftsführers Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4112
Frank Kuhnke Deutsche Bank AG, London Dr Alexander Moscho Bayer plc Jochen Müller Commerzbank AG, London
Members’ Services Evelyn Mensah Manager Membership & Events / Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4145 Bettina Schopmeier Membership & Events / Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4146 Legal & Tax Services / Rechtsund Steuerabteilung Angelika Baumgarte Deputy Director General / stellv. Hauptgeschäftsführerin Head of Legal & Tax / Leiterin der Rechts- und Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4140 Johanna Hess Legal Services / Rechtsabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4141 Christina Clifton-Dey Friederike Uebing Payroll Services / Lohnbuchhaltung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4180 Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4139
Clemens M Richter CMR Controls Ltd
Katrin Albrecht Head of Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4154
Carsten W Scheffel Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty
Gunnar Pohl Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4168
Nigel R Wood The Wilkes Partnership
Anja Reeves Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4161
Company Secretary Chris Putt Speechly Bircham LLP Management / Geschäftsführung Dr Ulrich Hoppe Director General / Hauptgeschäftsführer Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4110
Verena Gronewold, Kay Köhnkow, Christina Schild, Martin Werhahn Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4160
For regional committees, email:
[email protected]
ANNUAL DINNER 2014 The Annual Dinner of the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce was held at the prestigious Waldorf Hilton Hotel on 23 July. Large numbers of members and other guests involved in the German-British business community were able to join the festivities. The Guest of Honour and Speaker was Dr Jens Weidmann, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, who gave an excellent insight into the benefits of European integration and the importance of further work on financial regulation, while also outlining steps to establishing a harmonised and well-regulated digital single market.
Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet of Robert Bosch Ltd, the President of Deutsche Bundesbank, Dr Jens Weidmann, and the President of the Chamber, Sir Nigel Broomfield, pose for the camera
Dr Christine Scheck, Sonja Lindemann and Sarah Iles, all of The European College of Business and Management, are enjoying the evening
Mark Green of DWF LLP and Sandra Baron of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Stefan Hattenkofer and Mike Evans, both of BayernLB, with Dr Stefan Georg of Delta Economics
Anne Lee and Sarah Papps, both of Charles Fox Ltd, are enjoying the event
Kerstin Buerstedde and Johannes Haas, both of DZ BANK AG
GOLF TOURNAMENT The Reunification Day Golf Tournament, an event supported by German Bankers, took place at Brookmans Park Golf Club on 3 October.
A guest with Gillian Karran-Cumberlege of Fidelio Partners and Ulrich Ermel of TQ-Systems GmbH
(l-r) Thomas Kolbe of KOLBE AV-Technology Ltd, Philip Robinson of BASF plc, Peter Friend of hülsta (UK) Ltd and Colin Ritchie pose for the camera
Luisa Kynast and Christoph Kynast, both of Kynast Elektroanlagen GmbH, are enjoying the dinner
On 1 July the GermanBritish Chamber hosted ‘Diversity in the Workplace’, and on 16 September ‘Managing Change – Your Journey and Theirs’, as part of the Managing Change series of seminars. The talks were given by Heike Saxer-Taylor of Saxer-Taylor Consulting and Matthew Hill of Hill Networks – New Leader’s Club, respectively. Each seminar was attended by some 30 people.
Heike Saxer-Taylor presenting 'Diversity in the Workplace'
BLICK ROTHENBERG SEMINAR Susanne von Mueller (2nd from left) and Heiner Böhmer (3rd from left), both of Helaba, pose for the camera with other guests
Sandra Tilson and Elizabeth Segarra Schwaiger, both of K+K Hotel George, smile for the camera
On 9 October Blick Rothenberg LLP hosted the seminar 'German business travellers working in the UK – recent changes and avoiding the UK tax/payroll pitfalls!'
Nils Schmidt-Soltau and Mark Abbs, Partners at Blick Rothenberg LLP, hosted the seminar
More than 50 members and their guests joined in the World Cup fever on 16 and 26 June, when the Chamber showed viewings of the matches Germany v Portugal and Germany v USA, respectively. Watching such great football ensured a fantastic atmosphere.
The Midlands Committee of the German-British Chamber welcomed members and guests to the Summer Reception, sponsored by The Wilkes Partnership, at the Cucina Rustica restaurant in Birmingham on 9 July. The turnout of some 60 people shows that the Midlands are a vital hub for the German-British business community. This was followed by an Autumn Reception on 16 September at the Ikon Gallery, Birmingham. Some 40 members and guests of the Chamber welcomed a delegation from Brandenburg.
Charles Wilson (r) of German National Tourist Office and other guests are enjoying the football Julika Ploessner of Hill Hofstetter Limited and Paul Willoughby of Flybe
Rob Grose of Victor and Daniela Bardell of Westnine PR & Marketing support Germany
Srikar Govindaraju and Emma Freudenthal, both of Birmingham University, Brigitte Malige of Bosch Thermotechnology Ltd, Volker Heinemann of Heinemann & Co and Angela Kuhn of Export PA
EVENTS CALENDAR Thursday, 4 December 2014
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Members’ Christmas Reception Sponsored by Commerzbank AG
Members‘ Seminar with Voller Rechtsanwälte PartG: How to Proceed Against a German Debtor if Payment is Not Forthcoming
Venue: German-British Chamber, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1 Time: 6.00pm – 8.30pm Cost: Complimentary Information and registration:
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Venue: German-British Chamber, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1 Time: 5.15pm – 6.30pm, followed by refreshments Cost: Complimentary Information and registration:
Members’ New Year’s Reception
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Venue: German-British Chamber, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1 Time: 11.00am – 1.00pm Cost: Complimentary Information and registration:
Members’ Seminar with Dale Carnegie Training: Keeping your Top Talent and Performers Venue: Thistle Holborn, The Kingsley, Bloomsbury Way, London WC1 Time: 5.30pm – 8.00pm Cost: Complimentary Information and registration:
Please see our website for registrations and updates on events:
Advertise in INITIATIVE Initiative magazine is the perfect vehicle to reach decision makers connected to the German-British Chamber both here in the UK and in Germany.
Jeder, der eine Klage vor den Arbeitsgerichten im Vereinigten Königreich erheben möchte, muss seit dem 29. Juli 2013 bei deren Einreichung eine Gebühr entrichten. Als Grund für die Einführung der Gebühren wurde primär das Erstreben einer Arbeitsentlastung der Gerichte genannt – in der Vergangenheit habe es zu viele überflüssige Klagen ohne Aussicht auf Erfolg gegeben.
As well as reaching clients and partners of the Chamber, the magazine is read by key people in government departments, associations and other companies within the German-British business community. Published three times a year with a targeted circulation of 1,500 you can be sure that your advert will be highly visible as we restrict advertising space. You can buy half, quarter and whole pages… or for maximum exposure, exclusive sponsorship of one issue (members only), which includes two one-page adverts and a one-page article (page 11) plus a suitable ‘company picture’ (1/2 page) on the front cover. To discuss your advertising needs in detail, please contact: Bettina Schopmeier German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6LB Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4146 Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101 Email:
[email protected]
initiative is the official membership magazine of the German-British Chamber and is published three times a year. Publisher: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4100 Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101 Email:
[email protected] Web:
Drastische Reduzierung der arbeitsgerichtlichen Klageverfahren im Vereinigten Königreich
Editorial & Advertising Bettina Schopmeier Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4146 Email: members@ahk-london. Editorial assistance Jana Toon
The reproduction in whole or in part of any material published in initiative requires the prior written consent of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or the completeness of any material published in initiative. Opinions expressed in initiative do not necessarily reflect the views of the German-British Chamber. The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in accordance with a Resolution of the German Parliament.
Die Höhe einer solchen Klageerhebungsgebühr beläuft sich auf £160 bzw. £250 (abhängig von der zu erwartenden Komplexität des Falles). Schreitet der Rechtsstreit weiter fort und kommt es zu einer Anhörung vor dem Gericht, wird eine zusätzliche Gebühr von bis zu £950 fällig. Ein Mitte Juni 2014 veröffentlichter Artikel der britischen Rundfunkanstalt BBC stellt vor allem die Sichtweise der Gewerkschaften dar. Der Generalsekretär einer der größten Gewerkschaften des Landes (TUC), Frances O’Grady, führt aus: „In der Vergangenheit gab es keine Gebühren und Arbeitnehmer, die das Gefühl hatten, dass ihnen Unrecht widerfahren ist, konnten ihren Fall vor Gericht bringen mit der Folge, dass zu ihren Gunsten oder aber Ungunsten entschieden wurde. Im letzten Sommer entschied die Regierung jedoch, die Gerechtigkeit zugunsten derjenigen einzuschränken, die sich die Gebühren leisten können. Der enorme Abfall an Klagen bedeutet mit Sicherheit nicht, dass Arbeitgeber im letzten Jahr „netter“ geworden sind; es ist für viele Arbeitnehmer einfach zu teuer geworden, eine Beschwerde gegen ungerechte Arbeitgeber einzulegen (…)“. Die offiziellen Statistiken des Justizministeriums lassen das Ausmaß der Reform erkennen: Im Zeitraum zwischen Januar und März 2014 wurden 84.700 Klageeingänge verzeichnet, dies sind 67% weniger als in demselben Zeitraum des Vorjahres. Auch wurde seit der erstmaligen Erfassung der Daten im Jahre 2008/09 nie eine geringere Anzahl an Klageeingängen erfasst. Im gesamten Haushaltsjahr 2013/14 lag die Zahl bei 692.000; obwohl die Reform erst zu Mitte des Haushaltsjahres in Kraft trat, kam es zu einem Rückgang von 21% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Mit dem Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act (ERRA) 2013 wurde im Mai 2014 die Schlichtungsagentur Acas zur zwingenden vorgerichtlichen Instanz, um Konflikte zwischen Arbeitsvertragsparteien auch ohne kostenintensiven Gerichtsprozess zu lösen. In den ersten drei Monaten sind insgesamt ca. 17.000 Anfragen zur „frühen Schlichtung“ eingegangen, davon waren nur 3% der Kontaktsuchenden Arbeitgeber. Von den 11.000 Fällen, welche in diesem Zeitraum begonnen und beendet wurden, war das Schlichtungsverfahren zu 16,5% erfolgreich; weitere 19% der Arbeitnehmer erklärten gegenüber Acas, dass sie die Sache nicht weiter verfolgen wollen. Johanna Hess, Legal Services German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce
INITIATIVE provides a regular listing of companies in both the UK and Germany who are seeking B2B partners and representatives Business Partners from Germany / Geschäftspartner aus Deutschland
ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC SWITCHBOARD METERS Weigel Meßgeräte is a well-known brand and has been famous in Europe for its product quality since its foundation in 1919. We are looking for a sales agent/wholesaler with good contacts in the UK markets for railway applications and power plants, as well as switchgear manufacturers and welding machine manufacturers. We are interested in building a long-term relationship with a reliable partner for successful co-operation in Great Britain. For more information please contact: Mr Markus Babel, Weigel Meßgeräte GmbH, Erlenstraße 14, 90441 Nürnberg, Germany Tel: +49 911 4234730 Fax: +49 911 4234739 Email:
[email protected] Web:
EROTIC LIFESTYLE PRODUCTS Established in 1994, JOYDIVISION International AG manufactures over 250 erotic lifestyle products which are sold in over sixty countries worldwide. The company has seventy employees and is growing quickly. With company headquarters in Hanover, Germany, and a subsidiary in the United States, JOYDIVISION sells to consumers via chemists, pharmacies, specialised shops, mail order and department stores. This certified German producer is looking to enter the British market with sales agents who have contacts to the retail industry as mentioned, or mail order health products, teleshopping and shopping clubs, erotica stores, health organisations, advice centres and therapists, midwives and doctors. For further information, please contact: Ms Katrin Pollney, JOYDIVISION International AG, Rudolf-Diesel-Weg 10, 30419 Hannover, Germany Tel: +49 511 679966613 Fax: +49 511 6799666880 Email:
[email protected] Web:
ROOM FRAGRANCE Ipuro room fragrance, leading in room fragrance in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, is searching for sales representatives in the UK. Readyto-sell concepts for grocery, DIY and furniture stores, department stores and special trade. Well-established products with proven track record and high rotation at attractive prices. Trade supported by SISconcepts. Selling already to major retailers in established markets. For further information, please contact: Mr Manfred Barme, Gries Deco Company GmbH, Boschstr. 7, 63843 Niedernberg, Germany Tel: +49 6028 944 4428 Fax: +49 6028 944 74428 Email:
[email protected] Web:
PRECISION ENGINEERING Tipecska Maschinenbau GmbH is a German family-owned business established in Munich in 1924 and well known for high quality and innovation in the field of precision engineering. The company is looking for serious, self-motivated technical sales agents with an existing portfolio and who ideally have engineering experience. The company produces: – non-pharma tableting tools which are used in the following industries: chemistry (e.g. catalyst, dishwasher, or salt tablets), food industry, metal industry. – Sheet-feeding heads manufactured for different producers of offset printing, gluing or screen-printing machines. For further information, please contact: Ms Eva Tipecska, Tipecska Maschinenbau GmbH, Äußere Kreuzäcker 1, 82395 Oberöschering, Germany Tel: +49 8847 69909-0 Fax: +49 8847 69909-50 Email:
[email protected] Web:
OPTIMIZED SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION We make customer-specific mechatronic solutions for the optimization of automatic processes. We are looking for a competent distributor to market our products in the UK. Our future partner is expected to identify target industries independently and win customers on the basis of well-established product know-how. Professional order processing and logistics complete the partner’s profile. For further information, please contact: Mr Klaus Pries, Kendrion Kuhnke Automation GmbH, Lütjenburger Straße 101, 23714 Malente, Germany Tel: +49 4523 402-445 Fax: +49 4523 40258-445 Email:
[email protected] Web:
MAGNETIC SYSTEMS FOR MEASURING AND POSITIONING BOGEN has been developing and manufacturing magnetic products for demanding applications since 1951. Our core competence is in the design and implementation of customer-specific magnetic solutions for magnetic measuring and information reading/writing. BOGEN provides magnetic encoders, magnetic linear and rotative scales, and magnetic heads in low to medium volume. Most of our products are engineered to customer specifications. BOGEN is searching for sales representatives in the UK. For further information, please contact: Mr Torsten Becker, BOGEN Electronic GmbH, Potsdamer Str. 12-13, 14163, Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 30 81000-20 Fax: +49 30 81000-260 Email:
[email protected] Web:
Britain Invests Trends and views on direct investment by British companies in Germany The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce promotes trade and investment between the United Kingdom and Germany. Building on its role to inform the wider economic and political world about British-German trade and investment, the Chamber carried out its third survey on the trends and views of British subsidiaries in Germany. UK parent companies with operations in Germany completed a comprehensive questionnaire, investigating factors such as market focus and trends in future developments. The results highlight the current trends in direct investment by British companies in Germany.
Area of investment by British companies The federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse have always been close to Britain, which is reflected by the fact that over 50 percent of British companies have a subsidiary in these two federal states.
Other Federal States 9% Lower Saxony 5%
North RhineWestphalia 29%
Hamburg 6%
Sectorial distribution of British companies Since our last survey in 2011, most of the sectors have remained largely unchanged, except for the sectors 'Business Services', which has shrunk, and the sector 'Wholesale and Logistics', which has more than doubled.
Financial Services 5% Business Services 25%
Berlin 6% BadenWürttemberg 10% Hesse 22% Bavaria 13%
Main activities of British companies in Germany More than one third of British subsidiaries have manufacturing as their main activity. This underlines the attractiveness of Germany as a location for such activities. Research and Development (R&D) 1%
Services 46%
Sales and Distribution 16%
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 14% Other Manufacturing 23%
Wholesale/Logistics 21%
Reasons for investing in Germany Serving the German market is the main reason for British investment in Germany, however, the availability of skills in the labour market and using Germany as an export base also play an important role.
Labour skills
Important Very important Research and 33% 50% Development (R&D) 16% 23% 23%
Regulatory environment Labour market Services 17% laws 27% Overall importance of 93% 7% Germany as a market Export potential with 58% 17% Germany as an export base Outlook for the particular Sales and 29% 71% branch of industry Manufacturing Distribution 39% Expansion of business into 18% 42% 42% other market segments 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Manufacturing 37%
IT & Telecommunications equipment 7% Other Categories 7%
❚ BRITAIN INVESTS 15 Importance of the UK being a member of the European Union
About 75 percent of British subsidiaries in Germany said it is important for business that Britain stays in the European Union.
Less important 25%
Very important 30% Britain remains in the EU
Weltmeister der Energieeffizienz Deutschland hat den ersten Platz beim internationalen EnergieeffizienzRanking des US-amerikanischen Think-Tanks ACEEE erreicht. Das Ranking identifiziert anhand von 31 Faktoren weltweit beispielhafte Maßnahmen im Bereich der Energieeffizienz. Die Studie lobt Deutschlands umfassende Energiestrategie und vergab unter anderem Bestnoten für die Kategorien Bauvorschriften, energetische Gebäudesanierung, spezielle Steuersätze sowie Förderkredite.
Kaufkraft und Konsumverhalten – Vereinigtes Königreich
Important 45%
Breakdown of German subsidiaries by number of employees and turnover The majority of British-owned companies in Germany tend to be small to medium-sized, i.e. fewer than 250 employees and less than €40 million turnover. Turnover is expected to continue to increase over the next years. Number of employees 40% 35% 26%
20% 15% 10%
251 - 500
over 500
5% 0%
1 - 10
11 - 50
51- 250
Turnover 40%
30% 24% 17%
20% 15%
5% less than €5m
€5m – €20m
A third of the world wants to work in Germany
In den nächsten fünf Jahren wird die britische 24% Bauwirtschaft laut Prognosen um25% insgesamt 22,2% wachsen. Der Infrastrukturbau soll 2014 um 9,2% und 2015 um 7,0% zulegen. Mehrere 20% 17% milliardenschwere Projekte sind in der Pipeline, darunter eine Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke und ein riesiger Abwasserkanal 15% 13% in London. Der Ausbau der Offshore-Windkraft wird weiterverfolgt. Für den Baustart des 10%Atomkraftwerks Hinkley Point C wartet man derzeit noch auf eine Genehmigung der Europäischen Kommission. 5% +++ 0% less than €5m – €20m €20m – €50m – €5m €50m €250m
Germany is the number one non-English speaking destination for migrant workers, according to a global study. Germany ranked as the fourth most popular place to work abroad globally, after the US, UK and Canada respectively. Berlin ranked as the sixth most popular city worldwide to work in, according to the study from jobsite StepStone and The Boston Consulting Group. London was in top spot, followed by New York and Paris.
Branche40%kompakt - Bauwirtschaft 37% (Tiefbau/Infrastrukturbau) 35% Vereinigtes Königreich 30%
Die britische Wirtschaft wächst 2014 kräftig. Auch die privaten Konsumausgaben nehmen wieder zu. Viele Konsumenten holen Anschaffungen nach, die sie in der Wirtschaftskrise aufgeschoben hatten. Die Bevölkerungszahl steigt aufgrund der anhaltenden Zuwanderung. Die kaufkräftigen Konsumenten sind allerdings in London und Südostengland konzentriert. Online-Shopping und elektronische Bezahlsysteme sind alltäglicher als in Deutschland. Verbreitet sind auch Kundenkredite.
€20m – €50m
€50m – €250m
more than €250m
Weitere Artikel und Branchen-Trends unter This section is provided in co-operation with Germany Trade & Invest and
more th €250m