Download 2015 - Chesterton United Methodist Church...
Chesterton United Methodist Church
“Where Love is…
Celebrated, Practiced and Shared”
December 5 UMW Cookie Walk 9 AM Santa’s Workshop 9 AM-Noon Snowflake Market 9 AM—3 PM Christmas Program 6:15 PM
December 6 Songs of the Season Concert 2:00 PM
December 20 Christmas Cantata Chancel Choir
December 21 Longest Night Service 6:30 PM
December 24 Christmas Eve Services 5:00 pm Family/Contemporary 8:00 pm Traditional Service
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Worship Schedule
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
December Birthdays
Prayer Concerns
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas... Pa
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Songs of the Season Sunday, December 6 @ 2:00 PM At CUMC in the Sanctuary Featuring Szu—Ping Chang Wong and the Munster High School Chorale
Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Services 5:00 p.m. Family/Contemporary Service 8:00 p.m. Traditional Service Childcare for 0-3 year olds will be available for both services.
December 2015 Worship Schedule Under Wraps Preaching Series December 6
December 13
December 20
(8:15 & 10:45)
8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 Under Wraps with Acceptance Matthew 1:18-25 Isaiah 40:1-6 Preaching: Pastor Paul Arnold Communion will be served at all 3 services 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 Under Wraps with Christmas Spirit Luke 2:8-20 Isaiah 61:1-4 Preaching: Pastor Paul Arnold Communion will be served at 8:15 service 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 Under Wraps with an Invitation Luke 2:1-7 Preaching: Pastor Paul Arnold Christmas Cantata by the Chancel Choir The Christmas Light Communion will be served at 8:15 service
December 24
Christmas Eve Celebrations! Under Wraps No Longer! 5 pm Family/Contemporary Service 8 pm Traditional Service with Communion Both services include a time of candle lighting
December 27
8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 Preaching: Pastor Cathy Communion will be served at 8:15 service
UMW Christmas Dinner Tuesday, December 8 Terry Rhine Hall 5:30-Socialize 6:00-Dinner 7:00-Program Tickets are $12. Prepaid Reservations WERE DUE Monday, November 30 to Sue Keiser (926-3554). Please contact her ASAP if you plan to attend! Everyone is invited to be part of this special night!
Longest Night Service Sunday, December 21 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary Led by Pastor Cathy The Christmas season is often marked with expressions of joy, excitement, and happiness. It’s a time for family to gather and for churches to worship pointing to the hope that is found in the coming of the Christ child. However, this time of joy and expectation can often overshadow the pain and hurt many experience during this season. Let us join together to experience a meditative worship service that takes time for remembering, sharing our hurts with God, and preparing our hearts for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Christmas Program for all ages! Saturday, December 5 6:15 PM in the Sanctuary A fun instant play providing a Christmas celebration for everyone as they rehearse a simple song, create a keepsake prop and experience that Jesus is the True Light of the World. The adventure begins at 4:30 p.m. with dinner for participants.
Performance is at 6:15 p.m.
Friends, It has been a joy to be with you these last few weeks. I have met some wonderful people as you are striving to serve the Lord through the many ministries of Chesterton UMC. I am excited to lead you through the Advent and Christmas Season. The overall theme follows the Advent Study of “Under Wraps: the Gift we Never Expected.” If you have not signed up for a small group study, there are still openings. (See what groups are meeting and also notice the worship themes in other articles in this newsletter.) There are many activities coming up in December so watch for them and put them on your calendars. The season of Advent includes the four Sundays before Christmas Day. It is a time of waiting and preparation. Our culture does not like to wait. It is evident when you hear Christmas music playing in the stores even before Halloween. I could not believe what I was hearing the last week of October. The real question for us, is how do we use this time we call Advent? What do we do to prepare for not only the celebration of the coming of the Christ Child, but also for the coming of the Christ Child in our lives this very year? Yes, I believe Christ can come again to you this year. Is your heart open to his coming? Is there a void in your life that he can fill? My prayer for each of you is that during this Advent you will find some quiet reflective time in the midst of the busyness. Use that time to listen to God. Listen to what God has for you. It could very well be a Christmas Gift—the power of the Christ Child which will make a real difference in your life. Don’t rush through Advent, take the time to experience the real gift God has for you. Have a very blessed Advent and a joyous Christmas. Pastor Paul Interim Senior Pastor
WINTER WONDERLAND ~ Saturday, December 5 UMW COOKIE WALK: 9 a.m.—Noon (or until gone) Delicious cookies and candies will be on sale in the Carl Parish Hall starting at 9 am More than 800 dozen cookies, all homemade & decorated. SANTA’S WORKSHOP: 9 a.m.—Noon Children ages 3—10 are invited to come from 9 am until Noon to make Christmas gifts for their families! Parents register online, drop-off your kids in the Children’s Wing and go finish your Christmas shopping! Gift wrapping included. SNOWFLAKE MARKET: 9 a.m.—3 p.m. Looking for a special gift? Come check out all the beautifully handmade gifts from around the world. CUMC will host Ten Thousand Villages, a Fair Trade Market at the Methodist Activity Center, 135 W. Lincoln. “TWAS THE LIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS” 6:15 p.m. A fun instant play providing a Christmas celebration for everyone as they rehearse a simple song, create a keepsake prop and experience that Jesus is the True Light of the World. The adventure begins at 4:30 p.m. with dinner for participants. Performance is at 6:15 p.m.
Sunday Morning Children’s schedule! Little Disciples meet in the preschool room across from the Church office during the 8:15 service and learn what it means to serve others. Buzz Sunday School is for the preschool-kindergarten children and meets in the preschool room, Bible Journeys Sunday School for 1st-4th grade meets upstairs in the Children’s wing during the 9:30 service and build up their foundation, learning Bible stories and about Jesus. Joyful Noise, our children’s choir, practices during the 10:45 service.
Nursery decorating! Interested in creating a new look for the nursery? The nursery walls have been painted a beautiful blue. Now, we will be decorating it in a Noah’s Ark theme. At the 6 PM meeting in the nursery on Tuesday, December 29. We will talk about the vision for the nursery and start drawing animals.
Children’s Committee Meeting Thursday, November 12 Thank you so much to Sara Torres, Jessica Schrenk, Alisa Hecimovich, Mel Whitenack, Cassie Nay, Shanna duMont, and Kim Orlando for all the numerous things you do for our Children’s Ministry!! It would not be as amazing without each of you. The awesome Children’s Ministry Committee met on Thursday, November 12. We talked about the many exciting upcoming events for the end of the year. We will NOT be meeting in December…. see you Thursday, January 14 at 6:30 pm! Mark your calendar!
We are always looking for people to help in all these areas. Please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, LIZ LAHAIE at 926-1478 or email at
[email protected]
Way To Go….Little Disciples!! We became “Prayer Warriors” in November learning how important prayer is in our lives. For our mission project, we helped to put together Thanksgiving baskets that would go to families for the holiday. We prayed over each one of the baskets asking God’s blessing for the families receiving them. For December, we will focus on the “gifts” we have been given.
Nursing Home visit Ready to spread some Christmas cheer? We will show God’s love to others by visiting The Waters of Duneland Nursing Home Sunday, December 13 from 2—3 pm. We will meet at the MAC at 1:30 pm. Then head over to The Waters, sing some Christmas carols for the residents, and play some games. If you would like to join us, it’s not too late!! It’s nice to give of our time to bring others joy.
~ Birthday party for Jesus ~ December 20 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!! It is time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. The children will have a birthday party for Jesus on Sunday, December 20 during 9:30 Sunday School. Jesus is the reason for the season!!
On Sunday, November 29 the children enjoyed wearing their pj’s to Church and pancakes for breakfast. A huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped with this special treat: Sara Torres, Jessica Schrenk, Alisa Hecimovich, Kim Orlando, Cassie Nay, and Shanna duMont! We would not be able to do fun things like this without your time and effort! The breakfast was delicious!!
If you have questions or would like to help with Youth Activities, Contact Pastor Cathy Allison at
[email protected] or 926-1478
Youth Sunday School is held from 9:30-10:30 AM at the MAC!
All Youth activities are held at the Methodist Activity Center (MAC) located across the street from the church (135 W. Lincoln Ave.) unless otherwise indicated Sunday, December 13 All youth are invited to go to the Waters of Duneland Nursing Home to spread some Christmas cheer! Meet at the MAC at 1:30 PM we will return at 3:00 PM.
Sunday, December 20Monday, December 21 7:00 p.m.—7:00 a.m. Grades 5th—12th ***If you plan on attending the Lock-in, you must be Pre—registered by Wednesday, December 16! You can register online at Pizza! Games! Worship! Movies! Free time! Food! And much more!!
December 2015 NET Youth Group Calendar Day
Wednesday Dec. 2 Saturday Dec. 5
Event & Notes:
‘Twas the Light Before Christmas
Sunday Dec. 6
9:30—10:30am Sunday School: (5th & 6th Grade) (7th—12th Grades) 2:30—4:00pm Youth Group at MAC: Regular Youth Group
Wednesday Dec. 9
6:00—7:30pm Youth Group at the MAC: Under Wraps Advent Study
Sunday Dec. 13
9:30—10:30am Sunday School: (5th & 6th Grade) (7th—12th Grades) 1:30—3:00pm Children/Youth Nursing Home Visit
Wednesday Dec. 16 Sunday Dec. 20 Sun-Mon Dec. 20 to 21
Wrap Angel Tree Gifts at the Church
9:30—10:30am Sunday School: (5th & 6th Grade) (7th—12th Grades) 7pm—7am
Youth Lock-in (must register online by Wed. Dec. 16
Wednesday Dec. 23
6:00—7:30pm Youth Group at the MAC: Under Wraps Advent Study
Sunday Dec. 27
9:30—10:30am Sunday School: (5th & 6th Grade) (7th—12th Grades) No Youth Group
Wednesday Dec. 30
6:00—7:30pm Youth Group at the MAC: Under Wraps Advent Study
Wednesday December 16 All youth are invited to help wrap the Angel Tree Gifts at 6:00 PM in the Carl Parish Hall at the Church!
Youth Choir Are you in 4th grade or older and do you play an instrument or like to sing? Come and check our new choir just for you! We meet weekly on Sundays right after 10:45 service in the Sanctuary. Please bring your instrument and any Christmas music you have. See you there!
Sunday, December 6 @ Noon in Swedish Chapel. All are welcome to join us. Join and share your ideas for serving our community.
Mission’s Spaghetti Dinner Thank you to all who attended and helped at the Mission’s Spaghetti Dinner in November. Additional thanks also to Joyce Beck for baking the Thanksgiving cake and Delta Theta Tau! We collected over $1600 from the dinner and the cake drawing to benefit “Shop with a Cop" program. This program serves children in the Duneland community ages birth to 17 years old. Police Officers take these children shopping at Kmart for Christmas gifts for themselves and their families. Thank you for your generosity in donating items for the Thanksgiving Baskets that included many “traditional" food items and of course, a turkey! During Sunday school class, the children and youth assembled the food baskets. The baskets were delivered to needy families and individuals in the area. The Missions team would like to thank those who prepared and delivered meals to New Creation Men’s Shelter and Open Arms Women’s Shelter during the month of November. An exciting change is happening for the women of Open Arms Women's Shelter! Housing Opportunities has made 2 apartments available to the women for living rather than sleeping at different churches each night. The women have recently moved into these apartments.
Chesterton UMC Angel Tree Once again we are helping some families in our community with their Christmas shopping. You will find an “Angel Tree” in the Commons. Please take an angel from the tree and sign your name on the sheet under the tree letting us know which angel you took. Purchase the item listed on the angel and return the unwrapped gift on or before Sunday, December 13. Please attach the angel to the gift purchased. You may take one or more angels. We will wrap the presents on Wednesday, December 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the Carl Parish Hall. Thank you in advance for your generosity and your giving heart. If you have questions, please see Cathy Allison or Lori St. Pierre.
SAVE the DATES!! Mission Trips to Red Bird Mission (Supported by the United Methodist Conference)
located in Beverly, Kentucky Youth ~ July 10-16, 2016 Adult ~ September 25-October 1, 2016 We will be holding an information meeting Sunday, January 10 at Noon in the Terry Rhine Hall. There will be a brief presentation and refreshments. Folks will be on hand who have gone on previous mission trips to share their experience and answer any questions you may have! Contact Don Cundiff, for more information.
Serving Opportunities in our Community Contact Lori St. Pierre if you are interested or have questions at 926-4250 or
[email protected] Westchester Meals ~ Immediate need for cook and helpers on Monday mornings! Duneland Resale ~ Sorting donated items NeighborLink of Porter County ~ driving someone to the grocery store,
light housekeeping, yard clean-up and various other ways of serving are available on the website ~ RePurpose Place ~ cashier, repair & repurpose of donated items.
PRAYER is a form of service. Please pray for some of the events, ministries, and organizations we support: Church World Service-Crop Walk Feed My Starving Children Jacob's Table New Creation Men's Shelter Red Bird Missions Westchester Food Pantry
Duneland ReSale Shop Frontline Foundation Open Arms Women's Shelter/Day Spring Women's Center NeighborLink of Porter County/RePurpose Place Royal Family Kids Camp Westchester Meals
Remember to save Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup Labels for Red Bird Missions. Please deposit those in the brown baskets in the Commons. Red Bird Missions reported recently they received the additional 1 million labels they needed to purchase a minivan! Your contribution of over 150 Campbell's labels, sounds small in number but helped achieve their goal!
United Methodist Women Spiritual Growth Retreat January 22-23, 2016 7:00 pm (ET), Friday through 3:00 pm, Saturday Canyon Inn, McCormick's Creek State Park "Playing at the Feet of Jesus: The Spiritual Practice of Play" Event lodging and meals cost varies: $70 - $105 Registration deadline: December 15, 2015 Please contact Janenne Stuber (#929-1935) or Sue Keiser (#926-3554) for details.
ecember 2015 Birthdays! 6 7 1 2
3 4 5
Alison Gutierrez Anya Baughman David McCarel Joyce Recktenwall Helene Trout Tom Witzman Lana Buckles Carol Schaerer Tim Winey Dakota Costello Cole Morgan-Givens Chase Cota Annette Felton Maddie Lyons Sylvia Rhine Audrey Rudzinski Sam Westergren
9 10 11 12
Reece Clark Natalie Hedrick Lillie Bodie Jonathan Coslet Beth Miegl Olivia Smith Kelly Anderson Christy Franiak Joel Hull Jim Hurst Gale Meyer Thomas H. Smith Collin Buckles Melissa Cundiff Jim Henderson Judy Henderson Matt Mishler Easton Bagnall Nancy Hake Devin Dennis Tricia Hodge Rick Hokanson
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25
Natalie Anderson Toby Guill Madison Bryant Claudia Tummond Jade Casteel John Keiser Justine Keiser Charlie Cross Jessica Escoe Riley Buckles Addison Navarro Austin Palombizio Joyce Beck Alyce Clarke Karol Cloud Larry Lutrick Travis Bryant Melanie Gawel RJ Balda Kate Nevers Pam Mix Dianne Justus
25 26
28 29
30 31
Robert Welsh JoEllen Baadsgaard Ken Hudgins Chuck Messler Oceanna Schrader Evan Holsapple Susan Welsh Kalib Bryant Natalie duMont Claudia Escoe Emma McDonald Maggy Wintersteen Zachary Wheatley Joanne Boyer Mona Case James Jewison
If you know of a birthday we have not included please contact the church office—926-1478. Cookie Walk, Saturday, December 5 @ 9 a.m. until Noon (or until the cookies are gone!) The Cookie Walk is quickly approaching! If you are interested in contributing to this great event, here are the details: Friday, December 4 beginning at 8 AM — sugar cookie decorating and setup day. We will begin at 8AM and stay until the work is done. Whether you can stay all day or just for an hour or two, please join us for a fun day! If you would like to donate baked goods, please bring them to the church on Friday, December 4 and include a note with your name, the type of cookies & how many dozen you brought. Saturday, December 5 is the main event! We will open the doors at 9 AM! See you there!
Our Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of : Virginia Snyder Gabriel Lamm Bryce Morgan
November 17 November 14
Dan Baughman Myles Debshaw Beth Simmons Cody Simmons Matt Small Chris Snead Matthew Springsteen
Beth Miegl Terry Mauzy Rose Schubert
Tara Gail Hecimovich was baptized on Sunday, November 22! Tara is the daughter of Ken & Alisa Hecimovich and the Granddaughter of Bob & Gail Migliorini
Please pray for the ministries, the pastors and the leaders of the churches of the “Lake Effect Cluster”: First United Methodist Church—Portage Chesterton United Methodist Church New Song—Valparaiso Porter United Methodist Church Valparaiso United Methodist Church Westville United Methodist Church Wheeler United Methodist Church
Our Prayers have been lifted up for: Jo Babcock, Keith Peffers, Aleta Ailes’ mother and brother, Tom Smith, Paris attack, Karen Donley, Chet Nay, Christina Oliver, Phil Burke, Jim Holsapple, Cathy Peffers, Patsy Fitzmaurice, Tim Holsapple, Eric Allison, Diane Destin Remember the following who are suffering from cancer: Brandon Allmon, Wendi Balda, Cheryl Ballestero, Carl Barker, Robert Bateman, Dawn Bauer, Joyce Beck, Alan Besing, Dorothy Bohanick, Cole Calkusic, Ed Campion, Judah Christenson, Kenny Clark, Diane Destin, Patti Ferkle, Joshua Flores, Marci Floski, Carson Gallagher, Shanti Ghai, Jayne Hudspeth, Theresa Jacobs, Marcella Johnson, Jim Kruk, Barbara Lockhart, Shirley Lutrick, Jim Marks, Maya Mena, Sally Merritt, Paul Mullican, Ken Newell, Betty Nielson, Jeff Paepe, Bruce Palmer, Julie Palmer, Claire Parker, Moe Parsons, Kevin Peffers, Penny Pelkey, Robert Phelps, Mike Powers, Diane Roach, Jim Sourbis, Clifford Troup, Daniel Troup, Grant Walmoth, Dave Whitenack, Sarah Williams, Lori Wingard, Jackie Wingate, David Wood
Erika Smock got 2nd overall at her second gymnastics meet! She received 5 medals! Candy Laff is cancer free! Terry Rhine, John & Charlotte Kroft and Don Brawner had a great trip to Tuscaloosa for a work camp! We had 20 volunteers help with Feed My Starving Children in Aurora, IL!
Thank you United Methodist Women for the lovely reception and the Gift to Mission given in my name. Heartfelt thanks to all who participated in any way. Words do not adequately convey my gratitude and love for each of you! I wish to thank the Church, too, for your presence at the reception, as well as all the prayers, encouragement and support expressed in so many ways through the years. Also, appreciated are the individual monetary gifts to Lucille Raines Residence. Individuals committed to addiction recovery will benefit from your generosity and love. Carolyn Maxey, Retiring President United Methodist Women of Indiana Conference.
Shower Staff with Appreciation for Christmas Friends of Chesterton United Methodist Church are invited to shower our church staff with love and appreciation this Christmas by giving a monetary gift. The Christmas Staff Appreciation Gift will serve as a tangible reflection of gratitude and affection to all of the staff of our church. God continues to richly bless Chesterton United Methodist Church with very loving and committed clergy and staff who are dedicated to the life and ministry of the church. Please help show our love and gratitude for their faithful, loving service to Christ and to the church by using the Christmas Staff Appreciation Gift envelopes found in the pews and near the designated boxes. A letter will be sent via mail as envelopes cannot be included in the online Sandscript! You may return your gift to the church office, or drop it in the box provided in the Commons or Carl Parish Hall. The Christmas Staff Appreciation Gift will be received until December 21, and it will be divided among the entire staff after December 21.
Preschool News The Preschool has been busy preparing for our Annual Christmas Program. We will be celebrating Jesus’ birthday with a special Christmas Program on Thursday, December 17. Our program will begin at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary with light refreshments to follow in the Carl Parish Hall. Please join us in this wonderful celebration of life. Former students and families to join us on December 17 to join in the singing of a few old favorite Christmas songs. We will also be celebrating the Preschool's 10 year anniversary. The preschool began with 9 students in September 2006. Since then we have grown to a 5 days a week program with 44 students in attendance this year. In our class rooms we are learning about the special night Jesus was born as well as having some fun with Santa Claus. Preschoolers will go on a Santa Hunt and follow the special star that led Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. The preschool will be closed from December 21 thru January 1, 2016. Classes will resume on Monday, January 4th. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Serving From the Heart ~ 2 Classes Offered! Monday Mornings Jan. 4—Feb. 1 9:30—11:00 Swedish Chapel
Tuesday Evenings Jan. 5—Feb. 2 6:30-8:00 Swedish Chapel
Both Led by Janet Zeck God’s plan for the church calls for each member of the Body of Christ to play a vital role. God wants us to find joy and fulfillment when we serve. That happens when we serve in a role that matches who God created us to be. This five week study will help you consider your own spiritual gifts, talents & abilities, resources, individuality, dreams & experiences…all adding up to an enhanced capacity to serve God and neighbor. Please sign up under the Adult Ministry Board in the main hall. Books are $12. If you have any questions, please contact Janet Zeck or Pastor Cathy.
Mark Your Calendars! December 5
December 6
UMW Cookie Walk 9 AM Santa’s Workshop 9 AM-Noon Snowflake Market 9 AM—3 PM Christmas Program 6:15 PM Songs of the Season Concert 2:00 PM featuring Szu-Ping Chang Wong and Munster High School Chorale
December 8
UMW Christmas Dinner
December 11
Duneland Community Advent Festival @ St. Pat’s Church 7:00 pm December 20 Christmas Cantata Chancel Choir December 24 Christmas Eve Services 5:00 pm Family/Contemporary Service 8:00 pm Traditional Service
Getting Ready for the New Year Invite a friend to church! We all need to hear the Good Ne ws of Jesus!
Deadline for 2015 Giving! As the end of the year approaches, we remember how God’s blessings have shined down on CUMC’s many ministries. If you need to get “caught up” on your pledge for 2015, please note that for tax purposes, the office can receive your gifts postmarked through Dec. 31. The church office will be closed December 28—January 1. Gifts that are postmarked after December 31, will be counted in the 2016 income. Thank you so much for your generosity!
~ Snowbirds ~ please let the church office know when you are headed south! Sandscript is a publication of: Chesterton United Methodist Church 434 South Second Street Chesterton, Indiana 46304 (219) 926-1478 e-mail address:
[email protected] Interim Pastor: Paul Arnold Associate Pastor: Cathy Allison Sunday Worship: 8:15, 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages: 9:30 a.m. Editor: JoAnn Cundiff January Newsletter Deadline: December 18 Check out the Website!
Family Fall Festival ~ October 30 What an amazing evening event this was, over 200 people visited our first annual Family Fall Festival!! We had so much fun and many new faces came to the MAC. A huge THANK YOU to the many, many volunteers that made this possible!! This could NOT have happened without each and every one of you! Thank you for all the donations of chili, food, water, and candy! Thank you for everyone that decorated their cars and dressed up to be part of the trunk-or-treat! Thank you to the volunteers that took care of all the different activities we had: bouncy house, glow-in-the-dark slime making, tattoos, face-painting, and movie! Thank you to everyone that helped to setup and take down! Many hands definitely made light work!
2:30-4:00 Youth Group At the MAC
Traditional Worship
9:30-10:30 Sunday School for youth & adults
8:15-9:15 Blended Worship
8:30 am Staff Mtg. 308
7:30 am Master’s Men
21 9:30 am Under Wraps SC 4:30 pm Jacob’s Table 6:30 pm Under Wraps Don Pergal’s home 6:30 pm Longest Night Service
6:30 pm Under Wraps Don Pergal’s home
30 6 pm Youth Group MAC
6 pm Youth Group MAC
7 pm Chancel Choir
6 pm Wrap Angel Tree Gifts CPH
16 5:45 pm Handbells
6 pm Youth Group MAC
5:45 pm Handbells 306
6:30 pm Finance Committee SC
31 New Year’s Eve
8 pm Traditional Service
5 pm Family/Contemporary
24 Christmas Eve
7:30 pm Volleyball
6:30 pm Preschool Christmas Program
7:30 pm Volleyball
25 Christmas Day
12 pm Elizabeth Circle
9:30 am Companions
8:30 am MMO
18 9 am December Sandscript Deadline
9:30 am Companions in Christ SC
8:30 am Mom’s Morning Out 301-303
8:30 am Mom’s Morning Out 301-303
7:30 pm Volleyball
7 pm Chancel Choir
8 am Cookie Walk Decorating & Set-up
6:30 pm Staff Parish SC
5:45 pm Handbells 306
Church Office will be closed this week!
8:30 am Staff Mtg. 308
7:30 am Master’s Men SC
9 am Bulletin Deadline
7 pm Emmaus Reunion SC
1 pm Emmaus Reunion SC
9:30 am Prayer Ministry
4:30 pm Jacob’s Table
5:30 pm UMW Christmas Dinner TRH
8:30 am Staff Mtg. SC
7:00 PM-7:00 AM Youth Group Lock-In
1:30-3:00 Children/Youth Nursing Home Visit
4 pm Peanut Brittle Workshop
8:30 am Staff Mtg. SC
6:30 pm Discipleship Pathway Implementation
9:30 am Under Wraps SC
2:30-4:00 Youth Group MAC
2 pm Songs of the Season
7 9:30 am Under Wraps SC 4:30 pm Jacob’s Table 6:30 pm Trustees Wkrm 6:30 pm Under Wraps Don Pergal’s home 6:45 pm Guitar Choir Sanctuary
6 12 pm Missions SC
December 2015 Calendar of Events
Chesterton United Methodist Church
5 9 am Cookie Walk 9 am Santa’s Workshop 9 am Snowflake Market MAC 6:15 Twas the Light before Christmas