January 29, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
The Buchino Family page 3
The Thornburgs page 5
Mission to Cambodia
Annual Report
page 6
page 8
Our Community Connection
A Community of Gratitude
Responding to the Church’s call to continue the teachings of Jesus Christ, Assumption High School, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy, is missioned to create a community of lifelong learners in search of truth. • We educate the whole person in a caring, Christian environment. • We offer programs to young women with a wide range of abilities, talents, and needs.
On the Cover
Page 3 Donor Spotlight: The Buchino family
President’s Letter......................................................1 Principal’s Reflections............................................2 Donor Spotlight: The Buchino Family..................3
Page 4 Donor Spotlight: The thornburgs
Assumption High School enjoys a tradition of academic excellence and development of Christian leaders who are committed to the values of compassion toward all and service to those in need.
Alumnae Class Updates.........................................4 Donor Spotlight: The Thornburgs.........................5 Mission to Cambodia.............................................6 Annual Report........................................................8 Tribute Gifts-Honor & Memorial..........................8
• We make sure that our young women learn and grow and feel good about themselves. • We provide financial assistance to families demonstrating economic need by reaching out to the poor and minorities in the community.
Alumnae Giving....................................................10
Page 6
MISSION TO CAMBODIA Page 11 annual report
Faculty and Staff....................................................17 Parents, Grandparents, & Friends.......................18 Organizations & Corporations............................21 Matching Gift Companies....................................21 2009 Rocket Spectacular.....................................22 Weddings & With Sympathy...............................27 Community Spotlight...........................................28 Donations to the Assumption Green.................29
On the Cover Early in September, over 25 students attending Assumption with the assistance of a scholarship that they won last school year gathered for a photo in the Convocation and Athletic Center lobby. These students received scholarships for many reasons, but the majority of our scholarships are funded by alumnae and other friends of Assumption High School. Some are given in memory of friends and family members, and others are funded to promote Assumption values. For example, the Mary Byron Project Scholarship calls the winners to take further action on the topic of dating violence. Whatever the motivation for funding scholarships, the generous sponsors of the 17 scholarships awarded to 29 of our current students granted more than $35,000 in critical tuition assistance for which the scholarship recipients are extremely thankful. While discussing the personal significance of these scholarships, Morgan Wilson `10 and Kelsey Yates `11 pointed to the relief they felt in knowing that it helped to ease the financial pressures of their families. Emily Steltenpohl `11 reflected that her scholarship affects both her current and future education as it has allowed her family to begin saving to help fund her college education. Stephanie Burry `10, winner of the Alumnae Association Spirit Scholarship, noted that it is allowing her to pursue opportunities that might not have been possible, including participating on a mission trip in February. But perhaps most significant to Stephanie is the sense of gratitude that she feels with her enriched understanding of what it means to be a part of this community of Assumption. She stated, “I would like to tell the Alumnae Association ‘thank you’ not only for having the scholarship available but also for sharing my love of Assumption!”
Cover photo by Laura Kremer Kline `97 Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
The Assumption Magazine is a quarterly publication for Assumption parents, alumnae, and friends. We value your feedback. If you have information for class updates, community spotlights, story ideas, or other comments, please send them to editors@ ahsrockets.org or call the Advancement Office at 502-458-6258.
Editors Jackie Bloyd Laura Kremer Kline `97 Theresa Liebert Schuhmann `92 ©2009 Assumption High School
Assumption High School 2170 Tyler Lane Louisville, KY 40205
President’s Letter...
On My Mind: Gratitude Dear Assumption Community, When my son, David, was in day care, Miss Jane taught him what she considered his most important lesson in life: always say “please” and “thank you.” My son heard those words every day he was in her care, and I am proud to say that he still remembers that lesson as an adult. He has always expressed his gratitude for the gifts, both large and small, that he has been given.
Miss Jane’s lesson has stayed with me always as well. As we navigate through life, we often need to ask for help (please) and others graciously give it (thank you). My role here at Assumption has made me even more aware of the importance of asking and the follow up gratitude. That’s what this issue of The Assumption Magazine – Our Community Connection is all about. Our school could not survive without the generosity of the people listed in our annual report. Because of them, our students have been supported with their tuition and athletic facilities, our programs have been able to offer unsurpassed experiences for our young women, and our faculty and staff have been provided with the technology and resources that allow them to perform with excellence. THANK YOU! Assumption has been truly blessed by its alumnae, parents, and friends throughout its history. We are especially grateful to all of you who loyally contribute to our annual fund appeals, including 95% of our faculty and staff. Today, more than ever, Assumption seeks the spirited and generous support of its alumnae and friends as we march into the future. • To those who gave, we say thank you! • To those who thought of giving, we invite you to join us in this new year, please. • To those who have never given, it is never too late to give the gift of opportunity to an Assumption student – we are pleased to welcome all new gifts! As we complete the Mind, Body, Spirit campaign to increase our endowed funds and build our sports and education building at the Assumption Green, we hope you will continue to bless us with your generosity. Future generations of Assumption students will benefit from a unique and special Catholic education, in the Mercy tradition, that is second to none. Catherine McAuley, the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, said,“... the most acceptable return a benefactor can receive is a countenance testifying the gratitude of the heart.” With a grateful heart I thank you,
Elaine Salvo President
2010 Assumption Hall of Fame Ann Burka Bauer `74 Jenni Benningfield `00 Anne Kordes `94 Mary Lee McCoy
to these members of our community who will be inducted into our
Hall of Fame
Carolyn Medley Dr. Carole Pfeffer `70 Melissa Swan
on April 18, 2010. For information on nominating someone for the Hall of Fame please contact Jackie Bloyd at 502-271-2511 or
[email protected] Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
“...young women...empowered to make a positive impact in our world.” Dear Community of Assumption,
Approximately one year ago today, I was sitting here at my desk preparing to write my first reflection for our weekly bulletin to our faculty and staff. I had only been living and working in this school for about six weeks. But as I contemplated coming to know, to love, and to appreciate my “new” family, I knew that reflection should center on how grateful I was to be here. On that day in August of 2008, I was inspired by journalist Deborah Norville’s research on how being consciously more grateful gives us more joy, more energy, and more optimism about life as a result, and I made a conscious choice to make gratitude a personal focus. And now, twelve months later, I have been asked once again, to write to you on the topic of gratitude. One year from that first writing to our faculty and staff, I still offer a daily prayer of thanksgiving for the many blessings that Assumption has brought to my life.
gratitude After a year of focusing on all the blessings in my life, I have a more positive attitude, and I more easily see the beauty all around me. Reflecting on what to share with all of you, I find myself once again overwhelmed by the blessings that God has given our school community. I am grateful for the faith-filled women and men who are my colleagues – they help me, each other, and the young women we serve grow closer to God each day through their model of Christian living. I am grateful for the love, compassion, and understanding that abound in our building every day – care for others that pulls each of us together to work to achieve common causes. I am grateful for the honesty and integrity of our faculty, staff, parents, and most of all our students – I have witnessed how this value of integrity is consistently lived out and how it holds us together and gives meaning to what we do every day for each other. Ultimately, I am simply grateful to be here – it feels so good and true and right. I am part of an extraordinary community – one of excellence. I am grateful for being able to share in that commitment to excellence, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to watch how the young women who have experienced that excellence are empowered to make a positive impact in our world.
Finally, as I write this letter and look over the entries in my gratitude journal from this past year, I feel a deep sense of happiness for the blessing of each and every member of our Assumption community – faculty and staff, students and parents, alumnae, Sisters of Mercy, board of directors, and friends and benefactors. Thank you all and thank God for everything you give to make it possible for us to continue the legacy of Catherine McAuley on a daily basis at Assumption High School. Gratefully yours,
Becky Henle Principal
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Donor Spotlight: The Buchino family
he Buchinos became a part of our community in 1998 when their youngest daughter, Nancy `02, chose Assumption. As soon as Nancy started her classes, John and Kathie wasted no time in getting involved. John was instrumental in helping us raise the funds necessary to complete our Convocation and Athletic Center which opened in the fall of 2002 – a mere three months after Nancy graduated. Kathie joined our board of directors in 2003 and is currently on the board development committee. When asked what they thought was unique about AHS, Kathie said “AHS is not about money or prestige. AHS is not ’exclusive.’ AHS is about a community of students, faculty, staff, alumnae, and families who care about educating young women, encouraging them to be active participants and leaders in their communities.” The Buchinos have been very supportive of AHS not only with their time but also with their treasure. John told us he felt it was important to support us because “sadly, women’s education has not always received the support it should have. It is critical that young women have the opportunity to develop their talents; high school “I know that Assumption was the cornerstone is a prime time for this. When you have a quality for my higher education, my career path, and institution like AHS, it must be supported as much as possible.” my community. I support Assumption because Nancy also knows the importance of giving back. After she finished college at the University of Dayton, she settled into her new home in Boston working as the public relations specialist at Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, but did not forget her Assumption roots. She saw in one of our newsletters that the crew team needed a new boat. This struck a chord in Nancy as she was a member of the first crew team at AHS. She immediately wrote a personal check to help purchase a boat.
I think every current and future student deserves the same opportunities and support I experienced in high school.” -Nancy Buchino `02
The Buchinos feel that Assumption students benefit our whole community by being “well-educated women who care about others.” We feel so fortunate to have the support and friendship of the Buchino family and we hope they continue their involvement for many years to come.
Left to right: Dr. John Buchino recently retired as the chief of pathology at Kosair Children’s Hospital and is a pediatric and pathology professor at UofL. Nancy lives in Boston and is engaged to marry Lucas Schroeder in 2010. Kathie is a civic volunteer, serving on the boards of several charitable organizations. Photo by Lucas Schroeder Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Alumnae Class Updates 1960
1970 continued
Class Ambassador: Barbara Stein Shea
Mary Lucas Griste retired from Embarq phone company in 2008 after 30 years due to downsizing. She has been blessed to enjoy spending time with her first granddaughter, Claire Elizabeth Sunter, who turned one on September 17, 2009. Mary resides in Florida and is currently looking for another position, hopefully working for the Diocese of Venice, where she volunteers.
Class Ambassadors: Leah Riggs Graves, Theresa Liebert Schuhmann
Thelma Hicks Tinker graduated from cosmetology school and married her high school sweetheart, Charles, in 1961. They moved to Pasadena, California in 1963, where Thelma was a stay-at-home mom to their four children until 1980 when they opened a tax preparation service. Thelma was the office manager for their company and in 2006, after 26 years of business, they retired. They now enjoy their adult children, nine grandchildren, two step-grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren. Charles and Thelma also enjoy traveling the states and other countries and are looking forward to many more exciting trips.
Bonnie Owens is so happy to be back in Louisville after 11 years of living in Virginia. She is teaching for JCPS at Peace Academy.
1979 Class Ambassador Needed Terry Naiser joined Safety-Kleen in June 2008 as an industrial sales specialist.
1990 Class Ambassador: Martha Pfaadt Tedesco
Rose Devasia Anderson and her husband, Jeff, moved back to Louisville after getting married. Jeff is an internal medicine physician at Norton Suburban Hospital.
Class Ambassadors: Karen Jarboe Hellmueller, Kathy Manning Lintner
Lillian Miller Hermann has been married to her husband, Edward, for 36 years. They are expecting their first grandchild in October. Lillian has worked for GE for 13 years and she has been a seamstress for 28 years.
Debbi King Byrne and her husband, Chris, proudly announce the birth of their second son, Hayden Christopher, on November 7, 2008. He joins big brother, Ronan.
Class Ambassadors: Dionne Norris Schoen, Cindy Schurfranz Mason
Krissi Straub Wilson and her husband, Brent, proudly announce the birth of their daughter Elizabeth Lee “Ellee” on March 7, 2009, at 3:15 p.m. Ellee weighed 3 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 16 inches long. She joins big brother, Jake, who turned three in July.
1970 Class Ambassador: Karen Moore Knight Peggy Foley Bahr retired from Anchorage Public Schools after more than 30 years of teaching for JCPS and at Anchorage. Three years ago she married Daniel Foley, the man to whom she was engaged back in 1972. In addition to helping Daniel with his CPA practice, Peggy and her husband have started a nonprofit organization called Safe Harbor for Couples which helps couples experiencing financial stress. Their practicum teaches them how to work and communicate together as business partners.
Marcia Christensen Brown and her husband, John, proudly announce the birth of their son, Bryce Dominic, on January 22, 2009. Bryce joins his brother and sisters.
Kristen Fischer Robison and her husband, Vince, proudly announce the birth of their twins, Winston Abraham and Olivia Eve, on March 2, 2009.
1994 Class Ambassador: Colleen Smith Leslie Hasch Clay and her husband, Matt, welcomed their son, Myles, on October 27, 2008. He weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces. He joins big sister, Bethany, 6.
continued on page 7
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Photo by Laura Kremer Kline `97
Donor Spotlight: The Thornburgs
“AHS prepares our students for life after high school by our emphasis on academic excellence, which allows every student to achieve her full potential; by our emphasis on integrity, which demands that each student accept the responsibility of living her values; and by our centeredness in faith, which models a lifestyle that will go with her always.” – Gloria Thornburg
n the fourth chapter of the first letter of Peter, there is a description of the Church’s call to stewardship in verse 10 which reads, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” It serves as an equally good description of the sense of gratitude which motivates Gloria and Tim Thornburg to action and which has benefitted the Assumption community since 1981 when Gloria first joined Assumption, filling an English position during another teacher’s maternity leave. After 10 years as an English teacher Gloria became our campus minister, a position she has held for the past 19 years. This role encompasses a variety of responsibilities that Gloria fulfills quietly each day at school. The passion Gloria has for AHS, for her work, and for our students is most clearly reflected in the prayer services and liturgies that she plans for the school. Students and faculty alike consistently characterize them as meaningful and central to the Assumption experience—which is exactly what Gloria believes they should be. She says, “Because the role of religion is diminishing in our society, Assumption has an even greater responsibility to teach Catholic Christian values.” She feels the strong presence of the Spirit of God in our students, faculty, and staff, and Gloria brings the entire Assumption community to experience that divine presence by creating prayer experiences that reflect the good within. Over the last 28 years, Gloria’s husband, Tim, has also become a fixture at AHS. Tim first became involved with the retreat program, serving as a parent on senior retreat teams in the days when every senior retreat team included a parent couple. Gloria and Tim served together in this capacity for several years. Since then, Tim has continued to find a multitude of ways to make a difference at Assumption, including working on retreats, serving with our students and faculty as a member of mission teams, and even acting as a familiar and favorite chef when he grills hamburgers for students and faculty at school cookouts. The Thornburgs choose to commit to the Assumption community in both big and small ways with time and also with their treasure. When asked why they feel it is important to support AHS they said, “To continue the tradition of our faith and Catherine McAuley’s commitment to the education of young women for the betterment of society.” Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
MISSION TO CAMBODIA Reprinted from the Courier-Journal* July 15, 2009
We’ve been given the opportunity to help others, so we’re taking advantage of it.
Three years ago, several freshman students at Assumption High School, including myself, learned about the horrors of sex trafficking taking place in Cambodia. We read about children as young as five years old that are tricked or kidnapped by sex traffickers and forced into Cambodian brothels. We read that some Cambodian girls even go willingly to the brothels, thinking that they can make a living by being a prostitute. With proper education, many international organizations concerned with Cambodia believe that these girls would be less likely to end up in brothels. We wanted to help. Three years later, as rising seniors, we, the students who were once simply reading New York Times articles about sex trafficking in Cambodia can proudly say that we have taken action and built a school to combat this problem. We spent three years hosting fundraisers to bring our total up to more than $20,000. Cambodian children now attend our school, which opened this spring in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. We feel that we are very privileged to live in America and have families who are able to support us and give us an education. We’ve been given the opportunity to help others, so we’re taking advantage of it. By building a school, we give close to 400 children an
education that they never would have received had the school not been built. And the number of Cambodians affected multiplies, as another class of students enters the school each year, and as their children and grandchildren become a part of families with educations. The school not only gives students an education, but hope for their futures. Now, we are ready for another challenge. Our group of ten Assumption students and two teachers is planning a mission trip to Cambodia during Assumption’s Mission Week in February. We will spend a week in Cambodia visiting our school. We will also visit other projects, including Bright Future Kids and the New Life Orphanage. However, it is not cheap to fly internationally and to stay in Cambodia for a week. We are fundraising as a group and hope to receive donations for the trip along with frequent flyer miles. We are thrilled to meet the children and know that this experience will be a life changing opportunity for all of us. We would greatly appreciate any help with this. Visit our website at www.educatecambodia. org to find out how to help. - Marie Clements `10
Visit our website at www.educatecambodia.org to find out how to help. *This letter to the editor appeared in The Courier-Journal newspaper published on July 15, 2009.
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Alumnae Class Updates 1994 continued
1995 continued
Ginny Tatum Donis and her husband welcomed their first child, Eva Mariela, on February 5, 2009. Eva weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20¼ inches long. She is the absolute love of their lives, and continues to amaze them each day!
Marcie Haare Martin and her husband, Brent, proudly announce the birth of their second child, Reese Lynn, on December 20, 2008, at 1:58 a.m. Reese weighed 7 pounds and was 19¾ inches long. Reese joins big brother Brennan.
Theresa Currier Thomas received her doctorate in anatomy and neuroscience from UK in 2008 and is a postdoctoral fellow at the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center in UK’s College of Medicine.
1995 Class Ambassador: Kenzie Kapp, Rachel Niemann Sell
Melissa Arnold has completed her first year of law school at Salmon P. Chase College of Law.
Class Ambassadors: Laura Blaser, Jessica Evans, Emma Hayes, Katie King Denise Landrum Geyer and her husband, David, honeymooned in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. They will reside in Norman, Oklahoma, where Denise will finish her dissertation and teach composition and rhetoric courses.
Kirsten Masterson Robbins proudly announces the birth of her second child, Paige Brienne, on June 21, 2009. Paige weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21 inches long. She is welcomed by big brother Caleb, 3. They are all enjoying the new addition to the family. Laura Pfister Seymour and her husband, Patrick, proudly announce the birth of their second child, Cody Price, on March 2, 2009. Cody weighed 7 pounds, 11ounces and joins big brother Cort, 2.
1998 Class Ambassadors: Jenny Hilsenrad Graff, Jenny Weber Shulhafer, Nancy Beckham Vann
Kirsten Ullrich was recently named a fellow of the prestigious Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, Massachusetts. The award is for emerging artists and writers and will extend from October 2009 to May 2010. Kirsten earned a B.F.A. in painting and a B.S. in graphic design with high honors from the University of Cincinnati in 2001, and an M.F.A. in painting from Temple University in 2005. She currently lives in Brattleboro, Vermont. Laura Scalise Zoglman and her husband, Stephen, are happy to announce the birth of their second son, Matthew Elliott, on June 14, 2009. Matthew weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches long. He joins his big brother Nick, 3.
Class Ambassadors: Caryn Willian Leavens, Jackie Rossano
Mary Domst Hardin is a stay-at-home mom to three kids, Josh, 6; Reese, 2; and Ethan born May 4, 2009. Ethan weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Jennifer Adams Miller and her family live in Fisherville, Kentucky, near her husband’s business, Twin M. Nursery. Jennifer is in her 11th year as a second grade teacher at St. Gabriel Catholic School. She and Jeff have two children, JJ, 5, who is in kindergarten at St. Gabriel, and Jenna Raye, 2. Jennifer would like to thank her AHS family for the prayers and support this past year when she lost her grandmother and mother five days apart. It meant a lot to her to hear from so many classmates and teachers.
Beth Moses Puckett and her husband, Mark, joyfully announce the blessing of their first child, Jacob Daniel, on April 16, 2009. Jacob weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21¼ inches long. He is welcomed by his aunts Jenni Moses Garland `93, Melanie Moses DeBusk `96, and Stephanie Moses `02 and by his great aunt Diane Graff David `72.
Elizabeth Fuell Bland and her husband, John, proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Baylee Marie, on July 6, 2009. Baylee weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 17 inches long. She joins big brother Liam, 2. Rachel Zeillmann O’Dea and her husband, Michael, are expecting their child, a son, in October!
2000 Class Ambassadors: Jenni Benningfield, Catie Knable Leslie Lisa Brown moved to California where she will design video games. Lisa returned to Insomniac Games where she started her career as a game designer. She says it’s awesome! Emily Wiesemann Brun and her husband, Ray, have moved back to Louisville after living in New Hampshire for the past two years. Emily has decided to pursue her dream of being a professional photographer and is in the process of starting her own business. You can check out her photos at www.garabellephotography. blogspot.com/. Her son, Garrett, is 6 years old, and her daughter, Isabelle, is 2 years old. Angelica Thompson is building a business in ballroom dancing and Zumba Fitness aerobics. The name of her dance studio is Louisville Ballroom. Her dance partner, Anton Sidorov, is a world dance champion from Russia, and they train together daily. Though she is already a professional dance instructor, the material in ballroom dancing is endless; you never stop learning. There is always something new and fresh that keeps her on her feet and anxious to learn. Angelica is also a certified Zumba Fitness instructor. Zumba Fitness is Latin aerobics, so this ties in perfectly with her ballroom business. Every day is a blessing to her and she is very passionate about what she does!
continued on page 26 Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Annual Report 2008 - 2009 Tribute Gifts Honor Contributors List AHS World Languages Department Kevin and Marian Prather Dunlevy `82 Katie Angeles `12 Mark and Patricia Tompkins Katie Baughman `02 Cindi H`07 and Bill Baughman Katie Beavin `07 Bill and Lisa Beavin Jackie Bloyd John and Kathie Buchino Sister Mary Naomi Buniff, RSM Golden Jubilee Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Class of 1958 50-Year Reunion Assumption High School Class of 1959 50-Year Reunion Sally Lawrence Akins-Ray LaVerne Link Alm Assumption High School Jeannie Kellner Baird Kathie Hoffmann Barr Gerry Hildebrand Beckman Mary Ellen Shea Bolin Judy Hettich Burkhardt Rita Kuehn Cambron Sharon Carpenter Rita Olges Clark Betty Lou Mills Dauphin Barb Harpring Dinsmore Josephine Lawrence Ditchburn Rosemary Bean Donnelly Yvonne Bryan Doran Carolyn Gossman Elder Sharon Crawford Elliott Helen Struss Fackler Mary Parrish Garry Frances Bach Gerber Mary Ann Roth Greenwell Linda Boylan King Betty Stein Knebel Carole Buehner Kuebler Jeanne Lococo Maser Sherry Raque Mattingly Barbara Dahlem McDonald Mary Jo Schwab Moseley Deanna D’Angelo Mosqueda Carole Fallon Noltemeyer Sherri Kurzendoerfer O’Bryan Deanna O’Daniel Sheila Hargadon Otte Shirley Singler Payne Norma Jo Dietz Platt Carolyn Baker Quick Sue Weis Redmon Donna Scheich Riggle Susan Pope Ruman Ruth Schoenbachler Runyon Jo Ann Allgeier Scheich
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Diane Klein Schindler Nancy Wilson Schultz Sr. Martha Showalter, OCD Rosemary Bisig Smith Ginger Smythe Joan Eyl Spahn Bette Orthober Strange Stannye Klausing Tansey Claudia Gadlage Ulrich Helen Ecker Walter Karen Johnson Watt Liz Sandler Weick Isla Doyle Wieting Judy Clark Willis Mary Ann Koenig Wirtzberger Class of 2013 Alexandra Gerassimides and Greg Fischer
Micki Hoerter-Gorges `96 Kenneth and Vicki Hoerter
Tim & Gloria Thornburg Heather and Kent Morris
Kelsey Joy `12 Agnes Cofer
Kimberly Toop `09 Scott and Diane Toop
Melissa Kaelin `12 John and Janet Wilborn
Marissa Leigh Wilson `10 Leonard and Kay Wilson
Julie Laemmle `07 Mark and Donna Laemmle Judy Landis Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Sister Mary Fulgence Logsdon, RSM 60th Jubilee Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Jim and Terry Crum Jennifer Crum `98
Sister Mary Frances Lueke, RSM 60th Jubilee Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Amy Davis `12 Bailey and Rosie Davis
Emily Martin `09 Ewing and Betty Pilkinton
Sara Davis `10 Bailey and Rosie Davis
Erin Mays `12 Ed and Val Fillenwarth
Hannah Doll `12 Ben and Jo Blincoe
Karrie Ralston McKinnon `96 Bill and Kathleen Ralston
Natalie Duffy `10 Donna Whitlock
Baptism of Genivieve Michaela Meagher Aegon USA Charitable Foundation, Inc. Judith Landis
Samantha Duffy `12 Donna Whitlock Julia Fleischer `08 Tom and Kathy Fleischer Caroline Gerstle `11 Thomas Gerstle The Greatest Homeroom, C301 Matthew Cope Sydney Elizabeth Grieshaber’s 2nd Birthday Mary Olsen Kelsey Guyton `12 H.R. and Eloise Guyton
Kathleen Miller `11 Dan Miller Kim and Keith Miller My Students/Past, Current, and Future Paula Edwards `82 Office Staff of Assumption Deborah Thompson Jami Patton `04 Kyle and Vicki Patton Kristen Risinger Perry Risinger Meghan Rouse `08 Michael and Robin Rouse
Allie Hamilton 2008 Pink & White Game Water Girl Woody and Lisa Hamilton
Nina and William Schindler Will and Becca Schindler Joaquin `97
Linda Fleischer Harris `79 Mildred Fleischer
Social Studies Department and Chair Matthew Cope
Sister Mary Pelagia Head, RSM 60th Jubilee Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Katherine Steltenpohl `11 Bob and Tina Steltenpohl
Meaghan Heit `10 Leo and Arlene Hawk
Theology Department Denise Davis
Memorial Contributors List Laura Lynn Abell `92 Pete and Kim Demling-Castelluzzo `85 Jim and Debbie King Beth Long `92 Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Kenneth Allison Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Anna Baumler Muffin Fleming `89 Angela BecVar Bennett and Ann Deters BecVar `76 Mrs. Arthur N. BecVar Edward Deters G.E. Foundation Hamilton Family C. Steven and Mary Hieronymus Craig and Laura Deters Jones `78 Brian K. Blanton Linda Eskew Ising `66 Philistus “Peggy” Boone Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Harry Baxter Brown and Wilma Clotille Brown Donnie and Angela Brown Passafiume `89 Mary Byron `91 Richard and Mary Sue Russell Barnett `80 Mary Byron Project, Inc. Gina Marie Clark `86 Donald and Anne Clark
Tribute Gifts Renee Clark `93 Class of 1993 Geraldine Clayton Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Tom Conkright Jessie Conkright Mark and Doris Craven Sally A. Craven and Bob Smither, Jr. George E. Diebold Donald and Linda Owens Diebold `73 Kathleen Beyer Dorman `71 Kevin and Sue Barry Smith `71 Diane Willinger Durbin `72 Louis and Brenda Murphy Kissel `72 Helen Filiatreau Trudy Branch Berger `60 Ben and Jo Blincoe Cindy Willinger Brundage `70 Ted and Jane Henle Carl and Carleen Crossan Herde `78 David and Michelle Kamber Kern’s Korner Joyce McKiernan Martin and Martha Severance Helen Stewart Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Jeffrey and Margaret Whitesel James Roger “Doc” Fitzgerald Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Howard Flock Cindi H`07 and Bill Baughman Mary V. Ford Annette Ford `75 Kathleen Musterman Graney `59 Jim and Kathie Hoffman Barr `59 Allison Hartlage `04 Anonymous Richard and Connie Allen Julie Baer Tirpak Charles and Annette Bergamini James and Margaret Byrnes Sherrie Childers Robert and Michele Clark
Jim and Nancy Cullinane Taylor Davidson `04, Dr. Karen Cost, Rob Curtin, John-Robert Curtin John and Alice Dearing Carole and Joe Frederick, Lyndsey, Lauren, Nick, Jeanine, and Deanna Robert and Sandy Glasford Carolyn Graham Philip and Lisa McCoy Gueltzow `74 Edward and Cathy Harpring Mary Beth Francow Hettinger `76 Mary Condit Hill `78 Joseph and Cheri Hovekamp John and Debbie Idstein Steve and Phyllis King Paul and Mary Austin Kirn John and Kathryn Knotts Kenneth and Mary Beth Vuturo Krebs `67 Judith Landis Bob and Linda Leidgen C. Edwin and Linda Martin Terry and Susan Meagher Tim and Jacquie Meagher Tom Meagher Tony Meagher Dave and Marilyn Meyer Teresa Meyer `74 Robin McClellan Mullin `74 Thomas and Rita Murray George and Sherry Nold David and Susan O’Keefe Carolyn Petredis `02 Phillip and Peggy Petredis Mike and Sally Potter Preston Street Poultry, Inc. Ronald and Patricia Raque Dave and Terri Potter Schlader `74 Greg and Sue Shinkle Scott and Judy Stucker Sprowls `73 Richard and Susan Stewart Phillip and Yrleen Stuecker Ann Simms-Sullivan `74 Gary Sullivan Dennis and Mary Thompson Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 James and Rose Marie Watters Anthony and Beth Zangari Anthony “Tony” Hartlage Anna Barnett Janet Layten Mike and Sally Potter Barbara Hillerich Chris Jeffries Carl Jeffries, Jr. Carlton Jeffries Nellie Kelly Greg and Mary Ann Smith
Louise Kleier John and Kelly Meagher Malley `91 Quest Diagnostics Matching Gifts Program Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Alexander Kramarczuk Ulana and Bohdan Bochan Betty Laemmle Kindred Healthcare Mark and Donna Laemmle Gladys Leppert Mary Alice Lawler `60 Patrick Mahoney Carla Hogue Ava Meagher Anna Barnett Joe and Gina Pezzarossi Burns `84 Charlie Wilson’s Appliance Greg Fischer and Alexandra Gerassimides Henson & Associates CPA John and Kelly Birchler Hovekamp `87 Judith Landis Tim and Angela Ashley Lange `94 Janet Layten Carolyn Korfhage Maher `64 C. Edwin and Linda Martin John and Kelly Meagher Malley `91 T.J. and Gentine Meagher Tom Meagher Mike and Sally Potter Amy Quinn Christian Sawyer Ned and Kim Steinke Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Julie Zoeller Ava Meagher’s 65th Birthday John and Kelly Meagher Malley `91 T.J. and Gentine Meagher Tom Meagher Quest Diagnostics Matching Gift Program Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84
Samuel Pandolfo Michael and Angie Pandolfo Arthur J. and Mary L. Potter Dave and Terri Potter Schlader ‘74 Stephanie Pulford `93 BellSouth Class of 1993 Steve and Jan Gruebbel Jane Raque Jennifer Raque `07 John Raque Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reverman, Sr. Joanne Reverman Linda Robinson Hank and Karen Robinson Carl Sandler, Sr. George and Liz Sandler Weick `59 Edgar C. Scheurich Kip and Janet Chesher Robert and Catherine Schwager Laura Schwager `70 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Shirley Matthew Kho Dr. George Smith Greg and Mary Ann Smith Debbie Thomas Tom Meagher Harriet Hamilton Thompson Julie George UPS Foundation Tim and Barbara Thompson Thomas Thompson Tom Meagher
Elizabeth L. Medley Carolyn Medley
Bruce Ulrich Claudia Gadlage Ulrich `59
Rodman Medley Carolyn Medley
Shirley Varga Mary Varga `77
Mary Lois Moore Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61
Julie A. Weick George and Liz Sandler Weick `59
Martha Nord Jamie and Christa Birchler Fackler `94 John and Kelly Birchler Hovekamp `87 Bill Nord Britt D. Rhodes
Jane Louise Wheeler David McCauley Tina Wulf Winter `70 Laura Wulf Knight `64
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Giving Categories CIRCLE OF MERCY Reflecting the calling of the Sisters of Mercy to spread the Word of Christ, contributors at the $5000 and above level join in the mission to make Assumption High School a place of learning, loving, and living in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy.
PRINCIPAL’S CLUB Assumption High School depends on the principal for leadership, stability, and direction. Members of the Principal’s Club demonstrate significant leadership in the Assumption community with commitments of $999 - $500.
SISTERS OF MERCY SOCIETY The Sisters of Mercy hold a special place of honor in the school. Members of the Sisters of Mercy Society hold their place of honor in the hearts and minds of the Assumption family through their commitments of $4,999 - $2,500.
MAROON AND WHITE CLUB As our school colors indicate enthusiasm and spirit, so do the members of the Maroon and White Club. Loyal members of this club demonstrate their support with gifts of $499 - $100.
CATHERINE McAULEY SOCIETY Members of this society are dedicated to fulfilling the mission of Catherine McAuley to provide quality Christian education to all young women, regardless of financial means. Contributors to the Catherine McAuley Society have honored this commitment with gifts of $2,499 - $1,000.
AHS ROCKET CLUB The Rocket has always been a symbol of our quest for excellence, both in the classroom and on the playing field. Members of this club demonstrate their commitment of excellence with gifts up to $100.
Alumnae Giving Class of 1958
Circle of Mercy Marcia Gorgas Hausman Maroon and White Club Judith Dolson Hall Bettie Jackson Rawe Betty Higgins Schuler AHS Rocket Club Jane Watson Anderson Betty Hickey Avery Ruth Thomas Billings Janice Briody Braun Joyce Tyrrell Cato Judith Rush Greer Patricia McGinnis Gutman Sonya Lammlein Kalbfleisch Sue Ann Wigginton Kunberger Genevieve Jutt Lee Patricia Bohan Lorsung Barbara Heichelbech Mohr Caroline Bisig Parker Pat Reymore
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Class of 1959
Catherine McAuley Society Kathie Hoffmann Barr Helen Ecker Walter Maroon and White Club Gerry Hildebrand Beckman Judy Hettich Burkhardt Sharon Carpenter Betty Lou Mills Dauphin Carolyn Gossman Elder Helen Struss Fackler Mary Parrish Garry Sharon Elliott Hall Linda Boylan King Betty Stein Knebel Jeanne Lococo Maser Sherry Raque Mattingly Mary Jo Schwab Moseley Sherri Kurzendoerfer O’Bryan Carolyn Baker Quick Sue Weis Redmon Donna Scheich Riggle Diane Klein Schindler Nancy Wilson Schultz Rosemary Bisig Smith Ginger Smythe Joan Eyl Spahn Bette Orthober Strange Stannye Klausing Tansey Claudia Gadlage Ulrich Liz Sandler Weick Isla Doyle Wieting Judy Clark Willis
AHS Rocket Club Sally Lawrence Akins-Ray LaVerne Link Alm Jeannie Kellner Baird Carol Stuppy Bischoff Carole Wagner Blake Mary Ellen Shea Bolin Rita Kuehn Cambron Rita Olges Clark Barb Harpring Dinsmore Josephine Lawrence Ditchburn Rosemary Bean Donnelly Yvonne Bryan Doran Sharon Crawford Elliott Frances Bach Gerber Mary Ann Roth Greenwell Carole Buehner Kuebler Barbara Dahlem McDonald Deanna D’Angelo Mosqueda Carole Fallon Noltemeyer Deanna O’Daniel Sheila Hargadon Otte Shirley Singler Payne Norma Jo Dietz Platt Susan Pope Ruman Ruth Schoenbachler Runyon Jo Ann Allgeier Scheich Sr. Martha Showalter, OCD Marty Struck Springston Dorothy Allgeier Steuerle Karen Johnson Watt Mary Ann Koenig Wirtzberger
Class of 1960
Catherine McAuley Society Paulette Freeman Adams Maroon and White Club Trudy Branch Berger Ann Vish DePierro Mary Alice Lawler Evelyn White Schneider Mary Lane Alberstadt Whitty Rosemary Blanford Wills AHS Rocket Club Pat Berens Abel Judy Maier Best Pat Reinhardt Gillespie Judy Reilly Johnson Mary Krebs Carol Schmidt Kuehnast Carol Jackson Miller Patricia Mueller Pitzer Sally Herman Poland Virginia Braitling Powrie Barbara Stein Shea Mary Bennett Smith Dinah Sheeran Stonis Carole Moran Thomas
Alumnae Giving Class of 1961
Joanne Dierken Smith Pamela McDowell Terrell Beverly Russell Thornsberry Marie Wafzig Underwood Tina Wissing Yates
Maroon and White Club Sandy Parsons Cischke Beverly Herp Weihe Jane Abell Wilson Vicki Hutto Wilson AHS Rocket Club Pat Stengel Bettag Gwen McGill Bischoff Gerry Paul Boone Judy Hayes Fischer Connie Moore Fowler Alice Payne Freville Mary Margaret Hargadon Pam Hibbitt Hartough Sandra Jensen Hedgespeth Susan Callahan Jewell Nancy Ungaro Lasky Shirley Bischoff Maguire Candy O’Neal Wittenauer
Class of 1962
Maroon and White Club Fran Vito Brown Cheryl Barteldes Hartke Celine Dilger Kremer Mary Sue McCune Elaine Quarles Monsour Jan Kirk Redle Diana Gombar Schram Marywalker Hoffmann Smith AHS Rocket Club Betty Achino Susan Lauer Barth Mary Johnson Bittel Carolyn Slemmons Blumeier Sandy Stieneker Currens Susan Slaughter Darke Phyllis Spatz Donlon Margaret Mullarkey Flynn Kathy Kall Frick Marilyn Heil-Weber Lee Jones Houseworth Carol Meyer Johnson Cheryl Young Knopf Paula Godfrey Knopf Nancy Nichols Lydon Rose Ragle Mattingly Judith Graf Neal Rita Barker Nickle Phyllis Elder Ritchie Cassie Rief Soete Mary Rose Habenstein Stephenson Susan Struck Sharon Forsee Zirnheld
Class of 1963
Catherine McAuley Society Sarah Nopper Schurfranz Maroon and White Club Sharon Schaefer Fisher Jo Ann Huber Seitz Ann Liebert Thompson Paula Harder Travis
Class of 1967
Circle of Mercy Society Roberta Jacobs Butera Mary Jane Englert Nabicht Principal’s Club Janet Gardner Grissom Mary Beth Vuturo Krebs
AHS Rocket Club Celestine Oerther Barnes Nancy Kleber Combest Jenny Mitchell Gaff Colleen O’Brien Gimbel Kathy Reimers Hotz Mary Kay Kemble Mary Joel Hampton Kessler Joanne Bernauer Kleinhenz Susan Paynich Martin Jan Kurzendoerfer Preher Martha Trapp Scobee Nancy Vittitoe Stanfield Stannye Koestel White
Jodi Wafzig Boughter Kaye Dillon Buser Linda Ciresi Kaye O’Bannon Dalton Melinda Johnson Feathers Debbie Knight Gonsoski Barbara Wallace Hill Sandy Miller Humkey Christy Erwin Hutter Mary Mullarky Mills Cheri Nelson Misner Mary Vittitoe Nett Judy Zehnder Reisser Kathleen Luking Sparks
Class of 1964
Class of 1966
Maroon and White Club Susan Bauer Blois Susan Hickey Dolores Kemper Karman Kathleen Groves Schaffer Palk AHS Rocket Club Marilyn Schmidt Allen Judy Bass Becker Betty Baughn Donovan Linda Fitzgerald Huber Sandra Darnell Karpinsky Laura Wulf Knight Marilyn Walter Kuhn Donna Passanisi Lichtefeld Kathleen Ritchie Loran Carolyn Korfhage Maher Susan Horrell Meyer Mary Lou Ruhl Reid Doris Hendershott Stonska Patsy Harder Straub Marilyn Felhoelter Terry Margie Riggs Waflart Mary Jo Bulleit Willoughby
Class of 1965
Maroon and White Club Sandy Fleming Bissmeyer Pat Mattingly Bohanon Candy Mack Cherry Kathy Hagan Diebold Cathy Michael Gadlage Linda Seger AHS Rocket Club Janet Spalding Ames
Catherine McAuley Society Kathy Manning Lintner
Maroon and White Club Peggy Massey Boone Sandra Herold Cox Donna Crocetti Mary Kenna Deddens, Ed.D. Mary Beyer Matiya Diane Gahafer Moody Mary Heitzman Ridenour Claudia Barteldes Schindler
Principal’s Club Barbara Fritsch Raque Maroon and White Club Sharon Beck Hartman Vicky Holtz Virginia Croft James Peggy Shacklette Karem Judith Reverman Linda Steder AHS Rocket Club Linda Bischoff Alvarez Patricia Lang Brasch Sandy Kimpflein Brooks Lorie Carter Patricia Fallon Cole Phyllis Wallace Collins Mary Jean Stengel Curley Nancy Tougher Gardner Mary Curtsinger Haney Karen Jarboe Hellmueller Lillian Miller Hermann Libby Fields Hill Betsy Frankrone Hoefler Regina Doyle Hoffman Nancy Sievert Hubbard Linda Eskew Ising Linda Doerr Kremer Adele Kroh Lile Susan Mattingly Patricia Eichler McVey Carol Meurer
AHS Rocket Club Linda Allen Brian Sandy Hyland Carroll Kathy Thompson Clayton Kathy Sommer Egan Margaret Meyer Horn Diane Hartlage Jackey Marilyn Goetz Jordan Nancy Willinger Kinder Nancy Hughes Kugelman Frances Passafiume Miller Jill O’Daniel Anita Hardin Oswald Joyce Graham Pressburger Jan Frankrone Romine Trish Joseph Segrest Nancy Mattingly Sheiner Mary Noel Feldman Stenberg Debbie Niehaus Whelan
Class of 1968 Catherine McAuley Society Norah D. Deeley
Maroon and White Club Susan Dresel Caudill Patricia McGinnis Petter Carol Silberisen Phillips Karen Finnegan Rohrer Marsha Willinger AHS Rocket Club Anonymous Lorie Cherol Beavin Kay Nicklies Bush Missey Russell Daly Bonnie Herman Mary Rihn Klausing Kathy Kregor Janet Fehder Lombardo Martha Bischoff Loveless Kathleen Thompson Mallaley Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Alumnae Giving MaryJane Marty Mary Jo Oechslin Mugavin Betty Sweeney Nellis Sara Bullock Raasch Bernice Smith Scherr Colleen Murphy Ulrich Ann Carroll Villier Patricia Raby Weber Mary Cook Weigel Rodneyann St. Charles Wittmer
Class of 1969
Circle of Mercy Society Mary Ann Steltenpohl LaFollette Catherine McAuley Society Monica Sauter Heer
Class of 1971
Principal’s Club Margie Shircliff Barrett Kathy Raque Bishop Patty Meyer Durham Velma Cain Givan Mary Ellen Genardi Johnston Jane Carroll Mazza Anne McKinney Robbie Steder
Principal’s Club Debbie Clark Oser Maroon and White Club Suzanne Bischoff Karen Cronin Peggy Ising Dawson Martha Schoenbachler Fuchs Kathlyn Gray Helen Huber Sue Barry Smith Dawn Taylor
AHS Rocket Club Mary T. Duane Clements Mary Dillon Cowley Shirley O’Connor Dietz Dianne O’Bryan Hess Suzanne Holthouser Kaufman Deborah Thomas Lopez Jinny Schwager McCall JoAnne Rundell McDevitt Sandy McLaughlin-Tabler Sharon Silliman Pfau Molly Doyle Schmitt Debbie Brown Smith Mary Kevin Lally Stemmle Theresa Smith Triplett
Class of 1970
Catherine McAuley Society Linda Hood Gleis Carole Pfeffer Debbie Heitzman Wallitsch
Principal’s Club Carla Kuffner Brawner Karen Cooper Brown Cindy Willinger Brundage Dorothy Gahafer Debra Schoo Hibberd Joyce Jones Horrell Cheri Steier Klausing Janet Gering Mangeot Martha Steltenpohl McMahon
Elizabeth May Hileman Sandra Fultz Hines Jennifer Ferry Ivers Karen Moore Knight Mary Alice Riester Kurtz Sherrie Mattingly Loeffler Carol Kern Luckert Mary Beilman Martin Patsy Meyer Debbie Conn Mudd Carol Holzknecht Nord Leigh Brock Reasor Laura Schwager Susan Warner Sally Fanton Weppler Lucy Blandford Woodson Therese Campbell Yost
AHS Rocket Club Connie O’Neil Ambrose Ellen McLaughlin Cooper Patty Clayton Dentinger Terry Brown Haag Amy Thompson Herman Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
AHS Rocket Club Debbie Koenig Ambrico Christine Kinney Embry Jane Walker Erny Sharon Preher Fitch Jeanne Tarullo Hays Maureen Tuttle Heitzman Marion Sondy Labadie Donna Borntraeger Legel Mary Sue Tobbe Mitchell Patricia Murphy Janet Kovac Myers Deborah Yates Nelson Paulette O’Bryan Kathy Yunker Prestigiacomo Peggy Walter Theiss Karen Sturgeon Tipton Susan Tharp Zimmerman
Class of 1972 Principal’s Club Pat Klein Oechsli Maroon and White Club Beth Hayes Beam Margaret Ann Curtsinger Brenda Murphy Kissel Gail Fultz Reh Patti James Ryan Linda Villier Stebbins Annette Cooper Summers Ann Thompson Denise Davidson Tonini AHS Rocket Club Pam Clements Chapman Ellen Duane
Laura Willinger Fitzgerald Connie Mullin Graff Kathleen Holmberg-Stover Theresa Lipton Hughes Teresa Gardner Knight Barbara Bott Kruse Janet Schnurr Myers Mary Robertson Pippen Noel Renner Seesing Judy Kirzinger Stone Carol King Wade Kathy Lococo Wright Anne Niehaus Young
Class of 1973
Sisters of Mercy Society Stephanie Sauter Gerstle Principal’s Club Sharon Schutte Benim Missy Pfister Stamon Maroon and White Club Mary Ann Amshoff Brigid Lally Blocker Deborah Mitchell Grisanti Janet Maloney Sauer Connie Cogan Spalding Judy Stucker Sprowls Diane Heines Wall AHS Rocket Club Anonymous Anne Haag Bickel Dana Jenkins Brohm Betty Dries Cheek Terry Dant Crawley Carol Usher Dearing Linda Owens Diebold Shelley Frederick Elmes Carol Wissing Gardner Susan Gruner Martha Mullarkey Hardin Jackie Fallahay Hogan Susan Conners Humphress Paula Short Kennedy Veronica Harder Key Pat Schwab Kinsella Molly McCormack Marla Cash McKenzie Linda O’Keefe Porter
Donna Starling Rosenthal Susan Carrico Sither Barbara Sturgeon Lisa VonderHaar Mary Deatrick Weis
Class of 1974
Catherine McAuley Society Ann Burka Bauer Marcia Holzknecht Fackler Principal’s Club Terri Potter Schlader Maroon and White Club Mary Costelle Bush Jeanne Mazzoni Coffey Carol Mullins Gootee Sharon Mueller Heverin Mary Jo Springston Metrick Donna Landrum Minton Ann Simms-Sullivan Susan Watts Smith Linda Hartlage Thomas Lynn Henehan Wilkerson AHS Rocket Club Becky Bauer Becht Kathleen Daly Lisa McCoy Gueltzow Lynn Haner Donna Wagner Heil Nancy Hauber Klapheke Kathleen Sievert Mattingly Teresa Meyer Robin McClellan Mullin Elizabeth Riester Pike Marianne Collins Reinhart Joan Thompson Roney Marilee Faesenmeier Sartin Peggy Skillman Mary Beth Hatfield Stein Kathy Tucker Taylor Cathy Cambron Wessel Mary Paula Whelan-Clements Kathy Ludwig Wirtzberger Mary Kevin Sinclair Wolfe Elaine Brimer Zoeller
Alumnae Giving Barbara Mattingly Middleton Monica Kirn Nauert Clara Coke Nowak Julie O’Bryan Karen Meyer Potts Karen Neagli Schoo Patty Barresi Schweizer Jamie Schroering Smith Rosie Marshall Sprawls Denise Noe Steilberg Mary Varga Debbie Bannon Whatley Sheila Conners Wulf
Class of 1978 Class of 1975
Maroon and White Club Mary Head Burkhart Janet Cecil Chipman Jan Penny Lawrence Mary Gayle Stein Scholl Tammy Craven Wetterer AHS Rocket Club Julia Sheehan Amlung Becky Bahr-Finley Karen Brown Kathleen Wolf Ferguson Mary Jo Kautzman Fiely Annette Ford Leigh Ann Quesenberry Gahn Deborah Hagan Lisa Haming Heck Julie Karibo Morley Marie Geiger Morrison Joan Mullarkey Nohalty Mary Ann Amlung Osterhage Sherry Wilson Powell Karen Shacklette Shelly Carrico Vissman Peggy Ward Weber Christy Thieman Yates
Class of 1976
Circle of Mercy Society Beth McAuliffe Mullins
AHS Rocket Club Theresa Woods Broderick Cathy Corrigan-Morris Pamela Crimmins Costelle Mary Mehling Durbin Cathy Horsman Greene Mary Beth Francow Hettinger Mary Anne Darst Jolly Lisa Grantz Jones Linda Miller Kim Graf Nalley Carol Gering O’Bryan Terri Simmons Phillips Mary Klarer Fultz Rives Susan Meyer Robison Kim Scully Theresa King Smith Mary McCabe Vaught Teresa Virgin Wallace Patricia Crutcher Westlund Michele Eichberger Williams
Class of 1977 Principal’s Club Anonymous
Catherine McAuley Society Antoinette Chumbley-Cogan Margaret Deatrick Reesor Maroon and White Club Ann Deters BecVar Claire McCoy Boldrick Cyndy Carlisle Bowman Pattie Rutledge Hart Lou Ann Redmon Jordan Lisa Sallee Peters Elizabeth Court Rapp Julie Schoenman Linda Schweinhart Kara Stich Sidebottom Julie Hobb Snow Mary Lynn Feller Speaker Patricia Reeves Straub
Maroon and White Club Tracy Simmons Desmarais Theresa Kruse Leahy Linda Roberts Marrillia Sarah Niehaus Noel Maria Donhoff Shockey Cathy Barry Willinger AHS Rocket Club Tina Peters Arnold Karen Bauman Barnett Sharon Olliges Bell Dusty Devine Callahan Mary Karp Carter Janine Sturgeon Chancellor Mary Kemper Cohen Lou Ann Craven Eskildsen Mary Mitchell Fante Carol Cullen Ferry Laura McKiernan Gaeta Vicki Luvisi Hurst Lena Kearney Joan Speaker Lipp Mary Besendorf Mason Anna White Menges
Circle of Mercy Society Carleen Crossan Herde Sisters of Mercy Society Laura Deters Jones Principal’s Club Michelle Niemann Wheeler Maroon and White Club Mary Thompson Cecil Tina Blincoe Doll Mary Condit Hill Laura Mazzoni King Sharon Stuber Kuhl Angela Lincoln Betty Kruger Manek Annette Sievert Manias Bee Raque McCormick Kathy Spath Mullen Jean Filiatreau Porter Karen Feller Riggs Denise Hobbs Shaheen Karen M. Spath Jane Worland AHS Rocket Club Barbara Barry Banta Barbara Tuell Boniakowski Joanie Pierce Boone Lisa Schuler Cheek Joni Feldkamp Crume Mary Elder Beth McDonald Ernst Susan Nold Fink Susan Schaefer Florence Donna LaDuke Fox Joan Bruenderman Goodman Joan Feger Hamlyn Janey Gering Jennings Chris Masterson Lebrasseur Joan Pohl Carol Seay Schmitt Amy Schroeder Smith Joan Costelle Wiedmar
Class of 1979
Principal’s Club Carole Henehan Brutscher Linda Fleischer Harris
Maroon and White Club Lisa Kautzman Baker Therese Brennan Mary Beth Hincks Gruner Jennifer Sils King Diane Curran Rains Susan McDowell Standridge AHS Rocket Club Patty Duhs Berlinger Susan McGee Brooks Lynn Wittmer Burton Laura Sheeran George Christy Weber Gertz Lisa Murphy Goff Nancy Weber Grove Alison Fischer Harris Brenda Hunt Mary Lesousky Jennings Jane Oldiges Kittle Gayle Horstman Knoop Laura Hall Koebel Diane Eisenback Legel Mary Anne Finn Steinmetz Cindy Oliver Young
Class of 1980 Principal’s Club Mary Coffey
Maroon and White Club Mary Sue Russell Barnett Rose Mary Roth Beckwith Mary Jo Meyer Brockie Michele Berger Brown Bernardine Reed Johnson Elaine Fletcher Key Linda Archer Paik Paula Fihe Schlich AHS Rocket Club Peggy Baas Victoria Hein Betz Marsha Thomas Bixler Karen Storch Bublitz Paula Revers Esterle Donna Ball Fultz Karen Rickert Graehler Sally Kirzinger Hudgens Donna Wolfe Johnson Martha Clements Johnson Lisa Mattingly Kilkelly Maureen Flannery Lockhart Theresa McCauley Patty Gerstle McDowell Robyn Steier Nethers Allison Wolf Nett Jeanine Fitzgerald Padilla Mary Kay Hoffmann Parsley Maria Schrenger Cathy Robertson Schroering Ellie Mitchell Schweizer Carol Schaefer Shutt Karen Logsdon Varga
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Alumnae Giving Class of 1981
Maroon and White Club Mary Sheehan Borst Dorothy Osborne Cronin Cynthia Epperson Dean Lynn Stewart Higgins Jeanie Ogburn Kallis Nana Norris Ogden Judie Parks-Gornet Tina Murphy Young
AHS Rocket Club Susan Wimsett Allard Lisa Comfort Brooks Leslie Meehan Cavanaugh Elaine Weber Cripe Toni Mucci Evans Teresa Finley Fowler Terri Kamber Gettelfinger Karen Egan Goldner Kathleen Graeser Elaine Mitchell Hall Janet Harrington Charlotte Pohl Heick Ruth Ann Wethington Hendrick Ellen Costelle Keene Julie Montgomery McGrath
Pam Schroering Perkinson Jeanne Heintzman Shircliff Nanette Harpring Simon Brenda Hall Vanover AHS Rocket Club Tammy McConnell Becht Susan Quesenberry Bennett Ursula Burns Brady Mary Thieneman Dickman Dana Martin Greathouse Marian Myers Griffin Valerie Weis Herbert Deborah Pace Jones Ann Redmon Kleinholter Patty Jansen Montgomery Karen Peters Poppe Susan Raver Riggs Chris Revers Tabler
Class of 1983 Principal’s Club Mich Musacchio Ellen Kiesler Wilson Maroon and White Club Kelly O’Brien Cappy
Geralyn Hutt Merilatt Julie Ramser Mueller Delores Holland Riedling Mary Cecilia Lincoln Spalding Michelle Osborne Spurlock
Class of 1984
Catherine McAuley Society Missy Meagher Tompkins Maroon and White Club Julia Barry Bell Nancy Ryan Coomes Dana Fischer Hahl Kathy Wittmer Hess Allyson Spears Sturgeon
AHS Rocket Club Beth Sullivan Ackerman Karen Brian Kim Demling-Castelluzzo Angela Lococo Hennis Mary Heslin Donna Cripe Lampton Lynn Mitchell Luckett Krista Nold Lyons Sally Henle Murr Maria DeCamillis Raque Mary Beth Woodrow Raque AnJanette Carrico Schlemmer Judy Reinhart Stacy Pam Cooper Zoeller
Class of 1986 Principal’s Club Elizabeth Moll Black
AHS Rocket Club Lori Hildenbrand Andrews Gina Pezzarossi Burns Patricia Oechslin Cermack Stephanie Rehm Deeley Amy Brachey Dunn Paula Holley Elder Constance Huber Ewing Donna Yurt Giovenco Susan Lewis Gunn
Maroon and White Club Amy Brown Ackermann Sharon Stout Cullop AHS Rocket Club Kathleen Allgeier Allgeier Tammy Oesterritter Brown Jennifer Cecil Jill Riede Cutsinger Michelle Burckel Dahl Robin Jackson Davis Sherry Munz Ellis Lynn Willinger Goranflo Lynda Revers Kaiser Carrie Spayd Laha Lyn East Longmeyer Anne Dages Nutt Annette Baumann Robinson Beth Vance Sammet Melissa Bova St. Pierre Suzanne Weihe Stewart Tammy Whyte Wilson
Class of 1987 Cathy Walter Parker Darla Noe Radcliff Brenda Thieneman Rindler Tammy Simmons
Class of 1982
Circle of Mercy Society Colleen Boeckmann Catherine McAuley Society Marian Prather Dunlevy Maroon and White Club Andrea Esterle Boughey Paula Edwards Maureen Donaldson Fell Sarah Niemann Gorman Donna Young Kays Angie Leaman McGee Jonni Stich Miller Kelly Lally Molloy Cathy Burka Moreman
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Ellen Barry Connelly Kathy Sheridan Ford Annette Crox Karem Angie Struck Mimms Michelle Abel Peak Connie Schneider Schilffarth AHS Rocket Club Judy Reinert Bidwell Tara Whyte Birk Sarah Volk Chandler Teri Storch Fleener Shannon Greene Lynn Meiners Hesse Barbara Filley Kempf Rose Feller Kent Cathy Welch Lally Tonja Goodrow Logsdon Rhonda Steier Lomax Mandy Blunt Lucas Theresa Baird Marks Sueanna Masterson
Circle of Mercy Society Tracy Redmon
Renee Cooper Hook Shell Luckett Irwin Carrie Roberts Kirby Lisa Bell Knight Lisa Hagan Logwood Lori Willoughby Manning Vicki Struck McCombs Theresa Shircliff Newton Julie Jones Olshansky Regina Phillips Christy Stout Michele Sims U’Sellis Lisa Cutsinger Werderitsch Cheryl Kenney Wolken
Class of 1985
Maroon and White Club Lynne Dant Beth Tong Miller Lisa Harbold Shishmanian
Maroon and White Club Diane Thorne Darst Erin Gary Kelly Birchler Hovekamp Maria Moll Mozzali Mary Ann Connell Wheatley Stacey Shepherd Yates
AHS Rocket Club Pamela Hoefflin Bell Rachel Brand Paula Straub Caron Shannon O’Daniel Conlin Laura Timmering Emly Leigh Ann Boeckmann Fuller Paige Balough Greenwell Rita Heslin Kelly Kristin Dolwick Lally Angela Ryan Nall Kelley Fallahay Powers Lisa Adams Romans
Alumnae Giving Kimberley Schwoeppe Naber Allison Connor Whitten
Melaine Ramage Stein Janet Clements Vessels Julie Luckett Viers Shannon Hill Zickel
Class of 1988
Maroon and White Club Catherine O’Bryan Caldwell Carolyn Redle Calvert Michelle Demling Edmonds Terri Harrison Sarah Diebold Williams
AHS Rocket Club Melissa Knust Beard Danita Esterle Beaufait Lea Sweeney Carwie Nicole Fischer Clark Laura Liebert Harp Michelle Cahill Ising Becky Bottoms Lawson Stephanie Wine’ Lockhart Lisa Spalding Machor Lynette Bailey Masterson Lori Pellillo-Kuhn Holly Harlamert Perry Michelle Herbig Price Kimberly Jarboe Wade Maura Wilbourn Laura Meurer Yates
Class of 1989
Principal’s Club Angela Brown Passafiume Maroon and White Club Marcia Weber Brey Shellie Bryan Angie Elbert Lynn Ruckriegel Evans Amy Trusty Klusman AHS Rocket Club Shannon Priel Barton Tricia Barry Biagi Muffin Fleming Becky Goetzinger Jeanette Beyerle Lindell Melissa Wheeler Mallory Laura Meadows Dawn McCarty Nelms Stacey Hauss Salsman Becky Melcher Smith Kimberley Townsend Tegge Erica Yates Walsh Natalie Reid Wimsatt
Class of 1990
Principal’s Club Martha Pfaadt Tedesco Maroon and White Club Rose Devasia Anderson Janet Weigel Anderson Tracy Sullivan Daniel Debbie Fritsch Finken Shannon Kilkelly Kelting
AHS Rocket Club Rhonda Posey Alig Kelli Seitz Baird Becky Cooper Bass Shannon Egan Chavez Angela Combs Grimes Tiffany Gardner Heath Dawn Kraesig Hendren Bridgett King Johnson Cynthia Spalding Knapek Jennifer Ochsner Lamkin Stephanie Baker Malone Jennifer Peak McIntyre Paula Schmalz Mucci Julie McKune O’Neill Monica Myers Pemberton Lori Vowels Paula Huelsman Watkins Dawnn Vincentie Williamson
Class of 1991
Circle of Mercy Society Kelly Meagher Malley Principal’s Club Beth Craig Hall Maroon and White Club Teri Connelly Campisano Nellie Draus-Stallings Cindy Schurfranz Mason Whitney Lush Quiambao AHS Rocket Club Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge Kimberly King Andriole Leslie Demling Bender Kristen Alvey Board Ellen Kidder Cline Missy Collins Heck Heather Bell Leis Tara Thomas Mayer Shannon Miller-Bannon Nancy Bizzell Neumann Tracy Schmalz Raque Jean Redle Shawna Coke Strode Jennifer Miller Washburn
Class of 1992 Principal’s Club Beth Long Maroon and White Club Mary Beth Hicks Boehnlein Cricket Clark Stefani Powell Coy Sarah Osborn Hill Theresa Liebert Schuhmann Cathy Whelan White AHS Rocket Club Jennifer Geier Allgeier Sarah Lunt Bradley Angie Taylor Bradshaw
Debbi King Byrne Brittany Johnson Campisano Danielle Dennison Cline Angie DeSensi Dillon Mary Block Donoho Leah Riggs Graves Pam Englert Hart Lori Hummel Jones Jennifer Newton Lichtefeld Julie Zettel Lucas Tara Burress Malloy Erin Sullivan Mercke Lee Moody Nelson Nichole Massey O’Bryan Kelly Miller Rowan
Amy McCoskey Sloane Karen Meyer Thompson Laura Scalise Zoglman AHS Rocket Club Jill McClish Berry Kristin Cockerel Carter Jennah Hines Duke Chrissy Preston Gandolfo Kerri Schreiner Hall Cindy Mohr Hennessey
Class of 1993
Maroon and White Club Laura Eve Botner Rebecca Schmitt Lininger AHS Rocket Club Laura Swinney Byrd Class of 1993 Kelly Cash Hass Gina Armento Lindquist April Patterson Manning Kathy Knopf Schum Susan Liebert Spalding Amy Mitchell Varner Laura Hall Wissing
Class of 1994
Maroon and White Club Emily Bramer Kimberly Kleier Doyle Christa Birchler Fackler Catherine Brown Graas Angela Ashley Lange Michelle Mantell Migliavacca Jessica Terry-Bergman AHS Rocket Club Diane Gahafer Barton Kim Fister Clements Angela Soules Cook Michelle Coke Farmer Kathleen Carrico Foreman Heather Redinger Harrell Meredeth Holliger Lisa Abell Horsell Kelly Riordan Kiesler Carrie Urton McCaw Jenna Marks Miller Deann Hollkamp Nunn Tara O’Leary Laura Schweri Kathaleen Stout Jennifer Janes Willis Laurie Gunderson Young
Class of 1995
Maroon and White Club Jaclyn Noon Grieshaber Angela Liebert Hobbs Laura Jones Susan Forst Mersch Colleen Koch Murphy
Sara Legel Jeffries Kelly Gronotte Kempf Jenny Oechsli Carrie Gandenberger Randall Rachel Niemann Sell Sherry Schneider Townsend
Class of 1996
Catherine McAuley Society Melissa Hettinger Spurrier Maroon and White Club Katie Aschbacher Sarah Radmacher Banta Alicia Morrow Johnson Tonya Harrison Schulz AHS Rocket Club Kelly Bates Kara Thompson Corrigan Gwen Neichter Deitz Dawn Dones Anita Seidenfaden Hess Katie Laun Judah Kami Taylor Lewis Laura Moran Mudd Kristi Roth Parkerson Michelle Conn Sauss Sarah Maloney Stepp Erin Romero Tobbe Thayne Schickel Trotter Tracy McAuliffe Van Meter Jennifer Kress Wingfield
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Alumnae Giving
Class of 1997
Class of 1999
Maroon and White Club Laura Reynolds Eifler April Mills Hannah Jenny Kute
AHS Rocket Club Anna Barry Elizabeth Fuell Bland Kristin Brown Erin Ridenour Carter Abigail Clark Bethany Sullivan Dunkin Katie Nash Fulkerson Mary Huelsman Jennifer Herndon Jarvi Kristin Patton Lyttle Tracie Schrembs Odysseus Bobbie Elbert Raque Kara Wallitsch Tydlacka Emily Foulks Williams Katie Zurlage
Principal’s Club Laura Kremer Kline
AHS Rocket Club Jenn Bauer Kristie Kaiser Beaven Anna Bell Chrissy Perez Bratcher Brittany Cox Cammie Crawford Shannon Reh Crutcher Alicia Franken Denise Landrum Geyer Becca Schindler Joaquin Katie King Rebecca Duncan Richardson Kristin Mayer Roberts Kate Rueve Laura Pfister Seymour Abby Barger Weleski
Class of 1998
Catherine McAuley Society Jennifer Crum Maroon and White Club Karen Jones Falkenstine Rebecca Gootee Pate Ann Sullivan Jessica Hash Williams AHS Rocket Club Kim Haynes Durbin Allison Gousha Jenny Hilsenrad Graff Christin Gravatte Laura Morton Grooms Vanessa Slagle Haulk Marci Clark Huff Catherine Metry Sarah Dailey Miller Autumn Chism Suddick Rebecca Weigel
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Maroon and White Club Heather Holden Hettinger
Class of 2000
Maroon and White Club Amanda Marie Dodson Jill Elder AHS Rocket Club Jennifer Fox Shelly O’Bryan Abbey Cahill Roach Rebecca Lehr Scholl
Class of 2001
Maroon and White Club Laura Wallitsch Durbin AHS Rocket Club Lindsay Schiff Brown Shelly Guagliardo Jenn Wolford Watson Elizabeth Comer Williams
Class of 2002 AHS Rocket Club Katie Becht Cropper Carolyn Petredis Stephanie Pieper Elisabeth Russo
Class of 2003
Class of 2007
AHS Rocket Club Theresa Cripe Allison Ridenour Dana Rubino
AHS Rocket Club Jordan Danridge Jessica Heuglin Julie Laemmle Jennifer Raque Beth Ribar Marlena Usher
Class of 2004
Class of 2008
Maroon and White Club Stephanie Sharp
AHS Rocket Club Ashley Distler Katie Hoover Katie Kleier Sara Smith Leslie Walts
Class of 2005
Maroon and White Club Hannah Hess Ginny Roby AHS Rocket Club Nina Camoriano Beth Faulkner Martina Grider Lindsey Hollin Brianne McClelland Katie Nunn Johnna Pile Caroline Quinio Brittany Rountree Katie Sanders Laura Schiller Townsley Tapp
Class of 2006 AHS Rocket Club Lindsay Burns Amy Crush Sally Faulkner Ali Hammond Christina Kaelin Kelly Mitchell Liz Todd Emily Turner Julie Van Wallaghen
AHS Rocket Club Kelsey Albrektson Alicia Bradley Kathryn Burch Melanie Clark Sloane Donhoff Natalie Fehder Erin Finn Caitlin Gaynor Brynn Gerstle Natalie Hallam Allison Hord Lauren Huter Brenna Irwin Caitlin Marshall Colleen McHugh Julia McMurray Michelle Mitchell Kaitlyn Morley Heather Perez Amelia Reesor Mary Riney Sarah Schmitt Leslie Steinmetz Brittany Strohmeier Lauren Walker Becca Walter Emmy Williams Courtney Wimsatt Hannah Zimmerman
Faculty and Staff Circle of Mercy Society Donna Laemmle Sisters of Mercy Society Cindi Baughman H`07 Elaine Salvo Gloria Thornburg Catherine McAuley Society Cerelda Blankenship Jackie Bloyd Chuck Bonifer Sally A. Craven Norah D. Deeley `68 Marian Prather Dunlevy `82 Teri Holland Stacy Johnson Kelly Kirwan Joyce Koch Mary Beth O’Reilly Jim Schurfranz Mary Pat Sexton Mary Ann Steutermann Tay Wilkins Principal’s Club Theresa Berry Denise Davis Dawn Deweese Judy Fieldhouse Kathy Fleischer Beth Craig Hall `91 Daniel Hamm Linda Fleischer Harris `79 Patty King Laura Kremer Kline `97 Beth Long `92 Debra Lott Mary Mattingly Joy Moeller Angela Brown Passafiume `89
Mary Margaret Ralph H`07 Judy Ribar Greg Smith Kelly Smith Paula Spugnardi Steven Straub Martha Pfaadt Tedesco `90 Martha Todd Lisa Wieland Maroon and White Club Anonymous (10) Janet Adkins Dani Baker Deborah Barnes Mary Sue Russell Barnett `80 Kristi Becker Jenny Beckham Bobby Blair Irene Bozio Shellie Bryan `89 Teri Connelly Campisano `91 Katie Caswell Janet Chesher Janice Cook Matthew Cope Debra Corbett Diane Thorne Darst `87 Kim Davis Amanda Marie Dodson `00 Earl and Jacque Dunn Dan Dykstra Paula Edwards `82 Jill Elder `00 Rich Esarey Christa Birchler Fackler `94 Karen Jones Falkenstine `98 Erin Gary `87 Pat Callahan Green Becky Henle Beth Hicks
Deborah Thompson Lisa Van Wallaghen Leah Wilhoite Jessica Hash Williams `98
Carla Hogue Tracy Homan Mickey Howard Leigh Jackson Carlton Jeffries Chris Jeffries Joan Johnson Laura Jones `95 Gail King Terri Kurtz Angela Ashley Lange `94 Terry Langley Julie LaRocque Erica Lasley Angela Lincoln `78 Warren Maggard Tammy Martin Trish Martin Sandy Maxted David McCauley Kim McIntosh Carolyn Medley Jackie Metry Jonni Stich Miller `82 Kathy Mitchell Blue Murphy Sheila Palmer Rebecca Gootee Pate `98 Stasia Polston Lisa Raley Perry Risinger Michael Rouse Marcy Russ Jody Schaefer Jean Schubert Theresa Liebert Schuhmann `92 Jennifer Shirley Beth Shoemaker Ronnie L. Simpson Kim Steinke Eddie Studdard
AHS Rocket Club Anonymous (2) Ulana Bochan Mary Ann Bohannon Kristin Cockerel Carter `95 Kendra Chancellor Sue Chesher Connie Druien Jenny Dugan Chrissy Preston Gandolfo `95 Kelly Gerrard Gina Hale Dana Hilbert Ian Husk Becca Schindler Joaquin `97 Matthew Kho Pat Leppert Nancy McNatt Kim Miller Angie Pandolfo Shanelle Parker Mary Quandt Tracy Schmalz Raque `91 Joanne Reverman Jessica Rublein Elisabeth Russo `02 Kathy Knopf Schum `93 Mary Varga `77 Jenn Wolford Watson `01 Clara Watts Don Williams Sister Margaret Willis, SCN Doug Young
faculty and Staff give back 95% of our faculty and staff contributed to the annual fund with many departments having 100% participation, including our custodial staff pictured here.
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Parents, Grandparents, & Friends Circle of Mercy Society Anonymous (3) Larry and Judy Franklin J. David Grissom Mike and Michelle Heit Carl and Carleen Crossan Herde `78 Jim and Debbie King Mark and Donna Laemmle Steve and Beth McAuliffe Mullins `76 Mike and Mary Jane Englert Nabicht `67 Tom Noland and Vivian Sawyer Dennis and Sherry O’Brien Nick Simon Carl Sunderhauf Bob Zax and Vilma Fabre-Zax Sisters of Mercy Society Cindi H`07 and Bill Baughman John and Kathie Buchino Garry and Donna Burry Greg Fischer and Alexandra Gerassimides Craig and Laura Deters Jones `78 David and Annie Lohr Phil and Suzanne McHugh Gary Huntoon and Brenda Morris-Huntoon Joe and Mary Beth O’Reilly Larry and Gina Perry George and Deborah Quill Tracy Redmon `87 Elaine and Sam Salvo Sister Mary Rosalia Schroering, RSM John and Jeannie Antonello Wasz Catherine McAuley Society Ann Burka Bauer `74 Mrs. Arthur N. BecVar Tom and Tina Bergamini Frank and Peg Bergamini Cerelda and Hal Blankenship Phil and Jackie Bloyd Jeffrey M. Bumpous and Anne M. Phelps Dennis and Mary Anne Burch Patricia M. Cecil Kevin and Antoinette Chumbley-Cogan `76 Greg and Tammy Coats Lou and Jenifer Conkling James and Marian Conner
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Bob Smither, Jr. and Sally A. Craven Richard and Jenny Duffy Stephen and Marcia Holzknecht Fackler `74 Judy and Todd Fieldhouse George Fischer Tom and Kathy Fleischer Marea Gardner John McGeeney and Linda George Thomas Gerstle Greg and Linda Hood Gleis `70 Leo and Arlene Hawk Bob Noe and Martha Haydon Kevin and Brenda Heyde Dean and Teri Holland Dan and Pat Holland Jack and Patty Holzknecht Corky and Joyce Jones Horrell `70 Dan and Stacy Johnson Kelly and Jody Kirwan John and Kelly Meagher Malley `91 Tom and Bee Raque McCormick `78 T. J. and Gentine Meagher Tom Meagher Kent and Heather Morris Mich Musacchio `83 Drew and Sue Neichter Chris and Margaret Nunnelley Tony and Kathy Passafiume Carole Pfeffer `70 Rod and Glenda Rallo John Raque Kendrick and Carmen Riggs Hank and Karen Robinson Bill and Kaelin Rybak Steven and Susan Scannell Lacey Smith and Barbara Sexton Smith Kevin and Ivvy Shurn Bill and Sharon Spath Catherine Jo Stemmle Mary Ann and Kurt Stuetermann Tim and Barbara Thompson Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Principal’s Club Richard and Mary Sue Russell Barnett `80 Bill and Lisa Beavin Louis and Ann Casale
Barbara Castleman Donald and Anne Clark Carroll and Doris Cogan Deborah Dirlam Kevin and Marian Prather Dunlevy `82 Carole and Joe Frederick, Lyndsey, Lauren, Nick, Jeanine, and Deanna Barry Taylor and Marie Gagnon Todd and Judy Fieldhouse Mark and Beth Craig Hall `91 C. Steven and Mary Hieronymus Harold and Sharon Kleinert Kenneth and Mary Beth Vuturo Krebs`67 Chris and Terri Kurtz Mark and Donna Laemmle James Lincoln Karen Loeser Charlie and Mary Stuber Mattingly Sister Mary Alicia McGinty, RSM Kelly and Kim Meyer Michael Nash David and Susan O’Keefe Donnie and Angela Brown Passafiume `89 Phillip and Peggy Petredis Bill and Kathleen Ralston Judy and John Ribar Jerry and Debbie Rogers Tom and Jenny Sawyer Robert and Louise Slaven Mike and Kelly Smith Paula, John, and Philip Spugnardi Mike and Missy Pfister Stamon `73 Richard Stich Gerry and Sharon Stovall Dr. Robert and Martha Todd John and Lisa Van Wallaghen Mark and Michelle Niemann Wheeler `78 Mark and Judy Wiegand Stephen and Beverly Williamson Paul and Ellen Kiesler Wilson `83 Maroon and White Club Anonymous (3) Chuck and Leslie Adams Chris Allen Ed and Jennie Armento Lou and Cindy Armstrong
Larry and Kathy Ashley Peter Ballard Dani and Beau Baker Anna Barnett Debbie Bauer Matt and Sheryl Baugher Jenny Beckham Bennett and Ann Deters BecVar `76 James and Rebecca Bell John and Betsy Bennett Ralph and Sherri Bertrand Kevin and Anne Blair Larry and Kim Blevins Ben and Jo Blincoe Larry and Jan Bloemer Dick and Bev Boeckmann Gene and Claire McCoy Boldrick `76 Michael and Amy Boyle Roman and Irene Bozio William andTheresa Woods Broderick `76 Gregory and Sharon Brooks Edmond and Terri Brown Tony and Carole Henehan Brutscher `79 Oscar and Kris Bryant Melvin and Patsy Bush Jay and Kelly O’Brien Cappy `83 Bill and Sandy Hyland Carroll `67 Greg and Susanna Carroll Matthew Cassaro Robert and Mary Margaret Caster Thomas Caudill J. Gregory and Susan Clare Matthew and Joanna Clark William and Lori Codey Agnes Cofer Mike and Stephanie Conder Jessie Conkright Michael and Ellen Barry Connelly `83 Paul Coogan Don and Janice Cook Rich and Nancy Ryan Coomes `84 Dennis Craven Mike and Dianne Darrow Taylor Davidson `04, Dr. Karen Cost, Rob Curtin, John-Robert Curtin Janet Day Bill and Trish Deatrick Robert Dedich Bill and Kathy Dermody Edward Deters Gary and Sherrian DeWitt Sister Paulanne Diebold, RSM Doug and Tina Blincoe Doll `78 Rob and Mitzy Donhoff The Duque Family Ray and Ann Duran Dan and Cathe Dykstra James and Mary Jo Eberle Chip and Becky Edwards Keith and Kathy Eskridge Tom and Toni Mucci Evans `81 Randy and Anne Ewing Mildred Fleischer Carole Frederick John and Diane Gates James and Judy Gates David and Karen Gatti Mark and Lori Gibson
Parents, Grandparents, & Friends James and Jane Gildehaus Michael and Judy Gough Pat Callahan Green Robert and Ralinda Gregor Michael and Mary Grinnan Sandal Gulick Charles and Ann-Marie Hallett Woody and Lisa Hamilton Debbie Hardesty Brian and Diane Hargadon Rick and Kathy Hays Tim and Leslie Hazlett Becky and Tony Henle Val and Diance Henson Aaron Herrington Bruce and Sandy Hines John and Dawn Hitron Willis and Constance Hobson James and Ruthe Holmberg Michael and Helen Hord Mickey Howard Chris Jeffries Stephen and Ann Johnson Marcia Johnson Bill and Jackie Keeling Bob and Ellen Costelle Keene `81 Thomas Kelly Chris and Gail King Larry and Paula King Bob and Debbie Krall Chuck and Janice Krebs Tony and Sharon Stuber Kuhl `78 Judith Landis Mike and Terry Langley The Lasleys Bob and Linda Leidgen Ken and Mildred Lewis Kathy Ley Cathy Loebig Jason and Julie Long Carl and Linda Roberts Marrillia `77 Aaron and Tammy Martin Trish and Tim Martin Jerry and Cindy Schurfranz Mason `91 Sueanna Masterson `83 Paul and Beth Mattingly Scott and Sandy Maxted Glenn and Margaret McCaslin Greg and Marlene McCoy Jack and Sandy McGill Jamie and Kim McIntosh Thomas Meisner Robert and AliceAnn Middleton Randal and Lee Miller Johnny and Kathryn Miller Richard and Kathy Mitchell Thomas and Cheryl Mitchell Guy and Libbye Montgomery Mike Moorman Cathy Burka Moreman `82 Rob and Kathy Spath Mullen `78 Scott and Mary Pat Traeger Nimon `83 Paul and Mary Jo Noltemeyer Bill Nord Kevin and Julia O’Brien Chris and Carol Gering O’Bryan `76 Julie O’Bryan `77 Joyce Ogden
Bart and Jeanne Olash Dickie and Linda Oliver John Parker Steve and Johnnita Parsley Bernie and Sandra Passafiume Kyle and Vicki Patton Thomas and Alison Peick Gary and Shelley Pepper Michael and Christine Perlin Doug Peterson Bob and Joyce Pfaadt Don and Vicki Phillips Ewing and Betty Pilkinton Dan and Stasia Polston Joey and Jean Filiatreau Porter `78 Mike and Sally Potter Kevin and Carla Raque David and Sue Weis Redmon `59 Marc and Freda Reynerson Britt D. Rhodes John and Jean Ribar John and Mary Heitzman Ridenour `67 Brad and Mary Klarer Fultz Rives `76 James and Mary Lou Robben Raymond and Susan Meyer Robison `76 William Roby Peter and Mary Rondot Michael and Robin Rouse Patrick and Janet Lyman Roxworthy Kevin and Denise Ruppelt Karl and Marcy Russ W. Clement and Rose Ellen Russell David and Theresa Ryan William Saffran Jeffrey and Jody Schaefer Jeff and Connie Schneider Schilffarth `83 Richard and Jennifer Schiller Tim and Cathy Robertson Schroering `80 Jean S. Schubert Nick and Theresa Liebert Schuhmann `92 Richard and Lisa Sils Terry and Ann Simms-Sullivan `74 Nanette Harpring Simon`82 Elizabeth Simon James and Mary Lynn Feller Speaker `76 Gerald and Susan McDowell Standridge `79 James and Denise Noe Steilberg `77 Bob and Tina Steltenpohl John Stengel Mark and Joan Steurer Thomas and Teresa Storck Eddie Wayne Studdard Kelly Suttles Mike and Cheryl Taylor Chris Tolbert Steven and Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Scott and DianeToop Jay and KarenTrautwein Rick and Liz Turnock Patrick McClure and Ann Vance McClure Mary Varga `77 Alejandro Marta and Vela Villasenor Mike and Susan Walter Joe and Kathy Wantland Julie Watson Stephen and Mary Deatrick Weis `73 Tammy Craven Wetterer `75 Jeanne Whelan
Ron and Cathy White Donna Whitlock Robin and Norma Wileman Richard and Margaret Williams Rick and Cathy Barry Willinger `77 Nicole Owens Wilson David and Ann Worland Thomas and Mary Jane Zimmerman Dan and Pam Cooper Zoeller `85 AHS Rocket Club Anonymous Doug and Kelly Abney AHS Class of 1993 Richard and Connie Allen Edward and Cheryl Amlung Gerry and Meg Anderson Joseph and Jo Ann Ansert David and Peggy Barnett Catherine Bartholomew Larry and Elaine Basham David and Tammy McConnell Becht `82 Chris and Anita Beilman Robert and Sharon Olliges Bell `77 Gregg and Susan Bennett Charles and Annette Bergamini Joseph and Mary Ellen Bianco James and Julie Bibb Walter and Peggi Bindner Jim and Joyce Blandford Bohdan and Ulana Bochan Curt and Joanie Pierce Boone `78 Aleshia Boone John and Jeannie Boyle Creg and Lisa Browne Jerry and Yvonne Brumleve Denis and Grace Bryan Mark and Kimberly Burns Jack and Lynn Wittmer Burton `79 James and Margaret Byrnes Laurie Campion Kendall and Israel Cardenas Dean and Cindy Carico Timothy and Susan Carmack Timothy and Heidi Cherry Sue Chesher Sherrie Childers
Robert and Michele Clark Mark and Mary T. Duane Clements `69 John and Peggy Clements Gary and Jean Conway Bob and Wilma Couch Bill and Karen Crush Jim and Nancy Cullinane Brad Cunningham David and Neva Curtis Douglas and Marjorie Curtis John and Sharon Dadds Bailey and Rosie Davis John and Alice Dearing Sean and Donna Delahanty David and Virginia Denny Donald and Tammy Dickerson Tim and Mary Thieneman Dickman `82 Donald and Linda Owens Diebold `73 Richard and Rea Diehlmann Mark and Rosalyn Dietzman David and Sharon Doerr Dawn Dones `96 Al and Martha Donhoff Jamey and Karen T. Doyle Arnold and Ann Drury Jenny Dugan Tom and Collette Dumstorf Brad and Susan Duncan Mary Mehling Durbin `76 Rita Durbin Wayne and Jeanette Eads Robin and Dena Engel Paula and Matt Revers Esterle `80 James and Cynthia Feldkamp Kevin and Sherry Fett Ed and Val Fillenwarth Gary and Robin Fisher Ran and Susan Schaefer Florence `78 Jeanne Flowers Kenny and Diane Franklin Gary and Jennifer Frizzell Leigh Ann Quesenberry Gahn `75 John and Carol Wissing Gardner `73 Mark and Eden Gasior Julie George Joseph and Pamela George Kelly Gerrard
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Parents, Grandparents, & Friends Joseph and Patricia Gillette Robert and Colleen O’Brien Gimbel `63 Robert and Sandy Glasford Randy and Karen Rickert Graehler `80 Fred and Connie Mullin Graff `72 Carolyn Graham David and Roxie Gribbins Donald and Joan Groot Steve and Jan Gruebbel Philip and Lisa McCoy Gueltzow `74 H.R. and Eloise Guyton Bob and Bonnie Haas David and Valerie Hall Woody and Lisa Hamilton Susan Hammond Scott and Joanne Haner Martha Hargadon Edward and Cathy Harpring Pat and Alison Fischer Harris `79 Carl and Charlotte Pohl Heick `81 Edward and Theresa Heimbrock Dennis and MaureenTuttle Heitzman `71 Ted and Jane Henle Jon and Rebecca Hernando Mike and Lynn Stewart Higgins `81 Sean and Lisa Higgins Dana and David Hilbert Kenneth and Vicki Hoerter Jeff and Rosemary Hofmann Merlin and Jackie Fallahay Hogan `73 David and Cathleen Holzknecht Robert and Linda Horstman Mary Ann Hoskins Joseph and Cheri Hovekamp Butch and Kim Howe Sally Kirzinger Hudgens `80 Michael and Sheila Hughes David and Nancy Huter John and Debbie Idstein William and Shell Luckett Irwin `84 Doug and Janey Gering Jennings `78 Christopher and Susan Johns David and Michelle Kamber Gary and Betsy Kenney Marvin and Becky Kersting Steve and Phyllis King Paul and Mary Austin Kirn Sharon Kirsch John and Patsy Klausing Tony and Lisa Kleyer John and Kathryn Knotts Eric and Sharon Konermann Steve and Barbara Bott Kruse `72 Cynthia Lanning Janet Layten Brian and Linda Lenhart Michael and Susan Lilly Bill and Sherrie Mattingly Loeffler `70 Karen Loeser James and Tonja Goodrow Logsdon `83 Jeff and Lynn Mitchell Luckett `85
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Gary Lyddan Joe and Vicki Manning Robert and Julie Marino C. Edwin and Linda Martin Andy and Sheila Mays Joyce McKiernan Michael and Jeanne McKinley Bruce and Heidi McKinney Nancy and Butch McNatt Michael and Diane McNeill Terry and Susan Meagher Tim and Jacquie Meagher Tony Meagher Michael and Lori Mehlbauer Jeffrey and Kristen Meiman Chris and Barbara Meiners Ronald and Brenda Metts Dave and Marilyn Meyer David and Dawn Miller Kim and Keith Miller Dan Miller Keith and Lisa Mills Bill and Sally Minogue Michael and Colleen Misbach Martin and Mary Sue Tobbe Mitchell `71 Antonio Montano John and Laura Moore Richard and Cyndi Moreno Julie Karibo Morley `75 Martin and Marie Geiger Morrison `75 Thomas and Rita Murray Tim and Janet Schnurr Myers `72 Deborah Neichter William Neichter Lorraine Nieves Marty and Marianne Nitzken George and Sherry Nold Mark and Mary Lee O’Bryan Sister Marie Ellen O’Bryan, RSM Charles and Paula Ochsner Mary Olsen Barbara Pahler Angie and Michael Pandolfo Shanelle Parker William and Mary Kay Hoffmann Parsley `80 Randall Payne Roger and Terri Simmons Phillips `76 Patrick and Renee Pierce Joe Sommers and Joan Pohl `78 John and Linda O’Keefe Porter `73 Paul and Cindy Price Amy Quinn Lawrence and Kim Railey Scott and Maria De Camillis Raque `85 Jerry and Leigh Raque Ronald and Patricia Raque Paul and Kathryne Ratterman Robert and Anita Reh Delores Holland Riedling `83 Roger and Susan Raver Riggs `82 Craig and Debbie Riley
Arthur and Karen Ringenberg Susan Roby Thomas and Kimberly Rogers Jeffrey and Nina Rose Tammy Santiago Christian Sawyer Michael and Carol Scalise Sarah Schimpeler Bob and Barb Schmidt Robert and Geralyn Schmitt Denis and Mary Schneider Gary and Karen Neagli Schoo `77 Paul and Patty Barresi Schweizer `77 Christopher and Ellie Mitchell Schweizer `80 Don and Beverly Seadler David and Brenda Secor Mark and Dana Senninger Martin and Martha Severance Greg and Sue Shinkle Earl and Joanne Shiring Glendon and Amy Schroeder Smith `78 Cliff and Carrie Speedy David and Mary Anne Finn Steinmetz `79 Richard and Kim Stevens Nancy Steverson Richard and Susan Stewart Helen Stewart Stephen and Theresa Stoess Steve and Judy Kirzinger Stone `72 Phillip and Yrleen Stuecker Gary Sullivan Kathy Swift Charles and Mary Ann Thomas James and Kimberly Thompson Dennis and Mary Thompson Paul and Barbara Tinnell Richard and Karen Sturgeon Tipton `71 Julie Baer Tirpak Stephen and Patricia Tobbe Mark and Patricia Tompkins Ginny Tudor Mike and Brenda Hall Vanover `82 Sabu and Jeanette Varghese Tom and Anne Vaughan Daniel and Shelly Carrico Vissman `75
Mark and Lori Vogel Amy Peck Wagner Elvin and Teresa Virgin Wallace `76 Mike and Lisa Wallace James and Rose Marie Watters Andrew and Christina West Gregory and Missy Wethington Terry and Carla Wheatley Frank and Mary Paula Whelan-Clements ` 74 Jeffrey and Margaret Whitesel John and Joan Costelle Wiedmar `78 John and Janet Wilborn Jill Williams O’Donnell Williams Leonard and Kay Wilson Albert and Nicole Wilson Patrick and Dana Wimsatt Stephen and Kaye Wine Don and Kathy Ludwig Wirtzberger `74 Julie Zoeller Doug and Laurie Gunderson Young `94 Barry Younkie John and Linda Yuda Anthony and Beth Zangari
Organizations & Corporations ARCO Aluminum, Inc. AR-Hale Family Foundation Balfour - Phil Pschigoda and Norvin Green BP Fabric of America Fund C. E. and S. Foundation, Inc. Charlie Wilson’s Appliance Coca-Cola Enterprises Coit Carpet Cleaning Fackler Commerical Roofing Co. LLC Henson & Associates CPA Junior Achievement Kentucky Basketball Officials Association, Inc. Kern’s Korner Kroger Company Marshall Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mary Byron Project, Inc. Multicorr Corporation Parkway Rehabilitation & Nursing Center Premier Packaging Preston Street Poultry, Inc. Publishers Printing Company, Inc. Republic Bank & Trust Company Schoolpop Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Sisters of Mercy of the Americas/South Central Community Stock Yards Bank & Trust Co. Target Foundation Thomas Memorial Foundation Thrifty Car Rental US Bank-Highlands US Bank-Hikes Point Zoeller Co.
Matching Gift Companies Aegon USA Charitable Foundation, Inc. AmeriGives Ameriprise Financial Advisors Bank of America BellSouth Brown-Forman Corporation Citigroup Matching Gifts Program Encore, Inc. Fifth Third Securities G.E. Foundation Gannett Company, Inc. Guinness UDV North America The Humana Foundation Invest In Others Charitable Foundation Kellogg’s Corporate Citizenship Fund Kindred Healthcare Louisville Corporate Services, Inc. National City Bank Northwestern Mutual PNC Bank Foundation Quest Diagnostics Matching Gifts Program Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. UPS Foundation Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
2009 Rocket Spectacular Donors 535 Catering Doug and Kelly Abney Action Landscape, Inc. Actors Theatre of Louisville Advanced Massage Therapeutics Allegra Print & Imaging East Among Friends Quilt Shop Archiver`s Photo Memory Store Ashley & Associates Assumption High School Administration Assumption High School Alumnae Association Assumption High School Athletic Department Assumption High School Cafeteria Assumption High School Campus Store Assumption High School Guidance Department Assumption High School Retreat Office Audubon Country Club Lynette Bailey-Masterson `88 Balfour - Norvin Green Vicky Barnes Barnes & Co. Peggy Bass `80 Ann Burka Bauer `74 bd`s Mongolian Grill Beauty First Store & Color Salon Bellarmine University Bellarmine University Athletics Belterra Casino Resort and Spa Berry’s Flowers Bisig Impact Group Bistro 301 Blades Drs. Blincoe & Shutt Ashley Block Larry and Jan Bloemer Blooms by Essential Details Borders & Borders, PLC Boutique Serendipity Brittany Bowen `02 Bowtie Express Car Wash Breadworks David Breslin Bristol Bar & Grille Brown-Forman Corporation John and Kathie Buchino Buckhead Mountain Grill Mary Anne and Dennis Burch Business First Cafe Beignet Captain`s Quarters/Masterson`s Catering Carmichael`s Bookstore Hannah Carroll `09 Lou Casale Casino Aztar Cheddar Box Cheesecake Factory Chenoweth Appliances Kip and Janet Chesher Chick A D`s A Fun Place to Shop Chick-Fil-A Colonial Design of St. Matthews The Community of Assumption Rachel Cooper `10 Country Squire Florist Courier-Journal Craig Paul Studio Sally Craven Randy and Melissa Creger
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Abby Crum `12 Czerwonka Designs by Rick Czerwonka Dages Paint Company Ned and Julie Daly Day`s Espresso & Coffee Carla Dedich Bill and Kathy Dermody Designs by Gail Danette Dillow Dooley`s Bagels & Deli Dot Fox Downtown YMCA Duck Duck Goose Richard and Jenny Duffy Duplicator Sales & Service, Inc. Ray and Ann Duran Edenside Gallery Larry Edlin Elmwood Inn Fine Teas & Benjamin Press Randy and Anne Ewing Feeders Supply Fern Creek Curves Fifth Third Bank Fire Fresh BBQ FireKing Security Group The Fish House Flabby`s Devine Food Fleet Feet Sports Footworks, Inc. Kate Ford `77 The Foushee Family The Framing Express Frank Otte Nursery and Garden Center Frazier International History Museum Freda`s Fancy Florist The Fresh Market Friend of Assumption Fritz`s Salon & Spa for Men Galt House Hotel & Suites Ron Garvey Gentlemen`s Cut Eric C.C. Gilliland, PGA Glamour Shots Glen Oaks Country Club Chief Dave Goldsmith Goodyear Auto Service Center Randy and Karen Rickert Graehler `80 Graeter`s Inc. Great Harvest Bread The Greenery Florist Mary Grinnan The Groom Room Leo and Arlene Hawk Michael and Michelle Heit Sean and Lisa Higgins Kenny Hoerter Holiday World & Splashin` Safari Dean, Teri, and Shelly `10 Holland Jim and Ruthe Holmberg Hooters Horseshoe Casino Hotel Hubbuch & Co. Iceland Sports Complex Initial Appeal Irish Rover Iron Touch, LLC J. R.`s Spa & Salon Jack Fry`s
John E`s Restaurant & Lounge Joan Johnson Joseph`s Salon & Spa Kayrouz Cafe Kentucky Driving School Kiddie Kastle Larry and Paula King Elizabeth Knapp Knights Travel Kroger KT`s Restaurant and Bar LA Promotions Lake Forest Country Club The Lampmaker Pat Leppert Lotsa Pasta Louisville Ballet Louisville Chorus Louisville Indoor Racquet Club Louisville Stoneware Louisville Tennis Club John and Nonie Lyons MACC & Co., Inc. Hair and Nail Salon Macy`s Mainstream Investment Advisors, LLC Maker`s Mark Distillery Mane Salon Marcum`s Gallery Martinizing Dry Cleaning Sueanna Masterson `83 Max & Erma`s MaxCare Carpet Cleaning McAlister`s Deli Lauren McDevitt-Masterson `88 Sister Mary Alicia McGinty, RSM Meiner Medical & Safety Merkley Kendrick Jewelers Metro Promotional Services Midland Trail Golf Club Millenium Art, Inc. Ken and Maureen Minogue Mint Julep Tours Tom & Cheryl Mitchell Joy Moeller Molly Maid Morgan`s Photography Moving Design Steve and Beth McAuliffe Mullins `76 Neff Company Newport Aquarium Marty & Marianne Nitzken Bill Nord Norton Healthcare Ann Dages Nutt `86 Sister Ellen O`Bryan, RSM Ellen Welsh O`Connell OfficeMax Ohio Valley Volleyball Center Old Town Liquors/The Wine Market O`Shea`s Irish Pub Outback Steakhouse P F Chang`s China Bistro Panera Bread Party Mart Patina Interiors Paul`s Fruit Market Pennant Litho Gary, Shelley, and Hannah `10 Pepper
“An Amazing Adventure” Donors Philip and Peggy Petredis Tracy Pham Plehn`s Bakery Lori Pomerleau Art Potter Power Bilt Golf Neal and Mimi Prendergast Preston Arts Center, Inc. Preston Street Poultry Pretty Nails at English Villa Drive Prospect Nails Kathleen Quinn Raatz Fence Co. Rebecca`s Wedding Boutique Republic Bank and Trust Company River City Indoor Soccer Club Ricky Robinson Rocky`s Italian Grill Jerry and Debbie Rogers Janet and Pat Roxworthy David, Ann, and Elisabeth `02 Russo Sackfield`s, Inc. Saint Xavier High School Sam`s Club Terri Potter Schlader `74 Science Hill Inn Dining Room Scout Segal & Perelmuter, PSC Selena`s Seviche - A Latin Restaurant Shaheen`s Department Store Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill Shelbyville Country Club Jennifer Shirley Shively Sporting Goods Dr. Fred M. Sims, DDS Suzy Socha Southern Charm Jewelry South Park Country Club Sparkle Brite Springer & Lee Optical, Inc. Melissa Hettinger Spurrier `96 Steepleton Stillwater Stationery The Stitch Witch Embroidery Company, Inc. Sheila Stoke
Stoney River Legendary Steaks Swabek`s Highland Fitness Sweet Spot Racquet Sports Swimville USA Tandem Sport Taylor Publishing Tennis Club at Springhurst Texas Roadhouse That`s Dancing Dance Studio Tonini Church Supply Tony BoomBozz Pizza & Vino Top Gun Tennis Academy Tran Orthodontics Trinity High School Trinity High School Baseball Leslie Tudor Tumbleweed Southwest Grill Two Chicks & Co. University of Dayton UPS Valu Market-Outer Loop Alexis Van Wallaghen `12 Mike Veach Debbie Wade, Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant Walgreens Walmart The Wasz Family Watermark Gifts Western Kentucky University Mark and Michelle Niemann Wheeler `78 Why Louisville Wild Dunes Resort Wildwood Country Club Helen Williams Woodhaven Country Club Xavier University Yang Kee Noodle Louise Young You`re Sew Vain Yum! Z Salon and Spa Z`s Fusion Z`s Oyster Bar & Steakhouse Zorn Design Jewelry
Patrons Doug and Kelly Abney Gerard and Amy Brown Ackermann `86 Janet Adkins John and Karen Allen Lou and Cindy Armstrong Vanessa Armstrong Kelly Bates `96 Ann Burka Bauer `74 Cindi H`07 and Bill Baughman Damian and Kristi Becker Frank and Peg Bergamini Tom and Tina Bergamini Mike and Theresa Berry Brian and Susan Bientz Hal and Cerelda Blankenship Sherman Blankenship Phil and Jackie Bloyd Colleen Boeckmann `82 Dick and Bev Boeckmann Irene Bozio Gerry and Martina Brown Dennis and Mary Anne Burch Sister Mary Louise Burt, RSM Doug and Lisa George Butcher John and Cheryl Carl Hans and Marcia Cesarz Kip and Janet Chesher Lee and Sandy Parsons Cischke `61 Danny and Krysteen Pfaadt Cissell `85 Buren and Whitney Abell Coats `03 Greg and Tammy Coats Timothy and Deb Corbett Dennis Craven and Julie Kessler Sally Craven and Bob Smither Melissa and Randy Creger Diane Thorne Darst `87 Daniel and Denise Davis Sean and Donna Delahanty Sister Paulanne Diebold, RSM Mary Dirr Robert Drewry Richard and Jenny Duffy Dan and Cathe Dykstra Mary Jo Eberle Elaine Ellis Marty and Beth McDonald Ernst `78 Jim and Mary Ewing Randy and Anne Ewing Todd and Judy Fieldhouse Hank and Robin Fisher Kate Ford `77 Bill and Leigh Ann Boeckmann Fuller `87 Rick and Monica Clark Gadd `83 Terry Garmin Ann and Tim George Bob and Susan Goodin Jon Gootee Randy and Karen Rickert Graehler `80 Stephanie Greathouse Todd and Dana Greenwell James Gribbins Pat and Alison Fischer Harris `79 Beth Harrison `83 Betty Harrison Jennifer Harrison `91 Terri Harrison `88 Dana Haupt Don and Denise Hayden Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
2009 Rocket Spectacular Patrons Kevin and Erin Mello Heine `80 Mike and Michelle Heit Dan and Jean Henle Tony and Becky Henle Carl and Carleen Crossan Herde `78 Beth Hicks Matt and Kim Higgins Mike and Lynn Stewart Higgin `81 Art and Ronda Hipwell Dan and Pat Holland Dean and Teri Holland Ed and Bobbie Holsclaw `62 Emma Hutchens `04 Jeremy and Leigh Jackson Becca Schindler Joaquin `97 Dan and Stacy Johnson Eric and Kelly Johnson Michael and Joan Johnson Liz Kaminski Scott and Kristin Kelly Jane Kennedy Jerry and Patty King Jody and Kelly Kirwan David and Laura Kremer Kline `97 Ray and Joyce Koch Terri Kurtz Julie Laemmle `07 Mark and Donna Laemmle Angela Ashley Lange `94 Troy Lawson Kathy Ley Meredith Ley David and Annie Lohr Jason and Julie Long Sister Mary Frances Lueke, RSM Charlie and Mary Mattingly William and Leesa Mattingly Andy and Sheila Mays Sister Mary Paulinus McClellan, RSM Chris and Mary Lee McCoy Tara McDonogh-Schuster Sister Mary Alicia McGinty, RSM Phil and Suzanne McHugh Laura Meadows `89 Ken Minogue Joy Moeller Jane Molter Guy and Libbye Montgomery Sister Mary Dorothea Montgomery, RSM Cathy Burka Moreman `82 Rob and Kathy Spath Mullen `78 Beth McAuliffe Mullins `76 Sally Henle Murr `85 Marilyn Musacchio Mich Musacchio `83 Scott and Mary Pat Traeger Nimon `83 Tom and Sarah Niehaus Noel `77 Denis Noltemeyer Sister Marie Ellen O’Bryan, RSM Joe and Mary Beth O’Reilly Sister Theresa Marie Osborne, RSM
Karen Owens Sheila Palmer Susan Parks Donnie and Angela Brown Passafiume `89 Michael and Rebecca Gootee Pate `98 Sister Mary Prisca Pfeffer, RSM Don and Vicki Phillips Sarah Phillips and Joe Dunman Brian and Susan Przystawski Randy and Tracy Schmalz Raque `91 Tracy Redmon `87 John and Judy Ribar John and Jean Ribar Richard Ribar Caroline Robinson Hank and Karen Robinson Jerry and Debbie Rogers Sister Joyce Rohmann, RSM Angela Bientz Rowe `85 David and Ann Russo Elisabeth Russo `02 Sam and Elaine Salvo Jenny Sawyer Dave and Terri Potter Schlader `74 Julie Schroeder Nick and Theresa Liebert Schuhmann `92 Mark and Dana Senninger Mary Pat Sexton Mike and Kelly Smith Steve and Lisa Smith Jim Snider and Melissa Swan Megan Snider `02 David and Rosie Marshall Sprawls `77 John and Paula Spugnardi Mike and Missy Pfister Stamon `73 Gerald and Susan McDowell Standridge `79 Steve and Grace Sternberg Kurt and Mary Ann Steutermann Barry Taylor and Marie Gagnon Jay and Martha Pfaadt Tedesco `90 Jessica Terry-Bergman `94 Jennifer Robinson Thomas `96 Tim and Gloria Thornburg Jennifer Tilley Sharon Trommler Rick and Liz Turnock Gary and Leslye Ulmer John and Lisa Van Wallaghen Helen Ecker Walter `59 Mike and Susan Walter Joe and Kathy Wantland Rick Wardlow Julie Watson Bob and Laura Weir Diane Gumbel Whoberry `76 John and Lisa Wieland Tay Wilkins and James Moyer Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Ann Hall Wolz `83 Bob Zax and Vilma Fabre-Zax In compiling this report, every effort has been made to ensure complete and accurate donor listings for January 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 fiscal year. We have worked diligently to verify the listings. Please call the Advancement Office at (502) 458-6258 if you have any questions, or if any errors are found.
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
“An Amazing Adventure” Sponsor-A-Student Lou and Cindy Armstrong Larry and Kathy Ashley Ann Burka Bauer `74 Frank and Peg Bergamini Tom and Tina Bergamini Lee and Sandy Parsons Cischke `61 Buren and Whitney Abell Coats `03 Greg and Tammy Coats Dennis Craven Richard and Jenny Duffy Dan and Cathe Dykstra James and Mary Jo Eberle
Randy and Anne Ewing Beth Harrison `83 Mike and Michelle Heit Dan and Pat Holland Emma Hutchens `04 Chris and Terri Kurtz Mark and Donna Laemmle Kathy Ley David and Annie Lohr Jason and Julie Long Phil and Suzanne McHugh Steve and Beth McAuliffe Mullins `76
Mich Musacchio `83 Scott and Mary Pat Traeger Nimon `83 Joe and Mary Beth O’Reilly Tony and Kathy Passafiume Tracy Redmon `87 Jerry and Debbie Rogers Tom and Jenny Sawyer Mike and Missy Pfister Stamon `73 Jay and Martha Pfaadt Tedesco `90 Rick and Liz Turnock Frank and Jane Abell Wilson `61 Bob Zax and Vilma Fabre-Zax
Volunteers Cristina Abney `10 Michelle Amon `10 Cindy Armstrong Peggy Baas `80 Diane Gahafer Barton `94 Beckie Bell Amanda Bennett `10 Katie Bergamini `10 Jim Blandford Joyce Blandford Annie Filley Boehnlein `94 Jenna Brumleve `09 Jerry Brumleve Yvonne Brumleve Nancy Buchino `02 Mary Anne Burch Stephanie Burry `10 Laura Butler `89 Mary Byrne `02 Cheryl Carl Carol Carter Lauren Cherry `09 Krysteen Pfaadt Cissell `85 Katie Clark `09 Patti Clifford Lindsey Conder `10 Taylor Conway `11 Lori Cooper Erin Crawford `10 Dorothy Cummings Alex Darrow `10 Amanda Day `10 Kathy Dermody Jenny Duffy Pat Dunlevy Martha Eimers Bobbie Elbert `99 Allie Ewing `09 Abby Fieldhouse `09 Kathy Foster Leigh Ann Quesenberry Gahn `75 Elizabeth Gerber `10 Tom Gerstle Lauren Gibson `09 Emily Graehler `10 Karen Rickert Graehler `80 Jaclyn Noon Grieshaber `95 Jocelyn Grueninger `09 Lynsey Guest `10 Laurie Morris Guyton `86 Cece Hagan
Michelle Hannigan Marcia Harlow Meaghan Heit `10 Mary Henry Mike Henry Kim Higgins Ruthe Holmberg Alicia Morrow Johnson `96 Eric Johnson Kelly Johnson Michael Johnson Carrie Joy Susan Luckett Jury `82 Kathryn Knabel `09 Bob Krall Debbie Krall Steve Kruse Leah Lewis `09 Brittany Logsdon `10 Tonja Goodrow Logsdon `83 John Lyons Nonie Lyons Kelly Meagher Malley `91 Annie Marino `10 Tim and Patricia Martin Sister Mary Alicia McGinty, RSM Karrie Ralston McKinnon `96 Tom Meadows Tom Meagher Cathy Burka Moreman `82 Morgan Mottley `09 Cara Mulhall `09 Stefanie Muller `10 Nancy Murray Drew Neichter Jason Neichter Sidney Noland `09 Liz Nunnelley `09 Kathy Luckett Ogburn `76 Caron Osborn Cathy Palmer-Ball Kathy Passafiume Tony Passafiume Cindy Passanisi Hannah Pepper `10 Carolyn Petredis `02 Maddie Phillips `11 Vicki Phillips Renee Pierce Mimi Prendergast Kathleen Quinn
Rhonda Luckett Ransdell `78 Margaret Deatrick Reesor `76 Morgan Reeves `10 Colleen Reynolds `10 Sarah Reynolds `11 Jeffrey Rhodes Cindy Richards Greg Richards Karen Feller Riggs `78 Debbie Rogers Natalie Rosario `11 Dave Ryan Joe Ryan Mamie Ryan Dee Hommrich Sackfield `74 John Sackfield Meaghan Saunders `09 Samantha Saunders `09 Lily Scannell `10 Lori Schmidt `10 Miranda Schmidt `10 Sharon Schwarz Dana Senninger Wendy Sims Caroline Smith Gail Luckett Stachler `84 Missy Pfister Stamon `73 Susan McDowell Standridge `79 Sherry Strohmeier Melissa Swan Alaina Tobbe `09 Patty Tobbe Katie Todd `11 Meaghan Tompkins `11 Missy Meagher Tompkins `84 Patty Tompkins Steven Tompkins Leslie Tudor Katie Tuell `11 Cindy Uhlman Marta Vela Martha Feller Vokoun `80 Erica Yates Walsh `89 Laura Weir Lauren Weir `08 Bill Whelan Peggy Thornton Whelan `77 Diane Gumbel Whoberry `76 Kelsey Yates `11
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Alumnae Class Updates 2001
2004 continued
Class Ambassador: Laura Wallitsch Durbin
LeeAnn Crush graduated from Western Kentucky University with a degree in dietetics.
Class Ambassador: Lisa Kaminski
Jenny Mudd attends Brown Mackie College in the veterinary technician program. Jenny’s ultimate goal is to be a vet tech at the Louisville Zoo. She is in a serious relationship and hopes to be engaged in the future. Jenny is really happy and feels very blessed! Kelly Javins has been with the Red Cross for almost six years. She is engaged to marry Brandon Floyd on May 15, 2010. Her father passed away in June 2008 in his sleep. Reyna Thomas purchased her first house in 2007. In 2008, Reyna was promoted to Broadband Customer Care Supervisor 1 for Charter Communications.
2002 Class Ambassadors: Nancy Buchino, Mary Byrne Jessica Schellenberger has started her second year of law school at Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University. She spent the summer studying at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in Galway, Ireland, and was very fortunate to take a course taught by Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S. Supreme Court. Jessica was recently chosen to join the Chase Client Counseling Competition Team.
2004 Class Ambassadors: Michelle Jones, Megan Herde
Michelle Haas is engaged to be married next spring to J.C. Hutchins from Maryland. Michelle and J.C. are both Bellarmine University graduates. Claire Smither is a research assistant for MPR where she works on education and poverty policy research. She enjoys being a twenty-something in the nation’s capital – free events at the Kennedy Center, trivia nights with friends, and a city full of young, involved workers. There are lots of adventures there.
Christina Berry is a real estate agent with Semonin. She is a first-time home buyer, new construction, and short sale specialist. Christina and her sister, Ashley Berry ’04, work together as a team and they love their job. Life is good! Ashley and Christina are also raising $5,000 for the breast cancer three-day walk. They are both living and working in Louisville.
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
2007 Class Ambassadors: Caroline Dunlevy, Julie Laemmle Lindsay Ruzanka Age and her husband, Patrick, welcomed their first son, Conner Patrick, on January 15, 2009. He weighed 4 pounds. Conner is now a healthy 7 month old and weighs in at about 15 pounds!
2005 Class Ambassadors: Maureen Melchior, Lana Pohl Amy Foster, Ms. Wheelchair Kentucky 2009 traveled to Rapid City, South Dakota, in August for Ms. Wheelchair America 2010. Annie Grantz has moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, to begin a new job as an at-risk teacher for middle school-age children. Sara Horstman graduated from Bellarmine in May 2009, with two bachelor of art degrees, one in English and the other in communication. Sara will pursue her masters of arts in communication at Bellarmine in the fall. Meredith Ley graduated from WKU in May 2009. She will be returning to WKU in the fall to pursue a master’s in sports administration and recreation. Brianne McClelland graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Valparaiso University with a degree in English and secondary education. She will be teaching English at Scecina Memorial High School in Indianapolis.
Stacy Atwood proudly announces the birth of her son, Nathan Scott Pierce, on March 5, 2009.
Meagan Kilkelly will graduate from UK in May 2010 with her bachelor of arts degree in psychology. Meagan hopes to attend law school after graduation!
Kelly Miller graduated from UK in May 2009. She started her career with Clear Channel Radio in Louisville as an account executive. Amanda Wade Wooten and her husband, Jeremy, welcomed their daughter, Emily Elizabeth, on May 31, 2009. Given the fact she was born the year after Amanda survived ovarian cancer, they believe she is their miracle baby!
2008 Class Ambassadors: Claire Elliott, Colleen McHugh Adrienne Curtis ran in one of the nation’s most elite track and field meets – the Mt. San Antonio College Relays. Her goal was to qualify for the NCAA Division II National Championship in the 10,000 meter run. She finished in 11th place.
Rose Award Nomination The Rose Award is a $5,000 grant created and endowed by an anonymous donor to recognize an administrator, faculty, or staff member who has been a positive influence in the life of a current student or alumna. To nominate a current administrator, faculty, or staff member for the Rose Award, please send a letter to Elaine Salvo, President 2170 Tyler Lane Louisville, KY 40205 or
[email protected]. For more information, please contact the advancement office at 502-458-6258.
Weddings Rose Devasia `90 to Jeff Anderson on June 4, 2009, in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.
Lauren Wannemuehler `97 to Rafael Vasquez on July 11, 2009, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Julia Hattemer `96 to Jamie McKiernan on February 7, 2009.
Carrie Burmester `99 to Mark Norris (Trinity `97) on May 23, 2009, at Caldwell Chapel in Louisville.
Denise Landrum `97 to David Geyer on June 13, 2009. Natalie Rausch `97 to John Deledda on April 18, 2009, in Kiawah Island, South Carolina.
Rachel McIntyre `02 to Chris Williamson on September 26, 2009, at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Louisville.
Denise Landrum `97 and David Geyer.
With Sympathy Jeanne Albers Lincoln `63 on the death of her sister, and to the Class of 1959 on the death of their classmate, Sister Betty Albers `59, OSU. Marlene Roberts Crawford `65, Marilyn Roberts Hellmueller `68, and Carolyn Roberts Miles `68, on the death of their sister and to the Class of 1964 on the death of their classmate, Charlotte Roberts Rapp `64, on August 4, 2009. Dede Delaney `65 on the death of her mother and Jessica Delaney `06, on the death of her grandmother, Vera Hayes Delaney, on January 1, 2009. Shirley Rihn Blakley `67 and Mary Rihn Klausing `68 on the death of their father, William C. “Bill” Rihn, on August 21, 2009. Sally Fanton Weppler `70 and Mary Lou Fanton Fry `76 on the death of their mother and Lynn Costelle Fanton ’78 on the death of her mother-in-law, Martha Jane Fanton, on April 25, 2009. Linda Bayens Kunz `74 on the death of her mother and Stacey Smith Maldonado `94 and Christina Bayens’98 on the death of their grandmother, Joan Baldwin Kunz, on August 23, 2009.
Deepest sympathy is extended to the following alumnae and their families in their time of sorrow: Pattie Rutledge Hart `76 and Marty Rutledge Handel `78 on the death of their father and Angela Ash Davenport `99, Christen Handel McKiel `01, Christy Ash `02, and Katie Ash `10 on the death of their grandfather, Wesley J. Rutledge, on July 2, 2009. Bee Raque McCormick `78 on the death of her father, and Jennifer Raque `07, Lauren Raque `08, Liz Arnold `09, Meredith Raque `09, Allison Raque `10, Krissy Raque `10, Claire McCormick `12, and Caroline Arnold `13 on the death of their grandfather, Emil J. “Jack” Raque Jr., on July 10, 2009. Mary Lou Stout Dempler `79, Sharon Stout Cullop `86, Susan Stout `86, and Kathaleen Stout `94 on the death of their father, William Louis Stout, on August 31, 2009. Mary Ann Lyons Green `83, Bridgid Lyons Mahan `84, Patricia Lyons `85, and Kathleen Lyons `87 on the death of their father, William Joseph Lyons, on December 9, 2008. Mary Jo Crawford Large `83 and Anne Crawford Wafzig `85 on the death of their father, Laura Hoffmann Crawford `77 on the death of her father-in-law and Emily Crawford ’07 and Erin Crawford `10 on the death of their grandfather, Carl B. Crawford Sr., on August 19, 2009.
Beth Bradshaw Montgomery `86 and Angie Bradshaw Taylor `92 on the death of their mother, Agnes “Maggie” Helm, on July 15, 2009. Angie Flaherty `84 on the death of her son and Shirley Flaherty Hall `74 and Mary Jo Dumeyer Flaherty `78 on the death of their nephew, Michael Kevin “Mikey” Hollingsworth, on August 1, 2009. Kristin Cook Crinot `87, Teri Cook `89, Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge `91, Nancy Cook `91, Katie Cook Usery `97 on the death of their uncle, Ronald P. Cook, on June 11, 2009. Kathleen Carrico Foreman `94 on the death of her mother, Rita Ann Carrico, and her grandmother, Sylvia Habich, on June 30, 2009. Kristan Basham Bryant `98 on the death of her father, Michael Ray Basham, on July 19, 2009. Kelly Javins `01 on the death of her father, Ronald Javins, on June 18, 2008. Mary Lee McCoy, former AHS English department chair, assistant principal, principal, and president, on the death her father; Caroline McCoy `00 on the death of her grandfather; and Peg Barry Richardson `68, Sue Barry Smith `71, and Ceal Barry `73 on the death of their uncle, Edward Joseph Clem, on July 24, 2009. Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Community Spotlight
Laura Kremer Kline ‘97
Golf coach Stephanie Greathouse with Sammi Smith. Assumption president, Elaine Salvo with senior, Alice Liu.
Senior Alice Liu was one of six students in the Archdiocese of Louisville to be awarded the Lily Banerjee and Charles Cutsinger Scholarship. This $1,500 scholarship for her senior year recognizes Alice’s strong aptitude in the fields of engineering and technical studies. Assumption High School business teacher Stacy Johnson received the Kentucky Business Education Association’s (KBEA) 2009 Outstanding Secondary Service Award for exemplary leadership and dedication. Senior Laura Carmack played on the 16-and-under Fern Creek softball team this summer, winning the regional tournament. The team advanced to the Babe Ruth World Series held in Concord, New Hampshire, in August. The 14-andunder age group also won their regional tournament, but there isn’t a World Series for them this year. Three AHS students on the 14-and-under team included sophomores Carly Barrett, Emily Carmack, and Morgan Foley. All four girls play softball at AHS. Their AHS coach, John Wolfe, attended nearly every game to cheer his girls on. Way to go, Rockets!
Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
Senior Varsity golfer Sammi Smith played in the qualifier for the United States Golf Association Women’s Amateur Public Links in Springboro, Ohio. She finished third out of 15 participants, most of whom were college age players. From there, she qualified to play in the national Publinks tournament in Massachusetts in June.
Advanced Program director and teacher Kelly Kirwan applied for and received The Kentucky Association of Gifted Education Mini-Grant. The grant is for $200, and was used to take some of our incoming freshmen McAuley Scholars to the Idea Festival in September.
Rina Perlin `09 was named a 2009 youngARTS Award recipient, receiving a merit award for her writing/poetry.
The Rosecall received a Silver Medalist Rating from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association for their 2008-2009 issues. The judges provided detailed comments and constructive criticism for improvements, and The Rosecall was among the top ten percent of annual entries.
Congratulations to 27 students from Assumption High School who scored in the top 20 within the state of Kentucky on the 2009 National Spanish Examinations. Senior Sammi Smith placed first in the state on the Level 3 exam, while sophomore Patricia Dunlevy placed third on the Level 1 exam. Other students ranking in the top 20 within the state included sophomores Rebecca Clements, Jennifer Duvall, Jazmin Lagunas, Elizabeth Lohr, Lindsay Marko, Erin Mays, Ann Nunnelley, Lauren Schwartz, Jaclyn Ochsner, Hannah Weitlauf, and Chloe Zoeller; juniors Alle Hagan, Courtney Marshall, Hannah Mylor, Sarah Reynolds, and Erin Wiedmar; seniors Katie Bergamini, Leanna Burckle, Amanda Goebel, Rachel Gregor, Mollie Nitzken, and Morgan Wilson; and recent graduates Erin Diebel, Abby Fieldhouse, and Amy Stamon.
Laura Duncan `09 was accepted into WorldTeach’s China Summer program, designed to bring volunteer native speakers to teach the English language to students at all socioeconomic levels.
Assumption High School thanks these major donors to The Green. Join with us to share meaningful events in your life and to honor those close to you. • Donate to name a facility, area, or structure. • Purchase granite blocks and brick pavers.
Donate or purchase online at www.ahsrockets.org (look for “The Assumption Green”) or call the Advancement Office at 502-458-6258.
Reserved by
AHS Athletic Park
Field Hockey/Soccer Stadium
Softball Stadium
Family Picnic Area
Practice Field
Field Hockey/Soccer Scoreboard
$ 50,000
Concession Stand
Home Locker Room
Wind Turbine
$ 25,000
Solar Panels
$ 25,000
Organic Garden
$ 25,000
Visitor’s Locker Room
$ 25,000
Softball Scoreboard
$ 25,000
Coach’s Office
$ 25,000
Science Classroom
Training Room
$ 25,000
Softball Field Tarp
$ 15,000
Press Box – Softball
Press Box – Field Hockey/Soccer
Home Dugout
Sideline Bench Shelters
2 @ $10,000 each
Visitor’s Dugout
$ 10,000
8-Lane Track
Home Batting Cage
Visitor’s Batting Cage
$ 5,000
High Jump Pit
$ 5,000
Long Jump Pit
$ 2,500
Triple Jump Pit
$ 2,500
Pave the way for beautiful futures.
Brick/Cobblestone Path
4’x 8’ brick
8’x 8’ brick
16” square granite
We invite you to leave your mark on AHS history. Assumption Magazine Fall 2009
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Assumption Magazine Our Community Connection
Rocket Update, Inside Wire, & Counselor Connection
Assumption High School is a nationally recognized School of Excellence sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy.
“If any person…does a favor to the Sisters of Mercy or even speaks kindly of their Institute, it must be noted in the Annals and all future generations of the Order must testify gratitude by their prayers for the Benefactor.” - Teresa Austin Carroll’s Life of Catherine McAuley, pp. 364-365. Catherine McAuley is the Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy.
In gratitude to the many supporters of our Assumption Community.