Attachment TL1j, Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
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Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
2011 a n n u a l r e p o r t
The Art of World Class Care
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
A mosaic is a work of art created by Annual Report 2011
assembling small pieces of glass, stone and other materials, all of which join together
to form an image or functional object.
Shore Health System
04 The Art of World Class
Gallery of Partners
is a healthcare
organization created by more than
2,000 employees,
200 physicians,
300 volunteers, donors from
a four-county region and a collection of
community partners, whose expertise
and commitment
Class Care contribute to
world class results every day.
10 The Art of Medicine
12 World Class Results
26 Benefactors
The Art of World 2
41 Accreditations and Memberships
42 Contact Us
40 Financial Report
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Annual Report 2011
The Art of World Class Care
Achieving World Class Results Like an artist who labors day and night to turn a vision into a masterpiece, we in health care achieve our goals with a seriousness of purpose and daily commitment to the people we serve. Our efforts do not go unnoticed. Every day, in our hospitals and at outpatient facilities around the region, the Shore Health team provides patient care that has been recognized with national awards and exemplary patient satisfaction scores. These results also reap financial rewards in the new world of quality based reimbursement, a system that determines how healthcare providers are paid using factors such as how well we perform against established quality standards and what our patients say about their experiences.
Ken’s familiarity with the University of Maryland Medical System, acquired during his time at Upper Chesapeake Health, further strengthens our five-year partnership with our colleagues in Baltimore and with the other University of Maryland affiliates across the state.
LEFT TO RIGHT: John Dillon, Chair, Shore Health System Board of Directors; Robert Chrencik, President and CEO, University of Maryland Medical System; and Kenneth Kozel, FACHE President and CEO, Shore Health System
As I look back on 2011, I am impressed by the many ways Shore Health System met its commitment as the Mid-Shore region’s primary provider of healthcare services. I am equally proud that our accomplishments occurred in the midst of change and transition. As the search for a new chief executive officer was initiated, Chief Operating Officer Gerard Walsh assumed the role of interim CEO. Under Jerry’s leadership, Shore Health moved forward with several strategic projects while weathering – quite literally – many unanticipated circumstances.
One of those moments happened in August, when I received a phone call no board chair wants to receive: It was necessary to evacuate Dorchester General Hospital because of damage caused by Hurricane Irene. What I witnessed in the days that followed the storm made me proud – teams of people working around the clock to clean up and repair the hospital so that we could resume patient care in less than a week.
Partnerships Benefit Eastern Shore Every day we see how being a part of the University of Maryland Medical System benefits the people of the Eastern Shore. Our patients can access world class care, close to home, as physicians from the University of Maryland Medical Center and the University of Maryland School of Medicine work in clinics at our community hospitals and perform surgery in our operating rooms. When it is necessary for people to be treated at the Medical Center, our relationships with these colleagues make the transition go smoothly.
We know that we have made a difference in the community by the numbers of people who give of their time, talent and resources to support us in delivering exceptional care, every day. The commitment of our volunteers, the generosity of our donors and the collaboration of community partners enrich the work we do for the community. Moving Into the Future While we celebrate a year of exceptional accomplishments, I know that we will continue to be challenged to be even more creative and resourceful. We are not waiting for answers about healthcare reform to do what is necessary – provide the highest quality care at the lowest possible cost where it is most efficient to do so. We are taking advantage of technology and improving processes to continually enhance the efficiency and quality of the care we provide. Great works of art live on. They are admired for their innovation and stay relevant for centuries. I am proud to be part of an organization that meets these same creative standards in the field of health care. We are confident that we have the right team and the right systems in place to rise to the occasion, today and in the future. JOHN DILLON Chair, Board of Directors Shore Health System
While the Shore Health senior leadership team focused on health care issues, the Board was involved in the process of finding our next President and CEO. After an extensive search, which elicited a strong group of candidates, we selected Kenneth Kozel for the job. A Maryland native, Ken began his healthcare career in 1988. Ten years later, he joined Upper Chesapeake Health in Harford County. At Upper Chesapeake, Ken rose to leadership positions, including President of the Upper Chesapeake Health Hospitals, the job he held when he accepted our offer to lead Shore Health System.
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Masterpieces Annual Report 2011
In the world of fine art, a masterpiece is recognized by its originality and by the skill and brilliance of the artist’s talent. In health care, a masterpiece is created through the combination of vision, innovation, skill and commitment. The Queen Anne’s Emergency Center is staffed by 50 people, including board certified emergency medicine physicians,
QUEEN ANNE’S EMERGENCY CENTER: a new era in health care
nurses, medical technologists, radiology technologists, patient registration reps, housekeeping techs and security officers. More than 13,000 people have been treated since the center opened on October 4, 2010, almost double the number of visits projected for the first year. Ambulances bring as many as 65 people to the center each month. In the first 12
months, 30 patients were transported to other facilities by helicopter. Based on responses on patient satisfaction surveys,
communications, comfort, concern and advocacy.
In October 2011, the employees and physicians who staff the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center were the guests of honor at a birthday party to celebrate the first anniversary of the opening of Maryland’s only freestanding emergency center in a rural community.
The Queen Anne’s Emergency Center began as a partnership between Queen Anne’s County government, the University of Maryland Medical System and Shore Health System. The center’s opening on October 4, 2010 marked a new era of health care for Queen Anne’s County. With a full service emergency center close to home, residents of this Eastern Shore community no longer need to travel more than 20 miles one way on congested roadways to seek emergency medical treatment.
ABOVE LEFT: Robert Chrencik, President and CEO, University of Maryland Medical System, and E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA, Vice President for Medical Affairs, University of Maryland, and Dean, University of Maryland School of Medicine, celebrate the successes achieved during the first year of the QA Emergency Center. ABOVE RIGHT: Ken Kozel, President and CEO, Shore Health System, (center) congratulates Medical Director Jane Wang, MD, and Nurse Manager Mary Alice Vanhoy, MSN, RN, for their leadership in planning and operating the QA Emergency Center.
the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center ranks in the top one percent of emergency centers nationally in cleanliness,
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
SHORE WELLNESS PARTNERS: from illness to wellness A team of advanced practice nurses and a social worker visit people in their homes with information, resources and enthusiastic support for meeting the challenge of chronic disease. This creative response to the changing environment of health care prevents unnecessary hospital readmissions through medication management, education and use of
Annual Report 2011
outpatient healthcare services.
SHORE MEDICAL PAVILION: expanding care in Queen Anne’s County Construction is progressing toward a December opening of Shore Medical Pavilion. This medical office building adjacent to the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center in Queenstown will be the new home of Maryland Primary Care Physicians. Other medical specialties with offices at the Shore Medical Pavilion include urology, general surgery, neurology, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat), orthopedics, gastroenterology, cardiology and gynecology. Residents of Queen Anne’s County will have convenient access to diagnostic and lab testing as well as physical, occupational and speech therapy, cardiovascular testing and a four-bed diagnostic sleep center.
SHORE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: filling a community need
SHORE FAMILY MEDICINE: state of the art care in Denton
Jackie Weston, BSN, RN-BC, Nurse Manager for Shore
Caroline County residents now have
Behavioral Health Services, made the first hole in the
more convenient access to state of the art
wall during the September 13 wall breaking ceremony
health care. Pictured are Kim Herman,
that kicked off a construction project that will expand
MD, medical assistant Angie Carrier, CNA,
and renovate the behavioral health unit at Dorchester
and scheduling secretary Kim Crews, who
General Hospital. A $1 million dollar grant from the State of Maryland and proceeds from the Starry Night dinner dance partially underwrite the $2.5 million renovation that will enhance Shore Health System’s ability to meet the needs of patients who have mental health and substance abuse issues.
opened the new Shore Family Medicine office in Denton, where they practice with James Sides, MD, and Wafik Zaki, MD. Next door, the Denton Diagnostic and Imaging Center is equipped for diagnostic mammograms, x-rays, basic cardiology testing and lab services.
Masterpieces 5
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
The Art of Medicine Annual Report 2011
Psychiatrists Saif-Uddin Mohsin, MD,
Some of the country’s most skilled and experienced physicians chose to practice
Umang Shah, MD, and Yusuke Sagawa,
the science and art of medicine at Shore Health System in 2011. These clinical
MD, staff Shore Behavioral Health
experts bring with them the latest knowledge in their fields along with a
Services at Dorchester General Hospital
commitment to caring for the people of the Mid-Shore region.
and the Memorial Hospital at Easton.
Khalid Kurtom, MD, of Chesapeake Neurological Surgery in Easton specializes in the treatment of
Timothy Schneider, MD,
spine conditions, brain tumors
welcomed Laurie B. Porter, DO,
and head injuries.
to Chesapeake Ear, Nose and Throat in Easton. Dr. Porter
Panayota Zarmakoupis, MD, of
will add office hours at
Shore Gynecology provides
Shore Medical Pavilion
gynecological services in Easton
in Queenstown.
and will expand her practice to the Shore Medical Pavilion in Queenstown.
M. Walid Kamsheh, MD, and
Duane Cespedes, MD, (far right) joined
Bilal Saulat, MD, MPH, formed
Shore Comprehensive Urology physicians
Shore Neurology and Sleep
John Knud-Hansen, MD, Christopher
Medicine to diagnose and
Runz, DO, and John Foley, MD, who use
treat a wide range of
some of the most advanced diagnostic
neuromuscular conditions
and surgical technologies to treat men
including sleep disorders.
and women. The practice has offices in Easton, Cambridge and Queenstown.
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Annual Report 2011
World Class Results
TARGET ZERO: doing the impossible In 2009, Shore Health System set a bold vision – zero healthcare associated infections. Target Zero was the name given to this initiative and teams have been hitting the target month after month for the past two years. Target Zero celebrations recognize clinical teams that have gone 12 months or more without a device-related infection.
In health care, awards are more than trophies and plaques. The honors received
In 2011, the ICU team at
for providing quality patient care reflect the dedication of teams of people who
Dorchester General Hospital
understand that, because of the work they do, people go home to their families,
celebrated 733 days since
back to their jobs and out into the community, happier and healthier.
the last ventilator associated
Shore Health System’s investment in process improvement is paying off with high patient satisfaction scores and enhanced financial performance. The State
pneumonia and 613 days without a central line associated blood stream infection. 13
of Maryland uses several criteria to determine how each hospital is paid for the services provided to patients. The state assesses a hospital’s performance based on patient satisfaction scores and the of use of evidence based care by monitoring core measures for patients who have pneumonia, heart failure, heart attacks
Shore Home Care and Hospice
and surgical care. Hospitals are also evaluated based on how well they do at
reached record breaking heights
eliminating potentially preventable conditions that could occur in the hospital setting. Top performing hospitals receive additional revenue while those that
in 2011: 1,174 days with no cases of central line associated blood stream infections, over 800 days
miss the mark pay a penalty. Shore Health System’s ranking places its hospitals
without a surgical site infection and
among – and in some cases above – some of the premier medical facilities in the
more than 12 months since a
world for quality of patient care and patient satisfaction.
reported case of MRSA (Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus.)
ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORDS: information a key stroke away Technology drives advances that translate into quality care. With the implementation of electronic medical records (EMR), physicians can pull up test results and check a patient’s records anywhere they have access to the Internet. Kim Herman, MD, the physician champion for EMR, says, “When a patient’s records are all in one place, the visit to my office can go more smoothly. I have immediate access to essential information that I need to assist me in making a diagnosis and to recommend care.”
The Multi-Specialty Care Unit at Memorial Hospital took the spotlight as Target Zero heroes for logging 629 days without a catheter associated urinary tract infection, 461 days without a reported case of MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and 352 days since the last central line associated blood stream infection.
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
CECIL AWARD: recognizing physician excellence The Arthur B. Cecil, Jr., MD Award for Excellence in Healthcare Improvement was named after an esteemed surgeon who practiced at Memorial Hospital from 1950 to 1988. In 1983, Dr. Cecil was the first recipient of the Cecil Award, which recognized his contributions to clinical advancements and medical staff development. Today, the Cecil Award continues the tradition of recognizing physicians who lead performance improvement initiatives that have a measurable effect on the quality of healthcare for a defined group of patients.
Myron Szczukowski, Jr., MD, Annual Report 2011
(second from left) was chosen as
the winner of the 2010 Arthur B. Cecil, Jr., MD Award for Excellence
The Primary Stroke Center team celebrated earning the Gold Plus Award from the American Heart Association and
in Healthcare Improvement. An
American Stroke Association. The Gold Plus Award acknowledges that Shore Health System has met the seven Get With
orthopedic surgeon and chief of
The Guidelines® measures for providing the highest standards of stroke care for 24 consecutive months by following
staff for Memorial Hospital, Dr.
standards aimed at preventing stroke and reducing death and disability when a stroke occurs. The team includes the
Szczukowski was chosen for
emergency medical responders who answer 911 calls, physicians in the hospital emergency department, neurologists,
implementing procedures that
nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, case managers, and staff in the lab, pharmacy and radiology.
benefit people who come to
GET WITH THE GUIDELINES: Stroke Center earns gold
the Joint Replacement Center for hip and knee replacements. Dr. Szczukowski is pictured with selection committee members Robert Carroll, Lakshmi Vaidyanathan, MD, and David Milligan.
AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION AWARD: Shore Health is Fit Friendly Chief Operating Officer Jerry Walsh and Shore Shape Coordinator Karyn Walsh lead a group of employees on a walk around Memorial Hospital, one of the activities that distinguishes Shore Health System as an American Heart Association Gold Level Start! Fit Friendly company. To earn this recognition, companies must show that they encourage their employees to participate in physical activity, offer healthy eating options at work and promote a culture of wellness.
Terry Detrich, MD, (center) Medical Director of the Primary Stroke Center at Memorial Hospital and winner of the 2011 Cecil Award, was recognized for his leadership in providing quality stroke care. Pictured with Dr. Detrich are John Dillon,
World Class Results
Chair, Shore Health System Board of Directors; Jerry Walsh, Chief Operating Officer, Shore Health System; Art Cecil, son of the award’s namesake; and Michael Tooke, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Shore Health System.
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
CLINICAL ACCREDITATION: earning national recognition
Shore Health System’s Diagnostic and
Shore Health System’s Surgery Center, located in Easton, earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval™ by
Imaging Center in Easton was awarded
demonstrating compliance with national standards for healthcare quality and safety in ambulatory care organizations. A
a three-year term of accreditation for
team of Joint Commission expert surveyors evaluated the Surgery Center for compliance with standards of care specific
its magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
to the needs of patients, including infection prevention and control, leadership and medication management. Joint Commission
services by the American College
accreditation recognizes the physicians and the nursing team members for their commitment to quality and safety.
of Radiology (ACR). ACR awards accreditation to facilities that provide the highest level of patient
Annual Report 2011
care and image quality. Shore Health System’s MRI services were evaluated and met state of the art standards for image quality, personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures and
quality assurance programs.
Memorial Hospital and the Diagnostic and Imaging Center in Easton were awarded accreditation in ultrasound by the American College of Radiology (ACR), recognition that these facilities meet or exceed the nationally accepted standards for quality assurance and safety. The ACR awards accreditation to facilities
The Queen Anne’s Emergency Center Laboratory received accreditation by the American College of Pathologists. This
for the achievement of high practice
accreditation - recognized by the Federal government as being equal to or more stringent that the government’s own
standards after a peer review
inspection program - is a sign of the lab’s commitment to patient care and safety. In its first year of operation, the
evaluation of its practice. Image
Queen Anne’s Emergency Center laboratory performed more than 26,000 tests, ordered by physicians to diagnose
quality and procedure evaluations
and treat patients who came to the center to be treated for illnesses and injuries.
are conducted by experts in the field. Personnel qualifications, adequacy of facility equipment, quality control procedures and quality assurance programs are all evaluated.
World Class Results 9
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Gallery of Partners No artist works alone. The satisfaction of long hours of planning, sketching Annual Report 2011
and imagining come to life with the support of partners who share the vision and
appreciate the effort of the creative process. Shore Health System and its many partners bring the art and heart of health care to the community every day.
NURSING SPECTRUM AWARDS: earning regional honors Shore Health System nurses made a good showing at the 2011 Nursing Spectrum Awards Ceremony that honored nurses in the Maryland/Virginia/DC region. Lori Geisler, MSN, RN, CCRN, (second from left) Clinical Nurse Specialist for Critical Care, received the Nursing Excellence Award for Teaching. Other Shore Health System nurses who made the list of Nursing Spectrum Award finalists are (left to right) Hope Padilla, BSN, RN, PCCN, Critical Care staff nurse, Dorchester General Hospital, for Critical Care; Patricia Phillips, RN, Admission Nurse Liaison, Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation, Memorial Hospital, for Community Service; and Barbara Bilconish, MSN, RN-BC, Director, Professional Nursing Practice and Magnet Program, Shore Health System, for Mentoring.
EVERYDAY HEROES: all in a day’s work The Everyday Hero Program gives patients and their families an opportunity to honor a Shore Health System physician, staff member or volunteer by making a financial
Chesapeake Heart Walk
donation in their name. Three
Despite overcast skies and occasional rain, 15 Shore Health System walking teams showed off their red t-shirts at the
Security officers were among the
2011 Chesapeake Heart Walk. Shore Health System exceeded its goal, in support of the American Heart Association.
2011 Everyday Heroes for being “gracious and kind” as they assisted the family and friends of a Memorial Hospital patient. Pictured are (left to right) Corporal William Murray, Sergeant Dan Shorter and Officer Gerald Taylor with Shore Health System Security Manager Frank Ford.
World Class Results
Health Fairs Nurses, dieticians, rehabilitation specialists and other clinical professionals from Shore Health System travel around the region throughout the year to take blood pressure and offer educational materials at senior celebrations and health fairs. Diabetes educator Deborah Blood, RD, CDE, from the University of Maryland Diabetes and Endocrinology Center shares some healthy eating tips with visitors at the Queen Anne’s County senior celebration.
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
VOLUNTEERS The men and women who join the Dorchester General Hospital and Memorial Hospital Auxiliaries are more than volunteers. They are fundraisers, organizers and advocates for quality and compassionate health care provided in their community hospitals. They offer a warm welcome to visitors and raise money that funds the latest technology. They have a voice on the Board of Directors and they are leaders in the Maryland Association of Hospital Auxiliaries. These skilled and experienced volunteers lend their time, their hearts and their financial support to Shore Health System so that their to friends and neighbors have the medical care they need, close to home.
Annual Report 2011
THE DORCHESTER GENERAL HOSPITAL auxiliary The officers who lead Dorchester General Hospital Auxiliary are (left to right), seated, President Vera Block, First Vice President Ida Jane Baker, Second Vice President Joy Carpenter and Recording Secretary Alexandria Snell; standing, Corresponding Secretary Yoshi Smith, Membership Dues Secretary
Janet Lawrence, Treasurer Richard Hargis and Financial Dues Secretary Nancy Gale. More than
Funding from the Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure make it possible for Shore Regional Breast Center to
100 Dorchester General Hospital volunteers greet
provide community outreach, breast cancer screening and clinical trials, all of which focus on improving breast health
patients and assist staff at the hospital. They also
across the Mid-Shore region. Robin Prothro, BSN, MPH, (second from right) Executive Director, the Maryland Affiliate of
operate the Hospitality Shop and the Robin Hood
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and Lori Yates, (far right) Komen Maryland Eastern Shore Field Coordinator, visited Shore
Shop, both of which contribute to funds donated
Regional Breast Center to learn how the staff uses grants to educate men and women about breast health issues.
by the Auxiliary to benefit programs and services of the hospital.
the future of health care During Adventures in Health Science, Sherry Councell, RN, (center) helped two middle school students dissect a cooked chicken to teach them how bones and muscles work. This partnership between Shore Health System, the Eastern
Carol Lynn Dickerson and Lauren Davis (center), two of the nine nursing students who were chosen to receive grants from the DGH Auxiliary in 2011, are pictured with Nursing Grant Committee members Debbie Thomas, Jean Baker, Bonnie Rimpo and Suzanne Press. Since 1978, the DGH Auxiliary has awarded 123 scholarships to students who have been accepted into the nursing section of a registered nursing program and who meet established criteria.
Shore Area Health Education Center and the Talbot County and Caroline
DGH Auxiliary President Vera Block sees first hand
County 4-H programs introduced
how physical therapist Patrick Mooney, PT, and his
young scientists to health careers
colleagues use the Keiser Infinity trainer at the
through computer learning and gave
Cambridge Outpatient Rehabilitation Center. The
them an opportunity to interact with
equipment, which was purchased with a donation
professionals in the fields of nursing, physical therapy, emergency medicine, nutrition and radiology.
Gallery of Partners
from the DGH Auxiliary, is used in physical therapy sessions that improve balance,flexibility and range of motion.
Komen Partners
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
THE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The officers of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary are (left to right), seated, President Neal O’Shea and Corresponding Secretary Janet Granger; standing, Second Vice President Terry Stephan, First Vice President Alex Collins, Treasurer Sandy Engle and
Annual Report 2011
Recording Secretary Joyce Kent. More than 200
active volunteers provide patient care services at Memorial Hospital, Shore Regional Cancer Center
memorial hospital foundation: opening doors to knowledge Every year, the Memorial Hospital Foundation funds investments in technology and clinical services that enhance patient care around the region. In 2011, a gift from Jack and Susan Stoltz (below, center) opened doors of knowledge for nurses and their clinical colleagues at the two Shore Health System hospitals. Chris Parker, MSN, RN, (far right) Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, says, “The money we received from the Stoltzes was transformational – we were able to add videoconferencing equipment that connects our two hospitals so that nurses can attend educational sessions and meet with one another without wasting time traveling 20 miles one way.” The Stoltz Clinical Education and Research Center is home base for Critical Care University and Graduate University, nationally recognized novice nurse orientation programs, and provides space for research interns to work on projects that further the practice of nursing at Shore Health System. Also pictured with the Stoltzes is John Dillon, Chair, Shore Health System Board of Directors.
in Easton and the Diagnostic and Imaging Centers in Easton and Denton. The Memorial Hospital Auxiliary also operates Maggie’s Gift Shop and The Bazaar at 121 Federal Street and sponsors fundraising events, all of which benefit the
programs and services of Shore Health System throughout the year.
The Memorial Hospital Auxiliary established the Diane Bisanar Scholarship through Chesapeake College to honor a long-time volunteer and to support students studying for careers in health care. A native of Easton, Bisanar has been an influential member of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary for 30 years. The Diane Bisanar Scholarship is awarded once a year to a student in the
Dorchester General Hospital Foundation: 20 years of caring
Chesapeake College radiology technology, surgical technology, physical therapist assistant or nursing programs. This new scholarship adds to the
The Dorchester General Hospital Foundation has been a supporter of community health care since 1991. Gifts funded
two scholarships offered by the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary for Chesapeake
by benefactors from Dorchester County have been used to enhance patient care through the addition of state of the art
College nursing students.
equipment, facility renovations and support for nursing education. In 2011, the DGH Foundation donated $100,000 that was used to purchase a Philips IU 22 Vascular Ultrasound machine, expanding vascular services at Dorchester General Hospital. The new ultrasound equipment, which provides more detailed images of the blood vessels, enhances
The Memorial Hospital and its affiliates rely on the
the ability to diagnose and treat a variety of cardiovascular diseases. The machine’s more compact size makes it possible
Auxiliary to keep pace with technological upgrades
for technologists to wheel the unit to a patient’s room, where testing can be done more efficiently and conveniently.
that benefit patients in the hospital, at Shore
DGH Foundation President
Regional Cancer Center and at outpatient facilities
Ida Jane Baker (second from
in Easton and Denton. Shore Rehabilitation at
left) is pictured with Shore Health
Easton physical therapists Sara Lettelleir, PT, (left)
System Chief Operating Officer
and Kathleen McFadden, PT, (right) spot
Jerry Walsh; Gary Jones, Director,
volunteer Terry Stephan as she works out on the
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Performa™ electric parallel bars purchased with
Services, Shore Health System;
a gift from the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.
and cardiovascular sonographer Amanda Helgason, BS, RDCS.
Gallery of Partners
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
The Memorial Hospital Association
Patrons Patrons of the arts offer applause and criticism, both of which help artists thrive Annual Report 2011
and grow. Shore Health System maintains its own community of patrons, individuals
Marie Zinninger
Jack Broderick
Linda Friday
Mary Holston
Gene Ransom
Julia Strong
Church Hill
St. Michaels
Lindsay Blume
Les Callaway
Kathleen Hughes
Diana Carlson
Nancy Knowles
Queen Anne’s Emergency Center Community Association
Alisa Pipkin
who live in the Mid-Shore region and care enough to participate in one of the three
Leanne Allen, President, Easton
community associations. The Memorial Hospital and Dorchester General Hospital
David Lee, 1st Vice President,
Community Associations were formed decades ago to create two-way communication
Jim Brown
with the people who use the hospitals’ services. The newly formed Queen Anne’s
Robert Knowles, 2nd Vice
Rev. Arlene Jackson
Emergency Center Community Association expands the conversation to include
President, St. Michaels
Stephanie Joyce
Caroline County
Community Association members attend regular meetings at which they meet the
Shore Health System clinical team and learn about new developments in the field
Joan Evey
of health care. Association members use these forums to raise questions and present issues they know are of concern to their friends and neighbors. Dorchester General Hospital Community Association
John Murphy Vicki Paulas
Ronald Fearins
Kathy Deoudes, President, Queenstown
Queen Anne’s County
Jim Barton
Wendell O. Foxwell
East New Market
Jane Coppage
Sharon Carrick
Roger Harrell
Brie Breland, RN, NP
Diane Brown Brandt
Bobbi Cusimano
Tamara Jackson
Bertha Dockins
P.J. Councell
Isabel Cusimano
William Jarman
Rosalie Dolan
Elizabeth deGuzman
Herschel Johnson
Col. Werner Rebstock
Wye Mills
Andrew Langer
Mildred (Millie) Judd, RN
Trudy Schiwy
Michael Schiwy
Laurie Lewis
Charles W. Kelly Barbara Lake James Lewis Jackalyn Noller, President, Cambridge
Patsy Fearins
Kenneth W. Malik John (Pat) Neild, Jr.
Sharon Wall Steve Disharoon
Talbot County Bozman
Lee Marks Maggie Miller Karen Oertel
Joyce Jones
William Collier
Barbara Siegert
Karen Bailor
Richard Smith
Jody Baker
Merry Tobin Catherine Willis
Carolyn Green
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Pappas
Queenstown Charlie Brooks Jennifer DiDonato Jennifer Franks Ron Franks Aliki Katinas George O’Donnell J. Thomas Rhodes Audrey Scott Clay Washington Mareen Waterman Tracy Welch Stevensville Kelly Corchiarino Sharon Dobson Suzi Eakle
Deborah Luthy,
Berthena Pinder
Vice President, Cambridge
Bonnie Rimpo
Nancy Spicer, Secretary,
Joseph Schulte
Sue W. Carney
Church Creek
Bonnie Shertenlieb
Evelyn Robinson
Ronald Chiste
Kimberly Kratovil
William Shertenlieb, Sr.
Walter J. Cuttler
Dan Pompa
Ida Jane Baker
Elaine Farquhar
Carrie Sutherland
Cassandra Guy
Sharlene Zanini-Linn
Thomas Herbert, MD
Jennie Hyatt
Faye William
Cambridge George Ames
Church Creek
Ruth Braxton
Karen Tolley
Jerry T. Burroughs C. Edmund Connelly, DDS Mary (Sue) Connelly, RN George Fox, III
Pauline Pinkett
Woolford Vera Block Wayne Sandberg D. Graham Slaughter, MD
Kathy Kelly
people from this county’s neighborhoods.
Rich Fisher Moochie Gilmer
Ellicott McConnell, PhD Melissa Taylor Stacey Wrightson 13
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
DESIGNATED GIVING Acute Rehabilitation Unit: Ms. Marianne S. McGinty Asthma/Juvenile Diabetes Camp Fund: Mrs. Kelly Ann Compton Mrs. Katrina L. Duy Mr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Lewis
Annual Report 2011
Throughout the ages, aspiring artists and established masters have depended
Cancer Services/Programs/Renovations:
on the generosity of benefactors who believe in their vision. Gifts from our
Bay Hematology Oncology PA
donors provide the resources Shore Health System needs to create a world
Ms. Nancy L. Beck
class healthcare organization. The Memorial Hospital Foundation expresses sincerest gratitude to every member of the Annual Giving Societies. The people and businesses listed on annual fund appeals and events during the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. During that same time, many other gifts were designated for specific uses.
Mark E. Breeding & Son Excavating, LLC Carol P. Cox Mrs. Eunice A. Diefenderfer Mr. Victor S. Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T. Fleenor Ms. Dorothy M. Heimert J K Treasures Mr. and Mrs. Winslow H. Joy Jr. Mrs. Rita C. Kulley Mr. Joseph Kullman Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lynch Ms. Roberta Roberts Dr. Donald J. Rosato
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Mary H. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Shanks Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Simmons Ms. Dorothy L. Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Speight, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn M. Spray Talbot Dermatology Tri-Gas & Oil Co., Inc. Ms. Robin Van Schaik Westside Neighborhood Association Mrs. Hannah Mae Williams* Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab: Easton Lions Club Chesapeake Ultrasound Services, Inc. Dorchester General Hospital: Amy Stephens Meekins
Stepping Up for Cancer Care Since Shore Regional Cancer Center opened on Idlewild Avenue in Easton over two decades ago, the facility has
DGH 2 East Renovations: Dorchester General Hospital Foundation DGH Palliative Care Suite:
been expanded twice and new technology and services are continually being added for residents of the five-county
The George M. and Clara B. Neall
Mid-Shore region. “Step Up for the Hospital,” featuring the political satirists The Capitol Steps, funded the most recent
round of interior renovations that enhance patient comfort and privacy. The planning committee pictured at the Scossa “Step Up” reception in October 2010 are (left to right) Janey Ward, Cammy Passarella, Judy Munn, Mary Lou Peters, Susie Dillon, event chair Carol Rolle, Cookie Strong, Delia Denny, Sharon Liu, DO, and Mary Van Dervort.
Charitable Foundation
Joint Replacement Center: Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Parsons MHE Emergency Room: Mrs. Eunice B. Shearer
Ms. Joanna M. Bridges
The Auxiliary of the Memorial Hospital
Ms. Sheila Broadway
Ms. D’nae Brockington
at Easton, MD
Ms. Kaitlyn Brooks MHE Palliative Care Suite:
Mrs. Jeannie C. Brower
Mrs. Shirley S. Gooch
Ms. Tina M. Brown Ms. Mary A. Brummell
Mrs. Julie A. Bryan
Mrs. Lula M. Spear
Ms. Deborah B. Cahall
St. Michaels Middle/High School
Mrs. Karen P. Callahan Ms. Pamela Callahan
Shore Home Care:
Ms. Noshima Camper
Mrs. Anne M. Kimberly*
Mr. Robert P. Carrillo Ms. M. Denise Chodnicki
Shore Regional Breast Center:
Ms. Chanere Christian
EHS Class of 1985
Ms. Martha A. Clark
Mrs. Deborah D. Hayes
Mrs. Shannon Clough
Hill’s Drug Store, Inc.
Mr. Charles J. Cocklin
Dr.* and Mrs. Richard E. Hughes
Mrs. Ronni Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Keeley
Ms. Mary E. Collins
Mrs. Jane H. Monteith
Ms. Vilma Condon
Out Back Tack
Ms. Latoria D. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. Railey, Jr.
Ms. Vivian E. Cooper
Residents and Staff of Envoy Health
Ms. Christine E. Copper
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Sproule, Jr.
Mrs. Charlene H. Copper-Pierce
The Talbot Bank
Mr. James A. Cornish
Union Baptist Church
Mr. Otis Cornish
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Widerkehr
Mr. Shannon R. Cornish
the following pages made a contribution to one or more of the Foundation’s
Breedings Transport, LLC
MHE Equipment:
Mrs. Joann Cox Stoltz Center for Clinical Education
Ms. Kimberly L. Crews
Ms. Jennifer Crouch
and Nursing Research:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Stoltz
Ms. Christine M. Custis Mrs. Nancy F. Dail
SHS Caring Fund:
Mr. Michael D. D’Arcangelo
Ms. Shelley S. Abbott
Ms. Brandy L. Dawson
Ms. Jessica A. Adkins
Ms. Deborah Dempsey
Ms. Thelma E. Aldridge
Mrs. Lisa Deneau
Ms. Teresa Ames
Ms. Mary C. Denny
Mrs. Wynne Aroom
Mrs. Mary Deshields-Basilio
Ms. Antoinette E. Baines
Mr. G. Donald Dietrich
Dr. Frances Baker
Ms. Chamice K. Dill
Ms. Teresa R. Baker
Ms. Salena D. Dixon
Ms. Diane Y. Baltimore
Mrs. Susanne M. Draper
Ms. Alisa L. Banks
Ms. Virginia Duncan
Ms. Joyce Banks
Ms. Sheila Dunning
Ms. Jenifer G. Batchelder
Ms. Patricia Ebner
Ms. L. Rachel Belanger
Ms. Donna Elbourn
Mr. Gary C. Bigelow
Ms. Kelly D. Elzey
Mrs. Barbara Bilconish
Ms. Mattie Evans
Ms. Theresa L. Bildstein
Ms. Katherine P. Ewers
Ms. Carla A. Blake
Ms. Dawn M. Feher
Ms. Deborah L. Blood
Ms. Lutitia M. Fells
Mrs. Florence L. Blough
Dr. Catherine Ferara
Mrs. Angelina B. Boado
Mrs. Linda J. Ferara
Ms. Delisia Boulden
Ms. Patricia J. Ferguson
Mrs. Elizabeth Bourdin
Ms. Kathryn E. Fitzhugh
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrus A. Brannock, Jr.
Ms. Kathy Flamer
Ms. Julia M. Bratcher
Ms. Jane Flowers
Ms. Charlene J. Brice
Mr. John Flynn
Ms. Dorothy L. Brice
Mrs. Mary Jane Flynn
Ms. Twilla E. Brice
Ms. Mary E. Forbes *deceased
Annual Report 2011
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Ms. Linda J. Kehayias
Ms. Vernetta Reed
Mrs. Kathleen F. Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Corchiarino
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Kram
Ms. Laurie L. Fountain
Ms. Lutitia F. King
Ms. Sharon K. Richter
Ms. Christine C. Walton
Mrs. Eileen Cox
Mr. Zachary Kramer
Ms. Karen Fowler
Ms. Emily F. Kittle
Mrs. Suzette J. Riggio
Ms. Catherine Warfield
Mr. Robert W. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Lawrence
Ms. Inez Freeman
Ms. Sarah J. Korisher
Mrs. Lise K. Robertson
Mr. Jason Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Dailey, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. LeCompte
Ms. Mable E. Friend
Ms. Rose M. Langrell
Mr. Ryan H. Rosenstein
Ms. Kimberly Warren
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Davidson
Ms. Marjory J. Lee
Ms. Sha’Ronda M. Frieson
Ms. Shirley A. Larrimore
Ms. Eva Ross
Ms. Aimee Watkins
J. Eileen DeGrafft
Dr. and Mrs. James Levy
Ms. Lori Geisler
Mr. Timothy T. Lawson
Ms. Joan M. Russell
Ms. Delilah Watson
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Deoudes
Ms. Mary C. Lewis
Ms. Davina E. Gibbs
Mr. Robert A. Le Master
Ms. Lauren M. Saathoff
Ms. Barbara G. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. James A. DiDonato
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Litty, Jr.
Mr. Gregory A. Gibson
Ms. Jeannine M. LeMieux
Mr. Kenneth R. Sample
Ms. Paula H. Welter
Mr. & Mrs. Pat DiDonato
Eleanor L. Lyon
Ms. Gail Gilless-Pardoe
Ms. Linda C. Lesperance
Ms. Lenora J. Sampson-Taylor
Mrs. Audrey L West
Mr. Douglas H. Diedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Scott MacGlashan
Ms. Bernadette K. Golt
Ms. Connie L. Lewis
Ms. Ma Amparo G. San Juan
Ms. Laverne A. Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. DiNapoli
Mr. Angelo Magafan
Mrs. Kathy P. Gootee
Ms. Susan B. Lewis
Mr. John P. Sawyer
Ms. Andrea M. Williams
Mrs. Mildred Downey
Ms. Irene Magafan
Mr. Thomas R. Gray, Sr.
Ms. Melissa S. A. Lourie
Ms. Donna Scharch
Ms. Floretta L. Williams
Eastern Shore Mosquito Squad, Inc.
Mrs. Maxine S. Marsh
Mrs. Sheila M. Greenwood
Ms. Norlaine W. Lucas
Ms. Julia P. Schuyler
Mrs. Beverly A. Williamson
Mrs. Dorothy P. Eaton
Maryland Emergency Medicine Network
Mr. Edward Greer
Mrs. Jeannette P. Lusby
Mrs. Eugenia L. Scott
Mrs. Lenora B. Wilson
Mrs. Patricia J. Eberly
Maryland Physicians Care MCO
Mrs. Deborah L. Grimm
Ms. Lavanda L. Major
Ms. Bernadette D. Serie
Ms. Loni Wilson
Hank Emilsson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCracken
Mr. Laird Grinnell
Mrs. Jessie R. Malone
Mrs. Barbara S. Sherwood-Hill
Margaret B. Wood
Christopher J. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. McNutt
Mr. Ray G. Grossman
Ms. Linda M. Mastro
Mr. Ira W. Short
Mr. Jermaine D. Woolford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. McQuin
Mrs. Cynthia M. Gullion
Mr. Dennis Mathewson
Ms. Mary E. Shortall
Ms. Krista L. Wooters
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Fares, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Michalski
Shannon C. Haden
Ms. Virginia L. Mathias
Ms. Paula A. Sibert
Ms. Tonya Wright
Mrs. Marian J. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Mitchell
Ms. Rebecca M. Hall
Dr. Andrew D. McCarthy
Ms. Melinda Simpkins
Ms. Lacie M. Yacko
Mr. Paul A. Fuld, Jr.
Ms. Lucy J. Mitchell
Ms. Victoria Hammond
Mr. Irvin McClain
Ms. Wendy H. Simpson
Mr. Joel R. Yacks
Mrs. Patricia P. Georgilakis and
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Mitchell
Ms. Christine Harding
Ms. Ruth McCord
Ms. Melissa A. Singleton
Mr. Paul Yankey
Lawrence and Mary Morris
Ms. Margaret Harper
Mr. James McFarlane
Ms. Glory A. Smith
Ms. Kathy M. Yowell
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Gleason
Mr. James Neighoff
Ms. Charlotte Harris
Ms. Carolyn McFillin
Ms. Jessica S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Golabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Neuens
Ms. Michelle Harrison
Ms. Renna McKinney
Mr. Judea A. Smith
Mr. Robert Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Norris, Sr.
Ms. Theresa A. Harrison
Mrs. Sue D. McLaughlin
Ms. Tammy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. North
Ms. Dawn M. Hartsock
Mrs. Patty McNeal
Mrs. Marguerite M. Spies
Queen Anne’s
The Greene Family
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Nulph
Mrs. Ann E. Hash
Mrs. Rose F. Medeiros
Ms. Karen Sproul-Serrano
Emergency Center Giving
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. O’Neill
Ms. Sylvia Hayes
Ms. Tyra R. Meekins
Ms. Sandra Stanco
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Owens
Ms. Nikki Lee Hazel
Mrs. Vonnie J. Mende
Ms. Roxanne A. Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Andahazy
Harry and Millie Guerrieri
Megan Bramble Owings
Ms. Romaine Height
Mrs. Deborah T. Merceron
Ms. Angela Starkie
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Hagert
Mrs. Helen S. Pappas
Mr. Charles W. Henry
Ms. Jennifer L. Messix
Mrs. Patricia Steele
Dorothea Anderson
Clivie C. Haley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Pappas
Mr. F. Bruce Herman
Mrs. Edna Molock
Mrs. Ruth P. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Anthony
Mr. Douglas S. Hamilton
Mr. Karl A. Phillips
Mrs. Robin L. Herman
Ms. Michelle A. Molock
Mrs. Tracy N. Supcoe
Mrs. Patricia G. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pickles
Ms. Rochalla Higdon
Mrs. Patricia Annette Moore
Ms. Mary M. Sutphin
Anna T. Baumann
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Hammer
Mrs. Mary Lou Pierson
Ms. Tracy K. Hindle
Ms. Jennifer L. Mueller
Ms. Michelle M. Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bell
Ms. Phylis B. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Guy D. Pilli
Ms. Carylon Hitch
Mr. William E. Murray
Ms. Carlene L. Taylor
Mr. Robert E. Benton
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Heinz
Dolores H. Pitcher
Mrs. Felicia M. Hitch
Ms. Pamela J. Naumann
Mrs. Danielle S. Thomas
Ms. Barbara Best
Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Heissner
Mr. Charles A. Platzer
Ms. Stephanie L. Hope
Ms. Mary A. Neubeck
Ms. Donna A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blaher
Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Henschen
Mrs. Faye Councell Polillo
Dr. Mary L. Horseman
Ms. Royanda Newcomb
Donsha Thomas
Barbara A. Boone
James and Suzanne Hersh
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Powers
Ms. Nadine Houston
Ms. Sherry Newcomb
Ms. Sherry L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bordley
Mr. and Mrs. August M. Hesse
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Rangs
Ms. Lillian M. Hubbard
Mrs. Mary G. Newell
Tracy Thomas
Mr. Ryan K. Bowlin
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple Rhodes, Jr.
Ms. Kimberly D. Hutchins
Ms. Amanda M. North
Ms. Vanlee A. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bowser, Sr.
Ms. Maryann E. Hirschauer
Dr. Harry C. Rhodes
Ms. Mandy L. Insley
Ms. Megan Novak
Ms. Ruth A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Hoffman
Mr. Robert A. Rhodes
Mrs. Julie R. James
Mr. Corey A. Palmer
Ms. Tenishia J. Tillery
Drs. Martin and Roberta Braun
Ms. Dorothy L. Hoggard
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Richardson
Ms. Nicole Leatherman Janes
Mrs. Roxine W. Palmer
Mrs. Carolyn Timms
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Briggs
Jim and Roni Holthaus
Margaret M. Roberts
Mrs. Theodosious H. Jenkins
Ms. Terri Palmer
Mrs. Barbara A. Todd
Marilyn Benoit and Geoffrey Brown
Mrs. Nina R. Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Robeson
Mrs. Maryanne Jester
Ms. Martha A. Patchett
Mrs. Gail N. Todd
Mr. Perry L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Huck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers
Mr. Kenyon T. Johns
Ms. Samantha Patrick
Mr. Richard Todd
Mrs. Joann F. Calwell
Mrs. Eileen D. Hummel
Ms. Marie V. Roskosky
Mrs. Evette C. Johns-Brown
Ms. Judith L. Paul
Ms. Sarah E. Tolley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll
Mr. Clyde M. Hungerford*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Royer
Ms. Carlotta M. Johnson
Mr. Christopher Pettit
Ms. Monica L. Townsend
Dorothy M. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Hunt, Jr.
Tom and Kelley Schniedwind
Jamie L. Johnson
Ms. Amy L. Peugh
Carol Travers
Mrs. Betty Lou Chafin
Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Insley
Mr. and Mrs. William C Seeds
Ms. Linda V. Johnson
Ms. Mary Ann Pierce
Mrs. Raynette Travers
Ms. Anna V. Cheers
Island Self Storage
Mrs. Carolyn S. Sengstacken
Ms. Phyllis Johnson
Lee A. Pierson
Ms. Sandra L. Travers
Chesapeake Lawn and Landscaping LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Islev-Petersen, Jr.
Mrs. Gladys Q. Shufelt
Mr. Wordell Johnson
Mr. Roger Pinder
Mrs. Mary Alice VanHoy
Chestnut Manor Farms
John A. Grier Typesetter Inc.
Mr. Henry F. Sieradzki, Sr.
Ms. Cynthia L. Jones
Mrs. Patricia P. Plaskon
Mr. Juan Vazquez
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chirumbole
Ms. Jane R. Kaderly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silanskas
Ms. Harriett V. Jones
Mr. Dwayne R. Potts
Ms. Elizabeth J. Verplank
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl L. Chronister
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaljee
Mr. Brendan P. Smith
Mrs. Rebecca L. Jones
Ms. Amalia Punzo
Mr. Richard A. Wales
The Hon. and Mrs. John T. Clark, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Snyder
Mr. Roland E. Jones
Ms. June G. Purnell
Ms. Deandra l. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Clevenger
Mr. and Mrs. A. Grier C. Kelly, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth S. Stehle
Ms. Lashonda Kane
Okima A. Rahim
Mr. Dionne N. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Cockey
Mrs. Lenore T. Kilby
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield H. Stewart
Mr. C. S. Georgilakis
Ms. Charlstine Foreman
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stock
Kathleen A. Frederick
Edison Bowens
Charles Crosby
Hyman N. Firstman
Audrey Lord
Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Stonebraker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Frederick, Sr.
Mrs. E. Marie McGrath Bowens
Ms. Barbara A. McCurdy
The Firstman Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McGinn
Ms. Ellen Sulerzyski
Trisha Ireland
Albert Brenner
Edmund A. Cutts
Philip K. Foster
Loretta and Walter Styczynski
Gerardo and Tineke Tan
Angela Fleetwood
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bishop, Jr.
Ms. Virginia C. Erickson
Mr. Philip Carey Foster
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Heinz
Dr. John P. Knud-Hansen
Charles W. Burton
Alan Dahlbom
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Friel
Charles Madary
Scott Zimmerman
Mrs. Virginia Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Hagert
The Friel Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Reed Madary, Jr.
The Julia T. Burleigh Philanthropic Fund
Ramesh Kolli
Jane S. Cassidy
Carl Dahlbom
S. E. Friel
Carl Marsh
Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Thomas
Malesardi Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Hagert
The Friel Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Maxine S. Marsh
Mrs. Joan C. Studnicky
Mr. Ronald I. Taylor and
Ms. Anita L. Snyder
The Bernard and Betty Hardesty
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Ayers, IV
Annual Report 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Thompson
Mr. Benjamin C. Tilghman, Jr.
Teresa Manship
Mrs. Anne G. Baker
Brian Dickey
Matthew J. Fuhrman
Robert Martino
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Tobin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Florkewicz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence C. Burke
Mr. Alan H. Dickey
Ms. Denise A. Troll
Mrs. Jacqueline Martino
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Butler
Mrs. Barbara A. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S Tompkins
Curtis Nelson
Capitol Paving of D.C., Inc.
Henry Dierker
Otis Gibbs
Gene Merriken
Jean and Ray Travis
Sandra L. Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cashen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Asche
Ms. Michelan D. Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Merriken, Jr.
Ms. Stephanie A. Comella
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bell
Tri J Corporation Ms. Denise A. Troll
Queenstown Community
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Comello
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson T. Bramble
Dorothy M. Gill
Mabel I. Merriken
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Vanmeter
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Hill
Comfort Keepers
Mrs. Charmayne S. Dierker
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Hunt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Merriken, Jr.
Ms. Nancy J. Culotta and Ms. Kathy Reilly
Elliott/Wilson Trucks
VFW Memorial Post No. 7464
Rajacich Family
Dr. Margaret M. Culotta-Norton, DDS
Mr. George F. Harrison
Bernard Gillespie
Sidney Mielke
Mrs. Mary Lou Walters
Mrs. Ellen Rajacich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Daniels, III
Ms. Theresa A. Harrison
Mr. Patrick Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple Rhodes, Jr.
Dembo, Jones, Healy, Pennington
Mr. William C. Hickson
Mr. and Mrs. Gustave A. Wedin Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Weese
The Emergency Room Staff of MHE
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hynson
Denise O. Griffin
Winnie Mielke
Michele and John Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Doetzer
Mr. and Mrs. Julius O. Koch
Mr. William P. Griffin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple Rhodes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kowalski
Ms. Erla M. Whittington
& Marshall, P.C.
Kathleen Wicker
W. E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Franke, III
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Miller Jr.
Kenneth Haddaway
Lillian Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wilcox, Jr.
Island Self Storage
Mrs. Shirley S. Gooch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Neighoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Clevenger
Mrs. Ann C. Anthony*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keegan
Mr. Alvin Stafford
Kathleen C. Wendowski
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Kehoe
Mrs. Edna H. Sutton
Edward Hagert
Chief Petty Officers Assoc.
Mr. Tom Wendowski
Mr. and Mrs. George Kettell
Willard Agri Service of Lynch, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Hagert
Mrs. Alice V. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bell
Mrs. Rebecca A. Eason
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leonard Matching Gifts
J. W. Whalen
Lipscomb Pitts Insurance
Penny M. Dietz
Jane Henry
Mr. Gary R. Harmon and Ms. Theresa V.
The Whalen Company
General and Mrs. John Michael Loh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bathrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Marmelstein
Mr. Peter M. Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bumstead
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Jackson, Jr.
These companies provided matching gifts to donations made by members of their
David Whitby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Downs, Jr.
Jean Ewing Love
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Jordan
company programs:
Island Self Storage
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McGuinness
Mr. William W. Duncan
Mrs. Margaret Ann Robinson
Mrs. Joan McAllister
Mid Shore Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Pender
Mr. Richard B. Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Seger
Rev. Clarence P. Moore
RBC Wealth Management
Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes
Mr. W. Thomas Fountain
Ms. Elizabeth A. Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Heiss
Joan Holliday
Mrs. Shirley B. Petrie
Ms. Helen M. Toomey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higham
Ms. Eva M. Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Royden N. Powell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wigmore, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. David Hill
GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Gifts In Honor of
Terry D. Anderson
Mrs. Margaret G. Quimby
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Keen
Thomas Hughes
Mrs. Kathryn M. Ravelo Dr. Harry C. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Haymaker, Jr.
Hoyt B. Chapin
Mr. Alfred F. King III
Mrs. R. Carmichael Tilghman
All Veterans
Mrs. Betty Lou Chafin
Dr. and Mrs. Garey L. Kostens
Robert Joseph Hummel
Veterans of Foreign Wars #7460
Rory Askins
Mrs. Judith Arnold Madole
Mrs. Eileen D. Hummel
Mr. David W. Milligan
Pearlie M. Claggett
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Meredith
James H. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Guy D. Ostrander
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Davidson
Lloyd L. Beatty
Ms. Lillie P. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Perry
James E. Hunter
Mr. John M. Touchard
Mr. L. Stephen Satchell
Ms. Lelia M. Hunter
Frank P. Ciocci
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael Wyatt
Dean E. Clark
Mrs. Eunice B. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Koch
Mrs. Marion A. Clark
Ms. Sandra Olavsrud Smith
Calvin Johnson
Mr. L. S. Holzhalb and
Ann W. Beaven
Tred Avon Yacht Club, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Reinhardt O. Sahmel
Dr. Dennis M. De Shields
Ms. Phyllis B. Pensel
Mary Bishop
John W. Dillon
Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Bishop Tad Borz
Elizabeth Lennox Charli Franks Dr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Franks
Dr. and Mrs. Melbourne F. Giberson
Henrietta Moritz
Preston C. Creighton Mrs. Susie Creighton-Embert
Ms. Jane R. Kaderly William A. Perry Ms. Julie A. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jones Donald Dragon
Herbert O. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Opel
Mrs. Arlene C. Dragon
Craig and Patti Willis
Mr. and Mrs. William Riley
Melvin F. Edwards
Mary D. Loftus
Mrs. Mildred F. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Loftus
Talbot Rod & Gun Club
Barbara A. Cox Mr. Robert W. Cox
Malesardi Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Valainis
Charles and Elizabeth Conway Mrs. Jacqueline Martino
Angela Fleetwood
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce V. Try
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Wieland, IV
The Talbot Bank *deceased
Donald and Ruth Ann Walls
Annual Report 2011
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Andrew Rangs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod D. Gates
Medical Directors, UM ESEMN, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Rangs
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham
Michael Joyce,MD; Salvatore
Robert L. Carmean
Dr. and Mrs. H. Gilmore Gregg
Verteramo, MD & Jane Wang, MD
Cowdrey Thompson,
Creighton Rhodes
Mrs. Nancy S. Holt
Miles and Stockbridge Foundation
Dr. Harry C. Rhodes
Ms. Sarah Elliott King
Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Monte
Easton Bank & Trust Co.
A Professional Corporation
Al and Evelyn Leszczynski
Dr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moran
Easton Hospitality II, LLC/
Mabel Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lytell
MTS Broadcasting 107.1 The Duck,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple Rhodes, Jr.
Marshy Hope Family Services LLC
100.9 Pure Country, and
Easton Utilities Commission
106.3 The Heat
HKS Architects
Holiday Inn Express
Dick and Jean Mattingley
Temple Rhodes
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Mautz
Dr. Lois Narr
Dr. H. Laura Jin and Dr. Y. Robert Ding
Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple Rhodes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. O’Hara
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Newmier
Ona M. Kareiva, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Seger
The Orthopedic Center
Mid-Shore Women’s Health, LLC
Peggy Shaw Rosato
Mrs. Helen F. Shehan
Dr. M.S. Shariff
Bill and Judy Munn
Edward J. Rosato, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorhead Vermilye
Kenneth L. Rosette
Drs. Charles and Ann Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Rosette Grace M. Watson Hedwig Sahmel
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lashuk
Dr. and Mrs. Reinhardt O. Sahmel Wayne Wicker Viola Salmond
Kathleen Wicker Bobby E. Williams
Robert Sampson
Ms. Carrie A. Sampson
Mr. Algie Sampson Agnes Wolf Lenette D. Satchell
Mrs. Barbara A. Todd
Mr. Peter M. Dietz Judge and Mrs. Carville D. Duncan, Jr.
William B. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harding
Morgan B. Schiller Mrs. R. Carmichael Tilghman
David L. Yoss Mr. and Mrs. John Freitagw
Robert M. Schroder
George E. Adams Choptank Animal Hospital –
Joanna McCoy & Ken Burgoyne
Drs. Dennis and Mary DeShields Dr. & Mrs. Michael Fadden Marlene & G. Philip Feldman Erin & John Giza Dr. Kenneth P. Judd, MD, Ph.D.
FUNDRAISing EVENTS 2011 An Evening Luau for Dorchester General Hospital
Mrs. Gladys Q. Shufelt Platinum Sponsor: W. P. Starkey Starkey Foundation Walter A. Susini Harry and Ruth Susini
Mr. Otis Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loeffler Ken & Leslie Mann Mid-Shore Pulmonary Associates Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Mitchell Karol B. Redline Mr. & Mrs. Valentin Samborschi Premier Wireless Solutions Ms. Theda W. Stubbs Talbot Dermatology
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Drews Charles B. Evans Ms. Jane J. Fargo Mr. Peter T. Funke
at Easton
MidShore Surgical Eye Center
Brant, PA-C
Mr. and Mrs. Winston L. Chance
The Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital
Widgeon Foundation, Inc.
Andrew Goddard and Jennifer Goddard
Captain’s Ketch Seafood, Inc.
Presenting Sponsor:
Medical Staff of Shore Health System
CW Transport, LLC
Mrs. Nancy L. Banfield
Cancer Center
Presidential Sponsor:
Delmarva Radiology
Grace F. Watkins
to benefit Shore Regional
Gold Sponsor:
Dorothy J. Thomas
Mrs. Margaret Ann Upaul
2010 Step Up for the Hospital
Dorchester General Hospital Foundation
Silver Sponsor:
Paul Upaul
Patrons: Chesapeake Bay Orthopedics, PC Eastern Shore Oncology N. Bryson Goss Arthur and Karen Oertel
Vice Presidential Sponsor: The Medical Staff of Shore Health System Miles & Stockbridge Foundation, Inc. Senatorial:
Bronze Sponsor:
Delmarva Radiology
AIM Transport
Leslie Emmert-Buck, MD and
Dr. & Mrs. William Bair
Cambridge Family Eye Care - Dr. Paul Brant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Granville
Dr. R. Duane Cespedes
Leach Wallace Associates, Inc.
Delmarva Power
Dr. Sharon Liu and Dr. John Serino
Dr. Paul Dyer & Dr. Alden James
Christy and Hamish Osborne
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Effron
Jack and Susan Stoltz
Law Office of Michael C. Maloney
In Honor of Dr. Michael Moran
John J. Roberts
2010 Golf Tournament for Cancer Services Presenting Sponsor: Pepsi Bottling Ventures of Salisbury MD Masters Sponsor: Clark Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Derrick Shindler, MD
teed up for cancer services The Shore Bancshares foursome placed 1st place in the gross category at the
Eagle Sponsor: The Auxiliary of the Memorial
Mrs. Helen F. Shehan R. Lennon Shufelt
Tri-Gas & Oil, Co., Inc.
& Edgar Peithman, PA-C
Mrs. Sheila S. Lanahan
Mrs. Jean M. Schroder Susan G. Shehan
Mr. Gilbert C. Salmond
Hospital at Easton
Shore Health System 2010 Golf Invitational to benefit Shore Regional Cancer Center. Pictured are (left to right) Butch Townsend, tournament chair, Scott
Beatty, Moorhead Vermilye, Vice Chair of the Memorial Hospital Foundation,
Birdie Sponsor:
and Will Shannahan.
KPMG Patron Sponsor: Thomas E. Hill
2011 Our Roots are Planted for a Shore Future for the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center
Tee Sponsor: Best Care Ambulance, Inc.
Platinum Sponsor:
Eastern Shore Oncology
Maryland Emergency Medicine Network
Sharon Carrick David & June Clark
Gardner Construction LLC HKS Architects
Gold Sponsor:
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Clark III
Provident State Bank
University of Maryland Medical System
Edward M. Dickie Patricia J. Eberly
Reliable Pest Control ROI Eligibility Services, Corp.
Silver Sponsor:
Dennis Galanis
Smith & Downey
Maryland Primary Care Physicians
Helena & Robert Joy
The Talbot Bank
Priceless Industries – Sharon Dobson
Marjory Lee
Whiting-Turner Company
Karen & Art Oertel Pixel Print & Post
Bronze Sponsor:
Charles Platzer
Chester River Health System
Harry C. Rhodes
Robert A. Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cusimano, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Silanskas
Kent Island B.P.O.E #2576
Joan C. Studnicky
Senator & Mrs. E. J. Pipkin Tri-Gas & Oil
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Ed and Andy Smith
John D. Hynes & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cover
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios Kaouris
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Covey
Mr. Edward L. Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Strong, III
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas V. Croker III
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Suter, Sr.
Jim and Betty Crothers
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaspar
Mr. John Swaine, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. James Crowle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Keller
The Talbot Bank
Joan and Richard Crowley
Capt. and Mrs. Fred K. Kieser
The Whalen Company
D. C. Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kimberly
Dr. James B. Thomas
Mr. Hugh C. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Kingman
Mr. and Mrs. James Thorington II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Daspit
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kinnamon
Mrs. R. Carmichael Tilghman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Deakins
Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus M. Todd
Susan and Dick Deerin
Dr. John P. Knud-Hansen
Mr. John M. Touchard
Delmarva Laser Eye Center
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Koole
Mr.* and Mrs. Barclay H. Trippe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Denton
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Larrimore, Jr.
Sam and Rosemary Trippe
Mr. and Mrs. C. Leroy Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Leary
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Tulloch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Draut
Al and Evelyn Leszczynski
Rob and Randi Turner
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade Dudrow
Mr. Frank H. Libman
Mrs. Margaret Ann Upaul
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Lowman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorhead Vermilye
Mr. William W. Duncan
Mr. Philip L. Mackie
Veterans of Foreign Wars #7460
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Earp
Mr. and Mrs. C. Reed Madary, Jr.
William and Clarissa Vowler
Mr. Richard B. Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Makosky
Mr. and Mrs. Mareen D. Waterman
Mr. William N. Embert
Mrs. Jacqueline Martino
Dr. Corinda S. Waters
Mrs. Marie Fernandez
Maryland Dental Hygienist’s Association
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. S. Waxter
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Masters
Drs. Charles and Ann Webb
Angela Fleetwood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCrone
Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Flynn, Sr.
Ms. Barbara A. McCurdy
Miss E. Jayne Wesley
Mr. Philip Carey Foster
Mrs. Carol M. McGowan
Mrs. Jean E. Wheeler
Mr. W. Thomas Fountain
Admiral and Mrs. Kinnaird McKee
David and Evelyn Will
Charles and Iris Fricker
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. McLane
Craig and Patti Willis
Mr. Peter T. Funke
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Meredith
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard E. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Merriken, Jr.
William and Lois Yeager
The 2011 spring fundraiser, “Our Roots are Planted for a Shore Future,” held at Hunter’s Oak, was planned by (left to
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Millar
right), front row, Sharon Dobson, Bobbie Cusimano, Isabel Cusimano, Kim Kratovil and Diane Pappas; middle row,
Mrs. Sylvia H. Garrett
Monet Family Fund of the Community
Friend’s Society - ($1 - $99)
Dr. and Mrs. Melbourne F. Giberson
Foundation of New Jersey
Mrs. Nancy L. Banfield
Mr. and Mrs. David B Gill
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Murray
Pat and Grif Bates
Mr. Patrick Gillespie
Mrs. Alcmene V. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bathrick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Gipe
Mrs. Nancy M. Novey
Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Batson
Mrs. Madeline D. Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Oskin
Jack and Carolyn Batty
Annual Report 2011
Mr. J. B. Jarrell, Jr.
Rev. Robert E. Coine
a shore future in queen anne’s county Over $1 million has been raised by community supporters for equipment used at the Queen Anne’s Emergency Center.
Diana Carlson, Laurie Reider Lewis, Merry Tobin and Marian Waterman; back row, Barbara Siegert with committee co-chairs Alisa Pipkin and Kathy Deoudes.
Dr. Ona M. Kareiva
Annual fund giving
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Cecil, III
Rabbi and Mrs. Donald R. Berlin
Mrs. Myra S. Goldgeier
Overeaters Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Beacham
Dalton Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Berry, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passarella
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Betz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Granville
Mr. and Mrs. Marion W. Bevard, Sr.
Mr. William G. Greenly
Professional Management, Inc.
Ms. Doris L. Beulah
J. McKenny Willis, Jr. Society - ($25,000 +)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Meyerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bishop, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. H. Gilmore Gregg
Ms. Jamesene A. Randall
Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Bishop
Dorothy A. Metcalf Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Monte
Dewey E. and Connie T. Blades
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Guidera
Mrs. Martha M. Read
Sandra L. Blevins
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Munn
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bohan
Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton
Mrs. Norma M. Redele’
Mr. and Mrs. C. Leslie Booze
Russell J. & Margaret B. Ferree Society -
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Peck
Mrs. Joan R. Bolling
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bordley
Mrs. Jennifer Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Bolton
Ms. Lana W. Harding
Dr. Harry C. Rhodes
Mrs. Delores J. Bowens
Mr. Thomas O. Stanley
Curtis and Brynja Booth
Harmony Farms, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riter
Mrs. E. Marie McGrath Bowens
Mrs. Margaret B. Ferree*
The Firstman Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Bounds
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Harvey
Thomas and Barbara Roberts
Mr. R. Dale Boyd
The Frederick W. Richmond Foundation
Ms. Gina Maria Brent
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hazen
Jim and Marjorie Robfogel
Ms. Ruth D. Braxton
Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bright
Mr. Thomas C. Hazen
Mrs. Margaret Ann Robinson
Mrs. Grace E. Brey
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Hendon
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Russell
Ken and Ardy Bridges
($10,000 - $24,999)
Sustainer’s Society - ($2,500 - $4,999) Malesardi Family Foundation Mrs. Ellen Rajacich
Compassionate Aid Society - ($100 - $999)
Mr. Norman H. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Brodell
The Hockmeyer Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Abruzzese
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bumstead
The Hermitage Trust
Mrs. Sara B. Ryan
Mr.* and Mrs. George H. Brower
Tri-Gas & Oil Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Andrew, III
Mr. John C. Butner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Herson
Dr. and Mrs. Reinhardt O. Sahmel
Mrs. Jeannie C. Brower
Mr.* and Mrs. Josef William Wilke
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Andrew
Mr. Donald M. Butterworth
Thomas and Catherine Hill
Mr. L. Stephen Satchell
William and Lorraine Bruckner
Benefactor’s Society - ($1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Anthony
Robert and Shirley Byrnes
Hill’s Drug Store, Inc.
Mr. William Shakespeare, Jr.
Dillard and Georgia Bryant
Katherine R. Adler, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Awalt
Mr. and Mrs. B. Vance Carmean, Jr.
Mrs. Martha F. Horner
Mrs. Helen F. Shehan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Buczek
Bonnie L. Hilghman Cancer Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Carraher
Mrs. Nina R. Houghton
Barbara and Mike Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Kitridge A. Buritsch
Mr. Charles T. Capute
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Baumann
Chesapeake College
Mrs. Hilda Hrechun
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Burton
Carmean Grain, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bennett
Mrs. Jean R. Child
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hynson, Jr.
Dave and Suzanne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Butler, Sr.
The Hon. and Mrs. John T. Clark, III
Annual Report 2011
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Captain’s Ketch Seafood, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Haymaker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Nolker
Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad A. Ullah
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weinstein
Ms. Adele C. Wilson
The Hon. and Mrs. Earl F. Capuano
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Heiss
Mrs. Jeanette M. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Valliant
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wells
Les and Maureen Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester K. Helminiak
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. VanGilder
Mr. Tom Wendowski
Robert J. and Mary Ann Wood
Ralph and Patricia Case
Mrs. Hannah R. Henry
Drs. Roger and Elizabeth Orsini
Mr. Glenn C. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Whiteley
Mr.* and Mrs. Michael Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ollie Caulk
Dr. and Mrs. W. David Hill
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Pagenstecher
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador B. Waller
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williams
Scott Zimmerman
Ms. Essie M. Cephas
Mrs. Lillian S. Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. D. Steven Walls
Ms. Lillie P. Williams
Mrs. Lula R. Zlock
Will and Judith Chambers
Mrs. Sylvia K. Holland
Mrs. Willie M. Pauls
Mr. and Mrs. Winston L. Chance
Mrs. Nancy S. Holt
Mr. Royce A. Peabody
Ms. Thelma M. Cheers
Mr. Conrad F. Horney, Sr.
Ms. Phyllis B. Pensel
Mr. Franklin R. Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Hoxter
Mr. Eugene M. Pfeifer
Mrs. Marion A. Clark
Ms. Lelia M. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Prahl
Dave and Loy Cook
Mrs. Beverly Huxster
Mr. and Mrs. Marion R. Propst
Ms. Louise Copper
Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Insley
Queenstown Lions Club
Mrs. Grace L. Covington
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel E. Jackson
Mrs. Mary G. Quick
Mr. J. Gary Cox
William and Debra Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rankin, Jr.
Mrs. Susie Creighton-Embert
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brooks Jansen
Ms. Karol B. Redline
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Davidson
Mrs. Betty J. Jones
Ms. Lynne L. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Davidson
Jerome and Lydia Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. William Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Davis
Wayne and Willa Jane Kellenbenz
Mr. and Mrs. Salvator James Rizzo
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman DeMaris
Mr. Dale R. Kellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Dembo
Mr. Robert E. Kelley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robinson
Mrs. Loistine P. Dennis
Mrs. Evelyn M. Keys
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph C. Rogge
Mr. Alan H. Dickey
Ms. Sarah Elliott King
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Rosette
Ms. Joan M. Dickson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kingsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Rossi
Eric and Paula Dise
Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Klages
Harold and Eleanor Ruark
Mr. Kenneth M. Dittrich
Mr. Alan E. Kleppinger
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Runnels
Dorchester General Hospital. Proceeds from the DGH Luau will fund a palliative care suite for terminally ill patients and
Lewis and Ann Doom
Dr. and Mrs. Garey L. Kostens
Mr. Gilbert C. Salmond
their loved ones. Showing off their tropical finery are Luau Committee members (left to right) Alma Colburn, Lois Narr, DO,
Mrs. Arlene C. Dragon
Ms. Eva M. Lake
Mr. Algie Sampson
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Drews
Mr. Denis L. Lamparter
Ms. Carrie A. Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Omer G. Dulin, Jr.
Mr. David L. Lampert
Mrs. Carlene G. Schmick
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Dungan
Mrs. Sheila S. Lanahan*
Mrs. Jean M. Schroder
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Dunner
Mr. Kim A. Leatherman
Mrs. Emily H. Schubert
William and Sally Dunton
Robert and Suzann Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Seger
Mrs. Patricia J. Eberly
Mrs. Carolyn L. Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Shanks
Mrs. Mildred F. Edwards
Jean Ewing Love
Mrs. Eunice B. Shearer
Mr. W. Porter Ellington
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lytell
Mrs. Reed Shoemaker
Charles B. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Colin N. Macindoe
Tom and Nancy Sinnott
Ms. Jane J. Fargo
Mrs. Judith Arnold Madole
Ms. Sandra Olavsrud Smith
Robert and Susan Feldhuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Marshall
Mr. Sonny Sollars
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Firth
Marshy Hope Family Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Spedden
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mathena
Mrs. Gertrude E. Spiering
Mrs. Joyce S. Flamer
Dick and Jean Mattingley
Mrs. Ann M. Sprinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Florkewicz, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Mautz
Mrs. Marion W. Staber
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Fluharty, Jr.
Mrs. JoAnne P. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Stant
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell O. Foxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McGinn
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Steffens
Mrs. Kathleen A. Francis
Mr. George S. McManus
Mrs. Theda Warren Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Frederick, Sr.
Charles and Janice McNeal
Mrs. Agnes L. Sturtz
Mr. and Mrs. John Freitag
Mrs. Mary Margaret McQuay
Harry and Ruth Susini
Ms. Georgine M. Garbisch
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mease
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Switzer
Mr. James D. Gardner
Bette and Frank Meyerle
Talbot Hospice Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. MacLeod D. Gates
Mr. David M. Meyers
Ms. Goldie Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Goedeke, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Miller III
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Goll
Mr. David W. Milligan
Ms. Joanna Lloyd Tilghman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gore
Mrs. Louise Mills
Mr. Kenneth W. Tindall
Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Gouge, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moose
Mrs. Margaret L. Tomlinson
Mr.* and Mrs. W. Allen Greiner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Moran III
Tred Avon Yacht Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin
Lawrence and Mary Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Trego, Jr.
Oliver and Regina Grogan
Ms. Susanne G. Mothershead
Richard C. and Marian B. Trippe
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hahn
Mrs. Betty B. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Trumbore
Mr. and Mrs. Elden B. Hartshorn
Mark and Eugenia Newberg
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Tucker
NOTE: The Memorial Hospital Foundation makes every effort to ensure that this tribute to donors is accurate. If there is an error, please contact the Foundation office at 410-822-1000, X 5915
A magical evening hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Michael Moran raised money that will benefit families facing the end of life at
Kathy Effron, RN, Rosa Mateo, MD, Rose Joyce, Kim Bair, RN, Kirsten Strohmer, Jennifer Brant, PA-C, and Lorrie Moran.
Caring for families at the end of life
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Medical Executive Committee
Pictured are (below, left to right) Lakshmi Vaidyanathan, MD; Bruce Helmly, MD; Dennis De Shields, MD; Dennis Forbes, MD; Elizabeth Mason, MD; Christopher Levey, MD; Brendon Paltoo, MD; Mark Malkus, MD; Salvatore Verteramo, MD; Myron Szczukowski, Jr., MD; and Patrick O’Brien, MD. Unavailable for photo: Philip Bowman, MD; John Foley, MD; and Susan Forlifer, MD.
Annual Report 2011
In order to create, artists need vision. They look at the world with fresh eyes, always reaching for something that others cannot yet see. The board members and physician leaders who co-create Shore Health System’s vision play a similar role for health care in our community. They look into the future and challenge the Senior Leadership Team to achieve standards of care that meet the needs of residents today and for generations to come. 39
Memorial Hospital Foundation Board of Directors Charles Capute, Chair; W. Moorhead Vermilye, Vice Chairman; Keith McMahan, Secretary; Walter Zajac, Treasurer; Douglas Croker; Delia Denny; William H. Munn; C.E. “Ted” Peck; Joseph Shultz; Kenneth D. Kozel, President and CEO, Shore Health System
Care Health Services Board of Directors Caroline County Health Department: Becky Loukides; Dorchester County Health Department: Roger Harrell; Talbot County
Shore Health System Board of Directors
Health Department: Kathy Foster; Shore Health System: Rita Holley, Director, Shore Home Care and Hospice; Gary Jones,
Pictured are (left to right), front row, Martha Russell, Treasurer; Robert Chrencik, President and CEO, University of
Director, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Services; Kenneth D. Kozel, President and CEO; Chris Parker, MSN, RN, Senior
Maryland Medical System; Phyllis Matthai, Assistant Secretary; Neil Mufson; and Charles Lea, Jr., Vice Chair; second row,
Vice President, Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer; Lakshmi Vaidyanathan, MD, Medical Director, Shore
John Ashworth, III, Senior Vice President, Network Development, University of Maryland Medical System; David Milligan;
Home Care and Hospice; Walter Zajac, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.
John Dillon, Chair; Jerry Walsh, Interim President and CEO, Shore Health System; Richard Loeffler, Vice Chair; Michael Joyce, MD; and Michael Moran, MD; back row, Jack Stoltz; Walter Zajac, Assistant Treasurer; James Peterson; Robert
Shore Clinical Foundation Board of Directors
Carmean; Joseph Shultz, Memorial Hospital Auxiliary representative; and Stuart Bounds, Secretary. Unavailable for the
Elizabeth Draper Brice, Chairman; Pam Fleckenstein, Secretary; Frank Adams, Treasurer; Henry Leonard, III;
photo: Ludwig Eglseder, III, MD; Marlene Feldman; Keith A. McMahan; Vera Block, Dorchester General Hospital Auxiliary
Debbie Cannon, Director, Physician Relations and Clinic Services; Jonathan Cook, Vice President, Physician Services;
representative; Myron Szczukowski, Jr., MD, Chief of Staff, Memorial Hospital; Eugene Newmier, DO, Chief of Staff,
Kenneth D. Kozel, President and CEO; Walter Zajac, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Dorchester General Hospital; Jackalyn Noller, Dorchester General Hospital Community Association representative; and Leanne Allen, Memorial Hospital Association representative.
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Accreditations &Memberships
Financial Report Annual Report 2011
Shore Health System and its members and affiliates take pride in our many
accreditations and memberships. Fiscal Year July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011 (in thousands)
Net Patient Revenues
Other Operating Revenue
Net Operating Revenue
The Joint Commission – The Memorial
Hospital at Easton
The Joint Commission - Dorchester General
The Joint Commission - Shore Home Care
Expenses Salaries/Benefits
Depreciation/Amortization Interest Other Operating Expenses Total Expenses
Home Health and Hospice
The Joint Commission – Shore Health
System Surgery Center
Magnet® Recognition from the American
Nurses Credentialing Center - Shore Health System
Commission on Cancer of the American Net Results Net Operating Profit Non-Operating Revenue Total Net Income
College of Surgeons – Shore Regional
Cancer Program
Commission on Accreditation of
Rehabilitation Facilities – Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation
American Diabetes Association – Memorial Hospital Statistics
Dorchester General Hospital
Queen Anne’s Emergency Center
SHS Surgical Center
University of Maryland Center for
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Patient Days
National Committee for Quality Assurance
Recognition Program – University of
Avg Length of Stay (days)
Maryland Center for Diabetes
Avg Daily Census
and Endocrinology
Ambulatory Surgeries
Inpatient Surgeries
Services Systems - Primary Stroke Center
designation for The Memorial Hospital
at Easton
Emergency room visits Births
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical
National Children’s Alliance - Talbot County
Services Systems - Memorial Hospital
Children’s Advocacy Center at The
and Dorchester General Hospital
Memorial Hospital at Easton
Emergency Department Base Stations
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical
Services Systems - Shore Health System
The American Hospital Association
EMS Training Center
The Maryland Hospital Association
FY2010 FY2011
American College of Radiology for
The American Medical Rehabilitation
ultrasound (Memorial Hospital,
Dorchester General Hospital,
Association of Community Cancer Centers
Diagnostic and Imaging Center);
The Caroline County Chamber of Commerce
mammography (Memorial Hospital,
The Talbot County Chamber of Commerce
Dorchester General Hospital, Diagnostic
The Queen Anne’s County Chamber
and Imaging Center, Denton and
Centreville); MRI and CT (Diagnostic
The Dorchester County Chamber
and Imaging Center)
Providers Association
of Commerce
of Commerce
Food and Drug Administration
The Kent County Chamber of Commerce
The Maryland Healthcare Ethics
Mammography Quality Standards Act
American Association of Cardiovascular
The Hospice and Palliative Care Network
and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
College of American Pathologists
Committee Network
of Maryland
State of Maryland Laboratory Licensure Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) American Association of Blood Banks
Shore Health System complies with all
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
applicable federal and state agency codes
Intersocietal Commission for the
and regulations, specifically the Americans
with Disabilities Act, the United States
Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories
Intersocietal Commission for the
Environmental Protection Agency, the State
Accreditation of Echocardiography
of Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, the Occupational Safety
College of Pastoral Supervision
and Health Administration, and the Food
and Drug Administration.
and Psychotherapy
Attachment TL1j Shore Health System Annual Report 2011
Contact Us Annual Report 2011
Antithrombosis Services Clinic Memorial Hospital: X 5283 Balance Center 15 Sunburst Center, Cambridge 410-221-0029 Shore Health System
219 S. Washington Street Easton, Maryland 21601 410-822-1000
42 300 Byrn Street Cambridge, Maryland 21613 410-228-5511 TDD 410-228-7685
Cardiology Dorchester General Hospital: X 8367 Memorial Hospital: X 5805 Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-827-3805 Center for Cardio-Pulmonary Fitness and Wellness Dorchester General Hospital: X 8201 Memorial Hospital: X 5208
The Memorial Hospital at Easton
219 S. Washington Street Easton, Maryland 21601 410-822-1000 TDD 410-820-5704
Center for Integrative Medicine 607-B Dutchman’s Lane Easton, Maryland 21601 410-770-9400 Child Development Center Memorial Hospital: X 5922
Queen Anne’s Emergency Center
115 Shoreway Drive Queenstown, Maryland 21658 410-827-3900
Memorial Hospital Foundation
121 Federal Street, Suite 2 Easton, Maryland 21601 410-822-1000, X 5763
Critical Care University Graduate University
219 S. Washington Street Easton, Maryland 21601 410-822-1000, X 5357
Community Wide Access (patient scheduling) 410-820-6505 410-822-1000, X 2600 410-228-5511, X 2600 Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services Inpatient Services: Dorchester General Hospital: X 8363 Memorial Hospital: X 5532 Requard Center for Acute Rehabilitation, Memorial Hospital: X 5845 Outpatient Services: 15 Sunburst Center, Cambridge 410-221-0029 920 Market Street, Denton 410-479-3300 10B Martin Court, Easton 410-822-3080 Shore Medical Pavilion, 125 Shoreway Drive Suite 280, Queenstown 410-827-3818
Regional Sleep Disorders Center Dorchester General Hospital: X 2182 Memorial Hospital: X 5338
Dialysis Vascular Access Clinic Memorial Hospital: X 5067 Digestive Health Center 511 Idlewild Avenue Easton, Maryland 21601 410-820-8838 Endoscopy Services Dorchester General Hospital: X 8336 Joint Replacement Center Memorial Hospital: X 5406 1-877-245-1026 Kidney Transplant Clinic Memorial Hospital: X 5050 Neurodiagnostic Services Memorial Hospital: X 5824 Nutrition Center Dorchester General Hospital: X 8474 Memorial Hospital: X 5339 Patient and Family Advocate Dorchester General Hospital: X 5828 Memorial Hospital: X 5828 Patient Financial Services (Billing) For in person payments and assistance: 29515 Canvasback Drive Easton, Maryland 21601 For mailing payments: Memorial Hospital 219 S. Washington Street Easton, Maryland 21601 For telephone assistance: 410-822-1000, X 1020 800-876-3364
Regional Swallowing Center 10B Martin Court, Easton 410-822-3080
Shore Physician Services Chesapeake Ear, Nose &Throat 29466 Pintail Drive Suite 3, Easton Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-820-9119
Respiratory Care/Pulmonary Function Services Dorchester General Hospital: X 8367 Memorial Hospital: X 5810
Chesapeake Neurological Surgery 401 Purdy Street Suite 204, Easton 410-820-9117
Shore Behavioral Health Services Dorchester General Hospital: Inpatient services: X 8120 Outpatient services: X 2147 Substance abuse program: X 2100
Shore Comprehensive Urology 505 Dutchman’s Lane Building A, Easton 2 Aurora Street, Cambridge Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-820-0560
Memorial Hospital: Substance abuse program: X 5452 Shore Health Laboratories Memorial Hospital Dorchester General Hospital 15 Sunburst Center, Cambridge 2540 Centreville Road, Centreville 838 S. 5th Avenue Street, Denton 10 Martin Court, Easton Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-820-9355 Shore Health System Surgery Center 6 Caulk Lane, Easton 410-822-5559 Shore Home Care Home Health, Hospice and Lifeline Services 121 Federal Street Suite 3, Easton 410-820-6052 800-542-5005
Shore Family Practice 2540 Centreville Road, Centreville 410-758-3877 Shore Family Medicine 836 S. 5th Avenue, Denton 410-479-5900
Shore Surgical Care 505 Dutchman’s Lane Building B, Easton Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-822-4553 Shore Regional Breast Center Memorial Hospital: 410-820-9400 Shore Regional Cancer Center Requard Radiation Oncology Center Lenny Satchell Chemotherapy Suite 509 Idlewild Avenue, Easton 410-820-6800
Dorchester General Hospital
Birthing Center Memorial Hospital: X 5700
Diagnostic and Imaging Centers Dorchester General Hospital: X 8350 Memorial Hospital: X 5678 2540 Centreville Road, Centreville 410-758-0011 838 S. 5th Avenue, Denton 410-479-3510 10 Martin Court, Easton 410-820-7778 Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-827-3811
Shore Wellness Partners 505 Byrn Street, Cambridge 410-228-7797 Shore Works Occupational Health Services 2 Aurora Street, Cambridge 410-228-5511, X 8470 Shore Medical Pavilion, 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-822-1000 X 8470
Shore Gynecology 401 Purdy Street Suite 203, Easton Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-822-7040
Spiritual Care and Clinical Ethics Memorial Hospital: X 5259 Dorchester General Hospital: X 5259 University of Maryland Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology at Shore Health System Memorial Hospital: X 5757
Shore Neurology and Sleep 522 Cynwood Drive Suite 300, Easton 410-770-5250 404 Byrn Street, Cambridge 410-221-2448 Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown
Vascular Center Dorchester General Hospital: X 8367 Memorial Hospital: X 5809 Shore Medical Pavilion 125 Shoreway Drive, Queenstown 410-827-3805
Shore Neurosurgery 505 Dutchman’s Lane, Easton 410-822-5456 Shore Pediatrics 8579 Commerce Drive Suite 104, Easton 410-822-8550 Shore Pediatrics 828 Airpax Road, Building B Suite 600, Cambridge 410-228-6161
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219 S. Washington Street l Easton, MD 21601
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